– We’ve got ourselves a new Pope whose archdiocese did some terrible shit (h/t). But the horror in Argentina did lead to my favorite short story (I could only find a Spanish version online, and I’ve only ever read it in translation since I don’t speak Spanish).
– It turns out repealing the sick leave portions of the sick leave/safe leave law will also hurt actual people.
– The Bellevue Gap.
– The cowardly legislature refuses to enact background checks for firearms.
Valentine’s Day Open Thread. Huh.
I’m not saying there’s a correlation, but at the end of the day on 2/28 the DJIA closed at 14054.49.
As of this post, two weeks into Sequestrageddon, it’s at 14,508.
As Governor Clinton said to Paula Jones, ‘Kiss it.’.
White House tour move backfires on Obama
No worries. According to Roger Rabbit,
Obama can get his mojo back by refusing the sign the continuing resolution both houses of Congress will probably pass at the end of this month.
’cause shutting down the government won’t backfire. Just ask Newt Gingrich.
Apparently the never-ending gaffes by Biden are a bit of a problem for his PR team.
The office of the vice president has apologized to a University of Maryland student after a member of Joe Biden’s staff confronted the college reporter and forced him to delete photos of an event. Capital News Service reporter Jeremy Barr was covering Biden’s announcement of a new domestic violence initiative, he told Patch News, and accidentally sat in an area not meant for the media. Barr took a few pictures of Biden at the podium. After the event, a staffer for Biden confronted him and demanded to watch as he deleted the pictures from his camera.
So they decided they needed to catch up.
VRA was renewed with a 98-0 Senate vote.
Scalia was confirmed with a 98-0 Senate vote.
MSNBC goes all-in on wuss.
@4 No such thing as coincidence. It is well known in some circles that the Masonic Illuminati worked with the Trilateral Commission to engineer both votes. They wanted to ensure that Italian-American fascists were not impeded.
@ 6
Is it true that Scalia came in second on each papal ballot?
Ugh. Fixed.
Uh oh.
Can This Non-Marriage Be Saved?
The Obama administration tries to abolish civil unions.
For supporters of same-sex marriage, however, there’s a danger that adopting this legal compromise would shut down an avenue of political compromise. Civil unions, first established in Vermont when the state Supreme Court held that the state constitution required equal material rights for same-sex couples, were supposed to be the middle ground–or, if one is inclined to see legal recognition of homosexual couples as progress, an intermediate step.
Vermont’s Legislature eventually legalized same-sex marriage, as did some other states that recognized civil unions first. If the court adopts the Obama administration’s approach and mandates same-sex marriage in civil-union states, the remaining 33 states, most of which are socially conservative, would be left without that option. Supporters of same-sex marriage may find it harder to make their case if the logical compromise is off the table.
Are gay-marriage proponents willing to risk giving this opinion option to the ethereal Scalia and Co.? After all, they got their Obamacare but in an opinion far distorted from the one they wanted.
Strong signs Higgs boson has been found: CERN
Sadly, still no success in locating Roger Rabbit’s cerebral cortex.
Serial “Won’t pay your debts” Conn, Slow work day? Need to get your pay per post count up?
@ 11
Two delusions in one spew, NTfF. But then, accuracy isn’t your strong suit.
Out of 12 previous entries, Serial Conservative has made 9 or them. I hope you’re not doing this stuff at work, SC!
@ 13
Haven’t you learned from the others, Ten Years?
I’m too fucking stupid
to have a job.
“Apparently the never-ending gaffes by Biden are a bit of a problem for his PR team.”
Try measuring the gaffe by the consequences, Bob. Biden deletes photos and moves on. Your guy utters “47%”, suffers a crushing defeat and takes your political party down with him. Pain. You remember that, don’t you? Gosh, I’d hate to think that you’re living in a state of denial now, Bob, doomed to babble on and a on about inconsequential Biden gaffes even as your party continues it’s downward spiral into irrelevancy.
@ 15
Um, OK, Steve.
I guess I’m supposed to crawl into a shell until 2016 because Obama was re-elected.
Sorry, dude. Yes, Romney lost. But the House is still GOP-controlled, and we’re just beginning to learn that cutting spending isn’t going to force the economy into another Great Recession or worse.
We might even be learning that Wall Street prefers a more austere government @ 1.
Irrelevant? Not quite.
“We might even be learning that Wall Street prefers a more austere government”
And some prefer to see those “Too Big to Jail” Wall Street bankers rotting in prison. Irrelevant? Not quite. We’ll just have to wait and see how it goes, won’t we? But recalling how well it worked out for you before, if you want to make a fool of yourself again and start spiking the ball at the 40 yard-line, please be my guest.
@ 18
Nothing to spike, Steve. But I’d say that the pendulum is no longer moving left, at minimum.
Congratulations on your first Senate budget bill in four years, Steve.
@ 1 @ 8
I petition for another modification of the Open Thread heading.
