Stefan Sharkansky has started calling the junior Illinois U.S. Senator “Barack 0bama” (note the change in the first character of the surname), but Senator “0bama” did draw a crowd of 2OO,OOO people in Berlin yesterday.
That’s how fast Flip Flop McCain ran from his disfigured wife when he returned home from Nam after helping the VC.
Joseph Pspews:
357 mph not bad at i wonder what its normal operating speed is.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Is it true there was a free concert of two of germany’s most popular musical acts before 0bamas speech?
Broadway Joespews:
Now if we only had tracks around here (or anywhere in the country, for that matter) that could handle that kind of train……..
Hey Marvin the child molester you keep spreading that lie in order to make yourself feel good and then tell us why the VC sympathizer FlipFlop McCain couldn’t fill a fucking room with 400 seats in PA this week! LOL!
Rumor is that the RNC is bussing people into 1023 year old FlipFlop McCain’s next speech and PAYING them to attend. How hard up can you get?
McSame, needs to start having Toby Keith concerts before is speeches. Keith’s probably available seeing how Ford just cut its advertising budget by a third and is starting to pump some of its small European cars into the U.S. (The ones Ford said would never work in the U.S.) market to replace all those trucks that no longer sell.
4 – Back a thread or few ago you were busted for cutting and pasting a bullshit letter from a soldier in Afghanistan.
This proves you are about nothing but right wing lies distributed mainly through e-mail.
But Will, it’s French and would never work here because of all the hills! LOL.
Would not work in the Northwest it would take thirty years to decide what color to paint it red, blue, and what color to paint the hammer and cycle. Who would have to demolish their neighborhood to put in the train depot? The real problem will be naming the trains Pot Hole Nickels, Ernesto Che Guevara, Chairman Mao, or Bagdad McDermott. Could not post any normal ads in or on the train. Which leaves graffiti art and Seattle propaganda for the Liberals? Oh I forgot it can’t move faster than the bicycles on Seattle sidewalks.
It is OK friends .. I am Obamite. Most of the reprican humor is fear tinged, but his was too well done not to repost.
I understand someone here posted a Faux message from a soldier claiming to have been with Obama here in Ghanistan.
What a crock! While this guy was only hear for a few hours, we really had a ball. He signed lots of autographs and my buddies got to play one on one ball with him! Sneaky SOB, he is too!
He tols us he was here on taxpayer $$$$ so there was no campaigning but I do not think I am gonna wash my shaking hand for a year now!
BTW, that 40 foot shot had to be filmed three times before he done it right!
Only bad thing is he made a pass at my girlfriend Paul.
Marvin Stamnspews:
9. YLB spews:
4 – Back a thread or few ago you were busted for cutting and pasting a bullshit letter from a soldier in Afghanistan.
Of course, I said it was from a military site so I knew people here wouldn’t consider it true.
The Real Markspews:
Marvin @ 4
That was exactly how he drew the big crowd in Portland – The Decemberists played a free, 45-minute concert beforehand.
Trumped-up events are one thing. What is far more troubling is that Obama had the time and energy for all kinds of photo ops in Europe, but didn’t have the time or interest to visit any wounded troops. Maybe he was afraid he’d have too much ‘splainin’ to do.
And ya gotta love that he chose Hitler’s favorite monument for the Berlin speech. Hmmmm… Wound-up, irrational public… Politician with little-to-no experience… Campaign built purely on emotion… Guess 0bama knows his symbolism.
Why would the Bush regime be so afraid of President Obama visiting the wounded troops? Is this more of the right wingers trying to hide the truth? We know they won’t let the so-called free press take pictures of flag-draped caskets. This must be a further move on the part of the jackbooted thugs in the Bush White House to hide the truth. If they weren’t afraid of the truth, then show us.
Hey Fake Mark – why you ashamed of Baby Bush? Why would you think it’s not okay to equate McSame and Monkeyface? Here you have someone calling you out like the bitch you are and you won’t even defend your President! What a cunt you are!
Three members of the young republicans club react to all the hate speech you hear from the right about immigration and of course, resorted to what they know best – violence.
When your mom and dad are brother and sister I guess you can’t expect much.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
Nice train! Faster than my HO no doubt.
Unfortunately, we in the U.S. would rather pour acres of concrete to construct 12 lane freeways so we’ll have someplace to drive 20 m.p.h., whilst consuming a finite fuel resource. But it is a great place to listen to the radio.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
dumb fuck @ 15: So show us all the photos of George Bush visiting the wounded or hugging the family of the fallen at the graveside…
Thought so. Idiot.
