– I haven’t written anything about the sequester, but it’s going to have an impact.
Yeah, that may have been why Obama found seven – count ’em, seven – minutes in his busy schedule to meet yesterday with Congressional leaders.
The impact will be a nation awakening to the concept that cuts in the budget, once the hyperbole ends and reality bites, can occur without the sky falling.
No wonder the Dems are soiling themselves in unison over it.
This ain’t Clinton/Gingrich, and the government won’t be shut down over a pissing match.
What, exactly, did Obama think his leverage was here?
Ten Years Afterspews:
What is all this “serial reneger” stuff about?
# 2: That’s all the time it takes for the Republicans to say “we haven’t changed our position, we aren’t willing to compromise and we are willing to have the U.S. economy crash if we don’t get our way”, and the President to show them to the door.
Republicans in the House are gambling that a renewed rescessin will renew their own political fortunes. But current polling shows it doesn’t look good for them.
The Tea Partiers chose to demonstrate just outside of the events honoring Rosa Parks yesterday, apparantly in favor of the court invalidating elements of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. That they chose this occassion to protest against the most effective civil rights law pretty much says all you need to know about their motives.
$ 5 (continued): What is discouraging is that so many Americans don’t know what’s at stake, and the issues involved. The D.J.s I listened to on the morning commute this morning seemed to be confused, and apparantly hadn’t heard of the VRA until today.
The compromise WAS the Budget Control Act in 2011. You expect the GOP to replace cuts with tax increases, after they compromised to construct the law in the first place?
You seemed to have little difficulty with Obama’s position last December. He had little incentive to compromise, as he would get his tax increases by default if a deal wasn’t reached.
This time, the GOP gets cuts by default.
Why is it that cutting a small amount is a gamble, while increasing taxes isn’t? Both have the effect of removing money from the economy.
Your argument is weak, rhp. And as for current polling, the next election is more than 18 months away. Probably a reasonable risk for them to take. Meanwhile, lefties are scrambling to bring down Bob Woodward. Well played, Barack.
The D.J.s I listened to on the morning commute this morning seemed to be confused, and apparantly hadn’t heard of the VRA until today.
rhp, here’s an idea. Rather than mangling what you thought you heard while listening to people who don’t have basic knowledge of issues of the day, maybe consider changing the station.
I wonder how many teachers, who no doubt hate Rodney Tom in return, truly believe they can achieve 7.9% average investment returns on their retirement contributions going forward? ’cause that’s the model that’s used when WA calls itself 98% funded.
I suppose Tom only hates teachers under 45, since the retirement plans of those older than that aren’t affected.
Any minute now we’ll have RR weigh in on returns based on his own investment prowess, and we won’t have to worry about facts and specifics because he’ll just talk over them.
# 8: How would you know whether I mangled it or not? I didn’t identify the station, so you have no idea whether I reported it correctly or not.
Secondly, I usually listen to NPR on the way in, but occassionaly I listen to other stations in order to get a better feel for how the political disputes are playing to the average person. I also listen to a right-wing station from time-to-time, if my stomach can stand it.
But how about this – rather than trying to distract us into an argument about what I heard on the radio, or did not hear, why dont you try to defend the motives of those that want the Supreme Court to invalidate portions of the VMA. Can you seriously argue that they are not racially and politically motivated?
Cereal is ignoring public opinion again. Typical Republican. Didn’t learn a thing. The public is by pretty solid margins in favor of the Obama/Democratic position and against the Republican Congress. Congress, do nothing house, is polling at 15% approval (19% approve Dems, 12% approve Reps) while Obama is over 50% in most polls and the average.
In your dream world and no where else are the Democrats worried about this. Except in the sense that only the Democratic party doesn’t want unemployment to go up, GDP to shrink, growth to trend negative,.. Sure Republicans be the party that doesn’t care about the economy. That’ll work!
Public opinion shifts with the wind. Recall GWB43’s popularity spike post-9/11. Should we have shouted down Democrats who objected to the pre-Iraq buildup because they were outnumbered? Or did those who objected to the war, only to lose that battle, adhere to principle despite pressure to conform on the basis of majority or plurality opinion?
Why don’t you argue that Harry Reid should have taken up and modified the GOP-passed sequester-replacement bill so that this all could be avoided? After all, 19% approval of Dems in Congress really isn’t something to be proud of, is it?
GOP has warned against excessive spending. Now they get a chance to demonstrate that small cuts won’t cause the sky to fall. Suck on it.
I take it your response is in lieu of addressing the non-role of the Senate Democrats in what is currently happening.
Why, cz, do you point at the GOP, which has already passed a sequester-replacement bill? It’s the Senate’s turn. They can take it up, modify it to a form that will pass the Senate, and then it goes to conference committee for negotiation, then back to the joint bodies for final approval, and then to the president for signing.
Why not point out that Reid is holding it up, cz?
I’ll get to it. I’ve got paying work to do.
But I assume you mean the bills passed in the previous congress? The ideas Romyan ran on? The Paul “America doesn’t want you anywhere near the Presidnecy” Ryan plans? The ideas passed before the voters handed the Republicans their ass? How do you spell Electoral College blowout, pickup of seats in your world? Sure, Harry Reid should TOTALLY spend time bringing an outdated bill to the floor so it can lose 53-47 unless of course some random Republican jackass filibusters your own bill.
No, not the Ryan plan. Don’t make that mistake. Stupid people like Roger Rabbit make that mistake.
Yes, two bills were passed in 2012, including one in December, by the House. While those bills have expired with the change in Congress, the framework of them can be easily resurrected and modified, or Reid could instead come up with his own plan. Hasn’t happened.
The sequester thing isn’t all that big a deal, it’s turning out. Next big fight is at the end of March, over the expiring CR.
Yup, we should totally bring up a plan that was approved by a lame-duck house session that included pretty much everything the Republicans ran and lost on in 2012. The plan that even 21 Republicans in the house rejected.
Voting 215 for and 209 against, the House passed a Republican bill (HR 6684) to replace about $110 billion in soon-to-begin across-the-board cuts in military and domestic spending with a new round of domestic spending cuts. Sponsored by Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., the bill’s main purpose was to head off $55 billion in automatic defense cuts over one year scheduled to start Jan. 3 under so-called “sequester” rules of the 2011 Budget Control Act. The bill also would repeal one year’s worth of domestic cuts set to begin Jan. 3 under the sequester, but then would make new cuts in domestic programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) and the 2010 health law. The bill’s net effect would be to achieve $236 billion in domestic spending cuts over 10 years, about 92 percent of which would come from entitlement programs, while protecting the defense budget for one year against automatic cuts under the sequester.
Yup, we should totally bring up a plan that was approved by a lame-duck house session that included pretty much everything the Republicans ran and lost on in 2012. The plan that even 21 Republicans in the house rejected.
