Mind you, I’m not really trying to make fun of her, but let’s face it – for those of you that have even heard of drifting, the last person on Earth you’d associate with it is a possible First Lady.
What’s the shelf life of her bridge story? Imagine having to sit in an audience and pretending interest! Pete and Repeat need to freshen up their campaign at some point you would think.
“Voters can add, and they realize that his spending plans and tax cut promises come to a trillion dollars and that his tax increases represent only one-tenth as much. They know that everyone who pays taxes will end up paying more if Obama is elected. The question will be: Is it worth it?
Is his commitment to income redistribution and increasing tax “fairness” worth the risk his tax plans pose for the economy?”
Wow, looking back at the Pig comment from Obama leads one to this:
John McCain says he’s about change too. Exce- and and so I guess his whole angle is – watch out, George Bush – except for economic policy, healthcare policy, tax policy, education policy, foreign policy, and Karl-Rove-style politics, we’re really gonna shake things up in Washington. That’s not change.
That’s that’s just callin’ sumpin’ the same thing somethin’ different. But you know, you can’t, you know, you you can put, ah, lipstick on a pig, it’s still a pig.”
Does Obama have an original thought anymore? He stumbled by almost saying the Exce as Toles originally wrote it. Or it seems this was a Donkey Playbook talking point.
“”To paraphrase the words of one blogger who said it best over the weekend: We will defend Sarah Palin against misogynist smears not because we like her or support her, but because that’s how feminism works.””
Now this is telling…
“The speech itself dragged on for three-quarters of an hour. As David S Broder wrote in the Washington Post: “[Obama’s] recital of a long list of domestic promises could have been delivered by any Democratic nominee from Walter Mondale to John Kerry.”
“On television, Obama’s spectacle might have looked like The Ten Commandments, but inside the stadium it felt like Night of the Living Dead. The longer the candidate spoke, and the more money he promised to spend on alternative energy, preschool education, universal health care, and other components of the Democratic pinata, the lower the party professionals slouched into their seats.”
“No country’s politics depends more openly on friendships than America’s, yet Obama has not a single real friend, for he rose so fast that all his acquaintances become rungs on the ladder of his ascent. One human relationship crowds the others out of his life, his marriage to Michelle, a strong, assertive and very angry woman.”
Of course the liberal Amerikkkan (Pastor Wright) Press chose not to repeat this.
Shit Shit Shitspews:
FACT – no bouy but dreary blog rats care
FACT – Palin sharked the feds for the mone and used it for othr projects involving bad bridger in her state
FACT She is fucking smart and aggressive, I wish Gregoire could shark more dollars out of DC – taxpayers send it to DC and the GAME is to get it back
FACT old and stale, will not bring any new votes to Obama or rally his supporters
FACT calling her a pig is a horrrid mistake, just delivered millions of women voters to Palin/McCain – and IT WAS DELIBERATE. Beyond the insult, it reeks of sheerly stupid media plan and desperation.
FACT Plain has really had her effect- they just cn’t get her off the front page and are now putting her there, Yuk, what a debacle this is in process of unfolding.
FACT Issues of race already work against Obama, NOW, his blunders are delivering sexism to his door. Hillary won’t carry his water if he calls women in politics pig like. Shit, shit, shit.
FACT Biden took a shot at Palin;s downs s. child – New mother with less than perfect child – take a shot Biden, what kind of fool are you? About as cruel as an accusation can get. Crude, rude and anti everything. Big mouth Biden . Talking about special needs kids she echos the Kennedy family, and shows leadership where a lot is needed. Shit, shit, shit.
Like small tiny cockroaches, the leftwingnuts scurry in fear. Or “How to turn a coronation into lipstick on a pig”. Details at 10.
demo kidspews:
Wow… the asshole right-wing trolls are out in full force this morning!
@3: And the left’s bashing of Palin is going to backfire on them.
I’m more worried about the Obama campaign pulling a Kerry and doing nothing.
@6: Of course yelling loser boy will gloss over the fact this European liberal guy has nothing IMPORTANT to say
Actually, that article fills me with dread because it’s probably the worst thing that could ever possibly happen to this country.
@7: Is his commitment to income redistribution and increasing tax “fairness” worth the risk his tax plans pose for the economy?
I could say exactly the same about McCain…except his idea of redistribution is to get a few rich people even richer, of course.
@9: Looks like feminists are waking up to the misogynism of the Donkey Party.
They are discussing the media, NOT the Democrats. Also, they state specifically, “We cannot pretend that Governor Palin meets any standard of progressive politics or social values.” Not quite a ringing endorsement.
@10: The speech itself dragged on for three-quarters of an hour. As David S Broder wrote in the Washington Post: “[Obama’s] recital of a long list of domestic promises could have been delivered by any Democratic nominee from Walter Mondale to John Kerry.
And the speech that John McCain gave was utterly uninspiring, and could have been delivered by George Bush. Your point?
@11: FACT calling her a pig is a horrrid mistake, just delivered millions of women voters to Palin/McCain – and IT WAS DELIBERATE. Beyond the insult, it reeks of sheerly stupid media plan and desperation.
Hardly. It was a good turn of the phrase, and not nearly as sexist as many of the things that come from the mouths of Republicans.
FACT Biden took a shot at Palin;s downs s. child – New mother with less than perfect child – take a shot Biden, what kind of fool are you? About as cruel as an accusation can get. Crude, rude and anti everything. Big mouth Biden . Talking about special needs kids she echos the Kennedy family, and shows leadership where a lot is needed. Shit, shit, shit.
