We interrupt coverage of the Rossi/BIAW fascist putsch for the following breaking news:
While excitement is building for a Democratic Party convention capped by Barack Obama’s historic acceptance speech before a sold-out, 75,000-seat football stadium, the GOP convention the following week is shaping up to be a considerably more staid affair, marked by the conspicuous absence of many of the usual convention attendees.
“Nobody likes a funeral,” said a Senate Republican press secretary who spoke on the condition of anonymity, citing “the overall climate of general malaise about the party” as the reason for hesitance on the part of Republicans.
Shocking, the majority of people polled said the bias (which means liberal) of the media is worse than contibution cash.
Voters overwhelmingly believe that politicians will “break the rules to help people who give them a lot of money,” but most say there’s a bigger problem in politics today—media bias.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 55% believe media bias is more of a problem than big campaign contributions.
Once the media can no longer protect the democrats (ie:john edwards) how much longer can the democrat party survive. Considering that democrats always have to track right to win in the general election the loss of media support could be the last straw.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Obama visit his typical white woman grandmother and doesn’t bring his wife/kids. I wonder if he’s more embarrassed of his family or his white grandmother.
Obama — escorted by Secret Service and accompanied by a few campaign staff and a pool of reporters and camera crews — arrived at about 4:10 p.m. yesterday and spent an hour with his 85-year-old maternal grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, who helped raise him. He was not accompanied by his wife, Michelle, and two daughters.
It was good that he brought along a pool of reporters and camera crews to document his visit. Nothing like having the liberal biased media helping out the campaign. I wonder, do the liberal reporters need to list their job as a donation to the obama campaign?
Blue Johnspews:
@3.Obama visit his typical white woman grandmother and doesn’t bring his wife/kids.
How in God’s name is this important?
I sometimes I go visit my crotchity old uncle and don’t take my son. It’s just easier that way.
Jump Marvin, JUMP!
@2 Once the media can no longer protect the democrats (ie:john edwards) how much longer can the democrat party survive.
If the media “protects the Democrats” then how come Bush was able to lead us into war on a truckload of bullshit while Democrats who were exactly right were portrayed as being weak?
Jump, Marvin, jump!
@3 Obama visit his typical white woman grandmother and doesn’t bring his wife/kids.
So? I didn’t realize it was a requirement for politicians to always have their kids with them. Are you really that dumb?
Jump, Marvin, jump!
Blue Johnspews:
but most say there’s a bigger problem in politics today—media bias.
So when are they going to do something about Faux News, it’s the most biased one out there!
Once the media can no longer protect the democrats (ie:john edwards) how much longer can the democrat party survive.
Our silliest Republican obviously has no faith in the right wing noise machine that for example knew about the Edwards/Hunter affair for “years”.
(Yes I know that’s completely in his imagination.)
Also the media bias of not challenging bush and McCain should be addressed. Please get right on that.
Jump Marvin, JUMP!
I don’t know. While Obama is vacationing, I’d think we’d see a “swift boat” attack by now but maybe they’re waiting until after the convention is over.
There’s no indication of that happening by what the trolls are dragging in.
But maybe the Republicans are putting all their resources into doing what they’ve done very successfully for the last 4 or 5 election cycles: suppressing voters.
Now, now, YLB, you know how our Marvin is so very sensitive about his party’s pedophile and goatfucking ways. But since it’s all true, what the hell.
Still, it’s important to note that, no matter how it may appear, not all Republicans are pedophiles and goatfuckers. For instance, there was that Republican who last year stiffed a male prostitute at a motel, took off, and was later pulled over by the cops who noted that the guy was wearing a dress. It just wouldn’t be fair to call that Republican a pedophile or a goat fucker.
From an email from Dino Rossi:
Dear Supporter,
There is only a week before the primary for Governor, and there are only two words to describe Christine Gregoire’s campaign strategy:
Desperate and dangerous.
Um… That’s three words, Dino.
Vote Gregoire, she can count to three!
Note that in the email that Rossi fails to make a single positive statement about himself, but Gregoire is the one dishing dirt. How’s that supposed to work? Also, Rossi claims to be kicking ass and taking names, but needs to raise 350K in the next week. Again, that’s a bit of an ass-scratcher. Doing well, but desperate for big dollars?
Dear Supporter,
There is only a week before the primary for Governor, and there are only two words to describe Christine Gregoire’s campaign strategy:
Desperate and dangerous.
That’s why your continued support right now is so critical.
By now you’ve heard about Gregoire’s “dirty tricks” campaign against me and the people of Washington. But let me take a moment to review the facts.
1) Gregoire’s Big Union friends ran almost $2 million worth of misleading ads against me while her administration was negotiating salary increases with that same union!
2) Gregiore’s allies at the Washington State Democratic Party attacked my Italian heritage. The news media called it “sleazy” and an “ethnic slur,” but Gregoire refused to disavow it or take responsibility for it.
3) She even attacked my dog because my kids named him “Dubya”. (you read that right, she attacked my dog)
There’s only one reason Christine Gregoire is resorting to what can only be called desperate measures:
She’s running scared. And she’s right to be.
The simple fact is that our campaign is picking up steam largely because people of all political stripes recognize it’s time for new leadership in Olympia. And she’s getting nervous.
It’s for that reason that Christine Gregoire – with all the benefits of incumbency – is running in a dead heat in polls against us. And in seven days if she doesn’t win the “Top Two” Primary by a commanding margin, it will be the beginning of the end of her campaign.
We have a real opportunity to pick up literally thousands of supporters over the next eleven weeks. But to do that, we have to counter Gregoire’s seemingly endless negative attacks on television, radio, and the web. Our new Rapid Response Fund was created to do just that.
My advisors tell me we must raise $325,000 in the next 7 days just to fight back against Gregoire’s powerful out-of-state media advisors.
That’s why I need your help.
Take a moment right now to support my campaign with a gift of $25, $50, $100 or more to help me continue to fight Gregoire’s distortions and dirty media tricks.
I will write you in a few days and let you know where we stand on meeting our $325,000 goal.
Thank you so much for your continued support.
Dino Rossi
P.S. One last thing: I’m proud of my heritage and no one should ever make a racial or ethnic slur against anyone. My family came to this country because they heard it was a land of opportunity where they would get a fair shake. I’ll never stoop to my opponent’s level to win an election. I’m proud of my heritage, proud of the campaign we’re running, and most of all, I’m proud of all the friends I have across this state who will help me win in November. Help make our collective dream a reality by making a secure online contribution of $25 or more today. Thanks again for your help.
our Marvin is so very sensitive about his party’s pedophile and goatfucking ways‘
Yes Steve, our silliest Republican wants to mock us for the goldmine of information about the true nature of Republicans that is on that website.
He doesn’t want to risk biting the hand that feeds him.
Blue Johnspews:
“Help make our collective dream a reality…”
What is he, some kind of socialist?
Politically Incorrectspews:
You know, if that thing about Edwards had come out sooner, Hillary would probably be getting the Dem nomination for prez this month in Denver. Do you think the Republicans have manipulated these events so as to have the fight against Obama versus against Hillary?
It’s a good topic for the conspiracy buffs in the crowd.
@15 You know, if that thing about Edwards had come out sooner, Hillary would probably be getting the Dem nomination for prez this month in Denver.
Why do you say that?
I like this quote from Sam Seder. It nails the trolls and the whole Dori Monson/(un)SP mentality:
“It’s obviously an extreme case.” Seder said “He was a major head case. Right wing media foments this kind of anger at the world, and at liberals. It lays bare that the conservative ideology really has nothing to do with governing — it really has to do with an anger that there’s a whole world of people who are not you.“
The extreme case he refers to is the Unitarian Church shooter.
Blue Johnspews:
Uhhh. No. Wouldn’t have made a difference. Many blogs have crunched the numbers and found that Edwards supporters would likely have gone to Obama. That’s what I did. Hillary was not liked by the people who supported Edwards. She was too closely tied the corporate interests. Edwards and to some degree Obama were less corporate.
Dino has the backing of the Seattle Police Officers guild and Gregoire has the backing of:
# Washington Council of Police and Sheriffs;
# Washington State Fraternal Order of Police;
# WFSE/AFSME, Local 308, the union that represents community corrections officers;
# Law Enforcement Administrators of Washington;
# Washington State Patrol Lieutenants Association;
# Washington State Patrol Troopers Association;
# Washington State Association of Fire Chiefs;
# Washington State Council of Firefighters.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Rasmussen Poll– Monday, August 11, 2008
John McCain has cut Barack Obama’s lead in Iowa in half over the past month but still trails the Democrat 46% to 41%, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of voters in the state.
