– If you’re going to have an ACA horror story, it would be nice if that story was based in fact. But that’s probably too much to ask.
– The King County Council officially put the measure to save Metro on the ballot.
– Transportation Advocacy Day is coming up. I still haven’t got my Transportation Advocacy Day tree, or done most of my Transportation Advocacy Day shopping.
– I still don’t understand Bitcoin, and I’m genuinely sorry for the people who lost money here, but, you know, there are reasons for regulations on actual money.
Slimeball Cops Dep’t
“Police in a small California town colluded with a towing company to impound the cars of poor people and then sell the vehicles for profit or keep them when the owners couldn’t pay, prosecutors said Tuesday. …
“Three of the current King City police officers, the former chief and the towing company owner were charged with embezzlement and bribery ….
“The victims were economically disadvantaged persons of Hispanic descent who were targeted by having their vehicles impounded, towed and stored ….”
The NFL is indicating it may move the next Superbowl to another state because of an Arizona law that legalizes discrimination against gays.
Now that rich people pay millions for building graffiti, thieves use jackhammers to steal valuable art.
Ted Nugent (why does anyone pay attention to him?) has apologized for calling the President of the United States a “subhuman mongrel,” but he still thinks it’s okay to call the
President of the United States a “communist.”
Ted Nuggets is deficient in intellectual analysis of current events, but we don’t call Ted Nuggets a republican redneck retard, now do we? Do we? I do :)))
Republican redneck retard … hmmm … has a nice alliterative ring to it, and it’s factually accurate … has possibilities …
Next time someone tells you we have to give the rich more tax cuts so they’ll create jobs, show them this article and tell them this is how the rich spend their tax cuts.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’ll pay $48.8 million for a chunk of concrete with graffiti on it, too, if you give me a $1 billion tax refund.
It creates jobs for cement workers and spray paint manufacturers!
Hey HA DUMMOCRETINS… Why is Scary Land Deal Reid stopping the minimum wage hike since he lords over the senate?
Down right amazing how Harry Reid acts these days!
Your kind called GWBush a Nazi among other names Roger Idiot Wabbit.
Man, the toilet pollution of Roger Idiot Wabbit in every thread every day!
Puddy read the whack job Rachel Madcow (Mooo!) loved by HA DUMMOCRETINS everywhere. Puddy noticed How Rachel “covered” the Julie Boonstra story… Problem is as Puddy wrote in another thread, Rachel’s math doesn’t add up. All Rachel and Glenn Kessler do is add the “supposed” numbers up. Obummercare hasn’t begun. There is supposition into Mrs Boonstra’s costs. There is nothing covering her meds costs.
So HA DUMMOCRETINS… When you ever your health insurance plan and discovered it doesn’t work the way you were led you to believe what did you do? You petitioned the insurance company. Well with Cass Sunstein, Dr Ezekiel Emanuel and others leading this fiasco, who you gonna turn to when Obummercare fails you? This plan hasn’t even begun and Rachel forgets Obummer’s primary lie “if you like your plan you can keep it”!
See ya later you Madcow loving morons!
Puddy already delivered the Time Mag article where cancer patient meds costs won’t be covered. Yet the HA DUMMOCRETIN leadership just automatically accepts anything from Rachel Madcow!
You referring to the poison pill provision put into the ACA by your RETHUG HACKS? Then you must agree it should be removed from the ACA.
Oh look, from our insurance commissioner
The obnoxious bill passed by Arizona’s obnoxious Republican legislature that authorizes businesses to refuse service to gays is a no-brainer. Any governor with any scruples would instantly veto it. But Arizona’s obnoxious Republican governor — facing warnings from major businesses that they will boycott her state if she doesn’t — still has to think about it. What’s more, she needs help with thinking about it.
