Absentee ballots mailed to voters in Rensselaer County, New York, list the candidates as “Barack Osama” and “John McCain.” County election officials called it “an error.”
Now look at your keyboard and ask yourself what the chances are of typing “s” instead of “b” — that would take quite a slip. In fact, your fucking finger would have to fall off to do it.
The county is replacing the approximately 300 ballots mailed with the “typo.” No word on whether they’re tracking down whoever typed the ballots.
(Source: MSNBC)
Roger Rabbitspews:
Culture of Corruption!!
WE will WIN in a landslide vicotry!!!!!!!
Fillibuster proof majority.
America will emerge from the darkness of conservatism and bask yet again in her founding of LIBERALISM.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Puget Energy Uses Sneaky Tactics To Fight PUD Vote
Citizens of several northwest Washington counties want to replace their Puget Sound Energy electricity service with a PUD.
Three PACs with obscure-sounding names are waging an aggressive campaign against the ballot measure with billboards, yard signs, and ads that feature phrases like “Danger” and “Higher Taxes”.
All three anti-PUD groups are 100% funded by PSE.
(Source: KING 5 News)
Roger Rabbitspews:
Palin Abuse Of Power Report, Continued
MSNBC has now posted a headline saying Palin abused her power in firing the police commissioner, but their story provides no details. It does say, however, the vote to release the report was unanimous (12-0) with Republican as well as Democratic legislators voting to release the report.
Roger Rabbitspews:
ABC News also reports the vote to release the report was unanimous but at least 1 Republican member of the 14-member Legislative Council said he disagrees with the report’s conclusions.
After this is all over, I think we should invite Gov. Palin to a a dinner of long pig, with her as the entree, lipistick and all.
Party of the 4 Rs …
or the Radical Reeligious Republican Remnant.
As a present for the R64 party, the graphics department at SJ has designed a pretty spiffy logo.
Shirts and other goods will be available at Cafe Press.
I was surprised that nobody picked upon the report in the news today that employees of the NSA were listening in on the phone calls of soldiers in Iraq to their wives and girlfriends, making recordings and transcripts and passing them around for purient interest.
Employees that complained about the practice and pointed out that monitoring calls of Red Cross employees overseas were distracting resources that could be better used to monitor calls for – you know – terrorist activity. They were told to mind their own business, and no changes were made.
But the NSA and the CIA have vehemently denied that there was any “official policy” of listening to such conversations.
Remember when George Bush insisted that national security demanded that we be able to listen in on calls made overseas, even if it involved U.S. Citizens, because we “only listened to calls involving terrorists”?
Way to support our troops, Republicans! I bet you videotape them in the shower also for your own purient interests.
Maybe Palin isn’t as dumb as she tries to make herself appear. She may have concluded that the McCain ticket is going south, and at this point what she needs to do is solidify her support with the wingnut base so she can run on her own in 2012.
“Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin said more than one person has whispered in her ear in Ohio that John McCain needs “to take the gloves off” in his campaign against Democrat Barack Obama. Before a friendly crowd of Republican fundraisers Friday, the Alaska governor did that herself.”
She has been working up the crowds with the worst allegations against Obama, and encouraging their enthusiastic shouts of racist slogans with approving smiles and waves. In short, she’s striving to become a right-wing populist with an independent political base apart from the party machine and the McCain campaign.
In the meantime, McCain is trying to look “presidential”, and knows that these expressions of hate from the crowds of wingnuts will actually hurt him with independent voters. But after having been stirred up by Palin’s rhetoric, as well as their traditional leaders such as Limbaugh and Hannity, they havent’ responded well to instructions to keep it civil.
I know the report had long been scheduled to be submitted to Alaska lawmakers today, and I’m sure it took a while to read it, study the exhibits, debate whether to release it, and to actually issue a press release that it was going to be released.
But the cummulative effect is that it is being released after 5:30 p.m. PDT (8:30 EDT), and therefore meets the standards of a negative story which is being “thrown out with the trash” – i.e., after the major news broadcasts for most of the country, and destined to be headlines only in the little-read Saturday editions of the newspapers. Thats what politicians do whenever they have to get rid of news which they would find embarrasing.
Why’s Rachel Maddow in Seattle? Is she making any appearances?
There’s no putting that genie back in the bottle. They have been training their attack dogs since at least ’92.
