Porter Barry, a producer for FOX’s The O’Reilly Factor, attempts to ambush Bill Moyers at the National Conference for Media Reform, and… um… it doesn’t go so well. Watch the predator become the prey.
Why does anyone even bother with O’Liely? There are conservatives who know more and are far more capable of expressing their views without the bombastic belching of O’Liely. George F. Will, anyone?
My Goldy Itchesspews:
Anyone see that uber soft interview a few weeks back that Moyers did with Barry Hussein’s Pastor? The same weekend that Rev. Wright entertained all of us with his analysis on the origins of the AIDS virus? Moyers fed him soft ball after soft ball, reinventing the standard for “puff piece” journalism. It was sickening. It would be the equivalent of Rush Limbaugh letting Dick Cheney talk about the “success” in Iraq and merely asking why the Bush Administraion didn’t get enough credit for their efforts.
2 – Maybe Moyer should have asked him if Obama is a muslim? Would that have made you happy?
My Goldy Itchesspews:
3 – No, but it would have made me happy if he had called the Rev Wright on the carpet for his racism and his delusional paranoid ideas on the AIDS virus. I mean, at least make an effort to appear like the objective unbiased “journalist” that Moyers claims to be.
This is great! With this, it’s also worth recalling Keith Olbermann’s helpful instructional video, “When an O’Reillyist Attacks”:
could you pls reload that video ? there must be stuff cut off. I was trying to figure out where the “ambush” was. All I saw was an interview, questions, answers, discussions, posturing in front of spectators, but no ambush.
My Left Footspews:
The hand on the shoulder (see here little man) was priceless.
He called O’Liely “…not a journalist, he is a pugilist”. This guy got his ass and his hat handed to him. Never ambush when your enemy is better able to fight than you are. He was out gunned before he got on the plane to go.
Olbermann is running this story tonight.
My Left Footspews:
That is exactly what Limpdick does, asshole.
Are you comparing Moyers to Limpdick? OMG no wonder the Rethuglicans are going down. Too many morons like you.
Mr. Barry doesn’t seem to appreciate being on the receiving end much, does he?
My Left Footspews:
Meet Bill, another idiot.
Moyers conducted an interview when the original idiot tried to conduct one of O’Liely’s trademark ambushes. How can you not see that? Poor Porter is now a laughing stock, probably going to get fired and you don’t see it? Probably think the economy and the war are going swimmingly too.
Looks like Wesley Clark is going back to Cali.
Bill O Really is a pervert, a punk and a liar and this video is one of the funniest things I’ll see this week. The right is getting its ass kicked so often I just expect to hear the next bit of good news. Come on Billy. Why not go on Moyers’ show? What are you afraid of tough guy? What a piece of shit!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Dynamic Materials (BOOM) was down to $39 today.
I told you a few days ago there was heavy resistance at 43.
Did you take my advice & sell??
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I also bought Wells Fargo again today at 24.85.
With a 1.24 dividend…that is 5%.
I’m planning on holding this time….we’ll see.
I hate paying the high tax rate!
My Goldy Itchesspews:
I can’t hear a word the guy from Fox is saying, but Moyers is crystal clear. How is one supposed to make heads or tails of this when you can only hear one side?
How deceitful!
How dishonest!
The —BLIP— at the 5:00 mark is when Moyers SLAPS Porter. That’s assault! Simple. 4th degree!
And the man has the temerity to say this will appear “un-editted”?!?!?! Any objective person gets his/her information from all sources and makes up their mind *then*. Moyers said “uneditted”. The clowns with the camera said “uneditted”.
The first part of that word is “lie”!
You guys wouldn’t know the truth if it bit cha in the @SS!!!
@13 It looks like BOOM’s next level of support is at 34.05. If it busts through that, there’s no telling how low it could go.
@16 Your outrage is noted. By the by, were you also outraged by O’Reilly’s sexually abusive behavior towards the employee who sued him?
I notice that Republicans are very selective in their outrage.
I know you want to read all the evidence and evaluate it accordingly, so I have provided you with a new context in which to evaluate Rev. Wright’s statements.
No. You don’t have to thank me.
My Left Footspews:
Why do conservatives have such trouble seeing the obvious? Why when the evidence is so overwhelming, do they continue to deny the flood as it crests the roof of their homes?
This boy, Porter, got bitch slapped by a smarter, faster old man. Bill has got to be pitching a bitch worthy of YouTube about now. I know I said it before, but this Porter is effectively unemployed.
That’s what happens when you affirm that Bill-0 is a buffoon.
Elvis Pupsleyspews:
So, YellowPup at 5, A/S/L.
I am a Pekingese,my name is Elvis Pupsley, 5 1/2 years old, male. I like chasing my ball, wrestling with my brothers and avoiding my sister (she is such a bitch). Of course I like walks on a long leash at the beach.
How about you, I can’ sniff your butt from here so tell me…….
Elvis @ 23 – ROTF LMAO! :)
Hey, does anyone know the story behind Snohomish County council and this new airline that wants to use Paine Field? A friend brought it up today and said something to the effect that the FAA funded part of the airport there and are demanding this new airline be allowed to use it?
The —BLIP— at the 5:00 mark is when Moyers SLAPS Porter. That’s assault! Simple. 4th degree!”
Umm…cmiklich, you might want to take that little cocktail wiener-sized boner of yours and deturgesce it by watching videos of bombing Baghdad or Sadaam’s hanging or something.
The 5:00 mark is a load point for the video.
Sheesh…are all wingnuts such mental midgets?
No…you’re just too stupid to know the difference between streaming video loading and an edited video.
“Liberals. The first part of that word is “lie”!”
No…the first part of “liberal” is “li”, or more correctly, liber, Latin for free.
The etymology of “lie” is the proto-Germanic word lugin, which means an untruth.
