What are you talking about? Surreal Mark can’t be more stoked.
I bet that’s him with his closed eyes pointed at his beer gut.
Daddy Lovespews:
McCains’ whole campaign at this point seems to be a matter of (a) trying to get favorable press coverage of his claims about the nefarious content of trivial rhetorical differences in Obama statements, and (b) trying to claim that McCain’s positions are indistiguishable from Obama’s.
I don’t know, does McCain think we’re all stupid? Hint: yes.
Was McSameOld down in Columbia trying to take credit for the release of the FARC hostages?
The Real Markspews:
Probably another staged PR piece by those wacky Lefties, whose policy is: “if you have nothing sustantive to say, just make crap up.”
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Actually McCain is trying to get the chicken shit Obama to debate him at town hall meetings where the questions won’t be scripted. I don’t blame Obama, he is toast if he makes that deal.
The Real Markspews:
YLB @ 3
No, he didn’t take credit. OTOH, what was it about Obama’s ties to FARC???
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Hey has anyone notice how the MSM is covering this Huricane forming half way around the world….could this be one of those six missing huricanes the global warming wackos said were going to hit us back in 2006?
5 – Trying – for free advertising because his campaign is broke and breaking the law to stay afloat.
There’ll be plenty of time for politics after the conventions are over.
Actually, McCain wants Obama to be at his town hall meetings because he wants people to show up.
the global warming wackos said
Did those “whackos” include the guy you’re voting for President?
“For all of the last century, the profit motive basically led in one direction-toward machines, methods and industries that used oil and gas,” said McCain. “Enormous good came from that industrial growth, and we are all the beneficiaries of the national prosperity it built. But there were costs we weren’t counting, and often hardly noticed. And these terrible costs have added up now, in the atmosphere, in the oceans and all across the natural world.“
Poor REPUBLICAN mutt. It’s too late. There’s no Republican he can support for the White House.
Eat shit cur!
Hey mutt,
Did one of the “whackos” include the guy you’re voting for WA State Guv?
Two weeks ago, Rossi wouldn’t say whether he thought global warming was real. He was quick to say it didn’t matter whether it was real because it was important to clean up the air regardless of whether there is scientific consensus on climate change. He told Times reporter Andrew Garber:
It doesn’t matter whether you believe in one scientist or another. The bottom line is we need to make reasonable plans to reduce carbon emissions and make improvements in our environment.
Despite repeated questions, Rossi refused to say whether he personally believed global warming was real, saying, “I’m not a scientist.”
6 – Ok. I guess it was just for the “Terra War” Photo Op.
Obama has no out of the mainstream views. His legislative record speaks very clearly on this.
Speaking of guilt by association, I hear McSameOld “scuffled” with Renzi who appears to be yet another REPUBLICAN crook.
Rezko/Renzi. Is there a guilt by association opportunity there Surreal Mark? You’re the expert.
The Real Markspews:
YLB @ 8
What is the PC term for your kind nowadays? “Factually challenged?”
McCain is holding up rather well with current fundraising. Obama raised $21.9 million in May and McCain raised $ 21.5 million.
All of those millions that Obama raised earlier have already been blown in the primary.
McCain + RNC currently have DOUBLE the cash-on-hand of Obama + DNC.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Is that why he is for drilling (like a majority of Americans are for)??? Oh and I missed the part where he said there were going to be six huricanes in 2006…. where is it again? You’re weak. heheheehe
And yet McCain’s still MORE qualified than Obama to be President.
I hope y’alls feelings weren’t too badly hurt when Obama abandoned you in his rush to the political center.
Iraq (primary) – out now
Iraq (general) – We’ll see
NAFTA (primary) – out now
NAFTA (general) – “rhetoric gets overheated and amplified”
Public financing (primary) – only way
Public financing (general) – no way
Cuba (primary) – No embargo
Cuba (general) – Si embargo
FISA (primary) – no
FISA (general) – yes
And the list goes on…
Jeremiah Wright – “I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother” whoopsie!
ad infinitum ad nauseum
14 – One more time for your crap-addled brain:
And these terrible costs have added up now, in the atmosphere, in the oceans and all across the natural world.
His words from his website. Nice to know you can’t vote for a “global warming whacko”.
16 – Well I hope you’re voting for Bob Barr.
McCain-Feingold: he authored it. Right wingers hate it.
Shrub Tax Cuts: one of two R’s who didn’t vote for them. Now he wants to make them permanent.
Torture – He experienced it. First CIA no, now CIA yes.
Immigration – collaborated with Teddy Kennedy. Now it’s “no recuerdo”.
HAHAHA! Look at that picture! It’s all white people!
(Just like the group who has posting privileges on HA).
typical white person (rob)spews:
Liberals! Are you getting the same whiplash that I, the New York Times, The Washington Post and ABC news are on the everchanging position of the Chosen One on Iraq? At least you sent your gas money to the NObamaMessiah and left more for me, Thank you!
@4 “Probably another staged PR piece by those wacky Lefties, whose policy is: ‘if you have nothing sustantive to say, just make crap up.'”
No, that’s only you guys. We don’t have to make up anything about Republicans. In their case, the truth is stranger than any fiction we could ever dream up. All we have to do is kick back and let Republicans be themselves.
@10 So McCain thinks “enormous good” came from the working and living conditions that existed 100 years ago? At least he’s upfront about it, so we know what to expect in case the Repugs succeed in stealing another election.
typical white person (rob)spews:
Ha! re 21, see 20
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 Funny how where you guys want to drill for oil and where that hurricane is headed happen to be the same place.
Maybe that’s why the oil companies aren’t drilling on 85% of the offshore leases they already hold.
typical white person (rob)spews:
Re 22: In honor of Carl Ballard from Rosi O’Donnel. Ching Chong
This post is PRICELESS! Mix a 1023, year old republican with a disinterested audience and you get a Democratic President!
By the way, President Obama challenged FlipFlop McCain to a debate on tax policy today. So far from the old fuck McCain?
typical white person (rob)spews:
Re 25: I know you liberals don’t have a car so you can’t get out of Seattle but you should hitch hike or something. The Hurricane is headed for Bermuda. In case you didn’t know Bermuda is a soverign country that the United States has no jurisdiction over. You should know that but then again you are liberals and you think Obama is the second coming of Jimi Hendrix so it’s obvious you don’t know that.
typical white person (rob)spews:
Re: 27, This is the second time that the coward Obama has said he would debate McCain. He never shows up though, of course he never showed up to serve his country either.
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Obama: “Anywhere, Anytime” to Debate McCain on For. Policy
Why won’t McCain take President Obama up on his challenge to debate on the economy? FlipFlop McCain has had all day to respond? Is he too busy letting that whore SINdee fuck him in the ass with a dildo to respond? Is he a coward?
Marvin Stamnspews:
“There’s no question that in the next thirty or forty years a Negro can also achieve the same position that my brother has as President of the United States,… Kennedy 1961
Obama, the messiah has arrived, as it was written four decades ago.
Obama is an imperfect god, any disparaging words will be proof of one’s latent racism.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
No, that’s only you guys. We don’t have to make up anything about Republicans. In their case, the truth is stranger than any fiction we could ever dream up. All we have to do is kick back and let Republicans be themselves.
This coming from a supporter of the MSM who’s official documents are even fake…. hehehe give me a break.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Why won’t McCain take President Obama up on his challenge to debate on the economy? FlipFlop McCain has had all day to respond? Is he too busy letting that whore SINdee fuck him in the ass with a dildo to respond? Is he a coward?
I am sure the economy will come up a lot at a town hall meeting… Hell I betcha it would come up in any of the 57 states they decided to have a town meeting. Who is the coward…hehehehe
typical white person (rob)spews:
Re: 30, Bwahhhahhhahh, you are calling John McCain a coward. John McCain served his country in Vietnam as a fighter/bomber pilot. He was shot down, wounded and taken prisoner for 5 1/2 years. He refused an offer by the communists holding him captive for release because of protocal, service to his country and fellow prisoners. He was severely tortured for his actions and you worthless little liberals call this man a coward. It isn’t surprising.
See the you tube video at 29 if you wish to view a coward who never put on the uniform and won’t live up to his promise of “anytime any place” that sounds good unless your called on it and you are to much of a pussy to show up!
33 – Mutt, the economy is tanking on a wingnut Republican’s watch. You guys are so done.
eat shit cur…
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
“anytime any place”
That is just liberal drivel… this guy is toast in a open format debate and he knows it. He better stick to the rehearsed sound bites.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
It’s gas prices stupid (I borrowed that from Bubba). And you libs are on the losing end of that arguement. The only reason we are not drilling now (or in the past) is because of democrats. There is nothing you can say that changes that fact. roof roof.
37 – Oh why didn’t you drill before 2006? You couldn’t pay for your stupid war with Iraq’s oil. No one’s buying that bullshit except shit-eating mutts like you.. hehehehehe.
It’s over for you dog.. Face reality. Oops – that’s impossible for a poop-scarfing REPUBLICAN cur..
typical white person (rob)spews:
Obama, from Dreams of My Father, (while John McCain was being tortured by communists) Borack Obama: “I drank beer heavily and did drugs enthusiastically”
Now that’s a man I want for president! A drunk drug abuser. Liberals are so strange.
typical white person (rob)spews:
It seems Obama is still on drugs or drunk! Here is is recollection of visting 57 states!
Granted McCain ain’t the most inspirational guy…by a longshot.
However, the office he is running for is President of the United States…not Miss Congeniality.
I whole-heartedly support O-blah-blah for Miss Congeniality!