Hope nobody else gets shot.
Looks like Don Young (R-Palin-ville)is going down. Berkowitz is up by 6 and has been on top for a while now.
Pelletizer:@1 NY is a blue state. Rensselaer County, New York is a bedroom county to Albany the state seat. Donkey run the Legislature by a super majority.
So for your stupid accusation… well I consider the source. Here’s a virtual oxygen bottle and poly tubing for you.
Don Young is mostly corrupt he should go down.
Now let’s see what lefties say about Charles What? Me Pay Taxes Rangel…
Hey wasn’t Eliot Spitzer, the sex fiend, the guvnur of NY? Now we have an admitted adulterer as the guvnur.
Looks like that’s a HA heaven state.
Wrangel should have been gone a decade ago.
You guys are well ahead of us on the perv. score card, we were just trying to keep up.
Hey, wasn’t McCain an adulterer?
Just wonderin’
K – Not doubting your comment.
Isn’t Obama friends with avowed terrorists?
There is no evidence he is friends with Ayers. He served on a board with others, including republicans. Ayers gave him a fairly small contribution ($200?). What exactly does that mean?
McCain sat with supporters of those who supported killing abortion providers. Does that make him a friend of terrorists?
So, Pud, you are responding to a finding that Palin abused her office with accusations that Obama was imprecise, and at worse deceptive in his description of the relationship?
Dang, McCain’s even slipping in Georgia. He’s down to +3.
Obama started his Illinois senate career in Ayers home. Documented and factual. Obama commiserated with Ayers on boards while Obama took Annenberg’s money and fed it to ACORN and other lefty orgs trying to pollute minds with lefty swill. Document and factual. What are you daft? You claim to be IVY League educated. I know somewhere between URIS and Myron Taylor you had to have learned something. Now you are reading the warn sticky kool-aid sites too much.
Google Stanley Kurtz. This man had been vehemently attacked by the Obama Campaign.
When asked Ayers has no comment. If Ayers wasn’t friends with Obama why doesn’t Ayers clear the air and say it. BTW Doorn participated in a policeman’s assassination. Damning, very damning.
K – Barack Obama, William Ayers, and Bernadette Dohrn, appeared together at a number of academic events and gatherings. Here are two overlooked by your lib MSM friends. In November 1997, Ayers and Obama participated together in a panel at the University of Chicago entitled “Should a child ever be called a “super predator?”” debating “the merits of the juvenile justice system”.
Fast forward to April 2002, Barack Obama, then an Illinois State Senator, William Ayers, and Bernadette Dohrn, participated together at a conference entitled “Intellectuals: Who Needs Them?” sponsored by The Center for Public Intellectuals and the University of Illinois-Chicago. Obama and Ayers were one third of the “Intellectuals in Times of Crisis” panel.
Now who worked at the University of Illinois-Chicago and coordinated these panels? Michelle Obama.
Ayers and Dohrn had their charges dropped because the Feds spied on them illegally.
K – Look at Fugitive Days and Days of Rage by William Ayers.
While McCain was being tortured by the North Vietnamese, Ayers was openly cheering for a Communist victory over our troops.
While McCain was being tortured by the North Vietnamese, Ayers bombed McCain’s paymaster The Pentagon.
While McCain was being tortured by the North Vietnamese, Ayers was spouting “Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that’s where it’s really at.”
And further digging in 2000 William Ayers and Barack Obama together voted to invest $1 million in Woods Fund money into a firm run by a former boss of the then-state senator, Allison Davis.
But remember Obama barely knew Ayers.
And K- the big lie from David Axelrod, Obama’s campaign Manager: “Bill Ayers lives in his neighborhood. Their kids attend the same school. … They’re certainly friendly, they know each other, as anyone whose kids go to school together.”
Well I thought Obama’s kids are in elementary school while Ayers and Dohrn’s kids are adults.
That’s weird!
K – Obama’s friend Bernadette Dohrn said when Sharon Tate was murdered: “Dig it! First they killed those pigs and then they put a fork in their bellies. Wild!”
Listen to the angy, unhinged tone coming from the right these days.
This comes from the realization that their deep held political belief system of Reagan Republicanism has seriously hurt America.
