So what about the kids that are coming over the border with Obama’s blessing. They aren’t vaccinated. Are they exempt from the science that says they SHOULD be vaccinated?
HAHAHAHAHA! Earnest would never be earnest on that!
Opinion piece cataloging the decline of the middle class. His solutions would be fought tooth and nail by the greed class.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 That’s trivial compared to how many U.S. citizens are giving birth to unvaccinated newborns. Seriously, Puddy, is that your best shot? It didn’t even bounce off the rim; it never got close to the rim.
Ima Duncespews:
Oh Mike, my little Huckabee honeybee, my answer is YES! I’ll be your friend. I have to admit, I go for you caveman types. Let’s make it official and get a cake from one of your favorite bakers. I suggest we decorate it with crosses and shrunken heads! I can see us now, sitting in front of the fire, you with your Maurice Clemons action figures and me with my Gay Agenda manuals on handshakes and ass shaving. Then maybe you can strum a little Folsom Prison or Ring of Fire on your guitar. What fun!!! But I can’t spend Christmas with you. I have to report for duty in THE war on that day.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Newly elected GOP Sen. Thom Tillis takes crazy to a whole new level. He just blasted government regulations requiring food service employees to WASH THEIR HANDS AFTER USING THE BATHROOM. He labeled those rules “the heavy hand of government” and said it should be left up to the market. Seriously! Tillis said, “I don’t have any problem with Starbucks if they choose to opt out of this policy as long as they post a sign that says ‘We don’t require our employees to wash their hands after leaving the restroom.'” And then, presumably, let customers decide if they want to eat there. Fucking surreal.
Mexico, %of vaccinated population 91-94% (difference is WHO vs In Country estimates so prob,somewhere in between) vacination rate in infants, #of measels cases in most recent year 2013 – 0
U.S. – 90% vaccination coverage, 187 measels cases 2013
You were saying something about our third world neighbors being the cause of Measels or were you just being a racist? Did you check the stats or did you just quote a random commenter on Townhall and think, “That sounds not at all racist and probably right so I’ll cut and paste it here! KaBlammmmmo!”
@5 and @2 sounds like a heterosexual problem to me. Finally, something your team is responsible for, and you can’t deny it!
Remeber gay people can’t have kids or be a real family.
@6 – lol, you shave your ass?
@7 why Starbucks? Is he suggesting that it is a liberal bastion and that Liberals are the ones not washing their hands.
I have a cousin, she remarried to some conservative asshole. On three occassions, within a week apart, the most time I ever spent with him, he didn’t wash his hands after pissing in the urinal. I couldn’t believe it. The first time I thought maybe he forgot. The second time, I was like wow, did he forget again? Then the thrid time, I was like ok, he is a disgusting pig.
@Piddles in general.
“It’s always the brown skinned people sneaking across our border. They are both lazy and sucking up social services AND so hard working that they are stealing jobs from Real ‘Murkins (harumph) AND now they are bringing in the Measels. Damn dirty brown people. BUILD A FENCE!”
That dove tales into that piece about the ignorance Industry of Fox and Friends.
It boils down to “Americans would all be rich if it wasn’t for the poor people.”
Oh but he supports State bonds for a new Bucks stadium! And feckless drug tests for welfare recipients that have failed miserably in other klownservative states.
And this jerk wants the Oval Office? Along with Randroid Ryan, this ASSHOLE is the worst!
“The Obama Nation:
…One Nation…
…under sharia…
…with Lieberty and Social Justice for all…
…especially our friends”
“I trust a Corporation any day before I trust the Government. A Corporation can’t take all my money or throw me in jail.”
“You realize that Thomas Edgar Wheeler is the current Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission and was appointed by President Obama? Inform yourself.”
“The MAKERS will be forced to pay for it with another Odumbo tax increase.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 Proof that vaccines make people stupid.
Puddybud, The One AND Onlyspews:
The senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit farted: That’s trivial compared to how many U.S. citizens are giving birth to unvaccinated newborns.
It’s A-OK when libtards are against vaccinations so those US Citizens are DUMMOCRETIN U.S. citizens are giving birth to unvaccinated newborns…
Thanks for that explanation senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
stop your f***ing whiningspews:
Left-wing phony Journalist from NBC lied. His explanation shows what an egomaniac & sick SOB he is. So Brian….what else have you lied about?? NBC perpetuated the lie….even when they were told it was a lie. So NBC…what else are you lying about??
“science-denying affluent California liberals.” – Jon Stewart!
Puddybud, The One AND Onlyspews:
You were saying something about our third world neighbors being the cause of Measels
NOPE you dope. Apparently you have reading is fundamental issues too!
Oh BTW, black people aren’t ever racists… Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson said so… EPIC FAYLE checkmate!
Puddybud, The One AND Onlyspews:
Better @13 farts
just for that CHANCE to become a member of our rich boys club – we really appreciate it.’
Tell that to Dianne Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi, Jeffrey Pedophile Epstein, Bernard Ripped and Madoff, Raj Rajaratnam etc. Then there are the tax scofflaws like Charles Rangel and Tim Geithner!
Puddybud, The One AND Onlyspews:
More BULLSHITTIUM from the yellowishleakingbuttspigot. Scott Walker has a PROJECTED $280 million budget shortfall by the end of June absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot! The $2 Billion is a guess! Wisconsin’s two-year shortfall hits about $2 billion when state agency requests — which will certainly not be filled in full by Walker or the Republican Legislature – are taken into account. Sooooooooooooo again how can you trust left wrong link BULLSHITTIUM?
Of course can anyone trust anything from the arschloch of yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
Unfortunately what happens particularly with the global war on terror and the Islamic fundamentalists that are combating and leading it, we are the crux of the reason that they are engaged in that fight.
Hey Debbie, what happened to the Obummer terms you used to jock strap? “Overseas contingency operations”? “Man-caused disasters”? “ISIL is not ‘Islamic”? Whatever!
Puddles @ 17- FYI- All newborns are unvaccinated. The vaccinations come later, hence the risk to infants when “herd immunity” is lost.
And do you think the Brazilian who flew into SeaTac and stayed at the Sheraton was one of President Obama’s “kids coming across the border” referred to @ 2?
Roger Rabbitspews:
GOP presidential hopeful Bobby Jindal came out of his official portrait session looking “whiter than white,” as the soap commercial jingle goes … which I guess he has to do when seeking the nomination of a racist party.
Damn straight troll. RMoney is a freaking bigoted dumbass:
In “Believer: My 40 Years in Politics,” former senior Obama adviser David Axelrod writes that the GOP candidate implied on the call that Obama had won because of his popularity in black communities, according to the New York Daily News, which acquired an advance copy of the book.
Obama was “unsmiling during the call, and slightly irritated when it was over,” according to Axelrod.
“‘You really did a great job of getting out the vote in places like Cleveland and Milwaukee,’ in other words, black people. That’s what he thinks this was all about,” Obama said after he hung up with Romney.
Walker has a PROJECTED $280 million budget shortfall
Nope you dope. 1.8 billion projected through 2017.
Read it and weep jerk.
the state faces a two-year deficit that could be as large as $2 billion, based on new estimates released Friday by the nonpartisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau.
It’s bad enough he’s failed on job creation promises and balancing the budget. He want to preserve tax cuts for the rich on the backs of families trying to put their kids through college..
Walker is your kind of guy. An ASSHOLE..
Puddybud, The One AND Onlyspews:
235 EPIC FAYLES from the crazed databaze absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot. Is the yellowishleakingbuttspigot going for a new personal best in February 2015?
Puddybud, The One AND Onlyspews:
Notice how stoooooooooopid your HA DUMMOCRETIN yellowishleakingbuttspigot is…
It forgets it wrote
Now the asshole is scrambling to close a 2 BILLION DOLLAR hole.
