The Tacoma Paper endorsed both Rob McKenna and John Ladenburg saying they’d both be good, just different kinds of good. Yes, when the going gets tough in Pierce County we look towards our daily papers editorial board to be indecisive, flaky and useless. They never let us down.
The latest Fox poll in Florida has Obama up by 4.
This ad violates the first rule of TV in the kingdom of Busdrivermike.
Rule No. 1: No ugly people.
janet sspews:
This is entertaining.
It is short on facts, but who cares?
I thought that Dems wanted really high gas prices, so that we are all forced into public transportation. So are you all really all that upset that gas prices are still high? You are just angry that the money is going into the pockets of real human beings, and not the government mind-controllers!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
You know what the funny thing about the consequences of these political games trying to harpoon pro-business groups like BIAW???
BIAW is composed of 13,000 members which includes supplies, contractors, subcontractors and others involved in the Construction Industry. These 13,000 members employ HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of people and generate HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS…actually BILLIONS of revenue to the State in the form of sales tax, B&O Tax, real estate excise tax, gas tax, unemployment taxes, L&I taxes etc. etc. etc.
The construction business is in the shitter.
Other Industries are equally hard-hit.
More & more construction industry businesses, retailers & hospitality, truckers…you name it are being forced to close their doors or cutback personel drastically resulting in more unemployments and less tax revenue into the State coffers. Boeing & the Machinist Union are not even talking! Minimum Wage is going up to $8.55/hr. January 1st!
Yet most of you KLOWNS fail to see the consequences.
Allow me to share an analogy—–
The LEFTISTS have a 9mm Glock in their right hand with their left arm around the neck of business. They have the gunpointed at the gut of business and are firing!!
They may successfully kill business…are finding out that while they were gleefully emptying a clip into business………..THE BULLETS WENT THRU BUSINESS AND ARE SHOOTING & KILLING THEMSELVES!!!
Can you picture this??
Here are people who allegedly want good jobs and more tax revenue to build the Utopian State of Washington…actually shooting & killing the means to their dream!!
Think about it.
I’m sure most of you KLOWNS will somehow try to disconnect associations from their members….but it’s not true. All associations do is mirror what their members want. THEY ARE VOLUNTARY..unlike Unions which are mandatory.
Set aside all the anger & hatred for just a second and answer this question:
IF businesses are forced to layoff or close due to failing economic considitions… resulting in a doubling of the current unemployment rate from 6% to 12% (feasible if you consider the Boeing strike too)….
where will the replacement jobs and tax revenue come from??
An income tax??
That will make it worse because business owners personal income has taken a huge hit in virtually every industry with the increased cost of goods, materials and other impacts of rising oil/fuel prices.
I know some of you have zero respect for private industry and love your government jobs. How long before you or your family are RIF’d!???
What about those of you who claim to love to SHOP LOCALLY, HATE CORPORATE AMERICAN and want small business to be successful….and want jobs for the middle-class???
This jig-saw puzzle don’t work folks.
Explain to me how all the pieces fit??
I believe the next Governor will have to RIF 8,000–10,000 government employees. Unfortunately in our silly system, those RIF’d will be the newest & lowest paid workers…and not necessarily the lowest producers. This leaves the highest paid…and in some cases, burned out, low producers hanging on until retirement 30 years like Roger Rabbit did.
The result of this forced “seniority” system for RIF’s is more state employees will be RIF’s than if higher paid burnouts are RIF resulting in MORE FTE’s being eliminated thus less members paying dues.
The Unions will receive less dues.
Kind of shooting themselves in the foot.
This next biennium Budget Shortfall will be much higher than the $3.2 BILLION announced several weeks ago. The next announcement (probably after the election conveniently) will be closer to $4 BILLION!
It’s growing directly proportional to businesses failing & struggling. DUH!!!!!
I went to a good restaurant today in Lacey. 3 months ago, it was packed at lunch.
Today it was barely 1/3 FULL and virtually everyone there has special 2 for 1 coupons.
Same thing for dinner…2 for 1’s and perhaps half full. Restaurants everywhere are experiencing huge decreases in volume, being forced to cut prices & offer 2 for 1’s at a time when minimum wage is set to increase to $8.55/hr. on 1/1, food costs have skyrocketed.
Revenue waaaaaaaaay down,
Costs waaaaaaaaaaay up.
How long can they do that.
Coffee shops, big chains like Starbucks and little 1-person operations…all waaaaaaaaay DOWN.
Smaller Retailers—-dead in the water.
Chain Stores like Wal-Mart & Target—DOWN but will survive and prosper as small, locally owned retailers fail because they cannot match the Chains deep discounting.
Christmas Toys will be introduced October 10th at DEEP DISCOUNTS by chains. Again, wiping out the little guy.
Get the picture.
Unwanted consequences.
So go ahead and fight business KLOWNS.
They are half-dead already.
It’s like you KLOWNS would kill your only cow because she wasn’t producing enough milk….then stand back when it’s too late, you’ve killed her squealing “SHIT, I DON’T HAVE ANY MILK!!”
You KLOWNS are…..____________
Let me be civil and say, You KLOWNS lack foresight.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Here is another of the LEFTISTS favorites tanking! Jones Soda.
From today’s P-I———
“Last updated October 6, 2008 8:52 p.m. PT
Jones Soda lays off 42 workers, 6 in Seattle
Move designed to cut costs, boost efficiency
Seattle’s Jones Soda Inc., a maker of carbonated beverages, said Monday that it has laid off 42 people, or about 38 percent of its staff, leaving it with 68 employees. Of the laid-off staffers, six were based in Seattle, Chief Operating Officer Joth Ricci said.
In a document filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, the company said it expects to save about $2.6 million in annualized expenses from the cuts. It also said the layoffs won’t materially affect financial results for the current quarter. Jones called the layoffs an effort to reduce ongoing operating expenses and to improve the company’s efficiency.
Of the affected employees, 36 were salespeople working on a so-called model market initiative that began this summer with the objective of keeping retailers fully stocked with Jones Soda and increasing sales in each store, Chief Executive Steve Jones said.
But “the rate of success just wasn’t as high as we had hoped for, so we decided we had to work closer with our distributors instead,” Jones said. “We are working closely with them, and we are at a point where they are prepared to do more of that for us.”
