Apparently what it means to be “progressive” is to be so bad they yank your show off the air!
Hey Goldstein, I guess you aren’t “progressive” enough by Franken’s standards.
And who the fuck cares about Franken’s sob story? I know 50 people who have come from lesser cirsumstances than him and never asked the “gubmint” (as he calls it) for a damn thing.
Oh GAWD, he moans about “Franny’s” reaction to the President wanting to allow individuals to manage their OWN social security money. I woner how “Franny” reacted when it was learned that Err Amerikkka was robbing a children’s charity to stay on the Err (“Air”).
He actually mentioned Walter Mondale. Obviously he doesn’t want to get elected. Might as well mention Jimmy Carter as well oh and be sure to promise to raise taxes too. ROFL
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
PathicBlogJockey! Your ignorance is profound.
I’ll love it when you have to address him as Senator Franken. LOOOOOOOOOOOSER!
Good news for Republicans:
The US Army reports a 65% increase in the number of waivers granted to recruits with criminal convictions, as the army gets more desperate to fill their recruiting quotas.
Now even Republican congressmen can serve their country.
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
Not only that, after they wash out of AIT they’ll still have credentials to be paid astroturfers like PatheticBlogJockey!
PBJ at # 1, go back and consult your “talking points” memo. The Rove/Limbaugh “pre-approved comment” regarding Air America is that with Franken off the air, it can’t possibly survive. Your response that Franken’s show was so bad that it was yanked off the air is contradictory to that message.
Please go back and memorize the right-wing talking points correctly, and don’t come back until you have it right. (Geesh, even my dog can be taught to sit up and bark in exchange for a treat, can’t these wingnuts get ANYTHING right?)
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
Republican Party=A sheltered workshop for the Congenitally Amoral Criminal Class.
I noticed two things about Air America when I listen to them: they always talk as if they are delivering a comedy routine on SNL, and they are just meant-spirited to any other point of view. Kinda like a lot of the characters on this blog. (You know who you are!)
i won’t bother to listen to that whiner franken….i guess i am just like the other 99.99% of americans on that score. he’s boring and broke. waaa waaa waaa.
did you hear they are auctioning off air america’s stuff already?[yes…story about it buried near the back page of the NYT] it’s called bankruptcy and even stealing from a children’s charity couldn’t save them.even a zillion articles about how swell they were by the NYT couldn’t save them. ever wonder why?
senator? oh please…..
Dang, Libertarian, close your bold html tags, you are screwing up the thread.
Gee, does this work? (close bold tag added, but you can’t see it)
Having professional sports is really a quality of life issue for folks who like that sort of entertainment. Other than supporting the surrounding businesses that spring up…bars, trinket shops, restaurants and the parking bandits….there is no real financial benefit to the community as a whole.
I am Democrat and a liberal, but I oppose team owners who attempt to extort arenas and income from their city of choice. If I own a McDonald’s can I go to the city and say build me a new restaurant or I am leaving? It is my responsibility to build the building, after all, I am reaping the profits.
While having the Mariners here adds to my entertainment choices (I am a seaon seat holder) I am not so emotionally attached to them that I couldn’t live without them. Same for the Sonics and the Seahawks. I would not have moved to St. Petersburg, and I am not moving to Oklahoma, to follow MY? team.
carl……”If I own a McDonald’s can I go to the city and say build me a new restaurant or I am leaving?”
sure you could do that…and they would [rightly] laugh you right out the door.
but carl, to the stupid seattle-ites this is ALL they have.
I didn’t do anything intentinally with the bold print-stuff! Sorry!
Liberal Dragonspews:
PBJ – can you please go crawl back under your rock (sooner the better)?
We need more Al Franken’s in America and it saddens me to read some of these disgusting remarks about his family. Comments like these just solidify my belief that conservatives have absolutely NO moral conscience.
Conservative/Republican = SCUM.
Libby at 16: Looks like it’s fixed now. Apology accepted.
Hey, something just occured to me. Isn’t that property that the Sonics want former Boeing property? Haven’t they been using that property since – like, 1941?
I would be very surprised if there weren’t some substantial environmental cleanup costs associated with that property, before any construction can begin. You know, heavy metals, possible groundwater contamination from hydrocarbons, etc., possibly even some arsenic? You know, the normal stuff you see at industrial sites which have been used back in the days when you used to dispose of old solvent/oil/transmission fluid/etc. by pouring it in dip in the ground out back?
So, who’s going to pay for it? Certainly Boeing would normally be one of the responsible parties. But it wouldn’t surprise me a bit if, in their haste to get a deal signed, the state and the City of Renton didn’t sign on to a big share of that cleanup cost. You know, the kind of costs that you have no idea how much it will be until you are already committed to the project?
proud leftistspews:
Al Franken would make an outstanding contribution to the Senate. Comedians, from my perspective, generally have a finely tuned sense of what makes a culture/society tick. They tend to know where the progressive edge lies. The good ones, like Franken, are pretty damned smart. Norm Coleman, the Republican incumbent, has done nothing but keep his seat warm. Minnesota, the home of the Farmer-Labor Party, deserves a senator who represents its progressive traditions. Go Al.
“Is the U.S. becoming a police state? Here are the top 10 signs that it may well be the case.
1. The Internet Clampdown
2. “The Long War”
4. Touchscreen Voting Machines
5. Prison Camps
6. Signing Statements
7. Warrantless Wiretapping
8. Free Speech Zones
9. High-ranking Whistleblowers
10. The CIA Shakeup
proud to be an assspews:
@10: “….and they are just meant-spirited to any other point of view.”
If that wasn’t so pathetic, I’d call it funny. You ever listen to Hannity? Coulter? Limbaugh? O’Reilly? One can only surmise your stupidity is surpassed only by your obtuseness. You, and I mean you personally, are either stupid or disengenuous. If the latter, you are not worthy of respect, or even this reply.
Consider it a favor. And yes, I know who I am. What a dork.
Boys and Girls Club of Americaspews:
Oh no!! Al Franken is running for congress!!! Please donate to the Boys and Girls Club.
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
I generally come down on the side of “Fibbertarian is Disengenuous.”
Crickets Chirpingspews:
What happen to all the buzz regarding Global warming? That is all we crickets have been talking about lately.
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
@27 The question now is what to do about it. Of course, you could always donate the vacuum between your ears to Sir Bransons “atmospheric vacuum” project. . . . . .
Boys and Girls Club of Americaspews:
We would donate something but we are a little strapped for cash right now. I sure hope our loans will be paid this time.
(And oh yeah… why he’s running for the US Senate.)
Ah who am I kidding..
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
As I said, you’ve that enormous vacuum between your ears, and right now all it does is litter up the comments threads here, demonstrating your obtuseness.
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
Faux Noise Channel is claiming Muqtada Al-Sadr has fled to Iran. So also are several Administration spokesweasels. This suits their purposes. . .it further stirs up feelings against Iran and builds up the “effect” of the “surge. The problem here is that it is extremely unlikely.
The Arab language paper al-Hayat has several interviews with Al-Sadr aides, and they all deny that he has left Najaf.
BBC did an interview with Al-Sadr at the end of January where he stated that because of pressures from both Al-Maliki’s Government and US forces, he has moved his family to “a safe place” and “made out a will”. By both Al-Sadr’s account and his aides, he seldom sleeps in the same place two nights in a row.
Under Saddam, both Muqtada and his father remained in Iraq to preach resistance, while heaping scorn on other ayatollahs who fled. This makes it unlikely he would flee and have to eat his own words. His father was caught and killed by Saddam in 1999. The family has demonstrated no shortage of courage.
Juan Cole speculates that Al-Sadr is still hiding somewhere inside Najaf. Yesterday Al-Sadr aides told BBC correspondants that he was still in Iraq. . .but did not know where.
Well so much for and election it’s new AWV or a great big park.
The state Department of Transportation on Tuesday rejected a four-lane tunnel, one of the two Alaskan Way Viaduct replacement options voters would pick from in a March advisory vote, saying it would be unsafe and couldn’t handle traffic adequately. Now the election itself could be doomed.
Gov. Chris Gregoire, who had been skeptical of the new tunnel option, said Tuesday that the state DOT’s findings show “it is clear that the electorate in Seattle will be presented a ballot with only one option that works.”
Ah who am I kidding..
Dan Ratherspews:
Nah. The top sign that the county is becoming a police state is the reinstatement of the “fairness doctrine”. The Liberals fear freedom of speech and truth above everything else and for good reason.
D R Bspews:
The site is being remediated by Boeing. It has been in the process for a while now.
Well folks how short the Socialist Democrats memory really is today. They all claim there was WMD’s and today they deny ever making such a statement. They all voted for War but claim they were incapable of making the right decision because Bush lied to the Democrats. What a bunch of dumb fools to think we believed they are that stupid. Yes, Roger they also believed the Intel they collected was not false when they ran this Country for many years.
Yep Al Franken is also a loser in a big way!
The Democrat strategy on Iraq is finally clear.
We’ve known all along that they want to cut and run before the job is done. But they’ve been afraid to confront President Bush directly. Today, Democrat Rep. John Murtha let slip what he and Nancy Pelosi really intend to do, and it is genuinely frightening.
They call it their ‘slow-bleed’ plan. Instead of supporting the troops in Iraq, or simply bringing them home, the Democrats intend to gradually make it harder and harder for them to do their jobs. They will introduce riders onto bills to prevent certain units from deploying. They will try to limit the President’s constitutional power to determine the length and number of deployments. They will attempt to keep the Pentagon from replacing troops who rotate out of Iraq. They may even try to limit how our troops operate by, for example, prohibiting our armed forces from creating and operating bases in Iraq.
‘Slow-bleed’ is exactly the right name for this incredibly irresponsible and dangerous strategy. Cutting and running is bad enough. But the Murtha-Pelosi ‘slow-bleed’ plan is far worse. It is a cynical and dangerous erosion of our ability to fight the terrorists while we still have men and women on the ground in Iraq. It will put their lives in far greater danger, as resources slowly dry up. How can our troops operate without bases? How can they fight without backup?
liberals: all wrong all the timespews:
“We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.”
This list is publicly updated on a quarterly basis – last update February 2007. Scientists listed by doctoral degree or current position.
Philip Skell, Emeritus, Evan Pugh Prof. of Chemistry, Pennsylvania State University Member of the National Academy of Sciences
Lyle H. Jensen, Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Biological Structure & Dept. of Biochemistry University of Washington, Fellow AAAS
Maciej Giertych, Full Professor, Institute of Dendrology Polish Academy of Sciences
Lev Beloussov, Prof. of Embryology, Honorary Prof., Moscow State University Member, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
Eugene Buff, Ph.D. Genetics Institute of Developmental Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences
Emil Palecek, Prof. of Molecular Biology, Masaryk University; Leading Scientist Inst. of Biophysics, Academy of Sci., Czech Republic
K. Mosto Onuoha, Shell Professor of Geology & Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Univ. of Nigeria Fellow, Nigerian Academy of Science
Ferenc Jeszenszky, Former Head of the Center of Research Groups, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
M.M. Ninan, Former President Hindustan Academy of Science, Bangalore University (India)
Denis Fesenko, Junior Research Fellow, Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia)
Sergey I. Vdovenko, Senior Research Assistant, Department of Fine Organic Synthesis Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences (Ukraine)
Henry Schaefer, Director, Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry University of Georgia
Paul Ashby, Ph.D. Chemistry Harvard University
Israel Hanukoglu, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Chairman The College of Judea and Samaria (Israel)
Alan Linton, Emeritus Professor of Bacteriology University of Bristol (UK)
Dean Kenyon, Emeritus Professor of Biology San Francisco State University
David W. Forslund, Ph.D. Astrophysics, Princeton University Fellow of American Physical Society
Robert W. Bass, Ph.D. Mathematics (also: Rhodes Scholar; Post-Doc at Princeton) Johns Hopkins University
John Hey, Associate Clinical Prof. (also: Fellow, American Geriatrics Society) Dept. of Family Medicine, Univ. of Mississippi
Daniel W. Heinze, Ph.D. Geophysics (also: Post-Doc Fellow, Carnegie Inst. of Washington) Texas A&M University
Richard Anderson, Assistant Professor of Environmental Science and Policy Duke University
David Chapman,* Senior Scientist Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Giuseppe Sermont,i Professor of Genetics, Ret. (Editor, Rivista di Biologia/Biology Forum) University of Perugia (Italy)
Stanley Salthe, Emeritus Professor Biological Sciences Brooklyn College of the City University of New York
Donald Ewert, Ph.D. Microbiology University of Georgia
Bernard d\’Abrera Visiting Scholar, Department of Entomology British Museum (Natural History)
Mae-Wan Ho, Ph.D. Biochemistry The University of Hong Kong
Russell Carlson, Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology University of Georgia
Scott Minnich, Professor, Dept of Microbiology, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry University of Idaho
Jeffrey Schwartz, Assoc. Res. Psychiatrist, Dept. of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences University of California, Los Angeles
Alexander F. Pugach, Ph.D. Astrophysics Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (Ukraine)
Ralph Seelke, Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biology University of Wisconsin, Superior
Annika Parantainen, Ph.D. Biology University of Turku (Finland)
Fred Schroeder, Ph.D. Marine Geology Columbia University
David Snoke, Associate Professor of Physics & Astronomy University of Pittsburgh
Frank Tipler, Prof. of Mathematical Physics Tulane University
John A. Davison, Emeritus Associate Professor of Biology University of Vermont
James Tour Chao, Professor of Chemistry Rice University
Pablo Yepes, Research Associate Professor of Physics & Astronomy Rice University
David Bolender, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Cell Biology, Neurobiology & Anatomy Medical College of Wisconsin
Leo Zacharski, Professor of Medicine Dartmouth Medical School
Michael Behe, Professor of Biological Science Lehigh University
Michael Atchison, Professor of Biochemistry University of Pennsylvania, Vet School
Thomas G. Guilliams, Ph.D. Molecular Biology The Medical College of Wisconsin
Arthur B. Robinson, Professor of Chemistry Oregon Institute of Science & Medicine
Joel Adams, Professor of Computer Science Calvin College
Abraham S. Feigenbaum, Ph.D. Nutritional Biochemistry Rutgers University
Kevin Farmer, Adjunct Assistant Professor (Ph.D. Scientific Methodology) University of Oklahoma
Neal Adrian, Ph.D. Microbiology University of Oklahoma
Ge Wang, Professor of Radiology & Biomedical Engineering University of Iowa
Moorad Alexanian, Professor of Physics University of North Carolina, Wilmington
Richard Spencer, Professor (Ph.D. Stanford) University of California, Davis, Solid-State Circuits Research Laboratory
Braxton Alfred, Emeritus Professor, Anthropology University of British Columbia (Canada)
R. Craig Henderson, Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering Tennessee Tech University
Wesley Allen, Professor of Computational Quantum Chemistry University of Georgia
James Pierre Hauck, Professor of Physics & Astronomy University of San Diego
Mark Apkarian, Ph.D. Exercise Physiology University of New Mexico
Eshan Dias, Ph.D. Chemical Engineering King’s College, Cambridge University (UK)
Joseph Atkinson Ph.D. Organic Chemistry MIT
Dennis Dean Rathman, Staff Scientist MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Richard Austin, Assoc. Prof. & Chair, Biology & Natural Sciences Piedmont College
Raymond C. Mjolsness, Ph.D. Physics Princeton University
John Baumgardner, Ph.D. Geophysics & Space Physics University of California, Los Angeles
Glenn R. Johnson, Adjunct Professor of Medicine University of North Dakota School of Medicine
George Bennett, Associate Professor of Chemistry Millikin University
Robert L. Waters, Lecturer, College of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology
David Berlinski, Ph.D. Philosophy Princeton University
James Robert Dickens, Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Texas A&M University
Phillip Bishop, Professor of Kinesiology University of Alabama
Donald R. Mull, Ph.D. Physiology University of Pittsburgh
John Bloom, Ph.D. Physics Cornell University
William Dembski, Ph.D. Mathematics University of Chicago
Ben J. Stuart, Ph.D. Chemical & Biochemical Engineering Rutgers University
Raymond Bohlin, Ph.D. Molecular & Cell Biology University of Texas, Dallas
Christa R. Koval, Ph.D. Chemistry University of Colorado at Boulder
John Bordelon, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
David Richard Carta, Ph.D. Bio-Engineering University of California, San Diego
Lydia G. Thebeau, Ph.D. Cell & Molecular Biology Saint Louis University
David Bossard, Ph. D. Mathematics Dartmouth College
Robert W. Kelley, Ph.D. Entomology Clemson University
David Bourell, Professor Mechanical Engineering University of Texas, Austin
Carlos M. Murillo, Professor of Medicine (Neurosurgery) Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
Walter Bradley, Distinguished Professor of Engineering Baylor University
Sami Palonen, Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry University of Helsinki (Finland)
John Brejda, Ph.D. Agronomy University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Bradley R. Johnson, Ph.D. Materials Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Rudolf Brits, Ph.D. Nuclear Chemistry University of Stellenbosch (South Africa)
Gary Kastello, Ph.D. Biology University of Wisonsin-Milwaukee
Frederick Brooks, Kenan Professor of Computer Science University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Omer Faruk Noyan, Assistant Professor (Ph.D. Paleontology) Celal Bayar University (Turkey)
Neil Broom, Associate Professor, Chemical & Materials Engineering University of Auckland (New Zealand)
Malcolm D. Chisholm, Ph.D. Insect Ecology (M.A. Zoology, Oxford University) University of Bristol (UK)
John Brown, Research Meteorologist National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Joseph A. Kunicki, Associate Professor of Mathematics The University of Findlay
John Brumbaugh, Emeritus Professor of Biological Sciences University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Thomas M. Stackhous,e Ph.D. Biochemistry University of California, Davis
Nancy Bryson, Associate Professor of Chemistry Mississippi University for Women
Walter L. Starkey, Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering The Ohio State University
Donald Calbreath, Professor, Department of Chemistry Whitworth College
Pingnan Shi, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering (Artificial Neural Networks) University of British Columbia (Canada)
John B. Cannon, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry Princeton University
John L. Burba, Ph.D. Physical Chemistry Baylor University
Stephen J. Cheesman, Ph.D. Geophysics University of Toronto
Mike Forward, Ph.D. Applied Mathematics (Chaos Theory) Imperial College, University of London (UK)
Lowell D. White, Industrial Hygiene Specialist (Ph.D. Epidemiology) University of New Mexico
Brian Landrum, Associate Professor of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering University of Alabama, Huntsville
David Chambers, Physicist Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Michael T. Goodrich, Professor of Computer Science University of California, Irvine
T. Timothy Chen, Ph.D. Statistics University of Chicago
Sarah M. Williams, Ph.D. Environmental Engineering (emphasis in microbiology) Stanford University
Donald Clark, Ph.D. Physical Biochemistry Louisiana State University
John Frederick Zino, Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Shing-Yan Chiu, Professor of Physiology University of Wisconsin, Madison
John Cimbala, Professor of Mechanical Engineering Pennsylvania State University
Chris Swanson, Tutor (Ph.D. Physics, University of Oregon) Gutenberg College
Kieran Clements, Assistant Professor, Natural Sciences Toccoa Falls College
Jan Chatham, Ph.D. Neurophysiology University of North Texas
George A. Gates, Emeritus Emeritus Professor of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery University of Washington
John Cogdell, Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering University of Texas, Austin
David R. Beaucage, Ph.D. Mathematics State University of New York at Stony Brook
Leon Combs, Professor & Chair, Chemistry & Biochemistry Kennesaw State University
Laraba P. Kendig, Ph.D. Materials Science & Engineering University of Michigan
Nicholas Comninellis, Associate Professor of Community and Family Medicine
University of Missouri-Kansas City
Stephen Crouse, Professor of Kinesiology Texas A&M University
Cham Dallas, Professor, Pharmaceutics & Biomedical Science University of Georgia
Charles N. Verheyden, Professor of Surgery Texas A&M College of Medicine
Melody Davis, Ph.D. Chemistry Princeton University
Thomas Deahl, Ph.D. Radiation Biology The University of Iowa
Robert DeHaan, Ph.D. Human Development University of Chicago
Gage Blackstone, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Texas A&M University
Harold Delaney, Professor of Psychology University of New Mexico
Jonathan C. Boomgaarden, Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering University of Wisconsin
Keith Delaplane, Professor of Entomology University of Georgia
William Bordeaux, Chair, Department of Natural & Mathematical Science Huntington College
Michael Delp, Professor of Physiology Texas A&M University
Keith F. Conner, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Clemson University
David DeWitt, Associate Professor of Biology Liberty University
Aaron J. Mille,r Ph.D. Physics Stanford University
Gary Dilts, Ph.D. Mathematical Physics University of Colorado
Gerald Chubb, Associate Professor of Aviation Ohio State University
Robert DiSilvestro, Ph.D. Biochemistry Texas A & M University
Daniel Dix, Associate Professor of Mathematics University of South Carolina
Allison Dobson, Assistant Professor, Chemistry Georgia Southern University
David Prentice, Professor, Department of Life Sciences Indiana State University
Kenneth Dormer, Ph.D. Biology & Physiology University of California, Los Angeles
Ernest Prabhakar, Ph.D. Experimental Particle Physics California Institute of Technology
John Doughty, Ph.D. Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering University of Arizona
Jeanne Drisko, Clinical Assistant Professor of Alternative Medicine University of Kansas, School of Medicine
Robert Eckel, Professor of Medicine, Physiology & Biophysics University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
Seth Edward,s Associate Professor of Geology University of Texas, El Paso
Eduard F. Schmitter, Ph.D. Astronomy University of Wisconsin
Lee Eimers, Professor of Physics & Mathematics Cedarville University
Daniel Ely, Professor, Biology University of Akron
Pattle Pun, Professor of Biology Wheaton College
Thomas English, Adjunct Professor of Physics & Engineering Palomar College
Rosalind Picard, Sc.D. Electrical Engineering & Computer Science MIT
Danielle Dalafave, Associate Professor of Physics The College of New Jersey
Richard Erdlac, Ph.D. Structural Geology University of Texas (Austin)
Michael C. Reynolds, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering University of Arkansas-Fort Smith
Bruce Evans, Ph.D. Neurobiology Emory University
Gary Achtemeier, Ph.D. Meteorology Florida State University
William Everson, Ph.D. Human Physiology Penn State College of Medicine
Susan L.M. Huck, Ph.D. Geology/Geography Clark University
James Florence, Associate Professor, Department of Public Health East Tennessee State University
Douglas R. Buck, Ph.D. Nutrition and Food Sciences Utah State University Fellow, American College of Nutrition
Margaret Flowers, Professor of Biology Wells College
Itienne Windisch, Ph.D. Engineering McGill University (Canada)
Mark Foster, Ph.D. Chemical Engineering University of Minnesota
Suzanne Sawyer Vincent, Ph.D. Physiology & Biophysics University of Washington
Clarence Fouche, Professor of Biology Virginia Intermont College
Robert Blomgren, Ph.D. Mathematics University of Minnesota
Kenneth French, Chairman, Division of Natural Science Blinn College
Richard N. Taylor, Professor of Information & Computer Science University of California, Irvine
Marvin Fritzler, Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology University of Calgary Medical School (Canada)
Walter E. Lillo, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Purdue University
Mark Fuller, Ph.D. Microbiology University of California, Davis
Daniel Galassini, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Kansas State University
Stanley E. Zager, Professor Emeritus, Chemical Engineering Youngstown State University
Andrew Fong, Ph.D. Chemistry Indiana University
John Garth, Ph.D. Physics University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana
Glen O. Brindley, Professor of Surgery, Director of Ophthalmology Scott & White Clinic, Texas A&M University H.S.C.
Ann Gauger, Ph.D. Zoology University of Washington
Paul Brown, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies Trinity Western University (Canada)
Mark Geil, Ph.D. Biomedical Engineering Ohio State University
Ibrahim Barsoum, Ph.D. Microbiology The George Washington University
Jim Gibson, Ph.D. Biology Loma Linda University
John W. Balliet, Ph.D. Molecular & Cellular Biology University of Pennsylvania,
Post-doctoral Fellowship, Harvard Medical School
William Gilbert, Emeritus Professor of Biology Simpson College
Joe R. Eagleman, Professor Emeritus, Department of Physics & Astronomy University of Kansas
Warren Gilson, Associate Professor, Dairy Science University of Georgia
Raul Leguizamon, Professor of Medicine (Pathology) Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
Steven Gollmer, Ph.D. Atmospheric Science Purdue University
Gene B. Chase, Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science (Ph.D. Cornell) Messiah College
Chris Grace, Associate Professor of Psychology Biola University
James A. Ellard, Sr. Ph.D. Chemistry University of Kentucky
Richard Gunasekera, Ph.D. Biochemical Genetics Baylor University
Jennifer M. Cohen, Ph.D. Mathematical Physics New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Russel Peak, Senior Researcher, Engineering Information Systems Georgia Institute of Technology
Graham Gutsche, Emeritus Professor of Physics U.S. Naval Academy
Dan Hale, Professor of Animal Science Texas A&M University
Robert L. Jones, Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmology University of California, Irvine
James Harbrecht, Clinical Associate Professor, Division of Cardiology University of Kansas Medical Center
George W. Benthien, Ph.D. Mathematics Carnegie Mellon University
James Harman Associate Chair, Dept. of Chemistry & Biochemistry Texas Tech University
Frederick T. Zugibe, Emeritus Adjunct Associate Professor of Pathology Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
William Harris, Ph.D. Nutritional Biochemistry University of Minnesota
Thomas H. Johnson, Ph.D. Mathematics University of Maryland
Paul Hausgen, Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Gregory A. Snyder, Ph.D. Geochemistry Colorado School of Mines
Walter Hearn, Ph.D. Biochemistry University of Illinois
Howard Martin Whitcraft, Ph.D. Mathematics University of St. Louis
Nolan Hertel, Professor, Nuclear & Radiological Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Joseph Francis, Associate Professor of Biology Cedarville University
Roland Hirsch, Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry University of Michigan
Todd Peterson, Ph.D. Plant Physiology University of Rhode Island
Charles Edward Norman, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Carleton University (Canada)
Dewey Hodges, Professor, Aerospace Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
James P. Russum, Ph.D. Chemical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Marko Horb, Ph.D. Cell & Developmental Biology State University of New York
Joe Watkins, Military Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering United States Military Academy
Barton Houseman, Emeritus Professor of Chemistry Goucher College
Mark Pritt, Ph.D. Mathematics Yale University
Edward Peltzer, Ph.D. Oceanography University of California, San Diego (Scripps Institute)
Cornelius Hunte,r Ph.D. Biophysics University of Illinois
Rodney Ice, Principle Research Scientist, Nuclear & Radiological Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Malcolm W. MacArthur, Ph.D. Molecular Biophysics University of London (UK)
Rafe Payne, Ph.D. Biology University of Nebraska
Muzaffar Iqbal, Ph.D. Chemistry University of Saskatchewan (Canada)
Mark P. Bowman, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry Pennsylvania State University
David Ives, Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry Ohio State University
Amiel Jarstfer, Associate Professor of Biology LeTourneau University
Stephan J. G. Gift, Professor of Electrical Engineering The University of the West Indies
Tony Jelsma, Ph.D. Biochemistry McMaster University (Canada)
Fred Johnson, Ph.D. Pathology Vanderbilt University
Raleigh R. White, IV Professor of Surgery Texas A&M University, College of Medicine
Jerry Johnson, Ph.D. Pharmacology & Toxicology Purdue University
Harold D. Cole, Professor of Physiology Southwestern Oklahoma State University
Yongsoon Park, Ph.D. Nutritional Biochemistry Washington State University
Richard Johnson, Professor of Chemistry LeTourneau University
David Hagen, Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering University of Minnesota
David Johnson, Associate Professor of Pharmacology & Toxicology Duquesne University
Jay Hollman, Assistant Clinical Professor of Cardiology Louisiana State University Health Science Center
Lawrence Johnston, Emeritus Professor of Physics University of Idaho
Albert J. Starshak, Ph.D. Physical Chemistry Illinois Institute of Technology
Robert Jones, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering University of Texas-Pan America
Scott T. Dreher, Ph.D. Geology (Royal Society USA Research Fellow) University of Alaska, Fairbanks
David Jones, Professor of Biochemistry & Chair of Chemistry Grove City College
Robert Kaita, Ph.D. Nuclear Physics Rutgers University
Kenneth Demarest, Professor of Electrical Engineering University of Kansas
Edwin Karlow, Chair, Department of Physics LaSierra University
Francis M. Donahue, Professor Emeritus, Chemical Engineering The University of Michigan
James Keener, Professor of Mathematics & Adjunct of Bioengineering University of Utah
Shawn Wright, Ph.D. Crop Science North Carolina State University
Douglas Keil, Ph.D. Plasma Physics University of Wisconsin, Madison
Dave Finnegan, Staff Member (Ph.D. Chemistry, University of Maryland) Los Alamos National Laboratory
Micheal Kelleher, Ph.D. Biophysical Chemistry University of Ibadan (Nigeria)
Christine B. Beaucage, Ph.D. Mathematics State University of New York at Stony Brook
Rebecca Keller, Research Professor, Department of Chemistry University of New Mexico
Gerald E. Hoyer, Retired Forrest Scientist (Ph.D. Silviculture, University of Washington) Washington State Department of Natural Resources
Michael Kent, Ph.D. Materials Science University of Minnesota
Richard Kinch, Ph.D. Computer Science Cornell University
Irfan Yilmaz, Professor of Biology (Ph.D. Systematic Zoology) Dokuz Eylul University (Turkey)
Bretta King, Assistant Professor of Chemistry Spelman College
Mauricio Alcocer, Director of Graduate Studies (Ph.D. Plant Science, University of Idaho) Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
R. Barry King, Prof. of Environmental Safety & Health Albuquerque Technical Vocational Institute
Hiroshi Ishii, M.D., Ph.D. Behavioral Neurology Tohoku University (Japan)
Michael Kinnaird, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Lasse Uotila, M.D., Ph.D. Medicinal Biochemistry University of Helsinki (Finland)
Donald Kobe, Professor of Physics University of North Texas, Denton
Martin Emery, Ph.D. Chemistry University of Southampton (UK)
Charles Koons, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry University of Minnesota
Miguel A. Rodriguez, Undergraduate Lab. Coordinator for Biochemistry University of Ottawa (Canada)
Carl Koval, Full Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry University of Colorado, Boulder
Magda Narciso Leite, Professor, College of Pharmacy & Biochemistry Universidade Federal de Juiz de For a (Brazil)
Bruce Krogh, Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering Carnegie Mellon University
Tetsuichi Takagi, Senior Research Scientist Geological Survey of Japan
Daniel Kuebler, Ph.D. Molecular & Cellular Biology University of California, Berkeley
William Notz, Professor of Statistics Ohio State University
Wesley Nyborg, Emeritus Professor of Physics University of Vermont
Peter William Holyland, Ph.D. Geology University of Queensland (Australia)
Paul Kuld, Associate Professor, Biological Science Biola University
Heather Kuruvilla, Ph.D. Biological Sciences State University of New York, Buffalo
Nancy L. Swanson, Ph.D. Physics Florida State University
Martin LaBar, Ph.D. Genetics & Zoology University of Wisconsin, Madison
William B. Hart, Assistant Professor of Mathematics University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Teresa Larranaga, Ph.D. Pharmacology University of New Mexico
Yuri Zharikov, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow (Ph.D. Zoology) Simon Fraser University (Canada)
Ronald Larson, Professor and Chair of Chemical Engineering University of Michigan
Wolfgang Hutter, Ph.D. Chemistry University of Ulm (Germany)
Robert Lattimer Ph.D. Chemistry University of Kansas, Lawrence
Robert J. Graham Ph.D. Chemical Engineering Iowa State University
M. Harold Laughlin, Professor & Chair, Department of Biomedical Sciences University of Missouri
Samuel C. Winchester, Klopman Distinguished Professor Emeritus (Ph.D. Princeton) North Carolina State University
George Lebo, Associate Professor of Astronomy University of Florida
Kurt J. Henle, Professor Emeritus (Ph.D. Biophysics, University of Pennsylvania) University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
J.B. Lee, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering University of Texas, Dallas
James O. Dritt, Ph.D. Civil Engineering & Environmental Science University of Oklahoma
Matti Leisola, Professor, Laboratory of Bioprocess Engineering Helsinki University of Technology
Manuel Garcia Ulloa Gomez, Director of Marine Sciences Laboratory Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
E. Lennard, Sc. D. Surgical Infections & Immunology University of Cincinnati
Glen E. Deal, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Florida Institute of Technology
Lane Lester, Ph.D. Genetics Purdue University
Paul Whitehead, Ph.D. Chemical Thermodynamics University of Natal (South Africa)
Catherine Lewis, Ph.D. Geophysics Colorado School of Mines
John R. Goltz, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering University of Arizona
Peter Line, Ph.D. Neuroscience Swinburne University of Technology (Australia)
Gerald P. Bodey, Emeritus Professor of Medicine, Former Chairman Department of Medical Specialties, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Garrick Little, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry Texas A & M University
John Nichols, Ph.D. Mathematics University of Tennessee
Mark Bearden, Ph.D. Electrical & Computer Engineering Carnegie Mellon University
Harry Lubansky, Ph.D. Biological Chemistry University of Illinois, Chicago
Daniel L. Moran, Ph.D. Molecular & Cellular Biology Ohio University
Fulbright Scholar
Ken Ludema, Emeritus Professor of Mechanical Engineering University of Michigan
Jed Macosko, Ph.D. Chemistry University of California, Berkeley
Nigel Surridge, Ph.D. Electrochemistry & Photochemistry University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Christopher Macosko, Ph.D. Chemical Engineering Princeton University
David Keller, Associate Professor of Chemistry University of New Mexico
Allen Magnuson, Ph. D. Theoretical & Applied Mechanics University of New Hampshire
Amy Ward, Ph.D. Mathematics Clemson University
Donald Mahan, Professor of Animal Nutrition Ohio State University
Shane A. Kasten, Post-Doctoral Fellow (Ph.D. Biochemistry, Kansas State University) Virginia Commonwealth University
Robert Marks, Professor, Signal & Image Processing University of Washington
Jesus Ambriz, Professor of Medicine Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
Julie Marshall, Ph.D. Chemistry Texas Tech University
Jay L. Wile, Ph.D. Nuclear Chemistry University of Rochester
David McClellan, Assistant Professor of Family & Community Medicine Texas A&M University College of Medicine
Evgeny Shirokov, Faculty Lecturer (Nuclear and Particle Physics) Moscow State University (Russia)
Andy McIntosh, Full Professor of Thermodynamics and Combustion Theory University
of Leeds (UK)
Mark A. Robinson, Ph.D. Environmental Science Lacrosse University
Tom McMullen, Ph.D. History & Philosophy of Science Indiana University
Martin Poenie, Associate Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology University of Texas, Austin
Tony Mega, Ph.D. Biochemistry Purdue University
Carl Poppe, Ph.D. Physics University of Wisconsin
James Menar, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Wright State University
Theodor Liss, Ph.D. Chemistry MIT
James Keesling, Professor of Mathematics University of Florida
Brian Miller, Ph.D. Physics Duke University
Art Nitz, Ph.D. Anatomy & Neurobiology University of Kentucky
Thomas Milner, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering University of Texas, Austin
David Ness, Ph.D. Anthropology Temple University
Forrest Mims, Atmospheric Researcher Geronimo Creek Observatory
S. W. Pelletier,* Emeritus Distinguished Professor of Chemistry University of Georgia, Athens
Paul Missel, Ph.D. Physics MIT
Dónal O\’Mathúna, Ph.D. Pharmacognosy Ohio State University
Lennart Möller, Professor, Center for Nutrition & Toxicology Karolinska Institute
Victoriano Saenz, Professor of Medicine Autonomous University of Guadalajara
David Monson, Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry Indiana University
Hugh Nutley,* Professor Emeritus of Physics & Engineering Seattle Pacific University
Terry Morrison, Ph.D. Chemistry Syracuse University
Bijan Nemati, Ph.D. High Energy Physics University of Washington
William Russell Belding, Ph.D. Mathematics University of Notre Dame
Paul Nesselroade, Associate Professor of Experimental Psychology Asbury College
Kevin L. Kendig, Ph.D. Materials Science & Engineering University of Michigan
Robert Newman, Ph.D. Astrophysics Cornell University
Angus Menuge, Ph.D. Philosophy of Psychology University of Wisconsin-Madison
Khawar Sohail Siddiqui, Senior Research Associate (Protein Chemistry) University of New South Wales (Australia)
Janet Parker, Professor of Medical Physiology Texas A&M University, Health Science Center
Scott Northrup, Chair and Professor of Chemistry Tennessee Tech University
John Omdahl, Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology University of New Mexico
Fazale Rana, Ph.D. Chemistry Ohio University
Rebecca Orr, Ph.D. Cell Biology University of Texas, Southwestern
Cevat Babuna, Professor Emeritus of Gynecology (Post-doc, University of Chicago) Istanbul University (Turkey)
Lawrence Overzet, Professor of Engineering & Computer Science University of Texas, Dallas
J. Meredith, Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Siddarth Pandey, Assistant Professor of Chemistry New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Gordon Mills, Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry University of Texas, Medical Branch
A. Clyde Hill, Ph.D. Soil Chemistry Rutgers University
Stephen Meyer, Ph.D. Philosophy of Science Cambridge University
William Purcell, Ph.D. Physical Chemistry Princeton University
Paul Randolph, Ph.D. Mathematical Statistics University of Minnesota
Christopher Morbey, Astronomer (Ret.) Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, National Research Council of Canada
David Reed, Ph.D Entomology University of California, Riverside
J. Ishizak,i Associate Professor of Neuropsychology (M.D., Ph.D. Medicine) Kobe Gakuin University (Japan)
David Rogstad, Ph.D. Physics California Institute of Technology
Arthur John Jones, Ph.D. Zoology & Comparative Physiology Birmingham University (UK)
Patricia Reiff, Director, Rice Space Institute Rice University
Oleh Havrysh, Senior Research Assistant, Protein & Peptide Structure & Function Dept. Institute of Bioorganic Chemsitry & Petrochemistry Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences (Ukraine)
Dan Reynolds, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry University of Texas, Austin
Andrew Steckley, Ph.D. Civil Engineering University of Western Ontario (Canada)
Terry Rickard, Ph.D. Engineering Physics University of California, San Diego
Mubashir Hanif, Ph.D. Plant Biology University of Helsinki (Finland)
Eliot Roberts, Ph.D. Soil Chemistry Rutgers University
Mario Beauregard, Associate Researcher, Department of Psychology (Ph.D. Neuroscience) University of Montreal (Canada)
Quinton Rogers, Prof. of Physiological Chemistry, Dept. of Molecular Biosciences Univ. of California, Davis, School of Vet. Medicine
Liang Hong, Associate Professor, Dept. of Dental Public Health & Behavioral Science University of Missouri—Kansas City
Daniel Romo, Professor of Chemistry Texas A&M University
David Sabatini, Professor Civil Engineering & Environmental Science University of Oklahoma
Richard Buggs, DPhil Plant Ecology & Evolution Oxford University (UK)
Theodore Saito, Ph.D. Physics Pennsylvania State University
Kay Roscoe, Ph.D. High Energy Particle Physics University of Manchester (UK)
Thomas Saleska, Professor of Biology Concordia University
James F. Drake, Ph.D. Atmospheric Science University of California, Los Angeles
Fernando Saravi, Professor, Department of Morphology and Physiology Med. Sciences School, Univ. Nacional de Cuyo (Argentina)
Harold Toups, Ph.D. Chemical Engineering Louisiana State University
Phillip Savage, Professor of Chemical Engineering University of Michigan
Seyyed Imran Husnain, Ph.D. Bacterial Genetics University of Sheffield (UK)
Dale Schaefer, Professor, Materials Science & Engineering University of Cincinnati
Russell C. Healey, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering University of Cambridge (UK)
Siegfried Scherer, Professor of Microbial Ecology Technische Universität München
Stuart C. Burgess, Professor of Design & Nature, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Bristol University (UK)
Norman Schmidt, Professor of Chemistry Georgia Southern University
Steve Maxwell, Associate Professor of Molecular and Cellular Medicine Texas A&M University, H.S.C.