Then to cover the all over arschloch the yellowishleakingbuttspigot possesses, it tried to clean it up AFTER Puddy delivers the FACTS in #22 so HA’s yellowishleakingbuttspigottries to clean it up.
that could be as large as $2 billion
Still an EPIC FAYLE when you read left wrong e-rags that cause LIV syndrome!
It continually sux to be the yellowishleakingbuttspigot! Imagine it the spawn of yellowishleakingbuttspigot reads these threads.
E M B A R R A S S M E N T!
Puddybud, The One AND Onlyspews:
K2 @ 24,
Apparently READING IS NOT FUNDAMENTAL for you either… The senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit @5 wrote
That’s trivial compared to how many U.S. citizens are giving birth to unvaccinated newborns.
This proves another HA DUMMOCRETIN is as stoooooooooooooopid as the yellowishleakingbuttspigot and can’t process the words from one DUMMOCRETIN when copied and dissected by Puddy!
It seems HA DUMMOCRETIN LIVs drop to their lowest denominator! Whale droppings in the Mariana Trench level!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is wrong againspews:
Thanks to the yellowishleakingbuttspigot trying to make another insipid point on Romney, we see the unintended consequences of raising that “item” here by the yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
So yellowishleakingbuttspigot, it seems Hillary was going to give John Deadwards the Atty General position to someone whom had an extramarital affair while his wife was dying of cancer. To get him out of the race and endorse Hillary. How quaint! Isn’t that typical DUMMOCRETIN? Skip over the sleaziness of your political opponent and offer them something to get them out of your way! An adulterous lecher… Butt, not only the cheating scumbag Deadwards is, but Deadwards fathered a child lied about it, and continued to lie to the primary DUMMOCRETINS, and lied about it to his wife until the pictures told a different story.
Then how will Hillary discuss condoning Deadwards confessing the pilfering of campaign contributions to hide his mistress and the baby from the public. Wait a minute… Hillary is married to an adulterous lecher… Oh never mind!
Get out the popcorn. It’s gonna be fun on the DUMMOCRETIN side! Thanks yellowishleakingbuttspigot for having Puddy reasearch the horse manure from Broken Axelrod!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is wrong againspews:
It’s amazing to view how like minds think. We have Israel haters on this blog and their thoughts are front and center every day like the yellowishleakingbuttspigot and his many friends here and now we view the UN Report on ISIS! Hey, they are only Christian, Yazidi, and Kurdish children. Why should Goldy’s NorthWest Division of Lunatic Moonbats care right?
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is wrong againspews:
What do you know, an unregulated industry doesn’t even bother to include the stuff they say is the bottle, let alone, have the health effects they claim to have.
“The authorities said they had conducted tests on top-selling store brands of herbal supplements at four national retailers — GNC, Target, Walgreens and Walmart — and found that four out of five of the products did not contain any of the herbs on their labels. The tests showed that pills labeled medicinal herbs often contained little more than cheap fillers like powdered rice, asparagus and houseplants, and in some cases substances that could be dangerous to those with allergies.”
This links into the fool congressman who says that washing hands is burdensome government regulations,
Regulations are there for a reason.Without them and without a paid for means to verify and punish, we end up with this mess.
Anti Regulation People, Enjoy your powdered houseplant dust. You voted for the people who put this in place.
“At Walmart, the authorities found that its ginkgo biloba, a Chinese plant promoted as a memory enhancer, contained little more than powdered radish, houseplants and wheat — despite a claim on the label that the product was wheat- and gluten-free.”
Very Severe Conservativespews:
@34. The gubment is not some nanny state. You write like it’s gubment’s responsibility to look after people who don’t have the means to be fierce individuals and it themselves. Buyer beware. Every individual should pay out of pocket have their supplements sent to a lab and tested. And then sent to two other labs, in case the first lab is incompetent or a paid shill of the supplement industry and send back lying results. This is why I demand my taxes lowered, to pay for my lab fees. Let the other suckers eat powdered floor sweepings.
Ima Duncespews:
@10 Only the part that winks when you leave it a tip.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@35 Yes, we all need to be protected from the lying gubment; everyone knows businesses are honest.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The nice thing about the stock market is, even though it’s a rigged game and full of manipulative thieves, they can’t make money unless they let you make some money, too.
Puffy Buttspews:
@35 I’m with you – then this Country could be more like Somalia!
Puffy Buttspews:
Evolve Puffy – We know your wife wasn’t a virgin…..or maybe she was ugly enough to be one.
@40. Just because puddy is an asshole, doesn’t mean you have to be. Be better than that.
Willy Vomitspews:
Here’s the problem. Liberals don’t like conservative ideas. They don’t like conservative ideas when presented by straight, white males. They don’t like conservative ideas when presented by straight, white females. They don’t like conservative ideas when presented by straight, black males. They don’t like conservative ideas when presented by straight, black females. They don’t like conservative ideas when presented by gay, white males, or gay, white females, or gay, black males, or gay, black females. If you think that you can get liberals to like conservative ideas simply by using a non-traditional spokesperson (perhaps someone other than a straight, white Christian male), you’re going to fail.
If you think that calling liberals racists for disagreeing with Dr. Carson’s or Eric Rush’s views on gay marriage and the flat tax will convince liberals to oppose gay marriage and embrace the flat tax, you will fail. If you think that conservative opposition to the Affordable Care Act was due to them suddenly disliking their own plan rather than their desire to prevent a Democrat from getting credit for changing the status quo, you are incorrect. If you think that the continuation of the Birther movement even after the release of the long-form birth certificate had nothing to do with racism, you are delusional. If you continue to insist that you are presenting these ideas in the form of “just asking questions” you are admitting the fact that you’re just lying, and you know you’re lying, and you are presenting those lies as a potential alternative concepts to what normal people can see for themselves as being reality.
The reality is, every single voice in this so-called “conservative” revolution” is a raving, lying lunatic. They say some of the most outrageous bullshit anyone can think of, and they know damn well that it’s bullshit. They say it because people, (such as our own resident schizotard here) respond to it, apparently believe it wholesale, suck down every juicy tidbit as though it is the word of God himself, are more than enthusiastic to parrot it in forums like this one and then go out and vote accordingly.
If somehow the TeaNazis were to start just using basic, factual information, even normal English language forms, perhaps they would start making some sense. But they actively choose to NOT make sense. The language they use is literally incomprehensible and sounds like something you’d hear in the first weeks of a first-year English class being held in a mental hospital somewhere in the rural mountains of northeastern Europe.
The conservative’s posts I see in here and in other forums are the products of some seriously unhinged minds who never really seemed to get out of that 7th grade attitude. It’s all bullshit. These folks will take a completely false rumor started by some unknowable individual and then spend weeks trying to “out-stupid” each other by increasing their vehemence and the intensity and outrageousness of the original lie. Making up their own fairy tales and twists on the subject story until the least elements of that original rumor are completely lost to the narrative.
It’s a gigantic, schizophrenic game of bullshit telephone. It has gotten very old. It’s time to grow up. It is long past time that you learned how your native language functions as sane, intelligenct adults use it, and stop trying to make yourselves sound important. Because you’re just full of shit. Everyone knows you’re full of shit, and when you go off on some tangent about how little kids are getting the Measles because gay people can get married or single mothers are destroying the fabric of Government by conspiring to replace the Constitution with Sharia Law, people with functional minds are just going to continue to marginalize you and recognize what you are; That is, a lunatic bullshit artist with nothing really important or credible to contribute to the conversation.
Puffy Buttspews:
@42 – you are right, I’ll try to refrain. Not to give away my secrets – but I was more trying to peak his interest so that he would watch the link, and to make a point, than to insult him.
Puffy Buttspews:
Is it any reflection on this Country on how we can have knee jerk reaction to something like an Ebola scare, but then to totally ignore other issues where we have more of vital interests. I know this is kind of a general statement but, did anyone see the consequences of not vaccinating?
