I’m voting no on both the replacement and the hybrid tunnel.
I think we should retrofit the existing structure, and then all you bright young assholes can spend the next twenty-five years putting the transit in place to allow non-commercial traffic to travel on trains and buses.
My position has the added benefit of the usual Seattle hemming and hawing over big projects. AWV may stand for another six years with no action at all. By then, it will have survived for half the expected life of a retrofit, and in that case, why not waiting another twelve?
So, knock yourselves out. Design a stately pleasure domedXanadu on Elliot Bay, complete with gilded lilies. Just keep your pipe dreams out of my bank account.
harry tuttlespews:
why not wait, that is.
I see that nobody told you that yesterday had been cancelled. Tony Snow was ill.
Goldy – OBAMA, you are getting slouchy, fame??? burnout???
Or no hints and prods from the Stranger?
Roger Rabbitspews:
I understand why Frank Blethen doesn’t want to dwell on Republican corruption, incompetence, and failure. And I even understand why Frank suddenly has gone quiet, very quiet, about estate taxes. But wasting precious editorial space on a dead bimbo and a crazy astronaut?
Hey, if Frank was feeling whimsical, he coulda written an editorial about the OK Corral, circa 2007:
“Shades of the Old West: Two Ore. ranchers dead in cattle dispute
“The Associated Press
“PORTLAND, Ore. — Four cows that had gone missing from their spread in Eastern Oregon led cattlemen Dennis Beach and his son, Travis, to a cousin’s ranch about eight miles away. What happened next was like a scene out of the Old West ….
The ranch owner, Tom Beach, wasn’t there when Dennis and Travis Beach arrived to fetch their cows. But the ranch caretakers were: Shane Huntsman and Donna Carol Beach Dunning, who is Tom Beach’s sister. An argument over ownership of the cattle ensued. …
“Huntsman killed Dennis Beach, shooting him off his horse with a .30-30 caliber rifle … [and] hit Travis in the head with a rock. Travis wrestled the rifle from Huntsman and shot him ….
The Wallowa County district attorney has decided not to press charges against Travis Beach for Huntsman’s death, saying he acted in self-defense. … Donna Dunning has been charged with trying to kill 28-year-old Travis Beach. According to court papers, she gave Huntsman the rock he used to hit Travis Beach while urging Huntsman to ‘finish him off.’ …
“Dennis, Travis and Tom Beach and Dorothy Dunning are descended from a pair of brothers who ranched together for decades and a family that traces its roots in Wallowa County back a century.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Betcha all of these yahoos are Republicans.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 You must be a wingnut, because the point of Goldy’s post flew completely over your tiny head.
Stephen Schwartzspews:
Goldy … you are just getting jaded
Putin says USA wants to dominate world…
Oh, and the son of a Kenyan and a Kansan, announced he was running for President as the second tall lawyer from Illinois to seek the job. I understand his younger daughter thinks he would look better with a beard. I do too.
Here’s an idea…I’ve checked and the usual right wing chickenhawks are saying Lt. Watada should be sent to jail, killed, stoned, etc., for missing movement. Why not solve the problem assholes by taking his place? Oh, you don’t think going to war yourself is such a good idea? Didn’t think so.
I am truly amazed at how well the Bush Administration is holding up, with all the facts being covered in the press these days. Cheney, actively involved with outing an undercover CIA agent, and destroying her front company, Brewster Jennings, while managing the cover up. Douglas Feith running his own intelligence spin machine from the pentagon, issuing intelligence assessments of his own, the exact opposite of what the CIA had found, like Saddam Al Queda ties that never existed (they were enemies by the way). Scientists saying their findings were being altered by the EPA. Bush firing da’s so he can replace them with cronies, like in Duke Cunningham’s area, and here in Washington State.
If you want a true perspective, just think of the 24 / 7 news outrage that would be going on if it was the Clinton White House that committed the above mentioned atrocities. The 2,500 tv, and radio stations connected at the hip to the GOP talking points memos, screaming outrage in unison, like in the “Whitewater” days. Remember when every rumor was printed, and none turned out to be true? Please help me, how many people did Bill Clinton personally murder?
Gosh I can only think back to the good old days…..
Americans had the right to a speedy trial, the right to a lawyer, the right to not be tortured by their government, their phones couldn’t be tapped without a warrant within 72 hours, their bank accounts couldn’t be examined without a warrant, and presidents told the truth about all matters other than ones in the bedroom area…..
Does anyone know of a website that shows all the pre-9/11 warnings Bush ignored? I know there were some direct warnings from the CIA, and over 50 from the FAA, but I am sure there are more. One thing is for sure. He did absolutely nothing to protect us, no matter how many warnings he got Al Queda was about to strike on American soil.
It is amazing how little press ignoring all those dozens / hundreds of warnings Bush, and the FBI / CIA got….
Everyone still supporting this administration should be wearing swastikas on every piece of clothing. Sieg Heil!
Bad Bobspews:
“Why not solve the problem assholes by taking his place?”
That is a ridiculous,rhetorical question and shows what a Dumb-ass you really are.
Watada did what he did.No one can, or should, “take his place”. He wanted to make a statement and put the war on trial. It doesn’t look like he will get to do that and he will pay for his stupidity…… in jail.
RightEqualsStupid is right. Why don’t you right wingers all march down to the recruiters, and go enlist. You can go to Iraq, and die, and we can put on your headstone, “Died For Bush Not America” or something.
I feel sorry for all those patriotic, or many times just unemployed kids that joined the military to defend us, or get an education, and then get blown to bits so Bush can increase the “political capitol” he claimed he could use to get all he wanted accomplished.
After 9-11 all those folks that joined the military to “Defend America” and then get used as bloodied pawns in a political power grab by lying traitors. Instead of going after terrorists, we invaded Iraq, the only middle east country Al Queda could not operate. We fixed that though.
What is even more sad than 3,100 unnecessary flag draped coffins, and 50,000 to 100,000 injured soldiers, is the fact that all the Faux News viewers still believe we invaded Iraq to rid Saddam of WMD’s. Heck I watched Hannity claim the other day we did find WMD’s in Iraq. He must have been referring to the artillery shells that expired 10 years ago. To say these are WMD’s would be like saying you caught a murderer by standing by Manson’s grave.
If you still think we invaded Iraq because of WMD’s you need professional help fast. You are a danger to yourself, and even more to your country. Your denial of reality could be considered treason every time you opened your pie hole and defended Bush.
Bin Laden could only dream of hurting America as much as Bush, and Cheney, all with the help of their blind, ignorant, anti-American, fascist, torture loving supporters.
You know how to spot a Republicon? If you want to talk politics, they want to change the subject. They may throw out a Rovian talking point before running away as fast as they can, but they always run away. Every single time. Run, run, run, reality is coming….. They have to run away. They truly despise the people that live in the reality based world.
They believe what they want to believe and NO AMOUNT OF FACTS can change their mind. Hell, Bush could have the secret service murder their children right in front of them, and they would still vote for him. That is what being a Republicon is all about.
Yes the chickenhawks like WHATADICK Cheney, Limpdick Limbaugh, HANDJOB Hannity and their ilk are all for war, as long as they don’t have to fight in one.
Facts Support My Positions says:
RightEqualsStupid is right. Why don’t you right wingers all march down to the recruiters, and go enlist. You can go to Iraq, and die, and we can put on your headstone, “Died For Bush Not America” or something.
I feel sorry for all those patriotic, or many times just unemployed kids that joined the military to defend us, or get an education, and then get blown to bits so Bush can increase the “political capitol” he claimed he could use to get all he wanted accomplished.
After 9-11 all those folks that joined the military to “Defend America” and then get used as bloodied pawns in a political power grab by lying traitors. Instead of going after terrorists, we invaded Iraq, the only middle east country Al Queda could not operate. We fixed that though.
Mr. Facts Support My Positions; funny I did see your name tag out there on the drill field for roll call. Do you really support Al Qaeda instead? It appears with all the speculation that you make on this web site that is your intent. You do miss one fact though not everyone join the military after 911 and many didn’t join for the reasons you claim. Some of us have served under many Presidents and they made mistakes also but are not persecuted like you do the present Leader. The whole time that you have ranted on this web site I have never heard a viable solution presented that everybody would accept. Where is your plan? Sunny we have been waiting for months now spit it out we are getting impatience.
Right Stuffspews:
@11 @12
Well since you say so it must be true…..
“After 9-11 all those folks that joined the military to “Defend America” and then get used as bloodied pawns in a political power grab by lying traitors. Instead of going after terrorists, we invaded Iraq, the only middle east country Al Queda could not operate. We fixed that though.”
The USA is actively fighting a global war. Not just in Iraq and Afghanistan.
“I feel sorry for all those patriotic, or many times just unemployed kids that joined the military to defend us, or get an education, and then get blown to bits so Bush can increase the “political capitol” he claimed he could use to get all he wanted accomplished.”
Your opinion of the US Recruit outs you for the elitist that you are….
“Heck I watched Hannity claim the other day we did find WMD’s in Iraq. He must have been referring to the artillery shells that expired 10 years ago. To say these are WMD’s would be like saying you caught a murderer by standing by Manson’s grave.”
Saddam was to have 0 wmd. Per UN687. That he had them at all justifies our action to remove him. (un1441)Not that I think the we (USA) need international approval to defend ourself or our interests.
The war is not illegal.
“Does anyone know of a website that shows all the pre-9/11 warnings Bush ignored? I know there were some direct warnings from the CIA, and over 50 from the FAA, but I am sure there are more. One thing is for sure. He did absolutely nothing to protect us, no matter how many warnings he got Al Queda was about to strike on American soil.”
Yes, you can go down to the Clinton library and find all the information on the warnings we had been getting for years. That is if Sandy Berger hasn’t accidently put classified documents relating to this in his pants again.
Right Stuffspews:
tht is @10 and 11
Folk’s escalation of the War, the United States attacks another country to deny our enemies any safe haven. Was this approved by the Democrat run Congress? http://www.nytimes.com/aponlin.....r=homepage
U.S. Launches Artillery In to Pakistan
Published: February 11, 2007
Filed at 11:53 a.m. ET
BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan (AP) — Asserting a right to self-defense, American forces in eastern Afghanistan have launched artillery rounds into Pakistan to strike Taliban fighters who attack remote U.S. outposts, the commander of U.S. forces in the region said Sunday.
The skirmishes are politically sensitive because Pakistan’s government, regarded by the Bush administration as an important ally against Islamic extremists, has denied that it allows U.S. forces to strike inside its territory.
The use of the largely ungoverned Waziristan area of Pakistan as a haven for Taliban and al-Qaida fighters has become a greater irritant between Washington and Islamabad since Pakistan put in place a peace agreement there in September that was intended to stop cross-border incursions.
Army Col. John W. Nicholson, commander of the 3rd Brigade, 10th Mountain Division, said in an Associated Press interview that rather than halt such incursions, the peace deal has led to a substantial increase.
The CIA has been presenting false evidence about Iran to expand the War into another country. Claim supported by Facts Support My Positions a far left wing nut that claim that the sky is falling. Yep another one of those Hollywood nuts will be making a movie about it; woops I think they already made one Chicken Little?
Deadliest Bomb in Iraq Is Made by Iran, U.S. Says
Published: February 10, 2007
WASHINGTON, Feb. 9 — The most lethal weapon directed against American troops in Iraq is an explosive-packed cylinder that United States intelligence asserts is being supplied by Iran.
The assertion of an Iranian role in supplying the device to Shiite militias reflects broad agreement among American intelligence agencies, although officials acknowledge that the picture is not entirely complete.
In interviews, civilian and military officials from a broad range of government agencies provided specific details to support what until now has been a more generally worded claim, in a new National Intelligence Estimate, that Iran is providing “lethal support” to Shiite militants in Iraq.
The focus of American concern is known as an “explosively formed penetrator,” a particularly deadly type of roadside bomb being used by Shiite groups in attacks on American troops in Iraq. Attacks using the device have doubled in the past year, and have prompted increasing concern among military officers. In the last three months of 2006, attacks using the weapons accounted for a significant portion of Americans killed and wounded in Iraq, though less than a quarter of the total, military officials say.
Because the weapon can be fired from roadsides and is favored by Shiite militias, it has become a serious threat in Baghdad. Only a small fraction of the roadside bombs used in Iraq are explosively formed penetrators. But the device produces more casualties per attack than other types of roadside bombs.
Hey Folks the U.N. is trying to fix a problem on a little island called Haiti but not getting the results they wanted. Do they now pack and run like the Democrats want us to do in the Middle East? Now we can move or troops to Africa for some good R&R and they will welcome us with open arms.
U.N. Troops Fight Haiti Gangs One Street at a Time
Published: February 10, 2007
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti, Feb. 5 — For years, street gangs have run Haiti right alongside the politicians. With a disbanded army and a corrupted wreck of a police force, successive presidents have either used the gangs against political rivals or just bought them off.
Recently, something extraordinary has occurred. President René Préval decided to take on the gangs and set the 8,000 United Nations peacekeepers loose on them, a risky move that will determine the security of the country and the success of his young government.
“We’re taking back Port-au-Prince centimeter by centimeter,” said Lt. Col. Abdesslam Elamarti, a peacekeeper from Morocco. “We’re pressing these gangs so the population can live in peace.”
The offensive by the United Nations forces, who arrived here in 2004 after the ouster of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, began in earnest in late December. One of the fiercest battles took place on the morning of Jan. 25 with a raid by hundreds of United Nations forces on a gang hide-out on the periphery of Cité Soleil, this sprawling seaside capital’s largest and most notorious slum. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/02.....haiti.html
Roger Rabbitspews:
Haiti is a basket case. First and foremost, they’ve destroyed their environment; consequently, the country can no longer support its population, and half of all Haitians live abroad. Haiti has been virtually denuded of trees. By contrast, the Dominican Republic, which occupies the other half of the island of Hispaniola, has managed its land better — and, by and large, has avoided Haiti’s economic and social problems. Republicans scorn environmentalists but they are utterly wrong about the importance of protecting the environment and sustainable economic policies. Their ideology will lead to disaster similar to what Haiti experienced. Easter Island at one time had as many as 30,000 inhabitants, but deforestation and soil erosion led to starvation and only a little over 100 still survived when the island was discovered by Europeans. Those pigfuckers behaved like Repoublicans and that’s what it got them!
Stephen Schwartzspews:
Haiti illustrates one thing very clearly … the world needs cops.
Amongst the horrible inheritance of the next administration will be the Bushista destruction of UN credibility in the US. Rather than needed reform, the Busites spread manure.
Whether it is Africa or Chechnia, or Iraq, or North Koprea there is a real need for some forum that is credible beyond our self interest.
Unless, of course, we wich to live under Pax Sinica.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Libby Trial Evidence Confirms Everything We Suspected About Cheney
– “A White House known as disciplined was anything but that.”
– “A vice president fixated on finding ways to debunk a former diplomat’s claims that Bush misled the U.S. people in going to war.”
– “Cheney … played a role in suppressing contrary intelligence.”
– “A presidential press secretary kept in the dark on Iraq policy.”
– “Top White House officials meeting daily to discuss … former ambassador Joseph Wilson, and … his CIA-officer wife Valerie Plame.”
– “Cheney himself told [Libby] Plame worked at CIA a month before the talk with Russert, but Libby says he forgot that in the crush of business.
– “Cheney told Libby to speak with selected reporters to counter bad news. He developed talking points on the matter for the White House press office. He helped draft a statement by then-CIA Director George Tenet. He moved to declassify some intelligence material to bolster the case against Wilson.”
– “Cheney and Libby discussed the matter multiple times each day.”
– “A former Cheney press aide, Cathie Martin, … proposed leaking some news exclusives.”
– “Cheney ordered Libby to leak part of a classified intelligence report.”
