Goldy, over-posting of Palin pieces, and your under-posting of Obama pieces makes me wonder something.
In the history of HA, how post have been written by a black person? Does HA currently have any blacks with posting privileges? Has it ever?
(BTW, your obsession over Palin isn’t just disturbing, it’s becoming predictable and boring).
blue johnspews:
That’s priceless.
Troll, how is that relevant? You might as well ask how many left handed Lithuanian lesbians of color post at FreeRepublic? How does this matter?
I believe the frequent and divisive bashing of Palin is meant to plant the seeds of hatred and intolerance toward her, and it may even lead to violence. I believe what is being done is a form of hate speech. I have no doubt about that.
Dick Kleinknechtspews:
Impaling Palin has become a National sport. Please find more videos/pics and link to everything you can find.
blue johnspews:
So Troll, how would someone who was black, think about palin? My partner, who is black, thinks she is a joke.
Can you point to pro-Gregoire pieces on HA? Yes. Can you proint to pro-Burner pieces on HA? Yes. But can you point to pro-Obama pieces? They are very rare. You’re much, much more likely to see just a bunch of McCain/Palin-bashing.
I’m wondering why that is. Why does he have such a hard time saying something nice about Obama?
blue johnspews:
Troll, feel free to start your own blog, if you feel that HA is not covering your viewpoint. That’s the joy of the internet.
You can post why you like Obama there.
Marvin Stamnspews:
2. Troll spews:
Goldy, over-posting of Palin pieces, and your under-posting of Obama pieces makes me wonder something.
Wonder as in why does goldy avoid writing anything good about a black man or wonder as in does goldy find anythng good about obama to write.
I know, goldy and his friends will point out this is a local blog… I guess palin lives in seattle considering how many threads are about her.
In the history of HA, how post have been written by a black person? Does HA currently have any blacks with posting privileges? Has it ever?
I’ll stick up for goldy on this one. I doubt that goldy would delete a post from someone just because they are black. Of course headless lucy would, but he doesn’t have the ability to do so.
But you might have a point about a thread from a black man/woman. But then how many black people read blogs by angry white men.
On a side note…
It’s not just republicans seeing the bias in the media for obama, and smart democrats are not ashamed to admit it unlike the posters here.
The media’s been in the tank for Obama since 2004 — this is their dream candidate, and they groomed him into a Messiah. If you think the media’s ever going to tell any truth that’s inconvenient for their chosen One, then you’re just stupid.
Yes – the media is promoting Obama, to the point where media figures like Chris Matthews actually campaign for Obama in states like Pennsylvania (which he did, in person, the weekend of October 12-13).
If you read the article it will remind you that just because biased polls are in obama’s favor doesn’t mean the polls are accurate.
And something I want to add…
15 million new obama voters in los angeles/san francisco/new york mean nothing, those states already vote against their best interests. Remember that when obama loses and you whine about all the new obama voters.
No. I’m not going anywhere. The difference between me and you is I am not afraid to speak out against my own Democratic party when I see hate and intolerance and hate-speech being committed.
9 out of the top 10 cities with the highest murder rates have Democratic mayors. Tell me how Democrats are the best party for blacks?
Okay, Troll, let’s talk about the fact that after approx. 1/3 of the total bailout package was spent by Bush’s treasury secretary buying bank stock. Instead of resolving the fundamental problems in our economy, the Bush administration is focused only on treating the symptoms experienced by those closest to them: stockholders in banks (at least, those that haven’t collapsed yet).
The bailout “stimulous” resulted Friday in a one-day rise of 900+ points, which was trumped as the “biggest one-day point rise in the dow”. But yesterday saw modest losses, and today the Dow posted a 733.08 point loss, effectively surrendering in two days all but a fraction of what it gained on Friday.
The published expectation was that investors were concerned over evidence of rescession.
But an equally plausible explanation is that a few Wall Street brokers made a quick killing by buying early Friday morning based upon insider news that the Treasury Dept. was entereing the market, and then selling today to generate some (very) short-term profits. All paid for by taxes paid by our children and grandchildren, thank you very much.
At this point the question of whether our current Republican administration is motivated by greed and artful design or mere incompetence and negligence is no longer the point. We can no longer afford to have the Republican Party control any branch of our government in any shape or manner.