Does that make less sense than doing nothing at all? ’cause that’s been Reid’s approach. How’s it working out for you? The hysterics aren’t happening on the GOP side this week.
shares Roger Rabbit’s understanding of the mechanics of the sequester.
What you and the 10% of the public that listens to RW Talk and Fox news call “hysterics,” I and a majority of the voting population call pointing out that the Republicans would prefer increasing unemployment and stifling growth rather than make a serious attempt to cut the deficit through compromise. Guess which side is winning the PR war on that one. (hint, see @11)
You’re right, the sky won’t fall. Unless you’re a teacher whose district cuts 10% of staff. Unless you are a shipbuilder in Virginina. Unless you’re a restaurant owner near the shipyard who loses a chunk of your clientele who aren’t working anymore. Unless you’re Wallmart whose sales are already declining because lower income people have even less to spend in austerity and they are your primary customer base. Unless you are a civilian worker on a base somewhere. Unless you’re the Taqueria near that base where the civilian workers tend to go for lunch…
Amazing that the party that invented Trickle Down economics don’t grasp the trickle effect of pulling billions out of the economy during a slow recovery.
Good luck with that. The Republicans are going to OWN that. It won’t hurt everyone, but the ones it does will blame you. Suck on that!
40% is a plurality, not a majority, since you referenced the poll in which those data are cited.
Only 8% fewer respondents don’t want the sequester to be avoided.
More than one-fourth of respondents haven’t made up their mind about it.
Yawn. Arne Duncan tried the teacher thing earlier this week. Didn’t work out so well for him, did it? And shipbuilders have more to fear from Obama’s plan to reduce the size of the naval fleet than they do from a sequester reduction in defense funding, which will have minimal impact on current vessels currently under construction.
Ah, so, without evidence, you’re saying that no district anywhere is going to lay-off teachers. Not a single base or Naval facility will be effected. Looking at every country that tried this path, you think the economy will be just fine? How’s Britain doing?
Republican fantasy world lives on. Hey, isn’t there a bias in the polls? Isn’t Romney going to shock the world. Oversampling? Y’aaargh! Do you ever tire of being delusional?
Ah, so, without evidence, you’re saying that no district anywhere is going to lay-off teachers. Not a single base or Naval facility will be effected.
Not at all. Never said that. I just maintain it won’t be nearly as bad as your side alleges.
Don’t compare the sequester to European problems. This isn’t ‘austerity’ in that sense. This is a reduction in the planned increase in some of the nondiscretionary spending. It’s not even a cut from what was spent last year. Consider it ‘bending the spending curve downward’. Heh.
Will some people feel pain, somewhere? Certainly. Unfortunate, but a fact of life. I felt it when my taxes were raised effective January 1. Someone else’s turn.
Oh dear, Cereal. Harry Reid will bring a Democratic and Republican sequester replacement plan to the Senate floor today. The R plan will fail, the Rs are going to filibuster the other, cause 2/3rds….and Rs are oh so serious about negotiating.
And the Wall St. Journal says low government spending is hurting the economic recovery.
No links, pain in the ass on my phone. I’ll be in meetings while you digest how while every point you’ve made today just went up in flames.
Well the facts are in and the Wall Street Journal, the distinguished bi-partisan Oracle of truth has proclaimed that austerity is GOOD for bidness. No worries folks, nothing to see here, stop worrying and learn to love the sequester:
The nation’s gross domestic product, a measure of all goods and services produced in the economy, advanced at a 0.1% annual rate between October and December, the Commerce Department said Thursday. The figure was revised up from an initially estimated 0.1% downturn.
The meager showing last quarter underscored that government spending cuts are slowing the recovery’s momentum.
The Senate Dem proposal to replace the sequester, instead, increases the deficit.
The sequester replacement bill proposed by Senate Democrats, and endorsed by the White House, would add $7.2 billion to the federal deficit over ten years, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO).
There’s so much hand-wringing about the furloughs, when most of them will not even begin until April or later. Teachers and aides, for instance, will not face furloughs until the fall, Duncan said at a White House briefing on Wednesday.
So it’s really like an extended summer vacation for them. Hell, the NEA will probably want it written into future contracts.
Serial @ # 12: So I made a typo. You’ve never done that? Must be nice to have so much time on your hands that you can post all day and have time to spell-check and review each note before posting it.
It’s not much, granted. However, the point, YLB, is that the Dems proposed to replace something that has the intent of cutting the deficit with, instead, something that will raise it.
As usual, friend, you’re headed in the wrong direction.
In other news Chrysler is sending jobs to China just like R-Money said they would:
Chrysler announced Thursday that it would invest nearly $400 million in transmission plants in the Kokomo, Indiana, area, creating approximately 1,250 new jobs, the Associated Press reported.
Did I read that right? Damn! I’ve been hanging around right wingers too much.. Oh well, we can all be happy now. Teachers can just learn to build transmissions in a right to be paid like a chump State.
Per MSNBC this afternoon:
“…Democrats offered a plan that was designed to replace sequestration for 10 months through a combination of spending cuts and revenue raisers, such as closing tax loopholes for oil and gas companies and implementing the so-called Buffett Rule.
Republicans, who declared any new tax revenues a non-starter, introduced a counterproposal that would keep the sequester in place, but grant President Barack Obama the flexibility to implement the cuts in what he deems is the best way.
The Democratic bill received a final vote of 51 to 49, nine votes short of the 60 required to proceed, while the Republican alternative fell 38 to 62.
Since the House of Representatives adjourned Thursday for a long weekend, the failure to come up with a replacement for sequestration means cuts to defense and domestic spending will kick in on Friday….”
So, the Senate bill which closed loopholes enjoyed by the rich and oil companies had a majority of the votes, but failed to meet the 60-vote “super majority” required by Republicans to avoid a fililbuster. The Republican version passed the buck to the President by requiring him the same amount of cuts as would occur under sequestration, but tried to force him to take the blame for any specific cuts.
And after crying for the past week or two about Obama not calling the Republican leadership and kow-towing to them on the issue, the House adjourns for a long weekend????? It’s pretty clear where their priorities lie. They want to avoid being called in to fix the problem, they WANT the sequester to occur!
