The left-wing hate blog Horses Ass blog will become obsolete and irrelevant in three weeks with an Obama win. He better hope at least for a Rossi or Reichert win, or he’ll really be out of business.
And does anyone notice how Goldstein still refuses to make positive posts about Obama? And how he also is still refusing to divulge how many African Americans he has given posting privileges to.
It’s very curious that David Goldstein focuses so much attention on bashing Palin. His obsession with demonizing her is very disturbing to me.
We all know what the next step is after demonizing a person or people.
Who is Goldstein trying to speak to? Is he trying to incite something?
Blog Readerspews:
Troll and Mr. Cynical-are you guys having a stupid contest? If so you completed step #i long ago. That was proving that you are two stupid motherfuckers with absolutely nothing worthwhile to say. Apparently you are now at Step#2: which one of you is the fucking stupidest. Age, and many years of goat fucking, one would think, is an advantage for Mr. Cynical in this contest. But never underestimate the advantages of Troll’s teenage youth and the security of a living provided by his Mama allowing him time to strive to make the elusive ultimate stupid comment.
I read comments in a dozen blogs every day and you two are hands down the stupidist motherfuckers out there. And in a world that contains the likes of PuddyPud and Marvin, and 40 of it’s citizens ready to make President and vice President a man with 40 years of untreated PTSD and a woman who is an evangelical nut case, that is no small feat.
I would suspect that an amen-commenter on a left-wing hate blog would denounce those who are trying to fight the hate.
Blog Readerspews:
OHIO’S STATE FLAG IS NOT OBAMA’S FAULT…. Barack Obama gave a speech in Toledo, Ohio, the other day, and behind his podium were several American and Ohioan flags. Not exactly newsworthy stuff.
The problem is, Ohio’s flag features a prominent, large “O.” Obama’s right-wing detractors didn’t know this, and assumed that the Obama campaign had created its own flag to stand alongside the American flag. Conservative activists and talk-show hosts had a bit of a freak-out. Here’s a hilarious example.
On the October 15 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, Bob Grant said: “[W]hat is that flag that Obama’s been standing in front of that looks like an American flag, but instead of having the field of 50 stars representing the 50 states, there’s a circle?” He then said: “Is the circle the ‘O’ for Obama? Is that what it is?” Grant later said: “[D]id you notice Obama is not content with just having several American flags, plain old American flags with the 50 states represented by 50 stars? He has the ‘O’ flag. And that’s what that ‘O’ is. That’s what that ‘O’ is.”
John Cole also noted a Townhall commenter who was outraged that Obama would “change” the American flag: “I don’t want to hear any looney left comments that they are only decoration. They ARE a modification of the American flag.”
Here’s the Ohio state flag, and here’s Obama standing in front of Ohio’s state flag.
Sometimes, the right finds the strangest things to get worked up about.
@5 Troll do you believe there is a link between your history of goat fucking and your stupidity?
My Goldy Itchesspews:
Who cares if Sarah Palin is profoundly uninformed, unable to name a single US Supreme Court case other than Roe vs Wade, among other things that she is unaware of. She’s a Mavericky Joe Six Pack! Drill baby drill!
My Goldy Itchesspews:
Speaking of “drill baby drill”, I wonder if that’s what she says when the “first dude” is mounted up.
That was baaaaa…d.
Blog Readerspews:
ROBOCALLS CONTINUE…. Following up on yesterday’s item, Greg Sargent reported on the fourth in a series of robocall smears launched by the McCain/Palin campaign, this time attacking Obama for opposing “a bill requiring doctors to care for babies born alive after surviving attempted abortions.” As Greg rightly emphasized, “These aren’t the work of any fringe groups. Every one of these is paid for by the McCain campaign and the RNC. It looks like there’s a huge wave of them blanketing the country.”
Because robocalls are illegal in Minnesota, Republicans there are reportedly hiring actual people to make live calls, reading the smears from a script. (Ben Smith noted, “The upside of these calls is that they’re cheap and direct. The downside is that they’re annoying and get bad press.”)
As for the big picture, Time’s Joe Klein is right to emphasize the irony of McCain trying to win by relying on the same kind of robocall smears that ended his first presidential bid.
Back in 2000, in South Carolina, the robocalls — and calls to local right-wing talk radio shows — were about John McCain’s “interracial child” and Cindy McCain’s drug addiction. They were a craven, disgusting tactic by the George W. Bush campaign. McCain was, rightly, outraged by them.
Now McCain’s campaign is making robocalls distorting Barack Obama’s non-existent relationship with Bill Ayers….
Certainly, such calls are not the sort of activity normally attributed to “a man whose courage has never been questioned,” as McCain described himself last week. Real men don’t hide behind robocalls. It is nowhere near honorable.
And that’s really the key takeaway here — making ugly attacks, below the radar, with automated calls is fundamentally gutless. After watching the campaign unfold over the last several months, many of us have come to expect dishonesty and dishonor from McCain, but this is the most meaningful example of cowardice we’ve seen this year.
Worse, McCain knows this. He hated this kind of campaigning when it was used against him eight years ago.
A win-at-all-costs attitude does strange things to a person’s judgment.
Blog Readerspews:
Sarah Palin’s office has discovered a renewable resource to bring millions of dollars into Alaska’s economy: the governor’s e-mails.
The office of the Republican vice-presidential nominee has quoted prices as high as $15 million for copies of state e-mails requested by news organizations and citizens. No matter what the price, most of the e-mails of Palin, her senior staff and other state employees won’t be made public until at least several weeks after the Nov. 4 presidential election, her office told on Thursday.
How did the cost reach $15 million? Let’s look at a typical request. When the Associated Press asked for all state e-mails sent to the governor’s husband, Todd Palin, her office said it would take up to six hours of a programmer’s time to assemble the e-mail of just a single state employee, then another two hours for “security” checks, and finally five hours to search the e-mail for whatever word or topic the requestor is seeking. At $73.87 an hour, that’s $960.31 for a single e-mail account. And there are 16,000 full-time state employees. The cost quoted to the AP: $15,364,960.
And that’s not including the copying costs. Although the e-mails are stored electronically in Microsoft Outlook and on backup servers, and although a blank CD-ROM costs only 41 cents at Capital Office Supply in Juneau, the governor’s office says it can provide copies only on paper.
Why? Because lawyers need printouts so they can black out, or “redact,” private or exempted information. That task is more difficult because Palin and her senior staff have used government e-mail accounts for some personal correspondence, and personal e-mail accounts for much of their government correspondence. The photocopies of those printouts will be a relative bargain, only 10 cents a page. A state administrator said he understood that such redaction could be done electronically, but that state offices weren’t set up to do that.
Why won’t Goldy tell us what kind of racial diversity there is at HA? A select few have posting privileges. I would like to know is any black people are in that group, or have ever been.
blue johnspews:
From the Times
The group, which represents 13,000 home-building contractors, wants lower taxes and fewer regulations, particularly environmental ones, McCabe says.
And it wants to be a counterweight to unions and their allies that have helped keep the governor’s office in Democratic hands since the 1984 election.
So I looked up a place with low unionization, low regulations and low taxes. You get Louisiana & Mississippi.
Once again, businesses don’t care about the community, it’s all about more profit. Country first, my ass.
All I want to know is if Goldy walks the talk. That’s it.
But for some reason, he’s remaining silent on this issue.
blue johnspews:
#13 Why? Do you want to set up a quota or something?
Blog Readerspews:
@13 and @ 15
Troll, I demand to know the name, gender and color of every goat you have ever fucked! I asked for this information before, but you remain silent on the issue.
Troll you are one seriously stupid motherfucker. I think you are pulling ahead of Mr. Cynical in the stupid contest. (@3)But then you don’t have to go to the bathroom as often as he does.
Hint for Mr. Cynical. To remain competitive in the stupid contest you should buy a laptop for use on the toilet.
The left-wing hate blog Horses Ass blog will become obsolete and irrelevant in three weeks with an Obama win.
Even the trolls are seeing the light but no will soldier on agitating for more and BETTER Dems.
And hate is not what we’re about here. Saving the country and WA state from stupid sheep like Troll and Cynical and that silliest of Republican trolls is all we’ve ever been about.
Blog Readerspews:
Why won’t Troll give us the name, color and gender of his goat “girlfriends?”
17 – Hard to believe but I have more respect for Cynical than that silly Troll which is barely any at all but still more.
Blog Readerspews:
Troll and Mr. Cynical there is a blog for you guys. It’s called the National Review. Here’s a sample commentary:
Ed Whelan baselessly speculates in the National Review that Barack Obama’s deceased mother “very possibly” would have aborted her son had Roe v. Wade been law at the time:
Nearly 48 years ago, a young woman, not yet 18, became pregnant in her freshman year of college. Living in a time and place in which abortion was generally illegal, she proceeded to marry the father of her child and gave birth to a son. Perhaps she would have done so irrespective of the abortion laws at the time, even if, say, she lived in a legal culture that celebrated abortion as a fundamental right. Very possibly not. (I haven’t found any statistics on the percentage of pregnant college freshmen who abort their pregnancies, but indirect indications suggest that it’s very high.)
Barack Obama may actually believe, as he stated yesterday, that Roe v. Wade “was rightly decided.” But it may be very lucky for him, as the son born of that woman, that it hadn’t been decided a dozen or so years earlier.
