– I had no idea who Jospeph Lane was. Interesting, if horrible, story.
– A Non-KIRO Guide to Service Animals
– How to improve transit in suburban areas is an interesting challenge. I guess Park and Rides are better than people driving the whole way.
You know – you got to stand your ground. Kind of like “I take care of my Kids”
Charter school update:
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Nearly 2.9 million students now attend charter schools, according to a report released today by the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools that estimates growth in charter schools and their student enrollment. U.S. charter schools are serving almost 348,000 new students in 2014-15, up from 288,000 the previous school year.
Blue states:
The report includes a list of the 15 states that opened the highest number of new charter schools and enrolled the most students new to charter schools in 2014-15. California led the nation with 87 new charter schools, followed by Florida with 56 new schools. Florida also had the highest new student enrollment at 46,000.
Not all are successful:
This year, 500 new public charter schools opened, while more than 200 schools that were open last year are no longer operating. These schools closed for a variety of reasons, including low enrollment, inadequate financial resources, or low academic performance.
Not exactly the same words as the Evangelical Right, but pretty much the same sentiment towards gays.
“We’re racists and we like it”
Nice scam they all have there. ‘Bob’ must be in on the action.
Lies from the always wrong wing aka klownservatics about the ACA are getting more desperate and futile:
Stephen Moore is one of the most shameless hacks of the always wrong wing.. Little wonder Jim DeMint hired him.
@4 heh.. When Bob closes up shop he’s going to make a beeline to be Nic Hannauer’s spokesperson for education “reform”..
He won’t last of course. Forming education talking points by cribbing from Hot Air and the Gateway Pundit won’t get anyone too far for very long.
LMAO! Here’s some education “reform” Bob favors:
Oklahoma Bill Banning AP US History Would Make Students Study Ten Commandments, 3 Speeches By Reagan
Heh. Maybe not so much the religious part but oh yeah that last bit for damn sure!
Jeb says “I am my own man”… Then procedes to crib 21 hacks from Daddy and Bro’s crews:
Two dynasties facing off doesn’t make for interesting politics in my view.. Too many people stayed home in 2014. If it’s Hills vs Jeb it’ll be even worse in 2016.
Scotty “Superhack” Walker is one of an elite group. Those still cutting higher education:
Why? Easy.. Filthy rich klownservatives want tax cuts. Hacks like Scotty want campaign contributions.
The other shoe drops on the sudden HOLD on Loretta Lynch’s confirmation, despite her being praised up and down for not being Eric Holder:
Why are klownservatives so desperate to protect those who destroyed this country’s economy?
Ahhh.. The “wisdom” of klownservatics like Scotty ‘superhack’ Walker, raised on the Raygun’s “mourning in America”:
Don’t ya just see Ronzo’s grinnin’ mug right now?
OH MY! This is precious.. While Scotty ‘superhack’ Walker heaps abuse on unions, guts education, can’t find enough taxes to cut and can’t create enough jobs in WI to save its life, next door in Minnesota,,
the FREAKING HEIR to the Target fortune does this:
Sorry klownservatic trolls – any which way you cut it – your stuff don’t work and you lie every which way to Sunday to deny it. Your kind should never be trusted with running things.
LMFAO when Jeb Bush criticized Obama as harming U.S. influence in the world! He’s just like the other two. He thinks the American people are fools.
This thread is currently 0.00% retarded.
I think I know how to get Scott Walker to reverse the $300 million cuts to education. Just tell him that all the non children bearing gay people agree and couldn’t be happier because they are tired for paying for everyone else brat’s education.
@13 actually Americans are fools. They will believe Bush, if it’s all Obamas fault. He’s come out and blamed the withdrawal from Iraq on Obama even the Bush signed the withdrawal agreement. And idiot Chris Mathew didn’t even correct the matter. Most Americans are too stupid to know, just because the troops withdrew under Obama and he always takes the credit. Yeah I suppose he could have tried to make another agreeing with Iraq that kept is there but Iraq pretty much wanted us the fuck out of there.
Republicans legislating ignorance.
I wonder if Cheney could have a mulligan whether he’d invade Iraq again.
This thread is 94.7 moronic with 42.1% loonatic and 5.3% idiotic! Still 0.0% retarded although the 5.3%er was a short bus rider!
See ya!