Celebrated on March 14th, Steak and Blowjob Day is a holiday for men, celebrated the month after Valentine’s Day — a holiday for women.
GOP wants crazy after all these years
Heh.. See Bob.. See Puddyidiot…
Would anyone sane vote for tools from that miserable party?
Horsey hits it again:
How to suceed finacially
@ 20
I could try to make Kucinich and his idiot ilk the face of the Democrat Party and be just as convincing as you are, YLB.
Yes, each party has extremes. Yes, within the far reaches of each party are idiots. Bombshell revelation.
GOP #1 “Wacko Bird” Rand Paul gut-shoots “moss covered” John McCain? http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....x-c.reddit
We do not have to look far here to find our #1 GOP Wacko Bird.
“I could try to make Kucinich and his idiot ilk the face of the Democrat Party”
Go ahead and try. If you want to waste your time. That was already tried by both Kucinich and the right and it was a fail. Same goes with the likes of Bill Ayers, the New Black Panthers and Jeremiah Wright. One problem you have is that Kucinich and his ilk aren’t the face of the Democratic Party. The other problem you have is the speaker list for CPAC. That’s a problem for you because those people really are the face of your party. And don’t look to Democrats to blame for making extremists and clowns the face of your party, Bob. All Democrats have had to do lately is have beer and popcorn at hand and you know it.
“Yes, each party has extremes.”
Well, that used to be the case. You might want to try keeping up with current events, Bob, because the extreme elements of your party are taking control of the GOP whereas the extreme elements of the left hardly even have a voice. Any remaining GOP moderates are running scared, more afraid of their own party extremists than they are of Democrats. You’ve lost minorities and women and now you’re losing middle America. Really, Bob, if you took the more moderate views you’ve expressed here and spoke them at CPAC they’d tar and feather you and then run you out of town on a rail.
You’ll soon be a man without a party. But I think you’re OK with that. You got your tax cut and I suspect that’s all you ever really wanted. So good for you.
I think it’s great that the Seattle area got a new sports radio station. Why can’t we listen to the Pac-22 tournament on any of them.
So libtards… Y’all agree with those extreme fools of the DUMMOCRAPT party that the US doesn’t have a spending problem?
Heh. You do Bob you do.. Every wingnut who comes here does that and worse..
Dennis Kucinich is a guy who most of the time I can see has his heart in the right place.. But no he’s not a particularly effective politician.. I care about results.
The U.S. spends more on defense than the next 19 or 20 defense spending countries combined..
Cut some of that shit and spend more on health care, education and jobs.
Heh. My guy won last November.. Yours flamed out as soon as a brave soul taped for the record what YOUR GUY REALLY THOUGHT about struggling Americans in this country.
Now THAT was convincing!
JPMorgan Faulted on Controls and Disclosure in Trading Loss
I suspect Senator Warren (D-Mass) is going to eat Jamie’s lunch in the not too distant future.
Bartender Felt ‘Obligation’ To Share ‘47 Percent’ Video With the World
Scott Prouty is a real live American hero, and not only for what he did with Rmoney.
Read the above article, and go over and watch the video.
My goodness…I’m sure cheapshotBob will be all over this, over on the front page of DailyKos – Bob will be having the vapors over leftist ‘racists’ saying things like this, when covering Tim Scott at CPAC:
At least formerly ‘po’ Tim Scott seems to be a bona fide Bibul-thumpin’, union-hatin’, corporate-welfare-lovin’ conservative, as opposed to the opportunistic back-stabbing turncoat Artur Davis. There is that.
What cheapshotBob will never grasp is that a minstrel show requires not just a self-deprecating black performer (essentially auditioning for what Malcolm X would call a ‘house slave’), but more importantly a racist, white, power-holding audience, the ones who call the tune and enjoy the show. You know, the Republicans.
Bob has yet to, and likely never will, explain to us how calling out such an arrangement is a racist attack on anyone, and not the condemnation of racism that it actually is.
You mean the station with the 0.1 market share?
There’s ths lady named Wendy Murphy who apparently has strong feelings about sexual “crimes” like prostitution. She reminds me of Bill O’Reilly when it comes to sex stuff. Both seem to be opposed to consensual sex between consenting adults. I think it has something to do with the Irish influence on American Catholics. For some reason, the Irish are extremely uptight about sex, and this uptight-ness is the governing principle of American Catholicism.
Anyway, Wndy Murphy definitely has a stick up her butt about sex. Where do these uptight, repressed people come from?
The Rush School of Hypocrisy?
This event almost did not happen, as the current Toronto mayor not only canceled the streetcar expansion of his predecessor(since first-time by his former city council allies), but the replacement of the existing fleet as well. When the cost of canceling the contract would have wiped out the money to buy buses, the contract stayed. It could be the reason it was Anybody but the Ontario Conservatives in Thunder Bay at the next Provincial elections.(It is where the Bombardier plant is. THese may be the first 100% low floor Light Rail Vehicles on the continent.
