The Roman Catholic Church equals Hitler, huh? And John McCain sought out and embraced Rev. Hagee’s endorsement, but apparently he doesn’t have a preacher problem. Go figure.
Like the democrats said… What’s the big deal. The preacher isn’t running for office.
Ah here we go again…more talk about the Pastor Wright and Rev Hagee?
Wierd thing, both of these completely opposite “spiritual advisors” do have some good points each.
Duncan Renaldospews:
The ‘Rev.’ Haggee is a cartoon of corpulent vice. Anyone who’d give that porcine lumpectomy a dime needs to have their head examined.
“Dig deep, my friends, and give all you have for sweet, bleedin’ Jayzuz! Jayzuz hath need of cash — and he needs it now!”
I think the swiftboating of McCain by his own party has turned him into a bitter, cynical husk of his former self.
The Blatantly Obviousspews:
Wondering/Reel @ 2, what you either do not comprehend, or just plain want to ignore, is that the Repugs you play with are never going to let “controversies” like this die.
It is all they have.
And you pretending it will go away plays right into their hands. Which by your downplaying of the much more nasty Hagee disaster, might be exactly what you are attempting.
We will never win by letting the repugs swiftboat Obama with lies. We need to be ever vigilant to strike back with the truth. LOUDLY!
I know Obama has no desire to play this kind of dirty politics, and I admire that about him. But that does not mean that we have to sit back and watch the trolls try to make traction with a non issue.
And we wont. The fuckers are simply not going to get away with it this time.
And neither are you.
the difference between the two preachers and McCain & Obama is obvious. McCain is not black. nor is his preacher. End of comment
Roger Rabbitspews:
That’s because the so-called “liberal biased” media is owned and run by rich Republicans who believe only the “little people” should pay taxes or fight their wars. After all, they’re God’s chosen people, so they can do no wrong, and neither can their rightwing hate-filled pastors.
Left Behind by the New Democratic Partyspews:
Funny how the one big important fact was left out:
McCain was just endorsed by that nutjob, while Obama was a member and going to the services of his nutjob FOR OVER TWENTY YEARS.
Personally, I have written off the next four years, as I feel all of the potential candidates are just pathetic. But I, and all of us, will weather this, we always do. Sad that these choices are what we content ourselves with.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Obama supporters should be trying to get this Wright guy to STFU. All Wright’s doing is grabbing his 15 minutes, and he’s doing it at the expense of Obama. The guy’s a fucking egomaniac. Plus he’s just full of shit about most things in general.
@9: Except OPbama has repudiated Wright and McCain accepts Hagee’s endorsmet. Obviously, neither candidate is saying these things or believes them – but the media went all out after Obama not for what he said – but for wht someone he knew said. He was forced to totally repudiate that person for SOME of Wright’s message – meanwhile, McCain gets a free pass. THAT is the point. Where is the outrage over Hagee comparing the Catholic church to Hitler and the antichrist? Does McCain support that – or just the other things Hagee says?
The whole thing is stupid – but the media focused on it on Obama and not McCain.
Idiot @9: And the last 8 years have been heaven? Any of the democrats (and even McCain) would be better than the idiot we have in there now. Endless war for no reason (Did we get bin Laden?), largest deficits in history, highest oil prices, no coherent energy policy, incompetence and corruption in virtually every department (Justice, OMB, FEC, EPA, FEMA, Homeland security, FDA and on and on…).
Correctnotright@11: As a Obama supporter you need to have your post corrected again… This isn’t about Wright and Hagee moron. Certain people like Frank Rich want to make it that but it isn’t. Since I don’t like McCain let me break it down for you. S L O W L Y. Is your skull that thick? Yes it is, because your arguments are so easily dissected.
McCain wanted Hagee’s endorsement for the conservative votes. Since many conservatives are not enamored with McCain, I believe some will not vote for him. Well if you listen to Rush he thinks otherwise. He thinks conservatives will rally around McCain in the end. So if I was a ditto-head marching lock step with Rush as a jackbooted storm trooper as the most vile 16%ers love to post here, I would be agreeing with Rush. Since I don’t I guess I’m not a ditto-head lock step marching jackbooted storm trooper. Eh?
As I placed PuddyFact #257, the February Pew Poll which said 18+% of donkey will not vote for Heilary or Obama if they are not the nominee you all scoffed. Yet you all drink the libtard MSM kool-aid when they said people won’t vote for McCain and place headline after headline in their papers trying to sway people. Yet why did this poll not receive it’s just due? Because it doesn’t fit the libtard MSM biases!
So, the wife and I replayed Obama’s February, March, and April Wright prouncements
1) In February Obama really supported this character.
2) In March Obama tacitly supported this character.
3) In April he threw him under the bus like he did his racist grandmother.
So the wife and I looked at each other and asked what changed? Why is Obama dissing Wright now and not earlier? If you go back and READ the verbal message Wright gave to the national press club or that wasted biomass bill moyers in his interview, he is still saying the same thing without the fire and brimstone of his pulpit. So why is Obama saying he is shocked at Wright now? Cuz he was/is losing his white peeps support. His national approval dropped and his national disapproval rose. Even people started like Heilary again. WTF? I even saw a post from Pelletizer saying nice things about Heilary. I wished I saved it…
His campaign didn’t know what to do. They couldn’t tell Wright to shut up. He’d announce it to the public. They couldn’t tell Wright to tone it down because he’d rachet it up more. When Wright told everyone when Obama was president he’ be visiting him in the white house, white people blanched to an even more pallor color. My wife and I are shocked Wright’s building a $1.6 MM home to live in the same neighborhood as his “oppressors”. See the dichotomy here correctnotright? Wright is a egotistical man. Reminds me of bybygoober and his love of Rosy Palm… White People began to see things about Obama that have them saying is this guy a black revolutionary since he hung out with William and Bernadette. Remember Obama said he was a different type of candidate. You are known by the company you keep and since most 16%ers hang out together… – NUFF SAID!
And yes I am voting for Obama cuz he’s black and I don’t like McCain. Puddyfact #27: I stated I dislliked McCain way before he chose to run for president… I don’t expect HAs clueless idiot to understand because mental processing are foreign to him. But the bile is coming up the esophagus more and more each day.