Andrew Schmitz, Ph.D. Inorganic Chemistry University of Iowa
Anne E. Vravick, Ph.D. Environmental Toxicology University of Wisconsin, Madison
Granville Sewell, Professor of Mathematics University of Texas, El Paso
Marshall Adams, Ph.D. Marine Sciences University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Stephen Sewell, Assistant Professor of Family Medicine Texas A&M University
Herman J. van Eck, Assistant Professor in Plant Breeding Wageningen University (The Netherlands)
Gregory Shearer, Ph.D. Physiology University of California, Davis
Douglas Nelson Rose, Research Physicist United States Army
David Shormann, Ph.D. Limnology Texas A&M University
Paul Lorenzini, Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering Oregon State University
Dale Spence Emeritus Professor of Kinesiology Rice University
David W. Dykstra, Ph.D. Computer Science University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Arnold Sikkema, Associate Professor of Physics Dordt College
Larry S. Helmick, Senior Professor of Chemistry Cedarville University
Georgia Purdom, Ph.D. Molecular Genetics Ohio State University
John Silvius, Ph.D. Plant Physiology West Virginia University
Philip S. Taylor, Research Fellow, Computer Science Queen’s University Belfast (UK)
Fred Skif, Professor of Physics University of Iowa
Giulio D. Guerra, First Researcher of the Italian National Research Council (Chemistry) Istituto Materiali Compositi e Biomedici, CNR (Italy)
Ken Smith, Professor of Mathematics Central Michigan University
Jacquelyn W. McClelland, Professor (Ph.D. Nutritional Biochemistry) North Carolina State University, NCCE
Robert Smith, Professor of Chemistry University of Nebraska, Omaha
Ian C. Fuller, Senior Lecturer in Physical Geography Massey University (New Zealand)
Wolfgang Smith, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics Oregon State University
Wayne L. Cook, Ph.D. Inorganic Chemistry University of Kentucky
John Stamper, Research Physicist Naval Research Laboratory
Jeffrey L. Vaughn, Ph.D. Engineering University of California, Irvine
Timothy Standish, Ph.D. Environmental Biology George Mason University
William Hankley, Professor of Computer Science Kansas State University
Walt Stangl Associate Professor of Mathematics Biola University
John C. Walton, Professor of Reactive Chemistry (Ph.D. & D.Sc.) University of St. Andrews (UK), Fellow Royal Society of Chemistry, Fellow Royal Society of Edinburgh
Karl Stephan, Associate Professor, Dept. of Technology Texas State University, San Marcos
Cahit Babuna, Ph.D. Radiology Istanbul University (Turkey)
Richard Sternberg, Ph.D. Biology (Molecular Evolution) Florida International University, Also: Ph.D. Systems Science (Theoretical Biology) Binghamton University
Reid W. Castrodale, P.E., Ph.D. Structural Engineering University of Texas, Austin
Michael Strauss, Associate Professor of Physics University of Oklahoma
Jason David Ward, Ph.D. Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Glasgow University (UK)
John Studenroth, Ph.D. Plant Pathology Cornell University
Peter M. Rowell, D.Phil. Physics University of Oxford (UK)
Mark Swanson, Ph.D. Biochemistry University of Illinois
João Jorge Ribeiro Soares, Gonçalves de Araújo, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics Open University (Portugal)
James Swanson, Professor of Biological Sciences Old Dominion University
Justin Holl, Ph.D. Animal Science University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Bela Szilagyi, Ph.D. Physics University of Pittsburgh
Richard Mann, Ph.D. Physical Chemistry Princeton University
Daniel Tedder, Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Derek Linkens, Senior Research Fellow and Emeritus Professor (Biomedical Eng.) University of Sheffield (UK)
Charles Thaxton, Ph.D. Physical Chemistry Iowa State University
Lee M. Spetner, Ph.D. Physics MIT
Christopher L. Thomas, Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry University of South Carolina
Sture Blomberg, Associate Professor of Anesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine The Sahlgren University Hospital (Sweden)
Pavithran Thomas, Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Ohio State University
Leonard Loose, Ph.D. Botany University of Leeds (UK)
Richard Thompson, Ph.D. Computer Science University of Connecticut
James R. Thompson, Noah Harding Professor of Statistics Rice University
Ide Trotter, Ph.D. Chemical Engineering Princeton University
Royal Truman, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry Michigan State University
Robert VanderVennen, Ph.D. Physical Chemistry Michigan State University
Vincente Villa, Emeritus Professor of Biology Southwestern University
Margil Wadley, Ph.D. Inorganic Chemistry Purdue University
Carston Wagner, Associate Professor of Medicinal Chemistry University of Minnesota
Linda Walkup, Ph.D. Molecular Genetics University of New Mexico Medical School
James Tumlin, Associate Professor of Medicine Emory University
David Van Dyke, Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry University of Illinois, Urbana
John Walkup, Emeritus Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering Texas Tech University
Robert Waltzer, Associate Professor of Biology Belhaven College
James R. Brawer, Professor of Anatomy & Cell Biology (Ph.D., Harvard) McGill University (Canada)
Todd Watson, Assistant Professor of Urban & Community Forestry Texas A & M University
Weimin Gao, Microbiologist Brookhaven National Laboratory
Heikki Martikka, Professor of Machine Design Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland)
Gerald Wegner, Ph.D. Entomology Loyola University
Richard R. Neptune, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Texas, Austin
Jonathan Wells, Ph.D. Molecular & Cell Biology University of California, Berkeley
Alexandre S. Soares, Ph.D. Mathematics Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Robert Wentworth, Ph.D. Toxicology University of Georgia
Einar W. Palm, Professor Emeritus, Department of Plant Pathology University of Missouri, Columbia
R. P. Wharton, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Sandra Gade, Emeritus Professor of Physics University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh
Elden Whipple, Affiliate Professor of Earth & Space Sciences University of Washington
Chee K. Yap, Professor of Computer Science (Ph.D., Yale University) Courant Institute, New York University
Mark White, Professor of Chemical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Terrance Murphy, Professor of Chemistry Weill Cornell Medical College
Ed Neeland, Professor of Chemistry Okanagan University
Gregg Wilkerson, Ph.D. Geologic Science University of Texas, El Paso
Joseph M. Marra Director, Interventional Radiology, & Adjunct Professor of Medicine Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center
John H. Whitmore, Associate Professor of Geology Cedarville University
Ernest L., Brannon Professor Emeritus, Distinguished Research Professor (Ph.D. Fisheries) University of Idaho
Christopher Williams, Ph.D. Biochemistry Ohio State University
J. Mitch Wolff, Professor of Mechanical Engineering Wright State University
Thomas D. Gillespie, Research Professor Emeritus Transportation Research Institute, University of Michigan
John Worraker, Ph.D. Applied Mathematics University of Bristol (UK)
Alexander Yankovsky, Assistant Professor of Physical Oceanography Nova Southeastern University
John C. Zink, Former Assistant Professor of Engineering University of Oklahoma
Patrick Young, Ph.D. Chemistry Ohio University
David Zartman, Ph.D. Genetics & Animal Breeding Ohio State University
Charles T. Rombough, Ph.D. Engineering University of Texas
Henry Zuill, Emeritus Professor of Biology Union College
Jane M. Orient, Clinical Lecturer in Medicine University of Arizona College of Medicine
Frank Young, Ph.D. Computer Engineering Air Force Institute of Technology
Murray E. Moore, Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Texas A&M University
William J. Powers, Ph.D. Physics University California, San Diego
Max G. Walter, Associate Professor of Radiology Oklahoma University Health Science Center
Rosa María Muñoz, Head of Biopharmacy Department Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
Scott R. Fulton, Ph.D. Atmospheric Science Colorado State University
Don Olson, Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry Purdue University
Graham Marshall, Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry University of Pretoria (South Africa)
Philip R. Page, Ph.D. Theoretical Particle Physics University of Oxford (UK)
Roger Wiens, Ph.D. Physics University of Minnesota
Mark Toleman, Ph.D. Molecular Microbiology Bristol University (UK)
Robert O. Kalbach, Ph.D. Physical Chemistry University of South Florida
Gregory J. Brewer, Prof. of Neurology, Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Cell Biology Southern Illinois University School of Medicine
Neil Huber, Dr. rer. nat. (Ph.D. Anthropology) Tuebingen University
Marc C. Daniels, Assistant Professor of Biology William Carey College
J.D. Moolenburgh, Ph.D. Epidemiology University of Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
Roger Lien, Ph.D. Physiology North Carolina State University
Dean Schulz, Ph.D. Computer Science Colorado State University
John Millam, Ph.D. Computational Chemistry Rice University
Joseph Lary, Epidemiologist and Research Biologist (retired) Centers for Disease Control
Richard S. Beale, Jr. Ph.D. Entomology University of California, Berkeley
Ernest M. Thiessen, Ph.D. Civil & Environmental Engineering Cornell University
Tianyou Wang, Research Scientist Center for Advanced Studies in Measurement & Assessment, University of Iowa
Øyvind A. Voie, Ph.D. Biology University of Oslo (Norway)
David K. Shortess Professor of Biology (Retired) New Mexico Tech
A.D. Harrison, Emeritus Professor of Biology University of Waterloo
William P. Shulaw, Professor of Veterinary Preventive Medicine The Ohio State University
Darrell R. Parnell, Ph. D. University Level Science Education Kansas State University
Daniel W. Barnette, Ph. D. Aerospace Engineering Stanford University
David William, Jensen Professor of Biology Tomball College
Edward M. Bohn, Ph. D. Nuclear Engineering University of Illinois
Robert G. Vos, Ph.D. Civil/Structural Engineering Rice University
Yvonne Boldt, Ph. D. Microbiology University of Minnesota
William B. Collier, Ph. D. Physical Chemistry Oklahoma State University
Edward Gade, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh
James E. Nymann, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics University of Texas at El Paso
Malcolm A. Cutchins, Ph. D. Engineering Mechanics Virginia Tech
Lisanne D’Andrea-Winslow, Ph. D. Cell Biology & Biochemistry Rutgers University
Holger Daugaard, Ph. D. Agronomy Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences (Denmark)
Shieu-Hong Lin, Assistant Professor of Computer Science (Ph.D., Brown University) Biola University
W. John Durfee, Assistant Professor of Pharmacology Case Western Reserve University
Dominic M. Halsmer, Ph. D. Mechanical Engineering UCLA
Charles B. Lowrey, Ph.D. Chemistry University of Houston
Jeffrey H. Harwell, Ph. D. Chemical Engineering University of Texas, Austin
Frank Cheng, Associate Professor of Chemistry University of Idaho
David Heddle, Ph. D. Physics Carnegie Mellon University
Yoshiyuki Amemiya, Professor of Advanced Materials Science & Applied Physics The University of Tokyo
Barbara S. Helmkamp, Ph.D. Theoretical Physics Louisiana State University
David C. Kem, Professor of Medicine University of Oklahoma College of Medicine
C. Thomas Luiskutty, Ph.D. Physics Univ. of Louisville
Wusi Maki, Research Asst. Professor, Dept. of Microbiology, Mol. Biology, & Biochem. University of Idaho
A. Cordell Perkes, Ph.D. Science Education Ohio State University
John D. Cook, Head of Software Development (Ph.D. Mathematics, U.T. Austin) Department of Biostatistics & Applied Mathematics, U. of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Tony Prato, Prof. of Ecological Economics University of Missouri
Charles G. Sanny, Prof. of Biochemistry Oklahoma State University Ctr. for Health Sciences
Jairam Vanamala, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Faculty of Nutrition Faculty of Nutrition, TAMU, College Station
Gordon L. Wilson, Ph.D. Environmental Science and Public Policy George Mason University
Robin D. Zimmer, Ph.D. Environmental Sciences Rutgers University
Karl Duff ,Sc.D. Mechanical Engineering MIT
David Jansson, Sc.D. Instrumentation and Automatic Control MIT
C.Steven Murphree, Professor of Biology Belmont University
Alfred G. Ratz, Ph.D. Engineering Physics University of Toronto (Canada)
Chris Cellucci, Associate Professor of Physics Ursinus College
Gary Maki, Director, Ctr. for Advanced Microelectronics and Biomolecular Research University of Idaho
Ronald S. Carson, Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering University of Washington
Joseph A. Strada, Ph.D. Aeronautical Engineering Naval Postgraduate School
Olaf Karthaus, Associate Professor, Chemistry Chitose Institute of Science & Technology (Japan)
Arnold Eugene Carden, Professor Emeritus of Engineering Science & Mechanics University of Alabama
John B. Marshall, Professor of Medicine University of Missouri School of Medicine
Robert B. Sheldon, Ph.D. Physics University of Maryland, College Park
B.K. Nelson, Research Toxicologist (retired) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Hansik Yoon, Ph.D. Fiber Science Seoul National University (South Korea)
David Conover, Ph.D. Health Physics Purdue University
Luis Paulo Franco de Barros, D.Sc. Mechanical Engineering Pontificia
Universidade Católica (Brazil)
Richard W. Pooley, Professor of Surgery (retired) New York Medical College
Arthur Chadwick, Ph.D. Molecular Biology University of Miami
Lennart Saari, Adjunct Professor, Wildlife Biology University of Helsinki (Finland)
Douglas G. Frank, Ph.D. Surface Electrochemistry University of Cincinnati
James G. Tarrant, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry University of Texas, Austin
N. Ricky Byrn, Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Mark S. Whorton, Ph.D. Aerospace Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Jeffrey E. Lander, Ph.D. Biomechanics University of Oregon
Curtis Hawkins, Asst. Clinical Professor of Dermatology Case Western Reserve Univ. School of Medicine
Mary A. Brown, DVM (Veterinary Medicine) Ohio State University
Thomas H. Marshall, Adjunct Professor, Food Agricultural and Biological Engineering Ohio State University
Charles H. McGowen, Assistant Professor of Medicine Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine
Ronald R. Crawford, Ed.D. Science Education Ball State University
Matti Junnila, DVM, Ph.D. Veterinary Pathology University of Helsinki (Finland)
Dean Svoboda, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering The Ohio State University
Ruth C. Miles, Professor of Chemistry Malone College
Mark J. Lattery, Associate Professor of Physics University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
William McVaugh, Associate Professor of Biology Department of Natural Sciences, Malone College
Jeffrey M. Goff, Associate Professor of Chemistry Malone College
Jarrod W. Carter, Ph.D. Bioengineering University of Washington
David B. Medved, Ph.D. Physics University of Pennsylvania
Theodore W. Geier, Ph.D. Forrest Hydrology University of Minnesota
Christian Heiss, Post-Doctoral Associate Complex Carbohydrate Res. Ctr., Univ. of Georgia
G. Bradley Schaefer, Professor of Pediatrics University of Nebraska Medical Center
Bruce Simat, Associate Professor of Biology Northwestern College
Teresa Gonske, Assistant Professor of Mathematics Northwestern College
Thomas Mundie, Professor of Life Science United States Military Academy at West Point
Scott S. Kinnes, Professor of Biology Azusa Pacific University
James A. Huggins, Chair, Dept. of Biology & Dir., Hammons Center for Scientific Studies Union University
Jonathan A. Zderad, Assistant Professor of Mathematics Northwestern College
Michael R. Egnor, Professor and Vice-Chairman, Dept. of Neurological Surgery State University of New York at Stony Brook
I. Caroline Crocker, Ph.D. Immunopharmacology University of Southampton (UK)
Donald J. Hanrahan, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering University of Maryland
Gintautas Jazbutis, Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Paul S. Darby, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry University of Georgia
Changhyuk An, Ph.D. Physics University of Tennessee
L. Kirt Martin, Professor of Biology Lubbock Christian University
Gerald Schroeder, Ph.D. Earth Sciences & Nuclear Physics MIT
Rod Rogers, Ph.D. Agronomy/Plant Breeding Iowa State University
David W. Herrin, Research Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering University of Kentucky
Glen Needham, Associate Professor of Entomology The Ohio State University
E. Byron Rogers, Professor of Chemistry; Chair, Dept. of Mathematics & Physical Sciences Lubbock Christian University
Vladimir L. Voeikov, Vice-Chairman, Chair of Bio-organic Chemistry, Faculty of Biology Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia)
Ricardo Leon, Dean of School of Medicine Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
Eugene C. Ashby, Regents’ Professor and Distinguished Professor Emeritus Georgia Institute of Technology
JoAnne Larsen, Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering University of South Florida, Lakeland
Douglas Axe, Director (Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology) Biologic Institute
Joel Brind, Professor of Biology Baruch College, City University of New York
L. Whit Marks, Emeritus Professor of Physics University of Central Oklahoma
Perry Mason, Professor of Mathematics and Physical Science Lubbock Christian University
Timothy A. Mixon, Assistant Professor of Medicine Texas A&M University
Lawrence DeMejo, Ph.D. Polymer Science and Engineering University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Charles Garner, Professor of Chemistry Baylor University
Lynne Parker, Associate Professor of Computer Science (Ph.D. MIT) Distributed Intelligence Lab, University of Tennessee
Ivan M. Lang, Ph.D. Physiology and Biophysics Temple University
David J. Lawrence, Ph.D. Physics Washington University, St. Louis
John G. Hoey, Ph.D. Molecular and Cellular Biology City University of New York Graduate School
Theodore J. Siek, Ph.D. Biochemistry Oregon State University
John P. Rickert, Ph.D. Mathematics Vanderbilt University
Christian M. Loch, Ph.D. Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics University of Virginia
David W. Rusch, Sr. Research Scientist, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics University of Colorado
Charles A. Signorino, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry University of Pennsylvania
Luke Randall, Ph.D. Molecular Microbiology University of London (UK)
Jan Frederic Dudt, Associate Professor of Biology Grove City College
Glenn A. Marsch, Associate Professor of Physics Grove City College
Eduardo Sahagun, Professor of Botany Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
Mark A. Chambers, Ph.D. Virology University of Cambridge (UK)
Daniel Howell, Ph.D. Biochemistry Virginia Tech
Joel D. Hubbard, Associate Professor, Dept. of Lab. Science and Primary Care Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
C. Roger Longbotham, Ph.D. Statistics Florida State University
Hugh L. Henry, Lecturer (Ph.D. Physics, University of Virginia) Northern Kentucky University
Jonathan D. Eisenback, Professor of Plant Pathology Dept. of Plant Pathology and Weed Science Virginia Tech
Eduardo Arroyo, Professor of Forensics (Ph.D. Biology) Complutense University (Spain)
Peter Silley, Ph.D. Microbial Biochemistry University of Newcastle upon Tyne
E. Norbert Smith, Ph.D. Zoology Texas Tech University
Peter C. Iwen, Professor of Pathology and Microbiology University of Nebraska Medical Center
Paul Roschke, A.P. and Florence Wiley Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering Texas A&M University
Luman R. Wing, Associate Professor of Biology Azusa Pacific University
Edward F. Blick, Ph.D. Engineering Science University of Oklahoma
Wesley M. Taylor, Former Chairman of the Division of Primate Medicine & Surgery New England Regional Primate Research Center, Harvard Medical School
Don England, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry Harding University
Wayne Linn, Professor Emeritus of Biology Southern Oregon University
James Gundlach, Associate Professor of Physics John A. Logan College
Guillermo Gonzalez, Associate Professor of Astronomy Iowa State University
Tim Droubay, Ph.D. Physics University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Gregory D. Bossart, Director and Head of Pathology Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution
Barry Homer, Ph.D. Mathematics Southampton University (UK)
Jiøí Vácha, Professor Emeritus of Pathological Physiology Institute of Pathophysiology, Masaryk University (Czech Republic)
Richard J. Neves, Professor of Fisheries, Dept. of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences Virginia Tech
David Deming, Associate Professor of Geosciences University of Oklahoma
Gregory A. Ator, Associate Professor, Department of Otolaryngology University of Kansas Medical Center
Erkki Jokisalo, Ph.D. Social Pharmacy University of Kuopio (Finland)
John S. Roden, Associate Professor of Biology Southern Oregon University
Donald W. Russell, Adjunct Assistant Clinical Professor University of North Carolina School of Medicine
Neil Armitage, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering University of Cape Town (South Africa )
Geoff Barnard, Senior Research Scientist, Department of Veterinary Medicine University of Cambridge (UK)
Richard Hassing, Ph.D. Theoretical Physics Cornell University
Olivia Torres, Professor-Researcher (Human Genetics) Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
Donald A. Kangas, Professor of Biology Truman State University
Alvin Masarira, Senior Lecturer for Structural Engineering and Mechanics University of Cape Town (South Africa)
George A. Ekama, Professor, Water Quality Engineering, Dept of Civil Engineering University of Cape Town (South Africa)
Alistair Donald, Ph.D. Environmental Science/Quaternary or Pleistocene Palynology University of Wales (UK)
Thomas C. Majerus, PharmD; FCCP University of Minnesota
Ferenc Farkas, Ph.D. Applied Chemical Sciences Technical University of Budapest (Hungary)
Scott A. Chambers, Affiliate Professor of Chemistry and Materials Science & Engineering University of Washington
Cris Eberle, Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering Purdue University
Dennis M. Sullivan, Professor of Biology and Bioethics Cedarville University
Rodney M. Rutland, Department Head & Associate Professor of Kinesiology Anderson University
Alastair M. Noble, Ph.D. Chemistry University of Glasgow (Scotland)
Robert D. Orr, Professor of Family Medicine University of Vermont College of Medicine
Laverne Miller, Clinical Associate Professor of Family Medicine Medical College of Ohio
Laura Burke, Former Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering Lehigh University
Terry W. Spencer, Former Chair, Department of Geology & Geophysics Texas A&M University
Bert Massie, Ph.D. Physics University of California, Los Angeles
Mark C. Porte,r Ph.D. Chemical Engineering MIT
S. Thomas Abraham, Assistant Professor of Pharmacology & Toxicology Campbell University School of Pharmacy
John L. Hoffer, Professor of Engineering; Texas A&M University College of Engineering; (also) Professor of Anesthesiology Texas A&M Univ. Syst. Health Science Center
Anita McElroy, Ph.D. Biology University of California, San Diego
Herman Branover, Professor of Mechanical Engineering Ben-Gurion University (Israel)
Martin Krause, Research Scientist (Astronomy) University of Cambridge (UK)
James G. Bentsen Ph.D. Chemistry M.I.T.
Curtis Hrischuk, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Carleton University (Canada)
Guang-Hong Chen, Assistant Professor of Medical Physics & Radiology University of Wisconsin-Madison
Doug Hufstedler, Ph.D. Animal Nutrition Texas A&M University
Justin Long, Ph.D. Chemical Engineering Iowa State University
James E. Rankin, Ph.D. General Relativity Yeshiva University (Israel)
Donald F. Smee, Research Professor (Microbiology) Utah State University
Colin R. Reeves, Professor of Operational Research (Ph.D. Evolutionary Algorithms) Coventry University (UK)
*= Deceased since signing statement.
Note: Unless updated information has been received, positions listed are those held by signers when they signed the statement.
Ranks of Renowned Scientists Doubting Darwin\’s Theory on the Rise – 700 Now on Public List
SEATTLE, February 14, 2007 – Another 100 scientists have joined the ranks of scientists from around the world publicly stating their doubts about the adequacy of Darwin\’s theory of evolution.
\”Darwinism is a trivial idea that has been elevated to the status of the scientific theory that governs modern biology,\” says dissent list signer Dr. Michael Egnor. Egnor is a professor of neurosurgery and pediatrics at State University of New York, Stony Brook and an award-winning brain surgeon named one of New York\’s best doctors by New York Magazine.
Discovery Institute\’s Center for Science and Culture announced last week that over 700 scientists from around the world have now signed a statement expressing their skepticism about the contemporary theory of Darwinian evolution. The statement, located online at , reads: \”We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.\”
\”We know intuitively that Darwinism can accomplish some things, but not others,\” added Egnor. \”The question is what is that boundary? Does the information content in living things exceed that boundary? Darwinists have never faced those questions. They\’ve never asked scientifically if random mutation and natural selection can generate the information content in living things.\”
\”More scientists than ever before are now standing up and saying that it is time to rethink Darwin\’s theory of evolution in light of new scientific evidence that shows the theory is inadequate,\” said John West, associate director of the Center for Science & Culture. \”Darwinists are busy making up holidays to turn Charles Darwin into a saint, even as the evidence supporting his theory crumbles and more and more scientific challenges to it emerge.\”
The list of signatories includes member scientists from National Academies of Science in Russia, Czech Republic, Hungary, India (Hindustan), Nigeria, Poland, and the United States. Many of the signers are professors or researchers at major universities and international research institutions such as Cambridge University, Moscow State University, Chitose Institute of Science & Technology in Japan, Ben-Gurion University in Israel, MIT, The Smithsonian and Princeton.
