– A couple different takes on Andrew Sullivan retiring.
– I remain both excited about the future of cell service in the bus tunnel and horrified that more people will be on their phones more times.
– While listening to this podcast, it occurred to me that Bertha the drilling machine may well be stuck for more days that Bertha Landes was mayor.
– I’m not sure running against the Kochs worked particularly well last time, but maybe.
Seems all those bragged about cost saving projections on ObummerCare are not coming true as previously trumpeted. Sooooooooooooo, what’s next DUMMOCRETINS? 1231 ObummerCare waivers and counting… More being thought about this year.
@1 great solution!
ISIS claims that American Hostage killed by Jordanian Military strike.
Now this hasn’t been confirmed and can be complete lies by ISIS. And if it did happen, that’s what happens in a time of war, tragic things happen. I support Jordan for doing what they are doing. And the emotional side of me thinks that we should execute some of the prisoners at Guantanamo for every ISIS execution, although I also think it can be counter productive to any means of making any difference.
But what strikes me as crazy is this – what would the Right’s response be if the American Military (Obama) dropped the bomb? Do you think some on the deep right end would criticize the Obama Administration or give blame for the American Hostages death? If she is dead, or hypothetical.
Carter really didn’t get much praise and credit for attempting to free the hostage in the failed mission in Iran.
Anyone know what happen to those Terrorists infected with Ebola that were crossing the Mexico border into the United States, per Fox News?
Or are you wondering what additional lies Brian Williams is going to tell?
Or are all the Mexican Immigrants with Cantalope calves still coming into this country with the drugs?
Silly puffy. Now all those pouring across the southern border from countries with higher vaccination %s than the U.S. are bringing in the measles.
The real Puddy linked to it. And then denied he linked to it of course.
Another nutter who claims they’re “Christian”. Wear that label well, Ms. Mefford. You own it now.
How terribly easy it is, for people claiming for themselves a particular sub-brand of Religion, to convince people to fear, hate and dehumanize other people who may have some conflicting notions of their common principles. How easy it is, to spread a rumor that can almost magically conflate into an outrageous offense with each new telling that can only be answered with calls to violence.
No wonder the Nazis were so successful. Christianity was their primary tool. One can see it happening here right before one’s eyes. That incredible vehemence of pure opinion being an acceptable substitute for factual information and the sheer outright lies being told by these people. Lies that are so out of this world that one would slap their kid for telling about the other kids in school. These people would rather believe a bizarre fairy tale that they made up themselves than even attempt to make an appearance of using some basic kernel of truth. That sort of shit used to be called sedition, or incitement to riot. The Jewish populations of Europe called it “blood libel”.
How is this any different from the sort of shit the Daesh are telling people in Iraq and Syria right now about Americans and Kurds and Shiites?
At any rate, they’ve pissed off the Jordanians. Big fuckin’ mistake. That puts them up against the Saudis too, unfortunately.
Thanks George, for creating a regional unlimited war that may just last for decades. Thanks, “christians”, for fanning the fires of hate here at home. If there is such a thing as a heaven, by your own rules, you assholes have a lot to answer for.
This is a shocker. But he sure is good at downplaying his anti-freedom, comparing it to bad boys and girls. He and his fat kids should go on a diet. Has he evolved on dancing? What a nut.
Wow, I wonder if Bob has a silver lining in this cloud.
Better, we were kind of talking about this yesterday. Wait till it gets worse. Unfortunately it will have to get worse before it has any chance of getting better.
It is no holds barred with Republicans, they can say what they want, but then say something bad or insulting about them and their movement that they don’t like then all hell breaks out and comes with the requests of an apology.
:!: – the best I can do to flip them the bird.
This Republican wants to waste more taxpayers money by filling more beds at Guantanamo. Like a hoarder, he wants to hoard all the terrorists at my expense. Idiot.
How about we just kill the prisoners we have and the new ones in the battlefield!
Puffy – right from the horses mouth.
BULLSHITTIUM Alert… BULLSHITTIUM Alert… Startrek Klaxon sounds…
checkmate… Where is the denial again? There was no denial, except in your puny mind!
Is being a loonatic moonbat the qualification to post as a HA DUMMOCRETIN? If so you are the poster child of DUMMOCRETIN loonacy! That’s more of your typical slanderous material you love to deliver with no facts. Anyone can read Puddy wrote “this was a comment”! Yet you claim Puddy said it! Standard train wreck from a moronic DUMMOCRETIN!
buttbusting buttbigot,
per Fox News? Where is it on a Fox News web site bb bb? Not some left wrong swill generator… A Fox News site!