Tlaz, FricknFrack and other older white women posters are fearful to answer my “Were you taught to hate black people as children?” question… In fact, the idiot savant FricknFrack complained to Goldy and accused me of stalking her. Waaaa haaaa haaaaaaa haaaa haaaa haaaaaaaa hahahahaha haaaa haaaaaaa haaaa haaaa haaaaaaaa hahahahaha haaaa haaaaaaa haaaa haaaa haaaaaaaa hahahahaha haaaa haaaaaaa haaaa haaaa haaaaaaaa hahahahaha HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HEE HEE HEEE HEE HEE HEEE HEE HEE HEEE HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HO HO HO HO Who’s da HO? Not in your life grandma. Honestly, those are railroad tracks Puddy will NEVER cross.
PuddyFact #363: Golly FricknFrack I get stalked on this blog everyday… I wear it as a badge of honor!
Oh and one more thing correctnotright as I see you ARE NOT A RELIGIOUS HISTORY STUDENT… There are historical references to comparing the Catholic Church to the anti-christ. Not the members who attend the Catholic Church. Do some research correctnotright. Be correct and right for a change…
Now incorrectnotbright: Regarding Bush’s non-coherent energy policy – I heard something on the radio the other night… On XM Radio Channel 152 (if you need to look it up you are not an XM subscriber) at late night it becomes a news channel at times. As I was listening to a show, a person said he expects the Moonbat!s to drop their anti-ANWR and anti-Gulf exploration rants when gas hits $5 gallon. Then they’ll wake up and see the lies told by the 16%ers to the national American audience. Then he thinks some attitudes will change… The libtards are blocking any coherent energy policy. You have the big-tent against nukular energy. You have the big-tent against coal use… NUFF SAID on the big-tent.
I wonder if he has a point.
So again incorrectnevertobright, study to show thyself approved rightly dividing truth!
@13 – And Puddy, had this ANWR policy been put into place 10 years ago, as they said it would take 10 years to see the oil get into our gas tanks, we’d be way better off now…but once it finally gets approved, we will have a 10 year wait.
Marvin Stamnspews:
A sad day for Lee. Pot laws are being tightened in the UK.
And when the enlightened people across the pond care about their children’s heal;th you know it must be true.
SeattleJew: I have much more to write on wright, but I have some other things to do. maybe I’ll email it to you soon…
Hannah, were you taught to hate black people as a young’un?
Hagee, just another stupid fat fuck Christian.
Marvin Stamnspews:
8. Roger Rabbit spews:
That’s because the so-called “liberal biased” media is owned and run by rich Republicans
You should have stuck chanting faux news is right wing. Now you’re looking very misinformed.
The liberal bias is not a plan thought up in the basement of some bombmaking terrorist friend of obamas, it’s the reporters and writers and how they slant the news.
Shows like olbermann & orielly are opinion shows so of course they would lean whichever direction.
“It happened naturally,” Phil Griffin, a senior vice president of NBC News who is the executive in charge of MSNBC, said Friday, referring specifically to the channel’s passion and point of view from 7 to 10 p.m. “There isn’t a dogma we’re putting through. There is a ‘Go for it.’”
@17 Puddybud…Absolutely NOT! I was very fortunate in my upbringing!
Marvin Stamnspews:
And what about the left leaning msnbc news pushing the global warming religion and talking about penguins and the north pole. All those reporters had to do was google penguins and find out they don’t inhabit the north pole.
Here’s the original video, they have since edited out the lies. Of course, AFTER they got caught.
Hannah, good for you. Didya notice other women here have issues with that question…?
DNC Superdelegate Puts His Vote Up For Sale – Steven Ybarra Wants $20 Million For His Vote
At least he’s blatant, just like bybygoober……
Marvin Stamnspews:
8. Roger Rabbit spews:
…After all, they’re God’s chosen people, so they can do no wrong, and neither can their rightwing hate-filled pastors.
The bush term is coming to an end. If bush is going to overturn roe vs wade, put prayer into school (except muslem prayer) and all the other fears the left whined about he better get busy. ChickenLittle anyone?
Marvin Stamnspews:
23. Puddybud spews:
In udder news:
DNC Superdelegate Puts His Vote Up For Sale – Steven Ybarra Wants $20 Million For His Vote
I can respect honesty even if I don’t agree with it.
If only all democrats were this honest. No doubt this guy will be crossing the isle pretty soon. Honesty has no place in the democrat party.
In more udder news:
“Mr. Begala, a Clinton supporter, said the party could not win in November with just “eggheads and African-Americans,” that the party could not ignore white middle-class voters. Ms. Brazile, who said she was not “undecided but undeclared” when it came to her choice for a candidate, shot back that Mr. Begala’s notions were dividing the party. (And that she’d chugged down many a beer with Joe and Jane “six-pack” in an effort to woo white voters.)”
historical PuddyFact#21: Donkey are the race baiters. Remember the ad against George Bush with the rope for the James Byrd ad? Of course Puddy remembers. Or the fake outrage James Byrd’s daughter claiming of Bush’s opposition to a hate crimes bill: “It was like my father was killed all over again.” – when Texas already had similar laws on the books not being enforced. Oops… wait a minute Donkey didn’t want that known… like the proposed McCain exoneration in the Keating 5. Control the media… don’t tell the public the truth…
Marvin Stamnspews:
Trouble for the rubber chicken industry. Pelosi is being compared to a rubber chicken, that can’t please the rubber chicken union.
26. Puddybud spews:
PuddyFact#21: Donkey are the race baiters. Remember the ad against George Bush with the rope for the James Byrd ad? Of course Puddy remembers. Or the fake outrage James Byrd’s daughter claiming of Bush’s opposition to a hate crimes bill: “It was like my father was killed all over again.” – when Texas already had similar laws on the books not being enforced.
And after they let the killers go free you knew bush was racist. Oops, 2 of the 3 killers were sentenced to death and the other to life in prison. Sounds like an eye for an eye. Oops, maybe bush is forcing religion on people.
Wait a minute… The NAVY RELEASES McCain’s military record?