When “leaners” are factored in, Obama leads his Republican opponent 49% to 44%.
Last month Obama had a double-digit lead on McCain, 51% to 41%.
Election Momentum===McCain.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Facts & Leadership==Rossi
From Rossi for Governor website–
“Addressing Gregoire’s $2.7 Billion Deficit, Part I Rossi Proposes Constitutional Amendment to Reinstate Spending Limits
Redmond, WA – According to the non-partisan Senate Ways and Means Committee staff, our state is facing a projected $2.7 billion deficit in the next biennium. Since Christine Gregoire took office, state spending has increased by 33 percent. During this time, the spending growth rate has been two and a half times greater than the revenue growth rate.
The first step in addressing the deficit is to rein in out-of-control spending. As governor, Dino Rossi will propose a Constitutional Amendment to reinstate spending limits for the General Fund and Near General Fund. In 1993 voters approved I-601 that placed annual spending limits on state general fund expenditures tied to inflation and state population growth. Unfortunately I-601 has been circumvented by the legislature and little is left of its original taxpayer protections.
“The first thing everyone needs to understand about the deficit is that we have a spending problem, not a revenue problem. No one should feel guilty that they are not sending enough money to Olympia – the problem is that Governor Gregoire and the legislators have spent it at an unsustainable rate,” said Dino Rossi. “In order to stop the bleeding and get our state on a fiscally sustainable path, we must bring our spending back in line with recurring revenue growth. The people have shown support for spending limits and a Constitutional Amendment would keep out-of-control government spending in check. The fact is, if I-601 were still in place our state would not be facing a multi-billion dollar budget deficit.”
Facts on state spending under Governor Gregoire:
Overspending is the cause of the deficit. In January, the state projected revenue of $31.984 billion for the current biennium (reduced to $29.402 billion in June 2008 forecast). However, Governor Gregoire and the legislator added new policy expenditures that brought spending to a total of $32.753 billion. Had they exercised some fiscal restraint with the current budget and brought spending in line with revenue, we wouldn’t be facing such a large deficit.
Revenue will continue to increase in the next biennium. Despite a slowing economy, state revenue is still expected to increase by 8 percent in the next biennium. That means that the state will have more money to spend next year, but we have outspent it by $2.7 billion dollars.
Had spending limits been kept in place, our state would not be facing a future deficit. The chart below shows how spending has far outpaced growth in population and inflation.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 Did the Rethugs rent a gas station for their convention? They’ll probably need only a dozen or so folding chairs. Should be able to squeeze those into one of the lift bays.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 We don’t need a constitutional limit on spending. We already have voters. Whine all you want, Cynical, every cent of state spending is approved by legislators who were elected by the people. A majority of voters can impose term limits and spending limits any time they want.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The reason Republicans like tyranny-of-the-minority is because they know they’ll never be a majority in this state.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Republican Crooks: Case # 08-2-1756489-17
From David Postman’s column:
“Madison Communications, a Republican political consulting firm in Kirkland, was named today by the Anchorage Daily News as an unnamed co-conspirator in the latest charges in Alaska’s growing political scandal.
“The Daily News says the firm, headed by well-known consultant Brett Bader, is the ‘Consultant A’ mentioned in the charges, and guilty plea, by private prison executive Bill Weimar. Weimar pleaded guilty yesterday to two federal felonies.”
(Quoted under fair use.)
A Republican senator taking graft. A private prison company exec pleading guilty to felonies. A Republican campaign consultant named as an unindicted co-conspirator. The Republican scandals just keep coming, without end. Isn’t there is a single honest soul in the Republican Party? Not even one?
Roger Rabbitspews:
It wouldn’t surprise me if these private prison companies steal the tax money they’re given to pay for inmate food.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“A federal investigation traced a 1994 riot at an Esmor immigration detention center to the company’s having skimped on food, building repairs and guard salaries.”
“A federal investigation traced a 1994 riot at an Esmor immigration detention center to the company’s having skimped on food ….”
(Quoted under fair use from CorpWatch: US: America’s Private Gulag)
Note: Esmor is a private prison company.
Poor Cynical – lives in another blue state, Montana and has to pay an income tax.
Probably moved from Washington because he didn’t want to pay that oh so bad gas tax.
Wants to move back if his butt boy Dino is “selected”.
What an irrelevant losing KLOWN…
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Numerous individuals, organizations and former prisoners and immigration detainees have alleged mistreatment and inhumane conditions in CCA facilities. There have been rapes, beatings, and deaths at CCA facilities.”
(Quoted from Wikipedia under fair use.)
Note: CCA refers to Corrections Corporation of America, a private prison company.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The U.S. private for-profit prison industry experienced its greatest growth from 1985 to 2000. According to the CorpWatch article, the U.S. prison population grew from 300,000 to 1.5 million even though crime rates dropped during that period. The private prison industry deployed armies of lobbyists to press for tougher laws and longer sentences, because their profits depend on keeping jail vacancy rates low. They are paid on a per diem basis, and make no money on empty beds.
Roger Rabbitspews:
CorpWatch says private prisoners operating in Oklahoma imported prisoners from other states and refused to accept Oklahoma prisoners because Oklahoma paid low per diem rates. Thus, Oklahoma’s felon population actually grew as a result of private prisons, because Oklahoma taxpayers didn’t pony up more money. Yet the proponents of private prisons invariably argue the rationale for the existence of their industry is lower costs for taxpayers.
Polls go up, polls go down. Obama and Gregoire are still on top and will be in office come next January.
All your poll points to is that McCain was behind and still is behind.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Given tightfisted per diem rates, the only way private prison companies can protect their profits is by skimping on expenditures for food, medical care, facilities, drug treatment, work programs, vocational training, and guard training and salaries. The quantity and quality of everything is lower in private prisons as managers try to squeeze the last penny of profit out of every inmate’s per diem payment.
Roger Rabbitspews:
One private prison company built its prison on top of a toxic waste dump because it was able to buy the land cheap.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Private companies also try to nickel and dime prisoners in the effort to boost revenue. ‘Canteen prices are outrageous,’ wrote a prisoner at the Gadsden facility in Florida. …
“Neither do private firms provide prisoners with soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes or writing paper.
“One female prisoner at a CCA prison in New Mexico said: ‘The state gives five free postage paid envelopes per month to prisoners, nothing at CCA. State provides new coats, jeans, shirts, and underwear and replaces them as needed. CCA … inmates are … issued tattered and stained clothing. Same goes of linens. Also ration toilet paper and paper towels. If you run out, too bad — 3 rolls every two weeks.'”
(Quoted from CorpWatch under fair use.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
“About three-quarters of new admissions to American jails and prisons are now African-American and Hispanic men. This trend, combined with an increasingly privatized and profitable prison system run largely by whites, makes for what Jerome Miller, a former youth corrections officer in Pennsylvania and Massachusetts, calls the emerging Gulag State.
“Miller predicts that the Gulag State will be in place within 15 years. He expects three to five million people to be behind bars, including an absolute majority of African-American men. It’s comparable, he says, to the post-Civil War period, when authorities came to view the prison system as a cheaper, more efficient substitute for slavery.”
(Quoted from CorpWatch under fair use.)
@28 “What an irrelevant losing KLOWN…”
Speaking of which, I bet it’s only a matter of time before some Republican is busted for doing something truly weird while wearing a KLOWN costume.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“A publicly traded company that runs private prison facilities across the country is again facing accusations of human rights abuses against inmates in its facilities.
“Immigrants at a Washington State detention center run by the GEO Group, Inc. are being held in conditions that violate both international and U.S. law, says a new report released by the Seattle University School of Law and the human rights group OneAmerica.”
(Quoted under fair use from an ABC News report dated August 5, 2008.)
Note 1: GEO Group was formerly known as Wackenhut Corrections Corporation.
Note 2: Refugees and asylum seekers are not criminals, they’re people asking for permission to legally enter the U.S. to escape oppression in their homelands, and include women and children.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@37 I know of a place where Cynical won’t have to pay income tax or gas tax … if he can stand the bad food and exorbitant commissary prices for soap and TP. And it’s ideologically right up his capitalist alley!
@39 I’m sure Cynical’s KLOWN outfit will be a big hit.
Marvin Stamnspews:
5. Lee spews:
If the media “protects the Democrats” then how come Bush was able to lead us into war on a truckload of bullshit while Democrats who were exactly right were portrayed as being weak?
Because the majority of dems were all in favor of the war. Hell, even before bush was elected Dems were talking abut sadamm and his WMDs.
Marvin Stamnspews:
4. Blue John spews:
Jump Marvin, JUMP!