Since the House of Representatives adjourned Thursday for a long weekend, the failure to come up with a replacement for sequestration means cuts to defense and domestic spending will kick in on Friday….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: There is a complicated tension between government’s legitimate need for secrecy, especially relating to military operations in a war, and the public’s right to know what their government and military are doing. I don’t trust our military to exercise this judgment in a manner consistent with our nation’s principles of democracy, freedom, and free speech and free press, especially when it comes to things like gunning down unarmed journalists in a war zone — whether intentionally or by accident — and then concealing the fact of their deaths and who killed them and why. And when you have the gunship pilots boisterously bragging about killing what turned out to be unarmed journalists doing their job, it’s just too tempting for military officers to suppress that video even if there is no legitimate military secrecy reason for doing so. On the other hand, you can’t have army privates deciding what should be public information and what shouldn’t. Manning is guilty of something — violating trust placed in him, taking the law into his own hands, disobeying military procedures and policies. But the “aiding the enemy” charge still pending against him is absurd and should be dropped. And he doesn’t deserve to serve the full 20 years of confinement he could get for the charges he pleaded guilty to today. A punishment is in order, but this guy isn’t an enemy spy, and shouldn’t be treated like one.
Ten Years Afterspews:
From 38,
His major crime was embarrassing the government.
Roger Rabbitspews:
During the Soviet-Afghan war in the 1980s, the Moscow government took pains to tightly control all reporting from Afghanistan. The Soviet public was told the USSR’s intervention in Afghanistan was to help a friendly government that had requested the help, and that Soviet troops dispatched to Afghanistan were “planting trees and building schools.” Soviet journalists were embedded with the fighting forces, but their dispatches were tightly censored, and the Soviet press published nothing but puff pieces that didn’t mention the fighting. The Soviets didn’t allow Western journalists into Afghanistan at all, but a number of brave Western journalists managed to sneak into the country with the help of resistance organizations and NGOs like Medicins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders).
The Soviets knew about them, of course, and issued a public threat to kill unauthorized journalists. In fact they targeted, hunted down, ambushed, and killed one American reporter in Afghanistan, Charles Thornton of the Arizona Republic. Soviet forces also targeted and bombed MSF hospitals and medical clinics. They did a lot more than that; as the war progressed and they became increasingly frustrated by their inabillity to prevent guerilla attacks on their supply convoys, they began targeting civilians (who almost universally supported the resistance). By the end of the war, they had killed a million Afghans (mostly civilians), destroyed 28,000 villages, and committed many atrocities including burning children alive in front of their parents as a tactic to force the adults to tell them where the guerillas were hiding. An official UN investigator characterized the Soviet army’s behavior in Afghanistan as “approaching genocide.” It’s not hard to figure out why Soviet political and military leaders did not want any media coverage of their conduct of the war that they couldn’t strictly control. Elsewhere in the world, Americans and other freedom-loving peoples were justly outraged by both the Soviet actions in Afghanistan and their efforts to censor the reporting from there. But among America’s rightwingers, there seems to be a xenophobic double standard: They cheered when war correspondents, including Americans, were killed by our forces in Iraq. The only reporting our homegrown ultra-nationalists want is that which makes our enemies look bad; when the Abu Ghraib story first broke, they called the journalists who broke the story “traitors.” Covering a war is always a dangerous business, and the world’s war correspondents are among the bravest — and most valuable — people on earth. In every conflict, whether Libya or Syria or Iraq or Afghanistan or Panama or Congo, some of the journalists who endure hardships and dangers to tell the world what’s going on in the world’s conflict zones get killed. They are heroes. Without them, governments and military commanders would be free and unhindered in doing anything to anyone, with no accountability to the world or history, and needless to say that would encourage bad battlefield behavior and open the door to a lot more genocide and murder of those caught up in conflicts. It’s always civilians who get the worst of it in any war, so there needs to be some force to restrain those who fight wars, and it is war correspondents — and only them — who make such restraints possible.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@39 I think he’s guilty of more than that, but he is not a traitor.
Ten Years Afterspews:
From 41,
I think we can all agree that invading Afghanistan was a bad idea. Iraq, too.
As matter of fact, the whole system of worldwide bases in many foreign lands is a bad idea. Let’s just shut it down. Let the rest of the world take care of itself.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@42 It’s probably not that simple, but the fact the U.S. has a larger military budget than the rest of the world combined strongly suggests we can make defense cuts.
Of course, Republicans want to increase military spending, which exposes their deficit rhetoric as sheer hypocrisy.
Recent history proves Republicans aren’t against deficits. They’re against Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment insurance, food stamps, minimum wage laws, workplace safety regulations, unions, and anything else that benefits America’s workers.
Their whole shtick is keeping workers poor and desperate, so they can be chained to lousy low paying jobs producing business profits that enrich — you guessed it — Republicans. They’re morally no better than the slave owners of 200 years ago.
My my my rhpee doesn’t get it.
That’s all the time it takes for the Republicans to say “we haven’t changed our position, we aren’t willing to compromise and we are willing to have the U.S. economy crash if we don’t get our way”, and the President to show them to the door.
It was a cut to the rate of growth of spending. Obummer upset his baseline was reduced 2.4% over 2 years or 1.2% per year. The cut was $44.5 Billion in the INCREASE. The budget will still grow.
Obummer got a $600 Billion in tax increases back in January and DID NOTHING to cut the budget as he promised (lied) on the campaign trail in 2012. Now Obummer pissed his pants and rhpee is there with a new DEPENDS diaper ready to put it on Obummer.
Typical lap dog libtard writing on horsesass.
Recent history proves Republicans aren’t against deficits.
In a sense Puddy agrees with this one sentence from HA’s DUMB Wabbit. That’s why the Taxed Enough Already Party held Boehner’s feet to the fire over the sequestration cuts. Obummer got $600 Billion in new “revenue” in January.
Bob Woodward was correct. Obummer asking for more new taxes was moving the goalposts. That’s why the lap dog media types are attacking Woodward.
But the “aiding the enemy” charge still pending against him is absurd and should be dropped.
Dude, you are absurd. When you expose your military data collection and military attack tactics to the enemy you are aiding the enemy. Why do you think they used Navajo Code Talkers in WWII. So the Germans could not and would not know our military data collection and military attack tactics.
Sheesh… this is one DUMB Bunny!
More moronic cut and pasting from rhpee…
Since the House of Representatives adjourned Thursday for a long weekend, the failure to come up with a replacement for sequestration means cuts to defense and domestic spending will kick in on Friday
Harry Reid has not passed a budget in over 4 years. How long is that? Think about this… The iPad, favrit of leftard losers who post on this blog, hadn’t been introduced yet. That’s how long Scary LapDog Reid has not passed a budget while he’s been in control of the Senate. Boehner and the Republicans in the House passed two budgets since Obummer’s sequestration introduction to Scary LapDog Reid on July 27, 2011; correctly identified by Bob Woodward . This is all the DUMMOCRAPTS fault, but rhpee runs to MSNBC to get his incorrect information as always.
So typical of this libtards here. Facts be DAMNED!
Golly rhpee you are on a roll
What is discouraging is that so many Americans don’t know what’s at stake, and the issues involved.
