Dardenne said cards are being submitted for people already on the voter rolls and “a significant percentage are being submitted without necessary information to register someone and “blatantly false information.
Two cards received in Caddo Parish had George W. Bush as the voter applicant with a 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. address in Shreveport, Dardenne said. Other cards have been filed for prisoners who cannot vote and dead people. In Jefferson Parish, a voter registration card was filed for the registrar of voters.
Wow… Democrat-affiliated groups turning in false & bogus information in. No big surprise.
No big surprise the dems are afraid of requiring id when voting.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Requiring a voter ID would be too costly for dems, they would lose too many criminal,illegal and dead voters.
Tommy Tompsonspews:
Jane you Cunt be serious?
Funny, the only illegal votes proven in the Republican’s 2004 Washington Govenatorial Challenge were – by Republicans. Funny how they never mention that when they keep claiming that it’s the Democrats that benefit from illegal votes.
Also, the woman who registered her dog to vote was – a Republican! Whe admitted that she violated the law, just said she wanted to “make a point”. The point she made was that she violated the law and was caught.
As for the Acorn registrations which the Republicans hang their hat on, the trial of the handfull of people submitting false registrations proved that the persons violated Acorn policy and were merely trying to steal money from Acorn. If anything, it proved that we shouldn’t allow paid signature gatherers in this state, but guess who is opposed to that – Tim Eyeman!!!!!
Speaking of paid signature gathereres, I’ve mentioned before the activities of one of the people pushing some of Eyeman’s initiatives a year or so ago. At the Bellevue QFC he tried to get my boss, a Japanese National, to sign his petition to eliminate the estate tax. When my boss explained that he wasn’t a citizen and wasn’t registered to vote, the signature-gatherer assured him that he should go ahead and sign it anyway, he could take care of registering to vote later, he didn’t need to be a citizen to register to vote, and he didn’t have to agree with the initiative, just put his name on the “mailing list” to “receive materials in the mail explaining the process in more detail”. I wouldn’t have believed it if I wasn’t there to hear it in person – I told my boss not to sign it, and the signature gatherer became abusive, and threatened to call the cops to have me arrested for “interfering with a poll worker”.
Funny, I’ve never had any problem with signaturer gatherers for initiatives favored by Democrats. If I tell them I’m not interested, they just walk away.
I guess the nuns in their 80’s and 90’s, who don’t have a car and haven’t driven in decades, are such a threat to the Republicans that they have to get a driver’s license to prove their identity to their fellow nun at the polling booth?????? (Actual example from a recent election).
proud leftistspews:
I was actually impressed that McCain understood the word trollop and used it in its proper context. Given Cindy McCain’s recent remarks concerning Michelle Obama, trollop would seem an appropriate characterization of her. Kudos, McShame.
Rick D.spews:
Now the “Chitown Assclown” is kicking muslim women out of his rallies and reneging on promises not to take public financing? Hope and change turns to “segregate and Renege on your pledge” all the sudden. Smells like the politics of old to me.
I see there is no shortage of losers on Goldy’s blog. Same fu&king losers as last time spewing their infantile rantings, which given the double digit IQ’s, is about all that you can expect from a backwater site like HA. You kid’s need a hobby, I mean a productive one.
proud leftistspews:
Ricky @ 8: “You kid’s need a hobby . . .”
Son, let me give you a little grammar lesson. When forming a plural of a singular noun, just add an s. No need for an apostrophe before the s. When you’ve got that lesson down, let’s start talking about logic and other esoteric matters that generally reside outside the rightwing mind.
Good point!
What do you expect from Ricky D (Puddydick) – he never learnt nuthing coz he’s a publican and they don’t believe in no schoolin…
Looks like Flip Flop McCain has a NEW problem – as if he needed any new problems. He’s on record saying he didn’t love his country until he saw his new wife. Oops! Now sit back, relax boys and girls and watch the right wing talking heads spin this one. Should be tons of fun.