Wow… noting that Palin and Republicans are hypocrites because they don’t do anything for the special needs children that they supposedly “champion”? Damn… I’m sorry, I forgot that Palin is above criticism because her child has Down’s Syndrome. That excuse should work perfectly well when it comes to her job, right? Heck, who needs a healthcare policy when her son has Down’s Syndrome?
Sheesh. Mind-numbing awfulness from the right. It’s stunning that you idiots get to vote.
13 – Excellent. But keep in mind that the wingnuts who come here just repeat the tropes that are transmitted to them through the right wing noise machine. Their minds are controlled and shaped by fear.
I thought the “pig” was the same old, same old failed Chimpanzee policies.
As for me I’m registering voters and canvassing my neighborhood. It’s kind of redundant, me living in Seattle but I’m determined to do my part to defeat McSame and Rossi.
I’ll paraphrase Jon Stewart: “Please stop, you are hurting America”
Do you approve of Palin and McCain repeating stories contrary to fact and presentign them as fact?
Daddy Lovespews:
7 Pud
You lie like a rug. Morris’ staement: “They know that everyone who pays taxes will end up paying more if Obama is elected.” is not true.
You know it’s not true.
You cannot show it to be true.
You assert it to be true.
Therefore, you lie.
Daddy Lovespews:
9 Pud
Your thinking is muddy and you do not support what you claim.
You claim that “the Democratic party” is misogynist. You show nothing to indicate that this is true. You cannot cite anyone speaking for the Dmocratic Party who is in any way misogynst.
Daddy Lovespews:
Is it really possible that no one knows waht “lipstick on a pig” means?
No, it just the usual Republican lying false outrage.
Daddy Lovespews:
Looks lke the McCain bounce is fading already. I’m kinda surprised that it had so little legs. But the WSJ poll shows Obama +1.
McCain put his daughter out on the talk-show circuit, appearing on the Today show. I guess he considered it less of a risk than putting Palin in an interview chair (yea, I know she’s finally going to sit down with ABC after a week, the softest interview on network TV).
But McCain’s daughter let loose a gaffe of her own, saying:
“No-one knows what war is like, other than my family. Period.”
Obviously, hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of American families who have been touched by war would think otherwise.
Now I think a candidate’s family is, to some extent, off-limits. The mean-spirited jokes about Chelsea Clinton’s looks, for example. Making Palin’s pregnant daughter a campaign issue, as another example.
But Meghan McCain is an adult, and she was specifically on the Today show to shill for her father’s election. Which brings forth a pertinant question: (a) Did she just mis-speak? If so, what was her intended statement? (b) Was the statement intentional, one which the McCain campaign wanted to have spoken, but in a manner which would get the point across, but provide them with deniability later? (c) Was her statement a true reflection of what her family – and her father – actually believe? If so, what sort of self-centerdness does this show?
Daddy Lovespews:
WHy does Sarah Palin continue to abuse her sister’s children after being warned by a judge three years ago to stop?
All politicians stretch the truth, massage it into the best fit with their message. But, let’s face it, John McCain is running a campaign almost entirely based on straight up lies. Not just exaggerations or half truths but the sort of straight up, up-is-down mind-blowers we’ve become so accustomed to from the current occupants of the White House. And today McCain [McSame] comes out with this rancid, race-baiting ad based on another lie. Willie Horton looks mild by comparison. (And remember, President George H.W. Bush never ran the Willie Horton ad himself. It was an outside group. He wasn’t willing to degrade himself that far.) As TPM Reader JM said below, at least Horton actually was released on a furlough. This is ugly stuff. And this is an ugly person. There’s clearly no level of sleaze this guy won’t stoop to to win this election.
And let’s be frank. He might win it. This is clearly a testing time for Obama supporters. But I want to return to a point I made a few years ago during the Social Security battle with President Bush. Winning and losing is never fully in one’s control — not in politics or in life. What is always within our control is how we fight and bear up under pressure. It’s easy to get twisted up in your head about strategy and message and optics. But what is already apparent is that John McCain is running the sleaziest, most dishonest and race-baiting campaign of our lifetimes. So let’s stopped being shocked and awed by every new example of it. It is undignified. What can we do? We’ve got a dangerously reckless contender for the presidency and a vice presidential candidate who distinguished her self by abuse of office even on the comparatively small political stage of Alaska. They’ve both embraced a level of dishonesty that disqualifies them for high office. Democrats owe it to the country to make clear who these people are. No apologies or excuses. If Democrats can say at the end of this campaign that they made clear exactly how and why these two are unfit for high office they can be satisfied they served their country.
Although I disagree with Jo9sh Marshall in one small respect: I don’t see how the ad is “race-baiting.” Totally sleazy and false, but that’s about it.
Daddy Lovespews:
Seems to me that Ron SIms is better prepared to be president than Sarah Palin.
You have to wonder why McCain and the Republicans are fighting so hard for this election. After all, if he wins he will in all probability face a Democratically-controlled Congress, and it will be impossible to implement any Republican agenda. The best he could hope for is to veto Democratic legislation and orchestrate Republican fillibuster attempts in the Senate, as Bush/Rove/Cheney have done for the past year and a half.
Besides, the Bush adminstration is leaving the next president with a pretty dire economic situation. Who would want the job? The next President is going to get blamed for the mess no matter who caused it.
The economy is so bad the Democrats in Congress are looking at another “economic stimulus” package to take affect before the November elections. That shows just how bad it is out there.
From a purely partison perspective, it’s bad politics on the part of the Democrats – the Republicans would just take credit for it and any resulting economic bounce, just in time for the elections. The Democrats have a better chance of winning the White House the worse the economy looks in the weeks leading up to the November election. Add to that the fact that another economic stimulus package in October would give the new President in January with nothing left in his cartridge box with which to “prime the pump”. Face it – there is NO WAY a Republican Congress would have considered this if a Democrat was President.
