Um, where were the black people at the Gardner’s vigil in Rainier Beach? Isn’t Rainier Beach over 50% black? The vigil looks like it’s about 95% white. I guess they must have been at work. ;-)
Regarding your newspaper find: What kind of idiot can’t understand a Mike Mailway column??!!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
“Theher and I are planning to do some serious plumbing work at our house this fall, and since my golf outing this afternoon fell through, I figured today was the perfect day to finally unwrap the last newspaper from the old pipe in my garage before it gets replaced.”
You spent a perfectly beautiful day and your grand total of work product was:
Peeling off 1 old newspaper and writing this column on it??
Focus Lee…guys like me would have the whole dang plumbing job done today too!
I guess the LEFT is not into productivity…and easily distracted.
@3 Focus Lee…guys like me would have the whole dang plumbing job done today too!
I’m actually paying someone to do the plumbing (because, as a hard-working member of society, I have the money to do it), but keep thinking that this was a witty comment.
And, BTW… Yes, I agree with the comment in the article that says, “It remains to be seen whether this recent tightening of the race reflects real change or is merely statistical noise.”
Hmmm… Statistical Noise… I think that would be a MUCH better name for your website.
The Seattle Policespews:
We just want to apologize to the public for not being at the scene of this horrendous crime that took place in the Ranier Beach neighborhood. We could have observed this young thug kill the white guy, thus having a better description. We are just glad no guns were involved.
@ 4 Lee – Important, please note!
Have you already chosen a plumber? I just had all my ABS drain pipes replaced last week (HUGE job!) after the mold abatement. Neighbor recommended Fox Plumbing. Dang, they did the job for $3,560+tax compared to the 3 other bids of $11,000 to $13,000 (PLUS FIXTURES, huh? +tax+permits).
One whirlwind plumber X 2-1/2 days
others’ bids for 3-4 plumbers for 3-4 days
I didn’t even have to move to a motel, truly awesome job! Fox said they were one of the few that still bids “time & matl”, the others go by their computerized or “Magic Book”. ETA: Fox is also rated high by Angies List.
Plumber did a fantastic job!!! (I’m practically an expert on pipes by now.) Don’t EVEN consider Beacon, they charged $1,100 for the single pipe that started the whole mess, plus KOMO TV did that mindboggling expose on them!
Broadway Joespews:
That was one old piece of newspaper. I was born a few days after the Super Bowl that year, hence the screen name you see. And to this day, my dad (who was dumped by my mom nearly 30 years ago because he couldn’t keep it in his pants) still claims I was named after a dog……
Broadway Joespews:
And by the way, my condolences go out to the family of Tony Snow on his passing. He may not have been well-loved on these boards, but hey, work for Fox News then become the WH spokesman? Tres difficult, folks. Rest in peace, Tony.
Yeh Me too! Tony had a sense of humor and a smile that no one could ignore. RIP Tony.
Got a kick out of the newspaper read, Thx Lee, too funny! That was 2 years before I moved to Seattle.
What I found stunning, also, in the Letters to the Editor was them actually printing peoples’ addresses:
S. G. Richmond of 1224 6th Ave N (they actually printed his address!) …
Mrs. John T. Brakes Sr. of 933 30th Ave responds …
Good heavens, these days people don’t even want to give their real names, for fear of the nut cases tracking them down! Still, in those days it was probably before ID Theft was invented.
I remember while caring for my Co-worker who died from AIDS (1992-1998) Principal Insurance actually had us write his Social Security number on the outside envelope RETURN ADDRESS, following his name & address – when submitting claims. Can you believe that? They used the SS# for the policy number.
I graduated from Inglemoor High School in 1968. Our class is having its 40th reunion late next month (three day bash including a Friday night at Dick’s, all day Saturday at Emerald Downs – playing the ponies then a massive dinner – and a Sunday tour of the HS aqnd a picnic.
Will be a great time.
Since the newspaper you took off your pipe is vintage 1968, is there any way I could get a copy of some or all of it? Would be a great thing to read to the assembled gaggle of 58-year olds.
Like I said…I’m serious about this.
The Piper
Condolences to Tony Snow’s family.
He traded selling out ethical journalistic principles for a comfortable life as a right wing stooge on radio/TV and a sycophant’s seat next to right wing power.
He left that toady’s chair because it didn’t pay enough to put his kids through college. Who knew?
Lee should NOT use those scum bags at Beacon. King 5 has done a decent job of exposing them, but I also had an experience with them 18-months ago.
They also do furnaces. Mine crapped out in January 2007, and I needed help fast. I called Beacon, a smart ass guy came out and told me that to try and repair what I had would cause the death of my family.
He said he refused to have that on his conscience, then quoted me a new furnace for over $3,500.
A friend recommended Teeter Services, a guy who works out of his home in Bothell. He came out, explained exactly what was wrong, including showing me the broken drum, and told me that while he could fix the old one (he wanted me to sign a release), he advised a new furnace.
His quote? $1,000 less than the Beacon Bum.
He got the furnace in in less than 48-hours, and it’s been humming along ever since.
My plumber is Steve Wallner of Wallner Plumbing. Father and son outfit. Reasonable, honest, not the cheapest, but they don’t overbid and they stand by their work.
There you have it…
The Piper
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Ice Cream Inflation Index
Mrs. Rabbit’s shopping list had Breyer’s ice cream on it tonight, so I bought 1/2 gal. Whoops! It’s not 1/2 gal. anymore. The carton shrunk to 1.75 qts. about a year ago. Whoops, it’s not 1.75 qts. anymore, the carton just shrunk to 1.5 qts. That’s 25% less ice cream for the same price as a year ago, which is the same thing as a 25% price increase. In one fucking year!!
The lying Bush administration wants you to believe inflation is “only” 3.8% — and they even will tell you that so-called “non-core” inflation is only 1% to 2%. Yeah, maybe it is — if you never eat, heat a burrow, or drive anywhere. As they correctly point out, you can buy a color TV for less than it cost in 1955. For whatever that’s worth.
But if you have a sweet tooth — inflation is 25! And that sucks!!! We need new management, and we need it now!
Hey Fake Mark why are you ashamed of Bush Mark? If you are a republican shouldn’t you be proud of the pretender and thief?
Why would you want to see a little old lady librarian kicked off city property for carrying a sign that says Bush=McCain? I would think you’d be proud of that analogy. Why not? Is it possible you realize that tying McCain to Bush (the most unpopular President in history) would drag 1023 year old McCain into the toilet? Why would that be Fake Mark? Because Bush allowed 9.11 to happen on his watch? Because he took a surplus and turned it into the biggest deficit in the history of America? Or maybe it’s because he lied so often about the Iraq war wasting thousands of lives and trillions of dollars? Perhaps you’re ashamed of the fact that under Bush we’ve lost our status as a world leader? Or maybe you are ashamed that under Bush earning power went down and our trade deficit climbed to its highest point ever? Could it be that you’re ashamed of the fact that the economy is in a recession? Or maybe it’s just that your boy is a complete idiot and coward like you?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Sound Transit’s Hidden Tax
Light rail boosters claim ST-2 will cost the average family only $125 a year. That’s bullshit. The light rail tax is a 1/2% sales tax that goes up with inflation. And if inflation is anything like what it’s been over the last 20 years, prices will at least double over the next 20 years. So, even if the $125 figure was correct, which it’s not, by the time ST-2 is built the light rail tax will cost an average family $250 a year. It goes up every year, you see, and the worse inflation gets, the faster it goes up.
