McCain was wrong to laugh at that. Smoking does kill people. In this day and age, when everyone knows the dangers of smoking, you really have to question the judgement of someone who still smokes cigarettes.
While fucking Puddylink’s sister AND wife in the ass this morning it dawned on me that The Fake Mark and other republicans seem to be ashamed of their leader. MonkeyFace Bush is the guy they touted for years and now they don’t even want a sign that says McCain = Bush to be seen. Why you bitches ashamed of a link between McCain and Bush? Aren’t you proud of the coke-snorting, draft-dodging, idiot you call President?
Rick D.spews:
HAHA! Damn Puddy!! I knew BiBiGOOP was a sick fuck, but tugging on his gumdrop to Goldsteins stash of ‘Animal lover’ porn with the basement door unlocked only to have his buddy YLB (with his pervert eye peeking in) come over and start taping it is over the top even for those two clowns.
…then killing BiBiGOOp’s dog to boot?
I guess it’s safe to say you boys like it ‘Ruff’. Damn perverts.
Daddy Lovespews:
Another example of how terrible John McCain is at off-the-cuff remarks. He also lies his ass off in public (such as his false claim that he has “received every award from every major veteran’s organization in America”), leaving him extremely vulnerable to a well-informed and well-prepared questioner. Get him in a town hall with Obama and he’ll be publicly slaughtered. It won’t be pretty, but it should be fun.
The Republicans had a slew of the worst candidates in history vying for the prize this year, so we’d be experience in the same icky feelings of discomfort at the musings of rundy, Mitt, or Huck. But John McCain does seem like he’s a bit ickier than the rest.
Hey Puddy when you turn around and post twice in the same thread using different names – it’s an indication that your multiple personalities are getting the best of you.
I guess watching your wife give it up to a white guy is taking a real toll on you isn’t it.
If you’d just get some Viagra for that problem you have (you know like your buddy Limpdick Limbaugh) maybe you could satisfy the ugly cunt and I could go on to taking care of other duties?
By the way – why you ashamed of Bush bitch?
NOBODY hates YouTube and “The Internets” more than the republicans. In the old days, they’d just do what they do best. Flat out lie and deny that things didn’t happen when in fact they did.
Now we have video. FlipFlop McCain’s been caught a dozen times already. Once we have time to do proper research – we’ll come up with more.
By the way Fake Mark – why you ashamed of Bush?
Rick D.spews:
Obama doesn’t tell jokes, he is one.
The best Jerry Lewis skit doesn’t top Fauxbama attempting to bowl in his “special” shoes. A very dainty approach to bowling I must say with that release B-uh-rack.
Final Score? a mind blowing 37
Move over Earl Anthony..there’s a new kid in town.
Another interesting fact laid out in this video – exports to Iran have increased tremendously during the Bush regime’s hold on government. If Iran is our enemy why is the Bush regime allowing corporations to do business with them? Oh I forgot – those lobbying dollars paved the way. National security ALWAYS takes second place to a right wingers wallet and child porn stash.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
We just sold JRCC for $43.30…bought @ $38.50
Another $4,800
Added to the other 2 trades
Profit ==$10,350 in 3 days.
Thanks again for turning my eyes towards this one!
Too bad your fellow Lefty’s waste all their time on unprofitable BS
Oh well…it’s easier to complain than get educated & make money.
How does CynCyn get access to the stock market from within the walls of the sex-offender unit at McNeil Island?
Daddy Lovespews:
There’s a reason that John McCain constantly reverses postiion on so many issues, and then insists that he has never held any position other than his current one–it’s because he’s such a maverick!!
Stop me when I hit an issue he has not reversed his position on: taxes, abortion, gay rights, the role of the religious right, immigration, offshore oil drilling, even torture. If flip-flopping were an Olympic sport, John McCain would be the first 72-year-old to win a gold medal.
Bybygoober, I suggest you ask Goldy if I post as Rick D as you continually claim. Maybe you’d become educated. But then again a single celled brain can only process fax at a 110 BAUD rate.
Cum on bybygoober You have to admit PuddyHumor is funny.
Looks like Goldy’s filter doesn’t like NY Times links so this posted before I modded the NY Times link.
Did I get that Bob Herbert column from a right-wing site HA clueless idiot?
So it can’t be fiction right bybygoober?
Truly as Rick D said above two peas – same pod!
Daddy NAMBLA Love, looks like a black 16%er is worried over Obama Flip-Flops – 2008/07/08/opinion/ 08herbert.html?_r=3&ref=opinion&oref=slogin&oref=slogin&oref=slogin
One useful snippet: “But Barack Obama went out of his way to create the impression that he was a new kind of political leader — more honest, less cynical and less relentlessly calculating than most.
You would be able to listen to him without worrying about what the meaning of “is” is.
This is why so many of Senator Obama’s strongest supporters are uneasy, upset, dismayed and even angry at the candidate who is now emerging in the bright light of summer.”
I liked the what the meaning of “is” is. Puddy has been saying this for years. Now we know Pelletizer is still wondering what the meaning of “IF” is!
With Obama leading 1023 year old FlipFlop McCain in even the right wing polls, you have to wonder just how nervous the right wing really is?
The right wing thumpers aren’t going to vote for McCain and with all those ads the DNC has compiled containing Romney and Huckabee telling the truth about Johnboy, it’s only going to get worse!
Speaking of flip flops…
here are some great sites with lists (long lists) of that coward McCain’s flipflops.
While Bush was lecturing reporters a few months ago about how Iraq was a “sovereign nation”, and we would stay there only as long as they requested us to stay, U.S. goverment officials were trying to twist the arms of the Iraq government to get them to sign a long-term contract turning over control of their oil to a consortium of western companies in exchange for a pittance in royalties, long-term basing agreements for U.S. troops, control of Iraqi airspace by the U.S. for decades, and immunity from prosecution for all U.S. troops, contractors, and officials.
Last week the Iraqis refused, and on Monday told the Americans to set a timetable for withdrawal.
The Bush White House Response? “We don’t comment on negotiations in progress”.
Gee, I was beginning to think that Bush was already in permanant vacation mode, just sitting out the remaining six months of his Presidency. If so, we could at least be reconcilled to the fact that if he wasn’t going to do anything to fix the mess he made, at least he wasn’t going to make it worse.
Well, I was wrong. Bush is in Japan for the Group of 8 Summit. The White House distributed a press packet for the U.S. media, which included a biography of the Italian premier, described as follows:
“The biography described Berlusconi as one of the “most controversial leaders in the history of a country known for government corruption and vice….”
The biography, written by Encyclopedia of World Biography, said Berlusconi burst onto the political scene with no experience and used his “vast network of media holdings” to finance his campaign on a promise to “purge the notoriously lackadaisical Italian government of corruption.”
The biography went on to say that Berlusconi was appointed to the prime minister’s office in 1994, “however, he and his fellow Forza Italia Party leaders soon found themselves accused of the very corruption he had vowed to eradicate.”