Just three days ago CBS News wouldn’t admit it was Limbaugh’s Operation Chaos… Golly I wonder why?
““And, lo and behold, it’s happened,” Limbaugh said. “This is the crucible of chaos. Look at what Operation Chaos has forged. Mrs. Clinton now is threatening to obliterate Iran. She says she gonna break up OPEC. She wants to hold the money brokers responsible for the alleged recession. She says she gonna renege on NAFTA. She’ll take what she calls the excess profits from Big Oil. And she’s going to do all that while hunting and downing shots of Crown Royal followed by a beer.”
Gotta love it…
@22 Puddy, yes I do notice the “fear”. I find it pathetic and unprovoked by the general population of AA. And this whole thing of a 20 million dollar sale of a vote? WOW!!!!
Tommy Thompsonspews:
Both two good examples of why religion should be separate from government. Even as a Christian, I still say the conservative right wing Christian should go to hell.
Of course Tommy Thompson gives Wright a pass.
Sorry Puddy – ANWR is NOT the answer. Depending on the estimates (unknown since we actually don’t know how much oil there is in ANWR) we could get about 1 years worth of oil. We could save DOUBLE of what ANWR probably has in it over twenty years by reducing oil consumption by 10%.
“The amount of known oil in ANWR is precisely zero (see essay here) – many different entities make many different estimates of how much there may be in the ground there, but until reasonable amounts of exploration are done, those estimates are nothing but guesses. A few of them are educated guesses, many of them are as educated as saying the moon is made of green cheese. Reasonable (as in US Geological Survey – see This Link) estimates are of 7.7 billion barrels of recoverable oil. Figuring one way, using US consumption at 20 million barrels per day, divided into that 7.7 billion, equals 385 days of supply. In reality, it will take years for the infrastructure to be built (pipelines, drilling facilities, production facilities, etc) even if there is any oil there at all – remember, the proved amount as of right now is zero barrels. Then, the production would take many years – you don’t just produce it in a whoosh. Prudhoe bay, at around 13 billion barrels, has been producing for nearly 30 years. So rather than viewing it as so many days of supply, it might be more reasonable to view it as contributing to a lesser need for imports. The amount that would come over 20 years or so might be as much as a million barrels a day — 5% of current US needs (remember too that US consumption is increasing by 2 to 4% per year). Not trivial, but also no panacea.”
Marvin Stamnspews:
37. correctnotright spews:
Sorry Puddy – ANWR is NOT the answer. Depending on the estimates (unknown since we actually don’t know how much oil there is in ANWR) we could get about 1 years worth of oil
Do you read what you write?
You say it’s unknown how much oil there is yet we could get about 1 years worth.
Can you show us all the math you used to figure out an unknown amount of oil is going to last about a year.
5,18 A pox on both your houses! There are substantial points to discuss about Wright, Hagee and plenty of other preachers who’ve got their hands dirty in politics, not to mention politicians who’ve had the temerity to pontificate about religion. Turning the discussion into a beauty contest is pretty banal, though. It’s like dissing Mother Teresa’s accomplishments and virtues because she didn’t look like Hollywood’s latest pound of flesh.
About the guy trying to sell his vote for $20 million, he sums it up himself pretty well. That’s some fucking vital stuff there, Fuddydudd.
“No, I think most people right now are looking at this as some crazy guy in California because after all I’m from California,” said Ybarra.
Who said the MSM ain’t libtard?
Y’all need to read this as the NY Times hints goodbye constitution…
Yes, you need a subscription but Puddy the magnanimous, will give it to you 16%ers:
It’s About the White House
Published: May 7, 2008
Like many Americans, we have been intrigued and often exasperated by the long-running Democratic primary and the ever smaller-bore spats between Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama. So we are thankful to Senator John McCain for reminding us Tuesday what this year’s presidential race really is about.
While Democrats voted in North Carolina, which Mr. Obama won, and in Indiana, which was too close too call at press time, Mr. McCain spoke about his judicial philosophy. He is determined to move a far too conservative and far too activist Supreme Court and federal judiciary even further and more actively to the right.
Mr. McCain predictably criticized liberal judges, vowed strict adherence to the founders’ views and promised to appoint more judges in the mold of Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito. That is just what the country does not need.
Since President Bush chose Justices Roberts and Alito, the court has ordered Seattle and Louisville to scrap voluntary school integration, protected employers who illegally mistreat their workers and constrained women’s right to choose and citizens’ right to vote.
Mr. McCain did not mention, of course, how the Roberts-led court blithely overruled Congress by nullifying an important part of the McCain-Feingold campaign finance law. He did wax nostalgic about what “the basic right of property” has meant “since the founding of America.” (He did not mention that in 1789, many women could not own property and African-Americans were property, but he did criticize the idea that values evolve over time.)
There was a moment when we were briefly cheered. Mr. McCain declared that “all the powers of the American presidency must serve the Constitution and thereby protect the people and their liberties.” We hoped that would be the start of a serious critique of how President Bush has violated cherished civil liberties: endorsing torture, ordering unlawful domestic spying and depriving detainees of the most basic right of habeas corpus.——
Let me take out the IMPOTANT Part: “Mr. McCain predictably criticized liberal judges, vowed strict adherence to the Founders’ views and promised to appoint more judges in the mold of Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito. That is just what the country does not need.” – Really? So the US Constitution SUCKS NY TIMES?
It’s in response to this:
media. washingtonpost. com/wp-dyn/content/ article/2008/05/06/AR2008050602527.html
“My nominees will understand that there are clear limits to the scope of judicial power, and clear limits to the scope of federal power.” – John McCain
And Pelletizer says the MSM is conservative. I have one answer to that.
Slingshitty: it is vital. It’s all about Donkey and how dey think…
Give me da money… I’ll redistribute it my way…
27 Nancy Pelosi is a Democrat the way those two creatures in the rusty Belvedere are Foster Farms chickens.
Notcorrectstillneverright: As I asked John Doe, who says we’re going to remove all the oil out at once? What about coal? What about nukular? Why do you skip over coal and nukular? You never tou
ch them, only ANWR and ANWR is a partial solution to our needs like the GULF of Mexico, wind farms in Nantucket, liberal areas of Texas, and other locations MORON!