Light rail boosters no doubt will claim that wages go up with inflation. There’s 2 things wrong with that argument. First, it’s a rare employer who gives wage increases equal to inflation, especially in high-inflation times like these. Second, retirees on fixed incomes get no inflation increases at all, so light rail costs them more than anyone else — and they’re the group least able to pay.
Because of the inflationary effect of the Sound Transit tax, it only makes sense that commuters — not senior citizens on fixed incomes — should pay for light rail. After all, they’re the ones who are getting inflation adjustments to their incomes, so they’re better able to pay Sound Transit’s ever-rising tax. That’s just common sense.
Speaking of common sense, Mrs. Rabbit tells me that ice cream cones have gotten smaller, too. They still cost the same, and you get the same number in a box, but they’re smaller. I guess that makes sense. When you have less ice cream to put in them, you can get by with smaller cones. In fact, if they didn’t make the cones smaller, you’d run out of ice cream before using up all the cones! Some smart fella was really thinking when he figured that out.
Roger Rabbitspews:
At the rate Republican Inflation is roaring upward, pretty soon you’ll need tweezers to eat ice cream cones.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Truce Cracks; Reds Strike Near Saigon”
What truce? I don’t remember any fucking truce. They shot at us, and we shot at them. It was, you know, a war.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A bullet going away from you makes a swishing sound in the air. A bullet coming at you makes a cracking noise (i.e., a miniature sonic boom).
Artillery rounds flying through the air make a lot of noise, and when they’re coming toward you, you can hear them for several seconds before they arrive. In fact, you can tell how close it’s gong to land to you by how loud it is … and if you heard it go off, it missed you.
I mention this in case any of our chickenhawk friends are wondering what being in a war is like.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Just happened to be perusing the latest from newsweek and damn if they don’t report that obama and mccain are in a dead heat.
It seems that as people see obama flip flop on issues, he loses their votes.
It is sad to watch obama change his stance on issues to appeal to America. It’s something democrats do year after year. If the liberal message was worth standing for don’t backpedal away from it. The fact that liberals shy away from it proves the liberal agenda does not appeal to america.
What’s next, obama going to sponsor a nascar car?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 You must be reading a different Newsweek than I am, because the Newsweek that comes up on my computer has Obama ahead of McCain, 44% – 41%.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 Buy let’s for a moment indulge your fantasy of Third-Term McSame winning in November. Let’s say, for the sake of making a point, that he does. Why would anyone celebrate that? The guy is promising us 100 more years of quagmire in Iraq. He doesn’t know the difference between a Sunni and a Shiite, and the only thing he knows about economics is how to call a divorce attorney when he meets a rich chick at a party. and sees no need to regulate the rapacious capitalists who have again brought our economy to its knees. Thank God polls don’t mean anything at this stage of the campaign. And I think it’s safe to say McCain’s already-weak numbers — after all, in any normal election, 41% is a shellacking — won’t hold up when voters find out who and what he is.
@ 16. Piper
PEMCO Investigator suggested Beacon since they used them. After seeing that expose I sure never even asked for a bid from them.
However the off-the-cuff estimate, by the 1st Beacon plumber who repaired the 1st pipe, was that my single sewer pipe upstairs-2-downstairs toilets would likely run $15,000 alone. He was a NICE guy that fortunately knew what he was doing! He was also the one who told me about the lawsuit regarding the defective pipes due to defective resin.
Turned out that he had worked at Fox before going to Beacon (where the earnings are higher).
Since mine was Phoenix Brand, they will only pay 60% of pipe replacement – no damages, mold, dry rot, plasterboard, kitchen. Still, gotta go for what I can get the jerks to pay up. It’s been 9-months of washing dishes in my bathtub.
I saw my Beacon plumber on the expose, next night they chopped his face off I noticed. Went running for the ‘net and found that, even though his license had expired, he HAD been a licensed plumber. Many of those folks in the expose were merely trainees working w/o supervision!
As far as the plumber bids, I tried to get another Dad&Son plumber recommended by my real estate broker. There again 3-4 people X 3-4 days, Son Estimator said ‘it’s a BIG job’, kept stringing me along and never supplied a bid. Fox came out, gave the bid and was ready to start the next day.
But one thing ESPECIALLY helpful is, now that you mention it’s Fox Plumbing & HEATING! If my little Cadet heaters conk out on me, I bet they would repair that. My former coworker, electrical guy, that installed all new ones for me retired & no longer available the past 6-yrs. Been worried if something goes out come winter. Thanks!
@ 9
BTW, what sold me was the Fox Estimator. He was a baby-boomer, that clearly knew his business the old fashioned way (didn’t need computers to determine his bid, just stood there in my former kitchen and handwrote it all out on the form).
Not simply because it was the low bid, he suggested ways to trim the costs, like not doing air vent pipes since they won’t leak water. What he didn’t know was that those were the SAME suggestions already given by the dry rot contractor as well as the Calif. Plumber Inspector. That’s when I felt comfortable about going with them.
I am so so so LUCKY! When they tore out the walls, it turned out that toilet 3″ pipe already had 5 jury rigged splices made by previous owners, illegal seals! If that had gone out again, sure would have done a ‘number’ on the reasonably new carpet.
How about you put up one of them fancy Monte Carlo graphs for this…”
But, but, but, Wingnut Mark…we don’t elect a president by popular vote. We elect a president through an Electoral college.
So…I do MUCH better than what you suggest. I’ve collected every publicly released state head-to-head poll published since 1 Jan 2007, and have been doing 50-state, Electoral College Monte Carlo analyses since late October of 2007. I do a new analysis almost every day.
The most recent analysis for the Obama–McCain race is always posted here. The older match-ups can be found here.
And…yes, I post the analyses with the same frequency and enthusiasm whether Obama or McCain is winning.
“Hmmm… Statistical Noise… I think that would be a MUCH better name for your website.”
That would be! Seriously.
@ 19 RR “Sound Transit’s Hidden Tax”
Thank YOU! I’ve been scratching my gray frosted hair for so long, trying to figure how all the ST promoters keep figuring out the costs, when the numbers just simply don’t add up.
NOW, I see how the shell game works. I’m bookmarking this page for future reference. Finally, it makes sense.
Jane Balough’’s Dogspews:
McCain’s already-weak numbers — after all, in any normal election, 41% is a shellacking — won’t hold up when voters find out who and what he is.
Your hero Bubba won with 43% of the vote against two conservatives. The election is simple, if the evangelicals come out in large numbers than McCain wins, if not he loses. It’s as simple as that.
