OOhh dear, now we’re dragging the crustacia into our poitics.
Don’t they suffer enough!
Came to have lobster once. For the rest of the month every time I burped I was reminded of that meal. On the whole I perfer shrimp. They’re evil enough they deserve any relationship with a neocon that either can imagine. And shrimp are known for having vivid and bloody imaginations.
If you enjoy a good conspiracy theory, here’s an excerpt from a book about the ‘Bilderberg Group’:
“It is certainly curious that no mainstream media outlet considers a gathering of such figures, whose wealth far exceeds the combined wealth of all United States citizens, to be newsworthy, when a trip by any one of them on their own makes headline news on TV.
The Bilderberg Group has grown beyond its idealistic beginnings to become a shadow world government.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
Blame GOP For High Oil Prices
U.S. Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman told a meeting of energy ministers this weekend that soaring oil prices are “a simple problem of supply and demand,” the Associated Press reports.
Bodman said oil production has been “stalled” at 85 million bpd since 2005 while demand continues to grow, according to the AP. He told reporters the world needs to “see a reduction of the use of oil” as well as increased supply.
But for years, Republicans sneered at — and fought — Democratic calls for energy conservation. The Bush administration not only opposed higher CAFE standards, but gave tax credits to buyers of gas guzzlers. Bush’s borrow-and-spend and weak-dollar policies are also major driving forces behind soaring oil prices. His refusal to invest in alternative energy and public transportation also hurts consumers. And, of course, his ill-advised invasion of Iraq shut down one of the world’s largest oil producers.
In fact, when it comes to energy policy, Bush has done nothing right and everything wrong.
Improving efficiency and conserving fuel are just common sense. But common sense is something we’ll never get from Republicans. Businesses don’t make more profit by selling less of something.
The GOP’s chickens are coming home to roost. We’re probably stuck with high oil prices — and their inflationary and recessionary effects — for several years at least.
As you watch your hard-earned paycheck and your standard of living disappear into your gas tank, say “Thanks for nothing, Republicans!” because they are to blame.
Roger Rabbitspews:
If McCain does that here in Washington (with a clam?), we can nail him under Pasedo’s Law. Five years in Walla2 for sure.
Tommy Tompsonspews:
I hope the Lobster doesn’t get Crabs.
I am sure this post will get some of the resident right wing turds excited. They seem to have unusual sexual desires.
Well Clinton is finally, officially, out. Her speech went well and hopefully will keep many of her supporters active in getting Obama into the White House.
Daddy Lovespews:
I don’t mind lying about those assholes. They’ve been doing nothing but lying about us for thirty years.
Rick D.spews:
Actually, Obama’s cocaine induced Gay tryst with Larry Sinclair has much more credibility than some photoshopped picture of McCain holding a lobster.
Goldy is just mad that McCain is wealthy enough to eat lobster while his lazy, unemployed ass sits at home until the wifey brings home the bacon. Dave Ross was out for 3-4 days this week and didn’t even let Goldy near the radio station to fill in after the last fiasco with his whiny voice turning radio dials faster than the the lead Donkey from HA showing up at the local foodbank for a handout.
Watch the video for more evidence that Obama is not who he seems.
This might explain Michelle Obama’s angry attitude as well.
Jim, (a genuine musician)spews:
Where’s pooper?
Now that Puddylink (posting as Rick D.) has been outed as a gay republican, will he come clean that he was the one in the restroom with republican larry craig?
I sure hope that somebody is compiling a YouTube video with all the GOP arrests, convictions and guilty pleas in sex scandals this term. It will help everyone understand what lying hypocrites these cowards really are.
Bill Cruchonspews:
Speaking of liars, it only took 24-hours for the City of Seattle to reverse its stupid proposal to ban beach bonfires. According to the P-I City officials claim its reversal had “nothing to do with negative reaction to the ideas once they were made public.”
Yeah, right.
I shouldn’t give you lefties any advice, but one thing you need to guard against is going too far. You are all cocky now and full of yourselves and I expect you will win big in the fall elections. Assuming a big electoral victory gives you carte blanche to implement all your nutty ideas would be a mistake. I think Mayor Nickels just learned that lesson, though he would never admit it.
13 – Cruchon, I though Seattlites were all for bonfire bans and latte taxes and tearing down buildings and tearing up pavement to build shiny new parks.
Yet, those things never seem to come to pass.