Look what I started, now everyone is copying me.
I’m thinking of the next phrase for the mindless to mimic.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@41 The Dems who voted for the authorizing resolution didn’t vote for war, they voted for U.N. sanctions with war as a last resort, and they voted the way they did because they were LIED TO, you fucking idiot!
Marvin Stamnspews:
6. Blue John spews:
So when are they going to do something about Faux News, it’s the most biased one out there!
It’s the only right-biased out there. (besides talk radio and a couple newspapers)
Didn’t dan rather have to quit because he was caught trying to pass off fake documents as real? Ouch.
@41 Because the majority of dems were all in favor of the war.
No, they weren’t. Not even in the House did a majority of Dems vote for the authorization. Nor, as Roger points out, were the claims of the Bush Administration explored in any depth. In fact the New York Times repeatedly printed lies directly from Administration officials. Liberal bias my ass.
Hell, even before bush was elected Dems were talking abut sadamm and his WMDs.
But no one in their right mind was talking about invading and occupying until after 9/11, and even then, it was only some Democrats.
Jump, Marvin, jump!
@44 It’s the only right-biased out there. (besides talk radio and a couple newspapers)
Didn’t dan rather have to quit because he was caught trying to pass off fake documents as real? Ouch.
And considering that people in the media have been repeating the Bush Administration’s propaganda for 7 years without repercussions should give you an idea of whether or not there’s a liberal bias in the media, Einstein.
Jump, Marvin, jump!
Funny how the right wing got its ass kicked over the Edwards affair. Up to now, no major news outlet really let on that McSame had an affair and cheated on his disfigured wife when he got back from Nam. Now – that’s being talked about on major news outlets which is good, because it takes all the wind out of the faaaaar right wingers’ sails. They know that they have no moral authority. Given the fact that the guy who IS a candidate, McCain has had AT LEAST one affair we know of, it won’t matter than one who IS NOT a candidate also had an affair. In fact, it’s funny how some internal memos leaked over at McSame central telling everyone on staff not to talk about Edwards for fear it would hurt McSame.
Too late motherfucker – you’re a hypocrite and you’re busted!
Marvin Stamnspews:
43. Roger Rabbit spews:
because they were LIED TO, you fucking idiot!
And exactly who was lying to them in- 1998, or 1998.
Clarke said U.S. intelligence does not know how much of the substance was produced at El Shifa or what happened to it. But he said that intelligence exists linking bin Laden to El Shifa’s current and past operators, the Iraqi nerve gas experts, and the National Islamic Front in Sudan.
Wow, 10 years with stopping the proliferation of WMDs as a top priority.
It would appear that the Republican party leadership isn’t terribly concerned that their apparent standard bearer is a lackluster candidate who’s well past his prime, makes horrendous gaffes on the campaign trail and has nothing to offer the voting public other than the promise of four more years of the medicine that’s already made America very, very sick.
All indications are that the show they’re going to put on in the Twin Cities will be much less of an extravaganza than what they did for Bush the last time around. Even the “swift-boating” effort against Obama seems rather half-hearted, more a series of oblique, vague “character” slaps than any specific charges.
All this seems rather strange, unless they’re assuming it doesn’t matter….like perhaps they don’t expect to see either Obama or McCain elected. Like, maybe there ain’t gonna be an election.
Marvin Stamnspews:
1998… who was lying to them again?
“Dear Mr. President: … We urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraq sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq’s refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs.”
We must combat an unholy axis of new threats from terrorists, international criminals, and drug traffickers. These 21st century predators feed on technology and the free flow of information… And they will be all the more lethal if weapons of mass destruction fall into their hands.
Together, we must confront the new hazards of chemical and biological weapons and the outlaw states, terrorists, and organized criminals seeking to acquire them. Saddam Hussein has spent the better part of this decade and much of his nation’s wealth not on providing for the Iraqi people but on developing nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons and the missiles to deliver them.”
Again in 1998, before bush lied to everyone. (wink wink)
“The hard fact is that so long as Saddam remains in power, he threatens the well-being of his people, the peace of his region, the security of the world.
We must combat an unholy axis of new threats from terrorists, international criminals, and drug traffickers. These 21st century predators feed on technology and the free flow of information… And they will be all the more lethal if weapons of mass destruction fall into their hands.
Together, we must confront the new hazards of chemical and biological weapons and the outlaw states, terrorists, and organized criminals seeking to acquire them. Saddam Hussein has spent the better part of this decade and much of his nation’s wealth not on providing for the Iraqi people but on developing nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons and the missiles to deliver them.”
Again in 1998, before bush lied to everyone. (wink wink)
“The hard fact is that so long as Saddam remains in power, he threatens the well-being of his people, the peace of his region, the security of the world.
So once again, tell me who lied years before bush was in office?
I would say let’s look at the record, but unfortunately sandy berger accidently stole and destroyed classified documents. An inconvenient truth.
@45 “Jump, Marvin, jump!”
He’s like a trained animal. I’d say, “Like a trained seal”, but I wouldn’t want to offend any one specific species of animal. Animals already have enough issues in regards to these freaks.
Didn’t Marvin get his own “high-lite” post somewhere? Or am I thinking of Troll?
@48 You fail to distinguish between talking tough (Clinton) and acting stupid (Bush). But you’re a commie-fascist asswipe, so that’s no surprise.
@47 “Like, maybe there ain’t gonna be an election.”
I’m pretty certain that they don’t have the balls for that. It’s the rare Republican who isn’t a coward.
proud leftistspews:
Who said the following about Putin? “I looked the man in the eye. I found him to be very straightforward and trustworthy. We had a very good dialogue. I was able to get a sense of his soul . . .“
Also, whose cozying up to Georgia and failure to anticipate Russia’s pissoffedness about such cozying up led directly to last week’s Georgian conflagration? Further, which administration has looked thoroughly befuddled by the Georgian conflagration and has failed to act with anything but bluster? On the other hand, which French president acted like an adult and got a ceasefire agreement from the two combatants?
Republicans cannot lead, either on the domestic or foreign fronts.
Blue Johnspews:
Didn’t dan rather have to quit because he was caught trying to pass off fake documents as real? Ouch.
Yup, Dan had the character to quit. When will those at Faux News do the same?
oh yeah… Jump Marvin, JUMP!
Blue Johnspews:
@51 I donno. I can imagine it. Desperate people can do desperate things.
And we do have a conflict in Georgia. I bet they can leverage that into a full crisis by the election. If they want to.
Actually, “desparate and dangerous” are two words that DESCRIBE her campain, since both are used as ADJECTIVES.
Last time I checked, “and” was a conjunction and did not function as such in English grammar.
Go ahead and vote for “Chris” since she can count to three, I’ll vote for Dino since he can count AND he understands grammar.
@54 “Desperate people can do desperate things.”
Well, their desperation is certainly intense these days. However, the more likely scenario I see coming is election fraud/vote suppression. They love that shit.
@55 “desparate (sic)” “I’ll vote for Dino since he can count AND he understands grammar.”
Um, how about spelling?
28 “Poor Cynical -…Probably moved (to Montana) from Washington because he didn’t want to pay that oh so bad gas tax.”
Hey dummy, one can say that a rogue regime can be confronted without implying that we have to send in our military to overthrow the government and occupy the entire country. We confronted the Soviet Union for several decades and defeated it all without having to invade and occupy Moscow.
Again, I ask you, are you really this stupid?
Jump, Marvin, jump!
59 “We confronted the Soviet Union for several decades and defeated it all without having to invade and occupy Moscow.”
In fact….for Napoleon, Kaiser Bill and Hitler (and probably a few others further back in history), invading Russia turned out to be a major factor in their own undoing.
Marvin no doubt is having a hell of a time jumping with his head so far up his ass.
@59 “Again, I ask you, are you really this stupid?”
I’m sure this is one of those times when you already know the answer but get a kick asking the question anyway.
Jump, Marvin, jump, you fool!
proud leftistspews:
I have to wonder if Marvin ever remembers that wiping your ass follows, not precedes, taking a shit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@62 That explains the TP shortage.
@63 They use TP? Take another look at the shit-eating grin on any Republican’s face.
In case you wingnuts forgot, the name of McSame’s latest fuck-buddy is Vickie Iseman.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@64 Hmmm, guess that theory is blown out of the water! Maybe the Chinese are hoarding it?
Daddy Lovespews:
Great news for McCain! Obama’s up by only 7 percentage points, and McCain’s below 40%.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Law and Disorder Dep’t, Case # 08-35823368-78
Bush’s latest attorney general announced today that he’s not going to prosecute anybody for the Bush administration’s illegal hiring practices in the Department of Justice.
