A new Quinnipiac poll shows Obama with solid leads over McCain in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida. What’s happening is large numbres of women and Hillary supporters in those states are moving into the Obama camp — including those who said they’d vote for McCain if Hillary lost the nomination. Without a sizeable percentage of Hillary voters, McCain can’t win in any of those states.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The latest wingnut myth being peddled by the likes of George Will, Dick Cheney, and rightwing blogs is that the Chinese (and, in some versions, even the Russians) are slant-drilling in Cuba to stick strews into oil in Florida and Louisiana.
I suppose we’re going to hear next week that the Chinese are sinking wells in their own territory and going all the way through the Earth to suck oil out of Texas.
This nonsense is brought to you by the same ignoramuses who think oil is a renewable resource (their theory is that oilfields are refilled from gigantic reservoirs of oil deep in the Earth’s mantle; never mind that oil molecules are destroyed by heat and pressure below about 17,500 feet from the Earth’s surface).
proud leftistspews:
At some point, I hope the media stops treating John McCain like he’s royalty. The reality is that he is not a maverick, loves lobbyist money, and, is a clone of Bush with regard to his policies. And, oh yeah, he’s deep into his dotage. The media has been battering Obama and Hillary, and refuses to even throw a blow at McCain. It will be interesting to see if such continues.
The Real Markspews:
I don’t think Hollywood types should have ANY special impact on elections, but…
Tina Fey (30 Rock, NBC):
She says, “There is an 80 percent chance” [that she will] “tell all my friends I’m voting for Barack Obama, but I will secretly vote for John McCain”
I’d bet that she’s not alone.
Roger Rabbitspews:
According to that hotbed of liberal-biased anti-capitalist journalism, Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal, drilling for oil in ANWR would have little or no effect on fuel prices.
The WSJ cites a report from Bush’s Department of Energy that says developing ANWR would reduce gas prices by 1 to 4 cents per gallon when production peaked in 2025.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 It’s not uncommon for men dying of thirst to see mirages in the desert.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
@5: It astounds me that you took precious time from your mercifully short life to type that drivil. I mean, who the fuck really cares? And you want to bet? Oh, you are such a manly man! A real risk taker, you!
Not (I’ll bet).
The Real Markspews:
PTBA @ 8
What is this obsession you idiots have with me and betting? I wasn’t the one that owes on whatever bet you’re talking about. I *think* it might be MTR-P, but I can’t say for sure.
The only “wager” I’m a part of is one where Goldy owes me a beer.
And the relevance? Google “Bradley Effect.”
I saw the head of one of the oil companies on Charlie Rose a while back, he said his company had no interest in drilling in ANWR.
Flip Flop McCain breaks his own records and flip flops on something he said only three weeks ago about off-shore drilling.
Now he thinks it is okay. Three weeks ago it wasn’t. Man this guy has no shame.
By the way – President Obama didn’t even campaign in Florida and leads FlipFlop McCain there. This is staggering news and must have totally floored the republicans. This is BIG!
You paid for it with your tax cut.spews:
Kamal was shown pictures of a destroyed home and was informed, “This is your home — we destroyed it.” Kamal stated that he came to believe that his family was also in the prison, and that they were being raped and tortured. He said, “They were telling me, making me hear voices of children and women, and told me they were my children and [wife].” He also reported threats of prison dogs being used to attack him.
Kamal estimated that he was interrogated on fifteen different occasions. The interrogations were always conducted by “civilians,” with the exception of one incident when he was interrogated by soldiers. When asked how he could differentiate civilians from soldiers, Kamal explained that he understood some English and was often able to understand what the soldiers and civilians were saying. He noted, “Some of the guards there did not intend really to attack us — they were ordered by the interrogators to attack us.”
According to Kamal, he remained in the isolation cell for approximately two months, until November 2003. He was then transferred to the tent area of the prison for another seven months. Although he recalls no further episodes of physical abuse, he described lasting problems as a result of the ill-treatment he suffered: “I told the guards every day I had pain in my heart. They did not do anything until after I had a heart attack. Then they took me [to] the hospital.” Kamal was given medications (Tylenol, Zocor, and aspirin) after he was returned to the tents. Kamal also reported that he developed high blood pressure in prison.
@8 Better make him put the bet money in escrow. We already know what Republicans’ track record is when it comes time to pay up.
Politically Incorrectspews:
No matter what McCain and his boys did for Airbus, Boeing produced an inferior product with their tanker proposal. Airbus just out-engineered them, and now Boeing is complaining. They were too smug, and thought they deserved the contract, so they did not present the best solution,
Why don’t we just shrink this “American Empire” and stop fiddling around in other countries? That way we wouldn’t need a tanker from Boeing or Airbus!
Proud To Be An Assspews:
@14: Agree. It is a tragedy and a farce to watch our two parties debate on how to make the American Empire “better”.
I’m with Mark Twain: Get rid of it.
4 “And, oh yeah, he’s deep into his dotage.”
Sad in a way, but true. I listen to McCain on the stump nowadays, and compared to the quick-minded and vigorous McCain of ten years or so ago he seems like a tired old man. I felt the same way with Bob Dole in 1996, having hoped at least to be entertained by the acid wit he displayed as Ford’s running mate in ’76.