Artfart – now #43 is funny :P
Hey clueless idiot, is this another of Richard Scaife’s media empire?
“According to preliminary results from the Indiana exit polls and final data from North Carolina, about two-thirds of whites in both states who have not completed college were supporting Clinton.”
Can you say _____________ for Clinton? You fill in the blank…
My Goldy Itchesspews:
How is Barry Hussein going to counter the damage from the upcoming round the clock negative ads featuring digitally re-packaged sound bites of that hate filled nutburger Pastor of his? This is going to be fatal to the Barry Hussein campaign. This is why Democrats should have gone with Hillary.
How cum no leftist 16%er had anything to comment when Roseanne Barr, replacement for Randi 4 Gunshots – Profane Denunciator of Heilary Clinton Rhodes on Scare America said this: “We should, a bunch of us, go there and repeat the Democratic Convention from Chicago. Like, let’s just cause a bunch of trouble!”
Yet the moronic lefty sites tried to pin something similar on Rush?
Did you think Puddy would forget?
@38 Stamm idiot – can you read? While it is not known EXACTLY how much oil is present – there are some credible estimates.
@44: Puddy
I gave two estimates – all at once and twenty years – either way it comes out to one years supply oil (and the question was about oil – I don’t see many coal powered cars out there and I have not heard about the huge cola reserves under the permafrost). Hardly worth the effort for the oil. Puddyfiction and Hannahfiction go down in flames again.
How much anyone wanna bet that once Obama takes the Whitehouse and things start turning around, we will be seeing drilling in the ANWR within the next 5 years, nuclear power options will be coming out and coal will be mined?
Don Joespews:
As I asked John Doe, who says we’re going to remove all the oil out at once?
You asked, and I responded. For some reason, you have yet to provide a coherent explanation for why that response wasn’t adequate.
You claim that ANWR is a “partial solution”. It’s not even that.
What about coal?
What about coal? And, what, precisely does coal have to do with the price of gas?
What about nukular?
What about “nukular”? And, what, pray tell, does nuclear energy have to do with the price of gas?
Why do you skip over coal and nukular?
Because they’re irrelevant to the fundamental problem of demand for oil outstripping supply. Coal and nuclear energy would be relevant if electricity were the issue, but it’s not.
You never touch them, only ANWR and ANWR is a partial solution to our needs like the GULF of Mexico, wind farms in Nantucket, liberal areas of Texas, and other locations MORON!
Well, perhaps because Democrats, as a matter of policy, aren’t blocking GULF oil exploration, and the rest are issues not relevant to the price of gas.
Moreover, here’s where the Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry comes into play. Why, for example, doesn’t Puddy want to talk about Dick Cheney’s Energy Task Force?
Again, we get back to my original statement, which Puddy has yet to rebut in any significant way: while we can lay some blame at the feet of Democrats, the vast majority of the blame for the current effects of high gas prices lies squarely at the feet of Republicans.
duncan renaldospews:
re12: Haggee didn’t compare the Catholic Church to Satan. He compared it to a ‘great, big whore’, much like the chubescent Rev., himself.
PuddyFact # 1 — There is no such thing as a PuddyFact. So ignore all the ones that follow #1.
Don Joespews:
Rev. Wright was Barack Obama’s pastor for 20 years, and people claim that this means Obama’s politics have been unduly influenced by those of Rev. Wright. But this guy’s family seems to have not affected his politics, and he’s had a relationship with his family that’s spanned his entire lifetime.
So, perhaps some wingnut can explain to me why the non-political relationship between Rev. Wright and Barack Obama is relevant to Obama’s candidacy, while the very political relationship between Pastor John Hagee and John McCain isn’t relevant to McCain’s candidcy?
Don Joespews:
“Can you show us all the math you used to figure out an unknown amount of oil is going to last about a year.”
Looks like Marvin never learned anything about the concept of inequalities:
If X < K where K is a known quantity, then X, while still an unknown quantity, can, at best, provide no more benefit than K would provide.
Just a few years ago, General Electric and the governor of Montana were making a big, big noise (I think I recall a commercial that ran during the Superbowl) about GE having supposedly developed an efficient process for processing coal into liquid fuel. Other than that it was certainly going the wrong way in terms of greenhouse gases, what happened to that?
There have been numerous predictions that as oil production really starts to trail off, there will be “desperate, clumsy attempts to revert to coal”. Should that come to pass, the owners of some of the fancy new homes in roslyn and for that matter, the hills south of Bellevue might find themselves in a rather awkward situation. Betcha no way do their deeds give them ownership of anything beneath the topsoil.
For that matter, maybe we’ll eventually go begging the Chinese to sell us back the tooling they obtained from the Baldwin Locomotive Works after World War II.
If “black gold” is precious enough for someone to go to the trouble of collecting the few drips coming from a 40-year-old grasshopper pump in the middle of a cow pasture near Point Mugu, you can bet your britches that they want whatever’s under the ANWR really, really bad.
Besides, them good ole boys never met a furry critter they didn’t like, once it was dead.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 The Bush team will come to an end when McCain is defeated this fall. McCain would effectively be a third Bush term — same Bill-of-Rights-ignoring judicial nominees, same secret (and illegal) surveillance of American citizens, same GOP torture factories, and same cheap-labor economic policies.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 “Puddybud spews: … And yes I am voting for Obama cuz he’s black ….”
Hmmm, look who’s a race-based voter. But welcome to the Democratic fold anyway, puddy. Your new party doesn’t like racists, but one thing at a time; if Obama can get you voting Democratic, we’ll deal with your other deficiencies later. One step at a time …
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 et seq. Here’s the Republican energy policy: Give tax breaks to people who buy Hummers and other big gas-guzzling SUVs; give tax breaks and taxpayer subsidies to oil companies; oppose clean air and clean war regulations; wreck as much of the environment as you can, and if you can’t justify it on energy grounds, then do it gratuitously to piss off the liberals.
ANWR is the most important arctic wildlife preserve in the world. If they can get the oil out without harming it, fine. If they can’t, it’s not worth destroying an irreplaceable planetary resource for a 3 month-supply of oil.