“Not every violation of law is a crime,” Mukasey said.
What the hell, they all would have been pardoned anyway.
@69 “Maybe the Chinese are hoarding it?”
Gunpowder and TP. It’s a good thing the Chinese shared the TP idea, anyways.
It’s frightening to think this guy is the sitting Attorney General of the United States.
Roger Rabbitspews:
For these guys, absolutely nothing is a crime when Republicans do it. They all issued themselves Get Out of Jail Free cards.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@72 “China…AD 1391 – The Bureau of Imperial Supplies began producing 720,000 sheets of toilet paper a year, each sheet measuring two feet by three feet. For use by the Emperors.”
Holy imperial shit! The Emperor needed 4 1/3 million sq. ft. of TP a year? That’s almost 12,000 sq. ft. of TP a day! The imperial cook must not have been very good.
I can’t afford to be sitting in traffic. I have a very tight budget. I can’t afford more taxes and more traffic. I think Christine Gregoire has really dropped the ball on transportation.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Imagine how many coolies beating reed stalks on rocks it took to produce all that shit paper. They probably were paid the equivalent of a penny a day by the cheap labor conservatives who ran China back then. I’ll bet they didn’t have union, either.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@78 More roads with lower taxes! That’s quite a combination. Can you do backflips over the moon, too?
Roger Rabbitspews:
I blame today’s traffic congestion on the Republican obstructionists who controlled the state senate until 2004. That’s where the fault lies. Nothing could be built in this state until Democrats had control of the governor’s mansion and both houses of the legislature. Gregoire has done more to get traffic moving again than all the Republicans of the last 100 years put together.
proud leftistspews:
Steve @ 75
Man, they got everything covered on that internet thing, don’t they?
proud leftistspews:
troll @ 82
Washington’s citizenry is better off when you’re caught in traffic. A traffic jam keeps you from acting in concert with your rightwing nut buddies to bring nonsense into public discourse.
@86 There was also this:
“It was quite ‘unmentionable” to talk about this product in the conservative, Victorian era. However, during this time indoor plumbing was improving and the public had a desire for better hygiene.”
Conservatives – they’re against TP and better public hygiene! I figured as much.
As we sit in traffic, remember it’s the republicans who have fought tooth and nail to stop mass transit from becoming a reality in Seattle. We’re the only world – class city without a decent transit system because the racist republicans like Troll don’t want tax dollars going to help minorities ride mass transit.
I was actually just reciting an anti-Gregoire commercial that was just on TV where some lady was bitching about taxes and traffic.
proud leftistspews:
88: ” . . . they’re against TP and better public hygiene!”
They’re also against public bathrooms because the homeless should shit in the street. Everyone is better off that way, given that feces on the sidewalk is preferable to a property tax. Rest areas on the freeways are a communist plot because, for God’s sake, well, we don’t need freeways at all because they require tax dollars. Can’t everyone just have their own Lear jet? Let’s say it together, all you supply-siders out there, cutting taxes is the answer to all problems. Did any of you fellows ever read John Locke? Are you at all acquainted with the notion of the social compact?
I have an honest question for my fellow Democrats. If you believe that “War is Terrorism,” as the bumper sticker on your older model Volvo states, do you also believe that members of the U.S. military who’ve gone to Iraq are terrorists? And if the answer to that is yes, do you believe Darcy Burner’s brother is one, as well?
@96 No. But I do believe that you’re just about the dumbest motherfucker on the planet, maybe the dumbest motherfucker on the planet. I hope that helps to clarify things for you.
Does anyone here agree with the statement: War is terrorism?
@98 “Thank you for your reply.”
You’re welcome, sir. Have a nice evening. And stay away from Puddy. That dude’s somewhat weirded out. Just a caution.
Roger Rabbitspews:
This thread has been up for less than 12 hours and already has 100 comments! That’s more than the sucky little fascist blog gets in a whole fucking year!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@98 War is worse than terrorism because it kills more innocent people.
If war is worse than terrorism, do you think that Darcy Burner’s brother, being a U.S. soldier who has taken part in the Iraq war, is worse than a terrorist?
Tommy Tompsonspews:
I am Republican – I lie, cheat and steal when I am not being a family man (fat whore cunt), the bastard Nazi that I am. Hail Hitler.
proud leftistspews:
“Is war terrorism?” you keep asking. You try to boil down difficult issues into black and white answers. That is what is wrong with rightwingers like you. Your question is simplistic, reflective of someone incapable of truly thinking. War, more often than not, creates terror for the citizenry who have to live with it. Most wars in human history have not been just wars. They have resulted from petty quarrels, oversized egos, and paranoia. The vast majority of wars in human history have not advanced human lives. The Iraqi war most surely falls into that category. Let me ask you a question: what has caused more misery to innocent human beings, 9/11 or the Iraqi war? Let me offer an answer: both events were horribly wrong, and 9/11 is not the only of the two events that involves terrorism.
Marvin Stamnspews:
52. Steve spews:
Didn’t Marvin get his own “high-lite” post somewhere? Or am I thinking of Troll?
Don’t you remember laughing about it a couple days ago when lee posted it?
Damn, you’re one stupid goat humper.
Marvin Stamnspews:
37. Roger Rabbit spews:
“About three-quarters of new admissions to American jails and prisons are now African-American and Hispanic men
1 reason. Racist judges that do the sentencing.
Marvin Stamnspews:
100. Roger Rabbit spews:
This thread has been up for less than 12 hours and already has 100 comments! That’s more than the sucky little fascist blog gets in a whole fucking year!
But that other blog doesn’t specialize in the porn fantasies this one does. Between byebyegoop and stevie the zoos are on 24 hour watch.
I keep thinking “no way, Troll can’t possibly get any dumber,” and I’m continually proven wrong. We are watching the most spectacular display of mental retardation we’ve ever seen. Not even Marvin has been this idiotic. I’m way lax in producing the mother of all EffU posts. The guy is just giving me material left and right.
@98 Does anyone here agree with the statement: War is terrorism?
Certain acts of war can be terrorism, and war itself can be terrifying, but no, by default, war is not terrorism unless the people who wage it intentionally wage it by specifically trying to terrorize civilians.
Something tells me, though, that I’d have better luck trying to explain this stuff to my cat.
Roger Rabbit, if, as you say, war is worse than terrorism, do you think that Darcy Burner’s brother, being a U.S. soldier who has taken part in the Iraq war, is worse than a terrorist?
Politically Incorrectspews:
Lee @ 16,
Think about it. Could it be that, about a year ago, Hillary was looking like a sure thing? If the Republicans released the info on Edwards, it would have put Edwards out of the race, and Hillary would get an even bigger lead over Obama because a lot of Edwards folks would transfer their allegiance to Hillary.
With all that clout, Hillary would be the one getting her acceptance speech ready, and Obama would be reluctantly supporting her on the campaign trail.
I think that, a year ago, the Republicans made a decision to to whatever it takes to have Obama as the Democratic candidate versus Hillary. That woould incline them towards not releasing the story about Edwards. I’m sure that’s the motivation, but it has apparently backfired on them with all the support Obama has garnered.
Like I said, this one is in the realm of the conspiracy buffs.
Marvin Stamnspews:
109. Lee spews:
Not even Marvin has been this idiotic
Damn, let me explain… I’ve been busy the last couple days and haven’t had the time to post. The sun was in my eyes. The ball hit a rock.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Interesting observation…
Liberal blogs aren’t talking about the olympics. Nothing about the swimmer kicking ass and not taking prisoners.
Oh yeah, that would mean you were proud of your country.
Marvin Stamnspews:
When democrats start turning on obama you know bad news is on the way. So it’s the inability of obama to open up a lead.
This is going to be a fun DNC. Hopefully they won’t ban the press from attending. Ban them because they won’t perform the required volunteering for the obama campaign. No such thing as “free” when it comes from a democrat.
But they’re too filled with delicious schadenfreude at the wave of buyer’s remorse that has swept the Democratic Party; many Democrats are questioning whether Obama is fighting back hard enough against McCain, and many are wondering, given his inability to open up a lead in a country fed up with Republicans
@114 Just so you know, that was a really stupid observation.
@114 Liberal blogs aren’t talking about the olympics. Nothing about the swimmer kicking ass and not taking prisoners.
If you want to read about the Olympics, go to a sports blog, dumbshit.
Um, Obama is well ahead in the electoral vote count. Do we still have our bet on whether or not more left-leaning people cause trouble at the DNC or more right-leaning people cause trouble at the RNC?
