2. NO PROOF. No tape. He didn’t tell the story to anyone (significant) before this. C’mon…
3. Even IF it is true, who cares if he wore a tutu and pranced around his living room.
4. “Party of Tolerance?” Total bullshit.
5. Maybe I should have a female friend call up a Seattle radio show and tell how she had a lesbian relationship with Darcy in college, how Darcy used her and then tossed her aside. Sound fair?
May be true, may not be true. I have no idea. Just throwin’ it out there in an open thread. :)
5. Maybe I should have a female friend call up a Seattle radio show and tell how she had a lesbian relationship with Darcy in college, how Darcy used her and then tossed her aside. Sound fair?
Go for it.
Another Republican busted. No surprise.
Prodigy’s ‘puzzling’ fall leads to murder charge
That’s a shocker, a cross-dressing Republican faggot. After getting all “pretty” Jesse probably went cruising for men in bathrooms at Logan International.
The funny part is, the caller doesn’t ID who the cross dressing fag is, but the conservative yum-yum guesses Jesse Helms at the 1:30 mark.
Hmmmm. . . Just a lucky guess?
The Real Markspews:
Since this is an open thread, I wanted to make one more comment re: medical pot.
Earlier today, I was listening to the radio and some new song by Snoop Dogg comes on — I believe it is called “Buy My Medicine.” It talks about how he needs his “medicine” and how he is high all day.
If you want the general voting public to be on your side for medical pot, we should be seeing scathing letters to the editor and hearing LOUD protests of this song by the MM proponents.
I don’t think Snoop should be prevented from playing his song, but perception is reality. If you want people like Martin viewed as patients and not stoners, you have to change perceptions. Songs like Snoop’s do a LOT of damage to that perception.
Mark, I have a follow up question for you on the marijuana thread.
Sorry, I just found it funny. In the past, I have called out people in the “stoner stupid” crowd who tend to undermine the politics surrounding medical marijuana, but in the end, there’s not much you can do about pop culture. It’s like the New Yorker cover of Obama. It’s brilliant satire, but it will probably reinforce the ignorance of that narrow subset of America who really thinks he is an anti-American muslim extremist. Sometimes you can’t fix stupid no matter how much shame and humiliation is poured on them.
It’s a reality that people can have faulty perceptions and act as if their perception is reality, but that only leads to things like the quagmire in Iraq.
No matter how many times the phrase: ‘War on Terror’ is repeated, there will never be a war on terror.
That’s reality.
demo kidspews:
That’s a shocker, a cross-dressing Republican faggot. After getting all “pretty” Jesse probably went cruising for men in bathrooms at Logan International.
What the hell, dude. Stupid bigot.
Demo kid @ 12:
I copied a line from Lee’s post at 10. See if you can make the logical connection.
“It’s like the New Yorker cover of Obama. It’s brilliant satire, . . . ”
@5 The funny part is, the caller doesn’t ID who the cross dressing fag is, but the conservative yum-yum guesses Jesse Helms at the 1:30 mark.
Hmmmm. . . Just a lucky guess?
I’m guessing that the particular show was about Jesse Helms that day (possibly because it was the day after he died?).
@ 14:
No doubt, but today, I’m going to jump to conclusions and falsehoods like the coservatives like to do.
Therefore, it was a random caller and the topic of the show was the price of gas.
Jim, (a genuine musician)spews:
A classic.
Including drool and spittle from Mark.
W. Klingon Skousenspews:
“There are certain things you just don’t do, and if you do them, you pay the price.” Jesse Helms
Seeing as how perception is reality, I choose to see an image of Jesse Helms in my mind dressed up like a $2 French Hoor, simpering into the camera with those pinched lips he used to have.
17 Thanks a lot. The imagery you evoked just about made me hurl.
Hey Fake Mark you as ashamed of Helms as you are Bush? And no – nobody is hands off. Those are YOUR rules. You right wingers declared war on dead Democrats, sick Democrats, Democratic families, wives, children etc. Now you don’t like it because we’re fighting back. Get used to it you coward.
And another anti-gay gay republican is NOT shocking. It’s the norm!
I think maybe someone should call the Seattle radio stations and talk about Dino Rossi’s time with Sheriff Davie at a gay club. You really want to play that game Fake Mark you little bitch? We can play that too if you want it. Be careful what you wish for.
Seattle is the 6th most walkable city in America according to walkscore.com. Walkscore ranks Pioneer Square as the most walkable neighborhood in Seattle. Having to smell piss and step around used needles must not be part of their ranking criteria.
Entering my address into walkscore’s to get my neighborhoods “walking score” they liked that I live 1.09 miles from a public library. Except, um… they didn’t note that that library is located inside a state women’s prison.
LOL. Yeah, I played with that for a little bit. They certainly need some work on their algorithm. My parents’ house in PA scored fairly well, but in order to get to nearly all the places, you have to walk through a heavily wooded area. :)
Okay, open thread, so….
Republicans like to argue that they are “businessmen” who know how things really work, and that private business is more efficient than government, etc. They frequently run candidates for public office based upon their “business experience”.
Now, take a look at a handfull of some of the most successfull businessmen in the world who made their money from genuine hard work and being smart as all get-out, and note their positions with respect to the Republican ideolgy:
Inheritance Taxes: Republicans hate them. But Bill Gates Sr. is one of the most adamant proponant of a progressive tax system, and is in favor of a steep inheritance tax to avoid creating an idle wealthy class of heirs. His son, Bill Gates Jr., who has been among the richest men in the world for the better part of the last two decades, has vowed to give almost all of his money away to charity BEFORE he dies, and his children will receive only a small amount.