I take it you didn’t do too well on the verbal knowledge portion of the SATs.
“You guys wouldn’t know the truth if it bit cha in the @SS!!!”
…says the Wingding who just made up a little lie about Moyers assaulting Porter.
Yo Steve:
What sexually abusive behavior? By the gal, who was so “outraged” she quit only to come back months later?
“…In his lawsuit, announced hours before Mackris filed her litigation, O’Reilly noted that not even the producer claims any “adverse employment action” based on their relationship. He noted that Mackris told a friend at CNN in a Sept. 7 e-mail that her life at Fox was “wonderful, amazing, fun, creative, invigorating, secure, well-managed, challenging” and that she was “surrounded by really good, fun people….”
Wow. Sounds like hell.
Key word: “SECURE”.
Totally politically motivated. And, then the obvious question: Only once? One time in 35+ years of reporting? Once??? Once?!?!?! Man, if this guy is Gary Ridgway in front of the camera like yer saying, then fer chrissakes, why no repeat?
No video? No audio? (Supposedly she taped some calls??) She coulda been a multi-multi-millionaire. IF. SHE. HAD. ANYTHING.
Just took away yer “spin” there, Stevie. Pun intended.
Yo gonadless. I mean, darryl.
I watched the show. Then I watched the “un-editted” version here at Goldy-is-a-horsesass.com. Fact is, Goldy’s version was editted.
Ow. Gotcha. Hard, too!
Elvis Pupsleyspews:
ahh, um, well, uh….DUMBASS!
I have see the same tape, same show…no editing. Moyers did not slap him. Don’t you think we would have heard about Moyers arrest, or Bill-0 going bonkers?
Try to use your brain for something other than trying to remember where your crack pipe is.
Thanks for playing.
NOTE: Just because you say it, does not make it so. That strategy went out with ROVEBUSHCO. America so does not buy that anymore.
“I watched the show. Then I watched the “un-editted” version here at Goldy-is-a-horsesass.com. Fact is, Goldy’s version was editted.”
Let see…first you make up shit about Moyers slapping someone. Then you dig yourself in deeper by lying about “the unedited version” at “Goldy-is-a-horsesass.com”.
Are you a pathological liar? Or is lying just an emotional response (a sort-of wingnut Tourette syndrome) that happens when your cocktail wiener gets all stiff?
My Left Footspews:
I think Elvis Pupsley has demonstrated his intelligence enough for one night. He is a damn sight smarter than the Republicans on this blog. I am taking back my laptop.
My Left Footspews:
Our friend is in need of a surgical procedure known as a Windectomy.
In this procedure, surgeons install a window in the abdomen which enables the recipient to be able to see where they are going while their head up their own ass.
When is the war going to give us $20 a barrel oil? That is what Murdoch said we’d get:
“The greatest thing to come out of this for the world economy, if you could put it that way, would be $20 a barrel for oil. That’s bigger than any tax cut in the any country.”
This begs the question, is $137 a barrel oil bigger than any tax increase in any country?
@4 Your priorities are fucked up. How about calling Bush on the carpet? Why haven’t you done that? Wright doesn’t matter. He’s only a two-bit pastor in a two-bit church who influences, at most, a couple hundred (mostly elderly) people. He isn’t out there blowing up the Middle East, like Bush is.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The kid who posted @16 had too much sugar today.
Bill @ 36 – thanks for the link, I went to the Everett Herald after my friend told me where he read the story. Sounds like Sno County Council could be in a serious bind! If the fed takes away future grants, who knows what that would do to Boeing being there. And fighting 2-4 flights a week seems extensive although if it were me being a homeowner and the county and city allowed flights I would be pissed too.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Lighten up Darryl ya “rednecked Liberal”!
I knows you is a redneck Darryl cuz of yer mama.
When yer mama fails to pull a lit Marlboro from between her nicotine stained lips while screamin’ ” KISS MY ASS” at the State Patrolman who pulled her over fer goin’ too slow….
According to Jeff Foxworthy Darryl…that makes you a REDNECK!
Politically Incorrectspews:
If you don’t like Fox, then don’t fucking watch it.
It’s that simple.
Looks like Porter didn’t realize Moyers is an ordained minister. Moyers was trying to save his soul!
I loved watching Porter stalk off. Do that to hims a few more times and he’ll be looking for a new line of work.
Awh… poor widdle wriddies got taken to school and got their widdle feelers hurt??
@ Darryl,
Keep up the good work.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@40 No, Cynical, a “redneck” is someone who’s been married 5 times and still has the same in-laws.
@40, 45
From Wikipedia:
The National Covenant and The Solemn League and Covenant (a.k.a. Covenanters) signed documents stating that Scotland desired a Presbyterian Church government, and rejected the Church of England as their official church (no Anglican congregation was ever accepted as the official church in Scotland). What the Covenanters rejected was episcopacy — rule by bishops — the preferred form of church government in England. Many of the Covenanters signed these documents using their own blood, and many in the movement began wearing red pieces of cloth around their neck to signify their position to the public. They were referred to as rednecks.[1] Large numbers of these Scottish Presbyterians migrated from their lowland Scottish home to Ulster (the northern province of Ireland) and soon settled in considerable numbers in North America throughout the 18th century. Some emigrated directly from Scotland to the American colonies in the late 18th and early 19th-centuries as a result of the Lowland Clearances. This etymological theory holds that since many Scots-Irish Americans and Scottish Americans who settled in Appalachia and the South were Presbyterian, the term was bestowed upon them and their descendants.
You know you are a redneck if your telephone is in your child’s name.
My Left Footspews:
RR at 45:
You just tried to explain a complicated formula to an inbred, possum eating, hillbilly, mouth breather.
Cynical is still trying to figure out how his brother is his father and his cousin. His mom is also his sister. It is all very difficult for him to do the math on. He does not have enough toes and teeth to figure it all out.
miklich…you’re just fucking insane.
reichert supports torture.
