Earlier this week, Postman wrote again about Dino Rossi’s Forward Washington organization and the corresponding “Idea Bank.”
The foundation didn’t accomplish much. There was the Idea Bank that Rossi heralded as a bipartisan effort to solicit and vet ideas from citizens on how to improve state government. (The Democrat who made the project “bipartisan” thinks FDR was a Socialist and still complains “that traitorous scamp, Jane Fonda” caused America to lose the Vietnam War.)
That “Democrat” was Lou Guzzo. At EffU, I’ve posted up a challenge to see if you can distinguish between things recently written by Dino Rossi’s “Idea Man,” and things recently written by Stranger Public Editor and OSHA Board of Governors Member A. Birch Steen. Good luck.
Rasmussen Poll TODAY!
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Friday, August 01, 2008
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows Barack Obama attracting 45% of the vote while John McCain earns 43%. When “leaners” are included, it’s Obama 47% and McCain 46% (see recent daily results). McCain is viewed favorably by 57% of voters, Obama by 55%.
With O-blah-blah’s European Rock Concert and the MSM slobbering all over him, you would think he would have a huge lead by now.
Oh yeah, Europeans don’t vote for President of the United States.
O-blah-blah seems to think he is running for President of the World!
The difference between Steen and Guzzo is that Guzzo takes himself seriously.
@1 In a 45% to 43% race, I’d rather be the guy with 45% than the guy with 43%.
This is the bottom-line on just how “Progressive” Seattle is——
from the Seattle Times-
“Seattle residents could face steep increases for garbage and water
Seattle residents could see a 29 percent increase in garbage rates and an 18 percent increase in water rates next year. Seattle Public Utilities says rates need to go up to pay for inflation, rising fuel costs and a new table-scrap recycling service.
By Sharon Pian Chan
Seattle Times staff reporter
Seattle residents could see a 29 percent increase in garbage rates and an 18 percent increase in water rates next year. Seattle Public Utilities says rates need to go up to keep up with inflation and rising fuel costs and pay for a new table-scrap recycling service.
The rate increases require City Council approval.”
WTF is table-scrap recycling???
Just when you think it can’t get any funnier.
Do any of you KLOWNS study politics???
When 49.3% of citizens feel they are overtaxed, you will see a Conservative Revolution….just like England and other European Countries are seeing.
You KLOWNS will be done by 2010.
You KLOWNS will be done by 2010.
All ready conceding defeat in 2008, Mr. Cynical?
Its so “Progressive” that you don’t even own the rainwater that falls on your roof. . .
If you want to make meaningful historical parallels to what’s happening right now, you might want to take a look at what was happening in the 1920s.
We ARE overtaxed right now. But the reason is because Republicans are wasting our money on wars, a massive prison system, and corporate welfare. That’s why the overtaxed people are voting for Democrats now.
Hey Rog–
How in the hell are you going to afford your Seattle Table-scrap Recycling Bill when you keep making stupid investments like BOOM (DOWN $4.16/share or 12.63% today) and IBM (DOWN $1.34/share)??????????????
I’ve got a cost saving idea—–
Eliminate the Table-scrap Recycling Program.
Just like unemployed guys like Goldy and will wonder around “Dumpster Diving” for free food instead??
Good luck trying to brand Republicans as the Party of Tax increases.
People have had enough.
That is why Rossi will defeat Gregoire.
That is why McCain is so close to O-blah-blah.
Lee, how can you justify what New Age Progressive’s are doing to the cost of government and cost of living in Seattle & King County???
Is that somehow Bush’s fault too??
Come on now Lee…
You LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS are so focused on winning elections by promising Free Sh*T to everyone that you can’t reconcile your promises with the tax base.
Gregoire won’t even discuss her plan to deal with the $2.9 BILLION projected Deficit for the next biennium because she can only pander to the State Employees by supporting a major TAX INCREASE!
The LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWN agenda is almost done BEFORE it started.
This is hysterical.