ENERGY POLICY: Republicans say we can solve the oil crisis by allowing for more offshore drilling rights to oil companies. But T. Boone Pickings, a legendary oil man and corporate titan, says we need to switch to renewable energy before all our wealth is transferred to foreign countries, and he especially favors solar and wind energy systems.
TRADE POLICY: Republicans are generally in favor of unrestricted global trade. But Warren Buffet, the extraordinarily successful investment guru of Berkshire-Hathaway, has warned that our long-term trade deficit is resulting in a transfer of American wealth which cannot be sustained. He warns that we will have spent through the accumulated investment of wealth within the current generation, leaving our descendents with nothing but debt.
Thankfully, the caller is no longer teaching transvestites how to do their makeup-his admission on the radio of one of his clients is not what I would describe as “discretion”, even if the guy is dead now.
And GBS, please stop using the words “fag” and “faggot”. It’s offensive and uncalled for.
Hey Lee,
Have you heard Frog Holler? Freaking amazing roots rock coming out of PA somewhere.
Always reasonable and balanced in his views, this candidate has everything. Good looks, a charming personality, great presence.
His only real fault is that he’s way too modest.
This says it all:
I’m a lifelong conservative activist and I’m backing Barack Obama
Wednesday, July 16th 2008, 7:39 PM
I’m a lifelong Republican – a supply-side conservative. I worked in the Reagan White House. I was the chief economist at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for five years. In 1994, I helped write the Republican Contract with America. I served on Bob Dole’s presidential campaign team and was chief economist for Jack Kemp’s Empower America.
Never heard of them. Will check them out on Monday. Thanks. :)
And more Republican fun:
Former U.S. Sen. Phil Gramm, a top adviser to John McCain, resigned Friday from McCain’s presidential campaign after he was criticized recently for describing America as a “nation of whiners” and as suffering from a “mental recession.”
Must be hell being a Republican this election cycle.
Larry Hunter says he wrote the Op Ed piece because of conversations he has been having with his friends. They’re all talking about voting for Obama in private but not willing to in public.
Even if my hopes on domestic policy are dashed and Obama reveals himself as an unreconstructed, dyed-in-the-wool, big-government liberal, I’m still voting for him.
These past eight years, we have spent over a trillion dollars on foreign soil – and lost countless lives – and done what I consider irreparable damage to our Constitution.
If economic damage from well-intentioned but misbegotten Obama economic schemes is the ransom we must pay him to clean up this foreign policy mess, then so be it. It’s not nearly as costly as enduring four more years of what we suffered the last eight years.
Larry hunter
@25 I like the link!
Marvin Stamnspews:
2. Lee spews:
May be true, may not be true. I have no idea. Just throwin’ it out there in an open thread. :)
Quite the admission.
Wasn’t it you that said you wouldn’t cut it in politics because you had a spine and were honest?
So you posted something you didn’t know to be accurate.
I thought having a spine meant doing the right thing when it wasn’t easy or popular.
I know what a conservative is. It has many flavors. The social conservative that is pro family, anti abortion, hates gays and interracial marriage. The fiscal conservative that wants a balanced budget, and living with our financial means. The corporate conservative that wants no corporate taxes, or unions, or rules that hinder a corporation from doing what ever makes a profit. The security conservative that is for strong military and and a dictator president.
But what does a progressive stand for? What are progressive values?
– Do not support stupid wars that are not in the US’s self interest, like WW2.
– Protectionist, not free trade
– Pro Union.
– Pro environment, so we have clean air, clean water, and snail darters even if it means costing jobs.
What did I miss? Snarky or real?
Marvin Stamnspews:
Nunez and most of her siblings and their spouses are unemployed and rely on government assistance and food stamps.
Nunez, 40, has never worked and has no high school degree.
People tell Nunez her daughter could get more money in public assistance if she had a child.
“A lot of people have told me, ‘Why don’t your daughter have a kid?'”
During my more than 60 years of covering national politics, I have never seen a candidate’s principles and character so effectively tarnished — after so extraordinarily inspiring a start — as Barack Obama’s. He has come to resemble another mellifluous orator I came to know in Boston during my first time reporting on a campaign — James Michael Curley, the skilful prestidigitator whom Spencer Tracy masterfully played in the movie “The Last Hurrah.” Obama’s deflation has not been due to ruthless opposition research by John McCain’s team but by the “change” candidate himself. Like millions of Americans, I, for a time, was buoyed by not only the real-time prospect of our first black president but much more by the likelihood that Obama would pierce the dense hypocrisy and insatiable power-grabbing of current American politics.
But after abandoning his pledge to abide by public financing, this apostle of cleansing the political culture is now going after the high rollers. As the July 3 New York Times reported, “Last week, the Obama campaign collected about $5 million at an event featuring celebrities in Los Angeles. The evening began with a dinner at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion for more than 200 people who had contributed $28,500 per couple, or raised $50,000.” Then there is the current furor among a rising number of Obama contributors with wallets far below the $50,000-a-pop crowd about his change on the “compromise” FISA Amendments Act of 2008 that passed the House and Senate, and has been signed by the grateful president.
Nat’s always been a good writer, been reading his stuff since high school.
Therefore, Obama’s one-night at the stadium could produce four times the amount of carbon pollutants as one night at the Pepsi Center (where the rest of his convention will take place)… or… more pollutants than ALL FOUR nights of the Republcan Convention… combined.
Just like when you compare the homes of bush and gore, the bush home is green friendly. The gore castle has a big carbon footprint. The democrats talk the talk but somehow always have excuses why they can’t walk the walk.
