That seems like good advice–“Don’t have sex.” Am I missing something here? People don’t have to have sex, do they? All urges are controllable, right? In fact, only liberals have urges, so if we ban liberals, urges will disappear, isn’t that true? If we elect McCain, nobody will ever have sex again. So, vote McCain.
proud leftistspews:
Another Reagan appointee to the federal bench goes down:
“A closely watched obscenity trial in Los Angeles federal court was suspended Wednesday after the judge acknowledged maintaining his own publicly accessible website featuring sexually explicit photos and videos. Alex Kozinski, chief judge of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, granted a 48-hour stay in the obscenity trial of a Hollywood adult filmmaker after the prosecutor requested time to explore ‘a potential conflict of interest concerning the court having a . . . sexually explicit website with similar material to what is on trial here.’” *** “Kozinski is one of the nation’s highest-ranking judges and has been mentioned as a possible candidate for the U.S. Supreme Court. He was named chief judge of the 9th Circuit last year and is considered a judicial conservative on most issues. He was appointed to the federal bench by President Reagan in 1985.” ( -me-kozinski12-2008jun12,0,622 0192.story)
Republicans (and rightwing jurists)–the gift of hypocrisy that just keeps giving. Oh, did you know that the 9th Circuit is characterized by the media as liberal? Yet, this guy is its head. There are about four actual liberal judges in this country, and only one of them is a federal judge. Reality and the media have a deep chasm between them.
All Facts Support My Positionsspews:
One look at McCain stumbling across a stage trying to butcher a speech is enough to lose an erection…. He is doing a damn good job pretending to be alive! Good thing when we bring our troops home is “not that important” right McBush?
And to think. This lying pathetic flip flopping old man is the best the Republiconvicts have to offer.
Only with the help of the corporate media. Allowing him to put his babbling mistakes into “context” like they have never done for anyone else.
I wonder if McCain’s press buddies take turns fluffing him once an hour, or once a day…. It’s their job. Make it a horse race.
In lane one Big Brown Barack, the favorite. In lane two, some dead horse named McLame, that is to be pushed up the racetrack by a team of 5,000 lobbyists, and 2,000 reporters.
Sound fair?
All Facts Support My Positionsspews:
I hope you all watched Olbermann’s special comment tonight. He cut the retarded old man into pieces for his insane statements about Iraq, and then pissed on the pieces. It was brutal. Especially when he read the names of the 10 soldiers that have died in Iraq so far this month, protecting Bush’s legacy….. The only person that can claim victory in Iraq is Bin Laden McCain. I wonder if their families thought when they were to come home would be “not that important” eh?
Calling yourself a Republiconvict, is the same as confessing to a crime.
proud leftistspews:
It is remarkable how the media insists that McLame’s statement must be put “into context.” Good God, when are we going to have a fair media? Blogs like HA are most certainly are a step in the right direction, but I don’t think this blog yet qualifies as MSM. Leftists must arm. In that regard, I took shooting practice last weekend in a national forest over in the Methow, surrounded by cows grazing on public lands for far less money than ranchers would have to pay to have them graze on private lands. That is what should be called welfare for ranchers, those ranchers who could not give a shit about single mothers trying to raise a child when daycare prices are exhorbitant and jobs are not available.
proud leftistspews:
Because this is an open thread, I would beg your indulgence to turn from politics to baseball. Hank Aaron, a noted home run hitter, finished his career as a Milwaukee Brewer, because he started his career in Milwaukee, as a Brave. Willie Mays, also a noted home run hitter, finished his career as a New York Met, because he started his career in New York, as a Giant. Is it too much to ask, in this lost season for the Mariners, to try to get Junior back?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Republicans are so averse to sex you wonder how they manage to reproduce. Which reminds me of this joke:
Two Republicans are having sex.
He: Oh, did I hurt you, dear?
She: No, why do you ask?
He: You moved.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 “If we elect McCain, nobody will ever have sex again.”
I like that as a platform plank, sound bite, and bumper sticker blurb. I think McCain should campaign on this slogan. Yes, I really wish he would. To help elect Obama.
I have to say this is tons of fun. Watching the right wing turds prove that no matter how far they manage to sink – they can get a shovel and dig a bit deeper.
Is Faux News Fair & Balanced? Why didn’t they let people see this part of the GOP debate?
What hypocrites.
Well, at least there are some who aren’t letting McCain get away with the usual lies and exaggerations. Sen. McCain has claimed:
“…McCain, addressing a business gathering, accused Mr. Obama of wanting to enact “the largest single tax increase since World War II.”