Just gave $50 to Rossi. Eat it libfucks.
@21 the cunt bends over and lets his girlfriend fuck him in the ass for $50. Another inbred moron buys into an argument for a Washington controlled by the BIAW. Hey asslick – does it hurt to be that stupid?
Eat it libfucks.
And yet it’s the right-wing trolls that say we on the left are the intolerant ones…
Proud To Be An Assspews:
The Pentagon won’t let McInsane conduct political events on military property either:
You’re just a reflexive copy and paster of right wing garbage.
@25 how did you add? Did you put your sister on the list who is also your wife?
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Man if Obama is going backwards in the pols while doing the magical mystery tour in liberal la la land this is going to be easier than I thought. America hates Liberals, always has, always will. hehehehe
@21: A fool and his money…
I donated to Rossi because I truly care about the future of this state. Leave the keys to the Demofucks and we’re all fucked for sure. Straight up the ass.
@30 thanks for sharing your sexual preferences with us. That’s what your wife said too.
Good catch.
Gotta love this:
The letter was apparently written by a Utah Army National Guard intelligence officer in a linguist unit at Bagram Airfield who claimed the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee was rude to G.I.s.
“As the soldiers where [sic] lined up to shake his hand he blew them off,” wrote the Task Force Wasatch “battle captain.”
An “intelligence officer” who can’t spell “were”.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Knowing the military they were ordered to line up to shake Obama’s hand, they sure the hell were’nt there on their own accord.
Hey dog interesting – that’s REALLY what happened when the pretend president wore his flight jacket, hijacked an aircraft carrier (keeping real heros from getting home) and displayed the MISSION ACCOMPLISHED sign. They were FORCED to applaud him. That’s how you guys get attention.
One thing is for sure…1023 year olf Flip Flop McSame won’t be on the bball court shooting hoops with the fellows. He can’t life the damn ball! LOL!
I can’t wait to see the military vote this time. I bet it’s going to shock the ass licks on the right to see so many Democratic votes. Remember, you racist cocksuckers loaded up the Army with African Americans because you don’t care if they die. OOPS! Now look what you’ve done. HE HE!
Please provide the proof to back up your assertion otherwise your comments are only your lame opinion.
34 – LMAO! Good one BBG. That mutt isn’t going to know what him come November.
Daddy Love, I tried to post response to your question in Sound Transit. Maybe it will print out here, couldn’t get post over there:
Sound Transit II on the ballot this November
@ 50. Daddy Love spews: “I gotta say though that if the American taxpayer is financing Obama’s trip abroad I’m against it. It should be paid for by his campaign.”
DL, I stumbled over this in another article I was reading tonight, linked below:
“The tempest occurred as Obama neared the end of an unprecedented election-season trip to the Middle East and Europe financed by his campaign.
Talking to reporters en route from Berlin to Paris, Gibbs disclosed the campaign had been planning for weeks to fly from the German capital to Ramstein so the senator could meet with wounded members of the armed forces at a military hospital in Landstuhl.
He said that the senator was to have left most staff and likely all traveling reporters behind at the airport while he went to the hospital to avoid appearances of a campaign event.” **snipped**
Daddy Love, keep trying to respond to your question in Sound Transit thread, will leave the links off to see if it will now post:
Sound Transit II on the ballot this November
@ 50. Daddy Love spews: “I gotta say though that if the American taxpayer is financing Obama’s trip abroad I’m against it. It should be paid for by his campaign.”
Stumbled over this in another article I was reading tonight, linked below:
“The tempest occurred as Obama neared the end of an unprecedented election-season trip to the Middle East and Europe financed by his campaign.
Talking to reporters en route from Berlin to Paris, Gibbs disclosed the campaign had been planning for weeks to fly from the German capital to Ramstein so the senator could meet with wounded members of the armed forces at a military hospital in Landstuhl.
He said that the senator was to have left most staff and likely all traveling reporters behind at the airport while he went to the hospital to avoid appearances of a campaign event.” –snipped–
Rossi is so scared he can’t even let people know he is a Republican. He knows that people have had enough of the neocon bs, and thinks he can maybe fool people into believing he’s not just the same old neocon feces in a shiny new package.
Rossi is reported to have put yellow tape around his bed and hired Farm Bureau cowfuckers to guard the area from his wife telling her it was a “private event.” It’s also rumored republican senator Larry Craig was at the Rossi household that night. So who knows?
I saw an interesting suggestion today. Since the cowfuckers at the Farm Bureau are in bed with Rossi – let’s buy California produce.