Not to say that McCain’s mental capacity isn’t certainly light years ahead of the man he’s bidding to succeed. For that matter, he’s probably got more on the ball than the inappropriately deified Ronald Reagan, whose simple-mindedness might have been his greatest virtue.
McCain might have better served his country and himself by going for maybe one more term in the Senate and then retiring to spend a few years relaxing in the Arizona sunshine with his pretty wife while he still can.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
@9: “What is this obsession you idiots have with me and betting?”
Au contrair. Ending your insipid posts with a hearty dose of false bravado by assuring us “I’ll bet” is best left to geeky discussions with your libertarian comrades as they debate esoteric points in their debased axiomatic and yet degenerative ‘world view’.
And it doesn’t impress anybody here.
Tommy Tompsonspews:
I am a Republican – I lie, cheat and steal when I’m not being a family man (old beer heiress hag). My straight talk express is about as straight as Ted Haggard, and Larry Craig.
Rick D.spews:
Obama is up late tonight reading “Winnie the Pooh” stories in order to get up to speed on foreign policy ideas.
….Which, loosely translated means the “Chitown Assclown” isn’t quite ready for prime time, as he and his sychophants will find out in November when he’s soundly rejected by the American electorate.
Now, back to your regularly scheduled ‘Roger Roadkill’ private chatroom programming.
You paid for it with your tax cut.spews:
Little Ricky Dumbass is back.
Aren’t you the loser who dragged in a link to Larry Sinclair’s video on youtube?
@20 ~ Doesn’say what he was busted for…doesn’t prove his claims about Obama are false now does it?
Other than that, good work dumbass. You managed to put in a link to some crappy blog that named a ‘source’ from the “Mitch and Nan show”…..Nothing like reliable sources named Nan and Mitch is there? whoever the Fu&k they are.
I expect nothing less from one of Goldy’s backbench donkeys.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Rickie Dingleberry @21 – If it comes from a wingnut, it’s false. Here’s all anyone needs to know about Larry Sinclair:
“The Minnesota man who claims to have had sex with and taken cocaine with Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama voluntarily participated in a series of polygraph tests ….
“The results of the … polygraph examination by Dr. Ed Gelb (Former President of the American Polygraph Association) indicate ‘deception’ in regards to both the drug and sex claims by Sinclair.”
FlipFlop McCain must be running scared. Not only is President Obama bitch slapping Johnboy in Florida, he’s beating him like a red-headed stepchild in PA and OH too! OUCH! Man the right is going to burn like a bridge this time. They’re out there still selling their horseshit but THIS time, nobody is buying it. Must suck to be you right wing assholes! HE HE!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Oh, and one more thing, Mr. Sinclair is a felon. He was convicted in Colorado for passing bad checks and unauthorized use of a credit card number. I wrote a little poem about him:
Larry Sinclair is his name;
Fraud is his game.
You paid for it with your tax cut.spews:
21 – Take your pick moron. The guy is a freaking hustler! He’s wanted in Colorado as well. Where else?
Of course you swallowed his bullshit.
Want a better source of information? Here it is – Little Ricky Dumbass:
@23 They’re reduced to hiring convicted felons who can’t pass lie detector tests to write their smear blurbs for them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@25 Oooooh!!! And Sinclair’s lawyer was suspended for filing too many bullshit lawsuits!!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Gay sex!! Cocaine!! Murder!!
Wingnut bullshitters are soooo predictable. You almost wish they’d get a new plot line, because it’s like watching the same boring TV rerun for the 500th time …
They need better quality liars, too. I mean, a guy with a criminal record 27 years long?! Even the gullible conservative-biased MSM aren’t buying this guy.
Another shining example of the “intellect” of the religious right.
I say good riddance.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@29 Link doesn’t work.
Sinclair is nothing. The following Walter Mitty type conned Cheney and the idiot in the oval office. Colin Powell debased himself by repeating this loser’s lies before the whole world:
The rest as they say is history – a colossal unspeakable waste of lives, limbs, treasure, you name it. Suckers are born every second. But if this guy didn’t exist, the neo-crazies would have had to make him up.
Little Ricky Dumbass conned by the likes of Larry Sinclair is relatively small potatoes.
Don’t look at me. I never voted for this smirking chimpanzee:
……Now, back to your regularly scheduled ‘Roger Roadkill’ private chatroom programming.’
06/18/2008 at 7:39 pm
Don’t blame him Rick, he is a crusty old shut-in that suffers from extreme O.C. disorder, and has dial-up. Notice no discussions on this “open thread” about the illegitmate Queen’s shady deal with the tribes and her so-called total “ignorance” of the resulting campaign contributions. Can’t imagine why.
Richard Popespews:
Roger Rabbit @ 22
Anyone with the name of S-I-N-C-L-I-A-R obviously cannot be trusted to tell the truth.
Daddy Lovespews:
You keep telling youself that. Perhaps it will sustain you in the dark days to come for conservatives. It won’t help McCain win, but it may help you for a little while.
Rick D.spews:
@ 28 ‘Roger Regurgitated Roadkill’ spewed:
Gay Sex!! Cocaine!! Murder!!
Roadkill wants to know where he can sign up.
Rick D.spews:
Nice pic dumbass. Is that the last thing the women see looking through their window before you scurry away from your perving adventures around the neighborhood?
Why are liberals such fu&king perverts?
