Then came the offensive punch line. Cheney explained that during the course of researching his family lineage for Lynne’s memoir “Blue Skies, No Fences” last year, he learned there were Cheneys on both his father’s and his mother’s side of the family. There was a Richard Cheney on his mother’s side, the vice president said.
“So I had Cheneys on both sides of the family and we don’t even live in West Virginia,” Cheney quipped.
A) Like anybody’s surprised that Dick Cheney is the product of incest; and B) Barack Obama is the elitist?
I’m sure the people of West Virginia are very proud of their Vice President.
A grandfather, a grandson, a wealthy man and Dick Cheney are flying on a plane…..
Now that causes the joke to make sense.
For you wingnuts: If you don’t get the reference please see Goldy’s post titled “Republicans: laughable, but not funny”.
You know, people criticise my humor by saying that my jokes don’t have punchlines. Here. Take a look at this one and tell me what you think:
Dick Cheney was in an old-timey bar that had a mirror the whole length of a huge, old, oak bar and a crystal chandelier. Suddenly a monkey swings down from the chandelier and starts mixing Cheney’s drink with his penis!
Does that joke really even need a punchline?
Thanks to Bobcat Goldthwaite for the joke, and I hope he thanked whoever he stole it from.
Here’s one for those of you dreaming of “Democratic Unity”
Here is one for you:
Close your eyes, concentrate really, really, really hard…Do you see it? I am a giving you the finger with both hands.
Fuck you!!
If your side wants Harriet, you can have her. She ain’t welcome on my side of the aisle.
Of course Cheney’s a slimeball. But who hasn’t cracked an incest joke about West Virginia?
It wasn’t uncommon for second and third cousins to marry each other way back then. First cousin marriages were a bit frowned upon (but still done), and anything beyond that was viewed as perfectly acceptable.
For example, my father’s parents were third cousins, once removed. My mother’s maternal grandparents were second cousins. Rudy Giuliani married his second cousin. And I will bet anything that second and third cousin marriages are even more common in Kenya, for example.
Sometimes it is hard to realize how closely you are related to someone. For example, my mother hired a woman many years ago to work in her restaurant who happened to be her third cousin. She never realized this, and I only found out by doing family history research recently.
And the nice bit of family history research that has pleased my relatives on my father’s side of the family so much — Britney Spears happens to be a third cousin, twice removed for me. (One helluvalot closer than Cheney and Obama.)
Richard Pope, I bet if many of these same leftie whack-jobs “people” performed a family search as you did, they would find some “unsavory” characters in their lineage. But then again the Cheney hatred shows first.
I see headless is into monkey penises again. That headless is one strange dude. I guess wrasslin season is over so you can’t look at young teenagers in wrasslin tights until next season so now it’s monkey penises huh?
Didn’t West Virginia vote overwhelmingly for Heilary?
Just checkin…
Hey, that was a pretty funny line by Cheney.
You Bush/Cheney hating HA bobbleheads wouldn’t know humor if it hit you in the back of your pointy lil noggins.
Cheney does have a great sense of humor.
Did you see him earlier this year at the Media Luncheon??
Hard for you LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS to see humor thru the dense fog of your hatred.
I think all the Presidential Candidates have a decent sense of humor. You have to to survive the onslaught of criticism & personal attacks.
So on to a real serious topic…
Since the only 2 KLOWNS willing to participate in a meaningful discussion about this are Rog and GBS, I guess it’s just the 3 of us on a topic that really means something!
I was studying BOOM. Good call. You bought it on a dip. However, it appears there is some real resistance here around 43. Take a look at the 3 year chart. What is your target?
I know you HATE ST Capital Gains as much as I do…..but it is probably tempting to take that profit, huh?
I know there are ALWAYS opportunities to make money in a highly volitile market. Just haven’t found the right risk-reward opportunity. I HATE to short the market. And I do not like to play with Options…although GBS showed a wise way of using them to minimize risk.