However, he simply is too inexperienced, has shown repeated poor judgment in who he affiliates with and simply does not have the courage to make tough decisions.
McCain does.
39 – At least Obama admitted the mistakes of his youth. Your guy won’t come clean about his collaboration with the enemy.
He was know as “Songbird” to the commies.
And you’re lying. Obama was 8 or 9 years old when McInsane was “singing” at the Hanoi Hilton.
40 – If that’s the worst gaffe he makes, he’s way, way ahead of that chimp you voted for twice who is so complicit in the murder of over 4000 U.S. service men and women not to mention responsible for the deaths of over 100,000 Iraqis which is way low-balled.
RE: 42, I realize education isn’t important to liberals (look at the schools in seattle!) just to give you a little bit of history Borack Hussien Obama was born in 1961, McCain was released in 1973. Should I explain subtraction to you or could you possibly figure it out for yourself.
As for your typical liberal swipe at McCain’s detention in Vietnam there are people he was there with that would say you are a lying stinking liberal. They happen to have earned the Congressional Medal of honor and other awards.
Here is a video regarding John McCains heroism from the most decorated vetern alive in the United States.
Could you provide a video of someone who called him “Songbird”? I didn’t think so. You are a liberal so it’s ok to lie here at HA! loser. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfyGdG9llSE
ylb@42 first your an idiot 2nd get a job and 3rd stop talking out your ass.would you care to show where McCAIN gave info to the commies.its easy for you to talk the talk but if it were you well ill bet you would of sung like elvis.and by the way your branch of service again.i thought so.coward.
typical white person (rob)spews:
Re: 45, If that site was run by Vietnam veterans they would have used their names. It’s a smear website from assholes who couldn’t find Vietnam on a map!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hey you Atheist Progressives…start supporting your local Starbucks.
Starbucks hit a 52-week low today of $14.83.
Howie Schultz is in panic mode cuz you cheap bastards refuse to buy $4 coffees like you used to.
Howie is Progressive….he needs your help.
Perhaps Goldy can set up a DONATE PayPal account for Howie.
I really don’t care for Starbucks Coffee.
Have an Espresso Machine and make my own.
typical white person (rob)spews:
Re: 45, Why don’t you get one of those sniveling pricks to come on camera like Medal of Honor winner Col. Bud Day did? Because they don’t exist?
44 – So you said Obama was partying hardy in 1967? Sue me. I was off by a few years. He was six.
You were still lying. You’re such a freaking idiot.
Believe it or not, I don’t hold it against him. Very few can hold up against that kind of abuse.
My gripe is with holier than thou assholes like you.
typical white person (rob)spews:
RE: 53, when you can come up with an author to those documents someone may give you credit asswipe. I will stick with Bud Day’s version if you don’t mind. He put his name one it and it is a very impressive name.
Now let’s look at Obama’s service record:
This page is Blank!
Ylb@42 looks like your col hooper was brained wased.could it be he is pissed that his son was shot down and he does not like the answers he was given.and his bullshit about talking to pows lets have the names of the pows did not think so.nice try.now go study for your 3rd grade test.after all 6 years in the third grade.
Oh wait a minute, here’s some right wingers who say McCain is “unfit for command” more or less just like Bud Day talked shit with the Swift boaters about John Kerry:
Now that this barrier has been broken – everyone agrees the Muslims are devouring the French, and everyone agrees it’s funny – the usual suspects are quickly rounded up. Jimmy Carter is “almost a traitor”. John McCain is “crazy” because of “all that torture”. One of the Park Avenue ladies declares that she gets on her knees every day to “thank God for Fox News”. As the wine reaches the Floridian, he announces, “This cruise is the best money I ever spent.”
YLB?, Do you have anything at all from anyone that people would actually listen to? Didn’t think so. How does it feel to have you Messiah “Borack Jimmi Obama” disagree with you vile bullshit?
typical white person (rob)spews:
YLB?, Do you have anything at all from anyone that people would actually listen to? Didn’t think so. How does it feel to have you Messiah “Borack Jimmi Obama” disagree with you vile bullshit?
Now let’s look at Obama’s service record:
This page is Blank!
Bullshit. He was a community organizer in the South Side of Chicago. He didn’t have to do that with a degree from Columbia.
After he graduated cum laude from Harvard, he went on to serve his community as a State Senator and a U.S. Senator.
Again he could have settled for making mega-bucks as a hot-shot lawyer.
There’s different kinds of service robtard.
61 – Like I said I don’t hold McCain’s less than honorable stay at the Hanoi Hilton against him that much.
Rudy the cross-dresser had 911 Tourettes. McCain doesn’t do that with his POW experience.
But still he’s built up his “maverick” myth slowly but surely over the years. It’s all bullshit and he has to answer to that.
That myth, built up over many years, is a powerful thing and Barack is savvy enough to know you can’t defeat it all at one shot.
typical white person (rob)spews:
A community organizer? Damn I am Impressed! Until I started looking at what he did as a community organizer. He gave his gangster pal Tony Rezecko $14,000,000 to build a slum that today in inhabitabal.
That Obama is a real hero. I was just kidding, he is a real PUSSY.
If you have something else you think he might have done as a “community organizer” (whatever the hell that is) post it libtard!
typical white person (rob)spews:
I didn’t think so YLB, now all you good little liberals go report in to your “community organizer” I am sure you all have one and know what in the hell they do. Bwahaahaaahah, I have lived here all my life and never ever ever heard of a community organizer.
The guy running for governor on the GOP Party ticket too!
typical white person (rob)spews:
Ha! 67, you seem to be entrhalled with photoshot. Who is your communtiy organizer and why should he be president. Oh, an is he a pussy like Obama?
typical white person (rob)spews:
ok commies, raise your hand if you have a “community organizer”
@64, 65
Being one of the top students at one of the top law schools in the country and then going on to teach constitutional law at another top law school, are good qualifications to be president. Graduating at the bottom of you class at the navel academy and then crashing several airplanes, getting caught by the enemy and giving up classified data, not so much. Ditto on running out on your first wife and cheating on your second.
Now that McCain’s filthy fuckin’ rich maybe he should pay back Ross Perot all the money he shelled out supporting McCain’s first wife and family while McCain was in Viet Nam.
Talk about a welsher.
typical white person (rob)spews:
Re: 72: that’s what I wanted to get on the interwebs by liberal assholes. Crashing a plane and getting caught by the enemy? What a worthless prick you are!
Let me spell it out for you scumbag. He was shot down in a bombing mission over North Vietnam, he was “caught” as soon as he landed in a lake in Hanoi with broken limbs.
Now I am sorry that John McCain was not able to defeat the entire of North Vietnam Army with a 45 caliber pistol and he ended up being “caught”. What a total asshole you are.
But as you said Barack Hussein Obama graduated from college so that makes him more capable of being president that an American Hero.
I would get mad but it is just to much fun to copy and paste your insidious remarks and forward them to donors.
Thanks asshole.
Johm McCanin: College Graduate, war hero, several medals honoring him
Borack Husseein Obama; Drug user, thinks there are 57 states, graduated from college.
see a difference?
typical white person (rob)spews:
I am going to bed now but thanks assholes. You gave me alot of meterial to show Americans what kind of Anti American assholes populate the web on the Obama side. Of course we get alot from his own website so don’t be depressed that you will soon be showning America what pricks you are. There are 10 or 12 fringe sites that produce the same disgusting lies about an American War Hero that you do.
Thanks for your thoughts!
Typical White Person
Obama’s community organizing experience is really central to who he is and his success in politics. It’s pretty impressive.
Those who deride it and turn their nose up at it like the ignorant robtard do so at their own peril.
Impressive example: he became head of the Harvard Law Review by cutting a deal with conservative federalist society types. How did he do it? Drew on his community organizing skills.
typical white person (rob)spews:
Re: 76, I asked you asshole what he did as a “community organizer” eveidently you like the rest of us don’t have a clue.
77 – You’re wrong and I won’t give up Obama’s hand. I’ll just let you stew in your ignorance.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
78. YLB spews:
“77 – You’re wrong and I won’t give up Obama’s hand. I’ll just let you stew in your ignorance.”
“I won’t give up his hand??”
WTF does that mean?
YLB, rob is right.
O-blah-blah’s “community organizing” was that $14 million contract to one of his crooked friends, Rezko. The project today is a complete disaster.
Shows O-blah-blah is quick to pay-off friends…remember, he & his angry wife got a cheap building lot from Rezko in return.
Community DIS-organizer is more like it!
To sum up – the inbred righties don’t like this photo because it tells the real story. Ancient old fuck FlipFlop McCain and his ancient old, tired supporters are snoooooozers. There is nothing new and exciting about this guy or his ideas. EVERY single poll shows America wants a change from the disaster that is the Bush regime. There’s not one thing about this photo that pushes that message. So all the deflection by the right here won’t change the fact that they are gonna loooooose because their ancient candidate is worthless.
Oh yeah – and crashing a million dollar jet that the taxpayers paid for and then spending four plus years giving the VC aid and comfort to avoid harsh treatment in prison hardly qualifies ANYONE to be President. No more than having an affair on (and then leaving) your disfigured wife or helping the Keating Five does.
One last point – why is FlipFlop McCain afraid to debate President Obama on tax policy? President Obama made the call – FlipFlop McCain is hiding out!
Here’s a question Fake Mark won’t answer…
Why are you guys ashamed of Bush Fake Marky? Why would the 1,203 year old McCain want to make sure nobody saw a sign equating him to Bush? Is that how the GOP responds to political speech – to just try to quash it? What are you guys afraid of? The exchange of real free and open ideas scares you to death doesn’t it you little cunt?