Hey dog if you’re right then the election is over. While the media has been so busy in its lovefest with 1023 year old FlipFlop McCain that they haven’t talked about it, the internals show so called evangelicals are very unlikely to support McCain in a big way.
Nutcases like Dobson have to tell their sheeple that McInsane is a bad guy for cursing and screaming like a mad sailor, dating strippers, collaborating with the NV commies, dumping his first wife for a rich hottie and selling out wingnuts.
But secretly they love the guy because like Ted Haggard, Jimmy Swaggart and every other holier than thou hypocrite (see DOOFUS) – all of them are just like McCain.
Or it could be they hate him because he reminds them so much about themselves.
@23 You must be reading a different Newsweek than I am, because the Newsweek that comes up on my computer has Obama ahead of McCain, 44% – 41%.
With all the issues that would seem to be in Obama’s favor, one might expect a bigger Obama lead. The next batch of polls, following Phil Gramm’s inane comments, might be interesting.
This race has a long ways to go.
Making room to expand your grow-op huh Lee? Grow up already.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
busdrivermike spews:
“And fuck Tony Snow and every other Iraq war cheerleader from Fox News. He couldn’t even say the truth at the end of his days. A true dead ender that should be in the sixth circle of hell next to Tim Russert.”
Another classy member of Goldy’s Northwest Division of Atheist Lunatic Moonbats.
Congrats Mike on your latest effort of proving what hateful losers you KLOWNS are.
Driving a bus must be a challenging & rewarding career.
No wonder you are so bitter.
Tony Snow was a wonderful guy…folks from the Left & Right respected him.
Guys like you are hopeless losers.
Envious of upbeat, positive, talented & successful people.
Stew in your bitterness if you must a$$hole!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Viva la Revolucion!*
Danny Westneat suggests in his column that we should rise up against, er … um … the government? corporatism? consumerism? … ourselves? … He seems unsure.
* Portuguese for “conservatives suck!”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@35 “Tony Snow was a wonderful guy…folks from the Left & Right respected him.”
As propagandists go, he was more charming than Goebbels.
@9, @16
I’ve fought with Beacon Plumbing too. Won’t even consider them. We’re not sure who we’re going with, but it’s probably going to be about $15-20K to fix everything. Far more than I’m willing to do myself. Thanks for the advice.
Sure, it’s got a lot of spider webs and is frayed at the bottom, but it’s actually in relatively decent shape for a 40 year-old newspaper that’s been wrapped around a pipe in the garage. Send me an email and we can figure out a time where you can come pick it up.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Looks like bernie mac is the latest to be thrown under the obama bus.
I guess obama didn’t understand that bernie mac was a black comic with dirty jokes. More bad judgement from obama.
Following up on his admission it was bad judgement for access hollywood to interview his children.
The more of obama the nation sees the lower his numbers go down. His campaign message of repeated bad judgements and the throwing under the bus does not resonate with America.
Imagine, obama is in a dead heat with who the extreme left calls bush3. How far out of touch with america is obama?? How much further right does he have to track to have a chance with the majority of Americans.
Marvin Stamnspews:
24. Roger Rabbit spews:
@23 You must be reading a different Newsweek than I am, because the Newsweek that comes up on my computer has Obama ahead of McCain, 44% – 41%.
Within the margin of error, thus, a dead heat.
But come on rabbit, get serious. If 8 years of bush and mcsame running as the republican candidate if obama isn’t stomping mcsame in the mud you know there’s trouble for the democrats. Even with bush obama can’t distance himself from mcsame.
I know it is killing each one of you that the race is so tight. And with obama showing off his bad judgement on a weekly basis it’s not going to get any better for the democrats.
@41 Plumbing and electrical, like dental work, shouldn’t be done by do-it-yourselfers.
Yeah, I’m learning that. My father-in-law came to help me when we moved our kitchen sink during our kitchen remodel two years ago. When the plumber came by last week, he looked at it and said it wasn’t up to code. Amazingly, the electrical work I did managed to pass inspection last summer…
Marvin Stamnspews:
What, no posts about Stephen Payne.
Guess daily kos hasn’t posted about it yet.
I’m disgusted by clinton and donations for his library/pardon charity.
That illegal culture of underwriting political campaigns with public dollars was spotlighted yesterday in sweeping indictments of Veon, 10 former and current legislative aides, and a sitting lawmaker.
Considering that democrats routinely get caught with their hands in the cookie jar, it’s no wonder they are scared to death of voter ID.
Will this scandal be doom for the democrats in Pennsylvania? Failure to hold Pennsylvania would be devastating for the obama campaign. The best plan would be for the media to ignore the story.
Dude, if you think McCain can win PA, you’re out of your mind. He’s trailing by 10% already, and his campaign has only started to self-destruct under the weight of its own hypocrisies.
Marvin Stamnspews:
“My wife is a Lesbian, my daughter is a Lesbian and I am a Lesbian,”
Gotta love it. Some hip young san franciso metro-sexual? Nope. Some 69 year old.
“I’m a fan of old values and traditions,” he says, pointing to the fan rotating behind his desk. Lambrou, a white-haired man in glasses, shirt open at the neck, sits on a desk chair that has seen better days. An employee sits in front of the fan, a former army general, heavy and soft-looking, whose job is to record what Lambrou says. One cannot too careful, says the ex-general’s boss.
45. Lee spews:
Dude, if you think McCain can win PA, you’re out of your mind. He’s trailing by 10% already, and his campaign has only started to self-destruct under the weight of its own hypocrisies.
The way obama is daily reframing his messages and throwing people overboard you know the ship is starting to take water.
Newsweek, within the margin of error. DAMN!! What about the war, the economy, food, oil, lack of respect from french people, etc. How much worse does it have to get before it will help obama? Or is it already helping him and he’s just that weak of a candidate?
Let’s see how deep the investigation goes in PA. Possibly HUNDREDS of democrat staffers might be involved.
Obama hurt himself badly last week with the FISA vote, but even that still won’t put PA in play. What Phil Gramm said this week was absolutely devastating for McCain though, and should help Obama rebound a bit this week. This race isn’t going to be close after the conventions.
Marvin Stamnspews:
June 18 – Obama doesn’t want to make osama bin laden into a martyr. Which means he’s against the death penalty. Since I’m not as smart as all you, I looked martyr up in the dictionary. The first three words of the definition were “the killing of.” So to avoid making him into a martyr, one must avoid killing him.
Wow. That flip flop didn’t take long at all.
It does prove something, that his youth is a big factor. John kerry, one of the party’s most proficient floppers could never flip on an issue so quickly.
R.I.P. Tony Snow
I didn’t agree with him much on politics but liked him all the same, and followed his career for many years. He sent me a very thoughtful note a few years ago in reply to something I had written, back when he was hosting the radio talk show. It saddens me very much that he lost his battle with cancer. He was a good family man, and my thoughts and prayers go out to his wife and three kids. I feel for their deep loss.
So long, Tony.
Daddy Lovespews:
First, MS, “within the margin of error” is not = “a dead heat.” Tied is tied, not tied is, well, NOT tied.
