The economy has imploded. McCain’s campaign has collapsed. Palin’s “reformer” ploy has been exploded. The election’s all but decided. The GOP is doomed. In other words, today is a slow news day, and we’re running out of things to talk about.
Did Stefan get any single moms fired from their waitress jobs for criticizing his undisciplined kid this week?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Darcy hugs rabbits! Reichert doesn’t. Bush doesn’t either. Connect the dots! Vote for people who hug rabbits and don’t trust people who don’t.
It was good to see McCain acting like a human the other day, insisting that, far from being a “terrorist”, Barack Obama is, in fact, a “decent person and a person that you do not have to be scared of as president of the United States.” But then again, by the time he finally said this, word had already begun to spread that William Ayers is associated with a number of Republican politicians as well.
It’s still somewhat weird out on the McCain campaign trail today, but at least I haven’t heard any reports of more riot-rousing.
It was never a concern by any of us in the Chicago school reform movement that [Ayers] had led a fugitive life years earlier. It’s ridiculous. There is no reason at all to smear Barack Obama with this association. It’s nonsensical, and it just makes me crazy. It’s so silly.
-Former Illinois State Rep. Diana Nelson, a Republican who’s worked with both Obama and Ayers
According to the story linked to above, no one on the charity board on which Ayers and Obama served, or on the Annenberg Challenge staff, remembers Obama being any closer to Ayers than to any other member of the board. The Annenberg board also included several civic, business and education leaders, many of them Republicans.
If a Democratic blogger refuses to say anything positive about the black Democratic presidential candidate, but frequently writes positively about a white gubernatorial candidate, and a white senate candidate, could that suggest some latent racism?
I’m just wondering where the pro-Obama pieces are. I see pro-Gregoire pieces. I see pro-Burner pieces.
@7 Troll:
Hmm… You think maybe he’s got something going-on with Hillary?…
At 7: silly Troll:
Obama is up nationally and up in Washington. Goldy and most everyone else on this blog will gladly vote for Obama becuase he is competent, steady, a great speaker, has a full web-site of policiy postions and understands how to deal with the problems in th eUS. On the other hand, McCain has sunk really low with a negative campaing that is based on smears and not on the issues. McCain will tax me more than Obama and McCains helath care plan is pathtetic and will cost me even more money. Why would I hire a guy to be president who has called himself the biggest deregulator – when dereulation has gotten us into this mess? why would I hire a guy who said for month before this crisis that the economic fundamentals were strong (parroting Bush)?
Obama sent a letter to Bernanke and Paulson in March of 2007 about the impeding subprime crisis, wher was McCain? Nowhere.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 I’m not the only one loitering under this street lamp. (wink-wink)
@9. correctnotright:
No—I think Troll has something here ;-)…
Nevermind that Goldy’s posted numerous positive pieces about Ron Sims (And, personally, if you ask me, I think Sims is… um. Black. Shhhh! Don’t tell anyone!). There’s no way that someone like Goldy is just “more interested” in posting about local and state politics, and rattling the snoring giant that is the Seattle Times… No—that’s just a misdirection.
You see, Goldy’s really an Uncle Tom. Yep, that’s right. Goldy’s black too. Ever notice how he’s always wearing those fingerless gloves? That’s just to hide the fact that there’s no hair on his knuckles. He’s really black, I’m telling you! He’s the biggest consumer of white-out this side of the Mississippi.
Oops! ‘Gotta run, My FedEx Saturday delivery just arrived—I need to unpack my palate of tin foil before it’s too late!…
Roger Rabbitspews:
McCain is finally reacting to the lynch-mob atmosphere at GOP campaign rallies.
In Virginia, he fired a county campaign chairman for writing a racist newspaper column.
In Iowa, he “turned away Saturday from visceral attacks on his rival to pivot back toward policy differences” and “kept his speech … focused on the economy and other policies.”
The McCain campaign also distanced itself from an Iowa preacher who offered a public prayer ahead of a McCain appearance that “appeared to dismiss faiths other than Christianity and cast the election as a referendum on God.”
But McCain criticized a black Georgia congressman for saying McCain and Palin are “sowing the seeds of hatred and division, and there is no need for this hostility in our political discourse.”
(This comment uses quoted material from the Associated Press under the fair use doctrine.)