– “Cheney was … a deputy president with a shadow operation. He had his own source of advice. He had his own source of access. He was making his own decisions.”
– “Former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer … was surprised to find the administration was backing off the 16 words … it wasn’t the first time he spoke of the administration’s position with great certainty, only to find it had changed and nobody had bothered to let him know.”
“Libby had conversations about Plame’s identity with Cheney as well as with a Cheney spokeswoman, a undersecretary of state and two CIA officials before he talked to Russert.”
– “Former New York Times reporter Judith Miller and former Time magazine reporter Matthew Cooper testified that Libby discussed Plame’s CIA employment with them.
– “Cheney … [used] a classified assessment of Iraq’s weapons capabilities to rebut Wilson. Among those not informed about this Cheney maneuver … were then-White House chief of staff Andrew H. Card Jr., then-CIA Director George J. Tenet and then-national security adviser Condoleezza Rice.”
– “Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage was the first to disclose Plame’s work to reporters. Ultimately, he, Fleischer and special presidential adviser Karl Rove all have acknowledged talking to reporters about her.
– “At least six reporters were privately told by top administration officials of Plame’s connection with the CIA.”
“‘What was interesting to me was what appears to be the total involvement of the vice president,’ said Stephen Hess, a presidential scholar who worked in the Eisenhower and Nixon White Houses. ‘If he’s down to micromanaging news leaks and responses at that level, I found that quite astounding.'”
It took us eight and a half years, from April 19, 1775, when the shot heard round the world was fired, until November 25, 1783, when the last British forces evacuated New York, Brooklyn and the colonies, to begin the process of securing America’s status as a free sovereign nation.
In 1776, we announced our national intentions to be free and independent at any cost. A rag-tag militia made up of ill-equipped and untrained farmers, shed blood for six years, eventually defeating a better armed and better trained British Army by 1783. It took another five years for nine states to agree on the language that would establish our Constitutional government in 1788. In March of 1789, our First President George Washington took his oath of office under the new Constitution.
That’s fourteen years folks. And 230 years later, 300 million Americans still can’t agree on what America even is…let alone what our Constitution means and how to implement it.
Clearly, we are not in the mood to be so patient with Iraq’s efforts to accomplish the same.
We have been in Iraq since March of 2003. It took only days to defeat and depose the most brutal regime in recent world history, also the most threatening and powerful army in the war torn Middle East, liberating not conquering, 25 million Iraqi men, women and children in that process.
Four months later in July of ’03, the newly appointed interim Iraqi government met for the first time to begin forming its own free sovereign government. Eleven months later in June of ‘04, the coalition occupation ended when the U.S. led coalition handed full sovereignty and complete control of Iraq’s future over to the confirmed interim Iraqi government functioning under Prime Minister Allawi. From this moment forward, Iraq had the power to demand America and coalition forces leave its country. They did not, of course; quite the contrary.
Six months later in January ’05, with the continued security support of U.S. and coalition forces, some eight million Iraqi citizens, Shia, Sunni and Kurd alike, braved a gauntlet of terrorist firepower, and walked to polling places all over Iraq to cast the first free ballot of their life, holding up those purple fingers with great pride as if they were a badge of honor for a job well done under the most difficult of circumstances, which is exactly what they demonstrated.
In August of ’05, both Shia and Kurdish representatives endorsed the first draft Constitution of Iraq. Minority Sunni representatives declined to endorse. However, in October ’05, the Iraqi population once again retuned to the polls to overwhelmingly approve their Constitution, which set up the groundwork for not a U.S. or western styled government, but an all Iraqi designed and chosen Islamic federal Democracy.
On December 15, ’05, the Iraqi people returned to the polls once again, this time in record numbers, to freely elect their first full-term government and parliament of the new free sovereign and self-governed Iraq.
Do the math… March of ’03 to December of ’05 is a miraculous timeline of events in a part of the world where most thought freedom, individual liberty and eventual peace were not possible. That’s a bit over two and a half years to accomplish what America took fourteen years to start in our own land, a government still hotly debated here 230 years later.
Now fast-forward to November 2006 and the U.S. mid-term election of desperation for Democrats, that resulted in a marginal return to congressional power for folks who had spent every day of the last two and a half years, successfully working around the clock to drive all public support for Iraq and our troops mission, out of existence.
Then forward on to January 2007, as these Democrats now take control of the U.S. Congress and sit at the helm of every national committee.
New Speaker of the People’s House Nancy Pelosi, who just returned from Iraq, told NPR that “what is happening in Iraq is chaos,” adding that after all this time, “We just have to end it.”
Pelosi proceeded with her main message, “Everyone that we spoke to [in a brief Iraq visit] said that thisescalationthat the president is engaged in is the one last chance.”
*(Escalation – an inaccurate word carefully chosen from Vietnam era war protest propaganda, like quagmire, used to erroneously define a troop surge, in an effort to undermine any potential benefit from a supportive increase in troops strength intended to squash remaining terror camps in and around Baghdad.)
**(One last chance – the new mantra of the Democratic Party in their effort to drive the last nail in Bush’s coffin, causing complete failure in Iraq and the broader war on terror by continuing to undermine all efforts to win, while setting a new deadline for victory, putting our enemy on notice to stay the course while demanding Bush retreat.)
New Leader of the People’s Senate Harry Reid told CBN News \”Winnable is not definable anymore. I don\’t think we can put this in the category of winnable.\”
\”I think if we got out of there, there would be less violence, there would be less excuses for doing some of the terrible things that they\’re doing to other human individuals,\” he said.
New Chairman of the House Committee on Defense John Murtha states his position this way, \”We are causing the problem.\” – – \”We can\’t win this.\” – – \’\’We can go to Okinawa. . . . We can redeploy (hide) there almost instantly.\’\’ – – \”We have to say to the Iraqis, \’This is your war. This is no longer our war. You\’ve got an elected government. This is up to you now to settle this thing.\”
Other Democrat leaders are going even further in their efforts to lose in Iraq, Russ Feingold announcing an initiative to stop all troop funding in Iraq, Joe Biden, new Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, passing a non-binding resolution down partisan lines, condemning the mission in Iraq to failure, Presidential wannabe and Hollywood favorite Barack Obama, demanding cut-n-run in more certain terms than the usual nuanced liberal drivel.
We have excessively liberal President in waiting and media darling Hillary Clinton, serving notice to Bush to “find a way out of Iraq before leaving office”; the implication being that she doesn’t want the responsibility of winning in Iraq in her assumed-to-be administration.
New Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Jay Rockefeller, made his position clear in his reaction to Bush’s State of the Union address, “Instead of a plan to end our occupation of Iraq, we have been presented with an escalation. I’m afraid the President’s troop surge plan oversimplifies the situation on the ground, places more of our soldiers in harm\’s way, and detracts from our ability to successfully carry out the real war on terrorism.”
***(Yes, the same Jay Rockefeller who made a secret private trip to the Middle East four months after 9/11 and a full year before Bush ever mentioned the word Iraq, for the sole purpose of advising our enemies in the region to dump those WMD because Bush was on the way. He is again in charge of our nation’s intelligence oversight.)
These are the folks you elected to win in Iraq and keep our nation safe from further international terrorism. These folks have no commitment to winning in Iraq as you can see, and as you will soon learn the hard way, they have no intention of winning the broader war on international terrorism either.
They all know exactly how high the stakes are, but they know how high the stakes are for their nearly dead political party as well, and one must have priorities, especially concerning political survival!
On this basis, I make these recommendations to President Bush.
1. If you think you need 20,000 more troops to complete the task at hand in Iraq, you had better send 50,000. Democrats have been clear; this is your LAST CHANCE to bring these brave folks home in VICTORY!
2. You had better not even blink an eye toward any enemy right now, not in Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela or Syria, not even your enemy across the political aisle because all of them have knife in hand, just waiting for you to blink. Better take no prisoners either.
3. Don’t use a troop surge similar to the troop surge you recently used on our Mexican border, in which you sent plenty of soldiers, but gave them orders to not engage the enemy under any circumstance, then sent two to prison for doing their job.
Usually, I take nothing a sniveling liberal says seriously. However, if you believe nothing else, believe this!
Democrats will make certain that this is indeed our LAST CHANCE for victory in Iraq or anywhere else.
Make it count!
Copper Johnspews:
#10- I don’t normally call people as asshole (in public), but your are an ASSHOLE.
Just like a leftwinger to tell other people to do something:
“you should help Katrina people”
“You should give to charity”
“You should (insert crap here)..”
“You should serve…”
We did, dickhead. All that.
I served. But never have I suggested YOU serve. And neither have you suggested it. But does it really matter?
You say it to make a point, and if we counter that we have, you will then say it doesnt matter. Assholes.
Hillary hasn’t served
Obama hasn’t served
Dean hasn’t served
You still vote for them, don’t you.
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
# Tree Frog Farmer says:
This is “How to Show a RightWingNut is a Liar Part II” This is public notice that the troll variously known as PuddyBuddy,PudWhacker,Reckless ,Mike Webb Sucks, Darrell, DarrellRecklesslySucksButtPutty, whatever, is not only a lying, psychotic spewer of Wingnut talking points, he doesn’t stop there.
He will claim someone as his friend, and then Make up Shit about his “friendship” with them..
Please note the time and date stamps on these posts. I have condensed them from several threads. Details on request.
# Tree Frog Farmer says:
If you accept DarrellRecklesslySucksButtPutty’s historical accounting of anything that has happened on this blog, more the fool you. The man lies as he breathes. He is a wingnut of the looniest kind.
It was never established whether PacMan was a sock puppet or not. Then he lied about ‘meeting’ GBS to establish his bonafides.
Go read the archives. . .yech. Among other things you can follow the trail to this disturbed personality’s true identity. . .for what its worth.
02/04/2007 at 10:59 am
# Puddybud says:
Froggy: Use your real first name. Carl demands it!
02/04/2007 at 10:59 am
# Tree Frog Farmer says:
Retrospective Distortion is what it is called, Darrell, it’s all just part of the package that comes with your warped mind.
02/04/2007 at 11:02 am
# Puddybud says:
Now Froggy just jumped off the deep end. As I remember, I emailed GBS and told him where we were. I have the receipt of where we ate and the parking stub paid. Sucks to be you Froggy!
Froggy, you little punk – Use your first name. Carl demands it! Are you a chickenshit? Yes you are.
02/04/2007 at 11:03 am
Tree Frog Farmer says:
Check the records. No receipt, no parking stub. GBS sez you were a no-show,LYINGPUDWHACKER.
02/04/2007 at 12:05 pm
GBS says:
Puddybud, you ol’ mouth breather you!
Shit, man, you got me. I had no idea that was you. You’re writing style is so, so . . . . What’s the word I’m looking for? You’re so “articulate.”
Bro, when you gonna pay up on that lunch???
02/08/2007 at 10:31 am
Tree Frog Farmer says: GBS@60 Hell, Old DarrellRecklesslySucksButtPutty was just the other day claiming to have a receipt for that lunch. . .
02/08/2007 at 11:07 am
GBS says:
@ 62:
C’mon, TFF, tell me you’re just pulling my leg, right?!?!
Uhhh–uhhh, Oh Nooo you ditn’t Puddybud, you ditn’t tell folk you bought ME lunch!!!
Lem’me ax you sumtin’, and tell da tru-ff, is TFF lyin’ or you lyin????
02/08/2007 at 11:44 am
I think it’s clear. DarrellSucksButtPutty never bought a lunch. No receipt. No parking stub.
02/09/2007 at 9:53 pm
Roger Rabbitspews:
Needless to say, the White House and its sycophantic supporters claim “outing” Valerie Plame was harmless.
(Originally, they even denied she was an “undercover” CIA agent, but this claim has been discredited, and the administration no longer makes this assertion.)
What we do know is that the CIA did not conduct a damage assessment — a routine procedure in cases like this — or, if it did, it has concealed the existence of the assessment and failed to provide it to the special prosecutor.
The best available evidence from the reporting of objective journalists who are not handmaidens of the White House press office is that Plame’s outing damaged U.S. intelligence gathering, especially on Iran’s nuclear program. For example,
– “Larisa Alexandrovna of The Raw Story reports that three intelligence officials, who spoke under condition of anonymity, told her” that a CIA internal investigation showed “‘significant damage to operational equities’ … [and] her outing … compromised the identity of other covert operatives …. These anonymous officials said that in their judgement, the CIA’s work on WMDs has been set back ‘ten years’ as a result of the compromise.”
– “MSNBC correspondent David Shuster reported … that MSNBC had learned … that when Mrs. Wilson’s cover was blown, the Administration’s ability to track Iran’s nuclear ambitions was damaged ….”
@20 “Clearly, we are not in the mood to be so patient with Iraq’s efforts to accomplish the same.”
WTF are you talking about? There is no so thing as “Iraq,” except on western maps. There are Kurds, Shiites, and Sunnis. None of these groups want to be a country with the other groups. No one in any of these factions wants a democratic form of government, or any secular form of government. What all three groups want is independence from the other two, to be governed by their own religious leaders, and as much of Iraq’s oil wealth as they can get their hands on. America’s goals in Iraq are universally opposed by the so-called “Iraqi people.” Polls consistently show, however, there is one potentially unifying issue on which nearly all of the so-called “Iraqi people” agree: 95% of them want American troops to leave their country. Saddam is dead; there are no WMDs; we should get the hell out of there and let the Shiites, Sunnis, and Kurds fight it out among themselves. In 40 years or so, after most of them are dead, they will have had enough and reach their own solution.
Sniveling Liberal Lefties Love Islamo-Nutjob\'sspews:
Moron @ 22… dude: go get laid, drunk, high or some electric shock therapy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Is there anything Republicans touch that they don’t fuck up? Absolutely anything? Anything at all?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 You lose. Thanks for playing.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 Flakey klake is your typical proto-nazi wingnut. When someone calls bullshit on the right wing’s lies and hypocrisy, klake’s only response is to call him an Al Qaeda sympathizer. You lose, klake. Thanks for playing.
Furball: The Hatians emulated Donkocratic Administrations. You can try all you want but you have no clue about Haiti. I went to school with 5 Haitians. They were of the ruling class. Their politics emulated yours through and through.
#10- I don’t normally call people as asshole (in public), but your are an ASSHOLE.
Just like a leftwinger to tell other people to do something:
“you should help Katrina people”
“You should give to charity”
“You should (insert crap here)..”
“You should serve…”
And what was it I said that was not true?
When reality does not fit in your deliverance style ideology, you call people call us “liberals” names.
It is all you can do.
Hillary, Dean, and Obama did not have their daddy get them a position in front of thousands of other more qualified applicants in the Texas Air National Guard with the help of the Lieutenant Governor (which he has admitted).
By the way, why did Bush’s military records in triplicate get shredded anyway? What was in his records that made shredding necessary. If he had served honorably, even if not getting his slot like everyone else, why was he not opening up his military records for all to see.
I would assume it was because his military career was just as big of a disaster as his presidency has been.
As far as serving, I did not join the military. All I can do at this point is to do all I can to wrest power from the lying traitors in the White House, before they commit more acts of treason. That includes the asleep at the switch do nothing, torture is ok with us, GOP controlled congress till recently.
That is what I can do for my country.
Making the kool aid drinkers look like fools is what I do for fun. It is not hard. Pretty much everything they type can be easily disproven with 10 seconds of internet surfing. Hey, what can you say to someone who’s beliefs are based in fear and fantasy, and not reality.
Did you see the news friday? The office of special plans was releasing knowingly false information, disguised as intelligence, known by the CIA to not be true, so the president could make his case for war?
I guess lying about the threat from Iraq, and their ties to Al Queda is ok with you right?
That is what makes me fight so hard. It is also what separates Democrats from Republicons. Treason is treason, whether it is committed by members of either party.