If I owned a restaurant in a racially diverse city, and in the history of my ownership, I had never employed one black person, would that raise red flags with you?
Listen, Goldy is a Democrat, right? And being a Democrat means you hold certain core values. All I want to know is if he puts those values in to practice.
Some are worried that President Obama, under the pretext of saving the nation from economic ruin, will declare martial law, suspend elections indefinitely, and not relinquish power at the end of his term.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 “Horses Ass … will become obsolete … with an Obama win.”
Nah. We’ll still need to supervise your parole.
“(Albuquerque, NM) – Public records released in New Mexico today confirm that fraudulent voter registrations are in fact turning into fraudulent votes. ACORN, currently under investigation by the FBI, is now confirmed to be responsible for producing fraudulent voter registrations and illegal votes in New Mexico. An inspection of public records has revealed that illegal votes were cast in New Mexico’s 2008 primary election.
“This is a bombshell. We now have undeniable proof that a significant number of fraudulent voters were cast in Democrat primary races for the New Mexico state legislature as a result of ACORN’s voter registration fraud,” remarked State Representative Justine Fox Young (R-Albuquerque). “No longer can ACORN argue that their phony voter registration forms don’t translate into fraudulent votes. They do and today we can prove it.””
I’m working on a theory. I think Goldy’s Palin-bashing goes deeper than political. I’ve studied some psychology, and I think there may be some divorce-related anger displacement issues at work. More later.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 “Troll and Mr. Cynical-are you guys having a stupid contest?”
Gosh, how did you figure that out? Is it, er, obvious?
Roger Rabbitspews:
2 & 4: See #6.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 In your guts you know they’re all nuts. All of ’em. Every last flaming one.
28 – You’ve been scarce lately. Is it because you’re “so fucked”?
And David Iglesias’ replacement is working out just as Papa Rove and Company planned and right before an important election to boot.
proud leftistspews:
Blog Reader
I have to cast my vote for Troll. He gets extra points for combining annoying inanity and unwarranted smugness with his stupidity. I guess I would have to go with Marvin for the VP position–he edges out Cynical, in my view.
24 – I already said what we’ll be talking about. I won’t repeat myself.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 “A select few have posting privileges.”
And you’re one of ’em. You post here almost as much as I do.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 He lets you post on his blog, doesn’t he? What more do you expect of him? Let JCH spam these threads?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 I see you’re not optimistic about your party’s prospects.
Only one thing can save McCain: A large terrorist attack.
Could al-Qaeda, thinking a war-mongering, Muslim-angering McCain presidency would be better for their business, try to effect the election outcome by doing something naughty between and and the 4th?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 You tinfoil hat boys wore that line out in JFK’s day. You need new material.
I’m not talking about people like us, the commenters, I’m talking about those who can actually make posts, like Goldy, Will, etc.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@28 What Republican voter isn’t a fraud? They all are. Your whole party is a fraud.
28 – Read the PowerTools much there Del? Bullshit issued from the New Mexico Republican party – as dominated by nut cases as the R party here.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@29 I’ve studied some physiology and conclude your brain is the size of a pea.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@41 Well gee, this is the Ownership Society, so Goldy gets to decide who can post because he owns this blog, ya think?!
Gawd where do they find these stupid trolls … they must be the campaign’s rejects … we need better quality trolls on this blog.
Politics will be as lively and interesting during the first part of an Obama administration as they were during Clinton’s.
We all know the results of Clinton’s governance and first 100 days: a job-producing boom and the government’s books were in surplus.
I think that’s unlikely to be the case this time. We have a huge Republican mess to clean up and crucial investments to make for the well-being of our kids.
And of course we shouldn’t enable another George Bush, heaven forbid which many believe Clinton did with his surplus.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Newsweek Poll Is Bad News For McSame
“(WASHINGTON) … People’s regard for the Republican presidential nominee has deteriorated across the board since September, an Associated Press-Yahoo News poll showed Friday, with McCain losing ground in how favorably he’s seen and in a long list of personal qualities voters seek in White House contenders. Perceptions of Obama have improved or remained steady. …
“Obama’s image has been sturdy even as voters’ views of the overall campaign have tumbled since September. The portion of people saying the contest excites them has sunk to 32 percent while those calling it frustrating have grown to 41 percent — and in both cases, six in 10 of those whose feelings have worsened are McCain backers.
“Negative campaigning and a month of intense public focus on collapsing global economic and financial markets have not been kind to McCain. The new AP-Yahoo News poll of likely voters, conducted this month by Knowledge Networks, shows more people viewing him favorably than unfavorably by just 5 percentage points, down from a 21-point difference in mid-September.”
(Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: McSame’s slimeball tactics are backfiring on him. Good! Voter repudiation of the Repugnant Party will be healthy for this country.
The GOP-controlled Supreme Court has reversed an appeals court that sided with Ohio Republicans trying to interfere with state officials’ verification of voter registrations. Private entities like the GOP Party have no standing to sue for enforcement of the Help America Vote Act, the Court said. This ruling will make it harder for GOPers to suppress Democratic votes in Ohio.
too funny.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@50 It really demonstrates how idiotic wingers are, doesn’t it? And we let these fools vote? The horror!
Wow. Troll is all projection, all the time!
I find it most amusing that he seems to think you have to be personally approved by Goldy to post comments here and that somehow Goldy excludes people of color from doing so. He accuses Goldy of whipping up hatred against Governor Palin while studiously ignoring her vicious, underhanded and dangerous race- and terrorism-baiting comments directed towards Senator Obama.
I think a majority of mental health professionals would agree, this degree of denial and self-delusion calls for professional help!
Blog Readerspews:
Iglesias: “I’m Astounded” By DOJ’s ACORN Probe
By Zachary Roth – October 16, 2008, 6:50PM
David Iglesias says he’s shocked by the news, leaked today to the Associated Press, that the FBI is pursuing a voter-fraud investigation into ACORN just weeks before the election.
“I’m astounded that this issue is being trotted out again,” Iglesias told TPMmuckraker. “Based on what I saw in 2004 and 2006, it’s a scare tactic.” In 2006, Iglesias was fired as U.S. attorney thanks partly to his reluctance to pursue voter-fraud cases as aggressively as DOJ wanted — one of several U.S. attorneys fired for inappropriate political reasons, according to a recently released report by DOJ’s Office of the Inspector General.
Iglesias, who has been the most outspoken of the fired U.S. attorneys, went on to say that the FBI’s investigation seemed designed to inappropriately create a “boogeyman” out of voter fraud.
And he added that it “stands to reason” that the investigation was launched in response to GOP complaints. In recent weeks, national Republican figures — including John McCain at last night’s debate — have sought to make an issue out of ACORN’s voter-registration activities.
As we noted earlier, last year, Sen. Dianne Feinstein publicly highlighted changes made to DOJ’s election crimes manual, which lowered the bar for voter-fraud prosecutions, and made it easier to bring vote-fraud cases close to the election.
Speaking today to TPMmuckraker, Iglesias called such changes “extremely problematic.”
The way in which the news was revealed today — Associated Press sourced its report to two “senior law enforcement officials” who “spoke on condition of anonymity because Justice Department regulations forbid discussing ongoing investigations particularly so close to an election” — is also raising eyebrows.
Both Iglesias and Bud Cummins — another of the U.S. attorneys who, according to the IG report, was also fired for political reasons — told TPMmuckraker that DOJ guidelines do allow US attorneys to speak publicly about an investigation, even before bringing an indictment, if it’s to allay public concern over an issue.
But that certainly wouldn’t cover anonymous leaks. “If you can’t say it with your name on it, it’s fair to say you should not be saying it,” Cummins told TPMmuckraker.
Earlier this afternoon, House Judiciary Chair John Conyers (D-MI) released a letter he sent to Attorney General Michael Mukasey and FBI director Robert Mueller, which connected today’s news to the U.S. attorney firings, and to recent GOP efforts to stoke fears over voter fraud.
Ragan and both Bushs did not turn back Roe v Wade and they expect us to think that McCain will? Riddle me this batman, what canadate seems more religious to you? Both in an every day and fundemental sense? We all know the religious right arent in love with McCain. While Obama campains with church nuts in the south who want to “Pray away the gay”. Come on people, if we are truly the ones we have been waiting for and want to “fix these broken polotics” dont you think we should get back to real issues like energy, tax policy and healthcare and get rid of these destracting scare issues. The point is each party likes to scare people into not voting for other guy, vote republican or terroists will kill your children! vote democrat or the supreem court will some how turn back 100 years of civil rights! Can we all grow up yet, nethier of these things will happen. Anyone who votes as a one issue voter bassed on these old atacks are the ones who are preventing real change and real issue bassed polotics. We need to expect more from our leaders than just protecting the status quo.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Did you buy WMI yesterday @ 29 like I told you to???
I bought it at $29.50.
It’s trading at $30.70.
Rather than spew hate & show a creepy interest in goat fornication, why not focus on making money?? You KLOWNS spend soooooo much time & energy on bullshit….if you put half that energy into research and had a little more sack, you’d be Conservative like me!
You KLOWNS are a bunch of ANGRY NEW AGE PROGRESSIVE ATHEISTS. Your alleged minds are overflowing with hatred because you have no spiritual foundation.
Keep floundering if you must.