By the way, the population of Italy is pretty upset these days with the U.S. government, and it’s prosecutors are putting U.S. government agents on trial, in absentia, for kidnapping with respect to “extraordinary renditions” of suspects from Italy. But Bush claims to be good friends with the Italian premier – even though the distributed biography insults not only the entire italian government and people, as well as the premier.
The White House is trying to apologize, but the Italian people aren’t responding too well.
Maybe the entire White House press office is already concentrating on securing their next jobs, to allow a gaffe like this one to pass them by?
Mr. Cynical,
Am I reading your post correctly? You took a short term gain and will have to pay **GASP** Short term capital gains tax!!!!!
But, but, but, you’ll be paying more in taxes!!!
Oh, yeah, when you annualize your ROI it far outstrips any cost for the tax increase.
See? Now you get why for me a trade can last 1 day, 1 month, 1 year, or more. As long as it’s profitable and making more money than sitting in a CD I work the trades.
Now you can take that $15,000 in profit, pay your tax on it at the end of NEXT quarter and use it to compound your return.
You now have an opportunity to create more profit on the tax you’ll have to pay next quarter while increasing your overall profit return even more!!
Granted, you do have to evaluate where you are at in a trade and consider the tax implications before you unwind a position, but, if you’re not growing your portfolio by an average of 3-5% a month you’re either doing something wrong, or you’re getting bad trade advice.
Either way, I hope to see you make even more and more money in our well regulated markets.
I’ll pitch possible trades as I find them. For now I’m going to continue playing the dips on coal stocks. There are other good candidates to consider like BTU, ACI, and PCX to name a few. That should give you enough info to find “similar” securites in your stock screener.
GBS, are you looking at some overseas stocks? Some of the euro tech market look promising.
Still wondering why the “GOP” is ashamed of Bush?
By the way, the RNC is obviously doing a campaign to try to show a “trend” toward McCain. Operatives are hitting every websight conducting internet “straw polls” and voting multiple times for McCain. How do I know this? Well, this morning’s AOL straw poll showed McCain leading 66% to Obama’s 34%, as of 8:45 a.m.
At first, I just shrugged, and figured it was typical internet straw-poll garbage. But then I saw that according to the poll, McCain led Obama IN EVERY STATE BY THE SAME IDENTICAL MARGIN.
I guess they figure it’s a win-win for them. They will argue to the less-informed voters that “the polls don’t agree, and some polls show McCain far ahead, only the MSM doesn’t report those results”. They prevent the clear Obama lead, as demonstrated in legitimate polls, from also being reflected in the internet straw polls. And some people, who just want to make sure they go along with the crowd, might be affected – “peer pressure”, and all that.
But it really says a lot about the Republican Party – to them, it’s more about public perception, than about the facts. They can’t change the facts that they royally screwed up the country during the Bush administration, and McCain isn’t offering any better prospects. So they will just try to change the public “perception”.
And we’re still wondering about bybygoober and his mental issues.
More lies from the Republicans:
“McCain’s new radio ad, in Spanish, aims to show Florida would benefit from the Colombia Free Trade Agreement, which he supports. But every number in the ad is wrong, except one, a prediction of job gains taken from a group favoring the trade deal. And even that number is rounded upward so generously as to flunk third-grade arithmetic.”
I don’t invest in overseas stocks or markets only because I really don’t fully understand them or have enough information to feel comfortable in investing in those markets or securities.
The surest way for me to lose my investment capital is to dabble in things I don’t “get”.
I even stay away from the domestic futures/commodity trades for the same reasons.
But, since you brought it up, what are you looking at specifically in the Euro Tech sector?
BTW, did you check out that web site I linked to so you can find stocks to short?
BTW, BTW, you’re buying lunch next time.
GBS: I must have missed the link. I was tied up with family issues and didn’t post for w few days.
You want to do lunch tomorrow. I’ll try and get PacMan to break free.
Bybygoober care to show up this time or will you chicken out again?
Did you like my Wednesday bybygoober funny? I may make that a continual occurrence.
Puddydick – family issues? What – does that mean your case worker finally caught you fucking the family cat?
Sorry bybygoober, your second grade humor is slipping…
Roger Rabbitspews:
I wonder if the Saudis will give Bush and Cheney sanctuary like they did for Idi Amin.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 Rickie Dick has been playing with himself in the boys’ room again!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Rinky-Dink @8 – I don’t give a shit whether Obama can roll a bowling ball. For that matter, I don’t give a shit whether McCain can roll a bowling ball, either. You’re in the wrong blog, son, this isn’t Sports Illustrated. When are you going to post something relevant?
@1 McCain was wrong to laugh at that. Smoking does kill people.
So does blinding stupidity, but you’ve managed to make it this far.
In this day and age, when everyone knows the dangers of smoking, you really have to question the judgement of someone who still smokes cigarettes.
In this day and age, when everyone knows the dangers of treating entire foreign populations as guilty parties when their government does something we don’t like, you really have to question the judgement of a Presidential candidate who would even joke about how it’s beneficial to have Iranian citizens being killed off.
Anyone know if Obama has quit smoking yet?
Yeah, he did. And that’s actually harder than quitting smoking pole, which you clearly can’t seem to do.
@9 “National security ALWAYS takes second place to a right wingers wallet and child porn stash.”
National security took second place for more than a year after 9/11 while Bush blocked Democratic attempts to create a Department of Homeland over union issues.
National security again took second place for more than a year while Bush blocked FISA legislation over telecom tort immunity issues.
When Republicans run government, national security always takes second place to union busting or taking care of their corporate buddies.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 Enjoy your dumb luck while you can, Mr. C, until the market reminds you that no one can call the direction of a stock, including you. There’s only one reliable way to speculate in stocks, and that’s to do your homework and recognize undervalued situations, then wait until the market catches up with you. I’ve done quite well with that approach, thank you very much, despite the inevitable short-term setbacks. BOOM is going to be an explosive stock!
Soooooooo can we trust Wikipedia on
Global Warming
US Government
And the beat goes on.. and the beat goes on…
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 He ties notes to a rock and throws them through the bars to his broker’s runner in a boat below.
When did Conservatives turn their backs on being Anti Communism in the name of the all mighty dollar?
What would happen if we outlawed purchasing our manufactured goods from Communist countries in the name of Democracy?
I’m not wondering about BBG mental state.
He’s pissed off at how Bush and the Republican Party has hurt our great nation. You should be mad about it, too.
You simply cannot argue in good faith that Bush and the Republicans policies have moved America in the right direction. The polls have consistently demonstrated that a solid 80%+ feel America is on the wrong track.
Pick a topic to defend and you’ll lose on it.
China drilling for oil off Cuba and stealing our oil out of the Gulf of Mexico.
He’s a failed Wartime President on all levels. If you disagree, take this opportunity to put together a sound argument on the topic of your choice and argue with facts supporting your position. Don’t bring in any old boring rhetoric saying Democrats can’t do as well, just explain what Bush has excelled at.
The only thing with BBG is that I wish he’d leave everyone’s mother, wife and sister out of his attacks. At this point we don’t need to get down in the gutter and duke it out with Republicans any more.