No further layoffs are anticipated, Ricci said. The most recent round of cuts before this one took place this summer, when seven employees were cut, he said.
Jones Soda’s revenue increased 5.6 percent, to $14 million, in its second quarter ended June 30. But the company posted a quarterly net loss of $2.7 million, or 10 cents per share, compared with net income of $40,000, or break-even, in the year-ago period.
The company’s shares fell 25.16 percent Monday, to close at $1.16. A year ago, they were trading at $12.30.”
I never buy their overpriced, dogshit soda.
I’m glad they are collapsing like Starbucks.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
See what I mean KLOWNS??
I actually hate to see folks lose decent jobs…like Jones Soda or Starbucks. The trickle down is immense.
This may just be the midpoint of a downward spiral. It’s why I did not mess around with any short-term stock plays today.
Too risky for me.
Janet….Long time no see!
So, I should allow people to break the law because if I don’t then I’m fighting “business”? That makes no sense.
It would be slapping the face of every ethical businessperson in Washington State to allow anyone a free pass in breaking campaign laws. Did the BIAW poll their members to ask then if they wanted dues money and contributions to go into illegal slush fund campaign crap, thereby tainting their members good names? Doubt it.
And blaming enforcing the law for financial problems is silly. Haven’t you seen news on wall streets problems recently? People are being thrifty until they find out if they still have their retirement money.
Sheesh Cyn, you wore out your fingers with that boring drivel?
And there you go again with 3.2 billion nonsense.
I’m too tired and bored to respond.
The PI just endorsed Obama.
Wow that was a long rant. You probably just got carpel tunnel writing it.
Oh by the way I didn’t read it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 “I thought that Dems wanted really high gas prices, so that we are all forced into public transportation.”
No, I want really high gas prices so my oil stocks will go up, and so you humans will die out so we rabbits can get a chance to run this place. I figure walking half a block would kill most of you and civil war will take care of the rest.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 Uh, yeah, BIAW is a benign and law abiding group interested only in building well-built, comfortable, and affordable homes for the wage-earning class. They don’t behave like Nazis, or anything like that.
(cough cough)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 Losing a job isn’t a problem if you don’t have one. This has never been much of a problem for Republicans because they don’t work. They live by owning stuff. It isn’t a problem for me, either, because I don’t work anymore. I live like a Republican now — I don’t work, produce anything, or do anything useful; I get tax breaks for owning stuff.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 When did she get out of jail?
Roger Rabbitspews:
364 to 174. That’s the current Electoral Vote count. Suck on it, righties! It’s all downhill from here — it’s only gonna get worse for your candidate.
Sounds like Ladenburg could use some of Obama’s fraudulent internet donors to add to his election war chest……..
I’m just sayin’
Daddy Lovespews:
As people used to say about Hillary, Rob McKenna should be doing everything he can to fuck Dino Rossi in the rear so that McKenna can run for Gubnah in 2012.
Daddy Lovespews:
5 Cyn
Funy I never hear you warn of the dire consequences of targeting UNIONS for political contributions. Last I heard, unions were made up of workers.
Daddy Lovespews:
6,7 Cyn
See what I mean KLOWNS??
I actually hate to see folks lose decent jobs…like Jones Soda or Starbucks. The trickle down is immense.
Is this what you mean by “I hate to see folks lose decent jobs?”
I’m glad they are collapsing like Starbucks.
I like how in this post Goldy takes a swipe at newspapers, but in his last post he’s down on his knees begging them to write more about the BIAW.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Daddy Love–
State Employees must join the union & pay dues.
Joining a Trade Association is 100% voluntary.
Plus, there are 8 Construction Associations businesses in the Construction Industry.
No one has to join BIAW.
The members “choose” to because they like what BIAW does and has to offer.
I’m sure a handful of BIAW’s 13,000 members have left because of politics….just like hundreds of Union members in the past SUED Unions to get back their dues used for political purposes because they did not like what the Union was doing politically (100% support of Democrats). Remember the 100+ teachers that sued a few yers ago….and the Unions fought them all the way to the Courthouse step before relenting and refunding a huge hunk of dues used for politics??
It is highly likely there will be a Right-To-Work Initiative in the next 2 years if Gregoire wins. With the economy bad, unemployment high and jobs scarce, you will have to cut peoples hands off to stop them from siging the petition.
Because the average citizen or retiree will be sick to death of seeing government employees raking in the big bucks while the majority of taxpayers are struggling with much lower incomes.
Again, keep pushing KLOWNS and keep your head in the dark about the unintended consequences.
You will inevitably pay for your actions.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
One of your many infirmities is a total lack of sense of humor Daddy Love.
In the 1st comment, I was kidding!!!
Sheesh, you KLOWNS are angry & humorless.
Must be that Atheism thing again.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Market opened up a bit today…I made no trades.
You may want to sell your stocks today IF there is a big rally AFTER Bernanke speaks.
NOV is up a couple of points now because Oil is up over $3. You may want to sell 1/2 of your holdings if it hits $41 or so today.
This market will continue to see HUGE swings.
Sell into rallies.
Buy on huge dips.
19 Huh? McKenna somehow impresses as more the…uh, “bottom” type.
25 Apparently the prop the Fed shoved under the securities market this morning was a promise to start buying up commercial paper.
Oh yeah….maybe the line that’s been going around about Bank of America buying California was a joke, but it seems Russia’s making a down payment on Iceland. Seriously.
The latest polling shows Obama up by 3 in Ohio. Looking at all the polling McCain might take Ohio, but he’ll have to fight for it. Ohio went for Bush in the last 2 elections.
The wingnuts are getting ready for violence:
Worse, Palin’s routine attacks on the media have begun to spill into ugliness. In Clearwater, arriving reporters were greeted with shouts and taunts by the crowd of about 3,000. Palin then went on to blame Katie Couric’s questions for her “less-than-successful interview with kinda mainstream media.” At that, Palin supporters turned on reporters in the press area, waving thunder sticks and shouting abuse. Others hurled obscenities at a camera crew. One Palin supporter shouted a racial epithet at an African American sound man for a network and told him, “Sit down, boy.”
Wow that was a long rant. You probably just got carpel tunnel writing it.
Oh by the way I “couldn’t” read it.
There, I fixed it for you.
Marvin Stamnspews:
30. YLB spews:
See Stupes. This is YOUR crowd!
Wrong, the liberal media is YOUR crowd.