But there is a better way.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
21. Blog Reader spews:
Troll and Mr. Cynical there is a blog for you guys. It’s called the National Review. Here’s a sample commentary:
Ed Whelan baselessly speculates in the National Review that Barack Obama’s deceased mother “very possibly” would have aborted her son had Roe v. Wade been law at the time:
Nearly 48 years ago, a young woman, not yet 18, became pregnant in her freshman year of college. Living in a time and place in which abortion was generally illegal, she proceeded to marry the father of her child and gave birth to a son. Perhaps she would have done so irrespective of the abortion laws at the time, even if, say, she lived in a legal culture that celebrated abortion as a fundamental right. Very possibly not. (I haven’t found any statistics on the percentage of pregnant college freshmen who abort their pregnancies, but indirect indications suggest that it’s very high.)
Barack Obama may actually believe, as he stated yesterday, that Roe v. Wade “was rightly decided.” But it may be very lucky for him, as the son born of that woman, that it hadn’t been decided a dozen or so years earlier.
I agree it’s a waste of time to speculate. O-blah-blah’s mommy was a free spirit of the early 60’s. She abandoned him with Grandma for a couple of years. She was a very hardcore Liberal. Whelan may very well be correct that had abortion been readily available, O-blah-blah would have been murdered in the womb….sucked out in a bloody mass & tossed in the garbage. But fortunately, he wasn’t!
I wonder if O-blah-blah ever thought about this?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
34. proud leftist spews:
“Blog Reader
I have to cast my vote for Troll. He gets extra points for combining annoying inanity and unwarranted smugness with his stupidity. I guess I would have to go with Marvin for the VP position–he edges out Cynical, in my view.”
Thanks PL (I think)!
You generosity in this post must be the Christian in you!
PL, do you understand you are the only KLOWN who is a believer??
The rest of your ilk are a bunch of angry, proud, self-proclaimed ATHEISTS!
As a believer, do you spend time with other believers? I sure hope so….because these ANGRY ATHEISTS will drag you down into their own fecal-matter laden hole.
Blog Readerspews:
Look out Troll! With 55 & 56 Mr. Cynical is surging back in the stupid contest. Chortling about making a couple bucks yesterday; bragging about being a conservative in a time that conservatives have almost bankrupted the country and indebted it for generations to come. And his best one. He says speculation is a wate of time and he speculates. What a stupid asshole. What a worn out old goat fucker.
And I see that Delbert has entered the contest and Marvin will be here in a little while with his competitive bit. Step up the pace Troll. You have some serious competition for most stupid motherfucker to post at HA.
And Goldy, why do you take shit off these assholes? Let them call you a coward and worse.
Blog Readerspews:
“As a believer, do you spend time with other believers? I sure hope so….because these ANGRY ATHEISTS will drag you down into their own fecal-matter laden hole.”
So why are you here Mr. Cynical? You can brag about your stock market prowess at rightwing blogs.
Oh that’s right: you are competing in a stupid contest. Good luck! You are a real contender in a very competitive field.
Don Joespews:
I just thought I’d point out that the text quoted at 28 is from a Republican Party press release. I would guess that’s why there weren’t any links to the source.
Marvin Stamnspews:
3. Blog Reader spews:
make President and vice President a man with 40 years of untreated PTSD
You got a link to a medical doctor making that diagnosis?
Or is this just another smear by a clueless democrat?
Marvin Stamnspews:
58. Blog Reader spews:
Step up the pace Troll. You have some serious competition for most stupid motherfucker to post at HA.
Yeah troll, step it up.
Between blog reader and steve the competition for most ignorant is getting stiff.
Of course blog reader is a sockpuppet for one the horsesass regulars that have been punked by us trolls.
Marvin Stamnspews:
59. Blog Reader spews:
So why are you here Mr. Cynical?
Oh that’s right: you are competing in a stupid contest
At least you understand that to compete in a stupid contest would require him to post the same place you do.
To be the stupidist, you gotta beat the stupidist.
To be honest, nothing personal against Troll, but I don’t think he can compete with you. You’ve got some serious talent.
@59 It’s still possible that the Pudzoid could pull out a win in the Stupid Contest. When he gets cranked up, he he spew the stupid like no one else.
Blog Readerspews:
I don’t know. If Marvin (63)thinks Troll is most stupid that’s a judgment by a prominent peer.
And if you read Marvin’s recent offerings above you’ll agree he’s still competitive.
PuddyPud will be here in a little while and, no doubt, entering the competition with gusto-and great natural talent. Combined with Mr. Cynical, Troll, Marvin and Delbert and Mark the Racist Redneck Republican and others that’s a lot of contestants.
With so many strong contenders for most stupid wingnut at HA, perhaps we should come up with some sub-categories of stupidity.
“Obama and his wife, I’m concerned that they could be anti-white. That he might hide that.”
You’re welcome.
I attend church, not every week but fairly regularly. I’m a liberal because of my faith. Matthew 25, as I read it, leaves little choice.
Let’s see, we have Marvin, the studio musician who couldn’t recognize a major scale if his goat sang, “do-re-me”, to him. With Pudz we have a goatfucker with a self-loathing score that is off the fucking scale. Cynical, with his fabricated life as an investor/rancher living in Montana while posting hate on a Puget Sound blog all day? Easy life, that ranching biz, huh? Life is likely far less easy for his poor, hapless goat. Troll? Somehow, “unwarranted smugness” doesn’t quite do that goatfucker’s delusions justice.
So much stupid. Amazing.
Blog Readerspews:
Check out these two short videos of McCain supporters at McCain/Palin rallies. And check out the report by the journalist who was assaulted at a rally. these are the kind of folks I imagine HA wingnuts to be. Considering the empirical evidence provided to us in the past eight years that the Republicans hate and want to destroy America, who but a sociopath or traitor would vote Republican?
If Mr. Cynical is a real Montana rancher he’s hauling in the government welfare by the bucketfull.
Out there in brokeback country all alone with Rush on the radio and only a few goats for company…
@65 “With so many strong contenders for most stupid wingnut at HA, perhaps we should come up with some sub-categories of stupidity.”
Right off the top I can come up with “Most Self-Loathing” (that’s gotta be Pudz), “Most Delusional” (that’d be down to the wire between Cynical and Marvin), “Most Vile Goatfucker” and “Most Hate Spewed” (they all contend for these two. It should be quit competitive).
Marvin’s mental breakdown and subsequent relapses last month should earn him a special honor, perhaps a “Special Achievement” award.
Hmm, let’s not forget Jane Blalough’s Dog. She doesn’t post often, but when she does it’s always something really stupid. Double points for when she signs off “hee, hee” or “roof, roof”.
Blog Readerspews:
From the LA Times:
McCain’s broken marriage fractured other ties as well
The nature and timing of his divorce from Carol Shepp alienated key friends – and his version doesn’t always match that in court documents.
By Ralph Vartabedian and Richard A. Serrano
July 11, 2008 in print edition A-1
Outside her Bel-Air home, Nancy Reagan stood arm in arm with John McCain and offered a significant – but less than exuberant – endorsement.
“Ronnie and I always waited until everything was decided, and then we endorsed,” the Republican matriarch said in March. “Well, obviously this is the nominee of the party.” They were the only words she would speak during the five-minute photo op.
In a written statement, she described McCain as “a good friend for over 30 years.” But that friendship was strained in the late 1970s by McCain’s decision to divorce his first wife, Carol, who was particularly close to the Reagans, and within weeks marry Cindy Hensley, the young heiress to a lucrative Arizona beer distributorship.
The Reagans rushed to help Carol, finding her a new home in Southern California with the family of Reagan aide Edwin Meese III and a series of political and White House jobs to ease her through that difficult time.
McCain, who is about to become the GOP nominee, has made several statements about how he divorced Carol and married Hensley that conflict with the public record.
In his 2002 memoir, “Worth the Fighting For,” McCain wrote that he had separated from Carol before he began dating Hensley.
“I spent as much time with Cindy in Washington and Arizona as our jobs would allow,” McCain wrote. “I was separated from Carol, but our divorce would not become final until February of 1980.”
An examination of court documents tells a different story. McCain did not sue his wife for divorce until Feb. 19, 1980, and he wrote in his court petition that he and his wife had “cohabited” until Jan. 7 of that year – or for the first nine months of his relationship with Hensley.
Although McCain suggested in his autobiography that months passed between his divorce and remarriage, the divorce was granted April 2, 1980, and he wed Hensley in a private ceremony five weeks later. McCain obtained an Arizona marriage license on March 6, 1980, while still legally married to his first wife.
Until McCain filed for divorce, the Reagans and their inner circle assumed he was happily married, and they were stunned to learn otherwise, according to several close aides.
“Everybody was upset with him,” recalled Nancy Reynolds, a top aide to the former president who introduced him to McCain.
By contrast, some of McCain’s friends, including the Senate aide who was at the reception where McCain first met Hensley, believed he was separated at that time.
Albert “Pete” Lakeland, the aide who was with McCain at the reception in Hawaii in April 1979, said of the introduction to Hensley: “It was like he was struck by Cupid’s arrow. He was just enormously smitten.”
As the pair began dating, Lakeland allowed them to spend a weekend together at his summer home in Maryland, he said.