If a Democrat committed treason I would be pushing for their arrest just as loudly as if it was A Republicon.
Why aren’t you pushing for the arrest of Rove, Cheney, and Novak?
Sniveling Liberal Lefties Love Islamo-Nutjob\'sspews:
@27 Flakey klake Roger Rarebit is your typical proto-nazi wingnut Koolaid swilling coward. When someone calls bullshit on the right wing’s looney lefts lies and hypocrisy, klake’s Roger Rarebit\’s only response is to call him an Al Qaeda sympathizer right wing zealot loser. You lose, klake’s Roger Rarebit. Thanks for playing.
Being the typical cheap bastard liberal that you are Roger Rarebit, you may be able to get a 2 for 1 with the moron @ 22 on getting laid, drunk, high and/or some electric shock therapy.
Check in to it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 “Haiti illustrates one thing very clearly … the world needs cops.”
Not really. Policing the whole world is not possible. When human societies choose not to control their population growth and/or choose irrational economic policies, it’s inevitable they will exceed the ability of their land base to support them; and the excess population will be disposed of either by genocide or starvation. If outsiders intervene, all they’re doing is enabling the same cycle to continue. When people refuse to wise up, the best thing to do is let them wallow in their own shit, and the stupidest thing you can do is jump in with them. The proper use of our military is to keep other people’s shit from spilling over our borders. Since Iraq poses absolutely no threat to us, it’s hard to see a rationale for wallowing in their shit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I’ve noticed lately the troll posters are becoming increasingly desperate, and are grasping for ever-thinner straws, as they try to justify their miscarried military adventure.
They’ll say anything to avoid admitting the whole thing was an attempted imperalist conquest in 19th century fashion which foundered on 21st century military realities (i.e., the third world peoples that conservative troglodytes want to conquer aren’t armed with spears anymore).
The defenders of Bushittium are now reduced to throwing the whole bowl of spaghetti at the wall in hopes that something, anything, will stick.
You pigfuckers are going down.
Goldy, er Carl, er Roger, no wait, maybe Dug, hell I don\'t know who the fuck I am todayspews:
Roger Rabbit says: You pigfuckers are going down.
02/11/2007 at 1:14 pm
Goldy, er Carl, er Roger, no wait, maybe Dug, hell I don\’t know who the fuck I am today….
… and now we all know.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Copper John — there is NO ONE who depends more on welfare than Republicans. The only difference is their welfare comes from corporations and inherited wealth and social position. The last thing they want to do is compete on a level playing field with the rest of us. Do you think a George W. Bush could ever earn his own way or get a National Guard deferment from Vietnam if he had to get in line with everyone else? That’s why these chldren of privilege fight so hard to protect privilege, and will go to the ends of the earth to prevent our society from being based on merit.
A case in point is the fact that the Bush administration just fired a bunch of federal prosecutors that nearly everyone praised as highly capable and effective to make room for party hacks.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Wingnut @33 I’m sorry you’re so confused about your identity. I recommend you walk around your neighborhood until you find a wall constructed of unyielding material (e.g., concrete, rocks, or bricks) then repetitively slam your head against it until clarity comes to you.
While “Facts Support” and I occasionally disagree, my understanding (Facts, if I’m wrong here, please fess up) is that he has served, as have many of the liberal posters here.
Including me.
You will find the posters here somewhat more polite to folks that are right-wing, but have actually served in the Armed Forces. The reason is simple. We can respect a person that says “we should send troops to fight and die” when that person either is or has been at risk of being killed on the orders of others. (We’re a lot nicer to sgmmac than to “Right Stuff” – of course the fact that he also makes a polite, well-reasoned argument makes it much harder for us to simply dismiss him.)
We can also support a person that says “don’t send people to fight and die” when they won’t go themselves. I may disagree with them (or not), but they aren’t being hypocritical, sending others to fight where they are no willing to risk themselves.
I won’t speak for others at this point, only myself. Our current civilian leadership seems to have little or no regard for the lives of our service men and women. They have political goals that I often disagree with, and appear to have no qualms about spending the lives of brave men and women to achieve those goals. Some of those goals seem to include monetary gain for influential corporations.
So, when Mr. Obama, who has not served, says “this is not worth sending folks to die for” I can respect that, and even vote for him.
When Mr McCain claims that it is worth it, I will respectfully disagree, but at least he understands what he is asking those brave young men and women to do. He’s been there. I’ll listen to him, even if I disagree.
But when Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney, (and say what you wish, Mr. Bush has not served – playing Soldier and then quitting when it becomes inconvenient is not serving) say “go and fight and die for this cause (but not us or our children) I tend to view it with some scepticism.
Oh, and by the way. When Mr. Clinton recommended sending folks off to Bosnia, I was somewhat sceptical as well. After learing enough to understand the situation, I became much more supportive, but at first I had my doubts. (And though my ship was not used in that war, I would have gone regardless, as I was active duty Navy at the time, and we don’t get to choose our wars.
And when some unknown wingnut comes on here and starts spouting off, we tend to view him/her with scepticism too. We’ve had wingnuts that falsely claimed to be military before.
Goldy, er Carl, er Roger, no wait, maybe Dug, hell I don\'t know who the fuck I am todayspews:
re 25:
The counselor cum radio host (LMAO) uses multiple names/ideologies to create controversy.
How\’s that working for you goldy:roger:carl:ad infinitum?
only 1 peron here used that disgusting term… now we know it IS you… I think they have some fun drugs for multiple personality disorder… next time you check in for another \”surgery\” (shock therapy) ask for them.
Goldy, er Carl, er Roger, no wait, maybe Dug, hell I don\'t know who the fuck I am todayspews:
We’ve had wingnuts America hating lefty assholes that falsely claimed to be military patriots before…. right johnny?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@28 “I went to school with 5 Haitians. They were of the ruling class.”
BWAHAHAHAHA!!! This makes you an expert on Haiti?
First of all, let me state that I’m not an expert on anything. Except making bunnies — I’m an expert on that. But on subjects outside my natural expertise as native park fauna, I have to rely on the expertise of others. That’s why my comments are filled with attributed quotes.
Harvard and Cambridge-educated UCLA Prof. Jared Diamond, in his book “Collapse: How Societies Coose to Fail or Succeed” (Penguin Books, New York: 2005), wrote:
“Today, 28% of the Dominican Republic is still forested, but only 1% of Haiti. … The difference in forest cover between the two countries is paralleled by differnces in their economies … Haiti’s difficulties are much more serious …. It is the poorest country in the New World …. Its perenially corrupt government offers minimal public services; … most of the population lives without …electricity, water, sewage, medical care, and schooling. … There is extreme polarization between the masses of poor people … and a tiny population of rich elite …. The question that all visitors to Haiti ask themselves is whether there is any hope for the ocuntry, and the usual answer is ‘no.'” (pp. 229-230)
What Prof. Diamond portrays here is the OPPOSITE of what the Democratic Party stands for: A country with a destroyed environment, virtually no government, no public services, and extreme division between rich and poor. In other words, a prototype of what conservatives hope to create here in America.
Prof. Diamond continues:
“Already the poorest and one of the most overcrowded countries in the New World, Haiti is nevertheless continuing to become even poorer and more crowded, with a population growth rate of nearly 3% per year. Haiti is so poor, and so deficient in natural resources and in trained or educated human resources, that it really is difficult to see what might bring about improvement. … Haiti even lacks the capacity to utilize outside assistance effectively.” (p. 354)
What Haiti represents, of course, is total breakdown of regulated society; it is the ultimate laissez faire society; it is the Tragedy of the Commons played out on a societal scale — and what you end up with is humans reduced to animal-like existence. Any Haitian who can flee, flees.
That is exactly where conservative devil-take-the-hindmost ideology would take us, or any other society. Haiti illustrates why liberals are right and conservatives are wrong: Government is the foundation of civilization, and without government provision of infrastructure and public services, and government regulation of the environment and economy, everyone ends up with nothing.
You lose again, Pudding-fer-brains! But thanks for playing.
Jenna Bushspews:
The Times was right, Goldy. As this column shows, there’s nothing happening worth writing about.
I’m still hot for Watada.
Roger Rabbitspews:
George W. Bush hasn’t served. (After taking $1 million of pilot training from taxpayers, he refused to take a flight physical, was grounded, and rendered no useful service.)
Dick Cheney hasn’t served. (Took 5 deferments while his peers went to war.)
Rudy Guiliani hasn’t served.
Sam Brownback hasn’t served.
Mike Huckabee hasn’t served.
Mitt Romney hasn’t served.
Newt Gingrich hasn’t served.
Other prominent Republicans who haven’t served include:
Karl Rove
Dick Armey
Tom DeLay
Dennis Hastert
Trent Lott
Richard Perle
Bill O’Reilly
Rush Limbaugh
Bill Kristol
Ann Coulter
Can you say HYPOCRITE? But thanks for playing, wingnut.
harry poonspews:
It’s not “speculation” that the neocons are chickenhawks. It’s fact.
And if you believe that Watada should be imprisoned for not showing up for duty, then how about Bush. HE’S A DESERTER! And what’s worse, he and Cheney both supported the war they were too chickenshit to fight in.
Copper Johnspews:
Sir, you make my point. You list reasons why you don’t support Republicans, and the reasons you DO support the democrats. That is the real issue. It is only an issue of party politics. Look back at your post.
For example, maybe not you, but many liberal democrats talk about D Rumsfeld sending troops. He served in the Military for many years. However, there are posts and rants out there (and I am sure you have seen them) that say he never served in the Military.
It is never about my service, your service, their service, or any service. Unless it is convenient. It is only, ONLY, about party affiliation. IMHO
We vote. Sometimes your party wins. Sometimes mine does. And whoever is President directs our foreign policy. That is his constitutional authority.
harry poonspews:
re 43: Illegal spying on citizens of the US and abolishing 800 year old rights of Habeus Corpus is “foreign policy”?
In a certain sense, it is. It’s foreign to any reality based definition of Constitutionality.
Your words remind me more than a little of this quote:
“The great enemy of clear language is insincerity.”
–George Orwell
Is that clear?
Sniveling Liberal Lefties Love Islamo-Nutjob\'sspews:
WTG stupid fuckers… you do indeed reap what you sow…
Teenage workers laid off after minimum wage hike; employers cutting back hours…
New wage boost puts squeeze on teenage workers across Arizona
Employers are cutting back hours, laying off young staffers
Chad Graham
The Arizona Republic
Feb. 10, 2007 12:00 AM
Oh, for the days when Arizona\’s high school students could roll pizza dough, sweep up sticky floors in theaters or scoop ice cream without worrying about ballot initiatives affecting their earning power.
That\’s certainly not the case under the state\’s new minimum-wage law that went into effect last month.
Some Valley employers, especially those in the food industry, say payroll budgets have risen so much that they\’re cutting hours, instituting hiring freezes and laying off employees. advertisement
And teens are among the first workers to go.
Companies maintain the new wage was raised to $6.75 per hour from $5.15 per hour to help the breadwinners in working-poor families. Teens typically have other means of support.
Mark Messner, owner of Pepi\’s Pizza in south Phoenix, estimates he has employed more than 2,000 high school students since 1990. But he plans to lay off three teenage workers and decrease hours worked by others. Of his 25-person workforce, roughly 75 percent are in high school.
\”I\’ve had to go to some of my kids and say, \’Look, my payroll just increased 13 percent,\’ \” he said. \” \’Sorry, I don\’t have any hours for you.\’ \”
Messner\’s monthly cost to train an employee has jumped from $440 to $580 as the turnover rate remains high.
\”We go to great lengths to hang on to our high school workers, but there are a lot of kids who come in and get one check in their pocket and feel like they\’re living large and out the door they go,\” he said. \”We never get our return on investment when that happens.\”
For years, economists have debated how minimum-wage increases impact the teenage workforce.
The Employment Policies Institute in Washington, which opposed the recent increases, cited 2003 data by Federal Reserve economists showing a 10 percent increase caused a 2 percent to 3 percent decrease in employment.
It also cited comments by notedeconomist Milton Friedman, who maintained that high teen unemployment rates were largely the result of minimum-wage laws.
\”After a wage hike, employers seek to take fewer chances on individuals with little education or experience,\” one institute researcher told lawmakers in 2004.
Tom Kelly, owner of Mary Coyle Ol\’ Fashion Ice Cream Parlor in Phoenix, voted for the minimum-wage increase. But he said, \”The new law has impacted us quite a bit.\”
It added about $2,000 per month in expenses. The store, which employs mostly teen workers, has cut back on hours and has not replaced a couple of workers who quit.
Kelly raised the wages of workers who already made above minimum wage to ensure pay scales stayed even. As a result, \”we have to be a lot more efficient\” and must increase menu prices, he said.
While most of the state\’s 124,067 workers between the ages of 16 and 19 made well above $5.15 per hour before the change, the new law has created real-life economic opportunities.
Liliana Hernandez brings home noticeably more under the new law. The 18-year-old, who attends Metro Tech High School in Phoenix and works part time at Central High School, is saving the extra money, maybe to put towards buying a used car.
Hernandez said she deserves the raise just like any other Arizona worker even if she still lives with her parents.
\”I\’m doing the best I can and working hard like everyone else,\” she said.
In the months leading up to last November\’s vote, advocates of the new law maintained that it would help Arizona create a \”living wage\” for some of the poorest workers.
The Economic Policy Institute estimated that 145,000 Arizonans would receive a pay raise. That was how many made $5.15 to $6.74 per hour.
At one press conference, a mother described how she was unable to afford basic school supplies for her son.
Opponents, however, said there was little talk about teenage workers. \”Everyone wanted to focus on the other aspects of the minimum-wage campaign,\” said Michelle Bolton, Arizona state director of the National Federation of Independent Business.
An Employment Policies Institute study determined that 30.1 percent of affected workers in Arizona fell between the ages of 16 and 19.
\”Workers affected by the minimum-wage increase are less likely to be supporting a family than the typical Arizona worker,\” it stated. \”For example, 30.4 percent of the workers are living with their parent or parents, while only 7.6 percent of all Arizona workers are in this category.\”
John Weischedel, a senior at the East Valley Institute of Technology in Mesa, knows he is lucky to be making $8 per hour at an auto dealership and learning technical skills. So are most of his friends who make $9 or more per hour while still attending high school.
After the minimum-wage law went into effect, \”a couple of my friends got laid off – they worked in fast food,\” he said. \”They\’re going to wait until they\’re out of high school to find other jobs.\”
Copper John says: #36 Sir, you make my point. You list reasons why you don’t support Republicans, and the reasons you DO support the democrats. That is the real issue. It is only an issue of party politics. Look back at your post.
We vote. Sometimes your party wins. Sometimes mine does. And whoever is President directs our foreign policy. That is his constitutional authority.
02/11/2007 at 2:53 pm
Directing foreign policy is one thing. Openly lying about threats facing our nation to start a war for political gain is not within any president’s constitutional authority. I will also admit Bush was not the first to do it. Hopefully if he is made to pay for his crimes, and treason, lying us into this fiasco, he may be the last.
Remember, every time the term “mushroom cloud” came out of these traitor’s pie holes, they knew Saddam did not have any nuclear program. If you want to give them the benefit of the doubt (which you shouldn’t have to) they had no proof, but talked like they did. “No doubt” my ass.
If our nation was ruled by law, instead of the decider, maybe they would want to burn our flag a little less. Till these animals pay for their crimes, Bush, and Cheney, America will be the symbol of hatred for billions.
And to think America’s popularity was at incredible highs worldwide when Clinton left office……
We vote. Sometimes your party wins. Sometimes mine does. And whoever is President directs our foreign policy. That is his constitutional authority.
Actually, it’s not quite so clear.
The President has the right to conduct negotiations with foreign governments and sign treaties that must then be ratified by Congress.