BTW, now we know when Obummer’s sadministration cut and ran from Yemen, we left in haste, left classified intel out for the enemy to view and emails were shocking. http://insider.foxnews.com/201.....evacuation
Stumbling bumbling libtards in this sadministration!
@19 spoken like a real fucking lunatic. At least you could have worked out so that it equaled 100%.
Go play with the rest of the monkies.
@20 what did see ya mean? Back already? The rest of the monkies reject you?
I guess there must not be much happening today with the resigned governor of Oregon, or is Bob tied up with a mal practice suit.
Bwaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa. The buttbusting buttbigot can’t figger it out
Bwaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa.
Hmmm…? http://insider.foxnews.com/201.....christians Well… we just didn’t think that 21 victim statement through!
Yeah, right!
This thread is now 16% retarded
I always enjoy a vacation from the shrieking harpie, the uncle tom HR nightmare puddyfuckwad…
…even if only a half a day.
Poor #26 has math issues. Short bus occupant!
Post #27, ad hominem BULLSHITTIUM. Nothing of relevance. Went back to the reservation!
Wisconsin Will Miss Debt Payments
What do Sam Brownback and Scott Walker have in common? They’re both idiotic GOP governors who have governed their states into insolvency. And they both want to be president. The 2016 GOP nomination campaign is shaping up as a race to the bottom.
Since when is ANYTHING from the shrieking harpie, the uncle tom HR nightmare puddyfuckwad…
…relevant?…or accurate?…or not an (wait for his ‘word of the week’) “ad hominum.”
So far we know that the shrieking harpie, the uncle tom HR nightmare puddyfuckwad…verbally assaults white women in shopping malls and gets pulled over in his EXPENSIVE german turbo-powered sedan (what happened to the giant pick up truck…hmmmmm????)…and his wife is in a union (probably bringing in the six figures he claims to report on his taxes) and won’t live in Seattle because “puddy don’t want anybody tellin’ him to recycle his garbage. I guess they don’t do that at the trailer park in Graham, or Roy or wherever the fuck he actually lives.
What a fucked-up fucking piss-ant.
Hey Boob here’s another as swipe you can keep tans on.
Rick Scott’s Corruption Spiral
We will need robots, after the majority of people here are dead.
How to troll on Twitter:
Colin Kaepernick ✔ @Kaepernick7
1000 abs…. arm workout….. 10 min straight on the jump rope…. 2 hour study session in February….. that’s what we call a recovery day!
stephen batten @battman_returns
@Kaepernick7 @49ers ab workout won’t help find open receiver #study
2:21 PM – 18 Feb 2015
2,898 Retweets 3,638 favorites
@ 6
When Bob closes up shop he’s going to make a beeline to be Nic Hannauer’s [sic] spokesperson for education “reform”..
I don’t have to make a ‘beeline’ anywhere, YLB. That spokesperson’s Twitter feed is a sidebar on HA.
Don’t stand so close to me.
AP: 2,500 teachers punished in 5 years for sexual misconduct
One report mandated by Congress estimated that as many as 4.5 million students, out of roughly 50 million in American schools, are subject to sexual misconduct by an employee of a school sometime between kindergarten and 12th grade.
“It’s for the children.”
Well, it seems Americans want another ground war in the middle east. Boots carried out feet first. If I had a kid that was thinking about the military, I’d offer a college education instead. Both the Democratic and Republican nominees will be going to war if they win. It won’t be winnable, of course. We’ll just bomb another big hole and have more people there hate us. But the weapons makers will be joyous and they are all that count. As for me, I think mankind is hopeless. He’s balled himself in a conundrum.
Brent Bozo says Jeb is “unelectable”..
Heh.. Given that Jeb, out of the gate, appears to giving his bro strong competition in the empty suit department – I’d have to agree!
Only twitter feed I see here is Goldy’s and Goldy has said Nic’s views on education are “insane”.
You’d be perfect Bob – just drop the insane right wing shit you link to here and you’d be a shoo-in..
@ 37
Take a trip down memory lane to Spring-ish 2008, and review the number of Clintonistas who intimated that Obama was unelectable. It’s an easier trip if you first pull your head out of your ass.
@39 LOL! Nice of you to hint where Bozo’s 7 million klownservatic minions (including the village idiot troll) keep their heads. Pretty obvious to everyone here except for two trolls.
A little touchy there Bob.
Damn, corporate America is yawning at the ACA..