It’s like a 15 round boxing match with the title on the line: no question the Republicans have been the reigning champions since 2000, but at this point John McSame and the Republicans are seriously punch drunk in round 12. Everything is landing for us; crisp jabs, pounding body shots, hooks to the head, 1-2 combos, and devastating uppercuts. While McSame is trying to cover up on the ropes taking a beating, jis knees are week his eye is cut, his nose is bloody, his mouth piece knocked out of his pie hole and he’s clinging on just hoping for a “decision” because even he knows a this point he’s fighting for his political life. Round goes to Obama on the 10 point must system
Round 13 will be the conventions. With Obama packing 80,000 people in to Invesco Field invoking the ghost of JFK’s acceptance speech on the 45th anniversary of MLK’s “I have a dream speech” you’re going to get the most powerful images of both American iconic heroes melded into one man. McSame, accepting his nomination in the same building Obama announced his victory in the Democratic primary will be yet another stinging reminder that “we’ve already been in your house and we disrespected you while we were here.” Round goes to Obama now he has a 3 round lead, but he needs to KO the champ if he wants this title.
Round 14 will be the debates. No doubt, McSame is going to get POUNDED here. He can’t think on his feet, he won’t come across as charismatic as Obama (flash back to JFK vs. Nixon televised debates) and he’ll get tripped up being a flip-flopper and the leader of the double-talk express.
Round 15, November 4th with the will of the American people, the Constitution and the fail safe systems of governing instilled by our Founding Fathers in his glove he will deliver the final and devastating KO punch to the glass chin of McSame and will win by 300+ Electoral votes.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@37 Wikipedia is nothing more or less than a public forum in which people share knowledge (or ignorance). It works because an endless number of editors instantly correct errors and falsehoods. If you wish to question something posted on Wikipedia all you have to do is follow the footnotes to the original sources — unless, of course, you’re too lazy and/or intellectually dishonest to subject your own opinions to source-checking. In the end, puddinghead, your real problem with Wikipedia is that facts drive out ideology every time, leaving you with nothing but the smoking cinders of your rightwing bullshit.
Blue Johnspews:
If you are bored, go surf the history of a Wikipedia article, especially a controversial one, and watch the tide come in and out on the truth and bias of the article, as each editor weighs in.
Golly Pelletizer: The Scottish mothers have issues with Wikipedia.
You are getting old. Here is a virtual oxygen tank for you!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@34 If you send your kid to a holyroller madrassa maybe you can find a dishonest teacher who’ll give him a passing grade for answering a test question about global warming by spewing wingnut ideology. That wouldn’t pass in a real science class in a real school, though.
Looks like Markos is having an aneurysm over Howard Wolfson:
@43 Keep beating your head against the stone wall of wingnut idiocy until it stops hurting, mush head.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Puddy-stick-up-butt always looks hilarious when his eyeballs pop out of their sockets.
Pelletizer, I am beating up nuthin. I don’t do as bybygoober does.
Patty Murray and the Democrats save the day and force the Pentagon to stop McSame from outsourcing our national denfse to France!!
Air tanker bid is back on!!
Thank God for Democrats and our values to keep good paying jobs in America and our national security STRONG!!
Unlike McSame who was for sending a key asset to our national defense to the “lowest foregin bidder.”
Some things just aren’t worth penny pinching over and our national defense is one of them.
Reminds me of when Bush and Rumsfeld outsourced the capture of bin Laden at Tora Bora to local warlords while the 10th Mountain Div stood idily by on their orders.
Of course, bin Laden was allowed to escape and live free in Pakistan.
Tell the truth, if Boeing didn’t try to stack the deck on the tanker back in 2003-2004 with their meddling, they probably would have won it then. Even though I don’t like McCain, you can’t hoist this upon him.
GBS did you see Jim Janos will run against Al Franken-stein for the Minnesota Donkey Senate Nomination?
Don’t know Jim Janos? Look him up in your Seal archives.
Blue Johnspews:
I’m glad we can re-compete and this time, I hope it’s a fair and level playing field. If both sides are give the same specs and follow the same rule, and IF theirs pencils better, then they should win. But if Airbus has to cheat to win, that is not acceptable, just like it was not for Boeing.
Is at a proper Capitalistic thing to do, to do what ever it takes, legal or not, to win the contract?
Wingnuts love French nukes and airplanes and those who love them like John “Flip-Flop” McSameOld.
Golly HAs clueless idiot, do you remember history or do you play stupid like this all the time.
Wait a minute the jury just came back with their verdict: “Guilty; he is stupid all the time”.
Wait a minute. HAs clueless idiot will challenge the source.
Why don’t you bring back MWS? He could be for McSameOld and you for, heh, whatever.
Instead of circle jerking, it would be pork swords crossed.
McSameOld just touched the third rail. It started the decline of the Dumbya administration and should, if there’s any justice in the world, do the same for McInsane.
I hope he keeps doing it because the media sure isn’t paying attention.
You mean “The Body” is running against Al?
Hmmmmm . . . I hadn’t heard that one, yet. But, I’ll take your word on it.
At first blush it doesn’t bode well for Franken simply because it siphons off the independent voters.
On the other hand, Jesse wasn’t a well liked govenor in the end. One thing I will say in Ventura’s defense though is that he’s staunchly against the war in Iraq.
Looks like I’m not the only SEAL who doesn’t like this botched up, lied into war in Iraq.
PS: Yes, I can foist the air tanker debacle on McSame, and, yes I will continue to say it over, and over, and over, and over, and over again unitl my preception becomes the public’s reality.
Who says you can’t learn anything from Faux News and the conservative talk show hosts.
YLB @ 58:
Good God man, is that the KING of the Double-Talk Express, or what??????
It’s not privatization of Social Security like Bush wanted, you know, where workers could put aside their money into a investment account managed by some investment firm like, oh, say, Bear Stearns, and let them siphon off billions of dollars in fees.
Noooooooooo, McSame’s plan is completely different and he made that perfectly clear by saying so and telling his audience that they should NOT let us Liberals “twist his words.” You know, like when Olbermann quotes McSame verbatim.
What McCain actually said was he wants to let “younger workers invest some of their money in a retirement account with their name on it. It’s their money.”
See the difference?
Me either!
For a smart feller, you sure are a fart smeller some times.
You know full good and well that oil is no solution to our energy dependence. We are transfering our nation’s wealth to the Middle East and no amount of drilling here in America will stem that flow of wealth to Saudi Arabia and Iran to make even a small dent in it.
We, myself included, are funding terrorism every time we put gasoline in our cars.
The Democrats are right on this issue; we need to start getting off oil and we need to do it now.
Conservation of fuel is patriotic. Preserving our environment from pollution is patriotic. Souricng clean, renewable, and domestic energy is patriotic.
Drilling for cheap oil so we can continue to drive big 4X4’s and Hummer’s only serves the interest of Islamofascists.
Which side are you on Puddy? America’s or the Terrorists who need our money to buy a nuclear weapon on the black market?