Ummm they are waking up to a preznit who still campaigns but doesn’t know how to lead. There is no BUDGET CUT… it’s a cut in the rate of baseline spending growth for FY2013. Obummer doesn’t want the baseline cut. He promised to offer spending cuts back in 2011. He still hasn’t. He pizzed his pants yesterday. He’s rather have $20 Trillion in US Debt than cut $44.5 Billion in “projected” spending.
Nutz as ever that rphee.
Amazing that the party that invented Trickle Down economics don’t grasp the trickle effect of pulling billions out of the economy during a slow recovery.
No it’s amazing checkmate doesn’t understand baseline budgeting… It’s a cut in the rate of growth of the FY2013 budget. The budget is still higher than FY2102. And it’s only $44.5 Billion in FY 2013. Going back to some of the FY2010 spending limits. Oh no, the economy was weally weally bad in FY2010. Maybe that’s why the gloom and doom from Obummer the last week over the sequester plan HE conceived and offered to Scary Reid July 27, 2011!
But don’t let facts get in the way of a useless libtard argument.
Maxine Waters… All you need to remember about her in this video. Now with The One in da whitey house where is her mouth today over the continual rise on gas prices?
MIA as a lapdog she is!
Now onto my plane.
See ya libtards. Definitely glad not to be ya. Keep listening to MSNBC, the cable channel of playing doctored video tape. When will Rachel Mad as a Cow ever learn? So learned with a PhD but no horse sense!
Cereal is ignoring public opinion again. Typical Republican. Didn’t learn a thing. The public is by pretty solid margins in favor of the Obama/Democratic position and against the Republican Congress. Congress, do nothing house, is polling at 15% approval (19% approve Dems, 12% approve Reps) while Obama is over 50% in most polls and the average.
Somehow Puddy missed this horse manure from checkmate… Well before Puddy leaves… let’s dissect this pile…
Who “shapes” public opinion… the Obummer lapdog press.
Who has given carte blanche to “The One” on sequestration commentary… the Obummer lapdog press.
Who has not told the truth on who conceived the sequestration… The Obummer lapdog press
Who has not told the truth on the original deal of 2011 of no new tax increases, but budget cuts… The Obummer lapdog press.
Who continues to tell the sequestration lie, even as Bob Woodward broke the truth… the Obummer lapdog press.
Who attacked Bob Woodward for telling the truth about Obummer’s brainchild, the sequestration… the Obummer lapdog press.
And you wonder why polls are biased?
BTW checkmate… Boehner’s do nothing House passed two appropriations bills since Obummer’s sequestration brainchild. Scary LapDog Reid has NOT! So who is the do nothing chamber again? Wait for it… checkmate won’t figger it out!
Typical so typical of checkmate! Be sure to turn on MSNBC!
Nothing to say about ylb commentary. He posted nothing useful to discuss again! As always!
Now onto the road to catch a plane to the next destination. Puddy loves FFMs.
This history is important—the failure of the Grand Bargain and Cantor’s insistence to “have it out” on these issues in the election led to the Byzantine agreement that gave us sequestration and, more generally, the seemingly endless series of deadlines and potential fiscal crises that we have experienced ever since.
Isn’t that Breitbart.com former haunt of the fool that expired from too much alcohol (amongst other rumored substances) mixed with right wing bullshit?
In which “It’s for the children.” blows up in Democrat faces.
Parents of children in failing schools could receive an income tax credit equal to 80 percent of the average annual state cost for attendance of a public K-12 student to offset the cost of private school or a transfer to another public school. A failing school is described as one in the bottom 10 percent of statewide reading and math scores, has earned three consecutive D’s or an F on upcoming school report cards or is designated by the Department of Education as failing.
It was not immediately clear how many schools would be affected.
Another provision would help families who do not earn enough to receive a tax credit and whose children are in failing schools, Marsh said.
It would call for the state Department of Revenue to set up a nonprofit organization to provide scholarships to students in failing schools to attend private schools or non-failing public schools.
Businesses and individuals could receive income tax credits for contributing to the organization. Businesses could receive tax credits equal to 50 percent of their donation, up to 50 percent of their tax liability. Individuals could receive tax credits equal to 100 percent of their donation, up to 50 percent of their tax liability.
The bill would also give failing schools the ability to offer incentives or alternate employment tracks to teachers who waive tenure protections.
Vice President Joe Biden told Field & Stream magazine in an interview published Monday, “[if] you want to keep someone away from your house, just fire the shotgun through the door.”
Coincidentally, a 22-year-old man in Virginia Beach, Va., was charged Monday with reckless handling of a firearm after doing just that a couple days earlier.
Local TV station WAVY 10 reports that the man observed two masked men leaning into his bedroom window. The men allegedly had weapons and told him to close his bedroom door. He stepped outside of his bedroom and did as instructed, then fired his shotgun through the closed door and then several more times at the window.
@53 – hopefully all the air traffic contollers are furloughed and your plane goes down.
61. Severely Stupid spews:
Vice President Joe Biden told Field & Stream magazine in an interview published Monday, “[if] you want to keep someone away from your house, just fire the shotgun through the door.”
That line is way out of context.
62. Severely Stupid spews:
No shit. Ya think?
Reporter To Obama: It Sounds Like You Are Ducking Responsibility
Earth to Severely Stupid:
Did you even bother to watch the link? Didn’t think so.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@44 et seq.: Looks like the serial spewer is back.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@45 “Taxed Enough Already Party”
You mean these folks?
“7,000 people made more than $1 million but paid no income tax.
“22,000 people made between $500,000 and $1 million but paid no income tax.
“81,000 people made between $200,000 and $500,000 but paid no income tax.
“381,000 people made between $100,000 and $200,000 but paid no income tax.”
“So that’s 491,000 Americans who made more than $100,000 a year who paid no income tax.”
@55 Yep, we “had it out” in the election, and now the losers don’t respect the election results. Fuck their “heads we win, tails you lose” mentality. No more negotiations, no compromise. Fuck ’em.
According to the Fed, the percent of our nation’s GDP devoted to paying interest on the debt has fallen to its lowest level since 1973.
Presently, we spend roughly 1.4 percent of GDP to pay the interest on what the Federal government has borrowed. Since 1940, the largest share of GDP devoted to pay the interest on our debt was in 1990, when the U.S. spent roughly 3.25 percent of GDP on interest payments.
The share of GDP going to pay interest on the debt began falling in 1994. And, with the exception of the period of the Great Recession, has continued falling ever since. My guess is that if America’s credit rating was measured the same way consumers are measured when they finance the purchase of a car, we would get the car.
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) on Thursday blasted President Obama for touring around the country “scaring people, creating havoc” instead of working on a replacement for the sequester. […]
Heh. Pretty soon they’re going to be scared that this will bite them on the ass.. 2014’s are never that far away..
Boner and the Turtleman say Obama got his tax increase..