Daddy Lovespews:
Gearoge Bush has completed his surrender to Barack Obama on Iraq policy. But John McCain won’t even comment. It’s like Dino Rossi on preproductive rights, pharmacist “choice” and Plan B contraception: McCain thinks that he can get away with not talking about Iraq. Watch for Obama to clean McCain’s clock in Iraq in the debates.
Daddy Lovespews:
26 rhp
If the politics favor NOT passing a stimulus package for Dems, they can just include measures Republicans are sure to block in the Senate, like anything having to do with jobs, health care, education, or immigration..
By the way, in case you didn’t catch this morning’s news, the Defense Department just punted.
Today Robert Gates announced that the Air Force tanker contract won’t be awarded this year. He said the relations between the companies was “too contentious”, and that a “cooling off” period was needed.
The news articles weren’t clear, but it appears that not only will there not be a contract award, but the Defense Dept. won’t even release the final revised bid specs until the next administration. In doing so, they are punting the problem into the next administration.
Gates COULD have simply given a deferred time line for the submissions of new bids, which would have given Boeing time to come up with a competitive proposal which would include a 777 airframe, in addition to the smaller 767 airframe. That is what Boeing requested. But Gates decided to not even do that.
Gate’s explanation is nonsense, especially considering that the Air Force has been making dire predictions about the risk to national defense if the contract award is delayed any further. This isn’t labor relations, where a “cooling off” period might help the two sides find common ground for agreement. This is a competition, and there is going to be a winner and a loser, and the loser’s going to be mad. That’s the nature of the business.
So obviously, what’s happening is that somewhere in the Republican political machine it was decided that this was not an issue they wanted to have fought in the current Presidential race. They didn’t want McCain to have to defend his active support for a U.S. military airframe made substantially in France. They didn’t want to risk losing Kansas due to backlash if the contract was awarded to AEDS/Northrup, or having Alabama politicians mad at them if it was awarded to Boeing. They just want the issue to go away – at least for a little while.
Of course, when Obama becomes President on Jan. 20th, expect the Republicans to blame him for “risking the safety of our airmen” if the contract isn’t in place by January 31st.
Yesterday I reported (on two different threads) that the Commerce Dept. had revised the 2nd Quarter GDP upwards – by almost double, surprising everyone (they had expected a downward adjustment). To do so, they assumed that inflation had only increased 1.1% over that quarter, a figure they achieved only by rooting out all inflation related to fuel or oil prices, and other means which haven’t been explained. In fact, the inflation adjustment assumed that inflation in the 2nd Quarter was just HALF of what it was in the first quarter, at AT A TEN YEAR LOW. Economists and financial experts were left scratching their heads over that one.
On top of that, they decided NOT to include any adjustments for write-downs of bad loans in the financial markets (banks, investment firms, lending associations, etc.). After their manipulations, they decided that the financial sector had a 24% INCREASE in profits during the 2nd Quarter – a figure which a Merrill Lynch economist said was “just crazy”.
In fact, things appear to be going so peachy-keen with the economy (and the financial sector in particular) that today Lehman Brothers is putting most of it’s business up for sale, in a desperate attempt to stay afloat.
Look, I can understand Bush not wanting to “talk down” the economy. A President is in a bit of a bind when it comes to talking about the economy, because if he does so in a negative manner, it becomes somewhat of a self-fulfilling prophecy. But interfering with basic financial reporting numbers for political purposes is inexcusable.
“You have to wonder why McCain and the Republicans are fighting so hard for this election. After all, if he wins he will in all probability face a Democratically-controlled Congress, and it will be impossible to implement any Republican agenda.”
Maybe because he cares for this country and with a Obama and a Pelosi/Reid congress, he feels (rightly so) it would be a disaster. If you recall history, it was always best when powers were devided. Congress repub and President Democrat or vice versa.
“The next President is going to get blamed for the mess no matter who caused it.”
Exactly. No matter who creates the mess, the president is being blamed. That’s whay you guys are doing for the last 8 years.
“The economy is so bad the Democrats in Congress are looking at another “economic stimulus” package to take affect before the November elections”
It’s not because the economy is so bad. It’s because they feel they need it as an election ploy. If you stop listening to the “the sky is falling news” and look around, things are actually not that bad. Just go to any restaurant in the evening. Filled to the brim. People do spend money. Restaurants are usually the first ones to go soft when people don’t have the money anymore. Not so.
“The Democrats have a better chance of winning the White House the worse the economy looks in the weeks leading up to the November election.”
And that’s why you guys are talking about the bad economy over and over again.
Ok, so I’ve seen those clips a few times in various videos etc. But I seem to miss that she explicitly talks about the bridge to nowhere. She is talking about money to improve the Alaska infrastructure and that the congressional delegation is supporting this, etc.
If I would be Gov of Alaska, I would do the same, take the money I get to improve my state. That’s her job, to improve the state. And getting the money and using it to improve Alaska is a smart thing to do.
But where is that clip where she states: We need to build the bridge to nowhere ?
Marvin Stamnspews:
The hillary supporters aren’t happy with the pig and lipstick comment. Obama better not need the hillary supporters to win this election, if he does, he’;s screwed.
Something that is being circulated amongst hillary supporters, check out these 2 youtube links.
Yea, the next President is going to get blamed for the mess left behind by the Bush administration. But that’s because of the nature and extent of the problem which was caused entirely by the Bush & Co. policies. You can’t fairly blame the Democrats for economic indicaters all facing downhill in the final year of a Republican President’s second term, and after Republicans had been in control of Congress for twelve years.