The choice is yours. You can either side with America or the terrorists, but you can’t be nuetral.
Which is it?
It’s interesting to note that a lot of things Noam Chomsky wrote about in Hegemony Or Survival? which seemed a little “out there” five years ago are shriekingly obvious now. Specifically, this includes basing an anti-missle defense in eastern Europe, a permanent, massive military presence in Iraq and signing a nuclear-assistance pact with India to to pressure Russia and other nations in the area to beef up their arms. It appears that the neocon endgame involves re-creation of the cold war.
Why? Well, it’s good for business, mainly. Also, it plays well to the right’s “core constituency”. That consists mainly of those whose reaction to McCain’s awkward attempt at Ann Coulter humor was anything but negative. The thought of Iranians (or for that matter, Iraqis, Palestininans or anyone who’s “different”) dying gets their rocks off.
62 – I actually found Coulter’s takedown of McSame at the last CPAC quite amusing. CSPAN doesn’t seem to have archive of it and that’s where I saw it.
There’s only snatches of it on youtube.
Coulter said she’d vote for McInsane only if the Mittster Romney is his VP and that sure is looking more and more to be the case.
Just wondering what the republicans were doing the first six years of Bush rule when they ran both the White House and Congress about energy independence – oh yeah – NOTHING!
64 Why, in fact they did quite a bit….to make the situation even worse.
I see Obama voted for the FISA bill, reversing his earlier position. Lots of angry HuffingtonPosters.
I’m going to state this first here partly because it’s way down a thread on a comparatively obscure blog.
I think that we’re going to see Obama either self-destruct and do something so ridiculous that it tosses the election, or go ahead and get elected and then act like a neocon when he’s in office.
Why do I think this? Two days ago, he had to miss an appearance because the MD80 he was flying on had to make an emergency landing because it had a problem with “pitch control”.
Anybody remember Alaska flight 261?
Not that we’re going to hear anything about it, but how many of y’all are willing to bet that when they inspected the plane they found a thread or two had been ground off the jackscrew?
How many of y’all are willing to bet that after that, the Obama campaign got a phone call from an untraceable number saying something like, “Remember Paul Wellstone?”
America? Stick a fork in it. It’s done.
I just want it recorded somewhere, so a few months from now I can claim that at least somebody heard it from me first.
Daddy Lovespews:
63 YLB
I don’t think so. I saw them standing together this morning and Mitt must be seven inches taller than McCain. I don’t know, but if I were McCain that’s the way I would least want to appear.
CJS@66: You mean exploding head 16%er progressives?
GBS: Nice funny above. I always give credit to comedy. Too bad most here are lead balloons. Will Miss George Carlin.
Anyway, we need to drill to alleviate some of the pressure in the oil price. We also need to smack some NYMEX heads around.
Personally I think the Admin is letting the dollar sink to cripple China for the Olympics. I don’t think I’ve read that anywhere, just a PuddyPrognostication.
GBS: Now about conservation, yes we need to conserve. The Puddy Family is conserving on our fuel bill by driving less, watering the yard less, looking at a Hybrid SUV, etc. But when you have libtards like Al Gore:
August 2007, Gore burned through 22,619 kWh electricity.
May 2007 to May 2008 AL Gorebasm’s mansion ate 213,210 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity. Figger it out fart smellers (GBS term), that’s enough to power 232 average American households for a month. Give me a Howard Dean Screeeeech now Yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaargh!
Did you know AL Gorebasm had the mansion renovated. Now he uses 1,638 kWh more energy per month.
Then there’s Robert F. Kennedy Jr. You know Mr Private Jetsetter.
Hmmm… need I say more about the bellicose and the buffoon?
Blue Johnspews:
Conservatives, China is is a communist but capitalistic society. Which is more important to you, a democratic society or a capitalistic society? We are spending billions to bring democracy to Iraq, so why are you supporting the Chinese economy?
Remember GBS, Puddy placed a PuddyFact (so many now even I lost track of the numbers) where GWB’s Crawford Tx home is way more efficient that the Gorebasm mansion.
HAs clueless idiot can Google that PuddyFact.
Blue Johnspews:
Puddybud, What’s the context? Was all that power used by chandeliers and refrigerators left open, or was that due to an efficient server farm hosting emails, websites and distributing an “Inconvenient Truth”?
What matters to me is what is being used to burn through that much energy. Anyone know that?
Blue John, you actually think AL Gorebasm has a server farm at his private residence? Why doesn’t he invest in a portable nuclear reactor? Whoops…… Moonbat!s aren’t into nukular energy.
Also since he used to buy his carbon offsets from himself…
Nuff SAID!
“Remember GBS, Puddy placed a PuddyFact”
Yeah, and a seagull took a crap on my windshield the other day. So what?
Blue Johnspews:
#75 Puddybud, so you don’t know, and don’t want to bother to find out……
Blue John, that’s correct I don’t care where his server farm is because if you don’t know, AL Gorebasm has admitted he’s already made over $$$100MM off of global warming.
But to a 16%er lefty, that doesn’t matter to you.
Speaking of bird droppings ArtTheBRainFart@76, I just washed your brains from my windshield recently.
You mean “PuddyFACTS” like China is sideways drilling over 90 MILES for oil off the coast of Cuba and stealing our oil out of the Gulf of Mexico – you mean like ‘dem PuddyFACTS???
Al Gore buys carbons offsets. Go figure out the net impact and we’ll discuss.
As far as slapping some heads around at the NYMEX, you obviously don’t understand how oil is priced on the global market do you?
Mark The Redneck IDIOT challenged me on this subject. Let’s just say that I slapped his redneck ass so hard, so fast you’d think the beat down I gave you on race history in the south was a bear hug.
You tell me how the price of oil is set, which markets control the price of oil, how it’s regulated, or not regulated, and we’ll talk.
It’s not a trick question, but you do have to know your shit to answer it.
Good luck.
Here’s the deal with Al Gore on global warming, him and the real scientist are right.
Republicans are wrong.
The End.
66 – Yeah, well Obama voted for all the amendments. It sucks big time but that’s politics. One less thing for the right wing to make noise about this fall. That’s the silver lining.
The corporations have gotten away with breaking the law and abetting the wholesale theft of our rights. So what else is new?
McCain is SO bad and SO stupid that he will never be elected:
Check out this summary of McCain gaffes (only in the last two days!).
He has alienated:
Older people
anyone with a brain
Our Iraqi “allies”
and the truth
“Since the system was fully deployed in 2003, it has recorded no warming of the global oceans.”
@85: Especially since a 5 year trend, starting with the warmest year on record, really means something – get yourself a real science education Puddy and then we can talk.
GBS is right: real scientist agree that global warming is real and then human activity is the main cause.
Only republicans, pseudo-scientists and snake oil salesmen claim anything else.
Puddybud @ 84:
Just tell me how the price of oil per barrel is set.
Thanks, and let’s just see how much you know.
Mark The Redneck IDIOT thinks OPEC sets the price of oil. . . .