Say it with me – McCain and his supporters are cowardly cunts!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Here is a story in today’s Seattle times about the primary Hovel of Goldy’s Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats. aka Starbucks.
This is where the Moonbat’s slurp $4 coffee’s (instead of saving that money to invest & grow) and piss it away. The caffeine gives them delusions of Marxism. That they are somehow superior and know what is best for all of us…the “greater good” is their mantra.
Where will these Moonbat vermin congregate when their local Starbucks Hovel is boarded up?
Where will they get their daily $4 jolt of caffeine?? Starbuck’s is soooo Progressive.
But their stock price and closing of stores seems kind of Regressive, don’t it?
Daddy Lovespews:
President Obama will get us out of Iraq, similar to the wished of the 68% of Americans who oppose the war and the 64% of Americans who want the next president (Obama) to get us out quickly.
McCain wants us to stay in Iraq for 100 years, and won’t consider any drawdown during at least his first term.
The choice is oh-so-clear. You can vote “old” or you can vote “change.” I’m voting for change.
Rezko – wow, that one came and went.
If you want to play the guilt by association game, how about RENZI, former McCain Campaign co-chair – yet another REPUBLICAN crook.
Talk about anger – is there anyone McCain hasn’t “scuffled” with and “screamed” at? Yeah, just the kind of angry old man the wingnuts would want in charge of the nuclear button.
Daddy Lovespews:
And the reason Obama did not accept John McCain’s plan for debates is that he’s the front runner and doesn’t have to accept the loser’s plan. They’ll debate, but it will be on Barack Obama’s terms.
Don’t think it’s because John McCain is “good” in a town hall setting. Have you ever watched/listened to him? He’s terrible in town halls too, but hey, it’s not as dismal a performance as his speechmaking, so his team has to do the best they can.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
O-blah-blah is a Chicago-style political thug by his actions & affiliations.
He’s wrapped up in a nice package…but he’s still a thug.
…but he’s still a thug.
Politics is a full-contact sport – just ask Karl Rove who’s practically taken over McSameOld’s campaign.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
My broker sold JRCC yesterday for me (my 2nd buy-sell) at $45.35. Another $.95/share on top of the other trade of $4.60. It’s fun making money. Noticed JRCC is way down today. Bot in again @ $38.50. This fun!!
Oh Rog, BOOM (your progressive French stock) is now under $28. You rode it down from $43. Enjoy the ride down??
Also NOV is down to $78.
Rog, how come you don’t also post your daily losses…only your daily gains??
I’m down on Wells Fargo.
$24.22/share in.
Currently at $23.60.
Seems like your losing some serious ground Rog.
Bet you wish you sold NOV @ 92 and BOOM @ 43 and invested in Wells Fargo like I told you to do. You would be thousands ahead had you listened to the Conserative. Oh well.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Rog, how come you don’t also post your daily losses…only your daily gains??”
I’m a capitalist propagandist.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Oil fell all the way back to $136. Whoo-hoo. Whoopee. Happy days for gas guzzlers are here again. Gas prices might fall all the way back to $4.25 for a week or two. Enjoy it while you can. Put it this way, I have long-term confidence in my oil stocks. God ain’t making more of it, and at the rate you stupid humans are burning it up, oil should hit $200 within 18 months.
Daddy Lovespews:
And John McCain mentions his POW experience every chance he gets, and then mentions it again in case no one noticed the first time. He IS like Giuliani and 9/11.
Daddy Lovespews:
86 Cyn
Careful, Cynical—you’ll have Republicans voting for Obama soon if you keep that up.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Congress approval is down to single digits for the first time in the history of this country.
Democrat leadership is failing.
Will obama throw the democrat controlled congress under the bus so they won’t drag him down.
If not, will the failures of the democrat controlled congress doom obama to a footnote in history.
Marvin Stamnspews:
91. Daddy Love spews:
And John McCain mentions his POW experience every chance he gets, and then mentions it again in case no one noticed the first time. He IS like Giuliani and 9/11
Or how kerry mentioned his service in viet nam in every speech. Funny you didn’t include john kerry when you were complaining about mccain doing the same thing.
93 – The people know its the Shrub Dog Dems and the obstructionist REPUBLICAN minority in the Senate that’s the problem. The REPUBLICANS are no slouch at obstructing in the House as well.
Tom Coburn, a REPUBLICAN, in the Senate has a hold on 100 bills at a time. He’s the new Jesse Helms.
Look for the Dems to increase their seats in both the House and Senate in November.
91 – Maybe McCain does, I haven’t noticed, but no way can he be as bad as that ridiculous fraud Giuliani.
Marvin Stamnspews:
76. YLB spews:
Obama’s community organizing experience is really central to who he is and his success in politics. It’s pretty impressive.
Tell us about it with some links.
I know, tell us about the affordable housing he worked on. It’s a good story, let’s see if you have the balls to tell it or if you are going to look the other way sticking your fingers in your ears and singing kumbaya so you can ignore the truth.
Marvin @ 93:
There’s nothing wrong with the Congress that a 60-seat Democratic majority in the Senate cannot fix.
You think things were bad for Republicans in 2006? Just wait until November!
“Other politicians besides Bush share the blame for the mess we’re in — but most of them are Republicans….
Since 2001, economic conditions have alternated between so-so and outright bad: A recession, followed by one of the weakest expansions since World War II, and then by a renewed job slump that isn’t officially a recession yet, but certainly feels like one….
So here’s the bottom line: Bush deserves some blame for the poor performance of the economy on his watch, but much of the blame lies with other, earlier political figures, who squandered chances for reform. As it happens, however, most though not all of the politicians responsible for our current economic difficulties were Republicans.
And bear in mind that John McCain has gone to great lengths to affirm his support for Republican economic orthodoxy. So he’ll have no reason to complain if, as seems likely, the economy costs him the election.”
Affordable housing? How about livable housing. Obama was the guy who discovered the asbestos problem in Altgeld Gardens. That comes from being involved and keeping your eyes open.
See if you can dig that up. Rezko came and went. Nothing stuck. Maybe you can read up on RENZI while you’re humming the REPUBLICAN take on kumbaya.
Stamm – I think I found a list of the guys you’ve worked for.
When the right wingers grand kids are drowning and starving (oh how I wish I could watch that with my own eyes but alas I’ll already be gone) I hope they remember that it was through the constant misinformation, disinformation and downright shady antics of WHATADICK Cheney and the Bush regime that people were getting duped into thinking there is no such thing as global warming.
You have to appreciate just how stupid one has to be to be a republican these days. It’s actually mind-numbing.
And, of course, there is the basic irreconcilable conflict between McCain’s positions on tax cuts and fiscal responsibility:
“DENVER — As Sen. John McCain kicked off a week of economic-themed campaigning here Monday, it was apparent that some of the underlying tensions between the two schools that guide his economic thinking — the supply-siders who want to cut taxes and the deficit hawks who want to balance the budget — remain unresolved….”
Source: Analysis: McCain on both sides of fiscal fence; Candidate wavers between positions
Of course, McCain wants to promise all things to all people: cut taxes, balance the budget, and to remain quiet about any unpopular budget cuts which might be required to accomplish this purpose.
As Ronald Reagan discovered, however, slashing the domestic budget without adverse consequences (real and political) isn’t as easy as he had presumed. His first budget director, Stockman, recalled how most of the budget was off-limits to him (defense, police, social security, etc.,) leaving him to go through huge fights over trivial amounts of dollars (declaring ketsup to te a vegitable for purposes of school lunch programs), and still unable to reconcile the budget without engaging in widely unrealistic “rosey scenarios” of explosive future growth to theoretically offset the huge budget deficits.
Only with tax increases (in the Bush I administration) and some fierce budget discipline during the Clinton years (no spending increase without offsetting cuts elswhere or additional tax or fees to fund it) was the deficit brought under control by 2000 – only to have those hard-fought gains cancelled out by Bush II and the Republican Congress.
I get angry when politicians work hard to screw up my children’s future. There is NO WAY I’m ever going to consider voting Republican, considering their penchant for screwing up the entire economy with crackpot economic theories used to justify looting the federal treasury for their rich buddies, and leaving the bill to my children and grandchildren to pay.
ByeBye @ 101: I really don’t know how it works, but apparantly the Bush/Cheney crowd really don’t seem to care about what happens to their own grandchildren. I guess they feel if they leave them enough millions of dollars in trust funds, their grandchildren can always buy their way out of trouble. The rest of us, well, they figure it’s our own damned fault for not being rich.
Blue Johnspews:
I’ve started to hear a new crop of Public Service Radio Announcements. They all start with “In times like these….” and go on to list all the things all the things to look for and do, when terrorists or insane people invade your work place, or when terrorists or insane people invade your kid’s school, or when terrorists or insane people attack you while walking in a parking lot, etc.
In my opinion these are just scare mongering. Shame on them for using the PSAs to forward the conservatives’s fear agenda. They should end with “…Be very very VERY afraid, at ALL times. Remember, vote Republican, or you and your kids will die.”
The PSAs irritate me big time.
Blue Johnspews:
Maybe they are prepping us for a faked or allowed terrorist attack, so we will be scared into voting for McCain? Or is that too paranoid?
Progressives should never put anything past Republicans.
We can’t rest until they’re defeated. Things are looking ok so far but the right wing Republican smear machine is only getting started.
rhp6033 used Paul Hanging Chads NYT Omsbudman Corrected Krugman in his above rant.
Sheeesh, that was toooooooooooo funny. Even HAs clueless idiot hasn’t used Krugman lately!!!
I have never been able to get an answer to this question:
Name one person who benefitted more from the 9.11 attacks than George Bush?