Hey speaking of perverts – I hear that Rick F. has a “wide stance” like his hero – gay republican Senator Craig.
By the way for a good time, Google “wide stance.” Too fucking funny!
Jim, (a genuine musician)spews:
What a god-damned fucking idiot jackass evil blot on the earth.
The biggest worry I have is how to forgive this piece of shit.
Eventually he and his folks will be found guilty of war crimes and punished appropriately, but that doesn’t help me forgive him.
Daddy Lovespews:
19 RD
Your confidence in a John McCain victory is touching, even endearing. I get a very similar feeling when I behold a small child’s belief in Santa Claus.
If only people would appreciate the essential, fundamental rightness of the conservative ideology, even in the face of all of this so-called “evidence to the contrary.” After all, who are they going to beleive, you or their lying eyes? Things would be so much easier for you if all of these improbable things were to happen.
But instead, you just have to hope that “the electorate” will somehow forget that Obama’s stands on economic issues and on Iraq are mainstream and extremely popular, and that John McCain’s are tired, echo Geroge Bush, and make no sense (where’s his “gas tax holiday” now?), and once they do, surely then Obama will be “soundly rejected.”
I mean, suuuuuure he will.
Rick D.spews:
Jim (the genuine skinflutist) @ 39
~ don’t worry Jimbo. Bush is on the way out and McCain is on the way in. So keep your panties dry, and seek treatment for that BDS you’re suffering from lad.
BBGOP~ is that all you got? Wow, Goldy’d 3rd stringers are a pretty lame bunch.
Rick D.spews:
Daddy Love~ I’ll be the first one in here that November morning to witness the official meltdown of Goldy and his assorted marionettes when Both McCain and Rossi win their respective positions. It is almost a prophetic scene to me.
Rickey you know what I got. I gave it to your wife in the ass last night and she loved it. Said you were like your pal – Limpdick Limbaugh and couldn’t get it up.
Clearly, your intellect is as limp as your dick. Your ideas are the ideas of the mindless right. REJECTED over and over again in the last few months in some of the most heavily-republican districts in the USA. You guys got passed by. Your hate and gotcha politics no longer works. We TOOK the Congress from you cunts in 06 and we’re going to TAKE the White House from you in the next election and there’s not one fucking thing you can do about it other than call 1 – 800 – WAAAAAAH!
You’re just another chickenshit, chickenhawk right wing coward who supports same. NEXT!
Rick D.spews:
Wow. Goldy’s 3rd stringers telling Mother jokes. You kiddies still living in the 80’s when they were actually funny? I guess you haven’t been out of the house much.
BBGOP hasn’t had a woman since a woman had him…..by the way did you send flowers on Mother’s day?
See? I can tell lame 1980’s jokes too……..HAHA
Cheers! Donkeys, Asses and assorted marionettes, I’m off to earn a paycheck. You really should try it sometime.
Again Rick D – who is actually Puddydick – has to call the work release center and ask them to send the van so he can go off to his job cleaning toilets. The GOP must be proud.
Was busy until late last night, dealing with business. So I’m late to this post.
But I’m really impressed that Mark @ 5 quotes a statement by a commediane for the proposition that she will secretly vote for McCain, and he assumes that others “hollywood types” will, too.
I don’t know what’s funnier – the joke (as told by Tina Fey), or that Mark didn’t get the joke. Of course, one of Tina Fey’s schtick is to make outragous statements while giving a completely deadpan delivery (which is why it’s so funny), so I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt, and assume he is just not that familiar with satire.
Daddy Lovespews:
42 RD
Yes, I’ve always been pretty sure you’ve been seeing things.
It’s not a “great” one, in that it’s a little obvious. Some of his more subtle ones are better.
But it’s kinda hard to be subtle these days. Like my Dad used to say, in order to teach a mule, you first had to hit it over the head with a 2 X 4. That was to get it’s attention. (He grew up in Alabama during the depression, had some experience with mules, and didn’t care for them much).
Daddy Lovespews:
I’m not as sure of a Rossi defeat, because he is the most disciplined Republican candidate I have ever seen when it comes to refusing to reveal his right-wing stances on the issues.
But McCain? Give me a fucking break. He’s toasty (lifted from Matt Yglesias).
Tommy Thompsonspews:
MTR, The Real Mark, and PuddyDick – all one of the same. Clueless in Seatle.
Nice pic.
Thanks mucho little Ricky Dumbass. That’s the first take of that kind I’ve read on my gravatar.
Pretty telling. Frequent public men’s restrooms much?
The eye is on right wing bullshit dumbass and it’s going to call bullshit when it shows.
@48: rhp
Good cartoon – kind of captures the right wing idiots trolls on this blog.
Anything right wing is good (according to them) and they love to ask “Why do liberals….(insert nonsensical statement here)?”
Yet they have real trouble actually acknowledging the facts:
Bush lied and cherry picked the intelligence on Iraq. Political insiders have thouroughly documented this.
Bush approved of torture (after denying it).
Bush approved of illegal spying (wiretapping) on Americans and wants retroactive immunity for law breaking telecoms.
Bush has created the largest budget deficits in history.
Bush has created the largest trade deficits in history.
The economy under Bush is worst since Hoover – stock market and employment percentages. Trickle down doesn’t work, period.
Bush, Rove and Gonzalez politicized the Justice department and oputing a CIA agent for ;political purposes.