McCain was wrong to laugh at that. Smoking does kill people. In this day and age, when everyone knows the dangers of smoking, you really have to question the judgement of someone who still smokes cigarettes.
Anyone know if Obama has quit smoking yet?
I sometimes read
While checking the archives I stumbled upon this story about bybygoober – or maybe it was rudeass. Both are morons.
PuddyHumor. Enjoy your Wednesday…
While fucking Puddylink’s sister AND wife in the ass this morning it dawned on me that The Fake Mark and other republicans seem to be ashamed of their leader. MonkeyFace Bush is the guy they touted for years and now they don’t even want a sign that says McCain = Bush to be seen. Why you bitches ashamed of a link between McCain and Bush? Aren’t you proud of the coke-snorting, draft-dodging, idiot you call President?
HAHA! Damn Puddy!! I knew BiBiGOOP was a sick fuck, but tugging on his gumdrop to Goldsteins stash of ‘Animal lover’ porn with the basement door unlocked only to have his buddy YLB (with his pervert eye peeking in) come over and start taping it is over the top even for those two clowns.
…then killing BiBiGOOp’s dog to boot?
I guess it’s safe to say you boys like it ‘Ruff’.
Damn perverts.
Another example of how terrible John McCain is at off-the-cuff remarks. He also lies his ass off in public (such as his false claim that he has “received every award from every major veteran’s organization in America”), leaving him extremely vulnerable to a well-informed and well-prepared questioner. Get him in a town hall with Obama and he’ll be publicly slaughtered. It won’t be pretty, but it should be fun.
The Republicans had a slew of the worst candidates in history vying for the prize this year, so we’d be experience in the same icky feelings of discomfort at the musings of rundy, Mitt, or Huck. But John McCain does seem like he’s a bit ickier than the rest.
Hey Puddy when you turn around and post twice in the same thread using different names – it’s an indication that your multiple personalities are getting the best of you.
I guess watching your wife give it up to a white guy is taking a real toll on you isn’t it.
If you’d just get some Viagra for that problem you have (you know like your buddy Limpdick Limbaugh) maybe you could satisfy the ugly cunt and I could go on to taking care of other duties?
By the way – why you ashamed of Bush bitch?
NOBODY hates YouTube and “The Internets” more than the republicans. In the old days, they’d just do what they do best. Flat out lie and deny that things didn’t happen when in fact they did.
Now we have video. FlipFlop McCain’s been caught a dozen times already. Once we have time to do proper research – we’ll come up with more.
By the way Fake Mark – why you ashamed of Bush?
Obama doesn’t tell jokes, he is one.
The best Jerry Lewis skit doesn’t top Fauxbama attempting to bowl in his “special” shoes. A very dainty approach to bowling I must say with that release B-uh-rack.
Final Score? a mind blowing 37
Move over Earl Anthony..there’s a new kid in town.
Another interesting fact laid out in this video – exports to Iran have increased tremendously during the Bush regime’s hold on government. If Iran is our enemy why is the Bush regime allowing corporations to do business with them? Oh I forgot – those lobbying dollars paved the way. National security ALWAYS takes second place to a right wingers wallet and child porn stash.
We just sold JRCC for $43.30…bought @ $38.50
Another $4,800
Added to the other 2 trades
Profit ==$10,350 in 3 days.
Thanks again for turning my eyes towards this one!
Too bad your fellow Lefty’s waste all their time on unprofitable BS
Oh well…it’s easier to complain than get educated & make money.
How does CynCyn get access to the stock market from within the walls of the sex-offender unit at McNeil Island?
There’s a reason that John McCain constantly reverses postiion on so many issues, and then insists that he has never held any position other than his current one–it’s because he’s such a maverick!!
Stop me when I hit an issue he has not reversed his position on: taxes, abortion, gay rights, the role of the religious right, immigration, offshore oil drilling, even torture. If flip-flopping were an Olympic sport, John McCain would be the first 72-year-old to win a gold medal.
Bybygoober, I suggest you ask Goldy if I post as Rick D as you continually claim. Maybe you’d become educated. But then again a single celled brain can only process fax at a 110 BAUD rate.
Cum on bybygoober You have to admit PuddyHumor is funny.
Looks like Goldy’s filter doesn’t like NY Times links so this posted before I modded the NY Times link.
Did I get that Bob Herbert column from a right-wing site HA clueless idiot?
So it can’t be fiction right bybygoober?
Truly as Rick D said above two peas – same pod!
Daddy NAMBLA Love, looks like a black 16%er is worried over Obama Flip-Flops – 2008/07/08/opinion/ 08herbert.html?_r=3&ref=opinion&oref=slogin&oref=slogin&oref=slogin
One useful snippet: “But Barack Obama went out of his way to create the impression that he was a new kind of political leader — more honest, less cynical and less relentlessly calculating than most.
You would be able to listen to him without worrying about what the meaning of “is” is.
This is why so many of Senator Obama’s strongest supporters are uneasy, upset, dismayed and even angry at the candidate who is now emerging in the bright light of summer.”
I liked the what the meaning of “is” is. Puddy has been saying this for years. Now we know Pelletizer is still wondering what the meaning of “IF” is!
With Obama leading 1023 year old FlipFlop McCain in even the right wing polls, you have to wonder just how nervous the right wing really is?
The right wing thumpers aren’t going to vote for McCain and with all those ads the DNC has compiled containing Romney and Huckabee telling the truth about Johnboy, it’s only going to get worse!
Speaking of flip flops…
here are some great sites with lists (long lists) of that coward McCain’s flipflops.
While Bush was lecturing reporters a few months ago about how Iraq was a “sovereign nation”, and we would stay there only as long as they requested us to stay, U.S. goverment officials were trying to twist the arms of the Iraq government to get them to sign a long-term contract turning over control of their oil to a consortium of western companies in exchange for a pittance in royalties, long-term basing agreements for U.S. troops, control of Iraqi airspace by the U.S. for decades, and immunity from prosecution for all U.S. troops, contractors, and officials.
Last week the Iraqis refused, and on Monday told the Americans to set a timetable for withdrawal.
The Bush White House Response? “We don’t comment on negotiations in progress”.
Gee, I was beginning to think that Bush was already in permanant vacation mode, just sitting out the remaining six months of his Presidency. If so, we could at least be reconcilled to the fact that if he wasn’t going to do anything to fix the mess he made, at least he wasn’t going to make it worse.
Well, I was wrong. Bush is in Japan for the Group of 8 Summit. The White House distributed a press packet for the U.S. media, which included a biography of the Italian premier, described as follows:
Source: White House Is Sorry for Biography Gaffe
By the way, the population of Italy is pretty upset these days with the U.S. government, and it’s prosecutors are putting U.S. government agents on trial, in absentia, for kidnapping with respect to “extraordinary renditions” of suspects from Italy. But Bush claims to be good friends with the Italian premier – even though the distributed biography insults not only the entire italian government and people, as well as the premier.
The White House is trying to apologize, but the Italian people aren’t responding too well.
Maybe the entire White House press office is already concentrating on securing their next jobs, to allow a gaffe like this one to pass them by?