@9 That letter Mr wonderful supposedly sent
to Bernanke is a crock of shit. It’s a bullshit
letter carried on a bunch of liberal websites
like this one. Obama is a phony too. You think
the economy is bad now wait till that fucking
tard get his hands on it. The good news is that will be the final nail in the democrat party for a thousand years.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Meanwhile, in Austria, God struck dead a hatemongering rightwinger.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 Looks like mark put his head in the oven and turned the gas on this morning. I knew it eventually would come to this. Should we call 9-1-1 now, or wait until tomorrow?
It’s a free country and people should be free to put their heads in ovens and turn on the gas if they wish. No need to call 911 unless the house catches fire and the fire threatens neighboring buildings.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“John McCain and Sarah Palin, you are playing with fire, and you know it. You are unleashing the monster of American hatred and prejudice, to the peril of all of us. You are doing this in wartime. You are doing this as our economy collapses. You are doing this in a country with a history of assassinations.
“Change the atmosphere of your campaign. Talk about the issues at hand. Make your case. But stop stirring up the lunatic fringe of haters, or risk suffering the judgment of history and the loathing of the American people – forever.
“We will hold you responsible.”
Frank Schaeffer
(Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Frank Schaeffer is a conservative author and film maker, and the son of Francis Schaeffer, the intellectual godfather of the Right-To-Life movement and American evangelical political activism.
@13: Poor Mark blew a gasket. A phony letter – umm – it is up on Senator Obama’s website and has been there since March. Let me explain the web to you Mark, you go to a site and then click. Even you can do it!
So how is Obama phony? Does he advocate reform of government while actually being cites for abuse of power? – Um , no that is Palin.
Does he lie about the bridge to nowhere? No that is Palin too.
Does he claim to want to run a clean campaign and then support a blatant lie (see fact about Obama wanting to teach sex-ed to kindergartners (the actual bill was to help kids identify sexual predators)?
Nope – the phonies in this campaign are mcCain Palin. the phonies lied about going into Iraq, They lied about deregulation being good for the country. They lied about tax cuts for the rich.
My definition of a phony is someone who lies about what they are for. By my definition, McCain-Palin and Bush are phonies. So are Ralph Reed, Tom DeLay and Grover Norquist – they lied about taxes and moral issues and supported Abramoff, slave labor, russian oil tycoons, forced abortions and indian gambling against the interests of Americans.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 I agree! There’s already enough government intervention going on! This calls for a laissez-faire solution! Let the market decide when to turn off the gas!
Has anyone heard any news regarding the recent Rossi – Gregoire debate?
@18 Are you guys serious? Been on there since March? Ha, um, ah, ah, um, . My comment dated
March 2007. See how easy? How come Obama
didn’t tell the world the collapses were coming? Where is AL GORE, the smartest man in the world? Where is JOHN KERRY? Where is HILLARY, the smartest woman in the world?
Where is HOWARD DEAN? Who cares!This gas smells good. I hope it causes global warming.
By the way, it snowed in Boise yesterday, the
earliest on record. Where is AL GORE?
“Two weeks after persuading Congress to let it spend $700 billion to buy distressed securities tied to mortgages, the Bush administration has put that idea aside in favor of a new approach that would have the government inject capital directly into the nation’s banks — in effect, partially nationalizing the industry.
As recently as Sept. 23, senior officials had publicly derided proposals by Democrats to have the government take ownership stakes in banks.”
As this crisis gets worse we can expect many people, especially those on the right, who have worshiped the free market to react in ways that folks tend to do when their religion/world view is destroyed. It won’t be pretty.
The latest Missouri poll has McCain up by .4.
An anti-choice, war hero running against a Chicago liberal is only up by .4 in the middle of the freaking bible belt.
By Chicago liberal do you mean centrist Democrat?
Here is the short Mark:
After being proved wrong…..atack democrats, al gore, it snowed somewhere…..
You are just a really sad human being. How pathetic. It is like having a discussion or argument with a third grader. No substance, all attack and you can’t even defend your point of view. I just feel dirty pummeling such a defenseless hack.
Hmm… Maybe Rossi should have run as the Green Party instead of the GOP Party.
Dems see red as Republicans run as Greens
Votes could tip races to GOP
68 comments by Mary Jo Pitzl – Oct. 11, 2008
The Arizona Republic
Is Green the new red?
In the most hotly contested legislative race in the state, the Green Party candidate was a Republican until four days before she filed to run for a House seat in the northwest Valley.
In a competitive Tempe race, two candidates attempted to get on the ballot as Greens but failed. One candidate had re-registered from Republican to Green the same day he filed to run, elections records show.
Democrats smell a rat. They say the Greens, newly empowered as a recognized party with ballot status in Arizona, are being used as a stalking horse for Republicans. The theory: Green candidates could siphon enough votes from Democrats to help Republicans win.