Now – put together the fact that Bush’s dad and Osama’s dad are pals and you have the makings of a great story.
So far – 1089 year old FlipFlop McCain is still hiding under SIN dee’s skirt afraid to take President Obama’s challenge that the two debate tax policy. I guess the big bad war hero ain’t so brave after all. Of course we already knew that!
HAs clueless idiot@99: He discovered the asbestos there? I’m sure Bobby Rush would take a little offense to that statement.
You mean the Altgeld Gardens he described in his book or the Altgeld Gardens where dozens of buildings are boarded up, roads that are a potholed mess, along with the fences surrounding much of the property? Or the Altgeld Gardens containing blinking lights which illuminate a series of towers where police have mounted cameras?
Even your favorite source Wikipedia writes “Altgeld Gardens contained a great deal of asbestos in its construction materials – asbestos that remained there until a grassroots campaign in the 1980s advocated for its removal. Future US presidential candidate Barack Obama participated in this campaign, and wrote about it at length in his book Dreams From My Father.”
Do tell HAs clueless idiot.
If McCain is such a patriot, he can prove it by paying his back taxes. You can’t be a Republican warmonger without other people’s tax money!
He should add his own to the kitty.
bybygoober: See how Dick Blum and friends bought NW Airlines in the late 80s, NW Airlines goes non-smoking and how the rest of the industry capitulated. BTW Walter F. Mondale was a director too. Then see how his buying cronies and his buddies contributed to Donkey senate candidates including his wife Dianne!
re 111: “Pay attention moron. Wait a minute. Morons can’t pay attention!”
If you’d been paying attention, you wouldn’t have had to say that.
Wrong. Obama has at least $75 million cash on hand.
headless@112, head up someone’s ass? Looks like Cindy McCain paid them albeit late.
The taxes weren’t paid because the financial trust that manages the property wasn’t getting the property tax bills in the mail. Of course that’s Cindy’s fault to a 16%er such as yourself. And Newsweek used four reporters for the scoop!
What a jerkoff you are headless.
Ahhh yes headless the comedian@114. You and I both agree.
bybygoober is a moron!
Hey Moonbat!s, wasn’t Kerry for McCain in 2004 before he was against him in 2008?
re 115: The moniker ‘FreedomLover’ in the hands of a WingNut only means that your conception of freedom is limited to only people who believe as you do.
I deliberately DID NOT say ‘think and believe’, as that would have been inaccurate.
re 118: That may have been even as early as 2000, when we all learned from the Bush campaign that McCain fathered black children and ratted out his fellow POW’s.
If you think that that will not come up in this campaign, you are very mistaken. At some point, a smirking talking head is going to ask: “Are you impugning John McCain’s service and loyalty?” And the answer is going to be: “No. I’m just repeating what the RNC said in 2000.”
re 116: So, you are saying that the McCain’s do not need to take personal responsibility for paying their taxes on time?
I thought that personal responsibility was the linchpin of your ‘philosophy’?
Stupes @ 110 – I have a good source for that information on the asbestos. No I’m not going to give it to you. Find it yourself.
I’m sure Bobby Rush isn’t too big a fan of Barack considering Barack tried to take his seat in Congress but hey that’s life in the big city. For all I know, Bobby adores Barack.
I’m willing to give you the benefit of the doubt on the current state of Altgeld but given your record here and how fucking off your nut you are – I shouldn’t.
118 – Being for McInsane the SameOld in 2008 means you’re out of your fucking mind.
Hey headless, so you personally check your financial trust each year to see every tax is paid?
Well good for you.
Next weak and arcane argument please!
Hey HAs clueless idiot@123, I had a good source too. His web site you clueless idiot. Then I cross referenced it with the stories from my Chicago buds and other sites.
HAs clueless idiot: Since we now know your SIEU wife wears the pants in your family, maybe she has the brains too?
Check out Zev Chafets cover story on Rush in last Sunday’s Jayson Blair Times Mag. Chafets & the infallible Times pooch-screw the facts about Limbaugh’s dope-fiend drug addiction, but all’s forgiven: The dead tree version includes an heirloom photo of young Rush at the old swimming hole.
Why’s it special? A few months ago Limbaugh said correctly that Judge Andrew Napolitano of Fox looks like Eddie Munster. The beached-whale photo of Limbaugh demonstrates beyond doubt that Limbaugh looked like Pugsley.
Beat the Rushspews:
Chafets was on NPR’s geek media show on Sunday. The geek moderator kept trying to get Chafets to say out loud what all good NPR listeners know to be true: Limbaugh is biased and unfair.
OK, yeah, Chafets finally said. He’s biased and unfair, just like NPR.
Trivial Pursuitsspews:
“(T)rivial rhetorical differences in Obama statements …”
Hope y’all have checked Dr. Krauthammer since 27 June for the 1040 Schedule A itemization of Obama Rhetorician Trivia Syndrome. He’s flipped in the flop about damn near everything, and today’s news (oh boy) shows that he’s going wobbly on abortion, faith-based faith, and Iraq.
That’s trivial difference we can all believe in. Yes We Can.
127 – You live your right wing bullshit Stupes. That’s why your sons are heading to Iraq to find out about that “enhanced interrogation” that Daddy talks about all the time.
Only they’re not. Here I’ll help you.
1-800-USA-ARMY ext. 181
Daddy’ll cheer ’em on from his armchair. We all know he’s washed up.
126 – Nope, that’s not my source.
So we now know that SIN dee McCain has flaunted her obligation to pay her taxes on time – typical right wing cunt thinks she is above the law.
When are the righties like The Fake Mark gonna explain why they are so worried about a sign that equates Bush and McCain? Aren’t you righties proud of the pretend President?
And when will the 1028 year old McCain grow a sack and finally agree to debate tax policy with President Obama? What – McCain is waiting to see if Senator Joe L. from CONN. can be available to whisper answers in his ear?
Hmmmm. Is the HMNT back to tout how good the Shrub tax breaks for the rich have been for the middle class?
McCain = Bush
The most terrifying fact to a right winger.
This knowledge has to suppressed at any cost.
HAs clueless idiot@134: Did you give back your tax rebate check to the US Treasury yet?
re 125: I would be more inclined to be lenient if mistakes they made in the past leaned toward paying too much tax. Oddly enough, that’s never been the case.
Let me ask you this: Do you think that the IRS holds the McCain’s personally responsible for their taxes?
You act as if McCain lives in such a rarefied atmosphere that he couldn’t be bothered with a thing as mundane as paying his taxes. If so, that is another McCain disqualification for the presidency.
But, back to my original question. Do you think that John McCain is personally responsible for the accuracy of his taxes, or not? Yes or No.
If this is an example of the manner in which he delegates important work, I’m afraid it does not speak very well for his administrative abilities.
You seem to be implying that executives are not responsible for the actions of their subordinates. If so, then you are saying that you do NOT believe in holding people personally responsible.
It don’t matter to me with McCain = Bush.
It must mean the left has few anti-McCain arguments sticking to the fan.
re 130: Belief that there is no God is just as faith based as believing there is a God. Should atheists get faith-based money? Why or why not?
Calling people names, although spiritually satisfying, is not an answer.
136 – Not telling you fool.
That economic stimulus is just working wonders for all those people who’ve lost jobs the past few months.
Those REPUBLICAN economic policies have worked wonders for ordinary working people. Yeah, absolutely…
headless@137: If you review the tapes, I called for McCain to release his and her tax returns. It removed one less Moonbat!tic argument from the equation.
Now regarding paying taxes on time; if you have a duly accepted financial corp set to pay your various taxes and they screw it up because they never received the tax request in the mail, wouldn’t the taxing entity contact the owner of the tax paying entity and ask whaddup? So I wonder why San Diego didn’t do this?
HAs clueless idiot@140: You answered my question. Nuff Said on that topic.
Regarding your other entreaty on where you “received” your Obama asbestos info, I could care less. I told you where I got mine and like usual, of course, you try to be all haughty with “I’m not sharing, I’m not sharing”.
I see PU is right, you are still a third grader. My comment in #127 stands!
Besides McCain = Bush shows the left truly has BDS!
Gotta go now. Gotta test drive one of those GM Hybrid SUVs.
Still waiting for Flip Flop McCain to accept President Obama’s invitation to debate tax policy. Not only is McCain a traitor, he’s seemingly a coward too.
142 – PU? Talk about guilt by association! Nice company you keep Stupes. By such a man is often known. Yes, knee-jerk wingnuts I know – I said OFTEN.
I know you’re too stupid to find out my sources. Thx for proving it.
Bottom line, PudWax, is that you deny that McCain has a responsibility to get his taxes in on time and acureately. I owned and ran a business for 15 years. I know a lot more about taxes, so don’t try to flim-flam me with your BS.
Just answer the queation. Is John McCain personally responsible for paying his taxes accureately and on time.
From looking at this picture, one might get the impression that in a lot of cases, the issue discussed in the following thread wouldn’t matter.
To quote Dean Wormer:
“Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life”.
Personally, I don’t care if McCain (or his wife, or his assigned “taxpayers”) paid their taxes late or not.
What does worry me is that McCain’s taxes are so low compared with his wife’s worth, that he, his wife, his assigned “taxpayers”, and his defenders on this forum consider it to be such a trivial matter that it wasn’t worth checking on, or inquiring about.
Reminds me of Leona Helmsely – “taxes are for the ‘little people'”.
First, HAs clueless idiot. Who cares about your sources. I provided mine. Oh yeah, you were caught plagiarizing last year. Thanks for reminding me. Run little boy run. You prove when the kitchen gets hot you run for the basement where you and the wife live. BTW, you are still possessing the mind of a 3rd grader. Does your wife read your posts? My family cracks up with the swill on this blog! And… they know I visit here and read my posts.
