Yeah where’s the old republican refrain – “waste, fraud and abuse?”
I guess they don’t mind when it’s them that’s doing the wasting, the stealing and the abusing. This ad will KILL the right wing turd running against this guy.
Richard Popespews:
ByeByeG0P @ 1
Bush wanted to make that into a cabinet level position, but some wiser G.0.P. strategists realized that the “Deparment of Waste, Fraud and Abuse” would be bad for public relations.
Iran does some things right. I see that they just did a mass hanging. I think we should round up all those critical mass bicyclists and ship them off to Iran to be properly dealt with.
Hey PU good to see you. After your sister came by and gave me a blowjob last night, I still had enough to fuck your fat, ugly wife up the ass.
She said you were off doing your usual job giving head to the sailors on leave in Port Orchard right there behind the bowling alley near the trailer park where you live.
She also said your parole officer was mad at you because you forgot to register as a sex offender.
Did you hear by the way that SIN dee McCain, the vicious cunt who spends 800k a month on her Amex is furious over 1023 year old FlipFlop McSame’s affair with the energy lobbyist? She makes him bend over for her dildo every night in retaliation.
Hey trolls,
Why don’t you try and defend what a good job your side is doing handling the cash in Iraq.
Edwards is a private citizen these days, he’s not running for anything so leave him alone.
@6 don’t feed the trolls. Edwards didn’t do anything wrong AND he’s not running for anything. But they hope by pimping a story through the National Enquirer – the sort of reading material that they consider academic, they’re just hoping we’ll forget that 1023 year old – flip/flop McSame STARTED his post-Nam life by cheating on his disfigured wife with that cunt SIN dee McCain. Or perhaps they want to take focus off the fact that their hero – Ronnie Ray Gun had an affair with his best friend’s wife and broke up TWO relationships in order to marry Nancy. Then again they probably want us to forget Larry wide-stance Craig, republican Senator who sucks dick in airport bathrooms or perhaps their best buddy republican Mark Foley who seems to like little boys in the Page room.
You forgot about Vito Fossella and Troy King.
Poor wingnuts. You can’t understand the country is freaking sick and tired of your corrupt, ugly party – the Republicans.
Everyone’s stomach is turning at the thought of 4 more years of McSame.
The only way you can possibly win is to steal the election which you’ll try to do – and fail ensuring that the people will reject the Republicans for many years to come.
And remember – we need to follow the example in this video. If Democrats can show TRUE conservatives – not the average right wing bible-thumper but real fiscal conservatives, how we’re pissing away money in Iraq to benefit the Bush Regime’s pals, they might move our way – and in a close race, one percent of the true believers moving our way will be enough.
Marvin Stamnspews:
What is wrong with the people in seattle??
Assaulting people because they drive an suv?
Why do leftist protest groups always use violence and destruction of property to make their point. Disgraceful.
9. YLB spews:
Poor wingnuts. You can’t understand the country is freaking sick and tired of your corrupt, ugly party – the Republicans.
Everyone’s stomach is turning at the thought of 4 more years of McSame.
Yet mcsame is within the margin of error with obama.
Maybe it’s you that is out of touch with America. What say you comrade?
Marvin Stamnspews:
6. michael spews:
Hey trolls,
Why don’t you try and defend what a good job your side is doing handling the cash in Iraq.
Good point. It’s only republicans in the military.
Otherwise why the “your side” point of view?
Marvin Stamnspews:
3. PU spews:
Damn. Now I feel sorry for edwards. What an ass you are for breaking this news story.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Voting Republican is antisocial and should made be a crime.
When Marvin the child molester is particularly hard up – he lies about the polls. Actually President Obama has a seven point lead in the national poll against McSame well above the margin of error. Keep lying Marvin you just help prove the point that the “gop” is full of bullshit.
Better start passing some more laws to control the people that can’t control themselves.
Roger Rabbitspews:
11 – 14 This must be the Sunday Morning Wingnut Comedy Hour.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 “Better start passing some more laws to control the people that can’t control themselves.”
Be careful of what you wish for. If we do that, half the country’s Republicans will end up in jail — with the other half that’s already in jail.
Marvin Stamnspews:
19. Roger Rabbit spews:
@11 What makes you think those bicycle thugs are “leftists”? I’ll bet 98% of them voted for Bush and Rossi. They certainly act like Republicans.
Wanna compare the lists of “progressive” protests and conservative protest and compare the violence and destruction of property?
I was in seattle for a 1999 laker/sonics game when the wto riots were going on. The issue of violence by the left in “peaceful” protests are very well documented.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I see in this weekend’s news reports that the Ratfucker Party wouldn’t let Obama visit the wounded troops so their two-bit candidate could claim he “slighted” the troops.
I don’t think the grunts will have much trouble figuring out who’s using them. Stop-loss conscription. Duty tour extensions. Cutting combat pay and veterans benefits. Incarcerating the wounded in mold-infested hell-holes. Denying medical care. Rotten food and tainted drinking water. And to add insult to injury, they shovel money into the pockets of private contractor mercenaries in front of their minimum-wage conscripts just so the soldiers know their place. That’s the Ratfucker Party.
Republicans: Screwing our soldiers a million at a time.
Daddy Lovespews:
12 MS
Make up your mind. Do national polls only count when you want them to?
Marvin Stamnspews:
22. Roger Rabbit spews: @20 “Better start passing some more laws to control the people that can’t control themselves.”
Be careful of what you wish for. If we do that, half the country’s Republicans will end up in jail — with the other half that’s already in jail.
Yeah, right. Like seattle is a bastion of conservatives.
Did you see that reason link? Why are so many “progressive” cities listed as the top nanny cities in the country? The dailykos talking points say that “progressives” are the supporters of freedom.
Daddy Lovespews:
13 MS
The Coalition Provisional Authority was staffed entirely by Republicans. They’re the ones who stole and funneled the cash out of the taxpayers’ hansd.
Marvin Stamnspews:
24. Roger Rabbit spews:
I see in this weekend’s news reports that the Ratfucker Party wouldn’t let Obama visit the wounded troops in Germany so their two-bit candidate could say he “slighted” the troops.
Wow, huffingtonpost and dailykos are now considered “news reports?”
Daddy Lovespews:
John McCain is just more of the same old Republican bullshit. No change here, yet everyone wants change. The answer? Obama.
Marvin Stamnspews:
25. Daddy Love spews:
12 MS
Make up your mind. Do national polls only count when you want them to?
Good for the goose, good for the gander.
It’s part of my “act like a progressive” weekend.
Daddy Lovespews:
28 MS
What, are you buying the bullshit that Obama “blew off” the troops even after the Petnagon said that they would not let him visit because he was there with his campaign staff?
@28 Wow, huffingtonpost and dailykos are now considered “news reports?”
Oh, the irony this being said by someone who’s been claiming that John Edwards is having an affair because the National Enquirer reported it is too much…LOL
Marvin Stamnspews:
27. Daddy Love spews:
13 MS
The Coalition Provisional Authority was staffed entirely by Republicans. They’re the ones who stole and funneled the cash out of the taxpayers’ hansd.
Of course. (wink wink)
Daddy Lovespews:
30 MS
I’m not too worried, and in fact, I’ve never said that polls were meaningless. I’ve left that tho the Republicans who are behind. Like McCain is behind.
He’s behind and even though he’s working hard he’s not making up any significant ground. Maybe he thinks that adopting Obama’s positions and putting forward incoherent policies will help him, but somehow I doubt it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Man, I’m sure glad the G.O.P. Party is running that loser Dinosour against Gregoire! Nothing beats an easy re-election campaign.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I think it’s awful the way Republicans are exploiting our wounded soldiers in a lame attempt to score false political points. There’s just no depth to which these scumbags won’t stoop for partisan advantage.
Marvin Stamnspews:
33. Lee spews:
@28 Wow, huffingtonpost and dailykos are now considered “news reports?”
Oh, the irony this being said by someone who’s been claiming that John Edwards is having an affair because the National Enquirer reported it is too much…LOL
What’s going to suck for people on the left is when the story does break and the traditional leftist news sources (abc, cbs, nbc, cnn, ny times, etc,) start covering the story in 24/7 excess to prove they are not biased, America will see once again for over a year the liberal media didn’t touch the story to protect one of their own.
Did you see that study about journalists and political contributions?
A couple of things to note…
1) Marvin has never refuted one link I’ve posted in this or any other thread and just continues to lye hoping everyone is as stupid as he is
2) Marvin has never once refuted the fact that he is a child molester
I’m just saying….
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Seattle Times published some new information today about the Dinosour’s “foundation,” to wit:
“And despite Rossi’s claims that the foundation was nonpartisan, … the group was using rented fundraising mailing lists with names such as ‘Cadillac Conservatives,’ ‘Flag-waving Republicans,’ and ‘Good as Gold Republican Donors.'”
(Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yeah, right. Show me a Republican and I’ll show you a liar and a lawbreaker. Why would anyone entrust the management of our state government to this tin-plated phony? I sure wouldn’t!
Roger Rabbitspews:
I’m sure glad the G.O.P. Party has decided to run against John Edwards this year.
Marvin Stamnspews:
31. Daddy Love spews:
28 MS
What, are you buying the bullshit that Obama “blew off” the troops even after the Petnagon said that they would not let him visit because he was there with his campaign staff?
Why didn’t he visit without his staff?
If it’s about the troops an not a photo shoot he would have visited the people suffering for their duty to the country.
What would you have done?
Daddy Lovespews:
42 MS
I asked you a question. Are you buying that story?
Roger Rabbitspews:
R.E.P.U.B.L.I.C.A.N. = Rambling Enthusiasts Predestined Upon Blatantly Lying and Ignorantly Causing American Nazism
Roger Rabbitspews:
G.O.P. = Goofy Oafs Party
Roger Rabbitspews:
Voting Republican is an act of domestic terrorism.
The Mahdi Army has been profoundly weakened in a number of neighborhoods, in an important, if tentative, milestone for stability in Iraq.
“‘The Iraqi government broke their branches and took down their tree,’ said Abu Amjad, a civil servant who lives in the northern Baghdad district of Sadr City, once seen as an unbreachable stronghold for the group.”
The strength of Sadr was a recent topic of discussion.
Marvin Stamnspews:
43. Daddy Love spews:
42 MS
I asked you a question. Are you buying that story?
Either way obama doesn’t look good.
IF he blew them off because he didn’t care
IF he blew them off because he couldn’t make it into a photo opportunity.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It turns out the biggest purchaser of Rossi’s book was his foundation, which gave them away as gifts to municipal landfills throughout eastern Washington.
Daddy Lovespews:
You see, John McCain really wants to be president, and he’s willing to chang any position, and embrace any lying attack to get there.
Somehow the desperate old man doesn’t seem like the one I want to be president, especially when I compare him to the intelligent, able, elegant, smooth, effective, and popular Barack Obama.
Daddy Lovespews:
48 MS
So you did? Was that a yes? It seems for some reason important to you to obfuscate instead of answer. Was tat a yes or a no?
The Bush administration allows NINE BILLION FUCKING DOLLARS to go missing in Iraq. A misadventure that has cost over 4000 DEAD American servicepersons and could at top out at FIVE HUNDRED BILLION Dollars.
Do you fucks even care? What the hell is wrong with you “Marvin”…and the rest of you too…
Doesn’t this seem wrong even to you?
Roger Rabbitspews:
And hey, get a load of this:
“Rossi stepped down from his $75,000-a-year post at the foundation last September in the midst of the PDC investigation, and announced a month later that he would run for governor in 2008. …
“Since Rossi stepped down, the Forward Washington Foundation has all but disappeared. Today, it is basically just a Web site where the group’s sole employee … posts monthly musings on topics such as transportation and climate change.
“Rossi, who no longer has any role at the foundation, says it still could take off. If it doesn’t, he says, Gregoire and the Democrats are to blame. …
“Rossi said the group’s fundraising largely dried up after the PDC launched its investigation.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: With this guy, the whining and finger-pointing never stops.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Who would have thunk it…
On the slowest newsday of the week, saturday, the AP admits the war is being won.
Analysis: US now winning Iraq war that seemed lost
The United States is now winning the war that two years ago seemed lost.
Roger Rabbitspews:
But wait! There’s more!
” … [O]ne of Rossi’s closest advisers, said that after the 2004 election Rossi became ‘persona non grata’ to the state’s big-business establishment. He said business leaders knew they needed to keep their distance from Rossi because the Gregoire administration was ‘keeping score.'”
His proof of that? This:
“Rossi tells a story about going to a Mariners game with a prominent businessman. The next day, Rossi says, someone from the governor’s office called that person and said, ‘Hey, I saw you at the game with Dino yesterday.'”
Bwaaaaa-haaaaaa-haaaa-haaaa !!! Talk about paranoid!!! Someone says “hi” and Rossi dives under his bed!!! That whup-whup-whup noise over your house is the police helicopter, not aliens trying to abduct you, dummy!!!
It does, however, appear that business has soured on Dinosourpuss:
“In 2006, Rossi approached the Association of Washington Business (AWB) to seek support for his new foundation. He also proposed giving one of his Forward Washington speeches at an AWB board meeting. The business group said no to both requests.
“AWB President Don Brunell said that when Rossi came to make his pitch about the foundation, his plans seemed ‘pretty sketchy.’ …”
(Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Why would business support this loser when Gregoire has turned Washington into the nation’s 5th-ranking best state to do business in? You don’t need to conjure up black helicopters to explain why serious people consider Rossi a cartoon candidate.
Marvin Stamnspews:
52. Rujax! spews:
Doesn’t this seem wrong even to you?
The waste of MY tax dollars are always wrong. No if ands or buts.
But to say it’s solely the fault of the republicans isn’t accurate unless you believe every person in the federal government that is democrat/liberal/socialist/progressive is blindly obeying the commands of the mighty bush like the democrat controlled congress does. Oops, bad example.
Analysis: US now winning Iraq war that seemed lost
The United States is now winning the war that two years ago seemed lost.
Of course, it’s not “won” just yet, and given the twists and turns in this saga I’d be wary of saying where we’ll be in two years. This will depend on several factors.
That said, there’s no doubt there were a lot of people who called this much differently two years ago.
@4: Troll – you are an complete fool and idiot. First, being a bicyclist does not make a person a liberal (although being a fat, out of shape republican is probably truism).
Second, if you actually read the accounts, it seems that eyewitnesses found that the guy in the car first ran over a bicyclist’s leg and bike – then he was caught running away and attacked in retaliation.
Marvin Stamnspews:
50. Daddy Love spews:
You see, John McCain really wants to be president
Unlike the other candidate that has his own presidential seal.
Rick D.spews:
Barack OhBummer wants to be the president of all “57 states” as his ignorant ass said a few months ago. What kind of mental fucktard doesn’t understand that there aren’t 57 states in the union?? The boy isn’t ready for primetime nor is his ‘hoodrat wife Michelle, who’s even more ignorant and angrier than her dumbass husband.
At least Goldy for the time being has decided his fictional story about Sutherland has no legs since it’s being ignored by the press so now his ingnorant, jobless ass is just posting anti McCain,Rossi and Reichert hate material.
@57: We won the war five years ago – it is the occupation that has been incredibly screwed up due to lack of planning and many stupid moves by Bush, Bremer and Rumsfeld. That we are now, finally, fixing things by negotiating with the enemy – fine. If we are doing so well – then let’s get out of a place we should never have invaded in the first place (after losing more than 4,000 dead, 40,000 wounded, 3 miilion Iraqi refugeess and probably 500,000 Iraqi dead and bankrupting our treasury).
Roger Rabbitspews:
Running a quixotic rematch campaign against Gregoire hasn’t been a total loss for Dinosourpuss, though. It puts cash in his pocket:
” … [T]he 2004 governor’s race … opened doors that helped him move up … in the real-estate business. … Rossi has long made the bulk of his money on personal real-estate investments. Until a few years ago, most … were small to medium-size apartments.
“In early 2005, Rossi says, he received an unsolicited offer on one of those properties — an Eastlake fourplex that he had owned since 1985. Rossi sold the fourplex for $600,000 and suddenly had a large sum of money that he wanted to reinvest … to avoid paying capital-gains taxes.
“Enter Tom Hoban … of Coast Equity Partners, a large Everett-based property-management and investment company … [who] told him about a Mill Creek medical building that Coast was looking to buy. … They bought the two-story, 17,472-square-foot building for $4.9 million, which Hoban’s company now manages. Rossi owns 28 percent of the building and figures he’ll get more than $75,000 in rental income this year.”
(Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: My handy-dandy Roger Rabbit Calculator says 28% of $4.9 million is $1,372,000. Not a bad “investment” in exchange for $600,000. You wonder what the quid pro quo was here. Probably something along the lines of, “If I get to be governor someday, screw the land use laws and neighbors, I’ll you and your fellow developers do whatever you want!”
Say, didn’t the G.O.P. Party’s propagandists complain about Hillary once making $100,000 in the futures market? Well, I’m not complaining about Dino’s windfall. If he can get someone to give him a $772,000, er, “investment,” more power to him! Although, frankly, he would have done better if he had put his money into National Oilwell Varco back in 2005, like I did.
Marvin Stamnspews:
58. correctnotright spews:
@4: Troll – you are an complete fool and idiot. First, being a bicyclist does not make a person a liberal (although being a fat, out of shape republican is probably truism).
We are talking about seattle, not some hick town down in texas. Isn’t seattle so left they have a statue of lenin in the public square?
