– I can’t think of anything more horrifying than Brent Bozell deciding who can use contraception.
– 1% tip. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people? (Apparently this was a hoax. My apologies that my bullshit detector didn’t go off.)
– In fairness to Rick Santorum, everything he does makes me want to throw up.
– I’m not sure it was inadvertent.
The more Santorum publicly indulges his obession with everyone else’s sex life while pissing all over the whole rest of Judeo-Christian ethics including the entire “social teaching” of the Catholic church–and nobody representing that church calls him on it–the more it’s going to give the impression all that stuff is nothing but an expensive ruse to keep a lot of Catholics with any social conscience whatsoever from becoming Lutherans.
I don’t understand what changed in our society or what broke so that we now have children going on shooting rampages. We’ve always had bullies, we’ve always had mental illness, we’ve always had easy access to guns. What’s changed so that we now have these shootings?
As further evidence that GOPers have painted themselves into a corner and are in serious electoral trouble, Democratic operatives say Arizona — a state which has gone Democratic only once since Harry Truman — is in play.
Why? Because Republicans have pissed off the state’s large and growing Hispanic voting population with their immigrant-bashing.
Carl you idiot, the receipt with the 1% tip was altered. You goofballs will fall for anything that furthers your cause. Read and weep dumbass.
Also, you idiot blogger know that the Restaurant cannot possibly show the original receipt because of all the confidential info on it.
In addition, it isn’t the pretend “bankers” handwriting.
We all but eliminated the Mental health systems and the active school nursing programs. We put professional bureaucrats in charge of running public schools who only need to run the show off a set script and ignore anything that doesn’t fit into the manual. There is no other form of intervention than calling the Police.
That used to be a last resort. Now, it is standard operating procedure for everything from drawing a doodle of a gun to chewing gum in class.
Anybody who follows Cathlicism very closely is either very cynical or bat-shit crazy! Possibly both!
Actually, we could say the same for all religions!
@4 & @6: The question is, who’s behind that hoax, and what’s the motive?
“It’s not clear who tweaked the receipt or why, and Future Ex-Banker’s blog and Twitter have both been taken down. What is clear, though, is that making up stories in the name of the 99% is not helping anyone’s cause.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Which makes you wonder whether it was perpetrated by someone who wants to discredit the “cause.”
Roger Rabbit-
It was probably some ideologue who figured the end justifies any means and got busted.
A typical leftwing bonehead. My guess.
It would be a stretch that doesn’t reach to assume a 1%er went to the trouble to do this, don’t you think?
Yep, looks like something a right wing ideologue would do allright..
Well, there are actually quite a few people who try to live by what Jesus taught, and attempt to join in doing so with people of like mind. Churches are in theory supposed to provide a means for this, but all too many end up poring over the Old Testament (particularly Leviticus) so by the time they get to Matthew 5 they’ve apparently gone blind.
The emperor max mini-dick has his luitle panties in a twist.
Boo fucking hoo.
(dumbass scab motherfucker)
Hey, lookie:
Barack Obama got almost 20% in 2008 of what Koch Industries gave Heartland in 2011.
I guess in 2008 Koch wasn’t evil.
Excuse me uhhh “Gary”…
…what part of a RESTAURANT RECEIPT is confidential?
The 1% tip is a photoshop fake. The restaurant said that the original receipt was for $100 less, the tip was for $7, and the note didn’t exist.
@ 16…
It was a great story and exactly the same kind of horseshit the right wing makes up.
If fact…I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a right wing plant.
Do you hear black helicopters while you sleep, too, Rujax? Or do you use your kneepads with the Obama stickers on them to drown out the noise?
You probably also wouldn’t be surprised if Heartland provided the documents to Gleick as a ‘sting’ operation, either. Oh, and O’Keefe photographed it all from his vantage point in one of those black helicopters outside Gleick’s window.
15 – I see a big RED bar in the graph above those figures bob..
