What has or will barry do for us in one word or less?
That’s not true. McCain doesn’t know where Spain is; or the name of it’s President, and feels that if English was good enough for Jesus than it should be the official language of the world. That’s why, if elected, he promises to bring English, the language of Jesus, to the world. And cut taxes while doing it.
Blue Johnspews:
“If the King James Bible was good enough for Jes-us, it’s good enough for me!”
Roger Rabbitspews:
Marine Hero Denied Medal Of Honor
The government announced today that Sgt. Rafael Peralta, who was severely wounded several times before throwing himself on a grenade to save his buddies in Iraq, will be awarded the Navy Cross instead of the Medal of Honor, which Army PFC Ross McGinnis got for doing the same thing.
Terrorist,Cuba,Russia,North,Venezuela,Mexico and San Francisco supports Barry.
No need to say anymore on why McCain will win.
Blue Johnspews:
@5 Did they say why? Or are you trying to infer racism from the last names?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Roger Rabbit Quiz
Sgt. Peralta won’t get the Medal of Honor because:
[ ] 1. The Marines ran out of them.
[ ] 2. It should be harder to get in the Marines than the Army.
[ ] 3. Everyone else who does that gets it, and there needs to be an exception to every rule.
[ ] 4. He probably would have died anyway, and one of his wounds was from an American bullet that ricocheted, and you don’t get the Medal of Honor for being shot by our own guys.
[ ] 5. Are you kidding? Give the Medal of Honor to a Mexican immigrant?! You gotta be a white guy from Nebraska, New Jersey, or North Carolina to get the Medal of Honor!
Blue Johnspews:
Or Maybe he was gay?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 Not one African-American was awarded the Medal of Honor in World War II. By the time 9 black soldiers of WW2 had their awards upgraded to the MOH under the Clinton administration, only 1 of them was still alive. The same thing happened to the Nisei soldiers (Japanese-Americans who fought on the American side in WW2); none were awarded the MOH during the war, but several were upgraded to the MOH under Clinton (including 1 from Seattle who is buried in the Evergreen-Washelli military cemetery).
Racism? Naaa, that doesn’t happen in America’s military forces — er, does it??
[] 6. They just now ran out of CMH medals, and by golly, the government has to start economizing somewhere.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 Not according to his girlfriend. I think they must have run out of those medals after they gave the last one to that white guy who did the same thing.
LMAO!! I enjoyed it! Did the original Angels jiggle that much? I’m proud to say I never watched more than 5 minutes of that show. What I saw was pretty boring.
I look forward to more installments. Beats waiting for people to finally wake up to the Republicans stealing them blind.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Of course, it doesn’t matter to him — he’s dead — but his family is disappointed. The Bush administration sat on this case for a long time, so long it was beginning to look like the next president would make the decision. The news reports last spring made it sound like it had cleared all the Pentagon approvals and was awaiting White House action. Of course, the immigrant-hating Republicans probably wouldn’t stoop so low as to discriminate against a war hero just because he’s a Mexican immigrant, would they? Even though an AOL reader poll says 85% of 44,000 AOL subscribers think he got screwed.
Roger Rabbitspews:
One of my buddies in Vietnam got the Medal of Honor for throwing himself on a grenade. But he was a white guy from the south, so it sailed right through the Pentagon and White House approvals. The funny thing about it, though, was he came from the poor section of town and the town fathers in his hometown refused to let him be buried in the “good” cemetery so they planted what was left of him in the cruddy cemetery where they bury the white trash. Now there’s a granite monument and a big American flag on a tall pole in the cruddy cemetery, and the good cemetery where all the respectable people from that town are buried doesn’t have a granite monument to a war hero or a big flagpole, neener neener.
Pooty poop poopspews:
Real conservatives support Obama:
Former National Review editor Wick Allison:
“Today it is conservatives, not liberals, who talk with alarming bellicosity about making the world “safe for democracy.” It is John McCain who says America’s job is to “defeat evil,” a theological expansion of the nation’s mission that would make George Washington cough out his wooden teeth.
This kind of conservatism, which is not conservative at all, has produced financial mismanagement, the waste of human lives, the loss of moral authority, and the wreckage of our economy that McCain now threatens to make worse.