Mr. McCain, the expected Republican nominee, also said that “under Senator Obama’s tax plan, Americans of every background would see their taxes rise — seniors, parents, small-business owners and just about everyone who has even a modest investment in the market.” He used much the same language in an April 15 speech in which he warned that Democrats “are going to raise your taxes by thousands of dollars per year,” adding up to “a trillion dollars in new taxes over the next decade.”
Republicans have been using such scare tactics for years, based upon the inability of the average voter to work through complicated numbers in budget proposals, revenue projections, and the affect of tax proposals on different income classes. But the same article noted that among those who can do such analysis, McCain’s statements are, well… lies.
“Economists of various ideological persuasions, however, view Mr. McCain’s assessment as inaccurate or exaggerated….
In a study of the candidates’ plans made public Wednesday, the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center concluded that in contrast to Mr. McCain, “Senator Obama offers much larger tax breaks to low- and middle-income taxpayers and would increase taxes on high-income taxpayers.”
The study said, “The largest tax cuts, as a share of income, would go to those at the bottom of the income distribution,” whereas “Senator McCain’s tax cuts would primarily benefit those with very high incomes.”
Other groups that focus on tax and economic policy are preparing similar analyses, but say they regard the Tax Policy Center’s assessment as highly reliable, based on its work in the past….”
McCain is giving the same old republican rhetoric – Democrats will raise your taxes – and it is an outright lie because Obama will cut taxes for most americans.
The media ,though, need to call what McCain is doing accurately. It is not an “inaccuracy” or “exaggerated” – YLB is correct – it is an ouright lie about Obama and his policies and the media need to question the honesty of the candidate making the lies.
@6 It’d be great to have Junior play his last years in Seattle.
11 Americans in general are so dedicated to pretending to be rich that they’re unwilling to admit that a tax break for “ordinary people” would apply to them.
Mr. Cynical, you, too, Roger Rabbit:
Have you been paying attention to coal stocks?
I’ve pionted out JRCC and ICO several times lately.
JRCC up 20% just this WEEK!!
ICO up 14% this week! Not bad, but sometimes you have to take the bad with the GOOD!!
19 cont:
JRCC up 125% since May 1st.
ICO up 50% since May 1st.
Annualize that!
Sheez, with picks like that it won’t take long to replace my earned income. I’m with Roger Rabbit I’m ready to be a “producer” instead of a “worker.”
Working sucks. Left clicking your mouse to riches rules.
“Don’t have sex”. What an excellent policy! You can’t get pregnant if you don’t have sex. So why does my insurance company cover the costs of Viagra?
Obese? Your problem. How many ice cream cones have you eaten? You had a choice, now you live with it!
Black lung? Your fault for being a coal miner. You could have….well, ok, you could have starved. So just cough it out, Mr. Jonny Bad Attitude.
That seems like good advice–“Don’t have sex.” Am I missing something here? People don’t have to have sex, do they? All urges are controllable, right? In fact, only liberals have urges, so if we ban liberals, urges will disappear, isn’t that true? If we elect McCain, nobody will ever have sex again. So, vote McCain.
Another Reagan appointee to the federal bench goes down:
“A closely watched obscenity trial in Los Angeles federal court was suspended Wednesday after the judge acknowledged maintaining his own publicly accessible website featuring sexually explicit photos and videos. Alex Kozinski, chief judge of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, granted a 48-hour stay in the obscenity trial of a Hollywood adult filmmaker after the prosecutor requested time to explore ‘a potential conflict of interest concerning the court having a . . . sexually explicit website with similar material to what is on trial here.’” *** “Kozinski is one of the nation’s highest-ranking judges and has been mentioned as a possible candidate for the U.S. Supreme Court. He was named chief judge of the 9th Circuit last year and is considered a judicial conservative on most issues. He was appointed to the federal bench by President Reagan in 1985.” ( -me-kozinski12-2008jun12,0,622 0192.story)
Republicans (and rightwing jurists)–the gift of hypocrisy that just keeps giving. Oh, did you know that the 9th Circuit is characterized by the media as liberal? Yet, this guy is its head. There are about four actual liberal judges in this country, and only one of them is a federal judge. Reality and the media have a deep chasm between them.
One look at McCain stumbling across a stage trying to butcher a speech is enough to lose an erection…. He is doing a damn good job pretending to be alive! Good thing when we bring our troops home is “not that important” right McBush?
And to think. This lying pathetic flip flopping old man is the best the Republiconvicts have to offer.
Only with the help of the corporate media. Allowing him to put his babbling mistakes into “context” like they have never done for anyone else.
I wonder if McCain’s press buddies take turns fluffing him once an hour, or once a day…. It’s their job. Make it a horse race.
In lane one Big Brown Barack, the favorite. In lane two, some dead horse named McLame, that is to be pushed up the racetrack by a team of 5,000 lobbyists, and 2,000 reporters.
Sound fair?