Daddy Lovespews:
37 FnF
Yes, thanks for that. I found out yesterday that he went as part of a Congressional delegation (CODEL) to Afghanistan and Iraq, but that the rest of his trip was paid for by his campaign.
In fact, that’s why he was not allowed by the Pentagon to visit wounded soldiers at Landshtuhl, because the military would not allow campaign staff to accompany him, and his Senate staff were not legally allowed to be along working on a campaign trip (Hatch Act).
Daddy Lovespews:
33 JBD
I don’t usually give you a lot of credit for brains, and this is why.
You see, NO ONE was “lined up.” Read the link @26. It was just a right-wing lie.
Daddy Lovespews:
Maybe John McCain can get Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians to open for him at a rally.
Daddy Lovespews:
Maliki likes Obama’s timeline.
McCain likes Maliki’s timeline.
McCain thinks Obama’s timeline will cause the destruction of America as we know it.
Wouldn’t work in America. Remember those liberals who were throwing bricks down onto cars on I-5 the other night near Cap Hill? Just imagine the result of people like them trying to sabotage a high speed train line.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The BIAW scandal is the lead story in today’s Seattle Times. The article mentions a new BIAW ad “claiming Gregoire supports a state income tax — an assertion Gregoire vehemently denies.”
And that’s all the Times says about it, even though their reporters and editors know damn well that Gregoire doesn’t support a state income tax. (If only she did!)
I’m sick and tired of this “he said, she said” journalism that refuses to call a lie a lie or tell readers what the truth is. That’s a big part of why half the voters in this country don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground.
When journalists refuse to expose lies or acknowledge truth, they throw the doors wide open to demagogues and liars. They help these lice prosper.
I’m fed up with today’s limp-wristed, gutless, ethically-adrift media. It’s time those people who would call themselves “journalists” started doing their job.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@46 “liberals who were throwing bricks down onto cars”
Got proof of that, boy? No, I didn’t think so. Merely blowing smoke out of your ass. Don’t you know you’re required to get a government permit before you pollute the atmosphere? Your butthole is a regulated entity under federal and state environmental laws. That’s because “wingnut aroma” is toxic to intelligent life forms.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I’ll bet a lot of innocent wildlife gets splattered on that thing’s windshield.
Do I have proof? No. Do I have a brain and the power to use that brain for deductive reasoning? Yes.
Fact: According to the police, at least 12 cars were hit. One man was hit in the head. The bricks were dropped from either the Pine Street, Olive Way or Denny Way overpasses above I-5.
Fact: The neighborhood in which theses crimes occurred is a heavily Democratic area. Probably around 99% Democratic.
Fact: Most anti-roads and cars people are Democratic. Most vandalism done to SUV’s is done by liberals.
Therefore: I am certain the people who threw the bricks off the overpass were liberals.
I also have no doubt in my mind that if we had a high speed train in this area, liberals, of the WTO protester/terrorist variety, would set-out to derail it. Literally, that is.
Ed Westonspews:
#50,51 The warrenty of your fact machine has in fact, expired.
If another Pink Panther film is produced you’ve got my vote for playing Inspector C.
Nah, we’ve been lobbying to build those things over here for years. It’s you righties that are the Europe haters.
@45 Nice diagram!
For a change of pace, Daddy, you’re at Microsoft, right? I’m curious to know if there was any general feeling among employees regarding the on again, off again dance with Yahoo?
What’s your feeling?
I have proof that Troll is the spawn of a seal.
Actually the word on the street is that pigfucking farmers were in town – over from the east side of the state looking for their usual fill of young boys, and then decided to throw the rocks onto the cars hoping a 13 year old named Troll would blame the Democrats.
My theory has as much or more credence than Troll’s.
Ahhhh. The wingnuts aren’t dragging in the latest from Rasmussen:
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows that the bounce is continuing for Barack Obama. The presumptive Democratic nominee attracts 46% of the vote while John McCain earns 40%. When “leaners” are included, it’s Obama 49% and McCain 43%. Just four days ago, the candidates were tied at 46% (with leaners). Obama is viewed favorably by 57% of voters, McCain by 55%. Tracking Polls are released at 9:30 a.m. Eastern Time each day. Rasmussen Markets data gives Obama a 63.3 % chance of winning the White House.
Dems love qouting polls because that will be as close as they get to the White House. It’s a freakin tradation now. hahahahaha
Roger Rabbitspews:
@50 “Do I have a brain and the power to use that brain for deductive reasoning? Yes.”
That’s highly debatable. So far, there’s no evidence of that. This looks like the same reasoning that got you dopes mired down in Iraq:
“Fact: 9/11 was perpetrated by al Qaeda.