Secondly, it seems no one here has seen this poll yet. Barack Obama up twenty points over McCain, 57%-37%, with 6% undecided.
Yeah, right, dead heat. Uh-huh.
And really, has America seen McCain speak yet? He’s so bad it’s painful, yet hilarious. They played a clip of him this morning on Late Edition (with Wolf Blitzer).
He was telling a joke. He said, “If you want higher taxes, I’m not the guy you should vote for. Barack Oabama is your man.” And while he was saying the second sentence, he made this awkward sweeping (maybe pointing?) gesture with his stubby and stiffly held right arm. And a second or two after he delivered the line, he gave that creepy glazed-yet-humorless smile and sort of tried to laugh, “Heh. Heh. Heh.” Honest to God, the crowd waited a full fifteen seconds as he’s smiling and cackling before they started clapping, as they slowly figured out that’s why he had stopped talking and started grimacing and cackling. And all I could think is “Oh. My. God. This guy is the worst speaker ever.”
When America gets a load of this freak, they’ll vote Obama in before November just to get it over with.
Daddy Lovespews:
49 MS
Funny thing is, in America the president cannot sumarily execute prisoners. Or at least not until GW Bush.
All your two quotes amount to is that Obama would prefer to take him alive, try him fairly, and advocate imposing a death sentence if convicted.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I would rather have an honest awkward speaker than a Socialist with the most Liberal voting record of all 100 US Senators who happens to deliver rhetoric in a charming way.
People are starting to see thru O-blah-blah.
He shot his load way too early.
Remember, the election is in November.
Phil Gramm’s comment is a non-issue.
McCain immediately & effectively dealt with it…unlike O-blah-blah and his racist, hate-monger pastor the Wrong Reverend Wright.
Daddy Lovespews:
53 Cyn
I would rather have an honest awkward speaker than a Socialist with the most Liberal voting record of all 100 US Senators who happens to deliver rhetoric in a charming way.
Your preferences notwithstanding, we’ve all known ever since Nixon Bit The Big One in the 1960 debates that if you come off as an idiot on TV, you’re fucked. You know it, I know it.
People are starting to see thru O-blah-blah.
He shot his load way too early.
Gee, I remember Hillary saying the same thing. Um, guess what? He’s been reorganizing for the general election, raising money, adding staff, and consolidating his base after the primaries. Despite that lull in Obama’s campaign, McCain has gotten exactly nowhere in four weeks. I hope you looked at that SurveyUSA poll real hard.
Phil Gramm’s comment is a non-issue.
Funny, I never mentioned it. Sensitive much?
But I honestly think it will be a bigger liability for McCain than anything has been so far for Obama. George Will just echoed it in his column, praising Gramm and calling Americans “crybabies.” Winning strategy, this one of calling voters a bunch of names. Do lots more of it.
@53 Delusional. Gramm was McCain’s main economic squeeze and he threw him under the bus. Even without Gramm, McCain’s economic plan is little more than, well, “mental”. It all speaks to McCain’s chances in the fall, slim to none. Sigh! November – that’s when America’s real whiners will crank up the volume.
I do think it’s funny when NcCain waves his arms around when he’s talking. He comes off like Godzilla attacking Tokyo when he does that.
Lots of typical horseshit from the right today. In total denial about FlipFlop McCain, their own gay sex scandals, financial advisors who are out of touch, a gas price scandal that the republicans didn’t even mention in the six years they controlled the White House and the Congress, a candidate who has so much trouble from the far right he’d looooose even if Bob Barr weren’t running but since he is, oops!
Oh yeah – glad Snow is dead. He was a traitor. McCain was up to his neck in Keating Five so he’s just a crook. McCain’s wife is a slut who spends 800k a month on shit. Laura Bush killed a guy.
Carry on!
Secondly, it seems no one here has seen this poll yet. Barack Obama up twenty points over McCain, 57%-37%, with 6% undecided.
Yeah, right, dead heat. Uh-huh.
That data was collected June 25 – June 27. It’s dated compared to more recent polls:
It’s also far outside the results collected by a bevy of other polls, for what that’s worth.
The Real Markspews:
That is the NEW YORK poll, you idiot — NOT a national one. It is also two weeks old.
Rasmussen has them tied — NATIONALLY — and Newsweek has them easily within the margin of error.
Obama should be way ahead, but he isn’t. Obama has peaked.
Rasmussen is a right wing polling organization and Fake Mark is ashamed of George Bush – by the way, polling “likely voters” which is what all the real polling companies do, isn’t going to give much of a profile this time around. Millions of new Democrats have registered and they don’t show on the voting list – so they can’t be contacted.
It wouldn’t matter if President Obama had a 20 point lead or if FlipFlop McCain had one. It’s WAY too early for these polls to count.
And once the press stops giving 1023 year old FlipFlop McCain a pass and starts looking at his sleazy associations, his terrible marriages, his Keating Five involvement, his admission he wants troops in Iraq for 100 years, his admission he knows nothing about the economy, his ties to far right wing religious organizations that attack Catholics, his wife’s questionable financial situation, his failing health his close ties to Bush and his hot temper, he looooooses.
Pelletizer: Too bad you are mentally disabled.
This ice cream downsize occurred to 1.75 over a few years ago. Now they have downsized to 1.5 quarts.
You can thank Al Gorebasm and his Ethanol decision. The price of corn fed raw materials.
Yep, Al Gorebasm is not the man!
Keep dreaming.
Daddy Lovespews:
58 TRM
Hey, you’re right. Oh, well.
Aren’t you the guy who said polls at this point are meaningless? Just goes to show that, like all Republicans, you believe whatever fits your ideology and ignore whatever does not.
If anyone has hit their ceiling, it’s your guy. He’s been in politics for 30 years and everyone already has an opinion on him. Plus, his own base does not particularly like him, and he’s running aginst a candidate who is at least as appealing to independents as he is. Ceiling, meet John McCain’s head.
And which candidate do you think the 30% of the population who are cellular and who are therere not being counted prefer?
“Just goes to show that, like all Republicans, you believe whatever fits your ideology and ignore whatever does not.”
But this is precisely what you did: you selected poll data that was dated and would have been an extreme outlier compared to other poll results – if it had been measuring what was being claimed.
Hey iBurn since you don’t dispute anything I say you must agree? By the way why are YOU ashamed of Bush?
bybygoober, you didn’t show up for lunch or dinner at DL when a real man challenged you. You must be ashamed of yourself!
YES he is!
Marvin Stamnspews:
65. Puddybud spews:
bybygoober, you didn’t show up for lunch or dinner at DL when a real man challenged you. You must be ashamed of yourself!
YES he is!
byebyegoop wanted to go. His mom wouldn’t let him out of the house that late.
Marvin Stamnspews:
62. Daddy Love spews:
If anyone has hit their ceiling, it’s your guy. He’s been in politics for 30 years and everyone already has an opinion on him. Plus, his own base does not particularly like him, and he’s running aginst a candidate who is at least as appealing to independents as he is. Ceiling, meet John McCain’s head.
I agree with you that obama isn’t as well known. As he becomes better known, you see his poll numbers dropping.