McCain supports the major Bush policies and most of his top advisors are lobbyists. McCain failed to investigate Abramoff and his ties to congress. McCain supports torture and illegal spying now (and opposed them before).
Wow floods in the midwest that will ruin lives, businesses and dreams. GOOD! Most of these assholes don’t believe in climate change and most vote GOP. Continue to vote against your own interests you inbred morons. I hope your fucking dog drowns next time!
Will there be another Keating Five scandal involving FlipFlop McCain? Now that hundreds of his friends are indicted in the new mortgage scandal could links to him be far behind?
‘I didn’t really find him all that.’
Well now Goldy, now you know how most folks feel about you. How ironic. Ditzy, I mean Darcy, give you a lil’ lick yet?
Hey Marky I know some folks in the Burner campaign and they claim you’ve been sending Darcy emails begging her to strap on and fuck you in the ass.
56 HelloGOP:
That’s all you got? (waves hand) Grow up.
Daddy Lovespews:
55 M1
You do know she’s married and a mother, right?
I met her Wednesday for the first time. She’s bright, charming, funny (which counts with me–but I mean actually funny and not GW Bush “funny”), smart, well-informed, connected, and among other things understands both politics and software better than most people. We could really use someone like that in a Congress that is decidedly light on technical know-how, instead of our deadweight ex-Sheriff who doesn’t read his e-mails.
I was talking to members of her staff after the event and it’s amazing how many events she schedules and what her working day looks like. Does she sleep? You’d never know it by how hard she’s working.
I predict:
– Darcy outraises Lazy Davey AGAIN in the upcoming Q2 filing
– Darcy gets more votes than Dave in the top-two primary even though the Republicans have recruited two DINOs to split the Dem vote.
…and the horse he rode in on.
@5 just goes to show that wingers have absolutely no sense of when they are having their legs pulled. It goes a long way towards explaining why so many of them are still falling for BushCo’s BS.
So Marky you don’t deny it. Good – first honest moment in your life. Feels refreshing doesn’t it.
And yeah – grow up – I don’t think I’ll take that advice from an asseasting asswipe who says shit like “Did Darcy give you a little lick.”
Anyway, I’ll send her over again tonight if you want to get the lube ready, I am sure she’ll help you out. Bend over now you little bitch…
Roger Rabbitspews:
@33 “Notice no discussions on this “open thread” about the illegitmate Queen’s shady deal with the tribes and her so-called total “ignorance” of the resulting campaign contributions. Can’t imagine why.”
Are you serious? There’s been plenty of discussion on this board about this topic! I posted some of it myself. You’ve either been reading a different blog or you’re a liar.
Daddy Lovespews:
Tribes have been determined by the Supreme Court to be domestic sovereigns, and negotiate with each state as equal partners. Chris Gregoire’s approach to the adoption of a standardized form of compact with tribes has allowed for a control on the proliferation of gaming. She has been demonstrably successful in this regard.
Some make the argument that the state gave up some benefit by not forcing a revenue-sharing plan. The state cannot impose conditions on tribes. Most tribes have agreed to give at least 2 percent of their tribal gaming profits back to the community through charitable contributions. In Washington, those same compacts require that tribes give at least half to non-native groups.
The allegation that money is being laundered by tribes is repugnant. Laundering implies that illegal money has somehow been cleaned up by some underhanded process. This could not be further from the truth. All money earned by tribal gaming is subject to the most rigorous oversight and control.
It makes you wonder what Republicans have ever done for entertainment in this state besides Indian-bashing?
Oh, and gambling at the casinos.
Daddy Lovespews:
The retired major general who investigad Abu Ghraib has concluded that the senior members of this administration committed war crimes:
In order for these individuals to suffer the wanton cruelty to which they were subjected, a government policy was promulgated to the field whereby the Geneva Conventions and the Uniform Code of Military Justice were disregarded. The UN Convention Against Torture was indiscriminately ignored.
….After years of disclosures by government investigations, media accounts, and reports from human rights organizations, there is no longer any doubt as to whether the current administration has committed war crimes. The only question that remains to be answered is whether those who ordered the use of torture will be held to account.
Oh, yes they did. Oh, yes they will.
Gee, the Republicans love to have Eyman’s anti-tax crowd support them, even though his true nature was revealed when he got paid by the non-indian casino interests to try to expand gambling in this state in an initiative thinly disguised as a “property tax reduction” initiative. Of course, that was a direct challeng to the casinos owned and operated by the local Native American tribes. They even said as much, whining that it wasn’t fair that the tribes got to make all that money off gambling, and they wanted an financial advantage (as well as the inherent geographic advantage) in competing with them.
In contrast, the governor worked to negotiate a compact which benefited ALL the tribes in the state, essentially allowing allocation of credits between tribes with resulting revenue distribution between tribes with reservations near population centers (Puyallup, Tullalip), with tribes far from population centers. It’s a bit complicated of a subject, so the Republicans are trying to simplify it by, well, lying.
So, to whom are the tribes going to make their political contributions? To a party who’s state leader which worked to negotiate a compact which showed an ability to grasp a complex issue and work towards the better interest of all involved, or to a party which has embraced a real nut case who tried to take all of this revenue away from them and give it instead to a Hong-Kong based company with suspicious ties?