Well, there goes that “job-killer” bullshit of the trolls.
Better late than never Eric…
The timing is interesting.. Maybe just in time to stem some of the flow of bankster money to Republicans???
Oh well, the R’s have put Lorretta Lynch’s confirmation on hold till March and who knows how long after that – Holder might just have to stay put! I LOVE THIS!
@ 42
The timing is interesting.. Maybe just in time to stem some of the flow of bankster money to Republicans???
Or as grist for the mill of Administration cheerleaders sufficiently gullible to take at face value everything they read?
A list of indicted big bankers would have an awful lot in common with a Who’s Who list of major donors to President Goldman Sachs’ 2008 campaign, YLB.
University of California $1,799,460
Goldman Sachs $1,034,615
Harvard University $900,909
Microsoft Corp $854,717
JPMorgan Chase & Co $847,895
Google Inc $817,855
Citigroup Inc $755,057
Wipe your chin and get off your knees.
@43 Damn Bob you’re too funny… I see three banks in that list
Here’s team R-Money:
Goldman Sachs $1,033,204
Bank of America $1,013,402
Morgan Stanley $911,305
JPMorgan Chase & Co $834,096
Wells Fargo $677,076
I see ALL BANKS there. Gee the list for Jeb is probably gonna be the surest bet in freaking history.
You voted for Wannabe-Preznit Bankster in 2012 Bobby! Thanks for playing and (as the village idiot troll would say) “showing the world” that your head is located in a place no different than that of Brent Bozo and his 7 million minions.
TWO-TERM President Obama. TWO-TERMS Bobby.. TWO TERMS. Next Jimmy Caaaahter haahahahahahaha! Skewwwed polls! Weak Bobby! Some “ass-pounding” you took in 2012! Oh the pain, the pain Dr Smith! Pour yourself a scotch why doncha??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Not sure that these assholes could actually be locked up but I agree with the victim. Maybe in breech of peace charges.
Bunch of fucking assholes, shit like this shouldn’t be tolerated.
This is no less than the brutality of ISIS. People should speak up.
Black Man Harassed By Chelsea Fans Wants Them ‘Found, Punished And Locked Up’
@35. Is there a difference between your concern for teachers misconduct and misconduct of parents themselves?
Judge Slaps Matthew Scott With $1 Million Bond After 3-Month-Old Killed
But continue to focus on the gays while the heterosexuals burn the house down.
Makes perfect sense asshole.
I’m sure you billed enough money today to not really care.
EXPENSIVE german turbo-powered sedan… Who claimed it was GERMAN rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears?
Psych 101 Assumption Thang again rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears?
Such a moron, that rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears!
and his wife is in a union (probably bringing in the six figures he claims to report on his taxes)
Once again rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears is clueless as evah! Mrs Puddy makes 5 figgers rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears! Butt then again with Dual Masters Degrees it’s not that much!
What do you have rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears; since you love to fart all over a thread?
Oh my, Travis Bickle has kicked the yellowishleakingbuttspigot’s head and arschloch all over this thread!
EPIC and
Travis Bickle,
You fell into the yellowishleakingbuttspigot trap. You have to learn padowan… It’s not big banksters, it’s the bundlers… You have to get real and think about the yellowishleakingbuttspigot and why it wrote the comment. That’s because it knows the answer up front and is trying to look “intelligent”. Attack the yellowishleakingbuttspigot with FACTS!
Big banks didn’t fund the Obummer trough it’s those elites…..
Top Industries of Obama Bundlers
Industry – – – – – – – – – – – Min. Raised – – # of Bundlers
Lawyers/Law Firms – – – – – $43,750,000 – – – – -184
Securities & Investment – – -$22,850,000 – – – – – 92
Business Services – – – – – – -$18,500,000 – – – – – 65
TV/Movies/Music – – – – – – $12,100,000 – – – – – 42
Real Estate – – – – – – – – – -$11,500,000 – – – – – 45
Responsible Gun Owner Dep’t
“Police say a 55-year-old woman who died after accidentally shooting herself in the head in January was adjusting a handgun in her bra holster when the gun fired.”
@50 It’s no secret that trial lawyers are the Democratic Party’s biggest funders. That’s why Republicans try so hard to put them out of business with “tort reform.” But the real issue for ordinary citizens is whether innocent people hurt by the negligence of others should have recourse in the courts against those who harmed them. Democrats say yes. Republicans say no.
