Former House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-TX) on voting for the Iraq War resolution:
The resolution was a resolution that authorized the president to take that action if he deemed it necessary. Had I been more true to myself and the principles I believed in at the time, I would have openly opposed the whole adventure vocally and aggressively. I had a tough time reconciling doing that against the duties of majority leader in the House. I would have served myself and my party and my country better, though, had I done so.
So much hindsight. Find me a politician with some foresight, please!
Anyone watch Meet the Press? Edwards made Obama look real good.
I have been receiving requests to consider banning certain individuals who shall remain nameless from this blog.
I understand these requests 100%. In fact, I have toyed around with the idea myself. I feel for each and every one of you. I feel your frustration, believe me, I do, so very much. Especially when said individuals add nothing to debate, say nothing with meaning and are themselves shallow, narcissistic shells of humanity.
But, I will not do it. To do so compromises the very essence of this blog. You, my readers, tell me, how I can stand up against the
leftright, the hypocrisy of theleft mediaright media, who are way more listened to and far more popular than I\’ll ever be and who I desperately hate with every fiber of my being, the one sided, slanted, narrow-minded,partisan, sectarian, small-minded, twisted, unfair, warped minds of theleftright and then do what they do?In that I would be as guilty as they are of selectively limiting freedom of speech. Of CHERRY PICKING an American individuals right to speak, even if they are total and complete fucktards. I would be as guilty as those who want us all to become
pinko commie’sfar right religious zealots in a hell hole enshrouded bypolitically correctpolitically INcorrect rat droppings on our freedom.I cannot and I will not. I am not being obstinate, I am being
AMERICANthe typical asshole I always am who desperately needs more readers, more listeners and most of all MORE CASH! I hope you understand and continue to come here andfeel free to speak freelyfeel free to SEND ME MONEY, LOTS AND LOTS OF MONEY without restraint.Remember my mission statement, it’s located at the top of this blog: the straight poop on WA politics & the press
I will continue to shit as long a you do.
The only difference is, I shit in my OWN sandbox and you send me money to do it!
Puddwhack: Any real politically aware Black person would know the author of the following comment: ” … beep beep bop bop umgawa Black Power.”
I already checked, you can not Google it.
Hint: SC or ID or NC or CA or WA or TX or MF or WR
I’ve just been checking on septic tank information from Pierce County, so the obvious next step was reading the post from hell I don\’t know who the f*** I am
You far-right types will do anything to move this thread away from its topic, won’t you? Starting to feel a bit lonely? Bummer how the conservatives are starting to figure out that you folks are neither conservative nor liberal, you’re just liars.
While I’m still not likely to vote for the guy, I’m happy that some conservatives are finally beginning to find their long-lost backbones. Years ago, I had thought that Dick Armey was a decent enough fellow, even though I disagreed with him politically. While foresight is far preferable to hindsight, it gives me some hope that he has at least opened his eyes.
Hopefully, this has been a real “wake-up-call” for the man, and he isn’t just waving in the political wind. Mind you, I cannot conceive of the situation that would have me vote for him for any public office, but I still have hope that more conservatives will finally figure out just how badly they were used by the neo-cons.
I still think that the neo-cons have done so much damage to the Republicans that the party may well be in its final days as a major political party. The few honest and honorable people left in it are breaking ranks and jumping ship. Many of them have already left and joined the Democrats, or become independents.
Opposition parties are important. One-party rule hasn’t worked out well anywhere it’s been tried. Even with the best of intentions, it seems that corruption and decay inevitably follows, so we may need to supply our own opposition.
So, what will we end up calling the two parties that the Democratic Party eventually becomes?
@2 Whoever you are today, you’re not me. In fact, you’re not me on ANY day.
Contracting Run Amok
The federal government pays $400 billion a year to contractors. So much government work is now “outsourced” that federal agencies are contracting out the work of hiring and supervising contractors.
“Contracting almost always leads to less public scrutiny. Companies, unlike agencies, are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act. … The Acquisition Advisory Panel … recently reported that the contracting surge ‘poses a threat to the government’s long-term ability to perform its mission’ and could ‘undermine the integrity of the government’s decision-making.'”