I’m sure gore buys carbon offsets, just like kobe bryant bought his wife a big diamond after screwing some chick in colorado.
Of course, the rich elite will never have to cut back on their pollution since they can pay for diamonds, er, carbon offsets. Like most democrat policies, poor blacks will be hurt the most. Typical.
Thousands of protestors are expected to converge at the DNC.
Anybody want to make a bet about the political leanings of the protesters? Want to bet they are left of center?
And rightfully so, the city of denver is worried about violence and damage.
How many times do republicans protest? And when they do, do they resort to the same kind of violence and damage that the left routinely does?
It’s going to be a fun convention. No fried foods. A city that deported the homeless. All the global warming. And sitting back watching the extreme-left protest the far-left.
Politically Incorrectspews:
The problem with the inheritance tax is that, because of inflation, it effects middle class people who have no chance of setting-up some dynastic wealth scheme. If we must have an inheritance tax (and I don’t support one), the tax should allow at least $1 billion in wealth to pass from generation to generation without tax. This amount should be indexed, say every 5 years, to keep up with systemic inflation.
With $1 billion (as indexed) allowed to be passed tax free from generation to generation, family businesses and farms should pass intact. There’s no sense destroying a family business or farm for the sake of taxes.
Bill Gates’ dad and Bill can do whatever they choose with their money, but allow others to pass their estates to their heirs without government interference.
In the new poll, 53 percent of voters (and 50 percent of former Hillary Clinton supporters) believe that Obama has changed his position on key issues in order to gain political advantage.
More seriously, some Obama supporters worry that the spectacle of their candidate eagerly embracing his old rival, Hillary Clinton, and traveling the country courting big donors at lavish fund-raisers, may have done lasting damage to his image as an arbiter of a new kind of politics.
The number of democrats finally seeing the truth is growing daily. Not that they will vote for mcsame, they will simply sit the election out.
It’s just that Obama’s rhetoric on taxes and health care is scaring common wealthy people with large capital gains from investments made over the past decade, and a lot of them don’t want to wait around to see whether it’s just populist fluff that might be set aside once he takes office.
Plus, the Democrats who run Congress know that a weaker economy favors their nominee — and they are loath to pass banking or trade legislation now to improve the nation’s industrial standing over fears that it could backfire and give comfort to the Republicans. And finally, there is a well-founded anxiety that one-party rule in Washington for at least the next two years will bring about the sort of abuse of power that has gotten both parties into trouble over the past few decades.
Marvin Stamnspews:
43. Lee spews:
Want to bet which convention has more problems with angry protests of the same political leanings?
That link didn’t say anything about a protest. So what if ron paul holds his own convention.
Left-leaning protest groups are talking about protesting denver. Of course the city of denver is aware and is taking steps.
How bad is it? The aclu is suing the city of denver to find out what kind of weapons they plan on using on civilians. Like I’ve said many times, in cities under democrat control are the worst cases of abuse atthe hands of government employees.
It looks like the prospect of Republicans getting their asses handed to them in November is causing My Favorite Marvin to have a bit of an anxiety attack. By October he’ll be medicated and in a padded cell.
So I take it you want to bet, then? I say that there will be more trouble from right wing protestors at the RNC than there will be from left wing protestors at the DNC. Deal?
What are we betting?
Marvin Stamnspews:
47. Steve spews:
It looks like the prospect of Republicans getting their asses handed to them in November is causing My Favorite Marvin to have a bit of an anxiety attack. By October he’ll be medicated and in a padded cell.
Of course I’m your favorite. Have you started dreaming about me yet? Called out my name while with your wife yet?
If you disagree with what I write, you are free to try and rebut it. Your name calling is a distraction from the truth you have not much to say besdies talking about your barnyard experiences.
Jump steve, jump.
Marvin Stamnspews:
48. Lee spews:
So I take it you want to bet, then? I say that there will be more trouble from right wing protestors at the RNC than there will be from left wing protestors at the DNC. Deal?
What are we betting?
What I want? IPs posted along with the date/time stamp so we can finally see all the sockpuppets.
How will we define trouble? Property damage $$ or number of arrests?
How much longer does Steve have to humiliate you before you stop giving him more ammunition?
@46, 48
Left-wing protesters, picket in the streets. Right-wing protesters bomb clinics and gay bars.
What’s wrong with protesters? We have the right to freedom of assembly and speech. Why not use it?
The left tends to use their right to speech and assembly to let folks know how they feel and to create a better world. The right, on the other hand, tends to defer to power and not use their right to speech and assembly.
Maybe, Marv’s just jealous?
Marvin Stamnspews:
My grandfather, Dr. Martin Luther King, Sr., or “Daddy King”, was a Republican and father of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who was a Republican.
No one batted an eye when President Kennedy opposed the 1963 March on Washington by Dr. King. Hardly a ripple of protest was uttered when President Kennedy, through his brother Attorney General Robert Kennedy, had Dr. King wiretapped and investigated on suspicion of being a Communist. Little attention was paid to the fact that it was a Democrat, Public Safety Commissioner Eugene “Bull” Conner, who in 1963 turned dogs and fire hoses on Dr. King and other civil rights protestors. No one noted that it was a Democrat, Georgia Governor Lester Maddox, who waved ax handles to stop blacks from patronizing his restaurant. Nor was heed paid to the fact that it was a Democrat, Alabama Governor George Wallace, who stood in front of the Alabama schoolhouse in 1963 and thundered: “Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.” None of those racist Democrats became Republicans. During this time of turmoil, completely forgotten was the fact that it was Democrat Arkansas Governor Orville Faubus who in 1954 had blocked desegregation of a Little Rock public school. To their eternal shame, the chief opponents of the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act were Democrats Senators Sam Ervin, Albert Gore, Sr. and Robert Byrd, a former Klansman. All of the racist Democrats that Dr. King was fighting remained Democrats until the day they died. How can anyone today think that Dr. King, my uncle, would have joined the party of the KKK?