Puddybud, what say you now about your president listening in to overseas phone calls between Americans and “terrorist?” You know, our soldiers having PRIVATE, intimate convesations with their spouses!!!
Why? Why do you still bash Obama when all the major ills we face today are mainly caused by Republicans?
Is it purely abortion?
C’mon. It’s not even intellectually honest to blame Democrats any more.
GBS: I was dismayed when I read they are listening to the overseas call to our soldiers. The person who approved that policy needs to be identified and publicly humiliated.
BTW GBS, did you read last week the people who put out the 2007 NIE which said Iran was not reconstituting their nuclear weapons (a flat out lie) were three liberal bureaucrats who decided it’s better to lie vs. allowing Bush to tell the truth to the American public.
GBS: Some of the ills we face today are Republican caused.
Open Secrets.org tells another story. I know you have Internet search skillz GBS over BlowJob!
Puddy @ 33 said: “…the person who approved that policy needs to be identified and publicaly humiliated….”
He’s already been identified. His name is
George W. Bush. He was the one who not only approved but PUSHED FOR a policy which allows the NSA to monitor allow all overseas phone calls even if they include conversations with U.S. citizens. When concerns were raised that this might be abused, he assured us that only calls from “terrorists” would be affected, that adequate protections were in place to prevent abuse.
Obviously, he lied.
And come this November, he and his party will, in fact, be humiliated.
Once again the howlers on the right have been proven wrong.
And checkout the name of one the reporters.
Data prove untrue charges that push for affordable housing caused crisis
McClatchy Newspapers
WASHINGTON — As the economy worsens and Election Day approaches, a conservative campaign that blames the global financial crisis on a government push to make housing more affordable to lower-class Americans has taken off on talk radio and e-mail.
Commentators say that’s what triggered the stock market meltdown and the freeze on credit. They’ve specifically targeted the mortgage finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which the federal government seized on Sept. 6, contending that lending to poor and minority Americans caused Fannie’s and Freddie’s financial problems.
Federal housing data reveal that the charges aren’t true, and that the private sector, not the government or government-backed companies, was behind the soaring subprime lending at the core of the crisis.
Subprime lending offered high-cost loans to the weakest borrowers during the housing boom that lasted from 2001 to 2007. Subprime lending was at its height from 2004 to 2006.
Federal Reserve Board data show that:
-More than 84 percent of the subprime mortgages in 2006 were issued by private lending institutions.
I’ll Bet This Was No Accident
Absentee ballots mailed to voters in Rensselaer County, New York, list the candidates as “Barack Osama” and “John McCain.” County election officials called it “an error.”
Now look at your keyboard and ask yourself what the chances are of typing “s” instead of “b” — that would take quite a slip. In fact, your fucking finger would have to fall off to do it.
The county is replacing the approximately 300 ballots mailed with the “typo.” No word on whether they’re tracking down whoever typed the ballots.
(Source: MSNBC)
Culture of Corruption!!
WE will WIN in a landslide vicotry!!!!!!!
Fillibuster proof majority.
America will emerge from the darkness of conservatism and bask yet again in her founding of LIBERALISM.
Puget Energy Uses Sneaky Tactics To Fight PUD Vote
Citizens of several northwest Washington counties want to replace their Puget Sound Energy electricity service with a PUD.
Three PACs with obscure-sounding names are waging an aggressive campaign against the ballot measure with billboards, yard signs, and ads that feature phrases like “Danger” and “Higher Taxes”.
All three anti-PUD groups are 100% funded by PSE.
(Source: KING 5 News)
Palin Abuse Of Power Report, Continued
MSNBC has now posted a headline saying Palin abused her power in firing the police commissioner, but their story provides no details. It does say, however, the vote to release the report was unanimous (12-0) with Republican as well as Democratic legislators voting to release the report.
ABC News also reports the vote to release the report was unanimous but at least 1 Republican member of the 14-member Legislative Council said he disagrees with the report’s conclusions.
After this is all over, I think we should invite Gov. Palin to a a dinner of long pig, with her as the entree, lipistick and all.
Party of the 4 Rs …
or the Radical Reeligious Republican Remnant.
As a present for the R64 party, the graphics department at SJ has designed a pretty spiffy logo.
Shirts and other goods will be available at Cafe Press.