Barack Obama is not my ideal candidate for president. (In fact, I made the maximum donation to John McCain during the primaries, when there was still hope he might come to his senses.) But I now see that Obama is almost the ideal candidate for this moment in American history. I disagree with him on many issues. But those don’t matter as much as what Obama offers, which is a deeply conservative view of the world. Nobody can read Obama’s books (which, it is worth noting, he wrote himself) or listen to him speak without realizing that this is a thoughtful, pragmatic, and prudent man. It gives me comfort just to think that after eight years of George W. Bush we will have a president who has actually read the Federalist Papers.”
Of course they mention he’s a son of a congressman. Even post a picture of daddy but forgot to mention his party.
Which means one thing… he’s a democrat.
And since he’s a democrat, his family problems is a personal issue.
“This is a family matter that my family and I will be dealing with privately. John is a grown man and must face the consequences for his actions, but he has the love and support of his family,” says the elder Boyd.
Bristol has been dragged through the mud by the liberal media for not committing any crimes, yet the son of a democrat is off limits when he’s caught smuggling illegal immigrants into the country.
TUCSON, AZ – The son of a U.S. Congressman from was arrested in Willcox Sunday, charged with human smuggling. According to court documents John F. Boyd son of Florida Congressman Allen Boyd, attempted to drive through a Border Patrol checkpoint in Willcox on Sunday with five illegal immigrants, including a 6-year-old girl.
Court documents also state that the vehicle contained, “two plastic bags that contained several rocks of crystal methamphetamine, four unopened syringes, a spoon with white residue and burn marks on the bottom, and three knives. A further search of the vehicle revealed a Beretta 22LR pistol loaded with eight rounds of ammunition and a spare magazine loaded with eight rounds of ammunition in a suitcase in the bed of the truck.”
How stupid is the libeal biased media, do they not know about google?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 It isn’t the CMH (Congressional Medal of Honor) anymore. It’s just the MOH (Medal of Honor) now, and Congress doesn’t have anything to do with it — who gets it is now controlled by the executive branch (i.e., Pentagon and White House). They didn’t want the Democrats in Congress giving them to the wrong people, I guess. I’m not sure when it changed, maybe after a Vietnam MOH recipient told Esquire Magazine that was the first time he went into battle stoned. Maybe they’re afraid letting Congress muck with it will lead to legalizing pot for medical use.
Senator Obama said he would have went to Nam except the war was over. If he did go I know he would have received CMH as he told me so.
Vote for a war hero vote Obama for a real change.
McCain calls for new regulatory agency for the financial sector. It will, of course, be a conservative agency-in other words it will merely put lipstick on pigs.
And Goldy continues his streak of not being able to write a pro-Obama piece lately.
This tactic of your netrooters is going to fail. Bash and smear McCain/Palin, and hope that some of some of it sticks and moves voters to Obama is hardly a winning strategy.
BTW, I’m going to be back here in November saying I told you so, and each and every one of you WILL apologize to me, and WILL tell me that I was right and you were wrong.
Goldie and his troops are little people hoping the Socialist Obama would win so for the second time in their life they could feel like a little
baby again.
Democrats are running scared as Gov. Sarah Palin’s popularly across America is flying high and wide.
On Sept. 4, an Alaska State Senator is removed from an Alaska Airlines Flight by police after she throws her water at flight attendents who refuse to serve her alchohol, was rude and loudly complaining about the pilots, kept getting up and causing problems, forced the pilot to stop his taxi because she continued to text-message on her Blackberry after being told not to by the flight crew. She is married to another Alaska state representative who was sentenced to 60 months in the Velco scandal, and once served as an intern to U.S. Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska.
Who is this woman, and why won’t Alaska Airlines press charges?
I don’t think they like Obama. They never talk about him. The only thing they care about is that he’s a Democrat. I think they are driven by hate and intolerance for anyone who doesn’t think like them, and who doesn’t belong to their political party.
Psst, rhp, bashing McCain/Palin isn’t going to work. You need to be talking up your boy.
If I was a democrat I couldn’t defend him either.
Allen @ 24:
“Until … the news media is going to treat her with some level of respect and deference … it would be foolhardy to put her out into that kind of environment.”
McCain campaign manager Rick Davis, on why vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is giving so few interviews to the press.