@9 “This is hysterical”
Indeed. But not for any reason you might think.
@9; Cynical Idiot
No one has to brand the republicans as corrupt, inept and wasteful – just look at what they have done:
When Clinton left office he cleaned up the deficit mess of Reagan and Bush and had a 128 BILLION dollar surplus. Bush projects this year to have the largest budget deficit since Reagan – almost 500 billion.
The unnecessary war in Iraq that has not made us any safer (and has allowed the Taliban and Al qaida to regroup in Afghanistan)will cost a minimum of 1 trillion before all is said and done.
Republicans in congress and in the Bush Administration lead the league in indictments and convictions for corruption – with the Abramoff scandal just the tip of the republican corruption iceberg.
As far as inept – Brownie, Katrina, Blackwater, Dept. of Justice (corrupt, politicized and inept all in one), the EPA (against states rights and against CAFE mileage standards for cars) deniers of global warming for political purposes, the FDA (approving whatever the drug industry wants them to and on and on – total cronyism and incopetence along with corruption – that is the branding the republican party has done to themselves.
And John, flip-flop McCain – never met an issue he could not backtrack on – from torture, to oil drilling, to FISA and on and on – only a fool would vote for a senile guy with a temper who can’t be trusted to not change his opinion and polcicies when it is expedient.
Lou Guzzo a democrat? I thought he was a whig.
He still thinks DDT is good for the environment and that the Vietnam war was lost because of protesters – the poor fool has lost more than his mind. He thinks global warming is a hoax and thinks that since we had a cool summer he is right. What a tool! He ain’t no democrat – maybe a flat-earther but not a democrat.
Whatever, dude. I like living in cities with parks, public transportation, and a vibrant economy. You can’t have any of those things without government spending money. I disagree with a lot of decisions made around here, but that’s life. Deal with it. All in all, if you want to go someplace where progressive governance takes a back seat to the free market, go to the third world.
“All in all, if you want to go someplace where progressive governance takes a back seat to the free market, go to the third world.”
Are you really so shallow as to believe that is the only alternative to Seattle New Age Atheist Progressivism???????????
Lee, you ought to be screaming at the top of your lungs about the money-wasting crap your tax dollars are going for in Seattle & King County. The reason things have gone so looney-tune is apparently part of being a Progressive is a Code Of DisHonor to close your eyes.
Government spending at all levels is OUT OF CONTROL. Is there anything in the Progressive Dogma that allows one to question growing, costly government???
Come on Lee…Table Scrap Recycling?
20 cents for plastic bags???
You are sucked in to believe government is the answer to everything.
Keep going down the head in the sand path Lee.
The Progressive Bowel Movement will end in 2010.
I know it’s satire, but you gotta love the article in The Naked Loon:
Ronald Reagan Returns from Grave to Slam Republicans
A partial quote:
@14 Funny. Delusional as all get out, but funny. I somehow doubt that was your intent.
@15: Funny, ‘Cept Reagan started all the huge deficit spending. Also, the idea of Reagan being lucid is also funnier than what he actually says.
I actually haven’t made up my mind yet on the 20 cent plastic bag proposal. My gut reaction is that it’s a dumb idea, but I haven’t looked into the details enough yet.
But what I really find to be ridiculous are people who can get so worked up about some piddly little city-wide initiative that might cost you a few bucks at most, while being completely oblivious to the massive levels of government waste related to wars and prisons that are slowly bankrupting the country.
That’s just sad.
Funny thing…back in the last century, what the righties all screamed the loudest about was deficit spending (by the Democrats, of course). They explained (correctly, to a degree) that this led to inflation, which hurt the little guy in the cost of living and the big guy in the cost of doing business.
Nowadays, the Republican leadership smugly says “deficits don’t matter”–because they’ve figured out that if all that deficit spending goes into the “right” pockets, the recipients of all that cash can convert it into something else (petroleum futures, million-dollar antique baseball caps, medium-sized Third World countries) before it inflates itself into oblivion. We common folk don’t exactly benefit in the same way…but well, who cares?