Rick D.spews:
You’ll notice I didn’t place an apostrophe after the ‘r’ in losers now did I? But thanks for pointing out your anal retentiveness.
Oh, and by the way…the only trollop in this election is the America hating Michelle HO’bama. Barry picked her up off some street corner on the Southside of Chicago and the “date” never ended. I guess that would explain her anger issues.
Do you think that Johnboy having an affair on his disfigured wife with that train-pulling bitch Cindy McCain who fucked her way to fortune says much about the “family values” of the right?
I thought the trollop/cunt was born into the fortune? Either way it’s SOP for the current batch of Republicans.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
guess the nuns in their 80’s and 90’s, who don’t have a car and haven’t driven in decades, are such a threat to the Republicans that they have to get a driver’s license to prove their identity to their fellow nun at the polling booth?????? (Actual example from a recent election).
Give me a break. You donks have no problem with forcing the same nuns in filling out a 1040 long form and a Schedule C & SE if they happen to make over $400 in SE to pay income tax for house cleaning. hahahahahaha You donks are hillarious. That duck deosn’t quack.. hehehehe
All Facts Support My Positionsspews:
Michelle Obama’s toenail clipping have class than both McCains. I still can’t believe he used the word trollup. He must have overheard one of his friends cussing out his wife…..
I still wonder what reporter is gonna have the balls to ask McInsane how many girls he nailed while still married to his first wife….
re 16: Republicans have no problems in giving tax breaks to billionnaires and simultaneously taxing waitress’ tips.
Republicans: a bunch of fucking tax the poor, feed the rich hodads.
It’s interesting to see how the right convinced so many people to believe in a supposed no-bid ‘free market’ economic system. What a bunch of sorry ass chumps who step on their own economic class to get closer to some rich ass that they can kiss.
proud leftistspews:
Ricky @ 13: ” . . . the only trollop in this election is the America hating Michelle HO’bama. Barry picked her up off some street corner on the Southside of Chicago and the “date” never ended. I guess that would explain her anger issues.”
Yikes, man, didn’t anybody tell you that racism is out of style in 2008? Michelle Obama isn’t angry. She is beautiful, articulate, and an advocate for her husband. Yet, you call that anger. Hey, Li’l Ricky, why don’t you move to Mississippi?
proud leftistspews:
Any of you righties out there who proclaim that we are in a post-racist nation want to tell Ricky what’s wrong with his post @ 13? C’mon, I’ve got the bait out there, a herring swiveling in the current. Somebody’s gotta bite, right? Admit it, your pal Ricky’s a racist.
Well since Ricky D is actually Puddydick who claims to be black, I assume he’s the kind of black that his own kind won’t hang with – Oreo I think they call em. So that’s why he’s willing to make racist remarks against President Obama’s wife.
Of course we all know that the KKK and the GOP are one in the same. No big surprise there.
proud leftistspews:
I know that puddy has posted under a variety of names in the past. I have trouble, however, believing he could have posted at 13. That shit should rile up a black person. I don’t think puddy posted that. Your evidence that he is Ricky D?
Little Ricky Dumbass a racist? Never would have imagined it!
Dog @ 16: Obviously, you know as little about nuns & non-profits as you know about tax law.
Ricky D is just plain stupid – whereas Puddy is smart but irretrievably a republican supporter. Puddy has a viewpoint that I disagree with – but it IS an actual viewpoint – Rick D has no point of view and makes no contribution to anything.
Ricky D’s invective is just plain childish and pathetically low-level stuff. I have a hard time believing he is Puddy. Unless Puddy has a total alter-ego – and I doubt that.
@5: rhp
another great piece on the “real” voter fraud. the only people convicted of real voter fraud were the republican party hacks in New Hampshire (going all the the way up to Mellman in the White House). The republicans deliberately jammed the democratic party phone lines to stop the get out the vote process on election day – and they were convicted.