The Constitution allows him this authority this “with the Advice and Consent of Congress” and no other way.
So, it seems that he is one among many that directs our foreign policy. Obviously, we cannot have 536 folks directing foreign policy, so he takes the lead. He is, after all, the one person in that whole group that was elected nationwide. (We can argue about that election later.)
But… He doesn’t get to “go it alone”. Congress has an important role to play as well, and if the Congress feels that he is overstepping his authority, or simply moving in the wrong direction, there are checks and balances that they can and should bring into play.
Hopefully, the person sitting in the Oval Office is smart enough and reasonable enough to work with the Congress.
We seem to be at a point now where Congress and the President are at (or soon to be at) loggerheads, and the White House, despite the rather strong message recently sent by the American public, insists on continuing what many (myself included) consider a failed policy.
This may well cause the Congress to take steps. The first is simply to try and talk with the President informally. Didn’t work.
The next is to pass a non-binding resolution. Essentially, we tell him in writing that we disapprove and that he needs to work with us.
After that, the Congress uses the “power of the purse” to influence decisions. It’s a rather blunt instrument, and in itself doesn’t actually do anything. If the President says that the troops stay, well, they just don’t get paid and we can’t buy any bullets, but that doesn’t put anyone on a transport plane.
Last, most drastic, and only used when the President is actually violating the law (for example, spending money on troops when the Congress has withdrawn funding) we can impeach him and remove him from office.
While I am in the minority around here on this topic, I think that this is such a drastic step (Republican efforts with regards to President Clinton notwithstanding) that it should only be done as an absolute last resort. Just because the Republicans abused this authority doesn’t mean that we should.
So, he doesn’t have a free hand in directing foreign policy, and if he doesn’t start listening to the folks that the Constitution specifically directs him to consult, he may find his options severely limited, or may even find himself out of a job.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@34 “Roger Rarebit is your typical Koolaid swilling coward.”
My resume includes volunteering for the Army and serving with an extended tour of duty with a front-line combat unit that earned a Presidential Unit Citation and has a Medal of Honor winner. You?
If you’d like to discuss who’s a “coward” further, make an appointment to see me. Bring a gun, so I can claim self-defense. Meantime, blow some of your hot air into a balloon and fuck yourself with it. Or, for a good time, call 1-900-SUCK-ROG.
“When someone calls bullshit on the lefts lies and hypocrisy, Roger Rarebit\’s only response is to call him an right wing zealot loser.”
I’m merely stating the facts, son. Everything I post is true. I properly attribute quotes and use reliable sources. Much of what I post consists of debunking rightwing lies, reflecting the fact that right wingers lie a very great deal.
Any dittohead can throw out vague charges like “lefts lies and hypocrisy,” but such rhetoric is meaningless in the absence of specifics. When I call bullshit or hypocrisy on a winger, I always identify the specific lie or hypocrisy, and provide the supporting true facts. Let me know when you’re ready to play in the adult league, boy.
“You lose, Roger Rarebit.”
Not even in your wildest wet dreams.
“Thanks for playing.”
Kiss my furry ass! Wanna play with my cute cottontail? For a good time, call 1-900-LICK-ROG.
“Being the typical cheap bastard liberal that you are Roger Rarebit …”
Of course I’m a cheap bastard! How else could I have accumulated the money to buy my oil stocks on a lguvmint salary? I live in a public park and eat local vegetation. Free food, no rent! I’m gonna become a rich fucking bunny the same way Republicans get rich, namely, on your dime! Every time you fill up, I get a dividend check. By all means keep driving your SUV; and thanks for your business, I appreciate your patronage.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@42 ALL the righty assholes posting on this board are unpatriotic, America-hating, troop-despising cowards! I donated $99 to Operation Helmet, which is more than any of you pigfucking fascists can say. I also donated $24.95 to Goldy’s fundraiser. You trolls are freeloaders on this site.
They need to change the LAW about “outing” covert agents. My Dad – Republican all his life – had an absolute fit over Pflame. The reason no-one was charged is the definition of “covert.” They are only protected for something like 5 years after their mission ends.
My Dad held a TS clearance his entire career in weapons testing nuclear bombs.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@36 “D Rumsfeld … served in the Military for many years.”
Not really. He served in active duty for 4 years, the absolute minimum enlistment required to become a Navy pilot, in peacetime mind you, then was a weekend warrior for another 16 years so he could collect retirement pay. If he wanted to see war first-hand, to educate himself for future public service, he certainly could have, as his Reserve service spanned the entire Vietnam War. He chose not to. Probably a wise move on his part, as we were losing an average of two pilots a day at the peak of the war. Donny, virtually alone among top Bush administration officials, is an actual veteran. But he is not in the same league as Democrats like Daniel Inouye and Bob Kerrey (Medal of Honor recipients), or Max Cleland (who lost three limbs in Vietnam), or John Kerry (wounded three times in Vietnam), or Al Gore (set boots on the ground in Vietnam). Democrat George McGovern bombed Ploesti; Republican Rumsfeld taught flight students to fly simulators. Hey nothing wrong with that; but Rumsfeld demonstrably doesn’t know a damn thing either about war strategy or the horrors of war. None of the Republicans do. America’s voters decided on Nov. 6 to fire those guys and hire Democrats who understand the limits of military power, and can be trusted with it.
harry poonspews:
re 49: There’s plenty of crops for teenagers to pick in AZ. That should cheer you.
Stephen Schwartzspews:
About time youi got your own blog. It is hard to read threads here with all the rabbit tracks.
Heathen Sinnerspews:
I am Republican – I lie, steal and cheat when I am not being a family man (fat whore) or a crying hypocrite. Hail Hitler!
Heathen Sinnersspews:
GBS: Is your email the same as it was before? Mine is still the same, so you can email me.
You see I ax’d you to email me or better yet tell FroggyASS when we traded emails about me meeting you at your favorite place. You told me not to reveal your favorite place again on ASSWipes.
You see GBS FroggyASS didn’t write the whole thread. FroggyASS is not telling you the truth. That’s because FroggyASS will not take the time and look on ASSWipes to view our discussion. I told him to look up our conversation last winter. You should remember our conversation late Winter 2006 when PacMan and I told you we were headed over to your favorite haunt. We went when we had free time. You told me you could not make it AFTER we went. To go there one must park and pay. If you shop in your favorite place your parking ticket is reduced or made free. You know this I know this and PacMan knew this. You commented afterward you could not make it but let’s try another day.
I told Froggy to look it up. I wrote to you to corroborate the event. FroggyASS didn’t take time to look it up, FroggyASS doesn’t know how to search the ‘Net. FroggyASS is just dumb!
Well Reverent John Barelli it appears you been asleep on the job lately, how many souls have you save the last couple of weeks? NONE! That all right it will take some time to get the hang of it, but keep singing in the choir. Pastor John your liberal friends might have served in the military but are not qualified to make command decisions. Your friend Roger served in Viet Nam in the Army but never got over the trauma of that conflict which clouds his opinions. You service is commendable but your logic on warfare comes out both sides of your face. Like my Grandmother would say white man speaks from both sides of their face. Yes, she is Native America Indian and didn’t live on the reservation. Now John you should not stereotype folks by calling them right-wing or reference them by any other name unless they make that claim. You have stereotype yourself in the past but you are not worthy of that name. Now you know that President Clinton never served in harm’s way, but sent folks like myself into combat zones. That doesn’t mean he isn’t qualified to make those tough decisions. You didn’t say that you wouldn’t come out and sing to our troops on a Sunday or even give a sermon that folks would be proud of your faith. God Bless; Chief Lake .
John Barelli says:
Copper John:
While “Facts Support” and I occasionally disagree, my understanding (Facts, if I’m wrong here, please fess up) is that he has served, as have many of the liberal posters here.
Including me.
You will find the posters here somewhat more polite to folks that are right-wing, but have actually served in the Armed Forces. The reason is simple. We can respect a person that says “we should send troops to fight and die” when that person either is or has been at risk of being killed on the orders of others. (We’re a lot nicer to sgmmac than to “Right Stuff” – of course the fact that he also makes a polite, well-reasoned argument makes it much harder for us to simply dismiss him.)
We can also support a person that says “don’t send people to fight and die” when they won’t go themselves. I may disagree with them (or not), but they aren’t being hypocritical, sending others to fight where they are no willing to risk themselves.
I won’t speak for others at this point, only myself. Our current civilian leadership seems to have little or no regard for the lives of our service men and women. They have political goals that I often disagree with, and appear to have no qualms about spending the lives of brave men and women to achieve those goals. Some of those goals seem to include monetary gain for influential corporations.
Roger Rabbit says:
@34 “Roger Rarebit is your typical Kool-Aid swilling coward.”
My resume includes volunteering for the Army and serving with an extended tour of duty with a front-line combat unit that earned a Presidential Unit Citation and has a Medal of Honor winner. You?
If you’d like to discuss who’s a “coward” further, make an appointment to see me. Bring a gun, so I can claim self-defense. Meantime, blow some of your hot air into a balloon and fuck yourself with it. Or, for a good time, call 1-900-SUCK-ROG.
“When someone calls bullshit on the lefts lies and hypocrisy, Roger Rarebit\’s only response is to call him and right wing zealot loser.” They are coming to take you away; they are coming to take you away,
Hee Hee Haw Haw They are coming to take you away, to the funny farm!!!!!!!
Yep Roger you inhaled something other than Kool-Aid. If you keep it up the ATF will drop by and pick up your weapons and that’s not your key board. Now if you can’t love a Republican how do you expect the Al Qaeda to love you and hung you? Now would you allow someone to shout in your court room or show disrespect to a judge or a lawyer. Nawwwwwwwwww, I don’t think so, but how is someone to respect you when all you do insult folks who disagree with you. Maybe you try eating just carrots for a week and flush all those bad germs out of your system. Sweet Dreams Bunny Rabbit
Roger Rabbitspews:
@55 “They need to change the LAW about ‘outing’ covert agents.”
How about enforcing the law we’ve already got? But when the people breaking the law are the same people who are supposed to enforce the law, more laws won’t do any good, will they? The solution is to change the people who are responsible for enforcing the law.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@58 Get a mouse with a scroll knob.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@62 “If you keep it up the ATF will drop by and pick up your weapons and that’s not your key board.”
What happened to the Second Amendment? Don’t you fascists support the Second Amendment anymore? When did the ATF begin regulating rabbit claws?
Valerie Pflame was NOT covert by the definition in the current law, that’s why there weren’t any charges brought up against anyone for “outing” her. You can’t out someone sitting behind a desk in D.C. unless they just returned from a covert mission.
A special prosecutor investigated it along with a grand jury hearing it. No-one was charged with “outing.”
Puddybud @ 61:
Why do I start my post with a heavy sigh?
Several reasons actually. I guess I’m disappointed on many levels. For starters, I probably missed my true calling in life. I should’ve been an attorney for the D.A.’s office. It seems to me, at least from the point of an educated guess, that a prosecuting attorney has to have a great recall for the details. At the end of this post, I’ll return to this point and wrap it all up in a nice gift box with a bow on it.
When you and I first started trading barbs on this blog I figured out that while you claimed to have had military service, little inconsistencies in the details of your story led me to believe you never actually spent time in the military. As it turned out, at least according to your account, which will be forever suspect, you did sign up for the Navy’s nuclear power program in college, but before you could actually wear the uniform you injured your knee in a basketball game and couldn’t meet the physical requirements of military service and never even spent one day being “haze gray and underway.” Yes?
Yes, of course I’m right! That’s exactly the gist of what transpired. Roger Rabbit took your back on this one saying that you “signed on the bottom line” so you served. I, however, had a differing point of view. But I digress.
Remember the whole 4 minute mile argument we had? Yes, of course you do. That’s where I gave you the first hints into my military background.
Remember when I confessed that I didn’t attend college like you and “PacMan” and that I wasn’t the smartest man in the world, but I had a great memory for details? Do you remember why I had to develop a great eye for details? Hint: remembering each aspect of every operational detail were the keys to success in my community.
But through it all, our heated exchanges, our differing points of view, I believed we had found some common ground of friendship and a willingness to break bread together. Although we never actually ate lunch together I felt as though we were friends. I even took your back on a few occasions when you were being unfairly attacked on this blog.
Mr. Puddybud, there is no “PacMan,” is there? A “PacMan,” at least, that exists outside of your own imagination. PacMan is, in fact, a figment of your imagination, isn’t he?
You know it, I know and now, so, too, will everyone else.
You disappointed me, Puddybud, I thought we were friends. I thought you were different.
Instead, you revealed your true colors of the typical, amoral, conservative Christian quality that most modern day conservatives seem to share; like DeLay, Abramoff, Duke Cunningham, Ney, Libby, Rev. Haggard and the rest of your ilk.
What you say in your post @ 61 is “mostly” true. We were trying to set a date for lunch, but I specifically said I couldn’t make the lunch before you and “PacMan” went rushing to the undisclosed lunch location (Uwajimaya.) Re-read the posts if you must (March/April 2006 time frame). If you were to recall correctly, I was just about to depart for a well deserved European vacation and couldn’t squeeze in the time.
Have you figured it out yet, Puddybud? Have your synapses fired yet? Did you make the connection yet? Do you know where you made your fatal mistake yet? Because this is THE critical moment.
Let me put it together for you and the readers of HA. At the time we were trying to set up a lunch to your gambling debt and you, as in Puddybud, were frightened of me. You, Puddybud, wanted an address where you could mail me a “certified” check for the amount we bet. Then, as if by magic – Ta Da – “PacMan” moves up from the Bay Area to Seattle and the both of you want to make a last minute dash to meet me for lunch. And, as it happened, we missed each other.
But the part that tripped up your story, Puddybud, is this passage in your post @ 61 “GBS: Is your email the same as it was before? Mine is still the same, so you can email me.”
You see, Puddybud, and ladies and gentlemen of HA jury, Puddybud never, ever emailed me because he was scared of connecting with me. So he had “PacMan” email me.
See the inconsistency in your story, Puddybud? You and I NEVER exchanged emails, only “PacMan” and I emailed each other. So, if your email is the same and I can email you then you are, in fact, “PacMan” and a liar, sir. A Liar. Not only did I use the term correctly, I used it well,
And that’s why I should’ve been an attorney for the D.A.’s office.
Remember that? “You Jean” wearing “Rook”-ie! And I do mean rookie.
klake, can I introduce you to an interesting concept called the “paragraph?”
After a bit of eyestrain trying to figure out where your sentences began and ended, I gave it up as simply not worth the effort.
Oh, and didn’t you claim to be a commissioned officer last time you made the claim to military service? You certainly did not make the claim to being a Chief, and your current claim rings false. Chiefs have a brotherhood that transcends politics. No real Chief would ever play the stupid games that you do with a fellow Chief.
As to your attempting to ridicule my faith, sorry klake. It just brings a big grin to my face.
“Blessed are you when men hate you, when they exclude you and insult you, and reject your name is evil because of the Son of Man.” Luke 6:22 NRSV
Can someone help me out here? The Bush admin has been telling us that the problems in Iraq are mostly confined to Baghdad – ie, the majority of the country is relatively peaceful. Why have so many people left the country? Don’t they realize that all they have to do is just get outside of the Baghdad area to be safe? They are leaving a democracy to go to Syria or Iran. Can someone ask Dick Cheney…he seems to know these Arabs better than most.
Actually, the administration has been implying that the areas outside Baghdad are relatively safe, mostly because it has given up holding them. Essentially, we simply recognize the strongest of the local militia groups as the “police” and they take over.
The central Iraqi government has very little influence over much of the country.
Some of the local militias are actually trying to provide security in their areas. There are areas of Iraq that are relatively safe.
There are other areas where if you are not part of the group that is providing the militia, you and your family will find yourselves “encouraged” to leave.