Well, being a Republican, obviously she’s facing political blowback if she doesn’t go along with the gay-bashing crowd. She says she wants to “do the right thing for Arizona,” but a governor who truly wanted to do the right thing wouldn’t represent such a constituency in the first place. In other words, wouldn’t be a Republican. Being a Republican is fundamentally inconsistent with doing right. That’s her problem; we all make our choices in life, then live with them. What’s clear is that if Jan Brewer vetoes this bill, she will have done so because she was forced to, not because she wanted to. In other words, she’ll still be a Republican jackass who thinks it’s okay to discriminate against people because of who they are.
But Duncan insists that teacher evaluations be directly linked to specific test scores, even where states have chosen not to do so.
It’s a bad scheme. It’s going to lead to too many teachers and schools only teaching to that set of tests and doing their best to find a way to remove any slower or troubled kid that could bring down their score. It’s in their economic self interest. Sure they could be actual teachers but cost them pay advances or even their jobs. We complain bitterly about the the quality of our eduction and focus on the wrong things.
Rabid dog conservatives and tea partiers:
Get your free stuff now!
Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal, a former Replican member of Congress, has a plan to reduce health care costs: Changing federal law to allow hospitals to turn people away from emergency rooms.
Why yes, that is a way to cut medical spending: let the poor die. It begs the questions, where should the sick and uninsured go to die?
The ER is a terrible way to get care, but we seem unable and unwilling to figure out how to pay and change to a lower cost system.
You have to admit this foaming at the mouth tea partying conservative is committed to his bigotry.
He’s willing to lose money over it.
That is good. Kill a Reagan law so he can, you know, lock the E room doors. What other alternatives does he have?
Oh yeah, he fucks his fellow Georgians in the ass and then doubles down he fucks his fellow Georgians in the ass again.
I’m sure the SPAWN OF SATAN approves.
@19 Love this line from your link:
A day after Washington, DC, lobbyist Jack Burkman announced that he would push for legislation to prohibit the National Football League from employing gay players, one of his clients has severed all ties with him.
A federal judge has struck down a Texass law banning gay marriage.
It doesn’t matter how much evidence you put in front of climate change deniers. They won’t change regardless of how much the climate changes.
In Oklahoma, cops have killed another law-abiding citizen.
Arizona Gov. Brewer is about to hold a press conference. You can watch the live stream here.
She vetoed it.
She DID NOT say she vetoed the bill because discrimination and gay-bashing are wrong. She DID NOT say gays are entitled to the same civil rights as everyone else. She said she vetoed it because it ignores her legislative priorities.
@23. I had a co worker worker try to make a climate denier comment when I commented about the cold snap back east. With a smile I told him that it’s not global warming, it’s climate change and Alaska is 15 degrees too hot for winter and there is record flooding in Britain. He said it was cyclic and it was sunspots and they used to think that we were going to have global cooling. With a big smile I told him he was right, science shows that in about a hundred years, we SHOULD be going into another ice age, but about a hundred years back, the data went off the charts toward warming in a way they had never charted in 40,000 years of data.
He was looking for a fight, and I kept smiling and giving him facts. Didn’t change his mind, but I didn’t give him an inch.
In Mexico, the government is proposing reforming the railroad concessions that came into being with the break up of Nacionales de Mexico. The major concessions are owned by Kansas City Southern de Mexico(a subsidiary of the US railroad Kansas City Southern), and Ferromex(30% owned by Union Pacific)/Ferrosur.American and Chinese interests are lining up to take advantage of the open access, but the railroads still have 14 years, according to the franchises with little competition. FERROMEX/FERROSUR are owned by Carlos Slim, richest man in Mexico, and possibly the world.
While we are arguing over increasing the minimum wage to between $10.10 and $15 an hour, the Swiss will be voting on May 18th on a minimum wage of 22 Swiss Francs an hour. That’s $24.80 an hour. Currently the Swiss have no minimum wage, although the canton of Neuchatel recently adopted one, and that was only 20 Swiss Francs an hour.
How did this happen ekimgoatcocksucka? Republicans were rejected by Nancy Pelosi and Max Baucus? What Republican put the poison pill in the bill?
Names ekimgoatcocksucka. Can you deliver names ekimgoatcocksucka?