The writings of some person named Alveda C. King. Relative of some guy named Martin Luther King.
But if you think about it, back when MLK was alive it was the democrats that were the racist party.
Marvin Stamnspews:
51. Lee spews:
I’m not allowed by Goldy to do that, so we’ll have to bet something else. Plus, it has to be something you have to give up too.
I was going to let you decide what you wanted. Me never posting here again?
We should define trouble as being ahead in at least 2 of the following 3 categories:
Property Damage $$
People thrown out of convention area
And something else. Only “trouble” by the same party. Since I’m insisting it’s going to be left-leaners causing trouble in denver, any trouble by right-leaners won’t count.
Any trouble at the RNC by code pink won’t count.
Marvin Stamnspews:
52. Steve spews:
@49 Good grief, Marvin. What is there to rebut? When you’re not making shit up, you’re either hating or whining. Typical Republican behavior.
Still replying to me I see.
Marvin Stamnspews:
53. Lee spews:
How much longer does Steve have to humiliate you before you stop giving him more ammunition?
How long did it take getting your ass handed to you before you stopped posting at sound politics?
UNSoundPolitics doesn’t allow Democrats to post. They simply block any opinion or view they don’t agree with. Here at HA you child-raping republicans are allowed to spew any lie you want because we’re not worried that anyone here is stupid enough to believe you.
Do the people at UNSoundPolitics know you’re a convicted sex offender Marvy?
@58 Replying? Actually, I kind of liken it to reeling in a big butt-ugly halibut.
Marvin Stamnspews:
61. Steve spews:
@58 Replying? Actually, I kind of liken it to reeling in a big butt-ugly halibut.
I like it that you are so fixated upon me to reply to every post.
Keep it up steve. (I hope I’m not parroting your wife)
“fixated upon me…”
Have I ever mentioned projection? It’s a Psych 101 thing.
Hmm, I’m gonna need a bigger boat.
Marvin Stamnspews:
63. Steve spews:
“fixated upon me…”
Have I ever mentioned projection? It’s a Psych 101 thing.
Hmm, I’m gonna need a bigger boat
It’s funny you keep replying to me but are in denial you’re fixated upon me.
In trolling terms, you would be considered a following bitch. Welcome to your new life.
Marvin Stamnspews:
The BAGHDAD item headlined “Iraqis say they like Obama, divided on his policies” is withdrawn. The story was transmitted in error.
Reuters accidently ran a story that said not all iraqi’s were properly bowing at the feet of obama.
“He is very conscious of it. He knows he has become a vehicle for peoples’ hopes and dreams and expectations and we all fear that such expectations tend to be unrealistic.”
It appears the obama campaign knows it better start lowering expectations. If he keeps everyone hoping for change and it never comes the democrat party might not get another chance for a decade or two.
Marvin Stamnspews:
But Cleland told others he was unpleasantly surprised when, after an invitation to the event for Obama — whom he supports — he was told at the last minute by an Obama aide that he wouldn’t be welcome.
The wheels on the bus go thump thump thump over the bodies of the people obama has thrown under it.
Wouldn’t be welcome. Guess the big tent the democrats believe in doesn’t even include a war hero like cleland. Wasn’t wesley clark also thrown under the bus a week or two ago?
So here’s the bottom line. The polls make me nervous. Not desperate, not hopeless, not resigned, but nervous. Barack Obama should be ahead right now. Way ahead. Not even close is how it should look, even though I wouldn’t for a minute tell you that if it were that would seal the deal. But the fact that my old candidate Mike Dukakis was running better 20 years ago against George Bush than Obama is today against John McCain makes me nervous.
You can smell it in the air. The fear of democrats that maybe obama was a bad choice.
I think the best quote was-
No candidate in my lifetime has ever gotten better press coverage, more adoration from the media.
Sounds good to me. If I win the bet, you stop posting here. If you win the bet, I admit it on a front page post. Deal?
Man, how on Earth did you let Steve get into your head so badly, Marvin. Snap out of it. You’re making an ass of yourself.
Marvin Stamnspews:
69. Lee spews:
I still post at Sound Politics all the time.
I’ve seen, although you haven’t won an argument there or even made valid points. You get your ass handed to you, if you didn’t, you wouldn’t feel the need to run to your blog ad talk about it.
Sounds good to me. If I win the bet, you stop posting here. If you win the bet, I admit it on a front page post. Deal?
People will know the fact, you admitting doesn’t do much. How about you start jumping on the racists/loonies on the left that post here. Peoplpe like headless and byebyegoop.
Man, how on Earth did you let Steve get into your head so badly, Marvin. Snap out of it. You’re making an ass of yourself.
Are you serious. I’m making a grown man jump and reply to my posts like a trained seal. When I can get steve to balance a ball on his nose it will be mission accomplished.
I think it’s cute how you feel you need to help steve. I’m glad steve has friends like you.
@70 I’ve seen, although you haven’t won an argument there or even made valid points.
How would you know? You often think you’re winning arguments and making valid points while everyone here is in stitches laughing at you.
People will know the fact, you admitting doesn’t do much. How about you start jumping on the racists/loonies on the left that post here. Peoplpe like headless and byebyegoop.