Bombardier is marketing a standard gauge version(Toronto’s streetcars are Broad Gauge) in the United States and Canada, as the Bombardier Flexity Freedom.
I meant since over-ruled by his city council allies.
I think the House should pass background checks and let Sen. Padden (R-Jackass) kill it, so if we ever have two dozen toddlers and teachers lying dead in pools of their own blood in a Washington classroom, voters will know exactly which party to blame.
@1 My and Mrs. Rabbit’s original investment in our IRAs has earned a 235% annualized rate of return since January 1.
@10 “Sadly, still no success in locating Roger Rabbit’s cerebral cortex.”
You’re not smart enough to see the Higgs Boson, either. What’s sad is that 99.9999999999999% of the world’s knowledge is over your head.
@14 For once you posted something I can agree with.
@16 “But the House is still GOP-controlled,”
True, but only by cheating. Democrats got over a million more votes for House seats than Republicans did, which is hardly a popular mandate fro the GOP House agenda.
Sour grapes DUMB Wabbit? Collectivism? Sometimes things just don’t go your way!
I do not think that word means what you think it means. Again.
I take it from your post that you’re not really interested in the principle of one person-one vote.
But the MORANS will claim we should have armed the toddlers.
@ 34
Thanks for sharing, Lib Sci. It’s good to know where you go to get your infusions of bigotry.
Yes, the GOP has ‘one black senator’ and he didn’t even obtain the post through election. How many do the Dems have, and of those, how many ascended to their post via direct popular election?
Lib Sci, pointing out that there’s another bigot on your side only proves you’ve got company over there. It certainly doesn’t mean you’re not a bigot.
Please, go back to your attacks of opponents based on their skin color. Your children are looking to you to lead, Lib Sci. Teach them well.
@45 WTF? Anybody got the Puddy Decoder Ring? The incoherent loon is cawing again.
Donald Trump’s Racist Moment
Trump, speaking “off the cuff,” warned a conservative gathering to “not jump too quickly” on the immigration reform bandwagon because “every one” of the 11 million undocumented immigrants “will be voting Democratic” if they become citizens. But he said Europeans with children “who do well at American universities” should be allowed to stay — presumably because they will vote Republican.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: White skin okay, brown skin un-uh, where have we heard this before? Oh yeah, I remember, from these guys: http://www.aryannations88.com/
@48 Speaking of “attacks of opponents based on their skin color,” Donald Trump told a conservative gathering today they should oppose immigration reform because “every one” of the 11 million illegals (brown skin) will vote Democratic if they become citizens but Europeans (white skin) should be allowed to stay.
Anybody know what Boeing is going with their slightly used Dreamliner batteries? They should still be good for a variety of uses. Powering the back yard BBQ comes to mind.
Your whining wheedling faux-outrage grows tinnier every time you trot it out. I was going to say ‘less believable’ but it was never really believable in the first place.
My comments and argument, like those from Kaili Joy Gray at DK, were and are an indictment of Republican racism. You can whine, “Racist!” all you like, but for anyone to take you seriously, you would have to have some credibility as an honest guy.
Unfortunately for you, your relentless smarm and slimy dishonestly have left you a laughingstock, Bob, and no one here, with the possible exception of piddl, takes you seriously.
Run along now, Bobby.
@ 50
I might be less of a Trump fan than you are, but is that what he said, or are you continuing your slide into irrelevance through overt dishonesty?
“A man in Terrace Heights, just outside Yakima, says he mistook his wife for an intruder and shot her this past weekend. The bullet hit her in the neck. She died Wednesday after being taken off life support. She was just 27 and 10 weeks pregnant.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Anyone want to argue the gun kept his family safe?
@53 Read it and weep, jackass.
@ 34, 52
Lib Sci, when Colin Powell addressed the RNC in 2000
was that a minstel show according to your definition @ 34
a minstrel show requires not just a self-deprecating black performer (essentially auditioning for what Malcolm X would call a ‘house slave’), but more importantly a racist, white, power-holding audience, the ones who call the tune and enjoy the show. You know, the Republicans.
After all, he’s black, self-deprecating, and spoke before a white audience, right?
I’m trying to make sure I understand your kinder, gentler brand of bigotry, Lib Sci. Educate me.
Cereal Bob is playing a game of pin-the-tail-on-the-jackass this morning which consists of calling everyone else a racist, in hopes he’ll blend in with the crowd, but he’s having trouble understanding where that stabbing pain in his butt came from.
You would know all about that, Bobby.
@ 53, 55, 58
I’m not finding all the direct quotes yet, but, wow. May this be the final straw for this guy. What an asshole.
@ 55 Noted.
Regarding Colin Powell, I think he’s a fool.