What does RED stand for I wonder? Gee if it’s anything like the bozos trying to take Obama’s job I guess it just means dumb.
Hiya YLB. I guess my point is that if Heartland’s miniscule contribution by Koch ($25K out of a nearly $5M budget last year) was such a big deal to you guys when it was revealed a couple of weeks ago, Obama’s receipt of a small contribution by Koch should be equally newsworthy.
Your point noted, of course. You don’t miss much.
Did this moron have a point?
I guess my point is that you seem to spin every left-wing own goal you can into some sort of conspiracy contrived by the right.
Once in your lifetime, take a look around you and realize that ‘fake but accurate’ isn’t good enough anymore, and that when pressed to argue on the merits of a point, your side all too often is left with nothing to say.
This receipt thing is now a nonstory if not for your desperate efforts to spin some sort of redeeming smear against the right out of it.
Next time someone from OWS rapes a teenager in a tent, condemn it rather than doing your best to blame it on George W. Bush or one of the Koch brothers.
The Republicans are fucked.
Completely outclassed.
Nice bunch of teajahdi babble bubulah.
Gee…ever thought that somebody (like me) might be SICK TO FUCKING DEATH of having this Reagan Republican bullshit (that has effectively bankrupted the country) shoved down my throat for the last THIRTY-TWO FUCKING YEARS?
Fuck you “Bob”…and your sanctimonious bullshit.
Typical day in the sad life of Rujax:
Get up and log on to HA – check
Agree with something somebody else on the left said – check
Blame something on the right with no proof at all – check
Call an opponent some derogatory name – check
Put on Obama cheerleader costume and repost someone elses’s pro-Obama propaganda – check
Go postal and forget to unstick the caps key – check
Did I miss anything?
Nice bunch of teajahdi babble bubulah.
Gee…ever thought that somebody (like me) might be SICK TO FUCKING DEATH of having this Reagan Republican bullshit (that has effectively bankrupted the country) shoved down my throat for the last THIRTY-TWO FUCKING YEARS?
Fuck you “Bob”…and your sanctimonious bullshit.
You and your “fellow travellers” have demonized your opposition, turned Americans against each other lied about the populist movement and looted the fucking treasury.
I’m fucking sick of it. Real live people…good working people, students, seniors, women, people of color, people different gender and sexual orientation identification are being marginalized and set at rick of economic and physical hardship and actual danger because of ignorant dumb fucks like you and the assholes you vote for.
I’ve been around a few 24 hours and I’ve seen pricks like you come and go here. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
A couple more points on this asshole’s iq and he’d be a geranium.
Thanks for the reminder. I did forget.
Mindless repetition – check.
I’m just jealous of wealthy people and I really hate playing second banana to that height challenged asshat, Gary Moore.
Dow closed five points above 13,005.12 today.
Anybody notice how the Republican candidates aren’t crying about jobs and the bad economy anymore?
You’re reading what your media are reporting. I think at least three candidates spoke at the Detroit Economic Club in the past week or so. Betcha there might have been a point or two about jobs and the economy.
The media want to report on other things:
You read what you want to read. Doesn’t mean others perceive it the same way.
Interesting. You have any proof for this? Or is it just more of your pointless rankings?
And this is to inspire me…how?
Romney or Santorum aren’t trying any harder to inspire the left than Obama is trying to inspire the right.
They’re both playing for the independent vote. Romney isn’t trying to win Illinois and Obama isn’t trying to win Nebraska.
Dori Monson was complaining about new federal regulations (proposed) which would require automakers to install back-up cameras in new vehicles by 2014. From the tone of his voice, he didn’t seem to think that any extra cost, which he estimated at billions of dollars, would justify the deaths of some 233 children every year.
I guess he figures they should have just had enough sense to get aout of the way, like every other three-year old.
Of course, aside from showing how insensitive he is, comparing the value of a child’s life to dollars spent on cars, he completely mis-understands auto manufacturing and pricing.