You saw me going after SeattleJew, right? Except that, for some reason, you were defending him – even after I posted links to the proof. As for Headless Lucy, he/she does not like me very much after I wasn’t buying the whole AIDS was a conspiracy by the U.S. Government nonsense, and I also took ByeByeGOP to task for the stupid shit he/she was saying when Darcy Burner’s house burnt down. Try to keep up.
Are you serious. I’m making a grown man jump and reply to my posts like a trained seal.
No, he’s making you reply to his posts like a trained seal. Don’t you get it? You’re the fool here. We’re all laughing at you.
When I can get steve to balance a ball on his nose it will be mission accomplished.
But you’re already sitting there with a ball balancing on your nose, you fool.
I think it’s cute how you feel you need to help steve. I’m glad steve has friends like you.
I’m not helping Steve. He’s helping me. My main M.O. is to get material for EffU. Remember these posts?
They’re still the first thing that appears when you Google for “Marvin Stamn”.
Jump, Marvin, jump!
Marvin Stamnspews:
71. Lee spews:
How would you know? You often think you’re winning arguments and making valid points while everyone here is in stitches laughing at you.
So you know exactly how it feels, cause that’s how you get treated at soundpolitics. I still remember that one post you got called out on and the guy told you to run to your blog. Since that’s your M.O. I picked up on it. It was a hilarious post with comments. You probably didn’t see the humor in it.
I don’t think I’m winning arguments here, most regulars here already have their minds made up. Made valid points, of course I have. Have I thrown trash against the wall, yup, and thankfully you and steve keep replying.
You saw me going after SeattleJew, right? Except that, for some reason, you were defending him – even after I posted links to the proof.
Yeah, you were offended when he wrote you habored some racist tendencies. You were pissed, you were insulted. So of course like any good republican you retaliated. Called him racist and ran to your blog posting about it.
No, he’s making you reply to his posts like a trained seal. Don’t you get it? You’re the fool here. We’re all laughing at you.
Of course you’re laughing, but the joke is really on you. I think byebyegoop is a twit. Do you see me replying to every post of his, unable to control myself? But something about you and steve just needs to reply to me.
But you’re already sitting there with a ball balancing on your nose, you fool.
Good one. You’re the man lee.
I’m not helping Steve. He’s helping me. My main M.O. is to get material for EffU. Remember these posts?
I think I saw the first one. After seeing all the other “gotcha” posts of yours about those you don’t agree with I felt sorry for you and didn’t want to visit your site again.
Great to hear your pages are at the top of the search, I hope you’re making some $. If not, you are just advertising for free to the world, or at least people searching for marvin stamm and not knowing how to spell his name, that you spend your time making fun of others. And worse yet, it’s your real name/identity that is being besmirched by you. PRICELESS
@71 “material for EffU”
Hey, glad to help. Great links, LMFAO!
Bue Johnspews:
“Wouldn’t be welcome. Guess the big tent the democrats believe in doesn’t even include a war hero like cleland.”
And Thank You for playing another round of “Out of Context Theater”.
But to the Obama campaign, Cleland has another qualification: Registered lobbyist.
So Cleland — despite his iconic status — was abruptly disinvited from appearing with Obama in Atlanta July 8, three sources familiar with the incident said.
“This was a hard decision regarding Senator Cleland,” said Obama’s deputy campaign manager, Steve Hildebrand, in an email. He cited Obama’s policy of banning lobbyists from participating in fundraising or giving money.
What do you say now, Marvin? Do you even bother to read the propaganda points that Rush feeds you every day? Obama lives up to his standards and you spin that into a slam.
Typical Republican.
What bullshit.
1. The guy is dead. Give his family some peace.
2. NO PROOF. No tape. He didn’t tell the story to anyone (significant) before this. C’mon…
3. Even IF it is true, who cares if he wore a tutu and pranced around his living room.
4. “Party of Tolerance?” Total bullshit.
5. Maybe I should have a female friend call up a Seattle radio show and tell how she had a lesbian relationship with Darcy in college, how Darcy used her and then tossed her aside. Sound fair?
May be true, may not be true. I have no idea. Just throwin’ it out there in an open thread. :)
5. Maybe I should have a female friend call up a Seattle radio show and tell how she had a lesbian relationship with Darcy in college, how Darcy used her and then tossed her aside. Sound fair?
Go for it.
Another Republican busted. No surprise.
Prodigy’s ‘puzzling’ fall leads to murder charge
[Copied Material Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
Lee @ 2
I wouldn’t do that. Just asking the question.
That’s a shocker, a cross-dressing Republican faggot. After getting all “pretty” Jesse probably went cruising for men in bathrooms at Logan International.
The funny part is, the caller doesn’t ID who the cross dressing fag is, but the conservative yum-yum guesses Jesse Helms at the 1:30 mark.
Hmmmm. . . Just a lucky guess?
Since this is an open thread, I wanted to make one more comment re: medical pot.
Earlier today, I was listening to the radio and some new song by Snoop Dogg comes on — I believe it is called “Buy My Medicine.” It talks about how he needs his “medicine” and how he is high all day.
If you want the general voting public to be on your side for medical pot, we should be seeing scathing letters to the editor and hearing LOUD protests of this song by the MM proponents.
I don’t think Snoop should be prevented from playing his song, but perception is reality. If you want people like Martin viewed as patients and not stoners, you have to change perceptions. Songs like Snoop’s do a LOT of damage to that perception.
Mark, I have a follow up question for you on the marijuana thread.
I’ll make sure I put a cap in Snoop’s ass then.