When he talks about change he means changing his opinion deciding upon who he’s talking to.
Typical democrat, pander to the left in the primaries, drift to the right for the general election.
That is the proof that the nation is not welcoming of far left ideals.
Um, where were the black people at the Gardner’s vigil in Rainier Beach? Isn’t Rainier Beach over 50% black? The vigil looks like it’s about 95% white. I guess they must have been at work. ;-)
Regarding your newspaper find: What kind of idiot can’t understand a Mike Mailway column??!!
“Theher and I are planning to do some serious plumbing work at our house this fall, and since my golf outing this afternoon fell through, I figured today was the perfect day to finally unwrap the last newspaper from the old pipe in my garage before it gets replaced.”
You spent a perfectly beautiful day and your grand total of work product was:
Peeling off 1 old newspaper and writing this column on it??
Focus Lee…guys like me would have the whole dang plumbing job done today too!
I guess the LEFT is not into productivity…and easily distracted.
Focus Lee…guys like me would have the whole dang plumbing job done today too!
I’m actually paying someone to do the plumbing (because, as a hard-working member of society, I have the money to do it), but keep thinking that this was a witty comment.
Regarding your newspaper find: What kind of idiot can’t understand a Mike Mailway column??!!
Was it supposed to be funny? Informative? Was it secret code?
Lee @ 5
How about you post what was written and let the folks here try and figure it out? I’m sure “Mike” won’t mind. He’s been dead for a while now.
How about you put up one of them fancy Monte Carlo graphs for this:
And, BTW… Yes, I agree with the comment in the article that says, “It remains to be seen whether this recent tightening of the race reflects real change or is merely statistical noise.”
Hmmm… Statistical Noise… I think that would be a MUCH better name for your website.
We just want to apologize to the public for not being at the scene of this horrendous crime that took place in the Ranier Beach neighborhood. We could have observed this young thug kill the white guy, thus having a better description. We are just glad no guns were involved.
@ 4 Lee – Important, please note!
Have you already chosen a plumber? I just had all my ABS drain pipes replaced last week (HUGE job!) after the mold abatement. Neighbor recommended Fox Plumbing. Dang, they did the job for $3,560+tax compared to the 3 other bids of $11,000 to $13,000 (PLUS FIXTURES, huh? +tax+permits).
One whirlwind plumber X 2-1/2 days
others’ bids for 3-4 plumbers for 3-4 days
I didn’t even have to move to a motel, truly awesome job! Fox said they were one of the few that still bids “time & matl”, the others go by their computerized or “Magic Book”. ETA: Fox is also rated high by Angies List.
Plumber did a fantastic job!!! (I’m practically an expert on pipes by now.) Don’t EVEN consider Beacon, they charged $1,100 for the single pipe that started the whole mess, plus KOMO TV did that mindboggling expose on them!
That was one old piece of newspaper. I was born a few days after the Super Bowl that year, hence the screen name you see. And to this day, my dad (who was dumped by my mom nearly 30 years ago because he couldn’t keep it in his pants) still claims I was named after a dog……
And by the way, my condolences go out to the family of Tony Snow on his passing. He may not have been well-loved on these boards, but hey, work for Fox News then become the WH spokesman? Tres difficult, folks. Rest in peace, Tony.
Yeh Me too! Tony had a sense of humor and a smile that no one could ignore. RIP Tony.
Got a kick out of the newspaper read, Thx Lee, too funny! That was 2 years before I moved to Seattle.
What I found stunning, also, in the Letters to the Editor was them actually printing peoples’ addresses:
S. G. Richmond of 1224 6th Ave N (they actually printed his address!) …
Mrs. John T. Brakes Sr. of 933 30th Ave responds …
Good heavens, these days people don’t even want to give their real names, for fear of the nut cases tracking them down! Still, in those days it was probably before ID Theft was invented.
I remember while caring for my Co-worker who died from AIDS (1992-1998) Principal Insurance actually had us write his Social Security number on the outside envelope RETURN ADDRESS, following his name & address – when submitting claims. Can you believe that? They used the SS# for the policy number.
Hey Lee!
This is a serious request…
I graduated from Inglemoor High School in 1968. Our class is having its 40th reunion late next month (three day bash including a Friday night at Dick’s, all day Saturday at Emerald Downs – playing the ponies then a massive dinner – and a Sunday tour of the HS aqnd a picnic.
Will be a great time.
Since the newspaper you took off your pipe is vintage 1968, is there any way I could get a copy of some or all of it? Would be a great thing to read to the assembled gaggle of 58-year olds.
Like I said…I’m serious about this.
The Piper
Condolences to Tony Snow’s family.
He traded selling out ethical journalistic principles for a comfortable life as a right wing stooge on radio/TV and a sycophant’s seat next to right wing power.
He left that toady’s chair because it didn’t pay enough to put his kids through college. Who knew?
Lee should NOT use those scum bags at Beacon. King 5 has done a decent job of exposing them, but I also had an experience with them 18-months ago.
They also do furnaces. Mine crapped out in January 2007, and I needed help fast. I called Beacon, a smart ass guy came out and told me that to try and repair what I had would cause the death of my family.
He said he refused to have that on his conscience, then quoted me a new furnace for over $3,500.
A friend recommended Teeter Services, a guy who works out of his home in Bothell. He came out, explained exactly what was wrong, including showing me the broken drum, and told me that while he could fix the old one (he wanted me to sign a release), he advised a new furnace.
His quote? $1,000 less than the Beacon Bum.
He got the furnace in in less than 48-hours, and it’s been humming along ever since.
My plumber is Steve Wallner of Wallner Plumbing. Father and son outfit. Reasonable, honest, not the cheapest, but they don’t overbid and they stand by their work.
There you have it…
The Piper
The Ice Cream Inflation Index
Mrs. Rabbit’s shopping list had Breyer’s ice cream on it tonight, so I bought 1/2 gal. Whoops! It’s not 1/2 gal. anymore. The carton shrunk to 1.75 qts. about a year ago. Whoops, it’s not 1.75 qts. anymore, the carton just shrunk to 1.5 qts. That’s 25% less ice cream for the same price as a year ago, which is the same thing as a 25% price increase. In one fucking year!!
The lying Bush administration wants you to believe inflation is “only” 3.8% — and they even will tell you that so-called “non-core” inflation is only 1% to 2%. Yeah, maybe it is — if you never eat, heat a burrow, or drive anywhere. As they correctly point out, you can buy a color TV for less than it cost in 1955. For whatever that’s worth.
But if you have a sweet tooth — inflation is 25! And that sucks!!! We need new management, and we need it now!
Hey Fake Mark why are you ashamed of Bush Mark? If you are a republican shouldn’t you be proud of the pretender and thief?