The state’s Green Party has a similar take, which is why it opposes two candidates running as Greens: Margarite Dale in District 10 and Jack Kretzer in Yuma’s District 24. Neither adheres to some of the party’s key principles, said Angel Torres, co-chairman of the Arizona Green Party.
District 10
Dale has been particularly perplexing, Torres said. She has rebuffed numerous attempts to meet with the party. She is not allowed to use the party’s state and national logos on her campaign materials.
“She had no desire to meet with the party, which is why we actively opposed her campaign,” he said. “In our opinion, she’s an opportunist who is using our ballot line.”
Dale said she is running as a Green because a friend noted that she could have an unopposed primary and advance to the Nov. 4 general election.
The economy has imploded. McCain’s campaign has collapsed. Palin’s “reformer” ploy has been exploded. The election’s all but decided. The GOP is doomed. In other words, today is a slow news day, and we’re running out of things to talk about.
Did Stefan get any single moms fired from their waitress jobs for criticizing his undisciplined kid this week?
Darcy hugs rabbits! Reichert doesn’t. Bush doesn’t either. Connect the dots! Vote for people who hug rabbits and don’t trust people who don’t. do need a life
@1. Roger Rabbit:
I dunno about that, Rabbit… Have we talked about Ayers “palling around” with Republicans yet?
It was good to see McCain acting like a human the other day, insisting that, far from being a “terrorist”, Barack Obama is, in fact, a “decent person and a person that you do not have to be scared of as president of the United States.” But then again, by the time he finally said this, word had already begun to spread that William Ayers is associated with a number of Republican politicians as well.
It’s still somewhat weird out on the McCain campaign trail today, but at least I haven’t heard any reports of more riot-rousing.
According to the story linked to above, no one on the charity board on which Ayers and Obama served, or on the Annenberg Challenge staff, remembers Obama being any closer to Ayers than to any other member of the board. The Annenberg board also included several civic, business and education leaders, many of them Republicans.
If a Democratic blogger refuses to say anything positive about the black Democratic presidential candidate, but frequently writes positively about a white gubernatorial candidate, and a white senate candidate, could that suggest some latent racism?
@5. Troll:
If you go back in time, does Mr. T pity you?
I’m just wondering where the pro-Obama pieces are. I see pro-Gregoire pieces. I see pro-Burner pieces.
@7 Troll:
Hmm… You think maybe he’s got something going-on with Hillary?…
At 7: silly Troll:
Obama is up nationally and up in Washington. Goldy and most everyone else on this blog will gladly vote for Obama becuase he is competent, steady, a great speaker, has a full web-site of policiy postions and understands how to deal with the problems in th eUS. On the other hand, McCain has sunk really low with a negative campaing that is based on smears and not on the issues. McCain will tax me more than Obama and McCains helath care plan is pathtetic and will cost me even more money. Why would I hire a guy to be president who has called himself the biggest deregulator – when dereulation has gotten us into this mess? why would I hire a guy who said for month before this crisis that the economic fundamentals were strong (parroting Bush)?
Obama sent a letter to Bernanke and Paulson in March of 2007 about the impeding subprime crisis, wher was McCain? Nowhere.
@3 I’m not the only one loitering under this street lamp. (wink-wink)
@9. correctnotright:
No—I think Troll has something here ;-)…
Nevermind that Goldy’s posted numerous positive pieces about Ron Sims (And, personally, if you ask me, I think Sims is… um. Black. Shhhh! Don’t tell anyone!). There’s no way that someone like Goldy is just “more interested” in posting about local and state politics, and rattling the snoring giant that is the Seattle Times… No—that’s just a misdirection.
You see, Goldy’s really an Uncle Tom. Yep, that’s right. Goldy’s black too. Ever notice how he’s always wearing those fingerless gloves? That’s just to hide the fact that there’s no hair on his knuckles. He’s really black, I’m telling you! He’s the biggest consumer of white-out this side of the Mississippi.
Oops! ‘Gotta run, My FedEx Saturday delivery just arrived—I need to unpack my palate of tin foil before it’s too late!…
McCain is finally reacting to the lynch-mob atmosphere at GOP campaign rallies.
In Virginia, he fired a county campaign chairman for writing a racist newspaper column.
In Iowa, he “turned away Saturday from visceral attacks on his rival to pivot back toward policy differences” and “kept his speech … focused on the economy and other policies.”
The McCain campaign also distanced itself from an Iowa preacher who offered a public prayer ahead of a McCain appearance that “appeared to dismiss faiths other than Christianity and cast the election as a referendum on God.”