You see, on the production line it’s actually cheaper to install most devices in every car, rather than install them in some, and not others. In fact, to some extent it’s more expensive to intentionally not install equipment, since the wiring harnesses are already installed for those devices. The incremental cost of the equipment (camera plus LED screen) is less than a couple hundred dollars at most, probably a lot less because of the buying power of GM, Ford, and Chrysler. That’s why Honda in the mid-1980’s only imported three variations of it’s popular Accord model – it was cheaper to manufacture and import them with limited variations.
So why don’t car makers install backup cameras – and most other options – in all cars? Because they need something to create a price differential. If every car they offered had the same price, the car manufactures would have to price down to the lowest common denominator, or close to it. What they need is a reason to get people who are willing to spend more money on a car to be able to justify that decision in the extras they get with the car.
Of course, with “options packages” you don’t necessarily pick and choose. I was looking at new cars online last week, and I wanted a small SUV, 4-wheel drive, with a sun roof. To get the sun roof I had to move up to the premium options package, which included leather seats, seat warmers, premium audio system, and – a backup camera! All for only $5,000 more!
If all auto manufacturers were required to install back-up cameras, then the options package would still be there, less the camera and screen. And they would still charge the extra $5,000, which goes to show how off Dori’s figures are – any additional costs caused by the regulations would be minimal.
Also, he forgets to add in the additional property damage paid by drivers and their insurers when a driver backs into another car in a parking lot.
Save your outrage, Dori. By placing dollars at a higher priority than a child’s life, your character has been weighed, and is found wanting.
“From the tone of his voice…”?
Guess it saves a lot of time if all you listen for is the dog whistle.
@36 We’re rapidly getting to the point where most new cars come with a “virtual dashboard” consisting of a flat video screen which in its basic form emulates the speedometer and a couple of idiot lights but can implement various options like GPS or a fancy playlist for the audio system by simply turning those functions on in the software at zero cost, while still soaking the customer for hundreds of dollars per “accessory”. With this in mind, the actual cost is nothing more than a $5 webcam attached to the rear of the car–less by far than the conventional mirrors.
This is all the proof people like Bob needs:
Kind of a tribal mass Reichian scream…
Just how is Mitt going to inspire the right by pushing a plan that will increase the debt by trillions more?
Note that I am assuming Mitt will be the eventual GOP candidate. Unless the others find contributors with deep pockets I just don’t see how they could pull off a win.
# 38: Yes, when my daughter was shopping for a new car last week, the rear-view mirror gave an awful lot of information when the appropriate button was pushed – GPS location, outside temperature, maintenance notices, etc. (I was a little concerned about the cost of replacing that rear-view mirror if anything went wrong).
In one of my colleague’s cars, the display shows GPS navigation system info (maps, etc.), but switches to rear-camera mode whenever the car is put into reverse.
ANYBODY would be increasing the deficit by trillions. Only way to avoid that is to balance immediately. Screeching halt, baby through the windshield, etc.
No one is going to put forth a plan without large deficits ahead. How quickly they come down is what matters, but no one will bring them down fast enough to avoid trillions of added debt. We’re adding to it at $1T per year. Even if that’s halved, on average, over a four-year term, that’s a $2T addition to the deficit.
You really don’t want someone to balance the budget so quickly that there is no added deficit. You really don’t. Criticizing Romney for doing what you know is necessary isn’t really fair.
Now, in four years, if we’re still at $1T per year deficit, fire away.
Did anyone else here Santorum try to wiggle his way out of his outrage over Obama giving an “apology” for U.S. soldiers burning Korans? It was pretty funny. When quested by a real journalist, he said that the President should have admitted that it was a mistake, that it was inadvertant (no desecration or insult to the Muslim religion intended), and that it wouldn’t happen again – but he shouldn’t have used the word “apologize”.
Hey, if it looks like a duck…..
Yesterday, Romney was complaining that Santorum was trying to get Democrats to vote for Santorum in the Michigan primary. He said it was “unfair”.
