As Gregoire’s lead talking points generator you deserve some public recognition.
Heretofore, we should refer to the dynamic duo of David Goldstein and Christine Gregoire as:
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Oops, I meant Goldstein/Gregoire==
Mr. Cynicalspews:
It needs to be plural cuz there are 2 of ya!
Ben Sucksspews:
Ben Scheindelman hates poor people, he hates the families of this region who barely make it paycheck to paycheck, he hates the elderly, the unemployed, and the disabled.
That’s why he wants voters to hurt those with the least by shoving a big, regressive sales tax down their throat. None of the people who have less than Ben would benefit from those trains decades from now. But the Mariners’ owners, and bond lawyers, and Microsoft would like the trains. So Ben, being the fuck he is who hates the disadvantaged, is pushing REALLY hard for ST’s bloated ballot measure.
Way to go Ben, you sick fuck.
I know a farmer over in the Yakima valley. Has hundreds of acres. He has voted Republican all of his life. This year he is voting for Gregoire.
Small people who spew hate, blame and lies are not big enough or worthy to lead our country.
I know one school teacher and one Union Stewart both born Democrats will vote Dino.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Ekim spews:
“I know a farmer over in the Yakima valley. Has hundreds of acres. He has voted Republican all of his life. This year he is voting for Gregoire.”
Wow Ekim…how enlightening!!!
No name of the farmer.
No reason why he thinks Gregoire is so great.
You don’t even say if he has all his mental faculties.
Perhaps this Pro-Gregoire Farmer is merely a figment of your vivid, overactive imagination.
Will asked me to post a position on I-1000. I thank him, but I think that the Seattle Times this weekend gave a good and balanced picture.
I would add one poin to the Times’ story. Under I-1000 there is no protection for the terminally ill from confiscatory medical bills UNLESS they choose suicide. Terminally ill people, even young people, can easily run up $100s of $10000s, resulting in impoverishment of a surviving life partner. This is a real problem today and I think we need to redress that issue before doing anything else.
If anyone wants to read more, go see SJ.
Mr. C,
And you are a fucking piece of shit.
Marvin Stamnspews:
A couple things we can all agree on…
Obama is not about change. He’s the same kind of dishonest politician that runs for office.
In Daytona Beach, Obama said that “if my opponent had his way, the millions of Floridians who rely on it would’ve had their Social Security tied up in the stock market this week.” He referred to “elderly women” at risk of poverty, and said families would be scrambling to support “grandmothers and grandfathers.”
And like all politicians, obama plays the fear card.
A new Obama ad characterizes the “Bush-McCain privatization plan” as “cutting Social Security Benefits in half.” This is a falsehood sure to frighten seniors who rely on their Social Security checks. In truth, McCain does not propose to cut those checks at all.
If one didn’t know better one would think factcheck dot org was a right wing smear site the way they punk obama on a daily basis for his lies and mistruths.
Change you can believe in.
Marvin Stamnspews:
9. SeattleJew spews:
I would add one poin to the Times’ story. Under I-1000 there is no protection for the terminally ill from confiscatory medical bills UNLESS they choose suicide. Terminally ill people, even young people, can easily run up $100s of $10000s, resulting in impoverishment of a surviving life partner. This is a real problem today and I think we need to redress that issue before doing anything else.
Once doctors and hospitals get stiffed for their work, how much longer until the terminally ill won’t get admitted or get care?
W. Klingon Skousenspews:
Republicans are liars.
’nuff said
Marvin Stamnspews:
I was wondering…
Are there going to be any stories about the son of a democrat politician hacking into palin’s email account?
Oops, I forgot-
Because this is a partisan blog that takes on Republicans. He would be disgusted by the Democrat and what he did, but he wouldn’t write about it here.
@12 Stamm
I think y6ou are making my point. Under I-1000 the perosn who writes the script may, under current law, profit form the patient’s life being shortened.
That is a recipe for disaster.
Stamn …
By the bye, you don’t support Obama ..
You don’t support McCain
Beside your balls, do you support anything?
This is nothing but extension of Abortion on the elderly and people of no means to fight for themselves.
Disgraceful scam to extend Abortion.
You want to kill yourselves who will stop you today no one.
Marvin Stamnspews:
16. SeattleJew spews:
Stamn …
Beside your balls, do you support anything?
Thank you for thinking about my balls.
I support many things. If I was to talk about what I do the ha hooligans would either call me a liar or say I’m just bragging.
“I know one X who will be voting for the Anti-X candidate”. Blah blah blah. File this under “Whatever”.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Ekim spews:
“Mr. C,
And you are a fucking piece of shit.”
Is that the best you can do Ekim??
Go back to playing with your fantasy Yakima Farmer.
Ohh, and when the dudes in the little white jackets come for you, be cooperative. They are your new friends Ekim. They will put you in a happy place with your pretend Yakima farmer.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I think SJ might be a tad jealous that you actually have balls to support.
Republican Suicidespews:
It is fascinating to see the Repugs here, floundering about… spouting incoherently… never offering a solution… having nothing positive to say about their candidate… just desperately attempting to find some reason to live.