A rising tide lifts all yachts. A falling one strands all dinghies.
@18 “My gut reaction is that it’s a dumb idea”
So it would appear. At Safeway, would they ring up the charge for the bags after bagging my groceries?
If it weren’t for “Liberals” we never would have become the United States of America.
Know your history. Conservatives did NOT want to break away from the Crown.
Thomas Jefferson wanted to abolish slavery as a part of the Constitution, conservatives would not have joined the Union if that were the case.
Thomas Jefferson saved the Constitution from assault by John Adams and his ridiculous Seditions Act and other conservative style BS. Google the Revolution of 1800.
With the exception of Abraham Lincoln until about the 1880’s the Conservatives have been on the wrong side of every major issue:
Workers rights
Child labor
Women’s rights
Civil rights
Gay rights
Human rights
Economic policies
Energy policies
Military policies
Environmental policies
Supporting the troops (the real kind where you use them as a last resort and then fully fund their needs type of ‘support’ not just literally getting behind the troops and waive good bye as they march off to the Bush war of choice.)
The Great Writ
Privacy rights
In fact, I challenge any conservative to pick a major domestic or foreign policy issue from the last 100 years and demonstrate with FACTS how conservatives have done a better job than Liberals on that issue.
I bet we only get rhetoric and no solid FACTS. You know the whole truth and nothing but the truth type of facts and not some dreamed up bullshit from Faux News.
I think the bag tax is a fine idea. 360,000,000 bags used in Seattle per year. The city/public has to finance a means for getting rid of the bags. The bags are unnecessary and environmentally wrong. Ceasing to use them is easy–I did it a couple months ago with regard to groceries. You want a bag, you pay 20 cents. Big deal. A year after the tax goes into effect no one will think twice about it.
Reagan started deficit spending? Really?
I’m definitely not an economist, but even I know that Keynes advocated deficit spending decades ago. Reagan was hardly the first US President to follow that path.
Couple of things to note about the usual right wing spin we’ve seen here today.
Rasmussen is a right wing pollster.
Rossi’s “idea” bank was devoid of ideas.
No matter who started deficit spending – nobody has ever done more of it than Monkeyface Bush!
@17: Try to read I-burn (HUGE deficit spending – while not even at WAR – Reagan leads the pack)
Look it up – the largest deficits in the 20th century belong to Ronald Reagan and George Bush – until now – when W beats his father in deficit spending. Republicans are the biggest deficit spenders – only Clinton was able to reverse the trend.
The correct choice would have been to not enter WWI.
I daresay the 16th Amendment would have been better off un-enacted.
Keynes advocated deficit spending in limited circumstances. Such spending was to be targeted at particular economic sectors with the intention of triggering growth in those sectors. Keynes did not say that deficits don’t matter. He said that depending on the circumstances, there can be things worse than deficits. He was correct. By no means would he have supported deficits growing for the sole purpose of feeding the rapacious appetites of the GOP’s corporate sponsors for subsidies and tax cuts.
A lot of people want to blame Bush for today’s failures, myself included.
But, after much reading and pondering lately I’ve come to the conclusion that this is not entirely Bush’s fault. In fact, it has more to do with Reagan and conservative voters than anything else.
What we have here is the logical conclusion of the “Reagan Revolution.”
This is exactly what Reagan’s policies have done to hurt America. Jimmy Carter, however unpopular some see him, he was RIGHT about our energy policies and had we followed his wisdom we would not be where we are now. Instead Ronald Reagan sent America on a very different trajectory and nearly 30 years later we are paying the price heavily.
Reagan was wrong on the Industrial Military Complex. As warned by Eisenhower – no Liberal mind you.
Reagan was wrong on deficit spending and massive borrowing.
Reagan was wrong on energy.
Reagan was wrong of foreign policy – Iran-Contra, Soviet Union, Star Wars defense system the list goes on and on.
