Remember when Troll was trying to say the excessive police brutality was the fault of Democratic mayors?
AGAIN I prove the Troll to be a liar…
The Republican convention, which began Monday, has been designated a “national special security event,” which means the Secret Service is responsible for planning and implementing security.
Numerous federal agencies are helping provide security, including the FBI, Federal Protective Service, Customs and Border Protection, the Coast Guard and the Transportation Security Administration.
That was hilarious! Reminds me of that old SNL skit with Robert Duvall in it … it was a game show skit, I think … with three old guys … something like Who’s the Most Grizzled? Then there was another SNL skit with Dana Carvey as some bitter old man who always started sentences with “In my day….!”
ByeByeGOP, so do you really think the Secret Service ordered numerous St. Paul police officers to spray people in the face with mace? Or do you think they did that on their own?
” … The first rule of picking a Vice President is to ‘do no harm.’ Well, consider this mission not accomplished. Like a hybrid echo of all the lousy picks and appointments from the Bush years (Harriet Miers, Michael Brown), Sarah Palin’s was put forth in stunning, ‘Father Knows Best’ fashion.
“What’s clear now is that McCain is a rash man. He makes bold, unpredictable choices, and sticks to his guns. Why take the time to vet Palin? Why make her jump the same hurdles you’ve placed before Pawlenty, Romney, and Lieberman? I mean, she’s got five kids, right? And she just feels right.
“If you’re wondering why America would want to elect a stubborn and irrational man, you’re not alone:
“Eugene Robinson: We learned last week that John McCain is not … who he claims to be. The steady, straight-talking, country-first statesman his campaign has been selling is a fictional character. The real McCain is either alarmingly cynical or dangerously reckless.
“Charles Krauthammer: … To gratuitously undercut the remarkably successful ‘Is he ready to lead’ line of attack seems … suicidal.
“Andrew Sullivan: The … manner of McCain’s pick demonstrates some of the most grotesque incompetence in modern political history.
“John Dickerson: … It may be fun to read about, and it sure is fun to cover, but it also supports the judgment … that I first heard from a Republican veteran shortly after the announcement: Reckless.
“David Brooks: … He needs a very senior person who can organize a vast administration and insist that he tame his lone-pilot tendencies and work through the established corridors …. [the] second fiddle job is still unfilled.
Margaret Carlson: … For someone who talks about himself as a man of honor, above politics, who believes that this No. 2 must be ready to be commander-in-chief on Day 2, this is an impetuous, superficial, reactive move designed to excite the fringe of his party ….
This would be cynical for someone for whom age isn’t an issue. For someone 72 with four bouts of cancer, it’s a violation of his duty to do the country no harm. …
“Keep in mind that all of the controversy currently surrounding Palin comes from people simply poking around the Internet. Palin has not yet faced a news conference as the nominee. …
“Not that McCain can take her back. … McCain is stuck with her. Admitting he made a mistake with his VP pick is … political suicide. No, sir, this shotgun wedding is going forward.
“This is what most scares me about McCain: his impulsiveness. Do we want a president who launches surprises on the country and the world when he really hasn’t taken the time to think them through? The logic that, ‘hey, it just might work,’ is anything but reassuring. And we’ve seen his tendency to go ‘all in’ and lose in the past. …
“Brooks is right. This pick is in keeping with the kind of guy McCain is, and that’s not [a] man who should be given this much power.”
(Quoted from “The Political Machine” under fair use.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
McCain’s Campaign Manager Says Election ‘Is Not About Issues’
‘This election is about a composite view of what people take away from these candidates.’ — Rick Davis
“By Tommy Christopher
“McCain campaign manager Rick Davis made the rather stunning pronouncement in an interview with the Washington Post: ‘This election is not about issues,’ said Davis. ‘This election is about a composite view of what people take away from these candidates.'”
(Quoted from “The Political Machine” under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What the fuck does that mean? A goddam “composite view”? What’s that??!
Cripes, you can understand why these guys don’t want to talk about issues. After all, their party has fucked up and fucked over the entire fucking country for the last eight fucking years. Fourteen, if you count the years when GOPer traitors thwarted the will of the people by undermining the Clinton administration with obstructionism and bullshit partisan attacks.
Republicans lose big on issues, and they know it! Their policies benefit only 2% of the American people and fuck over the other 98%. They stand for looting the public for the private benefit of an elite few. They represent CEOs, not workers and shareholders. They’re for killing and torture, not peace or rule of law. There’s only two ways the Republican Party can get and keep power: By rigging elections, or brainwashing millions of voters into voting against themselves. They’ve spent billions of dollars on the latter.
