– Maria Cantwell is right that the DC Football team has the wrong name.
– If I were writing for The Seattle Times’ Ed Board, I wouldn’t oppose the minimum wage.
– I would hope Gillibrand’s military sexual assault bill would get a vote.
by Carl Ballard — ,
– Maria Cantwell is right that the DC Football team has the wrong name.
– If I were writing for The Seattle Times’ Ed Board, I wouldn’t oppose the minimum wage.
– I would hope Gillibrand’s military sexual assault bill would get a vote.
– The NFL Will Never Be ‘Ready’ for an Openly Gay Player
Breaking News — Inslee Bans Death Penalty
Jay Inslee today joined the growing list of governors who’ve banned the implementation of the death penalty in their states.
The governor’s action doesn’t get the 9 people on Washington’s death row off the hook. The ban applies only while he is in office, and takes the form of reprieves, not commutations. So, those people theoretically could still have their death sentences carried out sometime in the future. And prosecutors still can seek death sentences.
It seems unlikely any of those people will be executed, though. And Inslee’s moratorium will definitely discourage prosecutors from seeking the death penalty, although they may still do so to give themselves a bargaining chip in cases where they’re willing to accept a plea in exchange for life without parole.
I’m thinking, though, if this moratorium had been in effect when Gary Ridgeway was being prosecuted, with the death penalty effectively off the table, police and prosecutors would have gotten zero cooperation from him and his case would have gone to trial.
Today’s other big news is that Speaker Boehner announced he will allow a vote on a “clean” debt ceiling increase.
This effectively shuts down Tea Party opposition to a debt ceiling increase, because Democrats can pass it with just a handful of moderate Republican votes.
It’s not really a surprise. Wall Street has put intense pressure on GOP leaders to not let a Treasury default happen. And the GOP establishment doesn’t want to run the risk of another government shutdown or a default in an election year. Boehner’s action today was pretty much foregone.
Inslee hasn’t banned anything.
“At a press conference Tuesday, Inslee said he will not commute the sentences of those on death row, nor will he issue pardons. Instead, he will issue reprieves, which stay executions until further notice.”
Seems to me like Inslee’s trying to make it look like he changed something without actually doing the hard work and taking the risks that come with actually changing something. It’s time for Inslee and our state ledge. to nut up or shut up about quite a few things.
@3 “Inslee hasn’t banned anything.”
That’s not true. A moratorium, even though only temporary, makes it much harder to execute people currently on death row and has an even greater effect in discouraging prosecutors from seeking death sentences. Death cases are horribly expensive, put a strain on county criminal justice budgets, and with a moratorium in effect voters will question why a prosecutor is spending taxpayer money to get a sentence that is likely to be only symbolic.
And Inslee’s ban, even if it’s only temporary, buys years of additional time for Washington’s death row inmates. Assuming Inslee is re-elected, and it’s hard to foresee a Republican being elected governor in Washington, all of these executions have now been delayed for a minimum of an additional 8 years. Defense attorneys and their death row clients will gladly accept these reprieves.
Inslee obviously is hoping that he’s bought enough time to assemble a majority in the legislature for an outright repeal. Given the current composition of the state senate, that isn’t possible now. It might take a couple more elections. Imposing an interim moratorium also creates some momentum for repeal that could help in getting such a majority. It’s easier for legislators to vote to repeal the death penalty in a state that isn’t going to execute anyone anyway.
Good points. But, this still looks like more “something for nothing” BS from Olympia to me.
He could commute the death sentences of the nine people on death row in Washington. Not signing death warrants is fine but it’s really just kicking the can down the road to the next governor.
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Saw this on Rachel. Fun toy to plat with. Zoom in to see details