– The skeet shooting story is maybe the dumbest story the supposedly mainstream media have picked up about Obama. But nothing will keep the right wingers from making up nonsense about it going forward.
– Better moderation in The Seattle Times’ comments would probably be better than someone complaining that they exist on his way out the door.
– Fractions of a million dollars still seems like a lot of money to spout nonsense.
– I thought Washington’s legislators went off the rails. We’ve got nothing on Idaho!
Senator NutJob, Idaho,
Because corporations are Holocast Jews too.
I’m sure our own state Republicans are just warming up. Give them time.
Democrat senator shocked, shocked to learn that shtupping a minor girl in another country is illegal under US law.
@1 “I’m sure our own state Republicans are just warming up.”
Including Rodney Tom.
Black unemployment rate, January 2012 – 13.6%
Black unemployment rate, January 2013 – 13.8%
American Sniper dead. Why wasn’t he saved by his guns?
@2 Note that this is a New Jersey politician, not a Washington one.
@4 Looks like Barrak Hussian Obama is an abject failure as a commie socialist and redistributing wealth but he’s doing pretty good as a moderate republican.
@ 7
…he’s doing pretty good as a moderate republican.
Well said.
People at the top are doing far, far better, relatively speaking, than people in the other quintiles. Banks – those remaining – have even more wealth concentration. JPMorgan is the best example. Much of that can be blamed on Henry Paulson although if one were inclined to blame Geithner a reasonable case could be made.
I’m not sure your comment about Obama’s failure redistributing wealth is fully accurate. He’s done a good job shoveling it toward the rich. I’m not exactly devastated about how the election turned out.
I was thinking about the S&P 500’s gain in the month of January, despite the downward revisions of ’12 Q4 GDP growth estimates.
I think it was because there’s no place else reasonable to put money. Cash yields a negative return after inflation. Bond yields barely keep up with or minimally exceed inflation, depending upon term. But the risk to bond prices if/when interest rates rise is so great, the justification for holding bonds just isn’t there once inflation starts.
I think people are forced into stocks. Good for us who happen to already be there.
@7 I await your sincere plan to deal with high employment rate among blacks that you pointed out.
What would you recommend that would help the problem? Obviously the behavior of a moderate republican president are not helping, what would you suggest? Is it appropriate to ask, “What would romney do?”
How many stocks should the unemployed black community purchase to fix their employment problem?
@ 9
How many stocks should the unemployed black community purchase to fix their employment problem?
Like I said, Obama’s done a good job furthering wealth transfer.
“What would romney do?”
More apropos would be “What would Jesse do?”
Maybe, when he’s having DHS invade Chicago and confiscate guns, he can have DHS hand out stock certificates as replacement.
Typical, you failed to answer the question.
What I ask was “What was your sincere plan to deal with high employment rate among blacks that you pointed out.”
I know how much you like to find fault with Jesse Jackson every chance you get, but saying Homeland Security in Chicago will significantly help black unemployment nation wide, is ludicrous.
What would you recommend that would actually help the problem of lowering the Black Employment?
Has Serial Conn paid his debts yet or is he still a dishonorable man who doesn’t live up to his word?
@8 There’s more than plenty of blame to ladle on Paulson and his “Mini-Me” successor, and smear all over plenty of other very deserving folks. This is not to mention over 300 million of us other poor sods to bear the brunt of the consequences.
@5 There’s a point to be made there but the way you did it is in really bad taste.
@ 11
No more ludicrous than suggesting unemployed black people buy stock, NTfF. If you were being sarcastic, perhaps you can appreciate that I was as well.
Relevant to nothing at all, did anyone else think that ths Superbowl commercials weren’t worth a fraction of the money spent on them? Some of the ad agenencies were obviously going for awards, but other than the Budweiser Clydsdale and the e-trade baby (both holdover from previous years), I can’t remember the sponsors for any of them.
Typical, you still don’t answer the direct question. Republicans like you don’t have any answers that work so you always change the subject.
Let’s follow the bouncing ball.
4. SerialConn: Black unemployment rate has not changes.
7. If Obama really were a socialist, the unemployment rate would be better.
8. SerialConn: True, stocks are doing great, the rich are doing fine!
9. Then what would SerialConn suggest we do to fix the black unemployment rate?
10. SerialConn avoids the question and post that Jessie Jackson would use Homeland Security forces in Chicago
11. Again, what would SerialConn suggest we do to fix the black unemployment rate?
12. Again, SerialConn avoids the question.
You got nothing.
Good point. The ads were not memorable except for the disturbing godaddy one, so I guess expect more misogyny in the upcoming years as agencies latch onto anything to get remembered.
@17 No Time for Fascists,
“12. Again, SerialConn avoids the question.”
Kap’n Kornflake – – Serial Reneger with fantasies of pedophilia avoiding cold hard reality.
You know, given the dearth of posts over at (un)SP, maybe the prolific Kap’n Kornflake – – Serial Reneger with fantasies of pedophilia could contact Shark and get a gig posting his nonsense over there.