Mr. Cynical,
Am I reading your post correctly? You took a short term gain and will have to pay **GASP** Short term capital gains tax!!!!!
But, but, but, you’ll be paying more in taxes!!!
Oh, yeah, when you annualize your ROI it far outstrips any cost for the tax increase.
See? Now you get why for me a trade can last 1 day, 1 month, 1 year, or more. As long as it’s profitable and making more money than sitting in a CD I work the trades.
Now you can take that $15,000 in profit, pay your tax on it at the end of NEXT quarter and use it to compound your return.
You now have an opportunity to create more profit on the tax you’ll have to pay next quarter while increasing your overall profit return even more!!
Granted, you do have to evaluate where you are at in a trade and consider the tax implications before you unwind a position, but, if you’re not growing your portfolio by an average of 3-5% a month you’re either doing something wrong, or you’re getting bad trade advice.
Either way, I hope to see you make even more and more money in our well regulated markets.
I’ll pitch possible trades as I find them. For now I’m going to continue playing the dips on coal stocks. There are other good candidates to consider like BTU, ACI, and PCX to name a few. That should give you enough info to find “similar” securites in your stock screener.
GBS, are you looking at some overseas stocks? Some of the euro tech market look promising.
Still wondering why the “GOP” is ashamed of Bush?
By the way, the RNC is obviously doing a campaign to try to show a “trend” toward McCain. Operatives are hitting every websight conducting internet “straw polls” and voting multiple times for McCain. How do I know this? Well, this morning’s AOL straw poll showed McCain leading 66% to Obama’s 34%, as of 8:45 a.m.
At first, I just shrugged, and figured it was typical internet straw-poll garbage. But then I saw that according to the poll, McCain led Obama IN EVERY STATE BY THE SAME IDENTICAL MARGIN.
I guess they figure it’s a win-win for them. They will argue to the less-informed voters that “the polls don’t agree, and some polls show McCain far ahead, only the MSM doesn’t report those results”. They prevent the clear Obama lead, as demonstrated in legitimate polls, from also being reflected in the internet straw polls. And some people, who just want to make sure they go along with the crowd, might be affected – “peer pressure”, and all that.
But it really says a lot about the Republican Party – to them, it’s more about public perception, than about the facts. They can’t change the facts that they royally screwed up the country during the Bush administration, and McCain isn’t offering any better prospects. So they will just try to change the public “perception”.
And we’re still wondering about bybygoober and his mental issues.
More lies from the Republicans:
Source: Errors en Español: A Spanish-language McCain radio ad gets nearly all its facts wrong.
I don’t invest in overseas stocks or markets only because I really don’t fully understand them or have enough information to feel comfortable in investing in those markets or securities.
The surest way for me to lose my investment capital is to dabble in things I don’t “get”.
I even stay away from the domestic futures/commodity trades for the same reasons.
But, since you brought it up, what are you looking at specifically in the Euro Tech sector?
BTW, did you check out that web site I linked to so you can find stocks to short?
BTW, BTW, you’re buying lunch next time.
GBS: I must have missed the link. I was tied up with family issues and didn’t post for w few days.
You want to do lunch tomorrow. I’ll try and get PacMan to break free.
Bybygoober care to show up this time or will you chicken out again?
Did you like my Wednesday bybygoober funny? I may make that a continual occurrence.
Puddydick – family issues? What – does that mean your case worker finally caught you fucking the family cat?
Sorry bybygoober, your second grade humor is slipping…
I wonder if the Saudis will give Bush and Cheney sanctuary like they did for Idi Amin.
@4 Rickie Dick has been playing with himself in the boys’ room again!
Rinky-Dink @8 – I don’t give a shit whether Obama can roll a bowling ball. For that matter, I don’t give a shit whether McCain can roll a bowling ball, either. You’re in the wrong blog, son, this isn’t Sports Illustrated. When are you going to post something relevant?
McCain was wrong to laugh at that. Smoking does kill people.
So does blinding stupidity, but you’ve managed to make it this far.
In this day and age, when everyone knows the dangers of smoking, you really have to question the judgement of someone who still smokes cigarettes.
In this day and age, when everyone knows the dangers of treating entire foreign populations as guilty parties when their government does something we don’t like, you really have to question the judgement of a Presidential candidate who would even joke about how it’s beneficial to have Iranian citizens being killed off.
Anyone know if Obama has quit smoking yet?
Yeah, he did. And that’s actually harder than quitting smoking pole, which you clearly can’t seem to do.
Hey Moonbat!s, I was surfing and I stumbled upon this about Wikipedia:
Too damn funny.
Puddy has eclectic tastes.
@9 “National security ALWAYS takes second place to a right wingers wallet and child porn stash.”
National security took second place for more than a year after 9/11 while Bush blocked Democratic attempts to create a Department of Homeland over union issues.
National security again took second place for more than a year while Bush blocked FISA legislation over telecom tort immunity issues.
When Republicans run government, national security always takes second place to union busting or taking care of their corporate buddies.
@10 Enjoy your dumb luck while you can, Mr. C, until the market reminds you that no one can call the direction of a stock, including you. There’s only one reliable way to speculate in stocks, and that’s to do your homework and recognize undervalued situations, then wait until the market catches up with you. I’ve done quite well with that approach, thank you very much, despite the inevitable short-term setbacks. BOOM is going to be an explosive stock!
Soooooooo can we trust Wikipedia on
Global Warming
US Government
And the beat goes on.. and the beat goes on…
@11 He ties notes to a rock and throws them through the bars to his broker’s runner in a boat below.
Hey conservatives, remember Communism? We used to be against that.
Link to WA Post Editorial “Why Were We in Vietnam?”
When did Conservatives turn their backs on being Anti Communism in the name of the all mighty dollar?
What would happen if we outlawed purchasing our manufactured goods from Communist countries in the name of Democracy?
I’m not wondering about BBG mental state.
He’s pissed off at how Bush and the Republican Party has hurt our great nation. You should be mad about it, too.
You simply cannot argue in good faith that Bush and the Republicans policies have moved America in the right direction. The polls have consistently demonstrated that a solid 80%+ feel America is on the wrong track.
Pick a topic to defend and you’ll lose on it.
China drilling for oil off Cuba and stealing our oil out of the Gulf of Mexico.
He’s a failed Wartime President on all levels. If you disagree, take this opportunity to put together a sound argument on the topic of your choice and argue with facts supporting your position. Don’t bring in any old boring rhetoric saying Democrats can’t do as well, just explain what Bush has excelled at.
The only thing with BBG is that I wish he’d leave everyone’s mother, wife and sister out of his attacks. At this point we don’t need to get down in the gutter and duke it out with Republicans any more.