The Florida shallow-water coast is an extremely fragile ecosystem. Its fish, wildlife, and recreational reseources are worth far more than the relatively small amounts of oil that may be there. Most Gulf oil comes from deepwater fields, and those are being explored and developed without restrictions.
Now let’s look at some basic facts about ANWR. The most optimistic estimates are that ANWR holds around 7 to 10 billion bbls. of crude. That’s a lot — it’s among North America’s 5 largest oilfields — but it represents at most 15 months of U.S. consumption or 3 months of global consumption. That hardly makes it a solution to future oil needs. Furthermore, as offshore arctic oil, it’s the most expensive oil in the world to extract, which hardly makes it a solution to high gas prices. Developing ANWR will not lessen U.S. dependence on foreign oil — it will only replace declining production from Prudhoe for a couple of decades, that’s all. And it’s no solution at all to the current supply crunch — it would take 10 years after Congress gave the go-ahead to bring the first ANWR oil to market.
In truth, there’s still a lot of oil in the world — so much oil that we’re probably going to run out of the atmosphere’s and biosphere’s ability to absorb fossil-fuel pollution before we run out of fossil fuels. The recent discoveries in Brazil are at least 3 to 5 times what’s in ANWR and more likely 10 times or more. We don’t have to tear up the world’s last great arctic wildlife range for oil; it simply isn’t necessary because we can get oil elsewhere.
What isn’t sustainable is our consumption habits. No finite resource, even a very large one, can withstand infinite consumption. And that is what the Republican mantra is all about: Burn as much gas as you want, whenever you want, for whatever purpose you want, no matter how frivolous. If you want to idle the engine of a big pickup in your driveway for an hour, don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t! It’s your birthright as an American to waste as much of the planet’s limited resources and pollute the environment as much you want! To a Republican, the only dirtier word than “conservation” is “liberal.” This irrational … moronic … mindset leads straight to bankruptcy. But never mind that; being a Republican confers a right to be stupid.
Nuclear? Whistling into the wind. The world’s supply of uranium ore is far more limited than its supply of fossil fuels. And the pollution problems are frankensteinian. Some of the radioactive waste produced by power plants will remain toxic longer than the planet will last. Why would any sentient, supposedly intelligent, living being do that to their own planet? But never mind all that; like I said, being a Republican gives people like puddinghead a license to be stupid — and to dump the consequences of their stupidity on other people. Personally, I think the best thing to do with people like that is lock ’em up in cages and feed ’em bananas, because like other primates below homo sapiens on the evolutionary ladder, they’re a public menace if allowed to run loose in our streets.
Roger, it’s open to question which primates are a manace to which. The “Ishmael” books by Daniel Quinn are highly recommended reading as background for this type of discussion.
The analogue to a bunch of people building an aircraft powered by themselves flapping their arms and then launching themselves off a high cliff is particularly apt. We’ve been enjoying the “Wow! we’re flying!” feeling for a while, but now we’ve become all too aware that the rocks at the base of the cliff are getting an awful lot closer. We’re figuring that if everyone just flaps a little harder, we’re going to be OK.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
You KLOWNS often flap too hard and too long and accomplish ZERO in the same fashion as the silly bird called the “Darkinere”.
You do know what a “Darkinere” is, don’t you ArtFart???
It’s a silly LEFTIST bird who flies in smaller & smaller circles at an accelerating rate until eventually the inevitable happens….
Moyers did a show on this SOB’s Christians’ United for Israel group (folks who want a war between Iran and Israel because they believe the bible says it will lead to the rapture). There’s a nice little clip in where talks about Katrina also being the response for the United States allowing Israel to leave Gaza, creating jewish refugees.
McCain really deserves to get nailed for this guy’s views, and not disassociating himself from him. If he’s is really going to run as not a typical Republican he better damn well sever his ties to Hagee, otherwise he deserves to get his ass kicked by the press for Hagee’s views.
Marvin Stamnspews:
49. correctnotright spews:
@38 Stamm idiot – can you read? While it is not known EXACTLY how much oil is present – there are some credible estimates.
Would this be like the credible “Big Dig” estimates at $2.8 billion and finishing up for $14.6 billion?
Or maybe the Visitors center adjacent to the capital that was approved at $265 million and is already at $373.5 million and growing?
Or maybe the 1998 medicare’s new home health care benefit projected to cost $4 billion by 1993 was actually $10 billion?
How about like the Denver’s international airport’s estimate at $1.7 billion and ended up costing $4.8 billion?
Maybe the kennedy center parking lot estimated at $28 million ending up at $88 million?
You can see why I consider estimates by people working on taxpayer dime not to be worth a crap.
Marvin Stamnspews:
43. ArtFart spews:
27 Nancy Pelosi is a Democrat the way those two creatures in the rusty Belvedere are Foster Farms chickens.
How far left does one have to be to consider pelosi not a very very liberal democrat?
Marvin Stamnspews:
49. correctnotright spews:
I have not heard about the huge cola reserves under the permafrost
That’s because it’s the un-cola. More like 7-up or sprite.
(kidding, I know you made a spelling mistake. Any minute daddy love will be correcting you)
63 Yeah, right, Marvy. Especially the BushCo appointees and KB&R contractors.
Marvin Stamnspews:
41. Puddybud spews:
Who said the MSM ain’t libtard?
Only people further left than the media. The same people consider moderates/centrists to be right-wing. Anything right of center is extreme-right-wing. It’s all about perspective, not the truth.
Yes, you need a subscription but Puddy the magnanimous, will give it to you 16%ers:
For those that don’t know, use for passwords.
64 Not very.
Marvin Stamnspews:
58. Roger Rabbit spews:
Your new party doesn’t like racists, but one thing at a time; if Obama can get you voting Democratic, we’ll deal with your other deficiencies later. One step at a time …
Nothing like putting party before people. How many other racists get a free pass because they vote democrats?
Believe me when we get to the actual campaign – the chickenshit retards on the right are going to quiet down about Rev Wright – because the footage of Hagee calling the Catholic Church a whore and then of FlipFlop McCain standing next to the man saying he WELCOMES the endorsement of Hagee – well that will shut that conversation down ASAP.