@50 (continued) It’s also no secret that Obama’s two presidential campaigns received heavy financial backing from Wall Street. That’s why he staffed his administration with Wall Streeters, his policies are so conservative, and no bankers have gone to jail. They bought themselves “Get Out Of Jail” cards. There’s also another reason why Wall Street spent hundreds of millions to elect and re-elect Obama: Because the GOP’s disastrous economic policies and catastrophically incompetent management of the economy was very bad for Wall Street.
@50 (continued) The financial support from business isn’t surprising, either. Obama is a very pro-business president. He’s given them the trade policies they want, the immigration policies they want, the corporate tax policies they want, and he’s done very little beyond lip service for labor. Big business loves big government, cheap immigrant labor, bailouts, the Fed’s monetary stimulus and suppression of interest rates, and loves Obama too, but they can’t say so in the Republican social circles they inhabit.
@50 (continued) Hollywood probably doesn’t need to be explained; it wasn’t the Democrats who conducted the Hollywood witch hunts of the 1950s that ravaged the film studios looking for closet “communists.” The folks who run that industry have long memories.
As for realtors, all you have to do is look at what home prices were when Bush left office, and look at what they are now, and you’ll understand why realtors support Obama, too.
@50 (continued) If Obama’s bundlers raised 10 times as much as Romney’s bundlers, maybe it’s because the people who have enough money to buy politicians trusted Obama 10 times more than they trusted Romney. After all, the banks are solvent, the economy is growing, corporate profits are strong, the stock market is soaring, what is there not to like? Sure, the corporate types throw out some obligatory rhetoric about “socialism,” but they’re quite content with how things are going with Obama in charge. If I were a Republican, I’d vote for Obama simply because I’m much richer today than I was in 2009, just like everyone else who owns stock investments.
Wow senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit @52-56. You are the apologist for Obummer’s money and the money men behind it! Amazing… Much of what you wrote is abject BULLSHITTIUM and it’s too tedious to identify it. Butt, if someone has a brain, the BULLSHITTIUM is easily identified!The first one is trial lawyers want their cut of 33% or more and tort reform kills their cut! That’s FACT senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit, not BULLSHITTIUM!
So senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit, being a capitalist why do you jock strap Elizabeth Warren? You are as out of touch with reality as ever!
Amazingly the yellowishleakingbuttspigot must have thought it could get away with that crapola above. Puddy always delivers FACTS!
This thread is currently 17.54% retarded.
Surprisingly decent for an HA opn thrad with 57 comments.
Once again #57 has mathematics issues! No wonder the buttbusting buttbigot had percentage issues! It’s a libtard DUMMOCRETIN issue!
Looks like the “e” key doesn’t work!
Now something totally over the head of worf and very interesting… http://www.freep.com/story/new...../23548375/
Very interesting indeed!
Interesting that WA State is the 7th worst in MMR unvaccinated rate and 8th worst in DTaP unvaccinated rate… http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....heres-why/
So it seems all that screaming about Chris Christie was misplaced BULLSHITTIUM! Is Puddy surprised? NOPE!
Headline du jour:
Pot lobby vows to blunt Wasserman Schultz
LMAO!!! The hapless troll Bob and HA HERO yours truly were trading barbs on Wall Street and Bankster support for Presidents now that Eric Holder is finally going after the criminals who destroyed this economy in 2008.
Silly Bob calls TWO TERM President Obama, “President Goldman Sachs”. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
GS was the top contributor to the hapless used car salesman R-Money! Why?? Who was more likely to hold GS to account??? The D’s or the R’s??? Too funny!
The silly village idiot troll then tries to hijack the exchange into a detour about bundlers! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
TOTAL FAIL silly village idiot troll…
Here’s the bottom line from opensecrets:
Total D spending for THE WINNER:
Total R spending for the THE LOSER:
Total D remaining cash on hand by the winning team:
Total R remaining cash on hand by the losing team:
Whoa! What did the R’s do with all that leftover cash! Must be shovellin’ it to the “consultant class” that the teabaggers always whine about! Love it when they eat other..
Sorry village idiot troll, your worthless hijack can’t erase the FACT that you and beloved Republican crew spent more money for the loser in 2012 and were even too greedy to spend all that was raised. Way to go red team!
Now teach “padowan” to brag about the family junk to his own sock puppet, have a “nympho slut” explosion and other silliness like a good village idiot fool!