Geraldo is your horse buttbusting buttbigot? Really? An Obummer apologist on Fox News? Why Geraldo? Puddy thought you hated Fox News! Now you like Fox News? Flip flopping again?
It was military people that spanked Brian Williams you moron! Then Variety a left wrong mag picked up on it! His own NBC News bosses told him to stop talking about it! Puddy realizes mental acuity isn’t your strong point. Butt as you claimed earlier last week getting on the knee pads and doing the business is!
Sux to be buttbusting eh?
Isn’t it sad the ISIS isn’t this compassionate.
Whether or not Fox News was saying it themselves, they gave a lot of air time to individuals making false claims about Ebola crossing the border on illegal immigrants and terrorists. As reporters aren’t they suppose to vet these people and counter when they make false claims.
Or are is Fox News like John Boenher, who says it’s not his job to change what people think. Why is he even a politician if he doesn’t want to lead, isn’t part of leading getting people to think about what is right?
Sad Puffy, Sad. Truly Sad, and you can’t argue it…..own it.
That was on Fox News Chris Wallace interview!
Jordan bombed sites America should have bombed three weeks ago.
Now why is that DUMMOCRETINS?
BINGO! “what are the chances..” How did Puddy know you would suggest this? A question was asked what is the chance not we know it’s happening.
WOW! You are really stoooooooooooooopid buttbusting buttbigot!
Still waiting…
I guess you’ll have the churches be prudes and hypocrites. But what will they do about others acceptance? Will the respect others accepting of it or will they make them outcasts too?
@19 and why was it being asked. Because all of the fear mongering from the right. All of the right worried about it happening and Fox News runs right with it. But not their job to correct people. Damage was already done, before the question was even asked.
Maybe the religious right will have to turn to Putin and the Russians as allies.
buttbusting buttbigot,
You wrote… Anyone know what happen to those Terrorists infected with Ebola… Now you are changing your tune.
Now you didn’t say it huh?
Flip flop
Flip flop
Flip flop!
Praise God for this NJ Teen!! Her point is spot on. How can an Atheist silence her??
Free Speech. That’s Constitutional. Oh yeah…the Leftist Douchebags don’t believe in the Constitution
@23 that is exactly what I wrote with words after it too. what are you accusing me of flip flopping on?
Speak English – this is America – and you have 2nd amendment rights. Like calling Texans “Crazy”.
@24 righties don’t believe in the constitution either, your point?
@18 Maybe we used up all our of bombs while Obama was bombing the shit out of them?
@24 Of course the kids have a right to say “one nation under God.” The correct interpretation of the First Amendment, and SCOTUS decisions interpreting it, is that school officials can’t require them to say it.
Nothing in the First Amendment requires any citizen to NOT express his or her religious beliefs. The First Amendment imposes no limitations on private individuals whatsoever. Its proscription against establishing a religion or preferring one religion over another (or religious belief over non-belief) applies only to government.
A basic lesson in civics that many righties fail to comprehend.
@28– I agree. It’s the hardcore Atheists that feign injury when anyone speaks the word God in a Public Place. Interesting they are so offended by something they don’t believe in
That was the point of the case. Atheists don’t want kids saying Under God in school.
“That was the point of the case. Atheists don’t want kids saying Under God in school.”
No, that wasn’t the point of the case. The point of the case was that the school-sponsored pledge involved the phrase “under God”. The lawsuit would not have prohibited individual students from inserting “under God” into their version of the pledge.
This is rather like having an Imam lead the students in an Islamic prayer five times a day.
I think the biggest reason why people are atheists, is that they don’t like all the hatred coming from religion. But if you do like hatred, Amen.
@29 Well, I think you do have a faction of atheists who are just anti-religion, but you also have a coalition of atheists and religionists who want to maintain separation of church and state, and then you have Christianists who think theirs is the only valid religion and want to blend their religion with our government to the exclusion of other beliefs. The lawsuits tend to be fought by the fanatics on opposite sides, while the vast majority in the middle seem not to understand the issue very well. Add to this a dollop of anti-Muslim bigotry harking to the 9/11 attacks and current events in the middle east, and people’s capacity for reason flies out the window.
@32 Another reason for people to be atheists is because they don’t see evidence of the existence of a divine being. Scientists, among others, populate this camp. I read somewhere that Mother Teresa became discouraged because she prayed for over 50 years for a “sign” from God that would prove his existence which never came. She was a saint, but as she could tell, merely an earthly one with no divine power covering her backside.