No, Bush could not have done this on his own, he just happened to be the Republican in charge when this all collapsed. The fault lies with the ordinary citizens who voted for, and continue to vote for conservatives. These are the people who ignore all the facts, use deceptions instead of honest debate, and listen to propaganda spoon fed to them by Fox News that comes directly from the Bush White House.
Conservative voters are the tools by which Republican leaders have used to destroy the framework of our Liberal Founding Fathers.
And, by proxy, those same conservative supporters have become bin Laden’s useful idiots.
God save the Republic from it’s own ill-informed conservative citizens.
Rossi’s “idea” bank may have been more aptly called a bullshit repository.
To today’s crop of “conservatives”, facts are something you make up.
Disingenuous, at best. Federal spending grew, along with the deficit, but so did federal revenue. I don’t have the true measure – percentage – handy, but that would be a more valid indicator than a straight number.
Reagan’s orgy of military spending might–might-have hastened the already-inevitable collapse of the Soviet Union by goading them into spending more money that they themselves didn’t have either. It’s undeniable that this weakened our own economy and left the defense establishment and its civilian supporters (Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al) with a problem. Absent the Cold War, they were compelled to conjure up some alternate Great Big Foreign Threat to justify siphoning the cream of Joe Six-Pack America’s earning power into their own pockets. The result has turned out to be the invention of the “war on terror”, actually a cover for the sort of neo-imperial adventurism not unlike that practiced by the British in the dying days of their colonial empire.
The part that astonishes me about conservatives and their “cutting taxes” rhetoric demonstrates just how GULLIBLE and STUPID they are.
See, it’s simple, simple math really.
You cannot, let me repeat, CANNOT, have a tax cut while you are borrowing money from foreign nations to fund your DEFICIT spending.
Those should be correctly named TAX DEFERMENTS to our grandchildren. That is EXACTLY what Reagan, Bush 41, Bush 43 and McSame are proposing.
Birth taxes to our posterity for their selfish squandering of our treasure.
Has anyone here bothered to see how much debt the United States is obligated to pay in the next 8 years thanks to Reagan’s massive borrowing nearly 30 years ago on “30 year T-Bills?”
Yeah, pretty soon we’re all going to be paying those back taxes with INTEREST to the Chinese.
Thanks to fucking conservative Idiots who cannot be trusted with the reigns of government.
So is the notion that you, or the government, is better able to determine how my money should be spent, than am I.
30 What was the national debt in 2000?
What is it now?
What’s it projected to be by 2010?
How long is this supposed to go on? Where’s the pony in this pile of manure?
Don’t know and don’t particularly care. I was responding to CNR’s contentions regarding Reagan.
@ 31
It is seriously doubtful Reagan’s spending on our military speeded up the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Heavily in debt, and polices that alienated the Soviet Union from the trade of the world, and massive spending fighting their own “war on terror” in Afghanistan is what took them down the proverbial drain.
Fighting terrorism with just military means is the WRONG track to be on. Fighting terrorism more as a Law Enforcement issue with the community of the world using military strikes as an asset is the sound and proper way to destroy terror networks. PERIOD.
“ArtFart spews:
30 What was the national debt in 2000?
What is it now?
What’s it projected to be by 2010?
How long is this supposed to go on? Where’s the pony in this pile of manure?
08/01/2008 at 3:22 pm
35. I-Burn spews:
Don’t know and don’t particularly care”
And, that, ladies and gentlemen it the exact problem we face today.
Right out of I-Burns lips, he DOES NOT KNOW and HE DOES NOT CARE, and yet, he wants to argue the facts.
Does he not see the irony in his stupid, stupid statements?
37 No, he doesn’t.
No, the notion is that there are things in this world that are necessary that will only get built through collective initiative (roads, schools, etc). If they are provided through private collective initiative, great. If not, the government has to do it.