Ranks of Renowned Scientists Doubting Darwin\’s Theory on the Rise – 700 Now on Public List
harry poonspews:
re 38: “We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.”
So what? How does careful examination of scientific theories translate into the divine origen of the universe 10,000 years ago?
CNN left? Left of who? Reagan? Buchanan? Mussolini? Have you watched CNN lately?
PBJ @ 4.
How dense can you be? They like Mondale in Minnesota! He’s a respected man of high integrity.
Franken isn’t running for Senator of some corrupt backward southern state fully controlled by Norquist money and people who think interracial sex is a sin in the bible and should be punished with the lash and ten years in prison.
Yet another faaaaaaaaaaar right wing nutjob’s kid is in trouble with the law. These law and order/moral majority types really show what big hypocrites they are on a regular basis. I hope this cunt does time.
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
YO, you ignorant slut, the concept behind the story is WRONG regardless of where it was first told. Ignorant sluts lik YO seem to think their total ignorance of the Arab world acts as their shield. . . .
Mrs Carl Grossmanspews:
10:02pm on Valentines Day: you\’re playing on the blogs instead of getting fucked by me.
What does that say about the sad state of our marriage?
Something about sucking.
Don\’t wake me when you come to bed.
Better yet, don\’t come to MY bed.
Lefties Love Islamo-Nutjob\'sspews:
Hairy Puta… where did those 700 renowned scientists make any reference whatsoever to \”divine origin\” in their comments or statement of dissent?
“We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.”
You\’re projecting again puta… unfortunately what you\’r projecting is your stupidity and inability to comprehend.
“We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.”
”More scientists than ever before are now standing up and saying that it is time to rethink Darwin\\’s theory of evolution in light of new scientific evidence that shows the theory is inadequate,” said John West, associate director of the Center for Science & Culture. ”Darwinists are busy making up holidays to turn Charles Darwin into a saint, even as the evidence supporting his theory crumbles and more and more scientific challenges to it emerge.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@38 What kind of bullshit list is this? I randomly selected 15 of the names and checked them against the on-line faculty directories of the listed colleges, and got no match for two-thirds of them.
Shing-Yan Chiu, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Brian Landrum, University of Alabama, Huntsville (listed as David B. Landrum)
Michael T. Goodrich, University of California, Irvine
David Prentice, Indiana State University
Rosalind Picard, MIT
No Match
No Match
Guang-Hong Chen, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Ann Gauger, University of Washington
John Doughty, University of Arizona
John L. Burba, Baylor University
Eduard F. Schmitter, University of Wisconsin
Thomas M. Stackhouse, University of California, Davis
John B. Cannon, Princeton University
Rosalind Picard, MIT
Gary Kastello, University of Wisonsin-Milwaukee
Robert Blomgren, University of Minnesota
Roger Rabbitspews:
OF course “careful examination” of Darwinian theory should be “encouraged.” Scrupulous scientists are always open to new evidence and re-evaluation of theories. Unfortunately, religious and political dogmatics never are.
Here are the three best arguments I can think of to support abortion rights…
Just think what a better place this world would be if these dick-sucking, chickenshit, chickenhawk cowards had been aborted?
proud to be an ass @ 24,
Your comment is exactly what I’m talking about in my post @ 10. You made my point for me. Mean-spirited commentary on Air America is what is killing that radio network. Making snide comments about me means you are small and pathetic. You won’t have Air America to listen to much longer, proud to be an ass. I suggest you look inward to find the root of your problem.
liberals: all wrong all the timespews:
48: your ignorant cult is dancing because at first blush it appears you win the game of gotcha.
Unfortunately, closer examination reveals you to be a fool, lazy and probably a liar.
Pay close attention now, fool and lazy liar, and rally your cult to do the same.
DIRECT QUOTE from the text of the document:
*= Deceased since signing statement.
Note: Unless updated information has been received, positions listed are those held by signers when they signed the statement.
Do you honestly believe all 700+ signed just yesterday??
Note: Unless updated information has been received, positions listed are those held by signers when they signed the statement.
Or are you playing sleazy lawyer games fast and loose with the inconvenient facts?
Note: Unless updated information has been received, positions listed are those held by signers when they signed the statement.
You give ample credence to my screen name: liberals, all wrong all the time.
Note: Unless updated information has been received, positions listed are those held by signers when they signed the statement.
Goldy, er Carl, er Roger, no wait, maybe Dug, hell I don\'t know who the fuck I am todayspews:
I see the fucker is censoring comments again
Lefties Love Islamo-Nutjob\'s and other assorted wacko\'sspews:
One other thing I almost forgot-
Nov 18 was the 28th anniversay of Jonestown-914 people, 276 of them children, were killed in Guyana on the order of People\’s Temple pastor Jim Jones.
A group called the \”concerned relatives\” had tried to warn officials in the US, Jones had been conducting mass suicide drills in the jungle of Guyana. They would not listen until it was too late though, because Jones had so much support from the Democratic party. Hubert Humphrey, Rosalyn Carter, Jerry Brown, George Moscone, and many others thought Jones was a swell guy, they did not examine him closely because they knew, as a supposed champion for racial equality, he delivered votes to the Democratic Party. In the end, he did not believe in Christ, he believed in Marx and socialism. Anyone who has even a passing interest in politics, religion, or just the basic organizing principles of society should read up on this. There is an excellent 1980 TV movie starring Powers Boothe as Jones. Keep it in mind the next time someone tries to stigmatize Pat Buchanan or another conservative as a \”religious nut\”, just remind them of Jim Jones…..
headless lucyspews:
re 48: I’ve decided to breed purebred Rottweillers applying Creationist breeding principles.
So far, they all look like mutts. But I’m sticking to my Creationist principles and will NOT selectively breed for desireable characteristics.
Because selective breeding doesn’t work. The jury is still out on that one.
Here’s a list of people who agree with me:
“We are skeptical of claims for the ability of conscious selection and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged, and immediate acceptance of the fact that the world was created 6,000 years ago by Jesus H. Christ.”
This list is publicly updated on a quarterly basis – last update February 2007. Scientists listed by doctoral degree or current position.
Philip Skell, Emeritus, Evan Pugh Prof. of Chemistry, Pennsylvania State University Member of the National Academy of Sciences
Lyle H. Jensen, Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Biological Structure & Dept. of Biochemistry University of Washington, Fellow AAAS
Maciej Giertych, Full Professor, Institute of Dendrology Polish Academy of Sciences
Lev Beloussov, Prof. of Embryology, Honorary Prof., Moscow State University Member, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
Eugene Buff, Ph.D. Genetics Institute of Developmental Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences
Emil Palecek, Prof. of Molecular Biology, Masaryk University; Leading Scientist Inst. of Biophysics, Academy of Sci., Czech Republic
K. Mosto Onuoha, Shell Professor of Geology & Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Univ. of Nigeria Fellow, Nigerian Academy of Science
Ferenc Jeszenszky, Former Head of the Center of Research Groups, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
M.M. Ninan, Former President Hindustan Academy of Science, Bangalore University (India)
Denis Fesenko, Junior Research Fellow, Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia)
Sergey I. Vdovenko, Senior Research Assistant, Department of Fine Organic Synthesis Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences (Ukraine)
Henry Schaefer, Director, Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry University of Georgia
Paul Ashby, Ph.D. Chemistry Harvard University
Israel Hanukoglu, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Chairman The College of Judea and Samaria (Israel)
Alan Linton, Emeritus Professor of Bacteriology University of Bristol (UK)
Dean Kenyon, Emeritus Professor of Biology San Francisco State University
David W. Forslund, Ph.D. Astrophysics, Princeton University Fellow of American Physical Society
Robert W. Bass, Ph.D. Mathematics (also: Rhodes Scholar; Post-Doc at Princeton) Johns Hopkins University
John Hey, Associate Clinical Prof. (also: Fellow, American Geriatrics Society) Dept. of Family Medicine, Univ. of Mississippi
Daniel W. Heinze, Ph.D. Geophysics (also: Post-Doc Fellow, Carnegie Inst. of Washington) Texas A&M University
Richard Anderson, Assistant Professor of Environmental Science and Policy Duke University
David Chapman,* Senior Scientist Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Giuseppe Sermont,i Professor of Genetics, Ret. (Editor, Rivista di Biologia/Biology Forum) University of Perugia (Italy)
Stanley Salthe, Emeritus Professor Biological Sciences Brooklyn College of the City University of New York
Donald Ewert, Ph.D. Microbiology University of Georgia
Bernard d\’Abrera Visiting Scholar, Department of Entomology British Museum (Natural History)
Mae-Wan Ho, Ph.D. Biochemistry The University of Hong Kong
Russell Carlson, Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology University of Georgia
Scott Minnich, Professor, Dept of Microbiology, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry University of Idaho
Jeffrey Schwartz, Assoc. Res. Psychiatrist, Dept. of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences University of California, Los Angeles
Alexander F. Pugach, Ph.D. Astrophysics Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (Ukraine)
Ralph Seelke, Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biology University of Wisconsin, Superior
Annika Parantainen, Ph.D. Biology University of Turku (Finland)
Fred Schroeder, Ph.D. Marine Geology Columbia University
David Snoke, Associate Professor of Physics & Astronomy University of Pittsburgh
Frank Tipler, Prof. of Mathematical Physics Tulane University
John A. Davison, Emeritus Associate Professor of Biology University of Vermont
James Tour Chao, Professor of Chemistry Rice University
Pablo Yepes, Research Associate Professor of Physics & Astronomy Rice University
David Bolender, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Cell Biology, Neurobiology & Anatomy Medical College of Wisconsin
Leo Zacharski, Professor of Medicine Dartmouth Medical School
Michael Behe, Professor of Biological Science Lehigh University
Michael Atchison, Professor of Biochemistry University of Pennsylvania, Vet School
Thomas G. Guilliams, Ph.D. Molecular Biology The Medical College of Wisconsin
Arthur B. Robinson, Professor of Chemistry Oregon Institute of Science & Medicine
Joel Adams, Professor of Computer Science Calvin College
Abraham S. Feigenbaum, Ph.D. Nutritional Biochemistry Rutgers University
Kevin Farmer, Adjunct Assistant Professor (Ph.D. Scientific Methodology) University of Oklahoma
Neal Adrian, Ph.D. Microbiology University of Oklahoma
Ge Wang, Professor of Radiology & Biomedical Engineering University of Iowa
Moorad Alexanian, Professor of Physics University of North Carolina, Wilmington
Richard Spencer, Professor (Ph.D. Stanford) University of California, Davis, Solid-State Circuits Research Laboratory
Braxton Alfred, Emeritus Professor, Anthropology University of British Columbia (Canada)
R. Craig Henderson, Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering Tennessee Tech University
Wesley Allen, Professor of Computational Quantum Chemistry University of Georgia
James Pierre Hauck, Professor of Physics & Astronomy University of San Diego
Mark Apkarian, Ph.D. Exercise Physiology University of New Mexico
Eshan Dias, Ph.D. Chemical Engineering King’s College, Cambridge University (UK)
Joseph Atkinson Ph.D. Organic Chemistry MIT
Dennis Dean Rathman, Staff Scientist MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Richard Austin, Assoc. Prof. & Chair, Biology & Natural Sciences Piedmont College
Raymond C. Mjolsness, Ph.D. Physics Princeton University
John Baumgardner, Ph.D. Geophysics & Space Physics University of California, Los Angeles
Glenn R. Johnson, Adjunct Professor of Medicine University of North Dakota School of Medicine
George Bennett, Associate Professor of Chemistry Millikin University
Robert L. Waters, Lecturer, College of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology
David Berlinski, Ph.D. Philosophy Princeton University
James Robert Dickens, Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Texas A&M University
Phillip Bishop, Professor of Kinesiology University of Alabama
Donald R. Mull, Ph.D. Physiology University of Pittsburgh
John Bloom, Ph.D. Physics Cornell University
William Dembski, Ph.D. Mathematics University of Chicago
Ben J. Stuart, Ph.D. Chemical & Biochemical Engineering Rutgers University
Raymond Bohlin, Ph.D. Molecular & Cell Biology University of Texas, Dallas
Christa R. Koval, Ph.D. Chemistry University of Colorado at Boulder
John Bordelon, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
David Richard Carta, Ph.D. Bio-Engineering University of California, San Diego
Lydia G. Thebeau, Ph.D. Cell & Molecular Biology Saint Louis University
David Bossard, Ph. D. Mathematics Dartmouth College
Robert W. Kelley, Ph.D. Entomology Clemson University
David Bourell, Professor Mechanical Engineering University of Texas, Austin
Carlos M. Murillo, Professor of Medicine (Neurosurgery) Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
Walter Bradley, Distinguished Professor of Engineering Baylor University
Sami Palonen, Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry University of Helsinki (Finland)
John Brejda, Ph.D. Agronomy University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Bradley R. Johnson, Ph.D. Materials Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Rudolf Brits, Ph.D. Nuclear Chemistry University of Stellenbosch (South Africa)
Gary Kastello, Ph.D. Biology University of Wisonsin-Milwaukee
Frederick Brooks, Kenan Professor of Computer Science University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Omer Faruk Noyan, Assistant Professor (Ph.D. Paleontology) Celal Bayar University (Turkey)
Neil Broom, Associate Professor, Chemical & Materials Engineering University of Auckland (New Zealand)
Malcolm D. Chisholm, Ph.D. Insect Ecology (M.A. Zoology, Oxford University) University of Bristol (UK)
John Brown, Research Meteorologist National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Joseph A. Kunicki, Associate Professor of Mathematics The University of Findlay
John Brumbaugh, Emeritus Professor of Biological Sciences University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Thomas M. Stackhous,e Ph.D. Biochemistry University of California, Davis
Nancy Bryson, Associate Professor of Chemistry Mississippi University for Women
Walter L. Starkey, Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering The Ohio State University
Donald Calbreath, Professor, Department of Chemistry Whitworth College
Pingnan Shi, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering (Artificial Neural Networks) University of British Columbia (Canada)
John B. Cannon, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry Princeton University
John L. Burba, Ph.D. Physical Chemistry Baylor University
Stephen J. Cheesman, Ph.D. Geophysics University of Toronto
Mike Forward, Ph.D. Applied Mathematics (Chaos Theory) Imperial College, University of London (UK)
Lowell D. White, Industrial Hygiene Specialist (Ph.D. Epidemiology) University of New Mexico
Brian Landrum, Associate Professor of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering University of Alabama, Huntsville
David Chambers, Physicist Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Michael T. Goodrich, Professor of Computer Science University of California, Irvine
T. Timothy Chen, Ph.D. Statistics University of Chicago
Sarah M. Williams, Ph.D. Environmental Engineering (emphasis in microbiology) Stanford University
Donald Clark, Ph.D. Physical Biochemistry Louisiana State University
John Frederick Zino, Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Shing-Yan Chiu, Professor of Physiology University of Wisconsin, Madison
John Cimbala, Professor of Mechanical Engineering Pennsylvania State University
Chris Swanson, Tutor (Ph.D. Physics, University of Oregon) Gutenberg College
Kieran Clements, Assistant Professor, Natural Sciences Toccoa Falls College
Jan Chatham, Ph.D. Neurophysiology University of North Texas
George A. Gates, Emeritus Emeritus Professor of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery University of Washington
John Cogdell, Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering University of Texas, Austin
David R. Beaucage, Ph.D. Mathematics State University of New York at Stony Brook
Leon Combs, Professor & Chair, Chemistry & Biochemistry Kennesaw State University
Laraba P. Kendig, Ph.D. Materials Science & Engineering University of Michigan
Nicholas Comninellis, Associate Professor of Community and Family Medicine
University of Missouri-Kansas City
Stephen Crouse, Professor of Kinesiology Texas A&M University
Cham Dallas, Professor, Pharmaceutics & Biomedical Science University of Georgia
Charles N. Verheyden, Professor of Surgery Texas A&M College of Medicine
Melody Davis, Ph.D. Chemistry Princeton University
Thomas Deahl, Ph.D. Radiation Biology The University of Iowa
Robert DeHaan, Ph.D. Human Development University of Chicago
Gage Blackstone, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Texas A&M University
Harold Delaney, Professor of Psychology University of New Mexico
Jonathan C. Boomgaarden, Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering University of Wisconsin
Keith Delaplane, Professor of Entomology University of Georgia
William Bordeaux, Chair, Department of Natural & Mathematical Science Huntington College
Michael Delp, Professor of Physiology Texas A&M University
Keith F. Conner, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Clemson University
David DeWitt, Associate Professor of Biology Liberty University
Aaron J. Mille,r Ph.D. Physics Stanford University
Gary Dilts, Ph.D. Mathematical Physics University of Colorado
Gerald Chubb, Associate Professor of Aviation Ohio State University
Robert DiSilvestro, Ph.D. Biochemistry Texas A & M University
Daniel Dix, Associate Professor of Mathematics University of South Carolina
Allison Dobson, Assistant Professor, Chemistry Georgia Southern University
David Prentice, Professor, Department of Life Sciences Indiana State University
Kenneth Dormer, Ph.D. Biology & Physiology University of California, Los Angeles
Ernest Prabhakar, Ph.D. Experimental Particle Physics California Institute of Technology
John Doughty, Ph.D. Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering University of Arizona
Jeanne Drisko, Clinical Assistant Professor of Alternative Medicine University of Kansas, School of Medicine
Robert Eckel, Professor of Medicine, Physiology & Biophysics University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
Seth Edward,s Associate Professor of Geology University of Texas, El Paso
Eduard F. Schmitter, Ph.D. Astronomy University of Wisconsin
Lee Eimers, Professor of Physics & Mathematics Cedarville University
Daniel Ely, Professor, Biology University of Akron
Pattle Pun, Professor of Biology Wheaton College
Thomas English, Adjunct Professor of Physics & Engineering Palomar College
Rosalind Picard, Sc.D. Electrical Engineering & Computer Science MIT
Danielle Dalafave, Associate Professor of Physics The College of New Jersey
Richard Erdlac, Ph.D. Structural Geology University of Texas (Austin)
Michael C. Reynolds, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering University of Arkansas-Fort Smith
Bruce Evans, Ph.D. Neurobiology Emory University
Gary Achtemeier, Ph.D. Meteorology Florida State University
William Everson, Ph.D. Human Physiology Penn State College of Medicine
Susan L.M. Huck, Ph.D. Geology/Geography Clark University
James Florence, Associate Professor, Department of Public Health East Tennessee State University
Douglas R. Buck, Ph.D. Nutrition and Food Sciences Utah State University Fellow, American College of Nutrition
Margaret Flowers, Professor of Biology Wells College
Itienne Windisch, Ph.D. Engineering McGill University (Canada)
Mark Foster, Ph.D. Chemical Engineering University of Minnesota
Suzanne Sawyer Vincent, Ph.D. Physiology & Biophysics University of Washington
Clarence Fouche, Professor of Biology Virginia Intermont College
Robert Blomgren, Ph.D. Mathematics University of Minnesota
Kenneth French, Chairman, Division of Natural Science Blinn College
Richard N. Taylor, Professor of Information & Computer Science University of California, Irvine
Marvin Fritzler, Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology University of Calgary Medical School (Canada)
Walter E. Lillo, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Purdue University
Mark Fuller, Ph.D. Microbiology University of California, Davis
Daniel Galassini, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Kansas State University
Stanley E. Zager, Professor Emeritus, Chemical Engineering Youngstown State University
Andrew Fong, Ph.D. Chemistry Indiana University
John Garth, Ph.D. Physics University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana
Glen O. Brindley, Professor of Surgery, Director of Ophthalmology Scott & White Clinic, Texas A&M University H.S.C.
Ann Gauger, Ph.D. Zoology University of Washington
Paul Brown, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies Trinity Western University (Canada)
Mark Geil, Ph.D. Biomedical Engineering Ohio State University
Ibrahim Barsoum, Ph.D. Microbiology The George Washington University
Jim Gibson, Ph.D. Biology Loma Linda University
John W. Balliet, Ph.D. Molecular & Cellular Biology University of Pennsylvania,
Post-doctoral Fellowship, Harvard Medical School
William Gilbert, Emeritus Professor of Biology Simpson College
Joe R. Eagleman, Professor Emeritus, Department of Physics & Astronomy University of Kansas
Warren Gilson, Associate Professor, Dairy Science University of Georgia
Raul Leguizamon, Professor of Medicine (Pathology) Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
Steven Gollmer, Ph.D. Atmospheric Science Purdue University
Gene B. Chase, Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science (Ph.D. Cornell) Messiah College
Chris Grace, Associate Professor of Psychology Biola University
James A. Ellard, Sr. Ph.D. Chemistry University of Kentucky
Richard Gunasekera, Ph.D. Biochemical Genetics Baylor University
Jennifer M. Cohen, Ph.D. Mathematical Physics New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Russel Peak, Senior Researcher, Engineering Information Systems Georgia Institute of Technology
Graham Gutsche, Emeritus Professor of Physics U.S. Naval Academy
Dan Hale, Professor of Animal Science Texas A&M University
Robert L. Jones, Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmology University of California, Irvine
James Harbrecht, Clinical Associate Professor, Division of Cardiology University of Kansas Medical Center
George W. Benthien, Ph.D. Mathematics Carnegie Mellon University
James Harman Associate Chair, Dept. of Chemistry & Biochemistry Texas Tech University
Frederick T. Zugibe, Emeritus Adjunct Associate Professor of Pathology Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
William Harris, Ph.D. Nutritional Biochemistry University of Minnesota
Thomas H. Johnson, Ph.D. Mathematics University of Maryland
Paul Hausgen, Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Gregory A. Snyder, Ph.D. Geochemistry Colorado School of Mines
Walter Hearn, Ph.D. Biochemistry University of Illinois
Howard Martin Whitcraft, Ph.D. Mathematics University of St. Louis
Nolan Hertel, Professor, Nuclear & Radiological Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Joseph Francis, Associate Professor of Biology Cedarville University
Roland Hirsch, Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry University of Michigan
Todd Peterson, Ph.D. Plant Physiology University of Rhode Island
Charles Edward Norman, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Carleton University (Canada)
Dewey Hodges, Professor, Aerospace Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
James P. Russum, Ph.D. Chemical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Marko Horb, Ph.D. Cell & Developmental Biology State University of New York
Joe Watkins, Military Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering United States Military Academy
Barton Houseman, Emeritus Professor of Chemistry Goucher College
Mark Pritt, Ph.D. Mathematics Yale University
Edward Peltzer, Ph.D. Oceanography University of California, San Diego (Scripps Institute)
Cornelius Hunte,r Ph.D. Biophysics University of Illinois
Rodney Ice, Principle Research Scientist, Nuclear & Radiological Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Malcolm W. MacArthur, Ph.D. Molecular Biophysics University of London (UK)
Rafe Payne, Ph.D. Biology University of Nebraska
Muzaffar Iqbal, Ph.D. Chemistry University of Saskatchewan (Canada)
Mark P. Bowman, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry Pennsylvania State University
David Ives, Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry Ohio State University
Amiel Jarstfer, Associate Professor of Biology LeTourneau University
Stephan J. G. Gift, Professor of Electrical Engineering The University of the West Indies
Tony Jelsma, Ph.D. Biochemistry McMaster University (Canada)
Fred Johnson, Ph.D. Pathology Vanderbilt University
Raleigh R. White, IV Professor of Surgery Texas A&M University, College of Medicine
Jerry Johnson, Ph.D. Pharmacology & Toxicology Purdue University
Harold D. Cole, Professor of Physiology Southwestern Oklahoma State University
Yongsoon Park, Ph.D. Nutritional Biochemistry Washington State University
Richard Johnson, Professor of Chemistry LeTourneau University
David Hagen, Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering University of Minnesota
David Johnson, Associate Professor of Pharmacology & Toxicology Duquesne University
Jay Hollman, Assistant Clinical Professor of Cardiology Louisiana State University Health Science Center
Lawrence Johnston, Emeritus Professor of Physics University of Idaho
Albert J. Starshak, Ph.D. Physical Chemistry Illinois Institute of Technology
Robert Jones, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering University of Texas-Pan America
Scott T. Dreher, Ph.D. Geology (Royal Society USA Research Fellow) University of Alaska, Fairbanks
David Jones, Professor of Biochemistry & Chair of Chemistry Grove City College
Robert Kaita, Ph.D. Nuclear Physics Rutgers University
Kenneth Demarest, Professor of Electrical Engineering University of Kansas
Edwin Karlow, Chair, Department of Physics LaSierra University
Francis M. Donahue, Professor Emeritus, Chemical Engineering The University of Michigan
James Keener, Professor of Mathematics & Adjunct of Bioengineering University of Utah
Shawn Wright, Ph.D. Crop Science North Carolina State University
Douglas Keil, Ph.D. Plasma Physics University of Wisconsin, Madison
Dave Finnegan, Staff Member (Ph.D. Chemistry, University of Maryland) Los Alamos National Laboratory
Micheal Kelleher, Ph.D. Biophysical Chemistry University of Ibadan (Nigeria)
Christine B. Beaucage, Ph.D. Mathematics State University of New York at Stony Brook
Rebecca Keller, Research Professor, Department of Chemistry University of New Mexico
Gerald E. Hoyer, Retired Forrest Scientist (Ph.D. Silviculture, University of Washington) Washington State Department of Natural Resources
Michael Kent, Ph.D. Materials Science University of Minnesota
Richard Kinch, Ph.D. Computer Science Cornell University
Irfan Yilmaz, Professor of Biology (Ph.D. Systematic Zoology) Dokuz Eylul University (Turkey)
Bretta King, Assistant Professor of Chemistry Spelman College
Mauricio Alcocer, Director of Graduate Studies (Ph.D. Plant Science, University of Idaho) Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
R. Barry King, Prof. of Environmental Safety & Health Albuquerque Technical Vocational Institute
Hiroshi Ishii, M.D., Ph.D. Behavioral Neurology Tohoku University (Japan)
Michael Kinnaird, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Lasse Uotila, M.D., Ph.D. Medicinal Biochemistry University of Helsinki (Finland)
Donald Kobe, Professor of Physics University of North Texas, Denton
Martin Emery, Ph.D. Chemistry University of Southampton (UK)
Charles Koons, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry University of Minnesota
Miguel A. Rodriguez, Undergraduate Lab. Coordinator for Biochemistry University of Ottawa (Canada)
Carl Koval, Full Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry University of Colorado, Boulder
Magda Narciso Leite, Professor, College of Pharmacy & Biochemistry Universidade Federal de Juiz de For a (Brazil)
Bruce Krogh, Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering Carnegie Mellon University
Tetsuichi Takagi, Senior Research Scientist Geological Survey of Japan
Daniel Kuebler, Ph.D. Molecular & Cellular Biology University of California, Berkeley
William Notz, Professor of Statistics Ohio State University
Wesley Nyborg, Emeritus Professor of Physics University of Vermont
Peter William Holyland, Ph.D. Geology University of Queensland (Australia)
Paul Kuld, Associate Professor, Biological Science Biola University
Heather Kuruvilla, Ph.D. Biological Sciences State University of New York, Buffalo
Nancy L. Swanson, Ph.D. Physics Florida State University
Martin LaBar, Ph.D. Genetics & Zoology University of Wisconsin, Madison
William B. Hart, Assistant Professor of Mathematics University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Teresa Larranaga, Ph.D. Pharmacology University of New Mexico
Yuri Zharikov, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow (Ph.D. Zoology) Simon Fraser University (Canada)
Ronald Larson, Professor and Chair of Chemical Engineering University of Michigan
Wolfgang Hutter, Ph.D. Chemistry University of Ulm (Germany)
Robert Lattimer Ph.D. Chemistry University of Kansas, Lawrence
Robert J. Graham Ph.D. Chemical Engineering Iowa State University
M. Harold Laughlin, Professor & Chair, Department of Biomedical Sciences University of Missouri
Samuel C. Winchester, Klopman Distinguished Professor Emeritus (Ph.D. Princeton) North Carolina State University
George Lebo, Associate Professor of Astronomy University of Florida
Kurt J. Henle, Professor Emeritus (Ph.D. Biophysics, University of Pennsylvania) University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
J.B. Lee, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering University of Texas, Dallas
James O. Dritt, Ph.D. Civil Engineering & Environmental Science University of Oklahoma
Matti Leisola, Professor, Laboratory of Bioprocess Engineering Helsinki University of Technology
Manuel Garcia Ulloa Gomez, Director of Marine Sciences Laboratory Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
E. Lennard, Sc. D. Surgical Infections & Immunology University of Cincinnati
Glen E. Deal, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Florida Institute of Technology
Lane Lester, Ph.D. Genetics Purdue University
Paul Whitehead, Ph.D. Chemical Thermodynamics University of Natal (South Africa)
Catherine Lewis, Ph.D. Geophysics Colorado School of Mines
John R. Goltz, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering University of Arizona
Peter Line, Ph.D. Neuroscience Swinburne University of Technology (Australia)
Gerald P. Bodey, Emeritus Professor of Medicine, Former Chairman Department of Medical Specialties, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Garrick Little, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry Texas A & M University
John Nichols, Ph.D. Mathematics University of Tennessee
Mark Bearden, Ph.D. Electrical & Computer Engineering Carnegie Mellon University
Harry Lubansky, Ph.D. Biological Chemistry University of Illinois, Chicago
Daniel L. Moran, Ph.D. Molecular & Cellular Biology Ohio University
Fulbright Scholar
Ken Ludema, Emeritus Professor of Mechanical Engineering University of Michigan
Jed Macosko, Ph.D. Chemistry University of California, Berkeley
Nigel Surridge, Ph.D. Electrochemistry & Photochemistry University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Christopher Macosko, Ph.D. Chemical Engineering Princeton University
David Keller, Associate Professor of Chemistry University of New Mexico
Allen Magnuson, Ph. D. Theoretical & Applied Mechanics University of New Hampshire
Amy Ward, Ph.D. Mathematics Clemson University
Donald Mahan, Professor of Animal Nutrition Ohio State University
Shane A. Kasten, Post-Doctoral Fellow (Ph.D. Biochemistry, Kansas State University) Virginia Commonwealth University
Robert Marks, Professor, Signal & Image Processing University of Washington
Jesus Ambriz, Professor of Medicine Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
Julie Marshall, Ph.D. Chemistry Texas Tech University
Jay L. Wile, Ph.D. Nuclear Chemistry University of Rochester
David McClellan, Assistant Professor of Family & Community Medicine Texas A&M University College of Medicine
Evgeny Shirokov, Faculty Lecturer (Nuclear and Particle Physics) Moscow State University (Russia)
Andy McIntosh, Full Professor of Thermodynamics and Combustion Theory University
of Leeds (UK)
Mark A. Robinson, Ph.D. Environmental Science Lacrosse University
Tom McMullen, Ph.D. History & Philosophy of Science Indiana University
Martin Poenie, Associate Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology University of Texas, Austin
Tony Mega, Ph.D. Biochemistry Purdue University
Carl Poppe, Ph.D. Physics University of Wisconsin
James Menar, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Wright State University
Theodor Liss, Ph.D. Chemistry MIT
James Keesling, Professor of Mathematics University of Florida
Brian Miller, Ph.D. Physics Duke University
Art Nitz, Ph.D. Anatomy & Neurobiology University of Kentucky
Thomas Milner, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering University of Texas, Austin
David Ness, Ph.D. Anthropology Temple University
Forrest Mims, Atmospheric Researcher Geronimo Creek Observatory
S. W. Pelletier,* Emeritus Distinguished Professor of Chemistry University of Georgia, Athens
Paul Missel, Ph.D. Physics MIT
Dónal O\’Mathúna, Ph.D. Pharmacognosy Ohio State University
Lennart Möller, Professor, Center for Nutrition & Toxicology Karolinska Institute
Victoriano Saenz, Professor of Medicine Autonomous University of Guadalajara
David Monson, Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry Indiana University
Hugh Nutley,* Professor Emeritus of Physics & Engineering Seattle Pacific University
Terry Morrison, Ph.D. Chemistry Syracuse University
Bijan Nemati, Ph.D. High Energy Physics University of Washington
William Russell Belding, Ph.D. Mathematics University of Notre Dame
Paul Nesselroade, Associate Professor of Experimental Psychology Asbury College
Kevin L. Kendig, Ph.D. Materials Science & Engineering University of Michigan
Robert Newman, Ph.D. Astrophysics Cornell University
Angus Menuge, Ph.D. Philosophy of Psychology University of Wisconsin-Madison
Khawar Sohail Siddiqui, Senior Research Associate (Protein Chemistry) University of New South Wales (Australia)
Janet Parker, Professor of Medical Physiology Texas A&M University, Health Science Center
Scott Northrup, Chair and Professor of Chemistry Tennessee Tech University
John Omdahl, Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology University of New Mexico
Fazale Rana, Ph.D. Chemistry Ohio University
Rebecca Orr, Ph.D. Cell Biology University of Texas, Southwestern
Cevat Babuna, Professor Emeritus of Gynecology (Post-doc, University of Chicago) Istanbul University (Turkey)
Lawrence Overzet, Professor of Engineering & Computer Science University of Texas, Dallas
J. Meredith, Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Siddarth Pandey, Assistant Professor of Chemistry New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Gordon Mills, Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry University of Texas, Medical Branch
A. Clyde Hill, Ph.D. Soil Chemistry Rutgers University
Stephen Meyer, Ph.D. Philosophy of Science Cambridge University
William Purcell, Ph.D. Physical Chemistry Princeton University
Paul Randolph, Ph.D. Mathematical Statistics University of Minnesota
Christopher Morbey, Astronomer (Ret.) Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, National Research Council of Canada
David Reed, Ph.D Entomology University of California, Riverside
J. Ishizak,i Associate Professor of Neuropsychology (M.D., Ph.D. Medicine) Kobe Gakuin University (Japan)
David Rogstad, Ph.D. Physics California Institute of Technology
Arthur John Jones, Ph.D. Zoology & Comparative Physiology Birmingham University (UK)
Patricia Reiff, Director, Rice Space Institute Rice University
Oleh Havrysh, Senior Research Assistant, Protein & Peptide Structure & Function Dept. Institute of Bioorganic Chemsitry & Petrochemistry Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences (Ukraine)
Dan Reynolds, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry University of Texas, Austin
Andrew Steckley, Ph.D. Civil Engineering University of Western Ontario (Canada)
Terry Rickard, Ph.D. Engineering Physics University of California, San Diego
Mubashir Hanif, Ph.D. Plant Biology University of Helsinki (Finland)
Eliot Roberts, Ph.D. Soil Chemistry Rutgers University
Mario Beauregard, Associate Researcher, Department of Psychology (Ph.D. Neuroscience) University of Montreal (Canada)
Quinton Rogers, Prof. of Physiological Chemistry, Dept. of Molecular Biosciences Univ. of California, Davis, School of Vet. Medicine
Liang Hong, Associate Professor, Dept. of Dental Public Health & Behavioral Science University of Missouri—Kansas City
Daniel Romo, Professor of Chemistry Texas A&M University
David Sabatini, Professor Civil Engineering & Environmental Science University of Oklahoma
Richard Buggs, DPhil Plant Ecology & Evolution Oxford University (UK)
Theodore Saito, Ph.D. Physics Pennsylvania State University
Kay Roscoe, Ph.D. High Energy Particle Physics University of Manchester (UK)
Thomas Saleska, Professor of Biology Concordia University
James F. Drake, Ph.D. Atmospheric Science University of California, Los Angeles
Fernando Saravi, Professor, Department of Morphology and Physiology Med. Sciences School, Univ. Nacional de Cuyo (Argentina)
Harold Toups, Ph.D. Chemical Engineering Louisiana State University
Phillip Savage, Professor of Chemical Engineering University of Michigan
Seyyed Imran Husnain, Ph.D. Bacterial Genetics University of Sheffield (UK)
Dale Schaefer, Professor, Materials Science & Engineering University of Cincinnati
Russell C. Healey, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering University of Cambridge (UK)
Siegfried Scherer, Professor of Microbial Ecology Technische Universität München
Stuart C. Burgess, Professor of Design & Nature, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Bristol University (UK)
Norman Schmidt, Professor of Chemistry Georgia Southern University
Steve Maxwell, Associate Professor of Molecular and Cellular Medicine Texas A&M University, H.S.C.
