– The Falsest of False Equivalencies
– The bill to abolish the death penalty in Washington and replace it with live without parole xdied in committee
– Yes, Seattle has a parking problem. There’s way too much of it.
– We should keep voting on class sizes until we change our mind.
– If President Obama said he loved this country any more, we’d tell him he was smothering us.
Mother Jones caught Bill O’Reilly dead to rights, and nailed his lying ass to the barn door. O’Reilly and Fox News refused to answer questions, and O’Reilly answered on his show with invective, name-calling, and a death threat against MJ’s reporter.
There are three links because MJ published three separate articles about this big and growing story.
NBC News reports a tentative settlement in the West Coast dockworkers labor negotiations.
Oh poor Rudy – the President doesn’t love him. Ohhhh boo hoo hoo. He wants you to think that the President doesn’t love you or me. oh boo hoo hoo.
Sounds like he’s acting like a thirteen year child complaining that mommy and daddy don’t love him because they set a curfew. You know tough love that a teenager doesn’t understand.
Kind of like the love the Republucan Party is showing the Log Cabin Republicans, not letting them join in any raindeer games (CPAC). I wonder if Rudy can tell the Log Cabin Republicans how much they are loved. How Republicans love the gays, the black, the immigrants, the 47%’ers, the Mislims, the needy. We sure know the Teabaggers love the world.
Obama doesn’t show anyone love, he only repealed don’t ask don’t tell, is trying to help illegal immigrants, helping people to have a better wage, and some healthcare, maybe get a free college education, equal women’s pay, maintain a job in the auto industry, hey he’s even helped people make money in the stock market (Roger).
Oh he hates America. But Rudy and the rest of the Repukes love me and you.
My own experience isn’t that Seattle has too much parking, no matter what a bike blogger says. I won’t say parking downtown is impossible, but it’s difficult and expensive enough to deter me from taking my car downtown. If the private garages are 40% empty, the solution is lower prices. If Seattle has a half-million mostly-free street parking spaces, as the bike blogger claims, then he must be counting all the curb parking in residential neighborhoods, which doesn’t do you any good unless you’re visiting someone in those specific neighborhoods. And it may be we’re “all” paying for those spaces, as he asserts, but we’re sure not paying for them equally; car drivers pay license fees, gas taxes, and parking meters (and fines) while cyclists pay nothing for bike lanes, bike racks, and all the other amenities they get, except through indirect general-revenue taxes. Seattle has become a very car-unfriendly city, and businesses eventually will pay the price. Not all of us can get around on bicyclists. We shop elsewhere, where our cars are welcome. And parking is a big reason why I don’t attend DL anymore, since it moved to a new and less accessible location.
No, we shouldn’t vote on class size again. Because the initiative sponsors and voters provided no money to pay for it, and there’s no money available in the existing state budget to pay for it, the legislature should let it die on the vine. If the public truly wants this, they should tax themselves to pay for it. I’m not against reducing class sizes; but I’m against raiding other state programs to pay for it, which was the apparent intent of the initiative’s sponsors and backers, and is why I voted against it. I would have voted for it if the drafters had put in a funding mechanism.
We need state tax reform, and that should be Job One, because not much will be possible until that’s done. We simply can’t keep loading more regressive taxes on our state’s poorest residents; the limits of that have been reached. Without tax reform, our schools and social services will continue to deteriorate, and nothing can be done to stop it. We’ve got to either tap the untaxed rich or keep losing public services. There are no other alternatives.
Pudwhacker accuses me of being “senile,” but I’ve got nothing on Rudy Giuliani, who completely lost his senses this week. The White House has responded:
“White House press secretary Josh Earnest on Friday said former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani has tarnished his legacy by saying President Barack Obama does not love America. ‘It is sad to see when somebody who has attained a certain level of public stature and even admiration tarnishes that legacy so thoroughly … I feel sorry for Rudy Giuliani today,’ Earnest said.”
@3 and @7
For a mayor of a city that has a large population of gays, blacks, needy, 47%’ers, homless, chinese, etc, sure looks like he’s turned his back on them.