Palin is outing your media, they don’t like it and you don’t like it.
Face it, the day of being able to control the message is disappearing fast for YOUR crowd.
Mr Cynical, have you seen how underfunded
the states retirement fund is? That would be the
ultimate irony if the worthless govt employees
ended up on the streets. That would be funny
as hell. It could be coming…
“Looking at all the polling McCain might take Ohio, but he’ll have to fight for it.”
Or steal it. May or may not be harder to pull off without Ken Blackwell in the saddle, but it’ll be harder to cover up.
Fake republicansspews:
Video of Palin speaking at different times. Guess what? She is faking the accent.
33. mark spews:
Mr Cynical, have you seen how underfunded
the states retirement fund is? That would be the
ultimate irony if the worthless govt employees
ended up on the streets. That would be funny
as hell. It could be coming…
It wouldn’t be funny, it would be sad.
All those union dues being taken from their paychecks to help democrats and like usual, the democrats didn’t even take care of their own.
Maybe it would be a good learning lesson for others, don’t trust democrats with your, their money.
32. Marvin Stamn spews:
Wrong, the liberal media is YOUR crowd.
How quickly the silly troll changes the subject when the racist “dixiecrat” shows up at a Palin rally. Conclusive proof that the racists ran to HIS party – the Republican party.
Are you ready for violence like the rest of the crowd there troll?
Marvin Stamnspews:
37. YLB spews:
How quickly the silly troll changes the subject when the racist “dixiecrat” shows up at a Palin rally. Conclusive proof that the racists ran to HIS party – the Republican party.
What, no reaction to carter calling obama black boy?
I guess that’s what you expected from carter, you expected better from a republican.
Isn’t that always the case.
Got any proof that the average state employee makes more than their private sector counterpart?
Well looky here. Colorado is turning a lovely shade of blue.
Election 2008: Colorado Presidential Election
Obama Pulls to a Six-Point Lead in Colorado
Monday, October 06, 2008
Email a Friend Email to a Friend
Barack Obama is pulling away from John McCain in Colorado, according to the latest Fox News/Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in the state.
Obama leads McCain by six points, 51% to 45%. A week ago, Obama had a one-point lead, and a week before that McCain was up by two.
Eighty-two percent (82%) of Colorado voters are now certain who they will vote for, up four points from a week ago. Eighteen percent (18%) say they may still change their minds, including one-third of unaffiliated voters in the state.
For Obama the findings are good news since moving Colorado to the Democratic column is considered critical to his winning the White House. A classic swing state, Colorado went for George W. Bush in 2000 and 2004 and GOP nominee Bob Dole in 1996 after supporting Democrat Bill Clinton four years earlier.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
mark & Marvin—
Actually what is going to happen here is a case of “getting what you wish for” and “natural consequences”.
Either Governor candidate will have to RIF 8,000–10,000 State employees….maybe more if the Boeing Strike lasts over a couple more months. It’s not only the salaries that will be saved but the HUGE Benefit packages averaging 35% or so of Salary PLUS overhead & out-of-pocket costs incurred. There will be RIF’s.
If Gregoire wins, there will be a Right-To-Work Initiative in 2 years. It will pass.
This economic downturn is serious.
The KLOWNS (including those KLOWNS in State Government) have failed to connect the dots on what Gregoire’s fiscal mismanagement will cost them. They have failed to connect the dots on the anti-business, pro-tax increase sentiment will do to job-creating, tax-paying private business.
Working people ought o be siding with pro-business agenda’s right now and vote for Rossi…rather than vindictive bullygirls like Gregoire so filled with hatred towards businesses & groups that support Rossi, that she vows to kill them next Legislative Session if re-elected.
Strong Business Groups supported by all our elected officials & working people is essential during these tough times.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Also, did you read the comments by the Boeing CEO?
Only an airheaded moron can’t read between the lines on these comments.
He is telegraphing this—
Machinists have struck too frequently driving away business. We cannot have that. WE ARE MOVING TO A RIGHT-TO-WORK State!!
Wake up KLOWNS!
You are trying to kill the cow which is your main source of milk!
You keep playing chicken with a Bull…eventually you are going to get your ass gored.
Um… We’re doing better than the rest of the nation in the down turn, we’ve been rated as one of the best states to do business in by a variety of business journals and Washington based companies are always mentioned in top 10 companies to work for.
Maybe you could prattle on about whatever it is you’re prattling on about to someone that cares?
Part of a nice note written by the president of my credit union. Credit unions rock.
1. ***** has not been affected by the subprime mortgage market problems. With historically conservative lending practices, we do not make subprime mortgages, nor do we invest funds in subprime mortgages. That “meltdown” had virtually no effect on the credit union. We have a strong mortgage division with a range of loans to help members affordably finance the purchase of a home.
2. What we do invest in is two-fold. Our traditional investments are in government securities (or “treasuries”), widely regarded as the lowest risk investment instruments available. Most of our “investments” are to members like you in the form of auto loans, VISA loans and real estate loans. And yes, we are still making loans! There is no “credit crunch” at *****.
3. As members of the credit union you invest in each other. Your deposits come in to ***** and go back out to finance the loans of other members. That’s the foundation of a cooperative – members helping each other, doing more as a collective than any individual could do alone. And we have great members, largely with stable jobs. With our high quality lending practices, delinquent loans remain low. Our delinquencies are a fraction of the national or state averages.
4. Our deposits are insured by the National Credit Union Association, an agency of the federal government. At ***** we have high reserves – almost 50 percent more than required by the NCUA to be considered adequately capitalized. We have good earnings ($5.2 million so far this year) and more than $1.3 billion in total assets.
blue johnspews:
I know I shouldn’t. I know I should give them some mindshare, but it’s so much better to slide right over the Mr. Cynical and Marvin posts. They don’t have anything constructive to add to the conversation. They live in Oppositeland so there is no point in trying to reason with them.
Turns out even the business community isn’t that hot on McCain’s health care non-reform.
American business, typically a reliable Republican cheerleader, is decidedly lukewarm about Senator John McCain’s proposal to overhaul the health care system by revamping the tax treatment of health benefits, officials with leading trade groups say.
The officials, with organizations like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Business Roundtable and the National Federation of Independent Business, predicted in recent interviews that the McCain plan, which eliminates the exclusion of health benefits from income taxes, would accelerate the erosion of employer-sponsored health insurance and do little to reduce the number of uninsured from 45 million.