@45. Personally, I don’t understand why Ebola had everyone in a frothing panic, while measles is a yawn. Is it that Ebola coiuld be caught by grownups who watch Fox News, while measles is limited mostly to children who don’t?
Thought this tweet was funny.
“Our thoughts are also with the measles-ravaged country America. I hope we are screening them before they come to Africa.”
Fox News Africa was demanding that all planes from America be diverted.
Ima Duncespews:
As a liberal let me say that the reason I don’t like conservative ideas is because they have been tried and failed. Failed so absolutely they destroyed the world economy. Left working people broke. Sent us into needless, never ending wars. Spent us into giant holes, which they are doing in the states they run. They have lead us into racist, homophobic and misogynistic discrimination that has ruined many lives. They flooded our streets with guns and drug criminals with bad laws. By this time in history, we’ve given them the rope and they hung us with it. Time to say enough of their self serving lies!
That’s all well and good, but until you convince people to stop blaming the poor or the brown people or the gays, or the liberals, or the immigrants, or whoever is different from them, for why they are not in the 1%, nothing will change.
Puffy Buttspews:
Not everything Brian Williams said was a lie. His copter was still under attack, whether it got hit or not. Maybe some stretching of the truth.
@48 I’m not sure about that. Enough time of Republican rule will show that there policies will be hated. Right now they can miss-direct all of the failure towards Democrats. In given time, all be it time that will suck, the tide will turn.
They have no solutions to problems, eventually there will be a revolt. Even some of the smarter Republicans eventually see it, even if it is slow and little at a time. Just ask the Republicans in Texas and other places that have dirty water due to fracking.
And maybe Republicans don’t vote Democrat, but they will have to change their polices to be more moderate, at a minimum.
Ima Duncespews:
@49 He must go. He’s a disgrace as a journalist. His credibility is gone. And worse, he’s now making excuses for out right lying. He’s the name on the front of a major news organization.
And on another subject. How many years have we “studied” marijuana? Fifty? Sixty? Seventy? What fucking big pharma drug has been “studied” that long? How many have suffered serious injury and death by big pharma drugs? Goddamn we are such fucking fools! Stop jailing the people. Start jailing the supplement industry for fraud.
@51. But he didn’t try to make it better, he left. Made it “not his problem.” Sucks to be unable to move away.
Republicans have the gall to act the way they and could be the biggest babies. They say anything they want and get away with but when something is said about them they act like whining crying little fuckin babies.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is wrong againspews:
Yeah right buttbusting buttbigot,
Get off the knee pads and accept the FACT if Bret Baier said what Brian Williams said you DUMMOCRETINS would be calling for his head. PMSNBC would be 24×7!!! CNN and ther other news shows would main lining this as their opening line up! Yet Brian is already being coddled by NBC News of all morons Dan Rather. HAHAHAHAHA!
Why? Because because Brian is a DUMMOCRETIN; plain and simple!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is wrong againspews:
Meanwhile a REAL MAN stands up against ISIS. Old photos or not.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is wrong againspews:
Puddy became a conservative because Puddy lived through the inner city mess being run by DUMMOCRETINS. None of you libtard left wrong morons has walked one femtometer in Puddy’s shoes. We have seen more racism in northern states than Puddy has EVER seen in southern states.
When a black leaves the reservation, all can see the vile insipid attacks blacks receive by other blacks and especially white DUMMOCRETINS! That’s the progressive way.
Puddy is a conservative because Puddy believes in individualism. Progressives believe government is the absolute cure all for all ailments. Why does the inner city school system suck? Libtard progressives only want their white city parts to have the best! Puddy has lived it!
Witness the Brian Williams lie. If he was a conservative, the vomit producer above would have been calling for their head. Instead only the very fake conservative has called for Brian’s head. So the hypocrisy of being a libtard is very apparent. When Bill Clinton called oral sex not sex because it depended on what the definition of is is, more hypocrisy from libtards. When the ladies came forth about Clinton peccadilloes, where was the NOW gang? MIA. Yet when Robert Packwood or Clarence Thomas was in the news…
Notice how the vomit producer calls anyone whom disagrees with vomit maker’s whack job positions a TeaNazi! Well we’ve seen what the Nazis act like… ISIS Auschwitz immediately comes to mind. And whom thinks like ISIS (Nazis)? HA DUMMOCRETINS… Both hate Israel like the Nazis did. It’s just the HA DUMMOCRETINS don’t have the power to do anything heinous like the Nazis or ISIS! Yet we just viewed ISIS burning to death a fellow Arab. HA DUMMOCRETINS attack their fellow DUMMOCRETIN Jews for their Israel support!
You are a racist for attacking Dr Ben Carson or Eric Rush or Allen West vomit producer. Remember rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears claimed if you disagreed with Obummer and you were white, you were a racist! You, being the white vomit producer, disagree with Carson, Rush and West so you ARE A RACIST by definition!
And… if you’re against gay marriage, you’re a bad CEO! The gay bashing of Mozilla Co-Founder Brendan Eich was standard progressive fecklessness. Eich, IS THE INVENTOR of the Javascript programming language. So libtards, are you going to stop reading web sites like this blog since a traditional marriage person created the language used by Goldy for this blog? Used by the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot to steal your comments for the unread blog the yellowishleakingbuttspigot cries for a view every week? Brendan Esch said exactly the same thing Hillary Clinton and Barry Obummer said the same year. Yet progressives gave Clinton and Obummer a pass due to progressive hypocrisy!
So in closing because Puddy doesn’t bloviate like the vomit produced by the vomit producer 43. PuddyLinks say it all!
Roger Rabbitspews:
President Obama’s deployment of 3,000 U.S. troops to West Africa to build clinics and train health care workers fighting Ebola has been wildly successful, and now that Ebola infection rates have plummeted to nearly zero, he’s bringing the troops home.
And what did the Stupid Party do? They fearmongered to gin votes, demonized heroic health care workers, and threatened to forcibly quarantine them contrary to CDC guidelines and medical science.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is wrong againspews:
demonized heroic health care workers, and threatened to forcibly quarantine them contrary to CDC guidelines and medical science.
Andrew Cuomo, Dannel P. Malloy. and Jerry Brown are Republicans senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Or is this another of your lucid memory moments senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
Whatatard! A bloviating schismatic fraud of a person!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is wrong againspews:
“I don’t get calls from the White House,” Mr. Menendez said
or is it…
Mr. Obama’s advisers say they speak with Mr. Menendez regularly
In December, Mr. Menendez, the son of Cuban immigrants who has made opposition to the Castro leadership a centerpiece of his political life, said Mr. Obama’s decision had “vindicated the brutal behavior of the Cuban government.”
Yet, HA DUMMOCRETINS only attack Marco Rubio.
Progressive hypocrisy at its best!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is wrong againspews:
@55 Fox News reporters lie every day and they are all still there. And they have commentators like the Donald Orangatang that lie all day and they are still there too.
The Birther Donald. Remember John Beohner says it is not his job to correct people if they are saying the wrong thing. Not his job.
Actually Brian Williams apology was yet another lie!!! He should be fired immediately. Who would ever believe this man.
And Obama has gone batshit crazy. Unbelievable at the Prayer Breakfast. Michelle Malkin put it nicely:
“ISIS chops off heads, incinerates hostages, kills gays, enslaves girls. Obama: Blame the Crusades,”
Complete insanity. The Crusades was 700 years ago. Obama is in charge today. Ughhhhhh. It’s how he sees the world. Obama’s mind is shattered….meaning it cannot be put back together again. The Humpty Dumpty of Presidents.
Willy Vomitspews:
@ 65
And of course, you come in here with the Red Queen’s point of view.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is wrong againspews:
Fox News commentators lie about being at war zones?