4. proud leftist spews: At some point, I hope the media stops treating John McCain like he’s royalty.
You are certifiably nutz! Apparently your reading and comprehension skillz are dropping faster than the brain cells of bybygoober hitting the toilet each day.
michael spews: @6 I saw the head of one of the oil companies on Charlie Rose a while back, he said his company had no interest in drilling in ANWR.
Of course. They’ve probably done political studies where they would be attacked by the ELF and other Moonbat! organizations. Or they probably looked at the “boycott oil company XXX” ads put on TV by the likes of people like you Michael.
BTW wasn’t it grand that “poor poor” ELF lady got 6 years and $6 MM fine for the UW fire she caused? I love it when Donkey are held liable for their actions.
Tommygunner@50: Wrong again. That’s 5280 times or a mile of being wrong. Wasn’t there a song that said (insert You for I) “You could go for miles and miles” of being wrong that is.
The only clueless in Seattle is your very own HA’s clueless idiot as seen on HA in post #32.
ELF? You’re so fucking delusional, Puddy. But that’s not unusual for you commie-fascist, America-hating, Stalin-Hitler lovers with your dreams of an American totalitarian commie-fascist state. Damn, you fucks are creepy.
And this thing you right-wing fringe lunatics have about fucking farm animals is absolutely disgusting.
The topic of this thread is …
A new Quinnipiac poll shows Obama with solid leads over McCain in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida. What’s happening is large numbres of women and Hillary supporters in those states are moving into the Obama camp — including those who said they’d vote for McCain if Hillary lost the nomination. Without a sizeable percentage of Hillary voters, McCain can’t win in any of those states.
The latest wingnut myth being peddled by the likes of George Will, Dick Cheney, and rightwing blogs is that the Chinese (and, in some versions, even the Russians) are slant-drilling in Cuba to stick strews into oil in Florida and Louisiana.
I suppose we’re going to hear next week that the Chinese are sinking wells in their own territory and going all the way through the Earth to suck oil out of Texas.
This nonsense is brought to you by the same ignoramuses who think oil is a renewable resource (their theory is that oilfields are refilled from gigantic reservoirs of oil deep in the Earth’s mantle; never mind that oil molecules are destroyed by heat and pressure below about 17,500 feet from the Earth’s surface).
At some point, I hope the media stops treating John McCain like he’s royalty. The reality is that he is not a maverick, loves lobbyist money, and, is a clone of Bush with regard to his policies. And, oh yeah, he’s deep into his dotage. The media has been battering Obama and Hillary, and refuses to even throw a blow at McCain. It will be interesting to see if such continues.
I don’t think Hollywood types should have ANY special impact on elections, but…
Tina Fey (30 Rock, NBC):
I’d bet that she’s not alone.
According to that hotbed of liberal-biased anti-capitalist journalism, Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal, drilling for oil in ANWR would have little or no effect on fuel prices.
The WSJ cites a report from Bush’s Department of Energy that says developing ANWR would reduce gas prices by 1 to 4 cents per gallon when production peaked in 2025.
@5 It’s not uncommon for men dying of thirst to see mirages in the desert.
@5: It astounds me that you took precious time from your mercifully short life to type that drivil. I mean, who the fuck really cares? And you want to bet? Oh, you are such a manly man! A real risk taker, you!
Not (I’ll bet).
PTBA @ 8
What is this obsession you idiots have with me and betting? I wasn’t the one that owes on whatever bet you’re talking about. I *think* it might be MTR-P, but I can’t say for sure.
The only “wager” I’m a part of is one where Goldy owes me a beer.
And the relevance? Google “Bradley Effect.”
I saw the head of one of the oil companies on Charlie Rose a while back, he said his company had no interest in drilling in ANWR.
Flip Flop McCain breaks his own records and flip flops on something he said only three weeks ago about off-shore drilling.
Now he thinks it is okay. Three weeks ago it wasn’t. Man this guy has no shame.
By the way – President Obama didn’t even campaign in Florida and leads FlipFlop McCain there. This is staggering news and must have totally floored the republicans. This is BIG!
@8 Better make him put the bet money in escrow. We already know what Republicans’ track record is when it comes time to pay up.
No matter what McCain and his boys did for Airbus, Boeing produced an inferior product with their tanker proposal. Airbus just out-engineered them, and now Boeing is complaining. They were too smug, and thought they deserved the contract, so they did not present the best solution,
Why don’t we just shrink this “American Empire” and stop fiddling around in other countries? That way we wouldn’t need a tanker from Boeing or Airbus!
@14: Agree. It is a tragedy and a farce to watch our two parties debate on how to make the American Empire “better”.
I’m with Mark Twain: Get rid of it.
4 “And, oh yeah, he’s deep into his dotage.”
Sad in a way, but true. I listen to McCain on the stump nowadays, and compared to the quick-minded and vigorous McCain of ten years or so ago he seems like a tired old man. I felt the same way with Bob Dole in 1996, having hoped at least to be entertained by the acid wit he displayed as Ford’s running mate in ’76.
Not to say that McCain’s mental capacity isn’t certainly light years ahead of the man he’s bidding to succeed. For that matter, he’s probably got more on the ball than the inappropriately deified Ronald Reagan, whose simple-mindedness might have been his greatest virtue.