Palin’s star is flaming out. People like her when they see the label, but after they open the can and see the product inside, they just have an empty stomach.
Besides, recent polls I heard reported on the radio this morning said that Palin was only helping with respect to the Republican base, not with respect to independent or Democratic voters.
As a Democrat, I am ashamed that my party as turned into the party of hate, intolerance, fear-mongering, and negativity.
Pooty poop poopspews:
Troll if you are a democrat you are a self hating democrat-just kill yourself or join the republican partyy or get a job and move out of your mommy’s basement or go oer and whinme on a wingnut blog but for the love of Gawd quit the pretense.
Here’s how I read your comment. Basically, you are saying that I must mindlessly agree with everything Goldy says, or I am not a true Democrat. Is that what you are saying?
“Besides, recent polls I heard reported on the radio this morning said that Palin was only helping with respect to the Republican base, not with respect to independent or Democratic voters.”
That’s all she’s supposed to do. She’s the head cheerleader for the dominionist crazies to make a lot of noise to support the myth of a “Christian surge” as cover for stealing the electoral votes in key states, just like four years ago.
You’re consumed with Republicans to the point you dream about us.
Troll @ 26, 28: You are just trying to re-direct the comment threads away from McCain, Palin, and the failed Republican economic policies. Nice try, but no cigar.
My Left Footspews:
I would respectfully request that Troll and his pals take a look across the board at the newest polls. Obama has weathered the Palin bounce, begun to expose McSame (you will notice neither Democratic candidate is uttering the word Palin because she is insignificant) and has taken the lead again in the vast majority of recognized polls.
This race is between two men. The VP choice nice news for a few days, but ultimately it matters little.
Enjoy the last few months of Bush.
President Obama will making some changes and you ain’t gonna like it.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hey Rog–
Bought NOV (2000 shares) again @ $49.81 and GE (3000 shares) @ $22.50 like I told you I was going to do.
Did you follow my advice???????????
Can’t want for the LEFTIST PINHEADED KOWARDLY KLOWNS to criticize my “profiteering.
At one point today the DJIA was at 10,459.44. If it had closed at that level it would have achieved a DJIA growth over the almost eight years of the Bush presidency of -1.21, which was worse than the four years under the Carter administration (-0.87) of whom the Republicans have liked to label as a “dismal economic performance” by “the worst President ever” (their words, not mine).
But the Feds came to the rescue, to save Bush from the P.R. disaster that was in the making. First, they strong-armed global banks to put 180 billion dollars into global money markets to avoid a “liquidity crisis”. Then the Fed injected ANOTHER 55 Billion into the U.S. economy in overnight loans (I think it was Monday or Tuesday they put in 70 billion?). Even that didn’t start the hemoraging. So instead by late in the trading session they let leak that the Treasury Dept. was considering a plan to let the Federal Government take over all the bad loans, similar to the Saviings & Loan bailout in 1987, but much larger.
That’s right folks. The administration staffed with devoted neo-cons who rejected government “intervention” in the markets in the forms of reasonable regulation, oversight, and enforcement, are throwing taxpayer money at the problem in an attempt to put out the fire which they allowed to spark and spread. Maybe they are trying to douse the fire, but I since they are only acting after polls show a reversal in McCain’s fortunes and the economy becoming a campaign issue, I strongly suspect that they merely see this as a P.R. problem, requiring a P.R. solution.
Of course, the market rallied as a result, gaining 410 points. Not enough to make up for Wednesday’s 449 point loss, let alone Monday’s 500+ point loss. But enough to give Bush a margin so he can avoid the inevitable comparisons with Carter, and possibly enough to make keep the McCain campaign from melting down.
So I have to ask:
(1) How does this process meet the Conservative fiscal policy?
(2) If the Republicans have to rely upon massive government intervention in the economy to remain competative in an election, what does this say about Republican economic idiology?
(3) Doesn’t such a massive bailout plan prove that Bush & McCain were fundamentally wrong in their judgement when they insisted, as McCain put it, that “the economy is fundamentally strong”? Doesn’t that prove that Obama’s judgment with respect to economic matters is fundamentally better than that of either Bush or McCain?
(4) And how would the Republicans have reacted if John Kerry had been elected and handled the economy as Bush has, with the same results?
My Left Footspews:
The only criticism is that you are LYING.
