No income tax for Washington. Never, never. ever!!
Mark the racist pudwacking republicanspews:
My Gawd man! Didn’t you see that fine Republican woman strutting her republican stuff. That’s a woman who will entice republicans out of the men’s rooms and barns and playgrounds all across America and make this country great again. And lower your taxes too!
Folks .. Goldy missed two important events …
yesterday the first private satellite launch service had its success. You can now buy your own place in orbit or, one supposed lauch an ICBM under the second amendment.
yesterday the Palin-McCain-Palin
a new add featuring Sarah’s view of how she protects us from Putin,
We’re headed there if the state can’t raise enough revenue. The anti-tax right keeps trying to lower taxes, ballot initiatives keep making it harder for the state to raise revenue, and the cost of maintaining a growing state with a population that will likely double in the next 10 years will outpace revenue even in the best economic conditions…
So at some point it’s either higher or new taxes, or more crumbling bridges, less educated kids, and an unlivable environment….
@3 I like the floating Putin head. I’m certain that captures Sarah’s nightmarish vision.
So, Obama has recruited “truth squads” in the form of local prosecutors to silence anyone in Missouri who they think is saying something wrong about Obama. Talk about a chilling effect on free speech. If he’s doing that kind of thing now, surely free speech would go away under an Obama administration? After all, he tried to get the Justice Department to punish a radio host for discussing Obama’s activities with unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayres.
“Obama has recruited “truth squads” in the form of local prosecutors to silence anyone in Missouri who they think is saying something wrong about Obama.”
John Mills, reporter: Russell, good evening. Prosecutors and sheriffs from across Missouri are joining something called the “Barack Obama Truth Squad.” Two high-profile prosecutors are part of the team. We met them this afternoon in the Central West this afternoon. They are Jennifer Joyce of the city (and) Bob McCulloch, the St. Louis County prosecuting attorney. They will be reminding voters that Barack Obama is a Christian, who wants to cut taxes for anyone making less than $250,000 a year. They also say they plan to respond immediately to any ads and statements that might violate Missouri ethics laws.
Jennifer Joyce: We want to keep this campaign focused on issues. We don’t want people to get distracted, and Missourians don’t want to be distracted, by these divisive character attacks. So we’re here to respond to any character attacks, to set the record straight.
Bob McCulloch: Whether it is directly attributable to the campaign, or to one of the soft-money operations, if they’re not going to tell the truth, then somebody’s got to step up and say “Wait a minute, that’s not true. This is the truth.”
So, apparently, one should only expect a response from these guys (volunteers, it seems, and not “recruited”) if one a) lies, b) violates Missouri ethics laws, or c) both.
It’s obvious why this would have some Republicans worried. After all, if you actually had to run a campaign where you told the truth all the time, and obeyed the law all the time, and behaved ethically all the time… Well, where’s the fun in that?
Yup. Enforcing the law and insisting on truthful and ethical behavior sure is the thin edge of the wedge. It’s a good thing the Republican party is around to put a stop to that naive nonsense. And they have so much experience at being illegal, untruthful, and unethical, too!
Experience really is the key here, don’t you think? How could a president possibly serve his country if he didn’t have the experience of being investigated for illegal and unethical behavior himself? Thank god McCain has that experience.
Imagine Obama’s jack-booted thugs, running through the land chanting, “Law and Order! Truth! Ethics!” It seems like only yesterday that it was Republicans being accused of that sort of thing. Thankfully, today’s more-nuanced GOP has left such divisive, arbitrary foolishness behind, and has instead embraced the moral relativism of the 1960s hippies.
Only the moral example and steadfastness of George W. Bush could make this great day possible.
Personally, I don’t really care who wins. I’ve studied political science and know in the broad spectrum of political theories and parties that there’s only about a hair’s worth of difference between the D’s and the R’s.
“…there’s only about a hair’s worth of difference between the D’s and the R’s.”
Individuals matter. You’re going to have a tough sell to maintain that if Al Gore had been president on 9/12/2001 his response would have been, “…about a hair’s worth of difference,” to Mr. Bush’s.