Dirty tricks did not start or end with Nixon in the republican party.
Looks like once again I ran a punk-ass right wing bitch off a thread. Sigh… they can only take it so long before they CUT AND RUN!
I don’t care what he called his wife. I’ve never used that term with my wife, but then again, I respect women unlike John McBush.
More importantly John McCain said:
“I didn’t LOVE America until I was deprived of her company.”
I don’t why McBush said this, but I know I’ve ALWAYS loved my country.
Give ’em Hell ByeByeGOP!!!!!!!!!!!
Rick D.spews:
As soon as one of you limpwrister’s can point to how calling that skanky tramp Michelle Ho’Bama a prosty is racism, go ahead and enlighten me boys. You whitetrashers are too sensitive, but I guess that defines liberalism.
Hey YLB, I punked you so bad you changed your avatar….fucking pervert looking in the windows at night with that beady little perv eye. We still know you look in the windows little man, you’ve just learned to hide it once I hit a little too close to home. HAHAHA damn perverts! gotta keep them in check.
Oh and ButtBuddyG, you don’t run anybody off punk ass. I come in , throw a few bombs to Goldy’s backbencher’s and then go to an actual blog that discusses topics. I bet your pathetic ass sat up all night wishing I’d post to your sorry ass didn’t you??? HAHA fucking Loser!
Goldy needs to hire a better set of towel boys to defend this joint.
Marvin Stamnspews:
20. proud leftist spews:
Any of you righties out there who proclaim that we are in a post-racist nation want to tell Ricky what’s wrong with his post @ 13? C’mon, I’ve got the bait out there, a herring swiveling in the current. Somebody’s gotta bite, right? Admit it, your pal Ricky’s a racist.
I’ll take a shot…
1. He insulted the obama team, that means he’s a racist.
2. Use of the word Ho while being white.
3. Implying that black women are angry.
4. Implying that black women get picked up on the street corners.
MAke you happy proud leftist?
Say, why don’t you explain what makes #13 so offensive to you.
Marvin Stamnspews:
6. rhp6033 spews:
I guess the nuns in their 80’s and 90’s, who don’t have a car and haven’t driven in decades, are such a threat to the Republicans that they have to get a driver’s license to prove their identity to their fellow nun at the polling booth?????? (Actual example from a recent election).
And the democrats are afraid of using ID because their motto of vote early and vote often won’t work if ID is required.
a Democrat-affiliated group responsible for a voter registration effort that is inundating East Baton Rouge and other parish registrars with bogus and incomplete applications.
Dardenne said cards are being submitted for people already on the voter rolls and “a significant percentage are being submitted without necessary information to register someone and “blatantly false information.
Two cards received in Caddo Parish had George W. Bush as the voter applicant with a 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. address in Shreveport, Dardenne said. Other cards have been filed for prisoners who cannot vote and dead people. In Jefferson Parish, a voter registration card was filed for the registrar of voters.
Now I see why you are against ID. All those dead voters will be disenfranchised.
18. headless lucy spews: re 16: Republicans have no problems in giving tax breaks to billionnaires and simultaneously taxing waitress’ tips.
Can’t you tell the truth either? Go back and look at what was legislated and not was was spun by the morons at MoveOn!
Marvin Stamn: I was listening to the radio the other day and a black Republican male called in to a radio show. He was against Obama. He was asked why by the host. He said “Hey I’m black so they can’t call racism on me.” He listed all the Obama faults. He didn’t like Michelle who he felt called up the racism card too many times against everyone with her “First time in America” comment. He listed many faults on Obama. Even though I am overlooking those faults for a black president he made good points. I just listened and I chuckled.
Proud Leftist: I didn’t post #13. It’s a fantasy that bybygoober has. But since you can’t seem to find fault on anything headless or bybygoober posts, his comments are his own.
correctnotright @ 25.