Going too far? What’s that? Spinning tall tales about mushroom clouds? Stirring up hornets nests in the Middle East? Doubling the national debt?
We’re going to be cleaning up your mess Cruchon and we’re never going to let you guys forget about it.
re 13: Thanks for ‘covering’ the bonfire debacle. It’s a story many of us would have considered trivial, but with your linkage of it to presidential politics, that changes everything.
Wow, the trolls are on a roll.
Liberalism in Puget Sound has a long, proud tradition and has been expressed in many ways over the years. Back in the day we had Utopian and Anarchist communities like Home.
I bring this up because bonfires on the beach are very much a part of our local culture and traditions and are rooted in places like Home.
Look for Peter Goldmark coming to a neighborhood near you, running for Commissioner of Public Lands. A progressive D from Eastern Washington, Peter’s family has sacrificed much for the good of the people of Washington State.
Bill Cruchonspews:
My mention of the proposed bonfire ban was hardly trivial, Lucy. It is rather more indicative of the kinds of loopy things leftists love to impose on people because it’s how they get their jollies. Leftists, including Al Gore, think nothing of flitting off to conference after conference on oil consuming ozone ripping jet airplanes. But should someone want to build a beach fire or have a backyard barbecue they are suddenly outraged. Once people get how phony leftists are your little party will be over.
And righties don’t seem to have a problem with lying us into a war and running up huge deficits that bankrupt the country.
The big difference here is that the lefty idea was tossed out shortly after being put on the table.
Hate to burst your bubble, but congressman Hair Spray, Dino Rossi and McCain all want to take action on global warming and are all working to make themselves look like they are further to the left than they really are.
Bill Cruchonspews:
“lying us into war and bankrupting the country” could not have happened without the willing consent of Democrats in Congress. Or have you perhaps forgotten? Running up deficits has far more to do with continued funding of Democratic entitlement programs, which, by the way, your Presidential candidate wants to increase and add to. And you should stop lying about huge defense spending. Defense spending as a percentage of the GDP is almost half what it was under JFK.
I hope you’re right about Rossi and McCain positioning themselves further to the left that they actually are. I fear however that is not the case. They are responding to the constant global warming hammering by a leftist media that has brainwashed most people into believing this fraud.
“lying us into war and bankrupting the country” could not have happened without the willing consent of Democrats in Congress. Or have you perhaps forgotten?
Nope, haven’t forgotten that one.
Bill Cruchonspews:
Glad you haven’t forgotten. And that “lying us into war” is a bunch of garbage as well. Democrats were more than happy about invading Iraq until they realized they could use the war as a convenient yoke to hang around Bush’s head.
You lefties want to run everything, do you? You can’t even figure out how get something as simple as a new ferryboat built. You had the funding 5 years ago to build new ferries. Where are they? I’m sure the business owners in Port Townsend would like an answer.
that “lying us into war” is a bunch of garbage as well.
You think Bush and Co. were telling the truth?
Bill Cruchonspews:
They were telling the truth as far as they were able to discern it. The Clintons believed it as well.
What you should ask yourself is what great political or monetary advantage Bush gained by going to war against Iraq. I can’t think of any. Can you?
Ed Westonspews:
935 lies from shrubCo got us into Iraq. The Iraqi’s won’t sign over their oil so even that money maker for the few ain’t gonna happen. Shrub wants to go down in history as a great war leader. Don’t think thats in the cards either. I’d be hard pressed to find a source on all the lies that you’d accept. Obviously any progressive source is out to lunch as far as your concerned.On the off chance that you might be open to information on all those lies, try Media Matters.org otherwise. Enjoy your ignorance.
On the global warming issue, well over 1000 peer reviewed papers support it. If you can find one equivilent peer reviewed paper debunking it, your doing better than a number of rich and influencial people can. Even Newt, for gods sake, Gingrich is in agreement on this issue. Perhaps someday you may come to believe there are issues that ideology cannot effect. Sweat for your ignorance.
Bybygooper, how are those new shemale outfits fitting you?
Lefties: You all are such morons.
Carter, Bush1, & Clinton still receive national security updates all the time. Recently Carter told the world how many nuke warheads are suspected in Israel’s arsenal. He was a moron to discuss this in public like always. But, where did he get that info? Reuters? NOPE you DOPES!
So they all got the same briefings. Nothing changed and we all know how much of a big mouth Bill Clinton is when he wants to make himself look good. Remember the PuddyFact when I put his Long Island speech tape on HA? Well maybe you should regale yourselves again on his positions. And we know Heilary was always involved in “pillow talk”.