Mark the RACIST redneck Republican for McCain and Palin to make this country great again-like in 1830spews:
Marvin, after scanning Mr. Cynical’s ravings I was going to post a comment saying that perhaps, in, and only in, the context of a party that contains folks like Mr. Cynical you might not be such a big idiot. But then you made a couple comments; and even in the context of a thread with Mr. Cynical’s ravings you still stand out for your sheer fucking idiocy.
Mr. Cynica-your psychological self-treatment needs more booze and less thinking.
And for anyone who thinks that bashing these guys for their idiocy is not as useful as engaging in debate with them-you are fucking idiots too.
Mark the RACIST redneck Republican for McCain and Palin to make this country great again-like in 1830spews:
Don’t feel bad about not reading their posts. They simply read your’s for a point to refute, not for insight.
“Opposite land?”
These guys are the functional equivalent of fundamentalist Muslim Taliban/Christian Evangelicals. They don’t believe in reason (or thinking). They simply believe what they are told!
Mark the RACIST redneck Republican for McCain and Palin to make this country great again-like in 1830spews:
“ass gored” MR. Cynical. Is that what you call your Sunday evening service?
Mark the RACIST redneck Republican for McCain and Palin to make this country great again-like in 1830spews:
Please tell us which government employees you deem worthless. The cops, firemen, bus drivers, street repair, etc
You stupid motherfucker!
Mark the RACIST redneck Republican for McCain and Palin to make this country great again-like in 1830spews:
PI Soundoff comment about Boeing strike:
Graphite epoxy at 10/6/08 11:59 p.m.
Well, the first false front is McNerney bringing up a very faddish ploy, that of comparing us to the Auto industry.
In the first instance, the big three consistently fail, because they consistently try to force inferior product on the american market. Auto executive have always thought they knew what was best and demanded the American consumer accept it.
Japan has had for years, well designed, economical cars, and pioneered the hybrid.
Detroit is also years behind the europeans in technology.
Chevy is prepping the volt, but even at this late stage it has yet to come up with the batteries to power it.
The big three have the hummer, the suburban, the Ram and the f-150.
Next I have to take Mr. Aboulafia’s naked fearmongering to task.
If Boeing moves. Boeing is going to move. We have seen mass layoffs, and watched our jobs get outsourced no matter what we do.
Gave back in 02′ and the jobs disappeard. Barely held in 05′ and in 08 here we are again with more of the same.
Here we are in 08 with another threat that just doesn’t play.
Just how much does this state, and it’s citizens not to mention Boeing employees have to bend down to the almighty Boeing, to keep whatever crumbs they want to toss our way?
And people want to use foolish rhetoric about how the IAM is trying to extort? Yet boeing can extort BILLIONS in tax breaks, take money out of our packets (and thus the local economy) and NOBODY SAYS A WORD.
I am going to continue fighting for a fair contract, and Boeing can line up all the analysts, all the brokerages, and all the media it wants to to make the threats.
Because real or imagined, those threats just dont matter with a company that will sell out it’s workforce for a few extra dollars.
Boeing has gone to far, way to far in it’s attempts to frighten. Now the ‘analysts’ a dancing to their tune.
This is what you get when you try to keep your workforce in a state of fear over their livelihoods. Beyond a certain point, you just have to let go of that fear and stand up for yourself.
That is what IAM751 is doing.
If Boeing wants to demonstrate a mindset of incredible callousness and continue this strike, so be it.
If they choose to pack up and move, they will. They don’t even need a reason. Their motivation is pure avarice from the get go. There is nothing IAM 751 could conceed to boeing in exchange for job security that they would willingly accept.
If they go, they go.
“ya gonna use them pistols, or whistle dixie?”
Josey Wales
Mark the RACIST redneck Republican for McCain and Palin to make this country great again-like in 1830spews:
Graphite epoxy at 10/7/08 1:29 a.m.
Gilded Paychecks
The Golden Hello
Pay Packages Allow Executives to Jump Ship With Less Risk
“in the summer of 2005, Boeing, which had been rocked by scandals, was on the hunt for a squeaky-clean chief executive. It offered Mr. McNerney, who was a director on its board, a pay package worth more than $52 million, which included $25.3 million of restricted shares and $22 million to replace his 3M pension. A Boeing spokesman said that Mr. McNerney’s compensation was in line with that of other chief executives.
Such golden hellos are not new, but lawyers representing executives at the negotiating table are constantly coming up with quirky ways to make clients whole. Matching salaries, guaranteed bonuses and millions of dollars in stock options are typical. On top of that, chief executives are made whole on lucrative pension benefits, often being credited at the new company for years of service elsewhere — a perk rarely available to nonexecutive employees.
At Boeing, efforts are under way to move more employees out of defined-benefit plans and into defined-contribution plans, says Charles Bofferding, the executive director at the Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace, the union that represents 21,000 Boeing employees.
“They’re doing that to everyone but the big dogs, who continue to get defined-benefit plans,” Mr. Bofferding said. “When you have a different set of principles for the top people versus the rest of the employees, it undermines the top people’s moral authority to lead.”
Now, look at that NY times artical and notice the package.
52 million dollars, for one man, Jim McNerney.
There are estimates withing the IAM the the cost of settling this strike, and attianing a new contract, is in the are of 100 million dollars above the BAFO.
So put in perspective, this contract could be settled for the price of two McNerneys.
blue johnspews:
So put in perspective, this contract could be settled for the price of two McNerneys.
McNerney gets 52 million? Holy crap…I’ll bet Al Mullally wishes he hadn’t jumped ship.
When Boeing moved its HQ to Chicago, they really must have re-engineered their corporate culture. First there were the raised eyebrows over Phil Condit’s ultra-plush office. Now this guy’s just taking all the money home!
38. Marvin Stamn spews:
What, no reaction to carter calling obama black boy?
Changing the subject yet again.
Your party is lousy with violent racists. It’s a fact.
Our party has an african-american as our candidate and his prospects are looking very good.
That alone is reason enough to turn them out. We don’t even have to mention being trillions more in debt, the average joe being way worse off than 8 years ago and saddled with the ugly legacy of an unnecessary war and a worldwide gulag where torture is practiced.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
55. YLB spews:
Our party has an african-american as our candidate and his prospects are looking very good.”