“Fact: Al Qaeda is 99% Arab.
“Fact: Saddam Hussein looks like an Arab.
“Therefore: You are certain Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@48 Since you post on a liberal blog based in Seattle, it’s obvious you threw the bricks onto the cars! This is corroborated by the fact you seem like the type who would do it.
Hey dog (or is it bitch?) I remember the righties quoting polls right up until we FUCKING KICKED YOUR COWARDLY ASSES AND MOVED YOU OUT OF CONGRESS! Yes we bitch – slapped you like left-handed, red-headed, step-children and you ran away with your tails between your legs. Your side quoted polls right up until we pulled the trucks up and moved your shit out on the lawn while you stood by whimpering and guess what – that’s gonna happen again – real fucking soon bitch – real fucking soon!
Poor republican trolls – all they have left is a lame duck Bush and a pathetically fact-challenged McCain.
Poor McCain doesn’t know the difference between the sunnis and shia, that the Czech republic is not Czechoslovakia anymore, that Iraq does not border Pakistan, that Social Security is paid for by the current workers, that Somalia is not the Sudan, that Putin is not the President of Germany or even how many troops were in the surge or when the surge began.
What a freekin’ incompetent! And foreign policy is supposed to be his strong point – he is as bad as Bush. Another Luddite with a bunch of lobbyist advisors who has no clue. He has made some these mistakes a number of times…so sad.
I honestly believe that participating in critical mass should be a capital offense.
Yes the GOP often infiltrates groups like Critical Mass and then causes mischief so they can blame it on liberals.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Voting Republican is dishonorable and un-American.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Teacher sexual misconduct rampant in American schools, says AP
From Wikinews, the free news source you can write!
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Monday, October 22, 2007
An Associated Press investigation published Sunday revealed findings of more than 2,500 cases of sexual misconduct by educators in the American educational system over a five year period.
The cases reported in the investigation ranged from the merely strange, with cases involving verbal abuse, to the barbarous, with cases involving molestation and rape.
Investigations suggest that many cases of sexual abuse are never reported, and those that are reported often do not lead to punishment for the offender. The cases do not always include enough evidence, and for this as well as other reasons the schools, courts, state governments, and federal governments cannot be sure that they are keeping sexual deviants out of teaching.
Now when can we sue the public screwls out of existence.
Wow Wiki News – what a valid news source. They’re claim to fame is that anyone can write that news – let’s see – perhaps republicans who are against schooling our kids?
Here’s the real reason righties don’t want public education. The more educated you are, the more likely you are a Democrat. This is a simple known fact. The righties are afraid if the public is well educated, they won’t vote (r).
And by the way – I am starting a wikinews entry of my own talking about the number of Christian school teachers and administrators who have been caught raping little kids.
Investigations suggest that many cases of Christian school sexual abuse are never reported, and those that are reported often do not lead to punishment for the offender. The cases do not always include enough evidence, and for this as well as other reasons the schools, courts, state governments, and federal governments cannot be sure that they are keeping sexual deviants out of teaching.
But here’s one that got caught – no doubt the Dog’s brother…
We need to remove any tax exemption for religious groups and sue these private schools out of existence.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Public screwls are so bad that not even libruls want to send their kids to them, just ask 40% of the parents who live in Seattle. heehehehe
Religious schools are full of rapists and child molesters like the Dog that 40% of people are afraid to send their kids for “religious education.”
Let’s keep this up Dog/Bitch – for every stupid thing you post I’ll help point out just how fucked up you and your ilk really are. I’ll be here a long time – long after you’ve run away in fact. Just like many cowardly righties before you who have disappeared from here – you’ll cut and run too.
Here’s some more proof that Dog’s friends in the so-called Christian community are just crooks and cooks.
Hehehehe The truth hurts don’t it. Unlike you my point is based on fact not something I pulled out of my ass. Don’t get me wrong though, I think it is great that Seattle libruls have to spend money hand over fist just to get by. It is just, and besides, the less money democrats have the better it is for the nation.
Let’s see – you post no link – you LIVE in your ass – I post a link – I KICK your ass. Sounds about right.
As for liberals and money – well you’re right there. I have a ton of money. I donate to all your favorite organizations like the ACLU, NARAL, Democratic Party, Planned Parenthood, etc.
I buy every liberal book and send them to every library in the state. I have been involved in one program that puts dozens of copies of progressive books in SCHOOL libraries so I can help to rescue your inbred children from their Nascar/Trailer Trash – Taliban-loving lifestyle.
And every time I do so, I think about the pain I am causing idiots like you Dog. Makes my tail wag!