I’m really looking for some long-term plays which will yield LT Capital Gains taxed at 15%.
Also some more Dividend plays…dividends which are also taxed at 15%.
Patience is often a virtue in a market like this. Lots of dry powder rotting away in 5.25% CD’s which mature in November AND various Muni-Bond Funds (tax-free).
Investing & making money is something universal for folks with courage & conviction. Don’t any of you other KLOWNS invest??? Try putting away 10% of your welfare checks each month.
@ #14 – yeah, and I think the Pope should have told a few jokes while on his last visit to the US. You might appreciate his humor, because you to are a biggot, just like the cock sucker. Obama says “they cling to their guns and religion” and he is labeled as an elitist. The VP says what he said, and it’s labeled as a Joke, not an ignorant comment. Double Standards for ignorant assholes. I hope the dumb racist idiots of West Virginia are sucking on this one.
So when a draft-dodging criminal like WHATADICK Cheney makes an attack on West Virginians, the cowardly right thinks it’s funny. Tells you everything you need to know about why the GOP is getting its ASS KICKED everywhere it goes these days.
As for inbreeding – our own regular right wing trash should know a bunch about that subject!
Well Nevada’s right wing GOP Governor is in a bunch of trouble. The Phil Gramm scandal is threatening to overtake FlipFlop McCain’s run at the White House. WHATADICK Cheney makes sure the Dems will win W. Virginia.
Overall, a good start to the day.
I actually laughed at the line – I have been to WV often…Cheney can be funny sometimes – when he is not being a fear mongering and war mongering idiot….oh, and he sure can hunt!
cheney is funny – but he is unable to laugh at himself – a fatal flaw – given his obvious stereotype and pathetically narrow tunnel vision.
Gee, if Obama had dropped that line about West Virginia, Fox News would have been completely outraged, saying that he had insulted the entire state, and it just shows he’s not qualified to be in a position where he represents “the ENTIRE country”, besides being an elitist snob, etc., etc., etc.,
Instead, they are saying: “Gee, it’s just a joke, folks, loosen up a little….”
Of course, Bush seems to have started his last vacation while President, just coasting to the end of his term. I guess it doesn’t help that McCain’s staff is trying to make sure he isn’t very visable, only using him to talk to the big money men who have always supported the Republican party.
Perhaps the rest of the administration is also feeling the same way, including Cheney. It might be different if they still had a Republican Congress, but all they can do now is sit back and be obstructionist, which is easier anyway. My guess is that they plan to coast through the summer months, officially take August off as vacation time (except for the convention), do a little campaigning in late Sept. and Oct. for McCaine. After the Nov. election, just about the entire administration will scoot out of town and start their new lobbying jobs or writing their books (before their term is over), just as soon as they first make sure that their name is on the Presidential Pardons list.
Brigette Bardot fined $23,000 in France for “inciting hatred against Muslims” for suggesting they stun animals before slaughtering them during the Aid al-Kabir holiday.
Gee, there’s no freedom of speech in Canada and apparently none in France, either. Just great. Watch out, people—those like Brigitte Gabriel who’ve been the victims of Islamic radicals are trying to warn us that this is coming to a neighborhood near you if we are not keeping our guard up.
The Rothschilds intermarry. You could look it up!
Take the sticks out of your HorsesAsses….It was a funny line that once filtered through your Bush Derangment Syndrome glasses, doesn’t appear as funny to those afflicted with this brain eating disorder. Get a life.
22 Not to mention Britain, where the gendarmes have installed 1984-esque surveillance cameras just about everywhere. Interestingly enough, instead of catching terr’ists, their use has led mostly to citations to people for letting their pets crap on the sidewalk.
re 24 “…filtered through your Bush Derangment Syndrome….”
Is this the syndrome where we expect him to take personal responsibilty for his illegal actions?
rhp @ 20 You got that right.