I’ll share the view of him that is held by my neighbor, an 80-year old African-American man, originally from Mississippi. We’ve discussed Powell often. He is unabashedly proud of Powell as an example of a successful and powerful African American – something my neighbor feels is sadly lacking in our still quite racist society, and I would agree, but he shakes his head at his Republicanism. He feels there is a deep and unresolved conflict there that involves a number of complex issues, not limited to the past tendency of African Americans to be Republicans prior to mid-20th-century, to his military background which would tend to lead him politically rightward, to his many years of professional patronage by Republicans, including Weinberger and Reagan in the 1980s, and the Bush family after that.
Moreover, as I’m sure you know, Bobby, Powell has maintained some independence from typical right-wing orthodoxy, including support for affirmative action, reproductive choice and even gun control.
So, no, Powell is no Artur Davis, turncoat and back-stabber cum cheap political prop in pursuit of power. It’s a subtle distinction to make, and we all know subtlety, and honesty, are not your strong suits, Bobby.
So let me ask you this, Bobby…am I also a vile sexist for criticizing Phyllis Shlafly as an enemy of empowered women? How about a vile gay-hater for laughing at Log Cabin Republicans or GOProud dudes as deluded fools accepting second-class citizenship from a crowd that generally loathes them?
Or does you ‘outrage’ only extend to those circumstances where you have a chance to confuse issues and muddy waters in the hopes of being able to make a cheap shot and score, in your mind, some sort of point? Oh, and the opportunity to invoke my children, can’t miss that one, eh cheapshot?
@ 60
I think you have a problem in describing Powell, LIb Sci. I think you would like to say that, as you have @ 34
self-deprecating black performer (essentially auditioning for what Malcolm X would call a ‘house slave’), but more importantly a racist, white, power-holding audience, the ones who call the tune and enjoy the show. You know, the Republicans.
already defined (thanks for the assist there, BTW), his performance at RNC ’00 was a minstrel show, and yet it’s problematic for you because he’s now an Obama supporter and if you were to remain consistent he’d be a turncoat minstrel performer, pretty much literally what you called Artur Davis. Not to mention, calling two black dudes (well, with Tim Scott @ 34 that’d be three, now, wouldn’t it?) minstrel performers would sorta brandish your bigot cred pretty nicely, wouldn’t it?
So I appreciate your dilemma, Lib Sci. You prefer hypocrisy to reaffirmation of your bigotry. Life’s about choices, I understand.
The reason I bring your children into it, Lib Sci, is that you have no scruples when it comes to bigotry, and skin color’s a weapon for you when you find it convenient. Hopefully you at least think twice if you are forced to confront the fact that your children might be hearing you when you use that weapon.
I’m not attacking your children, Lib Sci. I’m only suggesting that some of the worst parts of you are being absorbed by them. Don’t drop your mask with them the way you do with us on HA. They deserve a chance to see life for themselves, not the way you ‘color’ it by drawing melanized lines the way you do.
Maybe even Puffy will come around to it.
@54 – How about also, anyone want to argue that it is just mentally ill people that should be a concern.
It’s nice to see you tying yourself in knots there, cheapshot.
Please proceed, doctor.
“minstrel performers would sorta brandish your bigot cred pretty nicely, wouldn’t it”
More Happy Gun Use.
@61. “Methinks he protests too much.” What are you trying to deflect?
Typical republican, trying to wrap a child around their argument every chance they get. “Won’t people think of the children?”
When you stop your racist postings and apologize, then you have validity to criticize others. I don’t expect you to understand that.
Ryan is the most despicable politician in the House of Representatives. He seems like a rigid ideologue like Ted Cruz but of course he wasn’t always that way.. He was for the Bush stimulus in 2002 before he was against the Obama effort in 2009.. Massive hypocrite.. He should go back to running a Oscar Meyer Weiner mobile.
@ 67
Perhaps when you stop perverting each and every conservative concept into something that can be construed as racist you’d be worth my time, Steve.
@ 67, 69
NTfF, not Steve. Crap. Apologies to Steve on that one.
68 – The most blood-boiling part of the that CNN piece is the picture of Ryan holding up his “plan”.
“Responsible” and “Balanced” – it’s a fucking lie.. Ryan’s “budget” is neither responsible OR balanced..
The guy is a whacko, delusional bullshit artist.. Yikes, that’s enough for now.
@ 68
Were I to list the things Obama opposed as a senator but supports as president, YLB, would you term those massive hypocrisy on Obama’s part as well? Obama should go back to, what, being part of the choom gang? Does that sound at all intelligent, if I were to say that, YLB?
Regarding Colin Powell, I think he’s loyal. He’s loyal to old style republican ideals, of family, honor and country, not the corporate conservatives of greed and the social conservatives of bigotry you have now. Seems he is much more independent then most republicans in power, picking and choosing the republican or democratic ideals that he felt were correct. Wikipedia cites “A moderate Republican, Powell is well known for his willingness to support liberal or centrist causes.” I think he’s a complex man, an honorable man, an admirable man.