Richard Blumenthal – Lied about Vietnam – US DUMMOCRETIN Senator
Brian Williams – Lied about a RPG in Iraq
Hillary Clinton – Lied about Sniper fire in Bosnia
Nuff said SUCKAS!
Operation Lifesaver, the railroad industry’s safety awareness campaign, has released a statement regarding the Metro North tragedy in Valhalla, New York.
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott faces a Leadership vote next week due to a motion by a couple of members of the Liberal(really a Conservative party) Party caucus. Also being challenged, his deputy Julie Bishop.
Although the MP’ s pushing the vote are from Western Australia, could have something to do with the Queensland branch of the Liberal party, the Liberal National Party, and the 11 point swing to Labor at the Queensland election. The premier lost his seat, and Labor is two seats short of governing, with a third party holding the balance of power in Brisbane.
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott faces a Leadership vote next week due to a motion by a couple of members of the Liberal(really a Conservative party) Party caucus. Also being challenged, his deputy Julie Bishop.
Although the MP’ s pushing the vote are from Western Australia, could have something to do with the Queensland branch of the Liberal party, the Liberal National Party, and the 11 point swing to Labor at the Queensland election. The premier lost his seat, and Labor is two seats short of governing, with a third party holding the balance of power in Brisbane.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is wrong againspews:
Didn’t Osama Bin Laden call for a jihad against Jews and Crusaders almost 17 years ago?
Yes he did… “Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders” So what did Bill Clinton do to rile Osama but back during his wet cigar presidency? Something about 74 cruise missiles maybe… Something about HA DUMMOCRETIN 24 hour moronic moonbat memory malady!!!!!
Puddy realizes almost all HA DUMMOCRETINS will skip over this site. Very illuminating how the NY Slimes lies then tries to rewrite Clintonista history! Another reason most HA DUMMOCRETINS are LIVs (low information voters).
Well the Jew hating by HA DUMMOCRETINS is well documented here. Always taking the Palestinian side, especially last year when they lobbed 1600 rockets into Israel and hardly any Israeli died due to the Iron Dome. Not fair HA DUMMOCRETINS screamed when Israel attacked, found rockets and tunnels in Hamas schools and mosques. At UNRWA sites rockets were found and the UN handed them back to Hamas. Well documented by Puddy. Just ask the yellowishleakingbuttspigot for a crazed databaze replay. The yellowishleakingbuttspigot will find it like the yellowishleakingbuttspigot found The Atlantic article on Clinton’s balancing the budget by creating over 11 million low paying minimum wage jobs during that era. Go on someone; grow some marbuls and ask the yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
Obummer has Osama on the mind again! Obummer brings us 700 year ago crusader wrong doing at the National Prayer breakfast. HA DUMMOCRETINS mention the same thing last year. HA DUMMOCRETINS also brought up the crusades in their retorts for ISIS.
Just like the Queen’s gambit in chess. Very popular and most people use it. Screaming Christian Crusaders is very popular to justify ISIS actions and most DUMMOCRETINS are saying it.
HA DUMMOCRETINS are always justifying why Obummer won’t crush ISIS! Was there a DNC memo for this “gravitas moment”?
Ima Duncespews:
Obviously, Christians are ignorant of their own history of barbarity. Anyone that thinks the couple examples given by Obama are all there are is a complete ignoramus. Christians burned people alive all through the last two thousand years along with mass rapes, plunders and mass murders. Including children, no less. Then they want us to believe that has no bearing on the present. Even though it’s clear their hatred betrays them as exactly the same as they’ve always been and will always be.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is wrong againspews:
Still making excuses for Obummer and Obummer’s lack of moral leadership eh dunceman? Wow! The lengths HA DUMMOCRETINS go these days!
At least the King of Jordan suited up and flew sorties against ISIS in response to his citizen being burned alive. Of course duncemen like you have no problem with that because Christians ran crusades 700 years ago. Who knew you were that stooopid?
Christians burned people alive all through the last two thousand years along with mass rapes, plunders and mass murders.
2000 years eh dunceman? Since the Roman Empire was in charge until 476 AD your math is really off. Butt, that’s par for the course for a left tard HA DUMMOCRETIN… You could have Google’d it butt everyone knows you are a dunce and at least you admit it up front. Other HA DUMMOCRETINS can’t admit the truth!
1096 – 1099 : First Crusade [the People’s Crusade with the objective of freeing the Holy Lands preached by Pope Urban II in 1095. Crusade led by Count Raymond IV of Toulouse and proclaimed by many wandering preachers, notably Peter the Hermit]
1144 – 1155 : Second Crusade [Crusaders prepared to attack Damascus. Led by Holy Roman Emperor Conrad III and by King Louis VII of France]
1187 – 1192 : Third Crusade [most famous Crusade, led by Richard the Lionheart of England, Philip II of France, and Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I. Richard I made a truce with great Turkish leader Saladin]
1202 -1204 : Fourth Crusade [led by Fulk of Neuil French/Flemish advanced on Constantinople (Istanbul) in Turkey]
1212 – The Children’s Crusade led by a French peasant boy, Stephen of Cloyes [Many children died or ended up as slaves, especially in Marseiles] – Imagine that while slavery among the non-churched (read atheist) types!
1217 – 1221 : Fifth Crusade [led by King Andrew II of Hungary, Duke Leopold VI of Austria, and John of Brienne]
1228 – 1229 : Sixth Crusade [led by Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II]
1248 – 1254 : Seventh Crusade [led by Louis IX of France]
1270 – Eighth Crusade [led by Louis IX of France]
1271 – 1272 : Ninth Crusade [led by Prince Edward, later King Edward I of England]
1289 – Sultan Qalawun retakes Tripoli
1291 – Nazareth taken by Sultan Khalil, when he stormed the last refuge of the Crusaders in the neighbouring city of Acre. From that time, not only Nazareth but the whole of Palestine, was closed to the devotions of Europe. The Crusaders were expelled from Asia and in Europe the spirit of the Crusades was extinct.
So dunceman… try again! Since crusades began in 1096 those two thousand years are OFF like your femtometer sized brain.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Dear fact-challenged troll @72: Obama has been bombing ISIS for some time now, and may submit a request to Congress for expanded authority to take military action against ISIS as early as today; meanwhile, congressional Republicans are wringing their hands over whether they should vote to give the president such authority. So, go fuck yourself, you lying twit.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is wrong againspews:
Exploding brain syndrome has manifested itself in the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit in #72.
Lying twit eh senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Post #60 provides evidence of a Psych 101 Thang disorder you possess. All those Republican governors in NY, CT and CA.
Yeah, about that so called bombing. ISIS has Obummer paralyzed senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! It’s just a JV squad. JCoS Dempsey was skeptical that would work and it sure has eh senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? And to what end has that bombing caused ISIS to change it’s tune senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Lessee here…
“When it comes to fighting a war, the Congress should not tie the president’s hands.” John Boehner…
Republicans generally want a broader authorization of military action against the militants, who have overrun wide swaths of Iraq and Syria, than Democrats have been willing to consider. Obama has said he does not intend to have U.S. “boots on the ground” in combat roles, while many Republicans believe that option ought to be available to the military.
Jesus. SchizoPoodles has had a stroke or something. He gets crazier with every post he writes. Pamela Gellar? Come on. She’s still a hardline “Birther” and crazier than a rat in a shithouse.
Christians were still burning black people alive in this country not even 70 years ago. Hell, the Ocoee Florida massacre was only 95 years ago and that was a White Christian response to a man just trying to vote. As many as 1500 people were butchered. The Rosewood Florida massacre in 1923 was based on less than that, entirely on a rumor of some local politicians wife being accosted in the street by a black man. The Slocum Texas massacre lasted for fucking weeks and resulted in nearly a thousand deaths of black men. Shot in the back, burned alive in their homes with their families, strung up in trees all over the county. WEEKS of that shit going on before the Governor decided the press was getting too heavy, and sent in the Rangers, who immediately started arresting black people en masse.