He’s 1/2 white you idiot.
O-blah-blah is Anglo-Afro-American.
Mr. Cynical.
Did ya ever post your trade confirmation slips???
Naaaahhhh of course not.
You know and I know you’re full of it.
blue johnspews:
#56 Half black, half white, whatever lets you vote for him.
Marvin Stamnspews:
55. YLB spews:
Changing the subject yet again.
Your party is lousy with violent racists. It’s a fact.
Considering all the lynchings from the kkk you’re going to point the finger at the republicans?
Name the republican that used hoses and dogs on african americans in selma?
Name the republicans that fillerbusted the civil rights act.
Listen… Take a couple aspirin, get in out of the sun, drink some cool water and lay down.
Marvin Stamnspews:
47. Mark the RACIST redneck Republican for McCain and Palin to make this country great again-like in 1830 spews:
you still stand out for your sheer fucking idiocy.
Thanks, coming from you that’s a compliment.
The day you agree with me is the day I start worrying.
Marvin Stamnspews:
45. blue john spews:
They live in Oppositeland so there is no point in trying to reason with them.
Yet obama is going to without preconditions meet and talk with that midget guy from iran.
Go figure.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
What don’t you understand about “I don’t care what you think?”
Admit it…you are envious.
You have no guts to pull the trigger with bad news in the press…and I do.
Since my small trades are more than your net worth….I can see how it might come across as boastful. For that I apologize.
I didn’t realize GBS, how fragile your psyche and self-esteem were!!
@62 You’re insane.
Cynical @ 42: Boeing management may threaten to move to a “right-to-work” state, but there’s no way they are going to do so. They found out the hard way with the 787 program that it isn’t that easy to train a new workforce in aerospace, even if you are working with entirely new materials.
A lot of workers don’t have the patience of understand the concepts of working toward FAA requirements, it takes time to weed out the bad ones (the ones who’s work has to be re-done) and for new workers to get the right skill sets. It’s not every worker who can drill with 1/10000 inch tolerances while lying on their back and drilling into an area they can’t even see, or apply sealant correctly while inside a confined-space wing tank while wearing resperater gear and protective clothing.
And lots of the current delay is because Boeing out-sourced work to Vought, which is located in – guess what – a right to work state! Before the strike Boeing was considering sending Washington State Machinists Union workers out to Vought to perform work which Vought workers couldn’t seem to get done right themselves.
So no, I’m not worried about Boeing moving elsewhere. I think if management has any brains at all, they’ve learned there lesson here.
The Tacoma Paper endorsed both Rob McKenna and John Ladenburg saying they’d both be good, just different kinds of good. Yes, when the going gets tough in Pierce County we look towards our daily papers editorial board to be indecisive, flaky and useless. They never let us down.
The latest Fox poll in Florida has Obama up by 4.
This ad violates the first rule of TV in the kingdom of Busdrivermike.
Rule No. 1: No ugly people.
This is entertaining.
It is short on facts, but who cares?
I thought that Dems wanted really high gas prices, so that we are all forced into public transportation. So are you all really all that upset that gas prices are still high? You are just angry that the money is going into the pockets of real human beings, and not the government mind-controllers!
You know what the funny thing about the consequences of these political games trying to harpoon pro-business groups like BIAW???
BIAW is composed of 13,000 members which includes supplies, contractors, subcontractors and others involved in the Construction Industry. These 13,000 members employ HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of people and generate HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS…actually BILLIONS of revenue to the State in the form of sales tax, B&O Tax, real estate excise tax, gas tax, unemployment taxes, L&I taxes etc. etc. etc.
The construction business is in the shitter.
Other Industries are equally hard-hit.
More & more construction industry businesses, retailers & hospitality, truckers…you name it are being forced to close their doors or cutback personel drastically resulting in more unemployments and less tax revenue into the State coffers. Boeing & the Machinist Union are not even talking! Minimum Wage is going up to $8.55/hr. January 1st!
Yet most of you KLOWNS fail to see the consequences.
Allow me to share an analogy—–
The LEFTISTS have a 9mm Glock in their right hand with their left arm around the neck of business. They have the gunpointed at the gut of business and are firing!!
They may successfully kill business…are finding out that while they were gleefully emptying a clip into business………..THE BULLETS WENT THRU BUSINESS AND ARE SHOOTING & KILLING THEMSELVES!!!
Can you picture this??
Here are people who allegedly want good jobs and more tax revenue to build the Utopian State of Washington…actually shooting & killing the means to their dream!!
Think about it.
I’m sure most of you KLOWNS will somehow try to disconnect associations from their members….but it’s not true. All associations do is mirror what their members want. THEY ARE VOLUNTARY..unlike Unions which are mandatory.
Set aside all the anger & hatred for just a second and answer this question:
IF businesses are forced to layoff or close due to failing economic considitions… resulting in a doubling of the current unemployment rate from 6% to 12% (feasible if you consider the Boeing strike too)….
where will the replacement jobs and tax revenue come from??
An income tax??
That will make it worse because business owners personal income has taken a huge hit in virtually every industry with the increased cost of goods, materials and other impacts of rising oil/fuel prices.
I know some of you have zero respect for private industry and love your government jobs. How long before you or your family are RIF’d!???
What about those of you who claim to love to SHOP LOCALLY, HATE CORPORATE AMERICAN and want small business to be successful….and want jobs for the middle-class???
This jig-saw puzzle don’t work folks.
Explain to me how all the pieces fit??
I believe the next Governor will have to RIF 8,000–10,000 government employees. Unfortunately in our silly system, those RIF’d will be the newest & lowest paid workers…and not necessarily the lowest producers. This leaves the highest paid…and in some cases, burned out, low producers hanging on until retirement 30 years like Roger Rabbit did.
The result of this forced “seniority” system for RIF’s is more state employees will be RIF’s than if higher paid burnouts are RIF resulting in MORE FTE’s being eliminated thus less members paying dues.
The Unions will receive less dues.
Kind of shooting themselves in the foot.
This next biennium Budget Shortfall will be much higher than the $3.2 BILLION announced several weeks ago. The next announcement (probably after the election conveniently) will be closer to $4 BILLION!
It’s growing directly proportional to businesses failing & struggling. DUH!!!!!
I went to a good restaurant today in Lacey. 3 months ago, it was packed at lunch.