Andrew Schmitz, Ph.D. Inorganic Chemistry University of Iowa
Anne E. Vravick, Ph.D. Environmental Toxicology University of Wisconsin, Madison
Granville Sewell, Professor of Mathematics University of Texas, El Paso
Marshall Adams, Ph.D. Marine Sciences University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Stephen Sewell, Assistant Professor of Family Medicine Texas A&M University
Herman J. van Eck, Assistant Professor in Plant Breeding Wageningen University (The Netherlands)
Gregory Shearer, Ph.D. Physiology University of California, Davis
Douglas Nelson Rose, Research Physicist United States Army
David Shormann, Ph.D. Limnology Texas A&M University
Paul Lorenzini, Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering Oregon State University
Dale Spence Emeritus Professor of Kinesiology Rice University
David W. Dykstra, Ph.D. Computer Science University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Arnold Sikkema, Associate Professor of Physics Dordt College
Larry S. Helmick, Senior Professor of Chemistry Cedarville University
Georgia Purdom, Ph.D. Molecular Genetics Ohio State University
John Silvius, Ph.D. Plant Physiology West Virginia University
Philip S. Taylor, Research Fellow, Computer Science Queen’s University Belfast (UK)
Fred Skif, Professor of Physics University of Iowa
Giulio D. Guerra, First Researcher of the Italian National Research Council (Chemistry) Istituto Materiali Compositi e Biomedici, CNR (Italy)
Ken Smith, Professor of Mathematics Central Michigan University
Jacquelyn W. McClelland, Professor (Ph.D. Nutritional Biochemistry) North Carolina State University, NCCE
Robert Smith, Professor of Chemistry University of Nebraska, Omaha
Ian C. Fuller, Senior Lecturer in Physical Geography Massey University (New Zealand)
Wolfgang Smith, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics Oregon State University
Wayne L. Cook, Ph.D. Inorganic Chemistry University of Kentucky
John Stamper, Research Physicist Naval Research Laboratory
Jeffrey L. Vaughn, Ph.D. Engineering University of California, Irvine
Timothy Standish, Ph.D. Environmental Biology George Mason University
William Hankley, Professor of Computer Science Kansas State University
Walt Stangl Associate Professor of Mathematics Biola University
John C. Walton, Professor of Reactive Chemistry (Ph.D. & D.Sc.) University of St. Andrews (UK), Fellow Royal Society of Chemistry, Fellow Royal Society of Edinburgh
Karl Stephan, Associate Professor, Dept. of Technology Texas State University, San Marcos
Cahit Babuna, Ph.D. Radiology Istanbul University (Turkey)
Richard Sternberg, Ph.D. Biology (Molecular Evolution) Florida International University, Also: Ph.D. Systems Science (Theoretical Biology) Binghamton University
Reid W. Castrodale, P.E., Ph.D. Structural Engineering University of Texas, Austin
Michael Strauss, Associate Professor of Physics University of Oklahoma
Jason David Ward, Ph.D. Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Glasgow University (UK)
John Studenroth, Ph.D. Plant Pathology Cornell University
Peter M. Rowell, D.Phil. Physics University of Oxford (UK)
Mark Swanson, Ph.D. Biochemistry University of Illinois
João Jorge Ribeiro Soares, Gonçalves de Araújo, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics Open University (Portugal)
James Swanson, Professor of Biological Sciences Old Dominion University
Justin Holl, Ph.D. Animal Science University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Bela Szilagyi, Ph.D. Physics University of Pittsburgh
Richard Mann, Ph.D. Physical Chemistry Princeton University
Daniel Tedder, Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Derek Linkens, Senior Research Fellow and Emeritus Professor (Biomedical Eng.) University of Sheffield (UK)
Charles Thaxton, Ph.D. Physical Chemistry Iowa State University
Lee M. Spetner, Ph.D. Physics MIT
Christopher L. Thomas, Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry University of South Carolina
Sture Blomberg, Associate Professor of Anesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine The Sahlgren University Hospital (Sweden)
Pavithran Thomas, Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Ohio State University
Leonard Loose, Ph.D. Botany University of Leeds (UK)
Richard Thompson, Ph.D. Computer Science University of Connecticut
James R. Thompson, Noah Harding Professor of Statistics Rice University
Ide Trotter, Ph.D. Chemical Engineering Princeton University
Royal Truman, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry Michigan State University
Robert VanderVennen, Ph.D. Physical Chemistry Michigan State University
Vincente Villa, Emeritus Professor of Biology Southwestern University
Margil Wadley, Ph.D. Inorganic Chemistry Purdue University
Carston Wagner, Associate Professor of Medicinal Chemistry University of Minnesota
Linda Walkup, Ph.D. Molecular Genetics University of New Mexico Medical School
James Tumlin, Associate Professor of Medicine Emory University
David Van Dyke, Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry University of Illinois, Urbana
John Walkup, Emeritus Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering Texas Tech University
Robert Waltzer, Associate Professor of Biology Belhaven College
James R. Brawer, Professor of Anatomy & Cell Biology (Ph.D., Harvard) McGill University (Canada)
Todd Watson, Assistant Professor of Urban & Community Forestry Texas A & M University
Weimin Gao, Microbiologist Brookhaven National Laboratory
Heikki Martikka, Professor of Machine Design Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland)
Gerald Wegner, Ph.D. Entomology Loyola University
Richard R. Neptune, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Texas, Austin
Jonathan Wells, Ph.D. Molecular & Cell Biology University of California, Berkeley
Alexandre S. Soares, Ph.D. Mathematics Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Robert Wentworth, Ph.D. Toxicology University of Georgia
Einar W. Palm, Professor Emeritus, Department of Plant Pathology University of Missouri, Columbia
R. P. Wharton, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Sandra Gade, Emeritus Professor of Physics University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh
Elden Whipple, Affiliate Professor of Earth & Space Sciences University of Washington
Chee K. Yap, Professor of Computer Science (Ph.D., Yale University) Courant Institute, New York University
Mark White, Professor of Chemical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Terrance Murphy, Professor of Chemistry Weill Cornell Medical College
Ed Neeland, Professor of Chemistry Okanagan University
Gregg Wilkerson, Ph.D. Geologic Science University of Texas, El Paso
Joseph M. Marra Director, Interventional Radiology, & Adjunct Professor of Medicine Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center
John H. Whitmore, Associate Professor of Geology Cedarville University
Ernest L., Brannon Professor Emeritus, Distinguished Research Professor (Ph.D. Fisheries) University of Idaho
Christopher Williams, Ph.D. Biochemistry Ohio State University
J. Mitch Wolff, Professor of Mechanical Engineering Wright State University
Thomas D. Gillespie, Research Professor Emeritus Transportation Research Institute, University of Michigan
John Worraker, Ph.D. Applied Mathematics University of Bristol (UK)
Alexander Yankovsky, Assistant Professor of Physical Oceanography Nova Southeastern University
John C. Zink, Former Assistant Professor of Engineering University of Oklahoma
Patrick Young, Ph.D. Chemistry Ohio University
David Zartman, Ph.D. Genetics & Animal Breeding Ohio State University
Charles T. Rombough, Ph.D. Engineering University of Texas
Henry Zuill, Emeritus Professor of Biology Union College
Jane M. Orient, Clinical Lecturer in Medicine University of Arizona College of Medicine
Frank Young, Ph.D. Computer Engineering Air Force Institute of Technology
Murray E. Moore, Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Texas A&M University
William J. Powers, Ph.D. Physics University California, San Diego
Max G. Walter, Associate Professor of Radiology Oklahoma University Health Science Center
Rosa María Muñoz, Head of Biopharmacy Department Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
Scott R. Fulton, Ph.D. Atmospheric Science Colorado State University
Don Olson, Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry Purdue University
Graham Marshall, Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry University of Pretoria (South Africa)
Philip R. Page, Ph.D. Theoretical Particle Physics University of Oxford (UK)
Roger Wiens, Ph.D. Physics University of Minnesota
Mark Toleman, Ph.D. Molecular Microbiology Bristol University (UK)
Robert O. Kalbach, Ph.D. Physical Chemistry University of South Florida
Gregory J. Brewer, Prof. of Neurology, Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Cell Biology Southern Illinois University School of Medicine
Neil Huber, Dr. rer. nat. (Ph.D. Anthropology) Tuebingen University
Marc C. Daniels, Assistant Professor of Biology William Carey College
J.D. Moolenburgh, Ph.D. Epidemiology University of Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
Roger Lien, Ph.D. Physiology North Carolina State University
Dean Schulz, Ph.D. Computer Science Colorado State University
John Millam, Ph.D. Computational Chemistry Rice University
Joseph Lary, Epidemiologist and Research Biologist (retired) Centers for Disease Control
Richard S. Beale, Jr. Ph.D. Entomology University of California, Berkeley
Ernest M. Thiessen, Ph.D. Civil & Environmental Engineering Cornell University
Tianyou Wang, Research Scientist Center for Advanced Studies in Measurement & Assessment, University of Iowa
Øyvind A. Voie, Ph.D. Biology University of Oslo (Norway)
David K. Shortess Professor of Biology (Retired) New Mexico Tech
A.D. Harrison, Emeritus Professor of Biology University of Waterloo
William P. Shulaw, Professor of Veterinary Preventive Medicine The Ohio State University
Darrell R. Parnell, Ph. D. University Level Science Education Kansas State University
Daniel W. Barnette, Ph. D. Aerospace Engineering Stanford University
David William, Jensen Professor of Biology Tomball College
Edward M. Bohn, Ph. D. Nuclear Engineering University of Illinois
Robert G. Vos, Ph.D. Civil/Structural Engineering Rice University
Yvonne Boldt, Ph. D. Microbiology University of Minnesota
William B. Collier, Ph. D. Physical Chemistry Oklahoma State University
Edward Gade, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh
James E. Nymann, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics University of Texas at El Paso
Malcolm A. Cutchins, Ph. D. Engineering Mechanics Virginia Tech
Lisanne D’Andrea-Winslow, Ph. D. Cell Biology & Biochemistry Rutgers University
Holger Daugaard, Ph. D. Agronomy Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences (Denmark)
Shieu-Hong Lin, Assistant Professor of Computer Science (Ph.D., Brown University) Biola University
W. John Durfee, Assistant Professor of Pharmacology Case Western Reserve University
Dominic M. Halsmer, Ph. D. Mechanical Engineering UCLA
Charles B. Lowrey, Ph.D. Chemistry University of Houston
Jeffrey H. Harwell, Ph. D. Chemical Engineering University of Texas, Austin
Frank Cheng, Associate Professor of Chemistry University of Idaho
David Heddle, Ph. D. Physics Carnegie Mellon University
Yoshiyuki Amemiya, Professor of Advanced Materials Science & Applied Physics The University of Tokyo
Barbara S. Helmkamp, Ph.D. Theoretical Physics Louisiana State University
David C. Kem, Professor of Medicine University of Oklahoma College of Medicine
C. Thomas Luiskutty, Ph.D. Physics Univ. of Louisville
Wusi Maki, Research Asst. Professor, Dept. of Microbiology, Mol. Biology, & Biochem. University of Idaho
A. Cordell Perkes, Ph.D. Science Education Ohio State University
John D. Cook, Head of Software Development (Ph.D. Mathematics, U.T. Austin) Department of Biostatistics & Applied Mathematics, U. of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Tony Prato, Prof. of Ecological Economics University of Missouri
Charles G. Sanny, Prof. of Biochemistry Oklahoma State University Ctr. for Health Sciences
Jairam Vanamala, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Faculty of Nutrition Faculty of Nutrition, TAMU, College Station
Gordon L. Wilson, Ph.D. Environmental Science and Public Policy George Mason University
Robin D. Zimmer, Ph.D. Environmental Sciences Rutgers University
Karl Duff ,Sc.D. Mechanical Engineering MIT
David Jansson, Sc.D. Instrumentation and Automatic Control MIT
C.Steven Murphree, Professor of Biology Belmont University
Alfred G. Ratz, Ph.D. Engineering Physics University of Toronto (Canada)
Chris Cellucci, Associate Professor of Physics Ursinus College
Gary Maki, Director, Ctr. for Advanced Microelectronics and Biomolecular Research University of Idaho
Ronald S. Carson, Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering University of Washington
Joseph A. Strada, Ph.D. Aeronautical Engineering Naval Postgraduate School
Olaf Karthaus, Associate Professor, Chemistry Chitose Institute of Science & Technology (Japan)
Arnold Eugene Carden, Professor Emeritus of Engineering Science & Mechanics University of Alabama
John B. Marshall, Professor of Medicine University of Missouri School of Medicine
Robert B. Sheldon, Ph.D. Physics University of Maryland, College Park
B.K. Nelson, Research Toxicologist (retired) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Hansik Yoon, Ph.D. Fiber Science Seoul National University (South Korea)
David Conover, Ph.D. Health Physics Purdue University
Luis Paulo Franco de Barros, D.Sc. Mechanical Engineering Pontificia
Universidade Católica (Brazil)
Richard W. Pooley, Professor of Surgery (retired) New York Medical College
Arthur Chadwick, Ph.D. Molecular Biology University of Miami
Lennart Saari, Adjunct Professor, Wildlife Biology University of Helsinki (Finland)
Douglas G. Frank, Ph.D. Surface Electrochemistry University of Cincinnati
James G. Tarrant, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry University of Texas, Austin
N. Ricky Byrn, Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Mark S. Whorton, Ph.D. Aerospace Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Jeffrey E. Lander, Ph.D. Biomechanics University of Oregon
Curtis Hawkins, Asst. Clinical Professor of Dermatology Case Western Reserve Univ. School of Medicine
Mary A. Brown, DVM (Veterinary Medicine) Ohio State University
Thomas H. Marshall, Adjunct Professor, Food Agricultural and Biological Engineering Ohio State University
Charles H. McGowen, Assistant Professor of Medicine Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine
Ronald R. Crawford, Ed.D. Science Education Ball State University
Matti Junnila, DVM, Ph.D. Veterinary Pathology University of Helsinki (Finland)
Dean Svoboda, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering The Ohio State University
Ruth C. Miles, Professor of Chemistry Malone College
Mark J. Lattery, Associate Professor of Physics University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
William McVaugh, Associate Professor of Biology Department of Natural Sciences, Malone College
Jeffrey M. Goff, Associate Professor of Chemistry Malone College
Jarrod W. Carter, Ph.D. Bioengineering University of Washington
David B. Medved, Ph.D. Physics University of Pennsylvania
Theodore W. Geier, Ph.D. Forrest Hydrology University of Minnesota
Christian Heiss, Post-Doctoral Associate Complex Carbohydrate Res. Ctr., Univ. of Georgia
G. Bradley Schaefer, Professor of Pediatrics University of Nebraska Medical Center
Bruce Simat, Associate Professor of Biology Northwestern College
Teresa Gonske, Assistant Professor of Mathematics Northwestern College
Thomas Mundie, Professor of Life Science United States Military Academy at West Point
Scott S. Kinnes, Professor of Biology Azusa Pacific University
James A. Huggins, Chair, Dept. of Biology & Dir., Hammons Center for Scientific Studies Union University
Jonathan A. Zderad, Assistant Professor of Mathematics Northwestern College
Michael R. Egnor, Professor and Vice-Chairman, Dept. of Neurological Surgery State University of New York at Stony Brook
I. Caroline Crocker, Ph.D. Immunopharmacology University of Southampton (UK)
Donald J. Hanrahan, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering University of Maryland
Gintautas Jazbutis, Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Paul S. Darby, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry University of Georgia
Changhyuk An, Ph.D. Physics University of Tennessee
L. Kirt Martin, Professor of Biology Lubbock Christian University
Gerald Schroeder, Ph.D. Earth Sciences & Nuclear Physics MIT
Rod Rogers, Ph.D. Agronomy/Plant Breeding Iowa State University
David W. Herrin, Research Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering University of Kentucky
Glen Needham, Associate Professor of Entomology The Ohio State University
E. Byron Rogers, Professor of Chemistry; Chair, Dept. of Mathematics & Physical Sciences Lubbock Christian University
Vladimir L. Voeikov, Vice-Chairman, Chair of Bio-organic Chemistry, Faculty of Biology Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia)
Ricardo Leon, Dean of School of Medicine Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
Eugene C. Ashby, Regents’ Professor and Distinguished Professor Emeritus Georgia Institute of Technology
JoAnne Larsen, Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering University of South Florida, Lakeland
Douglas Axe, Director (Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology) Biologic Institute
Joel Brind, Professor of Biology Baruch College, City University of New York
L. Whit Marks, Emeritus Professor of Physics University of Central Oklahoma
Perry Mason, Professor of Mathematics and Physical Science Lubbock Christian University
Timothy A. Mixon, Assistant Professor of Medicine Texas A&M University
Lawrence DeMejo, Ph.D. Polymer Science and Engineering University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Charles Garner, Professor of Chemistry Baylor University
Lynne Parker, Associate Professor of Computer Science (Ph.D. MIT) Distributed Intelligence Lab, University of Tennessee
Ivan M. Lang, Ph.D. Physiology and Biophysics Temple University
David J. Lawrence, Ph.D. Physics Washington University, St. Louis
John G. Hoey, Ph.D. Molecular and Cellular Biology City University of New York Graduate School
Theodore J. Siek, Ph.D. Biochemistry Oregon State University
John P. Rickert, Ph.D. Mathematics Vanderbilt University
Christian M. Loch, Ph.D. Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics University of Virginia
David W. Rusch, Sr. Research Scientist, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics University of Colorado
Charles A. Signorino, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry University of Pennsylvania
Luke Randall, Ph.D. Molecular Microbiology University of London (UK)
Jan Frederic Dudt, Associate Professor of Biology Grove City College
Glenn A. Marsch, Associate Professor of Physics Grove City College
Eduardo Sahagun, Professor of Botany Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
Mark A. Chambers, Ph.D. Virology University of Cambridge (UK)
Daniel Howell, Ph.D. Biochemistry Virginia Tech
Joel D. Hubbard, Associate Professor, Dept. of Lab. Science and Primary Care Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
C. Roger Longbotham, Ph.D. Statistics Florida State University
Hugh L. Henry, Lecturer (Ph.D. Physics, University of Virginia) Northern Kentucky University
Jonathan D. Eisenback, Professor of Plant Pathology Dept. of Plant Pathology and Weed Science Virginia Tech
Eduardo Arroyo, Professor of Forensics (Ph.D. Biology) Complutense University (Spain)
Peter Silley, Ph.D. Microbial Biochemistry University of Newcastle upon Tyne
E. Norbert Smith, Ph.D. Zoology Texas Tech University
Peter C. Iwen, Professor of Pathology and Microbiology University of Nebraska Medical Center
Paul Roschke, A.P. and Florence Wiley Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering Texas A&M University
Luman R. Wing, Associate Professor of Biology Azusa Pacific University
Edward F. Blick, Ph.D. Engineering Science University of Oklahoma
Wesley M. Taylor, Former Chairman of the Division of Primate Medicine & Surgery New England Regional Primate Research Center, Harvard Medical School
Don England, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry Harding University
Wayne Linn, Professor Emeritus of Biology Southern Oregon University
James Gundlach, Associate Professor of Physics John A. Logan College
Guillermo Gonzalez, Associate Professor of Astronomy Iowa State University
Tim Droubay, Ph.D. Physics University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Gregory D. Bossart, Director and Head of Pathology Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution
Barry Homer, Ph.D. Mathematics Southampton University (UK)
Jiøí Vácha, Professor Emeritus of Pathological Physiology Institute of Pathophysiology, Masaryk University (Czech Republic)
Richard J. Neves, Professor of Fisheries, Dept. of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences Virginia Tech
David Deming, Associate Professor of Geosciences University of Oklahoma
Gregory A. Ator, Associate Professor, Department of Otolaryngology University of Kansas Medical Center
Erkki Jokisalo, Ph.D. Social Pharmacy University of Kuopio (Finland)
John S. Roden, Associate Professor of Biology Southern Oregon University
Donald W. Russell, Adjunct Assistant Clinical Professor University of North Carolina School of Medicine
Neil Armitage, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering University of Cape Town (South Africa )
Geoff Barnard, Senior Research Scientist, Department of Veterinary Medicine University of Cambridge (UK)
Richard Hassing, Ph.D. Theoretical Physics Cornell University
Olivia Torres, Professor-Researcher (Human Genetics) Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
Donald A. Kangas, Professor of Biology Truman State University
Alvin Masarira, Senior Lecturer for Structural Engineering and Mechanics University of Cape Town (South Africa)
George A. Ekama, Professor, Water Quality Engineering, Dept of Civil Engineering University of Cape Town (South Africa)
Alistair Donald, Ph.D. Environmental Science/Quaternary or Pleistocene Palynology University of Wales (UK)
Thomas C. Majerus, PharmD; FCCP University of Minnesota
Ferenc Farkas, Ph.D. Applied Chemical Sciences Technical University of Budapest (Hungary)
Scott A. Chambers, Affiliate Professor of Chemistry and Materials Science & Engineering University of Washington
Cris Eberle, Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering Purdue University
Dennis M. Sullivan, Professor of Biology and Bioethics Cedarville University
Rodney M. Rutland, Department Head & Associate Professor of Kinesiology Anderson University
Alastair M. Noble, Ph.D. Chemistry University of Glasgow (Scotland)
Robert D. Orr, Professor of Family Medicine University of Vermont College of Medicine
Laverne Miller, Clinical Associate Professor of Family Medicine Medical College of Ohio
Laura Burke, Former Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering Lehigh University
Terry W. Spencer, Former Chair, Department of Geology & Geophysics Texas A&M University
Bert Massie, Ph.D. Physics University of California, Los Angeles
Mark C. Porte,r Ph.D. Chemical Engineering MIT
S. Thomas Abraham, Assistant Professor of Pharmacology & Toxicology Campbell University School of Pharmacy
John L. Hoffer, Professor of Engineering; Texas A&M University College of Engineering; (also) Professor of Anesthesiology Texas A&M Univ. Syst. Health Science Center
Anita McElroy, Ph.D. Biology University of California, San Diego
Herman Branover, Professor of Mechanical Engineering Ben-Gurion University (Israel)
Martin Krause, Research Scientist (Astronomy) University of Cambridge (UK)
James G. Bentsen Ph.D. Chemistry M.I.T.
Curtis Hrischuk, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Carleton University (Canada)
Guang-Hong Chen, Assistant Professor of Medical Physics & Radiology University of Wisconsin-Madison
Doug Hufstedler, Ph.D. Animal Nutrition Texas A&M University
Justin Long, Ph.D. Chemical Engineering Iowa State University
James E. Rankin, Ph.D. General Relativity Yeshiva University (Israel)
Donald F. Smee, Research Professor (Microbiology) Utah State University
Colin R. Reeves, Professor of Operational Research (Ph.D. Evolutionary Algorithms) Coventry University (UK)
What is this? A contest as to who can find the longest list of scientists making comments about subjects outside their fields of expertise? I think Lucy’s list may well be a tongue-in-cheek way of saying just that, but that long list of retired Mexican pharmacists and Professors of Forest Hydrology that “all wrong” posted is just silly.
Ok, I did see some of these folks that have expertise in fields that could be considered related to evolution and/or intelligent design.
Loading down the lists with a South African Professor of Water Quality Engineering or a Professor of Electrical Engineering from The University of the West Indies, and the many other folks with no apparent credentials in this area undermines whatever credibility these groups might have.
Does someone want to post a list of biologists against string theory? How about a list of mathematicians against geology? Psychologists against plate tectonics?
Ok, string theory, geology and plate tectonics do not stir deep religious feelings that sometimes get confused with expertise in a particular field.
For those that go back to Mr. Darwin’s original work and find fault, I would also say that people can go back go Euclid’s original work, Aristotle’s original work and Einstein’s original work and find flaws.
We still teach geometry, we still teach logic, and we still teach nuclear physics. They provided the basic framework, and others have continued the work. Evolution theory is no different.
Does that mean that we should throw it out? No. No more than we should reject Copernicus because it turns out that the orbits of the planets are not perfectly circular.
headless lucyspews:
re 56: # 38’s list of people proves nothing. It’s only meant to confuse and obfuscate, not enlighten.
The problem with Creationism is that it has no predictive qualities and requires no mental effort to master. You just have to believe something that is patently ridiculous.
Creationism has no place in the public classroom — any more than holistic, intuitive auto mechanics does.
Regarding these lists of anti-evolution creationist scientists, the National Center for Scientific Education did an amusing but instructive parody of the “creationist list,” by doing a list only of scientists named Steve who agreed with the following:
“Evolution is a vital, well-supported, unifying principle of the biological sciences, and the scientific evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of the idea that all living things share a common ancestry. Although there are legitimate debates about the patterns and processes of evolution, there is no serious scientific doubt that evolution occurred or that natural selection is a major mechanism in its occurrence.”
“Project Steve” mocks this practice [of creationist scientist lists] with a bit of humor, and because “Steves” are only about 1% of scientists, it incidentally makes the point that tens of thousands of scientists support evolution.
Yes, I agree, and upon re-reading my own post, I did not make it completely clear.
Science deals with issues that are observable, measurable and testable. Evolutionary science, despite the claims of the anti-evolution crowd, meets those criteria.
Science should be taught in schools.
Religion deals with issues of faith. While my own faith is central to my world view and is the single most important part of my life, I cannot pull it out and show it to you, so it is not “observable”, it is certainly not measurable, and while my faith tests me on a regular basis, the main test of my faith will come at a point where I cannot come back and report the results to others, so it is not effectively testable.
It does not belong in public schools, except in the personal faith of the students and teachers, who should hold it in their hearts and use it to guide their actions, but never force it upon others.
headless lucyspews:
re 59: Well said. If you believe that you are going to a better place then, at the moment of death, it there is nothing but nothingness afterwards, it won’t matter. You would have beat death.
The problem is with people who do destructive things in the present, believing that their position in the afterlife is improved by what they do. If there is no afterlife and all we have is the present, then what we do in the here and now has the finality of eternity — as it cannot be taken back.
For Cindy Sheehan to lose her son in a war that is frivolous and serves only to enrich the wealthy and powerful is a sin and a shame that George W. Bush may find forgiveness for, but he can never change the result of the action.
It is overweening self aggrandizement and abuse of power that finally ended, in Russia, with the summary execution of the Tsar and his family.
Tree Frog Farmer says: Nothing much. Why do you post on ASSWipes Froggy. You are so wrong so often!
By QASSIM ABDUL-ZAHRA, Associated Press Writers
Thu Feb 15, 2:45 PM ET
“BAGHDAD, Iraq – An adviser to Iraq’s prime minister said Thursday that radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr is in Iran, but denied he fled due to fear of arrest during an escalating security crackdown. Sami al-Askari said al-Sadr traveled to Iran by land “a few days ago,” but gave no further details on how long he would stay. A member of al-Sadr’s bloc in parliament, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of fear of reprisals, said he left three weeks ago.”
Golly The ASSWipes Noise Machine needs oiling!
LeftStillStupid: Momma bless her soul didn’t believe in donkoinfanticide. We were conservatives. Too bad your momma did too. But with your upbringing demonstrated here on ASSWipes how did you escape the coat hanger? One less Moonbat?
You liberals can make all the cuss posts you want mocking the Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club in The Bronx for having fallen victim to Air America stealing their money. You will only demonstrate your mean spiritedness.
How sad that you celebrate a man who robbed a charity for children.
Liberal Dragon @18 Says:
“Comments like these just solidify my belief that conservatives have absolutely NO moral conscience.”
Stealing $875,000 from the Gloria Wise Boyas and Girls club America is moral in your book?