McCain might have better served his country and himself by going for maybe one more term in the Senate and then retiring to spend a few years relaxing in the Arizona sunshine with his pretty wife while he still can.
@9: “What is this obsession you idiots have with me and betting?”
Au contrair. Ending your insipid posts with a hearty dose of false bravado by assuring us “I’ll bet” is best left to geeky discussions with your libertarian comrades as they debate esoteric points in their debased axiomatic and yet degenerative ‘world view’.
And it doesn’t impress anybody here.
I am a Republican – I lie, cheat and steal when I’m not being a family man (old beer heiress hag). My straight talk express is about as straight as Ted Haggard, and Larry Craig.
Obama is up late tonight reading “Winnie the Pooh” stories in order to get up to speed on foreign policy ideas.
….Which, loosely translated means the “Chitown Assclown” isn’t quite ready for prime time, as he and his sychophants will find out in November when he’s soundly rejected by the American electorate.
Now, back to your regularly scheduled ‘Roger Roadkill’ private chatroom programming.
Little Ricky Dumbass is back.
Aren’t you the loser who dragged in a link to Larry Sinclair’s video on youtube?
Sorry Dumbass, that criminal loser is so busted.
So typical of the fate of right wing bullshit…
@20 ~ Doesn’say what he was busted for…doesn’t prove his claims about Obama are false now does it?
Other than that, good work dumbass. You managed to put in a link to some crappy blog that named a ‘source’ from the “Mitch and Nan show”…..Nothing like reliable sources named Nan and Mitch is there? whoever the Fu&k they are.
I expect nothing less from one of Goldy’s backbench donkeys.
Rickie Dingleberry @21 – If it comes from a wingnut, it’s false. Here’s all anyone needs to know about Larry Sinclair:
“The Minnesota man who claims to have had sex with and taken cocaine with Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama voluntarily participated in a series of polygraph tests ….
“The results of the … polygraph examination by Dr. Ed Gelb (Former President of the American Polygraph Association) indicate ‘deception’ in regards to both the drug and sex claims by Sinclair.”
FlipFlop McCain must be running scared. Not only is President Obama bitch slapping Johnboy in Florida, he’s beating him like a red-headed stepchild in PA and OH too! OUCH! Man the right is going to burn like a bridge this time. They’re out there still selling their horseshit but THIS time, nobody is buying it. Must suck to be you right wing assholes! HE HE!
Oh, and one more thing, Mr. Sinclair is a felon. He was convicted in Colorado for passing bad checks and unauthorized use of a credit card number. I wrote a little poem about him:
Larry Sinclair is his name;
Fraud is his game.
21 – Take your pick moron. The guy is a freaking hustler! He’s wanted in Colorado as well. Where else?
Of course you swallowed his bullshit.
Want a better source of information? Here it is – Little Ricky Dumbass:
@23 They’re reduced to hiring convicted felons who can’t pass lie detector tests to write their smear blurbs for them.
@25 Oooooh!!! And Sinclair’s lawyer was suspended for filing too many bullshit lawsuits!!!
Gay sex!! Cocaine!! Murder!!
Wingnut bullshitters are soooo predictable. You almost wish they’d get a new plot line, because it’s like watching the same boring TV rerun for the 500th time …
They need better quality liars, too. I mean, a guy with a criminal record 27 years long?! Even the gullible conservative-biased MSM aren’t buying this guy.
Another shining example of the “intellect” of the religious right.
I say good riddance.
@29 Link doesn’t work.
Sinclair is nothing. The following Walter Mitty type conned Cheney and the idiot in the oval office. Colin Powell debased himself by repeating this loser’s lies before the whole world:
The rest as they say is history – a colossal unspeakable waste of lives, limbs, treasure, you name it. Suckers are born every second. But if this guy didn’t exist, the neo-crazies would have had to make him up.
Little Ricky Dumbass conned by the likes of Larry Sinclair is relatively small potatoes.
Don’t look at me. I never voted for this smirking chimpanzee:
’19. Rick D. spews:
……Now, back to your regularly scheduled ‘Roger Roadkill’ private chatroom programming.’
06/18/2008 at 7:39 pm
Don’t blame him Rick, he is a crusty old shut-in that suffers from extreme O.C. disorder, and has dial-up. Notice no discussions on this “open thread” about the illegitmate Queen’s shady deal with the tribes and her so-called total “ignorance” of the resulting campaign contributions. Can’t imagine why.
Roger Rabbit @ 22
Anyone with the name of S-I-N-C-L-I-A-R obviously cannot be trusted to tell the truth.
You keep telling youself that. Perhaps it will sustain you in the dark days to come for conservatives. It won’t help McCain win, but it may help you for a little while.
@ 28 ‘Roger Regurgitated Roadkill’ spewed:
Roadkill wants to know where he can sign up.
Nice pic dumbass. Is that the last thing the women see looking through their window before you scurry away from your perving adventures around the neighborhood?
Why are liberals such fu&king perverts?
Hey speaking of perverts – I hear that Rick F. has a “wide stance” like his hero – gay republican Senator Craig.
By the way for a good time, Google “wide stance.” Too fucking funny!
What a god-damned fucking idiot jackass evil blot on the earth.
The biggest worry I have is how to forgive this piece of shit.
Eventually he and his folks will be found guilty of war crimes and punished appropriately, but that doesn’t help me forgive him.