@37 GBS
Yeah, whatever. Cheap rhetorical tricks, and you (probably) know it. I wasn’t addressing that particular issue, therefore did not feel the need to go and find the answers.
I note that you didn’t bother responding to @26, which was a response to your own challenge @ 21. Might we also assume then that you don’t know/don’t care?
I’m expecting some kind of blustering, bullshit, response GBS, but truly, I’m only interested in honest discussion. Not in “proving” the superiority of my ideology.
In 2000 GWB inherited a budget surplus of over 200 billion dollars – since Bush has been in office (except for the first year) we have had budget deficits of over 100 billion dollars that have increased to the new record deficit this year of close to 500 billion dollars.
I-burn and the republicans don’t care about the incredible debt load they are placing on our kids and grandkids. We will be paying for both Bush’s and Reagan deficits and their profligate spending for decades and the interest alone will stifle our economy and mess with our interest rates.
Anyone who says they don’t care is not paying attention – and what did we get for all this wasteful defense spending? Are we more secure? Is bin Laden caught? Is Russia a free and open democracy? Are we better off in the world or did we waste the money we could have spent on developing alternative energy? Are we more free of spying by our own government? Are our civil liberties any better protected? Ben Franklin would be rolling over in his grave if he knew Habeus corpus was suspended and George Washinton would be embarassed that the US was using torture. Real patriots would be protecting the constitution – not mouthing platitudes about how deficits are not that bad….
Republicans deserve the mealy mouthed candidate they have – flip-flop McCain, the lobbyists dream, whose entire campaign is run by and for lobbyists. We wil get the government we deserve if we elect McCain – government of, by and for the lobbyists.
“All in all, if you want to go someplace where progressive governance takes a back seat to the free market, go to the third world.”
Take Huston, for example. Urban paradise.
@39 Lee
That’s fine, as far as it goes. But tell me one instance of a government that ever stopped at merely providing basic services? And that is my objection to liberalism. I don’t need mommy government to wipe my ass for me, and I resent the hell out of having to subsidize those who won’t do so for themselves. And the whole notion that life should be “safe” and without risk is complete anathema to the ideals not only of conservatives, but to our founding fathers themselves, despite what GBS may think.
@30: I looked up the debt as percentage of GDP – still bad for republicans – it was highest under Reagan and Bush, lowered under Clinton and then has gone back up to near Reagan record levels under W. So much for that sad argument. sorry – 500 billion per year is real money and starts to add up (and they don’t even count Iraq in that).
“I don’t know, and I don’t care.”
Isn’t that part of John McSame’s platform?
@40 “I’m expecting some kind of blustering, bullshit, response”
Funny, coming from a blustering, bullshit spewing troll such as yourself. Projection, Psych 101. Get a handle on it and you might just come off as being slightly less laughable than you do now.
Back to something discussed earlier, is it true that it’s the uglyness of Republican women that drives Republican men to become pedophiles and to fuck farm animals? If not the ugly women, then why the all deviant sexual behavior by Republican males (that’s been so well documented)?
Yawn! Don’t you have customers to be waiting on? I’m guessing that drive-through window must be getting pretty busy about now.
@48 “I’m guessing that drive-through window must be getting pretty busy about now.”
Geez, I try to educate you on psychological projection and what do you turn around and do? Textbook case, I tell ya! How do you ever expect to be cured of goatfucking if you can’t get a handle on simple projection?
That’s fine, as far as it goes. But tell me one instance of a government that ever stopped at merely providing basic services?
There’s never been one. You and I both know that.
And that is my objection to liberalism.
Do you have a countervailing objection to conservatism that is rooted in the opposite vector (i.e. that a government that seeks to reduce regulation will ultimately align itself with religious nannies to avoid having to implement collective economic action)?
Only being fearful of one side is what makes one end up like Mr. Cynical, being obsessed with minor issues while ignoring major ones.
I don’t need mommy government to wipe my ass for me, and I resent the hell out of having to subsidize those who won’t do so for themselves.