I am glad I oppose scum like you. You libtards are such damn liars.
rhp6033 @8,
Err Ameri-KKK0-A is still on the Err? Well I say if Franken is out, their chances probably doubled.
Apparently what it means to be “progressive” is to be so bad they yank your show off the air!
Hey Goldstein, I guess you aren’t “progressive” enough by Franken’s standards.
And who the fuck cares about Franken’s sob story? I know 50 people who have come from lesser cirsumstances than him and never asked the “gubmint” (as he calls it) for a damn thing.
Oh GAWD, he moans about “Franny’s” reaction to the President wanting to allow individuals to manage their OWN social security money. I woner how “Franny” reacted when it was learned that Err Amerikkka was robbing a children’s charity to stay on the Err (“Air”).
He actually mentioned Walter Mondale. Obviously he doesn’t want to get elected. Might as well mention Jimmy Carter as well oh and be sure to promise to raise taxes too. ROFL
PathicBlogJockey! Your ignorance is profound.
I’ll love it when you have to address him as Senator Franken.
Good news for Republicans:
The US Army reports a 65% increase in the number of waivers granted to recruits with criminal convictions, as the army gets more desperate to fill their recruiting quotas.
Now even Republican congressmen can serve their country.
Not only that, after they wash out of AIT they’ll still have credentials to be paid astroturfers like PatheticBlogJockey!
PBJ at # 1, go back and consult your “talking points” memo. The Rove/Limbaugh “pre-approved comment” regarding Air America is that with Franken off the air, it can’t possibly survive. Your response that Franken’s show was so bad that it was yanked off the air is contradictory to that message.
Please go back and memorize the right-wing talking points correctly, and don’t come back until you have it right. (Geesh, even my dog can be taught to sit up and bark in exchange for a treat, can’t these wingnuts get ANYTHING right?)
Republican Party=A sheltered workshop for the Congenitally Amoral Criminal Class.
I noticed two things about Air America when I listen to them: they always talk as if they are delivering a comedy routine on SNL, and they are just meant-spirited to any other point of view. Kinda like a lot of the characters on this blog. (You know who you are!)
i won’t bother to listen to that whiner franken….i guess i am just like the other 99.99% of americans on that score. he’s boring and broke. waaa waaa waaa.
did you hear they are auctioning off air america’s stuff already?[yes…story about it buried near the back page of the NYT] it’s called bankruptcy and even stealing from a children’s charity couldn’t save them.even a zillion articles about how swell they were by the NYT couldn’t save them. ever wonder why?
senator? oh please…..
Dang, Libertarian, close your bold html tags, you are screwing up the thread.
Gee, does this work? (close bold tag added, but you can’t see it)
Test, Test
I guess not
wow goldy…changing your blog over to all strong????
Having professional sports is really a quality of life issue for folks who like that sort of entertainment. Other than supporting the surrounding businesses that spring up…bars, trinket shops, restaurants and the parking bandits….there is no real financial benefit to the community as a whole.
I am Democrat and a liberal, but I oppose team owners who attempt to extort arenas and income from their city of choice. If I own a McDonald’s can I go to the city and say build me a new restaurant or I am leaving? It is my responsibility to build the building, after all, I am reaping the profits.
While having the Mariners here adds to my entertainment choices (I am a seaon seat holder) I am not so emotionally attached to them that I couldn’t live without them. Same for the Sonics and the Seahawks. I would not have moved to St. Petersburg, and I am not moving to Oklahoma, to follow MY? team.
That is what satellite TV is for.
Hey #11,
“The proposed sale, the filing said, will enable the company to keep broadcasting.”
If you’re going to discuss bankruptcy, know the difference between Chapter 11 reorganization and Chapter 7 liquidation.
carl……”If I own a McDonald’s can I go to the city and say build me a new restaurant or I am leaving?”
sure you could do that…and they would [rightly] laugh you right out the door.
but carl, to the stupid seattle-ites this is ALL they have.
I didn’t do anything intentinally with the bold print-stuff! Sorry!
PBJ – can you please go crawl back under your rock (sooner the better)?
We need more Al Franken’s in America and it saddens me to read some of these disgusting remarks about his family. Comments like these just solidify my belief that conservatives have absolutely NO moral conscience.
Conservative/Republican = SCUM.
Libby at 16: Looks like it’s fixed now. Apology accepted.
Hey, something just occured to me. Isn’t that property that the Sonics want former Boeing property? Haven’t they been using that property since – like, 1941?
I would be very surprised if there weren’t some substantial environmental cleanup costs associated with that property, before any construction can begin. You know, heavy metals, possible groundwater contamination from hydrocarbons, etc., possibly even some arsenic? You know, the normal stuff you see at industrial sites which have been used back in the days when you used to dispose of old solvent/oil/transmission fluid/etc. by pouring it in dip in the ground out back?
So, who’s going to pay for it? Certainly Boeing would normally be one of the responsible parties. But it wouldn’t surprise me a bit if, in their haste to get a deal signed, the state and the City of Renton didn’t sign on to a big share of that cleanup cost. You know, the kind of costs that you have no idea how much it will be until you are already committed to the project?
Al Franken would make an outstanding contribution to the Senate. Comedians, from my perspective, generally have a finely tuned sense of what makes a culture/society tick. They tend to know where the progressive edge lies. The good ones, like Franken, are pretty damned smart. Norm Coleman, the Republican incumbent, has done nothing but keep his seat warm. Minnesota, the home of the Farmer-Labor Party, deserves a senator who represents its progressive traditions. Go Al.
“Is the U.S. becoming a police state? Here are the top 10 signs that it may well be the case.
1. The Internet Clampdown
2. “The Long War”
4. Touchscreen Voting Machines
5. Prison Camps
6. Signing Statements
7. Warrantless Wiretapping
8. Free Speech Zones
9. High-ranking Whistleblowers
10. The CIA Shakeup
@10: “….and they are just meant-spirited to any other point of view.”
If that wasn’t so pathetic, I’d call it funny. You ever listen to Hannity? Coulter? Limbaugh? O’Reilly? One can only surmise your stupidity is surpassed only by your obtuseness. You, and I mean you personally, are either stupid or disengenuous. If the latter, you are not worthy of respect, or even this reply.
Consider it a favor. And yes, I know who I am. What a dork.
Oh no!! Al Franken is running for congress!!! Please donate to the Boys and Girls Club.
I generally come down on the side of “Fibbertarian is Disengenuous.”
What happen to all the buzz regarding Global warming? That is all we crickets have been talking about lately.
@27 The question now is what to do about it. Of course, you could always donate the vacuum between your ears to Sir Bransons “atmospheric vacuum” project. . . . . .
We would donate something but we are a little strapped for cash right now. I sure hope our loans will be paid this time.
(And oh yeah… why he’s running for the US Senate.)
Ah who am I kidding..
As I said, you’ve that enormous vacuum between your ears, and right now all it does is litter up the comments threads here, demonstrating your obtuseness.
Faux Noise Channel is claiming Muqtada Al-Sadr has fled to Iran. So also are several Administration spokesweasels. This suits their purposes. . .it further stirs up feelings against Iran and builds up the “effect” of the “surge. The problem here is that it is extremely unlikely.
The Arab language paper al-Hayat has several interviews with Al-Sadr aides, and they all deny that he has left Najaf.
BBC did an interview with Al-Sadr at the end of January where he stated that because of pressures from both Al-Maliki’s Government and US forces, he has moved his family to “a safe place” and “made out a will”. By both Al-Sadr’s account and his aides, he seldom sleeps in the same place two nights in a row.
Under Saddam, both Muqtada and his father remained in Iraq to preach resistance, while heaping scorn on other ayatollahs who fled. This makes it unlikely he would flee and have to eat his own words. His father was caught and killed by Saddam in 1999. The family has demonstrated no shortage of courage.
Juan Cole speculates that Al-Sadr is still hiding somewhere inside Najaf. Yesterday Al-Sadr aides told BBC correspondants that he was still in Iraq. . .but did not know where.
Well so much for and election it’s new AWV or a great big park.
The state Department of Transportation on Tuesday rejected a four-lane tunnel, one of the two Alaskan Way Viaduct replacement options voters would pick from in a March advisory vote, saying it would be unsafe and couldn’t handle traffic adequately. Now the election itself could be doomed.
Gov. Chris Gregoire, who had been skeptical of the new tunnel option, said Tuesday that the state DOT’s findings show “it is clear that the electorate in Seattle will be presented a ballot with only one option that works.”
Ah who am I kidding..
Nah. The top sign that the county is becoming a police state is the reinstatement of the “fairness doctrine”. The Liberals fear freedom of speech and truth above everything else and for good reason.
The site is being remediated by Boeing. It has been in the process for a while now.
Well folks how short the Socialist Democrats memory really is today. They all claim there was WMD’s and today they deny ever making such a statement. They all voted for War but claim they were incapable of making the right decision because Bush lied to the Democrats. What a bunch of dumb fools to think we believed they are that stupid. Yes, Roger they also believed the Intel they collected was not false when they ran this Country for many years.
Yep Al Franken is also a loser in a big way!
The Democrat strategy on Iraq is finally clear.
We’ve known all along that they want to cut and run before the job is done. But they’ve been afraid to confront President Bush directly. Today, Democrat Rep. John Murtha let slip what he and Nancy Pelosi really intend to do, and it is genuinely frightening.
They call it their ‘slow-bleed’ plan. Instead of supporting the troops in Iraq, or simply bringing them home, the Democrats intend to gradually make it harder and harder for them to do their jobs. They will introduce riders onto bills to prevent certain units from deploying. They will try to limit the President’s constitutional power to determine the length and number of deployments. They will attempt to keep the Pentagon from replacing troops who rotate out of Iraq. They may even try to limit how our troops operate by, for example, prohibiting our armed forces from creating and operating bases in Iraq.
‘Slow-bleed’ is exactly the right name for this incredibly irresponsible and dangerous strategy. Cutting and running is bad enough. But the Murtha-Pelosi ‘slow-bleed’ plan is far worse. It is a cynical and dangerous erosion of our ability to fight the terrorists while we still have men and women on the ground in Iraq. It will put their lives in far greater danger, as resources slowly dry up. How can our troops operate without bases? How can they fight without backup?
“We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.”
This list is publicly updated on a quarterly basis – last update February 2007. Scientists listed by doctoral degree or current position.
Philip Skell, Emeritus, Evan Pugh Prof. of Chemistry, Pennsylvania State University Member of the National Academy of Sciences
Lyle H. Jensen, Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Biological Structure & Dept. of Biochemistry University of Washington, Fellow AAAS
Maciej Giertych, Full Professor, Institute of Dendrology Polish Academy of Sciences
Lev Beloussov, Prof. of Embryology, Honorary Prof., Moscow State University Member, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
Eugene Buff, Ph.D. Genetics Institute of Developmental Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences
Emil Palecek, Prof. of Molecular Biology, Masaryk University; Leading Scientist Inst. of Biophysics, Academy of Sci., Czech Republic
K. Mosto Onuoha, Shell Professor of Geology & Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Univ. of Nigeria Fellow, Nigerian Academy of Science
Ferenc Jeszenszky, Former Head of the Center of Research Groups, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
M.M. Ninan, Former President Hindustan Academy of Science, Bangalore University (India)
Denis Fesenko, Junior Research Fellow, Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia)
Sergey I. Vdovenko, Senior Research Assistant, Department of Fine Organic Synthesis Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences (Ukraine)
Henry Schaefer, Director, Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry University of Georgia
Paul Ashby, Ph.D. Chemistry Harvard University
Israel Hanukoglu, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Chairman The College of Judea and Samaria (Israel)
Alan Linton, Emeritus Professor of Bacteriology University of Bristol (UK)
Dean Kenyon, Emeritus Professor of Biology San Francisco State University
David W. Forslund, Ph.D. Astrophysics, Princeton University Fellow of American Physical Society
Robert W. Bass, Ph.D. Mathematics (also: Rhodes Scholar; Post-Doc at Princeton) Johns Hopkins University
John Hey, Associate Clinical Prof. (also: Fellow, American Geriatrics Society) Dept. of Family Medicine, Univ. of Mississippi
Daniel W. Heinze, Ph.D. Geophysics (also: Post-Doc Fellow, Carnegie Inst. of Washington) Texas A&M University
Richard Anderson, Assistant Professor of Environmental Science and Policy Duke University
David Chapman,* Senior Scientist Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Giuseppe Sermont,i Professor of Genetics, Ret. (Editor, Rivista di Biologia/Biology Forum) University of Perugia (Italy)
Stanley Salthe, Emeritus Professor Biological Sciences Brooklyn College of the City University of New York
Donald Ewert, Ph.D. Microbiology University of Georgia
Bernard d\’Abrera Visiting Scholar, Department of Entomology British Museum (Natural History)
Mae-Wan Ho, Ph.D. Biochemistry The University of Hong Kong
Russell Carlson, Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology University of Georgia
Scott Minnich, Professor, Dept of Microbiology, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry University of Idaho
Jeffrey Schwartz, Assoc. Res. Psychiatrist, Dept. of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences University of California, Los Angeles
Alexander F. Pugach, Ph.D. Astrophysics Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (Ukraine)
Ralph Seelke, Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biology University of Wisconsin, Superior
Annika Parantainen, Ph.D. Biology University of Turku (Finland)
Fred Schroeder, Ph.D. Marine Geology Columbia University
David Snoke, Associate Professor of Physics & Astronomy University of Pittsburgh
Frank Tipler, Prof. of Mathematical Physics Tulane University
John A. Davison, Emeritus Associate Professor of Biology University of Vermont
James Tour Chao, Professor of Chemistry Rice University
Pablo Yepes, Research Associate Professor of Physics & Astronomy Rice University
David Bolender, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Cell Biology, Neurobiology & Anatomy Medical College of Wisconsin
Leo Zacharski, Professor of Medicine Dartmouth Medical School
Michael Behe, Professor of Biological Science Lehigh University
Michael Atchison, Professor of Biochemistry University of Pennsylvania, Vet School
Thomas G. Guilliams, Ph.D. Molecular Biology The Medical College of Wisconsin
Arthur B. Robinson, Professor of Chemistry Oregon Institute of Science & Medicine
Joel Adams, Professor of Computer Science Calvin College
Abraham S. Feigenbaum, Ph.D. Nutritional Biochemistry Rutgers University
Kevin Farmer, Adjunct Assistant Professor (Ph.D. Scientific Methodology) University of Oklahoma
Neal Adrian, Ph.D. Microbiology University of Oklahoma
Ge Wang, Professor of Radiology & Biomedical Engineering University of Iowa
Moorad Alexanian, Professor of Physics University of North Carolina, Wilmington
Richard Spencer, Professor (Ph.D. Stanford) University of California, Davis, Solid-State Circuits Research Laboratory
Braxton Alfred, Emeritus Professor, Anthropology University of British Columbia (Canada)
R. Craig Henderson, Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering Tennessee Tech University
Wesley Allen, Professor of Computational Quantum Chemistry University of Georgia
James Pierre Hauck, Professor of Physics & Astronomy University of San Diego
Mark Apkarian, Ph.D. Exercise Physiology University of New Mexico
Eshan Dias, Ph.D. Chemical Engineering King’s College, Cambridge University (UK)
Joseph Atkinson Ph.D. Organic Chemistry MIT
Dennis Dean Rathman, Staff Scientist MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Richard Austin, Assoc. Prof. & Chair, Biology & Natural Sciences Piedmont College
Raymond C. Mjolsness, Ph.D. Physics Princeton University
John Baumgardner, Ph.D. Geophysics & Space Physics University of California, Los Angeles
Glenn R. Johnson, Adjunct Professor of Medicine University of North Dakota School of Medicine
George Bennett, Associate Professor of Chemistry Millikin University
Robert L. Waters, Lecturer, College of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology
David Berlinski, Ph.D. Philosophy Princeton University
James Robert Dickens, Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Texas A&M University
Phillip Bishop, Professor of Kinesiology University of Alabama
Donald R. Mull, Ph.D. Physiology University of Pittsburgh
John Bloom, Ph.D. Physics Cornell University
William Dembski, Ph.D. Mathematics University of Chicago
Ben J. Stuart, Ph.D. Chemical & Biochemical Engineering Rutgers University
Raymond Bohlin, Ph.D. Molecular & Cell Biology University of Texas, Dallas
Christa R. Koval, Ph.D. Chemistry University of Colorado at Boulder
John Bordelon, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
David Richard Carta, Ph.D. Bio-Engineering University of California, San Diego
Lydia G. Thebeau, Ph.D. Cell & Molecular Biology Saint Louis University
David Bossard, Ph. D. Mathematics Dartmouth College
Robert W. Kelley, Ph.D. Entomology Clemson University
David Bourell, Professor Mechanical Engineering University of Texas, Austin
Carlos M. Murillo, Professor of Medicine (Neurosurgery) Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
Walter Bradley, Distinguished Professor of Engineering Baylor University
Sami Palonen, Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry University of Helsinki (Finland)
John Brejda, Ph.D. Agronomy University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Bradley R. Johnson, Ph.D. Materials Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Rudolf Brits, Ph.D. Nuclear Chemistry University of Stellenbosch (South Africa)
Gary Kastello, Ph.D. Biology University of Wisonsin-Milwaukee
Frederick Brooks, Kenan Professor of Computer Science University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Omer Faruk Noyan, Assistant Professor (Ph.D. Paleontology) Celal Bayar University (Turkey)
Neil Broom, Associate Professor, Chemical & Materials Engineering University of Auckland (New Zealand)
Malcolm D. Chisholm, Ph.D. Insect Ecology (M.A. Zoology, Oxford University) University of Bristol (UK)
John Brown, Research Meteorologist National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Joseph A. Kunicki, Associate Professor of Mathematics The University of Findlay
John Brumbaugh, Emeritus Professor of Biological Sciences University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Thomas M. Stackhous,e Ph.D. Biochemistry University of California, Davis
Nancy Bryson, Associate Professor of Chemistry Mississippi University for Women
Walter L. Starkey, Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering The Ohio State University
Donald Calbreath, Professor, Department of Chemistry Whitworth College
Pingnan Shi, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering (Artificial Neural Networks) University of British Columbia (Canada)
John B. Cannon, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry Princeton University
John L. Burba, Ph.D. Physical Chemistry Baylor University
Stephen J. Cheesman, Ph.D. Geophysics University of Toronto
Mike Forward, Ph.D. Applied Mathematics (Chaos Theory) Imperial College, University of London (UK)
Lowell D. White, Industrial Hygiene Specialist (Ph.D. Epidemiology) University of New Mexico
Brian Landrum, Associate Professor of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering University of Alabama, Huntsville
David Chambers, Physicist Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Michael T. Goodrich, Professor of Computer Science University of California, Irvine
T. Timothy Chen, Ph.D. Statistics University of Chicago
Sarah M. Williams, Ph.D. Environmental Engineering (emphasis in microbiology) Stanford University
Donald Clark, Ph.D. Physical Biochemistry Louisiana State University
John Frederick Zino, Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Shing-Yan Chiu, Professor of Physiology University of Wisconsin, Madison
John Cimbala, Professor of Mechanical Engineering Pennsylvania State University
Chris Swanson, Tutor (Ph.D. Physics, University of Oregon) Gutenberg College
Kieran Clements, Assistant Professor, Natural Sciences Toccoa Falls College
Jan Chatham, Ph.D. Neurophysiology University of North Texas
George A. Gates, Emeritus Emeritus Professor of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery University of Washington
John Cogdell, Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering University of Texas, Austin
David R. Beaucage, Ph.D. Mathematics State University of New York at Stony Brook
Leon Combs, Professor & Chair, Chemistry & Biochemistry Kennesaw State University
Laraba P. Kendig, Ph.D. Materials Science & Engineering University of Michigan
Nicholas Comninellis, Associate Professor of Community and Family Medicine
University of Missouri-Kansas City
Stephen Crouse, Professor of Kinesiology Texas A&M University
Cham Dallas, Professor, Pharmaceutics & Biomedical Science University of Georgia
Charles N. Verheyden, Professor of Surgery Texas A&M College of Medicine
Melody Davis, Ph.D. Chemistry Princeton University
Thomas Deahl, Ph.D. Radiation Biology The University of Iowa
Robert DeHaan, Ph.D. Human Development University of Chicago
Gage Blackstone, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Texas A&M University
Harold Delaney, Professor of Psychology University of New Mexico
Jonathan C. Boomgaarden, Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering University of Wisconsin
Keith Delaplane, Professor of Entomology University of Georgia
William Bordeaux, Chair, Department of Natural & Mathematical Science Huntington College
Michael Delp, Professor of Physiology Texas A&M University
Keith F. Conner, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Clemson University
David DeWitt, Associate Professor of Biology Liberty University
Aaron J. Mille,r Ph.D. Physics Stanford University
Gary Dilts, Ph.D. Mathematical Physics University of Colorado
Gerald Chubb, Associate Professor of Aviation Ohio State University
Robert DiSilvestro, Ph.D. Biochemistry Texas A & M University
Daniel Dix, Associate Professor of Mathematics University of South Carolina
Allison Dobson, Assistant Professor, Chemistry Georgia Southern University
David Prentice, Professor, Department of Life Sciences Indiana State University
Kenneth Dormer, Ph.D. Biology & Physiology University of California, Los Angeles
Ernest Prabhakar, Ph.D. Experimental Particle Physics California Institute of Technology
John Doughty, Ph.D. Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering University of Arizona
Jeanne Drisko, Clinical Assistant Professor of Alternative Medicine University of Kansas, School of Medicine
Robert Eckel, Professor of Medicine, Physiology & Biophysics University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
Seth Edward,s Associate Professor of Geology University of Texas, El Paso
Eduard F. Schmitter, Ph.D. Astronomy University of Wisconsin
Lee Eimers, Professor of Physics & Mathematics Cedarville University
Daniel Ely, Professor, Biology University of Akron
Pattle Pun, Professor of Biology Wheaton College
Thomas English, Adjunct Professor of Physics & Engineering Palomar College
Rosalind Picard, Sc.D. Electrical Engineering & Computer Science MIT
Danielle Dalafave, Associate Professor of Physics The College of New Jersey
Richard Erdlac, Ph.D. Structural Geology University of Texas (Austin)
Michael C. Reynolds, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering University of Arkansas-Fort Smith
Bruce Evans, Ph.D. Neurobiology Emory University
Gary Achtemeier, Ph.D. Meteorology Florida State University
William Everson, Ph.D. Human Physiology Penn State College of Medicine
Susan L.M. Huck, Ph.D. Geology/Geography Clark University
James Florence, Associate Professor, Department of Public Health East Tennessee State University
Douglas R. Buck, Ph.D. Nutrition and Food Sciences Utah State University Fellow, American College of Nutrition
Margaret Flowers, Professor of Biology Wells College
Itienne Windisch, Ph.D. Engineering McGill University (Canada)
Mark Foster, Ph.D. Chemical Engineering University of Minnesota
Suzanne Sawyer Vincent, Ph.D. Physiology & Biophysics University of Washington
Clarence Fouche, Professor of Biology Virginia Intermont College
Robert Blomgren, Ph.D. Mathematics University of Minnesota
Kenneth French, Chairman, Division of Natural Science Blinn College
Richard N. Taylor, Professor of Information & Computer Science University of California, Irvine
Marvin Fritzler, Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology University of Calgary Medical School (Canada)
Walter E. Lillo, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Purdue University
Mark Fuller, Ph.D. Microbiology University of California, Davis
Daniel Galassini, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Kansas State University
Stanley E. Zager, Professor Emeritus, Chemical Engineering Youngstown State University
Andrew Fong, Ph.D. Chemistry Indiana University
John Garth, Ph.D. Physics University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana
Glen O. Brindley, Professor of Surgery, Director of Ophthalmology Scott & White Clinic, Texas A&M University H.S.C.
Ann Gauger, Ph.D. Zoology University of Washington
Paul Brown, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies Trinity Western University (Canada)
Mark Geil, Ph.D. Biomedical Engineering Ohio State University
Ibrahim Barsoum, Ph.D. Microbiology The George Washington University
Jim Gibson, Ph.D. Biology Loma Linda University
John W. Balliet, Ph.D. Molecular & Cellular Biology University of Pennsylvania,
Post-doctoral Fellowship, Harvard Medical School
William Gilbert, Emeritus Professor of Biology Simpson College
Joe R. Eagleman, Professor Emeritus, Department of Physics & Astronomy University of Kansas
Warren Gilson, Associate Professor, Dairy Science University of Georgia
Raul Leguizamon, Professor of Medicine (Pathology) Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
Steven Gollmer, Ph.D. Atmospheric Science Purdue University
Gene B. Chase, Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science (Ph.D. Cornell) Messiah College
Chris Grace, Associate Professor of Psychology Biola University
James A. Ellard, Sr. Ph.D. Chemistry University of Kentucky
Richard Gunasekera, Ph.D. Biochemical Genetics Baylor University
Jennifer M. Cohen, Ph.D. Mathematical Physics New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Russel Peak, Senior Researcher, Engineering Information Systems Georgia Institute of Technology
Graham Gutsche, Emeritus Professor of Physics U.S. Naval Academy
Dan Hale, Professor of Animal Science Texas A&M University
Robert L. Jones, Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmology University of California, Irvine
James Harbrecht, Clinical Associate Professor, Division of Cardiology University of Kansas Medical Center
George W. Benthien, Ph.D. Mathematics Carnegie Mellon University
James Harman Associate Chair, Dept. of Chemistry & Biochemistry Texas Tech University
Frederick T. Zugibe, Emeritus Adjunct Associate Professor of Pathology Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
William Harris, Ph.D. Nutritional Biochemistry University of Minnesota
Thomas H. Johnson, Ph.D. Mathematics University of Maryland
Paul Hausgen, Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Gregory A. Snyder, Ph.D. Geochemistry Colorado School of Mines
Walter Hearn, Ph.D. Biochemistry University of Illinois
Howard Martin Whitcraft, Ph.D. Mathematics University of St. Louis
Nolan Hertel, Professor, Nuclear & Radiological Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Joseph Francis, Associate Professor of Biology Cedarville University
Roland Hirsch, Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry University of Michigan
Todd Peterson, Ph.D. Plant Physiology University of Rhode Island
Charles Edward Norman, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Carleton University (Canada)
Dewey Hodges, Professor, Aerospace Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
James P. Russum, Ph.D. Chemical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Marko Horb, Ph.D. Cell & Developmental Biology State University of New York
Joe Watkins, Military Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering United States Military Academy
Barton Houseman, Emeritus Professor of Chemistry Goucher College
Mark Pritt, Ph.D. Mathematics Yale University
Edward Peltzer, Ph.D. Oceanography University of California, San Diego (Scripps Institute)
Cornelius Hunte,r Ph.D. Biophysics University of Illinois
Rodney Ice, Principle Research Scientist, Nuclear & Radiological Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Malcolm W. MacArthur, Ph.D. Molecular Biophysics University of London (UK)
Rafe Payne, Ph.D. Biology University of Nebraska
Muzaffar Iqbal, Ph.D. Chemistry University of Saskatchewan (Canada)
Mark P. Bowman, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry Pennsylvania State University
David Ives, Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry Ohio State University
Amiel Jarstfer, Associate Professor of Biology LeTourneau University
Stephan J. G. Gift, Professor of Electrical Engineering The University of the West Indies
Tony Jelsma, Ph.D. Biochemistry McMaster University (Canada)
Fred Johnson, Ph.D. Pathology Vanderbilt University
Raleigh R. White, IV Professor of Surgery Texas A&M University, College of Medicine
Jerry Johnson, Ph.D. Pharmacology & Toxicology Purdue University
Harold D. Cole, Professor of Physiology Southwestern Oklahoma State University
Yongsoon Park, Ph.D. Nutritional Biochemistry Washington State University
Richard Johnson, Professor of Chemistry LeTourneau University
David Hagen, Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering University of Minnesota
David Johnson, Associate Professor of Pharmacology & Toxicology Duquesne University
Jay Hollman, Assistant Clinical Professor of Cardiology Louisiana State University Health Science Center
Lawrence Johnston, Emeritus Professor of Physics University of Idaho
Albert J. Starshak, Ph.D. Physical Chemistry Illinois Institute of Technology
Robert Jones, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering University of Texas-Pan America
Scott T. Dreher, Ph.D. Geology (Royal Society USA Research Fellow) University of Alaska, Fairbanks
David Jones, Professor of Biochemistry & Chair of Chemistry Grove City College
Robert Kaita, Ph.D. Nuclear Physics Rutgers University
Kenneth Demarest, Professor of Electrical Engineering University of Kansas
Edwin Karlow, Chair, Department of Physics LaSierra University
Francis M. Donahue, Professor Emeritus, Chemical Engineering The University of Michigan
James Keener, Professor of Mathematics & Adjunct of Bioengineering University of Utah
Shawn Wright, Ph.D. Crop Science North Carolina State University
Douglas Keil, Ph.D. Plasma Physics University of Wisconsin, Madison
Dave Finnegan, Staff Member (Ph.D. Chemistry, University of Maryland) Los Alamos National Laboratory
Micheal Kelleher, Ph.D. Biophysical Chemistry University of Ibadan (Nigeria)
Christine B. Beaucage, Ph.D. Mathematics State University of New York at Stony Brook
Rebecca Keller, Research Professor, Department of Chemistry University of New Mexico
Gerald E. Hoyer, Retired Forrest Scientist (Ph.D. Silviculture, University of Washington) Washington State Department of Natural Resources
Michael Kent, Ph.D. Materials Science University of Minnesota
Richard Kinch, Ph.D. Computer Science Cornell University
Irfan Yilmaz, Professor of Biology (Ph.D. Systematic Zoology) Dokuz Eylul University (Turkey)
Bretta King, Assistant Professor of Chemistry Spelman College
Mauricio Alcocer, Director of Graduate Studies (Ph.D. Plant Science, University of Idaho) Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
R. Barry King, Prof. of Environmental Safety & Health Albuquerque Technical Vocational Institute
Hiroshi Ishii, M.D., Ph.D. Behavioral Neurology Tohoku University (Japan)
Michael Kinnaird, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Lasse Uotila, M.D., Ph.D. Medicinal Biochemistry University of Helsinki (Finland)
Donald Kobe, Professor of Physics University of North Texas, Denton
Martin Emery, Ph.D. Chemistry University of Southampton (UK)
Charles Koons, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry University of Minnesota
Miguel A. Rodriguez, Undergraduate Lab. Coordinator for Biochemistry University of Ottawa (Canada)
Carl Koval, Full Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry University of Colorado, Boulder
Magda Narciso Leite, Professor, College of Pharmacy & Biochemistry Universidade Federal de Juiz de For a (Brazil)
Bruce Krogh, Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering Carnegie Mellon University
Tetsuichi Takagi, Senior Research Scientist Geological Survey of Japan
Daniel Kuebler, Ph.D. Molecular & Cellular Biology University of California, Berkeley
William Notz, Professor of Statistics Ohio State University
Wesley Nyborg, Emeritus Professor of Physics University of Vermont
Peter William Holyland, Ph.D. Geology University of Queensland (Australia)
Paul Kuld, Associate Professor, Biological Science Biola University
Heather Kuruvilla, Ph.D. Biological Sciences State University of New York, Buffalo
Nancy L. Swanson, Ph.D. Physics Florida State University
Martin LaBar, Ph.D. Genetics & Zoology University of Wisconsin, Madison
William B. Hart, Assistant Professor of Mathematics University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Teresa Larranaga, Ph.D. Pharmacology University of New Mexico
Yuri Zharikov, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow (Ph.D. Zoology) Simon Fraser University (Canada)
Ronald Larson, Professor and Chair of Chemical Engineering University of Michigan
Wolfgang Hutter, Ph.D. Chemistry University of Ulm (Germany)
Robert Lattimer Ph.D. Chemistry University of Kansas, Lawrence
Robert J. Graham Ph.D. Chemical Engineering Iowa State University
M. Harold Laughlin, Professor & Chair, Department of Biomedical Sciences University of Missouri
Samuel C. Winchester, Klopman Distinguished Professor Emeritus (Ph.D. Princeton) North Carolina State University
George Lebo, Associate Professor of Astronomy University of Florida
Kurt J. Henle, Professor Emeritus (Ph.D. Biophysics, University of Pennsylvania) University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
J.B. Lee, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering University of Texas, Dallas
James O. Dritt, Ph.D. Civil Engineering & Environmental Science University of Oklahoma
Matti Leisola, Professor, Laboratory of Bioprocess Engineering Helsinki University of Technology
Manuel Garcia Ulloa Gomez, Director of Marine Sciences Laboratory Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
E. Lennard, Sc. D. Surgical Infections & Immunology University of Cincinnati
Glen E. Deal, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Florida Institute of Technology
Lane Lester, Ph.D. Genetics Purdue University
Paul Whitehead, Ph.D. Chemical Thermodynamics University of Natal (South Africa)
Catherine Lewis, Ph.D. Geophysics Colorado School of Mines
John R. Goltz, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering University of Arizona
Peter Line, Ph.D. Neuroscience Swinburne University of Technology (Australia)
Gerald P. Bodey, Emeritus Professor of Medicine, Former Chairman Department of Medical Specialties, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Garrick Little, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry Texas A & M University
John Nichols, Ph.D. Mathematics University of Tennessee
Mark Bearden, Ph.D. Electrical & Computer Engineering Carnegie Mellon University
Harry Lubansky, Ph.D. Biological Chemistry University of Illinois, Chicago
Daniel L. Moran, Ph.D. Molecular & Cellular Biology Ohio University
Fulbright Scholar
Ken Ludema, Emeritus Professor of Mechanical Engineering University of Michigan
Jed Macosko, Ph.D. Chemistry University of California, Berkeley
Nigel Surridge, Ph.D. Electrochemistry & Photochemistry University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Christopher Macosko, Ph.D. Chemical Engineering Princeton University
David Keller, Associate Professor of Chemistry University of New Mexico
Allen Magnuson, Ph. D. Theoretical & Applied Mechanics University of New Hampshire
Amy Ward, Ph.D. Mathematics Clemson University
Donald Mahan, Professor of Animal Nutrition Ohio State University
Shane A. Kasten, Post-Doctoral Fellow (Ph.D. Biochemistry, Kansas State University) Virginia Commonwealth University
Robert Marks, Professor, Signal & Image Processing University of Washington
Jesus Ambriz, Professor of Medicine Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
Julie Marshall, Ph.D. Chemistry Texas Tech University
Jay L. Wile, Ph.D. Nuclear Chemistry University of Rochester
David McClellan, Assistant Professor of Family & Community Medicine Texas A&M University College of Medicine
Evgeny Shirokov, Faculty Lecturer (Nuclear and Particle Physics) Moscow State University (Russia)
Andy McIntosh, Full Professor of Thermodynamics and Combustion Theory University
of Leeds (UK)
Mark A. Robinson, Ph.D. Environmental Science Lacrosse University
Tom McMullen, Ph.D. History & Philosophy of Science Indiana University
Martin Poenie, Associate Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology University of Texas, Austin
Tony Mega, Ph.D. Biochemistry Purdue University
Carl Poppe, Ph.D. Physics University of Wisconsin
James Menar, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Wright State University
Theodor Liss, Ph.D. Chemistry MIT
James Keesling, Professor of Mathematics University of Florida
Brian Miller, Ph.D. Physics Duke University
Art Nitz, Ph.D. Anatomy & Neurobiology University of Kentucky
Thomas Milner, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering University of Texas, Austin
David Ness, Ph.D. Anthropology Temple University
Forrest Mims, Atmospheric Researcher Geronimo Creek Observatory
S. W. Pelletier,* Emeritus Distinguished Professor of Chemistry University of Georgia, Athens
Paul Missel, Ph.D. Physics MIT
Dónal O\’Mathúna, Ph.D. Pharmacognosy Ohio State University
Lennart Möller, Professor, Center for Nutrition & Toxicology Karolinska Institute
Victoriano Saenz, Professor of Medicine Autonomous University of Guadalajara
David Monson, Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry Indiana University
Hugh Nutley,* Professor Emeritus of Physics & Engineering Seattle Pacific University
Terry Morrison, Ph.D. Chemistry Syracuse University
Bijan Nemati, Ph.D. High Energy Physics University of Washington
William Russell Belding, Ph.D. Mathematics University of Notre Dame
Paul Nesselroade, Associate Professor of Experimental Psychology Asbury College
Kevin L. Kendig, Ph.D. Materials Science & Engineering University of Michigan
Robert Newman, Ph.D. Astrophysics Cornell University
Angus Menuge, Ph.D. Philosophy of Psychology University of Wisconsin-Madison
Khawar Sohail Siddiqui, Senior Research Associate (Protein Chemistry) University of New South Wales (Australia)
Janet Parker, Professor of Medical Physiology Texas A&M University, Health Science Center
Scott Northrup, Chair and Professor of Chemistry Tennessee Tech University
John Omdahl, Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology University of New Mexico
Fazale Rana, Ph.D. Chemistry Ohio University
Rebecca Orr, Ph.D. Cell Biology University of Texas, Southwestern
Cevat Babuna, Professor Emeritus of Gynecology (Post-doc, University of Chicago) Istanbul University (Turkey)
Lawrence Overzet, Professor of Engineering & Computer Science University of Texas, Dallas
J. Meredith, Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Siddarth Pandey, Assistant Professor of Chemistry New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Gordon Mills, Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry University of Texas, Medical Branch
A. Clyde Hill, Ph.D. Soil Chemistry Rutgers University
Stephen Meyer, Ph.D. Philosophy of Science Cambridge University
William Purcell, Ph.D. Physical Chemistry Princeton University
Paul Randolph, Ph.D. Mathematical Statistics University of Minnesota
Christopher Morbey, Astronomer (Ret.) Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, National Research Council of Canada
David Reed, Ph.D Entomology University of California, Riverside
J. Ishizak,i Associate Professor of Neuropsychology (M.D., Ph.D. Medicine) Kobe Gakuin University (Japan)
David Rogstad, Ph.D. Physics California Institute of Technology
Arthur John Jones, Ph.D. Zoology & Comparative Physiology Birmingham University (UK)
Patricia Reiff, Director, Rice Space Institute Rice University
Oleh Havrysh, Senior Research Assistant, Protein & Peptide Structure & Function Dept. Institute of Bioorganic Chemsitry & Petrochemistry Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences (Ukraine)
Dan Reynolds, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry University of Texas, Austin
Andrew Steckley, Ph.D. Civil Engineering University of Western Ontario (Canada)
Terry Rickard, Ph.D. Engineering Physics University of California, San Diego
Mubashir Hanif, Ph.D. Plant Biology University of Helsinki (Finland)
Eliot Roberts, Ph.D. Soil Chemistry Rutgers University
Mario Beauregard, Associate Researcher, Department of Psychology (Ph.D. Neuroscience) University of Montreal (Canada)
Quinton Rogers, Prof. of Physiological Chemistry, Dept. of Molecular Biosciences Univ. of California, Davis, School of Vet. Medicine
Liang Hong, Associate Professor, Dept. of Dental Public Health & Behavioral Science University of Missouri—Kansas City
Daniel Romo, Professor of Chemistry Texas A&M University
David Sabatini, Professor Civil Engineering & Environmental Science University of Oklahoma
Richard Buggs, DPhil Plant Ecology & Evolution Oxford University (UK)
Theodore Saito, Ph.D. Physics Pennsylvania State University
Kay Roscoe, Ph.D. High Energy Particle Physics University of Manchester (UK)
Thomas Saleska, Professor of Biology Concordia University
James F. Drake, Ph.D. Atmospheric Science University of California, Los Angeles
Fernando Saravi, Professor, Department of Morphology and Physiology Med. Sciences School, Univ. Nacional de Cuyo (Argentina)
Harold Toups, Ph.D. Chemical Engineering Louisiana State University
Phillip Savage, Professor of Chemical Engineering University of Michigan
Seyyed Imran Husnain, Ph.D. Bacterial Genetics University of Sheffield (UK)
Dale Schaefer, Professor, Materials Science & Engineering University of Cincinnati
Russell C. Healey, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering University of Cambridge (UK)
Siegfried Scherer, Professor of Microbial Ecology Technische Universität München
Stuart C. Burgess, Professor of Design & Nature, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Bristol University (UK)
Norman Schmidt, Professor of Chemistry Georgia Southern University
Steve Maxwell, Associate Professor of Molecular and Cellular Medicine Texas A&M University, H.S.C.