Of somewhat more concern is the increased rhetoric regarding Iran. It seems incredible, but the Bush administration seems to be trying to test public support for military operations there.
Does he really think that the American public will allow him to attack yet another country? Is he so insulated from public opinion that he actually believes that we would go along with another military debacle? Is he so insulated from reality that he thinks that we have the additional military capacity to take on yet another major conflict?
Is there anyone left in the Bush administration that has even the slightest glimmer of sanity?
Concerning the AWV.
I’m voting no on both the replacement and the hybrid tunnel.
I think we should retrofit the existing structure, and then all you bright young assholes can spend the next twenty-five years putting the transit in place to allow non-commercial traffic to travel on trains and buses.
My position has the added benefit of the usual Seattle hemming and hawing over big projects. AWV may stand for another six years with no action at all. By then, it will have survived for half the expected life of a retrofit, and in that case, why not waiting another twelve?
So, knock yourselves out. Design a stately pleasure domedXanadu on Elliot Bay, complete with gilded lilies. Just keep your pipe dreams out of my bank account.
why not wait, that is.
I see that nobody told you that yesterday had been cancelled. Tony Snow was ill.
Goldy – OBAMA, you are getting slouchy, fame??? burnout???
Or no hints and prods from the Stranger?
I understand why Frank Blethen doesn’t want to dwell on Republican corruption, incompetence, and failure. And I even understand why Frank suddenly has gone quiet, very quiet, about estate taxes. But wasting precious editorial space on a dead bimbo and a crazy astronaut?
Hey, if Frank was feeling whimsical, he coulda written an editorial about the OK Corral, circa 2007:
“Shades of the Old West: Two Ore. ranchers dead in cattle dispute
“The Associated Press
“PORTLAND, Ore. — Four cows that had gone missing from their spread in Eastern Oregon led cattlemen Dennis Beach and his son, Travis, to a cousin’s ranch about eight miles away. What happened next was like a scene out of the Old West ….
The ranch owner, Tom Beach, wasn’t there when Dennis and Travis Beach arrived to fetch their cows. But the ranch caretakers were: Shane Huntsman and Donna Carol Beach Dunning, who is Tom Beach’s sister. An argument over ownership of the cattle ensued. …
“Huntsman killed Dennis Beach, shooting him off his horse with a .30-30 caliber rifle … [and] hit Travis in the head with a rock. Travis wrestled the rifle from Huntsman and shot him ….
The Wallowa County district attorney has decided not to press charges against Travis Beach for Huntsman’s death, saying he acted in self-defense. … Donna Dunning has been charged with trying to kill 28-year-old Travis Beach. According to court papers, she gave Huntsman the rock he used to hit Travis Beach while urging Huntsman to ‘finish him off.’ …
“Dennis, Travis and Tom Beach and Dorothy Dunning are descended from a pair of brothers who ranched together for decades and a family that traces its roots in Wallowa County back a century.”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://tinyurl.com/2j5j7k
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Betcha all of these yahoos are Republicans.
@4 You must be a wingnut, because the point of Goldy’s post flew completely over your tiny head.
Goldy … you are just getting jaded
Putin says USA wants to dominate world…
Oh, and the son of a Kenyan and a Kansan, announced he was running for President as the second tall lawyer from Illinois to seek the job. I understand his younger daughter thinks he would look better with a beard. I do too.
Here’s an idea…I’ve checked and the usual right wing chickenhawks are saying Lt. Watada should be sent to jail, killed, stoned, etc., for missing movement. Why not solve the problem assholes by taking his place? Oh, you don’t think going to war yourself is such a good idea? Didn’t think so.
What a bunch of cowardly dick-sucking punks!
I am truly amazed at how well the Bush Administration is holding up, with all the facts being covered in the press these days. Cheney, actively involved with outing an undercover CIA agent, and destroying her front company, Brewster Jennings, while managing the cover up. Douglas Feith running his own intelligence spin machine from the pentagon, issuing intelligence assessments of his own, the exact opposite of what the CIA had found, like Saddam Al Queda ties that never existed (they were enemies by the way). Scientists saying their findings were being altered by the EPA. Bush firing da’s so he can replace them with cronies, like in Duke Cunningham’s area, and here in Washington State.
If you want a true perspective, just think of the 24 / 7 news outrage that would be going on if it was the Clinton White House that committed the above mentioned atrocities. The 2,500 tv, and radio stations connected at the hip to the GOP talking points memos, screaming outrage in unison, like in the “Whitewater” days. Remember when every rumor was printed, and none turned out to be true? Please help me, how many people did Bill Clinton personally murder?
Gosh I can only think back to the good old days…..
Americans had the right to a speedy trial, the right to a lawyer, the right to not be tortured by their government, their phones couldn’t be tapped without a warrant within 72 hours, their bank accounts couldn’t be examined without a warrant, and presidents told the truth about all matters other than ones in the bedroom area…..
Does anyone know of a website that shows all the pre-9/11 warnings Bush ignored? I know there were some direct warnings from the CIA, and over 50 from the FAA, but I am sure there are more. One thing is for sure. He did absolutely nothing to protect us, no matter how many warnings he got Al Queda was about to strike on American soil.
It is amazing how little press ignoring all those dozens / hundreds of warnings Bush, and the FBI / CIA got….
Everyone still supporting this administration should be wearing swastikas on every piece of clothing. Sieg Heil!
“Why not solve the problem assholes by taking his place?”
That is a ridiculous,rhetorical question and shows what a Dumb-ass you really are.
Watada did what he did.No one can, or should, “take his place”. He wanted to make a statement and put the war on trial. It doesn’t look like he will get to do that and he will pay for his stupidity…… in jail.
RightEqualsStupid is right. Why don’t you right wingers all march down to the recruiters, and go enlist. You can go to Iraq, and die, and we can put on your headstone, “Died For Bush Not America” or something.
I feel sorry for all those patriotic, or many times just unemployed kids that joined the military to defend us, or get an education, and then get blown to bits so Bush can increase the “political capitol” he claimed he could use to get all he wanted accomplished.
After 9-11 all those folks that joined the military to “Defend America” and then get used as bloodied pawns in a political power grab by lying traitors. Instead of going after terrorists, we invaded Iraq, the only middle east country Al Queda could not operate. We fixed that though.
What is even more sad than 3,100 unnecessary flag draped coffins, and 50,000 to 100,000 injured soldiers, is the fact that all the Faux News viewers still believe we invaded Iraq to rid Saddam of WMD’s. Heck I watched Hannity claim the other day we did find WMD’s in Iraq. He must have been referring to the artillery shells that expired 10 years ago. To say these are WMD’s would be like saying you caught a murderer by standing by Manson’s grave.
If you still think we invaded Iraq because of WMD’s you need professional help fast. You are a danger to yourself, and even more to your country. Your denial of reality could be considered treason every time you opened your pie hole and defended Bush.
Bin Laden could only dream of hurting America as much as Bush, and Cheney, all with the help of their blind, ignorant, anti-American, fascist, torture loving supporters.
You know how to spot a Republicon? If you want to talk politics, they want to change the subject. They may throw out a Rovian talking point before running away as fast as they can, but they always run away. Every single time. Run, run, run, reality is coming….. They have to run away. They truly despise the people that live in the reality based world.
They believe what they want to believe and NO AMOUNT OF FACTS can change their mind. Hell, Bush could have the secret service murder their children right in front of them, and they would still vote for him. That is what being a Republicon is all about.
Yes the chickenhawks like WHATADICK Cheney, Limpdick Limbaugh, HANDJOB Hannity and their ilk are all for war, as long as they don’t have to fight in one.
Facts Support My Positions says:
RightEqualsStupid is right. Why don’t you right wingers all march down to the recruiters, and go enlist. You can go to Iraq, and die, and we can put on your headstone, “Died For Bush Not America” or something.
I feel sorry for all those patriotic, or many times just unemployed kids that joined the military to defend us, or get an education, and then get blown to bits so Bush can increase the “political capitol” he claimed he could use to get all he wanted accomplished.
After 9-11 all those folks that joined the military to “Defend America” and then get used as bloodied pawns in a political power grab by lying traitors. Instead of going after terrorists, we invaded Iraq, the only middle east country Al Queda could not operate. We fixed that though.
Mr. Facts Support My Positions; funny I did see your name tag out there on the drill field for roll call. Do you really support Al Qaeda instead? It appears with all the speculation that you make on this web site that is your intent. You do miss one fact though not everyone join the military after 911 and many didn’t join for the reasons you claim. Some of us have served under many Presidents and they made mistakes also but are not persecuted like you do the present Leader. The whole time that you have ranted on this web site I have never heard a viable solution presented that everybody would accept. Where is your plan? Sunny we have been waiting for months now spit it out we are getting impatience.
@11 @12
Well since you say so it must be true…..
“After 9-11 all those folks that joined the military to “Defend America” and then get used as bloodied pawns in a political power grab by lying traitors. Instead of going after terrorists, we invaded Iraq, the only middle east country Al Queda could not operate. We fixed that though.”
The USA is actively fighting a global war. Not just in Iraq and Afghanistan.
“I feel sorry for all those patriotic, or many times just unemployed kids that joined the military to defend us, or get an education, and then get blown to bits so Bush can increase the “political capitol” he claimed he could use to get all he wanted accomplished.”
Your opinion of the US Recruit outs you for the elitist that you are….
“Heck I watched Hannity claim the other day we did find WMD’s in Iraq. He must have been referring to the artillery shells that expired 10 years ago. To say these are WMD’s would be like saying you caught a murderer by standing by Manson’s grave.”
Saddam was to have 0 wmd. Per UN687. That he had them at all justifies our action to remove him. (un1441)Not that I think the we (USA) need international approval to defend ourself or our interests.
The war is not illegal.
“Does anyone know of a website that shows all the pre-9/11 warnings Bush ignored? I know there were some direct warnings from the CIA, and over 50 from the FAA, but I am sure there are more. One thing is for sure. He did absolutely nothing to protect us, no matter how many warnings he got Al Queda was about to strike on American soil.”
Yes, you can go down to the Clinton library and find all the information on the warnings we had been getting for years. That is if Sandy Berger hasn’t accidently put classified documents relating to this in his pants again.
tht is @10 and 11
Folk’s escalation of the War, the United States attacks another country to deny our enemies any safe haven. Was this approved by the Democrat run Congress?
U.S. Launches Artillery In to Pakistan
Published: February 11, 2007
Filed at 11:53 a.m. ET
BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan (AP) — Asserting a right to self-defense, American forces in eastern Afghanistan have launched artillery rounds into Pakistan to strike Taliban fighters who attack remote U.S. outposts, the commander of U.S. forces in the region said Sunday.
The skirmishes are politically sensitive because Pakistan’s government, regarded by the Bush administration as an important ally against Islamic extremists, has denied that it allows U.S. forces to strike inside its territory.
The use of the largely ungoverned Waziristan area of Pakistan as a haven for Taliban and al-Qaida fighters has become a greater irritant between Washington and Islamabad since Pakistan put in place a peace agreement there in September that was intended to stop cross-border incursions.
Army Col. John W. Nicholson, commander of the 3rd Brigade, 10th Mountain Division, said in an Associated Press interview that rather than halt such incursions, the peace deal has led to a substantial increase.
The CIA has been presenting false evidence about Iran to expand the War into another country. Claim supported by Facts Support My Positions a far left wing nut that claim that the sky is falling. Yep another one of those Hollywood nuts will be making a movie about it; woops I think they already made one Chicken Little?
Deadliest Bomb in Iraq Is Made by Iran, U.S. Says
Published: February 10, 2007
WASHINGTON, Feb. 9 — The most lethal weapon directed against American troops in Iraq is an explosive-packed cylinder that United States intelligence asserts is being supplied by Iran.
The assertion of an Iranian role in supplying the device to Shiite militias reflects broad agreement among American intelligence agencies, although officials acknowledge that the picture is not entirely complete.
In interviews, civilian and military officials from a broad range of government agencies provided specific details to support what until now has been a more generally worded claim, in a new National Intelligence Estimate, that Iran is providing “lethal support” to Shiite militants in Iraq.
The focus of American concern is known as an “explosively formed penetrator,” a particularly deadly type of roadside bomb being used by Shiite groups in attacks on American troops in Iraq. Attacks using the device have doubled in the past year, and have prompted increasing concern among military officers. In the last three months of 2006, attacks using the weapons accounted for a significant portion of Americans killed and wounded in Iraq, though less than a quarter of the total, military officials say.
Because the weapon can be fired from roadsides and is favored by Shiite militias, it has become a serious threat in Baghdad. Only a small fraction of the roadside bombs used in Iraq are explosively formed penetrators. But the device produces more casualties per attack than other types of roadside bombs.
Hey Folks the U.N. is trying to fix a problem on a little island called Haiti but not getting the results they wanted. Do they now pack and run like the Democrats want us to do in the Middle East? Now we can move or troops to Africa for some good R&R and they will welcome us with open arms.
U.N. Troops Fight Haiti Gangs One Street at a Time
Published: February 10, 2007
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti, Feb. 5 — For years, street gangs have run Haiti right alongside the politicians. With a disbanded army and a corrupted wreck of a police force, successive presidents have either used the gangs against political rivals or just bought them off.
Recently, something extraordinary has occurred. President René Préval decided to take on the gangs and set the 8,000 United Nations peacekeepers loose on them, a risky move that will determine the security of the country and the success of his young government.
“We’re taking back Port-au-Prince centimeter by centimeter,” said Lt. Col. Abdesslam Elamarti, a peacekeeper from Morocco. “We’re pressing these gangs so the population can live in peace.”
The offensive by the United Nations forces, who arrived here in 2004 after the ouster of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, began in earnest in late December. One of the fiercest battles took place on the morning of Jan. 25 with a raid by hundreds of United Nations forces on a gang hide-out on the periphery of Cité Soleil, this sprawling seaside capital’s largest and most notorious slum.
Haiti is a basket case. First and foremost, they’ve destroyed their environment; consequently, the country can no longer support its population, and half of all Haitians live abroad. Haiti has been virtually denuded of trees. By contrast, the Dominican Republic, which occupies the other half of the island of Hispaniola, has managed its land better — and, by and large, has avoided Haiti’s economic and social problems. Republicans scorn environmentalists but they are utterly wrong about the importance of protecting the environment and sustainable economic policies. Their ideology will lead to disaster similar to what Haiti experienced. Easter Island at one time had as many as 30,000 inhabitants, but deforestation and soil erosion led to starvation and only a little over 100 still survived when the island was discovered by Europeans. Those pigfuckers behaved like Repoublicans and that’s what it got them!
Haiti illustrates one thing very clearly … the world needs cops.
Amongst the horrible inheritance of the next administration will be the Bushista destruction of UN credibility in the US. Rather than needed reform, the Busites spread manure.
Whether it is Africa or Chechnia, or Iraq, or North Koprea there is a real need for some forum that is credible beyond our self interest.
Unless, of course, we wich to live under Pax Sinica.
Libby Trial Evidence Confirms Everything We Suspected About Cheney
– “A White House known as disciplined was anything but that.”
– “A vice president fixated on finding ways to debunk a former diplomat’s claims that Bush misled the U.S. people in going to war.”
– “Cheney … played a role in suppressing contrary intelligence.”
– “A presidential press secretary kept in the dark on Iraq policy.”
– “Top White House officials meeting daily to discuss … former ambassador Joseph Wilson, and … his CIA-officer wife Valerie Plame.”
– “Cheney himself told [Libby] Plame worked at CIA a month before the talk with Russert, but Libby says he forgot that in the crush of business.
– “Cheney told Libby to speak with selected reporters to counter bad news. He developed talking points on the matter for the White House press office. He helped draft a statement by then-CIA Director George Tenet. He moved to declassify some intelligence material to bolster the case against Wilson.”
