Well, no supplemental budget. No deal on McCleary. I guess that means mass vetoes. I’m here for it. Hell, he could have pull an Arnold Schwarzenegger* and just do an acrostic with all his vetoes. At this point, he could just write a note that says “Fuck you” and hand it to the sponsor with each veto and still be in the right here.
It also means we get a special session. So maybe the legislators having to deal with Pam Roch and Matt Manweller some more is a fuck you enough.
* Terrible euphemism for almost anything you want. Most of them things I don’t want from Inslee.
Guv and leggies could always tell UW to raid its quickly-growing endowment for some of its basic funding in the next biennium.
Cuomo is intent on substantial cuts to CUNY.
Dem governor, blue state.
If UW were to suddenly have to scramble for cash, there’s an awful lot of asset substance in the endowment.
I don’t know of any WA K-12 schools sitting on $3B endowments. Cut from the university system and give to the K-12. Won’t solve all of the problems but it will help with a lot of them.
Goldy @GoldyHA
What? Rubio’s father was a bartender? I never heard that story before! #GOPDebate
Hey, his dad had to do something. Fewer billionaires handing out cushy jobs in those days.
Marco Rubio TV Ad: “Bartender” | Marco Rubio for President
@1 “Guv and leggies could always tell UW to raid its quickly-growing endowment for some of its basic funding in the next biennium.”
I doubt that’s what the donors of UW’s endowment had in mind. Typical fucking Republican. Who the hell needs any government when we can just tell people to set up a table outside Fred Meyer and solicit donations for schools, roads, police and fire, etc. Oh, and bags of donated groceries for minimum-wage workers who can’t earn enough to eat by working 70 hours a week at 3 jobs, too. Fuck you, Bickle. People like you should go live on deserted islands where no one will ever ask you to do anything for the community. Or maybe we can put you all on a rocket and shoot you into space — the next best thing to the Rapture your ilk keeps promising but which never comes.
@ 3
I’m sure you’re correct, RR. Let’s let Washington Middle School students go without so we can keep alive some WA Department of Music alum’s dream of an eventual named ampitheater close to Laurelhurst.
Oregon minimum wage increase update:
“We anticipate we will address these [wages] through budget cuts and increased revenue,” Suzanne Pardington Effros, PSU spokeswoman, said in an email.
Increased revenue means tuition hikes. Budget cuts means job cuts, as in fewer jobs for students needing work-study aid.
The annual wage increase would have a compounding effect.
In the 2017-19 biennium, UO would owe an estimated $2.3 million in additional wages. By the next funding cycle, the university would owe an extra $3.4 million in wages, according to university estimates. By the 2021-23 biennium, that figure would top $6.1 million.
Klinger said the minimum wage is “another challenge” universities face, and the school is assessing its options.
For the Beavers, the extra wages due to students in the next biennium would be at least $4.8 million.
Western Oregon, where an estimated 886 students are employed, will owe nearly $450,000 in extra wages in the next biennium.
Southern Oregon would owe $299,272 during the same period, while Oregon Institute of Technology would owe a similar figure.
Eastern Oregon would owe its workers an extra $162,907 for the same period.
But SEIU might see more fast-food workers in its union, paying dues to perpetuate SEIU, so it’s all good.
@4 WTF?? Are you already on the sauce?
Dow’s up 200 points; another awful day for market timers, short sellers, and gold buyers. The secret of successful investing is putting your money in ventures that produce something more tangible than hot air. That goes for political donations, too. I’m looking at you, Carson supporter(s)!
@ 7
The secret of successful investing is putting your money in ventures that produce something more tangible than hot air. That goes for political donations, too. I’m looking at you, Carson supporter(s)!
Money raised by Carson, 2016 election cycle: $71,668,053
Money raised by Sanders, 2016 election cycle: $96,356,657
When primaries are over and just before Clinton starts undoing all of the leftward movement Sanders caused for a few months, libbies will probably be out upwards of $150 million.
That was fun, RR. Thanks!