It’s like a 15 round boxing match with the title on the line: no question the Republicans have been the reigning champions since 2000, but at this point John McSame and the Republicans are seriously punch drunk in round 12. Everything is landing for us; crisp jabs, pounding body shots, hooks to the head, 1-2 combos, and devastating uppercuts. While McSame is trying to cover up on the ropes taking a beating, jis knees are week his eye is cut, his nose is bloody, his mouth piece knocked out of his pie hole and he’s clinging on just hoping for a “decision” because even he knows a this point he’s fighting for his political life. Round goes to Obama on the 10 point must system
Round 13 will be the conventions. With Obama packing 80,000 people in to Invesco Field invoking the ghost of JFK’s acceptance speech on the 45th anniversary of MLK’s “I have a dream speech” you’re going to get the most powerful images of both American iconic heroes melded into one man. McSame, accepting his nomination in the same building Obama announced his victory in the Democratic primary will be yet another stinging reminder that “we’ve already been in your house and we disrespected you while we were here.” Round goes to Obama now he has a 3 round lead, but he needs to KO the champ if he wants this title.
Round 14 will be the debates. No doubt, McSame is going to get POUNDED here. He can’t think on his feet, he won’t come across as charismatic as Obama (flash back to JFK vs. Nixon televised debates) and he’ll get tripped up being a flip-flopper and the leader of the double-talk express.
Round 15, November 4th with the will of the American people, the Constitution and the fail safe systems of governing instilled by our Founding Fathers in his glove he will deliver the final and devastating KO punch to the glass chin of McSame and will win by 300+ Electoral votes.
@37 Wikipedia is nothing more or less than a public forum in which people share knowledge (or ignorance). It works because an endless number of editors instantly correct errors and falsehoods. If you wish to question something posted on Wikipedia all you have to do is follow the footnotes to the original sources — unless, of course, you’re too lazy and/or intellectually dishonest to subject your own opinions to source-checking. In the end, puddinghead, your real problem with Wikipedia is that facts drive out ideology every time, leaving you with nothing but the smoking cinders of your rightwing bullshit.
If you are bored, go surf the history of a Wikipedia article, especially a controversial one, and watch the tide come in and out on the truth and bias of the article, as each editor weighs in.
Golly Pelletizer: The Scottish mothers have issues with Wikipedia.
You are getting old. Here is a virtual oxygen tank for you!
@34 If you send your kid to a holyroller madrassa maybe you can find a dishonest teacher who’ll give him a passing grade for answering a test question about global warming by spewing wingnut ideology. That wouldn’t pass in a real science class in a real school, though.
Looks like Markos is having an aneurysm over Howard Wolfson:
You lefties are too funny.
@43 Keep beating your head against the stone wall of wingnut idiocy until it stops hurting, mush head.
Puddy-stick-up-butt always looks hilarious when his eyeballs pop out of their sockets.
Pelletizer, I am beating up nuthin. I don’t do as bybygoober does.
Patty Murray and the Democrats save the day and force the Pentagon to stop McSame from outsourcing our national denfse to France!!
Air tanker bid is back on!!
Thank God for Democrats and our values to keep good paying jobs in America and our national security STRONG!!
Unlike McSame who was for sending a key asset to our national defense to the “lowest foregin bidder.”
Some things just aren’t worth penny pinching over and our national defense is one of them.
Reminds me of when Bush and Rumsfeld outsourced the capture of bin Laden at Tora Bora to local warlords while the 10th Mountain Div stood idily by on their orders.
Of course, bin Laden was allowed to escape and live free in Pakistan.
Tell the truth, if Boeing didn’t try to stack the deck on the tanker back in 2003-2004 with their meddling, they probably would have won it then. Even though I don’t like McCain, you can’t hoist this upon him.
GBS did you see Jim Janos will run against Al Franken-stein for the Minnesota Donkey Senate Nomination?
Don’t know Jim Janos? Look him up in your Seal archives.
I’m glad we can re-compete and this time, I hope it’s a fair and level playing field. If both sides are give the same specs and follow the same rule, and IF theirs pencils better, then they should win. But if Airbus has to cheat to win, that is not acceptable, just like it was not for Boeing.
Is at a proper Capitalistic thing to do, to do what ever it takes, legal or not, to win the contract?
Wingnuts love French nukes and airplanes and those who love them like John “Flip-Flop” McSameOld.
Golly HAs clueless idiot, do you remember history or do you play stupid like this all the time.
Wait a minute the jury just came back with their verdict: “Guilty; he is stupid all the time”.
Damn, the goober family gets around…
Hey Moonbat!s: Are there cracks in the no drilling armor?
Wait a minute. HAs clueless idiot will challenge the source.
Why don’t you bring back MWS? He could be for McSameOld and you for, heh, whatever.
Instead of circle jerking, it would be pork swords crossed.
McSameOld just touched the third rail. It started the decline of the Dumbya administration and should, if there’s any justice in the world, do the same for McInsane.
I hope he keeps doing it because the media sure isn’t paying attention.
You mean “The Body” is running against Al?
Hmmmmm . . . I hadn’t heard that one, yet. But, I’ll take your word on it.
At first blush it doesn’t bode well for Franken simply because it siphons off the independent voters.
On the other hand, Jesse wasn’t a well liked govenor in the end. One thing I will say in Ventura’s defense though is that he’s staunchly against the war in Iraq.
Looks like I’m not the only SEAL who doesn’t like this botched up, lied into war in Iraq.
PS: Yes, I can foist the air tanker debacle on McSame, and, yes I will continue to say it over, and over, and over, and over, and over again unitl my preception becomes the public’s reality.
Who says you can’t learn anything from Faux News and the conservative talk show hosts.
YLB @ 58:
Good God man, is that the KING of the Double-Talk Express, or what??????
It’s not privatization of Social Security like Bush wanted, you know, where workers could put aside their money into a investment account managed by some investment firm like, oh, say, Bear Stearns, and let them siphon off billions of dollars in fees.
Noooooooooo, McSame’s plan is completely different and he made that perfectly clear by saying so and telling his audience that they should NOT let us Liberals “twist his words.” You know, like when Olbermann quotes McSame verbatim.
What McCain actually said was he wants to let “younger workers invest some of their money in a retirement account with their name on it. It’s their money.”
See the difference?
Me either!
For a smart feller, you sure are a fart smeller some times.
You know full good and well that oil is no solution to our energy dependence. We are transfering our nation’s wealth to the Middle East and no amount of drilling here in America will stem that flow of wealth to Saudi Arabia and Iran to make even a small dent in it.
We, myself included, are funding terrorism every time we put gasoline in our cars.
The Democrats are right on this issue; we need to start getting off oil and we need to do it now.
Conservation of fuel is patriotic. Preserving our environment from pollution is patriotic. Souricng clean, renewable, and domestic energy is patriotic.
Drilling for cheap oil so we can continue to drive big 4X4’s and Hummer’s only serves the interest of Islamofascists.
Which side are you on Puddy? America’s or the Terrorists who need our money to buy a nuclear weapon on the black market?
The choice is yours. You can either side with America or the terrorists, but you can’t be nuetral.
Which is it?
It’s interesting to note that a lot of things Noam Chomsky wrote about in Hegemony Or Survival? which seemed a little “out there” five years ago are shriekingly obvious now. Specifically, this includes basing an anti-missle defense in eastern Europe, a permanent, massive military presence in Iraq and signing a nuclear-assistance pact with India to to pressure Russia and other nations in the area to beef up their arms. It appears that the neocon endgame involves re-creation of the cold war.