You don’t know the truth about PuddyIdiot. He created an alter ego called “Mike Webb Sucks” or MWS.
He could have left it at that but when people caught on to the sock puppet (almost from the beginning) he denied it and then proceeded to circle jerk with his own alter ego!!!
Goldy finally outed the loser.
Puddyfool is a whack job, plain and simple.
Hey Stupes,
What do you think of little Ricky Dumbass calling Michelle a HO?
OMG!!! That’s the funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time.
Ouch, he called his wife a cunt. A word the resident byegop child uses daily.
The only words needed are Democrat-affiliated group that tell you all you need to know.
Dardenne said cards are being submitted for people already on the voter rolls and “a significant percentage are being submitted without necessary information to register someone and “blatantly false information.
Two cards received in Caddo Parish had George W. Bush as the voter applicant with a 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. address in Shreveport, Dardenne said. Other cards have been filed for prisoners who cannot vote and dead people. In Jefferson Parish, a voter registration card was filed for the registrar of voters.
Wow… Democrat-affiliated groups turning in false & bogus information in. No big surprise.
No big surprise the dems are afraid of requiring id when voting.
Requiring a voter ID would be too costly for dems, they would lose too many criminal,illegal and dead voters.
Jane you Cunt be serious?
Funny, the only illegal votes proven in the Republican’s 2004 Washington Govenatorial Challenge were – by Republicans. Funny how they never mention that when they keep claiming that it’s the Democrats that benefit from illegal votes.
Also, the woman who registered her dog to vote was – a Republican! Whe admitted that she violated the law, just said she wanted to “make a point”. The point she made was that she violated the law and was caught.
As for the Acorn registrations which the Republicans hang their hat on, the trial of the handfull of people submitting false registrations proved that the persons violated Acorn policy and were merely trying to steal money from Acorn. If anything, it proved that we shouldn’t allow paid signature gatherers in this state, but guess who is opposed to that – Tim Eyeman!!!!!
Speaking of paid signature gathereres, I’ve mentioned before the activities of one of the people pushing some of Eyeman’s initiatives a year or so ago. At the Bellevue QFC he tried to get my boss, a Japanese National, to sign his petition to eliminate the estate tax. When my boss explained that he wasn’t a citizen and wasn’t registered to vote, the signature-gatherer assured him that he should go ahead and sign it anyway, he could take care of registering to vote later, he didn’t need to be a citizen to register to vote, and he didn’t have to agree with the initiative, just put his name on the “mailing list” to “receive materials in the mail explaining the process in more detail”. I wouldn’t have believed it if I wasn’t there to hear it in person – I told my boss not to sign it, and the signature gatherer became abusive, and threatened to call the cops to have me arrested for “interfering with a poll worker”.
Funny, I’ve never had any problem with signaturer gatherers for initiatives favored by Democrats. If I tell them I’m not interested, they just walk away.
I guess the nuns in their 80’s and 90’s, who don’t have a car and haven’t driven in decades, are such a threat to the Republicans that they have to get a driver’s license to prove their identity to their fellow nun at the polling booth?????? (Actual example from a recent election).
I was actually impressed that McCain understood the word trollop and used it in its proper context. Given Cindy McCain’s recent remarks concerning Michelle Obama, trollop would seem an appropriate characterization of her. Kudos, McShame.
Now the “Chitown Assclown” is kicking muslim women out of his rallies and reneging on promises not to take public financing? Hope and change turns to “segregate and Renege on your pledge” all the sudden. Smells like the politics of old to me.
I see there is no shortage of losers on Goldy’s blog. Same fu&king losers as last time spewing their infantile rantings, which given the double digit IQ’s, is about all that you can expect from a backwater site like HA. You kid’s need a hobby, I mean a productive one.
Ricky @ 8: “You kid’s need a hobby . . .”