@8 What are you gonna do if Sanders is sitting behind the desk in the Oval Office next January, with a Democratic Congress down the street, and starts making good on his promises to tax rich doctors? Sound implausible? At the rate your party’s going down the drain, anything’s possible. Good luck with your KKK nominee.
Disappointed that there is nothing bad in the news today, nothing really bad enough to blame on Obama. When are we going to have another mass killing by some Muslim, so we have something to blame Obama on?
Anything. Like a nuke bomb drop, or a beheading, or some oil pipeline rupture, etc., etc……something, just something.
@10 Be patient. Shit happens. If not today, then tomorrow.
It’s interesting you bring that up. Presidents get blamed for everything that happens. But their job isn’t to keep bad things from happening, it’s to manage them after they happen. Except you have incompetent presidents, like George W. Bush, who make bad things happen. Blaming those things on stupid voters who elect incompetent presidents is fair. That’s why we despise people who vote for Republicans.
@ 9
It’s not implausible if Hillary is treated like any other citizen would be treated, RR. You do have a point in that scenario.
Former Hillary Clinton IT specialist Bryan Pagliano, a key witness in the email probe who struck an immunity deal with the Justice Department, has told the FBI a range of details about how her personal email system was set up, according to an intelligence source close to the case who called him a “devastating witness.”
The source said Pagliano told the FBI who had access to the former secretary of state’s system – as well as when – and what devices were used, amounting to a roadmap for investigators.
“Bryan Pagliano is a devastating witness and, as the webmaster, knows exactly who had access to [Clinton’s] computer and devices at specific times. His importance to this case cannot be over-emphasized,” the intelligence source said.
The source, who is not authorized to speak on the record due to the sensitivity of the ongoing investigation, said Pagliano has provided information allowing investigators to knit together the emails with other evidence, including images of Clinton on the road as secretary of state.
Sometimes the Palin jokes write themselves.
“Furious Sarah Palin unloads on former pal Ted Cruz as a ‘half-term’ US senator with no achievements”
@13 not one Republican today can be trusted. They have no loyalty to anything, not even thier family values. Bunch of fucking scum.
@12 I’m a rabbit who will cut deals with his opponents, Bickle. Give me Sanders in the White House and I’ll give you Hillary in jail. That’s a trade I’m willing to make. But if it comes down to a choice between Hillary or one of your party’s criminals, I’ll take a Democrat every time, because Democrats do less damage. Much less.
It’s no accident that assaults are become routine occurrences at Trump rallies. Trump attracts the brownshirt element and eggs them on.
It’s no accident that assaults are becoming routine occurrences at Trump rallies. Trump attracts the brownshirt element and eggs them on.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Trump says he doesn’t understand why many people compare him to Hitler. Should we tell him? Nahh, let him figure it out.
If Trump didn’t have protesters at his rallies, he’d rent some, because they’re the best thing he’s got going.
Debunking another rightwing lie: You aren’t poor because you’re single, and getting married won’t lift you out of poverty.
Goldy @GoldyHA
What? Rubio’s father was a bartender? I never heard that story before! #GOPDebate
Marco first mentioned it April 2015. Where was Goldy’s head?
Many guesses…
DUMMOCRETINS pay hecklers to attend Trump rallies…
The jig is up R senile. Been up long ago! Puddy saves these FACTS to use as needed!
Double posting by R senile at 16 & 17…
Nuthin from the HHTL fool!
More protesters, probably paid by Chicago DUMMOCRETINS, disrupt the Trump rally in Chicago!
@22 Actually, no, HA’s software did that. But don’t expect a computer professional like Puffed Butt to figure that out.
@23 You don’t have to pay people to object to GOP voters nominating Donald Hitler.
@4 No doubt it’s occurred to Bob that it might serve his own interest if a nearby university weren’t pumping out more radiologists to compete with him.
I would have love to have seen some white boy get sucker punched tonight, or two, or a couple.
Fuck Ted Cruz. He’s Drump in s closet.
Fuck you asshole. He couldn’t resist but pull Obama into what happen tonight. Go fuck yourself, you scum bag!