19 RD
Your confidence in a John McCain victory is touching, even endearing. I get a very similar feeling when I behold a small child’s belief in Santa Claus.
If only people would appreciate the essential, fundamental rightness of the conservative ideology, even in the face of all of this so-called “evidence to the contrary.” After all, who are they going to beleive, you or their lying eyes? Things would be so much easier for you if all of these improbable things were to happen.
But instead, you just have to hope that “the electorate” will somehow forget that Obama’s stands on economic issues and on Iraq are mainstream and extremely popular, and that John McCain’s are tired, echo Geroge Bush, and make no sense (where’s his “gas tax holiday” now?), and once they do, surely then Obama will be “soundly rejected.”
I mean, suuuuuure he will.
Jim (the genuine skinflutist) @ 39
~ don’t worry Jimbo. Bush is on the way out and McCain is on the way in. So keep your panties dry, and seek treatment for that BDS you’re suffering from lad.
BBGOP~ is that all you got? Wow, Goldy’d 3rd stringers are a pretty lame bunch.
Daddy Love~ I’ll be the first one in here that November morning to witness the official meltdown of Goldy and his assorted marionettes when Both McCain and Rossi win their respective positions. It is almost a prophetic scene to me.
Rickey you know what I got. I gave it to your wife in the ass last night and she loved it. Said you were like your pal – Limpdick Limbaugh and couldn’t get it up.
Clearly, your intellect is as limp as your dick. Your ideas are the ideas of the mindless right. REJECTED over and over again in the last few months in some of the most heavily-republican districts in the USA. You guys got passed by. Your hate and gotcha politics no longer works. We TOOK the Congress from you cunts in 06 and we’re going to TAKE the White House from you in the next election and there’s not one fucking thing you can do about it other than call 1 – 800 – WAAAAAAH!
You’re just another chickenshit, chickenhawk right wing coward who supports same. NEXT!
Wow. Goldy’s 3rd stringers telling Mother jokes. You kiddies still living in the 80’s when they were actually funny? I guess you haven’t been out of the house much.
BBGOP hasn’t had a woman since a woman had him…..by the way did you send flowers on Mother’s day?
See? I can tell lame 1980’s jokes too……..HAHA
Cheers! Donkeys, Asses and assorted marionettes, I’m off to earn a paycheck. You really should try it sometime.
Again Rick D – who is actually Puddydick – has to call the work release center and ask them to send the van so he can go off to his job cleaning toilets. The GOP must be proud.
Was busy until late last night, dealing with business. So I’m late to this post.
But I’m really impressed that Mark @ 5 quotes a statement by a commediane for the proposition that she will secretly vote for McCain, and he assumes that others “hollywood types” will, too.
I don’t know what’s funnier – the joke (as told by Tina Fey), or that Mark didn’t get the joke. Of course, one of Tina Fey’s schtick is to make outragous statements while giving a completely deadpan delivery (which is why it’s so funny), so I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt, and assume he is just not that familiar with satire.
42 RD
Yes, I’ve always been pretty sure you’ve been seeing things.
“Did you see a doctor?”
“No, just spots.”
Another good one by Horsey today:
Rumors, Lies, & the Truth
It’s not a “great” one, in that it’s a little obvious. Some of his more subtle ones are better.
But it’s kinda hard to be subtle these days. Like my Dad used to say, in order to teach a mule, you first had to hit it over the head with a 2 X 4. That was to get it’s attention. (He grew up in Alabama during the depression, had some experience with mules, and didn’t care for them much).
I’m not as sure of a Rossi defeat, because he is the most disciplined Republican candidate I have ever seen when it comes to refusing to reveal his right-wing stances on the issues.
But McCain? Give me a fucking break. He’s toasty (lifted from Matt Yglesias).
MTR, The Real Mark, and PuddyDick – all one of the same. Clueless in Seatle.
Nice pic.
Thanks mucho little Ricky Dumbass. That’s the first take of that kind I’ve read on my gravatar.
Pretty telling. Frequent public men’s restrooms much?
The eye is on right wing bullshit dumbass and it’s going to call bullshit when it shows.
@48: rhp
Good cartoon – kind of captures the right wing idiots trolls on this blog.
Anything right wing is good (according to them) and they love to ask “Why do liberals….(insert nonsensical statement here)?”
Yet they have real trouble actually acknowledging the facts:
Bush lied and cherry picked the intelligence on Iraq. Political insiders have thouroughly documented this.
Bush approved of torture (after denying it).
Bush approved of illegal spying (wiretapping) on Americans and wants retroactive immunity for law breaking telecoms.
Bush has created the largest budget deficits in history.
Bush has created the largest trade deficits in history.
The economy under Bush is worst since Hoover – stock market and employment percentages. Trickle down doesn’t work, period.
Bush, Rove and Gonzalez politicized the Justice department and oputing a CIA agent for ;political purposes.
McCain supports the major Bush policies and most of his top advisors are lobbyists. McCain failed to investigate Abramoff and his ties to congress. McCain supports torture and illegal spying now (and opposed them before).
Wow floods in the midwest that will ruin lives, businesses and dreams. GOOD! Most of these assholes don’t believe in climate change and most vote GOP. Continue to vote against your own interests you inbred morons. I hope your fucking dog drowns next time!