– “Cheney and Libby discussed the matter multiple times each day.”
– “A former Cheney press aide, Cathie Martin, … proposed leaking some news exclusives.”
– “Cheney ordered Libby to leak part of a classified intelligence report.”
– “Cheney was … a deputy president with a shadow operation. He had his own source of advice. He had his own source of access. He was making his own decisions.”
– “Former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer … was surprised to find the administration was backing off the 16 words … it wasn’t the first time he spoke of the administration’s position with great certainty, only to find it had changed and nobody had bothered to let him know.”
“Libby had conversations about Plame’s identity with Cheney as well as with a Cheney spokeswoman, a undersecretary of state and two CIA officials before he talked to Russert.”
– “Former New York Times reporter Judith Miller and former Time magazine reporter Matthew Cooper testified that Libby discussed Plame’s CIA employment with them.
– “Cheney … [used] a classified assessment of Iraq’s weapons capabilities to rebut Wilson. Among those not informed about this Cheney maneuver … were then-White House chief of staff Andrew H. Card Jr., then-CIA Director George J. Tenet and then-national security adviser Condoleezza Rice.”
– “Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage was the first to disclose Plame’s work to reporters. Ultimately, he, Fleischer and special presidential adviser Karl Rove all have acknowledged talking to reporters about her.
– “At least six reporters were privately told by top administration officials of Plame’s connection with the CIA.”
“‘What was interesting to me was what appears to be the total involvement of the vice president,’ said Stephen Hess, a presidential scholar who worked in the Eisenhower and Nixon White Houses. ‘If he’s down to micromanaging news leaks and responses at that level, I found that quite astounding.'”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://tinyurl.com/34aqys
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Bush administraiton = nest of traitors
Bush Better Send 50,000!
Operation Iraqi Freedom
Written by JB Williams
©2007 USA
It took us eight and a half years, from April 19, 1775, when the shot heard round the world was fired, until November 25, 1783, when the last British forces evacuated New York, Brooklyn and the colonies, to begin the process of securing America’s status as a free sovereign nation.
In 1776, we announced our national intentions to be free and independent at any cost. A rag-tag militia made up of ill-equipped and untrained farmers, shed blood for six years, eventually defeating a better armed and better trained British Army by 1783. It took another five years for nine states to agree on the language that would establish our Constitutional government in 1788. In March of 1789, our First President George Washington took his oath of office under the new Constitution.
That’s fourteen years folks. And 230 years later, 300 million Americans still can’t agree on what America even is…let alone what our Constitution means and how to implement it.
Clearly, we are not in the mood to be so patient with Iraq’s efforts to accomplish the same.
We have been in Iraq since March of 2003. It took only days to defeat and depose the most brutal regime in recent world history, also the most threatening and powerful army in the war torn Middle East, liberating not conquering, 25 million Iraqi men, women and children in that process.
Four months later in July of ’03, the newly appointed interim Iraqi government met for the first time to begin forming its own free sovereign government. Eleven months later in June of ‘04, the coalition occupation ended when the U.S. led coalition handed full sovereignty and complete control of Iraq’s future over to the confirmed interim Iraqi government functioning under Prime Minister Allawi. From this moment forward, Iraq had the power to demand America and coalition forces leave its country. They did not, of course; quite the contrary.
Six months later in January ’05, with the continued security support of U.S. and coalition forces, some eight million Iraqi citizens, Shia, Sunni and Kurd alike, braved a gauntlet of terrorist firepower, and walked to polling places all over Iraq to cast the first free ballot of their life, holding up those purple fingers with great pride as if they were a badge of honor for a job well done under the most difficult of circumstances, which is exactly what they demonstrated.
In August of ’05, both Shia and Kurdish representatives endorsed the first draft Constitution of Iraq. Minority Sunni representatives declined to endorse. However, in October ’05, the Iraqi population once again retuned to the polls to overwhelmingly approve their Constitution, which set up the groundwork for not a U.S. or western styled government, but an all Iraqi designed and chosen Islamic federal Democracy.
On December 15, ’05, the Iraqi people returned to the polls once again, this time in record numbers, to freely elect their first full-term government and parliament of the new free sovereign and self-governed Iraq.
Do the math… March of ’03 to December of ’05 is a miraculous timeline of events in a part of the world where most thought freedom, individual liberty and eventual peace were not possible. That’s a bit over two and a half years to accomplish what America took fourteen years to start in our own land, a government still hotly debated here 230 years later.
Now fast-forward to November 2006 and the U.S. mid-term election of desperation for Democrats, that resulted in a marginal return to congressional power for folks who had spent every day of the last two and a half years, successfully working around the clock to drive all public support for Iraq and our troops mission, out of existence.
Then forward on to January 2007, as these Democrats now take control of the U.S. Congress and sit at the helm of every national committee.
New Speaker of the People’s House Nancy Pelosi, who just returned from Iraq, told NPR that “what is happening in Iraq is chaos,” adding that after all this time, “We just have to end it.”
Pelosi proceeded with her main message, “Everyone that we spoke to [in a brief Iraq visit] said that this escalation that the president is engaged in is the one last chance.”
*(Escalation – an inaccurate word carefully chosen from Vietnam era war protest propaganda, like quagmire, used to erroneously define a troop surge, in an effort to undermine any potential benefit from a supportive increase in troops strength intended to squash remaining terror camps in and around Baghdad.)
**(One last chance – the new mantra of the Democratic Party in their effort to drive the last nail in Bush’s coffin, causing complete failure in Iraq and the broader war on terror by continuing to undermine all efforts to win, while setting a new deadline for victory, putting our enemy on notice to stay the course while demanding Bush retreat.)
New Leader of the People’s Senate Harry Reid told CBN News \”Winnable is not definable anymore. I don\’t think we can put this in the category of winnable.\”
\”I think if we got out of there, there would be less violence, there would be less excuses for doing some of the terrible things that they\’re doing to other human individuals,\” he said.
New Chairman of the House Committee on Defense John Murtha states his position this way, \”We are causing the problem.\” – – \”We can\’t win this.\” – – \’\’We can go to Okinawa. . . . We can redeploy (hide) there almost instantly.\’\’ – – \”We have to say to the Iraqis, \’This is your war. This is no longer our war. You\’ve got an elected government. This is up to you now to settle this thing.\”
Other Democrat leaders are going even further in their efforts to lose in Iraq, Russ Feingold announcing an initiative to stop all troop funding in Iraq, Joe Biden, new Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, passing a non-binding resolution down partisan lines, condemning the mission in Iraq to failure, Presidential wannabe and Hollywood favorite Barack Obama, demanding cut-n-run in more certain terms than the usual nuanced liberal drivel.
We have excessively liberal President in waiting and media darling Hillary Clinton, serving notice to Bush to “find a way out of Iraq before leaving office”; the implication being that she doesn’t want the responsibility of winning in Iraq in her assumed-to-be administration.
New Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Jay Rockefeller, made his position clear in his reaction to Bush’s State of the Union address, “Instead of a plan to end our occupation of Iraq, we have been presented with an escalation. I’m afraid the President’s troop surge plan oversimplifies the situation on the ground, places more of our soldiers in harm\’s way, and detracts from our ability to successfully carry out the real war on terrorism.”
***(Yes, the same Jay Rockefeller who made a secret private trip to the Middle East four months after 9/11 and a full year before Bush ever mentioned the word Iraq, for the sole purpose of advising our enemies in the region to dump those WMD because Bush was on the way. He is again in charge of our nation’s intelligence oversight.)
These are the folks you elected to win in Iraq and keep our nation safe from further international terrorism. These folks have no commitment to winning in Iraq as you can see, and as you will soon learn the hard way, they have no intention of winning the broader war on international terrorism either.
They all know exactly how high the stakes are, but they know how high the stakes are for their nearly dead political party as well, and one must have priorities, especially concerning political survival!
On this basis, I make these recommendations to President Bush.
1. If you think you need 20,000 more troops to complete the task at hand in Iraq, you had better send 50,000. Democrats have been clear; this is your LAST CHANCE to bring these brave folks home in VICTORY!
2. You had better not even blink an eye toward any enemy right now, not in Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela or Syria, not even your enemy across the political aisle because all of them have knife in hand, just waiting for you to blink. Better take no prisoners either.
3. Don’t use a troop surge similar to the troop surge you recently used on our Mexican border, in which you sent plenty of soldiers, but gave them orders to not engage the enemy under any circumstance, then sent two to prison for doing their job.
Usually, I take nothing a sniveling liberal says seriously. However, if you believe nothing else, believe this!
Democrats will make certain that this is indeed our LAST CHANCE for victory in Iraq or anywhere else.
Make it count!
#10- I don’t normally call people as asshole (in public), but your are an ASSHOLE.
Just like a leftwinger to tell other people to do something:
“you should help Katrina people”
“You should give to charity”
“You should (insert crap here)..”
“You should serve…”
We did, dickhead. All that.
I served. But never have I suggested YOU serve. And neither have you suggested it. But does it really matter?
You say it to make a point, and if we counter that we have, you will then say it doesnt matter. Assholes.
Hillary hasn’t served
Obama hasn’t served
Dean hasn’t served
You still vote for them, don’t you.
# Tree Frog Farmer says:
This is “How to Show a RightWingNut is a Liar Part II”
This is public notice that the troll variously known as PuddyBuddy,PudWhacker,Reckless ,Mike Webb Sucks, Darrell, DarrellRecklesslySucksButtPutty, whatever, is not only a lying, psychotic spewer of Wingnut talking points, he doesn’t stop there.
He will claim someone as his friend, and then Make up Shit about his “friendship” with them..
Please note the time and date stamps on these posts. I have condensed them from several threads. Details on request.
# Tree Frog Farmer says:
If you accept DarrellRecklesslySucksButtPutty’s historical accounting of anything that has happened on this blog, more the fool you. The man lies as he breathes. He is a wingnut of the looniest kind.
It was never established whether PacMan was a sock puppet or not. Then he lied about ‘meeting’ GBS to establish his bonafides.
Go read the archives. . .yech. Among other things you can follow the trail to this disturbed personality’s true identity. . .for what its worth.
02/04/2007 at 10:59 am
# Puddybud says:
Froggy: Use your real first name. Carl demands it!
02/04/2007 at 10:59 am
# Tree Frog Farmer says:
Retrospective Distortion is what it is called, Darrell, it’s all just part of the package that comes with your warped mind.
02/04/2007 at 11:02 am
# Puddybud says:
Now Froggy just jumped off the deep end. As I remember, I emailed GBS and told him where we were. I have the receipt of where we ate and the parking stub paid. Sucks to be you Froggy!
Froggy, you little punk – Use your first name. Carl demands it! Are you a chickenshit? Yes you are.
02/04/2007 at 11:03 am
Tree Frog Farmer says:
Check the records. No receipt, no parking stub. GBS sez you were a no-show,LYINGPUDWHACKER.
02/04/2007 at 12:05 pm
GBS says:
Puddybud, you ol’ mouth breather you!
Shit, man, you got me. I had no idea that was you. You’re writing style is so, so . . . . What’s the word I’m looking for? You’re so “articulate.”
Bro, when you gonna pay up on that lunch???
02/08/2007 at 10:31 am
Tree Frog Farmer says:
GBS@60 Hell, Old DarrellRecklesslySucksButtPutty was just the other day claiming to have a receipt for that lunch. . .
02/08/2007 at 11:07 am
GBS says:
@ 62:
C’mon, TFF, tell me you’re just pulling my leg, right?!?!
Uhhh–uhhh, Oh Nooo you ditn’t Puddybud, you ditn’t tell folk you bought ME lunch!!!
Lem’me ax you sumtin’, and tell da tru-ff, is TFF lyin’ or you lyin????
02/08/2007 at 11:44 am
I think it’s clear. DarrellSucksButtPutty never bought a lunch. No receipt. No parking stub.
02/09/2007 at 9:53 pm
Needless to say, the White House and its sycophantic supporters claim “outing” Valerie Plame was harmless.
(Originally, they even denied she was an “undercover” CIA agent, but this claim has been discredited, and the administration no longer makes this assertion.)
What we do know is that the CIA did not conduct a damage assessment — a routine procedure in cases like this — or, if it did, it has concealed the existence of the assessment and failed to provide it to the special prosecutor.
The best available evidence from the reporting of objective journalists who are not handmaidens of the White House press office is that Plame’s outing damaged U.S. intelligence gathering, especially on Iran’s nuclear program. For example,
– “Larisa Alexandrovna of The Raw Story reports that three intelligence officials, who spoke under condition of anonymity, told her” that a CIA internal investigation showed “‘significant damage to operational equities’ … [and] her outing … compromised the identity of other covert operatives …. These anonymous officials said that in their judgement, the CIA’s work on WMDs has been set back ‘ten years’ as a result of the compromise.”
– “MSNBC correspondent David Shuster reported … that MSNBC had learned … that when Mrs. Wilson’s cover was blown, the Administration’s ability to track Iran’s nuclear ambitions was damaged ….”
@20 “Clearly, we are not in the mood to be so patient with Iraq’s efforts to accomplish the same.”
WTF are you talking about? There is no so thing as “Iraq,” except on western maps. There are Kurds, Shiites, and Sunnis. None of these groups want to be a country with the other groups. No one in any of these factions wants a democratic form of government, or any secular form of government. What all three groups want is independence from the other two, to be governed by their own religious leaders, and as much of Iraq’s oil wealth as they can get their hands on. America’s goals in Iraq are universally opposed by the so-called “Iraqi people.” Polls consistently show, however, there is one potentially unifying issue on which nearly all of the so-called “Iraqi people” agree: 95% of them want American troops to leave their country. Saddam is dead; there are no WMDs; we should get the hell out of there and let the Shiites, Sunnis, and Kurds fight it out among themselves. In 40 years or so, after most of them are dead, they will have had enough and reach their own solution.
Moron @ 22… dude: go get laid, drunk, high or some electric shock therapy.
Is there anything Republicans touch that they don’t fuck up? Absolutely anything? Anything at all?
@24 You lose. Thanks for playing.
@12 Flakey klake is your typical proto-nazi wingnut. When someone calls bullshit on the right wing’s lies and hypocrisy, klake’s only response is to call him an Al Qaeda sympathizer. You lose, klake. Thanks for playing.
Furball: The Hatians emulated Donkocratic Administrations. You can try all you want but you have no clue about Haiti. I went to school with 5 Haitians. They were of the ruling class. Their politics emulated yours through and through.
Another topic you pelletized.
Nuff Said!
Copper John says:
#10- I don’t normally call people as asshole (in public), but your are an ASSHOLE.
Just like a leftwinger to tell other people to do something:
“you should help Katrina people”
“You should give to charity”
“You should (insert crap here)..”
“You should serve…”
And what was it I said that was not true?
When reality does not fit in your deliverance style ideology, you call people call us “liberals” names.
It is all you can do.
Hillary, Dean, and Obama did not have their daddy get them a position in front of thousands of other more qualified applicants in the Texas Air National Guard with the help of the Lieutenant Governor (which he has admitted).
By the way, why did Bush’s military records in triplicate get shredded anyway? What was in his records that made shredding necessary. If he had served honorably, even if not getting his slot like everyone else, why was he not opening up his military records for all to see.
I would assume it was because his military career was just as big of a disaster as his presidency has been.
As far as serving, I did not join the military. All I can do at this point is to do all I can to wrest power from the lying traitors in the White House, before they commit more acts of treason. That includes the asleep at the switch do nothing, torture is ok with us, GOP controlled congress till recently.
That is what I can do for my country.
Making the kool aid drinkers look like fools is what I do for fun. It is not hard. Pretty much everything they type can be easily disproven with 10 seconds of internet surfing. Hey, what can you say to someone who’s beliefs are based in fear and fantasy, and not reality.