Oh, this one almost slipped by me.
How do Republicans argue that the economy is “fundamentally sound”, even as things around them are going to hell in a handbasket? They change the methods of measurement, that’s how.
That’s how you can be paying three times the price of gas than you were a year ago, and twice the amount of groceries, and everything else is going up at least 10%, and Republicans can argue that inflation is only at 3.5% per annum. They changed the way the measure it to strip out oil and food prices from the index, as well as price increases in other items which were caused by increases in oil or food prices, and then adjust the GDP (again) by assuming inflation is at the lowest rate in ten years, creating a fictitious quarterly “adjusted” GDP which shows a 3+% rise – even though everybody knows differently.
And today, as Wall Street was cheering the news that the government was going to take over all those risky loans upon which mortgage bankers made huge profits (and took home huge personal bonuses), they did it again. AIG group was dropped from the DCJIA, replaced instead by that stalwart if industry, Kraft Foods.
That alone should account for a considerable portion of today’s DJIA increase. It’s not the first adjustment that’s been made, a month or two ago a couple of other weak performers were dropped from the Dow, and replaced with stronger firms.
So when we try to compare Bush’s economic record with that of any other President, remember that they keep changing the rules in order to make Bush’s performance at least a little bit better.
The Republicans are finding that they are going to have to keep Palin under wrap for a while. The Alaska investigator has issued his subpoenas in the “troopergate” scandal, as authorized by the Republican-controlled Alaska legislature.
But today, Governor Palin’s office (she is absent, campaigning) announced that they were reniging on (another) agreement to make these witnesses available, and won’t allow them to be questioned until after the election. Note that the investigator is charged with issuing a report by October 31st (a date chosen long before Palin became a vice-presidential nominee), and there is some question about his ability to keep pursuing the investigation after that date. Enforcement of the subpoenas (via Contempt citation) requires a vote of the entire Alaska legislature, which doesn’t re-convene until January, and only the governor (Palin) can call them back into session before then.
So we won’t know if Palin committed a crime until AFTER voters have to decide if they are going to vote to place her a heartbeat away from the oldest President ever elected (if he wins).
So we have to ask ourselves – knowing what we already know to date, do we want to vote another Spiro Agnew into office? In avoiding the turmoil of an impeachment trial of Bush & Cheney, are we setting ourselves up for another one with Palin?
GOP senator: A ‘stretch’ to say Palin is qualified
WASHINGTON (AP) — Nebraska Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel said his party’s vice presidential nominee, Sarah Palin, lacks foreign policy experience and called it a “stretch” to say she’s qualified to be president.
“She doesn’t have any foreign policy credentials,” Hagel said in an interview published Thursday by the Omaha World-Herald. “You get a passport for the first time in your life last year? I mean, I don’t know what you can say. You can’t say anything.”
Could Palin lead the country if GOP presidential nominee John McCain could not?
“I think it’s a stretch to, in any way, to say that she’s got the experience to be president of the United States,” Hagel said.
You couldn’t get a job at McDonald’s and become district manager after 143 days of experience.
You couldn’t become chief of surgery after 143 days of experience of being a surgeon.
You couldn’t get a job as a teacher and be the superintendent after 143 days of experience.
You couldn’t join the military and become a colonel after a 143 days of experience.
You couldn’t get a job as a reporter and become the nightly news anchor after 143 days of experience.
‘From the time Barack Obama was sworn in as a United State Senator, to the time he announced he was forming a Presidential exploratory committee, he logged 143 days of experience in the Senate. That’s how many days the Senate was actually in session and working. After 143 days of work experience, Obama believed he was ready to be Commander In Chief, Leader of the Free World …. 143 days.
We all have to start somewhere. The senate is a good start, but after 143 days, that’s all it is – a start.
AND, strangely, a large sector of the American public is okay with this and campaigning for him. We wouldn’t accept this in our own line of work, yet some are okay with this for the President of the United States of America ? Come on folks, we are not voting for the next American Idol!
Alex @ 33: Sorry, but if you insist on continuing to believe that Obama isn’t qualified to become President, then you have to admit that Palin is even less qualified. If you were being honest and consistent, that is. And don’t give me that crap about a local “executive” job being more important than a national “legislative” job – that doesn’t hold water, especially with respect to a state with a population and unique circumstances as Alaska. (New York, maybe).