It was all Good Christians doing that shit, spittlepuddles. Your heroes.
Alan the IDIOT Grayson is contemplating a run against Marco Rubio for senate. It’s in The Hill!
Some of Alan’s greatest shits!
Get out the popcorn. The world will soon know what a whackjob freakazoid Grayson really is!
So the anti-vaxxers are a Republican problem? NOPE you DOPES… As a commenter wrote below…
HAHAHAHAHA! Earnest would never be earnest on that!
A good sign for net neutrality.
Opinion piece cataloging the decline of the middle class. His solutions would be fought tooth and nail by the greed class.
@2 That’s trivial compared to how many U.S. citizens are giving birth to unvaccinated newborns. Seriously, Puddy, is that your best shot? It didn’t even bounce off the rim; it never got close to the rim.
Oh Mike, my little Huckabee honeybee, my answer is YES! I’ll be your friend. I have to admit, I go for you caveman types. Let’s make it official and get a cake from one of your favorite bakers. I suggest we decorate it with crosses and shrunken heads! I can see us now, sitting in front of the fire, you with your Maurice Clemons action figures and me with my Gay Agenda manuals on handshakes and ass shaving. Then maybe you can strum a little Folsom Prison or Ring of Fire on your guitar. What fun!!! But I can’t spend Christmas with you. I have to report for duty in THE war on that day.
Newly elected GOP Sen. Thom Tillis takes crazy to a whole new level. He just blasted government regulations requiring food service employees to WASH THEIR HANDS AFTER USING THE BATHROOM. He labeled those rules “the heavy hand of government” and said it should be left up to the market. Seriously! Tillis said, “I don’t have any problem with Starbucks if they choose to opt out of this policy as long as they post a sign that says ‘We don’t require our employees to wash their hands after leaving the restroom.'” And then, presumably, let customers decide if they want to eat there. Fucking surreal.
@2 Oh Piddles….
You might find this site useful
Mexico, %of vaccinated population 91-94% (difference is WHO vs In Country estimates so prob,somewhere in between) vacination rate in infants, #of measels cases in most recent year 2013 – 0
Guatemala – 100% Government funded vaccinations, 90-93% vaccination rate, ) 0 measels cases 2013
Honduras – 89-91% vaccination coverage, 0 measels cases 2013
Nicaraugua – 100% Government funded vaccinations, 98-99% vaccination rate, 0 measels cases 2013
We could go on but
U.S. – 90% vaccination coverage, 187 measels cases 2013
You were saying something about our third world neighbors being the cause of Measels or were you just being a racist? Did you check the stats or did you just quote a random commenter on Townhall and think, “That sounds not at all racist and probably right so I’ll cut and paste it here! KaBlammmmmo!”
@5 and @2 sounds like a heterosexual problem to me. Finally, something your team is responsible for, and you can’t deny it!
Remeber gay people can’t have kids or be a real family.
@6 – lol, you shave your ass?
@7 why Starbucks? Is he suggesting that it is a liberal bastion and that Liberals are the ones not washing their hands.
I have a cousin, she remarried to some conservative asshole. On three occassions, within a week apart, the most time I ever spent with him, he didn’t wash his hands after pissing in the urinal. I couldn’t believe it. The first time I thought maybe he forgot. The second time, I was like wow, did he forget again? Then the thrid time, I was like ok, he is a disgusting pig.
@Piddles in general.
“It’s always the brown skinned people sneaking across our border. They are both lazy and sucking up social services AND so hard working that they are stealing jobs from Real ‘Murkins (harumph) AND now they are bringing in the Measels. Damn dirty brown people. BUILD A FENCE!”
That dove tales into that piece about the ignorance Industry of Fox and Friends.
It boils down to “Americans would all be rich if it wasn’t for the poor people.”
LMAO!! Little Scott Walker got elected because of a big bad deficit in depths of the Bush depression. Oh noes!
Now the asshole is scrambling to close a 2 BILLION DOLLAR hole.
How will he do it? Cut education of course.
Oh but he supports State bonds for a new Bucks stadium! And feckless drug tests for welfare recipients that have failed miserably in other klownservative states.
And this jerk wants the Oval Office? Along with Randroid Ryan, this ASSHOLE is the worst!
It’s good to get just about everything the public (as much as 80% in some polls) wants. But the comments section on this is pretty awesome
“The Obama Nation:
…One Nation…
…under sharia…
…with Lieberty and Social Justice for all…
…especially our friends”
“I trust a Corporation any day before I trust the Government. A Corporation can’t take all my money or throw me in jail.”
“You realize that Thomas Edgar Wheeler is the current Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission and was appointed by President Obama? Inform yourself.”
“The MAKERS will be forced to pay for it with another Odumbo tax increase.”
@15 Proof that vaccines make people stupid.
The senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit farted: That’s trivial compared to how many U.S. citizens are giving birth to unvaccinated newborns.
Really senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? You mean DUMMOCRETINS screaming over vaccinations senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
It’s A-OK when libtards are against vaccinations so those US Citizens are DUMMOCRETIN U.S. citizens are giving birth to unvaccinated newborns…
Thanks for that explanation senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Left-wing phony Journalist from NBC lied. His explanation shows what an egomaniac & sick SOB he is. So Brian….what else have you lied about?? NBC perpetuated the lie….even when they were told it was a lie. So NBC…what else are you lying about??
Meanwhile the freaks at TPM actually wrote something semi-useful!
“science-denying affluent California liberals.” – Jon Stewart!
NOPE you dope. Apparently you have reading is fundamental issues too!
Oh BTW, black people aren’t ever racists… Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson said so… EPIC FAYLE checkmate!
Better @13 farts
Tell that to Dianne Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi, Jeffrey Pedophile Epstein, Bernard Ripped and Madoff, Raj Rajaratnam etc. Then there are the tax scofflaws like Charles Rangel and Tim Geithner!
More BULLSHITTIUM from the yellowishleakingbuttspigot. Scott Walker has a PROJECTED $280 million budget shortfall by the end of June absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot! The $2 Billion is a guess! Wisconsin’s two-year shortfall hits about $2 billion when state agency requests — which will certainly not be filled in full by Walker or the Republican Legislature – are taken into account. Sooooooooooooo again how can you trust left wrong link BULLSHITTIUM?
Of course can anyone trust anything from the arschloch of yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
Debbie Blabbermout Schultz is upset with PMSNBC?
Hey Debbie, what happened to the Obummer terms you used to jock strap? “Overseas contingency operations”? “Man-caused disasters”? “ISIL is not ‘Islamic”? Whatever!
Puddles @ 17- FYI- All newborns are unvaccinated. The vaccinations come later, hence the risk to infants when “herd immunity” is lost.
And do you think the Brazilian who flew into SeaTac and stayed at the Sheraton was one of President Obama’s “kids coming across the border” referred to @ 2?
GOP presidential hopeful Bobby Jindal came out of his official portrait session looking “whiter than white,” as the soap commercial jingle goes … which I guess he has to do when seeking the nomination of a racist party.
Once upon a time, the village idiot troll @ 23 said,
Romney wasn’t a great candidate… establishment failure like McCain in 2008
Damn straight troll. RMoney is a freaking bigoted dumbass:
Randroid Ryan echoed that idiocy with his remarks about “the urban vote”..
Sux to be tools who cheerlead for these klownservative bigots – tools like the village idiot troll.
Walker has a PROJECTED $280 million budget shortfall
Nope you dope. 1.8 billion projected through 2017.
Read it and weep jerk.
It’s bad enough he’s failed on job creation promises and balancing the budget. He want to preserve tax cuts for the rich on the backs of families trying to put their kids through college..