We are NOT talking about a bicyclist being hit, we are talking about a protest group that even the new yorker magazine says is part of the socialist movement.
Second, if you actually read the accounts, it seems that eyewitnesses found that the guy in the car first ran over a bicyclist’s leg and bike – then he was caught running away and attacked in retaliation.
Where is the video?? They have over 1,100 videos on youtube so obviously they have video cameras on rides. We’re not talking about a group of kids riding to the park, critical mass is a protest group against cars. Of course they video encounters with cars to prove their point, except in this case. Go figure.
@60: Rick D. is stupid idiot too. Sorry Rick – Where are all the McCain mistakes that he makes over and over (not a stupid mis-speak that was immediatly corrected by Obama).
No – Rick your canditate (McStupid) is either stupid or senile and Obama is a hell of a lot smarter than McCain and that is what you can’t stand. What happened to NO timetables for Iraq – hahahaha – looks like al Maliki approves of Obama NOT the idiot McCain/Bush. So much for “facts on the ground”.
As usual, the republican trolls have nothing – zero. Oh, and Sutherland was front page news in the times – guess you can’t read either. Another example of a republican sexual deviant in office – so many republicans turn out to be gay or sexual predators – I wonder why?
Marvin Stamnspews:
60. Rick D. spews:
Barack OhBummer wants to be the president of all “57 states” as his ignorant ass said a few months ago. What kind of mental fucktard doesn’t understand that there aren’t 57 states in the union??
@56 If you think there’s any Democrats or liberals left in the federal government after 7 1/2 years of Bush misrule, you’re delusional! They’ve all been replaced by wet-behind-the-ears teenagers who just graduated from private religious “colleges” and filled in the “Experience” part of their federal job application forms by saying they read an Ann Coulter book.
Stamm- another pathetic idiot heard from. Grow up. Try reading the eyewitness accounts in the paper including the one from the guy with his kid on the ride.
Speaking of socialists – I like the government bailouts of all those coporations like Bear Stearns and Fannie and Freddy – the freakin’ republicans let the banking industry get away with criminal activity (they call it “deregulation”) and then use my tax money to bail out the rich. Not to mention the waste fraud and abuse in Iraq. Stamm – you support corruption if you support republicans. Republicans have institutionalized corruption, cronyism and sexual deviancy.
And your lame – New Yorker reference – sad. what does the NY know about a local group of Seattle bicyclists – is that all you have? You are not even a worthy troll adversary.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@60 I see puddywhacker’s alter ego slept in late this morning. He must be hung over from drinking too much Koolaid at a G.O.P. boys-meet-boys party last night. I’ve got a burning question for ya, Rickie Dickhead: When you attend a G.O.P. dance, do you ask him to dance, or does he ask you to dance? What’s the protocol on that?
If we are doing so well – then let’s get out of a place we should never have invaded in the first place (after losing more than 4,000 dead, 40,000 wounded, 3 miilion Iraqi refugeess and probably 500,000 Iraqi dead and bankrupting our treasury).
Even Obama will not leave completely. It remains to be seen what his “residual” force will consist of (and he will remain very flexible on this, I’m confident). The change of fortune in Iraq – at least for now – has perhaps changed our negotiating position with Iran with regard to their nuclear program – and Obama has made his feelings about an Iranian bomb pretty clear.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Well, it’s been fun this morning, retards, but I have to take the T. Rex for his morning walk — so, see ya later, traitors.
Walking a pet dinosaur is easy if you’re a rabbit. I simply run down the walking path here in the park, and he chases me.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Say it ain’s so…
The leftist rag The New Republic is admitting obama is the darling of the media?
Later that afternoon, Nagourney got permission from Times editors to e-mail Sargent a response to the Obama memo. But the episode still grates. “I’ve never had an experience like this, with this campaign or others,” Nagourney tells me. “I thought they crossed the line. If you have a problem with a story I write, call me first. I’m a big boy. I can handle it. But they never called. They attacked me like I’m a political opponent.”
Daddy Lovespews:
47 CJS
From the article “The Iraqi Army now occupies the militia’s old headquarters in Shuala.”
Aw, so the Dawa Party’s Badr Organization militia (the so-called “Iraqi Army” — in contast to JAM being the so-called Iraqi securioty Forces/police) now controls part of Sadr City instead of JAM. For how long?
Daddy Lovespews:
Deos anyone kow or understand that in Iraq in the summer it is so fucking hot that no one mounts operations?
If you want to measure progress, crowing “success” during an Iraqi summer is a pretty cheap thrill. Wait to see what happens in the fall.
Daddy Lovespews:
71 MS
Nagourney is complaining that the Obama campaign sent out a statement refuting his op-ed without consulting him first. Whatever else it may say, it says nothing about the press treating Obama well. Are you stupid or deceitful?
Marvin Stamnspews:
67. correctnotright spews:
Speaking of socialists – I like the government bailouts of all those coporations like Bear Stearns and Fannie and Freddy – the freakin’ republicans let the banking industry get away with criminal activity
Strange, the fannies used to be the domain of the democrats. Of course I mean financial doman, like the saying, Follow the money.
And your lame – New Yorker reference – sad. what does the NY know about a local group of Seattle bicyclists – is that all you have?
Critical mass is not only a seattle group of riders. Did you really not know that?
You are not even a worthy troll adversary.
At least I knew where the fannie $ is going and that critical mass is not a local group of bike riders like the cascade bicycle club.
Too bad that the traitor FlipFlop McSame is allowed to play politics with our troops. Here’s a guy who voted SIX FUCKING TIMES against veterans’ benefits and now McSame is playing politics again. How can even the inbred ass-licks on the right support this fuck?
Marvin Stamnspews:
74. Daddy Love spews:
71 MS
Whatever else it may say, it says nothing about the press treating Obama well. Are you stupid or deceitful?
Oh so you mean that article states the fact that the leading primary candidate for president of the US, the winner of the Democratic nomination, and the first black man to be a major party nominee for president gets a litle press? Weird. No other presidential candidate ever has.
Ed Westonspews:
I watch at media matters, Ms. its been amazing watching how much coverage the media is giving to the so called Obama media advantage. How little they’ve covered and how much they’ve edited(CBS) in suupporting Yohnny.
Are you stupid or deceitful?
Stamn? Both.
Stamm: Yup and you knew where the enron money was and the S and L money was and the Blackwater money was – what another stuypid argument you try to make. Fanie Mae is democratic? My argument – that you totally punted on is that republican lack of regulation arguments have cost us (the taxpayers) too much money. And i did not even go into the gutting of the EPA, the incomnpetent republicans in the Homeland security or the gutting of the Justice dept. – all rampant republican corruption. As usual – you got nothin’ but a bunch of stupid lies – the republicans are bankrupting our country and you are making excuses for the largest budget deficit in history.
Oh – and critical mass is national – so what? What does that have to do with the group here and the leaps of illogic you make, that somehow it is democrats involved and that the driver was not at fault?
If everything that happens in Seattle is the fault of democrats – you forget that 20-30% are republicans or pathetically stupid libertarians. those are the ones going to private schools – moron.
As I pointed out to you in that thread, Sadr has been signing ceasefires because he’s now able to get what he wants politically without having to resort to violence. He could care less who’s patrolling the street corners in Sadr City as long as Maliki can’t do anything without his consent.
Marvin Stamnspews:
80. YLB spews:
Are you stupid or deceitful?
Stamn? Both.
Liberal logic.
I’m stupid but I know the truth and lie about it.
It sounds like the ass-licks on the right have had a change of religion – should we look for them to all of a sudden decide they like the fairness doctrine? Tell you dicklickers what – Let’s compare the coverage your right wing news buddies at Faux News, Washington Times, Wall Street Journal and hundreds of right wing radio stations have given to President Obama – then let’s balance it all out. I am game.
Marvin Stamnspews:
81. correctnotright spews:
Fanie Mae is democratic?
It was headed by Franklin Raines. any idea his connection to the republican party?
Any idea which presidential candidate is being advised on the mortgage mess by franklin?
On the top management team was jamie gorelick. His connection to the rep party?
James Johnson, his connections to the rep party?
Who lied overestimating (10.6billion$) the earnings of the company, and then “earning” big bonuses?
And where do the fannie lobbyists funnel their $$?
Which presidential candidate had an ex-fannie executive head their veep-vetting operation?
Simple questions. has the answers.
Speaking of google…
fannie mae scandal democrat 238,000 hits
fannie mae scandal republican 138,000 hits
Now imagine if the media was biased in the favor of conservatives how high the demcrat scandal hits would be.
Republicans supported the bailout and Bush signed it. Republicans voted for deregualtion of the banking industry (led by Reagan). When most of the country is democratic – it doesn’t take much to find democrats in places. Fannie Mae is failing because of the bad lending practices advocated by…republicans. Bear Stearns, Enron, the banking idustry and the oil industry (Kenny Lay – Bush’s best buddy) ..all republicans sucking off the government teat using my money. Blackwater – republican corruption…you got nothin’ as usual and can’t refute squat.