The biggest problem faced by the next President is that Bush & Co. have used up all the leeway we had in our economy. Our budget surplus in 2000 has become record-breaking budget deficits, which stretch as far as the eye can see – all Republican created. Our national debt has soared. Even now, the Bush administration is desperatly trying to finalize financial commitments which will bind future Presidents for the next couple of decades. Our grandchildren will still be paying off the bills created by the Bush administration.
Nope, this one belongs entirely to the Republican Party.
And if you are judging the economy based upon the restaurants you attend, you aren’t paying attention to the fundamentals. The credit crunch is making business investment infeasable at this time. You can get away with it for a short while, but not for long.
Let’s take a look at U.S. airlines, an industry with which I am familiar. In the late 1990’s traditional carriers were still trying to overcome the affects of deregulation, and were burdened by an air-traffic control and airport infrastructure which had been underfunded for decades despite enourmous increases in traffic volume. As a consequence, many carriers were operating at marginal profit margins, even with flights which were mostly full.
Of course, 9/11 hit the U.S. airline industry hard, sending two major carriers into Chapter 11 bankruptcy and the rest on the verge. It wasn’t until 2007 that they really began to see their profit margins improve. That was all killed off by the oil price spike in 2008, during which a lot of carriers realized that they would still lose money each flight even if they sold every seat on the plane. So they started cancelling routes and parking older airplanes in the desert (if you want one, I’m sure I can find you a good deal on some MD-80’s and even a few 747-400s, if you are willing to wait a year or two for delivery).
But the end result of all this is that U.S. carriers havent’ been in the market for any significant wide-body jets for more than a decade. If you check the flight line at Paine Field, you will see airplanes in the livery of several different foreign carriers, but no U.S. carriers. It’s been that way for quite a long time. The major U.S. carriers finally had to step in with some orders for the 787 (or risk being frozen out completely by a waiting list extending into 2015), but those orders are for late deliveries, and it remains to be seen if the airlines will have strong enough balance sheets at that time to actually follow through with the purchases.
What this means is that U.S. carriers are operating fleets of progressively older airplanes which are less and less efficient in terms of maintenance requirements and fuel economy. Within the U.S. that isn’t a competative disadvantage, because most U.S. carriers are at the same disadvantage (with the exception of operators of single-aisle 737-NG jets, like Southwest and Alaska, which have a competative advantage on their routes).
But internationally, the U.S. carriers are already seeing their clocks being cleaned by the competition. And as a consequence, at least two U.S. carriers are in negotiations with existing foreign code-share partners to re-adjust their route schedule to give the foreign partners a larger share of traffic to U.S. ports.
If the trend continues for another four years, I foresee most U.S. major carriers gradually abandoning their international routes as fuel costs and older aircraft take their toll. The airlines might well decide that they not only can’t afford new aircraft, but they might not even be able to afford the “C” check major maintenance eventually required for old aircraft. (C-check maintance requires stripping the aircraft of the paint and the entire interior so that each inch of the airframe can be inspected for hairline cracks and other evidence of metal fatigue). Within four years, you might well see U.S. carriers abandoning routes and landing slots at international airports which they may never recover again.
On another front, I recently returned from a business trip to Japan, where I learned that the recent resignation of the Prime Minister was caused by the difficult economic situation there which they are blaming on the U.S. sub-prime loan crisis. It seems that a significant portion of those “real-estate backed investment funds” peddled by Wall Street investment firms like Bear Sterns were purchased in Japan by banks and Japanese pension funds. They understandably, but wrongly, believed that anything backed by real estate in the U.S. was a safe investment because federal regulations and oversight restricted risky lending in that area. That was the case, of course, until the Bush administration’s abrogation of any real oversight of the financial industry which resulted in the writing of very risky loans which is on the verge of bringing down the whole industry (an event which you could say has already occured with the Federal takeover of FannieMae and FreddyMac). You might say “Who cares – if they were stupid enough to invest in them, it’s their own fault”. But what you don’t understand is that trust is very highly prized in Japan, and if you breach that trust they won’t willingly do business with you ever again. Currently it is near impossible to sell Chinese products in Japan because of the contamination fear – all food products have “No Ingrediants from China) labels prominently displayed. Now U.S. investments – and possibly products – will be met with the same skepticism. Over the long run, that’s an incredible amount of damage to be overcome, considering that Japan has the second-largest economy in the world and up to now has been one of our major trading partners.
These are the types of “fundamentals” which are affecting the U.S. economy on a global scale. These are the root causes of an economic illness which might take some time to get down to the “restaurant” level.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Another great mcsame ad.
Obama should use his judgement he touts and get better people working for him.
Sorry Puds, I had no desire to watch the Xtian Fascist pep rally. I just found it interesting that ESPN would run a story about it.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Puddybud, Mark1, Marvin it’s 7pm at rook 72 at the Renton Motel 6 for our fousome right? This time I get to be the goat. I’m serious Puddy, you’ve been the goat the last two times.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Hey Goldy, every day me and Dutch and Mr. Cynical and the other rghtwingers come onto this blog and ridicule you asnd your beliefs and turn these threads into a sewer and along comes a sockpuppet to make fun of us and you delete all his posts. But our posts criticizing you are allowed to remain. You FUCKING LIBERALS ARE FUCKING WIMP ASS LOSERS. You will not fight. You have no fucking spine. there is nothing to you but talk. We rightwingers will be back tomorrow to smear you and your beliefs and you will eat it up. Hell if enough of us start posting you’ll pay for more bandwidth. Absolutely fucking incredible. You think this shit would fly on a rightwing blog. Hell no! We have balls!