Lee @ 8
Go ahead… make jokes. I was really trying to help.
Sorry, I just found it funny. In the past, I have called out people in the “stoner stupid” crowd who tend to undermine the politics surrounding medical marijuana, but in the end, there’s not much you can do about pop culture. It’s like the New Yorker cover of Obama. It’s brilliant satire, but it will probably reinforce the ignorance of that narrow subset of America who really thinks he is an anti-American muslim extremist. Sometimes you can’t fix stupid no matter how much shame and humiliation is poured on them.
re 6: “…perception is reality.” No, not really.
It’s a reality that people can have faulty perceptions and act as if their perception is reality, but that only leads to things like the quagmire in Iraq.
No matter how many times the phrase: ‘War on Terror’ is repeated, there will never be a war on terror.
That’s reality.
That’s a shocker, a cross-dressing Republican faggot. After getting all “pretty” Jesse probably went cruising for men in bathrooms at Logan International.
What the hell, dude. Stupid bigot.
Demo kid @ 12:
I copied a line from Lee’s post at 10. See if you can make the logical connection.
“It’s like the New Yorker cover of Obama. It’s brilliant satire, . . . ”
Do you “get it” now?
The funny part is, the caller doesn’t ID who the cross dressing fag is, but the conservative yum-yum guesses Jesse Helms at the 1:30 mark.
Hmmmm. . . Just a lucky guess?
I’m guessing that the particular show was about Jesse Helms that day (possibly because it was the day after he died?).
@ 14:
No doubt, but today, I’m going to jump to conclusions and falsehoods like the coservatives like to do.
Therefore, it was a random caller and the topic of the show was the price of gas.
A classic.
Including drool and spittle from Mark.
“There are certain things you just don’t do, and if you do them, you pay the price.” Jesse Helms
Seeing as how perception is reality, I choose to see an image of Jesse Helms in my mind dressed up like a $2 French Hoor, simpering into the camera with those pinched lips he used to have.
17 Thanks a lot. The imagery you evoked just about made me hurl.
Hey Fake Mark you as ashamed of Helms as you are Bush? And no – nobody is hands off. Those are YOUR rules. You right wingers declared war on dead Democrats, sick Democrats, Democratic families, wives, children etc. Now you don’t like it because we’re fighting back. Get used to it you coward.
And another anti-gay gay republican is NOT shocking. It’s the norm!
I think maybe someone should call the Seattle radio stations and talk about Dino Rossi’s time with Sheriff Davie at a gay club. You really want to play that game Fake Mark you little bitch? We can play that too if you want it. Be careful what you wish for.
Seattle is the 6th most walkable city in America according to walkscore.com. Walkscore ranks Pioneer Square as the most walkable neighborhood in Seattle. Having to smell piss and step around used needles must not be part of their ranking criteria.
Entering my address into walkscore’s to get my neighborhoods “walking score” they liked that I live 1.09 miles from a public library. Except, um… they didn’t note that that library is located inside a state women’s prison.
LOL. Yeah, I played with that for a little bit. They certainly need some work on their algorithm. My parents’ house in PA scored fairly well, but in order to get to nearly all the places, you have to walk through a heavily wooded area. :)
Okay, open thread, so….
Republicans like to argue that they are “businessmen” who know how things really work, and that private business is more efficient than government, etc. They frequently run candidates for public office based upon their “business experience”.
Now, take a look at a handfull of some of the most successfull businessmen in the world who made their money from genuine hard work and being smart as all get-out, and note their positions with respect to the Republican ideolgy:
Inheritance Taxes: Republicans hate them. But Bill Gates Sr. is one of the most adamant proponant of a progressive tax system, and is in favor of a steep inheritance tax to avoid creating an idle wealthy class of heirs. His son, Bill Gates Jr., who has been among the richest men in the world for the better part of the last two decades, has vowed to give almost all of his money away to charity BEFORE he dies, and his children will receive only a small amount.
ENERGY POLICY: Republicans say we can solve the oil crisis by allowing for more offshore drilling rights to oil companies. But T. Boone Pickings, a legendary oil man and corporate titan, says we need to switch to renewable energy before all our wealth is transferred to foreign countries, and he especially favors solar and wind energy systems.
TRADE POLICY: Republicans are generally in favor of unrestricted global trade. But Warren Buffet, the extraordinarily successful investment guru of Berkshire-Hathaway, has warned that our long-term trade deficit is resulting in a transfer of American wealth which cannot be sustained. He warns that we will have spent through the accumulated investment of wealth within the current generation, leaving our descendents with nothing but debt.
Thankfully, the caller is no longer teaching transvestites how to do their makeup-his admission on the radio of one of his clients is not what I would describe as “discretion”, even if the guy is dead now.
And GBS, please stop using the words “fag” and “faggot”. It’s offensive and uncalled for.
Hey Lee,
Have you heard Frog Holler? Freaking amazing roots rock coming out of PA somewhere.
Ok, as much as I like Senator Obama for President, I’ve found one candidate that I like even better. This fellow stands for everything I believe in.
The ideal candidate
Always reasonable and balanced in his views, this candidate has everything. Good looks, a charming personality, great presence.
His only real fault is that he’s way too modest.
This says it all:
Read it in the NY Daily News
Never heard of them. Will check them out on Monday. Thanks. :)
And more Republican fun:
It’s being reported on Fox Noise so it must be true.
Must be hell being a Republican this election cycle.
Larry Hunter says he wrote the Op Ed piece because of conversations he has been having with his friends. They’re all talking about voting for Obama in private but not willing to in public.
Larry hunter
@25 I like the link!