Oh – and the top google link to Fannie Mae – election fraud in 2004, linking republican campaign contributions and…Fannie Mae
oops – maybe you and McCain should learn how to use “the google”.
Link from the Wall Street Journal (clearly a liberal source!):
Marvin Stamnspews:
81. correctnotright spews:
If everything that happens in Seattle is the fault of democrats – you forget that 20-30% are republicans or pathetically stupid libertarians. those are the ones going to private schools – moron.
So 20-30% of republicans/stupid libertarians are more powerful than 70-80% of the democrats?
Of course people send their kids to private school, public schools are failing. Especially for the very people the democrats have always treated horrendous, blacks.
What are you going to say next, teachers unions aren’t in bed with the democrats???
Oh and here is a quote about the republican convention – guess who is lobbying there?
“Fannie and Freddie are sponsoring a reception at the Graves Hotel in Minneapolis on Sept. 2, along with the Independent Community Bankers of America, the National Association of Home Builders and the National Association of Realtors, according to a copy of the invitation.
But while House Republicans can expect to consume their fill of shrimp cocktail and chardonnay at Fannie and Freddie’s expense, don’t expect to see any Republican senators at the shindig. In fact, under the 2007 ethics and lobbying law, senators are prohibited from attending lobbyist sponsored bashes at conventions. The House decided to keep that loophole in place so their members can enjoy the major parties that have been a staple of presidential conventions over the years. This difference between House and Senate ethics has not gone unnoticed by government watchdog groups.”
Looks like Fannie and Freddie enjoy plenty of republican company…
Marvin Stamnspews:
86. correctnotright spews:
Republicans supported the bailout and Bush signed it. Republicans voted for deregualtion of the banking industry (led by Reagan). When most of the country is democratic – it doesn’t take much to find democrats in places. Fannie Mae is failing because of the bad lending practices advocated by…republicans. Bear Stearns, Enron, the banking idustry and the oil industry (Kenny Lay – Bush’s best buddy) ..all republicans sucking off the government teat using my money. Blackwater – republican corruption…you got nothin’ as usual and can’t refute squat.
If I can’t refute squat, why do you keep including enron? I thought we were talking about fannie/freddie and their democrat connections. Nothing like changing the subject when you are afraid to answer my questions.
I don’t know how you feel about it, I feel the person(s) involved with lying about the earnings of the company is the first one we should be talking about. And his name is???
Marvin Stamnspews:
89. correctnotright spews:
Looks like Fannie and Freddie enjoy plenty of republican company…
No link??
Of course they have rep company…
Just like enron donated to democrats. Did you forget about that? Unlike enron where more money went rep, fannie/freddie sent more to the dems.
Did you miss my opensecrets link above which documents whose pocket the money went into?
And this money quote for the Wall Street Journal:
“It was too good to be true. After two accounting scandals and years of denial, Congress finally seemed ready to protect taxpayers from the financial high-flying of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. But that was before Republican Mike Oxley and others on Capitol Hill decided to ride to their rescue.”
Poor Marvin – Enron donated 10 times the amnount of money to Bush alone, than they donated to ALL democrats, anywhere.
Bullshit – you have been brainwashed – look at the actual number!. Enron was the prime supporter of W and one of his biggest contributors. I posted a long time ago on that. Yes – they spread a little around to the democrats to cover their bases – but Bush was their man.
And did you vote for Bush?
Marvin Stamnspews:
74. Daddy Love spews:
71 MS
Nagourney is complaining that the Obama campaign sent out a statement refuting his op-ed without consulting him first.
Read the part I quoted.
He’s complaining because they attacked him like a political opponent.
Key word of the sentence, attack.
On Enron:
“73 percent of Enron’s political donations went to Republicans. But I’ll be damned if Enron’s No. 1 show pony politician, George W. Bush, should be allowed to walk away from this. Ken Lay gave $139,500 to Bush over the years. He chipped in $100,000 to the Bush Cheney Inaugural Fund in 2000 and $10K to the Bush-Cheney Recount Fund.
Plus, Enron’s PAC gave Bush $113,800 for his ’94 and ’98 political races and another $312,500 from its executives. Bush got 14 free rides on Enron’s corporate jets during the 2000 campaign, including at least two during the recount. Until January 2004, Enron was Bush’s top contributor.
And what did it get for its money? Ken Lay was on Bush’s short list to be energy secretary. He not only almost certainly served on Cheney’s energy task force, there is every indication that the task force’s energy plan, the one we have been on for five years, is in fact the Enron plan. Lay used Bush as an errand boy, calling the governor of Texas and having him phone Tom Ridge of Pennsylvania to vouch for what swell energy deregulation bills Enron was sponsoring in states all over the country”
enron = Bush
Marvin Stamnspews:
95. correctnotright spews:
On Enron:
Cronyism not limited to Bush
In a report last month exposing the cozy ties between Enron and the Bush administration, the Los Angeles Times pointed out that Lay is on a first-name basis with Bush, an old Texas oil buddy. Lay also has ties to top administration officials, such as White House economic adviser Larry Lindsey, an ex-Enron consultant, and U.S. Trade Representative Bob Zoellick, a former Enron advisory board member, the article noted.
Left out of the L.A. Times’ analysis, however, were Lay’s similarly close ties to Clinton administration officials.
McLarty and Lay developed a friendship while working in the energy field together. Before becoming Clinton’s chief of staff, and later his counselor, McLarty was chairman of Arkla Inc., which later became NorAm Energy Corp.
Largely as a result of that connection, Lay was a frequent visitor at the Clinton White House, records show.
Lay returned the favor by snatching up McLarty for Enron after he left the White House.
He also hired as a consultant Betsy Moler, Clinton’s deputy energy secretary. She was accused of stopping Energy Department counterintelligence chief Notra Trulock from briefing Congress early on about Chinese espionage and security lapses at Energy’s nuclear weapons labs.
In addition, Lay recently hired former Clinton Treasury official Linda Robertson, a Democrat, to run Enron’s Washington office.
Enron contributed some $530,000 to the DNC during the 2000 election alone.
A couple of things to note…
1) Marvin has never refuted one link I’ve posted in this or any other thread and just continues to lye hoping everyone is as stupid as he is
2) Marvin has never once refuted the fact that he is a child molester
I’m just saying….
Marvin Stamnspews:
3. PU spews:
Rumor has it her other children didn’t survive their abortions. My prayers to them, although living a life born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome must really put a crimp in her living child’s life.
As I pointed out to you in that thread, Sadr has been signing ceasefires because he’s now able to get what he wants politically without having to resort to violence.
The thrust of the story isn’t about ceasefires, but about the ebb of Sadr’s power.
“The militia that was once the biggest defender of poor Shiites in Iraq, the Mahdi Army, has been profoundly weakened in a number of neighborhoods across Baghdad, in an important, if tentative, milestone for stability in Iraq.”
“It is a remarkable change from years past, when the militia, led by the anti-American cleric Moktada al-Sadr, controlled a broad swath of Baghdad, including local governments and police forces. But its use of extortion and violence began alienating much of the Shiite population to the point that many quietly supported American military sweeps against the group.”
This is clearly a fluid environment. Let’s follow it in the months ahead.
Surprise Surprise Surprise – the Bush SS troops admit to killing civilians. I guess for these poor folks, “Mission Accomplished” didn’t happen soon enough.
Oh by the way – these lies are from the same liars who said they didn’t deny President Obama access to our troops in Germany.
Fucking idiots are about as good at this shit as they were in dealing with 9.11 or Katrina.
I fully support any driver who is trying to get away from a critical mass mob that is intent on causing that driver harm. Any action he has to take to flee to safety is justified, including running over the bicyclist, even if that causes injury or death to them. It’s self-defense.
Here’s how the right wing “Christian” republicans like to deal with things…
Come to my house and find out how that plays out bitches.
73, What the heck do you know about summertime missions over here, things are not slowing down just because someone got a little hot under their coller..
@103 – Are you in Iraq now?
Have you looked at the statistics on terrorist activities by month – they go way down in the summer. You don’t have to be in Iraq to spot the obvious.
@104- It may seem that things are not as bad as you hear, but right now the media is more intuned to cover the electional stories. The T’s have moved to other localized areas and I bet you 5 bucks that they will be back right before the election.
As it is, we cannot make the mistake of feeling that we can believe all the media most of the time.
Talk to Alan Burg’s wife about the political rights use of violence.
Thanks for posting that. I hadn’t heard about that one.
Not only is Edwards having an affair, his wife has cancer. What a guy!
Wow the right wing ass licks are so worried about looooosing they have to just pull stuff out of their ass about NON candidates and hope somehow that takes our minds off the fact that 1023 year old FlipFlop McSame cheated on his disfigured wife with that vicious cunt SIN dee McCain and THAT’s republican family values. Priceless.