Walker is your kind of guy. An ASSHOLE..
235 EPIC FAYLES from the crazed databaze absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot. Is the yellowishleakingbuttspigot going for a new personal best in February 2015?
Notice how stoooooooooopid your HA DUMMOCRETIN yellowishleakingbuttspigot is…
It forgets it wrote
Then to cover the all over arschloch the yellowishleakingbuttspigot possesses, it tried to clean it up AFTER Puddy delivers the FACTS in #22 so HA’s yellowishleakingbuttspigottries to clean it up.
Still an EPIC FAYLE when you read left wrong e-rags that cause LIV syndrome!
It continually sux to be the yellowishleakingbuttspigot! Imagine it the spawn of yellowishleakingbuttspigot reads these threads.
E M B A R R A S S M E N T!
K2 @ 24,
Apparently READING IS NOT FUNDAMENTAL for you either… The senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit @5 wrote
This proves another HA DUMMOCRETIN is as stoooooooooooooopid as the yellowishleakingbuttspigot and can’t process the words from one DUMMOCRETIN when copied and dissected by Puddy!
It seems HA DUMMOCRETIN LIVs drop to their lowest denominator! Whale droppings in the Mariana Trench level!
Thanks to the yellowishleakingbuttspigot trying to make another insipid point on Romney, we see the unintended consequences of raising that “item” here by the yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
So yellowishleakingbuttspigot, it seems Hillary was going to give John Deadwards the Atty General position to someone whom had an extramarital affair while his wife was dying of cancer. To get him out of the race and endorse Hillary. How quaint! Isn’t that typical DUMMOCRETIN? Skip over the sleaziness of your political opponent and offer them something to get them out of your way! An adulterous lecher… Butt, not only the cheating scumbag Deadwards is, but Deadwards fathered a child lied about it, and continued to lie to the primary DUMMOCRETINS, and lied about it to his wife until the pictures told a different story.
Then how will Hillary discuss condoning Deadwards confessing the pilfering of campaign contributions to hide his mistress and the baby from the public. Wait a minute… Hillary is married to an adulterous lecher… Oh never mind!
Get out the popcorn. It’s gonna be fun on the DUMMOCRETIN side! Thanks yellowishleakingbuttspigot for having Puddy reasearch the horse manure from Broken Axelrod!
Hmmm… these scum, whom hate Israel as much as HA DUMMOCRETINS are beyond the pale.
It’s amazing to view how like minds think. We have Israel haters on this blog and their thoughts are front and center every day like the yellowishleakingbuttspigot and his many friends here and now we view the UN Report on ISIS! Hey, they are only Christian, Yazidi, and Kurdish children. Why should Goldy’s NorthWest Division of Lunatic Moonbats care right?
Great lines on Brian Williams’ Lie!
What do you know, an unregulated industry doesn’t even bother to include the stuff they say is the bottle, let alone, have the health effects they claim to have.
“The authorities said they had conducted tests on top-selling store brands of herbal supplements at four national retailers — GNC, Target, Walgreens and Walmart — and found that four out of five of the products did not contain any of the herbs on their labels. The tests showed that pills labeled medicinal herbs often contained little more than cheap fillers like powdered rice, asparagus and houseplants, and in some cases substances that could be dangerous to those with allergies.”
“The F.D.A. requires that companies verify that every supplement they manufacture is safe and accurately labeled. But the system essentially operates on the honor code.”
This links into the fool congressman who says that washing hands is burdensome government regulations,
Regulations are there for a reason.Without them and without a paid for means to verify and punish, we end up with this mess.
Anti Regulation People, Enjoy your powdered houseplant dust. You voted for the people who put this in place.
“At Walmart, the authorities found that its ginkgo biloba, a Chinese plant promoted as a memory enhancer, contained little more than powdered radish, houseplants and wheat — despite a claim on the label that the product was wheat- and gluten-free.”
@34. The gubment is not some nanny state. You write like it’s gubment’s responsibility to look after people who don’t have the means to be fierce individuals and it themselves. Buyer beware. Every individual should pay out of pocket have their supplements sent to a lab and tested. And then sent to two other labs, in case the first lab is incompetent or a paid shill of the supplement industry and send back lying results. This is why I demand my taxes lowered, to pay for my lab fees. Let the other suckers eat powdered floor sweepings.
@10 Only the part that winks when you leave it a tip.
@35 Yes, we all need to be protected from the lying gubment; everyone knows businesses are honest.
The nice thing about the stock market is, even though it’s a rigged game and full of manipulative thieves, they can’t make money unless they let you make some money, too.
@35 I’m with you – then this Country could be more like Somalia!
Evolve Puffy – We know your wife wasn’t a virgin…..or maybe she was ugly enough to be one.
Which Fatso tortured and killed the dog?
Puffy – you never linked to this so you must be a dog killer!
@40. Just because puddy is an asshole, doesn’t mean you have to be. Be better than that.
Here’s the problem. Liberals don’t like conservative ideas. They don’t like conservative ideas when presented by straight, white males. They don’t like conservative ideas when presented by straight, white females. They don’t like conservative ideas when presented by straight, black males. They don’t like conservative ideas when presented by straight, black females. They don’t like conservative ideas when presented by gay, white males, or gay, white females, or gay, black males, or gay, black females. If you think that you can get liberals to like conservative ideas simply by using a non-traditional spokesperson (perhaps someone other than a straight, white Christian male), you’re going to fail.
If you think that calling liberals racists for disagreeing with Dr. Carson’s or Eric Rush’s views on gay marriage and the flat tax will convince liberals to oppose gay marriage and embrace the flat tax, you will fail. If you think that conservative opposition to the Affordable Care Act was due to them suddenly disliking their own plan rather than their desire to prevent a Democrat from getting credit for changing the status quo, you are incorrect. If you think that the continuation of the Birther movement even after the release of the long-form birth certificate had nothing to do with racism, you are delusional. If you continue to insist that you are presenting these ideas in the form of “just asking questions” you are admitting the fact that you’re just lying, and you know you’re lying, and you are presenting those lies as a potential alternative concepts to what normal people can see for themselves as being reality.
The reality is, every single voice in this so-called “conservative” revolution” is a raving, lying lunatic. They say some of the most outrageous bullshit anyone can think of, and they know damn well that it’s bullshit. They say it because people, (such as our own resident schizotard here) respond to it, apparently believe it wholesale, suck down every juicy tidbit as though it is the word of God himself, are more than enthusiastic to parrot it in forums like this one and then go out and vote accordingly.
If somehow the TeaNazis were to start just using basic, factual information, even normal English language forms, perhaps they would start making some sense. But they actively choose to NOT make sense. The language they use is literally incomprehensible and sounds like something you’d hear in the first weeks of a first-year English class being held in a mental hospital somewhere in the rural mountains of northeastern Europe.
The conservative’s posts I see in here and in other forums are the products of some seriously unhinged minds who never really seemed to get out of that 7th grade attitude. It’s all bullshit. These folks will take a completely false rumor started by some unknowable individual and then spend weeks trying to “out-stupid” each other by increasing their vehemence and the intensity and outrageousness of the original lie. Making up their own fairy tales and twists on the subject story until the least elements of that original rumor are completely lost to the narrative.
It’s a gigantic, schizophrenic game of bullshit telephone. It has gotten very old. It’s time to grow up. It is long past time that you learned how your native language functions as sane, intelligenct adults use it, and stop trying to make yourselves sound important. Because you’re just full of shit. Everyone knows you’re full of shit, and when you go off on some tangent about how little kids are getting the Measles because gay people can get married or single mothers are destroying the fabric of Government by conspiring to replace the Constitution with Sharia Law, people with functional minds are just going to continue to marginalize you and recognize what you are; That is, a lunatic bullshit artist with nothing really important or credible to contribute to the conversation.