John McCain proclaiming himself to be a “Maverick” isn’t the point. You can’t vote for the leader of the Republican Party based upon his claim that he’s against the Republican Party. You not only elect the man, you elect his team. And it’s a troubling “team” he would have to bring with him.
I have a homework assignment for everyone. I want you to go back and look at the last 30 days of posts on HA. I want you to tally how many pro-Obama pieces you count. How many pro-Biden pieces you count. How many anti-McCain pieces you count. Then how many anti-Palin pieces you count.
Go do that, then come back here with your totals.
proud leftistspews:
Sarah Palin provides endless amusement and entertainment. She is truly the gift that keeps giving (and a constant reminder of how poor John McCain’s judgment is). To not post about her would be wrong; we all, other than those like you whose heads are lodged so deeply up Karl Rove’s asshole that they can watch his bowels churning), need more mirth in our lives. Palin perpetually provides it.
@13 Nothing wrong with you asking. Just like there’s nothing wrong with my pointing out that you, Cynical, Pudz and Marvin all fuck goats.
@14 “come back here with your totals”
Counting yourself, I come up with six trolls who fuck goats.
These wingnuts are too stupid for words.
The theme of this blog is REPUBLICANS SUCK.
They’ve been horrible for this country. We won’t stop talking about them until they’re run out of power and have little to no chance of coming back to ruin it again.
@11: Moron – those are the dumbest statistics I have ever seen. Democrats dominate in the cities and crime is higher in the cities. Did you get a Ph.D. in idiocy? You could not string a logical argument together if it hit you in the face. You scratch the surface of an issue and then think you have tunneled to china – what you don’t know astonishes every thinking person.
Why are there so many articles on Palin? Because she is totally incompetent and a 72 year old heart beat away from possibly being president. Has there eveer been a candidate for VP with more flaws, more problems, who has lied more and who has shown themselves to be so completely ignorant of basic facts about government? Even Spiro Agnew had a vocabulary that was more than what Sarah Palin displays. she is a total embarassment. The nattering nabobs of negativity are even embarassed by the quintessential know-nothing.
Troll is at least honest about what he is. Trolls are not here to advance the conversation – they’re here to interrupt it with bullshit.
and in the case of “Troll” it is definitely right wing bullshit.
What conversation? Without disagreement, there is no conversation, merely a mutual admiration society.
Marvin Stamnspews:
11. Troll spews:
9 out of the top 10 cities with the highest murder rates have Democratic mayors. Tell me how Democrats are the best party for blacks?
Simple answer.
The democrats no longer lynch and turn the hoses/dogs on blacks like they used to love to do.
Democrats have now figured out it’s better to let blacks kill each other in record numbers. Keeps their hands clean this way.
You never hear democrats complaining about the number of black youth being gunned down in the streets of america.
Well, they did make a big stink about that Bryd guy that was tragically dragged to his death in texas so they could try to paint bush as a racist.
Did you know more blacks were killed in chicago over the summer than troops in the war? Of course democrats don’t talk about that either.
Marvin Stamnspews:
21. I-Burn spews:
What conversation? Without disagreement, there is no conversation, merely a mutual admiration society.
Conversation = how much you hate republicans.
Anything else is a distraction.
Unhinged troll at 11:
Tell me how Democrats are the best party for blacks?
We’re not the best party for “blacks” we’re the best party for people who want a fair and equal shot at living the American Dream.
We’re the party that was present at the formation of our nation. We’re the party that brought 40 hour work weeks, child labor laws, regulated capitalism, a way out of the Great Depression, won two world wars at the same time, won the race to the moon, and created the greatest expanse of wealth for the common person in the history of the world in the ’90’s.
Stop making everything a racial issue. Time to grow up and abandon your antiquated thoughts.
Reagan Republicanism is on life support now. And, on November 4th, 2008, the great and wise American citizens will finally “pull the plug” on your political ideology.
Marvin Stamnspews:
16. Steve spews:
@13 Nothing wrong with you asking. Just like there’s nothing wrong with my pointing out that you, Cynical, Pudz and Marvin all fuck goats.
Words of wisdom from a 50+ year old.
Marvin Stamnspews:
19. correctnotright spews:
Democrats dominate in the cities and crime is higher in the cities
And what are democrats doing to solve that problem?
Banning guns didn’t help.
What do you suggest democrats do to make the streets of this country safe for innocent black people?
Should they follow the lead of bill clinton and put more blacks in jail?