@113 Damn, let me explain… I’ve been busy the last couple days and haven’t had the time to post. The sun was in my eyes. The ball hit a rock.
Was that supposed to make sense, or did you have a dick in your mouth and couldn’t concentrate?
@112 If the Republicans released the info on Edwards, it would have put Edwards out of the race, and Hillary would get an even bigger lead over Obama because a lot of Edwards folks would transfer their allegiance to Hillary.
That doesn’t make any sense. If Edwards people were going to switch to Obama or Hillary, it wouldn’t matter when Edwards dropped out of the race. Is there any reason why Edwards people would have gone to Hillary had it been earlier?
I think that, a year ago, the Republicans made a decision to to whatever it takes to have Obama as the Democratic candidate versus Hillary.
I highly doubt that, primarily because if Republicans tried to make Obama the candidate, they would have failed miserably and we’d have Hillary. I actually think it was the opposite. The Republicans were hoping for Hillary, but got Obama instead (mainly because there’s a very different make-up of Democrats these days).
Marvin Stamnspews:
116. Steve spews:
@114 Just so you know, that was a really stupid observation.
Nice reply.
Marvin Stamnspews:
117. Lee spews:
Was that supposed to make sense, or did you have a dick in your mouth and couldn’t concentrate?
Guess you didn’t get the joke.
Google it.
Oh yeah, you’re not good at googling. Maybe when I get some time I’ll google it for you. You being left of center need someone to do for you.
Marvin Stamnspews:
118. Lee spews:
(mainly because there’s a very different make-up of Democrats these days).
The party of slavery is now suffering from white liberal guilt.
We interrupt coverage of the Rossi/BIAW fascist putsch for the following breaking news:
Shocking, the majority of people polled said the bias (which means liberal) of the media is worse than contibution cash.
Once the media can no longer protect the democrats (ie:john edwards) how much longer can the democrat party survive. Considering that democrats always have to track right to win in the general election the loss of media support could be the last straw.
Obama visit his typical white woman grandmother and doesn’t bring his wife/kids. I wonder if he’s more embarrassed of his family or his white grandmother.
It was good that he brought along a pool of reporters and camera crews to document his visit. Nothing like having the liberal biased media helping out the campaign. I wonder, do the liberal reporters need to list their job as a donation to the obama campaign?
How in God’s name is this important?
I sometimes I go visit my crotchity old uncle and don’t take my son. It’s just easier that way.
Jump Marvin, JUMP!
Once the media can no longer protect the democrats (ie:john edwards) how much longer can the democrat party survive.
If the media “protects the Democrats” then how come Bush was able to lead us into war on a truckload of bullshit while Democrats who were exactly right were portrayed as being weak?
Jump, Marvin, jump!
Obama visit his typical white woman grandmother and doesn’t bring his wife/kids.
So? I didn’t realize it was a requirement for politicians to always have their kids with them. Are you really that dumb?
Jump, Marvin, jump!
So when are they going to do something about Faux News, it’s the most biased one out there!
Once the media can no longer protect the democrats (ie:john edwards) how much longer can the democrat party survive.
Our silliest Republican obviously has no faith in the right wing noise machine that for example knew about the Edwards/Hunter affair for “years”.
(Yes I know that’s completely in his imagination.)
and before I forget:
Also the media bias of not challenging bush and McCain should be addressed. Please get right on that.
Jump Marvin, JUMP!
I don’t know. While Obama is vacationing, I’d think we’d see a “swift boat” attack by now but maybe they’re waiting until after the convention is over.
There’s no indication of that happening by what the trolls are dragging in.
But maybe the Republicans are putting all their resources into doing what they’ve done very successfully for the last 4 or 5 election cycles: suppressing voters.
@7 “and before I forget:”
Now, now, YLB, you know how our Marvin is so very sensitive about his party’s pedophile and goatfucking ways. But since it’s all true, what the hell.
Still, it’s important to note that, no matter how it may appear, not all Republicans are pedophiles and goatfuckers. For instance, there was that Republican who last year stiffed a male prostitute at a motel, took off, and was later pulled over by the cops who noted that the guy was wearing a dress. It just wouldn’t be fair to call that Republican a pedophile or a goat fucker.
From an email from Dino Rossi:
Um… That’s three words, Dino.
Vote Gregoire, she can count to three!
Note that in the email that Rossi fails to make a single positive statement about himself, but Gregoire is the one dishing dirt. How’s that supposed to work? Also, Rossi claims to be kicking ass and taking names, but needs to raise 350K in the next week. Again, that’s a bit of an ass-scratcher. Doing well, but desperate for big dollars?
Dear Supporter,
There is only a week before the primary for Governor, and there are only two words to describe Christine Gregoire’s campaign strategy:
Desperate and dangerous.
That’s why your continued support right now is so critical.
By now you’ve heard about Gregoire’s “dirty tricks” campaign against me and the people of Washington. But let me take a moment to review the facts.
1) Gregoire’s Big Union friends ran almost $2 million worth of misleading ads against me while her administration was negotiating salary increases with that same union!
2) Gregiore’s allies at the Washington State Democratic Party attacked my Italian heritage. The news media called it “sleazy” and an “ethnic slur,” but Gregoire refused to disavow it or take responsibility for it.
3) She even attacked my dog because my kids named him “Dubya”. (you read that right, she attacked my dog)
There’s only one reason Christine Gregoire is resorting to what can only be called desperate measures:
She’s running scared. And she’s right to be.
The simple fact is that our campaign is picking up steam largely because people of all political stripes recognize it’s time for new leadership in Olympia. And she’s getting nervous.
It’s for that reason that Christine Gregoire – with all the benefits of incumbency – is running in a dead heat in polls against us. And in seven days if she doesn’t win the “Top Two” Primary by a commanding margin, it will be the beginning of the end of her campaign.
We have a real opportunity to pick up literally thousands of supporters over the next eleven weeks. But to do that, we have to counter Gregoire’s seemingly endless negative attacks on television, radio, and the web. Our new Rapid Response Fund was created to do just that.
My advisors tell me we must raise $325,000 in the next 7 days just to fight back against Gregoire’s powerful out-of-state media advisors.
That’s why I need your help.
Take a moment right now to support my campaign with a gift of $25, $50, $100 or more to help me continue to fight Gregoire’s distortions and dirty media tricks.
I will write you in a few days and let you know where we stand on meeting our $325,000 goal.
Thank you so much for your continued support.
Dino Rossi
P.S. One last thing: I’m proud of my heritage and no one should ever make a racial or ethnic slur against anyone. My family came to this country because they heard it was a land of opportunity where they would get a fair shake. I’ll never stoop to my opponent’s level to win an election. I’m proud of my heritage, proud of the campaign we’re running, and most of all, I’m proud of all the friends I have across this state who will help me win in November. Help make our collective dream a reality by making a secure online contribution of $25 or more today. Thanks again for your help.
our Marvin is so very sensitive about his party’s pedophile and goatfucking ways‘
Yes Steve, our silliest Republican wants to mock us for the goldmine of information about the true nature of Republicans that is on that website.
More often than not, he’ll refer to that website
this way
rather than this way:
He doesn’t want to risk biting the hand that feeds him.
“Help make our collective dream a reality…”
What is he, some kind of socialist?
You know, if that thing about Edwards had come out sooner, Hillary would probably be getting the Dem nomination for prez this month in Denver. Do you think the Republicans have manipulated these events so as to have the fight against Obama versus against Hillary?
It’s a good topic for the conspiracy buffs in the crowd.
You know, if that thing about Edwards had come out sooner, Hillary would probably be getting the Dem nomination for prez this month in Denver.
Why do you say that?
I like this quote from Sam Seder. It nails the trolls and the whole Dori Monson/(un)SP mentality:
The extreme case he refers to is the Unitarian Church shooter.
Uhhh. No. Wouldn’t have made a difference. Many blogs have crunched the numbers and found that Edwards supporters would likely have gone to Obama. That’s what I did. Hillary was not liked by the people who supported Edwards. She was too closely tied the corporate interests. Edwards and to some degree Obama were less corporate.
Dino has the backing of the Seattle Police Officers guild and Gregoire has the backing of:
# Washington Council of Police and Sheriffs;
# Washington State Fraternal Order of Police;
# WFSE/AFSME, Local 308, the union that represents community corrections officers;
# Law Enforcement Administrators of Washington;
# Washington State Patrol Lieutenants Association;
# Washington State Patrol Troopers Association;
# Washington State Association of Fire Chiefs;
# Washington State Council of Firefighters.
Rasmussen Poll–
Monday, August 11, 2008
John McCain has cut Barack Obama’s lead in Iowa in half over the past month but still trails the Democrat 46% to 41%, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of voters in the state.