I was surprised that nobody picked upon the report in the news today that employees of the NSA were listening in on the phone calls of soldiers in Iraq to their wives and girlfriends, making recordings and transcripts and passing them around for purient interest.
Employees that complained about the practice and pointed out that monitoring calls of Red Cross employees overseas were distracting resources that could be better used to monitor calls for – you know – terrorist activity. They were told to mind their own business, and no changes were made.
But the NSA and the CIA have vehemently denied that there was any “official policy” of listening to such conversations.
NSA reportedly tapped Americans’ calls, even phone sex
Remember when George Bush insisted that national security demanded that we be able to listen in on calls made overseas, even if it involved U.S. Citizens, because we “only listened to calls involving terrorists”?
Way to support our troops, Republicans! I bet you videotape them in the shower also for your own purient interests.
Maybe Palin isn’t as dumb as she tries to make herself appear. She may have concluded that the McCain ticket is going south, and at this point what she needs to do is solidify her support with the wingnut base so she can run on her own in 2012.
“Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin said more than one person has whispered in her ear in Ohio that John McCain needs “to take the gloves off” in his campaign against Democrat Barack Obama. Before a friendly crowd of Republican fundraisers Friday, the Alaska governor did that herself.”
Palin says supporters want tougher attacks on Obama
She has been working up the crowds with the worst allegations against Obama, and encouraging their enthusiastic shouts of racist slogans with approving smiles and waves. In short, she’s striving to become a right-wing populist with an independent political base apart from the party machine and the McCain campaign.
In the meantime, McCain is trying to look “presidential”, and knows that these expressions of hate from the crowds of wingnuts will actually hurt him with independent voters. But after having been stirred up by Palin’s rhetoric, as well as their traditional leaders such as Limbaugh and Hannity, they havent’ responded well to instructions to keep it civil.
McCain booed after trying to calm anti-Obama crowd
Not much in the way of details yet, the news media is waiting for a chance to read the report itself.
Alaska panel finds Palin abused power
I know the report had long been scheduled to be submitted to Alaska lawmakers today, and I’m sure it took a while to read it, study the exhibits, debate whether to release it, and to actually issue a press release that it was going to be released.
But the cummulative effect is that it is being released after 5:30 p.m. PDT (8:30 EDT), and therefore meets the standards of a negative story which is being “thrown out with the trash” – i.e., after the major news broadcasts for most of the country, and destined to be headlines only in the little-read Saturday editions of the newspapers. Thats what politicians do whenever they have to get rid of news which they would find embarrasing.
Why’s Rachel Maddow in Seattle? Is she making any appearances?
There’s no putting that genie back in the bottle. They have been training their attack dogs since at least ’92.
Hope nobody else gets shot.
Looks like Don Young (R-Palin-ville)is going down. Berkowitz is up by 6 and has been on top for a while now.
Pelletizer:@1 NY is a blue state. Rensselaer County, New York is a bedroom county to Albany the state seat. Donkey run the Legislature by a super majority.
So for your stupid accusation… well I consider the source. Here’s a virtual oxygen bottle and poly tubing for you.
Don Young is mostly corrupt he should go down.
Now let’s see what lefties say about Charles What? Me Pay Taxes Rangel…
Hey wasn’t Eliot Spitzer, the sex fiend, the guvnur of NY? Now we have an admitted adulterer as the guvnur.
Looks like that’s a HA heaven state.
Wrangel should have been gone a decade ago.
You guys are well ahead of us on the perv. score card, we were just trying to keep up.
Hey, wasn’t McCain an adulterer?
Just wonderin’
K – Not doubting your comment.
Isn’t Obama friends with avowed terrorists?
There is no evidence he is friends with Ayers. He served on a board with others, including republicans. Ayers gave him a fairly small contribution ($200?). What exactly does that mean?
McCain sat with supporters of those who supported killing abortion providers. Does that make him a friend of terrorists?
So, Pud, you are responding to a finding that Palin abused her office with accusations that Obama was imprecise, and at worse deceptive in his description of the relationship?
Dang, McCain’s even slipping in Georgia. He’s down to +3.
Was there any doubt the amen editorialists at the Seattle Times would endorse Sheriff Dave? I don’t think so.
K@21: No evidence? No evidence? No evidence?