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Let’s see – you post no link – you LIVE in your ass – I post a link – I KICK your ass. Sounds about right.
I don’t hear a lot about that. My personal feeling is that Yahoo is worth more than the offer value by virtue of a number of overseas properties (and I don’t mean real estate), and thus would be a sound investment that could substantially pay for itself through selloffs.
Stefan Sharkansky has started calling the junior Illinois U.S. Senator “Barack 0bama” (note the change in the first character of the surname), but Senator “0bama” did draw a crowd of 2OO,OOO people in Berlin yesterday.
That’s how fast Flip Flop McCain ran from his disfigured wife when he returned home from Nam after helping the VC.
357 mph not bad at i wonder what its normal operating speed is.
Is it true there was a free concert of two of germany’s most popular musical acts before 0bamas speech?
Now if we only had tracks around here (or anywhere in the country, for that matter) that could handle that kind of train……..
Hey Marvin the child molester you keep spreading that lie in order to make yourself feel good and then tell us why the VC sympathizer FlipFlop McCain couldn’t fill a fucking room with 400 seats in PA this week! LOL!
Rumor is that the RNC is bussing people into 1023 year old FlipFlop McCain’s next speech and PAYING them to attend. How hard up can you get?
McSame, needs to start having Toby Keith concerts before is speeches. Keith’s probably available seeing how Ford just cut its advertising budget by a third and is starting to pump some of its small European cars into the U.S. (The ones Ford said would never work in the U.S.) market to replace all those trucks that no longer sell.
4 – Back a thread or few ago you were busted for cutting and pasting a bullshit letter from a soldier in Afghanistan.
This proves you are about nothing but right wing lies distributed mainly through e-mail.
But Will, it’s French and would never work here because of all the hills! LOL.
Would not work in the Northwest it would take thirty years to decide what color to paint it red, blue, and what color to paint the hammer and cycle. Who would have to demolish their neighborhood to put in the train depot? The real problem will be naming the trains Pot Hole Nickels, Ernesto Che Guevara, Chairman Mao, or Bagdad McDermott. Could not post any normal ads in or on the train. Which leaves graffiti art and Seattle propaganda for the Liberals? Oh I forgot it can’t move faster than the bicycles on Seattle sidewalks.
Obama CAN be fun!!!!!!
see link
It is OK friends .. I am Obamite. Most of the reprican humor is fear tinged, but his was too well done not to repost.
I understand someone here posted a Faux message from a soldier claiming to have been with Obama here in Ghanistan.
What a crock! While this guy was only hear for a few hours, we really had a ball. He signed lots of autographs and my buddies got to play one on one ball with him! Sneaky SOB, he is too!
He tols us he was here on taxpayer $$$$ so there was no campaigning but I do not think I am gonna wash my shaking hand for a year now!
BTW, that 40 foot shot had to be filmed three times before he done it right!
Only bad thing is he made a pass at my girlfriend Paul.
Of course, I said it was from a military site so I knew people here wouldn’t consider it true.
Marvin @ 4
That was exactly how he drew the big crowd in Portland – The Decemberists played a free, 45-minute concert beforehand.
Trumped-up events are one thing. What is far more troubling is that Obama had the time and energy for all kinds of photo ops in Europe, but didn’t have the time or interest to visit any wounded troops. Maybe he was afraid he’d have too much ‘splainin’ to do.
And ya gotta love that he chose Hitler’s favorite monument for the Berlin speech. Hmmmm… Wound-up, irrational public… Politician with little-to-no experience… Campaign built purely on emotion… Guess 0bama knows his symbolism.
Why would the Bush regime be so afraid of President Obama visiting the wounded troops? Is this more of the right wingers trying to hide the truth? We know they won’t let the so-called free press take pictures of flag-draped caskets. This must be a further move on the part of the jackbooted thugs in the Bush White House to hide the truth. If they weren’t afraid of the truth, then show us.
Hey Fake Mark – why you ashamed of Baby Bush? Why would you think it’s not okay to equate McSame and Monkeyface? Here you have someone calling you out like the bitch you are and you won’t even defend your President! What a cunt you are!
Three members of the young republicans club react to all the hate speech you hear from the right about immigration and of course, resorted to what they know best – violence.
When your mom and dad are brother and sister I guess you can’t expect much.
Nice train! Faster than my HO no doubt.
Unfortunately, we in the U.S. would rather pour acres of concrete to construct 12 lane freeways so we’ll have someplace to drive 20 m.p.h., whilst consuming a finite fuel resource. But it is a great place to listen to the radio.
dumb fuck @ 15: So show us all the photos of George Bush visiting the wounded or hugging the family of the fallen at the graveside…
Thought so. Idiot.