@42 – you are right, I’ll try to refrain. Not to give away my secrets – but I was more trying to peak his interest so that he would watch the link, and to make a point, than to insult him.
Is it any reflection on this Country on how we can have knee jerk reaction to something like an Ebola scare, but then to totally ignore other issues where we have more of vital interests. I know this is kind of a general statement but, did anyone see the consequences of not vaccinating?
@45. Personally, I don’t understand why Ebola had everyone in a frothing panic, while measles is a yawn. Is it that Ebola coiuld be caught by grownups who watch Fox News, while measles is limited mostly to children who don’t?
Thought this tweet was funny.
“Our thoughts are also with the measles-ravaged country America. I hope we are screening them before they come to Africa.”
Fox News Africa was demanding that all planes from America be diverted.
As a liberal let me say that the reason I don’t like conservative ideas is because they have been tried and failed. Failed so absolutely they destroyed the world economy. Left working people broke. Sent us into needless, never ending wars. Spent us into giant holes, which they are doing in the states they run. They have lead us into racist, homophobic and misogynistic discrimination that has ruined many lives. They flooded our streets with guns and drug criminals with bad laws. By this time in history, we’ve given them the rope and they hung us with it. Time to say enough of their self serving lies!
That’s all well and good, but until you convince people to stop blaming the poor or the brown people or the gays, or the liberals, or the immigrants, or whoever is different from them, for why they are not in the 1%, nothing will change.
Not everything Brian Williams said was a lie. His copter was still under attack, whether it got hit or not. Maybe some stretching of the truth.
@48 I’m not sure about that. Enough time of Republican rule will show that there policies will be hated. Right now they can miss-direct all of the failure towards Democrats. In given time, all be it time that will suck, the tide will turn.
They have no solutions to problems, eventually there will be a revolt. Even some of the smarter Republicans eventually see it, even if it is slow and little at a time. Just ask the Republicans in Texas and other places that have dirty water due to fracking.
Link to @50
And maybe Republicans don’t vote Democrat, but they will have to change their polices to be more moderate, at a minimum.
@49 He must go. He’s a disgrace as a journalist. His credibility is gone. And worse, he’s now making excuses for out right lying. He’s the name on the front of a major news organization.
And on another subject. How many years have we “studied” marijuana? Fifty? Sixty? Seventy? What fucking big pharma drug has been “studied” that long? How many have suffered serious injury and death by big pharma drugs? Goddamn we are such fucking fools! Stop jailing the people. Start jailing the supplement industry for fraud.
@51. But he didn’t try to make it better, he left. Made it “not his problem.” Sucks to be unable to move away.
Republicans have the gall to act the way they and could be the biggest babies. They say anything they want and get away with but when something is said about them they act like whining crying little fuckin babies.
Hastings tells Texans: ‘Let it go’
Yeah right buttbusting buttbigot,
Get off the knee pads and accept the FACT if Bret Baier said what Brian Williams said you DUMMOCRETINS would be calling for his head. PMSNBC would be 24×7!!! CNN and ther other news shows would main lining this as their opening line up! Yet Brian is already being coddled by NBC News of all morons Dan Rather. HAHAHAHAHA!
Why? Because because Brian is a DUMMOCRETIN; plain and simple!
Meanwhile a REAL MAN stands up against ISIS. Old photos or not.
Maybe Brian Williams will fly in the other seat!
Puddy became a conservative because Puddy lived through the inner city mess being run by DUMMOCRETINS. None of you libtard left wrong morons has walked one femtometer in Puddy’s shoes. We have seen more racism in northern states than Puddy has EVER seen in southern states.
When a black leaves the reservation, all can see the vile insipid attacks blacks receive by other blacks and especially white DUMMOCRETINS! That’s the progressive way.
Puddy is a conservative because Puddy believes in individualism. Progressives believe government is the absolute cure all for all ailments. Why does the inner city school system suck? Libtard progressives only want their white city parts to have the best! Puddy has lived it!
Witness the Brian Williams lie. If he was a conservative, the vomit producer above would have been calling for their head. Instead only the very fake conservative has called for Brian’s head. So the hypocrisy of being a libtard is very apparent. When Bill Clinton called oral sex not sex because it depended on what the definition of is is, more hypocrisy from libtards. When the ladies came forth about Clinton peccadilloes, where was the NOW gang? MIA. Yet when Robert Packwood or Clarence Thomas was in the news…
Notice how the vomit producer calls anyone whom disagrees with vomit maker’s whack job positions a TeaNazi! Well we’ve seen what the Nazis act like… ISIS Auschwitz immediately comes to mind. And whom thinks like ISIS (Nazis)? HA DUMMOCRETINS… Both hate Israel like the Nazis did. It’s just the HA DUMMOCRETINS don’t have the power to do anything heinous like the Nazis or ISIS! Yet we just viewed ISIS burning to death a fellow Arab. HA DUMMOCRETINS attack their fellow DUMMOCRETIN Jews for their Israel support!
You are a racist for attacking Dr Ben Carson or Eric Rush or Allen West vomit producer. Remember rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears claimed if you disagreed with Obummer and you were white, you were a racist! You, being the white vomit producer, disagree with Carson, Rush and West so you ARE A RACIST by definition!
And… if you’re against gay marriage, you’re a bad CEO! The gay bashing of Mozilla Co-Founder Brendan Eich was standard progressive fecklessness. Eich, IS THE INVENTOR of the Javascript programming language. So libtards, are you going to stop reading web sites like this blog since a traditional marriage person created the language used by Goldy for this blog? Used by the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot to steal your comments for the unread blog the yellowishleakingbuttspigot cries for a view every week? Brendan Esch said exactly the same thing Hillary Clinton and Barry Obummer said the same year. Yet progressives gave Clinton and Obummer a pass due to progressive hypocrisy!
So in closing because Puddy doesn’t bloviate like the vomit produced by the vomit producer 43. PuddyLinks say it all!
President Obama’s deployment of 3,000 U.S. troops to West Africa to build clinics and train health care workers fighting Ebola has been wildly successful, and now that Ebola infection rates have plummeted to nearly zero, he’s bringing the troops home.
And what did the Stupid Party do? They fearmongered to gin votes, demonized heroic health care workers, and threatened to forcibly quarantine them contrary to CDC guidelines and medical science.
Why would anyone vote for Republicans?
Another responsible gun owner.
Andrew Cuomo, Dannel P. Malloy. and Jerry Brown are Republicans senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Or is this another of your lucid memory moments senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
Whatatard! A bloviating schismatic fraud of a person!
Meanwhile do they talk or don’t they…
“I don’t get calls from the White House,” Mr. Menendez said
or is it…
Mr. Obama’s advisers say they speak with Mr. Menendez regularly
Yet, HA DUMMOCRETINS only attack Marco Rubio.
Progressive hypocrisy at its best!
Yes more DUMMOCRETIN moral equivalence!
@55 Fox News reporters lie every day and they are all still there. And they have commentators like the Donald Orangatang that lie all day and they are still there too.
The Birther Donald. Remember John Beohner says it is not his job to correct people if they are saying the wrong thing. Not his job.
Link to #63
Not my Job!
Actually Brian Williams apology was yet another lie!!! He should be fired immediately. Who would ever believe this man.
And Obama has gone batshit crazy. Unbelievable at the Prayer Breakfast. Michelle Malkin put it nicely:
“ISIS chops off heads, incinerates hostages, kills gays, enslaves girls. Obama: Blame the Crusades,”
Complete insanity. The Crusades was 700 years ago. Obama is in charge today. Ughhhhhh. It’s how he sees the world. Obama’s mind is shattered….meaning it cannot be put back together again. The Humpty Dumpty of Presidents.
@ 65
And of course, you come in here with the Red Queen’s point of view.
