– Senate Republicans unveil pavement-heavy transportation plan laden with bad provisions
– The GOP braintrust is really a thing to behold.
– Pam Roach is the worst.
– I know, I know, Carl is impressed that The New York Times has heard of Washington is pretty boring. But I don’t care: I’m glad they know we’re working on weaning ourselves off of coal.
I wish we had one person on our national stage with the intellect of Yanis Varoufakis. Maybe we could get stuff done.
ISIS beheads, slits throats, kills 21 Christians and Obummer’s whitey house can’t identify them as Christians? Yet they will immediately call the NC killings racial hatred?
Obummer is losing it! Community Organization skills at their best!
Facts on Crusades, which, of course, are lost on the LIBTARD DUMMOCRETIN mind! http://allenbwest.com/2015/02/.....acts-pain/
Remember the conservatives decrying the influence peddling of the Oregon governor just last week? It didn’t matter if it was alleged or by him, he was corrupted and had to go!
How do you think conservatives are going to handle this without being hypocrites?
Goddamn threadshitter is here already. Can’t we have one conversation without the lunatic fringe coming to turn this into a coprophagistic circle jerk?
Christ man, go somewhere else. You contribute nothing to a conversation.
Gail Collins NY Times libtard DUMMOCRETIN BUFFOON! http://www.politico.com/story/.....15229.html
Whoops https://web.archive.org/web/20150214211314/
Just remove the CR-LF between the 314/ and the http
Once again Gail Collins PROVES beyond a shadow of a doubt… Libtards with opinions are just ASSHOLES! Plain and simple!
Once again… the vomit producer has issues with FACTS! Wants to shut Puddy up.
BTW the only shit-eater is you vomit producer. You are a dog whom licks it back up or new stuff, especially the smelly pellets from the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Such progressive properties exhibited by the vomit producer!
Do you think conservatives demand their kids enlist explicitly to fight ISIS? Are conservatives willing to double their taxes to pay for the fighting so it doesn’t add to the deficit they are so worried about?
Are conservatives willing to pay with THEIR blood and money?
“In an interview in her office here, Rebecca M. Blank, the chancellor of the Madison campus, said that if the governor’s budget was approved, she would have to raise out-of-state tuition and institute layoffs. She added that the proposed cuts were so large that if she eliminated five schools — nursing, law, business, pharmacy and veterinary medicine — she would still have to find other ways to trim costs.”
Yeah, but walker wants that new stadium with government funds.
worser @10,
Where is the link? Or are you embarrassed by it?
And feminists love it… http://www.breitbart.com/big-h.....feminists/
Puddy not interested in how feminists like how women are treated by their pimp daddys’!
Good luck with that libtards! Puddy believes women need to be treated much better!
Scott Walker.
‘Nuff said.
A federal judge appointed by George W. Bush has blocked President Obama’s executive orders on immigration pending a lawsuit by 26 states. The administration is expected to appeal. Washington is one of 12 states that filed a motion supporting the executive orders. So did a police chiefs association, who argued that Obama’s orders would improve public safety.
On Sunday, Canada celebrated a very interesting anniversary, the end of the Red Ensign as their official flag. On February 15, 1965, after years of discussion, and a very contentious debate both on Parliament Hill and the rest of the country, the Maple Leaf was raised above the Peace Tower for the first time.
Part of the debate, a group called the Native Sons of Canada, and Liberal Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson, had said that the Red Ensign was outdated, as the country had grown, with more than just French and English Canadians accounting for that growth. Also, Canada was beginning to chart it’s own path, and a flag with the Union Jack in it did not reflect that.
I was down in Tacoma today, and I noticed that Pierce Transit has made a leap ahead of King County Metro in Fare Collection, dropping the outdated, early generation electronic farebox, with the latest model. They also eliminated the free paper transfer, and replaced it with an all day pass, for $5.00.