Obama was seen as more “presidential” by 46% of the debate watchers, compared with 33% for McCain.
The difference is even more pronounced among debate watchers who were not firmly committed to a candidate: 44% said they believed Obama looked more presidential, whereas 16% gave McCain the advantage.
But among the crucial group of independents who watched the debate — those most likely to actually be swayed by what transpired, Obama won by 10 points, 43% to 33%
A hot topic among polling nerds is the “Bradley effect,” which occurs when a non-white (usually black) candidate falls short of opinion polls on Election Day when he/she runs against a white candidate. For this reason it has been suggested that support for Obama might be overstated – a hidden bonus for John McCain. Now comes a large-scale empirical study (in preprint form) by Harvard political scientist Dan Hopkins. He finds that since the mid-1990s, the Bradley effect has disappeared.His paper is a must-read.
Daddy Lovespews:
6 and 9
“Obama’s jackbooted thugs” seem to consist of Missouri prosecutors who declare their intent to enforce Missouri law.
Can the Republic stand much more of this kind of lawfulness?
Daddy Lovespews:
I realize you were satirizing but I wanted the references to be comprehensive.
Daddy Lovespews:
It sure will be great in November when John McCain really sticks it to those Palin-bashing commie liberals like George Will, David Frum, Rod Dreher, Kathleen Parker, Ross Douthat, David Brooks, and Charles Krauthammer.
Conservative support for Sarah Palin will surely put ol’ Bucket List over the op
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 “No income tax for Washington. Never, never. ever!!”
So you’re in favor of continuing to tax the poorest 20% of Washingtonians 4 times as much as the richest 20%?
That’s exactly what I expect from you freeloading Republicans! We can always count on Republicans to dump as much of the tax burden as possible on those least able to pay so they can enjoy a free ride.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 Let’s take up a collection to buy one-way tickets for our trolls.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 How many people have been arrested for attending Obama rallies with pro-war bumper stickers on their cars? List them, please.
Remember the women who were arrested at a Bush “town hall” on Social Security for having a peace sticker on their car? Give me a fucking break … the only people in this country trampling on free speech are you Republicans.
Roger Rabbitspews:
If a Republican’s free speech rights were ever infringed even a teeny bit, he’d go running to the ACLU for free legal help.
Troll @ 11: I’ve studied political science also. I still have books on my shelves from required reading for those courses, including Plato, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Mill, Hegel, Marx, Hitler, Mao, and Sarte.
I agree that the American political parties are fairly close ideologically if one considers the entire spectrum of political thought around the world, and without regard to keeping to a specific time period.
But that’s a long way from saying there’s hardly any difference between them. The last eight years have proven that the Republican party and it’s policies are committed to the destruction of the American middle class. The opposite is true of the Democratic party. It’s no longer just a question of slight corrections to the weight applied to tax policy, it’s the way the basic rules and application have been rigged to favor the financial elite over everyone else.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 We don’t have to bash Palin. She can do it all by herself.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 “Personally, I don’t really care who wins.”
Looks like we can add Troll to the growing list of Republicans who have written off this election.
Daddy Love @ 13:
I listened to the debate on the car radio, I thought they both came off about equally well (of course, I agreed with Obama on the issues, but I knew that going in).
Reminds me of the polling after the Nixon/Kennedy debate in 1960: those that saw it on TV thought Kennedy had won, those that listened to it on the radio thought Nixon had a slight edge.
By now it should be obvious to everyone. The best way to figure out what kind of tricks the Republicans are pulling is to listen to what they’re accusing us of doing.
They usually seem to start complaining that we’re doing something illegal or unethical a couple of days before they start using that tactic. Normally those complaints are not only completely baseless, but have folks wondering “where did that come from?”
Every time they start making baseless complaints, you can bet that they either are, or will be, using either the same, or a similar technique.
I think that it’s how the Republicans prepare for our pointing out their lies or cheating. That way, when they get caught, they can claim that we were doing it too, pointing to their earlier (often disproven) complaints as “evidence”.
Reformed republicanspews:
@8: Gee, troll claims that Palin-bashing will backfire for the election and then claims it doesn’t matter who wins. Which is it troll?