Fox News commentators lie about being at war zones?
Richard Blumenthal – Lied about Vietnam – US DUMMOCRETIN Senator
Brian Williams – Lied about a RPG in Iraq
Hillary Clinton – Lied about Sniper fire in Bosnia
Nuff said SUCKAS!
Operation Lifesaver, the railroad industry’s safety awareness campaign, has released a statement regarding the Metro North tragedy in Valhalla, New York.
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott faces a Leadership vote next week due to a motion by a couple of members of the Liberal(really a Conservative party) Party caucus. Also being challenged, his deputy Julie Bishop.
Although the MP’ s pushing the vote are from Western Australia, could have something to do with the Queensland branch of the Liberal party, the Liberal National Party, and the 11 point swing to Labor at the Queensland election. The premier lost his seat, and Labor is two seats short of governing, with a third party holding the balance of power in Brisbane.
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott faces a Leadership vote next week due to a motion by a couple of members of the Liberal(really a Conservative party) Party caucus. Also being challenged, his deputy Julie Bishop.
Although the MP’ s pushing the vote are from Western Australia, could have something to do with the Queensland branch of the Liberal party, the Liberal National Party, and the 11 point swing to Labor at the Queensland election. The premier lost his seat, and Labor is two seats short of governing, with a third party holding the balance of power in Brisbane.
Didn’t Osama Bin Laden call for a jihad against Jews and Crusaders almost 17 years ago?
Yes he did… “Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders” So what did Bill Clinton do to rile Osama but back during his wet cigar presidency? Something about 74 cruise missiles maybe… Something about HA DUMMOCRETIN 24 hour moronic moonbat memory malady!!!!!
Puddy realizes almost all HA DUMMOCRETINS will skip over this site. Very illuminating how the NY Slimes lies then tries to rewrite Clintonista history! Another reason most HA DUMMOCRETINS are LIVs (low information voters).
Well the Jew hating by HA DUMMOCRETINS is well documented here. Always taking the Palestinian side, especially last year when they lobbed 1600 rockets into Israel and hardly any Israeli died due to the Iron Dome. Not fair HA DUMMOCRETINS screamed when Israel attacked, found rockets and tunnels in Hamas schools and mosques. At UNRWA sites rockets were found and the UN handed them back to Hamas. Well documented by Puddy. Just ask the yellowishleakingbuttspigot for a crazed databaze replay. The yellowishleakingbuttspigot will find it like the yellowishleakingbuttspigot found The Atlantic article on Clinton’s balancing the budget by creating over 11 million low paying minimum wage jobs during that era. Go on someone; grow some marbuls and ask the yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
Obummer has Osama on the mind again! Obummer brings us 700 year ago crusader wrong doing at the National Prayer breakfast. HA DUMMOCRETINS mention the same thing last year. HA DUMMOCRETINS also brought up the crusades in their retorts for ISIS.
Just like the Queen’s gambit in chess. Very popular and most people use it. Screaming Christian Crusaders is very popular to justify ISIS actions and most DUMMOCRETINS are saying it.
HA DUMMOCRETINS are always justifying why Obummer won’t crush ISIS! Was there a DNC memo for this “gravitas moment”?
Obviously, Christians are ignorant of their own history of barbarity. Anyone that thinks the couple examples given by Obama are all there are is a complete ignoramus. Christians burned people alive all through the last two thousand years along with mass rapes, plunders and mass murders. Including children, no less. Then they want us to believe that has no bearing on the present. Even though it’s clear their hatred betrays them as exactly the same as they’ve always been and will always be.
Still making excuses for Obummer and Obummer’s lack of moral leadership eh dunceman? Wow! The lengths HA DUMMOCRETINS go these days!
At least the King of Jordan suited up and flew sorties against ISIS in response to his citizen being burned alive. Of course duncemen like you have no problem with that because Christians ran crusades 700 years ago. Who knew you were that stooopid?
2000 years eh dunceman? Since the Roman Empire was in charge until 476 AD your math is really off. Butt, that’s par for the course for a left tard HA DUMMOCRETIN… You could have Google’d it butt everyone knows you are a dunce and at least you admit it up front. Other HA DUMMOCRETINS can’t admit the truth!
1096 – 1099 : First Crusade [the People’s Crusade with the objective of freeing the Holy Lands preached by Pope Urban II in 1095. Crusade led by Count Raymond IV of Toulouse and proclaimed by many wandering preachers, notably Peter the Hermit]
1144 – 1155 : Second Crusade [Crusaders prepared to attack Damascus. Led by Holy Roman Emperor Conrad III and by King Louis VII of France]
1187 – 1192 : Third Crusade [most famous Crusade, led by Richard the Lionheart of England, Philip II of France, and Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I. Richard I made a truce with great Turkish leader Saladin]
1202 -1204 : Fourth Crusade [led by Fulk of Neuil French/Flemish advanced on Constantinople (Istanbul) in Turkey]
1212 – The Children’s Crusade led by a French peasant boy, Stephen of Cloyes [Many children died or ended up as slaves, especially in Marseiles] – Imagine that while slavery among the non-churched (read atheist) types!
1217 – 1221 : Fifth Crusade [led by King Andrew II of Hungary, Duke Leopold VI of Austria, and John of Brienne]
1228 – 1229 : Sixth Crusade [led by Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II]
1248 – 1254 : Seventh Crusade [led by Louis IX of France]
1270 – Eighth Crusade [led by Louis IX of France]
1271 – 1272 : Ninth Crusade [led by Prince Edward, later King Edward I of England]
1289 – Sultan Qalawun retakes Tripoli
1291 – Nazareth taken by Sultan Khalil, when he stormed the last refuge of the Crusaders in the neighbouring city of Acre. From that time, not only Nazareth but the whole of Palestine, was closed to the devotions of Europe. The Crusaders were expelled from Asia and in Europe the spirit of the Crusades was extinct.
So dunceman… try again! Since crusades began in 1096 those two thousand years are OFF like your femtometer sized brain.
Dear fact-challenged troll @72: Obama has been bombing ISIS for some time now, and may submit a request to Congress for expanded authority to take military action against ISIS as early as today; meanwhile, congressional Republicans are wringing their hands over whether they should vote to give the president such authority. So, go fuck yourself, you lying twit.
Exploding brain syndrome has manifested itself in the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit in #72.
Lying twit eh senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Post #60 provides evidence of a Psych 101 Thang disorder you possess. All those Republican governors in NY, CT and CA.
Yeah, about that so called bombing. ISIS has Obummer paralyzed senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! It’s just a JV squad. JCoS Dempsey was skeptical that would work and it sure has eh senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? And to what end has that bombing caused ISIS to change it’s tune senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Lessee here…
“When it comes to fighting a war, the Congress should not tie the president’s hands.” John Boehner…
So who are wringing their hands senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
Sheeeeeeeeeesh what a moron!
Jesus. SchizoPoodles has had a stroke or something. He gets crazier with every post he writes. Pamela Gellar? Come on. She’s still a hardline “Birther” and crazier than a rat in a shithouse.
Christians were still burning black people alive in this country not even 70 years ago. Hell, the Ocoee Florida massacre was only 95 years ago and that was a White Christian response to a man just trying to vote. As many as 1500 people were butchered. The Rosewood Florida massacre in 1923 was based on less than that, entirely on a rumor of some local politicians wife being accosted in the street by a black man. The Slocum Texas massacre lasted for fucking weeks and resulted in nearly a thousand deaths of black men. Shot in the back, burned alive in their homes with their families, strung up in trees all over the county. WEEKS of that shit going on before the Governor decided the press was getting too heavy, and sent in the Rangers, who immediately started arresting black people en masse.
It was all Good Christians doing that shit, spittlepuddles. Your heroes.
Fuckin’ lying lunatic.