Andrew Schmitz, Ph.D. Inorganic Chemistry University of Iowa
Anne E. Vravick, Ph.D. Environmental Toxicology University of Wisconsin, Madison
Granville Sewell, Professor of Mathematics University of Texas, El Paso
Marshall Adams, Ph.D. Marine Sciences University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Stephen Sewell, Assistant Professor of Family Medicine Texas A&M University
Herman J. van Eck, Assistant Professor in Plant Breeding Wageningen University (The Netherlands)
Gregory Shearer, Ph.D. Physiology University of California, Davis
Douglas Nelson Rose, Research Physicist United States Army
David Shormann, Ph.D. Limnology Texas A&M University
Paul Lorenzini, Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering Oregon State University
Dale Spence Emeritus Professor of Kinesiology Rice University
David W. Dykstra, Ph.D. Computer Science University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Arnold Sikkema, Associate Professor of Physics Dordt College
Larry S. Helmick, Senior Professor of Chemistry Cedarville University
Georgia Purdom, Ph.D. Molecular Genetics Ohio State University
John Silvius, Ph.D. Plant Physiology West Virginia University
Philip S. Taylor, Research Fellow, Computer Science Queen’s University Belfast (UK)
Fred Skif, Professor of Physics University of Iowa
Giulio D. Guerra, First Researcher of the Italian National Research Council (Chemistry) Istituto Materiali Compositi e Biomedici, CNR (Italy)
Ken Smith, Professor of Mathematics Central Michigan University
Jacquelyn W. McClelland, Professor (Ph.D. Nutritional Biochemistry) North Carolina State University, NCCE
Robert Smith, Professor of Chemistry University of Nebraska, Omaha
Ian C. Fuller, Senior Lecturer in Physical Geography Massey University (New Zealand)
Wolfgang Smith, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics Oregon State University
Wayne L. Cook, Ph.D. Inorganic Chemistry University of Kentucky
John Stamper, Research Physicist Naval Research Laboratory
Jeffrey L. Vaughn, Ph.D. Engineering University of California, Irvine
Timothy Standish, Ph.D. Environmental Biology George Mason University
William Hankley, Professor of Computer Science Kansas State University
Walt Stangl Associate Professor of Mathematics Biola University
John C. Walton, Professor of Reactive Chemistry (Ph.D. & D.Sc.) University of St. Andrews (UK), Fellow Royal Society of Chemistry, Fellow Royal Society of Edinburgh
Karl Stephan, Associate Professor, Dept. of Technology Texas State University, San Marcos
Cahit Babuna, Ph.D. Radiology Istanbul University (Turkey)
Richard Sternberg, Ph.D. Biology (Molecular Evolution) Florida International University, Also: Ph.D. Systems Science (Theoretical Biology) Binghamton University
Reid W. Castrodale, P.E., Ph.D. Structural Engineering University of Texas, Austin
Michael Strauss, Associate Professor of Physics University of Oklahoma
Jason David Ward, Ph.D. Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Glasgow University (UK)
John Studenroth, Ph.D. Plant Pathology Cornell University
Peter M. Rowell, D.Phil. Physics University of Oxford (UK)
Mark Swanson, Ph.D. Biochemistry University of Illinois
João Jorge Ribeiro Soares, Gonçalves de Araújo, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics Open University (Portugal)
James Swanson, Professor of Biological Sciences Old Dominion University
Justin Holl, Ph.D. Animal Science University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Bela Szilagyi, Ph.D. Physics University of Pittsburgh
Richard Mann, Ph.D. Physical Chemistry Princeton University
Daniel Tedder, Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Derek Linkens, Senior Research Fellow and Emeritus Professor (Biomedical Eng.) University of Sheffield (UK)
Charles Thaxton, Ph.D. Physical Chemistry Iowa State University
Lee M. Spetner, Ph.D. Physics MIT
Christopher L. Thomas, Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry University of South Carolina
Sture Blomberg, Associate Professor of Anesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine The Sahlgren University Hospital (Sweden)
Pavithran Thomas, Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Ohio State University
Leonard Loose, Ph.D. Botany University of Leeds (UK)
Richard Thompson, Ph.D. Computer Science University of Connecticut
James R. Thompson, Noah Harding Professor of Statistics Rice University
Ide Trotter, Ph.D. Chemical Engineering Princeton University
Royal Truman, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry Michigan State University
Robert VanderVennen, Ph.D. Physical Chemistry Michigan State University
Vincente Villa, Emeritus Professor of Biology Southwestern University
Margil Wadley, Ph.D. Inorganic Chemistry Purdue University
Carston Wagner, Associate Professor of Medicinal Chemistry University of Minnesota
Linda Walkup, Ph.D. Molecular Genetics University of New Mexico Medical School
James Tumlin, Associate Professor of Medicine Emory University
David Van Dyke, Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry University of Illinois, Urbana
John Walkup, Emeritus Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering Texas Tech University
Robert Waltzer, Associate Professor of Biology Belhaven College
James R. Brawer, Professor of Anatomy & Cell Biology (Ph.D., Harvard) McGill University (Canada)
Todd Watson, Assistant Professor of Urban & Community Forestry Texas A & M University
Weimin Gao, Microbiologist Brookhaven National Laboratory
Woody Weed, Mechanical Engineer, Science & Technology Division Sandia National Labs
Heikki Martikka, Professor of Machine Design Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland)
Gerald Wegner, Ph.D. Entomology Loyola University
Richard R. Neptune, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Texas, Austin
Jonathan Wells, Ph.D. Molecular & Cell Biology University of California, Berkeley
Alexandre S. Soares, Ph.D. Mathematics Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Robert Wentworth, Ph.D. Toxicology University of Georgia
Einar W. Palm, Professor Emeritus, Department of Plant Pathology University of Missouri, Columbia
R. P. Wharton, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Sandra Gade, Emeritus Professor of Physics University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh
Elden Whipple, Affiliate Professor of Earth & Space Sciences University of Washington
Chee K. Yap, Professor of Computer Science (Ph.D., Yale University) Courant Institute, New York University
Mark White, Professor of Chemical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Terrance Murphy, Professor of Chemistry Weill Cornell Medical College
Ed Neeland, Professor of Chemistry Okanagan University
Gregg Wilkerson, Ph.D. Geologic Science University of Texas, El Paso
Joseph M. Marra Director, Interventional Radiology, & Adjunct Professor of Medicine Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center
John H. Whitmore, Associate Professor of Geology Cedarville University
Ernest L., Brannon Professor Emeritus, Distinguished Research Professor (Ph.D. Fisheries) University of Idaho
Christopher Williams, Ph.D. Biochemistry Ohio State University
J. Mitch Wolff, Professor of Mechanical Engineering Wright State University
Thomas D. Gillespie, Research Professor Emeritus Transportation Research Institute, University of Michigan
John Worraker, Ph.D. Applied Mathematics University of Bristol (UK)
Alexander Yankovsky, Assistant Professor of Physical Oceanography Nova Southeastern University
John C. Zink, Former Assistant Professor of Engineering University of Oklahoma
Patrick Young, Ph.D. Chemistry Ohio University
David Zartman, Ph.D. Genetics & Animal Breeding Ohio State University
Charles T. Rombough, Ph.D. Engineering University of Texas
Henry Zuill, Emeritus Professor of Biology Union College
Jane M. Orient, Clinical Lecturer in Medicine University of Arizona College of Medicine
Frank Young, Ph.D. Computer Engineering Air Force Institute of Technology
Murray E. Moore, Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Texas A&M University
William J. Powers, Ph.D. Physics University California, San Diego
Max G. Walter, Associate Professor of Radiology Oklahoma University Health Science Center
Rosa María Muñoz, Head of Biopharmacy Department Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
Scott R. Fulton, Ph.D. Atmospheric Science Colorado State University
Don Olson, Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry Purdue University
Graham Marshall, Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry University of Pretoria (South Africa)
Philip R. Page, Ph.D. Theoretical Particle Physics University of Oxford (UK)
Roger Wiens, Ph.D. Physics University of Minnesota
Mark Toleman, Ph.D. Molecular Microbiology Bristol University (UK)
Robert O. Kalbach, Ph.D. Physical Chemistry University of South Florida
Gregory J. Brewer, Prof. of Neurology, Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Cell Biology Southern Illinois University School of Medicine
Neil Huber, Dr. rer. nat. (Ph.D. Anthropology) Tuebingen University
Marc C. Daniels, Assistant Professor of Biology William Carey College
J.D. Moolenburgh, Ph.D. Epidemiology University of Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
Roger Lien, Ph.D. Physiology North Carolina State University
Dean Schulz, Ph.D. Computer Science Colorado State University
John Millam, Ph.D. Computational Chemistry Rice University
Joseph Lary, Epidemiologist and Research Biologist (retired) Centers for Disease Control
Richard S. Beale, Jr. Ph.D. Entomology University of California, Berkeley
Ernest M. Thiessen, Ph.D. Civil & Environmental Engineering Cornell University
Tianyou Wang, Research Scientist Center for Advanced Studies in Measurement & Assessment, University of Iowa
Øyvind A. Voie, Ph.D. Biology University of Oslo (Norway)
David K. Shortess Professor of Biology (Retired) New Mexico Tech
A.D. Harrison, Emeritus Professor of Biology University of Waterloo
William P. Shulaw, Professor of Veterinary Preventive Medicine The Ohio State University
Darrell R. Parnell, Ph. D. University Level Science Education Kansas State University
Daniel W. Barnette, Ph. D. Aerospace Engineering Stanford University
David William, Jensen Professor of Biology Tomball College
Edward M. Bohn, Ph. D. Nuclear Engineering University of Illinois
Robert G. Vos, Ph.D. Civil/Structural Engineering Rice University
Yvonne Boldt, Ph. D. Microbiology University of Minnesota
William B. Collier, Ph. D. Physical Chemistry Oklahoma State University
Edward Gade, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh
James E. Nymann, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics University of Texas at El Paso
Malcolm A. Cutchins, Ph. D. Engineering Mechanics Virginia Tech
Lisanne D’Andrea-Winslow, Ph. D. Cell Biology & Biochemistry Rutgers University
Holger Daugaard, Ph. D. Agronomy Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences (Denmark)
Shieu-Hong Lin, Assistant Professor of Computer Science (Ph.D., Brown University) Biola University
W. John Durfee, Assistant Professor of Pharmacology Case Western Reserve University
Dominic M. Halsmer, Ph. D. Mechanical Engineering UCLA
Charles B. Lowrey, Ph.D. Chemistry University of Houston
Jeffrey H. Harwell, Ph. D. Chemical Engineering University of Texas, Austin
Frank Cheng, Associate Professor of Chemistry University of Idaho
David Heddle, Ph. D. Physics Carnegie Mellon University
Yoshiyuki Amemiya, Professor of Advanced Materials Science & Applied Physics The University of Tokyo
Barbara S. Helmkamp, Ph.D. Theoretical Physics Louisiana State University
David C. Kem, Professor of Medicine University of Oklahoma College of Medicine
C. Thomas Luiskutty, Ph.D. Physics Univ. of Louisville
Wusi Maki, Research Asst. Professor, Dept. of Microbiology, Mol. Biology, & Biochem. University of Idaho
A. Cordell Perkes, Ph.D. Science Education Ohio State University
John D. Cook, Head of Software Development (Ph.D. Mathematics, U.T. Austin) Department of Biostatistics & Applied Mathematics, U. of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Tony Prato, Prof. of Ecological Economics University of Missouri
Charles G. Sanny, Prof. of Biochemistry Oklahoma State University Ctr. for Health Sciences
Jairam Vanamala, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Faculty of Nutrition Faculty of Nutrition, TAMU, College Station
Gordon L. Wilson, Ph.D. Environmental Science and Public Policy George Mason University
Robin D. Zimmer, Ph.D. Environmental Sciences Rutgers University
Karl Duff ,Sc.D. Mechanical Engineering MIT
David Jansson, Sc.D. Instrumentation and Automatic Control MIT
C.Steven Murphree, Professor of Biology Belmont University
Alfred G. Ratz, Ph.D. Engineering Physics University of Toronto (Canada)
Chris Cellucci, Associate Professor of Physics Ursinus College
Gary Maki, Director, Ctr. for Advanced Microelectronics and Biomolecular Research University of Idaho
Ronald S. Carson, Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering University of Washington
Joseph A. Strada, Ph.D. Aeronautical Engineering Naval Postgraduate School
Olaf Karthaus, Associate Professor, Chemistry Chitose Institute of Science & Technology (Japan)
Arnold Eugene Carden, Professor Emeritus of Engineering Science & Mechanics University of Alabama
John B. Marshall, Professor of Medicine University of Missouri School of Medicine
Robert B. Sheldon, Ph.D. Physics University of Maryland, College Park
B.K. Nelson, Research Toxicologist (retired) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Hansik Yoon, Ph.D. Fiber Science Seoul National University (South Korea)
David Conover, Ph.D. Health Physics Purdue University
Luis Paulo Franco de Barros, D.Sc. Mechanical Engineering Pontificia
Universidade Católica (Brazil)
Richard W. Pooley, Professor of Surgery (retired) New York Medical College
Arthur Chadwick, Ph.D. Molecular Biology University of Miami
Lennart Saari, Adjunct Professor, Wildlife Biology University of Helsinki (Finland)
Douglas G. Frank, Ph.D. Surface Electrochemistry University of Cincinnati
James G. Tarrant, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry University of Texas, Austin
N. Ricky Byrn, Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Mark S. Whorton, Ph.D. Aerospace Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Jeffrey E. Lander, Ph.D. Biomechanics University of Oregon
Curtis Hawkins, Asst. Clinical Professor of Dermatology Case Western Reserve Univ. School of Medicine
Mary A. Brown, DVM (Veterinary Medicine) Ohio State University
Thomas H. Marshall, Adjunct Professor, Food Agricultural and Biological Engineering Ohio State University
Charles H. McGowen, Assistant Professor of Medicine Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine
Ronald R. Crawford, Ed.D. Science Education Ball State University
Matti Junnila, DVM, Ph.D. Veterinary Pathology University of Helsinki (Finland)
Dean Svoboda, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering The Ohio State University
Ruth C. Miles, Professor of Chemistry Malone College
Mark J. Lattery, Associate Professor of Physics University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
William McVaugh, Associate Professor of Biology Department of Natural Sciences, Malone College
Jeffrey M. Goff, Associate Professor of Chemistry Malone College
Jarrod W. Carter, Ph.D. Bioengineering University of Washington
David B. Medved, Ph.D. Physics University of Pennsylvania
Theodore W. Geier, Ph.D. Forrest Hydrology University of Minnesota
Christian Heiss, Post-Doctoral Associate Complex Carbohydrate Res. Ctr., Univ. of Georgia
G. Bradley Schaefer, Professor of Pediatrics University of Nebraska Medical Center
Bruce Simat, Associate Professor of Biology Northwestern College
Teresa Gonske, Assistant Professor of Mathematics Northwestern College
Thomas Mundie, Professor of Life Science United States Military Academy at West Point
Scott S. Kinnes, Professor of Biology Azusa Pacific University
James A. Huggins, Chair, Dept. of Biology & Dir., Hammons Center for Scientific Studies Union University
Jonathan A. Zderad, Assistant Professor of Mathematics Northwestern College
Michael R. Egnor, Professor and Vice-Chairman, Dept. of Neurological Surgery State University of New York at Stony Brook
I. Caroline Crocker, Ph.D. Immunopharmacology University of Southampton (UK)
Donald J. Hanrahan, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering University of Maryland
Gintautas Jazbutis, Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Paul S. Darby, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry University of Georgia
Changhyuk An, Ph.D. Physics University of Tennessee
L. Kirt Martin, Professor of Biology Lubbock Christian University
Gerald Schroeder, Ph.D. Earth Sciences & Nuclear Physics MIT
Rod Rogers, Ph.D. Agronomy/Plant Breeding Iowa State University
David W. Herrin, Research Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering University of Kentucky
Glen Needham, Associate Professor of Entomology The Ohio State University
E. Byron Rogers, Professor of Chemistry; Chair, Dept. of Mathematics & Physical Sciences Lubbock Christian University
Vladimir L. Voeikov, Vice-Chairman, Chair of Bio-organic Chemistry, Faculty of Biology Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia)
Ricardo Leon, Dean of School of Medicine Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
Eugene C. Ashby, Regents’ Professor and Distinguished Professor Emeritus Georgia Institute of Technology
JoAnne Larsen, Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering University of South Florida, Lakeland
Douglas Axe, Director (Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology) Biologic Institute
Joel Brind, Professor of Biology Baruch College, City University of New York
L. Whit Marks, Emeritus Professor of Physics University of Central Oklahoma
Perry Mason, Professor of Mathematics and Physical Science Lubbock Christian University
Timothy A. Mixon, Assistant Professor of Medicine Texas A&M University
Lawrence DeMejo, Ph.D. Polymer Science and Engineering University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Charles Garner, Professor of Chemistry Baylor University
Lynne Parker, Associate Professor of Computer Science (Ph.D. MIT) Distributed Intelligence Lab, University of Tennessee
Ivan M. Lang, Ph.D. Physiology and Biophysics Temple University
David J. Lawrence, Ph.D. Physics Washington University, St. Louis
John G. Hoey, Ph.D. Molecular and Cellular Biology City University of New York Graduate School
Theodore J. Siek, Ph.D. Biochemistry Oregon State University
John P. Rickert, Ph.D. Mathematics Vanderbilt University
Christian M. Loch, Ph.D. Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics University of Virginia
David W. Rusch, Sr. Research Scientist, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics University of Colorado
Charles A. Signorino, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry University of Pennsylvania
Luke Randall, Ph.D. Molecular Microbiology University of London (UK)
Jan Frederic Dudt, Associate Professor of Biology Grove City College
Glenn A. Marsch, Associate Professor of Physics Grove City College
Eduardo Sahagun, Professor of Botany Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
Mark A. Chambers, Ph.D. Virology University of Cambridge (UK)
Daniel Howell, Ph.D. Biochemistry Virginia Tech
Joel D. Hubbard, Associate Professor, Dept. of Lab. Science and Primary Care Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
C. Roger Longbotham, Ph.D. Statistics Florida State University
Hugh L. Henry, Lecturer (Ph.D. Physics, University of Virginia) Northern Kentucky University
Jonathan D. Eisenback, Professor of Plant Pathology Dept. of Plant Pathology and Weed Science Virginia Tech
Eduardo Arroyo, Professor of Forensics (Ph.D. Biology) Complutense University (Spain)
Peter Silley, Ph.D. Microbial Biochemistry University of Newcastle upon Tyne
E. Norbert Smith, Ph.D. Zoology Texas Tech University
Peter C. Iwen, Professor of Pathology and Microbiology University of Nebraska Medical Center
Paul Roschke, A.P. and Florence Wiley Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering Texas A&M University
Luman R. Wing, Associate Professor of Biology Azusa Pacific University
Edward F. Blick, Ph.D. Engineering Science University of Oklahoma
Wesley M. Taylor, Former Chairman of the Division of Primate Medicine & Surgery New England Regional Primate Research Center, Harvard Medical School
Don England, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry Harding University
Wayne Linn, Professor Emeritus of Biology Southern Oregon University
James Gundlach, Associate Professor of Physics John A. Logan College
Guillermo Gonzalez, Associate Professor of Astronomy Iowa State University
Tim Droubay, Ph.D. Physics University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Gregory D. Bossart, Director and Head of Pathology Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution
Barry Homer, Ph.D. Mathematics Southampton University (UK)
Jiøí Vácha, Professor Emeritus of Pathological Physiology Institute of Pathophysiology, Masaryk University (Czech Republic)
Richard J. Neves, Professor of Fisheries, Dept. of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences Virginia Tech
David Deming, Associate Professor of Geosciences University of Oklahoma
Gregory A. Ator, Associate Professor, Department of Otolaryngology University of Kansas Medical Center
Erkki Jokisalo, Ph.D. Social Pharmacy University of Kuopio (Finland)
John S. Roden, Associate Professor of Biology Southern Oregon University
Donald W. Russell, Adjunct Assistant Clinical Professor University of North Carolina School of Medicine
Neil Armitage, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering University of Cape Town (South Africa )
Geoff Barnard, Senior Research Scientist, Department of Veterinary Medicine University of Cambridge (UK)
Richard Hassing, Ph.D. Theoretical Physics Cornell University
Olivia Torres, Professor-Researcher (Human Genetics) Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
Donald A. Kangas, Professor of Biology Truman State University
Alvin Masarira, Senior Lecturer for Structural Engineering and Mechanics University of Cape Town (South Africa)
George A. Ekama, Professor, Water Quality Engineering, Dept of Civil Engineering University of Cape Town (South Africa)
Alistair Donald, Ph.D. Environmental Science/Quaternary or Pleistocene Palynology University of Wales (UK)
Thomas C. Majerus, PharmD; FCCP University of Minnesota
Ferenc Farkas, Ph.D. Applied Chemical Sciences Technical University of Budapest (Hungary)
Scott A. Chambers, Affiliate Professor of Chemistry and Materials Science & Engineering University of Washington
Cris Eberle, Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering Purdue University
Dennis M. Sullivan, Professor of Biology and Bioethics Cedarville University
Rodney M. Rutland, Department Head & Associate Professor of Kinesiology Anderson University
Alastair M. Noble, Ph.D. Chemistry University of Glasgow (Scotland)
Robert D. Orr, Professor of Family Medicine University of Vermont College of Medicine
Laverne Miller, Clinical Associate Professor of Family Medicine Medical College of Ohio
Laura Burke, Former Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering Lehigh University
Terry W. Spencer, Former Chair, Department of Geology & Geophysics Texas A&M University
Bert Massie, Ph.D. Physics University of California, Los Angeles
Mark C. Porte,r Ph.D. Chemical Engineering MIT
S. Thomas Abraham, Assistant Professor of Pharmacology & Toxicology Campbell University School of Pharmacy
John L. Hoffer, Professor of Engineering; Texas A&M University College of Engineering; (also) Professor of Anesthesiology Texas A&M Univ. Syst. Health Science Center
Anita McElroy, Ph.D. Biology University of California, San Diego
Herman Branover, Professor of Mechanical Engineering Ben-Gurion University (Israel)
Martin Krause, Research Scientist (Astronomy) University of Cambridge (UK)
James G. Bentsen Ph.D. Chemistry M.I.T.
Curtis Hrischuk, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Carleton University (Canada)
Guang-Hong Chen, Assistant Professor of Medical Physics & Radiology University of Wisconsin-Madison
Doug Hufstedler, Ph.D. Animal Nutrition Texas A&M University
Justin Long, Ph.D. Chemical Engineering Iowa State University
James E. Rankin, Ph.D. General Relativity Yeshiva University (Israel)
Donald F. Smee, Research Professor (Microbiology) Utah State University
Colin R. Reeves, Professor of Operational Research (Ph.D. Evolutionary Algorithms) Coventry University (UK)
*= Deceased since signing statement.
Note: Unless updated information has been received, positions listed are those held by signers when they signed the statement.;id=660
Ranks of Renowned Scientists Doubting Darwin\’s Theory on the Rise – 700 Now on Public List
SEATTLE, February 14, 2007 – Another 100 scientists have joined the ranks of scientists from around the world publicly stating their doubts about the adequacy of Darwin\’s theory of evolution.
\”Darwinism is a trivial idea that has been elevated to the status of the scientific theory that governs modern biology,\” says dissent list signer Dr. Michael Egnor. Egnor is a professor of neurosurgery and pediatrics at State University of New York, Stony Brook and an award-winning brain surgeon named one of New York\’s best doctors by New York Magazine.