You are not even logically consistent between your own posts.
Palin-bashing as a sport is no-contest. Poor Palin shows every time she opens her mouth how shallow and poorly prepared she is. All the media has to do is show her poorly concieved answers to questions and let the American people decide if they want an incoherent VP who is sorely lacking in basic knowlege and experience a heartbeat away from an aging President. Palin scares people precisely because she is so uninformed and lackadaisical in her views – guess well have to attack Russia then, or Putins head is over alaska or when she can’t even expalin her own talking points (she nver could explain what never second guessing Israel meant). How sad.
On the other hand, Obama showed a mastery of foreign policy, supposedly McCain’s strong point, and came off as reasoned and well informed. Meanwhile, McCain kept repeating the same attack phrases that did not hit, after they were rebutted the first time. Eventually, McCain just seemed like an angry, small man who could not even look at his opponent.
Most undecided voters were impressed with Obama, not with McCain. The polls are now reflecting the Obama surge and this election could turn into a rout.
My Left Footspews:
Dear Troll,
Um, well, I, uh….don’t know how to tell you this. The polls after the debate show Obama taking a larger lead. The inside numbers are telling too.
Obama is ready to lead. McCain has proven he can’t lead with his rash decision making..Palin, suspending his campaign, crashing jets, the Keating Five……..
We can all agree that video of queen what’s her name (the gov) or darcy marcy would be truly offensive to hetro-sexual males.
So there was an AP article today about the upcoming vice-presidential debate. Here’s what one Rep had to say about Palin:
“Since Palin roused the Republican Party at its national convention this month, she has been undergoing a crash course in foreign policy. Her struggles with some answers in interviews have been lampooned on “Saturday Night Live.”
“She just has to show some rational basis to policy positions, some knowledge basis,” said Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan., a former GOP presidential candidate and McCain supporter. “I don’t think it is a high expectation level at all for her.”
Oh Sam, rational basis? This woman stood in a church and got blessed so she wouldn’t become a witch. She STILL can’t coherently answer the question of how Russia being next to Alaska gives her foreign policy experience.
She’s not dumb but she is a pure ideologue in the mold of Bush. She has not a shred of intellectual curiosity and believes the world is black and white (as does McCain but on even a more personal level). Laura Bush says she’s “a quick study”. We’ll see.
Marvin Stamnspews:
No wonder the world hates america.
Even the scientists in europe know about drilling for energy security.
Why are thee democrats in america against energy security?
EU energy chief backs Arctic drilling[fr]
Published: Monday 22 September 2008
Despite environmentalists’ warnings against drilling for oil and gas in such a fragile ecosystem, EU Energy Commissioner Andris Piebalgs said guaranteeing Europe’s energy security justified further exploration of the North Pole.
“You even need to go into hostile environments […] You can’t say ‘this is a sanctuary’ because it will not work […] Otherwise, where will we get energy from?,”
Oh well… america can stand by and watch others drill as we suffer. Suffering is good for democrats, it’s proves their views about america are righteous.
Marvin Stamnspews:
31. westello spews:
So there was an AP article today about the upcoming vice-presidential debate. Here’s what one Rep had to say about Palin:
Unlike the democrats that are afraid to speak honestly about the human gaffe machine.
No room in the big tent of the democrat party for opposing views. One view fits all, no matter how ignorant the view is. One only needs to look at joe liberman, very liberal except for one issue, so he’s kicked out of the party.
Say, did anyone watch the HD version of FDR giving the speech on teev about the depression? Of course, only the bright african americans could understand it.
Strange how no democrats even had the guts to say that was a stupid comment, or the media have a laugh at biden’s expense. Liberal bias in the media is becoming more obvious every day. When obama loses the reasons will be-
1. racist democrats
2. obama too far left
3. liberal media ruined the democrat party
Marvin Stamnspews:
Of course the ny times isn’t in the tank for democrats. wink wink
If not, how can you explain articles written using debunked smears as the basis for the article in the ny times.