Just gave $50 to Rossi. Eat it libfucks.
@21 the cunt bends over and lets his girlfriend fuck him in the ass for $50. Another inbred moron buys into an argument for a Washington controlled by the BIAW. Hey asslick – does it hurt to be that stupid?
And yet it’s the right-wing trolls that say we on the left are the intolerant ones…
The Pentagon won’t let McInsane conduct political events on military property either:
Haha, I just added to Rossi’s small donor base of 30K+!!!! You libfucks are envious!
Of course, I said it was from a military site
Wherever you got it, it’s still bullshit and here’s the proof:
You’re just a reflexive copy and paster of right wing garbage.
@25 how did you add? Did you put your sister on the list who is also your wife?
Man if Obama is going backwards in the pols while doing the magical mystery tour in liberal la la land this is going to be easier than I thought. America hates Liberals, always has, always will. hehehehe
@21: A fool and his money…
I donated to Rossi because I truly care about the future of this state. Leave the keys to the Demofucks and we’re all fucked for sure. Straight up the ass.
@30 thanks for sharing your sexual preferences with us. That’s what your wife said too.
Good catch.
Gotta love this:
An “intelligence officer” who can’t spell “were”.
Knowing the military they were ordered to line up to shake Obama’s hand, they sure the hell were’nt there on their own accord.
Hey dog interesting – that’s REALLY what happened when the pretend president wore his flight jacket, hijacked an aircraft carrier (keeping real heros from getting home) and displayed the MISSION ACCOMPLISHED sign. They were FORCED to applaud him. That’s how you guys get attention.
One thing is for sure…1023 year olf Flip Flop McSame won’t be on the bball court shooting hoops with the fellows. He can’t life the damn ball! LOL!
I can’t wait to see the military vote this time. I bet it’s going to shock the ass licks on the right to see so many Democratic votes. Remember, you racist cocksuckers loaded up the Army with African Americans because you don’t care if they die. OOPS! Now look what you’ve done. HE HE!
Please provide the proof to back up your assertion otherwise your comments are only your lame opinion.
34 – LMAO! Good one BBG. That mutt isn’t going to know what him come November.
Daddy Love, I tried to post response to your question in Sound Transit. Maybe it will print out here, couldn’t get post over there:
Sound Transit II on the ballot this November
@ 50. Daddy Love spews: “I gotta say though that if the American taxpayer is financing Obama’s trip abroad I’m against it. It should be paid for by his campaign.”
DL, I stumbled over this in another article I was reading tonight, linked below:
“The tempest occurred as Obama neared the end of an unprecedented election-season trip to the Middle East and Europe financed by his campaign.
Talking to reporters en route from Berlin to Paris, Gibbs disclosed the campaign had been planning for weeks to fly from the German capital to Ramstein so the senator could meet with wounded members of the armed forces at a military hospital in Landstuhl.
He said that the senator was to have left most staff and likely all traveling reporters behind at the airport while he went to the hospital to avoid appearances of a campaign event.” **snipped**
Daddy Love, keep trying to respond to your question in Sound Transit thread, will leave the links off to see if it will now post:
Sound Transit II on the ballot this November
@ 50. Daddy Love spews: “I gotta say though that if the American taxpayer is financing Obama’s trip abroad I’m against it. It should be paid for by his campaign.”
Stumbled over this in another article I was reading tonight, linked below:
“The tempest occurred as Obama neared the end of an unprecedented election-season trip to the Middle East and Europe financed by his campaign.
Talking to reporters en route from Berlin to Paris, Gibbs disclosed the campaign had been planning for weeks to fly from the German capital to Ramstein so the senator could meet with wounded members of the armed forces at a military hospital in Landstuhl.
He said that the senator was to have left most staff and likely all traveling reporters behind at the airport while he went to the hospital to avoid appearances of a campaign event.” –snipped–
Rossi is so scared he can’t even let people know he is a Republican. He knows that people have had enough of the neocon bs, and thinks he can maybe fool people into believing he’s not just the same old neocon feces in a shiny new package.
Rossi is reported to have put yellow tape around his bed and hired Farm Bureau cowfuckers to guard the area from his wife telling her it was a “private event.” It’s also rumored republican senator Larry Craig was at the Rossi household that night. So who knows?
I saw an interesting suggestion today. Since the cowfuckers at the Farm Bureau are in bed with Rossi – let’s buy California produce.