Palin scares the crap out of me.
I am going to do everything I can possibly do to elect Obama/Biden 08.
Hmm, no response to my “economic fundamentals” treatise. Maybe it’s too long for the wingnuts to read? Maybe they don’t want to discuss – you know, actual facts? Maybe they don’t understand the foundation upon which business is actually conducted?
Or maybe they just didn’t come back to read the later posts.
I have just found the most ridiculous story of this electoral cycle. You really have to go look at this for yourself, but let me sum it up as this:
Cindy McCain: The Fast and The Furious.
Mind you, I’m not really trying to make fun of her, but let’s face it – for those of you that have even heard of drifting, the last person on Earth you’d associate with it is a possible First Lady.
What’s the shelf life of her bridge story? Imagine having to sit in an audience and pretending interest! Pete and Repeat need to freshen up their campaign at some point you would think.
The left’s focusing on this bridge story isn’t going to help Obama. And the left’s bashing of Palin is going to backfire on them.
Obama made a big mistake with that “lipstick on a pig” remark.
He’s blowing it.
Wow Broadway Joe@1: We were introduced to Jack and Cindy McCain drift racing last week at the convention.
Were you in your padded Obama Cell like yelling loser boy?
Of course yelling loser boy will gloss over the fact this European liberal guy has nothing IMPORTANT to say:
Interesting analysis by Dick Morris.
“Voters can add, and they realize that his spending plans and tax cut promises come to a trillion dollars and that his tax increases represent only one-tenth as much. They know that everyone who pays taxes will end up paying more if Obama is elected. The question will be: Is it worth it?
Is his commitment to income redistribution and increasing tax “fairness” worth the risk his tax plans pose for the economy?”
Wow, looking back at the Pig comment from Obama leads one to this:
Then we have Obama saying this:
” Let let let’s just list this for a second.
John McCain says he’s about change too. Exce- and and so I guess his whole angle is – watch out, George Bush – except for economic policy, healthcare policy, tax policy, education policy, foreign policy, and Karl-Rove-style politics, we’re really gonna shake things up in Washington. That’s not change.
That’s that’s just callin’ sumpin’ the same thing somethin’ different. But you know, you can’t, you know, you you can put, ah, lipstick on a pig, it’s still a pig.”
Does Obama have an original thought anymore? He stumbled by almost saying the Exce as Toles originally wrote it. Or it seems this was a Donkey Playbook talking point.
I guess the power of Neil Kinnock is strong in the Donkey Nominated Candidates.
Looks like feminists are waking up to the misogynism of the Donkey Party.
“”To paraphrase the words of one blogger who said it best over the weekend: We will defend Sarah Palin against misogynist smears not because we like her or support her, but because that’s how feminism works.””
Now this is telling…
“The speech itself dragged on for three-quarters of an hour. As David S Broder wrote in the Washington Post: “[Obama’s] recital of a long list of domestic promises could have been delivered by any Democratic nominee from Walter Mondale to John Kerry.”
“On television, Obama’s spectacle might have looked like The Ten Commandments, but inside the stadium it felt like Night of the Living Dead. The longer the candidate spoke, and the more money he promised to spend on alternative energy, preschool education, universal health care, and other components of the Democratic pinata, the lower the party professionals slouched into their seats.”
“No country’s politics depends more openly on friendships than America’s, yet Obama has not a single real friend, for he rose so fast that all his acquaintances become rungs on the ladder of his ascent. One human relationship crowds the others out of his life, his marriage to Michelle, a strong, assertive and very angry woman.”
Of course the liberal Amerikkkan (Pastor Wright) Press chose not to repeat this.
FACT – no bouy but dreary blog rats care
FACT – Palin sharked the feds for the mone and used it for othr projects involving bad bridger in her state
FACT She is fucking smart and aggressive, I wish Gregoire could shark more dollars out of DC – taxpayers send it to DC and the GAME is to get it back
FACT old and stale, will not bring any new votes to Obama or rally his supporters
FACT calling her a pig is a horrrid mistake, just delivered millions of women voters to Palin/McCain – and IT WAS DELIBERATE. Beyond the insult, it reeks of sheerly stupid media plan and desperation.
FACT Plain has really had her effect- they just cn’t get her off the front page and are now putting her there, Yuk, what a debacle this is in process of unfolding.
FACT Issues of race already work against Obama, NOW, his blunders are delivering sexism to his door. Hillary won’t carry his water if he calls women in politics pig like. Shit, shit, shit.
FACT Biden took a shot at Palin;s downs s. child – New mother with less than perfect child – take a shot Biden, what kind of fool are you? About as cruel as an accusation can get. Crude, rude and anti everything. Big mouth Biden . Talking about special needs kids she echos the Kennedy family, and shows leadership where a lot is needed. Shit, shit, shit.
Like small tiny cockroaches, the leftwingnuts scurry in fear. Or “How to turn a coronation into lipstick on a pig”. Details at 10.
Wow… the asshole right-wing trolls are out in full force this morning!
@3: And the left’s bashing of Palin is going to backfire on them.
I’m more worried about the Obama campaign pulling a Kerry and doing nothing.
@6: Of course yelling loser boy will gloss over the fact this European liberal guy has nothing IMPORTANT to say
Actually, that article fills me with dread because it’s probably the worst thing that could ever possibly happen to this country.
@7: Is his commitment to income redistribution and increasing tax “fairness” worth the risk his tax plans pose for the economy?
I could say exactly the same about McCain…except his idea of redistribution is to get a few rich people even richer, of course.
@9: Looks like feminists are waking up to the misogynism of the Donkey Party.