But he admitted that in 1992 he used the same tactic – voting in the Democratic primary for what he thought was the weakest candidate.
Personally, I think he’s just setting up an excuse for blaming any loss in Michigan to Democrats voting in the Republican primary.
An elsewhere in the upper mid-west, Scott Walker is minding his final days in office, with the clock ticking down to his recall election in June 2012.
This “Bob” character is quite the dumbfuck.
@41 “Yes, when my daughter was shopping for a new car last week”
A friend of mine in car sales tells me that sales of new cars these past few weeks have been crazy. That’s good news for Detroit and good news for America. Alas, such news these days only seems to bum out our Republican friends. One could almost get the impression that they’d like to see America fail and to see more people hurting for their own political gain and to satiate their unquenchable thirst for power and control. But that couldn’t be true. They’re America’s true patriots. Well, that’s what they tell us anyway.
Is that like getting an impression that the Dems don’t have a plan but will do anything possible to avoid implementing the ideas the Republicans have?
’cause some people awfully high up are kinda giving those on the right to believe that to be true.
I read earlier this week that GM’s February numbers will be pretty bad. It’s typical to compare sales year-over-year and last year they moved a bunch of metal through incentives.
People like that Fiat 500. At least they like the commercials.
Breitbart shouldn’t talk about the Teabaggers any more if he knows what’s good for him..
He lost that battle.
America hates them.
And why shouldn’t America hate them? Look what they’ve done to the House of Representatives.. Two crucial years down the drain and nothing but embarrassing, meaningless stunts to report to the folks back home.
48 – Oh wow! American really has turned out to love a plan from a zealot inspired by Ayn Rand to pit one generation of Americans against another.
It’s the classic right wing play. What’s not to love?
# 47: Well, my daughter wasn’t buying a new car because she had lots of new money and felt like having a shopping spree. The engine of her old car gave out. It was ten years old, 194K miles, so I guess it was time. But if she wasn’t working, she wouldn’t have been shopping for any car, so I guess the economy helped to that extent.
But you are right – the Republican politicians really want the economy to go right into the dump, so they can regain power. Just like Dino Rossi likes having people lose their homes so he can make money buying up foreclosures at fire-sale prices. Or Romney’s buddies at Baine Capital can pick up companies at discount prices which he can bleed for their equity, then part out any valuable remnants before casting the remainder in the dust heap. Or Newt Gingrich can use as a soapbox to proclaim how great he is.
Deficit reduction commission. Created by BO. Lots of recommendations.
Essentially ignored by BO. The result is that Geithner has to go before Congress and admit there is no plan to bring down the deficit.
What’s not to love?
Although the last time the Senate voted on one of BO’s budgets, there wasn’t even one Democrat vote in favor.
So maybe there is a flaw or two in there somewhere.
# 48: President Obama has had several plans, but Republican in Congress have declared them dead even before they received the advance copies of his speaches. First they used the filibuster in the Senate, then when they gained control of the House they simply refused to pass – anything.
Heck, just for fun, I think he should say he’s going to give a speach on the economy, not give out any advance speaches, and then give a five minute talk on the Grace of God. Then sit back and watch how many knee-jerk Republicans give their canned rejections of his comments, having not even bothered to listen to them.
The primary problem has been the economy, and always has been. Get the economy going again, and jobs and the budget deficit solves itself (mostly). “A rising tide lifts all boats”, as Reagan used to say. The way to get the economy going faster would have been to spend more money on infrastructure improvements in 2009-10. The way to keep the economy in the doldrums, thus increasing personal suffering and increasing the deficit, is to NOT invest in infrastructure, and to cut the safety net payments which kept the economy from getting worse. Of course, the Republicans chose the latter course of action, which just proves where their priorities are.
Dead on arrival. Something tells me I have heard that before.