When “leaners” are factored in, Obama leads his Republican opponent 49% to 44%.
Last month Obama had a double-digit lead on McCain, 51% to 41%.
Election Momentum===McCain.
Facts & Leadership==Rossi
From Rossi for Governor website–
“Addressing Gregoire’s $2.7 Billion Deficit, Part I Rossi Proposes Constitutional Amendment to Reinstate Spending Limits
Redmond, WA – According to the non-partisan Senate Ways and Means Committee staff, our state is facing a projected $2.7 billion deficit in the next biennium. Since Christine Gregoire took office, state spending has increased by 33 percent. During this time, the spending growth rate has been two and a half times greater than the revenue growth rate.
The first step in addressing the deficit is to rein in out-of-control spending. As governor, Dino Rossi will propose a Constitutional Amendment to reinstate spending limits for the General Fund and Near General Fund. In 1993 voters approved I-601 that placed annual spending limits on state general fund expenditures tied to inflation and state population growth. Unfortunately I-601 has been circumvented by the legislature and little is left of its original taxpayer protections.
“The first thing everyone needs to understand about the deficit is that we have a spending problem, not a revenue problem. No one should feel guilty that they are not sending enough money to Olympia – the problem is that Governor Gregoire and the legislators have spent it at an unsustainable rate,” said Dino Rossi. “In order to stop the bleeding and get our state on a fiscally sustainable path, we must bring our spending back in line with recurring revenue growth. The people have shown support for spending limits and a Constitutional Amendment would keep out-of-control government spending in check. The fact is, if I-601 were still in place our state would not be facing a multi-billion dollar budget deficit.”
Facts on state spending under Governor Gregoire:
Overspending is the cause of the deficit. In January, the state projected revenue of $31.984 billion for the current biennium (reduced to $29.402 billion in June 2008 forecast). However, Governor Gregoire and the legislator added new policy expenditures that brought spending to a total of $32.753 billion. Had they exercised some fiscal restraint with the current budget and brought spending in line with revenue, we wouldn’t be facing such a large deficit.
Revenue will continue to increase in the next biennium. Despite a slowing economy, state revenue is still expected to increase by 8 percent in the next biennium. That means that the state will have more money to spend next year, but we have outspent it by $2.7 billion dollars.
Had spending limits been kept in place, our state would not be facing a future deficit. The chart below shows how spending has far outpaced growth in population and inflation.
@1 Did the Rethugs rent a gas station for their convention? They’ll probably need only a dozen or so folding chairs. Should be able to squeeze those into one of the lift bays.
@21 We don’t need a constitutional limit on spending. We already have voters. Whine all you want, Cynical, every cent of state spending is approved by legislators who were elected by the people. A majority of voters can impose term limits and spending limits any time they want.
The reason Republicans like tyranny-of-the-minority is because they know they’ll never be a majority in this state.
Republican Crooks: Case # 08-2-1756489-17
From David Postman’s column:
“Madison Communications, a Republican political consulting firm in Kirkland, was named today by the Anchorage Daily News as an unnamed co-conspirator in the latest charges in Alaska’s growing political scandal.
“The Daily News says the firm, headed by well-known consultant Brett Bader, is the ‘Consultant A’ mentioned in the charges, and guilty plea, by private prison executive Bill Weimar. Weimar pleaded guilty yesterday to two federal felonies.”
(Quoted under fair use.)
A Republican senator taking graft. A private prison company exec pleading guilty to felonies. A Republican campaign consultant named as an unindicted co-conspirator. The Republican scandals just keep coming, without end. Isn’t there is a single honest soul in the Republican Party? Not even one?
It wouldn’t surprise me if these private prison companies steal the tax money they’re given to pay for inmate food.
“A federal investigation traced a 1994 riot at an Esmor immigration detention center to the company’s having skimped on food, building repairs and guard salaries.”
(Quoted under fair use from http://www.corpwatch.org/article.php?id=867)
Note: Esmor is a private prison company.
“A federal investigation traced a 1994 riot at an Esmor immigration detention center to the company’s having skimped on food ….”
(Quoted under fair use from CorpWatch: US: America’s Private Gulag)
Note: Esmor is a private prison company.
Poor Cynical – lives in another blue state, Montana and has to pay an income tax.
Probably moved from Washington because he didn’t want to pay that oh so bad gas tax.
Wants to move back if his butt boy Dino is “selected”.
What an irrelevant losing KLOWN…
“Numerous individuals, organizations and former prisoners and immigration detainees have alleged mistreatment and inhumane conditions in CCA facilities. There have been rapes, beatings, and deaths at CCA facilities.”
(Quoted from Wikipedia under fair use.)
Note: CCA refers to Corrections Corporation of America, a private prison company.
The U.S. private for-profit prison industry experienced its greatest growth from 1985 to 2000. According to the CorpWatch article, the U.S. prison population grew from 300,000 to 1.5 million even though crime rates dropped during that period. The private prison industry deployed armies of lobbyists to press for tougher laws and longer sentences, because their profits depend on keeping jail vacancy rates low. They are paid on a per diem basis, and make no money on empty beds.
CorpWatch says private prisoners operating in Oklahoma imported prisoners from other states and refused to accept Oklahoma prisoners because Oklahoma paid low per diem rates. Thus, Oklahoma’s felon population actually grew as a result of private prisons, because Oklahoma taxpayers didn’t pony up more money. Yet the proponents of private prisons invariably argue the rationale for the existence of their industry is lower costs for taxpayers.
Polls go up, polls go down. Obama and Gregoire are still on top and will be in office come next January.
All your poll points to is that McCain was behind and still is behind.
Given tightfisted per diem rates, the only way private prison companies can protect their profits is by skimping on expenditures for food, medical care, facilities, drug treatment, work programs, vocational training, and guard training and salaries. The quantity and quality of everything is lower in private prisons as managers try to squeeze the last penny of profit out of every inmate’s per diem payment.
One private prison company built its prison on top of a toxic waste dump because it was able to buy the land cheap.
“Private companies also try to nickel and dime prisoners in the effort to boost revenue. ‘Canteen prices are outrageous,’ wrote a prisoner at the Gadsden facility in Florida. …
“Neither do private firms provide prisoners with soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes or writing paper.
“One female prisoner at a CCA prison in New Mexico said: ‘The state gives five free postage paid envelopes per month to prisoners, nothing at CCA. State provides new coats, jeans, shirts, and underwear and replaces them as needed. CCA … inmates are … issued tattered and stained clothing. Same goes of linens. Also ration toilet paper and paper towels. If you run out, too bad — 3 rolls every two weeks.'”
(Quoted from CorpWatch under fair use.)
“About three-quarters of new admissions to American jails and prisons are now African-American and Hispanic men. This trend, combined with an increasingly privatized and profitable prison system run largely by whites, makes for what Jerome Miller, a former youth corrections officer in Pennsylvania and Massachusetts, calls the emerging Gulag State.
“Miller predicts that the Gulag State will be in place within 15 years. He expects three to five million people to be behind bars, including an absolute majority of African-American men. It’s comparable, he says, to the post-Civil War period, when authorities came to view the prison system as a cheaper, more efficient substitute for slavery.”
(Quoted from CorpWatch under fair use.)
@28 “What an irrelevant losing KLOWN…”
Speaking of which, I bet it’s only a matter of time before some Republican is busted for doing something truly weird while wearing a KLOWN costume.
“A publicly traded company that runs private prison facilities across the country is again facing accusations of human rights abuses against inmates in its facilities.
“Immigrants at a Washington State detention center run by the GEO Group, Inc. are being held in conditions that violate both international and U.S. law, says a new report released by the Seattle University School of Law and the human rights group OneAmerica.”
(Quoted under fair use from an ABC News report dated August 5, 2008.)
Note 1: GEO Group was formerly known as Wackenhut Corrections Corporation.
Note 2: Refugees and asylum seekers are not criminals, they’re people asking for permission to legally enter the U.S. to escape oppression in their homelands, and include women and children.
@37 I know of a place where Cynical won’t have to pay income tax or gas tax … if he can stand the bad food and exorbitant commissary prices for soap and TP. And it’s ideologically right up his capitalist alley!
@39 I’m sure Cynical’s KLOWN outfit will be a big hit.
Because the majority of dems were all in favor of the war. Hell, even before bush was elected Dems were talking abut sadamm and his WMDs.
Look what I started, now everyone is copying me.
I’m thinking of the next phrase for the mindless to mimic.