And of course, you are counting only legislative days (days when the Senate is in session taking votes). A Senator doesn’t only work on legislative days. Most of them work constantly, even when the Senate isn’t in session, either on administrative matters, homework for committee duties, meetings with constituents or national (or international) figures, or party duties. But that’s a minor point.
Sorry, that works in Chicago politics.
Tell him to run for mayor.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Are you liberals here actually scared that McCain could win? I don’t see that happening.
They actually think Gov.Palin is running for President like Christine is running for Federal office.
What jerks we have on this blog.
The rain in Spain falls mainly on McCain!
What has or will barry do for us in one word or less?
That’s not true. McCain doesn’t know where Spain is; or the name of it’s President, and feels that if English was good enough for Jesus than it should be the official language of the world. That’s why, if elected, he promises to bring English, the language of Jesus, to the world. And cut taxes while doing it.
“If the King James Bible was good enough for Jes-us, it’s good enough for me!”
Marine Hero Denied Medal Of Honor
The government announced today that Sgt. Rafael Peralta, who was severely wounded several times before throwing himself on a grenade to save his buddies in Iraq, will be awarded the Navy Cross instead of the Medal of Honor, which Army PFC Ross McGinnis got for doing the same thing.
Terrorist,Cuba,Russia,North,Venezuela,Mexico and San Francisco supports Barry.
No need to say anymore on why McCain will win.
@5 Did they say why? Or are you trying to infer racism from the last names?
Roger Rabbit Quiz
Sgt. Peralta won’t get the Medal of Honor because:
[ ] 1. The Marines ran out of them.
[ ] 2. It should be harder to get in the Marines than the Army.
[ ] 3. Everyone else who does that gets it, and there needs to be an exception to every rule.
[ ] 4. He probably would have died anyway, and one of his wounds was from an American bullet that ricocheted, and you don’t get the Medal of Honor for being shot by our own guys.
[ ] 5. Are you kidding? Give the Medal of Honor to a Mexican immigrant?! You gotta be a white guy from Nebraska, New Jersey, or North Carolina to get the Medal of Honor!
Or Maybe he was gay?
@7 Not one African-American was awarded the Medal of Honor in World War II. By the time 9 black soldiers of WW2 had their awards upgraded to the MOH under the Clinton administration, only 1 of them was still alive. The same thing happened to the Nisei soldiers (Japanese-Americans who fought on the American side in WW2); none were awarded the MOH during the war, but several were upgraded to the MOH under Clinton (including 1 from Seattle who is buried in the Evergreen-Washelli military cemetery).
Racism? Naaa, that doesn’t happen in America’s military forces — er, does it??
[] 6. They just now ran out of CMH medals, and by golly, the government has to start economizing somewhere.
@9 Not according to his girlfriend. I think they must have run out of those medals after they gave the last one to that white guy who did the same thing.
LMAO!! I enjoyed it! Did the original Angels jiggle that much? I’m proud to say I never watched more than 5 minutes of that show. What I saw was pretty boring.
I look forward to more installments. Beats waiting for people to finally wake up to the Republicans stealing them blind.
Of course, it doesn’t matter to him — he’s dead — but his family is disappointed. The Bush administration sat on this case for a long time, so long it was beginning to look like the next president would make the decision. The news reports last spring made it sound like it had cleared all the Pentagon approvals and was awaiting White House action. Of course, the immigrant-hating Republicans probably wouldn’t stoop so low as to discriminate against a war hero just because he’s a Mexican immigrant, would they? Even though an AOL reader poll says 85% of 44,000 AOL subscribers think he got screwed.
One of my buddies in Vietnam got the Medal of Honor for throwing himself on a grenade. But he was a white guy from the south, so it sailed right through the Pentagon and White House approvals. The funny thing about it, though, was he came from the poor section of town and the town fathers in his hometown refused to let him be buried in the “good” cemetery so they planted what was left of him in the cruddy cemetery where they bury the white trash. Now there’s a granite monument and a big American flag on a tall pole in the cruddy cemetery, and the good cemetery where all the respectable people from that town are buried doesn’t have a granite monument to a war hero or a big flagpole, neener neener.