Maybe he should try to be a grown up, that is very Republicanesque.
@2 AP is saying the same
The labor side of disputes usually gets little coverage in the media because, they liberal, those media. You’ll see tons of “Poor Washington tree farmer can’t ship his trees” and “small business can’t get their parts” because the dockworkers are slowing down.
Funny over the long weekend it suddenly came to light that Port Management was refusing to pay holiday pay, dropping overnight shifts with premium pay and shutting down their own operations. Labor did an awesome job of winning that PR battle and from there port management had no where left to go.
Media, “You mean your workers are willing to work longer shifts and on holiday but you would rather not pay for that and instead let the economy suffer?”
Port Management. “No, no no. That’s not it at all?
Media, “Then why is the port closed on President’s day.”
Port Management, “Because the workers are lazy.”
Media, “They say they will be here for holiday pay like they have been for the past 25 years.”
Port Management, “No comment.”
Thanks for keeping the economy humming Mr. President.
I heard a bunch of the usual radio clowns talk about the Mayor’s transit plans as an escalation on Seattle’s war on cars. Must be good for ratings.
But hey, without building a couple of 5,000 car garages in South Lake Union there simply is no place to put the cars of all the workers Amazon and now Facebook are putting into the area. It is a matter of Algebra. A parked car takes up X amount of space. 20,000 of them Monday-Friday is X x s0,000. There are not 20,000 parking spaces. Period.
Bezos and Allen knew that and that’s why they wanted, and got, the trolly. More Transit is needed.
I’ll say it again, there simply is no where to put the cars of all the people who will be working in SLU by the end of this decade. You can build tons of road improvements and call it a war on non-cars and cars still won’t have a place to park when they get there.
“…the untaxed rich …”
Give a few specific people you have in mind, Roger. I’d like to know who these untaxed rich people are.
@ 11
Boeing, General Electric, Bechtel, Halliburton, General Dynamics, Hershey Foods, Purina, Exxon/Mobil, Royal Dutch Shell, Standard Oil, Apple, Papa Johns, Nestle’, Koch Industries, NFL, LDS Church, CBN Broadcasting, General Motors, Bank of America, Bank of London, Lockheed, Blackwater, NYSE, NASDAQ, General Atomic.
etc, etc etc.
ALl of those companies had an effective tax rate of a minimum of NEGATIVE 2%, and some were as high as Negative 15%.
Any specific PERSONS?
@ 9
The labor side of disputes usually gets little coverage in the media because, they liberal, those media. You’ll see tons of “Poor Washington tree farmer can’t ship his trees” and “small business can’t get their parts” because the dockworkers are slowing down.
Sometimes keeping quiet is help in and of itself.
My understanding, and what I heard on NPR this morning, is that most of the issues had been resolved and it was pretty much down to the union wanting to have the authority to replace neutral mediators that it found wanting.
Hard to spin that to benefit the union. Silence probably preferable.
Corporations are people
Since all media are saying “details aren’t released” on the new contract can we assume “my understanding” is whatever you pulled out of your ass? You don’t get 100% yes vote out of Union negotiating committee if it isn’t a pretty big win.
“Corporations are people my friend.”
@ 17
Seattle PI, today:
Perez did not go into details of the deal, but did mention the key sticking point.
The PMA and ILWU have agreed to a new process for selecting arbitrators in disputes at the docks. “Time is money; the arbitration system is the linchpin for effective operation at any port,” Perez added.
The two sides, in late negotiations, had been at an impasse over one man. The ILWU wanted to remove David Miller, an arbitrator who has made hundreds of rulings at the Los Angeles-Long Beach port, which is the largest in the United States.
I will allow that the quality of what the P-I usually prints and what is in my ass are strikingly similar.
As. We all know from what comes out of it…’Bob’ the sloppy solipsistic and his ass have no accountability and less than no standards. This asshole has some nerve talking about the P-I.
After 48 hours, this thread is miraculously free of retardation.