Seems the regular front page knuckle heads over at (un)SP have run out of crazy for “RagnarDanneskold” to post her spam comments.
@16, @18 Well, I do have to admit having taken notice of the Dodge Ram spot using Paul Harvey’s exhumed voice extolling the virtues of farmers, most of which would have a heckuva time affording a big shiny new “Woodinville shopping cart” such as we only got a glimpse of in the very last shot–and if they could would be carrying manure in it.
Oh Noze!
So now Ohio is forever doomed to vote for the taker party!
The Alabama hostage standoff has ended with about as good an outcome as you could hope for: The young hostage survived and the hostage-taker didn’t. Witnesses reported hearing an explosion followed by gunfire. The boy wasn’t hurt. Authorities said negotiations with the hostage-taker had “deteriorated” over the last 24 hours, and witnesses reported hearing an explosion followed by gunfire, so we can presume the SWAT team conducted some sort of rescue operation.
You mean a welsher who molests little bots?
Must vote Republican.
@22: taking lots and lots of federal largess for decades hasn’t stopped the cousin-fucking losers in the Old Confederacy and other red states from consistently voting against their own interests. (sorry, I’ve been reading how we’re not supposed to talk trash about them, but I’m just so damn sick of their bigotry, ignorance, hypocrisy, etc, etc, etc).
You mean a welsher who molests little boys?
Must vote Republican.
@23 Roger,
Still, a school bus driver was shot dead by this legal gun owner and a boy traumatized for life.
The President’s proposed solution may not have prevented this nut from buying and carrying a gun used to murder, but the NRA’s approach is batshit insane.
Time to short the telecoms.
Tech, telecom giants take sides as FCC proposes large public WiFi networks
Not surprisingly Google and MS are right. And if the proposal goes through local right wing funder and publicly owned bandwidth arbitrager, Craig McCaw, is done playing that game.
Bastards, one and all.
But, on the bright side Marco Rubio just made sure he’ll never be president.
I would enjoy him owning up to his conservative ideas and actually discuss them.
He posts that African American unemployment is still high.
What would conservative ideology do to bring that down?
What would HE do to bring that down?
Instead he posts Non sequiturs about Jesse Jackson and stock prices, not answering the question.
If conservative thought is so correct, he should be able to post it and defend it.
Marco Rubio just made sure he’ll never be president.
Pretty much. Every ad will be “Marco (Supports Violence Against Women) Rubio is a ….”
No idea how the eight senators will vote once the final vote occurs; this was procedural.
GOP resistance to the original bill has had some effect:
The Senate bill would consolidate 13 existing programs into four and set aside some $659 million over five years for the programs, down 17 percent from the last reauthorization in 2005. The bill would also give more emphasis to sexual assault prevention and take steps to reduce the rape kit backlog. In a concession to Republicans, it removes a provision in last year’s bill that would have increased visas for immigrant victims of domestic violence.
I might ask why 85 senators feel it’s OK to decrease funding that ostensibly protects women by 17%. Why do all those Democrats hate women?*
* That’s how all you libbies play the game around here, right?
To garner Republican support, the bill includes a provision that would suspend lawmakers’ pay if the chamber they serve in failed to produce a budget. The provision was a nod to Republican complaints that the Senate has operated under continuing resolution in recent years, last passing a budget in April 2009.The Republican bill passed 285-144 in the House and 64-34 in the Democratically-controlled Senate.
Read more: http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-.....z2K2Wuuvuw
After cutting a check for $58,000 to his doctor buddy after that guy’s offices were raided by the FBI, Senator Robert Menendez, one of the least wealthy members of Congress, is going to need all of his salary.
Get busy, guys. Budgets mean your policies can be debated out in the open, where everyone can see. Small wonder you Dems haven’t passed one for so many years.
Peace through strength:
APNewsAlert WASHINGTON (AP) – AP source: Obama to ask for short-term budget fix to delay across-the-board automatic cuts.
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — House Speaker John Boehner on Tuesday urged President Barack Obama to offer ideas to replace the looming, automatic budget cuts known as the sequester. Speaking to reporters on Capitol Hill, Boehner said the House has passed legislation to replace the cuts due to take effect on March 1. About $85 billion in cuts would start on March 1 without congressional action.
Your move, Barack. Don’t forget, the sequester was your idea to begin with. How’s that working out for you?
Et tu, Sandy?
The Chicago Sun-Times, citing sources, reported Monday that federal investigators are also taking an independent look at former Chicago Ald. Sandi Jackson.
Reports the Sun-Times’ Natasha Korecki and Michael Sneed:
“Included in the scrutiny of Sandi Jackson, who resigned from her 7th Ward aldermanic position last month, is her access and use of her husband’s congressional campaign money, including credit card charges, as well as the movement of money from one account to another, sources say. ”
Source: http://www.nbcchicago.com/blog.....z2K2cikrwc
I can’t understand why anyone would want Joe Biden to take over as Commander-in-Chief.
Cops Say Road Rage Incident Was Prompted By Suspect’s “Impeach Obama” Bumper Sticker
Besides, in so many ways @ 8 having Obama in office is even better than having Bush in office: