re 3: Yes. Let’s be very clear. The Rossi motto is: “I’ll say whatever I think you want to hear and I’ll do what my corporate masters tell me to do — even though I know it will hurt you.”
David Aquariusspews:
Sound Transit’s new motto:
You Can’t Get There From Here”
Johnny Pneumonicspews:
So Goldy, considering the consistency of your past arguments. I’m sure you’re for a ‘pay per use’ funding of these transit systems now that more people are riding them.
Which ultmately means that the cost of riding transit will be shouldered by those who use it, which will (per typical leftist argument) disproportionately affect the poor, while us robber barons sip lattes from gold cups, huh?
With the Bush/McCain recession looming over the global economy, backed by a 70-cent per gallon increase in gas prices in just a year, public transit is going to be more important than ever.
People like Marvy, LilBitch/PiddlyDick, PU and the rest of their clan will need public transit to go to their group therapy sessions at the pedophile center.
Sound Transit’s Light Rail motto should be: We won’t get you there quicker. We won’t get you there cheaper. We won’t even get you to where you want to go. We won’t reduce congestion. And we won’t get people out of their cars. But we will indirectly create more development along the high crime, low income corridors where our politically-routed trains run.
Sadly the rel issue here is the LACK of leadership by the demo party.
Everymetric I can imagine says Seattle should go light rail and says that the state as a whole will benefit if that local rail is made part of a larger state wide system.
What do we not go there? Because the sort of outspoken opinions Goldy puts forth within the confines of his seraglio are not ever taken up by our leaders.
There is something very odd about the change in this world. When SJ was a young person radical meant Che. Today, radical seems to mean supporting such extreme ideas as fair taxes or quality education.
I don’t speak for Gregoire. And I’m proposing LOWERING taxes in exchange for what 43 other states have to make the funding of the government more fair.
Which is probably what you don’t want (fairness) even though you’re now living in a state which has EXACTLY what I’m talking about.
Daddy Lovespews:
BTW, everyone knows the real solution to our transportation problems is a gas tax holiday!
Bureau of Labor Statistics report indicates that the nation’s payrolls contracted for the fourth month in a row, down 20,000 in April, with large losses in construction, manufacturing, and retail sales partially offset by gains in other areas. Overall employment is now down 260,000 jobs from its peak last December.
The unemployment rate fell slightly to 5.0%, a statistically insignificant change. Over the past year, however, the jobless rate is up from 4.5%.
Oh, but a recession is two consecutive quarters of negative growth, so the fact that the last two quarters have featured growth well under 1% can’t be a recession, right? Wrong. The agency that makes the rules, the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), disagrees:
A recession is a significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months, normally visible in real GDP, real income, employment, industrial production, and wholesale-retail sales. A recession begins just after the economy reaches a peak of activity and ends as the economy reaches its trough.
Welcome to the Second Bush Recession. Just one of the many reasons not to vote for McBush.
For the enjoyment of our local wingnut contingent, I present Faux Noise’s own
I do not want to cross post this essay here because it is so well written that quotes would not do it justice.
BUT, the blog offers an indictment of white liberalism .. in the forma of an effort to explain Hillary’s camapign failures, that should be read by anyone .. right, left, Obamist or Clintonite. The essay talks factually about Hilalry’s crear and about the one sidedness of her efforts to be helpful.
I have tried many times to write this sort of thing into words and failed. There is nothing wrong with white liberalism, but there comes a time when the effort to help another group, in this case the AA, comes full circle. That time is when the liberal’s efforts from her white platform have made that platform broader and the once disadvantaged group, the target of good deeds, assumes equality.
This is more than simply waking up t a boss who has black skin. That is hard enough. What is much harder is to find that your black skinned boss is culturally black.
Those who know me at all know that I identify with the Black community and see a bond between Jewish and Black interests. In all that, however, I know that I am not Black and that Jews and Blacks have different interests. The hard thing as I have grown up is to transcend the stage of “us” helping “them.” That happens when one begins to encounter AA people in one’s own filed who are as bright or more bright than oneself.
Put another way, I doubt that Hillary has ever had an AA boss before. Is she ready to be helped by a person who is not only black skinned but who attends an openly black church?
You obviously don’t hang around with creative talent, do you? But creativity isn’t something with which you’re terribly familiar.
Welcome to the conflict inherent in media and entertainment. Anyone who’s been around news types, actors, and the performing arts generally wouldn’t find O’Reilly’s behavior here either unusual or shocking. More along the lines of shoulder shrugging and “So? What else is new?”
Highly creative and intelligent people are also highly intense and driven.
Really? I’m an advocate of “pay per use”? Please cite the post.
I’m an advocate of the most efficient solution for the economy and the population as a whole, and I can’t see how that involves building more roads while not providing adequate transit alternatives.
If folks can’t afford $4.00/gallon gas, they certainly won’t be able to afford $8.00/gallon gas and higher. Growing worldwide competition for resources (ie China and India) and peak oil will solve our traffic congestion problem for us. The question is whether we’re going to build the kind of modern transit system — bus and rail — that will serve the needs of our region and allow our economy to continue to prosper?
“Seven explosions killed at least 10 people in India’s northwestern city of Jaipur, police told CNN-IBN.”
Gee, I wonder what the religion is behind the people who coordinated these attacks?
Pooper @ 18
Just like I thought – you love the guy. Interesting how you make excuses for him. As if all people doing his kind of job behave this way.
He’s insane but lovably insane.. in a right wing kind of way.
@19 Goldy
Besides, the effin right is supposed to believe in fiscal conservatism. When “we” pay for the petrol at the tank we decrease cash flow through our society and instead directly send the cash overseas. Ultimately, and maybe not so ultimately, this costs OUR ability to be productive … read John Stuart Mill.
An investment in mass transit, even if there is no net change in dollars spent in society, increases greatly the part of our economy that is local, BUILDING US CAPITAL rather than Saudi palaces.
Look at ti this way, if I can “buy” the enrgy required to do a weeks’ work in the form of mass transit or in the form of petrol, the former is the better deal FOR US SOCIETY.
The sticking point here is that this good deal can only be made collectively, you know by government. So the right has a choice .. oppose a government effort and subsidize Iran or …..
One of the reasons SJ is an Obamite (third person referential elitism) is my belif that he has the ability to explain these difficult ideas to the Americans. Now that Gregoire has become ab Obamite, perhaps she will become infected with his troothiness and offer ne state leadership?
@18 Piper ..
You of all people should read the Sketical Brother post, Here is a liberal saying things that conservatives have not been able to say about Hillary.
Daddy Lovespews:
Funny that people are complaning about Obama holding $2300 or $1000 a plate fundraisers when John McCain is hlding a $33k/plate event right here.
Daddy Lovespews:
20 T
Or is that just when the explosions occur in Pakistan or Kashmir?
Don Joespews:
Piper @ 18
You obviously don’t hang around with creative talent, do you?
I have no idea with whom you hang around, Piper, but it’s pretty damn clear that you don’t work in a creative environment. I do, and I can tell you that Bill O’s outbursts wouldn’t be long tolerated. The euphemistic adjective we often use to describe such behavior is “career limiting”.
Bill O’s not a professional. Why he continues to have the job he has can be ascribed to one and only one thing: Roger Ailes wants Bill O’s political hackery and demagoguery to continue. This is one of the most significant things that’s wrong with the right, and it’s abundantly telling that your response is a shoulder-shrugging “So What?”
Take note that O’Reilly bests both CNN and MSNBC combined on an almost 2 to 1 basis.
And again, I submit that while you think you hang around with creative types, you obviously haven’t been to the “show” where intensity and frequent conflict are a fact of creative life.
Don’t confuse your politically correct brand of creativity with what is genuinely cutting edge. Truman said it: “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.”
Overall, Democrats hold a 21-percentage-point advantage over Republicans as the party better equipped to handle the nation’s problems.
Obama leads McCain by a slim 51-to-44-percent margin…
…among the near-record 82 percent who hold a pessimistic view, Obama runs more than 20 points ahead of McCain.
Calling a 51-44 lead “slim” is a hoot.
and among Democrats only:
…this new national poll shows Obama with a 12-point advantage over Clinton as the preferred choice for the nomination.
…More than six in 10 Democrats now say Obama is the one with the better shot at winning in November…Obama has the edge on being considered the stronger leader.
Don Joespews:
One word: ratings
Which means that it’s entertainment masquerading as news. It’s not about the content and quality of the information. It’s all about viewership. Thank you for making my point.
And again, I submit that while you think you hang around with creative types, you obviously haven’t been to the “show” where intensity and frequent conflict are a fact of creative life.
That has to be one of the funniest things you’ve written in a long time. My daily life is filled with “intensity and frequent conflict”. What we don’t tolerate is an O’Reilly-esque form of unprofessional outburst as a way of dealing with that intensity and conflict.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 And the Rossi campaign motto is, “Pay no taxes whatsoever; let public infrastructure and services rot!”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 Spoken like a Republican: If they don’t wear clothes like yours, speak your language, and worship your god, they don’t deserve to live.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 Hillary’s campaign failures have nothing to do with liberalism, and liberals aren’t responsible for her campaign failures.
At this point in 1988, Michael Dukakis held something like a 17-point lead over George H.W. Bush.
Tell me again what happened during the Dukakis administration?
The Piper
Daddy Lovespews:
17 SJ
You should know that Barack Oabama’s church, the United Church of Christ, is overwhelmingly white, although his particular congregation is predominantly black.
Roger Rabbitspews:
7, 19 – I read somewhere that today’s electric cars, built with today’s technology, and at today’s electricity rates, provide fuel efficienty equivalent to $1-a-gallon gas.
Electric-powered buses, trolleys, and trains are even better because they’re far more efficient than individual vehicles, not only in terms of scarce and costly fuel, but also in terms of scarce and costly land for right-of-way. A light rail track can transport 10 times as many people as a freeway lane in a given amount of time. Thus, a light rail system with 1 track in each direction provides as much mobility as a 20-lane-wide freeway.
Although I have issues with Sound Transit’s light rail schemes, my concerns relate to the particulars of the schemes themselves and do not impugn the general good sense and efficiency of mass transit.
I don’t necessarily agree with Goldy that a road-and-car based transportation system is inherently inferior or unsustainable. Perhaps technology can save the concept by overcoming its principal drawbacks. But car-based transportation as we know it today is an expensive, inefficient, resource-devouring, and polluting transportation mode that is inefficient, inferior, and unsustainable.
Daddy Lovespews:
33 PS
As I recall, in 1988 the economy was not in the crapper and we were not involved in the sixth year of a miserable failure of a Republican war.
Daddy Lovespews:
33 PS
I’m also pretty sure that in 1988 the “wrong track” polling was not at 82%, and that GHW Bush was pulling a little better than 75% in primaries in which he was unopposed.
Daddy Lovespews:
Hey, maybe Bob Barr will throw Florida to Obama! That might feel kinda sweet.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 Of course, someone of your limited intellect* wouldn’t understand what’s wrong with a partisan shill pretending to be a newsman, crackpiper.
* The fact you once were a lawyer proves nothing. Any idiot can become a lawyer. A fair number of idiots do.
Roger Rabbitspews:
SJ @23 – We all know Hillary is obnoxious, SJ. But I’m sure you also know it’s more complicated than that. If it wasn’t, she wouldn’t be supported by half of the country’s Democrats. The fact Hillary is locked in a close race with Obama at this late stage of the primary campaign should tell you that Obama has failed to address, or has responded inadequately to, important issues and constituencies. His appeal is far less than universal, even within his own party; which, if you think about it, has unsettling ramifications for November. [Of course, one could (and should) say the same of her.]
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 “Funny that people are complaning about Obama holding $2300 or $1000 a plate fundraisers when John McCain is hlding a $33k/plate event right here.”
Considering that hypocrisy drips from everything Republicans say and do, it’s not surprising at all. The twin notions of privilege and special treatment lie at the very heart of the wingnut belief system. They believe inequality of wealth not only creates unequal status but also justifies unequal rules.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@29 What “information”? There’s no information in Faux Snooz or any other wingnut media, only agitprop.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@33 Hope is generally a good thing. In most contexts, anyway. However, loitering on deck and trusting in blind hope is not necessarily your best option when your boat is taking water fast and you ought to be manning the pumps.
Daddy Lovespews:
40 RR
I don’t agree. Hillary Clinton had an extremely high Q factor (near-universal recognition) going into the primaries, a fair amount of money, and access to the Clinton donor lists. Barack Obama built a formidable money-raising machine (for which we should feel fortunate) and has wokred his ass off to pull ahead of another really appealing Democratic candidate. These two share many, many more positions than they differ on, and I do not believe that the fact that some people like one of them and some another (for example, the easy-to-understand affinities of blacks for Obama and women for Hillary) is a sign of some kind of deep divisions or of one candidate being “unable to reach” a voter segment. Just because some voters like Hillary doesn’t mean that Obama’s “appeal is far less than universal.” Personaly, I was and am a strong John Edwards supporter, but I will gladly and enthusiastically back Barack Obama against Grampy McHuh? in the general.
If what you are trying to say is that HRC and WJC have no real moral or ethical compas, honestly, conservatives and Republicans have been saying a lot of those same things about them for years dating back to the early 90’s.
Are you just catching up?
But if the purpose of the post is to exacerbate the already sharp racial divide among Democrats, then that will reap a short term HRC-bashing benefit, but create a longer term Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton-ish problem.
BHO has done a good job so far not running as a black candidate for the Democratic nomination. Instead, he’s running as a Democrat who happens to be black. But for his supporters to start hammering on his blackness – the sin committed by Rev. Jeremiah Wright – and on the whiteness and closet George Wallace/Jesse Helms racist (fictional, to the extent contended, BTW) policies, then he risks becoming marginalized from the American mainstream.
BHO cannot win with just urban elites, uber-liberals, and the black vote – he has to attract a few million “crackers” to make it, which means ditching all the race analysis and perjoratives.
Effectively calling the Clinton’s racists doesn’t do much to attract their supporters to join your cause. What it smacks of is more anti-HRC/WJC resentment than pro-BHO “politics of hope,” and that’s not a winning strategy.
The Piper
Daddy Lovespews:
45 PS
BHO cannot win with just urban elites, uber-liberals, and the black vote
Of course, that’s not solely where his appeal lies, and do not underestimate the power of both his enormous fundraising advantage over McCain and his army of volunteers (estimates range up to a million).
Nothing new here in the typical right wing spew.
Ratings – this is the justification for that piece of shit ORelly? Is this how you rightwingers teach your kids to behave? You proud that this is your guy?
Putting aside the fact he’s a known pervert, and that he’s a proven liar, the guy is just an asshole.
And ratings? Well those people who thought the world was flat had good ratings for that idea. Did it make it correct?
No wonder the right is full of such loooosers. They’re all morons!
Great! Keep it up! The McCain campaign thanks you for going beyond the pale such that the inevitable backlash will favor him.
And the Obama campaign simply wishes you’d flush twice as it will take that much to send you to the sewer from whence you cometh.
And by association you tar Goldy and the rest of the HA Happy Hooligans with your canards and defamatory smears. Unless, that is, they want to disavow them, which I invite them to do.
Smooth move, Ex-Lax.
The Piper
Pooper I’ll continue but not because you admonish me to do so, but because I want to expose you as a traitor – and those like you – who would support a man for President who IN HIS OWN FUCKING WORDS admitted to giving aide and comfort to the enemy. Now I know you inbred, cum-drunk, baby-raping assholes want to pretend that Senator Obama is a traitor because he won’t wear a bullshit flagpin everywhere he goes, so if you’re concerned at all about patriotism – and we know you’re not – you’d ask JohnBoy why we should consider the punk a hero!
So don’t worry – as promised – until the election – I will post several times a week new facts, new links and archival stuff as well that proves your boy (and you by extension) is a coward and traitor.
I defy you to show me where I’ve said that Barack Obama is a traitor…or even implied as much.
I may question his policies and judgment, but I have NEVER been as foolish as you and made such scurrilous and, in your case, cowardly anonymous accusations.
When you accuse without putting your name to the charge, you become like the assasin who lurks in the shadow hiding his face.
You remind me of Byron de la Beckwith in that regard.
And I still say that your efforts will only aid McCain and hurt Obama.
Your Momma must be severely disappointed in you.
The Piper
The key to all this is that the race war that’s been bubbling under the surface of American politics for our nation’s entire history has largely morphed into a class war. It’s going to be important for the Democrats to convince the “crackers”, as Piper rather condescendingly refers to them, that the Republican party isn’t on their side, and furthermore that the Democrats are. The view of the world is different from small-town America than it is from the big cities, and the left has, to put it frankly, not done a good job of playing to what Joe Bageant refers to as “the land of beer guts and plumbers’ butts”.
There have been a few times in history when that constituency has been handed to them, one of the most obvious being in 1932, when life in the hinterlands had become un-ignorably sucky, and it was glaringly evident that Hoover and his ilk were neither able nor willing to do anything to help. It would appear that we’re headed in that direction again, but whether the misery is really going to set in before November is open to question.
Piper: I’d like to hear more about that Republican ‘moral compas (sic)’ you were mentioning in # 45. Can you expound a bit on it and give me some examples of Republicans who had a better ‘moral compas (sic)’ than the Clintons’.
You can’t use Eisenhower. He was a Democrat up until he ran for president.
On the other hand, it’s not beyond possiblity that the Republicans will be stupid enough to try to campaign against Obama by playing some sort of “race card”. This is likely to be highly offensive to the northern and southwestern suburbanite swing voters who have constituted another large segment of BushCo’s support.
“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron.” Dwight Eisenhower, Democrat
Does this sound like a guy with a real moral compass?
I didn’t say “Republican moral compass,” I said “a moral compass.”
And thank you for pointing out my misspellings.
It’s only now that Democrats are catching on to the craven nature of the Clinton’s, something the rest of America has known since the days of the Rose Law Firm billing records and Travelgate.
That it took a rather nasty internal fight to get you to see the light is typical – like children, you won’t listen when grownups tell you something, so you have to learn the lesson at the college of hard knocks.
How’s that disillusionment workin’ out for you?
As for a Republican who had a solid moral compass, that’s easy: Ronaldus Magnus Reaganus. You always knew where he stood on an issue.
I do think Barack Obama has a moral compass; it’s just that it’s skewed in the wrong direction. At least, though, he’s predictable, unlike the Clinton’s who will say or do anything to further their role as America’s entitled royal family – adieu Kennedy’s!
The Piper
Pooper if you think my posts about FlipFlop McCain as traitor will really help the GOP and hurt Senator Obama then as a good little GOP foot soldier, you should spread them far and wide. Now if you were just talking out of your dick-loving ass like you always do-never mind.
Piper then Roger
>I< was not ntrying to make nay point other than to encourage you and other thoughtful people, right and left, to read the remarkable post at Skeptical Brother.
The post is not really about right vs left or about Hillary per se. Rather it is about the difficult transition anyone like Hillary needs to make when the subject of her ernest efforts grows out of dependency.
I suspect that Hillary and Bill really had little idea of the effect BO would have on som many people ..inlcuding themselves. While he has made a major point of being an American, they are so used to identifying themselves as the Americans that this new kinda fella has forced them to evolve.
Also, from your right wing side, whatt you may find interesting is that Skeptical Brother discusses issues that to the best of my knowledge have never been raised by your side. For example, when if ever did the Rose firm acquire a Black partner? What role did the firm or Hillary play in the legal issues affecting Black or poor Arknasasians?
We disagree about Hillary but I really think you should read thie post!
The post is less of an attack on her then it is a reflection of how she appears to an activist black liberal.
AS for how BO affects the WWC (white working class) .. I am less concerned over that than I am about the intrinsic racism of the MSM. Whatever the role of the VRWC (vast right wing conspiracy) the real dmage done was by the MSM media endless looping of those tapes.
Why did they do that? One answer is because it generated viewers and therefore it accurately reflects America’s racism. Perhaps, but a similar comment could be made about Hearst’s role in the Spansih American war. Yellow journalism feeds the fires of racism.
The people running these organizations are not dumb. So my guess is that CNN-NBC-CBS-ABC etc ran the tape just as they run titillating pix of dead blondes … to entice the audience! They did this knowing full well that JW is not a racist but is an older fella from another generation. Hell if JW bothers them, I wonder why they have not put Princeton on the carpet for employing Cornell West?
Trust me…your stink carries far and wide all on its own – it needs no help from me.
BTW…when will you actually put your name and contact information on these posts so that I can stop thinking of you as a post-modern Byron de la Beckwith?
The Piper
Daddy Lovespews:
56 Piper Scott
Reagan: You always knew where he stood on an issue.
Do you mean when he was a Democrat or when he was a Republican?
Daddy Lovespews:
20 Troll
Just like a Republican not only to capitalize on a real tragedy to score cheap political points, but also to completely and deliberately misrepresent an event in the most hateful and racist possible way.
India and Pakistan have a long history of conflict over Kashmir, which they both claim. Citizens from each nation have been responsible for acts of terrorism against the other. However, it is not a religious dispute but a territorial one between nations. Each side in that dispute bears about equal blame and deserves about equal sympathy.
And most important, none of this long-standing feud has any relationship or connection whatsoever to the attitudes or actions of some Muslims as a result of grievances against US policy.
In short, dude, this tragic crime is not about “evil Muslims” and never has been, but your use of it for that purpose is classic lying, racist Republicanism.
56 “As for a Republican who had a solid moral compass, that’s easy: Ronaldus Magnus Reaganus. You always knew where he stood on an issue.”
In a way that was true for him, but certainly not for a legion of underlings in his administration. They were merely using him as cover in a warm-up to the present administration’s litany of crimes against humanity.
Furthermore, his apparent moral rectitude wasn’t much compensation for his incompetence.
Other than that, I don’t know why you’re harping about the Clintons, or for that matter why you keep assigning Reagan that phony-Latin moniker. In case you hadn’t noticed, the Roman empire fell apart a long, long time ago, and if there’s any other parallel to be drawn, it would be to compare the White House’s current occupant to Nero or Caligula.
Daddy Lovespews:
62 AF
I don’t know what makes ol’ What’s-My-Name so morally admirable. He was divorced because he valued his political career over his first wife. He was indifferent father and at least some of his kids disliked him.
When the Symbionese Liberation Army kidnapped Patty Hearst in Berkeley and demanded the distribution of food to the poor, Reagan joked, “It’s just too bad we can’t have an epidemic of botulism.”
Of course, HUD was looted during his administration and he was either behind Iran-Contra or was so stupid and out of it that he didn’t know what his crooked staff was doing.
Yeah, he was a moral fucking beacon.
Daddy Lovespews:
Not to mention his studied ignorance of the deadly AIDS epidemic because it was just gay people and junkies getting it.
64 Fortunately, one of the few positive things Reagan did was to appoint C. Everett Koop as Surgeon General, a decision he probably regretted for as long as he was able to remember it.
The right continues to lavish praise on The Gipper for “defeating communism” and bringing an end to the Cold War. More credit was probably due to John Paul II and the beginnings of the decline of the world economy in general than it was to the US outbluffing the Russians into a final orgy of military spending.
@ 64:
Not to mention that Ronald Reagan took us from the largest lending nation on the planet to the largest debtor nation on the planet.
Yeah, if I we’re having problems in my personal economy and someone gave me a million dollar credit card I could raise my standard of living PDQ.
Until, of course, the payments started coming due as are the the 1st in the series of those T-bills Reagan sold from 1981-1987. So start looking for our federal spending to increase starting in 2011 just to pay for Reagan’s binge spending.
Oh, and if you think that’s bad what about Bush and the Republcian’s massive doubling of the debt in the last 6 years? 2030 will be another shitty year for America’s finances because of conservatism.
@ 65:
John Paul II and the Polish people deserve a lot of credit, but do you know who else deserves credit for ruining the USSR’s economy?
Osama bin Laden and his war of attrition against the Russians in the 80’s in Afghanistan.
One of bin Laden’s goals in starting a war with America was to bankrupt us on oil. He wanted oil to reach maybe $100 a barrel.
Guess who’s strategy in this war between radical Islam and the West is winning?
Yep, bin Laden played Bush in to a war of attrition that we cannot sustain.
Conservatives cannot lead, cannot govern, cannot command our military. In short, they are failures at every level.
Is it no wonder they hate government. If I were that lousy at something I kept trying to do I’d hate it, too.
Piper all you need to do to find me is post your name and address. I’ll drop by.
Oh yes the great republican standard bearer – Ronnie Raygun. You know, the guy who had an affair with his best friend’s wife, breaking up TWO marriages! You know, the guy who decided to send Ollie North to violate the law in IranContra gate! You know, the one who had MAD COW and kept it from the American people the way FlipFlop McCain is trying to hide it now. THAT standard of moral ethics explains a great deal about why the GOP is so full of inbred hypocrites.
67 If there’s really anything in common between bin Laden and Saddam, it’s that they were both largely creations of the US intelligence community, and that they proved difficult to, shall we say, “deactivate” once they were no longer useful.
69 While we’re on that subject, let’s also consider that Nancy–you know, Madame “Just-Say-No”–gave birth to her and Ronnie’s first kid considerably less than nine months after their marriage.
Not that I intend to be too hard on them for being only human, just for trying to hold everyone else to a standard higher than themselves. Seems a trifle presumptious, yanno?
68 I might propose that we’d be best served by staying on friendly terms with The Piper. Considering what line of work he’s in and that we seem to be heading into some hard times, some of us might find ourselves in need of his services.
Daddy Lovespews:
Hey, Oregon’s pretty dang white, and Obama figures to win the state walking away (SurveyUSA shows Obama winning 54-43). Is that because he can’t get white folk to vote for him?
Marvin Stamnspews:
21. YLB spews:
Pooper @ 18
Just like I thought – you love the guy. Interesting how you make excuses for him. As if all people doing his kind of job behave this way.
Are you really this clueless? In your mind only conservative *stars* have a temper problem?
Here’s paul moyers, an la newscaster and obama supporter
Marvin Stamnspews:
26. Don Joe spews:
Piper @ 18 You obviously don’t hang around with creative talent, do you?
I have no idea with whom you hang around, Piper, but it’s pretty damn clear that you don’t work in a creative environment. I do, and I can tell you that Bill O’s outbursts wouldn’t be long tolerated. The euphemistic adjective we often use to describe such behavior is “career limiting”.
Career limiting if some upcoming nobody does it. Stars get away with it ALL the time.
Daddy Lovespews:
Does everyone realize that winning or losing a primary in West Virgnia is sort of, you know, not the same thing as winning or losing the general election in that state?
Marvin Stamnspews:
68. ByeByeGOP spews:
Piper all you need to do to find me is post your name and address. I’ll drop by.
Earth to completely clueless bbgop…
Click on his name, it takes you to his website.
Good luck.
May God have mercy on your soul, I’m sure Piper won’t when he catches you peeking in his window.
Daddy Lovespews:
I don’t want a president who will be purt’ near 72 freakin’ years old when he takes office. If he makes it that far.
78 Well, if nothing else, it means y’all ought to be paying really close attention to who or what he picks for his running mate.
Marvin Stamnspews:
71. ArtFart spews:
69 While we’re on that subject, let’s also consider that Nancy–you know, Madame “Just-Say-No”–gave birth to her and Ronnie’s first kid considerably less than nine months after their marriage.
Just think, if she aborted the kid you would be praising her.
So, uh Peterless Piper Snot:
What you are saying is that people who watch Bill-O approve of him enarly 2-1.
This is the guy who wrote a book depicting two teenage girls (15) hooked on crack cocaine and having to peform oral sex on the drug dealer on a “faux leather couch.”
These are also the same people who support Bush and his decision to let Scooter Libby off the hook for treason – outing a CIA agent is treason according the George H.W. Bush and former head of CIA. The same Scooter Libby who wrote a book about a 10 year old girl being forecably raped by a BEAR while men stand around watching.
Go fuck yourself.
MS @ 80:
No we would be praising Hitler’s mother if she aborted her child. The same way we’d be praising Ronnie’s momma for he same kind act to humanity.
@84 Piper, would you really want to waste that much of your time?
80 No, in fact, and I’d like to admonish GBS that he can speak for himself, but not necessarily for the rest of us, and certainly not for me.
The Reagans raised three perfectly fine kids. We should all hope and pray that ours turn out as well. Remember, I wasn’t criticizing Ron and Nancy for “jumping the gun”–just for their having been less than tolerant of others. Sort of another example of conservatives’ tendency to propose simplistic answers to not-often-simple questions.
@83 Come on, Marvin. How would we know how tough bbg is, without all of the profanity. Besides, he needs to compensate for his… er… shortcommings… somehow. Right? He’s a man to be reckoned with, because of his efficacy at spewing invective.
“‘Tis my delight, alone in summer shade,
To pipe a simple song for thinking hearts.” – Wordsworth.
Waste of time? T’would be a Wordsworthian delight especially since the quality of thinking hearts would by substantially improved in the process.
Now, the tune selection is up to me, and it could include such standards as:
“He Yanked His Doodle, It Was No Dandy”
“I Can Nae Have My Lassie, Must Settle For Ewe”
“The Dummy’s Jig”
“BBGOP’s Spanking of a Hornpipe”
“Lament of the HA Happy Hooligans”
“Gitmo Detainees Memorial Shackle March”
“The Sheep Shaggers’ Reel”
“The Soiled Kilt”
Of course, tuning my pipe would be optional.
The Piper
Democrat Math: 2025 = 2209spews:
MR. McAULIFFE: First off, no one is the nominee. Everyone needs to be clear, until someone gets the magic number of the delegates, 2209, you are not the nominee of the Democratic Party. Right now, Tim, you have seen in these contests you’ve had 35 million people vote. If you take everyone who pushed a button for Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama, 16.6 million for Hillary Clinton, 16.7 million for Barack Obama. That is a difference of 100,000 votes out of 35 million.
MR. RUSSERT: You’re counting Florida and Michigan.
Mr. McAULIFFE: Sure I am, they voted. There’s no question they voted, they were certified at the county level and the state level. They voted. I’m not talking about delegates. But they voted.
MR. RUSSERT: But Obama’s name wasn’t on the ballot in Michigan.
MR. McAULIFFE: And that was a political decision he made to pull his name off the ballot.
MR. RUSSERT: All right.
MR. McAULIFFE: Let’s be clear. He was on the ballot, he took his name off to appease Iowa and New Hampshire. It was a political decision, I’m fine with that. But they voted, two and a half million people. And the Rules and Bylaws Committee will meet on the 31st to determine their status. But just remember. Who voted? A difference of 100,000 out of 35 million.
– Via Russert, whose dad was pronounded dead by Terry the Punk, on Sunday
Hey Marvin the child rapist – even an inbred moron like you must realize that a PO Box does not a physical address make. I guess I could just hang out at the post office and wait for a pedophile – looking motherfucker to show up and get the mail…
You wouldn’t be threatening me would you Pooper? Come on bitch – what you gonna do EXACTLY? Tell me?
Should have known that Pooper would be wearing a dress! LOL!
Marvin Stamnspews:
92. ByeByeGOP spews:
Hey Marvin the child rapist – even an inbred moron like you must realize that a PO Box does not a physical address make. I guess I could just hang out at the post office and wait for a pedophile – looking motherfucker to show up and get the mail
His email and phone number are there. If you can’t figure out how to contact him for his address I’m not sure what to say to you. Maybe you could walk up the stairs of the basement and ask your mom for help. She might be able to drive you over there if you do some dishes for her or something.
If you’re not a coward you would meet him face to face. Go ahead, drop a dime.
Maybe you should read what you wrote again…
69. ByeByeGOP spews:
Piper all you need to do to find me is post your name and address. I’ll drop by.
Call him, get his address and drop by. Of course, being a liberal you will NEVER do it, hey, maybe we can get a government program to do it for you. Kinda like welfare for wimps.
Please support an Iniative to Eliminate the B&O Tax
Greetings from Friends of Jim Vaughn for Congress,
As a business owner, I feel the pain and injustice of our Business and Occupation Tax. As a result, I am looking to take a two prong attack to eliminate the B&O Tax and have it replaced with a fair corporate tax. In conjunction with my campaign, I am raising public awareness in order to submit an Initiative on our state Election Ballot in 2009 to eliminate the B&O Tax and call for tax reform.
Given the fact that we have lost a significant portion of our industrial base and that we have a significant trade deficit, I intend to initiate legislation at the federal level (upon being elected to congress) to ban this form of tax nationwide. Reason being that this pyramid tax discourages capital investment by business, is detrimental to our nation’s economy and is undemocratic given the fact that it is not transparent.
I need assistance in order to raise the required funds to make my campaign a success and eliminate the B&O Tax. I believe that business owners will be more than willing to support this effort and can appreciate the potential ROI.
Please note that although I am running for the 8th Congressional District, this campaign will benefit everyone in our state and I am asking for everyone in our state for support. On my website, individuals can contribute to the Iniative or the Campaign. There is a $2,000 limit on the campaign contribution but no limit for the B&O Iniative, so to all the Bill Gates, please feel free to contribute.
History of the B&O Tax: At the economic low point of the depression in 1933, Washington enacted the Gross Tax Receipt, now known as the B&O Tax. During this time property and income taxes plummeted and The State Department of Revenue described the tax as “temporary, emergency revenue”.
Business and Occupation Tax (B&O): Otherwise known as a Gross Receipt Tax (GRT)
• GRT is a tax on all gross revenues incurred by a business not just the profits.
• GRT is a stealth tax which is hidden from the consumer.
• GRT is a tax on a business whether they make a profit or not.
• GRT is imposed on each stage of the service or product and creates a pyramid effect which is in turn passed on to the consumer.
How does the pyramid of GRT affect the consumer?• You visit a Mexican restaurant and buy a burrito. Let’s explore the taxes on this product with a gross tax receipt in place.
• Company A makes tortillas and pays a B&O Tax.
• Company B is a trucking firm that delivers the tortillas to a wholesaler and pays a B&O Tax.
• Company C is the wholesaler and pays a B&O Tax.
• Company D is a trucking firm that delivers the tortillas to the restaurant and pays a B&O Tax.
• Company E is the restaurant that also pays a B&O Tax.
• The same is true for the meat, cheese, lettuce, beans and other ingredients in the Burrito.
There are projections that as much as 20% of our purchases goes to the B&O tax. Now our dear state is trying to implement a personal income tax. Enough is enough.
There are only four states that have a GRT. Now let’s compare the states that have GRT:
• Delaware: Retail can deduct $80,000 per month. Manufactures can deduct $1,000,000 per month.
• Kentucky: Business can choose between Gross Receipts and Gross Profits. Under $3M are exempt.
• Ohio: Business under $150,000 are exempt; those with receipts between $150,000 and$1M pay $150.
• Washington: The worst tax of all 4 GRT states. Business under $28,000 exempt
This is one of the most biased taxes and undemocratic taxes that exists. For example, the state cut the B&O Tax rating for Boeing went from .004235 to .002956 Let’s take a look at these numbers for companies that do $500K in business :
Boeing use to pay $2,117 and pays $1,478. Small companies like myself that provide a service pay $7,500. The separate rates for each industry come from the nature of gross receipts taxation. It’s not based on profit, so each industry’s profitability and costs are constantly weighed by politicians who decide on rates and exemptions and credits. This is not a fair or logical formula for equitable taxation.
To compete in the global market and defend our country economically, we have to revive manufacturing and increase agriculture. It is unclear to me, why our state or any state for that matter would want to discourage capital investment by its business. This is not a good strategy for economic growth and development. My plan is to present legislation at the federal level that bans the Gross Sales Tax.
How many times have you been asked to contribute to a cause that is committed to helping you on a personal and financial basis? Together we will make a difference.
Marvy I am more likely to find Pooper AND you at a parole office reporting for your latest sex offense than to find you at home. Pooper appears to have punked out and run from this thread rather than explain his threat. Like I said, all he has to do is publish his address. Punk makes out like he’s brave and hides behind a PO box. Just like a republican. Talk shit, cut and run. Mission Accomplished ring any bells ass-licker?
How many children have you raped exactly Marvy? I bet it’s more than 10. I bet you used to torture little animals too didn’t you. According to your wife you can’t get it up. That’s why she comes to me for relief.
Marvin Stamnspews:
98. ByeByeGOP spews:
Marvy I am more likely to find Pooper AND you at a parole office reporting for your latest sex offense than to find you at home. Pooper appears to have punked out and run from this thread rather than explain his threat. Like I said, all he has to do is publish his address. Punk makes out like he’s brave and hides behind a PO box. Just like a republican. Talk shit, cut and run. Mission Accomplished ring any bells ass-licker?
How many children have you raped exactly Marvy? I bet it’s more than 10. I bet you used to torture little animals too didn’t you. According to your wife you can’t get it up. That’s why she comes to me for relief.
I’m starting to feel sorry for you. Seriously.
You make serious accusations without foundation that border on actionable defamation. You continue to hide behind the anonymity of a blog, yet you criticize me?
How sad and pathetic your life must be.
How afraid you are to come out in the open…A life lived in fear is a life half lived.
The Piper
Come on GBS you are much smarter than that…
67. GBS spews:@ 64: Not to mention that Ronald Reagan took us from the largest lending nation on the planet to the largest debtor nation on the planet.
Congress controls the pursestrings and you know it.
Of course. Light rail ridership hasn’t increased at all in Seattle.
1 – no, not yet.
Lower the sales tax by establishing an income tax and I’m all for as much light rail as we can possibly build.
If an income tax is just too “third rail” for this state, then I’d accept a higher gas tax but that’s a poor alternative to what 43 other states have.
So let’s be very clear…
The Gregoire 2008 Campaign Motto is :
Raise Taxes!!!!!!!!!!!
Got it.
Maybe y’all can go to 57 states, too!
re 3: Yes. Let’s be very clear. The Rossi motto is: “I’ll say whatever I think you want to hear and I’ll do what my corporate masters tell me to do — even though I know it will hurt you.”
Sound Transit’s new motto:
You Can’t Get There From Here”
So Goldy, considering the consistency of your past arguments. I’m sure you’re for a ‘pay per use’ funding of these transit systems now that more people are riding them.
Which ultmately means that the cost of riding transit will be shouldered by those who use it, which will (per typical leftist argument) disproportionately affect the poor, while us robber barons sip lattes from gold cups, huh?
With the Bush/McCain recession looming over the global economy, backed by a 70-cent per gallon increase in gas prices in just a year, public transit is going to be more important than ever.
People like Marvy, LilBitch/PiddlyDick, PU and the rest of their clan will need public transit to go to their group therapy sessions at the pedophile center.
Sound Transit’s Light Rail motto should be: We won’t get you there quicker. We won’t get you there cheaper. We won’t even get you to where you want to go. We won’t reduce congestion. And we won’t get people out of their cars. But we will indirectly create more development along the high crime, low income corridors where our politically-routed trains run.
Sadly the rel issue here is the LACK of leadership by the demo party.
Everymetric I can imagine says Seattle should go light rail and says that the state as a whole will benefit if that local rail is made part of a larger state wide system.
What do we not go there? Because the sort of outspoken opinions Goldy puts forth within the confines of his seraglio are not ever taken up by our leaders.
There is something very odd about the change in this world. When SJ was a young person radical meant Che. Today, radical seems to mean supporting such extreme ideas as fair taxes or quality education.
Is anyone else having Massive Death Toll in Foreign Country Headline-Fatigue?
Wow …
I urge every reader of HA to look at this post
The blogger there writes very well but his indictment of the Clintons as white liberal racists is fascinating.
Cynical @ 3
I don’t speak for Gregoire. And I’m proposing LOWERING taxes in exchange for what 43 other states have to make the funding of the government more fair.
Which is probably what you don’t want (fairness) even though you’re now living in a state which has EXACTLY what I’m talking about.
BTW, everyone knows the real solution to our transportation problems is a gas tax holiday!
Hey, maybe it’s the recession:
Oh, but a recession is two consecutive quarters of negative growth, so the fact that the last two quarters have featured growth well under 1% can’t be a recession, right? Wrong. The agency that makes the rules, the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), disagrees:
Welcome to the Second Bush Recession. Just one of the many reasons not to vote for McBush.
For the enjoyment of our local wingnut contingent, I present Faux Noise’s own
And don’t tell me you don’t love this guy..
@12 Again
I do not want to cross post this essay here because it is so well written that quotes would not do it justice.
BUT, the blog offers an indictment of white liberalism .. in the forma of an effort to explain Hillary’s camapign failures, that should be read by anyone .. right, left, Obamist or Clintonite. The essay talks factually about Hilalry’s crear and about the one sidedness of her efforts to be helpful.
I have tried many times to write this sort of thing into words and failed. There is nothing wrong with white liberalism, but there comes a time when the effort to help another group, in this case the AA, comes full circle. That time is when the liberal’s efforts from her white platform have made that platform broader and the once disadvantaged group, the target of good deeds, assumes equality.
This is more than simply waking up t a boss who has black skin. That is hard enough. What is much harder is to find that your black skinned boss is culturally black.
Those who know me at all know that I identify with the Black community and see a bond between Jewish and Black interests. In all that, however, I know that I am not Black and that Jews and Blacks have different interests. The hard thing as I have grown up is to transcend the stage of “us” helping “them.” That happens when one begins to encounter AA people in one’s own filed who are as bright or more bright than oneself.
Put another way, I doubt that Hillary has ever had an AA boss before. Is she ready to be helped by a person who is not only black skinned but who attends an openly black church?
You obviously don’t hang around with creative talent, do you? But creativity isn’t something with which you’re terribly familiar.
Welcome to the conflict inherent in media and entertainment. Anyone who’s been around news types, actors, and the performing arts generally wouldn’t find O’Reilly’s behavior here either unusual or shocking. More along the lines of shoulder shrugging and “So? What else is new?”
Highly creative and intelligent people are also highly intense and driven.
In other words…Big deal!
The Piper
Jonny @7,
Really? I’m an advocate of “pay per use”? Please cite the post.
I’m an advocate of the most efficient solution for the economy and the population as a whole, and I can’t see how that involves building more roads while not providing adequate transit alternatives.
If folks can’t afford $4.00/gallon gas, they certainly won’t be able to afford $8.00/gallon gas and higher. Growing worldwide competition for resources (ie China and India) and peak oil will solve our traffic congestion problem for us. The question is whether we’re going to build the kind of modern transit system — bus and rail — that will serve the needs of our region and allow our economy to continue to prosper?
We’re running out of time.
Latest headline from
“Seven explosions killed at least 10 people in India’s northwestern city of Jaipur, police told CNN-IBN.”
Gee, I wonder what the religion is behind the people who coordinated these attacks?
Pooper @ 18
Just like I thought – you love the guy. Interesting how you make excuses for him. As if all people doing his kind of job behave this way.
He’s insane but lovably insane.. in a right wing kind of way.
@19 Goldy
Besides, the effin right is supposed to believe in fiscal conservatism. When “we” pay for the petrol at the tank we decrease cash flow through our society and instead directly send the cash overseas. Ultimately, and maybe not so ultimately, this costs OUR ability to be productive … read John Stuart Mill.
An investment in mass transit, even if there is no net change in dollars spent in society, increases greatly the part of our economy that is local, BUILDING US CAPITAL rather than Saudi palaces.
Look at ti this way, if I can “buy” the enrgy required to do a weeks’ work in the form of mass transit or in the form of petrol, the former is the better deal FOR US SOCIETY.
The sticking point here is that this good deal can only be made collectively, you know by government. So the right has a choice .. oppose a government effort and subsidize Iran or …..
One of the reasons SJ is an Obamite (third person referential elitism) is my belif that he has the ability to explain these difficult ideas to the Americans. Now that Gregoire has become ab Obamite, perhaps she will become infected with his troothiness and offer ne state leadership?
@18 Piper ..
You of all people should read the Sketical Brother post, Here is a liberal saying things that conservatives have not been able to say about Hillary.
Funny that people are complaning about Obama holding $2300 or $1000 a plate fundraisers when John McCain is hlding a $33k/plate event right here.
20 T
Or is that just when the explosions occur in Pakistan or Kashmir?
Piper @ 18
You obviously don’t hang around with creative talent, do you?
I have no idea with whom you hang around, Piper, but it’s pretty damn clear that you don’t work in a creative environment. I do, and I can tell you that Bill O’s outbursts wouldn’t be long tolerated. The euphemistic adjective we often use to describe such behavior is “career limiting”.
Bill O’s not a professional. Why he continues to have the job he has can be ascribed to one and only one thing: Roger Ailes wants Bill O’s political hackery and demagoguery to continue. This is one of the most significant things that’s wrong with the right, and it’s abundantly telling that your response is a shoulder-shrugging “So What?”
Why is Bill O’Reilly where he is? One word: ratings. Consider:
8PM – P2+ (25-54)
The O’Reilly Factor- 2,494,000 viewers (427,000)
CNN Election Center– 674,000 viewers (175,000)
Countdown w/Olbermann – 1,173,000 viewers (388,000)
Fast Money (8pm-8:30pm)- 144,000 viewers (a scratch with 35,000)
High Net Worth (8:30pm-9pm)- 132,000 viewers (a scratch with 49,000)
Nancy Grace – 334,000 viewers (79,000)
These are Friday’s Nielson numbers from
Take note that O’Reilly bests both CNN and MSNBC combined on an almost 2 to 1 basis.
And again, I submit that while you think you hang around with creative types, you obviously haven’t been to the “show” where intensity and frequent conflict are a fact of creative life.
Don’t confuse your politically correct brand of creativity with what is genuinely cutting edge. Truman said it: “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.”
The Piper
More from the ABC News/WaPo poll, as reported in the WaPo:
Calling a 51-44 lead “slim” is a hoot.
and among Democrats only:
One word: ratings
Which means that it’s entertainment masquerading as news. It’s not about the content and quality of the information. It’s all about viewership. Thank you for making my point.
And again, I submit that while you think you hang around with creative types, you obviously haven’t been to the “show” where intensity and frequent conflict are a fact of creative life.
That has to be one of the funniest things you’ve written in a long time. My daily life is filled with “intensity and frequent conflict”. What we don’t tolerate is an O’Reilly-esque form of unprofessional outburst as a way of dealing with that intensity and conflict.
@3 And the Rossi campaign motto is, “Pay no taxes whatsoever; let public infrastructure and services rot!”
@11 Spoken like a Republican: If they don’t wear clothes like yours, speak your language, and worship your god, they don’t deserve to live.
@17 Hillary’s campaign failures have nothing to do with liberalism, and liberals aren’t responsible for her campaign failures.
At this point in 1988, Michael Dukakis held something like a 17-point lead over George H.W. Bush.
Tell me again what happened during the Dukakis administration?
The Piper
17 SJ
You should know that Barack Oabama’s church, the United Church of Christ, is overwhelmingly white, although his particular congregation is predominantly black.
7, 19 – I read somewhere that today’s electric cars, built with today’s technology, and at today’s electricity rates, provide fuel efficienty equivalent to $1-a-gallon gas.
Electric-powered buses, trolleys, and trains are even better because they’re far more efficient than individual vehicles, not only in terms of scarce and costly fuel, but also in terms of scarce and costly land for right-of-way. A light rail track can transport 10 times as many people as a freeway lane in a given amount of time. Thus, a light rail system with 1 track in each direction provides as much mobility as a 20-lane-wide freeway.
Although I have issues with Sound Transit’s light rail schemes, my concerns relate to the particulars of the schemes themselves and do not impugn the general good sense and efficiency of mass transit.
I don’t necessarily agree with Goldy that a road-and-car based transportation system is inherently inferior or unsustainable. Perhaps technology can save the concept by overcoming its principal drawbacks. But car-based transportation as we know it today is an expensive, inefficient, resource-devouring, and polluting transportation mode that is inefficient, inferior, and unsustainable.
33 PS
As I recall, in 1988 the economy was not in the crapper and we were not involved in the sixth year of a miserable failure of a Republican war.
33 PS
I’m also pretty sure that in 1988 the “wrong track” polling was not at 82%, and that GHW Bush was pulling a little better than 75% in primaries in which he was unopposed.
Hey, maybe Bob Barr will throw Florida to Obama! That might feel kinda sweet.
@18 Of course, someone of your limited intellect* wouldn’t understand what’s wrong with a partisan shill pretending to be a newsman, crackpiper.
* The fact you once were a lawyer proves nothing. Any idiot can become a lawyer. A fair number of idiots do.
SJ @23 – We all know Hillary is obnoxious, SJ. But I’m sure you also know it’s more complicated than that. If it wasn’t, she wouldn’t be supported by half of the country’s Democrats. The fact Hillary is locked in a close race with Obama at this late stage of the primary campaign should tell you that Obama has failed to address, or has responded inadequately to, important issues and constituencies. His appeal is far less than universal, even within his own party; which, if you think about it, has unsettling ramifications for November. [Of course, one could (and should) say the same of her.]
@24 “Funny that people are complaning about Obama holding $2300 or $1000 a plate fundraisers when John McCain is hlding a $33k/plate event right here.”
Considering that hypocrisy drips from everything Republicans say and do, it’s not surprising at all. The twin notions of privilege and special treatment lie at the very heart of the wingnut belief system. They believe inequality of wealth not only creates unequal status but also justifies unequal rules.
@29 What “information”? There’s no information in Faux Snooz or any other wingnut media, only agitprop.
@33 Hope is generally a good thing. In most contexts, anyway. However, loitering on deck and trusting in blind hope is not necessarily your best option when your boat is taking water fast and you ought to be manning the pumps.
40 RR
I don’t agree. Hillary Clinton had an extremely high Q factor (near-universal recognition) going into the primaries, a fair amount of money, and access to the Clinton donor lists. Barack Obama built a formidable money-raising machine (for which we should feel fortunate) and has wokred his ass off to pull ahead of another really appealing Democratic candidate. These two share many, many more positions than they differ on, and I do not believe that the fact that some people like one of them and some another (for example, the easy-to-understand affinities of blacks for Obama and women for Hillary) is a sign of some kind of deep divisions or of one candidate being “unable to reach” a voter segment. Just because some voters like Hillary doesn’t mean that Obama’s “appeal is far less than universal.” Personaly, I was and am a strong John Edwards supporter, but I will gladly and enthusiastically back Barack Obama against Grampy McHuh? in the general.
I did read it, though not overly carefully.
If what you are trying to say is that HRC and WJC have no real moral or ethical compas, honestly, conservatives and Republicans have been saying a lot of those same things about them for years dating back to the early 90’s.
Are you just catching up?
But if the purpose of the post is to exacerbate the already sharp racial divide among Democrats, then that will reap a short term HRC-bashing benefit, but create a longer term Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton-ish problem.
BHO has done a good job so far not running as a black candidate for the Democratic nomination. Instead, he’s running as a Democrat who happens to be black. But for his supporters to start hammering on his blackness – the sin committed by Rev. Jeremiah Wright – and on the whiteness and closet George Wallace/Jesse Helms racist (fictional, to the extent contended, BTW) policies, then he risks becoming marginalized from the American mainstream.
BHO cannot win with just urban elites, uber-liberals, and the black vote – he has to attract a few million “crackers” to make it, which means ditching all the race analysis and perjoratives.
Effectively calling the Clinton’s racists doesn’t do much to attract their supporters to join your cause. What it smacks of is more anti-HRC/WJC resentment than pro-BHO “politics of hope,” and that’s not a winning strategy.
The Piper
45 PS
Of course, that’s not solely where his appeal lies, and do not underestimate the power of both his enormous fundraising advantage over McCain and his army of volunteers (estimates range up to a million).
Nothing new here in the typical right wing spew.
Ratings – this is the justification for that piece of shit ORelly? Is this how you rightwingers teach your kids to behave? You proud that this is your guy?
Putting aside the fact he’s a known pervert, and that he’s a proven liar, the guy is just an asshole.
And ratings? Well those people who thought the world was flat had good ratings for that idea. Did it make it correct?
No wonder the right is full of such loooosers. They’re all morons!
John McCain exposed as a traitor by real vets!
Great! Keep it up! The McCain campaign thanks you for going beyond the pale such that the inevitable backlash will favor him.
And the Obama campaign simply wishes you’d flush twice as it will take that much to send you to the sewer from whence you cometh.
And by association you tar Goldy and the rest of the HA Happy Hooligans with your canards and defamatory smears. Unless, that is, they want to disavow them, which I invite them to do.
Smooth move, Ex-Lax.
The Piper
Pooper I’ll continue but not because you admonish me to do so, but because I want to expose you as a traitor – and those like you – who would support a man for President who IN HIS OWN FUCKING WORDS admitted to giving aide and comfort to the enemy. Now I know you inbred, cum-drunk, baby-raping assholes want to pretend that Senator Obama is a traitor because he won’t wear a bullshit flagpin everywhere he goes, so if you’re concerned at all about patriotism – and we know you’re not – you’d ask JohnBoy why we should consider the punk a hero!
So don’t worry – as promised – until the election – I will post several times a week new facts, new links and archival stuff as well that proves your boy (and you by extension) is a coward and traitor.
Thanks very much.
I defy you to show me where I’ve said that Barack Obama is a traitor…or even implied as much.
I may question his policies and judgment, but I have NEVER been as foolish as you and made such scurrilous and, in your case, cowardly anonymous accusations.
When you accuse without putting your name to the charge, you become like the assasin who lurks in the shadow hiding his face.
You remind me of Byron de la Beckwith in that regard.
And I still say that your efforts will only aid McCain and hurt Obama.
Your Momma must be severely disappointed in you.
The Piper
The key to all this is that the race war that’s been bubbling under the surface of American politics for our nation’s entire history has largely morphed into a class war. It’s going to be important for the Democrats to convince the “crackers”, as Piper rather condescendingly refers to them, that the Republican party isn’t on their side, and furthermore that the Democrats are. The view of the world is different from small-town America than it is from the big cities, and the left has, to put it frankly, not done a good job of playing to what Joe Bageant refers to as “the land of beer guts and plumbers’ butts”.
There have been a few times in history when that constituency has been handed to them, one of the most obvious being in 1932, when life in the hinterlands had become un-ignorably sucky, and it was glaringly evident that Hoover and his ilk were neither able nor willing to do anything to help. It would appear that we’re headed in that direction again, but whether the misery is really going to set in before November is open to question.
Piper: I’d like to hear more about that Republican ‘moral compas (sic)’ you were mentioning in # 45. Can you expound a bit on it and give me some examples of Republicans who had a better ‘moral compas (sic)’ than the Clintons’.
You can’t use Eisenhower. He was a Democrat up until he ran for president.
On the other hand, it’s not beyond possiblity that the Republicans will be stupid enough to try to campaign against Obama by playing some sort of “race card”. This is likely to be highly offensive to the northern and southwestern suburbanite swing voters who have constituted another large segment of BushCo’s support.
“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron.” Dwight Eisenhower, Democrat
Does this sound like a guy with a real moral compass?
I didn’t say “Republican moral compass,” I said “a moral compass.”
And thank you for pointing out my misspellings.
It’s only now that Democrats are catching on to the craven nature of the Clinton’s, something the rest of America has known since the days of the Rose Law Firm billing records and Travelgate.
That it took a rather nasty internal fight to get you to see the light is typical – like children, you won’t listen when grownups tell you something, so you have to learn the lesson at the college of hard knocks.
How’s that disillusionment workin’ out for you?
As for a Republican who had a solid moral compass, that’s easy: Ronaldus Magnus Reaganus. You always knew where he stood on an issue.
I do think Barack Obama has a moral compass; it’s just that it’s skewed in the wrong direction. At least, though, he’s predictable, unlike the Clinton’s who will say or do anything to further their role as America’s entitled royal family – adieu Kennedy’s!
The Piper
Pooper if you think my posts about FlipFlop McCain as traitor will really help the GOP and hurt Senator Obama then as a good little GOP foot soldier, you should spread them far and wide. Now if you were just talking out of your dick-loving ass like you always do-never mind.
Piper then Roger
>I< was not ntrying to make nay point other than to encourage you and other thoughtful people, right and left, to read the remarkable post at Skeptical Brother.
The post is not really about right vs left or about Hillary per se. Rather it is about the difficult transition anyone like Hillary needs to make when the subject of her ernest efforts grows out of dependency.
I suspect that Hillary and Bill really had little idea of the effect BO would have on som many people ..inlcuding themselves. While he has made a major point of being an American, they are so used to identifying themselves as the Americans that this new kinda fella has forced them to evolve.
Also, from your right wing side, whatt you may find interesting is that Skeptical Brother discusses issues that to the best of my knowledge have never been raised by your side. For example, when if ever did the Rose firm acquire a Black partner? What role did the firm or Hillary play in the legal issues affecting Black or poor Arknasasians?
We disagree about Hillary but I really think you should read thie post!
The post is less of an attack on her then it is a reflection of how she appears to an activist black liberal.
AS for how BO affects the WWC (white working class) .. I am less concerned over that than I am about the intrinsic racism of the MSM. Whatever the role of the VRWC (vast right wing conspiracy) the real dmage done was by the MSM media endless looping of those tapes.
Why did they do that? One answer is because it generated viewers and therefore it accurately reflects America’s racism. Perhaps, but a similar comment could be made about Hearst’s role in the Spansih American war. Yellow journalism feeds the fires of racism.
The people running these organizations are not dumb. So my guess is that CNN-NBC-CBS-ABC etc ran the tape just as they run titillating pix of dead blondes … to entice the audience! They did this knowing full well that JW is not a racist but is an older fella from another generation. Hell if JW bothers them, I wonder why they have not put Princeton on the carpet for employing Cornell West?
Please do look at the blog.
Trust me…your stink carries far and wide all on its own – it needs no help from me.
BTW…when will you actually put your name and contact information on these posts so that I can stop thinking of you as a post-modern Byron de la Beckwith?
The Piper
56 Piper Scott
You always knew where he stood on an issue.
Do you mean when he was a Democrat or when he was a Republican?
20 Troll
Just like a Republican not only to capitalize on a real tragedy to score cheap political points, but also to completely and deliberately misrepresent an event in the most hateful and racist possible way.
India and Pakistan have a long history of conflict over Kashmir, which they both claim. Citizens from each nation have been responsible for acts of terrorism against the other. However, it is not a religious dispute but a territorial one between nations. Each side in that dispute bears about equal blame and deserves about equal sympathy.
And most important, none of this long-standing feud has any relationship or connection whatsoever to the attitudes or actions of some Muslims as a result of grievances against US policy.
In short, dude, this tragic crime is not about “evil Muslims” and never has been, but your use of it for that purpose is classic lying, racist Republicanism.
56 “As for a Republican who had a solid moral compass, that’s easy: Ronaldus Magnus Reaganus. You always knew where he stood on an issue.”
In a way that was true for him, but certainly not for a legion of underlings in his administration. They were merely using him as cover in a warm-up to the present administration’s litany of crimes against humanity.
Furthermore, his apparent moral rectitude wasn’t much compensation for his incompetence.
Other than that, I don’t know why you’re harping about the Clintons, or for that matter why you keep assigning Reagan that phony-Latin moniker. In case you hadn’t noticed, the Roman empire fell apart a long, long time ago, and if there’s any other parallel to be drawn, it would be to compare the White House’s current occupant to Nero or Caligula.
62 AF
I don’t know what makes ol’ What’s-My-Name so morally admirable. He was divorced because he valued his political career over his first wife. He was indifferent father and at least some of his kids disliked him.
When the Symbionese Liberation Army kidnapped Patty Hearst in Berkeley and demanded the distribution of food to the poor, Reagan joked, “It’s just too bad we can’t have an epidemic of botulism.”
Of course, HUD was looted during his administration and he was either behind Iran-Contra or was so stupid and out of it that he didn’t know what his crooked staff was doing.
Yeah, he was a moral fucking beacon.
Not to mention his studied ignorance of the deadly AIDS epidemic because it was just gay people and junkies getting it.
64 Fortunately, one of the few positive things Reagan did was to appoint C. Everett Koop as Surgeon General, a decision he probably regretted for as long as he was able to remember it.
The right continues to lavish praise on The Gipper for “defeating communism” and bringing an end to the Cold War. More credit was probably due to John Paul II and the beginnings of the decline of the world economy in general than it was to the US outbluffing the Russians into a final orgy of military spending.
@ 64:
Not to mention that Ronald Reagan took us from the largest lending nation on the planet to the largest debtor nation on the planet.
Yeah, if I we’re having problems in my personal economy and someone gave me a million dollar credit card I could raise my standard of living PDQ.
Until, of course, the payments started coming due as are the the 1st in the series of those T-bills Reagan sold from 1981-1987. So start looking for our federal spending to increase starting in 2011 just to pay for Reagan’s binge spending.
Oh, and if you think that’s bad what about Bush and the Republcian’s massive doubling of the debt in the last 6 years? 2030 will be another shitty year for America’s finances because of conservatism.
@ 65:
John Paul II and the Polish people deserve a lot of credit, but do you know who else deserves credit for ruining the USSR’s economy?
Osama bin Laden and his war of attrition against the Russians in the 80’s in Afghanistan.
One of bin Laden’s goals in starting a war with America was to bankrupt us on oil. He wanted oil to reach maybe $100 a barrel.
Guess who’s strategy in this war between radical Islam and the West is winning?
Yep, bin Laden played Bush in to a war of attrition that we cannot sustain.
Conservatives cannot lead, cannot govern, cannot command our military. In short, they are failures at every level.
Is it no wonder they hate government. If I were that lousy at something I kept trying to do I’d hate it, too.
Piper all you need to do to find me is post your name and address. I’ll drop by.
Oh yes the great republican standard bearer – Ronnie Raygun. You know, the guy who had an affair with his best friend’s wife, breaking up TWO marriages! You know, the guy who decided to send Ollie North to violate the law in IranContra gate! You know, the one who had MAD COW and kept it from the American people the way FlipFlop McCain is trying to hide it now. THAT standard of moral ethics explains a great deal about why the GOP is so full of inbred hypocrites.
67 If there’s really anything in common between bin Laden and Saddam, it’s that they were both largely creations of the US intelligence community, and that they proved difficult to, shall we say, “deactivate” once they were no longer useful.
69 While we’re on that subject, let’s also consider that Nancy–you know, Madame “Just-Say-No”–gave birth to her and Ronnie’s first kid considerably less than nine months after their marriage.
Not that I intend to be too hard on them for being only human, just for trying to hold everyone else to a standard higher than themselves. Seems a trifle presumptious, yanno?
68 I might propose that we’d be best served by staying on friendly terms with The Piper. Considering what line of work he’s in and that we seem to be heading into some hard times, some of us might find ourselves in need of his services.
Hey, Oregon’s pretty dang white, and Obama figures to win the state walking away (SurveyUSA shows Obama winning 54-43). Is that because he can’t get white folk to vote for him?
Are you really this clueless? In your mind only conservative *stars* have a temper problem?
Here’s sue simmons from nbc new york
Here’s paul moyers, an la newscaster and obama supporter
Career limiting if some upcoming nobody does it. Stars get away with it ALL the time.
Does everyone realize that winning or losing a primary in West Virgnia is sort of, you know, not the same thing as winning or losing the general election in that state?
Earth to completely clueless bbgop…
Click on his name, it takes you to his website.
Good luck.
May God have mercy on your soul, I’m sure Piper won’t when he catches you peeking in his window.
I don’t want a president who will be purt’ near 72 freakin’ years old when he takes office. If he makes it that far.
78 Well, if nothing else, it means y’all ought to be paying really close attention to who or what he picks for his running mate.
Just think, if she aborted the kid you would be praising her.
So, uh Peterless Piper Snot:
What you are saying is that people who watch Bill-O approve of him enarly 2-1.
This is the guy who wrote a book depicting two teenage girls (15) hooked on crack cocaine and having to peform oral sex on the drug dealer on a “faux leather couch.”
These are also the same people who support Bush and his decision to let Scooter Libby off the hook for treason – outing a CIA agent is treason according the George H.W. Bush and former head of CIA. The same Scooter Libby who wrote a book about a 10 year old girl being forecably raped by a BEAR while men stand around watching.
Go fuck yourself.
MS @ 80:
No we would be praising Hitler’s mother if she aborted her child. The same way we’d be praising Ronnie’s momma for he same kind act to humanity.
Have you ever checked out this website?
Give it a try.
I would have mercy on his soul…So much so that I would take great delight piping his funeral.
The Piper
Holy fuck, Lassie! Liddy Dole’s in trouble!
@84 Piper, would you really want to waste that much of your time?
80 No, in fact, and I’d like to admonish GBS that he can speak for himself, but not necessarily for the rest of us, and certainly not for me.
The Reagans raised three perfectly fine kids. We should all hope and pray that ours turn out as well. Remember, I wasn’t criticizing Ron and Nancy for “jumping the gun”–just for their having been less than tolerant of others. Sort of another example of conservatives’ tendency to propose simplistic answers to not-often-simple questions.
@83 Come on, Marvin. How would we know how tough bbg is, without all of the profanity. Besides, he needs to compensate for his… er… shortcommings… somehow. Right? He’s a man to be reckoned with, because of his efficacy at spewing invective.
“‘Tis my delight, alone in summer shade,
To pipe a simple song for thinking hearts.” – Wordsworth.
Waste of time? T’would be a Wordsworthian delight especially since the quality of thinking hearts would by substantially improved in the process.
Now, the tune selection is up to me, and it could include such standards as:
“He Yanked His Doodle, It Was No Dandy”
“I Can Nae Have My Lassie, Must Settle For Ewe”
“The Dummy’s Jig”
“BBGOP’s Spanking of a Hornpipe”
“Lament of the HA Happy Hooligans”
“Gitmo Detainees Memorial Shackle March”
“The Sheep Shaggers’ Reel”
“The Soiled Kilt”
Of course, tuning my pipe would be optional.
The Piper
MR. McAULIFFE: First off, no one is the nominee. Everyone needs to be clear, until someone gets the magic number of the delegates, 2209, you are not the nominee of the Democratic Party. Right now, Tim, you have seen in these contests you’ve had 35 million people vote. If you take everyone who pushed a button for Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama, 16.6 million for Hillary Clinton, 16.7 million for Barack Obama. That is a difference of 100,000 votes out of 35 million.
MR. RUSSERT: You’re counting Florida and Michigan.
Mr. McAULIFFE: Sure I am, they voted. There’s no question they voted, they were certified at the county level and the state level. They voted. I’m not talking about delegates. But they voted.
MR. RUSSERT: But Obama’s name wasn’t on the ballot in Michigan.
MR. McAULIFFE: And that was a political decision he made to pull his name off the ballot.
MR. RUSSERT: All right.
MR. McAULIFFE: Let’s be clear. He was on the ballot, he took his name off to appease Iowa and New Hampshire. It was a political decision, I’m fine with that. But they voted, two and a half million people. And the Rules and Bylaws Committee will meet on the 31st to determine their status. But just remember. Who voted? A difference of 100,000 out of 35 million.
– Via Russert, whose dad was pronounded dead by Terry the Punk, on Sunday
Hey Marvin the child rapist – even an inbred moron like you must realize that a PO Box does not a physical address make. I guess I could just hang out at the post office and wait for a pedophile – looking motherfucker to show up and get the mail…
You wouldn’t be threatening me would you Pooper? Come on bitch – what you gonna do EXACTLY? Tell me?
Should have known that Pooper would be wearing a dress! LOL!
His email and phone number are there. If you can’t figure out how to contact him for his address I’m not sure what to say to you. Maybe you could walk up the stairs of the basement and ask your mom for help. She might be able to drive you over there if you do some dishes for her or something.
If you’re not a coward you would meet him face to face. Go ahead, drop a dime.
Maybe you should read what you wrote again…
Call him, get his address and drop by. Of course, being a liberal you will NEVER do it, hey, maybe we can get a government program to do it for you. Kinda like welfare for wimps.
I feel bad about leading a lamb to slaughter.
On the other hand, lamb tastes good.
Please support an Iniative to Eliminate the B&O Tax
Greetings from Friends of Jim Vaughn for Congress,
As a business owner, I feel the pain and injustice of our Business and Occupation Tax. As a result, I am looking to take a two prong attack to eliminate the B&O Tax and have it replaced with a fair corporate tax. In conjunction with my campaign, I am raising public awareness in order to submit an Initiative on our state Election Ballot in 2009 to eliminate the B&O Tax and call for tax reform.
Given the fact that we have lost a significant portion of our industrial base and that we have a significant trade deficit, I intend to initiate legislation at the federal level (upon being elected to congress) to ban this form of tax nationwide. Reason being that this pyramid tax discourages capital investment by business, is detrimental to our nation’s economy and is undemocratic given the fact that it is not transparent.
I need assistance in order to raise the required funds to make my campaign a success and eliminate the B&O Tax. I believe that business owners will be more than willing to support this effort and can appreciate the potential ROI.
Please note that although I am running for the 8th Congressional District, this campaign will benefit everyone in our state and I am asking for everyone in our state for support. On my website, individuals can contribute to the Iniative or the Campaign. There is a $2,000 limit on the campaign contribution but no limit for the B&O Iniative, so to all the Bill Gates, please feel free to contribute.
History of the B&O Tax: At the economic low point of the depression in 1933, Washington enacted the Gross Tax Receipt, now known as the B&O Tax. During this time property and income taxes plummeted and The State Department of Revenue described the tax as “temporary, emergency revenue”.
Business and Occupation Tax (B&O): Otherwise known as a Gross Receipt Tax (GRT)
• GRT is a tax on all gross revenues incurred by a business not just the profits.
• GRT is a stealth tax which is hidden from the consumer.
• GRT is a tax on a business whether they make a profit or not.
• GRT is imposed on each stage of the service or product and creates a pyramid effect which is in turn passed on to the consumer.
How does the pyramid of GRT affect the consumer?• You visit a Mexican restaurant and buy a burrito. Let’s explore the taxes on this product with a gross tax receipt in place.
• Company A makes tortillas and pays a B&O Tax.
• Company B is a trucking firm that delivers the tortillas to a wholesaler and pays a B&O Tax.
• Company C is the wholesaler and pays a B&O Tax.
• Company D is a trucking firm that delivers the tortillas to the restaurant and pays a B&O Tax.
• Company E is the restaurant that also pays a B&O Tax.
• The same is true for the meat, cheese, lettuce, beans and other ingredients in the Burrito.
There are projections that as much as 20% of our purchases goes to the B&O tax. Now our dear state is trying to implement a personal income tax. Enough is enough.
There are only four states that have a GRT. Now let’s compare the states that have GRT:
• Delaware: Retail can deduct $80,000 per month. Manufactures can deduct $1,000,000 per month.
• Kentucky: Business can choose between Gross Receipts and Gross Profits. Under $3M are exempt.
• Ohio: Business under $150,000 are exempt; those with receipts between $150,000 and$1M pay $150.
• Washington: The worst tax of all 4 GRT states. Business under $28,000 exempt
This is one of the most biased taxes and undemocratic taxes that exists. For example, the state cut the B&O Tax rating for Boeing went from .004235 to .002956 Let’s take a look at these numbers for companies that do $500K in business :
Boeing use to pay $2,117 and pays $1,478. Small companies like myself that provide a service pay $7,500. The separate rates for each industry come from the nature of gross receipts taxation. It’s not based on profit, so each industry’s profitability and costs are constantly weighed by politicians who decide on rates and exemptions and credits. This is not a fair or logical formula for equitable taxation.
To compete in the global market and defend our country economically, we have to revive manufacturing and increase agriculture. It is unclear to me, why our state or any state for that matter would want to discourage capital investment by its business. This is not a good strategy for economic growth and development. My plan is to present legislation at the federal level that bans the Gross Sales Tax.
How many times have you been asked to contribute to a cause that is committed to helping you on a personal and financial basis? Together we will make a difference.
Marvy I am more likely to find Pooper AND you at a parole office reporting for your latest sex offense than to find you at home. Pooper appears to have punked out and run from this thread rather than explain his threat. Like I said, all he has to do is publish his address. Punk makes out like he’s brave and hides behind a PO box. Just like a republican. Talk shit, cut and run. Mission Accomplished ring any bells ass-licker?
How many children have you raped exactly Marvy? I bet it’s more than 10. I bet you used to torture little animals too didn’t you. According to your wife you can’t get it up. That’s why she comes to me for relief.
I’m starting to feel sorry for you. Seriously.
You are all show and no go…
You make serious accusations without foundation that border on actionable defamation. You continue to hide behind the anonymity of a blog, yet you criticize me?
How sad and pathetic your life must be.
How afraid you are to come out in the open…A life lived in fear is a life half lived.
The Piper
Come on GBS you are much smarter than that…
Congress controls the pursestrings and you know it.