Real conservatives support Obama:
Former National Review editor Wick Allison:
“Today it is conservatives, not liberals, who talk with alarming bellicosity about making the world “safe for democracy.” It is John McCain who says America’s job is to “defeat evil,” a theological expansion of the nation’s mission that would make George Washington cough out his wooden teeth.
This kind of conservatism, which is not conservative at all, has produced financial mismanagement, the waste of human lives, the loss of moral authority, and the wreckage of our economy that McCain now threatens to make worse.
Barack Obama is not my ideal candidate for president. (In fact, I made the maximum donation to John McCain during the primaries, when there was still hope he might come to his senses.) But I now see that Obama is almost the ideal candidate for this moment in American history. I disagree with him on many issues. But those don’t matter as much as what Obama offers, which is a deeply conservative view of the world. Nobody can read Obama’s books (which, it is worth noting, he wrote himself) or listen to him speak without realizing that this is a thoughtful, pragmatic, and prudent man. It gives me comfort just to think that after eight years of George W. Bush we will have a president who has actually read the Federalist Papers.”
Read the whole thing at:
Another example of the liberal bias in the media.
Of course they mention he’s a son of a congressman. Even post a picture of daddy but forgot to mention his party.
Which means one thing… he’s a democrat.
And since he’s a democrat, his family problems is a personal issue.
Bristol has been dragged through the mud by the liberal media for not committing any crimes, yet the son of a democrat is off limits when he’s caught smuggling illegal immigrants into the country.
How stupid is the libeal biased media, do they not know about google?
@11 It isn’t the CMH (Congressional Medal of Honor) anymore. It’s just the MOH (Medal of Honor) now, and Congress doesn’t have anything to do with it — who gets it is now controlled by the executive branch (i.e., Pentagon and White House). They didn’t want the Democrats in Congress giving them to the wrong people, I guess. I’m not sure when it changed, maybe after a Vietnam MOH recipient told Esquire Magazine that was the first time he went into battle stoned. Maybe they’re afraid letting Congress muck with it will lead to legalizing pot for medical use.
Senator Obama said he would have went to Nam except the war was over. If he did go I know he would have received CMH as he told me so.
Vote for a war hero vote Obama for a real change.
posted on the wrong Cesspool.
Senator Obama’s backer is in …. bloggers/2084685/posts
McCain calls for new regulatory agency for the financial sector. It will, of course, be a conservative agency-in other words it will merely put lipstick on pigs.
And Goldy continues his streak of not being able to write a pro-Obama piece lately.
This tactic of your netrooters is going to fail. Bash and smear McCain/Palin, and hope that some of some of it sticks and moves voters to Obama is hardly a winning strategy.
BTW, I’m going to be back here in November saying I told you so, and each and every one of you WILL apologize to me, and WILL tell me that I was right and you were wrong.
Goldie and his troops are little people hoping the Socialist Obama would win so for the second time in their life they could feel like a little
baby again.
Democrats are running scared as Gov. Sarah Palin’s popularly across America is flying high and wide.
On Sept. 4, an Alaska State Senator is removed from an Alaska Airlines Flight by police after she throws her water at flight attendents who refuse to serve her alchohol, was rude and loudly complaining about the pilots, kept getting up and causing problems, forced the pilot to stop his taxi because she continued to text-message on her Blackberry after being told not to by the flight crew. She is married to another Alaska state representative who was sentenced to 60 months in the Velco scandal, and once served as an intern to U.S. Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska.
Who is this woman, and why won’t Alaska Airlines press charges?
I don’t think they like Obama. They never talk about him. The only thing they care about is that he’s a Democrat. I think they are driven by hate and intolerance for anyone who doesn’t think like them, and who doesn’t belong to their political party.
She’s a closet Democrat.
Psst, rhp, bashing McCain/Palin isn’t going to work. You need to be talking up your boy.
If I was a democrat I couldn’t defend him either.
Allen @ 24:
McCain campaign manager Rick Davis, on why vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is giving so few interviews to the press.
Palin’s star is flaming out. People like her when they see the label, but after they open the can and see the product inside, they just have an empty stomach.
Besides, recent polls I heard reported on the radio this morning said that Palin was only helping with respect to the Republican base, not with respect to independent or Democratic voters.
As a Democrat, I am ashamed that my party as turned into the party of hate, intolerance, fear-mongering, and negativity.