Why would you want to see a little old lady librarian kicked off city property for carrying a sign that says Bush=McCain? I would think you’d be proud of that analogy. Why not? Is it possible you realize that tying McCain to Bush (the most unpopular President in history) would drag 1023 year old McCain into the toilet? Why would that be Fake Mark? Because Bush allowed 9.11 to happen on his watch? Because he took a surplus and turned it into the biggest deficit in the history of America? Or maybe it’s because he lied so often about the Iraq war wasting thousands of lives and trillions of dollars? Perhaps you’re ashamed of the fact that under Bush we’ve lost our status as a world leader? Or maybe you are ashamed that under Bush earning power went down and our trade deficit climbed to its highest point ever? Could it be that you’re ashamed of the fact that the economy is in a recession? Or maybe it’s just that your boy is a complete idiot and coward like you?
Sound Transit’s Hidden Tax
Light rail boosters claim ST-2 will cost the average family only $125 a year. That’s bullshit. The light rail tax is a 1/2% sales tax that goes up with inflation. And if inflation is anything like what it’s been over the last 20 years, prices will at least double over the next 20 years. So, even if the $125 figure was correct, which it’s not, by the time ST-2 is built the light rail tax will cost an average family $250 a year. It goes up every year, you see, and the worse inflation gets, the faster it goes up.
Light rail boosters no doubt will claim that wages go up with inflation. There’s 2 things wrong with that argument. First, it’s a rare employer who gives wage increases equal to inflation, especially in high-inflation times like these. Second, retirees on fixed incomes get no inflation increases at all, so light rail costs them more than anyone else — and they’re the group least able to pay.
Because of the inflationary effect of the Sound Transit tax, it only makes sense that commuters — not senior citizens on fixed incomes — should pay for light rail. After all, they’re the ones who are getting inflation adjustments to their incomes, so they’re better able to pay Sound Transit’s ever-rising tax. That’s just common sense.
Speaking of common sense, Mrs. Rabbit tells me that ice cream cones have gotten smaller, too. They still cost the same, and you get the same number in a box, but they’re smaller. I guess that makes sense. When you have less ice cream to put in them, you can get by with smaller cones. In fact, if they didn’t make the cones smaller, you’d run out of ice cream before using up all the cones! Some smart fella was really thinking when he figured that out.
At the rate Republican Inflation is roaring upward, pretty soon you’ll need tweezers to eat ice cream cones.
“Truce Cracks; Reds Strike Near Saigon”
What truce? I don’t remember any fucking truce. They shot at us, and we shot at them. It was, you know, a war.
A bullet going away from you makes a swishing sound in the air. A bullet coming at you makes a cracking noise (i.e., a miniature sonic boom).
Artillery rounds flying through the air make a lot of noise, and when they’re coming toward you, you can hear them for several seconds before they arrive. In fact, you can tell how close it’s gong to land to you by how loud it is … and if you heard it go off, it missed you.
I mention this in case any of our chickenhawk friends are wondering what being in a war is like.
Just happened to be perusing the latest from newsweek and damn if they don’t report that obama and mccain are in a dead heat.
It seems that as people see obama flip flop on issues, he loses their votes.
It is sad to watch obama change his stance on issues to appeal to America. It’s something democrats do year after year. If the liberal message was worth standing for don’t backpedal away from it. The fact that liberals shy away from it proves the liberal agenda does not appeal to america.
What’s next, obama going to sponsor a nascar car?
@23 You must be reading a different Newsweek than I am, because the Newsweek that comes up on my computer has Obama ahead of McCain, 44% – 41%.
@23 Buy let’s for a moment indulge your fantasy of Third-Term McSame winning in November. Let’s say, for the sake of making a point, that he does. Why would anyone celebrate that? The guy is promising us 100 more years of quagmire in Iraq. He doesn’t know the difference between a Sunni and a Shiite, and the only thing he knows about economics is how to call a divorce attorney when he meets a rich chick at a party. and sees no need to regulate the rapacious capitalists who have again brought our economy to its knees. Thank God polls don’t mean anything at this stage of the campaign. And I think it’s safe to say McCain’s already-weak numbers — after all, in any normal election, 41% is a shellacking — won’t hold up when voters find out who and what he is.
@ 16. Piper
PEMCO Investigator suggested Beacon since they used them. After seeing that expose I sure never even asked for a bid from them.
However the off-the-cuff estimate, by the 1st Beacon plumber who repaired the 1st pipe, was that my single sewer pipe upstairs-2-downstairs toilets would likely run $15,000 alone. He was a NICE guy that fortunately knew what he was doing! He was also the one who told me about the lawsuit regarding the defective pipes due to defective resin.
Turned out that he had worked at Fox before going to Beacon (where the earnings are higher).
Since mine was Phoenix Brand, they will only pay 60% of pipe replacement – no damages, mold, dry rot, plasterboard, kitchen. Still, gotta go for what I can get the jerks to pay up. It’s been 9-months of washing dishes in my bathtub.
I saw my Beacon plumber on the expose, next night they chopped his face off I noticed. Went running for the ‘net and found that, even though his license had expired, he HAD been a licensed plumber. Many of those folks in the expose were merely trainees working w/o supervision!
As far as the plumber bids, I tried to get another Dad&Son plumber recommended by my real estate broker. There again 3-4 people X 3-4 days, Son Estimator said ‘it’s a BIG job’, kept stringing me along and never supplied a bid. Fox came out, gave the bid and was ready to start the next day.
But one thing ESPECIALLY helpful is, now that you mention it’s Fox Plumbing & HEATING! If my little Cadet heaters conk out on me, I bet they would repair that. My former coworker, electrical guy, that installed all new ones for me retired & no longer available the past 6-yrs. Been worried if something goes out come winter. Thanks!
@ 9
BTW, what sold me was the Fox Estimator. He was a baby-boomer, that clearly knew his business the old fashioned way (didn’t need computers to determine his bid, just stood there in my former kitchen and handwrote it all out on the form).
Not simply because it was the low bid, he suggested ways to trim the costs, like not doing air vent pipes since they won’t leak water. What he didn’t know was that those were the SAME suggestions already given by the dry rot contractor as well as the Calif. Plumber Inspector. That’s when I felt comfortable about going with them.
I am so so so LUCKY! When they tore out the walls, it turned out that toilet 3″ pipe already had 5 jury rigged splices made by previous owners, illegal seals! If that had gone out again, sure would have done a ‘number’ on the reasonably new carpet.
The Real Mark @ 7,
How about you put up one of them fancy Monte Carlo graphs for this…”
But, but, but, Wingnut Mark…we don’t elect a president by popular vote. We elect a president through an Electoral college.
So…I do MUCH better than what you suggest. I’ve collected every publicly released state head-to-head poll published since 1 Jan 2007, and have been doing 50-state, Electoral College Monte Carlo analyses since late October of 2007. I do a new analysis almost every day.
The most recent analysis for the Obama–McCain race is always posted here. The older match-ups can be found here.
And…yes, I post the analyses with the same frequency and enthusiasm whether Obama or McCain is winning.
“Hmmm… Statistical Noise… I think that would be a MUCH better name for your website.”
That would be! Seriously.
@ 19 RR “Sound Transit’s Hidden Tax”
Thank YOU! I’ve been scratching my gray frosted hair for so long, trying to figure how all the ST promoters keep figuring out the costs, when the numbers just simply don’t add up.