Issues is exactly what this election is about. Warmongering. Torture. Corruption. Railroading innocent people to prison. Misappropriating and squandering taxpayer monies. Giving American jobs to our enemies. Inflating the currency. Bankrupting pension funds. Rigging markets and ripping off consumers. Incompetence.
McCain: A Bush third term. More of the same. That’s the issue of this election.
Daddy Lovespews:
Bottom line: The biggest decision McCain has yet made in pursuit of the presidency, and he blew it completely. It shows either incompetent execution of a vital executive function (vetting a candidate for appointment), or a reckless unconcern toward the requirements of governance, or both.
I think John McCain wants to be president so that everyone will tell him how great he is, and that he is not at all interested in actually running the government, let alone running it well. And if they don’t tell him how great he is often or heartily enough, he’ll start some sort of armed conflict so that then everyone will tell him how resolute that was. “Experience” my ass. He’s an incompetent struttting jackanape. So different from Bush.
Roger Rabbitspews:
This could work! Between ’em, Cressbeckler is more progressive than McCain, so he might siphon away disgruntled Hillary voters. This guy is a game-changer. I can’t wait to see his veep pick!
Daddy Lovespews:
Has anyone else heard that heartbeat-from-the-presidency Sarah Palin thinks that our illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq (and our refusal to leave) is all part of “God’s plan?”
our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God. That’s what we have to make sure that we’re praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God’s plan.
Daddy Lovespews:
Good God, how incompetent are McCain’s people (and, by direct extension, the candidate who hired them, designed his organization, and set the ground rules for his VP pick)? Laura McGann reports from Alaska:
I told [the city clerk of Wasilla] I appreciated her help, since I’m sure she’s been bombarded with requests these last few weeks. The clerk’s office keeps all City Council meeting agendas, minutes, legislation, ordinances, etc. She chuckled. Then she told me that I’m the first person who has asked her office for anything.
Rasmussen has Obama 51 McCain 45.
But, per yelling loser boy you can’t trust Rasmussen cuz he’s a Republican pollster.
Remember when Troll was trying to say the excessive police brutality was the fault of Democratic mayors?
AGAIN I prove the Troll to be a liar…
The Republican convention, which began Monday, has been designated a “national special security event,” which means the Secret Service is responsible for planning and implementing security.
Numerous federal agencies are helping provide security, including the FBI, Federal Protective Service, Customs and Border Protection, the Coast Guard and the Transportation Security Administration.
That was funny!
Perfect example of a guy who’s supposed to run talking points at the press actually being challenged for once.
If this is the best the right wing turds can offer, and it appears that it is, they’re doomed. Thank goodness!
#3. Nice to hear him scramble. Reminds me of the “appeasement” video.
Dang, but I don’t remember Grandpa Walton being that ornery.
That was hilarious! Reminds me of that old SNL skit with Robert Duvall in it … it was a game show skit, I think … with three old guys … something like Who’s the Most Grizzled? Then there was another SNL skit with Dana Carvey as some bitter old man who always started sentences with “In my day….!”
ByeByeGOP, so do you really think the Secret Service ordered numerous St. Paul police officers to spray people in the face with mace? Or do you think they did that on their own?
Which sounds more plausible to you?
Ooops, back to my old name.
The Veep To Nowhere
“By David Knowles
” … The first rule of picking a Vice President is to ‘do no harm.’ Well, consider this mission not accomplished. Like a hybrid echo of all the lousy picks and appointments from the Bush years (Harriet Miers, Michael Brown), Sarah Palin’s was put forth in stunning, ‘Father Knows Best’ fashion.
“What’s clear now is that McCain is a rash man. He makes bold, unpredictable choices, and sticks to his guns. Why take the time to vet Palin? Why make her jump the same hurdles you’ve placed before Pawlenty, Romney, and Lieberman? I mean, she’s got five kids, right? And she just feels right.
“If you’re wondering why America would want to elect a stubborn and irrational man, you’re not alone:
“Eugene Robinson: We learned last week that John McCain is not … who he claims to be. The steady, straight-talking, country-first statesman his campaign has been selling is a fictional character. The real McCain is either alarmingly cynical or dangerously reckless.
“Charles Krauthammer: … To gratuitously undercut the remarkably successful ‘Is he ready to lead’ line of attack seems … suicidal.