The Real Markspews:
Gotta love it… McCain just dropped the “Carter Second Term” phrase on NBC Nightly News…
And they’re off!!!
My Left Footspews:
He was stiff, it was a fed and forced line. The American people want a president who looks and acts professional. After 8 years of Smirky English LanguageAbuser, McSame will be under the gun.
He is gonna wilt under the pressure.
@51 The Real Mark
Uh, yeah. That will work really well for McSame. Compare 4 years of decent economic good times with 7 years of Bush disaster economics. At the same time bring up memories of alternative energy programs killed by Regan. You know, the ones we could really use right now. Gee, a 30 year head start on the energy crisis, lost, because of repulibtards. Good call, that one.
Moyer has been pretty effective over the past few years in cutting through the Republican B.S. and revealing the facts in a straight-foward way. It’s simple journalism, the way it was taught before Fox News. That’s why the Republicans hate Moyer so much. Now they don’t even try to argue the facts in his documentaries, they just dismiss him as being “biased”.
Must be tough when the facts are always biased against you!
Cute line, “Carter’s second term”. It’s a real tribute to the Republican smear machine that somehow, a President that inheirited a failed economy and revived it is remembered for the failure.
It’s also a real tribute that the first President to get Egypt and Israel to sign a peace treaty is remembered for a “wishy-washy” foreign policy.
I know folks that talk about Reagan finally giving the military a couple of decent pay raises (that came in 1979 and 1980. He must have had a time machine.)
Carter pushed for an energy policy that de-emphasized petroleum, and emphasized conservation. Reagan’s answer was to push for cheaper oil from overseas. (Yeah, that was a good idea.)
And there are folks that talk about President Carter’s fiscal irresponsibility that gave us record deficits.
Carter told us that we had to get our fiscal house in order. Reagan said we could just borrow our kid’s credit card.
Carter told us that we needed to get along with other nations. Reagan said that the other nations had to take whatever we dished out, and had better not complain, because we were the strongest nation on Earth (using the military he inheirited from Carter).
Essentially, Carter told us we had to be grown-ups, while Reagan let us be the schoolyard bully while living high on our children’s credit card.
Both Bush 1 and Bush 2 have done their best to follow in those Reagan footsteps, and McCain is marching in lockstep.
Ok, I’m ready for a second Carter term. Maybe the country is ready to act like a grown-up now.
Like the last 7 years? More of the same with McSame.
Just sent a registered letter to Faux News – Bill O Really calling him a pinhead, coward and punk for refusing to go on Moyers’ show !
The fact that republicans have to go all the way back to Carter shows how bankrupt they are for real ideas.
Obama is hammering McSame for supporting tax breaks for the rich and for oil companies – and is proposing a middle class tax cut and removing the tax breaks for the rich. McSame is still in favor of supporting oil companies and their obscene profits and rich people who don’t need a tax break – the same tax break for the rich he was against before.
Looks like the mantra for republicans is going to be that the surge is working…looks like the facts on the ground may interfere with that bone-headed plan. the economy and the war are linked – we have a massive trade deficit and a massive budget deficit due to the war. We can’t afford this wasteful unnecessary war anymore and we need to throw out the bums that concocted this mess – and the cheerleaders like McSame that supported this war and told us it would be quick, easy and cheap.
Here is a link to a typical example of republican corruption (read wasting money) and cronyism – half a million dollars to stop inner city crime by using…golf (and just coincidentally supporting certain republicans).
Link: http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/.....038;page=1
And one more in todays Seattle Times:
The dept. of the interior “meeting” where they are wasting our money for a political “get together”.
Link: http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....ing10.html
Carter’s 2nd term?? Nahhhh, not that it would be bad mind you, but Obama and McCain have one thing in common: they’re both running for THIRD terms. McCain for Bush’s third term and Obama for Clinton’s.
Hmmmmmmm. . . shitty voo doo trickle-down economics or a rising tide lifts all boats economics?
Based on the reality of history I’ll take the latter over the former.
Tax breaks for Paris Hilton in the hopes that some of that will literally “trickle” down their legs and into our pockets doesn’t work.
Reagonmics is an absolute failure. It’s proven by the $10 Trillion dollar debt we have to pay back gambling on the ideas of conservatism.
We rolled the dice with the Republicans and it came up predictably “snake eyes.” Time to go back to what works and what this country was founded on: Liberalism.
It won’t be long before $4 a gallon gas sounds cheap. I mean wouldn’t you rather be paying $2.75 a gallon? Or, $3.25 a gallon? Yeah, you’ll be rembering the good ol’ days (6 months from now) when you’re paying $5+ a gallon.
This is totally off topic, but it looks like the wa state repub. party is under the microscope at the PDC for the 2006 election. It seems that most of the money they spent trying to get their people elected was somehow not reported by the receiving candidates. An email from Exec. Director Jeremy Deutsch to Jan Shabro on 5/26/08 says,”we are currently auditing our entire 2006 records.” Jan Shabro told the PDC she was not aware of the in-kind contributions, nor was anyone else on her campaign. Luke Esser is one of the people who supposedly got over $20K worth of in-kind mailings, but he didn’t report it. Pam Roach, Bob Lawrence, Mike Riley, Jim Dunn, and others are on the list.
The fact that they are now being forced to audit their books from 2006 makes me think this is the tip of the iceberg. Since it’s a big election year, it’ll be interesting to see what (if anything) the PDC does enforcement-wise.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Carter was a decent man with good intentions. That’s more than you can say about any Republican — they’re all snakes.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I see in this morning’s news that Paula Jones and Gennifer Flowers are setting up a pay-per-view web site where, for $1.99, you can watch videos of them describing their alleged sexual encounters with Bill Clinton. This should erase any lingering doubts that these whores are in it for money.