That’s fine. I’m with you. But in 2008, conservatives are just as guilty of this as liberals. Look at the drug war. Look at all the moral nannyism coming from Christian conservatives.
And the whole notion that life should be “safe” and without risk is complete anathema to the ideals not only of conservatives, but to our founding fathers themselves, despite what GBS may think.
I think it’s perfectly ok for people in a society to desire a society where people’s lives aren’t destroyed due to unexpected events. That, of course, is different from desiring a society where people are protected from their own stupidity. Drawing that line can be difficult, but both liberals and conservatives today cross it – liberals when it comes to public health (see: Los Angeles’ idiotic attempts to get rid of fast food restaurants) and conservatives do it when it comes to moral issues (abstinence-only education, drugs, etc).
Sorry to disappoint. I work for a very large software company. I don’t need to project. Nice try though. How about you try responding like an adult for once? I know it’ll be a strain, but give it a shot.
@52 “How about you try responding like an adult for once?”
How about you fucking a member of your own species for once?
“I work for a very large software company.”
Liar. I designed all of the high-tech facilities around these parts and I know for a fact that there’s not a single drive-through window located on any software company campus in the area.
Sure you did. Okay. You really are the smartest one, Stevie… Just calm yourself down, before you start foaming at the mouth or something…
@53 I take it that “foaming at the mouth” is just more projection on your part. Keep it up and you just might soon reside in the same ward as your friend Marvin, poor soul.
@ 50
I work for a very large software company.
You empty the waste, recycle and compost bins at Microsoft?
If you managed to pull together a well-reasoned argument once in a while, you wouldn’t have to establish your intellectual credentials by claiming to work for some large software company.
@52 “How about you try responding like an adult for once?”
How about you fucking a member of your own species for once?
“I work for a very large software company.”
Liar. I designed all of the high-tech facilities around these parts and I know for a fact that there’s not a single drive-through window located on any software company campus in the area.
@53 I take it that “foaming at the mouth” is just more projection on your part. Keep it up and you just might soon reside in the same ward as your friend Marvin, poor soul.
And with that, Ladies and Gentlemen, we conclude another exciting episode of HorsesAss. Stay tuned for a preview of next week’s episode after a (hopefully long) commercial break.
@ 56
You think this show’s over? Silly boy.
“This initiative allows for doctors to prescribe a cocktail (a drink basically) that allows for someone to have a dignified death on their own terms that doesn’t involve overdosing on opioids or some other less dignified method. People wanted to have that as an option and the Oregon law gave it to them. Patients in Washington are legally barred from the doing the same thing.”
How is it that you feel that a coma induced by an overdose of barbituares (a la Oregon) is more dignified that other drugs? Persoanlly, the idea of a drugged sleep is less attractive to me that something that acts faster.
I resent the hell out of
That’s the right wing mantra. Resent everything that doesn’t conform to their narrow views.
@58 Lee ..
sorry, this got cross posted because I was smoking the reefer you gave me with one hand and typ;ing wiht the other. Hard to do!
Please delete at will.
Given the regularity with which iBurn lies on this blog – it’s very reasonable to assume he’s lying about where he works.
Just an fyi.
from http://www.pollster.com today
Electoral College predictions
Obama 284, McCain 147, Tossup 107.
It takes 270 electoral votes to win. Today, Obama is 14 EVs above that threshold, while McCain is 123 below it.
@61 BBG
You’re about the last person to display self-righteous attitude about telling lies. Otherwise, I don’t need to impress you, or anyone else here. You think what you want. Just like I think you’re an idiot who works the night shift at Jack in the Box.
@59 YLB
You’re about the most rigidly orthodox left-winger around here, though far from the only one. Look in the fucking mirror sometime. Then come and talk about Resent everything that doesn’t conform to their narrow views.
@55 John Doe
And if you were nearly as intelligent as you fancy yourself to be, you wouldn’t have to resort to cheap rhetoric, and empty insult.