Second HA headless. First I am not denying anything. You are in denial. Second, the Newsweek article said there was a mail mix-up. It’s all in your head what you “claim” I claim. Maybe you like Claim Jumpers? I too have had my own business. Paid lots of B&O tax. Never had a financial entity set to pay mine. If the bill was not paid because of the mail mix-up and then she took care of it, where is the tempest in the teapot? You are ill. Why not be like rhp6033 above and not care about it? Oops… then you’d be a thinking Seattle Skuul District employee, and we know you can’t do that!
rhp6033: not paying attention again. When Cindy McCain released her taxes, her tax liability was large. Go back and check the tapes since your 24 hour memory is showing again!
What are you talking about? Surreal Mark can’t be more stoked.
I bet that’s him with his closed eyes pointed at his beer gut.
McCains’ whole campaign at this point seems to be a matter of (a) trying to get favorable press coverage of his claims about the nefarious content of trivial rhetorical differences in Obama statements, and (b) trying to claim that McCain’s positions are indistiguishable from Obama’s.
I don’t know, does McCain think we’re all stupid? Hint: yes.
Was McSameOld down in Columbia trying to take credit for the release of the FARC hostages?
Probably another staged PR piece by those wacky Lefties, whose policy is: “if you have nothing sustantive to say, just make crap up.”
Actually McCain is trying to get the chicken shit Obama to debate him at town hall meetings where the questions won’t be scripted. I don’t blame Obama, he is toast if he makes that deal.
YLB @ 3
No, he didn’t take credit. OTOH, what was it about Obama’s ties to FARC???
Hey has anyone notice how the MSM is covering this Huricane forming half way around the world….could this be one of those six missing huricanes the global warming wackos said were going to hit us back in 2006?
5 – Trying – for free advertising because his campaign is broke and breaking the law to stay afloat.
There’ll be plenty of time for politics after the conventions are over.
Until then – eat shit cur!
Actually, McCain wants Obama to be at his town hall meetings because he wants people to show up.
the global warming wackos said
Did those “whackos” include the guy you’re voting for President?
Poor REPUBLICAN mutt. It’s too late. There’s no Republican he can support for the White House.
Eat shit cur!
Hey mutt,
Did one of the “whackos” include the guy you’re voting for WA State Guv?
Ah poor mutt. No one to vote for Guv either.
Eat shit cur!
6 – Ok. I guess it was just for the “Terra War” Photo Op.
Obama has no out of the mainstream views. His legislative record speaks very clearly on this.
Speaking of guilt by association, I hear McSameOld “scuffled” with Renzi who appears to be yet another REPUBLICAN crook.
Rezko/Renzi. Is there a guilt by association opportunity there Surreal Mark? You’re the expert.
YLB @ 8
What is the PC term for your kind nowadays? “Factually challenged?”
McCain is holding up rather well with current fundraising. Obama raised $21.9 million in May and McCain raised $ 21.5 million.
All of those millions that Obama raised earlier have already been blown in the primary.
McCain + RNC currently have DOUBLE the cash-on-hand of Obama + DNC.
Is that why he is for drilling (like a majority of Americans are for)??? Oh and I missed the part where he said there were going to be six huricanes in 2006…. where is it again? You’re weak. heheheehe
and McCain raised $ 21.5 million.
And yet McCain’s still MORE qualified than Obama to be President.
I hope y’alls feelings weren’t too badly hurt when Obama abandoned you in his rush to the political center.
Iraq (primary) – out now
Iraq (general) – We’ll see
NAFTA (primary) – out now
NAFTA (general) – “rhetoric gets overheated and amplified”
Public financing (primary) – only way
Public financing (general) – no way
Cuba (primary) – No embargo
Cuba (general) – Si embargo
FISA (primary) – no
FISA (general) – yes
And the list goes on…
Jeremiah Wright – “I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother” whoopsie!
ad infinitum ad nauseum
14 – One more time for your crap-addled brain:
His words from his website. Nice to know you can’t vote for a “global warming whacko”.
16 – Well I hope you’re voting for Bob Barr.
McCain-Feingold: he authored it. Right wingers hate it.
Shrub Tax Cuts: one of two R’s who didn’t vote for them. Now he wants to make them permanent.
Torture – He experienced it. First CIA no, now CIA yes.
Immigration – collaborated with Teddy Kennedy. Now it’s “no recuerdo”.
ad inifinitum ad nauseum…
HAHAHA! Look at that picture! It’s all white people!
(Just like the group who has posting privileges on HA).
Liberals! Are you getting the same whiplash that I, the New York Times, The Washington Post and ABC news are on the everchanging position of the Chosen One on Iraq? At least you sent your gas money to the NObamaMessiah and left more for me, Thank you!
@4 “Probably another staged PR piece by those wacky Lefties, whose policy is: ‘if you have nothing sustantive to say, just make crap up.'”
No, that’s only you guys. We don’t have to make up anything about Republicans. In their case, the truth is stranger than any fiction we could ever dream up. All we have to do is kick back and let Republicans be themselves.
@ 19
Not true. Carl Ballard is half Chinese.
@10 So McCain thinks “enormous good” came from the working and living conditions that existed 100 years ago? At least he’s upfront about it, so we know what to expect in case the Repugs succeed in stealing another election.
Ha! re 21, see 20
@14 Funny how where you guys want to drill for oil and where that hurricane is headed happen to be the same place.
Maybe that’s why the oil companies aren’t drilling on 85% of the offshore leases they already hold.
Re 22: In honor of Carl Ballard from Rosi O’Donnel. Ching Chong
This post is PRICELESS! Mix a 1023, year old republican with a disinterested audience and you get a Democratic President!
By the way, President Obama challenged FlipFlop McCain to a debate on tax policy today. So far from the old fuck McCain?
Re 25: I know you liberals don’t have a car so you can’t get out of Seattle but you should hitch hike or something. The Hurricane is headed for Bermuda. In case you didn’t know Bermuda is a soverign country that the United States has no jurisdiction over. You should know that but then again you are liberals and you think Obama is the second coming of Jimi Hendrix so it’s obvious you don’t know that.
Re: 27, This is the second time that the coward Obama has said he would debate McCain. He never shows up though, of course he never showed up to serve his country either.
McCain challenges Obama to town hall debates
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Obama: “Anywhere, Anytime” to Debate McCain on For. Policy
Obama is a Pussy and a liar
Why won’t McCain take President Obama up on his challenge to debate on the economy? FlipFlop McCain has had all day to respond? Is he too busy letting that whore SINdee fuck him in the ass with a dildo to respond? Is he a coward?
“There’s no question that in the next thirty or forty years a Negro can also achieve the same position that my brother has as President of the United States,… Kennedy 1961
Obama, the messiah has arrived, as it was written four decades ago.
Obama is an imperfect god, any disparaging words will be proof of one’s latent racism.
No, that’s only you guys. We don’t have to make up anything about Republicans. In their case, the truth is stranger than any fiction we could ever dream up. All we have to do is kick back and let Republicans be themselves.
This coming from a supporter of the MSM who’s official documents are even fake…. hehehe give me a break.
Why won’t McCain take President Obama up on his challenge to debate on the economy? FlipFlop McCain has had all day to respond? Is he too busy letting that whore SINdee fuck him in the ass with a dildo to respond? Is he a coward?
I am sure the economy will come up a lot at a town hall meeting… Hell I betcha it would come up in any of the 57 states they decided to have a town meeting. Who is the coward…hehehehe
Re: 30, Bwahhhahhhahh, you are calling John McCain a coward. John McCain served his country in Vietnam as a fighter/bomber pilot. He was shot down, wounded and taken prisoner for 5 1/2 years. He refused an offer by the communists holding him captive for release because of protocal, service to his country and fellow prisoners. He was severely tortured for his actions and you worthless little liberals call this man a coward. It isn’t surprising.
See the you tube video at 29 if you wish to view a coward who never put on the uniform and won’t live up to his promise of “anytime any place” that sounds good unless your called on it and you are to much of a pussy to show up!
33 – Mutt, the economy is tanking on a wingnut Republican’s watch. You guys are so done.
eat shit cur…
“anytime any place”
That is just liberal drivel… this guy is toast in a open format debate and he knows it. He better stick to the rehearsed sound bites.
It’s gas prices stupid (I borrowed that from Bubba). And you libs are on the losing end of that arguement. The only reason we are not drilling now (or in the past) is because of democrats. There is nothing you can say that changes that fact. roof roof.
37 – Oh why didn’t you drill before 2006? You couldn’t pay for your stupid war with Iraq’s oil. No one’s buying that bullshit except shit-eating mutts like you.. hehehehehe.
It’s over for you dog.. Face reality. Oops – that’s impossible for a poop-scarfing REPUBLICAN cur..
Obama, from Dreams of My Father, (while John McCain was being tortured by communists) Borack Obama: “I drank beer heavily and did drugs enthusiastically”
Now that’s a man I want for president! A drunk drug abuser. Liberals are so strange.
It seems Obama is still on drugs or drunk! Here is is recollection of visting 57 states!
Have another snort Obama!
Granted McCain ain’t the most inspirational guy…by a longshot.
However, the office he is running for is President of the United States…not Miss Congeniality.
I whole-heartedly support O-blah-blah for Miss Congeniality!
However, he simply is too inexperienced, has shown repeated poor judgment in who he affiliates with and simply does not have the courage to make tough decisions.
McCain does.