Haha! Did I just hear Moyers say that O’Reilley didn’t ‘have the equipment’ to go on his show? Oh, that is sweeeet.
@60 – Yeah, the WA state Republicans always seem to have PDC reporting problems, but there has never been the kind of enforcement to make it hurt, so they keep on doing it as SOP.
The Real Markspews:
Boy, that big, red, smilin’ pitcher fella must be feeling awfully empty right now. Either that, or none of you guys were alive from 1976 to 1980 to experience the suffering under Carter.
I could go into a long list of Carter failures — starting with inflation, gutting the military and making the U.S. look weak abroad — but I’ll simply leave it with the fact that Kennedy felt Carter was bad enough that he seriously challenged the incumbent of his own party for office in 1980.
62 – I already read about it for free back in the 90’s. Gennifer Flowers was in Penthouse back in around 1994, in which she described her affair with Clinton. He evidently referred to her tits as “the girls” (they were quite nice by the way). And Clinton “ate pussy better than anyone”.
Daddy Lovespews:
Let’s see—what’s the Republican logic here?
1. That “Bush third term” stuff is harmful to Grampaw. I know, let’s steal the Democrats’ idea by calling Obama’s campaign “Carter’s 2nd term.” Surely no one will think we’re unoriginal hacks for doing so.
2. Everone’s looking at us with blank stares. Quick–get TRM to go into a 30-minute explanation of why Carter was bad, and hope that people will sit still and listen to it, believe it, and somehow remember the 30-year-old politics of it all.
3. Next thing you know, 30-year-old history repeats itself and McCain is the next Ronald Reagan.
They don’t even know that their time is over. It’s funny because it’s true. That’s OK, most liberals didn’t know it either when our time came to be on the short end of political and historical cycles. Conservatives? You’re not going to enjoy the next couple of decades very much. I’m just sayin’…
My Left Footspews:
All Republicans do is suck strange cock in public bathrooms and chase after young boys working for congress.
If I were a republican I’d seriously want to change the subject to Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, the Great Wall of China ANYTHING but the facts relating to the poorest rated President in history REPUBLICAN GW Bush and the lame, traitor, coward, liar and flip flopper who aims to replace him, John FlipFlop McBush McCain.
Is Bob Lawrence a John Bircher or some shit?
What Moyers has that trogs like O’Reiley and Barry can only envy is humanity.
Notice how near the end, as Moyers recognizes that he has not only humiliated Barry but also created another attack piece for Olberman, he offers him an employment rec? (around 6:20)
Moyers stood his ground and let this guy call him names and repeatedly try to re-ambush him. And when it was nearly over and he realized that he might have cost the guy his job, he offers him an out. And, in all likelihood a step up in the world. Moyers didn’t put the guy in that spot. Moyers didn’t make the guy into a pig wallowing in a ditch. But he took the opportunity to offer the guy a hand up out of the ditch.
Yeah, what ROTCODDAM said.
I think Barry should get into politics, his ego is unmatched! LOL
Daddy Lovespews:
Here’s the real stupidity of the “Carter 2nd term” idiocy. Conservatives are well-known to believe that their pet ideological dogma are actually, objectively true. Any attempt to inform them that they are pretty much uniformly false by reference to objective standards are met with utter incomprehension on their parts. So knowing this, here I go anyway:
Gallup’s Feb. 9-11, 2007 poll asked Americans to rate their overall opinion of the three living former presidents. Americans are quite positive in their ratings of all three presidents, but slightly more so in their views of Carter. Sixty-nine percent of Americans say they have a favorable opinion of Carter…
So you know, we can see clearly that it’s utterly moronic for these dumb bastards to think that this will benefit them. Yet they say it anyway, because they are utterly convinced that everyone hates Jimmy Carter just because they all do.
DaddyLove @ 75: I think Carter is finally getting the respect he deserves. He took a lot of blame for problems he was trying to correct, while Reagan reaped the benefit of his long-term policies.
Clinton was a transitional president, who took on the un-enviable task of fixing a lot of problems left over from the 1950’s, 1960’s, & early 1970’s. He had to cut ties with lots of tin-horn dictators who’s only interest with the U.S. was that they claimed their opponants were communists. He had to transform a WWII-era military into a modern all-volunteer army, paying for a lot of the technology we use today in parts of the budget which couldn’t be discussed publically (M1 tanks, modern helicopters, stealth tecnology, cruise missles). He put the federal budget in a vice, even requiring White House guests to pay for their meals.
The OPEC oil price spike was a new feature which was largly out of control, even though his administration opened up the Alaska oil fields and the building of the pipeline which was finished in the early 1980’s. The credit crunch and resulting depression was due to the Fed seeking to curb the “stagflation” which had been around since the Nixon failed attempts at wage & price controls & Ford’s “Whip Inflation Now” pep rally, as well as the spike in prices caused by the oil price rise.
His major mistake was to allow the Shah of Iran into the country for medical treatment. But the consequences of that decision were impossible to predict.
Clinton’s biggest failing was that he wasn’t an inspirational orator, which I’ve come to understand is an essential job requirement for the Presidency. A president needs to both inspire and lead, and simply being correct and logical isn’t sufficient. Obviously, Obama’s got that aspect covered.
“That isn’t the Jim Johnson I knew….”
“…and that isn’t the Countrywide I previously criticized…”
Isn’t it true that FlipFlop McCain had a black baby? If so, won’t the right wingers hate him for this?
Shh… Don’t tell them.
Politically Incorrectspews:
rhp6033 @ 76,
1. Carter had nothing to do the all-volunteer military: the draft ended earlier than 1977, which was when Jimmy Carter took office.