@41 The Dems who voted for the authorizing resolution didn’t vote for war, they voted for U.N. sanctions with war as a last resort, and they voted the way they did because they were LIED TO, you fucking idiot!
It’s the only right-biased out there. (besides talk radio and a couple newspapers)
Didn’t dan rather have to quit because he was caught trying to pass off fake documents as real? Ouch.
Because the majority of dems were all in favor of the war.
No, they weren’t. Not even in the House did a majority of Dems vote for the authorization. Nor, as Roger points out, were the claims of the Bush Administration explored in any depth. In fact the New York Times repeatedly printed lies directly from Administration officials. Liberal bias my ass.
Hell, even before bush was elected Dems were talking abut sadamm and his WMDs.
But no one in their right mind was talking about invading and occupying until after 9/11, and even then, it was only some Democrats.
Jump, Marvin, jump!
It’s the only right-biased out there. (besides talk radio and a couple newspapers)
Didn’t dan rather have to quit because he was caught trying to pass off fake documents as real? Ouch.
And considering that people in the media have been repeating the Bush Administration’s propaganda for 7 years without repercussions should give you an idea of whether or not there’s a liberal bias in the media, Einstein.
Jump, Marvin, jump!
Funny how the right wing got its ass kicked over the Edwards affair. Up to now, no major news outlet really let on that McSame had an affair and cheated on his disfigured wife when he got back from Nam. Now – that’s being talked about on major news outlets which is good, because it takes all the wind out of the faaaaar right wingers’ sails. They know that they have no moral authority. Given the fact that the guy who IS a candidate, McCain has had AT LEAST one affair we know of, it won’t matter than one who IS NOT a candidate also had an affair. In fact, it’s funny how some internal memos leaked over at McSame central telling everyone on staff not to talk about Edwards for fear it would hurt McSame.
Too late motherfucker – you’re a hypocrite and you’re busted!
And exactly who was lying to them in-
1998, or 1998.
And no link to bin laden?
Richard clake in 1998
Wow, 10 years with stopping the proliferation of WMDs as a top priority.
It would appear that the Republican party leadership isn’t terribly concerned that their apparent standard bearer is a lackluster candidate who’s well past his prime, makes horrendous gaffes on the campaign trail and has nothing to offer the voting public other than the promise of four more years of the medicine that’s already made America very, very sick.
All indications are that the show they’re going to put on in the Twin Cities will be much less of an extravaganza than what they did for Bush the last time around. Even the “swift-boating” effort against Obama seems rather half-hearted, more a series of oblique, vague “character” slaps than any specific charges.
All this seems rather strange, unless they’re assuming it doesn’t matter….like perhaps they don’t expect to see either Obama or McCain elected. Like, maybe there ain’t gonna be an election.
1998… who was lying to them again?
What, an unholy axis??
Again in 1998, before bush lied to everyone. (wink wink)
What, a new iraqi government??
And clinton had this gem to say…
So once again, tell me who lied years before bush was in office?
I would say let’s look at the record, but unfortunately sandy berger accidently stole and destroyed classified documents. An inconvenient truth.
1998… who was lying to them again?
What, an unholy axis??
Again in 1998, before bush lied to everyone. (wink wink)
What, a new iraqi government??
And clinton had this gem to say…
So once again, tell me who lied years before bush was in office?
I would say let’s look at the record, but unfortunately sandy berger accidently stole and destroyed classified documents. An inconvenient truth.
@45 “Jump, Marvin, jump!”
He’s like a trained animal. I’d say, “Like a trained seal”, but I wouldn’t want to offend any one specific species of animal. Animals already have enough issues in regards to these freaks.
Didn’t Marvin get his own “high-lite” post somewhere? Or am I thinking of Troll?
@48 You fail to distinguish between talking tough (Clinton) and acting stupid (Bush). But you’re a commie-fascist asswipe, so that’s no surprise.
@47 “Like, maybe there ain’t gonna be an election.”
I’m pretty certain that they don’t have the balls for that. It’s the rare Republican who isn’t a coward.
Who said the following about Putin? “I looked the man in the eye. I found him to be very straightforward and trustworthy. We had a very good dialogue. I was able to get a sense of his soul . . .“
Also, whose cozying up to Georgia and failure to anticipate Russia’s pissoffedness about such cozying up led directly to last week’s Georgian conflagration? Further, which administration has looked thoroughly befuddled by the Georgian conflagration and has failed to act with anything but bluster? On the other hand, which French president acted like an adult and got a ceasefire agreement from the two combatants?
Republicans cannot lead, either on the domestic or foreign fronts.
Yup, Dan had the character to quit. When will those at Faux News do the same?
oh yeah… Jump Marvin, JUMP!
@51 I donno. I can imagine it. Desperate people can do desperate things.
And we do have a conflict in Georgia. I bet they can leverage that into a full crisis by the election. If they want to.
Actually, “desparate and dangerous” are two words that DESCRIBE her campain, since both are used as ADJECTIVES.
Last time I checked, “and” was a conjunction and did not function as such in English grammar.
Go ahead and vote for “Chris” since she can count to three, I’ll vote for Dino since he can count AND he understands grammar.
@54 “Desperate people can do desperate things.”
Well, their desperation is certainly intense these days. However, the more likely scenario I see coming is election fraud/vote suppression. They love that shit.
@55 “desparate (sic)” “I’ll vote for Dino since he can count AND he understands grammar.”
Um, how about spelling?
28 “Poor Cynical -…Probably moved (to Montana) from Washington because he didn’t want to pay that oh so bad gas tax.”
And here we thought it was all about the sheep.
Hey dummy, one can say that a rogue regime can be confronted without implying that we have to send in our military to overthrow the government and occupy the entire country. We confronted the Soviet Union for several decades and defeated it all without having to invade and occupy Moscow.
Again, I ask you, are you really this stupid?
Jump, Marvin, jump!
59 “We confronted the Soviet Union for several decades and defeated it all without having to invade and occupy Moscow.”
In fact….for Napoleon, Kaiser Bill and Hitler (and probably a few others further back in history), invading Russia turned out to be a major factor in their own undoing.
Marvin no doubt is having a hell of a time jumping with his head so far up his ass.
@59 “Again, I ask you, are you really this stupid?”
I’m sure this is one of those times when you already know the answer but get a kick asking the question anyway.
Jump, Marvin, jump, you fool!
I have to wonder if Marvin ever remembers that wiping your ass follows, not precedes, taking a shit.
@62 That explains the TP shortage.
@63 They use TP? Take another look at the shit-eating grin on any Republican’s face.
That just made me think of this. LOL.
Dance, monkey, dance!
@46 Would everyone who thinks McSame did NOT have an affair with that lobbyist please raise their right hand.
We’re taking a census of the wingnut trolls on this board.
@65 “Rhetorical question, Woodcock!”
Good one!
In case you wingnuts forgot, McSame’s latest fuck-buddy is Vickie Iseman, and here’s her pic. She’s some hottie, hey?!!
In case you wingnuts forgot, the name of McSame’s latest fuck-buddy is Vickie Iseman.
@64 Hmmm, guess that theory is blown out of the water! Maybe the Chinese are hoarding it?
Great news for McCain! Obama’s up by only 7 percentage points, and McCain’s below 40%.
Law and Disorder Dep’t, Case # 08-35823368-78
Bush’s latest attorney general announced today that he’s not going to prosecute anybody for the Bush administration’s illegal hiring practices in the Department of Justice.
“Not every violation of law is a crime,” Mukasey said.
What the hell, they all would have been pardoned anyway.
@69 “Maybe the Chinese are hoarding it?”
Gunpowder and TP. It’s a good thing the Chinese shared the TP idea, anyways.
“Not every violation of law is a crime.”
It’s frightening to think this guy is the sitting Attorney General of the United States.
For these guys, absolutely nothing is a crime when Republicans do it. They all issued themselves Get Out of Jail Free cards.
@72 “China…AD 1391 – The Bureau of Imperial Supplies began producing 720,000 sheets of toilet paper a year, each sheet measuring two feet by three feet. For use by the Emperors.”
Holy imperial shit! The Emperor needed 4 1/3 million sq. ft. of TP a year? That’s almost 12,000 sq. ft. of TP a day! The imperial cook must not have been very good.
Three sources:
Obama 295 electoral votes
McCain 242 electoral votes
Princeton Election Consortium:
Obama 303 electoral votes
McCain 235 electoral votes
Obama 289 electoral votes
McCain 249 electoral votes
Talk about conspicuous consumption — one guy plugged an entire city’s sewer system all by himself.
I can’t afford to be sitting in traffic. I have a very tight budget. I can’t afford more taxes and more traffic. I think Christine Gregoire has really dropped the ball on transportation.