39 – At least Obama admitted the mistakes of his youth. Your guy won’t come clean about his collaboration with the enemy.
He was know as “Songbird” to the commies.
And you’re lying. Obama was 8 or 9 years old when McInsane was “singing” at the Hanoi Hilton.
40 – If that’s the worst gaffe he makes, he’s way, way ahead of that chimp you voted for twice who is so complicit in the murder of over 4000 U.S. service men and women not to mention responsible for the deaths of over 100,000 Iraqis which is way low-balled.
Read all about it – if you dare:
RE: 42, I realize education isn’t important to liberals (look at the schools in seattle!) just to give you a little bit of history Borack Hussien Obama was born in 1961, McCain was released in 1973. Should I explain subtraction to you or could you possibly figure it out for yourself.
As for your typical liberal swipe at McCain’s detention in Vietnam there are people he was there with that would say you are a lying stinking liberal. They happen to have earned the Congressional Medal of honor and other awards.
Here is a video regarding John McCains heroism from the most decorated vetern alive in the United States.
Could you provide a video of someone who called him “Songbird”? I didn’t think so. You are a liberal so it’s ok to lie here at HA! loser.
Some disturbing information about McCain:
Not a lefty site by any stretch.
ylb@42 first your an idiot 2nd get a job and 3rd stop talking out your ass.would you care to show where McCAIN gave info to the commies.its easy for you to talk the talk but if it were you well ill bet you would of sung like elvis.and by the way your branch of service again.i thought so.coward.
Re: 45, If that site was run by Vietnam veterans they would have used their names. It’s a smear website from assholes who couldn’t find Vietnam on a map!
Hey you Atheist Progressives…start supporting your local Starbucks.
Starbucks hit a 52-week low today of $14.83.
Howie Schultz is in panic mode cuz you cheap bastards refuse to buy $4 coffees like you used to.
Howie is Progressive….he needs your help.
Perhaps Goldy can set up a DONATE PayPal account for Howie.
I really don’t care for Starbucks Coffee.
Have an Espresso Machine and make my own.
Re: 45, Why don’t you get one of those sniveling pricks to come on camera like Medal of Honor winner Col. Bud Day did? Because they don’t exist?
44 – So you said Obama was partying hardy in 1967? Sue me. I was off by a few years. He was six.
You were still lying. You’re such a freaking idiot.
Also, did you see where Ron Sims gotr his fat ass handed to him by the Appeals Court today re: the ILLEGAL Critical Areas Ordinance.
Perhaps Ron forgot what Country he lives in.
Dwight Pelz confused him….and he thought we were Cuba.
What Would Fidel Do??
Gee, folks can start clearing their land.
Listen…do you hear the sound of BRUSHHOGS revvin’ up?
Re: 51, that’s a beautiful thing. It’s good to see liberals told by the courts to fuck off and get off my land!
Here’s the documents that prove McCain collaborated with the commies:
Believe it or not, I don’t hold it against him. Very few can hold up against that kind of abuse.
My gripe is with holier than thou assholes like you.
RE: 53, when you can come up with an author to those documents someone may give you credit asswipe. I will stick with Bud Day’s version if you don’t mind. He put his name one it and it is a very impressive name.
Now let’s look at Obama’s service record:
This page is Blank!
Ylb@42 looks like your col hooper was brained wased.could it be he is pissed that his son was shot down and he does not like the answers he was given.and his bullshit about talking to pows lets have the names of the pows did not think so.nice try.now go study for your 3rd grade test.after all 6 years in the third grade.
Borack Obama on Hero John McCain:
Oh wait a minute, here’s some right wingers who say McCain is “unfit for command” more or less just like Bud Day talked shit with the Swift boaters about John Kerry:
I love it.
you are a worthless wimp YLB, even your Messiah disagress with you!
OH Wait a minute here is another video of Obama praising John McCains Service! Obama must be an idiot if McCain is so bad don’t you think?
YLB?, Do you have anything at all from anyone that people would actually listen to? Didn’t think so. How does it feel to have you Messiah “Borack Jimmi Obama” disagree with you vile bullshit?
YLB?, Do you have anything at all from anyone that people would actually listen to? Didn’t think so. How does it feel to have you Messiah “Borack Jimmi Obama” disagree with you vile bullshit?
Now let’s look at Obama’s service record:
This page is Blank!
Bullshit. He was a community organizer in the South Side of Chicago. He didn’t have to do that with a degree from Columbia.
After he graduated cum laude from Harvard, he went on to serve his community as a State Senator and a U.S. Senator.
Again he could have settled for making mega-bucks as a hot-shot lawyer.
There’s different kinds of service robtard.
61 – Like I said I don’t hold McCain’s less than honorable stay at the Hanoi Hilton against him that much.
Rudy the cross-dresser had 911 Tourettes. McCain doesn’t do that with his POW experience.
But still he’s built up his “maverick” myth slowly but surely over the years. It’s all bullshit and he has to answer to that.
That myth, built up over many years, is a powerful thing and Barack is savvy enough to know you can’t defeat it all at one shot.
A community organizer? Damn I am Impressed! Until I started looking at what he did as a community organizer. He gave his gangster pal Tony Rezecko $14,000,000 to build a slum that today in inhabitabal.
That Obama is a real hero. I was just kidding, he is a real PUSSY.
If you have something else you think he might have done as a “community organizer” (whatever the hell that is) post it libtard!
I didn’t think so YLB, now all you good little liberals go report in to your “community organizer” I am sure you all have one and know what in the hell they do. Bwahaahaaahah, I have lived here all my life and never ever ever heard of a community organizer.
And yet…. That picture of the fat, snoozing Grampies says it all.
I’ll bet their wives pray to Jesus that these guys don’t discover Viagra.
re 65: I’ll bet you like Average White Band.
The guy running for governor on the GOP Party ticket too!
Ha! 67, you seem to be entrhalled with photoshot. Who is your communtiy organizer and why should he be president. Oh, an is he a pussy like Obama?
ok commies, raise your hand if you have a “community organizer”
@64, 65
Being one of the top students at one of the top law schools in the country and then going on to teach constitutional law at another top law school, are good qualifications to be president. Graduating at the bottom of you class at the navel academy and then crashing several airplanes, getting caught by the enemy and giving up classified data, not so much. Ditto on running out on your first wife and cheating on your second.
Now that McCain’s filthy fuckin’ rich maybe he should pay back Ross Perot all the money he shelled out supporting McCain’s first wife and family while McCain was in Viet Nam.
Talk about a welsher.
Re: 72: that’s what I wanted to get on the interwebs by liberal assholes. Crashing a plane and getting caught by the enemy? What a worthless prick you are!
Let me spell it out for you scumbag. He was shot down in a bombing mission over North Vietnam, he was “caught” as soon as he landed in a lake in Hanoi with broken limbs.
Now I am sorry that John McCain was not able to defeat the entire of North Vietnam Army with a 45 caliber pistol and he ended up being “caught”. What a total asshole you are.
But as you said Barack Hussein Obama graduated from college so that makes him more capable of being president that an American Hero.
I would get mad but it is just to much fun to copy and paste your insidious remarks and forward them to donors.
Thanks asshole.
Johm McCanin: College Graduate, war hero, several medals honoring him
Borack Husseein Obama; Drug user, thinks there are 57 states, graduated from college.
see a difference?
I am going to bed now but thanks assholes. You gave me alot of meterial to show Americans what kind of Anti American assholes populate the web on the Obama side. Of course we get alot from his own website so don’t be depressed that you will soon be showning America what pricks you are. There are 10 or 12 fringe sites that produce the same disgusting lies about an American War Hero that you do.
Thanks for your thoughts!
Typical White Person
Obama’s community organizing experience is really central to who he is and his success in politics. It’s pretty impressive.
Those who deride it and turn their nose up at it like the ignorant robtard do so at their own peril.
Impressive example: he became head of the Harvard Law Review by cutting a deal with conservative federalist society types. How did he do it? Drew on his community organizing skills.
Re: 76, I asked you asshole what he did as a “community organizer” eveidently you like the rest of us don’t have a clue.
77 – You’re wrong and I won’t give up Obama’s hand. I’ll just let you stew in your ignorance.
78. YLB spews:
“77 – You’re wrong and I won’t give up Obama’s hand. I’ll just let you stew in your ignorance.”
“I won’t give up his hand??”
WTF does that mean?
YLB, rob is right.
O-blah-blah’s “community organizing” was that $14 million contract to one of his crooked friends, Rezko. The project today is a complete disaster.
Shows O-blah-blah is quick to pay-off friends…remember, he & his angry wife got a cheap building lot from Rezko in return.
Community DIS-organizer is more like it!
To sum up – the inbred righties don’t like this photo because it tells the real story. Ancient old fuck FlipFlop McCain and his ancient old, tired supporters are snoooooozers. There is nothing new and exciting about this guy or his ideas. EVERY single poll shows America wants a change from the disaster that is the Bush regime. There’s not one thing about this photo that pushes that message. So all the deflection by the right here won’t change the fact that they are gonna loooooose because their ancient candidate is worthless.
Oh yeah – and crashing a million dollar jet that the taxpayers paid for and then spending four plus years giving the VC aid and comfort to avoid harsh treatment in prison hardly qualifies ANYONE to be President. No more than having an affair on (and then leaving) your disfigured wife or helping the Keating Five does.
One last point – why is FlipFlop McCain afraid to debate President Obama on tax policy? President Obama made the call – FlipFlop McCain is hiding out!