2. Carter didn’t do much for the military. He was just too weak as an individual.
3. “Stagflation” was ended by Paul Volker, the head of the Federal Reserve. Generally, most financial folks peg the end of the “stagflation” era as August, 1982. That was when Volker finally wrung the last ounce of inflation out of the economy. Jimmy Carter had nothing to do with it and had been out of office for well over a year.
4. Reagan did far more for the military than Jimmy Carter, but had a bad habit of dealing with dictators and other riff-raff, and getting involved in foreign adventures.
Why does anyone even bother with O’Liely? There are conservatives who know more and are far more capable of expressing their views without the bombastic belching of O’Liely. George F. Will, anyone?
Anyone see that uber soft interview a few weeks back that Moyers did with Barry Hussein’s Pastor? The same weekend that Rev. Wright entertained all of us with his analysis on the origins of the AIDS virus? Moyers fed him soft ball after soft ball, reinventing the standard for “puff piece” journalism. It was sickening. It would be the equivalent of Rush Limbaugh letting Dick Cheney talk about the “success” in Iraq and merely asking why the Bush Administraion didn’t get enough credit for their efforts.
2 – Maybe Moyer should have asked him if Obama is a muslim? Would that have made you happy?
3 – No, but it would have made me happy if he had called the Rev Wright on the carpet for his racism and his delusional paranoid ideas on the AIDS virus. I mean, at least make an effort to appear like the objective unbiased “journalist” that Moyers claims to be.
This is great! With this, it’s also worth recalling Keith Olbermann’s helpful instructional video, “When an O’Reillyist Attacks”:
This is great! With this, it’s also worth recalling Keith Olbermann’s helpful instructional video, “How to Talk to Bill O’Reilly’s Stalker-Producer in a Way that Guarantees the Interview Doesn’t Get on the Air.”
could you pls reload that video ? there must be stuff cut off. I was trying to figure out where the “ambush” was. All I saw was an interview, questions, answers, discussions, posturing in front of spectators, but no ambush.
The hand on the shoulder (see here little man) was priceless.
He called O’Liely “…not a journalist, he is a pugilist”. This guy got his ass and his hat handed to him. Never ambush when your enemy is better able to fight than you are. He was out gunned before he got on the plane to go.
Olbermann is running this story tonight.
That is exactly what Limpdick does, asshole.
Are you comparing Moyers to Limpdick? OMG no wonder the Rethuglicans are going down. Too many morons like you.
Mr. Barry doesn’t seem to appreciate being on the receiving end much, does he?
Meet Bill, another idiot.
Moyers conducted an interview when the original idiot tried to conduct one of O’Liely’s trademark ambushes. How can you not see that? Poor Porter is now a laughing stock, probably going to get fired and you don’t see it? Probably think the economy and the war are going swimmingly too.
Looks like Wesley Clark is going back to Cali.
Bill O Really is a pervert, a punk and a liar and this video is one of the funniest things I’ll see this week. The right is getting its ass kicked so often I just expect to hear the next bit of good news. Come on Billy. Why not go on Moyers’ show? What are you afraid of tough guy? What a piece of shit!
Dynamic Materials (BOOM) was down to $39 today.
I told you a few days ago there was heavy resistance at 43.
Did you take my advice & sell??
I also bought Wells Fargo again today at 24.85.
With a 1.24 dividend…that is 5%.
I’m planning on holding this time….we’ll see.
I hate paying the high tax rate!
I can’t hear a word the guy from Fox is saying, but Moyers is crystal clear. How is one supposed to make heads or tails of this when you can only hear one side?
How deceitful!
How dishonest!
The —BLIP— at the 5:00 mark is when Moyers SLAPS Porter. That’s assault! Simple. 4th degree!
And the man has the temerity to say this will appear “un-editted”?!?!?! Any objective person gets his/her information from all sources and makes up their mind *then*. Moyers said “uneditted”. The clowns with the camera said “uneditted”.
The first part of that word is “lie”!
You guys wouldn’t know the truth if it bit cha in the @SS!!!
@13 It looks like BOOM’s next level of support is at 34.05. If it busts through that, there’s no telling how low it could go.
@16 Your outrage is noted. By the by, were you also outraged by O’Reilly’s sexually abusive behavior towards the employee who sued him?
I notice that Republicans are very selective in their outrage.
re 16: Tough beans boo-boo.
re 2:http://www.lrb.co.uk/v25/n07/hoop01_.html
Aids and the Polio Vaccine
Edward Hooper finds new evidence
I know you want to read all the evidence and evaluate it accordingly, so I have provided you with a new context in which to evaluate Rev. Wright’s statements.
No. You don’t have to thank me.
Why do conservatives have such trouble seeing the obvious? Why when the evidence is so overwhelming, do they continue to deny the flood as it crests the roof of their homes?
This boy, Porter, got bitch slapped by a smarter, faster old man. Bill has got to be pitching a bitch worthy of YouTube about now. I know I said it before, but this Porter is effectively unemployed.
That’s what happens when you affirm that Bill-0 is a buffoon.
So, YellowPup at 5, A/S/L.
I am a Pekingese,my name is Elvis Pupsley, 5 1/2 years old, male. I like chasing my ball, wrestling with my brothers and avoiding my sister (she is such a bitch). Of course I like walks on a long leash at the beach.
How about you, I can’ sniff your butt from here so tell me…….
Elvis @ 23 – ROTF LMAO! :)
Hey, does anyone know the story behind Snohomish County council and this new airline that wants to use Paine Field? A friend brought it up today and said something to the effect that the FAA funded part of the airport there and are demanding this new airline be allowed to use it?
cmiklich barfs out:
“How deceitful! How dishonest! UN-EDITTED?!?!
The —BLIP— at the 5:00 mark is when Moyers SLAPS Porter. That’s assault! Simple. 4th degree!”