72 – LOL! Absolutely go for it.. I’ll be the first to “note” that.
Was the alternative your guy?
LOL! Your Obama’s age Bob. You grew up in So Cal as did I.. Did Obama do anything so different than what teenagers did back in those days?
Unlike YOU he grew up and moved on.
Shit an older guy named Steve Jobs said LSD was a transformational part of his life.. Look how badly he turned out before his passing.
@69. You are funny. You have the scope wrong. I was saying that more often than not, YOU post something that can be construed as racist.
Conservative ideas that overlap with Progressives ideas like strong families, good schools, fiscal responsibility, tolerance, social mobility, faith, etc are not racist. I do rail against the conservative ideas that are racist and bigoted, like “Traditional Marriage” and “Welfare Queens” and “Thugs in Training”
@ 75
Educate me: What’s racist about ‘traditional marriage’ support?
I support gay marriage but I also respect long-held and deeply grounded beliefs of others, even if I don’t agree with them. If my 87 year old father-in-law struggles between his deep love for his gay grandson and his Midwest-raised opposition to gay marriage, why is that a racist struggle?
I think you said your husband is of a different ethnicity than you. I suppose if there’s objection to the two of you together there could be racist undertones, but I’m not otherwise seeing it as an issue related to skin color or religious affiliation, NTfF.
Call a whaaaaaaambulance for right wing tool John Thune:
“Instead of cuts that reduce wasteful and duplicative spending, the administration’s politically calculated cuts are targeting facilities like the campground that actually serve as a revenue source for the park,” Thue added. “It appears NPS is just another agency following the White House’s lead in trying to find the cuts that can trigger a press release before looking to internal cost-saving measures that are less newsworthy.”
I thought they wanted spending cuts.. Shit they want to cut more.
Get a clue Bob.. When they say “traditional marriage” they mean crap like Prop 8 in CA.
Gee were those dots really so hard to connect?
LOL! One thing’s for certain.. Right wingers will NOT listen to Dick Morris..
Dick Morris Delivers Bad News To Republicans: Give Up On Roe V. Wade
It’s a miracle he got maybe 50 people to listen to him at CPAC.
Very telling about Lib da moron first checking Daily Kooks to get his morning marching orders so he can feel good calling Tim Scott a minstrel.
Good Job Lib da moron. Your commentary is very telling. Thanks for playing “The HA Daily Racist Comment Game”
Oh you mean the proposition where 70% of my people and 67% of people with your heritage but think in conventional terms voted affirmatively for it? Oh you mean whitey peeps who think wrongly like you who diluted the vote by voting against it?
Do tell Pluto boy!
@ 78
That tells me nothing. Pretty much like most of what you spew.
Moron @ 81…
If you don’t like gay marriage – don’t marry a gay person..
14th ammendment.. Try reading it some time.
Heh.. Which means you comprehend nothing.. Just like your fellow traveler @ 81..
Oh really Pluto boy? And Patty Murray’s plan is? Senate DUMMOCRAPTS developed their budget in a vacuum. No Republican was involved.
There are no spending cuts, the budget has just net new spending. Some pandering to some savings but no specifics. The senate DUMMOCRAPTS budget, after four years of not delivering one, is more spending and taxes. What loopholes will Murray’s budget close?
More smoke and mirrors from DUMMOCRAPTS. At least Paul Ryan placed another plan out there.
Sheesh what a moron!
You mean my European heritage right??
Collectivism Lib da moron… DUMB Wabbit’s claim of million more votes means his DUMMOCRAPT party should have Legislative control… Social programs and the Budget purse strings… Too bad you can never think out of the box!
Well you do hang with Pluto boy!
LMAO! Name the Dems that were involved in Ryan’s “budget”..
I’m waiting..
Yank, and Pluto boy produces.
So EASILY Played.
Thanks for playing…
U R so dumb you can’t even figger out when Pavlov strikes. It’s very subtle and you are the daily sucker! Who knows Pluto boy.
89 – You didn’t answer the question moron!
Which heritage?
Run away from your bigotry miserable coward!
LOL!! Is it your “vision” of “whitey peeps” who labor in Nancy Pelosi’s vineyard???
Keep digging “stink right” bigot!
Chris van Holland of Maryland Pluto boy… That’s why he dissed it because he knew what was in it. No Republican saw the Murray budget.
Just like 2011 and 2012
Sucks to be you.
Oh my Pluto boy in an uproar.
So sad being played. Who knows what heritage flows through your veins. In reality you are HA’s idiot minstrel. You appear and provide moronic commentary, being identified as the daily idiot.
But 67% of CA Hispanics voted in favor of hetero marriage Pluto boy.
Regarding Nancy Pelosi’s vineyards… That was from bay area newspapers ya idiot.
Still HA’s minstrel idiot!
92 – LMAO!!! Van Holland’s fingerprints were all over that “responsible” and “balanced” budget..