Quite the admission.
Wasn’t it you that said you wouldn’t cut it in politics because you had a spine and were honest?
So you posted something you didn’t know to be accurate.
I thought having a spine meant doing the right thing when it wasn’t easy or popular.
@ 25. John Barelli
THAT was a hoot! Thanks for the giggle!
Hey trolls, what do you think of this:
Here’s an odd question. What is a progressive?
I know what a conservative is. It has many flavors. The social conservative that is pro family, anti abortion, hates gays and interracial marriage. The fiscal conservative that wants a balanced budget, and living with our financial means. The corporate conservative that wants no corporate taxes, or unions, or rules that hinder a corporation from doing what ever makes a profit. The security conservative that is for strong military and and a dictator president.
But what does a progressive stand for? What are progressive values?
– Do not support stupid wars that are not in the US’s self interest, like WW2.
– Protectionist, not free trade
– Pro Union.
– Pro environment, so we have clean air, clean water, and snail darters even if it means costing jobs.
What did I miss? Snarky or real?
A profile of a proud democrat voter. Gotta love it.
Nat Hentoff: Disillusioned about Barack Obama
Nat’s always been a good writer, been reading his stuff since high school.
Are the democrats giving up on their “green” convention? It appears global warming isn’t a real concern to democrats.
Just like when you compare the homes of bush and gore, the bush home is green friendly. The gore castle has a big carbon footprint. The democrats talk the talk but somehow always have excuses why they can’t walk the walk.
I’m sure gore buys carbon offsets, just like kobe bryant bought his wife a big diamond after screwing some chick in colorado.
Of course, the rich elite will never have to cut back on their pollution since they can pay for diamonds, er, carbon offsets. Like most democrat policies, poor blacks will be hurt the most. Typical.
What? LOL!
At Least 900 Officers To Help At DNC
Anybody want to make a bet about the political leanings of the protesters? Want to bet they are left of center?
And rightfully so, the city of denver is worried about violence and damage.
How many times do republicans protest? And when they do, do they resort to the same kind of violence and damage that the left routinely does?
It’s going to be a fun convention. No fried foods. A city that deported the homeless. All the global warming. And sitting back watching the extreme-left protest the far-left.
The problem with the inheritance tax is that, because of inflation, it effects middle class people who have no chance of setting-up some dynastic wealth scheme. If we must have an inheritance tax (and I don’t support one), the tax should allow at least $1 billion in wealth to pass from generation to generation without tax. This amount should be indexed, say every 5 years, to keep up with systemic inflation.
With $1 billion (as indexed) allowed to be passed tax free from generation to generation, family businesses and farms should pass intact. There’s no sense destroying a family business or farm for the sake of taxes.
Bill Gates’ dad and Bill can do whatever they choose with their money, but allow others to pass their estates to their heirs without government interference.
Want to bet which convention has more problems with angry protests of the same political leanings?
The glow is coming off the messiah.
The number of democrats finally seeing the truth is growing daily. Not that they will vote for mcsame, they will simply sit the election out.
Yup, democrats know that a weaker economy helps their nominee. So what do democrats do, help the country or screw the country for the benefit of the party.
That link didn’t say anything about a protest. So what if ron paul holds his own convention.
Left-leaning protest groups are talking about protesting denver. Of course the city of denver is aware and is taking steps.
How bad is it? The aclu is suing the city of denver to find out what kind of weapons they plan on using on civilians. Like I’ve said many times, in cities under democrat control are the worst cases of abuse atthe hands of government employees.
It looks like the prospect of Republicans getting their asses handed to them in November is causing My Favorite Marvin to have a bit of an anxiety attack. By October he’ll be medicated and in a padded cell.
So I take it you want to bet, then? I say that there will be more trouble from right wing protestors at the RNC than there will be from left wing protestors at the DNC. Deal?
What are we betting?
Of course I’m your favorite. Have you started dreaming about me yet? Called out my name while with your wife yet?
If you disagree with what I write, you are free to try and rebut it. Your name calling is a distraction from the truth you have not much to say besdies talking about your barnyard experiences.
Jump steve, jump.
What I want? IPs posted along with the date/time stamp so we can finally see all the sockpuppets.
How will we define trouble? Property damage $$ or number of arrests?
I’m not allowed by Goldy to do that, so we’ll have to bet something else. Plus, it has to be something you have to give up too.
We should define trouble as being ahead in at least 2 of the following 3 categories:
Property Damage $$
People thrown out of convention area
@49 Good grief, Marvin. What is there to rebut? When you’re not making shit up, you’re either hating or whining. Typical Republican behavior.
How much longer does Steve have to humiliate you before you stop giving him more ammunition?
@46, 48
Left-wing protesters, picket in the streets. Right-wing protesters bomb clinics and gay bars.
What’s wrong with protesters? We have the right to freedom of assembly and speech. Why not use it?
The left tends to use their right to speech and assembly to let folks know how they feel and to create a better world. The right, on the other hand, tends to defer to power and not use their right to speech and assembly.
Maybe, Marv’s just jealous?
The writings of some person named Alveda C. King. Relative of some guy named Martin Luther King.
But if you think about it, back when MLK was alive it was the democrats that were the racist party.
I was going to let you decide what you wanted. Me never posting here again?
And something else. Only “trouble” by the same party. Since I’m insisting it’s going to be left-leaners causing trouble in denver, any trouble by right-leaners won’t count.
Any trouble at the RNC by code pink won’t count.
Still replying to me I see.
How long did it take getting your ass handed to you before you stopped posting at sound politics?