I think it would be a good idea for Metro to eliminate the paper transfer, but I suspect some would still shun the ORCA Card for various reasons. Farebox maker SPX has thought of that, the current models already print one-day pass cards, but the option of electronic change cards is available, and Skagit Transit is a local user of this option. The change cards can only be used on future trips.
Where’s the link?
Like that’s going to bring any sanity to the discussion?
Ape is having a banana break.
Better you are trying to hold Republicans accountable. They are not accountable. They could start to behead the average Joe and their base wouldn’t really have a problem with that.
Let them continue.
Wisconsin Citizens Media Cooperative – A bunch of libtards crying over the power loss of Wisconsin Unions!
Wisconsin Citizens Media Cooperative – Loved by Alternet – Nuff Said
Wisconsin Citizens Media Cooperative – Loved by Media Morons – Nuff Said
Wisconsin Citizens Media Cooperative – Loved by Daily Kooks – prolly the main source of the vomit producer
This vomit producing moron never strays from its kook-aid roots
Scott Walker received a “rebuke from the New York Times editorial board” – Badge of Honor!
The vomit producer article screams about Scott Walker lies. Well Puddy don’t know about that butt we do know he didn’t run from the Madison airport tarmac into the arms of a little Bosnian girl claiming to be under enemy sniper fire from live bullets. Wait… he was under enemy union fire… http://exposethemedia.com/archives/45837
3. Walker does not tolerate the opposition? Witness the vomit producer comment in #5. HA DUMMOCRETINS fear FACTS!
The tweets could have been written from HA DUMMOCRETINS… Wait a minute… some HA DUMMOCRETINS admit coming from Wisconsin. So now we know.
Scott must be a real threat to Hillary since the skulduggery has already begun!
Hello buttbusting buttbigot @18,
Bananas are good for you. http://foodmatters.tv/articles.....at-bananas Maybe you need to eat more buttbusting buttbigot! Bananas aid in digestion.
Maybe that’s why you are FULL O’ SHIT and so toxic all the time buttbusting buttbigot!
Need new knee pads? Need something in your mouth so you aren’t as crazy as usual?
Wait for it… a stoooooooooooopid reply comment is in the future!
Sux to be the buttbusting buttbigot!
So how many HA DUMMOCRETINS ran to watch that 50 Shades of filth last weekend?
Meanwhile the libtard media is forced to check these out… http://www.breitbart.com/big-j.....-a-decade/
Will it change how libtards slant the news? Prolly not!
Senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit @15,
A Federal Judge with a backbone who read the US Constitution!
@8 No, white Christians always get people of color to fight their wars. It gets rid of two peoples they hate.
22. I did not but i read that 50 shades is wildly popular in the conservative south.
@3, 7, 9
Facts and Alan West have never been in the same sentence without presenting cackles of laughter. Weren’t we discussing the Southern Poverty Law Center recently.
You have a problem with Digby but cite Alan West? Bwaahaahaa.
Wow, Ben Carson is dumb as a post again. (Please run Ben…Please hang on until at least Super Tuesday.)
Dr. Ben says Obama may be guilty of treason if DHS goes unfunded.
Follow me through the mind of the Carson. Because the Senate can’t overcome a fullibuster and send a bill gutting Obama’s immigration policy and send said to the President, the President may be guilty of treason for not signing a bill that has not passed through Congress and reached his desk. And Dr. Ben’s solution is to do what the Democrats in Congress are calling for…um…a bill breaking it up into parts like say..fundinding DHS (would pass and get signed) and break out the part about immigration which probably won’t pass or get vetoed.
Dr. Ben, “Mitch McConnell can’t get the votes to get the bill to the President so the President needs to sign the non-existing bill or TREASON or something and it is clearly Obama’s fault that McConnell won’t bring up a partial bill and insists on an all-or nothing because…reasons…it’s Obama’s fault.” Dr. Carson, you’re running for president allegedly. Do you have an inkling of how the Federal Government is structured? It’s a serious question since you seem to think signing a bill that Congress hasn’t passed is something you might be able to do if, guffaw, you were elected president.