They are discussing the media, NOT the Democrats. Also, they state specifically, “We cannot pretend that Governor Palin meets any standard of progressive politics or social values.” Not quite a ringing endorsement.
@10: The speech itself dragged on for three-quarters of an hour. As David S Broder wrote in the Washington Post: “[Obama’s] recital of a long list of domestic promises could have been delivered by any Democratic nominee from Walter Mondale to John Kerry.
And the speech that John McCain gave was utterly uninspiring, and could have been delivered by George Bush. Your point?
@11: FACT calling her a pig is a horrrid mistake, just delivered millions of women voters to Palin/McCain – and IT WAS DELIBERATE. Beyond the insult, it reeks of sheerly stupid media plan and desperation.
Hardly. It was a good turn of the phrase, and not nearly as sexist as many of the things that come from the mouths of Republicans.
FACT Biden took a shot at Palin;s downs s. child – New mother with less than perfect child – take a shot Biden, what kind of fool are you? About as cruel as an accusation can get. Crude, rude and anti everything. Big mouth Biden . Talking about special needs kids she echos the Kennedy family, and shows leadership where a lot is needed. Shit, shit, shit.
Wow… noting that Palin and Republicans are hypocrites because they don’t do anything for the special needs children that they supposedly “champion”? Damn… I’m sorry, I forgot that Palin is above criticism because her child has Down’s Syndrome. That excuse should work perfectly well when it comes to her job, right? Heck, who needs a healthcare policy when her son has Down’s Syndrome?
Sheesh. Mind-numbing awfulness from the right. It’s stunning that you idiots get to vote.
13 – Excellent. But keep in mind that the wingnuts who come here just repeat the tropes that are transmitted to them through the right wing noise machine. Their minds are controlled and shaped by fear.
I thought the “pig” was the same old, same old failed Chimpanzee policies.
As for me I’m registering voters and canvassing my neighborhood. It’s kind of redundant, me living in Seattle but I’m determined to do my part to defeat McSame and Rossi.
I’ll paraphrase Jon Stewart: “Please stop, you are hurting America”
And I don’t mean just the right wing trolls.
Read this and take it to heart:
3 T
Do you approve of Palin and McCain repeating stories contrary to fact and presentign them as fact?
7 Pud
You lie like a rug. Morris’ staement: “They know that everyone who pays taxes will end up paying more if Obama is elected.” is not true.
You know it’s not true.
You cannot show it to be true.
You assert it to be true.
Therefore, you lie.
9 Pud
Your thinking is muddy and you do not support what you claim.
You claim that “the Democratic party” is misogynist. You show nothing to indicate that this is true. You cannot cite anyone speaking for the Dmocratic Party who is in any way misogynst.
Is it really possible that no one knows waht “lipstick on a pig” means?
No, it just the usual Republican lying false outrage.
Looks lke the McCain bounce is fading already. I’m kinda surprised that it had so little legs. But the WSJ poll shows Obama +1.
McCain put his daughter out on the talk-show circuit, appearing on the Today show. I guess he considered it less of a risk than putting Palin in an interview chair (yea, I know she’s finally going to sit down with ABC after a week, the softest interview on network TV).
But McCain’s daughter let loose a gaffe of her own, saying:
“No-one knows what war is like, other than my family. Period.”
Obviously, hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of American families who have been touched by war would think otherwise.
Now I think a candidate’s family is, to some extent, off-limits. The mean-spirited jokes about Chelsea Clinton’s looks, for example. Making Palin’s pregnant daughter a campaign issue, as another example.
But Meghan McCain is an adult, and she was specifically on the Today show to shill for her father’s election. Which brings forth a pertinant question: (a) Did she just mis-speak? If so, what was her intended statement? (b) Was the statement intentional, one which the McCain campaign wanted to have spoken, but in a manner which would get the point across, but provide them with deniability later? (c) Was her statement a true reflection of what her family – and her father – actually believe? If so, what sort of self-centerdness does this show?
WHy does Sarah Palin continue to abuse her sister’s children after being warned by a judge three years ago to stop?
The Cub Scouts. Wrong for your family.
Although I disagree with Jo9sh Marshall in one small respect: I don’t see how the ad is “race-baiting.” Totally sleazy and false, but that’s about it.
Seems to me that Ron SIms is better prepared to be president than Sarah Palin.
You have to wonder why McCain and the Republicans are fighting so hard for this election. After all, if he wins he will in all probability face a Democratically-controlled Congress, and it will be impossible to implement any Republican agenda. The best he could hope for is to veto Democratic legislation and orchestrate Republican fillibuster attempts in the Senate, as Bush/Rove/Cheney have done for the past year and a half.
Besides, the Bush adminstration is leaving the next president with a pretty dire economic situation. Who would want the job? The next President is going to get blamed for the mess no matter who caused it.
The economy is so bad the Democrats in Congress are looking at another “economic stimulus” package to take affect before the November elections. That shows just how bad it is out there.
From a purely partison perspective, it’s bad politics on the part of the Democrats – the Republicans would just take credit for it and any resulting economic bounce, just in time for the elections. The Democrats have a better chance of winning the White House the worse the economy looks in the weeks leading up to the November election. Add to that the fact that another economic stimulus package in October would give the new President in January with nothing left in his cartridge box with which to “prime the pump”. Face it – there is NO WAY a Republican Congress would have considered this if a Democrat was President.
Gearoge Bush has completed his surrender to Barack Obama on Iraq policy. But John McCain won’t even comment. It’s like Dino Rossi on preproductive rights, pharmacist “choice” and Plan B contraception: McCain thinks that he can get away with not talking about Iraq. Watch for Obama to clean McCain’s clock in Iraq in the debates.