Little problem though – it was compromised and hardly adequate…
So how about corporations giving up some of their useless tax loopholes to go with some of those lovely spending cuts that right wingers love so much..
Nope.. Oh well. 2014 isn’t that far away..
No Time for Fascistsspews:
The comments are amazing. They are arguing with facts and science.
Some idiot conservative will say there isn’t any evidence of X and the next poster will post 5 links showing X in 5 ways by 5 different scientists. And the first poster will fire back with “Don’t bother me with liberal facts!”
Nice contract offer you got there. Be a shame if anything happened to it.
The offer provides 5 percent average pay increases in each year of the four-year contract and leaves the current medical plan untouched.
– I haven’t written anything about the sequester, but it’s going to have an impact.
Yeah, that may have been why Obama found seven – count ’em, seven – minutes in his busy schedule to meet yesterday with Congressional leaders.
The impact will be a nation awakening to the concept that cuts in the budget, once the hyperbole ends and reality bites, can occur without the sky falling.
No wonder the Dems are soiling themselves in unison over it.
This ain’t Clinton/Gingrich, and the government won’t be shut down over a pissing match.
What, exactly, did Obama think his leverage was here?
What is all this “serial reneger” stuff about?
# 2: That’s all the time it takes for the Republicans to say “we haven’t changed our position, we aren’t willing to compromise and we are willing to have the U.S. economy crash if we don’t get our way”, and the President to show them to the door.
Republicans in the House are gambling that a renewed rescessin will renew their own political fortunes. But current polling shows it doesn’t look good for them.
The Tea Partiers chose to demonstrate just outside of the events honoring Rosa Parks yesterday, apparantly in favor of the court invalidating elements of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. That they chose this occassion to protest against the most effective civil rights law pretty much says all you need to know about their motives.
$ 5 (continued): What is discouraging is that so many Americans don’t know what’s at stake, and the issues involved. The D.J.s I listened to on the morning commute this morning seemed to be confused, and apparantly hadn’t heard of the VRA until today.
The compromise WAS the Budget Control Act in 2011. You expect the GOP to replace cuts with tax increases, after they compromised to construct the law in the first place?
You seemed to have little difficulty with Obama’s position last December. He had little incentive to compromise, as he would get his tax increases by default if a deal wasn’t reached.
This time, the GOP gets cuts by default.
Why is it that cutting a small amount is a gamble, while increasing taxes isn’t? Both have the effect of removing money from the economy.
Your argument is weak, rhp. And as for current polling, the next election is more than 18 months away. Probably a reasonable risk for them to take. Meanwhile, lefties are scrambling to bring down Bob Woodward. Well played, Barack.
The D.J.s I listened to on the morning commute this morning seemed to be confused, and apparantly hadn’t heard of the VRA until today.
rhp, here’s an idea. Rather than mangling what you thought you heard while listening to people who don’t have basic knowledge of issues of the day, maybe consider changing the station.
I wonder how many teachers, who no doubt hate Rodney Tom in return, truly believe they can achieve 7.9% average investment returns on their retirement contributions going forward? ’cause that’s the model that’s used when WA calls itself 98% funded.
I suppose Tom only hates teachers under 45, since the retirement plans of those older than that aren’t affected.
Any minute now we’ll have RR weigh in on returns based on his own investment prowess, and we won’t have to worry about facts and specifics because he’ll just talk over them.
# 8: How would you know whether I mangled it or not? I didn’t identify the station, so you have no idea whether I reported it correctly or not.
Secondly, I usually listen to NPR on the way in, but occassionaly I listen to other stations in order to get a better feel for how the political disputes are playing to the average person. I also listen to a right-wing station from time-to-time, if my stomach can stand it.
But how about this – rather than trying to distract us into an argument about what I heard on the radio, or did not hear, why dont you try to defend the motives of those that want the Supreme Court to invalidate portions of the VMA. Can you seriously argue that they are not racially and politically motivated?
Cereal is ignoring public opinion again. Typical Republican. Didn’t learn a thing. The public is by pretty solid margins in favor of the Obama/Democratic position and against the Republican Congress. Congress, do nothing house, is polling at 15% approval (19% approve Dems, 12% approve Reps) while Obama is over 50% in most polls and the average.
In your dream world and no where else are the Democrats worried about this. Except in the sense that only the Democratic party doesn’t want unemployment to go up, GDP to shrink, growth to trend negative,.. Sure Republicans be the party that doesn’t care about the economy. That’ll work!
@ 10
Oh, apologies, rhp. You mangle very little.
It’s VRA. Not VMA.
But please. Go back to telling us how accurate you are.
@ 11
Public opinion shifts with the wind. Recall GWB43’s popularity spike post-9/11. Should we have shouted down Democrats who objected to the pre-Iraq buildup because they were outnumbered? Or did those who objected to the war, only to lose that battle, adhere to principle despite pressure to conform on the basis of majority or plurality opinion?
Why don’t you argue that Harry Reid should have taken up and modified the GOP-passed sequester-replacement bill so that this all could be avoided? After all, 19% approval of Dems in Congress really isn’t something to be proud of, is it?
GOP has warned against excessive spending. Now they get a chance to demonstrate that small cuts won’t cause the sky to fall. Suck on it.
It’s all well and good to get Dem panties in a twist over the sequester.
BTW the government is only funded through March 27th.
If nothing is done today, small cuts begin tomorrow.
If nothing is done about the CR in the next four weeks, government shuts down.
A little perspective might be a good thing.
Suck it Tim Eyeman.
@ 15
I take it your response is in lieu of addressing the non-role of the Senate Democrats in what is currently happening.
Why, cz, do you point at the GOP, which has already passed a sequester-replacement bill? It’s the Senate’s turn. They can take it up, modify it to a form that will pass the Senate, and then it goes to conference committee for negotiation, then back to the joint bodies for final approval, and then to the president for signing.
Why not point out that Reid is holding it up, cz?
I’ll get to it. I’ve got paying work to do.
But I assume you mean the bills passed in the previous congress? The ideas Romyan ran on? The Paul “America doesn’t want you anywhere near the Presidnecy” Ryan plans? The ideas passed before the voters handed the Republicans their ass? How do you spell Electoral College blowout, pickup of seats in your world? Sure, Harry Reid should TOTALLY spend time bringing an outdated bill to the floor so it can lose 53-47 unless of course some random Republican jackass filibusters your own bill.
No, not the Ryan plan. Don’t make that mistake. Stupid people like Roger Rabbit make that mistake.
Yes, two bills were passed in 2012, including one in December, by the House. While those bills have expired with the change in Congress, the framework of them can be easily resurrected and modified, or Reid could instead come up with his own plan. Hasn’t happened.
The sequester thing isn’t all that big a deal, it’s turning out. Next big fight is at the end of March, over the expiring CR.