64 – Oh really? Orthodox? Have I quoted any Marx, Lenin, etc?
Tell me, what political purpose does a left serve? or a right wing for that matter?
You haven’t got a freaking clue. You don’t seem to have much beyond your petty resentments which you share in spades with the rest of the unhinged right wingers who come here.
Three companies who have used economic models to correctly predict most of the post-WW2 elections all say Obama will win in November.
“The weak current state of the economy, and the sharp rise in energy prices pose a significant headwind to the McCain campaign, if voters weigh these factors similarly to how they have in the past,” one of the companies said. (Quoted under fair use; emphasis added.)
Therefore, McCain’s only chance is to distract voters from the economy and get them to think about something else.
Now you know why McCain is running ads of Obama, Britney, and Paris in southern states designed to whip up visceral fear in the heart of every southern redneck that his daughter might run off with a black man.
McCain responded to criticism of his racist ad by saying, “Presidential campaigns are tough.”
If someone snuck into the hangar in the dark of night and painted a picture of Adolf Hitler on McCain’s campaign plane, know what I’d be tempted to say?
Hey, life ain’t fair; and politics sure ain’t fair either!! Not if Republicans can help it, anyhow. The last thing they want is fair elections because they can’t win an election that’s fair. People have to be off their heads to vote Republican.
Anyone got a paintbrush?*
* Just kidding! Liberal joke.
At least McCain is consistent on one issue. He didn’t think the confederate flag should be lowered from South Carolina’s capitol, either.
If I were a Republican, I wouldn’t worry about my daughter running off with a black man as much as I’d worry about her running off with a goat.
Now you know why McCain is running ads of Obama, Britney, and Paris in southern states designed to whip up visceral fear in the heart of every southern redneck that his daughter might run off with a black man.
Looks to me as though you’re engaging in a bit of prejudice yourself, Roger. Have you ever even been in the south? In the last fifty years, I mean? They do have television, and even the internet, you know. Having spent some time down that way for work, I’d say that, for the most part, southerners are every bit as sophisticated as you, and the rest of San Francisco North believe yourselves to be…Just one hell of a lot less pretentious.
I-Burn I don’t work at the Jack in the Box but if I did, I’d be about 1000% more gainfully employed than you are :)
And the South is a place where God takes a shit and the shit eaters hang out to get fed. It’s the worse part of the country and acts more like a third-world country than most third-world countries do.
The Bible-thumpin, red-neck, inbred, Nascar-lovin, Confederate-flag wavin, racists and idiots who think going to WalMart is like going to Bloomingdales are dimwits used by the extreme right to carry out the most incredible bullshit you can imagine like trying to intimidate African Americans into not voting, or blocking roads in heavy minority areas so folks can’t get to the polls.
And the South is a place where God takes a shit and the shit eaters hang out to get fed. It’s the worse part of the country and acts more like a third-world country than most third-world countries do.
People have been moving from the Northeast and Midwest to the South and Southwest for years. Over the last year 9 of the top 10 cities with the largest numerical growth were in the Sun Belt, including: Houston, Phoenix, San Antonio, Fort Worth, New Orleans, Atlanta, Austin, Charlotte and Raleigh. According to the Brookings Institution in 25 years 2 out of 3 people will live in the South and Southwest.
Your stereotype is a little dated.
NatMC my assessment of the Deep South is right on. Places like Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, Mississippi etc. Most anyone reading this certainly wouldn’t have figured I was talking about Phoenix – perhaps you thought mischaracterizing my comments would help you make a point? Or perhaps I wasn’t clear enough. In that case use DEEP SOUTH.
And I don’t care if 9 out of 10 people live there – they are still shit eaters if they allow the right wing bible-thumpers to run their lives all the while claiming to want LESS government. Why? So they can have GOD control them? No fucking thanks.
And I don’t care if 9 out of 10 people live there – they are still shit eaters if they allow the right wing bible-thumpers to run their lives all the while claiming to want LESS government. Why? So they can have GOD control them? No fucking thanks.