Marvin Stamnspews:
68. ArtFart spews:
64 Not very.
What is it about her [pelosi] voting record that says she’s not on the left side of the democrat party?
Why would one of the furthest left cities in the country keep reelecting someone that wasn’t as far left as them?
Marvin Stamnspews:
48. Puddybud spews:
How cum no leftist 16%er had anything to comment when Roseanne Barr, replacement for Randi 4 Gunshots – Profane Denunciator of Heilary Clinton Rhodes on Scare America said this: “We should, a bunch of us, go there and repeat the Democratic Convention from Chicago. Like, let’s just cause a bunch of trouble!”
Yet the moronic lefty sites tried to pin something similar on Rush?
It’s hard to believe in this day and age of youtube and the internet that these 16%ers actually think they can lie without being caught!
Of course roseane barr is calling for riots in the street.
She’s also pushing the recreate68 website which is calling for a riot.
(check the whois, google the registrants name. He’s a lefty, no doubt about it)
@70 Party before people?? You whining fascist pricks show zero remorse for your party before country bullshit. So go fuck yourself. And go fuck Hagee. He looks like he needs one.
On a side note, your Psych 101 projection problem is getting to be quite tiresome.
@73 To hell with you and your 16% bullshit.
“What is it about her [pelosi] voting record that says she’s not on the left side of the democrat party?”
What has the Bush administration not had handed to them by the Pelosi/Reid-led Congress with just about the same hearty “Yessir, yessir, three bags full” as the DeLay/Hastert/Frist-led Congress?
“Why would one of the furthest left cities in the country keep reelecting someone that wasn’t as far left as them?”
Beats the daylights out of me. Go ask someone in San Francisco.
73 Hey, wait a minute….wasn’t Rush gasbagging last week about sending his dittoheads to raise hell at the Democratic convention?
Marvin Stamnspews:
Who’s this gallup guy? He must be part of the vast-right-wing-conspiracy. Or part of the clinton machine.
But it appears that the way Obama stacks up against McCain at this point is similar to the way in which Kerry performed against Bush in 2004 within several key racial, educational, religious, and gender subgroups.
Marvin Stamnspews:
77. ArtFart spews:
73 Hey, wait a minute….wasn’t Rush gasbagging last week about sending his dittoheads to raise hell at the Democratic convention?
Did you miss the PuddyFact I was replying to?
The PuddyFact mentions the left’s outrage about rush but not a single word about lefty roseanne. You know, the typical liberal bias/hypocrisy stuff.
Marvin Stamnspews:
75. Steve spews:
@73 To hell with you and your 16% bullshit
The left is so “tolerant” of those they disagree with it’s downright scary.
Don Joespews:
@ 63
“You can see why I consider estimates by people working on taxpayer dime not to be worth a crap.”
Except that the estimates he gave you about ANWR were from the oil companies.
Dang, but you’re stupid.
Handicapped Boy Differently enabled person @ 80:
When it comes to an honest disagreement we’ll tolerate your views.
When it comes to the destruction of America, our values, our rights, our civil liberties, our fiscal security, national security, the environment. . . Well, you can pretty much expect to be handled like the punk ass al Qeada sympathizers you are.
Got it?
You chump.
Marvin Stamnspews:
This is why “conserving” won’t work.
If you conserve to help the environment, the government will raise taxes. You’ll be paying the same for less.
82. GBS spews:
Handicapped Boy Differently enabled person @ 80:
When it comes to an honest disagreement we’ll tolerate your views.
When it comes to the destruction of America, our values, our rights, our civil liberties, our fiscal security, national security, the environment. . . Well, you can pretty much expect to be handled like the punk ass al Qeada sympathizers you are.
Got it?
You chump.
Bush only has a few more months left… he better hurry to overturn roe vs wade. Get rid of the freedom of speech thing. Enact the defense of marriage act. Put up for a vote the chickenlittle act, so chickenlittle and her minions will feel safe and protected.
@80 I’m not of the left, you stupidly presumptous fascist twit, although I do admit that I have zero tolerance for America-hating shits like yourself.
Marvin Stamnspews:
81. Don Joe spews:
@ 63
Except that the estimates he gave you about ANWR were from the oil companies.
What, forgot about the tax breaks? Oil subsidies? That puts them on the public dime.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Canada had agreed under the international Kyoto Protocol to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to 6.0 percent below 1990 levels by 2012, but emissions have instead increased by more than 35 percent.
Last year, the government outlined a new plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions 20 percent, based on 2006 levels, by 2020, saying the targets agreed to by the previous administration were unattainable.
I would agree the standards set by the previous administration were unattainable if those canadians are increasing their footprint by 35%.
As soon as the UN starts fining canada for violating the treaty we can be thankful that gore/clinton never signed onto it. I keep forgetting, what was the vote in the senate?
@82 Nailed it.
@84 Pathetic. When one strips away the bullshit, you have nothing left. Typical fascist bitch.
Marvin Stamnspews:
85. Steve spews:
@80 I’m not of the left, you stupidly presumptous fascist twit, although I do admit that I have zero tolerance for America-hating shits like yourself.
And we all know those are the worst kind of fascists, those presumptous fascists.
What happened to speaking truth to power? Dissent against the government?
And if america-hating bothers you, how do you feel about rev wright speaking out against ameriKKKa? Go ahead, call him the names you call me.
Marvin Stamnspews:
89. Steve spews:
@84 Pathetic. When one strips away the bullshit, you have nothing left. Typical fascist bitch.
Calling people fascist is so typical of the liberal mind. How many lefty protesters paint hitler mustaches on photos of bush? if you haven’t seen any pics.
Instead of childish name calling, explain why the left was soooo scared of bush overturning roe vs wade? Did bush over turn it? Have any lefties apologized for acting like chickenlittle?
What say you Steve?
@91 “Calling people fascist is so typical of the liberal mind”
Oh, you mean like putting a smiley-face Hitler on the cover of a book titled “Liberal Fascism”? Go fuck yourself. It’s not name calling to call a fascist a fascist, you stupid fucking fascist.
Don Joespews:
“What, forgot about the tax breaks? Oil subsidies?”
So, you were suggesting that the oil companies are lowballing those estimates?