You are right, at my age you young studs make me very jealous!
Anyone willing to lay odds on the Republicans turning Paulson’s proposal into a financial kristallnacht by declaring that the only way to pay for it is to plunder Social Security?
Marvin Stamnspews:
24. SeattleJew spews:
You are right, at my age you young studs make me very jealous!
Speaking of young studs, (chuckle chuckle), I wonder where bibigoober went.
By his accounts he was screwing the wives of all the trolls, maybe that’s why he’s been gone.
I’m guessing his absence is because goldy blocked his ip because of all the sockpuppets posts he was putting up.
As Gregoire’s lead talking points generator you deserve some public recognition.
Heretofore, we should refer to the dynamic duo of David Goldstein and Christine Gregoire as:
Oops, I meant Goldstein/Gregoire==
It needs to be plural cuz there are 2 of ya!
Ben Scheindelman hates poor people, he hates the families of this region who barely make it paycheck to paycheck, he hates the elderly, the unemployed, and the disabled.
That’s why he wants voters to hurt those with the least by shoving a big, regressive sales tax down their throat. None of the people who have less than Ben would benefit from those trains decades from now. But the Mariners’ owners, and bond lawyers, and Microsoft would like the trains. So Ben, being the fuck he is who hates the disadvantaged, is pushing REALLY hard for ST’s bloated ballot measure.
Way to go Ben, you sick fuck.
I know a farmer over in the Yakima valley. Has hundreds of acres. He has voted Republican all of his life. This year he is voting for Gregoire.
Small people who spew hate, blame and lies are not big enough or worthy to lead our country.
I know one school teacher and one Union Stewart both born Democrats will vote Dino.
Ekim spews:
“I know a farmer over in the Yakima valley. Has hundreds of acres. He has voted Republican all of his life. This year he is voting for Gregoire.”
Wow Ekim…how enlightening!!!
No name of the farmer.
No reason why he thinks Gregoire is so great.
You don’t even say if he has all his mental faculties.
Perhaps this Pro-Gregoire Farmer is merely a figment of your vivid, overactive imagination.
Will asked me to post a position on I-1000. I thank him, but I think that the Seattle Times this weekend gave a good and balanced picture.
I would add one poin to the Times’ story. Under I-1000 there is no protection for the terminally ill from confiscatory medical bills UNLESS they choose suicide. Terminally ill people, even young people, can easily run up $100s of $10000s, resulting in impoverishment of a surviving life partner. This is a real problem today and I think we need to redress that issue before doing anything else.
If anyone wants to read more, go see SJ.
Mr. C,
And you are a fucking piece of shit.
A couple things we can all agree on…
Obama is not about change. He’s the same kind of dishonest politician that runs for office.
And like all politicians, obama plays the fear card.
If one didn’t know better one would think factcheck dot org was a right wing smear site the way they punk obama on a daily basis for his lies and mistruths.
Change you can believe in.
Once doctors and hospitals get stiffed for their work, how much longer until the terminally ill won’t get admitted or get care?
Republicans are liars.
’nuff said
I was wondering…
Are there going to be any stories about the son of a democrat politician hacking into palin’s email account?
Oops, I forgot-
@12 Stamm
I think y6ou are making my point. Under I-1000 the perosn who writes the script may, under current law, profit form the patient’s life being shortened.
That is a recipe for disaster.
Stamn …
By the bye, you don’t support Obama ..
You don’t support McCain
Beside your balls, do you support anything?
This is nothing but extension of Abortion on the elderly and people of no means to fight for themselves.
Disgraceful scam to extend Abortion.
You want to kill yourselves who will stop you today no one.
Thank you for thinking about my balls.
I support many things. If I was to talk about what I do the ha hooligans would either call me a liar or say I’m just bragging.
“I know one X who will be voting for the Anti-X candidate”. Blah blah blah. File this under “Whatever”.
Ekim spews:
“Mr. C,
And you are a fucking piece of shit.”
Is that the best you can do Ekim??
Go back to playing with your fantasy Yakima Farmer.
Ohh, and when the dudes in the little white jackets come for you, be cooperative. They are your new friends Ekim. They will put you in a happy place with your pretend Yakima farmer.
I think SJ might be a tad jealous that you actually have balls to support.
It is fascinating to see the Repugs here, floundering about… spouting incoherently… never offering a solution… having nothing positive to say about their candidate… just desperately attempting to find some reason to live.
There is no reason for you to live.
You know what to do.
John McCain: liar.
@21 Mr. C …
You are right, at my age you young studs make me very jealous!
Anyone willing to lay odds on the Republicans turning Paulson’s proposal into a financial kristallnacht by declaring that the only way to pay for it is to plunder Social Security?
Speaking of young studs, (chuckle chuckle), I wonder where bibigoober went.
By his accounts he was screwing the wives of all the trolls, maybe that’s why he’s been gone.
I’m guessing his absence is because goldy blocked his ip because of all the sockpuppets posts he was putting up.
ByeBye was a sick, angry man.
Pray for him.