The senator has acknowledged that he behaved badly, and that his swift divorce and remarriage brought a cold shoulder from the Reagans that lasted years.
In a recent interview, McCain said he did not want to revisit the breakup of his marriage. “I have a very good relationship with my first wife,” he said. In his autobiography, he wrote: “My marriage’s collapse was attributable to my own selfishness and immaturity. The blame was entirely mine.”
Tucker Bounds, a McCain campaign spokesman, said: “Of course we will not comment on the breakup of the senator’s first marriage, other than to note that the senator has always taken responsibility for it.”
Carol McCain did not respond to a request for an interview.
About all she has ever said is this to McCain biographer Robert Timberg: “John was turning 40 and wanting to be 25 again.”
After leaving the White House, Carol McCain worked in press relations in the Washington area, retiring about five years ago after working for the National Soft Drink Assn. She now lives in Virginia Beach, Va., and has not remarried. She has two sons from an earlier marriage: Andy, a vice president at Cindy McCain’s beer distributorship, and Doug, a commercial airline pilot.
Carol and John McCain had a daughter, Sidney, who works in the music industry in Canada.
John McCain, who calls himself “a foot soldier in the Reagan revolution,” said in his memoir: “My divorce from Carol, whom the Reagans loved, caused a change in our relationship. Nancy … was particularly upset with me and treated me on the few occasions we encountered each other after I came to Congress with a cool correctness that made her displeasure clear.
“I had, of course, deserved the change in our relationship.”
Joanne Drake, spokeswoman for Nancy Reagan, did not return phone calls seeking comment.
The first Mrs. McCain
McCain met Carol Shepp through a mutual friend and fellow midshipman at the Naval Academy, from which McCain graduated in 1958. That friend, Alasdair E. Swanson, married her in 1958. In the early 1960s, the Swansons lived in Pensacola, Fla., where Alasdair Swanson and McCain served as Navy pilots.
But that marriage ended in June 1964 after Carol sued for divorce, alleging that her husband had been unfaithful.
According to McCain, he started seeing Carol shortly afterward. They were married in Philadelphia, her hometown, in July 1965. McCain adopted her two sons, and they had a daughter together. Then in October 1967, McCain’s plane was shot down and he was captured by the North Vietnamese.
She became active in the POW-MIA movement. A former model, she dedicated herself to her children and kept the family together, friends said, while awaiting his return.
“She had the perseverance to carry on,” said Melinda Fitzwater, a cousin of McCain’s who later worked with Carol McCain at the White House. “She had a little baby and small kids. She was a great, unique person.”
On Christmas Eve 1969, while she was driving alone in Philadelphia, Carol McCain’s car skidded and struck a utility pole. Thrown into the snow, she broke both legs, an arm and her pelvis. She was operated on a dozen times, and in the treatment she lost about 5 inches in height.
After John McCain was released in March 1973 and returned to the U.S., he told friends that Carol was not the woman he had married.
Reynolds, working for then-California Gov. Ronald Reagan, said she first met the couple in San Francisco at a reception for ex-prisoners. She later introduced them to the Reagans at their home in Pacific Palisades.
“They were just an attractive couple,” Reynolds said. “The Reagans had great admiration and respect for John.”
In 1974, Reagan invited McCain to speak at a governor’s prayer breakfast in Sacramento. The former prisoner of war told the story of a fellow captive who had scratched a prayer on a cell wall. Ronald and Nancy Reagan were reduced to tears. It was “the most moving speech I had ever heard,” Reynolds said.
In the next few years, family and friends said, there was no sign that McCain was unhappy in his marriage. Fitzwater recalled visiting the family on Thanksgivings, and McCain seemed content barbecuing a turkey on his outdoor grill near Jacksonville, Fla.
Navy officers in the squadron McCain commanded in 1977 said they did not know anything was wrong. “When I went to parties at their home, everything seemed fine,” said Mike Akin, a naval flying instructor. “They seemed to be a happily married couple.”
But two years later, while on a trip as a Navy liaison with the Senate, McCain spied Hensley at the Honolulu reception. In a recent television interview with Jay Leno on the “Tonight Show,” Cindy McCain joked about how the Navy captain had pursued her. “He kind of chased me around … the hors d’oeuvre table,” she said. “I was trying to get something to eat and I thought, ‘This guy’s kind of weird.’ I was kind of trying to get away from him.”
John McCain was 42; she was 24. During the next nine months, he would fly to Arizona or she would come to the Washington area, where McCain and Carol had a home.
Carol McCain later told friends, including Reynolds and Fitzwater, that she did not know he was seeing anyone else.
John McCain sued for divorce in Fort Walton Beach, Fla., where his friend and fellow former POW, George E. “Bud” Day, practiced law and could represent him.
In the petition, he stated that the couple had “cohabited as husband and wife” until Jan. 7, 1980.
His wife did not contest the divorce, and Day said that the couple had reached an agreement in advance on support and division of property. By then she was living in La Mesa, in San Diego County, with the family of Meese, a close Reagan aide and future attorney general.
“We knew John and Carol both since he came back from Hanoi in 1973,” Meese said recently. “They have been friends of ours ever since.
“She was with us for maybe four or five months. Their daughter and our daughter were friends, and they went to school together.”
Carol McCain was distraught at being blindsided by her husband’s intention to end their marriage, said her friends in the Reagan circle.
“They [the Reagans] weren’t happy with him,” Fitzwater said. Carol McCain “was this little, frail person… . She was brokenhearted.”
By that time, Nancy Reagan had come to Carol McCain’s aid, hiring her as a press assistant in the 1980 presidential campaign.
When the Reagans moved to Washington, she was named director of the White House Visitors Office.
“Nancy Reagan was crazy about her,” Reynolds said. “But everybody was crazy about Carol McCain… . And the Meeses were very generous and helpful and comforting to her.”
Fitzwater said that living in Southern California and working on the Reagan campaign helped Carol McCain move past the loss of her marriage.
“It was perfect for her. She was traveling, and it took her mind off a very, very sad time for her.”
Ya gotta give McCain credit: he’s got that Republican Christian values hypocrisy thing down, don’t he? What do we learn next? He’s been snorting speed and sleeping with goats some gay prostitute?
Politically Incorrectspews:
Abortion ought to be mandatory in cases of rape and incest. It should also be mandatory for poor people who can’t afford kids in the first place. Maybe the better way is to give poor men reversible vasectomies: when they prove they can support a kid, then they can have the vasectomies reversed.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
59. Blog Reader spews:
So why are you here Mr. Cynical? You can brag about your stock market prowess at rightwing blogs.
I am trying to help you KLOWNS participate & prosper in the system you are trying your damnedest to tear down. I’m trying to show at least one of you that you can invest & prosper…instead of bitch and look to O-blah-blah to give you handouts.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
67. proud leftist spews:
“You’re welcome.
I attend church, not every week but fairly regularly. I’m a liberal because of my faith. Matthew 25, as I read it, leaves little choice.”
One thing I would ask you to consider in reading Matthew 25….it doesn’t say “the government” should be our charitable provider.
It is our individual responsibility.
The KLOWNS here can say what they will, but I will but up our families track of financial & time donations vs. anyone here.
I don’t if most of the KLOWNS give away $1,000/yr. to non-political, help mankind causes much less $20,000+.
PL–You are in a mighty rough crowd of hardcore, angry Atheists…perhaps you could teach them the value of faith??
It’s worth a shot.
They foolishly tend to judge all people of faith by the failures of individuals who are at the core flawed. The ATHEIST KLOWNS take joy in the failures of others.
Not my cup of tea.
@75 “I am trying to help you KLOWNS”
Geez, and I thought you made up that trading bullshit in a pathetic attempt to conceal your personal inadaquacies, your financial failures, and your inability to achieve anything meaningful in life. My bad.
@76 “The KLOWNS here can say what they will”
Cynical fucks goats.
Got an email from Maria Cantwell about her no vote on the bailout bill.
Dear Mr. ******,
Thank you for contacting me regarding the Emergency Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 (EESA). I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue. It is one of the most important issues facing this country right now.
When deciding how to vote, I knew the financial crisis was real. Homeowners, whether they were current on their mortgage payments or not, were seeing their home values plummet. Workers as well as seniors were seeing the savings they had invested in the stock market dwindle. Some school districts and utilities were having trouble selling the bonds they needed to operate. Small businesses who used their lines of credit to meet payroll or to buy supplies were telling me that they were worried that banks would not lend anymore if the credit markets did not start working again. And if that happened, they would immediately have to start laying people off.
I also knew that spending $700 billion of the taxpayers’ money should only be done if absolutely necessary. It had to be structured in a way to get the economy back on its feet and provide the taxpayer the best protections. Anything that was done had to be done in the open and it could not be done as simply a bailout.
When the Senate took the vote on the passage of EESA, I voted against the bill, which ultimately passed by a margin of 74-25. Following subsequent passage by the House of Representatives, the bill was signed into law by President Bush on October 3, 2008. While I remain supportive of leveraging the full faith and credit of the U.S. government to try to avoid a catastrophic failure of the U.S. economy, it is important that the Treasury Department’s decision making be based on a clear set of policies and principles.