Follow the lead of joe biden and make more laws that are racially unjust? (use crack go to jail, use coke get probation)
Or you could just ignore the plight of poor black people. Whichever works best for your party.
Marvin Stamnspews:
24. GBS spews:
Stop making everything a racial issue.
Good point…
I remember mcsame saying “they are going to tell you I don’t look like the people on the money.”
My Left Footspews:
You are no Democrat. Are you a fool? Yes! Are you arrogant? Certainly!! Are you a Republican? Absolutely!!!
For you to claim otherwise invites the wrath of your chosen God.
Get the meds adjusted and take a nap.
@24 “the great and wise American citizens will finally “pull the plug” on your political ideology”
Perhaps in November Goldy will pull the plug on trolls, seeing as how they only have three weeks of relevancy left. After that, not so much.
Marvin Stamnspews:
24. GBS spews:
we’re the best party for people who want a fair and equal shot at living the American Dream.
on November 4th, 2008, the great and wise American citizens
The great and wise ones like this that are voting for obama and don’t even know palin isn’t his veep pick?
I don’t understand why the people that are so supportive of obama are scared to call him a socialist?
What are you afraid of??
Marvin Stamnspews:
29. Steve spews:
Perhaps in November Goldy will pull the plug on trolls, seeing as how they only have three weeks of relevancy left. After that, not so much.
Don’t worry, when mcsame wins I’m sure us trolls won’t go away.
But I do understand why you would want goldy to pull the plug on our gloating.
It’s not going to be fun for your side.
You will have to go back to the old days and talk about hanging chads, stolen votes, etc.
@31 “It’s not going to be fun for your side.”
In your delusional dreams, you America-hating, fascist goatfucker.
My Left Footspews:
I want whatever you are smoking. McSame is buried. Finished. Done. Kaput.
This is what happens to your mind when you fuck goats.
Since Goldy won’t answer my question about how many black people have had posting privileges on HA, am I am assume that he is ashamed to admit that NOT ONE BLACK PERSON HAS EVER BEEN ASKED OR ALLOWED TO MAKE A POST ON HORSES ASS?!?!
proud leftistspews:
I have a homework assignment for you: go fuck yourself.
Left handed Lithuanian lesbians of color are hot!
Sorry, couldn’t help myself.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Maybe the Brits should stay out of our political campaigns. Do we involve ourselves in their political events? Who we elect is none of their business.
Marvin Stamnspews:
32. Steve spews:
In your delusional dreams, you America-hating, fascist goatfucker.
Excellent writing skills for a 50+ year old man.
#34: Do you always ask stupid questions?
The whole point of being race neutral is so that we don’t have to know the race of person and can consider and judge them on the content of their character. A famous man said that – look it up.
The internet is the perfect place to do this – we don’t need to see the person – just to get their thoughts in writing. If you have a problem with equality – just say so. Otherwise – shut your prejudiced face.
blue johnspews:
#36 Yeah, all 5 of them!
blue johnspews:
You think the discussions we have about palin skills and abilities are unpleasant? Check how they discuss the issues and Obama over the Free Republic.
They must make the conservatives proud.
I love the Guardian. How’s my fantasy football team doing? Oh, I’m in 43,000th place.
Goldy, over-posting of Palin pieces, and your under-posting of Obama pieces makes me wonder something.
In the history of HA, how post have been written by a black person? Does HA currently have any blacks with posting privileges? Has it ever?
(BTW, your obsession over Palin isn’t just disturbing, it’s becoming predictable and boring).
That’s priceless.
Troll, how is that relevant? You might as well ask how many left handed Lithuanian lesbians of color post at FreeRepublic? How does this matter?
I believe the frequent and divisive bashing of Palin is meant to plant the seeds of hatred and intolerance toward her, and it may even lead to violence. I believe what is being done is a form of hate speech. I have no doubt about that.
Impaling Palin has become a National sport. Please find more videos/pics and link to everything you can find.
So Troll, how would someone who was black, think about palin? My partner, who is black, thinks she is a joke.
Can you point to pro-Gregoire pieces on HA? Yes. Can you proint to pro-Burner pieces on HA? Yes. But can you point to pro-Obama pieces? They are very rare. You’re much, much more likely to see just a bunch of McCain/Palin-bashing.
I’m wondering why that is. Why does he have such a hard time saying something nice about Obama?
Troll, feel free to start your own blog, if you feel that HA is not covering your viewpoint. That’s the joy of the internet.