37 FnF
Yes, thanks for that. I found out yesterday that he went as part of a Congressional delegation (CODEL) to Afghanistan and Iraq, but that the rest of his trip was paid for by his campaign.
In fact, that’s why he was not allowed by the Pentagon to visit wounded soldiers at Landshtuhl, because the military would not allow campaign staff to accompany him, and his Senate staff were not legally allowed to be along working on a campaign trip (Hatch Act).
33 JBD
I don’t usually give you a lot of credit for brains, and this is why.
You see, NO ONE was “lined up.” Read the link @26. It was just a right-wing lie.
Maybe John McCain can get Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians to open for him at a rally.
Maliki likes Obama’s timeline.
McCain likes Maliki’s timeline.
McCain thinks Obama’s timeline will cause the destruction of America as we know it.
The Bush administration Venn diagram of criminal activity.
Wouldn’t work in America. Remember those liberals who were throwing bricks down onto cars on I-5 the other night near Cap Hill? Just imagine the result of people like them trying to sabotage a high speed train line.
The BIAW scandal is the lead story in today’s Seattle Times. The article mentions a new BIAW ad “claiming Gregoire supports a state income tax — an assertion Gregoire vehemently denies.”
And that’s all the Times says about it, even though their reporters and editors know damn well that Gregoire doesn’t support a state income tax. (If only she did!)
I’m sick and tired of this “he said, she said” journalism that refuses to call a lie a lie or tell readers what the truth is. That’s a big part of why half the voters in this country don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground.
When journalists refuse to expose lies or acknowledge truth, they throw the doors wide open to demagogues and liars. They help these lice prosper.
I’m fed up with today’s limp-wristed, gutless, ethically-adrift media. It’s time those people who would call themselves “journalists” started doing their job.
@46 “liberals who were throwing bricks down onto cars”
Got proof of that, boy? No, I didn’t think so. Merely blowing smoke out of your ass. Don’t you know you’re required to get a government permit before you pollute the atmosphere? Your butthole is a regulated entity under federal and state environmental laws. That’s because “wingnut aroma” is toxic to intelligent life forms.
I’ll bet a lot of innocent wildlife gets splattered on that thing’s windshield.
Do I have proof? No. Do I have a brain and the power to use that brain for deductive reasoning? Yes.
Fact: According to the police, at least 12 cars were hit. One man was hit in the head. The bricks were dropped from either the Pine Street, Olive Way or Denny Way overpasses above I-5.
Fact: The neighborhood in which theses crimes occurred is a heavily Democratic area. Probably around 99% Democratic.
Fact: Most anti-roads and cars people are Democratic. Most vandalism done to SUV’s is done by liberals.
Therefore: I am certain the people who threw the bricks off the overpass were liberals.
I also have no doubt in my mind that if we had a high speed train in this area, liberals, of the WTO protester/terrorist variety, would set-out to derail it. Literally, that is.
#50,51 The warrenty of your fact machine has in fact, expired.
If another Pink Panther film is produced you’ve got my vote for playing Inspector C.
Nah, we’ve been lobbying to build those things over here for years. It’s you righties that are the Europe haters.
@45 Nice diagram!
For a change of pace, Daddy, you’re at Microsoft, right? I’m curious to know if there was any general feeling among employees regarding the on again, off again dance with Yahoo?
What’s your feeling?
I have proof that Troll is the spawn of a seal.
Actually the word on the street is that pigfucking farmers were in town – over from the east side of the state looking for their usual fill of young boys, and then decided to throw the rocks onto the cars hoping a 13 year old named Troll would blame the Democrats.
My theory has as much or more credence than Troll’s.
Ahhhh. The wingnuts aren’t dragging in the latest from Rasmussen:
Gee I wonder why? Hehehehehehehehe…
Dems love qouting polls because that will be as close as they get to the White House. It’s a freakin tradation now. hahahahaha
@50 “Do I have a brain and the power to use that brain for deductive reasoning? Yes.”
That’s highly debatable. So far, there’s no evidence of that. This looks like the same reasoning that got you dopes mired down in Iraq:
“Fact: 9/11 was perpetrated by al Qaeda.
“Fact: Al Qaeda is 99% Arab.
“Fact: Saddam Hussein looks like an Arab.
“Therefore: You are certain Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11.”
@48 Since you post on a liberal blog based in Seattle, it’s obvious you threw the bricks onto the cars! This is corroborated by the fact you seem like the type who would do it.