On October 1, 2008, just before the Senate vote on EESA, I made a statement on the floor of the Senate to outline my objections to the bill. If you have not already seen it, you may wish to do so. A video can be found on my website, at EESA has a number of provisions designed to stabilize the economy. The full text and a summary of the bill can be found on the Senate Banking Committee website, at I did not agree that EESA was the right solution to this critical problem, given that its main tool was the implementation of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), under which the Treasury would purchase “troubled assets” from financial institutions in order to help those institutions maintain the flow of capital to consumers and businesses.
An amendment I had hoped to offer to this bill proposed an alternative approach. In fact, the Administration announced on October 10 they now would follow this alternate path. Under my proposal, the Treasury Secretary would have been required to spend half of the authorized funds to purchase preferred stock in weak but solvent institutions. Purchasing equity, as opposed to purchasing “troubled assets,” gives greater security to the taxpayers by investing in an institution. Money injected as equity capital has 10 to 12 times the leverage power in the credit market. The Administration is not using the full $350 billion that I recommended. However, I am hopeful that this approach will eventually help to smooth the current volatility in the economy.
The struggle to correct our economic course does not end with the passage of EESA. I will continue to fight for regulatory reforms of the financial industry. Clearly, we must examine the systemic flaws and lax oversight that led us here, and we must change them so it cannot happen again. On September 29, 2008, I introduced S. 3652, a bill to examine and reform financial regulations. I will continue to pursue avenues for the enactment of these ideas.
We must also ensure that the passage of EESA is accompanied by appropriate oversight. The Treasury Secretary must, at a minimum, report back to Congress on the design and structure of any proposed equity stake program. We must continue to guarantee that there is transparency and full accountability in the way that the Treasury Department is carrying out its authority to address the financial crisis. I feel strongly that the Administration must outline for Congress, the American people, and the world’s financial markets the steps they are pursuing to stabilize our markets, protect U.S. home values, and safeguard taxpayers’ hard-earned dollars.
I understand from the enormous number of Washington state residents who have contacted my office that this issue is of great importance to you, and to Washington state as a whole. Please be assured that I will take your comments into consideration as we proceed.
Thank you so much for contacting me to share your thoughts on this matter. Finally, I would like to keep you informed of what is happening in D.C. Every Monday, I provide a brief outline about my work in the Senate and issues of importance to Washington state. If you are interested in getting this update, please visit my website at Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future if I can be of further assistance.
Maria Cantwell
United States Senator
So hey assholes…
Barak Obama is going to be the 44th President of the United States of America.
You gonna get on board and work for change for all Americans…you know pitch in so everyone can have a piece of the American Dream?
Poll: Voters souring on McCain, Obama stays steady
Paragraph 5
Now, Obama is seen favorably by 57 percent and McCain by 52 percent — a close margin that masks the opposite direction the two rivals’ ratings are heading.
Included were interviews with 373 people who initially said they were Democrats, 252 Republicans and 214 independents
Starting out with 121 more democrats and the best he can do is only be up 5%?
Poll: Voters souring on McCain, Obama stays steady
Paragraph 5
Now, Obama is seen favorably by 57 percent and McCain by 52 percent — a close margin that masks the opposite direction the two rivals’ ratings are heading.
Included were interviews with 373 people who initially said they were Democrats, 252 Republicans and 214 independents
Starting out with 121 more democrats and the best he can do is only be up by 5%?
@80 If you go back through the thread you’ll see that you’re a contender in the “Stupid Troll” contest. This last post of yours was likely worth a few points but don’t forget, you’ve got some very serious competition. Just look at RightStuff. The dumb fuck is racking up some points this afternoon while you were out fucking the goat.
Marvin Stamnspews:
81. Steve spews:
@80 If you go back through the thread you’ll see that you’re a contender in the “Stupid Troll” contest.
I don’t blame you for not commenting on the bias in the poll.
As long as it’s you calling me stupid I’m okay with it.
I just hope you’re smart enough to remember in a couple weeks when obama loses that I pointed it out to you in all these biased polls. Ah, never mind. You’re not that smart, I’ll save the link for you.
@82 Poll bias? The only people claiming to be Republicans these days are fucktards like yourself – pedos, goatfuckers and penis-pumpers…
83. Steve spews:
@82 Poll bias? The only people claiming to be Republicans these days are fucktards like yourself – pedos, goatfuckers and penis-pumpers…
The left-wing hate blog Horses Ass blog will become obsolete and irrelevant in three weeks with an Obama win. He better hope at least for a Rossi or Reichert win, or he’ll really be out of business.
And does anyone notice how Goldstein still refuses to make positive posts about Obama? And how he also is still refusing to divulge how many African Americans he has given posting privileges to.
It’s very curious that David Goldstein focuses so much attention on bashing Palin. His obsession with demonizing her is very disturbing to me.
We all know what the next step is after demonizing a person or people.
Who is Goldstein trying to speak to? Is he trying to incite something?
Troll and Mr. Cynical-are you guys having a stupid contest? If so you completed step #i long ago. That was proving that you are two stupid motherfuckers with absolutely nothing worthwhile to say. Apparently you are now at Step#2: which one of you is the fucking stupidest. Age, and many years of goat fucking, one would think, is an advantage for Mr. Cynical in this contest. But never underestimate the advantages of Troll’s teenage youth and the security of a living provided by his Mama allowing him time to strive to make the elusive ultimate stupid comment.
I read comments in a dozen blogs every day and you two are hands down the stupidist motherfuckers out there. And in a world that contains the likes of PuddyPud and Marvin, and 40 of it’s citizens ready to make President and vice President a man with 40 years of untreated PTSD and a woman who is an evangelical nut case, that is no small feat.
David Goldstein, do you believe that there is a link between the demonization of Russian Jews and the pogroms that followed?
I would suspect that an amen-commenter on a left-wing hate blog would denounce those who are trying to fight the hate.
OHIO’S STATE FLAG IS NOT OBAMA’S FAULT…. Barack Obama gave a speech in Toledo, Ohio, the other day, and behind his podium were several American and Ohioan flags. Not exactly newsworthy stuff.
The problem is, Ohio’s flag features a prominent, large “O.” Obama’s right-wing detractors didn’t know this, and assumed that the Obama campaign had created its own flag to stand alongside the American flag. Conservative activists and talk-show hosts had a bit of a freak-out. Here’s a hilarious example.
John Cole also noted a Townhall commenter who was outraged that Obama would “change” the American flag: “I don’t want to hear any looney left comments that they are only decoration. They ARE a modification of the American flag.”
Here’s the Ohio state flag, and here’s Obama standing in front of Ohio’s state flag.
Sometimes, the right finds the strangest things to get worked up about.
@5 Troll do you believe there is a link between your history of goat fucking and your stupidity?
Who cares if Sarah Palin is profoundly uninformed, unable to name a single US Supreme Court case other than Roe vs Wade, among other things that she is unaware of. She’s a Mavericky Joe Six Pack! Drill baby drill!
Speaking of “drill baby drill”, I wonder if that’s what she says when the “first dude” is mounted up.
That was baaaaa…d.
ROBOCALLS CONTINUE…. Following up on yesterday’s item, Greg Sargent reported on the fourth in a series of robocall smears launched by the McCain/Palin campaign, this time attacking Obama for opposing “a bill requiring doctors to care for babies born alive after surviving attempted abortions.” As Greg rightly emphasized, “These aren’t the work of any fringe groups. Every one of these is paid for by the McCain campaign and the RNC. It looks like there’s a huge wave of them blanketing the country.”
Because robocalls are illegal in Minnesota, Republicans there are reportedly hiring actual people to make live calls, reading the smears from a script. (Ben Smith noted, “The upside of these calls is that they’re cheap and direct. The downside is that they’re annoying and get bad press.”)
As for the big picture, Time’s Joe Klein is right to emphasize the irony of McCain trying to win by relying on the same kind of robocall smears that ended his first presidential bid.
And that’s really the key takeaway here — making ugly attacks, below the radar, with automated calls is fundamentally gutless. After watching the campaign unfold over the last several months, many of us have come to expect dishonesty and dishonor from McCain, but this is the most meaningful example of cowardice we’ve seen this year.
Worse, McCain knows this. He hated this kind of campaigning when it was used against him eight years ago.
A win-at-all-costs attitude does strange things to a person’s judgment.
Why won’t Goldy tell us what kind of racial diversity there is at HA? A select few have posting privileges. I would like to know is any black people are in that group, or have ever been.
From the Times
So I looked up a place with low unionization, low regulations and low taxes. You get Louisiana & Mississippi.
Once again, businesses don’t care about the community, it’s all about more profit. Country first, my ass.
Conservatives, justify please….
All I want to know is if Goldy walks the talk. That’s it.
But for some reason, he’s remaining silent on this issue.
#13 Why? Do you want to set up a quota or something?
@13 and @ 15
Troll, I demand to know the name, gender and color of every goat you have ever fucked! I asked for this information before, but you remain silent on the issue.
Troll you are one seriously stupid motherfucker. I think you are pulling ahead of Mr. Cynical in the stupid contest. (@3)But then you don’t have to go to the bathroom as often as he does.
Hint for Mr. Cynical. To remain competitive in the stupid contest you should buy a laptop for use on the toilet.
The left-wing hate blog Horses Ass blog will become obsolete and irrelevant in three weeks with an Obama win.
Even the trolls are seeing the light but no will soldier on agitating for more and BETTER Dems.