You can post why you like Obama there.
Wonder as in why does goldy avoid writing anything good about a black man or wonder as in does goldy find anythng good about obama to write.
I know, goldy and his friends will point out this is a local blog… I guess palin lives in seattle considering how many threads are about her.
I’ll stick up for goldy on this one. I doubt that goldy would delete a post from someone just because they are black. Of course headless lucy would, but he doesn’t have the ability to do so.
But you might have a point about a thread from a black man/woman. But then how many black people read blogs by angry white men.
On a side note…
It’s not just republicans seeing the bias in the media for obama, and smart democrats are not ashamed to admit it unlike the posters here.
If you read the article it will remind you that just because biased polls are in obama’s favor doesn’t mean the polls are accurate.
And something I want to add…
15 million new obama voters in los angeles/san francisco/new york mean nothing, those states already vote against their best interests. Remember that when obama loses and you whine about all the new obama voters.
No. I’m not going anywhere. The difference between me and you is I am not afraid to speak out against my own Democratic party when I see hate and intolerance and hate-speech being committed.
9 out of the top 10 cities with the highest murder rates have Democratic mayors. Tell me how Democrats are the best party for blacks?
Okay, Troll, let’s talk about the fact that after approx. 1/3 of the total bailout package was spent by Bush’s treasury secretary buying bank stock. Instead of resolving the fundamental problems in our economy, the Bush administration is focused only on treating the symptoms experienced by those closest to them: stockholders in banks (at least, those that haven’t collapsed yet).
The bailout “stimulous” resulted Friday in a one-day rise of 900+ points, which was trumped as the “biggest one-day point rise in the dow”. But yesterday saw modest losses, and today the Dow posted a 733.08 point loss, effectively surrendering in two days all but a fraction of what it gained on Friday.
The published expectation was that investors were concerned over evidence of rescession.
But an equally plausible explanation is that a few Wall Street brokers made a quick killing by buying early Friday morning based upon insider news that the Treasury Dept. was entereing the market, and then selling today to generate some (very) short-term profits. All paid for by taxes paid by our children and grandchildren, thank you very much.
At this point the question of whether our current Republican administration is motivated by greed and artful design or mere incompetence and negligence is no longer the point. We can no longer afford to have the Republican Party control any branch of our government in any shape or manner.
John McCain proclaiming himself to be a “Maverick” isn’t the point. You can’t vote for the leader of the Republican Party based upon his claim that he’s against the Republican Party. You not only elect the man, you elect his team. And it’s a troubling “team” he would have to bring with him.
What’s wrong with me asking if Goldy has ever given a black person posting privileges on HA?
I have a homework assignment for everyone. I want you to go back and look at the last 30 days of posts on HA. I want you to tally how many pro-Obama pieces you count. How many pro-Biden pieces you count. How many anti-McCain pieces you count. Then how many anti-Palin pieces you count.
Go do that, then come back here with your totals.
Sarah Palin provides endless amusement and entertainment. She is truly the gift that keeps giving (and a constant reminder of how poor John McCain’s judgment is). To not post about her would be wrong; we all, other than those like you whose heads are lodged so deeply up Karl Rove’s asshole that they can watch his bowels churning), need more mirth in our lives. Palin perpetually provides it.
@13 Nothing wrong with you asking. Just like there’s nothing wrong with my pointing out that you, Cynical, Pudz and Marvin all fuck goats.
@14 “come back here with your totals”
Counting yourself, I come up with six trolls who fuck goats.
These wingnuts are too stupid for words.
The theme of this blog is REPUBLICANS SUCK.
They’ve been horrible for this country. We won’t stop talking about them until they’re run out of power and have little to no chance of coming back to ruin it again.
@11: Moron – those are the dumbest statistics I have ever seen. Democrats dominate in the cities and crime is higher in the cities. Did you get a Ph.D. in idiocy? You could not string a logical argument together if it hit you in the face. You scratch the surface of an issue and then think you have tunneled to china – what you don’t know astonishes every thinking person.
Why are there so many articles on Palin? Because she is totally incompetent and a 72 year old heart beat away from possibly being president. Has there eveer been a candidate for VP with more flaws, more problems, who has lied more and who has shown themselves to be so completely ignorant of basic facts about government? Even Spiro Agnew had a vocabulary that was more than what Sarah Palin displays. she is a total embarassment. The nattering nabobs of negativity are even embarassed by the quintessential know-nothing.