Yup, we should totally bring up a plan that was approved by a lame-duck house session that included pretty much everything the Republicans ran and lost on in 2012. The plan that even 21 Republicans in the house rejected.
Yup, we should totally bring up a plan that was approved by a lame-duck house session that included pretty much everything the Republicans ran and lost on in 2012. The plan that even 21 Republicans in the house rejected.
Does that make less sense than doing nothing at all? ’cause that’s been Reid’s approach. How’s it working out for you? The hysterics aren’t happening on the GOP side this week.
Looks like Maxine Waters
Maxine Waters: ‘Over 170 Million Jobs Could Be Lost’ Due To Sequestration
shares Roger Rabbit’s understanding of the mechanics of the sequester.
What you and the 10% of the public that listens to RW Talk and Fox news call “hysterics,” I and a majority of the voting population call pointing out that the Republicans would prefer increasing unemployment and stifling growth rather than make a serious attempt to cut the deficit through compromise. Guess which side is winning the PR war on that one. (hint, see @11)
You’re right, the sky won’t fall. Unless you’re a teacher whose district cuts 10% of staff. Unless you are a shipbuilder in Virginina. Unless you’re a restaurant owner near the shipyard who loses a chunk of your clientele who aren’t working anymore. Unless you’re Wallmart whose sales are already declining because lower income people have even less to spend in austerity and they are your primary customer base. Unless you are a civilian worker on a base somewhere. Unless you’re the Taqueria near that base where the civilian workers tend to go for lunch…
Amazing that the party that invented Trickle Down economics don’t grasp the trickle effect of pulling billions out of the economy during a slow recovery.
Good luck with that. The Republicans are going to OWN that. It won’t hurt everyone, but the ones it does will blame you. Suck on that!
@ 22
40% is a plurality, not a majority, since you referenced the poll in which those data are cited.
Only 8% fewer respondents don’t want the sequester to be avoided.
More than one-fourth of respondents haven’t made up their mind about it.
Yawn. Arne Duncan tried the teacher thing earlier this week. Didn’t work out so well for him, did it? And shipbuilders have more to fear from Obama’s plan to reduce the size of the naval fleet than they do from a sequester reduction in defense funding, which will have minimal impact on current vessels currently under construction.
Ah, so, without evidence, you’re saying that no district anywhere is going to lay-off teachers. Not a single base or Naval facility will be effected. Looking at every country that tried this path, you think the economy will be just fine? How’s Britain doing?
Republican fantasy world lives on. Hey, isn’t there a bias in the polls? Isn’t Romney going to shock the world. Oversampling? Y’aaargh! Do you ever tire of being delusional?
Good news, Libbies!
Roger Rabbit is about to have even more free time during the day, not to mention an extra free hand, to spend on HA, doing what he does worst:
Girls Gone Wild files for bankruptcy
Ah, so, without evidence, you’re saying that no district anywhere is going to lay-off teachers. Not a single base or Naval facility will be effected.
Not at all. Never said that. I just maintain it won’t be nearly as bad as your side alleges.
Don’t compare the sequester to European problems. This isn’t ‘austerity’ in that sense. This is a reduction in the planned increase in some of the nondiscretionary spending. It’s not even a cut from what was spent last year. Consider it ‘bending the spending curve downward’. Heh.
Will some people feel pain, somewhere? Certainly. Unfortunate, but a fact of life. I felt it when my taxes were raised effective January 1. Someone else’s turn.
Oh dear, Cereal. Harry Reid will bring a Democratic and Republican sequester replacement plan to the Senate floor today. The R plan will fail, the Rs are going to filibuster the other, cause 2/3rds….and Rs are oh so serious about negotiating.
And the Wall St. Journal says low government spending is hurting the economic recovery.
No links, pain in the ass on my phone. I’ll be in meetings while you digest how while every point you’ve made today just went up in flames.
Well the facts are in and the Wall Street Journal, the distinguished bi-partisan Oracle of truth has proclaimed that austerity is GOOD for bidness. No worries folks, nothing to see here, stop worrying and learn to love the sequester:
Did I read that right? Or am I catching whatever has wasted away what’s left of Puddyidiot’s “brain”?
What a surprise.
The Senate Dem proposal to replace the sequester, instead, increases the deficit.
The sequester replacement bill proposed by Senate Democrats, and endorsed by the White House, would add $7.2 billion to the federal deficit over ten years, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO).
Why do Democrats hate Lib Sci’s children so much that they want to offload today’s problems onto tomorrow’s adults?
There’s so much hand-wringing about the furloughs, when most of them will not even begin until April or later. Teachers and aides, for instance, will not face furloughs until the fall, Duncan said at a White House briefing on Wednesday.
So it’s really like an extended summer vacation for them. Hell, the NEA will probably want it written into future contracts.
Serial @ # 12: So I made a typo. You’ve never done that? Must be nice to have so much time on your hands that you can post all day and have time to spell-check and review each note before posting it.
Whenever do you find time to do your job?
What is that? A week maybe of a Republican war of choice?
Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran!
@ 32
It’s not much, granted. However, the point, YLB, is that the Dems proposed to replace something that has the intent of cutting the deficit with, instead, something that will raise it.
As usual, friend, you’re headed in the wrong direction.
The sequester will happen.. Yawwwwn..
In other news Chrysler is sending jobs to China just like R-Money said they would:
Did I read that right? Damn! I’ve been hanging around right wingers too much.. Oh well, we can all be happy now. Teachers can just learn to build transmissions in a right to be paid like a chump State.
Per MSNBC this afternoon:
“…Democrats offered a plan that was designed to replace sequestration for 10 months through a combination of spending cuts and revenue raisers, such as closing tax loopholes for oil and gas companies and implementing the so-called Buffett Rule.
Republicans, who declared any new tax revenues a non-starter, introduced a counterproposal that would keep the sequester in place, but grant President Barack Obama the flexibility to implement the cuts in what he deems is the best way.
The Democratic bill received a final vote of 51 to 49, nine votes short of the 60 required to proceed, while the Republican alternative fell 38 to 62.
Since the House of Representatives adjourned Thursday for a long weekend, the failure to come up with a replacement for sequestration means cuts to defense and domestic spending will kick in on Friday….”
So, the Senate bill which closed loopholes enjoyed by the rich and oil companies had a majority of the votes, but failed to meet the 60-vote “super majority” required by Republicans to avoid a fililbuster. The Republican version passed the buck to the President by requiring him the same amount of cuts as would occur under sequestration, but tried to force him to take the blame for any specific cuts.
And after crying for the past week or two about Obama not calling the Republican leadership and kow-towing to them on the issue, the House adjourns for a long weekend????? It’s pretty clear where their priorities lie. They want to avoid being called in to fix the problem, they WANT the sequester to occur!