Here’s a question Fake Mark won’t answer…
Why are you guys ashamed of Bush Fake Marky? Why would the 1,203 year old McCain want to make sure nobody saw a sign equating him to Bush? Is that how the GOP responds to political speech – to just try to quash it? What are you guys afraid of? The exchange of real free and open ideas scares you to death doesn’t it you little cunt?
Say it with me – McCain and his supporters are cowardly cunts!
Here is a story in today’s Seattle times about the primary Hovel of Goldy’s Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats. aka Starbucks.
This is where the Moonbat’s slurp $4 coffee’s (instead of saving that money to invest & grow) and piss it away. The caffeine gives them delusions of Marxism. That they are somehow superior and know what is best for all of us…the “greater good” is their mantra.
Where will these Moonbat vermin congregate when their local Starbucks Hovel is boarded up?
Where will they get their daily $4 jolt of caffeine?? Starbuck’s is soooo Progressive.
But their stock price and closing of stores seems kind of Regressive, don’t it?
President Obama will get us out of Iraq, similar to the wished of the 68% of Americans who oppose the war and the 64% of Americans who want the next president (Obama) to get us out quickly.
McCain wants us to stay in Iraq for 100 years, and won’t consider any drawdown during at least his first term.
The choice is oh-so-clear. You can vote “old” or you can vote “change.” I’m voting for change.
Rezko – wow, that one came and went.
If you want to play the guilt by association game, how about RENZI, former McCain Campaign co-chair – yet another REPUBLICAN crook.
Talk about anger – is there anyone McCain hasn’t “scuffled” with and “screamed” at? Yeah, just the kind of angry old man the wingnuts would want in charge of the nuclear button.
And the reason Obama did not accept John McCain’s plan for debates is that he’s the front runner and doesn’t have to accept the loser’s plan. They’ll debate, but it will be on Barack Obama’s terms.
Don’t think it’s because John McCain is “good” in a town hall setting. Have you ever watched/listened to him? He’s terrible in town halls too, but hey, it’s not as dismal a performance as his speechmaking, so his team has to do the best they can.
O-blah-blah is a Chicago-style political thug by his actions & affiliations.
He’s wrapped up in a nice package…but he’s still a thug.
…but he’s still a thug.
Politics is a full-contact sport – just ask Karl Rove who’s practically taken over McSameOld’s campaign.
My broker sold JRCC yesterday for me (my 2nd buy-sell) at $45.35. Another $.95/share on top of the other trade of $4.60. It’s fun making money. Noticed JRCC is way down today. Bot in again @ $38.50. This fun!!
Oh Rog, BOOM (your progressive French stock) is now under $28. You rode it down from $43. Enjoy the ride down??
Also NOV is down to $78.
Rog, how come you don’t also post your daily losses…only your daily gains??
I’m down on Wells Fargo.
$24.22/share in.
Currently at $23.60.
Seems like your losing some serious ground Rog.
Bet you wish you sold NOV @ 92 and BOOM @ 43 and invested in Wells Fargo like I told you to do. You would be thousands ahead had you listened to the Conserative. Oh well.
“Rog, how come you don’t also post your daily losses…only your daily gains??”
I’m a capitalist propagandist.
Oil fell all the way back to $136. Whoo-hoo. Whoopee. Happy days for gas guzzlers are here again. Gas prices might fall all the way back to $4.25 for a week or two. Enjoy it while you can. Put it this way, I have long-term confidence in my oil stocks. God ain’t making more of it, and at the rate you stupid humans are burning it up, oil should hit $200 within 18 months.
And John McCain mentions his POW experience every chance he gets, and then mentions it again in case no one noticed the first time. He IS like Giuliani and 9/11.
86 Cyn
Careful, Cynical—you’ll have Republicans voting for Obama soon if you keep that up.
Congress approval is down to single digits for the first time in the history of this country.
Democrat leadership is failing.
Will obama throw the democrat controlled congress under the bus so they won’t drag him down.
If not, will the failures of the democrat controlled congress doom obama to a footnote in history.
Or how kerry mentioned his service in viet nam in every speech. Funny you didn’t include john kerry when you were complaining about mccain doing the same thing.
93 – The people know its the Shrub Dog Dems and the obstructionist REPUBLICAN minority in the Senate that’s the problem. The REPUBLICANS are no slouch at obstructing in the House as well.
Tom Coburn, a REPUBLICAN, in the Senate has a hold on 100 bills at a time. He’s the new Jesse Helms.
Look for the Dems to increase their seats in both the House and Senate in November.
91 – Maybe McCain does, I haven’t noticed, but no way can he be as bad as that ridiculous fraud Giuliani.
Tell us about it with some links.
I know, tell us about the affordable housing he worked on. It’s a good story, let’s see if you have the balls to tell it or if you are going to look the other way sticking your fingers in your ears and singing kumbaya so you can ignore the truth.
Marvin @ 93:
There’s nothing wrong with the Congress that a 60-seat Democratic majority in the Senate cannot fix.
You think things were bad for Republicans in 2006? Just wait until November!
Source: Behind Bush bust: Who’s to blame? by Paul Krugman
97 – Go find your own links numbnuts.
Affordable housing? How about livable housing. Obama was the guy who discovered the asbestos problem in Altgeld Gardens. That comes from being involved and keeping your eyes open.
See if you can dig that up. Rezko came and went. Nothing stuck. Maybe you can read up on RENZI while you’re humming the REPUBLICAN take on kumbaya.
Stamm – I think I found a list of the guys you’ve worked for.
When the right wingers grand kids are drowning and starving (oh how I wish I could watch that with my own eyes but alas I’ll already be gone) I hope they remember that it was through the constant misinformation, disinformation and downright shady antics of WHATADICK Cheney and the Bush regime that people were getting duped into thinking there is no such thing as global warming.
You have to appreciate just how stupid one has to be to be a republican these days. It’s actually mind-numbing.
And, of course, there is the basic irreconcilable conflict between McCain’s positions on tax cuts and fiscal responsibility:
Source: Analysis: McCain on both sides of fiscal fence; Candidate wavers between positions
Of course, McCain wants to promise all things to all people: cut taxes, balance the budget, and to remain quiet about any unpopular budget cuts which might be required to accomplish this purpose.
As Ronald Reagan discovered, however, slashing the domestic budget without adverse consequences (real and political) isn’t as easy as he had presumed. His first budget director, Stockman, recalled how most of the budget was off-limits to him (defense, police, social security, etc.,) leaving him to go through huge fights over trivial amounts of dollars (declaring ketsup to te a vegitable for purposes of school lunch programs), and still unable to reconcile the budget without engaging in widely unrealistic “rosey scenarios” of explosive future growth to theoretically offset the huge budget deficits.
Only with tax increases (in the Bush I administration) and some fierce budget discipline during the Clinton years (no spending increase without offsetting cuts elswhere or additional tax or fees to fund it) was the deficit brought under control by 2000 – only to have those hard-fought gains cancelled out by Bush II and the Republican Congress.
I get angry when politicians work hard to screw up my children’s future. There is NO WAY I’m ever going to consider voting Republican, considering their penchant for screwing up the entire economy with crackpot economic theories used to justify looting the federal treasury for their rich buddies, and leaving the bill to my children and grandchildren to pay.
ByeBye @ 101: I really don’t know how it works, but apparantly the Bush/Cheney crowd really don’t seem to care about what happens to their own grandchildren. I guess they feel if they leave them enough millions of dollars in trust funds, their grandchildren can always buy their way out of trouble. The rest of us, well, they figure it’s our own damned fault for not being rich.
I’ve started to hear a new crop of Public Service Radio Announcements. They all start with “In times like these….” and go on to list all the things all the things to look for and do, when terrorists or insane people invade your work place, or when terrorists or insane people invade your kid’s school, or when terrorists or insane people attack you while walking in a parking lot, etc.
In my opinion these are just scare mongering. Shame on them for using the PSAs to forward the conservatives’s fear agenda. They should end with “…Be very very VERY afraid, at ALL times. Remember, vote Republican, or you and your kids will die.”
The PSAs irritate me big time.
Maybe they are prepping us for a faked or allowed terrorist attack, so we will be scared into voting for McCain?
Or is that too paranoid?
Progressives should never put anything past Republicans.
We can’t rest until they’re defeated. Things are looking ok so far but the right wing Republican smear machine is only getting started.
No rest for the weary.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
rhp6033 used Paul Hanging Chads NYT Omsbudman Corrected Krugman in his above rant.
Sheeesh, that was toooooooooooo funny. Even HAs clueless idiot hasn’t used Krugman lately!!!
I have never been able to get an answer to this question:
Name one person who benefitted more from the 9.11 attacks than George Bush?
Now – put together the fact that Bush’s dad and Osama’s dad are pals and you have the makings of a great story.
So far – 1089 year old FlipFlop McCain is still hiding under SIN dee’s skirt afraid to take President Obama’s challenge that the two debate tax policy. I guess the big bad war hero ain’t so brave after all. Of course we already knew that!
HAs clueless idiot@99: He discovered the asbestos there? I’m sure Bobby Rush would take a little offense to that statement.
You mean the Altgeld Gardens he described in his book or the Altgeld Gardens where dozens of buildings are boarded up, roads that are a potholed mess, along with the fences surrounding much of the property? Or the Altgeld Gardens containing blinking lights which illuminate a series of towers where police have mounted cameras?
Even your favorite source Wikipedia writes “Altgeld Gardens contained a great deal of asbestos in its construction materials – asbestos that remained there until a grassroots campaign in the 1980s advocated for its removal. Future US presidential candidate Barack Obama participated in this campaign, and wrote about it at length in his book Dreams From My Father.”
Do tell HAs clueless idiot.
This is my final answer for the 7th time you asked this stupid question – Richard C. Blum.