2,500 teachers punished in 5 years for sexual misconduct
Oh my god, that’s terrible. Let me read that article!
“The seven-month investigation found 2,570 educators whose teaching credentials were revoked, denied, surrendered or sanctioned from 2001 through 2005 following allegations of sexual misconduct.
Young people were the victims in at least 1,801 of the cases, and more than 80 percent of those were students. At least half the educators who were punished by their states also were convicted of crimes related to their misconduct.”
“The overwhelming majority of cases the AP examined involved teachers in public schools. Private school teachers rarely turn up because many are not required to have a teaching license and, even when they have one, disciplinary actions are typically handled within the school.” So no data on private schools, wonder if Cheapshot Bob factored that in?
Let’s see, none of the teachers in the article were from Washington.
I wonder if Cheapshot “I like to joke about the looks of African American girls” Bob noticed that?
The AP found 2500 cases in 5 years. That’s approximately 500 cases in a year across the country and Washington state is 2.21% of the country so that pencils out to approximately 11 cases each year.
“In the 2010 – 11 school year, over 1,040,000 students were enrolled at 2,281 public schools across the state.” So 11/2,281 is a 0.48% rate of having a teachers punished for sexual misconduct in one of Washington’s states public schools.
Any number above zero is awful, but leave it to Cheap Shot Bob to do his level best to malign the character of teachers for a half of a percent per school per year. I wonder he does that because many teachers are union. I wonder he does that because many teachers tend to be liberal or many teachers tend to teach kids to think.
Maybe he just does it because it makes him feel he scored some sort of political points.
Log Cabin Republicans are a bunch of sad fags, they can’t come out and play with the rest of the Repukes. Because the bigoted Repukes don’t like them to be equal because of religious right to discriminate.
Bunch of fools. Thinking with their wallets first, greedy sons of bitches, snap!
The terrorists that are more of a threat to America than ISIS. You guessed it – the Right Wing extremists, which is starting to turn out to more of the Republican Base, because this country is filled with too many lazy niggers and no good fags.
DHS report warns of domestic terror threat
ROTFLRHMBBAO again at the yellowishleakingbuttspigot! Why? Even the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit understood what the yellowishleakingbuttspigot could not. Romney received more little people contributions than Obummer. Obummer received BIG TIME contributions from BIG TIME bundling groups. The senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit understood Obummer had to depend on elites while Romney depended on the grass roots.
Of course this was lost on absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot! WHY? The absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot is a klownfish prima facae moron! It has to be spoon fed. The operative words to the yellowishleakingbuttspigot skipped over…
There won’t be any effect to the 2016 campaign. The yellowishleakingbuttspigot is trying to get relevant and everyone knows what more of an idiot the yellowishleakingbuttspigot becomes doing that!
So there was a few $million left over in Romney’s campaign from little people contributions. So?
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. The yellowishleakingbuttspigot is a moronic and idiotic as ever!
teabagging buttbusting buttbigot
Somehow Puddy doesn’t see the former. Are you the latter? Of course Puddy is surprised rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears doesn’t call you out for the language used butt everyone knows rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears is very stoooooooooooopid! Butt thanks for providing the link because
Seems the Obummer team is more interested in getting jobs for ISIS terrorists than the “homegrown team”! Even the leftist Chris Matthews tripped his circuit breaker on that! http://newsbusters.org/blogs/g.....-isis-idea The best line was from Lt Col Ralph Peters…
A blonde moment for Harf? Well she came to the discussion as a DUMMOCRETIN!
BTW worf is factually challenged! ROTFLRHMBBAO!
@68 poor economic conditions – aren’t you kidding, isn’t the Republican mantra that the people are too lazy, don’t want to work, and don’t want to pay taxes, are nothing but takers.
Shouldn’t you be holding them accountable?
Is that acceptable reason to be a terrorist? I think it is more than just economics.
So I guess everything the President and every stupid liberal is saying about ISIS – it is an economic condition prolem amongst Muslims? Are you buying into that completely?
How about taking up Religious Fanaticals for the problem, similiar to the modern day Christians gong backwards to bigotry?
Puffys beliefs.
Poor economic conditions due to failed liberal policies creates rebellious right wing terrorists, but poor economic conditions in Arab country can’t lead to rebellious right wing muslims.