Today it was barely 1/3 FULL and virtually everyone there has special 2 for 1 coupons.
Same thing for dinner…2 for 1’s and perhaps half full. Restaurants everywhere are experiencing huge decreases in volume, being forced to cut prices & offer 2 for 1’s at a time when minimum wage is set to increase to $8.55/hr. on 1/1, food costs have skyrocketed.
Revenue waaaaaaaaay down,
Costs waaaaaaaaaaay up.
How long can they do that.
Coffee shops, big chains like Starbucks and little 1-person operations…all waaaaaaaaay DOWN.
Smaller Retailers—-dead in the water.
Chain Stores like Wal-Mart & Target—DOWN but will survive and prosper as small, locally owned retailers fail because they cannot match the Chains deep discounting.
Christmas Toys will be introduced October 10th at DEEP DISCOUNTS by chains. Again, wiping out the little guy.
Get the picture.
Unwanted consequences.
So go ahead and fight business KLOWNS.
They are half-dead already.
It’s like you KLOWNS would kill your only cow because she wasn’t producing enough milk….then stand back when it’s too late, you’ve killed her squealing “SHIT, I DON’T HAVE ANY MILK!!”
You KLOWNS are…..____________
Let me be civil and say, You KLOWNS lack foresight.
Here is another of the LEFTISTS favorites tanking! Jones Soda.
From today’s P-I———
“Last updated October 6, 2008 8:52 p.m. PT
Jones Soda lays off 42 workers, 6 in Seattle
Move designed to cut costs, boost efficiency
Seattle’s Jones Soda Inc., a maker of carbonated beverages, said Monday that it has laid off 42 people, or about 38 percent of its staff, leaving it with 68 employees. Of the laid-off staffers, six were based in Seattle, Chief Operating Officer Joth Ricci said.
In a document filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, the company said it expects to save about $2.6 million in annualized expenses from the cuts. It also said the layoffs won’t materially affect financial results for the current quarter. Jones called the layoffs an effort to reduce ongoing operating expenses and to improve the company’s efficiency.
Of the affected employees, 36 were salespeople working on a so-called model market initiative that began this summer with the objective of keeping retailers fully stocked with Jones Soda and increasing sales in each store, Chief Executive Steve Jones said.
But “the rate of success just wasn’t as high as we had hoped for, so we decided we had to work closer with our distributors instead,” Jones said. “We are working closely with them, and we are at a point where they are prepared to do more of that for us.”
No further layoffs are anticipated, Ricci said. The most recent round of cuts before this one took place this summer, when seven employees were cut, he said.
Jones Soda’s revenue increased 5.6 percent, to $14 million, in its second quarter ended June 30. But the company posted a quarterly net loss of $2.7 million, or 10 cents per share, compared with net income of $40,000, or break-even, in the year-ago period.
The company’s shares fell 25.16 percent Monday, to close at $1.16. A year ago, they were trading at $12.30.”
I never buy their overpriced, dogshit soda.
I’m glad they are collapsing like Starbucks.
See what I mean KLOWNS??
I actually hate to see folks lose decent jobs…like Jones Soda or Starbucks. The trickle down is immense.
This may just be the midpoint of a downward spiral. It’s why I did not mess around with any short-term stock plays today.
Too risky for me.
Janet….Long time no see!
So, I should allow people to break the law because if I don’t then I’m fighting “business”? That makes no sense.
It would be slapping the face of every ethical businessperson in Washington State to allow anyone a free pass in breaking campaign laws. Did the BIAW poll their members to ask then if they wanted dues money and contributions to go into illegal slush fund campaign crap, thereby tainting their members good names? Doubt it.
And blaming enforcing the law for financial problems is silly. Haven’t you seen news on wall streets problems recently? People are being thrifty until they find out if they still have their retirement money.
Sheesh Cyn, you wore out your fingers with that boring drivel?
And there you go again with 3.2 billion nonsense.
I’m too tired and bored to respond.
The PI just endorsed Obama.
Wow that was a long rant. You probably just got carpel tunnel writing it.
Oh by the way I didn’t read it.
@4 “I thought that Dems wanted really high gas prices, so that we are all forced into public transportation.”
No, I want really high gas prices so my oil stocks will go up, and so you humans will die out so we rabbits can get a chance to run this place. I figure walking half a block would kill most of you and civil war will take care of the rest.
@5 Uh, yeah, BIAW is a benign and law abiding group interested only in building well-built, comfortable, and affordable homes for the wage-earning class. They don’t behave like Nazis, or anything like that.
(cough cough)
@7 Losing a job isn’t a problem if you don’t have one. This has never been much of a problem for Republicans because they don’t work. They live by owning stuff. It isn’t a problem for me, either, because I don’t work anymore. I live like a Republican now — I don’t work, produce anything, or do anything useful; I get tax breaks for owning stuff.
@8 When did she get out of jail?
364 to 174. That’s the current Electoral Vote count. Suck on it, righties! It’s all downhill from here — it’s only gonna get worse for your candidate.
Sounds like Ladenburg could use some of Obama’s fraudulent internet donors to add to his election war chest……..
I’m just sayin’
As people used to say about Hillary, Rob McKenna should be doing everything he can to fuck Dino Rossi in the rear so that McKenna can run for Gubnah in 2012.
5 Cyn
Funy I never hear you warn of the dire consequences of targeting UNIONS for political contributions. Last I heard, unions were made up of workers.
6,7 Cyn
Is this what you mean by “I hate to see folks lose decent jobs?”
You’re so full of shit…
Yes Virginia, bipolar people do exist.
I like how in this post Goldy takes a swipe at newspapers, but in his last post he’s down on his knees begging them to write more about the BIAW.
Daddy Love–
State Employees must join the union & pay dues.
Joining a Trade Association is 100% voluntary.
Plus, there are 8 Construction Associations businesses in the Construction Industry.
No one has to join BIAW.
The members “choose” to because they like what BIAW does and has to offer.
I’m sure a handful of BIAW’s 13,000 members have left because of politics….just like hundreds of Union members in the past SUED Unions to get back their dues used for political purposes because they did not like what the Union was doing politically (100% support of Democrats). Remember the 100+ teachers that sued a few yers ago….and the Unions fought them all the way to the Courthouse step before relenting and refunding a huge hunk of dues used for politics??