Hey Ed Weston, I thought we went into Iraq to control their oil. Well that was the 16%er mantra for so long…
OOhh dear, now we’re dragging the crustacia into our poitics.
Don’t they suffer enough!
Came to have lobster once. For the rest of the month every time I burped I was reminded of that meal. On the whole I perfer shrimp. They’re evil enough they deserve any relationship with a neocon that either can imagine. And shrimp are known for having vivid and bloody imaginations.
As an ex-military man, choking the chicken is apparently not macho enough for McCain.
If you enjoy a good conspiracy theory, here’s an excerpt from a book about the ‘Bilderberg Group’:
“It is certainly curious that no mainstream media outlet considers a gathering of such figures, whose wealth far exceeds the combined wealth of all United States citizens, to be newsworthy, when a trip by any one of them on their own makes headline news on TV.
The Bilderberg Group has grown beyond its idealistic beginnings to become a shadow world government.”
Blame GOP For High Oil Prices
U.S. Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman told a meeting of energy ministers this weekend that soaring oil prices are “a simple problem of supply and demand,” the Associated Press reports.
Bodman said oil production has been “stalled” at 85 million bpd since 2005 while demand continues to grow, according to the AP. He told reporters the world needs to “see a reduction of the use of oil” as well as increased supply.
But for years, Republicans sneered at — and fought — Democratic calls for energy conservation. The Bush administration not only opposed higher CAFE standards, but gave tax credits to buyers of gas guzzlers. Bush’s borrow-and-spend and weak-dollar policies are also major driving forces behind soaring oil prices. His refusal to invest in alternative energy and public transportation also hurts consumers. And, of course, his ill-advised invasion of Iraq shut down one of the world’s largest oil producers.
In fact, when it comes to energy policy, Bush has done nothing right and everything wrong.
Improving efficiency and conserving fuel are just common sense. But common sense is something we’ll never get from Republicans. Businesses don’t make more profit by selling less of something.
The GOP’s chickens are coming home to roost. We’re probably stuck with high oil prices — and their inflationary and recessionary effects — for several years at least.
As you watch your hard-earned paycheck and your standard of living disappear into your gas tank, say “Thanks for nothing, Republicans!” because they are to blame.
If McCain does that here in Washington (with a clam?), we can nail him under Pasedo’s Law. Five years in Walla2 for sure.
I hope the Lobster doesn’t get Crabs.
I am sure this post will get some of the resident right wing turds excited. They seem to have unusual sexual desires.
Well Clinton is finally, officially, out. Her speech went well and hopefully will keep many of her supporters active in getting Obama into the White House.
I don’t mind lying about those assholes. They’ve been doing nothing but lying about us for thirty years.
Actually, Obama’s cocaine induced Gay tryst with Larry Sinclair has much more credibility than some photoshopped picture of McCain holding a lobster.
Goldy is just mad that McCain is wealthy enough to eat lobster while his lazy, unemployed ass sits at home until the wifey brings home the bacon. Dave Ross was out for 3-4 days this week and didn’t even let Goldy near the radio station to fill in after the last fiasco with his whiny voice turning radio dials faster than the the lead Donkey from HA showing up at the local foodbank for a handout.
Watch the video for more evidence that Obama is not who he seems.
This might explain Michelle Obama’s angry attitude as well.
Where’s pooper?
Now that Puddylink (posting as Rick D.) has been outed as a gay republican, will he come clean that he was the one in the restroom with republican larry craig?
I sure hope that somebody is compiling a YouTube video with all the GOP arrests, convictions and guilty pleas in sex scandals this term. It will help everyone understand what lying hypocrites these cowards really are.
Speaking of liars, it only took 24-hours for the City of Seattle to reverse its stupid proposal to ban beach bonfires. According to the P-I City officials claim its reversal had “nothing to do with negative reaction to the ideas once they were made public.”
Yeah, right.
I shouldn’t give you lefties any advice, but one thing you need to guard against is going too far. You are all cocky now and full of yourselves and I expect you will win big in the fall elections. Assuming a big electoral victory gives you carte blanche to implement all your nutty ideas would be a mistake. I think Mayor Nickels just learned that lesson, though he would never admit it.
13 – Cruchon, I though Seattlites were all for bonfire bans and latte taxes and tearing down buildings and tearing up pavement to build shiny new parks.