NOW, I see how the shell game works. I’m bookmarking this page for future reference. Finally, it makes sense.
McCain’s already-weak numbers — after all, in any normal election, 41% is a shellacking — won’t hold up when voters find out who and what he is.
Your hero Bubba won with 43% of the vote against two conservatives. The election is simple, if the evangelicals come out in large numbers than McCain wins, if not he loses. It’s as simple as that.
Hey dog if you’re right then the election is over. While the media has been so busy in its lovefest with 1023 year old FlipFlop McCain that they haven’t talked about it, the internals show so called evangelicals are very unlikely to support McCain in a big way.
Nutcases like Dobson have to tell their sheeple that McInsane is a bad guy for cursing and screaming like a mad sailor, dating strippers, collaborating with the NV commies, dumping his first wife for a rich hottie and selling out wingnuts.
But secretly they love the guy because like Ted Haggard, Jimmy Swaggart and every other holier than thou hypocrite (see DOOFUS) – all of them are just like McCain.
Or it could be they hate him because he reminds them so much about themselves.
@23 You must be reading a different Newsweek than I am, because the Newsweek that comes up on my computer has Obama ahead of McCain, 44% – 41%.
Poll data:
With all the issues that would seem to be in Obama’s favor, one might expect a bigger Obama lead. The next batch of polls, following Phil Gramm’s inane comments, might be interesting.
This race has a long ways to go.
Making room to expand your grow-op huh Lee? Grow up already.
busdrivermike spews:
“And fuck Tony Snow and every other Iraq war cheerleader from Fox News. He couldn’t even say the truth at the end of his days. A true dead ender that should be in the sixth circle of hell next to Tim Russert.”
Another classy member of Goldy’s Northwest Division of Atheist Lunatic Moonbats.
Congrats Mike on your latest effort of proving what hateful losers you KLOWNS are.
Driving a bus must be a challenging & rewarding career.
No wonder you are so bitter.
Tony Snow was a wonderful guy…folks from the Left & Right respected him.
Guys like you are hopeless losers.
Envious of upbeat, positive, talented & successful people.
Stew in your bitterness if you must a$$hole!
Viva la Revolucion!*
Danny Westneat suggests in his column that we should rise up against, er … um … the government? corporatism? consumerism? … ourselves? … He seems unsure.
* Portuguese for “conservatives suck!”
@35 “Tony Snow was a wonderful guy…folks from the Left & Right respected him.”
As propagandists go, he was more charming than Goebbels.
@9, @16
I’ve fought with Beacon Plumbing too. Won’t even consider them. We’re not sure who we’re going with, but it’s probably going to be about $15-20K to fix everything. Far more than I’m willing to do myself. Thanks for the advice.
Sure, it’s got a lot of spider webs and is frayed at the bottom, but it’s actually in relatively decent shape for a 40 year-old newspaper that’s been wrapped around a pipe in the garage. Send me an email and we can figure out a time where you can come pick it up.
Looks like bernie mac is the latest to be thrown under the obama bus.
I guess obama didn’t understand that bernie mac was a black comic with dirty jokes. More bad judgement from obama.
Following up on his admission it was bad judgement for access hollywood to interview his children.
The more of obama the nation sees the lower his numbers go down. His campaign message of repeated bad judgements and the throwing under the bus does not resonate with America.
Imagine, obama is in a dead heat with who the extreme left calls bush3. How far out of touch with america is obama?? How much further right does he have to track to have a chance with the majority of Americans.
Within the margin of error, thus, a dead heat.
But come on rabbit, get serious. If 8 years of bush and mcsame running as the republican candidate if obama isn’t stomping mcsame in the mud you know there’s trouble for the democrats. Even with bush obama can’t distance himself from mcsame.
I know it is killing each one of you that the race is so tight. And with obama showing off his bad judgement on a weekly basis it’s not going to get any better for the democrats.
Plumbing and electrical, like dental work, shouldn’t be done by do-it-yourselfers.
I’ll ping you…
Thanks – my geezer classmates will get a kick out it!
The Piper
Plumbing and electrical, like dental work, shouldn’t be done by do-it-yourselfers.
Yeah, I’m learning that. My father-in-law came to help me when we moved our kitchen sink during our kitchen remodel two years ago. When the plumber came by last week, he looked at it and said it wasn’t up to code. Amazingly, the electrical work I did managed to pass inspection last summer…
What, no posts about Stephen Payne.
Guess daily kos hasn’t posted about it yet.
I’m disgusted by clinton and donations for his library/pardon charity.
Maybe bush has one of his own in the making.
Ouch, Court documents suggested that hundreds of Democratic staffers might have been involved in illegal work.
That illegal culture of underwriting political campaigns with public dollars was spotlighted yesterday in sweeping indictments of Veon, 10 former and current legislative aides, and a sitting lawmaker.
Considering that democrats routinely get caught with their hands in the cookie jar, it’s no wonder they are scared to death of voter ID.
Will this scandal be doom for the democrats in Pennsylvania? Failure to hold Pennsylvania would be devastating for the obama campaign. The best plan would be for the media to ignore the story.
Dude, if you think McCain can win PA, you’re out of your mind. He’s trailing by 10% already, and his campaign has only started to self-destruct under the weight of its own hypocrisies.
Gotta love it. Some hip young san franciso metro-sexual? Nope. Some 69 year old.
Yet the guy is going to court to sue lesbians.
The way obama is daily reframing his messages and throwing people overboard you know the ship is starting to take water.
Newsweek, within the margin of error. DAMN!! What about the war, the economy, food, oil, lack of respect from french people, etc. How much worse does it have to get before it will help obama? Or is it already helping him and he’s just that weak of a candidate?
Let’s see how deep the investigation goes in PA. Possibly HUNDREDS of democrat staffers might be involved.
Obama hurt himself badly last week with the FISA vote, but even that still won’t put PA in play. What Phil Gramm said this week was absolutely devastating for McCain though, and should help Obama rebound a bit this week. This race isn’t going to be close after the conventions.
June 18 – Obama doesn’t want to make osama bin laden into a martyr. Which means he’s against the death penalty. Since I’m not as smart as all you, I looked martyr up in the dictionary. The first three words of the definition were “the killing of.” So to avoid making him into a martyr, one must avoid killing him.
“What would be important would be for us to do it in a way that allows the entire world to understand the murderous acts that he’s engaged in and not to make him into a martyr, and to assure that the United States government is abiding by basic conventions that would strengthen our hand in the broader battle against terrorism,” Obama said.
July 11- in an effort to distance himself from his party, Obama said
“I am not a cheerleader for the death penalty — I think it has to be reserved for only the most heinous crimes,” Obama also said. “But I certainly think plotting and engineering the death of 3,000 Americans justifies such an approach.”
Wow. That flip flop didn’t take long at all.
It does prove something, that his youth is a big factor. John kerry, one of the party’s most proficient floppers could never flip on an issue so quickly.