Here are some numbers for you…
The number of affairs FlipFlop McSame has had (that we know of).
The number of Dino Rossi DUI arrests.
the number of brain cells in child rapist Marvin’s head…
60% the number of votes McCain missed while Senator. Well at least he has one more quality in common with Monkeyface Bush – that asswipe took more vacation time than any other TWO Presidents in history!
So in the article about Rossi it mentioned a couple ways he has made money – avoiding paying taxes and exploiting a loophole in a federal program. Luckily they also identified him as the republican candidate.
But YOUR point was that the press loves Obama, and as I said, your cite does not back that up in any way.
Daddy Lovespews:
88 MS
No, private schools do well here because by and large it is a propserous area, and more wealthy people use private schools than less well-to-do people do.There’s really no mystery at all, and it is nothing to do with the quality of public schools.
Barack Obama now leads John McCain among national registered voters by a 49% to 40% margin in Gallup Poll Daily tracking conducted July 24-26. This represents a continuation of Obama’s front-runner position evident in the last three Gallup Poll Daily tracking updates. The margin, coincident with the extensive U.S. news coverage of Obama’s foreign tour, is the largest for Obama over McCain measured since Gallup began tracking the general election horserace in March.
But how come he’s not leading by more? And did I mention that McCain was a POW?
NBC’s Andrea Mitchell reports that there was never a plan for Obama to take the press to Landstuhl, despite the claim by McCain folks and others. The plan was to go with his military aide, retired General Scott Gration. The Pentagon said Gration was off-limits because he had joined the campaign — violating rules that it not be a political stop.
Obama had gone to see wounded troops in Iraq earlier in the week, without even confirming he’d been there. No press, no pictures. He has done the same when he goes to Walter Reed — never any press.
Daddy Lovespews:
According to the police in Tennessee, the shooter in that Unitarian Church incident hated “liberals” because he thought they were taking work from him (what about George W. Bush’s policies? I’m just sayin…).
It’s also true that a church full of unarmed good liberals disarmed and detained this loony Republican and held him for the police, denying him the “suicide by cop” he had been hoping for.
@119 they should have knee-capped this fuck then after letting him scream in agony for 15 minutes – blown his head off.
Perhaps someone will now walk into a conservative Southern Baptist church and shoot a bunch of right wing conservative “Christians” in retaliation. Man that would be a real shame if that happened.
WOW breaking news – the Bush Regime scandal number 1,293,123 – it turns out there is a smoking gun in the Gonzales-gate case. The Justice Dept even admitted that two top (chief) aides to that asshole did in fact play politics with appointments – which is a felony. The woman in the case is about to be indicted. Reported on both ABC and MSNBC this morning – more to come. Right wingers going to jail on the right wing watch so they must REALLY have fucked up! Or the Bush Regime is throwing them under the bus to protect profession dick sucker Karl Rove.
Yeah where’s the old republican refrain – “waste, fraud and abuse?”
I guess they don’t mind when it’s them that’s doing the wasting, the stealing and the abusing. This ad will KILL the right wing turd running against this guy.
ByeByeG0P @ 1
Bush wanted to make that into a cabinet level position, but some wiser G.0.P. strategists realized that the “Deparment of Waste, Fraud and Abuse” would be bad for public relations.
Iran does some things right. I see that they just did a mass hanging. I think we should round up all those critical mass bicyclists and ship them off to Iran to be properly dealt with.
Hey PU good to see you. After your sister came by and gave me a blowjob last night, I still had enough to fuck your fat, ugly wife up the ass.
She said you were off doing your usual job giving head to the sailors on leave in Port Orchard right there behind the bowling alley near the trailer park where you live.
She also said your parole officer was mad at you because you forgot to register as a sex offender.
Did you hear by the way that SIN dee McCain, the vicious cunt who spends 800k a month on her Amex is furious over 1023 year old FlipFlop McSame’s affair with the energy lobbyist? She makes him bend over for her dildo every night in retaliation.
Hey trolls,
Why don’t you try and defend what a good job your side is doing handling the cash in Iraq.
Edwards is a private citizen these days, he’s not running for anything so leave him alone.
@6 don’t feed the trolls. Edwards didn’t do anything wrong AND he’s not running for anything. But they hope by pimping a story through the National Enquirer – the sort of reading material that they consider academic, they’re just hoping we’ll forget that 1023 year old – flip/flop McSame STARTED his post-Nam life by cheating on his disfigured wife with that cunt SIN dee McCain. Or perhaps they want to take focus off the fact that their hero – Ronnie Ray Gun had an affair with his best friend’s wife and broke up TWO relationships in order to marry Nancy. Then again they probably want us to forget Larry wide-stance Craig, republican Senator who sucks dick in airport bathrooms or perhaps their best buddy republican Mark Foley who seems to like little boys in the Page room.
You forgot about Vito Fossella and Troy King.
Poor wingnuts. You can’t understand the country is freaking sick and tired of your corrupt, ugly party – the Republicans.
Everyone’s stomach is turning at the thought of 4 more years of McSame.
The only way you can possibly win is to steal the election which you’ll try to do – and fail ensuring that the people will reject the Republicans for many years to come.
And remember – we need to follow the example in this video. If Democrats can show TRUE conservatives – not the average right wing bible-thumper but real fiscal conservatives, how we’re pissing away money in Iraq to benefit the Bush Regime’s pals, they might move our way – and in a close race, one percent of the true believers moving our way will be enough.
What is wrong with the people in seattle??
Assaulting people because they drive an suv?
Why do leftist protest groups always use violence and destruction of property to make their point. Disgraceful.
Yet mcsame is within the margin of error with obama.
Maybe it’s you that is out of touch with America. What say you comrade?
Good point. It’s only republicans in the military.
Otherwise why the “your side” point of view?
Damn. Now I feel sorry for edwards. What an ass you are for breaking this news story.
Voting Republican is antisocial and should made be a crime.
When Marvin the child molester is particularly hard up – he lies about the polls. Actually President Obama has a seven point lead in the national poll against McSame well above the margin of error. Keep lying Marvin you just help prove the point that the “gop” is full of bullshit.
@3 You’re what we get when someone screws scum.
@8 It’s hard to remember them all because Republicans are generic perverts.
@11 What makes you think those bicycle thugs are “leftists”? I’ll bet 98% of them voted for Bush and Rossi. They certainly act like Republicans.
Just got back from slog.thestranger…
I never knew that seattle has the worst drivers.
And in the 2nd most nanny city in the country.
Better start passing some more laws to control the people that can’t control themselves.
11 – 14 This must be the Sunday Morning Wingnut Comedy Hour.
@20 “Better start passing some more laws to control the people that can’t control themselves.”
Be careful of what you wish for. If we do that, half the country’s Republicans will end up in jail — with the other half that’s already in jail.
Wanna compare the lists of “progressive” protests and conservative protest and compare the violence and destruction of property?
I was in seattle for a 1999 laker/sonics game when the wto riots were going on. The issue of violence by the left in “peaceful” protests are very well documented.
I see in this weekend’s news reports that the Ratfucker Party wouldn’t let Obama visit the wounded troops so their two-bit candidate could claim he “slighted” the troops.
I don’t think the grunts will have much trouble figuring out who’s using them. Stop-loss conscription. Duty tour extensions. Cutting combat pay and veterans benefits. Incarcerating the wounded in mold-infested hell-holes. Denying medical care. Rotten food and tainted drinking water. And to add insult to injury, they shovel money into the pockets of private contractor mercenaries in front of their minimum-wage conscripts just so the soldiers know their place. That’s the Ratfucker Party.
Republicans: Screwing our soldiers a million at a time.
12 MS
Make up your mind. Do national polls only count when you want them to?
Yeah, right. Like seattle is a bastion of conservatives.
Did you see that reason link? Why are so many “progressive” cities listed as the top nanny cities in the country? The dailykos talking points say that “progressives” are the supporters of freedom.
13 MS
The Coalition Provisional Authority was staffed entirely by Republicans. They’re the ones who stole and funneled the cash out of the taxpayers’ hansd.
Wow, huffingtonpost and dailykos are now considered “news reports?”
John McCain is just more of the same old Republican bullshit. No change here, yet everyone wants change. The answer? Obama.
Good for the goose, good for the gander.
It’s part of my “act like a progressive” weekend.
28 MS
What, are you buying the bullshit that Obama “blew off” the troops even after the Petnagon said that they would not let him visit because he was there with his campaign staff?
The G.O.P. Party Legacy
Wow, huffingtonpost and dailykos are now considered “news reports?”
Oh, the irony this being said by someone who’s been claiming that John Edwards is having an affair because the National Enquirer reported it is too much…LOL
Of course. (wink wink)
30 MS
I’m not too worried, and in fact, I’ve never said that polls were meaningless. I’ve left that tho the Republicans who are behind. Like McCain is behind.