Son, let me give you a little grammar lesson. When forming a plural of a singular noun, just add an s. No need for an apostrophe before the s. When you’ve got that lesson down, let’s start talking about logic and other esoteric matters that generally reside outside the rightwing mind.
Good point!
What do you expect from Ricky D (Puddydick) – he never learnt nuthing coz he’s a publican and they don’t believe in no schoolin…
Looks like Flip Flop McCain has a NEW problem – as if he needed any new problems. He’s on record saying he didn’t love his country until he saw his new wife. Oops! Now sit back, relax boys and girls and watch the right wing talking heads spin this one. Should be tons of fun.
You’ll notice I didn’t place an apostrophe after the ‘r’ in losers now did I? But thanks for pointing out your anal retentiveness.
Oh, and by the way…the only trollop in this election is the America hating Michelle HO’bama. Barry picked her up off some street corner on the Southside of Chicago and the “date” never ended. I guess that would explain her anger issues.
Do you think that Johnboy having an affair on his disfigured wife with that train-pulling bitch Cindy McCain who fucked her way to fortune says much about the “family values” of the right?
I thought the trollop/cunt was born into the fortune? Either way it’s SOP for the current batch of Republicans.
guess the nuns in their 80’s and 90’s, who don’t have a car and haven’t driven in decades, are such a threat to the Republicans that they have to get a driver’s license to prove their identity to their fellow nun at the polling booth?????? (Actual example from a recent election).
Give me a break. You donks have no problem with forcing the same nuns in filling out a 1040 long form and a Schedule C & SE if they happen to make over $400 in SE to pay income tax for house cleaning. hahahahahaha You donks are hillarious. That duck deosn’t quack.. hehehehe
Michelle Obama’s toenail clipping have class than both McCains. I still can’t believe he used the word trollup. He must have overheard one of his friends cussing out his wife…..
I still wonder what reporter is gonna have the balls to ask McInsane how many girls he nailed while still married to his first wife….
re 16: Republicans have no problems in giving tax breaks to billionnaires and simultaneously taxing waitress’ tips.
Republicans: a bunch of fucking tax the poor, feed the rich hodads.
It’s interesting to see how the right convinced so many people to believe in a supposed no-bid ‘free market’ economic system. What a bunch of sorry ass chumps who step on their own economic class to get closer to some rich ass that they can kiss.
Ricky @ 13: ” . . . the only trollop in this election is the America hating Michelle HO’bama. Barry picked her up off some street corner on the Southside of Chicago and the “date” never ended. I guess that would explain her anger issues.”
Yikes, man, didn’t anybody tell you that racism is out of style in 2008? Michelle Obama isn’t angry. She is beautiful, articulate, and an advocate for her husband. Yet, you call that anger. Hey, Li’l Ricky, why don’t you move to Mississippi?
Any of you righties out there who proclaim that we are in a post-racist nation want to tell Ricky what’s wrong with his post @ 13? C’mon, I’ve got the bait out there, a herring swiveling in the current. Somebody’s gotta bite, right? Admit it, your pal Ricky’s a racist.
Well since Ricky D is actually Puddydick who claims to be black, I assume he’s the kind of black that his own kind won’t hang with – Oreo I think they call em. So that’s why he’s willing to make racist remarks against President Obama’s wife.
Of course we all know that the KKK and the GOP are one in the same. No big surprise there.
I know that puddy has posted under a variety of names in the past. I have trouble, however, believing he could have posted at 13. That shit should rile up a black person. I don’t think puddy posted that. Your evidence that he is Ricky D?
Little Ricky Dumbass a racist? Never would have imagined it!
Dog @ 16: Obviously, you know as little about nuns & non-profits as you know about tax law.
Ricky D is just plain stupid – whereas Puddy is smart but irretrievably a republican supporter. Puddy has a viewpoint that I disagree with – but it IS an actual viewpoint – Rick D has no point of view and makes no contribution to anything.