Umm…cmiklich, you might want to take that little cocktail wiener-sized boner of yours and deturgesce it by watching videos of bombing Baghdad or Sadaam’s hanging or something.
The 5:00 mark is a load point for the video.
Sheesh…are all wingnuts such mental midgets?
No…you’re just too stupid to know the difference between streaming video loading and an edited video.
“Liberals. The first part of that word is “lie”!”
No…the first part of “liberal” is “li”, or more correctly, liber, Latin for free.
The etymology of “lie” is the proto-Germanic word lugin, which means an untruth.
I take it you didn’t do too well on the verbal knowledge portion of the SATs.
“You guys wouldn’t know the truth if it bit cha in the @SS!!!”
…says the Wingding who just made up a little lie about Moyers assaulting Porter.
Yo Steve:
What sexually abusive behavior? By the gal, who was so “outraged” she quit only to come back months later?
“…In his lawsuit, announced hours before Mackris filed her litigation, O’Reilly noted that not even the producer claims any “adverse employment action” based on their relationship. He noted that Mackris told a friend at CNN in a Sept. 7 e-mail that her life at Fox was “wonderful, amazing, fun, creative, invigorating, secure, well-managed, challenging” and that she was “surrounded by really good, fun people….”
Wow. Sounds like hell.
Key word: “SECURE”.
Totally politically motivated. And, then the obvious question: Only once? One time in 35+ years of reporting? Once??? Once?!?!?! Man, if this guy is Gary Ridgway in front of the camera like yer saying, then fer chrissakes, why no repeat?
No video? No audio? (Supposedly she taped some calls??) She coulda been a multi-multi-millionaire. IF. SHE. HAD. ANYTHING.
Just took away yer “spin” there, Stevie. Pun intended.
Yo gonadless. I mean, darryl.
I watched the show. Then I watched the “un-editted” version here at Goldy-is-a-horsesass.com. Fact is, Goldy’s version was editted.
Ow. Gotcha. Hard, too!
ahh, um, well, uh….DUMBASS!
I have see the same tape, same show…no editing. Moyers did not slap him. Don’t you think we would have heard about Moyers arrest, or Bill-0 going bonkers?
Try to use your brain for something other than trying to remember where your crack pipe is.
Thanks for playing.
NOTE: Just because you say it, does not make it so. That strategy went out with ROVEBUSHCO. America so does not buy that anymore.
“I watched the show. Then I watched the “un-editted” version here at Goldy-is-a-horsesass.com. Fact is, Goldy’s version was editted.”
Let see…first you make up shit about Moyers slapping someone. Then you dig yourself in deeper by lying about “the unedited version” at “Goldy-is-a-horsesass.com”.
Are you a pathological liar? Or is lying just an emotional response (a sort-of wingnut Tourette syndrome) that happens when your cocktail wiener gets all stiff?
I think Elvis Pupsley has demonstrated his intelligence enough for one night. He is a damn sight smarter than the Republicans on this blog. I am taking back my laptop.
Our friend is in need of a surgical procedure known as a Windectomy.
In this procedure, surgeons install a window in the abdomen which enables the recipient to be able to see where they are going while their head up their own ass.
When is the war going to give us $20 a barrel oil? That is what Murdoch said we’d get:
“The greatest thing to come out of this for the world economy, if you could put it that way, would be $20 a barrel for oil. That’s bigger than any tax cut in the any country.”
This begs the question, is $137 a barrel oil bigger than any tax increase in any country?
cmiklich is a republican – therefore, it’s obvious he is a pathological liar. The two go hand-in-hand.
And OReally is a coward for not going on Moyers’ show!
Using Republicans for bait … I like it! =:-D
Hannah…re airport…find more here
@4 Your priorities are fucked up. How about calling Bush on the carpet? Why haven’t you done that? Wright doesn’t matter. He’s only a two-bit pastor in a two-bit church who influences, at most, a couple hundred (mostly elderly) people. He isn’t out there blowing up the Middle East, like Bush is.
The kid who posted @16 had too much sugar today.
Bill @ 36 – thanks for the link, I went to the Everett Herald after my friend told me where he read the story. Sounds like Sno County Council could be in a serious bind! If the fed takes away future grants, who knows what that would do to Boeing being there. And fighting 2-4 flights a week seems extensive although if it were me being a homeowner and the county and city allowed flights I would be pissed too.
Lighten up Darryl ya “rednecked Liberal”!
I knows you is a redneck Darryl cuz of yer mama.
When yer mama fails to pull a lit Marlboro from between her nicotine stained lips while screamin’ ” KISS MY ASS” at the State Patrolman who pulled her over fer goin’ too slow….
According to Jeff Foxworthy Darryl…that makes you a REDNECK!
If you don’t like Fox, then don’t fucking watch it.
It’s that simple.
Looks like Porter didn’t realize Moyers is an ordained minister. Moyers was trying to save his soul!
I loved watching Porter stalk off. Do that to hims a few more times and he’ll be looking for a new line of work.
Awh… poor widdle wriddies got taken to school and got their widdle feelers hurt??
@ Darryl,
Keep up the good work.
@40 No, Cynical, a “redneck” is someone who’s been married 5 times and still has the same in-laws.
@40, 45
From Wikipedia:
The National Covenant and The Solemn League and Covenant (a.k.a. Covenanters) signed documents stating that Scotland desired a Presbyterian Church government, and rejected the Church of England as their official church (no Anglican congregation was ever accepted as the official church in Scotland). What the Covenanters rejected was episcopacy — rule by bishops — the preferred form of church government in England. Many of the Covenanters signed these documents using their own blood, and many in the movement began wearing red pieces of cloth around their neck to signify their position to the public. They were referred to as rednecks.[1] Large numbers of these Scottish Presbyterians migrated from their lowland Scottish home to Ulster (the northern province of Ireland) and soon settled in considerable numbers in North America throughout the 18th century. Some emigrated directly from Scotland to the American colonies in the late 18th and early 19th-centuries as a result of the Lowland Clearances. This etymological theory holds that since many Scots-Irish Americans and Scottish Americans who settled in Appalachia and the South were Presbyterian, the term was bestowed upon them and their descendants.