Muslims are terrorists because they are right wing religious radicals, but American right wing radical religious people cause no scurge.
Right on Bro!
This thread is currently 21.42% retarded
@57 “You are the apologist for Obummer’s money and the money men behind it!”
That’s right. Somebody’s got to do it. The Republicans don’t need me; they’ve got you.
@59 “Once again #57 has mathematics issues!”
I won’t argue with that, given that you wrote it.
@57 “Butt, if someone has a brain, the BULLSHITTIUM is easily identified!The first one is trial lawyers want their cut of 33% or more and tort reform kills their cut!”
You expect lawyers to work for free, and you claim to have a brain?
@63 “Silly Bob calls TWO TERM President Obama, “President Goldman Sachs”. HAHAHAHAHAHA!”
That’s not entirely silly, but I won’t turn down the $1,600 that I made in the stock market this morning. One of the money reasons I vote for Democrats is because stocks always do better under Democratic administrations.
@75 should read “one of the many reasons.” There was a distraction while I was typing.
@64 “Any number above zero is awful, but leave it to Cheap Shot Bob to do his level best to malign the character of teachers for a half of a percent per school per year.”
That’s actually half a percent of the schools, not half a percent of the teachers or half a percent of the students. If you assume an average of about 50 teachers per school (I’m just guessing) it becomes 1/100th of 1 percent of the teachers, or 1 of every 10,000 teachers.
@ 75
That’s not entirely silly, but I won’t turn down the $1,600 that I made in the stock market this morning.
Oh, please.
There’s an adjective that can be applied to an attorney worth a million dollars at the end of his or her career.
78. Hey cheap shot, your naked greed and envy are showing!
@ 79
Well, it could be that.
Or general disgust with a guy who, having failed to convince anyone that he’s the smartest in the room, has been making ad nauseum, pathetic, failed efforts to persuade others that he’s among the richest.
Probably 15 or so years ago I read something – Seattle Times, I think – that said there were 55,000 millionaires in the Puget Sound region. Sure, there have been a couple of recessions but there’s been very nice recovery for those who have had the wherewithal to invest. I’d guess there are probably 75,000 millionaires in this area these days.
And RR’s probably 74,997 on that list.
Anyone with the wisdom to put $40 per paycheck into a retirement account beginning in his/her early 20’s is a millionaire come retirement time. It’s not intelligence, it’s not rocket science.
@78 I was a big spender. I frittered away the millions I made as a state employee on fast cars, fast women, expensive restaurants, fancy wines, sparkly diamonds, mansions, spas, and European vacations.
@80 “there are probably 75,000 millionaires in this area these days.”
Then what’s the beef with paying those who wait on them $15 an hour? It sure sounds like our local economy can afford it.
@80 “Anyone with the wisdom to put $40 per paycheck into a retirement account beginning in his/her early 20’s” would have $1 million in just 480 years at today’s zero interest rates.
Of course, s/he could get to $1 million sooner if s/he figured out how to earn a return on his/her money and reinvested it so it would compound.
Using a free online compounding calculator, I get $1 million in 40 years, with a savings rate of $2,080 a year ($40 a week), at a 10% rate of return.
I agree it’s possible, and I also agree it’s not “intelligence” or “rocket science,” but anybody who can consistently produce 10% returns, year after year, for 40 consecutive years, probably won’t have to work in the kind of job where you set aside $40 a week for your old age.
Some time ago, another troll made fun of me for saying I can make 8% a year in the stock market. Well, he was right and I was wrong, I didn’t make 8% in 2012, 2013, or 2014. In those three years, my investment account made 8.9%, 27.4%, and 10.1%, respectively. I don’t have numbers handy for our IRAs, but they’ve underperformed recently, following a spectacular initial run during which they multiplied by a factor of 13 times over a 20-year period, for an average gain of roughly 64% per year. But it’s not as easy now as it was then. I got in early in a lot of software technologies.
As for this year, I’m making about 21% annualized so far, but I don’t think that’ll hold up through the whole year. I’ll be happy to make 10% this year.
So yeah, Doctor Bob is onto something: Putting a few dollars into the right investments when you’re young is kind of like putting two rabbits into a cage; as long as they’re one male and one female, it isn’t rocket science and doesn’t require intelligence, just patience and with the help of compounding you’ll eventually have more rabbits than you know what to do with, even if cars and falcons get some of them.