Yeahhhh. Flat tax. Clap clap clap. Yeah yeahhhh
@ The Schizo @ 23
You really need to get it through your thick fucking head.
Donald the Trumpf is all but promising to eliminate the African and Hispanic races from the face of the Earth and his “followers” are all about that. They fucking eat it up. Jews too, as that always follows eventually.
This IS what the Republican party has been all about since the early 1920s. Back then, the only competition for voters was about who could actually follow through on the promise. Hell, George Lincoln Rockwell was a very prominent and respected Conservative back in his day and had the ear of some of the most influential right-wing politicians of the period, including many US Senators, State Governors and members of the State Legislatures.
You really are a dumb fucking idiot. You and every single TeaBaggist and “Christian Conservative” book-burning pedophile that has ever existed in history. You’re always the same.
@14 Please be a little more like Captain Jack Sparrow. Be an optimist remember it’s only the honest man who can be trusted to do the wrong thing for all the right reasons and thus is unpredictable. Republicans and most politicians tend to live up to expectations. That Sanders fellow is one of them honest men. Don’t burn the rum!
@15 President Johnson? Just an innocent caught in his own hubris? Like President Diem?
@30 Republicans are scum. I use to like your sarcasm and humor but you are starting to sound like a supporter of insanity. Maybe it was sarcasm, but a republicans living up to expectations? Yeah, expectations to fuck what is starting to become a putrid fucking country over the last 16 years.
Not sure how you can take this so lightly.
Bunch of fucking scum, never supported them, never will.
Teabaggers have mis directed anger. But it’s ok to say that they can be angry. But anyone else who is angry, they need to shut up and be labeled protesters.
Ok for Teabaggers to be angry and protesters, be smart enough to figure out who you should be angry with, you dumb mother fucking scum bags.
@ 31 MA:
Johnson knew that he would never be President unless Kennedy was taken out of the picture. That man has the blood of millions of Vietnamese on his hands.
@32 On occasion my sarcasm and humor is off the mark. I do not consider American’s totally rational. If we are an ugly country and many folks all over the world say we are the Ugly Americans it’s because of all of us. Our politics are often just a reflection of us. Of what we fear. Of what we celebrate. Of our greatness, Our hubris. Our need to remain great. Should we remain on the beat as the worlds policeman? Would the world be better if the world’s policeman stayed home and played house with the wife? Or would the old world have yet another war that would eventually pull us in.
The United States built the hydrogen bomb despite it’s creator telling us it was an ugly thing. It was tested as the Bravo Castle test. The first test of a hydrogen bomb. It was supposed to be 6 megatons, and we got a lot more bang for the buck. It was 15 megatons. Candidates and eventually Presidents have never put this genie back in the bottle. We have thousands of the ugly things in our arsenal. Drop one on Washington DC and 20 million people will die and the whole east coast will glow in the dark.
Did you know that there were four missile launches and four atomic devices exploded during the Cuban missile crises. The United States did two nuclear tests in space and the USSR did two.
Gitmo as a prison should be closed. We should bring the prisoners there into the US and try them or release them under habeus corpus.
At some point we should probably return Guatanamo to Cuba. Whether we are on talking things with the Cuban’s it’s the right thing to do, but politicians of both parties aren’t likely to return the base to the Cuban’s. It’s one of the great ports of the western hemisphere, and yes we have held onto it. The Cubans if they wanted to really play games with us should apply for statehood. They would probably be ignored like politicians of both parties have ignored Puerto Rico. Is that because Puerto Ricans are brown people? Not like us real Americans.
One thing left out of the whole we went in and got Bin Laden is the little fact the Pakistanis have nuclear weapons and they and the Indians really hate each other. And we American’s went into Pakistan in a sensitive area possible near those weapons and allegedly did not tell Pakistan we were ignoring their sovereignty. Did our leaders pause and thing what if the Pakistanis thought our action was the Indian government attacking their nuclear bombs or doing an attack? Would we care if the Pakistanies and Indians unleashed some or all of their arsenals at each other?
Democrat or Republican we are the ugly American’s so I will try to keep it light. So please don’t burn the rum.