You know you are a redneck if your telephone is in your child’s name.
RR at 45:
You just tried to explain a complicated formula to an inbred, possum eating, hillbilly, mouth breather.
Cynical is still trying to figure out how his brother is his father and his cousin. His mom is also his sister. It is all very difficult for him to do the math on. He does not have enough toes and teeth to figure it all out.
miklich…you’re just fucking insane.
reichert supports torture.
Gotta love it… McCain just dropped the “Carter Second Term” phrase on NBC Nightly News…
And they’re off!!!
He was stiff, it was a fed and forced line. The American people want a president who looks and acts professional. After 8 years of Smirky English LanguageAbuser, McSame will be under the gun.
He is gonna wilt under the pressure.
@51 The Real Mark
Uh, yeah. That will work really well for McSame. Compare 4 years of decent economic good times with 7 years of Bush disaster economics. At the same time bring up memories of alternative energy programs killed by Regan. You know, the ones we could really use right now. Gee, a 30 year head start on the energy crisis, lost, because of repulibtards. Good call, that one.
Moyer has been pretty effective over the past few years in cutting through the Republican B.S. and revealing the facts in a straight-foward way. It’s simple journalism, the way it was taught before Fox News. That’s why the Republicans hate Moyer so much. Now they don’t even try to argue the facts in his documentaries, they just dismiss him as being “biased”.
Must be tough when the facts are always biased against you!
Cute line, “Carter’s second term”. It’s a real tribute to the Republican smear machine that somehow, a President that inheirited a failed economy and revived it is remembered for the failure.
It’s also a real tribute that the first President to get Egypt and Israel to sign a peace treaty is remembered for a “wishy-washy” foreign policy.
I know folks that talk about Reagan finally giving the military a couple of decent pay raises (that came in 1979 and 1980. He must have had a time machine.)
Carter pushed for an energy policy that de-emphasized petroleum, and emphasized conservation. Reagan’s answer was to push for cheaper oil from overseas. (Yeah, that was a good idea.)
And there are folks that talk about President Carter’s fiscal irresponsibility that gave us record deficits.
Carter told us that we had to get our fiscal house in order. Reagan said we could just borrow our kid’s credit card.
Carter told us that we needed to get along with other nations. Reagan said that the other nations had to take whatever we dished out, and had better not complain, because we were the strongest nation on Earth (using the military he inheirited from Carter).
Essentially, Carter told us we had to be grown-ups, while Reagan let us be the schoolyard bully while living high on our children’s credit card.
Both Bush 1 and Bush 2 have done their best to follow in those Reagan footsteps, and McCain is marching in lockstep.
Ok, I’m ready for a second Carter term. Maybe the country is ready to act like a grown-up now.
Like the last 7 years? More of the same with McSame.
Just sent a registered letter to Faux News – Bill O Really calling him a pinhead, coward and punk for refusing to go on Moyers’ show !
The fact that republicans have to go all the way back to Carter shows how bankrupt they are for real ideas.
Obama is hammering McSame for supporting tax breaks for the rich and for oil companies – and is proposing a middle class tax cut and removing the tax breaks for the rich. McSame is still in favor of supporting oil companies and their obscene profits and rich people who don’t need a tax break – the same tax break for the rich he was against before.
Looks like the mantra for republicans is going to be that the surge is working…looks like the facts on the ground may interfere with that bone-headed plan. the economy and the war are linked – we have a massive trade deficit and a massive budget deficit due to the war. We can’t afford this wasteful unnecessary war anymore and we need to throw out the bums that concocted this mess – and the cheerleaders like McSame that supported this war and told us it would be quick, easy and cheap.
Here is a link to a typical example of republican corruption (read wasting money) and cronyism – half a million dollars to stop inner city crime by using…golf (and just coincidentally supporting certain republicans).
And one more in todays Seattle Times:
The dept. of the interior “meeting” where they are wasting our money for a political “get together”.
Carter’s 2nd term?? Nahhhh, not that it would be bad mind you, but Obama and McCain have one thing in common: they’re both running for THIRD terms. McCain for Bush’s third term and Obama for Clinton’s.
Hmmmmmmm. . . shitty
voo dootrickle-down economics or a rising tide lifts all boats economics?Based on the reality of history I’ll take the latter over the former.
Tax breaks for Paris Hilton in the hopes that some of that will literally “trickle” down their legs and into our pockets doesn’t work.
Reagonmics is an absolute failure. It’s proven by the $10 Trillion dollar debt we have to pay back gambling on the ideas of conservatism.
We rolled the dice with the Republicans and it came up predictably “snake eyes.” Time to go back to what works and what this country was founded on: Liberalism.
It won’t be long before $4 a gallon gas sounds cheap. I mean wouldn’t you rather be paying $2.75 a gallon? Or, $3.25 a gallon? Yeah, you’ll be rembering the good ol’ days (6 months from now) when you’re paying $5+ a gallon.
This is totally off topic, but it looks like the wa state repub. party is under the microscope at the PDC for the 2006 election. It seems that most of the money they spent trying to get their people elected was somehow not reported by the receiving candidates. An email from Exec. Director Jeremy Deutsch to Jan Shabro on 5/26/08 says,”we are currently auditing our entire 2006 records.” Jan Shabro told the PDC she was not aware of the in-kind contributions, nor was anyone else on her campaign. Luke Esser is one of the people who supposedly got over $20K worth of in-kind mailings, but he didn’t report it. Pam Roach, Bob Lawrence, Mike Riley, Jim Dunn, and others are on the list.