R.I.P. Tony Snow
I didn’t agree with him much on politics but liked him all the same, and followed his career for many years. He sent me a very thoughtful note a few years ago in reply to something I had written, back when he was hosting the radio talk show. It saddens me very much that he lost his battle with cancer. He was a good family man, and my thoughts and prayers go out to his wife and three kids. I feel for their deep loss.
So long, Tony.
First, MS, “within the margin of error” is not = “a dead heat.” Tied is tied, not tied is, well, NOT tied.
Secondly, it seems no one here has seen this poll yet. Barack Obama up twenty points over McCain, 57%-37%, with 6% undecided.
Yeah, right, dead heat. Uh-huh.
And really, has America seen McCain speak yet? He’s so bad it’s painful, yet hilarious. They played a clip of him this morning on Late Edition (with Wolf Blitzer).
He was telling a joke. He said, “If you want higher taxes, I’m not the guy you should vote for. Barack Oabama is your man.” And while he was saying the second sentence, he made this awkward sweeping (maybe pointing?) gesture with his stubby and stiffly held right arm. And a second or two after he delivered the line, he gave that creepy glazed-yet-humorless smile and sort of tried to laugh, “Heh. Heh. Heh.” Honest to God, the crowd waited a full fifteen seconds as he’s smiling and cackling before they started clapping, as they slowly figured out that’s why he had stopped talking and started grimacing and cackling. And all I could think is “Oh. My. God. This guy is the worst speaker ever.”
When America gets a load of this freak, they’ll vote Obama in before November just to get it over with.
49 MS
Funny thing is, in America the president cannot sumarily execute prisoners. Or at least not until GW Bush.
All your two quotes amount to is that Obama would prefer to take him alive, try him fairly, and advocate imposing a death sentence if convicted.
I would rather have an honest awkward speaker than a Socialist with the most Liberal voting record of all 100 US Senators who happens to deliver rhetoric in a charming way.
People are starting to see thru O-blah-blah.
He shot his load way too early.
Remember, the election is in November.
Phil Gramm’s comment is a non-issue.
McCain immediately & effectively dealt with it…unlike O-blah-blah and his racist, hate-monger pastor the Wrong Reverend Wright.
53 Cyn
Your preferences notwithstanding, we’ve all known ever since Nixon Bit The Big One in the 1960 debates that if you come off as an idiot on TV, you’re fucked. You know it, I know it.
Gee, I remember Hillary saying the same thing. Um, guess what? He’s been reorganizing for the general election, raising money, adding staff, and consolidating his base after the primaries. Despite that lull in Obama’s campaign, McCain has gotten exactly nowhere in four weeks. I hope you looked at that SurveyUSA poll real hard.
Funny, I never mentioned it. Sensitive much?
But I honestly think it will be a bigger liability for McCain than anything has been so far for Obama. George Will just echoed it in his column, praising Gramm and calling Americans “crybabies.” Winning strategy, this one of calling voters a bunch of names. Do lots more of it.
@53 Delusional. Gramm was McCain’s main economic squeeze and he threw him under the bus. Even without Gramm, McCain’s economic plan is little more than, well, “mental”. It all speaks to McCain’s chances in the fall, slim to none. Sigh! November – that’s when America’s real whiners will crank up the volume.
I do think it’s funny when NcCain waves his arms around when he’s talking. He comes off like Godzilla attacking Tokyo when he does that.
Lots of typical horseshit from the right today. In total denial about FlipFlop McCain, their own gay sex scandals, financial advisors who are out of touch, a gas price scandal that the republicans didn’t even mention in the six years they controlled the White House and the Congress, a candidate who has so much trouble from the far right he’d looooose even if Bob Barr weren’t running but since he is, oops!
Oh yeah – glad Snow is dead. He was a traitor. McCain was up to his neck in Keating Five so he’s just a crook. McCain’s wife is a slut who spends 800k a month on shit. Laura Bush killed a guy.
Carry on!
Secondly, it seems no one here has seen this poll yet. Barack Obama up twenty points over McCain, 57%-37%, with 6% undecided.
Yeah, right, dead heat. Uh-huh.
That data was collected June 25 – June 27. It’s dated compared to more recent polls:
It’s also far outside the results collected by a bevy of other polls, for what that’s worth.
That is the NEW YORK poll, you idiot — NOT a national one. It is also two weeks old.
Rasmussen has them tied — NATIONALLY — and Newsweek has them easily within the margin of error.
Obama should be way ahead, but he isn’t. Obama has peaked.
Rasmussen is a right wing polling organization and Fake Mark is ashamed of George Bush – by the way, polling “likely voters” which is what all the real polling companies do, isn’t going to give much of a profile this time around. Millions of new Democrats have registered and they don’t show on the voting list – so they can’t be contacted.
It wouldn’t matter if President Obama had a 20 point lead or if FlipFlop McCain had one. It’s WAY too early for these polls to count.
And once the press stops giving 1023 year old FlipFlop McCain a pass and starts looking at his sleazy associations, his terrible marriages, his Keating Five involvement, his admission he wants troops in Iraq for 100 years, his admission he knows nothing about the economy, his ties to far right wing religious organizations that attack Catholics, his wife’s questionable financial situation, his failing health his close ties to Bush and his hot temper, he looooooses.
Pelletizer: Too bad you are mentally disabled.
This ice cream downsize occurred to 1.75 over a few years ago. Now they have downsized to 1.5 quarts.
You can thank Al Gorebasm and his Ethanol decision. The price of corn fed raw materials.
Yep, Al Gorebasm is not the man!
Keep dreaming.
58 TRM
Hey, you’re right. Oh, well.
Aren’t you the guy who said polls at this point are meaningless? Just goes to show that, like all Republicans, you believe whatever fits your ideology and ignore whatever does not.
If anyone has hit their ceiling, it’s your guy. He’s been in politics for 30 years and everyone already has an opinion on him. Plus, his own base does not particularly like him, and he’s running aginst a candidate who is at least as appealing to independents as he is. Ceiling, meet John McCain’s head.
And which candidate do you think the 30% of the population who are cellular and who are therere not being counted prefer?
“Just goes to show that, like all Republicans, you believe whatever fits your ideology and ignore whatever does not.”
But this is precisely what you did: you selected poll data that was dated and would have been an extreme outlier compared to other poll results – if it had been measuring what was being claimed.
Hey iBurn since you don’t dispute anything I say you must agree? By the way why are YOU ashamed of Bush?
bybygoober, you didn’t show up for lunch or dinner at DL when a real man challenged you. You must be ashamed of yourself!
YES he is!
byebyegoop wanted to go. His mom wouldn’t let him out of the house that late.
I agree with you that obama isn’t as well known. As he becomes better known, you see his poll numbers dropping.
When he talks about change he means changing his opinion deciding upon who he’s talking to.
Typical democrat, pander to the left in the primaries, drift to the right for the general election.
That is the proof that the nation is not welcoming of far left ideals.
I wonder what Obama will say now?
Hey Puddy – I think Obama is more concerned about that New Yorker cover to say much about anything these days.
Puddy @ 68:
What’s the point of posting that article?
PacMan, are you purposely not watching the news?
Oh, and whadup, my brothers from another mother?