Did you see the news friday? The office of special plans was releasing knowingly false information, disguised as intelligence, known by the CIA to not be true, so the president could make his case for war?
I guess lying about the threat from Iraq, and their ties to Al Queda is ok with you right?
That is what makes me fight so hard. It is also what separates Democrats from Republicons. Treason is treason, whether it is committed by members of either party.
If a Democrat committed treason I would be pushing for their arrest just as loudly as if it was A Republicon.
Why aren’t you pushing for the arrest of Rove, Cheney, and Novak?
Flakey klakeRoger Rarebit is your typicalproto-nazi wingnutKoolaid swilling coward. When someone calls bullshit on theright wing’slooney lefts lies and hypocrisy,klake’sRoger Rarebit\’s only response is to call him anAl Qaeda sympathizerright wing zealot loser. You lose,klake’sRoger Rarebit. Thanks for playing.Being the typical cheap bastard liberal that you are Roger Rarebit, you may be able to get a 2 for 1 with the moron @ 22 on getting laid, drunk, high and/or some electric shock therapy.
Check in to it.
@19 “Haiti illustrates one thing very clearly … the world needs cops.”
Not really. Policing the whole world is not possible. When human societies choose not to control their population growth and/or choose irrational economic policies, it’s inevitable they will exceed the ability of their land base to support them; and the excess population will be disposed of either by genocide or starvation. If outsiders intervene, all they’re doing is enabling the same cycle to continue. When people refuse to wise up, the best thing to do is let them wallow in their own shit, and the stupidest thing you can do is jump in with them. The proper use of our military is to keep other people’s shit from spilling over our borders. Since Iraq poses absolutely no threat to us, it’s hard to see a rationale for wallowing in their shit.
I’ve noticed lately the troll posters are becoming increasingly desperate, and are grasping for ever-thinner straws, as they try to justify their miscarried military adventure.
They’ll say anything to avoid admitting the whole thing was an attempted imperalist conquest in 19th century fashion which foundered on 21st century military realities (i.e., the third world peoples that conservative troglodytes want to conquer aren’t armed with spears anymore).
The defenders of Bushittium are now reduced to throwing the whole bowl of spaghetti at the wall in hopes that something, anything, will stick.
You pigfuckers are going down.
Roger Rabbit says: You pigfuckers are going down.
02/11/2007 at 1:14 pm
Goldy, er Carl, er Roger, no wait, maybe Dug, hell I don\’t know who the fuck I am today….
… and now we all know.
Copper John — there is NO ONE who depends more on welfare than Republicans. The only difference is their welfare comes from corporations and inherited wealth and social position. The last thing they want to do is compete on a level playing field with the rest of us. Do you think a George W. Bush could ever earn his own way or get a National Guard deferment from Vietnam if he had to get in line with everyone else? That’s why these chldren of privilege fight so hard to protect privilege, and will go to the ends of the earth to prevent our society from being based on merit.
A case in point is the fact that the Bush administration just fired a bunch of federal prosecutors that nearly everyone praised as highly capable and effective to make room for party hacks.
Wingnut @33 I’m sorry you’re so confused about your identity. I recommend you walk around your neighborhood until you find a wall constructed of unyielding material (e.g., concrete, rocks, or bricks) then repetitively slam your head against it until clarity comes to you.
Copper John:
While “Facts Support” and I occasionally disagree, my understanding (Facts, if I’m wrong here, please fess up) is that he has served, as have many of the liberal posters here.
Including me.
You will find the posters here somewhat more polite to folks that are right-wing, but have actually served in the Armed Forces. The reason is simple. We can respect a person that says “we should send troops to fight and die” when that person either is or has been at risk of being killed on the orders of others. (We’re a lot nicer to sgmmac than to “Right Stuff” – of course the fact that he also makes a polite, well-reasoned argument makes it much harder for us to simply dismiss him.)
We can also support a person that says “don’t send people to fight and die” when they won’t go themselves. I may disagree with them (or not), but they aren’t being hypocritical, sending others to fight where they are no willing to risk themselves.
I won’t speak for others at this point, only myself. Our current civilian leadership seems to have little or no regard for the lives of our service men and women. They have political goals that I often disagree with, and appear to have no qualms about spending the lives of brave men and women to achieve those goals. Some of those goals seem to include monetary gain for influential corporations.
So, when Mr. Obama, who has not served, says “this is not worth sending folks to die for” I can respect that, and even vote for him.
When Mr McCain claims that it is worth it, I will respectfully disagree, but at least he understands what he is asking those brave young men and women to do. He’s been there. I’ll listen to him, even if I disagree.
But when Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney, (and say what you wish, Mr. Bush has not served – playing Soldier and then quitting when it becomes inconvenient is not serving) say “go and fight and die for this cause (but not us or our children) I tend to view it with some scepticism.
Oh, and by the way. When Mr. Clinton recommended sending folks off to Bosnia, I was somewhat sceptical as well. After learing enough to understand the situation, I became much more supportive, but at first I had my doubts. (And though my ship was not used in that war, I would have gone regardless, as I was active duty Navy at the time, and we don’t get to choose our wars.
And when some unknown wingnut comes on here and starts spouting off, we tend to view him/her with scepticism too. We’ve had wingnuts that falsely claimed to be military before.
re 25:
The counselor cum radio host (LMAO) uses multiple names/ideologies to create controversy.
How\’s that working for you goldy:roger:carl:ad infinitum?
only 1 peron here used that disgusting term… now we know it IS you… I think they have some fun drugs for multiple personality disorder… next time you check in for another \”surgery\” (shock therapy) ask for them.
We’ve had
wingnutsAmerica hating lefty assholes that falsely claimed to bemilitarypatriots before…. right johnny?@28 “I went to school with 5 Haitians. They were of the ruling class.”
BWAHAHAHAHA!!! This makes you an expert on Haiti?
First of all, let me state that I’m not an expert on anything. Except making bunnies — I’m an expert on that. But on subjects outside my natural expertise as native park fauna, I have to rely on the expertise of others. That’s why my comments are filled with attributed quotes.
Harvard and Cambridge-educated UCLA Prof. Jared Diamond, in his book “Collapse: How Societies Coose to Fail or Succeed” (Penguin Books, New York: 2005), wrote:
“Today, 28% of the Dominican Republic is still forested, but only 1% of Haiti. … The difference in forest cover between the two countries is paralleled by differnces in their economies … Haiti’s difficulties are much more serious …. It is the poorest country in the New World …. Its perenially corrupt government offers minimal public services; … most of the population lives without …electricity, water, sewage, medical care, and schooling. … There is extreme polarization between the masses of poor people … and a tiny population of rich elite …. The question that all visitors to Haiti ask themselves is whether there is any hope for the ocuntry, and the usual answer is ‘no.'” (pp. 229-230)
What Prof. Diamond portrays here is the OPPOSITE of what the Democratic Party stands for: A country with a destroyed environment, virtually no government, no public services, and extreme division between rich and poor. In other words, a prototype of what conservatives hope to create here in America.
Prof. Diamond continues:
“Already the poorest and one of the most overcrowded countries in the New World, Haiti is nevertheless continuing to become even poorer and more crowded, with a population growth rate of nearly 3% per year. Haiti is so poor, and so deficient in natural resources and in trained or educated human resources, that it really is difficult to see what might bring about improvement. … Haiti even lacks the capacity to utilize outside assistance effectively.” (p. 354)
What Haiti represents, of course, is total breakdown of regulated society; it is the ultimate laissez faire society; it is the Tragedy of the Commons played out on a societal scale — and what you end up with is humans reduced to animal-like existence. Any Haitian who can flee, flees.
That is exactly where conservative devil-take-the-hindmost ideology would take us, or any other society. Haiti illustrates why liberals are right and conservatives are wrong: Government is the foundation of civilization, and without government provision of infrastructure and public services, and government regulation of the environment and economy, everyone ends up with nothing.
You lose again, Pudding-fer-brains! But thanks for playing.
The Times was right, Goldy. As this column shows, there’s nothing happening worth writing about.
I’m still hot for Watada.
George W. Bush hasn’t served. (After taking $1 million of pilot training from taxpayers, he refused to take a flight physical, was grounded, and rendered no useful service.)
Dick Cheney hasn’t served. (Took 5 deferments while his peers went to war.)
Rudy Guiliani hasn’t served.
Sam Brownback hasn’t served.
Mike Huckabee hasn’t served.
Mitt Romney hasn’t served.
Newt Gingrich hasn’t served.
Other prominent Republicans who haven’t served include:
Karl Rove
Dick Armey
Tom DeLay
Dennis Hastert
Trent Lott
Richard Perle
Bill O’Reilly
Rush Limbaugh
Bill Kristol
Ann Coulter
Can you say HYPOCRITE? But thanks for playing, wingnut.
It’s not “speculation” that the neocons are chickenhawks. It’s fact.
And if you believe that Watada should be imprisoned for not showing up for duty, then how about Bush. HE’S A DESERTER! And what’s worse, he and Cheney both supported the war they were too chickenshit to fight in.
Sir, you make my point. You list reasons why you don’t support Republicans, and the reasons you DO support the democrats. That is the real issue. It is only an issue of party politics. Look back at your post.
For example, maybe not you, but many liberal democrats talk about D Rumsfeld sending troops. He served in the Military for many years. However, there are posts and rants out there (and I am sure you have seen them) that say he never served in the Military.
It is never about my service, your service, their service, or any service. Unless it is convenient. It is only, ONLY, about party affiliation. IMHO
We vote. Sometimes your party wins. Sometimes mine does. And whoever is President directs our foreign policy. That is his constitutional authority.
re 43: Illegal spying on citizens of the US and abolishing 800 year old rights of Habeus Corpus is “foreign policy”?
In a certain sense, it is. It’s foreign to any reality based definition of Constitutionality.
Your words remind me more than a little of this quote:
“The great enemy of clear language is insincerity.”
–George Orwell
Is that clear?
WTG stupid fuckers… you do indeed reap what you sow…
Teenage workers laid off after minimum wage hike; employers cutting back hours…
New wage boost puts squeeze on teenage workers across Arizona
Employers are cutting back hours, laying off young staffers
Chad Graham
The Arizona Republic
Feb. 10, 2007 12:00 AM
Oh, for the days when Arizona\’s high school students could roll pizza dough, sweep up sticky floors in theaters or scoop ice cream without worrying about ballot initiatives affecting their earning power.
That\’s certainly not the case under the state\’s new minimum-wage law that went into effect last month.
Some Valley employers, especially those in the food industry, say payroll budgets have risen so much that they\’re cutting hours, instituting hiring freezes and laying off employees. advertisement
And teens are among the first workers to go.
Companies maintain the new wage was raised to $6.75 per hour from $5.15 per hour to help the breadwinners in working-poor families. Teens typically have other means of support.
Mark Messner, owner of Pepi\’s Pizza in south Phoenix, estimates he has employed more than 2,000 high school students since 1990. But he plans to lay off three teenage workers and decrease hours worked by others. Of his 25-person workforce, roughly 75 percent are in high school.
\”I\’ve had to go to some of my kids and say, \’Look, my payroll just increased 13 percent,\’ \” he said. \” \’Sorry, I don\’t have any hours for you.\’ \”
Messner\’s monthly cost to train an employee has jumped from $440 to $580 as the turnover rate remains high.
\”We go to great lengths to hang on to our high school workers, but there are a lot of kids who come in and get one check in their pocket and feel like they\’re living large and out the door they go,\” he said. \”We never get our return on investment when that happens.\”
For years, economists have debated how minimum-wage increases impact the teenage workforce.
The Employment Policies Institute in Washington, which opposed the recent increases, cited 2003 data by Federal Reserve economists showing a 10 percent increase caused a 2 percent to 3 percent decrease in employment.
It also cited comments by notedeconomist Milton Friedman, who maintained that high teen unemployment rates were largely the result of minimum-wage laws.
\”After a wage hike, employers seek to take fewer chances on individuals with little education or experience,\” one institute researcher told lawmakers in 2004.
Tom Kelly, owner of Mary Coyle Ol\’ Fashion Ice Cream Parlor in Phoenix, voted for the minimum-wage increase. But he said, \”The new law has impacted us quite a bit.\”
It added about $2,000 per month in expenses. The store, which employs mostly teen workers, has cut back on hours and has not replaced a couple of workers who quit.
Kelly raised the wages of workers who already made above minimum wage to ensure pay scales stayed even. As a result, \”we have to be a lot more efficient\” and must increase menu prices, he said.
While most of the state\’s 124,067 workers between the ages of 16 and 19 made well above $5.15 per hour before the change, the new law has created real-life economic opportunities.
Liliana Hernandez brings home noticeably more under the new law. The 18-year-old, who attends Metro Tech High School in Phoenix and works part time at Central High School, is saving the extra money, maybe to put towards buying a used car.
Hernandez said she deserves the raise just like any other Arizona worker even if she still lives with her parents.
\”I\’m doing the best I can and working hard like everyone else,\” she said.
In the months leading up to last November\’s vote, advocates of the new law maintained that it would help Arizona create a \”living wage\” for some of the poorest workers.
The Economic Policy Institute estimated that 145,000 Arizonans would receive a pay raise. That was how many made $5.15 to $6.74 per hour.
At one press conference, a mother described how she was unable to afford basic school supplies for her son.
Opponents, however, said there was little talk about teenage workers. \”Everyone wanted to focus on the other aspects of the minimum-wage campaign,\” said Michelle Bolton, Arizona state director of the National Federation of Independent Business.
An Employment Policies Institute study determined that 30.1 percent of affected workers in Arizona fell between the ages of 16 and 19.
\”Workers affected by the minimum-wage increase are less likely to be supporting a family than the typical Arizona worker,\” it stated. \”For example, 30.4 percent of the workers are living with their parent or parents, while only 7.6 percent of all Arizona workers are in this category.\”
John Weischedel, a senior at the East Valley Institute of Technology in Mesa, knows he is lucky to be making $8 per hour at an auto dealership and learning technical skills. So are most of his friends who make $9 or more per hour while still attending high school.
After the minimum-wage law went into effect, \”a couple of my friends got laid off – they worked in fast food,\” he said. \”They\’re going to wait until they\’re out of high school to find other jobs.\”
Copper John says: #36 Sir, you make my point. You list reasons why you don’t support Republicans, and the reasons you DO support the democrats. That is the real issue. It is only an issue of party politics. Look back at your post.
We vote. Sometimes your party wins. Sometimes mine does. And whoever is President directs our foreign policy. That is his constitutional authority.
02/11/2007 at 2:53 pm
Directing foreign policy is one thing. Openly lying about threats facing our nation to start a war for political gain is not within any president’s constitutional authority. I will also admit Bush was not the first to do it. Hopefully if he is made to pay for his crimes, and treason, lying us into this fiasco, he may be the last.
Remember, every time the term “mushroom cloud” came out of these traitor’s pie holes, they knew Saddam did not have any nuclear program. If you want to give them the benefit of the doubt (which you shouldn’t have to) they had no proof, but talked like they did. “No doubt” my ass.
If our nation was ruled by law, instead of the decider, maybe they would want to burn our flag a little less. Till these animals pay for their crimes, Bush, and Cheney, America will be the symbol of hatred for billions.
And to think America’s popularity was at incredible highs worldwide when Clinton left office……
@40 Memo to John Barelli: Sgt. Mac is a she.
Actually, it’s not quite so clear.
The President has the right to conduct negotiations with foreign governments and sign treaties that must then be ratified by Congress.
The Constitution allows him this authority this “with the Advice and Consent of Congress” and no other way.