Discovery Institute\’s Center for Science and Culture announced last week that over 700 scientists from around the world have now signed a statement expressing their skepticism about the contemporary theory of Darwinian evolution. The statement, located online at , reads: \”We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.\”
\”We know intuitively that Darwinism can accomplish some things, but not others,\” added Egnor. \”The question is what is that boundary? Does the information content in living things exceed that boundary? Darwinists have never faced those questions. They\’ve never asked scientifically if random mutation and natural selection can generate the information content in living things.\”
\”More scientists than ever before are now standing up and saying that it is time to rethink Darwin\’s theory of evolution in light of new scientific evidence that shows the theory is inadequate,\” said John West, associate director of the Center for Science & Culture. \”Darwinists are busy making up holidays to turn Charles Darwin into a saint, even as the evidence supporting his theory crumbles and more and more scientific challenges to it emerge.\”
The list of signatories includes member scientists from National Academies of Science in Russia, Czech Republic, Hungary, India (Hindustan), Nigeria, Poland, and the United States. Many of the signers are professors or researchers at major universities and international research institutions such as Cambridge University, Moscow State University, Chitose Institute of Science & Technology in Japan, Ben-Gurion University in Israel, MIT, The Smithsonian and Princeton.
Ranks of Renowned Scientists Doubting Darwin\’s Theory on the Rise – 700 Now on Public List
You can try to hide.
Sucks to be you!
re 38: “We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.”
So what? How does careful examination of scientific theories translate into the divine origen of the universe 10,000 years ago?
CNN left? Left of who? Reagan? Buchanan? Mussolini? Have you watched CNN lately?
PBJ @ 4.
How dense can you be? They like Mondale in Minnesota! He’s a respected man of high integrity.
Franken isn’t running for Senator of some corrupt backward southern state fully controlled by Norquist money and people who think interracial sex is a sin in the bible and should be punished with the lash and ten years in prison.
Yet another faaaaaaaaaaar right wing nutjob’s kid is in trouble with the law. These law and order/moral majority types really show what big hypocrites they are on a regular basis. I hope this cunt does time.
YO, you ignorant slut, the concept behind the story is WRONG regardless of where it was first told. Ignorant sluts lik YO seem to think their total ignorance of the Arab world acts as their shield. . . .
10:02pm on Valentines Day: you\’re playing on the blogs instead of getting fucked by me.
What does that say about the sad state of our marriage?
Something about sucking.
Don\’t wake me when you come to bed.
Better yet, don\’t come to MY bed.
Hairy Puta… where did those 700 renowned scientists make any reference whatsoever to \”divine origin\” in their comments or statement of dissent?
“We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.”
You\’re projecting again puta… unfortunately what you\’r projecting is your stupidity and inability to comprehend.
“We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.”
”More scientists than ever before are now standing up and saying that it is time to rethink Darwin\\’s theory of evolution in light of new scientific evidence that shows the theory is inadequate,” said John West, associate director of the Center for Science & Culture. ”Darwinists are busy making up holidays to turn Charles Darwin into a saint, even as the evidence supporting his theory crumbles and more and more scientific challenges to it emerge.”
@38 What kind of bullshit list is this? I randomly selected 15 of the names and checked them against the on-line faculty directories of the listed colleges, and got no match for two-thirds of them.
Shing-Yan Chiu, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Brian Landrum, University of Alabama, Huntsville (listed as David B. Landrum)
Michael T. Goodrich, University of California, Irvine
David Prentice, Indiana State University
Rosalind Picard, MIT
No Match
No Match
Guang-Hong Chen, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Ann Gauger, University of Washington
John Doughty, University of Arizona
John L. Burba, Baylor University
Eduard F. Schmitter, University of Wisconsin
Thomas M. Stackhouse, University of California, Davis
John B. Cannon, Princeton University
Rosalind Picard, MIT
Gary Kastello, University of Wisonsin-Milwaukee
Robert Blomgren, University of Minnesota
OF course “careful examination” of Darwinian theory should be “encouraged.” Scrupulous scientists are always open to new evidence and re-evaluation of theories. Unfortunately, religious and political dogmatics never are.
Here are the three best arguments I can think of to support abortion rights…
Just think what a better place this world would be if these dick-sucking, chickenshit, chickenhawk cowards had been aborted?
proud to be an ass @ 24,
Your comment is exactly what I’m talking about in my post @ 10. You made my point for me. Mean-spirited commentary on Air America is what is killing that radio network. Making snide comments about me means you are small and pathetic. You won’t have Air America to listen to much longer, proud to be an ass. I suggest you look inward to find the root of your problem.
48: your ignorant cult is dancing because at first blush it appears you win the game of gotcha.
Unfortunately, closer examination reveals you to be a fool, lazy and probably a liar.
Pay close attention now, fool and lazy liar, and rally your cult to do the same.
DIRECT QUOTE from the text of the document:
*= Deceased since signing statement.
Note: Unless updated information has been received, positions listed are those held by signers when they signed the statement.;id=660
Do you honestly believe all 700+ signed just yesterday??
Note: Unless updated information has been received, positions listed are those held by signers when they signed the statement.
Or are you playing sleazy lawyer games fast and loose with the inconvenient facts?
Note: Unless updated information has been received, positions listed are those held by signers when they signed the statement.
You give ample credence to my screen name: liberals, all wrong all the time.
Note: Unless updated information has been received, positions listed are those held by signers when they signed the statement.
I see the fucker is censoring comments again
One other thing I almost forgot-
Nov 18 was the 28th anniversay of Jonestown-914 people, 276 of them children, were killed in Guyana on the order of People\’s Temple pastor Jim Jones.
A group called the \”concerned relatives\” had tried to warn officials in the US, Jones had been conducting mass suicide drills in the jungle of Guyana. They would not listen until it was too late though, because Jones had so much support from the Democratic party. Hubert Humphrey, Rosalyn Carter, Jerry Brown, George Moscone, and many others thought Jones was a swell guy, they did not examine him closely because they knew, as a supposed champion for racial equality, he delivered votes to the Democratic Party. In the end, he did not believe in Christ, he believed in Marx and socialism. Anyone who has even a passing interest in politics, religion, or just the basic organizing principles of society should read up on this. There is an excellent 1980 TV movie starring Powers Boothe as Jones. Keep it in mind the next time someone tries to stigmatize Pat Buchanan or another conservative as a \”religious nut\”, just remind them of Jim Jones…..
re 48: I’ve decided to breed purebred Rottweillers applying Creationist breeding principles.
So far, they all look like mutts. But I’m sticking to my Creationist principles and will NOT selectively breed for desireable characteristics.
Because selective breeding doesn’t work. The jury is still out on that one.
Here’s a list of people who agree with me:
“We are skeptical of claims for the ability of conscious selection and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged, and immediate acceptance of the fact that the world was created 6,000 years ago by Jesus H. Christ.”
This list is publicly updated on a quarterly basis – last update February 2007. Scientists listed by doctoral degree or current position.
Philip Skell, Emeritus, Evan Pugh Prof. of Chemistry, Pennsylvania State University Member of the National Academy of Sciences
Lyle H. Jensen, Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Biological Structure & Dept. of Biochemistry University of Washington, Fellow AAAS
Maciej Giertych, Full Professor, Institute of Dendrology Polish Academy of Sciences
Lev Beloussov, Prof. of Embryology, Honorary Prof., Moscow State University Member, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
Eugene Buff, Ph.D. Genetics Institute of Developmental Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences
Emil Palecek, Prof. of Molecular Biology, Masaryk University; Leading Scientist Inst. of Biophysics, Academy of Sci., Czech Republic
K. Mosto Onuoha, Shell Professor of Geology & Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Univ. of Nigeria Fellow, Nigerian Academy of Science
Ferenc Jeszenszky, Former Head of the Center of Research Groups, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
M.M. Ninan, Former President Hindustan Academy of Science, Bangalore University (India)
Denis Fesenko, Junior Research Fellow, Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia)
Sergey I. Vdovenko, Senior Research Assistant, Department of Fine Organic Synthesis Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences (Ukraine)
Henry Schaefer, Director, Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry University of Georgia
Paul Ashby, Ph.D. Chemistry Harvard University
Israel Hanukoglu, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Chairman The College of Judea and Samaria (Israel)
Alan Linton, Emeritus Professor of Bacteriology University of Bristol (UK)
Dean Kenyon, Emeritus Professor of Biology San Francisco State University
David W. Forslund, Ph.D. Astrophysics, Princeton University Fellow of American Physical Society
Robert W. Bass, Ph.D. Mathematics (also: Rhodes Scholar; Post-Doc at Princeton) Johns Hopkins University
John Hey, Associate Clinical Prof. (also: Fellow, American Geriatrics Society) Dept. of Family Medicine, Univ. of Mississippi
Daniel W. Heinze, Ph.D. Geophysics (also: Post-Doc Fellow, Carnegie Inst. of Washington) Texas A&M University
Richard Anderson, Assistant Professor of Environmental Science and Policy Duke University
David Chapman,* Senior Scientist Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Giuseppe Sermont,i Professor of Genetics, Ret. (Editor, Rivista di Biologia/Biology Forum) University of Perugia (Italy)
Stanley Salthe, Emeritus Professor Biological Sciences Brooklyn College of the City University of New York
Donald Ewert, Ph.D. Microbiology University of Georgia
Bernard d\’Abrera Visiting Scholar, Department of Entomology British Museum (Natural History)
Mae-Wan Ho, Ph.D. Biochemistry The University of Hong Kong
Russell Carlson, Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology University of Georgia
Scott Minnich, Professor, Dept of Microbiology, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry University of Idaho
Jeffrey Schwartz, Assoc. Res. Psychiatrist, Dept. of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences University of California, Los Angeles
Alexander F. Pugach, Ph.D. Astrophysics Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (Ukraine)
Ralph Seelke, Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biology University of Wisconsin, Superior
Annika Parantainen, Ph.D. Biology University of Turku (Finland)
Fred Schroeder, Ph.D. Marine Geology Columbia University
David Snoke, Associate Professor of Physics & Astronomy University of Pittsburgh
Frank Tipler, Prof. of Mathematical Physics Tulane University
John A. Davison, Emeritus Associate Professor of Biology University of Vermont
James Tour Chao, Professor of Chemistry Rice University
Pablo Yepes, Research Associate Professor of Physics & Astronomy Rice University
David Bolender, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Cell Biology, Neurobiology & Anatomy Medical College of Wisconsin
Leo Zacharski, Professor of Medicine Dartmouth Medical School
Michael Behe, Professor of Biological Science Lehigh University
Michael Atchison, Professor of Biochemistry University of Pennsylvania, Vet School
Thomas G. Guilliams, Ph.D. Molecular Biology The Medical College of Wisconsin
Arthur B. Robinson, Professor of Chemistry Oregon Institute of Science & Medicine
Joel Adams, Professor of Computer Science Calvin College
Abraham S. Feigenbaum, Ph.D. Nutritional Biochemistry Rutgers University
Kevin Farmer, Adjunct Assistant Professor (Ph.D. Scientific Methodology) University of Oklahoma
Neal Adrian, Ph.D. Microbiology University of Oklahoma
Ge Wang, Professor of Radiology & Biomedical Engineering University of Iowa
Moorad Alexanian, Professor of Physics University of North Carolina, Wilmington
Richard Spencer, Professor (Ph.D. Stanford) University of California, Davis, Solid-State Circuits Research Laboratory
Braxton Alfred, Emeritus Professor, Anthropology University of British Columbia (Canada)
R. Craig Henderson, Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering Tennessee Tech University
Wesley Allen, Professor of Computational Quantum Chemistry University of Georgia
James Pierre Hauck, Professor of Physics & Astronomy University of San Diego
Mark Apkarian, Ph.D. Exercise Physiology University of New Mexico
Eshan Dias, Ph.D. Chemical Engineering King’s College, Cambridge University (UK)
Joseph Atkinson Ph.D. Organic Chemistry MIT
Dennis Dean Rathman, Staff Scientist MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Richard Austin, Assoc. Prof. & Chair, Biology & Natural Sciences Piedmont College
Raymond C. Mjolsness, Ph.D. Physics Princeton University
John Baumgardner, Ph.D. Geophysics & Space Physics University of California, Los Angeles
Glenn R. Johnson, Adjunct Professor of Medicine University of North Dakota School of Medicine
George Bennett, Associate Professor of Chemistry Millikin University
Robert L. Waters, Lecturer, College of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology
David Berlinski, Ph.D. Philosophy Princeton University
James Robert Dickens, Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Texas A&M University
Phillip Bishop, Professor of Kinesiology University of Alabama
Donald R. Mull, Ph.D. Physiology University of Pittsburgh
John Bloom, Ph.D. Physics Cornell University
William Dembski, Ph.D. Mathematics University of Chicago
Ben J. Stuart, Ph.D. Chemical & Biochemical Engineering Rutgers University
Raymond Bohlin, Ph.D. Molecular & Cell Biology University of Texas, Dallas
Christa R. Koval, Ph.D. Chemistry University of Colorado at Boulder
John Bordelon, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
David Richard Carta, Ph.D. Bio-Engineering University of California, San Diego
Lydia G. Thebeau, Ph.D. Cell & Molecular Biology Saint Louis University
David Bossard, Ph. D. Mathematics Dartmouth College
Robert W. Kelley, Ph.D. Entomology Clemson University
David Bourell, Professor Mechanical Engineering University of Texas, Austin
Carlos M. Murillo, Professor of Medicine (Neurosurgery) Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
Walter Bradley, Distinguished Professor of Engineering Baylor University
Sami Palonen, Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry University of Helsinki (Finland)
John Brejda, Ph.D. Agronomy University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Bradley R. Johnson, Ph.D. Materials Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Rudolf Brits, Ph.D. Nuclear Chemistry University of Stellenbosch (South Africa)
Gary Kastello, Ph.D. Biology University of Wisonsin-Milwaukee
Frederick Brooks, Kenan Professor of Computer Science University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Omer Faruk Noyan, Assistant Professor (Ph.D. Paleontology) Celal Bayar University (Turkey)
Neil Broom, Associate Professor, Chemical & Materials Engineering University of Auckland (New Zealand)
Malcolm D. Chisholm, Ph.D. Insect Ecology (M.A. Zoology, Oxford University) University of Bristol (UK)
John Brown, Research Meteorologist National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Joseph A. Kunicki, Associate Professor of Mathematics The University of Findlay
John Brumbaugh, Emeritus Professor of Biological Sciences University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Thomas M. Stackhous,e Ph.D. Biochemistry University of California, Davis
Nancy Bryson, Associate Professor of Chemistry Mississippi University for Women
Walter L. Starkey, Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering The Ohio State University
Donald Calbreath, Professor, Department of Chemistry Whitworth College
Pingnan Shi, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering (Artificial Neural Networks) University of British Columbia (Canada)
John B. Cannon, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry Princeton University
John L. Burba, Ph.D. Physical Chemistry Baylor University
Stephen J. Cheesman, Ph.D. Geophysics University of Toronto
Mike Forward, Ph.D. Applied Mathematics (Chaos Theory) Imperial College, University of London (UK)
Lowell D. White, Industrial Hygiene Specialist (Ph.D. Epidemiology) University of New Mexico
Brian Landrum, Associate Professor of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering University of Alabama, Huntsville
David Chambers, Physicist Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Michael T. Goodrich, Professor of Computer Science University of California, Irvine
T. Timothy Chen, Ph.D. Statistics University of Chicago
Sarah M. Williams, Ph.D. Environmental Engineering (emphasis in microbiology) Stanford University
Donald Clark, Ph.D. Physical Biochemistry Louisiana State University
John Frederick Zino, Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Shing-Yan Chiu, Professor of Physiology University of Wisconsin, Madison
John Cimbala, Professor of Mechanical Engineering Pennsylvania State University
Chris Swanson, Tutor (Ph.D. Physics, University of Oregon) Gutenberg College
Kieran Clements, Assistant Professor, Natural Sciences Toccoa Falls College
Jan Chatham, Ph.D. Neurophysiology University of North Texas
George A. Gates, Emeritus Emeritus Professor of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery University of Washington
John Cogdell, Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering University of Texas, Austin
David R. Beaucage, Ph.D. Mathematics State University of New York at Stony Brook
Leon Combs, Professor & Chair, Chemistry & Biochemistry Kennesaw State University
Laraba P. Kendig, Ph.D. Materials Science & Engineering University of Michigan
Nicholas Comninellis, Associate Professor of Community and Family Medicine
University of Missouri-Kansas City
Stephen Crouse, Professor of Kinesiology Texas A&M University
Cham Dallas, Professor, Pharmaceutics & Biomedical Science University of Georgia
Charles N. Verheyden, Professor of Surgery Texas A&M College of Medicine
Melody Davis, Ph.D. Chemistry Princeton University
Thomas Deahl, Ph.D. Radiation Biology The University of Iowa
Robert DeHaan, Ph.D. Human Development University of Chicago
Gage Blackstone, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Texas A&M University
Harold Delaney, Professor of Psychology University of New Mexico
Jonathan C. Boomgaarden, Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering University of Wisconsin
Keith Delaplane, Professor of Entomology University of Georgia
William Bordeaux, Chair, Department of Natural & Mathematical Science Huntington College
Michael Delp, Professor of Physiology Texas A&M University
Keith F. Conner, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Clemson University
David DeWitt, Associate Professor of Biology Liberty University
Aaron J. Mille,r Ph.D. Physics Stanford University
Gary Dilts, Ph.D. Mathematical Physics University of Colorado
Gerald Chubb, Associate Professor of Aviation Ohio State University
Robert DiSilvestro, Ph.D. Biochemistry Texas A & M University
Daniel Dix, Associate Professor of Mathematics University of South Carolina
Allison Dobson, Assistant Professor, Chemistry Georgia Southern University
David Prentice, Professor, Department of Life Sciences Indiana State University
Kenneth Dormer, Ph.D. Biology & Physiology University of California, Los Angeles
Ernest Prabhakar, Ph.D. Experimental Particle Physics California Institute of Technology
John Doughty, Ph.D. Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering University of Arizona
Jeanne Drisko, Clinical Assistant Professor of Alternative Medicine University of Kansas, School of Medicine
Robert Eckel, Professor of Medicine, Physiology & Biophysics University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
Seth Edward,s Associate Professor of Geology University of Texas, El Paso
Eduard F. Schmitter, Ph.D. Astronomy University of Wisconsin
Lee Eimers, Professor of Physics & Mathematics Cedarville University
Daniel Ely, Professor, Biology University of Akron
Pattle Pun, Professor of Biology Wheaton College
Thomas English, Adjunct Professor of Physics & Engineering Palomar College
Rosalind Picard, Sc.D. Electrical Engineering & Computer Science MIT
Danielle Dalafave, Associate Professor of Physics The College of New Jersey
Richard Erdlac, Ph.D. Structural Geology University of Texas (Austin)
Michael C. Reynolds, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering University of Arkansas-Fort Smith
Bruce Evans, Ph.D. Neurobiology Emory University
Gary Achtemeier, Ph.D. Meteorology Florida State University
William Everson, Ph.D. Human Physiology Penn State College of Medicine
Susan L.M. Huck, Ph.D. Geology/Geography Clark University
James Florence, Associate Professor, Department of Public Health East Tennessee State University
Douglas R. Buck, Ph.D. Nutrition and Food Sciences Utah State University Fellow, American College of Nutrition
Margaret Flowers, Professor of Biology Wells College
Itienne Windisch, Ph.D. Engineering McGill University (Canada)
Mark Foster, Ph.D. Chemical Engineering University of Minnesota
Suzanne Sawyer Vincent, Ph.D. Physiology & Biophysics University of Washington
Clarence Fouche, Professor of Biology Virginia Intermont College
Robert Blomgren, Ph.D. Mathematics University of Minnesota
Kenneth French, Chairman, Division of Natural Science Blinn College
Richard N. Taylor, Professor of Information & Computer Science University of California, Irvine
Marvin Fritzler, Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology University of Calgary Medical School (Canada)
Walter E. Lillo, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Purdue University
Mark Fuller, Ph.D. Microbiology University of California, Davis
Daniel Galassini, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Kansas State University
Stanley E. Zager, Professor Emeritus, Chemical Engineering Youngstown State University
Andrew Fong, Ph.D. Chemistry Indiana University
John Garth, Ph.D. Physics University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana
Glen O. Brindley, Professor of Surgery, Director of Ophthalmology Scott & White Clinic, Texas A&M University H.S.C.
Ann Gauger, Ph.D. Zoology University of Washington
Paul Brown, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies Trinity Western University (Canada)
Mark Geil, Ph.D. Biomedical Engineering Ohio State University
Ibrahim Barsoum, Ph.D. Microbiology The George Washington University
Jim Gibson, Ph.D. Biology Loma Linda University
John W. Balliet, Ph.D. Molecular & Cellular Biology University of Pennsylvania,
Post-doctoral Fellowship, Harvard Medical School
William Gilbert, Emeritus Professor of Biology Simpson College
Joe R. Eagleman, Professor Emeritus, Department of Physics & Astronomy University of Kansas
Warren Gilson, Associate Professor, Dairy Science University of Georgia
Raul Leguizamon, Professor of Medicine (Pathology) Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
Steven Gollmer, Ph.D. Atmospheric Science Purdue University
Gene B. Chase, Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science (Ph.D. Cornell) Messiah College
Chris Grace, Associate Professor of Psychology Biola University
James A. Ellard, Sr. Ph.D. Chemistry University of Kentucky
Richard Gunasekera, Ph.D. Biochemical Genetics Baylor University
Jennifer M. Cohen, Ph.D. Mathematical Physics New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Russel Peak, Senior Researcher, Engineering Information Systems Georgia Institute of Technology
Graham Gutsche, Emeritus Professor of Physics U.S. Naval Academy
Dan Hale, Professor of Animal Science Texas A&M University
Robert L. Jones, Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmology University of California, Irvine
James Harbrecht, Clinical Associate Professor, Division of Cardiology University of Kansas Medical Center
George W. Benthien, Ph.D. Mathematics Carnegie Mellon University
James Harman Associate Chair, Dept. of Chemistry & Biochemistry Texas Tech University
Frederick T. Zugibe, Emeritus Adjunct Associate Professor of Pathology Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
William Harris, Ph.D. Nutritional Biochemistry University of Minnesota
Thomas H. Johnson, Ph.D. Mathematics University of Maryland
Paul Hausgen, Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Gregory A. Snyder, Ph.D. Geochemistry Colorado School of Mines
Walter Hearn, Ph.D. Biochemistry University of Illinois
Howard Martin Whitcraft, Ph.D. Mathematics University of St. Louis
Nolan Hertel, Professor, Nuclear & Radiological Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Joseph Francis, Associate Professor of Biology Cedarville University
Roland Hirsch, Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry University of Michigan
Todd Peterson, Ph.D. Plant Physiology University of Rhode Island
Charles Edward Norman, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Carleton University (Canada)
Dewey Hodges, Professor, Aerospace Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
James P. Russum, Ph.D. Chemical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Marko Horb, Ph.D. Cell & Developmental Biology State University of New York
Joe Watkins, Military Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering United States Military Academy
Barton Houseman, Emeritus Professor of Chemistry Goucher College
Mark Pritt, Ph.D. Mathematics Yale University
Edward Peltzer, Ph.D. Oceanography University of California, San Diego (Scripps Institute)
Cornelius Hunte,r Ph.D. Biophysics University of Illinois
Rodney Ice, Principle Research Scientist, Nuclear & Radiological Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Malcolm W. MacArthur, Ph.D. Molecular Biophysics University of London (UK)
Rafe Payne, Ph.D. Biology University of Nebraska
Muzaffar Iqbal, Ph.D. Chemistry University of Saskatchewan (Canada)
Mark P. Bowman, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry Pennsylvania State University
David Ives, Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry Ohio State University
Amiel Jarstfer, Associate Professor of Biology LeTourneau University
Stephan J. G. Gift, Professor of Electrical Engineering The University of the West Indies
Tony Jelsma, Ph.D. Biochemistry McMaster University (Canada)
Fred Johnson, Ph.D. Pathology Vanderbilt University
Raleigh R. White, IV Professor of Surgery Texas A&M University, College of Medicine
Jerry Johnson, Ph.D. Pharmacology & Toxicology Purdue University
Harold D. Cole, Professor of Physiology Southwestern Oklahoma State University
Yongsoon Park, Ph.D. Nutritional Biochemistry Washington State University
Richard Johnson, Professor of Chemistry LeTourneau University
David Hagen, Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering University of Minnesota
David Johnson, Associate Professor of Pharmacology & Toxicology Duquesne University
Jay Hollman, Assistant Clinical Professor of Cardiology Louisiana State University Health Science Center
Lawrence Johnston, Emeritus Professor of Physics University of Idaho
Albert J. Starshak, Ph.D. Physical Chemistry Illinois Institute of Technology
Robert Jones, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering University of Texas-Pan America
Scott T. Dreher, Ph.D. Geology (Royal Society USA Research Fellow) University of Alaska, Fairbanks
David Jones, Professor of Biochemistry & Chair of Chemistry Grove City College
Robert Kaita, Ph.D. Nuclear Physics Rutgers University
Kenneth Demarest, Professor of Electrical Engineering University of Kansas
Edwin Karlow, Chair, Department of Physics LaSierra University
Francis M. Donahue, Professor Emeritus, Chemical Engineering The University of Michigan
James Keener, Professor of Mathematics & Adjunct of Bioengineering University of Utah
Shawn Wright, Ph.D. Crop Science North Carolina State University
Douglas Keil, Ph.D. Plasma Physics University of Wisconsin, Madison
Dave Finnegan, Staff Member (Ph.D. Chemistry, University of Maryland) Los Alamos National Laboratory
Micheal Kelleher, Ph.D. Biophysical Chemistry University of Ibadan (Nigeria)
Christine B. Beaucage, Ph.D. Mathematics State University of New York at Stony Brook
Rebecca Keller, Research Professor, Department of Chemistry University of New Mexico
Gerald E. Hoyer, Retired Forrest Scientist (Ph.D. Silviculture, University of Washington) Washington State Department of Natural Resources
Michael Kent, Ph.D. Materials Science University of Minnesota
Richard Kinch, Ph.D. Computer Science Cornell University
Irfan Yilmaz, Professor of Biology (Ph.D. Systematic Zoology) Dokuz Eylul University (Turkey)
Bretta King, Assistant Professor of Chemistry Spelman College
Mauricio Alcocer, Director of Graduate Studies (Ph.D. Plant Science, University of Idaho) Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
R. Barry King, Prof. of Environmental Safety & Health Albuquerque Technical Vocational Institute
Hiroshi Ishii, M.D., Ph.D. Behavioral Neurology Tohoku University (Japan)
Michael Kinnaird, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Lasse Uotila, M.D., Ph.D. Medicinal Biochemistry University of Helsinki (Finland)
Donald Kobe, Professor of Physics University of North Texas, Denton
Martin Emery, Ph.D. Chemistry University of Southampton (UK)
Charles Koons, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry University of Minnesota
Miguel A. Rodriguez, Undergraduate Lab. Coordinator for Biochemistry University of Ottawa (Canada)
Carl Koval, Full Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry University of Colorado, Boulder
Magda Narciso Leite, Professor, College of Pharmacy & Biochemistry Universidade Federal de Juiz de For a (Brazil)
Bruce Krogh, Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering Carnegie Mellon University
Tetsuichi Takagi, Senior Research Scientist Geological Survey of Japan
Daniel Kuebler, Ph.D. Molecular & Cellular Biology University of California, Berkeley
William Notz, Professor of Statistics Ohio State University
Wesley Nyborg, Emeritus Professor of Physics University of Vermont
Peter William Holyland, Ph.D. Geology University of Queensland (Australia)
Paul Kuld, Associate Professor, Biological Science Biola University
Heather Kuruvilla, Ph.D. Biological Sciences State University of New York, Buffalo
Nancy L. Swanson, Ph.D. Physics Florida State University
Martin LaBar, Ph.D. Genetics & Zoology University of Wisconsin, Madison
William B. Hart, Assistant Professor of Mathematics University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Teresa Larranaga, Ph.D. Pharmacology University of New Mexico
Yuri Zharikov, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow (Ph.D. Zoology) Simon Fraser University (Canada)
Ronald Larson, Professor and Chair of Chemical Engineering University of Michigan
Wolfgang Hutter, Ph.D. Chemistry University of Ulm (Germany)
Robert Lattimer Ph.D. Chemistry University of Kansas, Lawrence
Robert J. Graham Ph.D. Chemical Engineering Iowa State University
M. Harold Laughlin, Professor & Chair, Department of Biomedical Sciences University of Missouri
Samuel C. Winchester, Klopman Distinguished Professor Emeritus (Ph.D. Princeton) North Carolina State University
George Lebo, Associate Professor of Astronomy University of Florida
Kurt J. Henle, Professor Emeritus (Ph.D. Biophysics, University of Pennsylvania) University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
J.B. Lee, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering University of Texas, Dallas
James O. Dritt, Ph.D. Civil Engineering & Environmental Science University of Oklahoma
Matti Leisola, Professor, Laboratory of Bioprocess Engineering Helsinki University of Technology
Manuel Garcia Ulloa Gomez, Director of Marine Sciences Laboratory Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
E. Lennard, Sc. D. Surgical Infections & Immunology University of Cincinnati
Glen E. Deal, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Florida Institute of Technology
Lane Lester, Ph.D. Genetics Purdue University
Paul Whitehead, Ph.D. Chemical Thermodynamics University of Natal (South Africa)
Catherine Lewis, Ph.D. Geophysics Colorado School of Mines
John R. Goltz, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering University of Arizona
Peter Line, Ph.D. Neuroscience Swinburne University of Technology (Australia)
Gerald P. Bodey, Emeritus Professor of Medicine, Former Chairman Department of Medical Specialties, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Garrick Little, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry Texas A & M University
John Nichols, Ph.D. Mathematics University of Tennessee
Mark Bearden, Ph.D. Electrical & Computer Engineering Carnegie Mellon University
Harry Lubansky, Ph.D. Biological Chemistry University of Illinois, Chicago
Daniel L. Moran, Ph.D. Molecular & Cellular Biology Ohio University
Fulbright Scholar
Ken Ludema, Emeritus Professor of Mechanical Engineering University of Michigan
Jed Macosko, Ph.D. Chemistry University of California, Berkeley
Nigel Surridge, Ph.D. Electrochemistry & Photochemistry University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Christopher Macosko, Ph.D. Chemical Engineering Princeton University
David Keller, Associate Professor of Chemistry University of New Mexico
Allen Magnuson, Ph. D. Theoretical & Applied Mechanics University of New Hampshire
Amy Ward, Ph.D. Mathematics Clemson University
Donald Mahan, Professor of Animal Nutrition Ohio State University
Shane A. Kasten, Post-Doctoral Fellow (Ph.D. Biochemistry, Kansas State University) Virginia Commonwealth University
Robert Marks, Professor, Signal & Image Processing University of Washington
Jesus Ambriz, Professor of Medicine Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
Julie Marshall, Ph.D. Chemistry Texas Tech University
Jay L. Wile, Ph.D. Nuclear Chemistry University of Rochester
David McClellan, Assistant Professor of Family & Community Medicine Texas A&M University College of Medicine
Evgeny Shirokov, Faculty Lecturer (Nuclear and Particle Physics) Moscow State University (Russia)
Andy McIntosh, Full Professor of Thermodynamics and Combustion Theory University
of Leeds (UK)
Mark A. Robinson, Ph.D. Environmental Science Lacrosse University
Tom McMullen, Ph.D. History & Philosophy of Science Indiana University
Martin Poenie, Associate Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology University of Texas, Austin
Tony Mega, Ph.D. Biochemistry Purdue University
Carl Poppe, Ph.D. Physics University of Wisconsin
James Menar, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Wright State University
Theodor Liss, Ph.D. Chemistry MIT
James Keesling, Professor of Mathematics University of Florida
Brian Miller, Ph.D. Physics Duke University
Art Nitz, Ph.D. Anatomy & Neurobiology University of Kentucky
Thomas Milner, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering University of Texas, Austin
David Ness, Ph.D. Anthropology Temple University
Forrest Mims, Atmospheric Researcher Geronimo Creek Observatory
S. W. Pelletier,* Emeritus Distinguished Professor of Chemistry University of Georgia, Athens
Paul Missel, Ph.D. Physics MIT
Dónal O\’Mathúna, Ph.D. Pharmacognosy Ohio State University
Lennart Möller, Professor, Center for Nutrition & Toxicology Karolinska Institute
Victoriano Saenz, Professor of Medicine Autonomous University of Guadalajara
David Monson, Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry Indiana University
Hugh Nutley,* Professor Emeritus of Physics & Engineering Seattle Pacific University
Terry Morrison, Ph.D. Chemistry Syracuse University
Bijan Nemati, Ph.D. High Energy Physics University of Washington
William Russell Belding, Ph.D. Mathematics University of Notre Dame
Paul Nesselroade, Associate Professor of Experimental Psychology Asbury College
Kevin L. Kendig, Ph.D. Materials Science & Engineering University of Michigan
Robert Newman, Ph.D. Astrophysics Cornell University
Angus Menuge, Ph.D. Philosophy of Psychology University of Wisconsin-Madison
Khawar Sohail Siddiqui, Senior Research Associate (Protein Chemistry) University of New South Wales (Australia)
Janet Parker, Professor of Medical Physiology Texas A&M University, Health Science Center
Scott Northrup, Chair and Professor of Chemistry Tennessee Tech University
John Omdahl, Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology University of New Mexico
Fazale Rana, Ph.D. Chemistry Ohio University
Rebecca Orr, Ph.D. Cell Biology University of Texas, Southwestern
Cevat Babuna, Professor Emeritus of Gynecology (Post-doc, University of Chicago) Istanbul University (Turkey)
Lawrence Overzet, Professor of Engineering & Computer Science University of Texas, Dallas
J. Meredith, Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Siddarth Pandey, Assistant Professor of Chemistry New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Gordon Mills, Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry University of Texas, Medical Branch
A. Clyde Hill, Ph.D. Soil Chemistry Rutgers University
Stephen Meyer, Ph.D. Philosophy of Science Cambridge University
William Purcell, Ph.D. Physical Chemistry Princeton University
Paul Randolph, Ph.D. Mathematical Statistics University of Minnesota
Christopher Morbey, Astronomer (Ret.) Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, National Research Council of Canada
David Reed, Ph.D Entomology University of California, Riverside
J. Ishizak,i Associate Professor of Neuropsychology (M.D., Ph.D. Medicine) Kobe Gakuin University (Japan)
David Rogstad, Ph.D. Physics California Institute of Technology
Arthur John Jones, Ph.D. Zoology & Comparative Physiology Birmingham University (UK)
Patricia Reiff, Director, Rice Space Institute Rice University
Oleh Havrysh, Senior Research Assistant, Protein & Peptide Structure & Function Dept. Institute of Bioorganic Chemsitry & Petrochemistry Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences (Ukraine)
Dan Reynolds, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry University of Texas, Austin
Andrew Steckley, Ph.D. Civil Engineering University of Western Ontario (Canada)
Terry Rickard, Ph.D. Engineering Physics University of California, San Diego
Mubashir Hanif, Ph.D. Plant Biology University of Helsinki (Finland)
Eliot Roberts, Ph.D. Soil Chemistry Rutgers University
Mario Beauregard, Associate Researcher, Department of Psychology (Ph.D. Neuroscience) University of Montreal (Canada)
Quinton Rogers, Prof. of Physiological Chemistry, Dept. of Molecular Biosciences Univ. of California, Davis, School of Vet. Medicine
Liang Hong, Associate Professor, Dept. of Dental Public Health & Behavioral Science University of Missouri—Kansas City
Daniel Romo, Professor of Chemistry Texas A&M University
David Sabatini, Professor Civil Engineering & Environmental Science University of Oklahoma
Richard Buggs, DPhil Plant Ecology & Evolution Oxford University (UK)
Theodore Saito, Ph.D. Physics Pennsylvania State University
Kay Roscoe, Ph.D. High Energy Particle Physics University of Manchester (UK)
Thomas Saleska, Professor of Biology Concordia University
James F. Drake, Ph.D. Atmospheric Science University of California, Los Angeles
Fernando Saravi, Professor, Department of Morphology and Physiology Med. Sciences School, Univ. Nacional de Cuyo (Argentina)
Harold Toups, Ph.D. Chemical Engineering Louisiana State University
Phillip Savage, Professor of Chemical Engineering University of Michigan
Seyyed Imran Husnain, Ph.D. Bacterial Genetics University of Sheffield (UK)
Dale Schaefer, Professor, Materials Science & Engineering University of Cincinnati
Russell C. Healey, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering University of Cambridge (UK)
Siegfried Scherer, Professor of Microbial Ecology Technische Universität München
Stuart C. Burgess, Professor of Design & Nature, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Bristol University (UK)
Norman Schmidt, Professor of Chemistry Georgia Southern University
Steve Maxwell, Associate Professor of Molecular and Cellular Medicine Texas A&M University, H.S.C.