26 rhp
If the politics favor NOT passing a stimulus package for Dems, they can just include measures Republicans are sure to block in the Senate, like anything having to do with jobs, health care, education, or immigration..
By the way, in case you didn’t catch this morning’s news, the Defense Department just punted.
Today Robert Gates announced that the Air Force tanker contract won’t be awarded this year. He said the relations between the companies was “too contentious”, and that a “cooling off” period was needed.
The news articles weren’t clear, but it appears that not only will there not be a contract award, but the Defense Dept. won’t even release the final revised bid specs until the next administration. In doing so, they are punting the problem into the next administration.
Gates COULD have simply given a deferred time line for the submissions of new bids, which would have given Boeing time to come up with a competitive proposal which would include a 777 airframe, in addition to the smaller 767 airframe. That is what Boeing requested. But Gates decided to not even do that.
Gate’s explanation is nonsense, especially considering that the Air Force has been making dire predictions about the risk to national defense if the contract award is delayed any further. This isn’t labor relations, where a “cooling off” period might help the two sides find common ground for agreement. This is a competition, and there is going to be a winner and a loser, and the loser’s going to be mad. That’s the nature of the business.
So obviously, what’s happening is that somewhere in the Republican political machine it was decided that this was not an issue they wanted to have fought in the current Presidential race. They didn’t want McCain to have to defend his active support for a U.S. military airframe made substantially in France. They didn’t want to risk losing Kansas due to backlash if the contract was awarded to AEDS/Northrup, or having Alabama politicians mad at them if it was awarded to Boeing. They just want the issue to go away – at least for a little while.
Of course, when Obama becomes President on Jan. 20th, expect the Republicans to blame him for “risking the safety of our airmen” if the contract isn’t in place by January 31st.
Yesterday I reported (on two different threads) that the Commerce Dept. had revised the 2nd Quarter GDP upwards – by almost double, surprising everyone (they had expected a downward adjustment). To do so, they assumed that inflation had only increased 1.1% over that quarter, a figure they achieved only by rooting out all inflation related to fuel or oil prices, and other means which haven’t been explained. In fact, the inflation adjustment assumed that inflation in the 2nd Quarter was just HALF of what it was in the first quarter, at AT A TEN YEAR LOW. Economists and financial experts were left scratching their heads over that one.
On top of that, they decided NOT to include any adjustments for write-downs of bad loans in the financial markets (banks, investment firms, lending associations, etc.). After their manipulations, they decided that the financial sector had a 24% INCREASE in profits during the 2nd Quarter – a figure which a Merrill Lynch economist said was “just crazy”.
In fact, things appear to be going so peachy-keen with the economy (and the financial sector in particular) that today Lehman Brothers is putting most of it’s business up for sale, in a desperate attempt to stay afloat.
Lehman to sell stake key investment division
Look, I can understand Bush not wanting to “talk down” the economy. A President is in a bit of a bind when it comes to talking about the economy, because if he does so in a negative manner, it becomes somewhat of a self-fulfilling prophecy. But interfering with basic financial reporting numbers for political purposes is inexcusable.
“You have to wonder why McCain and the Republicans are fighting so hard for this election. After all, if he wins he will in all probability face a Democratically-controlled Congress, and it will be impossible to implement any Republican agenda.”
Maybe because he cares for this country and with a Obama and a Pelosi/Reid congress, he feels (rightly so) it would be a disaster. If you recall history, it was always best when powers were devided. Congress repub and President Democrat or vice versa.
“The next President is going to get blamed for the mess no matter who caused it.”
Exactly. No matter who creates the mess, the president is being blamed. That’s whay you guys are doing for the last 8 years.
“The economy is so bad the Democrats in Congress are looking at another “economic stimulus” package to take affect before the November elections”
It’s not because the economy is so bad. It’s because they feel they need it as an election ploy. If you stop listening to the “the sky is falling news” and look around, things are actually not that bad. Just go to any restaurant in the evening. Filled to the brim. People do spend money. Restaurants are usually the first ones to go soft when people don’t have the money anymore. Not so.
“The Democrats have a better chance of winning the White House the worse the economy looks in the weeks leading up to the November election.”
And that’s why you guys are talking about the bad economy over and over again.
Ok, so I’ve seen those clips a few times in various videos etc. But I seem to miss that she explicitly talks about the bridge to nowhere. She is talking about money to improve the Alaska infrastructure and that the congressional delegation is supporting this, etc.
If I would be Gov of Alaska, I would do the same, take the money I get to improve my state. That’s her job, to improve the state. And getting the money and using it to improve Alaska is a smart thing to do.
But where is that clip where she states: We need to build the bridge to nowhere ?
The hillary supporters aren’t happy with the pig and lipstick comment. Obama better not need the hillary supporters to win this election, if he does, he’;s screwed.
Something that is being circulated amongst hillary supporters, check out these 2 youtube links.
The same spot in both obama flips off hillary.
Dutch @ 31:
Yea, the next President is going to get blamed for the mess left behind by the Bush administration. But that’s because of the nature and extent of the problem which was caused entirely by the Bush & Co. policies. You can’t fairly blame the Democrats for economic indicaters all facing downhill in the final year of a Republican President’s second term, and after Republicans had been in control of Congress for twelve years.
The biggest problem faced by the next President is that Bush & Co. have used up all the leeway we had in our economy. Our budget surplus in 2000 has become record-breaking budget deficits, which stretch as far as the eye can see – all Republican created. Our national debt has soared. Even now, the Bush administration is desperatly trying to finalize financial commitments which will bind future Presidents for the next couple of decades. Our grandchildren will still be paying off the bills created by the Bush administration.