Hey dog (or is it bitch?) I remember the righties quoting polls right up until we FUCKING KICKED YOUR COWARDLY ASSES AND MOVED YOU OUT OF CONGRESS! Yes we bitch – slapped you like left-handed, red-headed, step-children and you ran away with your tails between your legs. Your side quoted polls right up until we pulled the trucks up and moved your shit out on the lawn while you stood by whimpering and guess what – that’s gonna happen again – real fucking soon bitch – real fucking soon!
Poor republican trolls – all they have left is a lame duck Bush and a pathetically fact-challenged McCain.
Poor McCain doesn’t know the difference between the sunnis and shia, that the Czech republic is not Czechoslovakia anymore, that Iraq does not border Pakistan, that Social Security is paid for by the current workers, that Somalia is not the Sudan, that Putin is not the President of Germany or even how many troops were in the surge or when the surge began.
What a freekin’ incompetent! And foreign policy is supposed to be his strong point – he is as bad as Bush. Another Luddite with a bunch of lobbyist advisors who has no clue. He has made some these mistakes a number of times…so sad.
As I said before, I am a proud liberal/progressive, with the exception with a few issues. Here’s one …
I honestly believe that participating in critical mass should be a capital offense.
Yes the GOP often infiltrates groups like Critical Mass and then causes mischief so they can blame it on liberals.
Voting Republican is dishonorable and un-American.
Teacher sexual misconduct rampant in American schools, says AP
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Monday, October 22, 2007
An Associated Press investigation published Sunday revealed findings of more than 2,500 cases of sexual misconduct by educators in the American educational system over a five year period.
The cases reported in the investigation ranged from the merely strange, with cases involving verbal abuse, to the barbarous, with cases involving molestation and rape.
Investigations suggest that many cases of sexual abuse are never reported, and those that are reported often do not lead to punishment for the offender. The cases do not always include enough evidence, and for this as well as other reasons the schools, courts, state governments, and federal governments cannot be sure that they are keeping sexual deviants out of teaching.
Now when can we sue the public screwls out of existence.
Wow Wiki News – what a valid news source. They’re claim to fame is that anyone can write that news – let’s see – perhaps republicans who are against schooling our kids?
Here’s the real reason righties don’t want public education. The more educated you are, the more likely you are a Democrat. This is a simple known fact. The righties are afraid if the public is well educated, they won’t vote (r).
And by the way – I am starting a wikinews entry of my own talking about the number of Christian school teachers and administrators who have been caught raping little kids.
Investigations suggest that many cases of Christian school sexual abuse are never reported, and those that are reported often do not lead to punishment for the offender. The cases do not always include enough evidence, and for this as well as other reasons the schools, courts, state governments, and federal governments cannot be sure that they are keeping sexual deviants out of teaching.
But here’s one that got caught – no doubt the Dog’s brother…
We need to remove any tax exemption for religious groups and sue these private schools out of existence.
Public screwls are so bad that not even libruls want to send their kids to them, just ask 40% of the parents who live in Seattle. heehehehe
Religious schools are full of rapists and child molesters like the Dog that 40% of people are afraid to send their kids for “religious education.”
Let’s keep this up Dog/Bitch – for every stupid thing you post I’ll help point out just how fucked up you and your ilk really are. I’ll be here a long time – long after you’ve run away in fact. Just like many cowardly righties before you who have disappeared from here – you’ll cut and run too.
Here’s some more proof that Dog’s friends in the so-called Christian community are just crooks and cooks.
The moral majority is neither.
Hehehehe The truth hurts don’t it. Unlike you my point is based on fact not something I pulled out of my ass. Don’t get me wrong though, I think it is great that Seattle libruls have to spend money hand over fist just to get by. It is just, and besides, the less money democrats have the better it is for the nation.
Let’s see – you post no link – you LIVE in your ass – I post a link – I KICK your ass. Sounds about right.
As for liberals and money – well you’re right there. I have a ton of money. I donate to all your favorite organizations like the ACLU, NARAL, Democratic Party, Planned Parenthood, etc.
I buy every liberal book and send them to every library in the state. I have been involved in one program that puts dozens of copies of progressive books in SCHOOL libraries so I can help to rescue your inbred children from their Nascar/Trailer Trash – Taliban-loving lifestyle.
And every time I do so, I think about the pain I am causing idiots like you Dog. Makes my tail wag!
Let’s see – you post no link – you LIVE in your ass – I post a link – I KICK your ass. Sounds about right.
You mean like this right???
heehhehehee Too easy.
54 Tukow
I don’t hear a lot about that. My personal feeling is that Yahoo is worth more than the offer value by virtue of a number of overseas properties (and I don’t mean real estate), and thus would be a sound investment that could substantially pay for itself through selloffs.