Troll if you are a democrat you are a self hating democrat-just kill yourself or join the republican partyy or get a job and move out of your mommy’s basement or go oer and whinme on a wingnut blog but for the love of Gawd quit the pretense.
Here’s how I read your comment. Basically, you are saying that I must mindlessly agree with everything Goldy says, or I am not a true Democrat. Is that what you are saying?
“Besides, recent polls I heard reported on the radio this morning said that Palin was only helping with respect to the Republican base, not with respect to independent or Democratic voters.”
That’s all she’s supposed to do. She’s the head cheerleader for the dominionist crazies to make a lot of noise to support the myth of a “Christian surge” as cover for stealing the electoral votes in key states, just like four years ago.
You’re consumed with Republicans to the point you dream about us.
Troll @ 26, 28: You are just trying to re-direct the comment threads away from McCain, Palin, and the failed Republican economic policies. Nice try, but no cigar.
I would respectfully request that Troll and his pals take a look across the board at the newest polls. Obama has weathered the Palin bounce, begun to expose McSame (you will notice neither Democratic candidate is uttering the word Palin because she is insignificant) and has taken the lead again in the vast majority of recognized polls.
This race is between two men. The VP choice nice news for a few days, but ultimately it matters little.
Enjoy the last few months of Bush.
President Obama will making some changes and you ain’t gonna like it.
Hey Rog–
Bought NOV (2000 shares) again @ $49.81 and GE (3000 shares) @ $22.50 like I told you I was going to do.
Did you follow my advice???????????
Can’t want for the LEFTIST PINHEADED KOWARDLY KLOWNS to criticize my “profiteering.
At one point today the DJIA was at 10,459.44. If it had closed at that level it would have achieved a DJIA growth over the almost eight years of the Bush presidency of -1.21, which was worse than the four years under the Carter administration (-0.87) of whom the Republicans have liked to label as a “dismal economic performance” by “the worst President ever” (their words, not mine).
But the Feds came to the rescue, to save Bush from the P.R. disaster that was in the making. First, they strong-armed global banks to put 180 billion dollars into global money markets to avoid a “liquidity crisis”. Then the Fed injected ANOTHER 55 Billion into the U.S. economy in overnight loans (I think it was Monday or Tuesday they put in 70 billion?). Even that didn’t start the hemoraging. So instead by late in the trading session they let leak that the Treasury Dept. was considering a plan to let the Federal Government take over all the bad loans, similar to the Saviings & Loan bailout in 1987, but much larger.
That’s right folks. The administration staffed with devoted neo-cons who rejected government “intervention” in the markets in the forms of reasonable regulation, oversight, and enforcement, are throwing taxpayer money at the problem in an attempt to put out the fire which they allowed to spark and spread. Maybe they are trying to douse the fire, but I since they are only acting after polls show a reversal in McCain’s fortunes and the economy becoming a campaign issue, I strongly suspect that they merely see this as a P.R. problem, requiring a P.R. solution.
Of course, the market rallied as a result, gaining 410 points. Not enough to make up for Wednesday’s 449 point loss, let alone Monday’s 500+ point loss. But enough to give Bush a margin so he can avoid the inevitable comparisons with Carter, and possibly enough to make keep the McCain campaign from melting down.
So I have to ask:
(1) How does this process meet the Conservative fiscal policy?
(2) If the Republicans have to rely upon massive government intervention in the economy to remain competative in an election, what does this say about Republican economic idiology?
(3) Doesn’t such a massive bailout plan prove that Bush & McCain were fundamentally wrong in their judgement when they insisted, as McCain put it, that “the economy is fundamentally strong”? Doesn’t that prove that Obama’s judgment with respect to economic matters is fundamentally better than that of either Bush or McCain?
(4) And how would the Republicans have reacted if John Kerry had been elected and handled the economy as Bush has, with the same results?
The only criticism is that you are LYING.
Oh, this one almost slipped by me.
How do Republicans argue that the economy is “fundamentally sound”, even as things around them are going to hell in a handbasket? They change the methods of measurement, that’s how.