@12 we have no business restricting what adults do willing behind closed doors. We can judge or dislike all we want, so personally don’t do it. But it not our call to make.
@29 I’m sure he gets the message. Your attempt to bring some common sense to the situation is futile.
This is what you should have said. Hey Ape, go take a flying fuck, this is America, land of the free. If you don’t want to live in freedom go live in Russia or China or join ISIS.
Who claimed Puddy wanted to stop what adults do behind closed doors worser and buttbusting buttbigot? Or are you two just stoooooooooooooooooopid? Puddy knows it’s you two whom are just stooooooooooooooooooopid!
It’s radical feminazis who resent having a man open a door for them to being okay with kneeling naked on all fours in front of that door until the man walks through it to physically abuse and emotionally degrade them and cheering that in film. Big DIFFERENCE you twits!
You and the buttbusting buttbigot just don’t get it.
Sheeeeeeeeeeesh you two are morons!
No one can follow this stooooooooooopidity from checkmate…
Once again checkmate is ABSOLUTELY confused and from that gibberish above it’s apparent the moron can’t read and parse sentences!
Another train wreck from checkmate!
Sux to be checkmated for the +1 time again!
@29 refer to @32 for your futile attempt, resulting in more stupidity.
Hey checkmate,
Who is Alan West?
Thanks for playing buttbusting buttbigot @ 34!
You are an IDIOT! Did you purchase new knee pads yet?
Yeah checkmate, the SPLC whom had to eat their words on Ben Carson. Where is Allen West again you moron?
Ever try searching Islam hatred on SPLC? No? Try it checkmate! Yet, they put forth others! Must be scared of being attacked!
checkmated +1 AGAIN!
Meanwhile that Houston muslim hatred wasn’t what libtards claimed… http://hotair.com/archives/201.....-coverage/
“The truth is that Walker’s reforms actually saved teachers’ jobs. Right before the 2012 Wisconsin recall election, Walker’s Democratic opponent Tom Barrett couldn’t name a single school that had been hurt by Walker’s policies. When Walker’s 2014 Democratic opponent Mary Burke was asked to name any schools hurt by Walker’s collective bargaining reform, she relayed an anecdote she’d heard secondhand about one school. Burke’s story didn’t check out, and the superintendent of that school wrote a letter telling Burke she didn’t know what she was talking about. ”
Do DUMMMOCRETINS ever know what they are talking about?
@33 mocking The good Dr. I get that a nuanced joke is hard for you. You have to use tortured language to get to his imossible conclusion.
the Piddles character walks into the trap again. You posted a link from “allen” West’s website. But you don’t have the intellectual curiosity to know who the creator of the video is other than his pen name “Bill Warner PHD”. He’s on that SPLC list under his real name but the Piddles character doesn’t do fact.
Ahhh checkmate and its nuanced jokes no one else gets! EPIC FAYLURES! There is no trap. You checkmate are just another in the long list of left wrong HA DUMMOCRETIN morons!
Bill Warner? So? The dots are historical muslim wars throughout the ages. Why do you continue to resist historical FACTS checkmate? This is why you are an EPIC FAYLE in every post. There were how many crusades again checkmate? There were how many muslim conflicts again checkmate?
Again checkmate can’t answer the SPLC stoooooooooooooooooopidity over their lack of muslim extremism condemnation! We all know why checkmate can’t explain it!
Marie Harf,
Just give terrorists jobs and they will be happy. Were all those European terrorists looking for jobs before they killed? Maybe the terrorists are looking for their union cards too!
“Can’t kill our way out of this!” – Marie Harf. She has a master’s degree from the U of VA? What a waste of money! The looooooonacy of the left wrong libtards!
21 Christian throats slit. 45 Iraqis are burned to death.
Naaaaaaaaaaaaah, this isn’t radical islam!
Here it is again… http://nypost.com/2015/02/16/m.....ty-clause/
This thread is currently 52.27% retarded.