How inclusive of Ryan to give one guy the skinny.
I’ll buy that any day.
Notice no comment from Pluto boy on the Murray “budget”. Must be Pluto boy can’t justify that budgetary lie so attack Paul Ryan!
Since your wait has ended…
Name a Republican who knew about Murray’s budget Pluto boy?
LOL!!! This you mean?
What what a lefty you are! Writing for the Bay area emmessemmm..
Yank, and Pluto boy produces. Twice in the same hour nonetheless.
So EASILY Played.
Thanks for playing…
U R so dumb you can’t even figger out when Pavlov strikes. It’s very subtle and you are the daily sucker! Who knew Pluto boy has a nose ring like an ox? Well Pluto boy is as dumb as an ox.
Hey Pluto boy… Murray’s budget question? Stop running away from the discussion. Who knew?
Yeah Pluto boy? Jobs was a creator… from his early years… what hath Obummer created? An economic juggernaut?
Pluto boy delusions of grandeur!
Fascist Pigsty using God’s Word? Well it was Fascist Pigsty who called Black Republicans despicable names. Maybe she should look in da mirror and figger it out first.
Here’s my comment: the Republicans have been whining forever about no budget from the Senate Dems..
They got one now..
Now the right wing morons in the House should raise the debt ceiling to accommodate SPENDING THEY AUTHORIZE in appropriations bills.
Just like Paul Ryan and Orange Man did 7 times for the IDIOT that Puddymoron voted for twice!
@60 “Regarding Colin Powell, I think he’s a fool.”
That became sadly evident in 2003 when he allowed himself to be used as a tool, and then be callously discarded, by the lying Busheviks.
@69 Not all conservatives are racists, but all racists are conservatives. For racist-hunters like LibSci and YLB, the GOP is a target-rich environment. Whose fault is that? Not theirs. If Repubs don’t want to be labeled racists, then they should clean the racists out of their house, like Democrats did half a century ago.
He’s defended this country against America haters like you and your last mancrush Willard R-Money.
Is he perfect.. Shit no! But as long he keeps trying to make your beloved brainless right wing politicians swallow their own crap – he’s got my support.
“Traditional Marriage”
“Welfare Queens”
“Thugs in Training”
Wow Puddy could have a real field day on these three Fascist Pigsty phrases.
Easily proven otherwise DUMB Wabbit and you know it.
Check out the mind of Pluto boy @106!
@77 Yeah, now that they have to cut spending, they’re whining about the spending cuts they engineered.
Educate me: What’s racist about ‘traditional marriage’ support?
Do you bother to read before you start to type? I said “…conservative ideas that are racist and bigoted,” and the ‘traditional marriage’ argument is bigoted.
“Bigoted: Expressing or characterized by prejudice and intolerance.”
Someone should record the loon on tape before he becomes extinct so future scientists will know what his species sounds like when taking a dump.
@108 If it’s easy, then prove it.
So God and His Son Jesus who created the Universe are racist and bigoted? Do tell!
How do you reconcile yourself Fascist Pigsty?
DUMB Wabbit@108… U R as dumb as Pluto boy. This one is sooooooooooooooo easy.
Bill Russell and Boston! Bill called Boston the “flea market of racism.” DUMMOCRAPTS in action. See that was easy. Your crap so easily rejected by FACT!
Heh. I admit I’m not 100 percent sure myself but I’m curious if Puddymoron really wants to hold to that..
In other news Jim Moran (DUMMOCRAPT) is a Moron.
I’ve noticed a lot of mutual racism between Asian people and black people. I don’t know what their political outlook is, but there seems to be a lot of animosity between black people and Asian people. Just anecdotal, but seems to be real.
On the “vagueness” of the Senate budget:
Translation: The right wing House morons and their beloved mancrush on point Ryan are little kids playing with matches and the Senate Dems are adults.
Oh my goodness… the biggest WA Post lefty giving cover to Patty Murray.
Remember, Bob Woodward destroyed Ezra Klein over Sequestration. Ezra Klein was left with pants on fire like those two in the Progressive Insurance commercials.
Figgers Pluto boy would run to Ezra.
@89 @98
% tctmgr search -pv
.ha/data/lexicon/puddymoron.tct ” strbw ‘pavlov’ | cut -f1,4-5
pavlov count 273
pavlovian count 4
pavlov was count 3
pavlov doggie count 31
pavlov dog count 35
pavlov is count 5
pavlov called count 30
pavlov calls count 23
pavlov sez count 23
pavlov predicts count 8
pavlov has count 3
pavlov says count 3
pavlov and count 3
pavlov is waiting count 4
pavlov dog you count 3
pavlov calls it count 20
pavlov dog 5 count 3
pavlov sez the count 4
pavlov calls the count 4
pavlov called it count 29
pavlov and you count 3
pavlov dog 5 proves count 3
pavlov called it again count 6
pavlov calls it watch count 3
pavlov called it and count 3
pavlov dog clueless village idiot count 3
pavlov called it again and count 3
There’s more… What a feckless cowardly loon..