Fine. Let’s take the estimates of environmentalists instead.
@90 Christ, you’re stupid. Wright isn’t a fascist. You, on the other hand, are a fascist, America-hating piece of shit.
What’s more significant? A preacher who says, “God damn America” or a sitting American president who thinks the constitution is just a “goddamned piece of paper”?
Don’t bother, Marvin. The words spoken by the right mean nothing anymore. It’s just more lying fascist bullshit. As predictable as Seattle rain.
Marvin Stamnspews:
94. Steve spews:
What’s more significant? A preacher who says, “God damn America” or a sitting American president who thinks the constitution is just a “goddamned piece of paper”?
What part of the constitution has been changed/overturned/etc?
@96 Go wiretap your mother, you fascist piece of shit.
I asked you which words were more significant. Your non-answer is answer enough for me. A typical fascist bitch, you could give a shit about our constitution.
Marvin Stamnspews:
92. Steve spews:
Go fuck yourself. It’s not name calling to call a fascist a fascist, you stupid fucking fascist.
I asked about the overturning of roe vs wade and you call me a fascist. Just for the sake of argument, so what if I’m a fascist? Doesn’t america allow me to believe in anything I want as long I don’t break any laws? Why are you so intolerant?
Here’s a youtube video of joy behar on the view, she’s also on airamerica. When they realize that McCain is going to load the Supreme Court up with more conservative justices who are going to probably roll back or try to roll back Roe v. Wade, civil rights legislation, you are going to see those white women go to the polls and vote for Obama.”
Playing the fear card, just like liberals were doing before bush was elected. Chickenlittles whining without one iota of proof.
Marvin Stamnspews:
95. Steve spews:
Don’t bother, Marvin. The words spoken by the right mean nothing anymore. It’s just more lying fascist bullshit. As predictable as Seattle rain.
Like you said in #85, you’re not of the left. Okay.
Marvin Stamnspews:
97. Steve spews:
@96 Go wiretap your mother, you fascist piece of shit.
I asked you which words were more significant. Your non-answer is answer enough for me. A typical fascist bitch, you could give a shit about our constitution.
You didn’t answer my questions. That non-answer is enough for me.
Artfart: We can convert some of our oil fired electric generating plants to coal and while they are operating, build nukular power plants. What about the wind mills where the rich donkey live. Ohhh… NIMBY?
This is missed in the simple mind of John Doe… He can’t discuss alternative sources of fuels.
And John DOH, I did answer your question. You hated the answer so “you claim” I didn’t answer it.
Marvin Stamnspews:
97. Steve spews:
@96 Go wiretap your mother, you fascist piece of shit.
I’d be much more interested in wiretapping your mother.
I’m giving bush a call now asking him to forward over the tapes of your mom. Should be a good laugh. I’ll post the highlights..
@98 Why am I intolerant of fascists? Because fascists like yourself hate America and everything it stands for.
Fear card? Get real. I already told you that Psych 101 shit is getting old. Your fellow fascist travelers might lap that crap up but it gets you nowhere with me.
Is it true what they say about you fascists fucking goats? I already knew about the fascists and mules, but goats?? Damn you fascists are sick.
@100 Fine, it’s settled. I’m an American patriot and you’re a fascist traitor. Hey, I’m good with that.
Newbie@52 or is this the latest in the myriad of headless lucy names:
PuddyFacts have been here way longer than you. And you don’t know what PuddyFact #1 was. It certainly wasn’t the BULLSHITTIUM you post…
@99 If the left was a threat to American freedom I’d rip them instead. But they’re not. Christ, with you pricks anything to the left of Coulter is a Marxist. You do not know or understand those who now oppose you. That fascists like yourself have no handle on reality will prove your undoing. It’s not just latte sipping tree-huggers out to get you, bitch.
PU, Give me yours and I’ll start the process.
Puddyfacts. Christ. You’re so full of yourself. But I’ll admit, as far as fascists go, you’re kinda funny. Though I doubt that it’s intentional.
Marvin Stamnspews:
103. Steve spews:
Fear card? Get real. I already told you that Psych 101 shit is getting old. Your fellow fascist travelers might lap that crap up but it gets you nowhere with me.
I’ll go slow, we can take this one at a time…
Did bush overturn roe vs wade?
(Google bush overturn roe vs wade to see how many chickenlittles were predicting this because bush is a republican and religious.)
@102 Like I said, strip away the bullshit and there’s nothing there.
@109 Hell, I’ll go even slower. Y-o-u a-r-e o-n-e s-t-u-p-i-d f-a-s-c-i-s-t- b-i-t-c-h. Get it? And you’re a treasonous bastard to boot. Damn, you fascists are slow on the uptake.
Marvin Stamnspews:
106. Steve spews:
@99 If the left was a threat to American freedom I’d rip them instead.
I don’t believe you that you’re not “of the left.”
How do you feel about la raza? They want their land back, would you consider that a threat to your country. Do a little googling if you have never heard of la raza.
Let’s see you rip them.
Marvin Stamnspews:
112. Steve spews:
@109 Hell, I’ll go even slower. Y-o-u a-r-e o-n-e s-t-up-i-d f-a-s-c-i-s-t- b-i-t-c-h. Get it? And you’re a treasonous bastard to boot. Damn, you fascists are slow on the uptake.
If freedom of speech bothers you so much, stop reading my posts.
Marvin Stamnspews:
110. Steve spews:
@102 Like I said, strip away the bullshit and there’s nothing there.
Damn, you’re one smart idiot!!
You got me, I wasn’t telling the truth.
I was never going to post the highlights.
Marvin Stamnspews:
111. Puddybud spews:
Hey look, one of bybygoobers heroes in action…
And people like steve are complaining about me being a threat to america.
@113 Being an American conservative wasn’t always about being a fascist traitor. That came with you assholes.
“They want their land back.” Delusional flying monkey bullshit.
Marvin Stamnspews:
117. Steve spews:
@113 Being an American conservative wasn’t always about being a fascist traitor. That came with you assholes.
You read the post but you didn’t answer the question.
Do you feel la raza is a threat? Don’t look at the problem from seattle, look at it from the los angeles point of view.