It is highly likely there will be a Right-To-Work Initiative in the next 2 years if Gregoire wins. With the economy bad, unemployment high and jobs scarce, you will have to cut peoples hands off to stop them from siging the petition.
Because the average citizen or retiree will be sick to death of seeing government employees raking in the big bucks while the majority of taxpayers are struggling with much lower incomes.
Again, keep pushing KLOWNS and keep your head in the dark about the unintended consequences.
You will inevitably pay for your actions.
One of your many infirmities is a total lack of sense of humor Daddy Love.
In the 1st comment, I was kidding!!!
Sheesh, you KLOWNS are angry & humorless.
Must be that Atheism thing again.
Market opened up a bit today…I made no trades.
You may want to sell your stocks today IF there is a big rally AFTER Bernanke speaks.
NOV is up a couple of points now because Oil is up over $3. You may want to sell 1/2 of your holdings if it hits $41 or so today.
This market will continue to see HUGE swings.
Sell into rallies.
Buy on huge dips.
19 Huh? McKenna somehow impresses as more the…uh, “bottom” type.
25 Apparently the prop the Fed shoved under the securities market this morning was a promise to start buying up commercial paper.
Oh yeah….maybe the line that’s been going around about Bank of America buying California was a joke, but it seems Russia’s making a down payment on Iceland. Seriously.
The latest polling shows Obama up by 3 in Ohio. Looking at all the polling McCain might take Ohio, but he’ll have to fight for it. Ohio went for Bush in the last 2 elections.
The wingnuts are getting ready for violence:
See Stupes. This is YOUR crowd!
There, I fixed it for you.
Wrong, the liberal media is YOUR crowd.
Palin is outing your media, they don’t like it and you don’t like it.
Face it, the day of being able to control the message is disappearing fast for YOUR crowd.
Mr Cynical, have you seen how underfunded
the states retirement fund is? That would be the
ultimate irony if the worthless govt employees
ended up on the streets. That would be funny
as hell. It could be coming…
“Looking at all the polling McCain might take Ohio, but he’ll have to fight for it.”
Or steal it. May or may not be harder to pull off without Ken Blackwell in the saddle, but it’ll be harder to cover up.
Video of Palin speaking at different times. Guess what? She is faking the accent.
It wouldn’t be funny, it would be sad.
All those union dues being taken from their paychecks to help democrats and like usual, the democrats didn’t even take care of their own.
Maybe it would be a good learning lesson for others, don’t trust democrats with
your, their money.How quickly the silly troll changes the subject when the racist “dixiecrat” shows up at a Palin rally. Conclusive proof that the racists ran to HIS party – the Republican party.
Are you ready for violence like the rest of the crowd there troll?
What, no reaction to carter calling obama black boy?
I guess that’s what you expected from carter, you expected better from a republican.
Isn’t that always the case.
Got any proof that the average state employee makes more than their private sector counterpart?
Well looky here. Colorado is turning a lovely shade of blue.
mark & Marvin—
Actually what is going to happen here is a case of “getting what you wish for” and “natural consequences”.
Either Governor candidate will have to RIF 8,000–10,000 State employees….maybe more if the Boeing Strike lasts over a couple more months. It’s not only the salaries that will be saved but the HUGE Benefit packages averaging 35% or so of Salary PLUS overhead & out-of-pocket costs incurred.
There will be RIF’s.
If Gregoire wins, there will be a Right-To-Work Initiative in 2 years. It will pass.
This economic downturn is serious.
The KLOWNS (including those KLOWNS in State Government) have failed to connect the dots on what Gregoire’s fiscal mismanagement will cost them. They have failed to connect the dots on the anti-business, pro-tax increase sentiment will do to job-creating, tax-paying private business.
Working people ought o be siding with pro-business agenda’s right now and vote for Rossi…rather than vindictive bullygirls like Gregoire so filled with hatred towards businesses & groups that support Rossi, that she vows to kill them next Legislative Session if re-elected.
Strong Business Groups supported by all our elected officials & working people is essential during these tough times.
Also, did you read the comments by the Boeing CEO?
Only an airheaded moron can’t read between the lines on these comments.
He is telegraphing this—
Machinists have struck too frequently driving away business. We cannot have that.
Wake up KLOWNS!
You are trying to kill the cow which is your main source of milk!
You keep playing chicken with a Bull…eventually you are going to get your ass gored.
Um… We’re doing better than the rest of the nation in the down turn, we’ve been rated as one of the best states to do business in by a variety of business journals and Washington based companies are always mentioned in top 10 companies to work for.
Maybe you could prattle on about whatever it is you’re prattling on about to someone that cares?
Part of a nice note written by the president of my credit union. Credit unions rock.
I know I shouldn’t. I know I should give them some mindshare, but it’s so much better to slide right over the Mr. Cynical and Marvin posts. They don’t have anything constructive to add to the conversation. They live in Oppositeland so there is no point in trying to reason with them.
Turns out even the business community isn’t that hot on McCain’s health care non-reform.
Marvin, after scanning Mr. Cynical’s ravings I was going to post a comment saying that perhaps, in, and only in, the context of a party that contains folks like Mr. Cynical you might not be such a big idiot. But then you made a couple comments; and even in the context of a thread with Mr. Cynical’s ravings you still stand out for your sheer fucking idiocy.
Mr. Cynica-your psychological self-treatment needs more booze and less thinking.
And for anyone who thinks that bashing these guys for their idiocy is not as useful as engaging in debate with them-you are fucking idiots too.
Don’t feel bad about not reading their posts. They simply read your’s for a point to refute, not for insight.
“Opposite land?”
These guys are the functional equivalent of fundamentalist Muslim Taliban/Christian Evangelicals. They don’t believe in reason (or thinking). They simply believe what they are told!
“ass gored” MR. Cynical. Is that what you call your Sunday evening service?
Please tell us which government employees you deem worthless. The cops, firemen, bus drivers, street repair, etc
You stupid motherfucker!
PI Soundoff comment about Boeing strike:
Graphite epoxy at 10/6/08 11:59 p.m.
Well, the first false front is McNerney bringing up a very faddish ploy, that of comparing us to the Auto industry.
In the first instance, the big three consistently fail, because they consistently try to force inferior product on the american market. Auto executive have always thought they knew what was best and demanded the American consumer accept it.