He’s behind and even though he’s working hard he’s not making up any significant ground. Maybe he thinks that adopting Obama’s positions and putting forward incoherent policies will help him, but somehow I doubt it.
Man, I’m sure glad the G.O.P. Party is running that loser Dinosour against Gregoire! Nothing beats an easy re-election campaign.
I think it’s awful the way Republicans are exploiting our wounded soldiers in a lame attempt to score false political points. There’s just no depth to which these scumbags won’t stoop for partisan advantage.
Even the news company huffington post is going with the edwards affair now. Please try and keep up.
What’s going to suck for people on the left is when the story does break and the traditional leftist news sources (abc, cbs, nbc, cnn, ny times, etc,) start covering the story in 24/7 excess to prove they are not biased, America will see once again for over a year the liberal media didn’t touch the story to protect one of their own.
Did you see that study about journalists and political contributions?
A couple of things to note…
1) Marvin has never refuted one link I’ve posted in this or any other thread and just continues to lye hoping everyone is as stupid as he is
2) Marvin has never once refuted the fact that he is a child molester
I’m just saying….
The Seattle Times published some new information today about the Dinosour’s “foundation,” to wit:
“And despite Rossi’s claims that the foundation was nonpartisan, … the group was using rented fundraising mailing lists with names such as ‘Cadillac Conservatives,’ ‘Flag-waving Republicans,’ and ‘Good as Gold Republican Donors.'”
(Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yeah, right. Show me a Republican and I’ll show you a liar and a lawbreaker. Why would anyone entrust the management of our state government to this tin-plated phony? I sure wouldn’t!
I’m sure glad the G.O.P. Party has decided to run against John Edwards this year.
Why didn’t he visit without his staff?
If it’s about the troops an not a photo shoot he would have visited the people suffering for their duty to the country.
What would you have done?
42 MS
I asked you a question. Are you buying that story?
R.E.P.U.B.L.I.C.A.N. = Rambling Enthusiasts Predestined Upon Blatantly Lying and Ignorantly Causing American Nazism
G.O.P. = Goofy Oafs Party
Voting Republican is an act of domestic terrorism.
The Mahdi Army has been profoundly weakened in a number of neighborhoods, in an important, if tentative, milestone for stability in Iraq.
“‘The Iraqi government broke their branches and took down their tree,’ said Abu Amjad, a civil servant who lives in the northern Baghdad district of Sadr City, once seen as an unbreachable stronghold for the group.”
The strength of Sadr was a recent topic of discussion.
Either way obama doesn’t look good.
IF he blew them off because he didn’t care
IF he blew them off because he couldn’t make it into a photo opportunity.
It turns out the biggest purchaser of Rossi’s book was his foundation, which gave them away as gifts to municipal landfills throughout eastern Washington.
You see, John McCain really wants to be president, and he’s willing to chang any position, and embrace any lying attack to get there.
Somehow the desperate old man doesn’t seem like the one I want to be president, especially when I compare him to the intelligent, able, elegant, smooth, effective, and popular Barack Obama.
48 MS
So you did? Was that a yes? It seems for some reason important to you to obfuscate instead of answer. Was tat a yes or a no?
The Bush administration allows NINE BILLION FUCKING DOLLARS to go missing in Iraq. A misadventure that has cost over 4000 DEAD American servicepersons and could at top out at FIVE HUNDRED BILLION Dollars.
Do you fucks even care? What the hell is wrong with you “Marvin”…and the rest of you too…
Doesn’t this seem wrong even to you?
And hey, get a load of this:
“Rossi stepped down from his $75,000-a-year post at the foundation last September in the midst of the PDC investigation, and announced a month later that he would run for governor in 2008. …
“Since Rossi stepped down, the Forward Washington Foundation has all but disappeared. Today, it is basically just a Web site where the group’s sole employee … posts monthly musings on topics such as transportation and climate change.
“Rossi, who no longer has any role at the foundation, says it still could take off. If it doesn’t, he says, Gregoire and the Democrats are to blame. …
“Rossi said the group’s fundraising largely dried up after the PDC launched its investigation.”
(Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: With this guy, the whining and finger-pointing never stops.
Who would have thunk it…
On the slowest newsday of the week, saturday, the AP admits the war is being won.
But wait! There’s more!
” … [O]ne of Rossi’s closest advisers, said that after the 2004 election Rossi became ‘persona non grata’ to the state’s big-business establishment. He said business leaders knew they needed to keep their distance from Rossi because the Gregoire administration was ‘keeping score.'”
His proof of that? This:
“Rossi tells a story about going to a Mariners game with a prominent businessman. The next day, Rossi says, someone from the governor’s office called that person and said, ‘Hey, I saw you at the game with Dino yesterday.'”
Bwaaaaa-haaaaaa-haaaa-haaaa !!! Talk about paranoid!!! Someone says “hi” and Rossi dives under his bed!!! That whup-whup-whup noise over your house is the police helicopter, not aliens trying to abduct you, dummy!!!
It does, however, appear that business has soured on Dinosourpuss:
“In 2006, Rossi approached the Association of Washington Business (AWB) to seek support for his new foundation. He also proposed giving one of his Forward Washington speeches at an AWB board meeting. The business group said no to both requests.
“AWB President Don Brunell said that when Rossi came to make his pitch about the foundation, his plans seemed ‘pretty sketchy.’ …”
(Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Why would business support this loser when Gregoire has turned Washington into the nation’s 5th-ranking best state to do business in? You don’t need to conjure up black helicopters to explain why serious people consider Rossi a cartoon candidate.
The waste of MY tax dollars are always wrong. No if ands or buts.
But to say it’s solely the fault of the republicans isn’t accurate unless you believe every person in the federal government that is democrat/liberal/socialist/progressive is blindly obeying the commands of the mighty bush like the democrat controlled congress does. Oops, bad example.
Analysis: US now winning Iraq war that seemed lost
The United States is now winning the war that two years ago seemed lost.
Of course, it’s not “won” just yet, and given the twists and turns in this saga I’d be wary of saying where we’ll be in two years. This will depend on several factors.
That said, there’s no doubt there were a lot of people who called this much differently two years ago.
@4: Troll – you are an complete fool and idiot. First, being a bicyclist does not make a person a liberal (although being a fat, out of shape republican is probably truism).
Second, if you actually read the accounts, it seems that eyewitnesses found that the guy in the car first ran over a bicyclist’s leg and bike – then he was caught running away and attacked in retaliation.
Unlike the other candidate that has his own presidential seal.
Barack OhBummer wants to be the president of all “57 states” as his ignorant ass said a few months ago. What kind of mental fucktard doesn’t understand that there aren’t 57 states in the union?? The boy isn’t ready for primetime nor is his ‘hoodrat wife Michelle, who’s even more ignorant and angrier than her dumbass husband.
At least Goldy for the time being has decided his fictional story about Sutherland has no legs since it’s being ignored by the press so now his ingnorant, jobless ass is just posting anti McCain,Rossi and Reichert hate material.
@57: We won the war five years ago – it is the occupation that has been incredibly screwed up due to lack of planning and many stupid moves by Bush, Bremer and Rumsfeld. That we are now, finally, fixing things by negotiating with the enemy – fine. If we are doing so well – then let’s get out of a place we should never have invaded in the first place (after losing more than 4,000 dead, 40,000 wounded, 3 miilion Iraqi refugeess and probably 500,000 Iraqi dead and bankrupting our treasury).
Running a quixotic rematch campaign against Gregoire hasn’t been a total loss for Dinosourpuss, though. It puts cash in his pocket:
” … [T]he 2004 governor’s race … opened doors that helped him move up … in the real-estate business. … Rossi has long made the bulk of his money on personal real-estate investments. Until a few years ago, most … were small to medium-size apartments.
“In early 2005, Rossi says, he received an unsolicited offer on one of those properties — an Eastlake fourplex that he had owned since 1985. Rossi sold the fourplex for $600,000 and suddenly had a large sum of money that he wanted to reinvest … to avoid paying capital-gains taxes.
“Enter Tom Hoban … of Coast Equity Partners, a large Everett-based property-management and investment company … [who] told him about a Mill Creek medical building that Coast was looking to buy. … They bought the two-story, 17,472-square-foot building for $4.9 million, which Hoban’s company now manages. Rossi owns 28 percent of the building and figures he’ll get more than $75,000 in rental income this year.”
(Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: My handy-dandy Roger Rabbit Calculator says 28% of $4.9 million is $1,372,000. Not a bad “investment” in exchange for $600,000. You wonder what the quid pro quo was here. Probably something along the lines of, “If I get to be governor someday, screw the land use laws and neighbors, I’ll you and your fellow developers do whatever you want!”
