– I’m as big a McGinn supporter as you’ll find and I agree with most of this. But I don’t think either the business community or Occupy Seattle are very happy with his handling of Occupy Seattle.
– And keep in mind; we’re not talking about abortion anymore. We’re talking about birth control.
– Obama’s Spotify playlist is pretty pedestrian.
So, You Want Deficit Reduction?
Then vote Democrat:
“President Obama’s budget proposal for the next fiscal year, FY2013, will be delivered to Congress on Monday. Obama will propose that millionaires pay a minimum tax rate of 30 percent and will project a budget deficit of $901 billion in FY2013, representing 5.5 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), down from $1.33 trillion, or 8.5 percent of GDP this year, White House officials say.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: As I pointed out in the preceding thread, the rich are undertaxed, when you consider all the taxes paid to government, not just income taxes, which is the only fair way to look at it. Republicans say they want a flat tax. Well, here’s their chance. President Obama’s budget proposal won’t make the tax burden flat, but it’ll make it a little flatter, which is a step in the right direction. It’ll also bring down the deficit, both in absolute dollars and in percentage terms, which is something else that Republicans say they want.
But if Republicans win significant electoral victories this fall we’ll get neither flatter taxes nor lower deficits, because what Republicans say they want and what they really want are two different things.
What Republicans really want is more tax breaks for the already-undertaxed rich. That will make our tax system even more regressive, and it’ll increase our deficits. If you want fairer taxes and lower deficits, vote Democrat.
Republicans decry “bloated” government but the truth is the federal government has laid off more workers over the last 5 years than any private employer.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So much for the rightwing bullshit that public employment is comfortable, well-paid, lifetime sinecure. But then, they’ve known that all along; we’ve never seen the bleating apologists for the pampered rich get in line for those “cushy” government jobs, have we? Ever wonder why that is? Maybe it has something to do with the fact that public employers have to work harder for less pay — and don’t have any more job security than people in the private sector.
erratum @2 “public employees” not “public employers”
The news of the House “Technical Corrections” to the transportation bill is, well, outragious.
The House tried to slip through “technical corrections” which appear designed to profit mostly Fed Ex and a few other favored companies which operate under the Railway Labor Act. Included would be to fire workers on Amtrack trains and replace them with non-union contract workers. In addition, all food and beverage service on Amtrack trains would be out-sourced, but with a provision guaranteeing any contractor of profitability (i.e., corporate socialism).
Other provisions remove overtime rules and pay to workers, including truck drivers covered by the act (mostly Fed Ex), and assert federal supremecy over the subject (i.e., no state laws can provide greater safety protections). It also allows drivers and trucks under the act to run bigger trucks regardless of state law.
Last year, Fed Ex spent three times the amount that UPS spent on lobbying. It looks like they got what they paid for.
And, of course, Boener is insisting – with a straight face – that the act is a “clean one” with no special priviledges.
Transportation Bill Strips Workers of Pay Protections
Democracy demands an educated electorate. Education should, and sometimes does, teach people how to think, and once they do, they often become less reactionary and more far-thinking. The more educated people are, the more they tend Democratic. The less educated folks tend to vote in black and white soundbites, often inspired by fear or hate.
Just sayin….
re 5: The low information voter also supports many reactionary positions because of patriotism and love for the constitution — which they have apparently learned through some kind of time-travelling osmosis that informs them of the founding father’s intentions — without ever having read the original document.
The house transportation bill has gone from bad, to worse, to just obscene. But, I wouldn’t worry about it, it will never clear the senate or get the presidential pen put to it in it’s present form.
The house Republicans are just being stupid.
Guns Don’t Kill People Dep’t
“An armed society is a polite society,” the NRA tells us. Yeah, right:
“Two people suffered gunshot wounds … at a north Everett restaurant … while the restaurant was closing, three men were unhappy about being told to leave … [and] had to be escorted out the door by on-site security … one of the men went to a car parked nearby and retrieved a handgun ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Maybe the victims should sue the NRA for false advertising.
@7 “The house Republicans are just being stupid.”
No, they’re being obstructionist. They know this’ll kill it. The continued lack of a transportation bill is their fault for putting poison pills in it.
Again, our trolls, (now down to yd(iot) and maximus asshat), to a tee.