Hey ekimgoatcocksucka
from ekimgoatcocksucka’s link
184,317 – People enrolled in individual health plans outside of the Exchange (as of Jan. 31, 2014)
Healthcare NW sez “No adult dental care on Washington’s exchange in 2014” Wow who knew?
You’ve already acknowledged you are indeed the SPAWN OF SATAN. And you want more names? How about OVULIS SATANAM?
More info for ekimgoatcocksucka… Another goatse moment for it…
Where ekimgoatcocksucka? Show Puddy the admission! We all know you you are a goatcocksucka! You introduced goats to HA!
Seems there are no names after all! Thought so!
6,287,357 health insurance cancellations so far ekimgoatcocksucka…
Guess you CAN’T keep your insurance after all!
Sux to be you ekimgoatcocksucka!
Yes GOATSEBOY, and on its way to around 300,000 by end of March. Individual health plans have long been expensive for our state. Now you can get one for a much more reasonable rate.
Seems you took up the crazed databaze deala’s mantra of copying other peoples posts and commentary, trying to look “cute”.
How can that be ekimgoatcocksuckagoatse? Remember Puddy called you the goatse! Good try idiot!
The insurance commissioner just admitted 184,317 are not in the exchange?
Man you are a moron!
Please document each one so we can verify.
It is not a requirement that individuals purchase insurance through the exchange. This is something that GOATSEBOY fails to understand. OTOH, the insurance policies purchased are the same as in the exchange, meaning they meet the same minimum standards required by the ACA.
Oh but it is for the Obummercare numbers to count ekimgoatcocksuckagoatse! The bragging is how the exchanges have “signed” up all these people. Yet 184,317 are NOT in the exchange ekimgoatcocksuckagoatse!
You deliver goat dung as always! Sux to be you!
The US National press did you scumsucka ekimgoatcocksuckagoatse! You can find that numba everywhere!
Still waiting for your documentation. Everyone knows you get your natural goat manure from the farm and the fake dung from Daily Kooks and other left wrong sites!
Cosmos: A Space-Time Odyssey is an upcoming US documentary television series. It is a follow-up to Cosmos: A Personal Voyage, which was presented by Carl Sagan. The new series’ presenter will be Neil deGrasse Tyson. The executive producers are Seth MacFarlane and Ann Druyan, Sagan’s widow.
The series will premiere on March 9, 2014 simultaneously in the US across ten 21st Century Fox networks, including Fox, FX, FXX, FXM, Fox Sports 1, Fox Sports 2, Nat Geo, Nat Geo Wild, and Fox Life. The remainder of the series will air on Fox with Nat Geo rebroadcasting the episodes the next day.
Should be interesting.
Where is the news of the black pastors calling for Eric Holder’s impeachment?
African American Conservative Christians upholding hetero marriage! OWS Racist Fraggy would call them uppity!
So, ekimgoatcocksuckagoatse running away.
Bwaaaak bwaaaak!
Gotta go now. Site visit again!
See ya ekimgoatcocksuckagoatse and other moronic HA DUMMOCRETINS!
So if I sign up for an ACA health plan policy outside of an exchange it doesn’t count as an ACA health plan policy? Welcome to GOATSEBOY world.
MLS# 6287357. Lovely brick home near all of the great shops and restaurants in West Chester Borough.
Where it belongs?
GOATSEBOY is typing wget statements again. Very impressive.
African American Conservative Christians upholding hetero marriage!
If you don’t want to marry a man, don’t. I don’t see how my getting getting married, dilutes a straight marriage. That’s as stupid an argument as interracial or interreligious marriages dilute the concept of marriage.
Yeah, I don’t get how a gay couple getting married in Boston undermines the marriage of a hetero couple living in Texass or Arizona. The latter can’t be much of a marriage if it’s that fragile.
I suppose the ultimate insult to a woman is when her hubby runs off with a guy. Or the neighbor’s dog. I guess if I were in that position my self-esteem would take a hit.