Will there be another Keating Five scandal involving FlipFlop McCain? Now that hundreds of his friends are indicted in the new mortgage scandal could links to him be far behind?
‘I didn’t really find him all that.’
Well now Goldy, now you know how most folks feel about you. How ironic. Ditzy, I mean Darcy, give you a lil’ lick yet?
Hey Marky I know some folks in the Burner campaign and they claim you’ve been sending Darcy emails begging her to strap on and fuck you in the ass.
56 HelloGOP:
That’s all you got? (waves hand) Grow up.
55 M1
You do know she’s married and a mother, right?
I met her Wednesday for the first time. She’s bright, charming, funny (which counts with me–but I mean actually funny and not GW Bush “funny”), smart, well-informed, connected, and among other things understands both politics and software better than most people. We could really use someone like that in a Congress that is decidedly light on technical know-how, instead of our deadweight ex-Sheriff who doesn’t read his e-mails.
I was talking to members of her staff after the event and it’s amazing how many events she schedules and what her working day looks like. Does she sleep? You’d never know it by how hard she’s working.
I predict:
– Darcy outraises Lazy Davey AGAIN in the upcoming Q2 filing
– Darcy gets more votes than Dave in the top-two primary even though the Republicans have recruited two DINOs to split the Dem vote.
…and the horse he rode in on.
@5 just goes to show that wingers have absolutely no sense of when they are having their legs pulled. It goes a long way towards explaining why so many of them are still falling for BushCo’s BS.
So Marky you don’t deny it. Good – first honest moment in your life. Feels refreshing doesn’t it.
And yeah – grow up – I don’t think I’ll take that advice from an asseasting asswipe who says shit like “Did Darcy give you a little lick.”
Anyway, I’ll send her over again tonight if you want to get the lube ready, I am sure she’ll help you out. Bend over now you little bitch…
@33 “Notice no discussions on this “open thread” about the illegitmate Queen’s shady deal with the tribes and her so-called total “ignorance” of the resulting campaign contributions. Can’t imagine why.”
Are you serious? There’s been plenty of discussion on this board about this topic! I posted some of it myself. You’ve either been reading a different blog or you’re a liar.
Tribes have been determined by the Supreme Court to be domestic sovereigns, and negotiate with each state as equal partners. Chris Gregoire’s approach to the adoption of a standardized form of compact with tribes has allowed for a control on the proliferation of gaming. She has been demonstrably successful in this regard.
Some make the argument that the state gave up some benefit by not forcing a revenue-sharing plan. The state cannot impose conditions on tribes. Most tribes have agreed to give at least 2 percent of their tribal gaming profits back to the community through charitable contributions. In Washington, those same compacts require that tribes give at least half to non-native groups.
The allegation that money is being laundered by tribes is repugnant. Laundering implies that illegal money has somehow been cleaned up by some underhanded process. This could not be further from the truth. All money earned by tribal gaming is subject to the most rigorous oversight and control.
It makes you wonder what Republicans have ever done for entertainment in this state besides Indian-bashing?
Oh, and gambling at the casinos.
The retired major general who investigad Abu Ghraib has concluded that the senior members of this administration committed war crimes:
Oh, yes they did. Oh, yes they will.
Gee, the Republicans love to have Eyman’s anti-tax crowd support them, even though his true nature was revealed when he got paid by the non-indian casino interests to try to expand gambling in this state in an initiative thinly disguised as a “property tax reduction” initiative. Of course, that was a direct challeng to the casinos owned and operated by the local Native American tribes. They even said as much, whining that it wasn’t fair that the tribes got to make all that money off gambling, and they wanted an financial advantage (as well as the inherent geographic advantage) in competing with them.
In contrast, the governor worked to negotiate a compact which benefited ALL the tribes in the state, essentially allowing allocation of credits between tribes with resulting revenue distribution between tribes with reservations near population centers (Puyallup, Tullalip), with tribes far from population centers. It’s a bit complicated of a subject, so the Republicans are trying to simplify it by, well, lying.
So, to whom are the tribes going to make their political contributions? To a party who’s state leader which worked to negotiate a compact which showed an ability to grasp a complex issue and work towards the better interest of all involved, or to a party which has embraced a real nut case who tried to take all of this revenue away from them and give it instead to a Hong-Kong based company with suspicious ties?
You are certifiably nutz! Apparently your reading and comprehension skillz are dropping faster than the brain cells of bybygoober hitting the toilet each day.
Of course. They’ve probably done political studies where they would be attacked by the ELF and other Moonbat! organizations. Or they probably looked at the “boycott oil company XXX” ads put on TV by the likes of people like you Michael.
BTW wasn’t it grand that “poor poor” ELF lady got 6 years and $6 MM fine for the UW fire she caused? I love it when Donkey are held liable for their actions.
Tommygunner@50: Wrong again. That’s 5280 times or a mile of being wrong. Wasn’t there a song that said (insert You for I) “You could go for miles and miles” of being wrong that is.
The only clueless in Seattle is your very own HA’s clueless idiot as seen on HA in post #32.
ELF? You’re so fucking delusional, Puddy. But that’s not unusual for you commie-fascist, America-hating, Stalin-Hitler lovers with your dreams of an American totalitarian commie-fascist state. Damn, you fucks are creepy.
And this thing you right-wing fringe lunatics have about fucking farm animals is absolutely disgusting.