Imagine how many coolies beating reed stalks on rocks it took to produce all that shit paper. They probably were paid the equivalent of a penny a day by the cheap labor conservatives who ran China back then. I’ll bet they didn’t have union, either.
@78 More roads with lower taxes! That’s quite a combination. Can you do backflips over the moon, too?
I blame today’s traffic congestion on the Republican obstructionists who controlled the state senate until 2004. That’s where the fault lies. Nothing could be built in this state until Democrats had control of the governor’s mansion and both houses of the legislature. Gregoire has done more to get traffic moving again than all the Republicans of the last 100 years put together.
Steve @ 75
Man, they got everything covered on that internet thing, don’t they?
troll @ 82
Washington’s citizenry is better off when you’re caught in traffic. A traffic jam keeps you from acting in concert with your rightwing nut buddies to bring nonsense into public discourse.
@86 There was also this:
“It was quite ‘unmentionable” to talk about this product in the conservative, Victorian era. However, during this time indoor plumbing was improving and the public had a desire for better hygiene.”
Conservatives – they’re against TP and better public hygiene! I figured as much.
As we sit in traffic, remember it’s the republicans who have fought tooth and nail to stop mass transit from becoming a reality in Seattle. We’re the only world – class city without a decent transit system because the racist republicans like Troll don’t want tax dollars going to help minorities ride mass transit.
I was actually just reciting an anti-Gregoire commercial that was just on TV where some lady was bitching about taxes and traffic.
88: ” . . . they’re against TP and better public hygiene!”
They’re also against public bathrooms because the homeless should shit in the street. Everyone is better off that way, given that feces on the sidewalk is preferable to a property tax. Rest areas on the freeways are a communist plot because, for God’s sake, well, we don’t need freeways at all because they require tax dollars. Can’t everyone just have their own Lear jet? Let’s say it together, all you supply-siders out there, cutting taxes is the answer to all problems. Did any of you fellows ever read John Locke? Are you at all acquainted with the notion of the social compact?
@91 “They’re also against public bathrooms”
That’s not completely accurate.
I have an honest question for my fellow Democrats. If you believe that “War is Terrorism,” as the bumper sticker on your older model Volvo states, do you also believe that members of the U.S. military who’ve gone to Iraq are terrorists? And if the answer to that is yes, do you believe Darcy Burner’s brother is one, as well?
Justice, Republican style
Good Lord, a penis pump???
@93 Could you possibly be more stupid?
Don’t bother as I already know the answer to my question. I just like posing the question to you.
@95, Steve, do you believe war is terrorism?
@96 No. But I do believe that you’re just about the dumbest motherfucker on the planet, maybe the dumbest motherfucker on the planet. I hope that helps to clarify things for you.
@97, Thank you for your reply.
Does anyone here agree with the statement: War is terrorism?
@98 “Thank you for your reply.”
You’re welcome, sir. Have a nice evening. And stay away from Puddy. That dude’s somewhat weirded out. Just a caution.
This thread has been up for less than 12 hours and already has 100 comments! That’s more than the sucky little fascist blog gets in a whole fucking year!
@98 War is worse than terrorism because it kills more innocent people.
If war is worse than terrorism, do you think that Darcy Burner’s brother, being a U.S. soldier who has taken part in the Iraq war, is worse than a terrorist?
I am Republican – I lie, cheat and steal when I am not being a family man (fat whore cunt), the bastard Nazi that I am. Hail Hitler.
“Is war terrorism?” you keep asking. You try to boil down difficult issues into black and white answers. That is what is wrong with rightwingers like you. Your question is simplistic, reflective of someone incapable of truly thinking. War, more often than not, creates terror for the citizenry who have to live with it. Most wars in human history have not been just wars. They have resulted from petty quarrels, oversized egos, and paranoia. The vast majority of wars in human history have not advanced human lives. The Iraqi war most surely falls into that category. Let me ask you a question: what has caused more misery to innocent human beings, 9/11 or the Iraqi war? Let me offer an answer: both events were horribly wrong, and 9/11 is not the only of the two events that involves terrorism.
Don’t you remember laughing about it a couple days ago when lee posted it?
Damn, you’re one stupid goat humper.
1 reason. Racist judges that do the sentencing.
But that other blog doesn’t specialize in the porn fantasies this one does. Between byebyegoop and stevie the zoos are on 24 hour watch.
They both have highlight posts! Marvin’s are here and here. Troll’s are here and here.
Keep the stupid coming, fellas!
Could you possibly be more stupid?
I keep thinking “no way, Troll can’t possibly get any dumber,” and I’m continually proven wrong. We are watching the most spectacular display of mental retardation we’ve ever seen. Not even Marvin has been this idiotic. I’m way lax in producing the mother of all EffU posts. The guy is just giving me material left and right.
Does anyone here agree with the statement: War is terrorism?
Certain acts of war can be terrorism, and war itself can be terrifying, but no, by default, war is not terrorism unless the people who wage it intentionally wage it by specifically trying to terrorize civilians.
Something tells me, though, that I’d have better luck trying to explain this stuff to my cat.
Roger Rabbit, if, as you say, war is worse than terrorism, do you think that Darcy Burner’s brother, being a U.S. soldier who has taken part in the Iraq war, is worse than a terrorist?
Lee @ 16,
Think about it. Could it be that, about a year ago, Hillary was looking like a sure thing? If the Republicans released the info on Edwards, it would have put Edwards out of the race, and Hillary would get an even bigger lead over Obama because a lot of Edwards folks would transfer their allegiance to Hillary.
With all that clout, Hillary would be the one getting her acceptance speech ready, and Obama would be reluctantly supporting her on the campaign trail.
I think that, a year ago, the Republicans made a decision to to whatever it takes to have Obama as the Democratic candidate versus Hillary. That woould incline them towards not releasing the story about Edwards. I’m sure that’s the motivation, but it has apparently backfired on them with all the support Obama has garnered.
Like I said, this one is in the realm of the conspiracy buffs.
Damn, let me explain… I’ve been busy the last couple days and haven’t had the time to post. The sun was in my eyes. The ball hit a rock.
Interesting observation…
Liberal blogs aren’t talking about the olympics. Nothing about the swimmer kicking ass and not taking prisoners.
Oh yeah, that would mean you were proud of your country.
When democrats start turning on obama you know bad news is on the way. So it’s the inability of obama to open up a lead.
This is going to be a fun DNC. Hopefully they won’t ban the press from attending. Ban them because they won’t perform the required volunteering for the obama campaign. No such thing as “free” when it comes from a democrat.
@114 Just so you know, that was a really stupid observation.
Liberal blogs aren’t talking about the olympics. Nothing about the swimmer kicking ass and not taking prisoners.
If you want to read about the Olympics, go to a sports blog, dumbshit.
Um, Obama is well ahead in the electoral vote count. Do we still have our bet on whether or not more left-leaning people cause trouble at the DNC or more right-leaning people cause trouble at the RNC?
Damn, let me explain… I’ve been busy the last couple days and haven’t had the time to post. The sun was in my eyes. The ball hit a rock.
Was that supposed to make sense, or did you have a dick in your mouth and couldn’t concentrate?
Jump, Marvin, jump!
If the Republicans released the info on Edwards, it would have put Edwards out of the race, and Hillary would get an even bigger lead over Obama because a lot of Edwards folks would transfer their allegiance to Hillary.
That doesn’t make any sense. If Edwards people were going to switch to Obama or Hillary, it wouldn’t matter when Edwards dropped out of the race. Is there any reason why Edwards people would have gone to Hillary had it been earlier?
I think that, a year ago, the Republicans made a decision to to whatever it takes to have Obama as the Democratic candidate versus Hillary.
I highly doubt that, primarily because if Republicans tried to make Obama the candidate, they would have failed miserably and we’d have Hillary. I actually think it was the opposite. The Republicans were hoping for Hillary, but got Obama instead (mainly because there’s a very different make-up of Democrats these days).
Nice reply.
Guess you didn’t get the joke.
Google it.
Oh yeah, you’re not good at googling. Maybe when I get some time I’ll google it for you. You being left of center need someone to do for you.
The party of slavery is now suffering from white liberal guilt.
So much that they deleted all references to their their part of slavery on their website.
No matter how much you democrats try, history shows you on the wrong side of racial hatred. Deleting it from their website doesn’t change the facts.
We can learn from our mistakes and become better people. Will you conservative PLEASE start?
Jump Marvin, JUMP!
I love it when I start trends and the mindless get sucked into copying me.
It brings a tear to this trolls eye.