Even in tough budget times, there are lines that cannot be crossed. So I was startled by this tidbit reported recently by The Associated Press: When Sarah Palin was mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, the small town began billing sexual-assault victims for the cost of rape kits and forensic exams.
Obviously even the media knows that the liberal planks don’t go over well with real americans. Otherwise they wouldn’t need to do everything they can to help democrats win.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Why won’t anyone ever explain why democrats have to track left in the primaries and track back towards the center in the general election.
Are what democrats believe in really that bad that they won’t run on their beliefs?
Marvin, Joe Biden can say some very dumb things sometimes and yes, the FDR comment was one of them. Happy?
Marvin, where has it been “debunked” about the rape kits? I looked and didn’t find it. What I do know is the police chief she put charged for rape kits. This went on her entire tenure until the then-governor of Alaska signed a law against it. Where has it been proven that this was not the case?
I read in the NY times where some Dems in Ohio voted for Kerry, voted for Clinton but all of a sudden, with Obama the candidate, can’t vote for him because of the abortion issue. Sure, there’s racism. But I would rather be the party of diversity (most of the time) compared with the whitey-white party of the Republicans. If you think Dems are racist, then I can’t imagine what you could think about Republicans. Did you happen to see the Rep. convention? A sea of white faces. Please.
And McCain isn’t swinging wildly center and right?
Rossi wants the women who were raped to have the kids so we can starve them when they get older and then when they get really old we can cut their social security. Us repugs gotta stay busy with our hobbies.
Marvin Stamnspews:
36. westello spews:
Marvin, Joe Biden can say some very dumb things sometimes and yes, the FDR comment was one of them. Happy?
My point was the liberal media isn’t mocking him. Hell, you didn’t even mock him.
How do you feel about african americans, do you know any bright clean ones besides obama? Biden obviously doesn’t, otherwise he wouldn’t have pointed it out.
Marvin, where has it been “debunked” about the rape kits? I looked and didn’t find it.
If you googled palin rape kit debunked and you couldn’t find a non-right wing site that accidently wrote the truth you didn’t look very hard.
Ever hear of fact check, or didn’t you like what you read?
Sorry Marvin, no debunking. There was clarification (i.e.Wasilla wasn’t the only place charging and Wasilla wasn’t mentioned during discussions of the bill) but yes, they charged the victims insurance and guess what? Yup only one woman reported a rape. And that’s exactly what a woman would do if she knew an insurance company was going to get ahold of the information? And whether Lady Palin knew? It’s a town of 9,000 and she had time to ask the librarian, twice, about banning books? She knew.
And yes, most of the the sites were right-wing.
Is the conservative media mocking McCain or Palin? Didn’t think so.
No income tax for Washington. Never, never. ever!!
My Gawd man! Didn’t you see that fine Republican woman strutting her republican stuff. That’s a woman who will entice republicans out of the men’s rooms and barns and playgrounds all across America and make this country great again. And lower your taxes too!
Folks .. Goldy missed two important events …
yesterday the first private satellite launch service had its success. You can now buy your own place in orbit or, one supposed lauch an ICBM under the second amendment.
yesterday the
Palin-McCain-Palina new add featuring Sarah’s view of how she protects us from Putin,
Take alook at SJ for both links:
We’re headed there if the state can’t raise enough revenue. The anti-tax right keeps trying to lower taxes, ballot initiatives keep making it harder for the state to raise revenue, and the cost of maintaining a growing state with a population that will likely double in the next 10 years will outpace revenue even in the best economic conditions…
So at some point it’s either higher or new taxes, or more crumbling bridges, less educated kids, and an unlivable environment….
@3 I like the floating Putin head. I’m certain that captures Sarah’s nightmarish vision.
So, Obama has recruited “truth squads” in the form of local prosecutors to silence anyone in Missouri who they think is saying something wrong about Obama. Talk about a chilling effect on free speech. If he’s doing that kind of thing now, surely free speech would go away under an Obama administration? After all, he tried to get the Justice Department to punish a radio host for discussing Obama’s activities with unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayres.
“Obama has recruited “truth squads” in the form of local prosecutors to silence anyone in Missouri who they think is saying something wrong about Obama.”
Well, some half-truths here.