Say, didn’t the G.O.P. Party’s propagandists complain about Hillary once making $100,000 in the futures market? Well, I’m not complaining about Dino’s windfall. If he can get someone to give him a $772,000, er, “investment,” more power to him! Although, frankly, he would have done better if he had put his money into National Oilwell Varco back in 2005, like I did.
We are talking about seattle, not some hick town down in texas. Isn’t seattle so left they have a statue of lenin in the public square?
We are NOT talking about a bicyclist being hit, we are talking about a protest group that even the new yorker magazine says is part of the socialist movement.
Where is the video?? They have over 1,100 videos on youtube so obviously they have video cameras on rides. We’re not talking about a group of kids riding to the park, critical mass is a protest group against cars. Of course they video encounters with cars to prove their point, except in this case. Go figure.
@60: Rick D. is stupid idiot too. Sorry Rick – Where are all the McCain mistakes that he makes over and over (not a stupid mis-speak that was immediatly corrected by Obama).
No – Rick your canditate (McStupid) is either stupid or senile and Obama is a hell of a lot smarter than McCain and that is what you can’t stand. What happened to NO timetables for Iraq – hahahaha – looks like al Maliki approves of Obama NOT the idiot McCain/Bush. So much for “facts on the ground”.
As usual, the republican trolls have nothing – zero. Oh, and Sutherland was front page news in the times – guess you can’t read either. Another example of a republican sexual deviant in office – so many republicans turn out to be gay or sexual predators – I wonder why?
Well… There are 57 states.
@56 If you think there’s any Democrats or liberals left in the federal government after 7 1/2 years of Bush misrule, you’re delusional! They’ve all been replaced by wet-behind-the-ears teenagers who just graduated from private religious “colleges” and filled in the “Experience” part of their federal job application forms by saying they read an Ann Coulter book.
Stamm- another pathetic idiot heard from. Grow up. Try reading the eyewitness accounts in the paper including the one from the guy with his kid on the ride.
Speaking of socialists – I like the government bailouts of all those coporations like Bear Stearns and Fannie and Freddy – the freakin’ republicans let the banking industry get away with criminal activity (they call it “deregulation”) and then use my tax money to bail out the rich. Not to mention the waste fraud and abuse in Iraq. Stamm – you support corruption if you support republicans. Republicans have institutionalized corruption, cronyism and sexual deviancy.
And your lame – New Yorker reference – sad. what does the NY know about a local group of Seattle bicyclists – is that all you have? You are not even a worthy troll adversary.
@60 I see puddywhacker’s alter ego slept in late this morning. He must be hung over from drinking too much Koolaid at a G.O.P. boys-meet-boys party last night. I’ve got a burning question for ya, Rickie Dickhead: When you attend a G.O.P. dance, do you ask him to dance, or does he ask you to dance? What’s the protocol on that?
If we are doing so well – then let’s get out of a place we should never have invaded in the first place (after losing more than 4,000 dead, 40,000 wounded, 3 miilion Iraqi refugeess and probably 500,000 Iraqi dead and bankrupting our treasury).
Even Obama will not leave completely. It remains to be seen what his “residual” force will consist of (and he will remain very flexible on this, I’m confident). The change of fortune in Iraq – at least for now – has perhaps changed our negotiating position with Iran with regard to their nuclear program – and Obama has made his feelings about an Iranian bomb pretty clear.
Well, it’s been fun this morning, retards, but I have to take the T. Rex for his morning walk — so, see ya later, traitors.
Walking a pet dinosaur is easy if you’re a rabbit. I simply run down the walking path here in the park, and he chases me.
Say it ain’s so…
The leftist rag The New Republic is admitting obama is the darling of the media?
End of the Affair
47 CJS
From the article “The Iraqi Army now occupies the militia’s old headquarters in Shuala.”
Aw, so the Dawa Party’s Badr Organization militia (the so-called “Iraqi Army” — in contast to JAM being the so-called Iraqi securioty Forces/police) now controls part of Sadr City instead of JAM. For how long?
Deos anyone kow or understand that in Iraq in the summer it is so fucking hot that no one mounts operations?
If you want to measure progress, crowing “success” during an Iraqi summer is a pretty cheap thrill. Wait to see what happens in the fall.
71 MS
Nagourney is complaining that the Obama campaign sent out a statement refuting his op-ed without consulting him first. Whatever else it may say, it says nothing about the press treating Obama well. Are you stupid or deceitful?
Strange, the fannies used to be the domain of the democrats. Of course I mean financial doman, like the saying, Follow the money.
Critical mass is not only a seattle group of riders. Did you really not know that?
At least I knew where the fannie $ is going and that critical mass is not a local group of bike riders like the cascade bicycle club.
Too bad that the traitor FlipFlop McSame is allowed to play politics with our troops. Here’s a guy who voted SIX FUCKING TIMES against veterans’ benefits and now McSame is playing politics again. How can even the inbred ass-licks on the right support this fuck?
Same link, I’ll quote a different sentence.
The press certainly helped Obama get so far so fast;
77 MS
Oh so you mean that article states the fact that the leading primary candidate for president of the US, the winner of the Democratic nomination, and the first black man to be a major party nominee for president gets a litle press? Weird. No other presidential candidate ever has.
I watch at media matters, Ms. its been amazing watching how much coverage the media is giving to the so called Obama media advantage. How little they’ve covered and how much they’ve edited(CBS) in suupporting Yohnny.
Are you stupid or deceitful?
Stamn? Both.
Stamm: Yup and you knew where the enron money was and the S and L money was and the Blackwater money was – what another stuypid argument you try to make. Fanie Mae is democratic? My argument – that you totally punted on is that republican lack of regulation arguments have cost us (the taxpayers) too much money. And i did not even go into the gutting of the EPA, the incomnpetent republicans in the Homeland security or the gutting of the Justice dept. – all rampant republican corruption. As usual – you got nothin’ but a bunch of stupid lies – the republicans are bankrupting our country and you are making excuses for the largest budget deficit in history.
Oh – and critical mass is national – so what? What does that have to do with the group here and the leaps of illogic you make, that somehow it is democrats involved and that the driver was not at fault?
If everything that happens in Seattle is the fault of democrats – you forget that 20-30% are republicans or pathetically stupid libertarians. those are the ones going to private schools – moron.
As I pointed out to you in that thread, Sadr has been signing ceasefires because he’s now able to get what he wants politically without having to resort to violence. He could care less who’s patrolling the street corners in Sadr City as long as Maliki can’t do anything without his consent.
Liberal logic.
I’m stupid but I know the truth and lie about it.
It sounds like the ass-licks on the right have had a change of religion – should we look for them to all of a sudden decide they like the fairness doctrine? Tell you dicklickers what – Let’s compare the coverage your right wing news buddies at Faux News, Washington Times, Wall Street Journal and hundreds of right wing radio stations have given to President Obama – then let’s balance it all out. I am game.
It was headed by Franklin Raines. any idea his connection to the republican party?
Any idea which presidential candidate is being advised on the mortgage mess by franklin?
On the top management team was jamie gorelick. His connection to the rep party?
James Johnson, his connections to the rep party?
Who lied overestimating (10.6billion$) the earnings of the company, and then “earning” big bonuses?
And where do the fannie lobbyists funnel their $$?
Which presidential candidate had an ex-fannie executive head their veep-vetting operation?
Simple questions. has the answers.
Speaking of google…
fannie mae scandal democrat 238,000 hits
fannie mae scandal republican 138,000 hits
Now imagine if the media was biased in the favor of conservatives how high the demcrat scandal hits would be.
Republicans supported the bailout and Bush signed it. Republicans voted for deregualtion of the banking industry (led by Reagan). When most of the country is democratic – it doesn’t take much to find democrats in places. Fannie Mae is failing because of the bad lending practices advocated by…republicans. Bear Stearns, Enron, the banking idustry and the oil industry (Kenny Lay – Bush’s best buddy) ..all republicans sucking off the government teat using my money. Blackwater – republican corruption…you got nothin’ as usual and can’t refute squat.
Oh – and the top google link to Fannie Mae – election fraud in 2004, linking republican campaign contributions and…Fannie Mae
oops – maybe you and McCain should learn how to use “the google”.
Link from the Wall Street Journal (clearly a liberal source!):
So 20-30% of republicans/stupid libertarians are more powerful than 70-80% of the democrats?
Of course people send their kids to private school, public schools are failing. Especially for the very people the democrats have always treated horrendous, blacks.
What are you going to say next, teachers unions aren’t in bed with the democrats???
Oh and here is a quote about the republican convention – guess who is lobbying there?
“Fannie and Freddie are sponsoring a reception at the Graves Hotel in Minneapolis on Sept. 2, along with the Independent Community Bankers of America, the National Association of Home Builders and the National Association of Realtors, according to a copy of the invitation.