Ricky D’s invective is just plain childish and pathetically low-level stuff. I have a hard time believing he is Puddy. Unless Puddy has a total alter-ego – and I doubt that.
@5: rhp
another great piece on the “real” voter fraud. the only people convicted of real voter fraud were the republican party hacks in New Hampshire (going all the the way up to Mellman in the White House). The republicans deliberately jammed the democratic party phone lines to stop the get out the vote process on election day – and they were convicted.
Dirty tricks did not start or end with Nixon in the republican party.
Looks like once again I ran a punk-ass right wing bitch off a thread. Sigh… they can only take it so long before they CUT AND RUN!
I don’t care what he called his wife. I’ve never used that term with my wife, but then again, I respect women unlike John McBush.
More importantly John McCain said:
“I didn’t LOVE America until I was deprived of her company.”
I don’t why McBush said this, but I know I’ve ALWAYS loved my country.
Give ’em Hell ByeByeGOP!!!!!!!!!!!
As soon as one of you limpwrister’s can point to how calling that skanky tramp Michelle Ho’Bama a prosty is racism, go ahead and enlighten me boys. You whitetrashers are too sensitive, but I guess that defines liberalism.
Hey YLB, I punked you so bad you changed your avatar….fucking pervert looking in the windows at night with that beady little perv eye. We still know you look in the windows little man, you’ve just learned to hide it once I hit a little too close to home. HAHAHA damn perverts! gotta keep them in check.
Oh and ButtBuddyG, you don’t run anybody off punk ass. I come in , throw a few bombs to Goldy’s backbencher’s and then go to an actual blog that discusses topics. I bet your pathetic ass sat up all night wishing I’d post to your sorry ass didn’t you??? HAHA fucking Loser!
Goldy needs to hire a better set of towel boys to defend this joint.
I’ll take a shot…
1. He insulted the obama team, that means he’s a racist.
2. Use of the word Ho while being white.
3. Implying that black women are angry.
4. Implying that black women get picked up on the street corners.
MAke you happy proud leftist?
Say, why don’t you explain what makes #13 so offensive to you.
And the democrats are afraid of using ID because their motto of vote early and vote often won’t work if ID is required.
a Democrat-affiliated group responsible for a voter registration effort that is inundating East Baton Rouge and other parish registrars with bogus and incomplete applications.
Dardenne said cards are being submitted for people already on the voter rolls and “a significant percentage are being submitted without necessary information to register someone and “blatantly false information.
Two cards received in Caddo Parish had George W. Bush as the voter applicant with a 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. address in Shreveport, Dardenne said. Other cards have been filed for prisoners who cannot vote and dead people. In Jefferson Parish, a voter registration card was filed for the registrar of voters.
Now I see why you are against ID. All those dead voters will be disenfranchised.
Can’t you tell the truth either? Go back and look at what was legislated and not was was spun by the morons at MoveOn!
Marvin Stamn: I was listening to the radio the other day and a black Republican male called in to a radio show. He was against Obama. He was asked why by the host. He said “Hey I’m black so they can’t call racism on me.” He listed all the Obama faults. He didn’t like Michelle who he felt called up the racism card too many times against everyone with her “First time in America” comment. He listed many faults on Obama. Even though I am overlooking those faults for a black president he made good points. I just listened and I chuckled.
Proud Leftist: I didn’t post #13. It’s a fantasy that bybygoober has. But since you can’t seem to find fault on anything headless or bybygoober posts, his comments are his own.
correctnotright @ 25.
You don’t know the truth about PuddyIdiot. He created an alter ego called “Mike Webb Sucks” or MWS.
He could have left it at that but when people caught on to the sock puppet (almost from the beginning) he denied it and then proceeded to circle jerk with his own alter ego!!!
Goldy finally outed the loser.
Puddyfool is a whack job, plain and simple.
Hey Stupes,
What do you think of little Ricky Dumbass calling Michelle a HO?
Pffft. Nice crowd you run with Stupes.