Andrew Schmitz, Ph.D. Inorganic Chemistry University of Iowa
Anne E. Vravick, Ph.D. Environmental Toxicology University of Wisconsin, Madison
Granville Sewell, Professor of Mathematics University of Texas, El Paso
Marshall Adams, Ph.D. Marine Sciences University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Stephen Sewell, Assistant Professor of Family Medicine Texas A&M University
Herman J. van Eck, Assistant Professor in Plant Breeding Wageningen University (The Netherlands)
Gregory Shearer, Ph.D. Physiology University of California, Davis
Douglas Nelson Rose, Research Physicist United States Army
David Shormann, Ph.D. Limnology Texas A&M University
Paul Lorenzini, Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering Oregon State University
Dale Spence Emeritus Professor of Kinesiology Rice University
David W. Dykstra, Ph.D. Computer Science University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Arnold Sikkema, Associate Professor of Physics Dordt College
Larry S. Helmick, Senior Professor of Chemistry Cedarville University
Georgia Purdom, Ph.D. Molecular Genetics Ohio State University
John Silvius, Ph.D. Plant Physiology West Virginia University
Philip S. Taylor, Research Fellow, Computer Science Queen’s University Belfast (UK)
Fred Skif, Professor of Physics University of Iowa
Giulio D. Guerra, First Researcher of the Italian National Research Council (Chemistry) Istituto Materiali Compositi e Biomedici, CNR (Italy)
Ken Smith, Professor of Mathematics Central Michigan University
Jacquelyn W. McClelland, Professor (Ph.D. Nutritional Biochemistry) North Carolina State University, NCCE
Robert Smith, Professor of Chemistry University of Nebraska, Omaha
Ian C. Fuller, Senior Lecturer in Physical Geography Massey University (New Zealand)
Wolfgang Smith, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics Oregon State University
Wayne L. Cook, Ph.D. Inorganic Chemistry University of Kentucky
John Stamper, Research Physicist Naval Research Laboratory
Jeffrey L. Vaughn, Ph.D. Engineering University of California, Irvine
Timothy Standish, Ph.D. Environmental Biology George Mason University
William Hankley, Professor of Computer Science Kansas State University
Walt Stangl Associate Professor of Mathematics Biola University
John C. Walton, Professor of Reactive Chemistry (Ph.D. & D.Sc.) University of St. Andrews (UK), Fellow Royal Society of Chemistry, Fellow Royal Society of Edinburgh
Karl Stephan, Associate Professor, Dept. of Technology Texas State University, San Marcos
Cahit Babuna, Ph.D. Radiology Istanbul University (Turkey)
Richard Sternberg, Ph.D. Biology (Molecular Evolution) Florida International University, Also: Ph.D. Systems Science (Theoretical Biology) Binghamton University
Reid W. Castrodale, P.E., Ph.D. Structural Engineering University of Texas, Austin
Michael Strauss, Associate Professor of Physics University of Oklahoma
Jason David Ward, Ph.D. Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Glasgow University (UK)
John Studenroth, Ph.D. Plant Pathology Cornell University
Peter M. Rowell, D.Phil. Physics University of Oxford (UK)
Mark Swanson, Ph.D. Biochemistry University of Illinois
João Jorge Ribeiro Soares, Gonçalves de Araújo, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics Open University (Portugal)
James Swanson, Professor of Biological Sciences Old Dominion University
Justin Holl, Ph.D. Animal Science University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Bela Szilagyi, Ph.D. Physics University of Pittsburgh
Richard Mann, Ph.D. Physical Chemistry Princeton University
Daniel Tedder, Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Derek Linkens, Senior Research Fellow and Emeritus Professor (Biomedical Eng.) University of Sheffield (UK)
Charles Thaxton, Ph.D. Physical Chemistry Iowa State University
Lee M. Spetner, Ph.D. Physics MIT
Christopher L. Thomas, Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry University of South Carolina
Sture Blomberg, Associate Professor of Anesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine The Sahlgren University Hospital (Sweden)
Pavithran Thomas, Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Ohio State University
Leonard Loose, Ph.D. Botany University of Leeds (UK)
Richard Thompson, Ph.D. Computer Science University of Connecticut
James R. Thompson, Noah Harding Professor of Statistics Rice University
Ide Trotter, Ph.D. Chemical Engineering Princeton University
Royal Truman, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry Michigan State University
Robert VanderVennen, Ph.D. Physical Chemistry Michigan State University
Vincente Villa, Emeritus Professor of Biology Southwestern University
Margil Wadley, Ph.D. Inorganic Chemistry Purdue University
Carston Wagner, Associate Professor of Medicinal Chemistry University of Minnesota
Linda Walkup, Ph.D. Molecular Genetics University of New Mexico Medical School
James Tumlin, Associate Professor of Medicine Emory University
David Van Dyke, Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry University of Illinois, Urbana
John Walkup, Emeritus Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering Texas Tech University
Robert Waltzer, Associate Professor of Biology Belhaven College
James R. Brawer, Professor of Anatomy & Cell Biology (Ph.D., Harvard) McGill University (Canada)
Todd Watson, Assistant Professor of Urban & Community Forestry Texas A & M University
Weimin Gao, Microbiologist Brookhaven National Laboratory
Woody Weed, Mechanical Engineer, Science & Technology Division Sandia National Labs
Heikki Martikka, Professor of Machine Design Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland)
Gerald Wegner, Ph.D. Entomology Loyola University
Richard R. Neptune, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Texas, Austin
Jonathan Wells, Ph.D. Molecular & Cell Biology University of California, Berkeley
Alexandre S. Soares, Ph.D. Mathematics Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Robert Wentworth, Ph.D. Toxicology University of Georgia
Einar W. Palm, Professor Emeritus, Department of Plant Pathology University of Missouri, Columbia
R. P. Wharton, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Sandra Gade, Emeritus Professor of Physics University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh
Elden Whipple, Affiliate Professor of Earth & Space Sciences University of Washington
Chee K. Yap, Professor of Computer Science (Ph.D., Yale University) Courant Institute, New York University
Mark White, Professor of Chemical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Terrance Murphy, Professor of Chemistry Weill Cornell Medical College
Ed Neeland, Professor of Chemistry Okanagan University
Gregg Wilkerson, Ph.D. Geologic Science University of Texas, El Paso
Joseph M. Marra Director, Interventional Radiology, & Adjunct Professor of Medicine Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center
John H. Whitmore, Associate Professor of Geology Cedarville University
Ernest L., Brannon Professor Emeritus, Distinguished Research Professor (Ph.D. Fisheries) University of Idaho
Christopher Williams, Ph.D. Biochemistry Ohio State University
J. Mitch Wolff, Professor of Mechanical Engineering Wright State University
Thomas D. Gillespie, Research Professor Emeritus Transportation Research Institute, University of Michigan
John Worraker, Ph.D. Applied Mathematics University of Bristol (UK)
Alexander Yankovsky, Assistant Professor of Physical Oceanography Nova Southeastern University
John C. Zink, Former Assistant Professor of Engineering University of Oklahoma
Patrick Young, Ph.D. Chemistry Ohio University
David Zartman, Ph.D. Genetics & Animal Breeding Ohio State University
Charles T. Rombough, Ph.D. Engineering University of Texas
Henry Zuill, Emeritus Professor of Biology Union College
Jane M. Orient, Clinical Lecturer in Medicine University of Arizona College of Medicine
Frank Young, Ph.D. Computer Engineering Air Force Institute of Technology
Murray E. Moore, Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Texas A&M University
William J. Powers, Ph.D. Physics University California, San Diego
Max G. Walter, Associate Professor of Radiology Oklahoma University Health Science Center
Rosa María Muñoz, Head of Biopharmacy Department Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
Scott R. Fulton, Ph.D. Atmospheric Science Colorado State University
Don Olson, Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry Purdue University
Graham Marshall, Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry University of Pretoria (South Africa)
Philip R. Page, Ph.D. Theoretical Particle Physics University of Oxford (UK)
Roger Wiens, Ph.D. Physics University of Minnesota
Mark Toleman, Ph.D. Molecular Microbiology Bristol University (UK)
Robert O. Kalbach, Ph.D. Physical Chemistry University of South Florida
Gregory J. Brewer, Prof. of Neurology, Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Cell Biology Southern Illinois University School of Medicine
Neil Huber, Dr. rer. nat. (Ph.D. Anthropology) Tuebingen University
Marc C. Daniels, Assistant Professor of Biology William Carey College
J.D. Moolenburgh, Ph.D. Epidemiology University of Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
Roger Lien, Ph.D. Physiology North Carolina State University
Dean Schulz, Ph.D. Computer Science Colorado State University
John Millam, Ph.D. Computational Chemistry Rice University
Joseph Lary, Epidemiologist and Research Biologist (retired) Centers for Disease Control
Richard S. Beale, Jr. Ph.D. Entomology University of California, Berkeley
Ernest M. Thiessen, Ph.D. Civil & Environmental Engineering Cornell University
Tianyou Wang, Research Scientist Center for Advanced Studies in Measurement & Assessment, University of Iowa
Øyvind A. Voie, Ph.D. Biology University of Oslo (Norway)
David K. Shortess Professor of Biology (Retired) New Mexico Tech
A.D. Harrison, Emeritus Professor of Biology University of Waterloo
William P. Shulaw, Professor of Veterinary Preventive Medicine The Ohio State University
Darrell R. Parnell, Ph. D. University Level Science Education Kansas State University
Daniel W. Barnette, Ph. D. Aerospace Engineering Stanford University
David William, Jensen Professor of Biology Tomball College
Edward M. Bohn, Ph. D. Nuclear Engineering University of Illinois
Robert G. Vos, Ph.D. Civil/Structural Engineering Rice University
Yvonne Boldt, Ph. D. Microbiology University of Minnesota
William B. Collier, Ph. D. Physical Chemistry Oklahoma State University
Edward Gade, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh
James E. Nymann, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics University of Texas at El Paso
Malcolm A. Cutchins, Ph. D. Engineering Mechanics Virginia Tech
Lisanne D’Andrea-Winslow, Ph. D. Cell Biology & Biochemistry Rutgers University
Holger Daugaard, Ph. D. Agronomy Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences (Denmark)
Shieu-Hong Lin, Assistant Professor of Computer Science (Ph.D., Brown University) Biola University
W. John Durfee, Assistant Professor of Pharmacology Case Western Reserve University
Dominic M. Halsmer, Ph. D. Mechanical Engineering UCLA
Charles B. Lowrey, Ph.D. Chemistry University of Houston
Jeffrey H. Harwell, Ph. D. Chemical Engineering University of Texas, Austin
Frank Cheng, Associate Professor of Chemistry University of Idaho
David Heddle, Ph. D. Physics Carnegie Mellon University
Yoshiyuki Amemiya, Professor of Advanced Materials Science & Applied Physics The University of Tokyo
Barbara S. Helmkamp, Ph.D. Theoretical Physics Louisiana State University
David C. Kem, Professor of Medicine University of Oklahoma College of Medicine
C. Thomas Luiskutty, Ph.D. Physics Univ. of Louisville
Wusi Maki, Research Asst. Professor, Dept. of Microbiology, Mol. Biology, & Biochem. University of Idaho
A. Cordell Perkes, Ph.D. Science Education Ohio State University
John D. Cook, Head of Software Development (Ph.D. Mathematics, U.T. Austin) Department of Biostatistics & Applied Mathematics, U. of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Tony Prato, Prof. of Ecological Economics University of Missouri
Charles G. Sanny, Prof. of Biochemistry Oklahoma State University Ctr. for Health Sciences
Jairam Vanamala, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Faculty of Nutrition Faculty of Nutrition, TAMU, College Station
Gordon L. Wilson, Ph.D. Environmental Science and Public Policy George Mason University
Robin D. Zimmer, Ph.D. Environmental Sciences Rutgers University
Karl Duff ,Sc.D. Mechanical Engineering MIT
David Jansson, Sc.D. Instrumentation and Automatic Control MIT
C.Steven Murphree, Professor of Biology Belmont University
Alfred G. Ratz, Ph.D. Engineering Physics University of Toronto (Canada)
Chris Cellucci, Associate Professor of Physics Ursinus College
Gary Maki, Director, Ctr. for Advanced Microelectronics and Biomolecular Research University of Idaho
Ronald S. Carson, Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering University of Washington
Joseph A. Strada, Ph.D. Aeronautical Engineering Naval Postgraduate School
Olaf Karthaus, Associate Professor, Chemistry Chitose Institute of Science & Technology (Japan)
Arnold Eugene Carden, Professor Emeritus of Engineering Science & Mechanics University of Alabama
John B. Marshall, Professor of Medicine University of Missouri School of Medicine
Robert B. Sheldon, Ph.D. Physics University of Maryland, College Park
B.K. Nelson, Research Toxicologist (retired) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Hansik Yoon, Ph.D. Fiber Science Seoul National University (South Korea)
David Conover, Ph.D. Health Physics Purdue University
Luis Paulo Franco de Barros, D.Sc. Mechanical Engineering Pontificia
Universidade Católica (Brazil)
Richard W. Pooley, Professor of Surgery (retired) New York Medical College
Arthur Chadwick, Ph.D. Molecular Biology University of Miami
Lennart Saari, Adjunct Professor, Wildlife Biology University of Helsinki (Finland)
Douglas G. Frank, Ph.D. Surface Electrochemistry University of Cincinnati
James G. Tarrant, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry University of Texas, Austin
N. Ricky Byrn, Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Mark S. Whorton, Ph.D. Aerospace Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Jeffrey E. Lander, Ph.D. Biomechanics University of Oregon
Curtis Hawkins, Asst. Clinical Professor of Dermatology Case Western Reserve Univ. School of Medicine
Mary A. Brown, DVM (Veterinary Medicine) Ohio State University
Thomas H. Marshall, Adjunct Professor, Food Agricultural and Biological Engineering Ohio State University
Charles H. McGowen, Assistant Professor of Medicine Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine
Ronald R. Crawford, Ed.D. Science Education Ball State University
Matti Junnila, DVM, Ph.D. Veterinary Pathology University of Helsinki (Finland)
Dean Svoboda, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering The Ohio State University
Ruth C. Miles, Professor of Chemistry Malone College
Mark J. Lattery, Associate Professor of Physics University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
William McVaugh, Associate Professor of Biology Department of Natural Sciences, Malone College
Jeffrey M. Goff, Associate Professor of Chemistry Malone College
Jarrod W. Carter, Ph.D. Bioengineering University of Washington
David B. Medved, Ph.D. Physics University of Pennsylvania
Theodore W. Geier, Ph.D. Forrest Hydrology University of Minnesota
Christian Heiss, Post-Doctoral Associate Complex Carbohydrate Res. Ctr., Univ. of Georgia
G. Bradley Schaefer, Professor of Pediatrics University of Nebraska Medical Center
Bruce Simat, Associate Professor of Biology Northwestern College
Teresa Gonske, Assistant Professor of Mathematics Northwestern College
Thomas Mundie, Professor of Life Science United States Military Academy at West Point
Scott S. Kinnes, Professor of Biology Azusa Pacific University
James A. Huggins, Chair, Dept. of Biology & Dir., Hammons Center for Scientific Studies Union University
Jonathan A. Zderad, Assistant Professor of Mathematics Northwestern College
Michael R. Egnor, Professor and Vice-Chairman, Dept. of Neurological Surgery State University of New York at Stony Brook
I. Caroline Crocker, Ph.D. Immunopharmacology University of Southampton (UK)
Donald J. Hanrahan, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering University of Maryland
Gintautas Jazbutis, Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Paul S. Darby, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry University of Georgia
Changhyuk An, Ph.D. Physics University of Tennessee
L. Kirt Martin, Professor of Biology Lubbock Christian University
Gerald Schroeder, Ph.D. Earth Sciences & Nuclear Physics MIT
Rod Rogers, Ph.D. Agronomy/Plant Breeding Iowa State University
David W. Herrin, Research Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering University of Kentucky
Glen Needham, Associate Professor of Entomology The Ohio State University
E. Byron Rogers, Professor of Chemistry; Chair, Dept. of Mathematics & Physical Sciences Lubbock Christian University
Vladimir L. Voeikov, Vice-Chairman, Chair of Bio-organic Chemistry, Faculty of Biology Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia)
Ricardo Leon, Dean of School of Medicine Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
Eugene C. Ashby, Regents’ Professor and Distinguished Professor Emeritus Georgia Institute of Technology
JoAnne Larsen, Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering University of South Florida, Lakeland
Douglas Axe, Director (Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology) Biologic Institute
Joel Brind, Professor of Biology Baruch College, City University of New York
L. Whit Marks, Emeritus Professor of Physics University of Central Oklahoma
Perry Mason, Professor of Mathematics and Physical Science Lubbock Christian University
Timothy A. Mixon, Assistant Professor of Medicine Texas A&M University
Lawrence DeMejo, Ph.D. Polymer Science and Engineering University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Charles Garner, Professor of Chemistry Baylor University
Lynne Parker, Associate Professor of Computer Science (Ph.D. MIT) Distributed Intelligence Lab, University of Tennessee
Ivan M. Lang, Ph.D. Physiology and Biophysics Temple University
David J. Lawrence, Ph.D. Physics Washington University, St. Louis
John G. Hoey, Ph.D. Molecular and Cellular Biology City University of New York Graduate School
Theodore J. Siek, Ph.D. Biochemistry Oregon State University
John P. Rickert, Ph.D. Mathematics Vanderbilt University
Christian M. Loch, Ph.D. Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics University of Virginia
David W. Rusch, Sr. Research Scientist, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics University of Colorado
Charles A. Signorino, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry University of Pennsylvania
Luke Randall, Ph.D. Molecular Microbiology University of London (UK)
Jan Frederic Dudt, Associate Professor of Biology Grove City College
Glenn A. Marsch, Associate Professor of Physics Grove City College
Eduardo Sahagun, Professor of Botany Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
Mark A. Chambers, Ph.D. Virology University of Cambridge (UK)
Daniel Howell, Ph.D. Biochemistry Virginia Tech
Joel D. Hubbard, Associate Professor, Dept. of Lab. Science and Primary Care Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
C. Roger Longbotham, Ph.D. Statistics Florida State University
Hugh L. Henry, Lecturer (Ph.D. Physics, University of Virginia) Northern Kentucky University
Jonathan D. Eisenback, Professor of Plant Pathology Dept. of Plant Pathology and Weed Science Virginia Tech
Eduardo Arroyo, Professor of Forensics (Ph.D. Biology) Complutense University (Spain)
Peter Silley, Ph.D. Microbial Biochemistry University of Newcastle upon Tyne
E. Norbert Smith, Ph.D. Zoology Texas Tech University
Peter C. Iwen, Professor of Pathology and Microbiology University of Nebraska Medical Center
Paul Roschke, A.P. and Florence Wiley Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering Texas A&M University
Luman R. Wing, Associate Professor of Biology Azusa Pacific University
Edward F. Blick, Ph.D. Engineering Science University of Oklahoma
Wesley M. Taylor, Former Chairman of the Division of Primate Medicine & Surgery New England Regional Primate Research Center, Harvard Medical School
Don England, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry Harding University
Wayne Linn, Professor Emeritus of Biology Southern Oregon University
James Gundlach, Associate Professor of Physics John A. Logan College
Guillermo Gonzalez, Associate Professor of Astronomy Iowa State University
Tim Droubay, Ph.D. Physics University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Gregory D. Bossart, Director and Head of Pathology Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution
Barry Homer, Ph.D. Mathematics Southampton University (UK)
Jiøí Vácha, Professor Emeritus of Pathological Physiology Institute of Pathophysiology, Masaryk University (Czech Republic)
Richard J. Neves, Professor of Fisheries, Dept. of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences Virginia Tech
David Deming, Associate Professor of Geosciences University of Oklahoma
Gregory A. Ator, Associate Professor, Department of Otolaryngology University of Kansas Medical Center
Erkki Jokisalo, Ph.D. Social Pharmacy University of Kuopio (Finland)
John S. Roden, Associate Professor of Biology Southern Oregon University
Donald W. Russell, Adjunct Assistant Clinical Professor University of North Carolina School of Medicine
Neil Armitage, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering University of Cape Town (South Africa )
Geoff Barnard, Senior Research Scientist, Department of Veterinary Medicine University of Cambridge (UK)
Richard Hassing, Ph.D. Theoretical Physics Cornell University
Olivia Torres, Professor-Researcher (Human Genetics) Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
Donald A. Kangas, Professor of Biology Truman State University
Alvin Masarira, Senior Lecturer for Structural Engineering and Mechanics University of Cape Town (South Africa)
George A. Ekama, Professor, Water Quality Engineering, Dept of Civil Engineering University of Cape Town (South Africa)
Alistair Donald, Ph.D. Environmental Science/Quaternary or Pleistocene Palynology University of Wales (UK)
Thomas C. Majerus, PharmD; FCCP University of Minnesota
Ferenc Farkas, Ph.D. Applied Chemical Sciences Technical University of Budapest (Hungary)
Scott A. Chambers, Affiliate Professor of Chemistry and Materials Science & Engineering University of Washington
Cris Eberle, Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering Purdue University
Dennis M. Sullivan, Professor of Biology and Bioethics Cedarville University
Rodney M. Rutland, Department Head & Associate Professor of Kinesiology Anderson University
Alastair M. Noble, Ph.D. Chemistry University of Glasgow (Scotland)
Robert D. Orr, Professor of Family Medicine University of Vermont College of Medicine
Laverne Miller, Clinical Associate Professor of Family Medicine Medical College of Ohio
Laura Burke, Former Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering Lehigh University
Terry W. Spencer, Former Chair, Department of Geology & Geophysics Texas A&M University
Bert Massie, Ph.D. Physics University of California, Los Angeles
Mark C. Porte,r Ph.D. Chemical Engineering MIT
S. Thomas Abraham, Assistant Professor of Pharmacology & Toxicology Campbell University School of Pharmacy
John L. Hoffer, Professor of Engineering; Texas A&M University College of Engineering; (also) Professor of Anesthesiology Texas A&M Univ. Syst. Health Science Center
Anita McElroy, Ph.D. Biology University of California, San Diego
Herman Branover, Professor of Mechanical Engineering Ben-Gurion University (Israel)
Martin Krause, Research Scientist (Astronomy) University of Cambridge (UK)
James G. Bentsen Ph.D. Chemistry M.I.T.
Curtis Hrischuk, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Carleton University (Canada)
Guang-Hong Chen, Assistant Professor of Medical Physics & Radiology University of Wisconsin-Madison
Doug Hufstedler, Ph.D. Animal Nutrition Texas A&M University
Justin Long, Ph.D. Chemical Engineering Iowa State University
James E. Rankin, Ph.D. General Relativity Yeshiva University (Israel)
Donald F. Smee, Research Professor (Microbiology) Utah State University
Colin R. Reeves, Professor of Operational Research (Ph.D. Evolutionary Algorithms) Coventry University (UK)
What is this? A contest as to who can find the longest list of scientists making comments about subjects outside their fields of expertise? I think Lucy’s list may well be a tongue-in-cheek way of saying just that, but that long list of retired Mexican pharmacists and Professors of Forest Hydrology that “all wrong” posted is just silly.
Ok, I did see some of these folks that have expertise in fields that could be considered related to evolution and/or intelligent design.
Loading down the lists with a South African Professor of Water Quality Engineering or a Professor of Electrical Engineering from The University of the West Indies, and the many other folks with no apparent credentials in this area undermines whatever credibility these groups might have.
Does someone want to post a list of biologists against string theory? How about a list of mathematicians against geology? Psychologists against plate tectonics?
Ok, string theory, geology and plate tectonics do not stir deep religious feelings that sometimes get confused with expertise in a particular field.
For those that go back to Mr. Darwin’s original work and find fault, I would also say that people can go back go Euclid’s original work, Aristotle’s original work and Einstein’s original work and find flaws.
We still teach geometry, we still teach logic, and we still teach nuclear physics. They provided the basic framework, and others have continued the work. Evolution theory is no different.
Does that mean that we should throw it out? No. No more than we should reject Copernicus because it turns out that the orbits of the planets are not perfectly circular.
re 56: # 38’s list of people proves nothing. It’s only meant to confuse and obfuscate, not enlighten.
The problem with Creationism is that it has no predictive qualities and requires no mental effort to master. You just have to believe something that is patently ridiculous.
Creationism has no place in the public classroom — any more than holistic, intuitive auto mechanics does.
Regarding these lists of anti-evolution creationist scientists, the National Center for Scientific Education did an amusing but instructive parody of the “creationist list,” by doing a list only of scientists named Steve who agreed with the following:
“Evolution is a vital, well-supported, unifying principle of the biological sciences, and the scientific evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of the idea that all living things share a common ancestry. Although there are legitimate debates about the patterns and processes of evolution, there is no serious scientific doubt that evolution occurred or that natural selection is a major mechanism in its occurrence.”
“Project Steve” mocks this practice [of creationist scientist lists] with a bit of humor, and because “Steves” are only about 1% of scientists, it incidentally makes the point that tens of thousands of scientists support evolution.
Project Steve site:
The list of Steves:
P.S. Is there list suspect because it includes no Steves from Russia, Turkey, or Finland?
Hi, Lucy!
Yes, I agree, and upon re-reading my own post, I did not make it completely clear.
Science deals with issues that are observable, measurable and testable. Evolutionary science, despite the claims of the anti-evolution crowd, meets those criteria.
Science should be taught in schools.
Religion deals with issues of faith. While my own faith is central to my world view and is the single most important part of my life, I cannot pull it out and show it to you, so it is not “observable”, it is certainly not measurable, and while my faith tests me on a regular basis, the main test of my faith will come at a point where I cannot come back and report the results to others, so it is not effectively testable.
It does not belong in public schools, except in the personal faith of the students and teachers, who should hold it in their hearts and use it to guide their actions, but never force it upon others.
re 59: Well said. If you believe that you are going to a better place then, at the moment of death, it there is nothing but nothingness afterwards, it won’t matter. You would have beat death.
The problem is with people who do destructive things in the present, believing that their position in the afterlife is improved by what they do. If there is no afterlife and all we have is the present, then what we do in the here and now has the finality of eternity — as it cannot be taken back.
For Cindy Sheehan to lose her son in a war that is frivolous and serves only to enrich the wealthy and powerful is a sin and a shame that George W. Bush may find forgiveness for, but he can never change the result of the action.
It is overweening self aggrandizement and abuse of power that finally ended, in Russia, with the summary execution of the Tsar and his family.
Tree Frog Farmer says: Nothing much. Why do you post on ASSWipes Froggy. You are so wrong so often!
By QASSIM ABDUL-ZAHRA, Associated Press Writers
Thu Feb 15, 2:45 PM ET
“BAGHDAD, Iraq – An adviser to Iraq’s prime minister said Thursday that radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr is in Iran, but denied he fled due to fear of arrest during an escalating security crackdown. Sami al-Askari said al-Sadr traveled to Iran by land “a few days ago,” but gave no further details on how long he would stay. A member of al-Sadr’s bloc in parliament, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of fear of reprisals, said he left three weeks ago.”
Golly The ASSWipes Noise Machine needs oiling!
LeftStillStupid: Momma bless her soul didn’t believe in donkoinfanticide. We were conservatives. Too bad your momma did too. But with your upbringing demonstrated here on ASSWipes how did you escape the coat hanger? One less Moonbat?
You liberals can make all the cuss posts you want mocking the Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club in The Bronx for having fallen victim to Air America stealing their money. You will only demonstrate your mean spiritedness.
How sad that you celebrate a man who robbed a charity for children.
Liberal Dragon @18 Says:
Stealing $875,000 from the Gloria Wise Boyas and Girls club America is moral in your book?
I am glad I oppose scum like you. You libtards are such damn liars.
rhp6033 @8,
Err Ameri-KKK0-A is still on the Err? Well I say if Franken is out, their chances probably doubled.