That’s how you can be paying three times the price of gas than you were a year ago, and twice the amount of groceries, and everything else is going up at least 10%, and Republicans can argue that inflation is only at 3.5% per annum. They changed the way the measure it to strip out oil and food prices from the index, as well as price increases in other items which were caused by increases in oil or food prices, and then adjust the GDP (again) by assuming inflation is at the lowest rate in ten years, creating a fictitious quarterly “adjusted” GDP which shows a 3+% rise – even though everybody knows differently.
And today, as Wall Street was cheering the news that the government was going to take over all those risky loans upon which mortgage bankers made huge profits (and took home huge personal bonuses), they did it again. AIG group was dropped from the DCJIA, replaced instead by that stalwart if industry, Kraft Foods.
That alone should account for a considerable portion of today’s DJIA increase. It’s not the first adjustment that’s been made, a month or two ago a couple of other weak performers were dropped from the Dow, and replaced with stronger firms.
So when we try to compare Bush’s economic record with that of any other President, remember that they keep changing the rules in order to make Bush’s performance at least a little bit better.
The Republicans are finding that they are going to have to keep Palin under wrap for a while. The Alaska investigator has issued his subpoenas in the “troopergate” scandal, as authorized by the Republican-controlled Alaska legislature.
But today, Governor Palin’s office (she is absent, campaigning) announced that they were reniging on (another) agreement to make these witnesses available, and won’t allow them to be questioned until after the election. Note that the investigator is charged with issuing a report by October 31st (a date chosen long before Palin became a vice-presidential nominee), and there is some question about his ability to keep pursuing the investigation after that date. Enforcement of the subpoenas (via Contempt citation) requires a vote of the entire Alaska legislature, which doesn’t re-convene until January, and only the governor (Palin) can call them back into session before then.
So we won’t know if Palin committed a crime until AFTER voters have to decide if they are going to vote to place her a heartbeat away from the oldest President ever elected (if he wins).
So we have to ask ourselves – knowing what we already know to date, do we want to vote another Spiro Agnew into office? In avoiding the turmoil of an impeachment trial of Bush & Cheney, are we setting ourselves up for another one with Palin?
You couldn’t get a job at McDonald’s and become district manager after 143 days of experience.
You couldn’t become chief of surgery after 143 days of experience of being a surgeon.
You couldn’t get a job as a teacher and be the superintendent after 143 days of experience.
You couldn’t join the military and become a colonel after a 143 days of experience.
You couldn’t get a job as a reporter and become the nightly news anchor after 143 days of experience.
‘From the time Barack Obama was sworn in as a United State Senator, to the time he announced he was forming a Presidential exploratory committee, he logged 143 days of experience in the Senate. That’s how many days the Senate was actually in session and working. After 143 days of work experience, Obama believed he was ready to be Commander In Chief, Leader of the Free World …. 143 days.
We all have to start somewhere. The senate is a good start, but after 143 days, that’s all it is – a start.
AND, strangely, a large sector of the American public is okay with this and campaigning for him. We wouldn’t accept this in our own line of work, yet some are okay with this for the President of the United States of America ? Come on folks, we are not voting for the next American Idol!
Whoopsie!! How power-crazed is this woman???
Alex @ 33: Sorry, but if you insist on continuing to believe that Obama isn’t qualified to become President, then you have to admit that Palin is even less qualified. If you were being honest and consistent, that is. And don’t give me that crap about a local “executive” job being more important than a national “legislative” job – that doesn’t hold water, especially with respect to a state with a population and unique circumstances as Alaska. (New York, maybe).
And of course, you are counting only legislative days (days when the Senate is in session taking votes). A Senator doesn’t only work on legislative days. Most of them work constantly, even when the Senate isn’t in session, either on administrative matters, homework for committee duties, meetings with constituents or national (or international) figures, or party duties. But that’s a minor point.
Sorry, that works in Chicago politics.
Tell him to run for mayor.
Are you liberals here actually scared that McCain could win? I don’t see that happening.
They actually think Gov.Palin is running for President like Christine is running for Federal office.
What jerks we have on this blog.
Mc Cain’s V.P.I.L.F. is Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin is a VPILF!!!! (A quick Summary of the clusterf*ck)
When the democrats have nothing working for them they revert to slim.
Actually, those are really funny comedy skits.
Btw, what would you call what Carl Rove and Co. did to Max Cleland?
Barry lies and can’t be elected this is all a money grab by him to fill his pockets with YOUR money.