But McCain criticized a black Georgia congressman for saying McCain and Palin are “sowing the seeds of hatred and division, and there is no need for this hostility in our political discourse.”
(This comment uses quoted material from the Associated Press under the fair use doctrine.)
@9 That letter Mr wonderful supposedly sent
to Bernanke is a crock of shit. It’s a bullshit
letter carried on a bunch of liberal websites
like this one. Obama is a phony too. You think
the economy is bad now wait till that fucking
tard get his hands on it. The good news is that will be the final nail in the democrat party for a thousand years.
Meanwhile, in Austria, God struck dead a hatemongering rightwinger.
@13 Looks like mark put his head in the oven and turned the gas on this morning. I knew it eventually would come to this. Should we call 9-1-1 now, or wait until tomorrow?
It’s a free country and people should be free to put their heads in ovens and turn on the gas if they wish. No need to call 911 unless the house catches fire and the fire threatens neighboring buildings.
“John McCain and Sarah Palin, you are playing with fire, and you know it. You are unleashing the monster of American hatred and prejudice, to the peril of all of us. You are doing this in wartime. You are doing this as our economy collapses. You are doing this in a country with a history of assassinations.
“Change the atmosphere of your campaign. Talk about the issues at hand. Make your case. But stop stirring up the lunatic fringe of haters, or risk suffering the judgment of history and the loathing of the American people – forever.
“We will hold you responsible.”
Frank Schaeffer
(Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Frank Schaeffer is a conservative author and film maker, and the son of Francis Schaeffer, the intellectual godfather of the Right-To-Life movement and American evangelical political activism.
@13: Poor Mark blew a gasket. A phony letter – umm – it is up on Senator Obama’s website and has been there since March. Let me explain the web to you Mark, you go to a site and then click. Even you can do it!
So how is Obama phony? Does he advocate reform of government while actually being cites for abuse of power? – Um , no that is Palin.
Does he lie about the bridge to nowhere? No that is Palin too.
Does he claim to want to run a clean campaign and then support a blatant lie (see fact about Obama wanting to teach sex-ed to kindergartners (the actual bill was to help kids identify sexual predators)?
Nope – the phonies in this campaign are mcCain Palin. the phonies lied about going into Iraq, They lied about deregulation being good for the country. They lied about tax cuts for the rich.
My definition of a phony is someone who lies about what they are for. By my definition, McCain-Palin and Bush are phonies. So are Ralph Reed, Tom DeLay and Grover Norquist – they lied about taxes and moral issues and supported Abramoff, slave labor, russian oil tycoons, forced abortions and indian gambling against the interests of Americans.
@16 I agree! There’s already enough government intervention going on! This calls for a laissez-faire solution! Let the market decide when to turn off the gas!
Has anyone heard any news regarding the recent Rossi – Gregoire debate?
@18 Are you guys serious? Been on there since March? Ha, um, ah, ah, um, . My comment dated
March 2007. See how easy? How come Obama
didn’t tell the world the collapses were coming? Where is AL GORE, the smartest man in the world? Where is JOHN KERRY? Where is HILLARY, the smartest woman in the world?
Where is HOWARD DEAN? Who cares!This gas smells good. I hope it causes global warming.
By the way, it snowed in Boise yesterday, the
earliest on record. Where is AL GORE?
I am one of the most respected thinkers on HA. I have gravitas.
“Two weeks after persuading Congress to let it spend $700 billion to buy distressed securities tied to mortgages, the Bush administration has put that idea aside in favor of a new approach that would have the government inject capital directly into the nation’s banks — in effect, partially nationalizing the industry.
As recently as Sept. 23, senior officials had publicly derided proposals by Democrats to have the government take ownership stakes in banks.”
As this crisis gets worse we can expect many people, especially those on the right, who have worshiped the free market to react in ways that folks tend to do when their religion/world view is destroyed. It won’t be pretty.
The latest Missouri poll has McCain up by .4.
An anti-choice, war hero running against a Chicago liberal is only up by .4 in the middle of the freaking bible belt.
By Chicago liberal do you mean centrist Democrat?
Here is the short Mark:
After being proved wrong…..atack democrats, al gore, it snowed somewhere…..
You are just a really sad human being. How pathetic. It is like having a discussion or argument with a third grader. No substance, all attack and you can’t even defend your point of view. I just feel dirty pummeling such a defenseless hack.
Hmm… Maybe Rossi should have run as the Green Party instead of the GOP Party.