“Andrew Sullivan: The … manner of McCain’s pick demonstrates some of the most grotesque incompetence in modern political history.
“John Dickerson: … It may be fun to read about, and it sure is fun to cover, but it also supports the judgment … that I first heard from a Republican veteran shortly after the announcement: Reckless.
“David Brooks: … He needs a very senior person who can organize a vast administration and insist that he tame his lone-pilot tendencies and work through the established corridors …. [the] second fiddle job is still unfilled.
Margaret Carlson: … For someone who talks about himself as a man of honor, above politics, who believes that this No. 2 must be ready to be commander-in-chief on Day 2, this is an impetuous, superficial, reactive move designed to excite the fringe of his party ….
This would be cynical for someone for whom age isn’t an issue. For someone 72 with four bouts of cancer, it’s a violation of his duty to do the country no harm. …
“Keep in mind that all of the controversy currently surrounding Palin comes from people simply poking around the Internet. Palin has not yet faced a news conference as the nominee. …
“Not that McCain can take her back. … McCain is stuck with her. Admitting he made a mistake with his VP pick is … political suicide. No, sir, this shotgun wedding is going forward.
“This is what most scares me about McCain: his impulsiveness. Do we want a president who launches surprises on the country and the world when he really hasn’t taken the time to think them through? The logic that, ‘hey, it just might work,’ is anything but reassuring. And we’ve seen his tendency to go ‘all in’ and lose in the past. …
“Brooks is right. This pick is in keeping with the kind of guy McCain is, and that’s not [a] man who should be given this much power.”
(Quoted from “The Political Machine” under fair use.)
McCain’s Campaign Manager Says Election ‘Is Not About Issues’
‘This election is about a composite view of what people take away from these candidates.’ — Rick Davis
“By Tommy Christopher
“McCain campaign manager Rick Davis made the rather stunning pronouncement in an interview with the Washington Post: ‘This election is not about issues,’ said Davis. ‘This election is about a composite view of what people take away from these candidates.'”
(Quoted from “The Political Machine” under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What the fuck does that mean? A goddam “composite view”? What’s that??!
Cripes, you can understand why these guys don’t want to talk about issues. After all, their party has fucked up and fucked over the entire fucking country for the last eight fucking years. Fourteen, if you count the years when GOPer traitors thwarted the will of the people by undermining the Clinton administration with obstructionism and bullshit partisan attacks.
Republicans lose big on issues, and they know it! Their policies benefit only 2% of the American people and fuck over the other 98%. They stand for looting the public for the private benefit of an elite few. They represent CEOs, not workers and shareholders. They’re for killing and torture, not peace or rule of law. There’s only two ways the Republican Party can get and keep power: By rigging elections, or brainwashing millions of voters into voting against themselves. They’ve spent billions of dollars on the latter.
Issues is exactly what this election is about. Warmongering. Torture. Corruption. Railroading innocent people to prison. Misappropriating and squandering taxpayer monies. Giving American jobs to our enemies. Inflating the currency. Bankrupting pension funds. Rigging markets and ripping off consumers. Incompetence.
McCain: A Bush third term. More of the same. That’s the issue of this election.
Bottom line: The biggest decision McCain has yet made in pursuit of the presidency, and he blew it completely. It shows either incompetent execution of a vital executive function (vetting a candidate for appointment), or a reckless unconcern toward the requirements of governance, or both.
I think John McCain wants to be president so that everyone will tell him how great he is, and that he is not at all interested in actually running the government, let alone running it well. And if they don’t tell him how great he is often or heartily enough, he’ll start some sort of armed conflict so that then everyone will tell him how resolute that was. “Experience” my ass. He’s an incompetent struttting jackanape. So different from Bush.
This could work! Between ’em, Cressbeckler is more progressive than McCain, so he might siphon away disgruntled Hillary voters. This guy is a game-changer. I can’t wait to see his veep pick!
Has anyone else heard that heartbeat-from-the-presidency Sarah Palin thinks that our illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq (and our refusal to leave) is all part of “God’s plan?”
Good God, how incompetent are McCain’s people (and, by direct extension, the candidate who hired them, designed his organization, and set the ground rules for his VP pick)? Laura McGann reports from Alaska:
Rasmussen has Obama 51 McCain 45.
But, per yelling loser boy you can’t trust Rasmussen cuz he’s a Republican pollster.
See how stupid yelling loser boy is?
What a loser!