And hate is not what we’re about here. Saving the country and WA state from stupid sheep like Troll and Cynical and that silliest of Republican trolls is all we’ve ever been about.
Why won’t Troll give us the name, color and gender of his goat “girlfriends?”
17 – Hard to believe but I have more respect for Cynical than that silly Troll which is barely any at all but still more.
Troll and Mr. Cynical there is a blog for you guys. It’s called the National Review. Here’s a sample commentary:
Ed Whelan baselessly speculates in the National Review that Barack Obama’s deceased mother “very possibly” would have aborted her son had Roe v. Wade been law at the time:
If I owned a restaurant in a racially diverse city, and in the history of my ownership, I had never employed one black person, would that raise red flags with you?
Listen, Goldy is a Democrat, right? And being a Democrat means you hold certain core values. All I want to know is if he puts those values in to practice.
Obama’s father was a dog.
YLB, let me ask you something, do you think that HA will be relevant after an Obama, Gregoire, and Burner win?
What will there be to discuss?
All I want to know Troll is the names, gender and color of every goat you have ever fucked. You stupid, stupid motherfucker.
Hang in there! You are pulling away from Mr. Cynical in the stupid contest.
Some are worried that President Obama, under the pretext of saving the nation from economic ruin, will declare martial law, suspend elections indefinitely, and not relinquish power at the end of his term.
@1 “Horses Ass … will become obsolete … with an Obama win.”
Nah. We’ll still need to supervise your parole.
“(Albuquerque, NM) – Public records released in New Mexico today confirm that fraudulent voter registrations are in fact turning into fraudulent votes. ACORN, currently under investigation by the FBI, is now confirmed to be responsible for producing fraudulent voter registrations and illegal votes in New Mexico. An inspection of public records has revealed that illegal votes were cast in New Mexico’s 2008 primary election.
“This is a bombshell. We now have undeniable proof that a significant number of fraudulent voters were cast in Democrat primary races for the New Mexico state legislature as a result of ACORN’s voter registration fraud,” remarked State Representative Justine Fox Young (R-Albuquerque). “No longer can ACORN argue that their phony voter registration forms don’t translate into fraudulent votes. They do and today we can prove it.””
I’m working on a theory. I think Goldy’s Palin-bashing goes deeper than political. I’ve studied some psychology, and I think there may be some divorce-related anger displacement issues at work. More later.
@3 “Troll and Mr. Cynical-are you guys having a stupid contest?”
Gosh, how did you figure that out? Is it, er, obvious?
2 & 4: See #6.
@6 In your guts you know they’re all nuts. All of ’em. Every last flaming one.
28 – You’ve been scarce lately. Is it because you’re “so fucked”?
And David Iglesias’ replacement is working out just as Papa Rove and Company planned and right before an important election to boot.
Blog Reader
I have to cast my vote for Troll. He gets extra points for combining annoying inanity and unwarranted smugness with his stupidity. I guess I would have to go with Marvin for the VP position–he edges out Cynical, in my view.
24 – I already said what we’ll be talking about. I won’t repeat myself.
@13 “A select few have posting privileges.”
And you’re one of ’em. You post here almost as much as I do.
@22 He lets you post on his blog, doesn’t he? What more do you expect of him? Let JCH spam these threads?
@24 I see you’re not optimistic about your party’s prospects.
Only one thing can save McCain: A large terrorist attack.
Could al-Qaeda, thinking a war-mongering, Muslim-angering McCain presidency would be better for their business, try to effect the election outcome by doing something naughty between and and the 4th?
@26 You tinfoil hat boys wore that line out in JFK’s day. You need new material.
I’m not talking about people like us, the commenters, I’m talking about those who can actually make posts, like Goldy, Will, etc.
@28 What Republican voter isn’t a fraud? They all are. Your whole party is a fraud.
28 – Read the PowerTools much there Del? Bullshit issued from the New Mexico Republican party – as dominated by nut cases as the R party here.
@29 I’ve studied some physiology and conclude your brain is the size of a pea.
@41 Well gee, this is the Ownership Society, so Goldy gets to decide who can post because he owns this blog, ya think?!
Gawd where do they find these stupid trolls … they must be the campaign’s rejects … we need better quality trolls on this blog.
Politics will be as lively and interesting during the first part of an Obama administration as they were during Clinton’s.
We all know the results of Clinton’s governance and first 100 days: a job-producing boom and the government’s books were in surplus.
I think that’s unlikely to be the case this time. We have a huge Republican mess to clean up and crucial investments to make for the well-being of our kids.
And of course we shouldn’t enable another George Bush, heaven forbid which many believe Clinton did with his surplus.
Newsweek Poll Is Bad News For McSame
“(WASHINGTON) … People’s regard for the Republican presidential nominee has deteriorated across the board since September, an Associated Press-Yahoo News poll showed Friday, with McCain losing ground in how favorably he’s seen and in a long list of personal qualities voters seek in White House contenders. Perceptions of Obama have improved or remained steady. …
“Obama’s image has been sturdy even as voters’ views of the overall campaign have tumbled since September. The portion of people saying the contest excites them has sunk to 32 percent while those calling it frustrating have grown to 41 percent — and in both cases, six in 10 of those whose feelings have worsened are McCain backers.
“Negative campaigning and a month of intense public focus on collapsing global economic and financial markets have not been kind to McCain. The new AP-Yahoo News poll of likely voters, conducted this month by Knowledge Networks, shows more people viewing him favorably than unfavorably by just 5 percentage points, down from a 21-point difference in mid-September.”
(Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: McSame’s slimeball tactics are backfiring on him. Good! Voter repudiation of the Repugnant Party will be healthy for this country.
Real voter fraud and suppression.
More Bad News For GOPers
The GOP-controlled Supreme Court has reversed an appeals court that sided with Ohio Republicans trying to interfere with state officials’ verification of voter registrations. Private entities like the GOP Party have no standing to sue for enforcement of the Help America Vote Act, the Court said. This ruling will make it harder for GOPers to suppress Democratic votes in Ohio.
too funny.
@50 It really demonstrates how idiotic wingers are, doesn’t it? And we let these fools vote? The horror!
Wow. Troll is all projection, all the time!
I find it most amusing that he seems to think you have to be personally approved by Goldy to post comments here and that somehow Goldy excludes people of color from doing so. He accuses Goldy of whipping up hatred against Governor Palin while studiously ignoring her vicious, underhanded and dangerous race- and terrorism-baiting comments directed towards Senator Obama.
I think a majority of mental health professionals would agree, this degree of denial and self-delusion calls for professional help!
Iglesias: “I’m Astounded” By DOJ’s ACORN Probe
By Zachary Roth – October 16, 2008, 6:50PM
David Iglesias says he’s shocked by the news, leaked today to the Associated Press, that the FBI is pursuing a voter-fraud investigation into ACORN just weeks before the election.
“I’m astounded that this issue is being trotted out again,” Iglesias told TPMmuckraker. “Based on what I saw in 2004 and 2006, it’s a scare tactic.” In 2006, Iglesias was fired as U.S. attorney thanks partly to his reluctance to pursue voter-fraud cases as aggressively as DOJ wanted — one of several U.S. attorneys fired for inappropriate political reasons, according to a recently released report by DOJ’s Office of the Inspector General.
Iglesias, who has been the most outspoken of the fired U.S. attorneys, went on to say that the FBI’s investigation seemed designed to inappropriately create a “boogeyman” out of voter fraud.
And he added that it “stands to reason” that the investigation was launched in response to GOP complaints. In recent weeks, national Republican figures — including John McCain at last night’s debate — have sought to make an issue out of ACORN’s voter-registration activities.
As we noted earlier, last year, Sen. Dianne Feinstein publicly highlighted changes made to DOJ’s election crimes manual, which lowered the bar for voter-fraud prosecutions, and made it easier to bring vote-fraud cases close to the election.
Speaking today to TPMmuckraker, Iglesias called such changes “extremely problematic.”
The way in which the news was revealed today — Associated Press sourced its report to two “senior law enforcement officials” who “spoke on condition of anonymity because Justice Department regulations forbid discussing ongoing investigations particularly so close to an election” — is also raising eyebrows.
Both Iglesias and Bud Cummins — another of the U.S. attorneys who, according to the IG report, was also fired for political reasons — told TPMmuckraker that DOJ guidelines do allow US attorneys to speak publicly about an investigation, even before bringing an indictment, if it’s to allay public concern over an issue.
But that certainly wouldn’t cover anonymous leaks. “If you can’t say it with your name on it, it’s fair to say you should not be saying it,” Cummins told TPMmuckraker.
Earlier this afternoon, House Judiciary Chair John Conyers (D-MI) released a letter he sent to Attorney General Michael Mukasey and FBI director Robert Mueller, which connected today’s news to the U.S. attorney firings, and to recent GOP efforts to stoke fears over voter fraud.
Ragan and both Bushs did not turn back Roe v Wade and they expect us to think that McCain will? Riddle me this batman, what canadate seems more religious to you? Both in an every day and fundemental sense? We all know the religious right arent in love with McCain. While Obama campains with church nuts in the south who want to “Pray away the gay”. Come on people, if we are truly the ones we have been waiting for and want to “fix these broken polotics” dont you think we should get back to real issues like energy, tax policy and healthcare and get rid of these destracting scare issues. The point is each party likes to scare people into not voting for other guy, vote republican or terroists will kill your children! vote democrat or the supreem court will some how turn back 100 years of civil rights! Can we all grow up yet, nethier of these things will happen. Anyone who votes as a one issue voter bassed on these old atacks are the ones who are preventing real change and real issue bassed polotics. We need to expect more from our leaders than just protecting the status quo.