Yet, those things never seem to come to pass.
Going too far? What’s that? Spinning tall tales about mushroom clouds? Stirring up hornets nests in the Middle East? Doubling the national debt?
We’re going to be cleaning up your mess Cruchon and we’re never going to let you guys forget about it.
re 13: Thanks for ‘covering’ the bonfire debacle. It’s a story many of us would have considered trivial, but with your linkage of it to presidential politics, that changes everything.
Wow, the trolls are on a roll.
Liberalism in Puget Sound has a long, proud tradition and has been expressed in many ways over the years. Back in the day we had Utopian and Anarchist communities like Home.
I bring this up because bonfires on the beach are very much a part of our local culture and traditions and are rooted in places like Home.
Look for Peter Goldmark coming to a neighborhood near you, running for Commissioner of Public Lands. A progressive D from Eastern Washington, Peter’s family has sacrificed much for the good of the people of Washington State.
My mention of the proposed bonfire ban was hardly trivial, Lucy. It is rather more indicative of the kinds of loopy things leftists love to impose on people because it’s how they get their jollies. Leftists, including Al Gore, think nothing of flitting off to conference after conference on oil consuming ozone ripping jet airplanes. But should someone want to build a beach fire or have a backyard barbecue they are suddenly outraged. Once people get how phony leftists are your little party will be over.
And righties don’t seem to have a problem with lying us into a war and running up huge deficits that bankrupt the country.
The big difference here is that the lefty idea was tossed out shortly after being put on the table.
Hate to burst your bubble, but congressman Hair Spray, Dino Rossi and McCain all want to take action on global warming and are all working to make themselves look like they are further to the left than they really are.
“lying us into war and bankrupting the country” could not have happened without the willing consent of Democrats in Congress. Or have you perhaps forgotten? Running up deficits has far more to do with continued funding of Democratic entitlement programs, which, by the way, your Presidential candidate wants to increase and add to. And you should stop lying about huge defense spending. Defense spending as a percentage of the GDP is almost half what it was under JFK.
I hope you’re right about Rossi and McCain positioning themselves further to the left that they actually are. I fear however that is not the case. They are responding to the constant global warming hammering by a leftist media that has brainwashed most people into believing this fraud.
Nope, haven’t forgotten that one.
Glad you haven’t forgotten. And that “lying us into war” is a bunch of garbage as well. Democrats were more than happy about invading Iraq until they realized they could use the war as a convenient yoke to hang around Bush’s head.
You lefties want to run everything, do you? You can’t even figure out how get something as simple as a new ferryboat built. You had the funding 5 years ago to build new ferries. Where are they? I’m sure the business owners in Port Townsend would like an answer.
You think Bush and Co. were telling the truth?
They were telling the truth as far as they were able to discern it. The Clintons believed it as well.
What you should ask yourself is what great political or monetary advantage Bush gained by going to war against Iraq. I can’t think of any. Can you?
935 lies from shrubCo got us into Iraq. The Iraqi’s won’t sign over their oil so even that money maker for the few ain’t gonna happen. Shrub wants to go down in history as a great war leader. Don’t think thats in the cards either. I’d be hard pressed to find a source on all the lies that you’d accept. Obviously any progressive source is out to lunch as far as your concerned.On the off chance that you might be open to information on all those lies, try Media Matters.org otherwise. Enjoy your ignorance.
On the global warming issue, well over 1000 peer reviewed papers support it. If you can find one equivilent peer reviewed paper debunking it, your doing better than a number of rich and influencial people can. Even Newt, for gods sake, Gingrich is in agreement on this issue. Perhaps someday you may come to believe there are issues that ideology cannot effect. Sweat for your ignorance.
Bybygooper, how are those new shemale outfits fitting you?
Lefties: You all are such morons.
Carter, Bush1, & Clinton still receive national security updates all the time. Recently Carter told the world how many nuke warheads are suspected in Israel’s arsenal. He was a moron to discuss this in public like always. But, where did he get that info? Reuters? NOPE you DOPES!
So they all got the same briefings. Nothing changed and we all know how much of a big mouth Bill Clinton is when he wants to make himself look good. Remember the PuddyFact when I put his Long Island speech tape on HA? Well maybe you should regale yourselves again on his positions. And we know Heilary was always involved in “pillow talk”.
Hey Ed Weston, I thought we went into Iraq to control their oil. Well that was the 16%er mantra for so long…