This appears based on this report from KMOV-TV in St. Louis.
Here’s a partial transcript:
John Mills, reporter: Russell, good evening. Prosecutors and sheriffs from across Missouri are joining something called the “Barack Obama Truth Squad.” Two high-profile prosecutors are part of the team. We met them this afternoon in the Central West this afternoon. They are Jennifer Joyce of the city (and) Bob McCulloch, the St. Louis County prosecuting attorney. They will be reminding voters that Barack Obama is a Christian, who wants to cut taxes for anyone making less than $250,000 a year. They also say they plan to respond immediately to any ads and statements that might violate Missouri ethics laws.
Jennifer Joyce: We want to keep this campaign focused on issues. We don’t want people to get distracted, and Missourians don’t want to be distracted, by these divisive character attacks. So we’re here to respond to any character attacks, to set the record straight.
Bob McCulloch: Whether it is directly attributable to the campaign, or to one of the soft-money operations, if they’re not going to tell the truth, then somebody’s got to step up and say “Wait a minute, that’s not true. This is the truth.”
So, apparently, one should only expect a response from these guys (volunteers, it seems, and not “recruited”) if one a) lies, b) violates Missouri ethics laws, or c) both.
It’s obvious why this would have some Republicans worried. After all, if you actually had to run a campaign where you told the truth all the time, and obeyed the law all the time, and behaved ethically all the time… Well, where’s the fun in that?
Yup. Enforcing the law and insisting on truthful and ethical behavior sure is the thin edge of the wedge. It’s a good thing the Republican party is around to put a stop to that naive nonsense. And they have so much experience at being illegal, untruthful, and unethical, too!
Experience really is the key here, don’t you think? How could a president possibly serve his country if he didn’t have the experience of being investigated for illegal and unethical behavior himself? Thank god McCain has that experience.
Goldy, you are such a tool.
BTW, when this strategy of Palin-bashing backfires on you on Nov 4th, I am will be here and calling you an idiot and saying I told you so.
Imagine Obama’s jack-booted thugs, running through the land chanting, “Law and Order! Truth! Ethics!” It seems like only yesterday that it was Republicans being accused of that sort of thing. Thankfully, today’s more-nuanced GOP has left such divisive, arbitrary foolishness behind, and has instead embraced the moral relativism of the 1960s hippies.
Only the moral example and steadfastness of George W. Bush could make this great day possible.
“BTW, when this strategy of Palin-bashing backfires on you on Nov 4th…”
John McCain would like to remind you that it’s a tactic, not a strate———
Oh, wait. When he “corrected” Obama, he was wrong, too.
Never mind.
“I am will be here and calling you an idiot and saying I told you so.”
As long as you also come back should Mr. McCain and Ms. Palin lose, so we can do the same to you.
You do believe in the Golden Rule, yes?
Personally, I don’t really care who wins. I’ve studied political science and know in the broad spectrum of political theories and parties that there’s only about a hair’s worth of difference between the D’s and the R’s.
“…there’s only about a hair’s worth of difference between the D’s and the R’s.”
Individuals matter. You’re going to have a tough sell to maintain that if Al Gore had been president on 9/12/2001 his response would have been, “…about a hair’s worth of difference,” to Mr. Bush’s.
LA Times/Bloomberg:
Sam Wang has a piece here on the vanishing Bradley effect.
6 and 9
“Obama’s jackbooted thugs” seem to consist of Missouri prosecutors who declare their intent to enforce Missouri law.
Can the Republic stand much more of this kind of lawfulness?
I realize you were satirizing but I wanted the references to be comprehensive.
It sure will be great in November when John McCain really sticks it to those Palin-bashing commie liberals like George Will, David Frum, Rod Dreher, Kathleen Parker, Ross Douthat, David Brooks, and Charles Krauthammer.
Conservative support for Sarah Palin will surely put ol’ Bucket List over the op
@1 “No income tax for Washington. Never, never. ever!!”
So you’re in favor of continuing to tax the poorest 20% of Washingtonians 4 times as much as the richest 20%?