Who is Richard C. Blum? Dianne Feinstein’s (D) CA hubby.
Pay attention moron. Wait a minute. Morons can’t pay attention!
If McCain is such a patriot, he can prove it by paying his back taxes. You can’t be a Republican warmonger without other people’s tax money!
He should add his own to the kitty.
bybygoober: See how Dick Blum and friends bought NW Airlines in the late 80s, NW Airlines goes non-smoking and how the rest of the industry capitulated. BTW Walter F. Mondale was a director too. Then see how his buying cronies and his buddies contributed to Donkey senate candidates including his wife Dianne!
re 111: “Pay attention moron. Wait a minute. Morons can’t pay attention!”
If you’d been paying attention, you wouldn’t have had to say that.
Wrong. Obama has at least $75 million cash on hand.
headless@112, head up someone’s ass? Looks like Cindy McCain paid them albeit late.
The taxes weren’t paid because the financial trust that manages the property wasn’t getting the property tax bills in the mail. Of course that’s Cindy’s fault to a 16%er such as yourself. And Newsweek used four reporters for the scoop!
What a jerkoff you are headless.
Ahhh yes headless the comedian@114. You and I both agree.
bybygoober is a moron!
Hey Moonbat!s, wasn’t Kerry for McCain in 2004 before he was against him in 2008?
re 115: The moniker ‘FreedomLover’ in the hands of a WingNut only means that your conception of freedom is limited to only people who believe as you do.
I deliberately DID NOT say ‘think and believe’, as that would have been inaccurate.
‘FreedomLover’…. Gimme a break, RUBE.
re 118: That may have been even as early as 2000, when we all learned from the Bush campaign that McCain fathered black children and ratted out his fellow POW’s.
If you think that that will not come up in this campaign, you are very mistaken. At some point, a smirking talking head is going to ask: “Are you impugning John McCain’s service and loyalty?” And the answer is going to be: “No. I’m just repeating what the RNC said in 2000.”
re 118: Checkmate….
re 116: So, you are saying that the McCain’s do not need to take personal responsibility for paying their taxes on time?
I thought that personal responsibility was the linchpin of your ‘philosophy’?
Stupes @ 110 – I have a good source for that information on the asbestos. No I’m not going to give it to you. Find it yourself.
I’m sure Bobby Rush isn’t too big a fan of Barack considering Barack tried to take his seat in Congress but hey that’s life in the big city. For all I know, Bobby adores Barack.
I’m willing to give you the benefit of the doubt on the current state of Altgeld but given your record here and how fucking off your nut you are – I shouldn’t.
118 – Being for McInsane the SameOld in 2008 means you’re out of your fucking mind.
Hey headless, so you personally check your financial trust each year to see every tax is paid?
Well good for you.
Next weak and arcane argument please!
Hey HAs clueless idiot@123, I had a good source too. His web site you clueless idiot. Then I cross referenced it with the stories from my Chicago buds and other sites.
HAs clueless idiot: Since we now know your SIEU wife wears the pants in your family, maybe she has the brains too?
waaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa
Check out Zev Chafets cover story on Rush in last Sunday’s Jayson Blair Times Mag. Chafets & the infallible Times pooch-screw the facts about Limbaugh’s dope-fiend drug addiction, but all’s forgiven: The dead tree version includes an heirloom photo of young Rush at the old swimming hole.
Why’s it special? A few months ago Limbaugh said correctly that Judge Andrew Napolitano of Fox looks like Eddie Munster. The beached-whale photo of Limbaugh demonstrates beyond doubt that Limbaugh looked like Pugsley.
Chafets was on NPR’s geek media show on Sunday. The geek moderator kept trying to get Chafets to say out loud what all good NPR listeners know to be true: Limbaugh is biased and unfair.
OK, yeah, Chafets finally said. He’s biased and unfair, just like NPR.
“(T)rivial rhetorical differences in Obama statements …”
Hope y’all have checked Dr. Krauthammer since 27 June for the 1040 Schedule A itemization of Obama Rhetorician Trivia Syndrome. He’s flipped in the flop about damn near everything, and today’s news (oh boy) shows that he’s going wobbly on abortion, faith-based faith, and Iraq.
That’s trivial difference we can all believe in. Yes We Can.
127 – You live your right wing bullshit Stupes. That’s why your sons are heading to Iraq to find out about that “enhanced interrogation” that Daddy talks about all the time.
Only they’re not. Here I’ll help you.
1-800-USA-ARMY ext. 181
Daddy’ll cheer ’em on from his armchair. We all know he’s washed up.
126 – Nope, that’s not my source.
So we now know that SIN dee McCain has flaunted her obligation to pay her taxes on time – typical right wing cunt thinks she is above the law.
When are the righties like The Fake Mark gonna explain why they are so worried about a sign that equates Bush and McCain? Aren’t you righties proud of the pretend President?
And when will the 1028 year old McCain grow a sack and finally agree to debate tax policy with President Obama? What – McCain is waiting to see if Senator Joe L. from CONN. can be available to whisper answers in his ear?
Hmmmm. Is the HMNT back to tout how good the Shrub tax breaks for the rich have been for the middle class?
McCain = Bush
The most terrifying fact to a right winger.
This knowledge has to suppressed at any cost.
HAs clueless idiot@134: Did you give back your tax rebate check to the US Treasury yet?
No? You’re keeping it? What?
re 125: I would be more inclined to be lenient if mistakes they made in the past leaned toward paying too much tax. Oddly enough, that’s never been the case.
Let me ask you this: Do you think that the IRS holds the McCain’s personally responsible for their taxes?
You act as if McCain lives in such a rarefied atmosphere that he couldn’t be bothered with a thing as mundane as paying his taxes. If so, that is another McCain disqualification for the presidency.
But, back to my original question. Do you think that John McCain is personally responsible for the accuracy of his taxes, or not? Yes or No.
If this is an example of the manner in which he delegates important work, I’m afraid it does not speak very well for his administrative abilities.
You seem to be implying that executives are not responsible for the actions of their subordinates. If so, then you are saying that you do NOT believe in holding people personally responsible.
It don’t matter to me with McCain = Bush.
It must mean the left has few anti-McCain arguments sticking to the fan.
re 130: Belief that there is no God is just as faith based as believing there is a God. Should atheists get faith-based money? Why or why not?
Calling people names, although spiritually satisfying, is not an answer.
136 – Not telling you fool.
That economic stimulus is just working wonders for all those people who’ve lost jobs the past few months.
Those REPUBLICAN economic policies have worked wonders for ordinary working people. Yeah, absolutely…
headless@137: If you review the tapes, I called for McCain to release his and her tax returns. It removed one less Moonbat!tic argument from the equation.
Now regarding paying taxes on time; if you have a duly accepted financial corp set to pay your various taxes and they screw it up because they never received the tax request in the mail, wouldn’t the taxing entity contact the owner of the tax paying entity and ask whaddup? So I wonder why San Diego didn’t do this?
HAs clueless idiot@140: You answered my question. Nuff Said on that topic.
Regarding your other entreaty on where you “received” your Obama asbestos info, I could care less. I told you where I got mine and like usual, of course, you try to be all haughty with “I’m not sharing, I’m not sharing”.
I see PU is right, you are still a third grader. My comment in #127 stands!
Besides McCain = Bush shows the left truly has BDS!
Gotta go now. Gotta test drive one of those GM Hybrid SUVs.
Still waiting for Flip Flop McCain to accept President Obama’s invitation to debate tax policy. Not only is McCain a traitor, he’s seemingly a coward too.
142 – PU? Talk about guilt by association! Nice company you keep Stupes. By such a man is often known. Yes, knee-jerk wingnuts I know – I said OFTEN.
I know you’re too stupid to find out my sources. Thx for proving it.
Bottom line, PudWax, is that you deny that McCain has a responsibility to get his taxes in on time and acureately. I owned and ran a business for 15 years. I know a lot more about taxes, so don’t try to flim-flam me with your BS.
Just answer the queation. Is John McCain personally responsible for paying his taxes accureately and on time.
From looking at this picture, one might get the impression that in a lot of cases, the issue discussed in the following thread wouldn’t matter.
To quote Dean Wormer:
“Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life”.
Personally, I don’t care if McCain (or his wife, or his assigned “taxpayers”) paid their taxes late or not.
What does worry me is that McCain’s taxes are so low compared with his wife’s worth, that he, his wife, his assigned “taxpayers”, and his defenders on this forum consider it to be such a trivial matter that it wasn’t worth checking on, or inquiring about.
Reminds me of Leona Helmsely – “taxes are for the ‘little people'”.
First, HAs clueless idiot. Who cares about your sources. I provided mine. Oh yeah, you were caught plagiarizing last year. Thanks for reminding me. Run little boy run. You prove when the kitchen gets hot you run for the basement where you and the wife live. BTW, you are still possessing the mind of a 3rd grader. Does your wife read your posts? My family cracks up with the swill on this blog! And… they know I visit here and read my posts.
Second HA headless. First I am not denying anything. You are in denial. Second, the Newsweek article said there was a mail mix-up. It’s all in your head what you “claim” I claim. Maybe you like Claim Jumpers? I too have had my own business. Paid lots of B&O tax. Never had a financial entity set to pay mine. If the bill was not paid because of the mail mix-up and then she took care of it, where is the tempest in the teapot? You are ill. Why not be like rhp6033 above and not care about it? Oops… then you’d be a thinking Seattle Skuul District employee, and we know you can’t do that!
rhp6033: not paying attention again. When Cindy McCain released her taxes, her tax liability was large. Go back and check the tapes since your 24 hour memory is showing again!