Troll is at least honest about what he is. Trolls are not here to advance the conversation – they’re here to interrupt it with bullshit.
and in the case of “Troll” it is definitely right wing bullshit.
What conversation? Without disagreement, there is no conversation, merely a mutual admiration society.
Simple answer.
The democrats no longer lynch and turn the hoses/dogs on blacks like they used to love to do.
Democrats have now figured out it’s better to let blacks kill each other in record numbers. Keeps their hands clean this way.
You never hear democrats complaining about the number of black youth being gunned down in the streets of america.
Well, they did make a big stink about that Bryd guy that was tragically dragged to his death in texas so they could try to paint bush as a racist.
Did you know more blacks were killed in chicago over the summer than troops in the war? Of course democrats don’t talk about that either.
Conversation = how much you hate republicans.
Anything else is a distraction.
Unhinged troll at 11:
Tell me how Democrats are the best party for blacks?
We’re not the best party for “blacks” we’re the best party for people who want a fair and equal shot at living the American Dream.
We’re the party that was present at the formation of our nation. We’re the party that brought 40 hour work weeks, child labor laws, regulated capitalism, a way out of the Great Depression, won two world wars at the same time, won the race to the moon, and created the greatest expanse of wealth for the common person in the history of the world in the ’90’s.
Stop making everything a racial issue. Time to grow up and abandon your antiquated thoughts.
Reagan Republicanism is on life support now. And, on November 4th, 2008, the great and wise American citizens will finally “pull the plug” on your political ideology.
Words of wisdom from a 50+ year old.
And what are democrats doing to solve that problem?
Banning guns didn’t help.
What do you suggest democrats do to make the streets of this country safe for innocent black people?
Should they follow the lead of bill clinton and put more blacks in jail?
Follow the lead of joe biden and make more laws that are racially unjust? (use crack go to jail, use coke get probation)
Or you could just ignore the plight of poor black people. Whichever works best for your party.
Good point…
I remember mcsame saying “they are going to tell you I don’t look like the people on the money.”
You are no Democrat. Are you a fool? Yes! Are you arrogant? Certainly!! Are you a Republican? Absolutely!!!
For you to claim otherwise invites the wrath of your chosen God.
Get the meds adjusted and take a nap.
@24 “the great and wise American citizens will finally “pull the plug” on your political ideology”
Perhaps in November Goldy will pull the plug on trolls, seeing as how they only have three weeks of relevancy left. After that, not so much.
Unless you’re a plumber and obama tells you he wants to distribute the wealth.
The great and wise ones like this that are voting for obama and don’t even know palin isn’t his veep pick?
I don’t understand why the people that are so supportive of obama are scared to call him a socialist?
What are you afraid of??
Don’t worry, when mcsame wins I’m sure us trolls won’t go away.
But I do understand why you would want goldy to pull the plug on our gloating.
It’s not going to be fun for your side.
You will have to go back to the old days and talk about hanging chads, stolen votes, etc.
@31 “It’s not going to be fun for your side.”
In your delusional dreams, you America-hating, fascist goatfucker.
I want whatever you are smoking. McSame is buried. Finished. Done. Kaput.
This is what happens to your mind when you fuck goats.
Since Goldy won’t answer my question about how many black people have had posting privileges on HA, am I am assume that he is ashamed to admit that NOT ONE BLACK PERSON HAS EVER BEEN ASKED OR ALLOWED TO MAKE A POST ON HORSES ASS?!?!
I have a homework assignment for you: go fuck yourself.
Left handed Lithuanian lesbians of color are hot!
Sorry, couldn’t help myself.
Maybe the Brits should stay out of our political campaigns. Do we involve ourselves in their political events? Who we elect is none of their business.
Excellent writing skills for a 50+ year old man.
#34: Do you always ask stupid questions?
The whole point of being race neutral is so that we don’t have to know the race of person and can consider and judge them on the content of their character. A famous man said that – look it up.
The internet is the perfect place to do this – we don’t need to see the person – just to get their thoughts in writing. If you have a problem with equality – just say so. Otherwise – shut your prejudiced face.
#36 Yeah, all 5 of them!
You think the discussions we have about palin skills and abilities are unpleasant? Check how they discuss the issues and Obama over the Free Republic.
They must make the conservatives proud.