Japan has had for years, well designed, economical cars, and pioneered the hybrid.
Detroit is also years behind the europeans in technology.
Chevy is prepping the volt, but even at this late stage it has yet to come up with the batteries to power it.
The big three have the hummer, the suburban, the Ram and the f-150.
Next I have to take Mr. Aboulafia’s naked fearmongering to task.
If Boeing moves. Boeing is going to move. We have seen mass layoffs, and watched our jobs get outsourced no matter what we do.
Gave back in 02′ and the jobs disappeard. Barely held in 05′ and in 08 here we are again with more of the same.
Here we are in 08 with another threat that just doesn’t play.
Just how much does this state, and it’s citizens not to mention Boeing employees have to bend down to the almighty Boeing, to keep whatever crumbs they want to toss our way?
And people want to use foolish rhetoric about how the IAM is trying to extort? Yet boeing can extort BILLIONS in tax breaks, take money out of our packets (and thus the local economy) and NOBODY SAYS A WORD.
I am going to continue fighting for a fair contract, and Boeing can line up all the analysts, all the brokerages, and all the media it wants to to make the threats.
Because real or imagined, those threats just dont matter with a company that will sell out it’s workforce for a few extra dollars.
Boeing has gone to far, way to far in it’s attempts to frighten. Now the ‘analysts’ a dancing to their tune.
This is what you get when you try to keep your workforce in a state of fear over their livelihoods. Beyond a certain point, you just have to let go of that fear and stand up for yourself.
That is what IAM751 is doing.
If Boeing wants to demonstrate a mindset of incredible callousness and continue this strike, so be it.
If they choose to pack up and move, they will. They don’t even need a reason. Their motivation is pure avarice from the get go. There is nothing IAM 751 could conceed to boeing in exchange for job security that they would willingly accept.
If they go, they go.
“ya gonna use them pistols, or whistle dixie?”
Josey Wales
Graphite epoxy at 10/7/08 1:29 a.m.
Gilded Paychecks
The Golden Hello
Pay Packages Allow Executives to Jump Ship With Less Risk
“in the summer of 2005, Boeing, which had been rocked by scandals, was on the hunt for a squeaky-clean chief executive. It offered Mr. McNerney, who was a director on its board, a pay package worth more than $52 million, which included $25.3 million of restricted shares and $22 million to replace his 3M pension. A Boeing spokesman said that Mr. McNerney’s compensation was in line with that of other chief executives.
Such golden hellos are not new, but lawyers representing executives at the negotiating table are constantly coming up with quirky ways to make clients whole. Matching salaries, guaranteed bonuses and millions of dollars in stock options are typical. On top of that, chief executives are made whole on lucrative pension benefits, often being credited at the new company for years of service elsewhere — a perk rarely available to nonexecutive employees.
At Boeing, efforts are under way to move more employees out of defined-benefit plans and into defined-contribution plans, says Charles Bofferding, the executive director at the Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace, the union that represents 21,000 Boeing employees.
“They’re doing that to everyone but the big dogs, who continue to get defined-benefit plans,” Mr. Bofferding said. “When you have a different set of principles for the top people versus the rest of the employees, it undermines the top people’s moral authority to lead.”
Graphite epoxy at 10/7/08 1:34 a.m.
Now, look at that NY times artical and notice the package.
52 million dollars, for one man, Jim McNerney.
There are estimates withing the IAM the the cost of settling this strike, and attianing a new contract, is in the are of 100 million dollars above the BAFO.
So put in perspective, this contract could be settled for the price of two McNerneys.
McNerney gets 52 million? Holy crap…I’ll bet Al Mullally wishes he hadn’t jumped ship.
When Boeing moved its HQ to Chicago, they really must have re-engineered their corporate culture. First there were the raised eyebrows over Phil Condit’s ultra-plush office. Now this guy’s just taking all the money home!
Changing the subject yet again.
Your party is lousy with violent racists. It’s a fact.
Our party has an african-american as our candidate and his prospects are looking very good.
Too bad for you troll.
And your party is lousy with criminals as well:
That alone is reason enough to turn them out. We don’t even have to mention being trillions more in debt, the average joe being way worse off than 8 years ago and saddled with the ugly legacy of an unnecessary war and a worldwide gulag where torture is practiced.
55. YLB spews:
Our party has an african-american as our candidate and his prospects are looking very good.”
He’s 1/2 white you idiot.
O-blah-blah is Anglo-Afro-American.
Mr. Cynical.
Did ya ever post your trade confirmation slips???
Naaaahhhh of course not.
You know and I know you’re full of it.
#56 Half black, half white, whatever lets you vote for him.
Considering all the lynchings from the kkk you’re going to point the finger at the republicans?
Name the republican that used hoses and dogs on african americans in selma?
Name the republicans that fillerbusted the civil rights act.
Listen… Take a couple aspirin, get in out of the sun, drink some cool water and lay down.
Thanks, coming from you that’s a compliment.
The day you agree with me is the day I start worrying.
Yet obama is going to without preconditions meet and talk with that midget guy from iran.
Go figure.
What don’t you understand about “I don’t care what you think?”
Admit it…you are envious.
You have no guts to pull the trigger with bad news in the press…and I do.
Since my small trades are more than your net worth….I can see how it might come across as boastful. For that I apologize.
I didn’t realize GBS, how fragile your psyche and self-esteem were!!
@62 You’re insane.
Cynical @ 42: Boeing management may threaten to move to a “right-to-work” state, but there’s no way they are going to do so. They found out the hard way with the 787 program that it isn’t that easy to train a new workforce in aerospace, even if you are working with entirely new materials.
A lot of workers don’t have the patience of understand the concepts of working toward FAA requirements, it takes time to weed out the bad ones (the ones who’s work has to be re-done) and for new workers to get the right skill sets. It’s not every worker who can drill with 1/10000 inch tolerances while lying on their back and drilling into an area they can’t even see, or apply sealant correctly while inside a confined-space wing tank while wearing resperater gear and protective clothing.
And lots of the current delay is because Boeing out-sourced work to Vought, which is located in – guess what – a right to work state! Before the strike Boeing was considering sending Washington State Machinists Union workers out to Vought to perform work which Vought workers couldn’t seem to get done right themselves.
So no, I’m not worried about Boeing moving elsewhere. I think if management has any brains at all, they’ve learned there lesson here.