The fact that they are now being forced to audit their books from 2006 makes me think this is the tip of the iceberg. Since it’s a big election year, it’ll be interesting to see what (if anything) the PDC does enforcement-wise.
Carter was a decent man with good intentions. That’s more than you can say about any Republican — they’re all snakes.
I see in this morning’s news that Paula Jones and Gennifer Flowers are setting up a pay-per-view web site where, for $1.99, you can watch videos of them describing their alleged sexual encounters with Bill Clinton. This should erase any lingering doubts that these whores are in it for money.
Haha! Did I just hear Moyers say that O’Reilley didn’t ‘have the equipment’ to go on his show? Oh, that is sweeeet.
@60 – Yeah, the WA state Republicans always seem to have PDC reporting problems, but there has never been the kind of enforcement to make it hurt, so they keep on doing it as SOP.
Boy, that big, red, smilin’ pitcher fella must be feeling awfully empty right now. Either that, or none of you guys were alive from 1976 to 1980 to experience the suffering under Carter.
I could go into a long list of Carter failures — starting with inflation, gutting the military and making the U.S. look weak abroad — but I’ll simply leave it with the fact that Kennedy felt Carter was bad enough that he seriously challenged the incumbent of his own party for office in 1980.
4 more years! 4 more years! 4 more years!
62 – I already read about it for free back in the 90’s. Gennifer Flowers was in Penthouse back in around 1994, in which she described her affair with Clinton. He evidently referred to her tits as “the girls” (they were quite nice by the way). And Clinton “ate pussy better than anyone”.
Let’s see—what’s the Republican logic here?
They don’t even know that their time is over. It’s funny because it’s true. That’s OK, most liberals didn’t know it either when our time came to be on the short end of political and historical cycles. Conservatives? You’re not going to enjoy the next couple of decades very much. I’m just sayin’…
All Republicans do is suck strange cock in public bathrooms and chase after young boys working for congress.
If I were a republican I’d seriously want to change the subject to Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, the Great Wall of China ANYTHING but the facts relating to the poorest rated President in history REPUBLICAN GW Bush and the lame, traitor, coward, liar and flip flopper who aims to replace him, John FlipFlop McBush McCain.
Is Bob Lawrence a John Bircher or some shit?
What Moyers has that trogs like O’Reiley and Barry can only envy is humanity.
Notice how near the end, as Moyers recognizes that he has not only humiliated Barry but also created another attack piece for Olberman, he offers him an employment rec? (around 6:20)
Moyers stood his ground and let this guy call him names and repeatedly try to re-ambush him. And when it was nearly over and he realized that he might have cost the guy his job, he offers him an out. And, in all likelihood a step up in the world. Moyers didn’t put the guy in that spot. Moyers didn’t make the guy into a pig wallowing in a ditch. But he took the opportunity to offer the guy a hand up out of the ditch.
Yeah, what ROTCODDAM said.
I think Barry should get into politics, his ego is unmatched! LOL
Here’s the real stupidity of the “Carter 2nd term” idiocy. Conservatives are well-known to believe that their pet ideological dogma are actually, objectively true. Any attempt to inform them that they are pretty much uniformly false by reference to objective standards are met with utter incomprehension on their parts. So knowing this, here I go anyway:
So you know, we can see clearly that it’s utterly moronic for these dumb bastards to think that this will benefit them. Yet they say it anyway, because they are utterly convinced that everyone hates Jimmy Carter just because they all do.
DaddyLove @ 75: I think Carter is finally getting the respect he deserves. He took a lot of blame for problems he was trying to correct, while Reagan reaped the benefit of his long-term policies.
Clinton was a transitional president, who took on the un-enviable task of fixing a lot of problems left over from the 1950’s, 1960’s, & early 1970’s. He had to cut ties with lots of tin-horn dictators who’s only interest with the U.S. was that they claimed their opponants were communists. He had to transform a WWII-era military into a modern all-volunteer army, paying for a lot of the technology we use today in parts of the budget which couldn’t be discussed publically (M1 tanks, modern helicopters, stealth tecnology, cruise missles). He put the federal budget in a vice, even requiring White House guests to pay for their meals.
The OPEC oil price spike was a new feature which was largly out of control, even though his administration opened up the Alaska oil fields and the building of the pipeline which was finished in the early 1980’s. The credit crunch and resulting depression was due to the Fed seeking to curb the “stagflation” which had been around since the Nixon failed attempts at wage & price controls & Ford’s “Whip Inflation Now” pep rally, as well as the spike in prices caused by the oil price rise.
His major mistake was to allow the Shah of Iran into the country for medical treatment. But the consequences of that decision were impossible to predict.
Clinton’s biggest failing was that he wasn’t an inspirational orator, which I’ve come to understand is an essential job requirement for the Presidency. A president needs to both inspire and lead, and simply being correct and logical isn’t sufficient. Obviously, Obama’s got that aspect covered.
“That isn’t the Jim Johnson I knew….”
“…and that isn’t the Countrywide I previously criticized…”
Isn’t it true that FlipFlop McCain had a black baby? If so, won’t the right wingers hate him for this?
Shh… Don’t tell them.
rhp6033 @ 76,
1. Carter had nothing to do the all-volunteer military: the draft ended earlier than 1977, which was when Jimmy Carter took office.
2. Carter didn’t do much for the military. He was just too weak as an individual.
3. “Stagflation” was ended by Paul Volker, the head of the Federal Reserve. Generally, most financial folks peg the end of the “stagflation” era as August, 1982. That was when Volker finally wrung the last ounce of inflation out of the economy. Jimmy Carter had nothing to do with it and had been out of office for well over a year.
4. Reagan did far more for the military than Jimmy Carter, but had a bad habit of dealing with dictators and other riff-raff, and getting involved in foreign adventures.