Nope, this one belongs entirely to the Republican Party.
And if you are judging the economy based upon the restaurants you attend, you aren’t paying attention to the fundamentals. The credit crunch is making business investment infeasable at this time. You can get away with it for a short while, but not for long.
Let’s take a look at U.S. airlines, an industry with which I am familiar. In the late 1990’s traditional carriers were still trying to overcome the affects of deregulation, and were burdened by an air-traffic control and airport infrastructure which had been underfunded for decades despite enourmous increases in traffic volume. As a consequence, many carriers were operating at marginal profit margins, even with flights which were mostly full.
Of course, 9/11 hit the U.S. airline industry hard, sending two major carriers into Chapter 11 bankruptcy and the rest on the verge. It wasn’t until 2007 that they really began to see their profit margins improve. That was all killed off by the oil price spike in 2008, during which a lot of carriers realized that they would still lose money each flight even if they sold every seat on the plane. So they started cancelling routes and parking older airplanes in the desert (if you want one, I’m sure I can find you a good deal on some MD-80’s and even a few 747-400s, if you are willing to wait a year or two for delivery).
But the end result of all this is that U.S. carriers havent’ been in the market for any significant wide-body jets for more than a decade. If you check the flight line at Paine Field, you will see airplanes in the livery of several different foreign carriers, but no U.S. carriers. It’s been that way for quite a long time. The major U.S. carriers finally had to step in with some orders for the 787 (or risk being frozen out completely by a waiting list extending into 2015), but those orders are for late deliveries, and it remains to be seen if the airlines will have strong enough balance sheets at that time to actually follow through with the purchases.
What this means is that U.S. carriers are operating fleets of progressively older airplanes which are less and less efficient in terms of maintenance requirements and fuel economy. Within the U.S. that isn’t a competative disadvantage, because most U.S. carriers are at the same disadvantage (with the exception of operators of single-aisle 737-NG jets, like Southwest and Alaska, which have a competative advantage on their routes).
But internationally, the U.S. carriers are already seeing their clocks being cleaned by the competition. And as a consequence, at least two U.S. carriers are in negotiations with existing foreign code-share partners to re-adjust their route schedule to give the foreign partners a larger share of traffic to U.S. ports.
If the trend continues for another four years, I foresee most U.S. major carriers gradually abandoning their international routes as fuel costs and older aircraft take their toll. The airlines might well decide that they not only can’t afford new aircraft, but they might not even be able to afford the “C” check major maintenance eventually required for old aircraft. (C-check maintance requires stripping the aircraft of the paint and the entire interior so that each inch of the airframe can be inspected for hairline cracks and other evidence of metal fatigue). Within four years, you might well see U.S. carriers abandoning routes and landing slots at international airports which they may never recover again.
On another front, I recently returned from a business trip to Japan, where I learned that the recent resignation of the Prime Minister was caused by the difficult economic situation there which they are blaming on the U.S. sub-prime loan crisis. It seems that a significant portion of those “real-estate backed investment funds” peddled by Wall Street investment firms like Bear Sterns were purchased in Japan by banks and Japanese pension funds. They understandably, but wrongly, believed that anything backed by real estate in the U.S. was a safe investment because federal regulations and oversight restricted risky lending in that area. That was the case, of course, until the Bush administration’s abrogation of any real oversight of the financial industry which resulted in the writing of very risky loans which is on the verge of bringing down the whole industry (an event which you could say has already occured with the Federal takeover of FannieMae and FreddyMac). You might say “Who cares – if they were stupid enough to invest in them, it’s their own fault”. But what you don’t understand is that trust is very highly prized in Japan, and if you breach that trust they won’t willingly do business with you ever again. Currently it is near impossible to sell Chinese products in Japan because of the contamination fear – all food products have “No Ingrediants from China) labels prominently displayed. Now U.S. investments – and possibly products – will be met with the same skepticism. Over the long run, that’s an incredible amount of damage to be overcome, considering that Japan has the second-largest economy in the world and up to now has been one of our major trading partners.
These are the types of “fundamentals” which are affecting the U.S. economy on a global scale. These are the root causes of an economic illness which might take some time to get down to the “restaurant” level.
Another great mcsame ad.
Obama should use his judgement he touts and get better people working for him.
Biden again steps in it.
Telling a man in a wheelchair to stand up.
Sorry Puds, I had no desire to watch the Xtian Fascist pep rally. I just found it interesting that ESPN would run a story about it.
Puddybud, Mark1, Marvin it’s 7pm at rook 72 at the Renton Motel 6 for our fousome right? This time I get to be the goat. I’m serious Puddy, you’ve been the goat the last two times.
Hey Goldy, every day me and Dutch and Mr. Cynical and the other rghtwingers come onto this blog and ridicule you asnd your beliefs and turn these threads into a sewer and along comes a sockpuppet to make fun of us and you delete all his posts. But our posts criticizing you are allowed to remain. You FUCKING LIBERALS ARE FUCKING WIMP ASS LOSERS. You will not fight. You have no fucking spine. there is nothing to you but talk. We rightwingers will be back tomorrow to smear you and your beliefs and you will eat it up. Hell if enough of us start posting you’ll pay for more bandwidth. Absolutely fucking incredible. You think this shit would fly on a rightwing blog. Hell no! We have balls!
Palin scares the crap out of me.
I am going to do everything I can possibly do to elect Obama/Biden 08.
Hmm, no response to my “economic fundamentals” treatise. Maybe it’s too long for the wingnuts to read? Maybe they don’t want to discuss – you know, actual facts? Maybe they don’t understand the foundation upon which business is actually conducted?
Or maybe they just didn’t come back to read the later posts.