House GOP leaders, seeing the writing on the wall, apparently have agreed to extend unemployment benefits and the payroll tax cut without extracting spending concessions from Democrats. But they couldn’t do it without calling Democrats “obstructionists.”
In other political news, President Obama’s campaign has set up a “Truth Squad” to debunk GOP smears, and Ricky Sanitarium now leads Mittster in national polls of GOP voters.
Wisconsin Update
Gov. Scott Walker announced he will use Wisconsin’s share of the mortgage settlement, which is intended to help homeowners, to lessen the state’s budget shortfall.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is so typical of Walker. Last year, he extracted $130 million of salary and pension givebacks from teachers and other public workers, then turned around and gave a $126 million tax cut to manufacturers.
@12…and probably pocketed (or enabled his cronies to pocket) the remaining $4 million.
Re: McGinn’s reputation among Occupy Seattle, in response to Dave Meinert’s Publicola post, I wrote:
Heh. Just snagged a copy of Joe McGinnis’s “The Rogue”.. Where else could someone like Sarah Palin come from? Where else but from what Norman Mailer called “the American Nightmare”:
Wow! No wonder the Mat-Su valley is known as “the mad zoo”.
We need to remind voters 24/7 every time the Republicans put their wingnut ideas to the forefront. The public needs to be reminded that without the Democrats protecting them, Republicans would do away with all minimum wage, overtime, and worker safety laws.
# 15: I remember back in Tennessee there were a few big churches and the rest seemed to top out at about thirty adults. This made it very hard on church finances, there weren’t enough members to support a full-time pastor, so most had day jobs. I never could figure out why you didn’t have more churches with several hundred adults attending – for some reason people would stay and others would go, but the total number seemed to stay about the same. I guess they liked the personal contacts they had with such a small congregation.
RR @ #8: I saw last week a blub on the news about a shooting in a community in north-eastern Tennessee. That’s mountain country, and just about everyone owns firearms there. Anybody, a woman was “de-friended” on Facebook, and her father got revenge by driving to the other woman’s home, shooting the woman and her husband – all in front of their toddler.
Somehow we missed that today, February 13 2012 was the day that the equal right for all citizens to marry became law in the state of Washington.
Kudos to our Governor and our legislature for finding a way to get this done and ending needless bigoted discrimination.
And BRAVO to Sen. Ed Murray for carrying the torch and crossing the finish line.
Washingtonians can be very proud today. very.
Let’s face it, we need to get some better trolls hear. YD and Emperer mini-mind just aren’t providing the intellectual competition we need to keep our skills sharp. One just jumps in to post a short Fox News talking point (which are blatantly false in so many ways), and then disapears. The other just jumps in to throw insults, and also dissapears.
At least with Piper we could get into a good argument from time-to-time.
Unfortunately, most seem to run off after they get their buts kicked (intellectually). Maybe we shoul promise to be kinder to them?
Even the Episcopalians are against the transportation bill.
Maybe we should take turns being “Troll For a Week”. We could rotate the assignment, and when on, do our level best to provide an intelligent and well thought critique of liberal/leftist/Democratic positions, from our best impersonation of a conservative POV.
# 1: The Republicans have never wanted deficit reduction. After having run up a deficit, they then complain about it as soon as a Democrate gets into office, insisting it’s the biggest problem we face. Then when they get back in office, they run it back up again.
If you don’t believe me, read David Stockman’s book (Reagan’s first budget director). He was rather naive and believed it when he was told that Reagan wanted to balance the budget. But he said that spending reduction attempts were stopped by Reagan and the Reagan cabinet.
Everything except welfare was “off the table”. They were reduced to calling ketsup a “vegitable” to try to stay in compliance with school lunch laws (sound familiar?).
In the meantime, he was told to “assume” that the Lafler Curve would produce so much revenue that the budget would balance itself within just a few years. It didn’t happen, of course, because the Laffler Curve was an idiotic theory. But that didn’t stop George W. Bush from using the same tactics to try to cut taxes and prosecute two wars at the same time.
Alaska, according to maximus asshat troll, is a “beautiful place”. I agree in part. But Alaska is also a place where Americans escape to “live free”:
From Joe McGinnis’ “The Rogue”…
Small-town life.. Keep up appearances and behind closed doors – anything goes.