UNSoundPolitics doesn’t allow Democrats to post. They simply block any opinion or view they don’t agree with. Here at HA you child-raping republicans are allowed to spew any lie you want because we’re not worried that anyone here is stupid enough to believe you.
Do the people at UNSoundPolitics know you’re a convicted sex offender Marvy?
@58 Replying? Actually, I kind of liken it to reeling in a big butt-ugly halibut.
I like it that you are so fixated upon me to reply to every post.
Keep it up steve. (I hope I’m not parroting your wife)
“fixated upon me…”
Have I ever mentioned projection? It’s a Psych 101 thing.
Hmm, I’m gonna need a bigger boat.
It’s funny you keep replying to me but are in denial you’re fixated upon me.
In trolling terms, you would be considered a following bitch. Welcome to your new life.
Reuters accidently ran a story that said not all iraqi’s were properly bowing at the feet of obama.
So they consider it a story transmitted in error and deleted it.
It appears the obama campaign knows it better start lowering expectations. If he keeps everyone hoping for change and it never comes the democrat party might not get another chance for a decade or two.
The wheels on the bus go thump thump thump over the bodies of the people obama has thrown under it.
Wouldn’t be welcome. Guess the big tent the democrats believe in doesn’t even include a war hero like cleland. Wasn’t wesley clark also thrown under the bus a week or two ago?
As written by liberal Susan Estrich–
You can smell it in the air. The fear of democrats that maybe obama was a bad choice.
I think the best quote was-
The liberal press is trying their best.
I still post at Sound Politics all the time.
Sounds good to me. If I win the bet, you stop posting here. If you win the bet, I admit it on a front page post. Deal?
Man, how on Earth did you let Steve get into your head so badly, Marvin. Snap out of it. You’re making an ass of yourself.
I’ve seen, although you haven’t won an argument there or even made valid points. You get your ass handed to you, if you didn’t, you wouldn’t feel the need to run to your blog ad talk about it.
People will know the fact, you admitting doesn’t do much. How about you start jumping on the racists/loonies on the left that post here. Peoplpe like headless and byebyegoop.
Are you serious. I’m making a grown man jump and reply to my posts like a trained seal. When I can get steve to balance a ball on his nose it will be mission accomplished.
I think it’s cute how you feel you need to help steve. I’m glad steve has friends like you.
I’ve seen, although you haven’t won an argument there or even made valid points.
How would you know? You often think you’re winning arguments and making valid points while everyone here is in stitches laughing at you.
People will know the fact, you admitting doesn’t do much. How about you start jumping on the racists/loonies on the left that post here. Peoplpe like headless and byebyegoop.
You saw me going after SeattleJew, right? Except that, for some reason, you were defending him – even after I posted links to the proof. As for Headless Lucy, he/she does not like me very much after I wasn’t buying the whole AIDS was a conspiracy by the U.S. Government nonsense, and I also took ByeByeGOP to task for the stupid shit he/she was saying when Darcy Burner’s house burnt down. Try to keep up.
Are you serious. I’m making a grown man jump and reply to my posts like a trained seal.
No, he’s making you reply to his posts like a trained seal. Don’t you get it? You’re the fool here. We’re all laughing at you.
When I can get steve to balance a ball on his nose it will be mission accomplished.
But you’re already sitting there with a ball balancing on your nose, you fool.
I think it’s cute how you feel you need to help steve. I’m glad steve has friends like you.
I’m not helping Steve. He’s helping me. My main M.O. is to get material for EffU. Remember these posts?
They’re still the first thing that appears when you Google for “Marvin Stamn”.
Jump, Marvin, jump!
So you know exactly how it feels, cause that’s how you get treated at soundpolitics. I still remember that one post you got called out on and the guy told you to run to your blog. Since that’s your M.O. I picked up on it. It was a hilarious post with comments. You probably didn’t see the humor in it.
I don’t think I’m winning arguments here, most regulars here already have their minds made up. Made valid points, of course I have. Have I thrown trash against the wall, yup, and thankfully you and steve keep replying.
Yeah, you were offended when he wrote you habored some racist tendencies. You were pissed, you were insulted. So of course like any good republican you retaliated. Called him racist and ran to your blog posting about it.
Of course you’re laughing, but the joke is really on you. I think byebyegoop is a twit. Do you see me replying to every post of his, unable to control myself? But something about you and steve just needs to reply to me.
Good one. You’re the man lee.
I think I saw the first one. After seeing all the other “gotcha” posts of yours about those you don’t agree with I felt sorry for you and didn’t want to visit your site again.
Great to hear your pages are at the top of the search, I hope you’re making some $. If not, you are just advertising for free to the world, or at least people searching for marvin stamm and not knowing how to spell his name, that you spend your time making fun of others. And worse yet, it’s your real name/identity that is being besmirched by you.
@71 “material for EffU”
Hey, glad to help. Great links, LMFAO!
“Wouldn’t be welcome. Guess the big tent the democrats believe in doesn’t even include a war hero like cleland.”
And Thank You for playing another round of “Out of Context Theater”.
But to the Obama campaign, Cleland has another qualification: Registered lobbyist.
So Cleland — despite his iconic status — was abruptly disinvited from appearing with Obama in Atlanta July 8, three sources familiar with the incident said.
“This was a hard decision regarding Senator Cleland,” said Obama’s deputy campaign manager, Steve Hildebrand, in an email. He cited Obama’s policy of banning lobbyists from participating in fundraising or giving money.
What do you say now, Marvin? Do you even bother to read the propaganda points that Rush feeds you every day? Obama lives up to his standards and you spin that into a slam.
Typical Republican.