@ 24 We see this over and over again. When a Republican makes a bigoted remark, gets called on it, then tries to excuse it as ‘just a joke,’ the folks who called them on it have ‘a stick in the ass.’ What happened to personal responsibility again? Cheney actually apologized for his remark, so maybe your real issue is with him – for showing, even if not feeling, a shred of common decency.
It looks like Tony Perkins done went and got himself in a bit of Trouble
@27 ~ To make it acceptable, pretend he was referring to only white, Christian males in W.V. that are registered Republicans.
That ought to ease some of your selective moral outrage as they are the only acceptable targets for jokes these days for you liberals.
Besides, as you said, he’s apologized for it and taken ‘personal responsibility’ for his remarks. So where’s the beef? …and Goldy of all people to squeal about this? Puleeeez
Oricinus has ittoo.
So Puddybutt posing as Rick D says all that’s required to clear the politician of bad conduct is an “I’m sorry!”
I will be reminding you of this when you take the opposite position on Democrats as you most certainly will being a GOP hypocrite.
@29 – sounds like Rick is having a little bit of a complex with having a Black guy be the President. Starting to feel like the minority? Boo hoo hoo, my heart goes out to you.
No doubt Mr Puddybud already posted this for your viewing pleasure. Just in case…
A short youtube video of Democrat congressman Paul Kanjorski admitting the Democrats Over-Promised on Iraq to win the election.
And it worked well, the mindless sheeple did as their ruling class wanted. And even better that the sheeple aren’t complaining.
Maybe rick d is a sock puppet of headless lucy. Headless is the blog’s resident racist, 24/7. And no surprise, a big fan of white hillary.
@33 Sheeple? You seem to have a very low opinion of Americans.
Marvin Stamn is in favor of flying the confederate flag in S. Carolina.
What a punk.
Leftist @ 7
Actually, she’s the ugly “core” of your party. You rabble-rousing nutroots are just the most vocal. Harriet is simply one example of the patronizing, racist party the Dems really are. HOW DARE YOU treat non-whites as second-class citizens needing a Nanny Government to take care of them??!!
Republicans may not pay as much attention to the particular issues of the non-white community, but that is, in part, because we don’t see their race or gender first.
Consider the difference in how the media have been looking at the campaigns:
McCain: analyzing support among social conservatives, hawks, fiscal conservatives, etc.
@37 And I say that Neal Horsely is the “core” of your party. In other words, you’re all a bunch of mule fuckers.
@37 “Republicans may not pay as much attention to the particular issues of the non-white community, but that is, in part, because we don’t see their race or gender first.”
What total bullshit. I’ve seen for myself how you shits treat people of color. Fucking liar.
Steve @ 39
You’ve seen WHAT for yourself?? Give SPECIFIC examples.
On the Dem side, you have Tammany Hall, the Chicago Machine… You don’t care about people of color unless they can give you votes.
me @ 37
Somehow, the last bit of my post didn’t make it up… What I mean to say was, essentially, that:
McCain support is analyzed based on philosophy: social conservatives, fiscal conservatives, hawks, etc.
Democrat support is analyzed based on race, gender, age…
For Republicans it is about ideas. For Democrats it is pandering to whatever voting group you need to get or stay in office.
re 41:Real fiscal conservatives support Obama, who is a real fiscal conservative.
A day of reckoning is coming between the citizens of this country and their traitorous corporate overlords who’ve been ripping them off. You and McCain are on the wrong side of this fight. It ain’t 1980 anymore. The innocent and easily gulled WW II generation is not a power anymore.
“Philosophy”… Gimme a break. Your philosophy is to steal the money out of the church collection plate.
witless lucy @ 42
How do you know that churches have collection plates? I would imagine God would strike you down with lightning if you got anywhere near the front door.
And real fiscal conservatives want nothing to do with massive tax increases. ’cause Barack has no intention of cutting expenditures.
Republicans only pander to those with money enough to get them elected.
Mark you are so full of shit. Try magnesium citrate.
MLFD @ 44
I note that you don’t deny that the Dem textbook strategy is pander, race and fear… pander, race and fear…