Why? Well, it’s good for business, mainly. Also, it plays well to the right’s “core constituency”. That consists mainly of those whose reaction to McCain’s awkward attempt at Ann Coulter humor was anything but negative. The thought of Iranians (or for that matter, Iraqis, Palestininans or anyone who’s “different”) dying gets their rocks off.
62 – I actually found Coulter’s takedown of McSame at the last CPAC quite amusing. CSPAN doesn’t seem to have archive of it and that’s where I saw it.
There’s only snatches of it on youtube.
Coulter said she’d vote for McInsane only if the Mittster Romney is his VP and that sure is looking more and more to be the case.
Just wondering what the republicans were doing the first six years of Bush rule when they ran both the White House and Congress about energy independence – oh yeah – NOTHING!
64 Why, in fact they did quite a bit….to make the situation even worse.
I see Obama voted for the FISA bill, reversing his earlier position. Lots of angry HuffingtonPosters.
I’m going to state this first here partly because it’s way down a thread on a comparatively obscure blog.
I think that we’re going to see Obama either self-destruct and do something so ridiculous that it tosses the election, or go ahead and get elected and then act like a neocon when he’s in office.
Why do I think this? Two days ago, he had to miss an appearance because the MD80 he was flying on had to make an emergency landing because it had a problem with “pitch control”.
Anybody remember Alaska flight 261?
Not that we’re going to hear anything about it, but how many of y’all are willing to bet that when they inspected the plane they found a thread or two had been ground off the jackscrew?
How many of y’all are willing to bet that after that, the Obama campaign got a phone call from an untraceable number saying something like, “Remember Paul Wellstone?”
America? Stick a fork in it. It’s done.
I just want it recorded somewhere, so a few months from now I can claim that at least somebody heard it from me first.
63 YLB
I don’t think so. I saw them standing together this morning and Mitt must be seven inches taller than McCain. I don’t know, but if I were McCain that’s the way I would least want to appear.
CJS@66: You mean exploding head 16%er progressives?
GBS: Nice funny above. I always give credit to comedy. Too bad most here are lead balloons. Will Miss George Carlin.
Anyway, we need to drill to alleviate some of the pressure in the oil price. We also need to smack some NYMEX heads around.
Personally I think the Admin is letting the dollar sink to cripple China for the Olympics. I don’t think I’ve read that anywhere, just a PuddyPrognostication.
GBS: Now about conservation, yes we need to conserve. The Puddy Family is conserving on our fuel bill by driving less, watering the yard less, looking at a Hybrid SUV, etc. But when you have libtards like Al Gore:
August 2007, Gore burned through 22,619 kWh electricity.
May 2007 to May 2008 AL Gorebasm’s mansion ate 213,210 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity. Figger it out fart smellers (GBS term), that’s enough to power 232 average American households for a month. Give me a Howard Dean Screeeeech now Yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaargh!
Did you know AL Gorebasm had the mansion renovated. Now he uses 1,638 kWh more energy per month.
Then there’s Robert F. Kennedy Jr. You know Mr Private Jetsetter.
Hmmm… need I say more about the bellicose and the buffoon?
Conservatives, China is is a communist but capitalistic society. Which is more important to you, a democratic society or a capitalistic society? We are spending billions to bring democracy to Iraq, so why are you supporting the Chinese economy?
Remember GBS, Puddy placed a PuddyFact (so many now even I lost track of the numbers) where GWB’s Crawford Tx home is way more efficient that the Gorebasm mansion.
HAs clueless idiot can Google that PuddyFact.
Puddybud, What’s the context? Was all that power used by chandeliers and refrigerators left open, or was that due to an efficient server farm hosting emails, websites and distributing an “Inconvenient Truth”?
What matters to me is what is being used to burn through that much energy. Anyone know that?
Blue John, you actually think AL Gorebasm has a server farm at his private residence? Why doesn’t he invest in a portable nuclear reactor? Whoops…… Moonbat!s aren’t into nukular energy.
Also since he used to buy his carbon offsets from himself…
Nuff SAID!
“Remember GBS, Puddy placed a PuddyFact”
Yeah, and a seagull took a crap on my windshield the other day. So what?
#75 Puddybud, so you don’t know, and don’t want to bother to find out……
Blue John, that’s correct I don’t care where his server farm is because if you don’t know, AL Gorebasm has admitted he’s already made over $$$100MM off of global warming.
But to a 16%er lefty, that doesn’t matter to you.
Speaking of bird droppings ArtTheBRainFart@76, I just washed your brains from my windshield recently.
You mean “PuddyFACTS” like China is sideways drilling over 90 MILES for oil off the coast of Cuba and stealing our oil out of the Gulf of Mexico – you mean like ‘dem PuddyFACTS???
Al Gore buys carbons offsets. Go figure out the net impact and we’ll discuss.
As far as slapping some heads around at the NYMEX, you obviously don’t understand how oil is priced on the global market do you?
Mark The Redneck IDIOT challenged me on this subject. Let’s just say that I slapped his redneck ass so hard, so fast you’d think the beat down I gave you on race history in the south was a bear hug.
You tell me how the price of oil is set, which markets control the price of oil, how it’s regulated, or not regulated, and we’ll talk.
It’s not a trick question, but you do have to know your shit to answer it.
Good luck.
Here’s the deal with Al Gore on global warming, him and the real scientist are right.
Republicans are wrong.
The End.
66 – Yeah, well Obama voted for all the amendments. It sucks big time but that’s politics. One less thing for the right wing to make noise about this fall. That’s the silver lining.
The corporations have gotten away with breaking the law and abetting the wholesale theft of our rights. So what else is new?
McCain is SO bad and SO stupid that he will never be elected:
Check out this summary of McCain gaffes (only in the last two days!).
He has alienated:
Older people
anyone with a brain
Our Iraqi “allies”
and the truth
GBS: Simple answer on oil markets. There are four things, well maybe 5 with Iran.
Remember it was Puddy who explained how oil is cracked to multiple layers of products with the distillation diagram.
And finally if most economists place oil at $75, where is da rest of da story?
See ya lata.
GBS, what is a real scientist? Also do you use that much energy in a month, year, decade?
Here is your beloved NPR, leaving the global Gorebasm reservation again since I guess you were busy on your car.
“Since the system was fully deployed in 2003, it has recorded no warming of the global oceans.”
@85: Especially since a 5 year trend, starting with the warmest year on record, really means something – get yourself a real science education Puddy and then we can talk.
GBS is right: real scientist agree that global warming is real and then human activity is the main cause.
Only republicans, pseudo-scientists and snake oil salesmen claim anything else.
Puddybud @ 84:
Just tell me how the price of oil per barrel is set.
Thanks, and let’s just see how much you know.
Mark The Redneck IDIOT thinks OPEC sets the price of oil. . . .
Baaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
What a fucking dumb ass MTR I is!!