This e-mail alert really was sent out, exactly like this:
From: Washington State Ferries []
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2008 4:40 PM
To: WSDOT-WSF Alert Recipients
Subject: Ferry Alert: Edmonds / Kingston – Late BoatsBoth vessels are running 15 to 20 minutes behind schedule. We apologize for any incontinence this may cause you.
This alert was sent on 8/8/2008 at 4:39PM to subscribers of the Edmonds / Kingston route.
Does this confirm that the ferries are for shit?
The buck stops with Governor Gregoire.
The idiot who sent this off is one of the top-notch State Employees who deserve a big raise because ????????????
Well, really, if this causes incontinence, wouldn’t you hope they apologized? :-)
Hey Cynical
If every single problem with any state-run entity in the state of Washington should be attributed to Governor Gregoire, then shouldn’t every single problem with any federally-run entity be attributed to GW?
Actually, if the ferries are running late because of rough weather, I would think that it is involuntary expulsions from the other end of the digestive tract which might be more frequently the problem.
Combine the “coloscomy” bit from the last open thread with this one, and one can’t help but foresee a shitty outcome.
Almost makes one pine for Usenet kill files…
Yep, it appears that Cynical @ # 2 wants to blame Gregoire for the weather, as well.
Don’t ask CynCyn to apply actual logic. It ruins his chance to appear to be the world’s biggest gas bag and hypocrite.
@5 – It is either that or believe in Global Cooling.
Baa means no, Dammit!
Stop Republican abuse of America’s goats!
It’s Gregoire’s fault that we used to be 5th in Forbes magazine’s ratings for business-friendly environment.
Now we’re 3rd, dammit!
Dang librals at Forbes.
The date on the email alert from the Washington State Ferries was obviously a typo: the wrote “08/08/2008” when they meant “08/18/2008.” No need for anyone to get their underwear in a knot, unless you’re just looking for piss ant things to bitch about.
It happened on the 8th, which was a Friday, not the 18th, which is today, a Monday. This is old “news”.
My mistake!
It is inappropriate to refer to “goatfucking Republicans.” To do so slanders goats. We need to refer to “goat raping Republicans.” Goats would never consent to affection from Republicans.
@15 Sorry about that. I never intended to slander the goat, poor thing.
very curious—anyone know how Obama went gray literally overnight?
Just hope the ferries incontinence hasn’t caused them to spring a leak!
@2: Because at least the idiot who sent it off could qualify for a state job – unlike cynical who could not qualify for ass wiper during a diarrhea epidemic.
I’m not sure how Obama went gray overnight. Maybe he’s had some of his hair dyed gray to appear older, and thus, more experienced and Presidential. I’m still voting for him, though, despite the persistent rumors that his father died in Tora Bora fighting along side al-Qaeda against the U.S. military. And I’m still voting for him despite the fact he won’t say the pledge of Allegiance, and the fact he has banned the American flag from his campaign plane. It’s time for a change. I am so sick of Bush and the Republicans.
Hey Troll does sucking all that right wing dick make you that crazy? You’ve confused President Obama with your pals on the McSame campaign.
Remember – it was McSame who was a traitor and a coward, working with the VC to give up American troops to our enemies.
But that doesn’t stop assholes like you from voting “GOP” because you are a traitor too.
I wonder if Gnarls Barkley knows the Washington State College Republicans are using his music in a recruitment video.
Someone’s going to be up Shit Creek for this……
I’m still voting for him, though, despite the persistent rumors that his father died in Tora Bora fighting along side al-Qaeda against the U.S. military. And I’m still voting for him despite the fact he won’t say the pledge of Allegiance, and the fact he has banned the American flag from his campaign plane.
Anyone so stupid to buy garbages lies like these (passed through e-mail chains no doubt) – we don’t need your vote. Vote for McSame. He’s your man.
Yet another example of government employees proving their
incontinenceincompetence.One need not discuss “garbage” or “lies” about Obama. All he needs to do is look at his past and his connections with such men as William Ayers and Frank Marshall Davis.
Ayers and friends were terrorists and he is still not sorry for his actions, he is sorry that he did not do enough.
Davis is Obama’s mentor according to his own book, and was a member of CPUSA. He talks about Frank in his “Dreams. . .” book.
As CPUSA supporter Frank Chapman wrote of Obama:
“Obama’s victory was more than a progressive move; it was a dialectical leap ushering in a qualitatively new era of struggle,” Chapman wrote. “Marx once compared revolutionary struggle with the work of the mole, who sometimes burrows so far beneath the ground that he leaves no trace of his movement on the surface. This is the old revolutionary ‘mole,’ not only showing his traces on the surface but also breaking through.”
More info at:
If you all are so afraid of communists, how come you are not vehemently against anything do do with China
@26: Moron
That is about all I can say about someone who has no clue about the facts. Ayers was on the same local board in chicago as Obama – so what. That means nothing.
Is it as important as McCain influence peddling in the Keating 5? No. Is it in any way a real meaningful connection? No
Do you have anything of significance to indicate that Obama is a socialist? No.
Do you base your decisions about who should be president on facts or rumors?
Grow up and try to look at the facts instead of stale dry rumorts circulated by the people who brought you Bush.
Paranoia at the level at which you suffer is a debilitating condition, interfering with most activities of daily living. The good news is that it is treatable. You would surely benefit from contacting a good psychiatrist. I wish you the best.
@28, 29
Nothing you stated addresses anything said in the article that I cited.
Obama’s connections to “Frank (Marshall Davis)” have been verified by various people (again see article) and Davis is a known Communist. These are historical facts. Obama mentions Frank IN HIS OWN BOOK.
Perpetrating ignorance by not making yourself aware of the positions of candidates is a sure recipe for not being able to discuss Obama’s past or how that will influence his future.
Who else but a socialist would put forth a “Global Poverty Act” that we “citizens of the world” are going to subsidize?
If you are denying that he is a socialist, perhaps you are the one in need of medical assistance? What doesn’t the man think the government should address??? What is socialism?
“I should be glad if you had really discovered a beneficent and inexhaustible being, calling itself the Government, which has bread for all mouths, balm for all sufferings, which can provide for all our wants, correct all our errors, repair all our faults, and exempt us henceforth from the necessity for foresight, prudence, judgment, sagacity, experience, order, economy, temperance, and activity.” – Frederic Bastiat, Essay on Government (1848)
I AM voting for Obama, but that doesn’t mean I’m not just a little concerned about a few things. Like, what if Obama’s mullah calls for a fatwa on a U.S. citizen living in the U.S? Will a President Obama obey his mullah, or will he obey the constitution? This is just one thing I wonder about.
The constitution, of course.
Reminds me of the fears about Kennedy. Will a President Kennedy obey the Pope, or will he obey the constitution?
Better yet, will he include Bill Ayers in his decision-making?
I am left wondering which of the October surprises the Republicans will choose. . .
Or, how about 62.4% of people would rather have choices other than McCain or Obama?
As for obeying the Constitution, I don’t think you have to worry about either of the two major candidates doing that. . .