That’s 9 out of 10 of the cities with the largest population growth. The Southwest AND particularly the South have seen this migration. That was the point – the South has been part of this major population shift.
The demographics of these regions are changing – so should the stereotypes.
There are a number of factors which have contributed to growth of metropolitan areas in the South. One is the lasting effect of the space program. The Redstone Arsenal was one of the places the Army chose as a candidate for the permanent home of Operation Paperclip, and Von Braun liked Huntsville because the green hills reminded him of home. NASA built big facilities in several other places, most notably Texas…well, mostly because of LBJ.
A large part of the Southeast also had lots of cheap real estate available for development and abundant hydro power from the TVA…and cheap labor due to declining employment in agriculture and mining.
At the same time, a number of factors, including the advent of home air conditioning, the invention of the bikini (seriously!) and Hollywood continuing to deluge us with visual entertainment produced in its own backyard, created a social mindset that it was desirable to live someplace warm and sunny. Los Angeles was already too crowded, so a bunch of “little Los Angeleses” started popping up across the “sun belt”.
@75 The stereotype will change when they rejoin civilization and stop voting for people like Nixon, Bush, Helms, and McCain.
@76 “and cheap labor due to declining employment in agriculture and mining”
Not to mention right-to-work laws, union busting, low minimum wage, and Republican administration at state and local levels …
@ 65 I-Burn
And if you were nearly as intelligent as you fancy yourself to be, you wouldn’t have to resort to cheap rhetoric, and empty insult.
First of all, the correct phrase would be “empty rhetoric and cheap insults,” which, by the way, quite accurately characterizes your remarks about how intelligent I fancy myself to be.
Secondly, I didn’t make an issue out of where you work. You did, and that after you made a wise-crack about someone else working at a drive-through window.
Thirdly, I’m not the one who’s getting his ass kicked in this thread on the issue of Republicans and deficit spending. You are, which means you’re the one who has had to resort to cheap insults. The rest of use have merely thrown them in for good measure.
You have claimed to be interested in intelligent debate and honest discussion, but, at nearly every turn, you have eschewed opportunities to do just that. You have accused others of being disingenuous while behaving in a manner that epitomizes the meaning of the word.
Why? Why do people like you insist on being the most compelling evidence in favor of a Republican form of government?
@75 The stereotype will change when they rejoin civilization and stop voting for people like Nixon, Bush, Helms, and McCain.
Of course, the South has not been consistently Republican (eg, Carter swept it and Clinton grabbed roughly half of it in each of his two victories). Here’s the track record of the West: Nixon swept it in 1968 with the exception of Washington and Texas. In 1972 he swept the country including the entire West. In 1980 and 84 Reagan swept the entire West. In 2000 Bush grabbed all but 4 states in the West; in 2004 he grabbed all but 3.
If bush wasn’t president and obama wasn’t being treated as the messiah from the media being up 2% would be good.
If obama can’t put distance between himself and mcsame you know it’s going to be trouble. It’s starting to look with the democrats being against offshore drilling that mcsame might even have a republican congress to help push his plans through. Well, with the current democrat controlled congress it’s not really that needed to have a rep controlled congress.
I thought it was “borrowing against our childrens future” or whatever cute phrase the democrats tested in focus groups?
Something those left of karl marx like to point out is that clinton has surpluses. Isn’t that proof of being over taxed?
Projection and farm animals are the fav topics of steve.
Considering what he writes I almost think he’s a right-wing troll intentionally trying to make democrats look bad.
Damn, I’m out of the country for a few days and you still can’t get me off your mind?
So tell us steve, when you’ve been with your wife in an intimate moment have you shouted out my name?
The only kind of intimate moments Marvin the child rapist likes involve 10-year olds. Wasn’t it a ten year old boy you got convicted over Marvy? You might as well come clean. The records are out there. Just admit it – you’re a standard republican pedophile.