That’s exactly what I expect from you freeloading Republicans! We can always count on Republicans to dump as much of the tax burden as possible on those least able to pay so they can enjoy a free ride.
@3 Let’s take up a collection to buy one-way tickets for our trolls.
@6 How many people have been arrested for attending Obama rallies with pro-war bumper stickers on their cars? List them, please.
Remember the women who were arrested at a Bush “town hall” on Social Security for having a peace sticker on their car? Give me a fucking break … the only people in this country trampling on free speech are you Republicans.
If a Republican’s free speech rights were ever infringed even a teeny bit, he’d go running to the ACLU for free legal help.
Troll @ 11: I’ve studied political science also. I still have books on my shelves from required reading for those courses, including Plato, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Mill, Hegel, Marx, Hitler, Mao, and Sarte.
I agree that the American political parties are fairly close ideologically if one considers the entire spectrum of political thought around the world, and without regard to keeping to a specific time period.
But that’s a long way from saying there’s hardly any difference between them. The last eight years have proven that the Republican party and it’s policies are committed to the destruction of the American middle class. The opposite is true of the Democratic party. It’s no longer just a question of slight corrections to the weight applied to tax policy, it’s the way the basic rules and application have been rigged to favor the financial elite over everyone else.
@8 We don’t have to bash Palin. She can do it all by herself.
@11 “Personally, I don’t really care who wins.”
Looks like we can add Troll to the growing list of Republicans who have written off this election.
Daddy Love @ 13:
I listened to the debate on the car radio, I thought they both came off about equally well (of course, I agreed with Obama on the issues, but I knew that going in).
Reminds me of the polling after the Nixon/Kennedy debate in 1960: those that saw it on TV thought Kennedy had won, those that listened to it on the radio thought Nixon had a slight edge.
Roger (at 8:16 AM):
By now it should be obvious to everyone. The best way to figure out what kind of tricks the Republicans are pulling is to listen to what they’re accusing us of doing.
They usually seem to start complaining that we’re doing something illegal or unethical a couple of days before they start using that tactic. Normally those complaints are not only completely baseless, but have folks wondering “where did that come from?”
Every time they start making baseless complaints, you can bet that they either are, or will be, using either the same, or a similar technique.
I think that it’s how the Republicans prepare for our pointing out their lies or cheating. That way, when they get caught, they can claim that we were doing it too, pointing to their earlier (often disproven) complaints as “evidence”.
@8: Gee, troll claims that Palin-bashing will backfire for the election and then claims it doesn’t matter who wins. Which is it troll?
You are not even logically consistent between your own posts.
Palin-bashing as a sport is no-contest. Poor Palin shows every time she opens her mouth how shallow and poorly prepared she is. All the media has to do is show her poorly concieved answers to questions and let the American people decide if they want an incoherent VP who is sorely lacking in basic knowlege and experience a heartbeat away from an aging President. Palin scares people precisely because she is so uninformed and lackadaisical in her views – guess well have to attack Russia then, or Putins head is over alaska or when she can’t even expalin her own talking points (she nver could explain what never second guessing Israel meant). How sad.
On the other hand, Obama showed a mastery of foreign policy, supposedly McCain’s strong point, and came off as reasoned and well informed. Meanwhile, McCain kept repeating the same attack phrases that did not hit, after they were rebutted the first time. Eventually, McCain just seemed like an angry, small man who could not even look at his opponent.
Most undecided voters were impressed with Obama, not with McCain. The polls are now reflecting the Obama surge and this election could turn into a rout.
Dear Troll,
Um, well, I, uh….don’t know how to tell you this. The polls after the debate show Obama taking a larger lead. The inside numbers are telling too.
Just thought I would brighten your morning.
Obama is ready to lead. McCain has proven he can’t lead with his rash decision making..Palin, suspending his campaign, crashing jets, the Keating Five……..
If anyone was wondering how science would respond to McCains’s alliance with the Luddite right, take a look at the list of Nobelists who have now endorsed Obama:
Thanks for posting the video of palin.
We can all agree that video of queen what’s her name (the gov) or darcy marcy would be truly offensive to hetro-sexual males.