(Source: Today’s Seattle Times)
Dick Armey just admitted that he put the interest of the Republican party before that of the country and his own principles…. Nice
Source for @&: http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....act04.html
@5 “You far-right types will do anything to move this thread away from its topic, won’t you?”
Bingo! Give John a cigar!! The LAST thing rightys want to do is debate issues — because they’re WRONG on the issues — every last one of ’em. So they try to redirect attention to personalities by making pointless and false ad hominem attacks.
No rational human being would EVER vote for ANY Republican.
@5 (continued) Three years from now it will be hard to find anyone willing to admit ever having voted Republican. Same thing as happened in ’75 — a year after Nixon left office, nobody would admit voting for him.
Kinda interesting that George W. Bush bought a 98,000-acre ranch in Paraguay, which has no extradition treaty with the U.S.
ye public notice
Roger Rabbit will not be posting much for the next few days. Roger is not dead, but Roger’s computer is dead.
I’ve read that the 98,000 acre ranch (which I didn’t know he had actually purchased) is sitting on lots of water . . .
Headless: For me to talk to you I’ll wait until you use your real first name.
Good day!
Furball: I need my daily post of 300 idiotic rants. Especially like the 15 in a row you clocked one day. What is your computer problem? I’d give you FREE service! Working on an issue right now FREE with one of my buddies in Ohio!
Did you notice The Racist One Headless doesn’t know the correct chant? Stupid is as stupid is!
Headless, who were the white people there?
Working on an issue right now FREE with one of my buddies in Ohio!
Censorship is a bad thing. OTOH, some folks just waste space with interminable posts. What about some gentle pressure?
Bush Poofs.
Anyone know if we still have a President. Armey’s remark comes awfully close to the kind of comments we heard a Nixon trickled down the toilet.
We need a Regent. Gerry Ford did for Tricky Dicky, Mrs. Wilson did for senile Woodrow and Howard Baker reigned in Ronnie. Seems tome that responsible Publicans would want to convince. force the Dimwitted Decider that the the has come to add some wise person to the coterie and jet her or him run things for the next 23 months. Candidates:
McCain (he isn’t gonna be the real president anyway and this way he could save face).
Colin Powell (Nuff said)
Dick Armey (his wife is very bright!)
Alan Greenspan
Hey Puffybutt – if you can start taking your meds again to stop the problem you have with multiple personality disorder, maybe you could support our troops by taking their place?
LeftStillStupid: I already explained the situation. You are still stupid.
re 15: It’s OK to be white. Just stop playing these silly games. If you have something serious to say, say it.
Racist Headless: You are the silly games player. It was your callenge in #3. You told me in #3 I could not find it on Google. Of course it wasn’t found on Google. It was the wrong quote. You were the one with the challenge. I told you you had it wrong and then I upped the challenge. I asked which white group was there when the correct saying was said?
You go apoplectic when caught. Well butch you’ve been caught again. I hope you didn’t tell your class that quote. You are lousy with black history. Go back to packing fudge.
Racist: The correct quote was said in the:
1) 50s
2) 60s
3) 70s
4) 80s
Well, I’m curious. Wasn’t it Stokely Carmichael?
BTW, the quote is correct.
Nope the quote is NOT correct. You can’t tell a black man his history. The first time it was said the third and fourth words are not correct.
And it was not Stokely Carmichael!
Willie Ricks?
Since you are such experts in BLACK history what was the BP Handshake? Yeah, you all have to look it up!
Skagit – You are correct. A teacher can use Google. You had to look it up didn’t you?
Beep beep bang bang Umgawa Black Power!
The white people there were real democrats known as blue dogs today, not the far out whack jobs of today!
Hey Stephen Schwartz: Nice to meet you too!
Do you think I’d admit it? Yes, I did find it on Google . . . teachers do have to be good at googling. It was in PDF format. :)
Pudd: I heard him say it. I watched him say it. Who was Carmichael speaking to, and what was their reaction? do you know?
You put a lot of faith in the written word.