Did you buy WMI yesterday @ 29 like I told you to???
I bought it at $29.50.
It’s trading at $30.70.
Rather than spew hate & show a creepy interest in goat fornication, why not focus on making money?? You KLOWNS spend soooooo much time & energy on bullshit….if you put half that energy into research and had a little more sack, you’d be Conservative like me!
You KLOWNS are a bunch of ANGRY NEW AGE PROGRESSIVE ATHEISTS. Your alleged minds are overflowing with hatred because you have no spiritual foundation.
Keep floundering if you must.
But there is a better way.
21. Blog Reader spews:
Troll and Mr. Cynical there is a blog for you guys. It’s called the National Review. Here’s a sample commentary:
Ed Whelan baselessly speculates in the National Review that Barack Obama’s deceased mother “very possibly” would have aborted her son had Roe v. Wade been law at the time:
Nearly 48 years ago, a young woman, not yet 18, became pregnant in her freshman year of college. Living in a time and place in which abortion was generally illegal, she proceeded to marry the father of her child and gave birth to a son. Perhaps she would have done so irrespective of the abortion laws at the time, even if, say, she lived in a legal culture that celebrated abortion as a fundamental right. Very possibly not. (I haven’t found any statistics on the percentage of pregnant college freshmen who abort their pregnancies, but indirect indications suggest that it’s very high.)
Barack Obama may actually believe, as he stated yesterday, that Roe v. Wade “was rightly decided.” But it may be very lucky for him, as the son born of that woman, that it hadn’t been decided a dozen or so years earlier.
I agree it’s a waste of time to speculate. O-blah-blah’s mommy was a free spirit of the early 60’s. She abandoned him with Grandma for a couple of years. She was a very hardcore Liberal. Whelan may very well be correct that had abortion been readily available, O-blah-blah would have been murdered in the womb….sucked out in a bloody mass & tossed in the garbage. But fortunately, he wasn’t!
I wonder if O-blah-blah ever thought about this?
34. proud leftist spews:
“Blog Reader
I have to cast my vote for Troll. He gets extra points for combining annoying inanity and unwarranted smugness with his stupidity. I guess I would have to go with Marvin for the VP position–he edges out Cynical, in my view.”
Thanks PL (I think)!
You generosity in this post must be the Christian in you!
PL, do you understand you are the only KLOWN who is a believer??
The rest of your ilk are a bunch of angry, proud, self-proclaimed ATHEISTS!
As a believer, do you spend time with other believers? I sure hope so….because these ANGRY ATHEISTS will drag you down into their own fecal-matter laden hole.
Look out Troll! With 55 & 56 Mr. Cynical is surging back in the stupid contest. Chortling about making a couple bucks yesterday; bragging about being a conservative in a time that conservatives have almost bankrupted the country and indebted it for generations to come. And his best one. He says speculation is a wate of time and he speculates. What a stupid asshole. What a worn out old goat fucker.
And I see that Delbert has entered the contest and Marvin will be here in a little while with his competitive bit. Step up the pace Troll. You have some serious competition for most stupid motherfucker to post at HA.
And Goldy, why do you take shit off these assholes? Let them call you a coward and worse.
So why are you here Mr. Cynical? You can brag about your stock market prowess at rightwing blogs.
Oh that’s right: you are competing in a stupid contest. Good luck! You are a real contender in a very competitive field.
I just thought I’d point out that the text quoted at 28 is from a Republican Party press release. I would guess that’s why there weren’t any links to the source.
You got a link to a medical doctor making that diagnosis?
Or is this just another smear by a clueless democrat?
Yeah troll, step it up.
Between blog reader and steve the competition for most ignorant is getting stiff.
Of course blog reader is a sockpuppet for one the horsesass regulars that have been punked by us trolls.
At least you understand that to compete in a stupid contest would require him to post the same place you do.
To be the stupidist, you gotta beat the stupidist.
To be honest, nothing personal against Troll, but I don’t think he can compete with you. You’ve got some serious talent.
@59 It’s still possible that the Pudzoid could pull out a win in the Stupid Contest. When he gets cranked up, he he spew the stupid like no one else.
I don’t know. If Marvin (63)thinks Troll is most stupid that’s a judgment by a prominent peer.
And if you read Marvin’s recent offerings above you’ll agree he’s still competitive.
PuddyPud will be here in a little while and, no doubt, entering the competition with gusto-and great natural talent. Combined with Mr. Cynical, Troll, Marvin and Delbert and Mark the Racist Redneck Republican and others that’s a lot of contestants.
With so many strong contenders for most stupid wingnut at HA, perhaps we should come up with some sub-categories of stupidity.
“Obama and his wife, I’m concerned that they could be anti-white. That he might hide that.”
Not that there’s anything racist going on on the right or anything…
You’re welcome.
I attend church, not every week but fairly regularly. I’m a liberal because of my faith. Matthew 25, as I read it, leaves little choice.
Let’s see, we have Marvin, the studio musician who couldn’t recognize a major scale if his goat sang, “do-re-me”, to him. With Pudz we have a goatfucker with a self-loathing score that is off the fucking scale. Cynical, with his fabricated life as an investor/rancher living in Montana while posting hate on a Puget Sound blog all day? Easy life, that ranching biz, huh? Life is likely far less easy for his poor, hapless goat. Troll? Somehow, “unwarranted smugness” doesn’t quite do that goatfucker’s delusions justice.
So much stupid. Amazing.
Check out these two short videos of McCain supporters at McCain/Palin rallies. And check out the report by the journalist who was assaulted at a rally. these are the kind of folks I imagine HA wingnuts to be. Considering the empirical evidence provided to us in the past eight years that the Republicans hate and want to destroy America, who but a sociopath or traitor would vote Republican?
If Mr. Cynical is a real Montana rancher he’s hauling in the government welfare by the bucketfull.
Out there in brokeback country all alone with Rush on the radio and only a few goats for company…
@65 “With so many strong contenders for most stupid wingnut at HA, perhaps we should come up with some sub-categories of stupidity.”
Right off the top I can come up with “Most Self-Loathing” (that’s gotta be Pudz), “Most Delusional” (that’d be down to the wire between Cynical and Marvin), “Most Vile Goatfucker” and “Most Hate Spewed” (they all contend for these two. It should be quit competitive).
Marvin’s mental breakdown and subsequent relapses last month should earn him a special honor, perhaps a “Special Achievement” award.
Hmm, let’s not forget Jane Blalough’s Dog. She doesn’t post often, but when she does it’s always something really stupid. Double points for when she signs off “hee, hee” or “roof, roof”.
From the LA Times:
McCain’s broken marriage fractured other ties as well
The nature and timing of his divorce from Carol Shepp alienated key friends – and his version doesn’t always match that in court documents.
By Ralph Vartabedian and Richard A. Serrano
July 11, 2008 in print edition A-1
Outside her Bel-Air home, Nancy Reagan stood arm in arm with John McCain and offered a significant – but less than exuberant – endorsement.
“Ronnie and I always waited until everything was decided, and then we endorsed,” the Republican matriarch said in March. “Well, obviously this is the nominee of the party.” They were the only words she would speak during the five-minute photo op.
In a written statement, she described McCain as “a good friend for over 30 years.” But that friendship was strained in the late 1970s by McCain’s decision to divorce his first wife, Carol, who was particularly close to the Reagans, and within weeks marry Cindy Hensley, the young heiress to a lucrative Arizona beer distributorship.
The Reagans rushed to help Carol, finding her a new home in Southern California with the family of Reagan aide Edwin Meese III and a series of political and White House jobs to ease her through that difficult time.
McCain, who is about to become the GOP nominee, has made several statements about how he divorced Carol and married Hensley that conflict with the public record.
In his 2002 memoir, “Worth the Fighting For,” McCain wrote that he had separated from Carol before he began dating Hensley.
“I spent as much time with Cindy in Washington and Arizona as our jobs would allow,” McCain wrote. “I was separated from Carol, but our divorce would not become final until February of 1980.”
An examination of court documents tells a different story. McCain did not sue his wife for divorce until Feb. 19, 1980, and he wrote in his court petition that he and his wife had “cohabited” until Jan. 7 of that year – or for the first nine months of his relationship with Hensley.
Although McCain suggested in his autobiography that months passed between his divorce and remarriage, the divorce was granted April 2, 1980, and he wed Hensley in a private ceremony five weeks later. McCain obtained an Arizona marriage license on March 6, 1980, while still legally married to his first wife.
Until McCain filed for divorce, the Reagans and their inner circle assumed he was happily married, and they were stunned to learn otherwise, according to several close aides.
“Everybody was upset with him,” recalled Nancy Reynolds, a top aide to the former president who introduced him to McCain.
By contrast, some of McCain’s friends, including the Senate aide who was at the reception where McCain first met Hensley, believed he was separated at that time.
Albert “Pete” Lakeland, the aide who was with McCain at the reception in Hawaii in April 1979, said of the introduction to Hensley: “It was like he was struck by Cupid’s arrow. He was just enormously smitten.”
As the pair began dating, Lakeland allowed them to spend a weekend together at his summer home in Maryland, he said.
The senator has acknowledged that he behaved badly, and that his swift divorce and remarriage brought a cold shoulder from the Reagans that lasted years.
In a recent interview, McCain said he did not want to revisit the breakup of his marriage. “I have a very good relationship with my first wife,” he said. In his autobiography, he wrote: “My marriage’s collapse was attributable to my own selfishness and immaturity. The blame was entirely mine.”
Tucker Bounds, a McCain campaign spokesman, said: “Of course we will not comment on the breakup of the senator’s first marriage, other than to note that the senator has always taken responsibility for it.”
Carol McCain did not respond to a request for an interview.
About all she has ever said is this to McCain biographer Robert Timberg: “John was turning 40 and wanting to be 25 again.”
After leaving the White House, Carol McCain worked in press relations in the Washington area, retiring about five years ago after working for the National Soft Drink Assn. She now lives in Virginia Beach, Va., and has not remarried. She has two sons from an earlier marriage: Andy, a vice president at Cindy McCain’s beer distributorship, and Doug, a commercial airline pilot.
Carol and John McCain had a daughter, Sidney, who works in the music industry in Canada.
John McCain, who calls himself “a foot soldier in the Reagan revolution,” said in his memoir: “My divorce from Carol, whom the Reagans loved, caused a change in our relationship. Nancy … was particularly upset with me and treated me on the few occasions we encountered each other after I came to Congress with a cool correctness that made her displeasure clear.
“I had, of course, deserved the change in our relationship.”
Joanne Drake, spokeswoman for Nancy Reagan, did not return phone calls seeking comment.
The first Mrs. McCain
McCain met Carol Shepp through a mutual friend and fellow midshipman at the Naval Academy, from which McCain graduated in 1958. That friend, Alasdair E. Swanson, married her in 1958. In the early 1960s, the Swansons lived in Pensacola, Fla., where Alasdair Swanson and McCain served as Navy pilots.
But that marriage ended in June 1964 after Carol sued for divorce, alleging that her husband had been unfaithful.
According to McCain, he started seeing Carol shortly afterward. They were married in Philadelphia, her hometown, in July 1965. McCain adopted her two sons, and they had a daughter together. Then in October 1967, McCain’s plane was shot down and he was captured by the North Vietnamese.
She became active in the POW-MIA movement. A former model, she dedicated herself to her children and kept the family together, friends said, while awaiting his return.
“She had the perseverance to carry on,” said Melinda Fitzwater, a cousin of McCain’s who later worked with Carol McCain at the White House. “She had a little baby and small kids. She was a great, unique person.”
On Christmas Eve 1969, while she was driving alone in Philadelphia, Carol McCain’s car skidded and struck a utility pole. Thrown into the snow, she broke both legs, an arm and her pelvis. She was operated on a dozen times, and in the treatment she lost about 5 inches in height.
After John McCain was released in March 1973 and returned to the U.S., he told friends that Carol was not the woman he had married.
Reynolds, working for then-California Gov. Ronald Reagan, said she first met the couple in San Francisco at a reception for ex-prisoners. She later introduced them to the Reagans at their home in Pacific Palisades.
“They were just an attractive couple,” Reynolds said. “The Reagans had great admiration and respect for John.”
In 1974, Reagan invited McCain to speak at a governor’s prayer breakfast in Sacramento. The former prisoner of war told the story of a fellow captive who had scratched a prayer on a cell wall. Ronald and Nancy Reagan were reduced to tears. It was “the most moving speech I had ever heard,” Reynolds said.
In the next few years, family and friends said, there was no sign that McCain was unhappy in his marriage. Fitzwater recalled visiting the family on Thanksgivings, and McCain seemed content barbecuing a turkey on his outdoor grill near Jacksonville, Fla.
Navy officers in the squadron McCain commanded in 1977 said they did not know anything was wrong. “When I went to parties at their home, everything seemed fine,” said Mike Akin, a naval flying instructor. “They seemed to be a happily married couple.”
But two years later, while on a trip as a Navy liaison with the Senate, McCain spied Hensley at the Honolulu reception. In a recent television interview with Jay Leno on the “Tonight Show,” Cindy McCain joked about how the Navy captain had pursued her. “He kind of chased me around … the hors d’oeuvre table,” she said. “I was trying to get something to eat and I thought, ‘This guy’s kind of weird.’ I was kind of trying to get away from him.”
John McCain was 42; she was 24. During the next nine months, he would fly to Arizona or she would come to the Washington area, where McCain and Carol had a home.
Carol McCain later told friends, including Reynolds and Fitzwater, that she did not know he was seeing anyone else.
John McCain sued for divorce in Fort Walton Beach, Fla., where his friend and fellow former POW, George E. “Bud” Day, practiced law and could represent him.
In the petition, he stated that the couple had “cohabited as husband and wife” until Jan. 7, 1980.
His wife did not contest the divorce, and Day said that the couple had reached an agreement in advance on support and division of property. By then she was living in La Mesa, in San Diego County, with the family of Meese, a close Reagan aide and future attorney general.
“We knew John and Carol both since he came back from Hanoi in 1973,” Meese said recently. “They have been friends of ours ever since.
“She was with us for maybe four or five months. Their daughter and our daughter were friends, and they went to school together.”
Carol McCain was distraught at being blindsided by her husband’s intention to end their marriage, said her friends in the Reagan circle.
“They [the Reagans] weren’t happy with him,” Fitzwater said. Carol McCain “was this little, frail person… . She was brokenhearted.”
By that time, Nancy Reagan had come to Carol McCain’s aid, hiring her as a press assistant in the 1980 presidential campaign.
When the Reagans moved to Washington, she was named director of the White House Visitors Office.
“Nancy Reagan was crazy about her,” Reynolds said. “But everybody was crazy about Carol McCain… . And the Meeses were very generous and helpful and comforting to her.”
Fitzwater said that living in Southern California and working on the Reagan campaign helped Carol McCain move past the loss of her marriage.
“It was perfect for her. She was traveling, and it took her mind off a very, very sad time for her.”
Ya gotta give McCain credit: he’s got that Republican Christian values hypocrisy thing down, don’t he? What do we learn next? He’s been snorting speed and sleeping with
goatssome gay prostitute?Abortion ought to be mandatory in cases of rape and incest. It should also be mandatory for poor people who can’t afford kids in the first place. Maybe the better way is to give poor men reversible vasectomies: when they prove they can support a kid, then they can have the vasectomies reversed.
59. Blog Reader spews:
So why are you here Mr. Cynical? You can brag about your stock market prowess at rightwing blogs.
I am trying to help you KLOWNS participate & prosper in the system you are trying your damnedest to tear down. I’m trying to show at least one of you that you can invest & prosper…instead of bitch and look to O-blah-blah to give you handouts.
67. proud leftist spews:
“You’re welcome.
I attend church, not every week but fairly regularly. I’m a liberal because of my faith. Matthew 25, as I read it, leaves little choice.”
One thing I would ask you to consider in reading Matthew 25….it doesn’t say “the government” should be our charitable provider.
It is our individual responsibility.
The KLOWNS here can say what they will, but I will but up our families track of financial & time donations vs. anyone here.
I don’t if most of the KLOWNS give away $1,000/yr. to non-political, help mankind causes much less $20,000+.
PL–You are in a mighty rough crowd of hardcore, angry Atheists…perhaps you could teach them the value of faith??
It’s worth a shot.
They foolishly tend to judge all people of faith by the failures of individuals who are at the core flawed. The ATHEIST KLOWNS take joy in the failures of others.
Not my cup of tea.
@75 “I am trying to help you KLOWNS”
Geez, and I thought you made up that trading bullshit in a pathetic attempt to conceal your personal inadaquacies, your financial failures, and your inability to achieve anything meaningful in life. My bad.
@76 “The KLOWNS here can say what they will”
Cynical fucks goats.
Got an email from Maria Cantwell about her no vote on the bailout bill.
So hey assholes…
Barak Obama is going to be the 44th President of the United States of America.
You gonna get on board and work for change for all Americans…you know pitch in so everyone can have a piece of the American Dream?
Things are looking bad for obama!!
The AP-Yahoo poll proves it.
The headline-
Paragraph 5
Starting out with 121 more democrats and the best he can do is only be up 5%?
Things are looking bad for obama!!
The AP-Yahoo poll proves it.
The headline-
Paragraph 5
Starting out with 121 more democrats and the best he can do is only be up by 5%?
@80 If you go back through the thread you’ll see that you’re a contender in the “Stupid Troll” contest. This last post of yours was likely worth a few points but don’t forget, you’ve got some very serious competition. Just look at RightStuff. The dumb fuck is racking up some points this afternoon while you were out fucking the goat.
I don’t blame you for not commenting on the bias in the poll.
As long as it’s you calling me stupid I’m okay with it.
I just hope you’re smart enough to remember in a couple weeks when obama loses that I pointed it out to you in all these biased polls. Ah, never mind. You’re not that smart, I’ll save the link for you.
@82 Poll bias? The only people claiming to be Republicans these days are fucktards like yourself – pedos, goatfuckers and penis-pumpers…
Words of wisdom from a 50+ year old man.