Oh, yes:
Harry Reid: The Boehner Plan Is Dead On Arrival In The Senate
http://www.outsidethebeltway.c.....…Jul 26, 2011 – Even if John Boehner’s plan does overcome its problems in the House, it’s not going to survive in the Senate in its present form: Senate Majority …
UPDATE: Sen. Reid Says Keystone XL Legislation is Dead on Arrival
http://www.tarsandsaction.org/.....…Dec 9, 2011 – Harry Reid has just announced that legislation to force approval of Keystone XL will be dead on arrival in the Senate: Here is Reid’s comment: …
Harry Reid: Bi-Partisan Icon Declares Dead on Arrival – Nutter’s …
jacknutter.typepad.com/…/harry-reid-bi-partisan-icon-declares-dead-…Dec 14, 2011 – “The bill passed by House Republicans tonight is a pointless partisan exercise. The bill is dead on arrival in the Senate. It was dead before it …
I’m sure if Harry Reid wants to bring Obama’s latest budget proposal to a floor vote in the Senate, the Republicans would be pleased to let that happen, rhp033. You should write our state’s US senators to request exactly that. Whaddya think?
Deficit commission. Failed. No consensus save for something cobbled together by two guys.
Super committee? Another failure due to right wing ideological intransigence. It wasn’t that long ago that Ronald Reagan raised a slew of taxes from dividend/capital gains to gasoline to steady the ship of State after he foundered it with his voodoo economics. Too long ago for the lobotomized Senate Republicans.
You can’t draw out a coherent plan from the right with a boatload of anti-psychotics..
It’s gotten really laughable when a faux news questioner can’t get the bozo pretenders to raise their hands on a 10 to one plan of spending cuts to tax increases.
Even funnier when the Senate Majority Leader won’t bring the president’s bill to a vote in the Senate because he doesn’t want his Democrat colleagues voting on it in an election year.
Any idea why he won’t, YLB?
56 – LOL! Bob. Republicans LOVE to torture incumbent Dems on their voting records – every tactical vote ever made is distorted to the nth degree..
Old timers like Daschle were flayed alive by dishonest prevaricators like Thune.
It’s just politics Bob. Nothing personal.
That must be why there’s no budget passed by the Senate and hasn’t been one for three years. Why bother with a budget? It only helps people keep track of how badly it’s being blown out each year.
After all, pass a budget and the questions to Geithner and Obama get a lot more specific, don’t they? Can’t have that.
58 – LOL! Indeed why bother? The Bushies couldn’t be bothered to put the Iraq/Afghanistan Wars on the books and Obama was foolish enough to do so and then get called a big spender by your crowd Bob..
We understand it’s only politics, nothing personal..
Hey Bob I’m reading that 2012 is the last chance Republicans have got to win the trifecta and screw the country for a generation. If they fail the demographics from then on out don’t look good for you.
Last chance to “stop history”..
Isn’t that a racist magazine?
NY Magazine Publishes Monkey, Ape Photo Evolving Into Obama …
loop21.com/politics/newyork-magazine-obama-ape-monkey-photoFeb 8, 2012 – NY Mag uses illustration of a monkey and ape evolving into President Obama in an article focusing on gay marriage.
60 – Nope. Sorry bob. I’d be really surprised if the right wing trolls that come here read NY Mag.
Shall I quote you again some of their finest moments here in the threads?
“What about Bob?”
that pretty much nailed it.
They get suckered into silly shit every single day by the wacky leftnut sites they get their “information” from.
Its actually pretty entertaining to watch people, who consider themselves so educated and superior(but surprisingly cant seem to make a decent wage), fall for the stupidest shit.
you will fit right in at HA then. Welcome to the club.
if that needs to be explained to you, then you are more dense than a block of lead.
Oh my. Could we be seeing here the return..
of JCH ?????
@53 If Obama were to do such a thing (which I’m not holding my breath about) the way he could duck the charge of having been deceptive would be to elaborate on Jesus’ statement about “serving God and mammon”. To do so would be speaking about “the economy”, at least in a sense of explaining that “the economy” is something no real follower of Christ should be obessing about.