OH MY! This damn book is a hoot! Regarding Palin’s run for Mayor of Wasilla:
Shoot! Did this country dodge a mortar shell with this power-mad woman!
OH MY! This damn book is a hoot! Regarding Palin’s run for Mayor of Wasilla:
Shoot! Did this country dodge a mortar shell with this power-mad woman!
You know our trolls really had a hoot over John Edwards’ appalling behavior which was exposed in the National Enquirer..
But they are totally silent about these National Enquirer stories:
Good thing the Enquirer isn’t owned by Murdoch.. These stories would have been spiked for sure.
such a funny post from man-crush-john-edwards-ylb…..
the big difference is that the two stories you posted have not turned out to be true..while your man-crush-john-edwards story was full on TEH TROOF!
way to own yourself, bleeder…
how is your man-crush going? teh gehy….
poor idiot RHPee, still things Reepooblikan helicopters are hovering over his house and agents live under his bed.
he could the most paranoid poster here…
if I saw the world as black and white as you claim, I would be as poor as your are.
jealousy burritos…its whats for dinner at the bleeder household…
Heh.. I see no proof of that from you. How’s happy hour going?
Telling any jokes about tacos, burritos or…
Goes down good with a shot of Pendleton right?
30 – A lot of fear and hate in every dropping from you troll…
You know nothing else it seems.
sorry chumpy, no Pendleton tonight.
just spaghetti.
funny you talk fear and hate, its the only thing spewing out of left-nuts like you and rujaxoff.
scared and jealous…its who you are…its why you hate anyone better off than you..
go back to your basement
Not even an $8 Montepulciano d’Abruzzo? Too bad for you..
No Nukes Are Good Nukes
I’ve said before on this blog that I oppose building any new nuclear power plants in the U.S. because the nuclear industry can’t be trusted — and neither can the government bureacrats who are supposed to regular them. This MSNBC story reaffirms my view:
“The federal government’s nuclear watchdog has faulted the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for failing to follow through on safety agreements with nuclear facilities, saying its system for tracking corrective action raises questions about its oversight of nuclear safety and security.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We know what happens to whistleblowers who expose safety lapses by contractors, operators, and overseers. We know some of these plants aren’t safe. So why should we, the public, allow the government to issue licenses and allow contractors to build these radiation-leaking monstrosities? More electricity to run more popcorn poppers just isn’t worth the risks.
A perspective on Queen Sarah from an Alaskan Christian right winger:
And best of all…
Queen Sarah’s ghostwriter gaffes:
There are a lot of Republicans out there, and they come in many shapes and sizes. You have the red-meat bigots, who are poor and want to blame it on other people who are just struggling to get by – blacks, hispanics, union and government workers, etc. Then you have the middle-class Republicans who have become convinced that by catching onto the Republican star they can be propelled to upper-middle class (or higher). Then you have the upper middle class – some doctors, lawyers, accountants – who still work for a living but don’t want to pay taxes any higher than they paid when they were a student.
But then you have the guys who really control the Republican Party – the financial elites, and their minions. You can see they really control the party by the tax cuts for the wealthy which every recent President (except George H.W. Bush) rammed through right after they took office – all other priorities be damned. You can see it in the appointments they make, including Supreme Court justices who think corporations have the same rights as living people, and useful idiots like “Brownie” who will assist while their own agency is dismantled and sub-contracted out for profit on no-bid contracts.
But if you have any remaining doubts, all you have to do is listen when they talk among themselves:
— Grover Norquist at CPAC
# 29: I see Emperor Mini-Mind has changed his handle again to Edward Teach.
And, as usual, he can’t construct a rational argument, he just calls people names like a third-grader. And even then he gets it wrong, it’s obvious he didn’t read or comprehend the post (# 20) he’s trying to complain about.
Gee, when I said we needed new trolls, I meant NEW TROLLS, not just the same ones changing their names over and over again.
I guess I’m not the only one sharing this opinion…
The GOP race for the White House: ‘severe’ conservatism in the worst way
LOL! What fool of a speechwriter came up with that line?
a severely disabled conservative governor..
a severely depressed conservative governor…
a severely ill conservative governor…
a severely limited conservative governor..
a severely injured conservative governor..
I hope Frank Luntz was consulted on that disaster of wording. It might mean the end of that bastard’s career along with the Mittster!