Staying with the WA Post… In other news it don’t look too good for Menendez…
PuddyCommentary… Isn’t a review the initial part of an investigation? The FBI is past that Senator Bob. There must be something for a federal grand jury Senator Bob. If the FBI didn’t find something smelly they would have ended it Senator Bob!
It took you that long to perform the Pavlov test Pluto boy? You tried to suppress it but the urge overcame you eh? You didn’t total it Pluto boy? Need the code?
Just a sad sack. Puddy PWNS you!
LMAO!! You run to..
Leisure Suit Larry…
Too “good” for Murdoch and Anschutz.. Now “dead” at Hot Air.
LOL! Translation: running away like a frightened rooster from your putrid record here in the threads.
@114. Who elected you Pope to speak for God and Jesus?
LOL!!! Keep trying fool! I’ll keep reminding you of what a dumbass you’ve been..
Count on it!
Another Happy Gun Story.
No one Fascist Pigsty… You can read all about hetero marriage throughout the Bible. Just regurgitating your vile bile in this thread. BTW Puddy’s view on the Pope and the Catholic church are well known. If you forgot them Pluto boy will run a tctmgr view just for you! Just Ax him. That’s how Jesse Hi-Jackson pronounces it.
Puddy don’t run away Pluto Boy. You are replaying some of Puddy’s best work, especially the stuff against you Pluto boy. The truth… cuts like a laser through metal.
U R HA’s idiot minstrel.
@112 – Laughing my Ass off.
128 – America is a very unpleasant to live right now..
What do right wingers want to do to change that?
Easy: double down on all the madness..
More guns, less support for ordinary families, more support for rich people and corporations..
Ok please answer the questions put to you about my heritage in this thread.
I have European heritage just like you do.. Were you referring to that particular heritage in regards to support for Prop 8?
Do you regard my European relatives as “cheap”???
For someone who sees himself so close to God and the Bible, Puffy sure hasn’t learned anything from the two. My fear is Steve is riding along with him.
132 – And lets not forget an unrelenting, all-out war on women…
What happened to Puddyidiot?
Ran away it looks.. Gotta go..
Puddy learned marriage is between a man and a woman… ordained by God. It fact it was the first Prime Rib experience!
Once again Pluto boy is a lunatic! Yeah we know you gotta go. Gotta clean up da house before Mrs. SEIU comes in and notices the Friday cleaning wasn’t done with you sitting on de fat ASS bloggin.
We know who wears da pants and da skirt in South Seattle. Skirt boy!
Heh.. No answer to my questions.. Coward..
Here’s another one he’s afraid to answer:
Keep running scaredy cat!
Bzzzzt.. Wrong.. Is there no end to this fool’s dumbassery?
Even chickenshit racist misogynist little maxie got that one right.
NOPE you DOPE. Puddy doesn’t do your bidding. So keep pizzing into da wind Pluto boy.
So you live north of I-90? Well thanks for that information! Keep cleaning da house. At least being domestic keeps that nanoscopic mind of yours busy. Wait for it…
Exactly, cowardly bigot.. Away with you fool!
Heh.. Maybe I don’t even live in Seattle.. But then if you bothered to look with your “vaulted” teh google skillz you’d know where I live and wouldn’t act (or prevaricate like) a miserable know-nothing fool all the time..
But you’re addicted to doing the same expecting different so it’s too much to expect anyways.
OMG! Bob will be so disappointed in you!
For what it’s worth. A fascinating music video posted by a black, A-Tone. In the comments he says that he’s trying to make the point that hip-hop artists are today’s black face minstrel show. It’s an odd way to go about making that point but I have to say that I tend to agree with him.
Another foreclosure gone bad.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I don’t know what I would do if a foreclosure contractor showed up at my burrow and started taking my stuff. I guess I would do the following (in order):
1) Ask to see their paperwork, then give them directions to the right house.
2) If that doesn’t get them to leave, call 911 and ask them to wait until the police arrive.
3) If they refuse to wait, get out my gun.
4) If they still refuse to wait, start shooting and don’t stop until the survivor(s) agree to wait for the police. This is called “the Castle doctrine.”
5) Tell my lawyer to challenge any prospective juror who isn’t a member of the NRA and a gun-owning yahoo who votes for Sarah Palin.
These rightwing swine aren’t completely useless. They might come in handy if I ever have to defend myself against a manslaughter charge, especially if the victim is, er, how can I say this diplomatically, ah-um, clear throat, you know, non-white.
Can anyone find this comment from Puddy?
What did Pluto boy say about his commentary…? dumbassery?
Why would Bob be upset? You are the HA dumb minstrel. You travel all over HA regurgitating everyone’s comments as your “performance”.
Steve, not being funny here. Can you name a white A-Tone?