So, it seems that he is one among many that directs our foreign policy. Obviously, we cannot have 536 folks directing foreign policy, so he takes the lead. He is, after all, the one person in that whole group that was elected nationwide. (We can argue about that election later.)
But… He doesn’t get to “go it alone”. Congress has an important role to play as well, and if the Congress feels that he is overstepping his authority, or simply moving in the wrong direction, there are checks and balances that they can and should bring into play.
Hopefully, the person sitting in the Oval Office is smart enough and reasonable enough to work with the Congress.
We seem to be at a point now where Congress and the President are at (or soon to be at) loggerheads, and the White House, despite the rather strong message recently sent by the American public, insists on continuing what many (myself included) consider a failed policy.
This may well cause the Congress to take steps. The first is simply to try and talk with the President informally. Didn’t work.
The next is to pass a non-binding resolution. Essentially, we tell him in writing that we disapprove and that he needs to work with us.
After that, the Congress uses the “power of the purse” to influence decisions. It’s a rather blunt instrument, and in itself doesn’t actually do anything. If the President says that the troops stay, well, they just don’t get paid and we can’t buy any bullets, but that doesn’t put anyone on a transport plane.
Last, most drastic, and only used when the President is actually violating the law (for example, spending money on troops when the Congress has withdrawn funding) we can impeach him and remove him from office.
While I am in the minority around here on this topic, I think that this is such a drastic step (Republican efforts with regards to President Clinton notwithstanding) that it should only be done as an absolute last resort. Just because the Republicans abused this authority doesn’t mean that we should.
So, he doesn’t have a free hand in directing foreign policy, and if he doesn’t start listening to the folks that the Constitution specifically directs him to consult, he may find his options severely limited, or may even find himself out of a job.
@34 “Roger Rarebit is your typical Koolaid swilling coward.”
My resume includes volunteering for the Army and serving with an extended tour of duty with a front-line combat unit that earned a Presidential Unit Citation and has a Medal of Honor winner. You?
If you’d like to discuss who’s a “coward” further, make an appointment to see me. Bring a gun, so I can claim self-defense. Meantime, blow some of your hot air into a balloon and fuck yourself with it. Or, for a good time, call 1-900-SUCK-ROG.
“When someone calls bullshit on the lefts lies and hypocrisy, Roger Rarebit\’s only response is to call him an right wing zealot loser.”
I’m merely stating the facts, son. Everything I post is true. I properly attribute quotes and use reliable sources. Much of what I post consists of debunking rightwing lies, reflecting the fact that right wingers lie a very great deal.
Any dittohead can throw out vague charges like “lefts lies and hypocrisy,” but such rhetoric is meaningless in the absence of specifics. When I call bullshit or hypocrisy on a winger, I always identify the specific lie or hypocrisy, and provide the supporting true facts. Let me know when you’re ready to play in the adult league, boy.
“You lose, Roger Rarebit.”
Not even in your wildest wet dreams.
“Thanks for playing.”
Kiss my furry ass! Wanna play with my cute cottontail? For a good time, call 1-900-LICK-ROG.
“Being the typical cheap bastard liberal that you are Roger Rarebit …”
Of course I’m a cheap bastard! How else could I have accumulated the money to buy my oil stocks on a lguvmint salary? I live in a public park and eat local vegetation. Free food, no rent! I’m gonna become a rich fucking bunny the same way Republicans get rich, namely, on your dime! Every time you fill up, I get a dividend check. By all means keep driving your SUV; and thanks for your business, I appreciate your patronage.
@42 ALL the righty assholes posting on this board are unpatriotic, America-hating, troop-despising cowards! I donated $99 to Operation Helmet, which is more than any of you pigfucking fascists can say. I also donated $24.95 to Goldy’s fundraiser. You trolls are freeloaders on this site.
They need to change the LAW about “outing” covert agents. My Dad – Republican all his life – had an absolute fit over Pflame. The reason no-one was charged is the definition of “covert.” They are only protected for something like 5 years after their mission ends.
My Dad held a TS clearance his entire career in weapons testing nuclear bombs.
@36 “D Rumsfeld … served in the Military for many years.”
Not really. He served in active duty for 4 years, the absolute minimum enlistment required to become a Navy pilot, in peacetime mind you, then was a weekend warrior for another 16 years so he could collect retirement pay. If he wanted to see war first-hand, to educate himself for future public service, he certainly could have, as his Reserve service spanned the entire Vietnam War. He chose not to. Probably a wise move on his part, as we were losing an average of two pilots a day at the peak of the war. Donny, virtually alone among top Bush administration officials, is an actual veteran. But he is not in the same league as Democrats like Daniel Inouye and Bob Kerrey (Medal of Honor recipients), or Max Cleland (who lost three limbs in Vietnam), or John Kerry (wounded three times in Vietnam), or Al Gore (set boots on the ground in Vietnam). Democrat George McGovern bombed Ploesti; Republican Rumsfeld taught flight students to fly simulators. Hey nothing wrong with that; but Rumsfeld demonstrably doesn’t know a damn thing either about war strategy or the horrors of war. None of the Republicans do. America’s voters decided on Nov. 6 to fire those guys and hire Democrats who understand the limits of military power, and can be trusted with it.
re 49: There’s plenty of crops for teenagers to pick in AZ. That should cheer you.
About time youi got your own blog. It is hard to read threads here with all the rabbit tracks.
I am Republican – I lie, steal and cheat when I am not being a family man (fat whore) or a crying hypocrite. Hail Hitler!
GBS: Is your email the same as it was before? Mine is still the same, so you can email me.
You see I ax’d you to email me or better yet tell FroggyASS when we traded emails about me meeting you at your favorite place. You told me not to reveal your favorite place again on ASSWipes.
You see GBS FroggyASS didn’t write the whole thread. FroggyASS is not telling you the truth. That’s because FroggyASS will not take the time and look on ASSWipes to view our discussion. I told him to look up our conversation last winter. You should remember our conversation late Winter 2006 when PacMan and I told you we were headed over to your favorite haunt. We went when we had free time. You told me you could not make it AFTER we went. To go there one must park and pay. If you shop in your favorite place your parking ticket is reduced or made free. You know this I know this and PacMan knew this. You commented afterward you could not make it but let’s try another day.
I told Froggy to look it up. I wrote to you to corroborate the event. FroggyASS didn’t take time to look it up, FroggyASS doesn’t know how to search the ‘Net. FroggyASS is just dumb!
Well Reverent John Barelli it appears you been asleep on the job lately, how many souls have you save the last couple of weeks? NONE! That all right it will take some time to get the hang of it, but keep singing in the choir. Pastor John your liberal friends might have served in the military but are not qualified to make command decisions. Your friend Roger served in Viet Nam in the Army but never got over the trauma of that conflict which clouds his opinions. You service is commendable but your logic on warfare comes out both sides of your face. Like my Grandmother would say white man speaks from both sides of their face. Yes, she is Native America Indian and didn’t live on the reservation. Now John you should not stereotype folks by calling them right-wing or reference them by any other name unless they make that claim. You have stereotype yourself in the past but you are not worthy of that name. Now you know that President Clinton never served in harm’s way, but sent folks like myself into combat zones. That doesn’t mean he isn’t qualified to make those tough decisions. You didn’t say that you wouldn’t come out and sing to our troops on a Sunday or even give a sermon that folks would be proud of your faith. God Bless; Chief Lake .
John Barelli says:
Copper John:
While “Facts Support” and I occasionally disagree, my understanding (Facts, if I’m wrong here, please fess up) is that he has served, as have many of the liberal posters here.
Including me.
You will find the posters here somewhat more polite to folks that are right-wing, but have actually served in the Armed Forces. The reason is simple. We can respect a person that says “we should send troops to fight and die” when that person either is or has been at risk of being killed on the orders of others. (We’re a lot nicer to sgmmac than to “Right Stuff” – of course the fact that he also makes a polite, well-reasoned argument makes it much harder for us to simply dismiss him.)
We can also support a person that says “don’t send people to fight and die” when they won’t go themselves. I may disagree with them (or not), but they aren’t being hypocritical, sending others to fight where they are no willing to risk themselves.
I won’t speak for others at this point, only myself. Our current civilian leadership seems to have little or no regard for the lives of our service men and women. They have political goals that I often disagree with, and appear to have no qualms about spending the lives of brave men and women to achieve those goals. Some of those goals seem to include monetary gain for influential corporations.
Roger Rabbit says:
@34 “Roger Rarebit is your typical Kool-Aid swilling coward.”
My resume includes volunteering for the Army and serving with an extended tour of duty with a front-line combat unit that earned a Presidential Unit Citation and has a Medal of Honor winner. You?
If you’d like to discuss who’s a “coward” further, make an appointment to see me. Bring a gun, so I can claim self-defense. Meantime, blow some of your hot air into a balloon and fuck yourself with it. Or, for a good time, call 1-900-SUCK-ROG.
“When someone calls bullshit on the lefts lies and hypocrisy, Roger Rarebit\’s only response is to call him and right wing zealot loser.”
They are coming to take you away; they are coming to take you away,
Hee Hee Haw Haw They are coming to take you away, to the funny farm!!!!!!!
Yep Roger you inhaled something other than Kool-Aid. If you keep it up the ATF will drop by and pick up your weapons and that’s not your key board. Now if you can’t love a Republican how do you expect the Al Qaeda to love you and hung you? Now would you allow someone to shout in your court room or show disrespect to a judge or a lawyer. Nawwwwwwwwww, I don’t think so, but how is someone to respect you when all you do insult folks who disagree with you. Maybe you try eating just carrots for a week and flush all those bad germs out of your system. Sweet Dreams Bunny Rabbit
@55 “They need to change the LAW about ‘outing’ covert agents.”
How about enforcing the law we’ve already got? But when the people breaking the law are the same people who are supposed to enforce the law, more laws won’t do any good, will they? The solution is to change the people who are responsible for enforcing the law.
@58 Get a mouse with a scroll knob.
@62 “If you keep it up the ATF will drop by and pick up your weapons and that’s not your key board.”
What happened to the Second Amendment? Don’t you fascists support the Second Amendment anymore? When did the ATF begin regulating rabbit claws?
Valerie Pflame was NOT covert by the definition in the current law, that’s why there weren’t any charges brought up against anyone for “outing” her. You can’t out someone sitting behind a desk in D.C. unless they just returned from a covert mission.
A special prosecutor investigated it along with a grand jury hearing it. No-one was charged with “outing.”
Puddybud @ 61:
Why do I start my post with a heavy sigh?
Several reasons actually. I guess I’m disappointed on many levels. For starters, I probably missed my true calling in life. I should’ve been an attorney for the D.A.’s office. It seems to me, at least from the point of an educated guess, that a prosecuting attorney has to have a great recall for the details. At the end of this post, I’ll return to this point and wrap it all up in a nice gift box with a bow on it.
When you and I first started trading barbs on this blog I figured out that while you claimed to have had military service, little inconsistencies in the details of your story led me to believe you never actually spent time in the military. As it turned out, at least according to your account, which will be forever suspect, you did sign up for the Navy’s nuclear power program in college, but before you could actually wear the uniform you injured your knee in a basketball game and couldn’t meet the physical requirements of military service and never even spent one day being “haze gray and underway.” Yes?
Yes, of course I’m right! That’s exactly the gist of what transpired. Roger Rabbit took your back on this one saying that you “signed on the bottom line” so you served. I, however, had a differing point of view. But I digress.
Remember the whole 4 minute mile argument we had? Yes, of course you do. That’s where I gave you the first hints into my military background.
Remember when I confessed that I didn’t attend college like you and “PacMan” and that I wasn’t the smartest man in the world, but I had a great memory for details? Do you remember why I had to develop a great eye for details? Hint: remembering each aspect of every operational detail were the keys to success in my community.
But through it all, our heated exchanges, our differing points of view, I believed we had found some common ground of friendship and a willingness to break bread together. Although we never actually ate lunch together I felt as though we were friends. I even took your back on a few occasions when you were being unfairly attacked on this blog.
Mr. Puddybud, there is no “PacMan,” is there? A “PacMan,” at least, that exists outside of your own imagination. PacMan is, in fact, a figment of your imagination, isn’t he?
You know it, I know and now, so, too, will everyone else.
You disappointed me, Puddybud, I thought we were friends. I thought you were different.
Instead, you revealed your true colors of the typical, amoral, conservative Christian quality that most modern day conservatives seem to share; like DeLay, Abramoff, Duke Cunningham, Ney, Libby, Rev. Haggard and the rest of your ilk.
What you say in your post @ 61 is “mostly” true. We were trying to set a date for lunch, but I specifically said I couldn’t make the lunch before you and “PacMan” went rushing to the undisclosed lunch location (Uwajimaya.) Re-read the posts if you must (March/April 2006 time frame). If you were to recall correctly, I was just about to depart for a well deserved European vacation and couldn’t squeeze in the time.
Have you figured it out yet, Puddybud? Have your synapses fired yet? Did you make the connection yet? Do you know where you made your fatal mistake yet? Because this is THE critical moment.
Let me put it together for you and the readers of HA. At the time we were trying to set up a lunch to your gambling debt and you, as in Puddybud, were frightened of me. You, Puddybud, wanted an address where you could mail me a “certified” check for the amount we bet. Then, as if by magic – Ta Da – “PacMan” moves up from the Bay Area to Seattle and the both of you want to make a last minute dash to meet me for lunch. And, as it happened, we missed each other.
But the part that tripped up your story, Puddybud, is this passage in your post @ 61 “GBS: Is your email the same as it was before? Mine is still the same, so you can email me.”
You see, Puddybud, and ladies and gentlemen of HA jury, Puddybud never, ever emailed me because he was scared of connecting with me. So he had “PacMan” email me.
See the inconsistency in your story, Puddybud? You and I NEVER exchanged emails, only “PacMan” and I emailed each other. So, if your email is the same and I can email you then you are, in fact, “PacMan” and a liar, sir. A Liar. Not only did I use the term correctly, I used it well,
And that’s why I should’ve been an attorney for the D.A.’s office.
Remember that? “You Jean” wearing “Rook”-ie! And I do mean rookie.
klake, can I introduce you to an interesting concept called the “paragraph?”
After a bit of eyestrain trying to figure out where your sentences began and ended, I gave it up as simply not worth the effort.
Oh, and didn’t you claim to be a commissioned officer last time you made the claim to military service? You certainly did not make the claim to being a Chief, and your current claim rings false. Chiefs have a brotherhood that transcends politics. No real Chief would ever play the stupid games that you do with a fellow Chief.
As to your attempting to ridicule my faith, sorry klake. It just brings a big grin to my face.
I’ll pray for you.
Can someone help me out here? The Bush admin has been telling us that the problems in Iraq are mostly confined to Baghdad – ie, the majority of the country is relatively peaceful. Why have so many people left the country? Don’t they realize that all they have to do is just get outside of the Baghdad area to be safe? They are leaving a democracy to go to Syria or Iran. Can someone ask Dick Cheney…he seems to know these Arabs better than most.
Actually, the administration has been implying that the areas outside Baghdad are relatively safe, mostly because it has given up holding them. Essentially, we simply recognize the strongest of the local militia groups as the “police” and they take over.
The central Iraqi government has very little influence over much of the country.
Some of the local militias are actually trying to provide security in their areas. There are areas of Iraq that are relatively safe.
There are other areas where if you are not part of the group that is providing the militia, you and your family will find yourselves “encouraged” to leave.
Of somewhat more concern is the increased rhetoric regarding Iran. It seems incredible, but the Bush administration seems to be trying to test public support for military operations there.
Does he really think that the American public will allow him to attack yet another country? Is he so insulated from public opinion that he actually believes that we would go along with another military debacle? Is he so insulated from reality that he thinks that we have the additional military capacity to take on yet another major conflict?
Is there anyone left in the Bush administration that has even the slightest glimmer of sanity?