– Well, that was a W.
– Why the crap does Bill Kristol still get work?
– Time for Oregon’s Democrats to come out of the cannabis closet
– Kissing the ass of the 1% all day is maybe not a way to be a great human.
– Congrats, someone, for being State Dem Chair.
– About Woody Allen and innocent until proven guilty.
– I don’t care one whit about Miley Cyrus or Justin Bieber, but this is the greatest opening sentence in history.
– This may be the only post from me today.
Kissing the ass of the 1% all day is maybe not a way to be a great human.
GOATBOY loves kissing the ass of the 1%. But then GOATBOY is the SPAWN OF SATAN and does not have to worry about being any kind of human.
Can’t wait for that one to get shot down. Scotty Walker’s little empire is crumbling.
Apparently puddibigot’s man-crush Allen West, failed congresscritter and owner of FABULUOS self promoting websites, is having a sad about the SuperBowl Coca-Cola commercial – you know, the one where “America, the Beautiful” is rendered in English, Spanish and Arabic, with scenes of lovely diverse American people, including some with higher-than-average melanin, and GASP, gay men holding hands.
Fuck him, and puddibigot, too.
The freakish Allen West has a new book he wants to sell you. Love the Harley with the eagle, and the polished helmet.
Creep. Narcissistic creep.
Glenn Beck, madman, contends that the Coca-Cola ad in question was meant to divide people – and he was right! (though for reasons the pinhead cannot comprehend)
Instead of the usual right-wing divide along racial lines, or religion, or some other hateful bigotry, this ad and others like it, divide people by whether they’re assholes or not.
The assholes will cry that this is anti-asshole bigotry, and they’ll be right! And it’s about time we called them out on their assholery and told them to fuck off and move to Alabama and secede – maybe this time we should let them.
@5 I wouldn’t give them all of Alabama. I’d give them a mosquito-infested offshore island two feet above sea level. Let them spew about global warming being a “hoax” from there. And
don’t give them a rowboat; let them drown.
Stock market update: The only thing more fun to read than a 1-percenter’s January brokerage statement is his February brokerage statement.
Ben Bernanke started his new job at the Brookings Institution, a liberal-leaning think tank, yesterday.
Sheriff Fires Deputy For Threatening Stranger Editor
The King County Sheriff has fired Deputy Patrick Saulet for threatening to arrest Stranger editor Dominic Holden last summer for observing police activity on public property.
RR @9,
That neanderthal had also received over 120 misconduct complaints and should ave been fired a long time ago. I’m sure GOATBOY will rush to his defense.
KIRO News at 6PM did an informative piece on restaurant safety.
Know which ones are safe to eat at? Neither do I. It would be nice to have a letter grade system like other counties/states have.
The better eateries around here are for it.
I’m sure the RETHUG establishments would be against it because, you know, proper sanitation adds extra and unfair costs.
Take this with a bit of salt as it is an SEIU commissioned poll but nearly 2/3 of Washington voters approve of raising the minimum wage (42% strongly favor.) The second question in the poll is quite substantially loaded so I’m not even going to think about it.
Back to the Maddow piece from a few days ago. Legislators both state and federal that come out against raising the minimum wage risk getting steamrolled by the voters in 2014.
State Senator Baumgartner didn’t notice. Spokane isn’t as wing-nutty as it used to be. He’s done.
What should I ask McDermott, Murray, Cantwell to do, to fix this?
An interesting comment:
Besides the other big event today in downtown Seattle, the County Council is having its one and only public meeting regarding Metro Transit cuts this evening (2/4) from 6:00 to 8:00 in Union Station.
I need to get in the habit of checking the calendar before posting stuff…the Seahawks parade is tomorrow. The council meeting is tonight.
Unfortunately I can’t figure out a way to be ‘reduced tax rate’ on a professional level. That’s the single thing they can never get enough of.
@14 I like this one:
“When communism failed in the soviet union in 1989 I stated that capitalism was next. people laughed at me.”
In the early 90’s I started telling people that “winning the Cold War” was both a great accomplishment and the dumbest thing we as a nation had ever done. Without the big bad Russkies to compete against, we sort of lost our sense of purpose. The relationship of the space program (from which the elements of much of our “high technology” came) to the military was obvious, but even the “War On Poverty” was part of our stare-down with the Communists, standing alongside Vietnam (and even “Star Wars”) as a demonstration that our system was robust enough to afford “guns and butter”. Some of that, of course, was a bluff. The Soviet economy collapsed, but ours emerged sufficiently bruised as to contribute to our present state of decline.
Personally, in the early 90’s I worked for a high-tech “beltway bandit” that made a great deal of its money from aerospace and military contracts. Back then it was a Fortune 500 enterprise that employed 12,000 souls. Now for all practical purposes it no longer exists.
Here, Here, I’ll drink to that!
Here, Here, I’ll drink to that too! Keep it up and I will be drunk!
@ 19, 20
Mn, if I took a drink every time I heard a Gooper/teadanista say the word “Benghazi” I’d need a new liver by now.
Remember the Alamo! Remember the Maine! Remember Benghazi! … Oh, never mind.