So there was an AP article today about the upcoming vice-presidential debate. Here’s what one Rep had to say about Palin:
“Since Palin roused the Republican Party at its national convention this month, she has been undergoing a crash course in foreign policy. Her struggles with some answers in interviews have been lampooned on “Saturday Night Live.”
“She just has to show some rational basis to policy positions, some knowledge basis,” said Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan., a former GOP presidential candidate and McCain supporter. “I don’t think it is a high expectation level at all for her.”
Oh Sam, rational basis? This woman stood in a church and got blessed so she wouldn’t become a witch. She STILL can’t coherently answer the question of how Russia being next to Alaska gives her foreign policy experience.
She’s not dumb but she is a pure ideologue in the mold of Bush. She has not a shred of intellectual curiosity and believes the world is black and white (as does McCain but on even a more personal level). Laura Bush says she’s “a quick study”. We’ll see.
No wonder the world hates america.
Even the scientists in europe know about drilling for energy security.
Why are thee democrats in america against energy security?
Oh well… america can stand by and watch others drill as we suffer. Suffering is good for democrats, it’s proves their views about america are righteous.
Unlike the democrats that are afraid to speak honestly about the human gaffe machine.
No room in the big tent of the democrat party for opposing views. One view fits all, no matter how ignorant the view is. One only needs to look at joe liberman, very liberal except for one issue, so he’s kicked out of the party.
Say, did anyone watch the HD version of FDR giving the speech on teev about the depression? Of course, only the bright african americans could understand it.
Strange how no democrats even had the guts to say that was a stupid comment, or the media have a laugh at biden’s expense. Liberal bias in the media is becoming more obvious every day. When obama loses the reasons will be-
1. racist democrats
2. obama too far left
3. liberal media ruined the democrat party
Of course the ny times isn’t in the tank for democrats. wink wink
If not, how can you explain articles written using debunked smears as the basis for the article in the ny times.
Obviously even the media knows that the liberal planks don’t go over well with real americans. Otherwise they wouldn’t need to do everything they can to help democrats win.
Why won’t anyone ever explain why democrats have to track left in the primaries and track back towards the center in the general election.
Are what democrats believe in really that bad that they won’t run on their beliefs?
Marvin, Joe Biden can say some very dumb things sometimes and yes, the FDR comment was one of them. Happy?
Marvin, where has it been “debunked” about the rape kits? I looked and didn’t find it. What I do know is the police chief she put charged for rape kits. This went on her entire tenure until the then-governor of Alaska signed a law against it. Where has it been proven that this was not the case?
I read in the NY times where some Dems in Ohio voted for Kerry, voted for Clinton but all of a sudden, with Obama the candidate, can’t vote for him because of the abortion issue. Sure, there’s racism. But I would rather be the party of diversity (most of the time) compared with the whitey-white party of the Republicans. If you think Dems are racist, then I can’t imagine what you could think about Republicans. Did you happen to see the Rep. convention? A sea of white faces. Please.
And McCain isn’t swinging wildly center and right?
Rossi wants the women who were raped to have the kids so we can starve them when they get older and then when they get really old we can cut their social security. Us repugs gotta stay busy with our hobbies.
My point was the liberal media isn’t mocking him. Hell, you didn’t even mock him.
How do you feel about african americans, do you know any bright clean ones besides obama? Biden obviously doesn’t, otherwise he wouldn’t have pointed it out.
If you googled palin rape kit debunked and you couldn’t find a non-right wing site that accidently wrote the truth you didn’t look very hard.
Ever hear of fact check, or didn’t you like what you read?
Sorry Marvin, no debunking. There was clarification (i.e.Wasilla wasn’t the only place charging and Wasilla wasn’t mentioned during discussions of the bill) but yes, they charged the victims insurance and guess what? Yup only one woman reported a rape. And that’s exactly what a woman would do if she knew an insurance company was going to get ahold of the information? And whether Lady Palin knew? It’s a town of 9,000 and she had time to ask the librarian, twice, about banning books? She knew.
And yes, most of the the sites were right-wing.
Is the conservative media mocking McCain or Palin? Didn’t think so.