Obama started his Illinois senate career in Ayers home. Documented and factual. Obama commiserated with Ayers on boards while Obama took Annenberg’s money and fed it to ACORN and other lefty orgs trying to pollute minds with lefty swill. Document and factual. What are you daft? You claim to be IVY League educated. I know somewhere between URIS and Myron Taylor you had to have learned something. Now you are reading the warn sticky kool-aid sites too much.
Google Stanley Kurtz. This man had been vehemently attacked by the Obama Campaign.
When asked Ayers has no comment. If Ayers wasn’t friends with Obama why doesn’t Ayers clear the air and say it. BTW Doorn participated in a policeman’s assassination. Damning, very damning.
K – Barack Obama, William Ayers, and Bernadette Dohrn, appeared together at a number of academic events and gatherings. Here are two overlooked by your lib MSM friends. In November 1997, Ayers and Obama participated together in a panel at the University of Chicago entitled “Should a child ever be called a “super predator?”” debating “the merits of the juvenile justice system”.
Fast forward to April 2002, Barack Obama, then an Illinois State Senator, William Ayers, and Bernadette Dohrn, participated together at a conference entitled “Intellectuals: Who Needs Them?” sponsored by The Center for Public Intellectuals and the University of Illinois-Chicago. Obama and Ayers were one third of the “Intellectuals in Times of Crisis” panel.
Now who worked at the University of Illinois-Chicago and coordinated these panels? Michelle Obama.
Ayers and Dohrn had their charges dropped because the Feds spied on them illegally.
K – Look at Fugitive Days and Days of Rage by William Ayers.
While McCain was being tortured by the North Vietnamese, Ayers was openly cheering for a Communist victory over our troops.
While McCain was being tortured by the North Vietnamese, Ayers bombed McCain’s paymaster The Pentagon.
While McCain was being tortured by the North Vietnamese, Ayers was spouting “Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that’s where it’s really at.”
And further digging in 2000 William Ayers and Barack Obama together voted to invest $1 million in Woods Fund money into a firm run by a former boss of the then-state senator, Allison Davis.
But remember Obama barely knew Ayers.
And K- the big lie from David Axelrod, Obama’s campaign Manager: “Bill Ayers lives in his neighborhood. Their kids attend the same school. … They’re certainly friendly, they know each other, as anyone whose kids go to school together.”
Well I thought Obama’s kids are in elementary school while Ayers and Dohrn’s kids are adults.
That’s weird!
K – Obama’s friend Bernadette Dohrn said when Sharon Tate was murdered: “Dig it! First they killed those pigs and then they put a fork in their bellies. Wild!”
Yet this is covered up.
K –
Listen to the angy, unhinged tone coming from the right these days.
This comes from the realization that their deep held political belief system of Reagan Republicanism has seriously hurt America.
Puddybud, what say you now about your president listening in to overseas phone calls between Americans and “terrorist?” You know, our soldiers having PRIVATE, intimate convesations with their spouses!!!
Why? Why do you still bash Obama when all the major ills we face today are mainly caused by Republicans?
Is it purely abortion?
C’mon. It’s not even intellectually honest to blame Democrats any more.
GBS: I was dismayed when I read they are listening to the overseas call to our soldiers. The person who approved that policy needs to be identified and publicly humiliated.
BTW GBS, did you read last week the people who put out the 2007 NIE which said Iran was not reconstituting their nuclear weapons (a flat out lie) were three liberal bureaucrats who decided it’s better to lie vs. allowing Bush to tell the truth to the American public.
GBS: Some of the ills we face today are Republican caused.
Case in point: Maxine Waters was involved
Yet Maxine Waters claimed innocence in taking no Fannie/Freddie money.
Open Secrets.org tells another story. I know you have Internet search skillz GBS over BlowJob!
Puddy @ 33 said: “…the person who approved that policy needs to be identified and publicaly humiliated….”
He’s already been identified. His name is
George W. Bush. He was the one who not only approved but PUSHED FOR a policy which allows the NSA to monitor allow all overseas phone calls even if they include conversations with U.S. citizens. When concerns were raised that this might be abused, he assured us that only calls from “terrorists” would be affected, that adequate protections were in place to prevent abuse.
Obviously, he lied.
And come this November, he and his party will, in fact, be humiliated.
Once again the howlers on the right have been proven wrong.
And checkout the name of one the reporters.
The Tacoma paper endorsed Gregoire!