I hope you all watched Olbermann’s special comment tonight. He cut the retarded old man into pieces for his insane statements about Iraq, and then pissed on the pieces. It was brutal. Especially when he read the names of the 10 soldiers that have died in Iraq so far this month, protecting Bush’s legacy….. The only person that can claim victory in Iraq is Bin Laden McCain. I wonder if their families thought when they were to come home would be “not that important” eh?
Calling yourself a Republiconvict, is the same as confessing to a crime.
It is remarkable how the media insists that McLame’s statement must be put “into context.” Good God, when are we going to have a fair media? Blogs like HA are most certainly are a step in the right direction, but I don’t think this blog yet qualifies as MSM. Leftists must arm. In that regard, I took shooting practice last weekend in a national forest over in the Methow, surrounded by cows grazing on public lands for far less money than ranchers would have to pay to have them graze on private lands. That is what should be called welfare for ranchers, those ranchers who could not give a shit about single mothers trying to raise a child when daycare prices are exhorbitant and jobs are not available.
Because this is an open thread, I would beg your indulgence to turn from politics to baseball. Hank Aaron, a noted home run hitter, finished his career as a Milwaukee Brewer, because he started his career in Milwaukee, as a Brave. Willie Mays, also a noted home run hitter, finished his career as a New York Met, because he started his career in New York, as a Giant. Is it too much to ask, in this lost season for the Mariners, to try to get Junior back?
Republicans are so averse to sex you wonder how they manage to reproduce. Which reminds me of this joke:
Two Republicans are having sex.
He: Oh, did I hurt you, dear?
She: No, why do you ask?
He: You moved.
@1 “If we elect McCain, nobody will ever have sex again.”
I like that as a platform plank, sound bite, and bumper sticker blurb. I think McCain should campaign on this slogan. Yes, I really wish he would. To help elect Obama.
I have to say this is tons of fun. Watching the right wing turds prove that no matter how far they manage to sink – they can get a shovel and dig a bit deeper.
Is Faux News Fair & Balanced? Why didn’t they let people see this part of the GOP debate?
What hypocrites.
Well, at least there are some who aren’t letting McCain get away with the usual lies and exaggerations. Sen. McCain has claimed:
Republicans have been using such scare tactics for years, based upon the inability of the average voter to work through complicated numbers in budget proposals, revenue projections, and the affect of tax proposals on different income classes. But the same article noted that among those who can do such analysis, McCain’s statements are, well… lies.
Source: Economists across political spectrum question McCain’s portrayal of Obama (emphasis added). Copyright NY Times, quoted under Fair Use doctrine.
I heard the idiot that occupies the Oval Office say that McCain should be very careful about who he chooses to head his VP selection committee.
In the idiot’s case he chose Cheney – who selected himself.
Careful indeed..
Thanks for that, rhp. I may direct some folks to your comment, good stuff.
See, trolls? That is an example of how you present an argument!
11 – Heh. Totally lost on that joke Surreal Mark.
A perfect example of what the media is supposed to do – take something a politician says and vet it.
But according to the wingnuts that shows “liberal bias”. Unless the politician is someone they don’t like and then they crow.
Obama Fights Back! <a
@11: Thanks – I have seen this analysis.
McCain is giving the same old republican rhetoric – Democrats will raise your taxes – and it is an outright lie because Obama will cut taxes for most americans.
The media ,though, need to call what McCain is doing accurately. It is not an “inaccuracy” or “exaggerated” – YLB is correct – it is an ouright lie about Obama and his policies and the media need to question the honesty of the candidate making the lies.
@6 It’d be great to have Junior play his last years in Seattle.
11 Americans in general are so dedicated to pretending to be rich that they’re unwilling to admit that a tax break for “ordinary people” would apply to them.
Mr. Cynical, you, too, Roger Rabbit:
Have you been paying attention to coal stocks?
I’ve pionted out JRCC and ICO several times lately.
JRCC up 20% just this WEEK!!
ICO up 14% this week! Not bad, but sometimes you have to take the bad with the GOOD!!
19 cont:
JRCC up 125% since May 1st.
ICO up 50% since May 1st.
Annualize that!
Sheez, with picks like that it won’t take long to replace my earned income. I’m with Roger Rabbit I’m ready to be a “producer” instead of a “worker.”
Working sucks. Left clicking your mouse to riches rules.
“Don’t have sex”. What an excellent policy! You can’t get pregnant if you don’t have sex. So why does my insurance company cover the costs of Viagra?
Obese? Your problem. How many ice cream cones have you eaten? You had a choice, now you live with it!
Black lung? Your fault for being a coal miner. You could have….well, ok, you could have starved. So just cough it out, Mr. Jonny Bad Attitude.
You can buy a Jones Cola and vote for your favorite candidate.