@ 35
Since the House of Representatives adjourned Thursday for a long weekend, the failure to come up with a replacement for sequestration means cuts to defense and domestic spending will kick in on Friday….”
Er, the 72 hour rule already does that.
Ooops another right winger caught doing what right wingers can’t help doing…
Bradley Manning is now officially guilty of committing crimes, but he is a criminal with a conscience.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: There is a complicated tension between government’s legitimate need for secrecy, especially relating to military operations in a war, and the public’s right to know what their government and military are doing. I don’t trust our military to exercise this judgment in a manner consistent with our nation’s principles of democracy, freedom, and free speech and free press, especially when it comes to things like gunning down unarmed journalists in a war zone — whether intentionally or by accident — and then concealing the fact of their deaths and who killed them and why. And when you have the gunship pilots boisterously bragging about killing what turned out to be unarmed journalists doing their job, it’s just too tempting for military officers to suppress that video even if there is no legitimate military secrecy reason for doing so. On the other hand, you can’t have army privates deciding what should be public information and what shouldn’t. Manning is guilty of something — violating trust placed in him, taking the law into his own hands, disobeying military procedures and policies. But the “aiding the enemy” charge still pending against him is absurd and should be dropped. And he doesn’t deserve to serve the full 20 years of confinement he could get for the charges he pleaded guilty to today. A punishment is in order, but this guy isn’t an enemy spy, and shouldn’t be treated like one.
From 38,
His major crime was embarrassing the government.
During the Soviet-Afghan war in the 1980s, the Moscow government took pains to tightly control all reporting from Afghanistan. The Soviet public was told the USSR’s intervention in Afghanistan was to help a friendly government that had requested the help, and that Soviet troops dispatched to Afghanistan were “planting trees and building schools.” Soviet journalists were embedded with the fighting forces, but their dispatches were tightly censored, and the Soviet press published nothing but puff pieces that didn’t mention the fighting. The Soviets didn’t allow Western journalists into Afghanistan at all, but a number of brave Western journalists managed to sneak into the country with the help of resistance organizations and NGOs like Medicins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders).
The Soviets knew about them, of course, and issued a public threat to kill unauthorized journalists. In fact they targeted, hunted down, ambushed, and killed one American reporter in Afghanistan, Charles Thornton of the Arizona Republic. Soviet forces also targeted and bombed MSF hospitals and medical clinics. They did a lot more than that; as the war progressed and they became increasingly frustrated by their inabillity to prevent guerilla attacks on their supply convoys, they began targeting civilians (who almost universally supported the resistance). By the end of the war, they had killed a million Afghans (mostly civilians), destroyed 28,000 villages, and committed many atrocities including burning children alive in front of their parents as a tactic to force the adults to tell them where the guerillas were hiding. An official UN investigator characterized the Soviet army’s behavior in Afghanistan as “approaching genocide.” It’s not hard to figure out why Soviet political and military leaders did not want any media coverage of their conduct of the war that they couldn’t strictly control. Elsewhere in the world, Americans and other freedom-loving peoples were justly outraged by both the Soviet actions in Afghanistan and their efforts to censor the reporting from there. But among America’s rightwingers, there seems to be a xenophobic double standard: They cheered when war correspondents, including Americans, were killed by our forces in Iraq. The only reporting our homegrown ultra-nationalists want is that which makes our enemies look bad; when the Abu Ghraib story first broke, they called the journalists who broke the story “traitors.” Covering a war is always a dangerous business, and the world’s war correspondents are among the bravest — and most valuable — people on earth. In every conflict, whether Libya or Syria or Iraq or Afghanistan or Panama or Congo, some of the journalists who endure hardships and dangers to tell the world what’s going on in the world’s conflict zones get killed. They are heroes. Without them, governments and military commanders would be free and unhindered in doing anything to anyone, with no accountability to the world or history, and needless to say that would encourage bad battlefield behavior and open the door to a lot more genocide and murder of those caught up in conflicts. It’s always civilians who get the worst of it in any war, so there needs to be some force to restrain those who fight wars, and it is war correspondents — and only them — who make such restraints possible.
@39 I think he’s guilty of more than that, but he is not a traitor.
From 41,
I think we can all agree that invading Afghanistan was a bad idea. Iraq, too.
As matter of fact, the whole system of worldwide bases in many foreign lands is a bad idea. Let’s just shut it down. Let the rest of the world take care of itself.
@42 It’s probably not that simple, but the fact the U.S. has a larger military budget than the rest of the world combined strongly suggests we can make defense cuts.
Of course, Republicans want to increase military spending, which exposes their deficit rhetoric as sheer hypocrisy.
Recent history proves Republicans aren’t against deficits. They’re against Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment insurance, food stamps, minimum wage laws, workplace safety regulations, unions, and anything else that benefits America’s workers.
Their whole shtick is keeping workers poor and desperate, so they can be chained to lousy low paying jobs producing business profits that enrich — you guessed it — Republicans. They’re morally no better than the slave owners of 200 years ago.
My my my rhpee doesn’t get it.
It was a cut to the rate of growth of spending. Obummer upset his baseline was reduced 2.4% over 2 years or 1.2% per year. The cut was $44.5 Billion in the INCREASE. The budget will still grow.
Obummer got a $600 Billion in tax increases back in January and DID NOTHING to cut the budget as he promised (lied) on the campaign trail in 2012. Now Obummer pissed his pants and rhpee is there with a new DEPENDS diaper ready to put it on Obummer.
Typical lap dog libtard writing on horsesass.
In a sense Puddy agrees with this one sentence from HA’s DUMB Wabbit. That’s why the Taxed Enough Already Party held Boehner’s feet to the fire over the sequestration cuts. Obummer got $600 Billion in new “revenue” in January.
Bob Woodward was correct. Obummer asking for more new taxes was moving the goalposts. That’s why the lap dog media types are attacking Woodward.
Dude, you are absurd. When you expose your military data collection and military attack tactics to the enemy you are aiding the enemy. Why do you think they used Navajo Code Talkers in WWII. So the Germans could not and would not know our military data collection and military attack tactics.
Sheesh… this is one DUMB Bunny!
More moronic cut and pasting from rhpee…
Harry Reid has not passed a budget in over 4 years. How long is that? Think about this… The iPad, favrit of leftard losers who post on this blog, hadn’t been introduced yet. That’s how long Scary LapDog Reid has not passed a budget while he’s been in control of the Senate. Boehner and the Republicans in the House passed two budgets since Obummer’s sequestration introduction to Scary LapDog Reid on July 27, 2011; correctly identified by Bob Woodward . This is all the DUMMOCRAPTS fault, but rhpee runs to MSNBC to get his incorrect information as always.
So typical of this libtards here. Facts be DAMNED!