You obviously kept searching til you found something. Otherwise, you would have responded immediately.
re 36: Pudd: Who, along with E.Roosevelt, was instrumental in the formation of the UN? Quick, you should aLready know this stuff.
Headless: Depends are you referring to his San Francisco/Oakland speech or his Louisville, Kentucky speech?
I put a lot of faith in the written word? IMHO ROTFLMAO GG!
You need to write that when Furball pelletizes the ASSHead blog! He “uses” the written word as his argument ad nauseum!
Thanks for the great laugh!
#36: I honesty don’t remember. Not something I keep in deep synaptic response.
Actually, the document I found sounds like Ricks is quoting Carmichael. So Bill might be right . . .
Claude Barnes, PhD
Public Hearing #1 of the Greensboro Truth and Reconciliation Commission
July 15, 2005 Greensboro, North Carolina
Power and under the leadership of Stokely Carmichael, organizations like SNCC (Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee) begin to move away from the civil rights perspective to a more militant Black Power perspective and we begin to see that o n t he James Meredith march against fear in June 1966 when Willie Ricks stepped on top of a stand and the phrase was “Beep beep bang bang Umgawa Black Power.” THe next thing you know there were black power organizations thousands of them all across the United States including places like Greensboro, which created an organization called the Greensboro Association of Poor People in 1968 to respond to Stokely’s call.”
the source I found
I think its hilarious hearing the Republican Bushites criticize the Senate for considering a “non-binding resolution” against the troop surge, arguing that if the Democrats are against it, they should vote to cut funding.
They wish.
Thirty-seven years ago the Congress, fed up with evidence that most of the money appropriated for the defense of S. Vietnam was ending up in the hands of corrupt S. Vietnamese government officials (or in arms being spirited off by the Viet Cong), refused to vote to send a additional 350 million good dollars after all the bad dollars already flushed down the toilet there. Now righties STILL claim that if Congress had just appropriated the money, then the S. Vietnamese goverment would never have been defeated, claiming ammunition shortage caused the collapse of the S. Vietnamese defenses. Of course, there is NO credible evidence that those 350 million dollars would have ever actually found their way into ammunition for the troops, or that their collapse was not actually due to the inherent instability of a government which had very little popular support.
If the Congress were to limit funding of the Iraq war in any way, it would be the Republican dream: they can then abandon Iraq to whatever fate future holds for it, while at the same time petulantly screaming, like a little tot, “The nasty Democrats made me do it! It’s all their fault! I would have cleaned up my own mess (eventually), but they won’t let me!”
Meanwhile, Limbaugh, Rush, and all the “Fox and Friends” will seriously entone about how Democrats don’t care about our soldiers and are risking their lives by cutting off funding for them, just as they are about to “win” the war.
Yea, sure, cut off funding. If they are suggesting it, that itself is good enough reason to be very suspicious of it.
re 38: Ralph Bunche
Yet Kerry voted for the war before he voted against it and that was ok.
Roger Rabbit says:
@5 (continued) Three years from now it will be hard to find anyone willing to admit ever having voted Republican. Same thing as happened in ‘75 — a year after Nixon left office, nobody would admit voting for him.
Oh but what happened in 80? or say…… 84?
Enjoy the short term gains…….
re 43: Would you be upset if Kerry voted against the war and then decided to vote for it. I don’t think so.
You’re in favor of flip-flopping as long as the individual is flopping in the direction you want him to.
You’re the hypocrite, not Kerry.
42: Oh yeah. Dr Ralph Bunche, first black winner of the Nobel Peace Prize!
He was one of the original U Da MAN! men.
I am Republican – I lie, steal and cheat when I’m not being a family man (fat whore) or a crying hypocrit. Hail Hitler!
re 46: You are glib. You reduce a complex life and a brilliant man who made a real impact on the world with a dismissive little toss-off.
Don’t you think calling Ralph Bunche, “… one of the original U Da MAN! men.” is tantamount to calling him a house nigger except you don’t have the guts to.
You make me ill.
Audio Clip
Limbaugh: “The government’s been taking care of [young blacks] their whole lives”