But while House Republicans can expect to consume their fill of shrimp cocktail and chardonnay at Fannie and Freddie’s expense, don’t expect to see any Republican senators at the shindig. In fact, under the 2007 ethics and lobbying law, senators are prohibited from attending lobbyist sponsored bashes at conventions. The House decided to keep that loophole in place so their members can enjoy the major parties that have been a staple of presidential conventions over the years. This difference between House and Senate ethics has not gone unnoticed by government watchdog groups.”
Looks like Fannie and Freddie enjoy plenty of republican company…
If I can’t refute squat, why do you keep including enron? I thought we were talking about fannie/freddie and their democrat connections. Nothing like changing the subject when you are afraid to answer my questions.
I don’t know how you feel about it, I feel the person(s) involved with lying about the earnings of the company is the first one we should be talking about. And his name is???
No link??
Of course they have rep company…
Just like enron donated to democrats. Did you forget about that? Unlike enron where more money went rep, fannie/freddie sent more to the dems.
Did you miss my opensecrets link above which documents whose pocket the money went into?
And this money quote for the Wall Street Journal:
“It was too good to be true. After two accounting scandals and years of denial, Congress finally seemed ready to protect taxpayers from the financial high-flying of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. But that was before Republican Mike Oxley and others on Capitol Hill decided to ride to their rescue.”
Poor Marvin – Enron donated 10 times the amnount of money to Bush alone, than they donated to ALL democrats, anywhere.
Bullshit – you have been brainwashed – look at the actual number!. Enron was the prime supporter of W and one of his biggest contributors. I posted a long time ago on that. Yes – they spread a little around to the democrats to cover their bases – but Bush was their man.
And did you vote for Bush?
Read the part I quoted.
He’s complaining because they attacked him like a political opponent.
Key word of the sentence, attack.
On Enron:
“73 percent of Enron’s political donations went to Republicans. But I’ll be damned if Enron’s No. 1 show pony politician, George W. Bush, should be allowed to walk away from this. Ken Lay gave $139,500 to Bush over the years. He chipped in $100,000 to the Bush Cheney Inaugural Fund in 2000 and $10K to the Bush-Cheney Recount Fund.
Plus, Enron’s PAC gave Bush $113,800 for his ’94 and ’98 political races and another $312,500 from its executives. Bush got 14 free rides on Enron’s corporate jets during the 2000 campaign, including at least two during the recount. Until January 2004, Enron was Bush’s top contributor.
And what did it get for its money? Ken Lay was on Bush’s short list to be energy secretary. He not only almost certainly served on Cheney’s energy task force, there is every indication that the task force’s energy plan, the one we have been on for five years, is in fact the Enron plan. Lay used Bush as an errand boy, calling the governor of Texas and having him phone Tom Ridge of Pennsylvania to vouch for what swell energy deregulation bills Enron was sponsoring in states all over the country”
enron = Bush
95. correctnotright spews:
On Enron:
Cronyism not limited to Bush
In a report last month exposing the cozy ties between Enron and the Bush administration, the Los Angeles Times pointed out that Lay is on a first-name basis with Bush, an old Texas oil buddy. Lay also has ties to top administration officials, such as White House economic adviser Larry Lindsey, an ex-Enron consultant, and U.S. Trade Representative Bob Zoellick, a former Enron advisory board member, the article noted.
Left out of the L.A. Times’ analysis, however, were Lay’s similarly close ties to Clinton administration officials.
McLarty and Lay developed a friendship while working in the energy field together. Before becoming Clinton’s chief of staff, and later his counselor, McLarty was chairman of Arkla Inc., which later became NorAm Energy Corp.
Largely as a result of that connection, Lay was a frequent visitor at the Clinton White House, records show.
Lay returned the favor by snatching up McLarty for Enron after he left the White House.
He also hired as a consultant Betsy Moler, Clinton’s deputy energy secretary. She was accused of stopping Energy Department counterintelligence chief Notra Trulock from briefing Congress early on about Chinese espionage and security lapses at Energy’s nuclear weapons labs.
In addition, Lay recently hired former Clinton Treasury official Linda Robertson, a Democrat, to run Enron’s Washington office.
Enron contributed some $530,000 to the DNC during the 2000 election alone.
A couple of things to note…
1) Marvin has never refuted one link I’ve posted in this or any other thread and just continues to lye hoping everyone is as stupid as he is
2) Marvin has never once refuted the fact that he is a child molester
I’m just saying….
Rumor has it her other children didn’t survive their abortions. My prayers to them, although living a life born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome must really put a crimp in her living child’s life.
As I pointed out to you in that thread, Sadr has been signing ceasefires because he’s now able to get what he wants politically without having to resort to violence.
The thrust of the story isn’t about ceasefires, but about the ebb of Sadr’s power.
“The militia that was once the biggest defender of poor Shiites in Iraq, the Mahdi Army, has been profoundly weakened in a number of neighborhoods across Baghdad, in an important, if tentative, milestone for stability in Iraq.”
“It is a remarkable change from years past, when the militia, led by the anti-American cleric Moktada al-Sadr, controlled a broad swath of Baghdad, including local governments and police forces. But its use of extortion and violence began alienating much of the Shiite population to the point that many quietly supported American military sweeps against the group.”
This is clearly a fluid environment. Let’s follow it in the months ahead.
And on the lighter side, this is a riot:
Surprise Surprise Surprise – the Bush SS troops admit to killing civilians. I guess for these poor folks, “Mission Accomplished” didn’t happen soon enough.
Oh by the way – these lies are from the same liars who said they didn’t deny President Obama access to our troops in Germany.
Fucking idiots are about as good at this shit as they were in dealing with 9.11 or Katrina.
I fully support any driver who is trying to get away from a critical mass mob that is intent on causing that driver harm. Any action he has to take to flee to safety is justified, including running over the bicyclist, even if that causes injury or death to them. It’s self-defense.
Here’s how the right wing “Christian” republicans like to deal with things…
Come to my house and find out how that plays out bitches.
73, What the heck do you know about summertime missions over here, things are not slowing down just because someone got a little hot under their coller..
@103 – Are you in Iraq now?
Have you looked at the statistics on terrorist activities by month – they go way down in the summer. You don’t have to be in Iraq to spot the obvious.
@104- It may seem that things are not as bad as you hear, but right now the media is more intuned to cover the electional stories. The T’s have moved to other localized areas and I bet you 5 bucks that they will be back right before the election.
As it is, we cannot make the mistake of feeling that we can believe all the media most of the time.
Talk to Alan Burg’s wife about the political rights use of violence.
Thanks for posting that. I hadn’t heard about that one.
Not only is Edwards having an affair, his wife has cancer. What a guy!
Wow the right wing ass licks are so worried about looooosing they have to just pull stuff out of their ass about NON candidates and hope somehow that takes our minds off the fact that 1023 year old FlipFlop McSame cheated on his disfigured wife with that vicious cunt SIN dee McCain and THAT’s republican family values. Priceless.
Here are some numbers for you…
The number of affairs FlipFlop McSame has had (that we know of).
The number of Dino Rossi DUI arrests.
the number of brain cells in child rapist Marvin’s head…
60% the number of votes McCain missed while Senator. Well at least he has one more quality in common with Monkeyface Bush – that asswipe took more vacation time than any other TWO Presidents in history!
So in the article about Rossi it mentioned a couple ways he has made money – avoiding paying taxes and exploiting a loophole in a federal program. Luckily they also identified him as the republican candidate.
nuff said
94 MS
But YOUR point was that the press loves Obama, and as I said, your cite does not back that up in any way.
88 MS
No, private schools do well here because by and large it is a propserous area, and more wealthy people use private schools than less well-to-do people do.There’s really no mystery at all, and it is nothing to do with the quality of public schools.
Here’s a poll you won’t see the wingnuts bring up:
But how come he’s not leading by more? And did I mention that McCain was a POW?
MSNBC gets it right covering Republican lies about Obama in Lansthul:
According to the police in Tennessee, the shooter in that Unitarian Church incident hated “liberals” because he thought they were taking work from him (what about George W. Bush’s policies? I’m just sayin…).
It’s also true that a church full of unarmed good liberals disarmed and detained this loony Republican and held him for the police, denying him the “suicide by cop” he had been hoping for.
@119 they should have knee-capped this fuck then after letting him scream in agony for 15 minutes – blown his head off.
Perhaps someone will now walk into a conservative Southern Baptist church and shoot a bunch of right wing conservative “Christians” in retaliation. Man that would be a real shame if that happened.
WOW breaking news – the Bush Regime scandal number 1,293,123 – it turns out there is a smoking gun in the Gonzales-gate case. The Justice Dept even admitted that two top (chief) aides to that asshole did in fact play politics with appointments – which is a felony. The woman in the case is about to be indicted. Reported on both ABC and MSNBC this morning – more to come. Right wingers going to jail on the right wing watch so they must REALLY have fucked up! Or the Bush Regime is throwing them under the bus to protect profession dick sucker Karl Rove.