Look who’s turned into a capitalism-bashing commie!
Hey Pluto boy… those whom you agree with have some interesting commentary…
DUMB Wabbit, Bill Gates has been a lefty for a long time. You just woke up? He said he wants US laws changed so Obummer has more power.
Another DUMB Wabbit comment!
But he’s got a point:
“Speaking at the Royal Academy of Engineering’s Global Grand Challenges Summit on Wednesday, Gates lambasted capitalism, saying it ‘means male baldness research gets more funding than malaria,’ Wired Magazine reports.”
So does this guy:
“Richard Branson, owner of the Virgin Media Empire, famously said ‘capitalism has lost its way’ in the forward of his 2011 book, Screw Business As Usual. At the book’s press launch, Branson said, ‘The short-term focus on profit has driven most businesses to forget about the important long-term role they have in taking care of people and the planet.'”
And these guys:
“Billionaire investors Warren Buffet and George Soros have also criticized American capitalism, as has billionaire filmmaker George Lucas.”
But there’s just no pleasing some (envious?) people:
“But many call these moguls hypocritical — even if they start foundations or pledge much of their own wealth to charitable causes, they still made billions and now seek to devalue others who want to do the same, critics say. ‘Not by accident did the expression “limousine liberal” enter the American political lexicon years ago (in the late 1960s) as a pejorative term to ridicule the hypocrisy of left-wing anti-capitalists living the high life made possible by capitalism,’ Richard M. Salsman wrote in Forbes, reacting to Buffet’s critique of capitalism.”
(Same link as above.)
So I guess the takeaway here is that it’s okay to make billions, and it’s okay to be selfish with your billions, but if you give away your billions to help others you’re an asshole.
@151 Well, if saying humanity should spend more on fighting malaria than male pattern baldness makes him a “lefty,” then I want to be a “lefty,” too. But you may be a rightwing swine if it pleases you. That’s okay with me; I might need you as a juror someday, and meanwhile we need trolls on this blog or we’d be bored out of our skulls.
LMAO!!! Still lying like always..
I agree with them like I agree with the Salafists whose oil ,upon refining, you have no qualm fueling your gas guzzler with.
I’m a atheist, dummy. I don’t agree with religious nutjobs like you.
LMAO!!! And therefore you ASSume what????
Oh and you seemed kind of sure right here.
LOL! Keeping digging bigoted fool!
He’s only been haranguing about Lib Sci about it forever.. He “stinks right” like your miserable ass correct?
I guess this evidence is not strong enough so let’s try this:
The N word used against another commenter here by your royal “superior” ugly ass should seal it.
Your words dude, not mine.
“An Illinois man was charged with threatening to kill President Barack Obama after putting his message on a contact-the-White-House online form. …
“The man, Louis Allen Kinderman, 29, of Lincoln, Ill., allegedly used a fake name and email … to disguise his identity. He also said he was from Dallas ….
“Despite [his] efforts to throw off law enforcement, agents were able to track Kinderman down using his Internet protocol address ….
“When agents paid Kinderman a visit, he let them look at his computer. An examination of the laptop showed Kinderman was trying to hide his online activity by using proxy servers and misleading (aka “spoofed”) IP addresses.
“After agents confronted Kinderman about the threats, he admitted sending them. He was arrested Monday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: As Forrest Gump would say, “Stupid is, as stupid does.”
So???? Does this mean Prop 8 passes constitutional muster? Right winger Ted Olson didn’t think so.
Yawwwwwwwnn.. A pinhead in search of a point…
These photo essays about GTMO are interesting:
The place is huge.. Interesting.. If kind of a boring, isolated and somewhat dangerous place to be stationed..
For the record:
I’m opposed to a massive military bombing campaign against Iran.. which may be a little more than a year away.
It can only end disastrously.. Way worse than Iraq.
To Obama’s credit it appears he’s exhausting every other possible option.. We’d be at war already with a McSame or an R-Money in charge.
History will judge if we go to war and other options were not pursued, only pursued in bad faith or thwarted outright by pro-war factions.
In other news, Puerto Rico pulled off a surprise upset against USA in the Baseball Classic..
Oh my! What will a certain knee-jerk anti-Hispanic bigot troll do?
Keep being a shining example of what being on the right in this country is all about I suppose..
% b cs -t jch -b “democrat party” -c
| count |
| 61 |
1 row in set
% b cs -t stamn -b “democrat party” -c
| count |
| 105 |
1 row in set
% b cs -t klown -b “democrat party” -c
| count |
| 83 |
1 row in set
% b cs -t puddymoron -b “democrat party” -c
| count |
| 51 |
1 row in set
% b cs -t bob -b “democrat party” -c
| count |
| 27 |
1 row in set
% b cs -t asshat -b “democrat party” -c
| count |
| 14 |
1 row in set
A federal judge has ruled that controversial National Security Letters gag orders are unconstitutional.