The dude is just pathetic…
Sweet Jesus Piddles, how hard is it to follow? It wasn’t even all that nuanced. Dr. Ben said that it is possibly treasonous that the President won’t sign a bill that hasn’t been passed by Congress and that Republicans in Congress should do exactly what the President and Democratic Senators have been calling for, break it up (a clean bill) to see if the President will “treason” his way into standing in opposition to exactly what he wants. The guy you’ve pimped on this board, linked to, loved, is a mental midget. And he’s running for President.
Run Ben, Run.
Compare and contrast
Hey, if you’re comfortable getting your interpretation of Islam and the Crusades from a non-muslim who believes so totally in religious freedom that he leads the charge to keep a mosque from being built in Tennesee vaya con dios bigot!
Too damn funny. Original thought and the Piddles character. Like Lucy and Kramden…Fred and Betty…Travolta and women…Reagan and Wyman…Jobs and Gates…Winter and outdoor grilling…
Ahhh yes, rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears, drops BULLSHITTIUM, leaves, and no one cares!
vomit producer,
This is why you and your ilk are hilarious morons…
Here is the full Newsmax interview… http://www.newsmax.com/Newsmax.....id/625025/
Here is the freaks and lying libtards hatchet job….http://crooksandliars.com/2015.....n-over-dhs
You see you libtard nihilist twits, Obummer will be using DHS to implement his so called immigration reform that Obummer claimed Obummer could not previously do 22 times.
Oh BTW, a Federal Judge just stopped Obummer from doing what Obummer claimed Obummer could not previously do 22 times Monday night. So it seems not only was Ben Carson right about how Obummer was going to fund Obummer immigration reform butt a federal judge saw it too and said DHS head Jeh Johnson can not create laws that don’t exist.
When you live on left wrong sites, you receive low information and hence you are a low information voter (LIV), and Jimmy Kimmel and Jesse Watters create videos to ridicule your ilk!
Soooooooooooo, stay stooooooooooooooopid vomit producer. It’s your claim to fame and nom de plume!
Oh my checkmate, you really are stoooooooooooooopid… The historical facts over the crusades vs. muslim attacks over the centuries are well documented. Just Google it. Wait a minute… If you Googled “muslim attacks on Christians over the centuries” then you’d become enlightened… Butt we understand how you operate checkmate… enlightenment is not a requirement of a HA DUMMOCRETIN to post here. Witness rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears and vomit producer, AKA shit-eater (his word above #5)! You are just another example of left wrong looooooonacy!
For example… http://markhumphrys.com/islam.killings.html FACTS checkmate. BTW Puddy and Mrs. Puddy visited the tomb of Charles Martel!
Once again you conflate many non related issues together because as shown time and time again; checkmate offered points are weak sauce.
– You can’t offer any point to refute the number of muslim attacks over the centuries against Christians.
– You can’t offer any point to refute the number of Christian deaths over the centuries at the hands of muslims.
– You can’t offer any point to refute why the SPLC can’t call identify muslim extremism on their web site.
Butt you’ll offer a point that someone has stood up to the “religion of peace” and called them out and for that they are bigoted.
Wow checkmate, you really are a piece of work! A really sad piece of work!
Meanwhile ISIS has a bounty for American citizens in the Middle East; makes human torches of 45 people and Eric Holder proclaims… “We’re not at a time of war”. So Eric why did Obummer just create another AUMF? All show and no go?
2009 – Overseas Contingency Operation
2014 – 2015 Counterterrorism Operation
This sadministration is Orwellian!
Meanwhile this past week HA and other DUMMOCRETINS attacked Scott Walker… http://www.washingtonexaminer......le/2560339 Butt, a DUMMOCRETIN evolutionist actually stood up and said bad question…
Since DUMMOCRETINS are herd mentality people, waiting for their gravitas moments; it’s refreshing when someone steps up and leaves the DUMMOCRETIN reservation, even just briefly!
And… with the love for Kshama Sawant by HA DMMOCRETINS, Bernie Sanders has to be your choice for 2016 presidential elections… http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/article/2559989
This thread is currently 53.7% retarded