Golly rhpee you are on a roll
Ummm they are waking up to a preznit who still campaigns but doesn’t know how to lead. There is no BUDGET CUT… it’s a cut in the rate of baseline spending growth for FY2013. Obummer doesn’t want the baseline cut. He promised to offer spending cuts back in 2011. He still hasn’t. He pizzed his pants yesterday. He’s rather have $20 Trillion in US Debt than cut $44.5 Billion in “projected” spending.
Nutz as ever that rphee.
No it’s amazing checkmate doesn’t understand baseline budgeting… It’s a cut in the rate of growth of the FY2013 budget. The budget is still higher than FY2102. And it’s only $44.5 Billion in FY 2013. Going back to some of the FY2010 spending limits. Oh no, the economy was weally weally bad in FY2010. Maybe that’s why the gloom and doom from Obummer the last week over the sequester plan HE conceived and offered to Scary Reid July 27, 2011!
But don’t let facts get in the way of a useless libtard argument.
Maxine Waters… All you need to remember about her in this video. Now with The One in da whitey house where is her mouth today over the continual rise on gas prices?
MIA as a lapdog she is!
Now onto my plane.
See ya libtards. Definitely glad not to be ya. Keep listening to MSNBC, the cable channel of playing doctored video tape. When will Rachel Mad as a Cow ever learn? So learned with a PhD but no horse sense!
Somehow Puddy missed this horse manure from checkmate… Well before Puddy leaves… let’s dissect this pile…
Who “shapes” public opinion… the Obummer lapdog press.
Who has given carte blanche to “The One” on sequestration commentary… the Obummer lapdog press.
Who has not told the truth on who conceived the sequestration… The Obummer lapdog press
Who has not told the truth on the original deal of 2011 of no new tax increases, but budget cuts… The Obummer lapdog press.
Who continues to tell the sequestration lie, even as Bob Woodward broke the truth… the Obummer lapdog press.
Who attacked Bob Woodward for telling the truth about Obummer’s brainchild, the sequestration… the Obummer lapdog press.
And you wonder why polls are biased?
BTW checkmate… Boehner’s do nothing House passed two appropriations bills since Obummer’s sequestration brainchild. Scary LapDog Reid has NOT! So who is the do nothing chamber again? Wait for it… checkmate won’t figger it out!
Typical so typical of checkmate! Be sure to turn on MSNBC!
Nothing to say about ylb commentary. He posted nothing useful to discuss again! As always!
Now onto the road to catch a plane to the next destination. Puddy loves FFMs.
LOL!! Some moron is still selling the same failed bullshit “reasoning” that served him so well last November.
When these fools serve up that “baseline” talking point I’m reminded of their undying faith in the “unskewed pollster”…
Yawwwwwwn… Fleeced, exploited and lied to by the right wing bullshit complex.
Here’s the truth:
Right wing morons proved WRONG -again..
Isn’t that Breitbart.com former haunt of the fool that expired from too much alcohol (amongst other rumored substances) mixed with right wing bullshit?
Happy Sequester Day, libbies.
The Obama administration has every incentive to make the sky fall, lest we suffer that terrible calamity — cuts the nation survives.
Who’s rooting for failure now?
In which “It’s for the children.” blows up in Democrat faces.
Parents of children in failing schools could receive an income tax credit equal to 80 percent of the average annual state cost for attendance of a public K-12 student to offset the cost of private school or a transfer to another public school. A failing school is described as one in the bottom 10 percent of statewide reading and math scores, has earned three consecutive D’s or an F on upcoming school report cards or is designated by the Department of Education as failing.
It was not immediately clear how many schools would be affected.
Another provision would help families who do not earn enough to receive a tax credit and whose children are in failing schools, Marsh said.
It would call for the state Department of Revenue to set up a nonprofit organization to provide scholarships to students in failing schools to attend private schools or non-failing public schools.
Businesses and individuals could receive income tax credits for contributing to the organization. Businesses could receive tax credits equal to 50 percent of their donation, up to 50 percent of their tax liability. Individuals could receive tax credits equal to 100 percent of their donation, up to 50 percent of their tax liability.
The bill would also give failing schools the ability to offer incentives or alternate employment tracks to teachers who waive tenure protections.
Damn. And this passes in a state still subject to the VRA.
There’s some irony for ya.
From the Department of Ex-felons Should Have the Right to Vote:
Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell restores Scooter Libby’s vote rights
So there’s hope for you, Jesse Jackson, Jr.
Thanks, Joe. Good advice.
Vice President Joe Biden told Field & Stream magazine in an interview published Monday, “[if] you want to keep someone away from your house, just fire the shotgun through the door.”
Coincidentally, a 22-year-old man in Virginia Beach, Va., was charged Monday with reckless handling of a firearm after doing just that a couple days earlier.
Local TV station WAVY 10 reports that the man observed two masked men leaning into his bedroom window. The men allegedly had weapons and told him to close his bedroom door. He stepped outside of his bedroom and did as instructed, then fired his shotgun through the closed door and then several more times at the window.
No shit. Ya think?
Reporter To Obama: It Sounds Like You Are Ducking Responsibility
@43 – Right on, once again.
Hey, Puffy, the resident bigot is back.
@53 – hopefully all the air traffic contollers are furloughed and your plane goes down.
That line is way out of context.
Earth to Severely Stupid:
Did you even bother to watch the link? Didn’t think so.
@44 et seq.: Looks like the serial spewer is back.
@45 “Taxed Enough Already Party”
You mean these folks?
“7,000 people made more than $1 million but paid no income tax.
“22,000 people made between $500,000 and $1 million but paid no income tax.
“81,000 people made between $200,000 and $500,000 but paid no income tax.
“381,000 people made between $100,000 and $200,000 but paid no income tax.”
“So that’s 491,000 Americans who made more than $100,000 a year who paid no income tax.”
@55 Yep, we “had it out” in the election, and now the losers don’t respect the election results. Fuck their “heads we win, tails you lose” mentality. No more negotiations, no compromise. Fuck ’em.
But according to the right wing we can’t afford giving Americans jobs building out crumbling infrastructure..
and Now:
Heh. Pretty soon they’re going to be scared that this will bite them on the ass.. 2014’s are never that far away..
Boner and the Turtleman say Obama got his tax increase..
Little problem though – it was compromised and hardly adequate…
So how about corporations giving up some of their useless tax loopholes to go with some of those lovely spending cuts that right wingers love so much..
Nope.. Oh well. 2014 isn’t that far away..
The comments are amazing. They are arguing with facts and science.
Some idiot conservative will say there isn’t any evidence of X and the next poster will post 5 links showing X in 5 ways by 5 different scientists. And the first poster will fire back with “Don’t bother me with liberal facts!”
“Don’t bother me with liberal facts!”
Must have been Puddyidiot..