Rip them big guy, don’t be afraid.
@114 I never said you couldn’t speak. Typical fascist squid, always making shit up.
Marvin Stamnspews:
119. Steve spews:
@114 I never said you couldn’t speak. Typical fascist squid, always making shit up.
stop reading my posts if you are so offended, Simple.
Making shit up? You didn’t prove a single thing except you are halfway decent at typing fascist.
@118. What, rip latinos simply because you’re deluded out of your mind? I don’t think so. I’ve lived in California. I don’t live in Seattle. I live in Mason County, WA. You know, logging country? Like I said, you have no clue.
@120 Offended? How clueless can you be?
American fascism is headed back to oblivion where it belongs. Please tell me how much that sucks for you.
You know, Marvin, there is one thing you could educate me on. Why is it that you fascists are so damned ashamed to openly admit to what you are? Clue me in. What’s up with that?
@111 Alas, that link doesn’t work. How about a link to Neal Horsely talking about fucking his mule and his washing machine? Then we could talk about how all Republicans must be mule and washing machine fuckers. Mules and washing machines! Damn you fascists are weird!
Hmm, this talk of mules and washing machines seems to have bothered dear Marvin. Should I fear for the safety of your Maytag? Or do you have thing for ol’ Bessie?
Marvin Stamnspews:
124. Steve spews:
@111 Alas, that link doesn’t work. How about a link to Neal Horsely talking about fucking his mule and his washing machine? Then we could talk about how all Republicans must be mule and washing machine fuckers. Mules and washing machines! Damn you fascists are weird!
The PuddyLink was about an illegal immigrant raping and impregnating a 10 year old child.
And you make jokes about fucking mules.
I don’t give a crap what your worthless ass says about me, but it would be nice if you had compassion for innocent little children, even if you had to pretend.
You proved yourself to be worse than anything you’ve called me. Fuck off and die!!!
@126 You fucking hypocrite. Your faux indignity is the real joke. So you contend with Puddy that a Latino rapist is a hero to the left? Yeah. Whatever. The suffering of that child is the bread of your affliction. And without that bread you would die of spiritual hunger. You are indeed sick in the head.
I’ll tell you what, Marvin, your fucking a mule is no joke. And you being a fascist traitor is no joke. You still have no clue.
Oh yeah, fuck off and die yourself, Asshole. Oh, and leave that defenseless Maytag alone.
Marvin Stamnspews:
127. Steve spews:
@126 You fucking hypocrite.
Can’t you find any bad words to say about the child rapist?
Are child rapists your heros? You certainly aren’t speaking up against them.
Oh, I borrowed that affliction thing from Camus. However, with your being a fascist prick, I seriously doubt that he’s anywhere on your reading list.
So you hate child rape? Here, let’s see some indignation out of you:
Take your pick. There’s so many to choose from. Wouldn’t you agree that one should never, ever leave a child alone with a Republican?
Geez, Marvin, from your lack of response I can only conclude that Republican child rapists don’t chap your ass. Oh, I get it. It only bothers you when a brown person rapes a child. Now, that certainly makes sense. Like I said, you’re a fucking hypocrite.
Marvin Stamnspews:
131. Steve spews:
So you hate child rape? Here, let’s see some indignation out of you:
Fuck all those reps that abused children. They are even worse than the illegal immigrant since they were in a position of power & respect.
Marvin Stamnspews:
132. Steve spews:
Geez, Marvin, from your lack of response I can only conclude that Republican child rapists don’t chap your ass. Oh, I get it. It only bothers you when a brown person rapes a child. Now, that certainly makes sense. Like I said, you’re a fucking hypocrite.
Are you going to speak up against a brown person that raped a child?
Marvin Stamnspews:
Still no reply from stevie about speaking up against a brown person that raped a child.
Obviously a hypocrite!!
Marvin Stamnspews:
Still no words of indignation about a brown person raping a child.
Marvin Stamnspews:
I give up. Steve must be a supporter of child rape since he’s ;lost his voice.
Sad example of a “man.”
Don Joespews:
“We can convert some of our oil fired electric generating plants to coal and while they are operating, build nukular power plants.”
The Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry continues. We don’t have a problem with the supply of electricty. We have a problem with the supply of oil.
Now, why should I spend time debating a “problem” that doesn’t exist?
@137 At least you said something about the Republican Scum posted on that site. I never did get through Puddy’s link but if you say it goes to a news item about a Latino raping a child, then fine, I would agree, he’s dead meat as far as I’m concerned. If you take back the part where he’s some sort of hero to anybody then we’ll make some real progress. But if you stick with that line then I’ll hang every Republican rapist on you and would consider your indignation as just a lie. Your move.
Well? Got anything to say?
I guess not. So be it. Good night.
Marvin Stamnspews:
139. Steve spews:
if you say it goes to a news item about a Latino raping a child, then fine, I would agree, he’s dead meat as far as I’m concerned.
Fuck you and your IFs. Check the fucking link for yourself. I did, why can’t you?
After you remove the *IF* I’ll believe your faux indignation.
Until then, it appears you’re supporting a child rapist.
Wow I just walked into the playground of hellish 5 year olds! I’m out! But to those who provided links, facts and data…there were some eye openers and a very sick and sad story….one more reason to get the criminal illegals out.
This is why discussing anything with John DOH is a losing proposition. I guess his small tiny mind didn’t remember reading about articles like this because he lives in a technology vacuum:
These power plants use the heavier no. 5 and no. 6 “bunker” fuels to run them. Convert them from natural gas or oil back to coal with the clean coal initiatives now in place.
But don’t let this fact hit you side the head John DOH!
Don Joespews:
I guess his small tiny mind didn’t remember reading about articles like this because he lives in a technology vacuum
Amazing. While chastising me for a lack of memory, you post a news article from October of 2005. Apparently you’ve forgotten what happened in September of 2005.
Once again, the Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry is only capable of finding facts that support Puddy’s position while completely ignoring facts that undercut Puddy’s position. One wonders if Puddy even thinks at all.
These power plants use the heavier no. 5 and no. 6 “bunker” fuels to run them. Convert them from natural gas or oil back to coal with the clean coal initiatives now in place.
Do I have to explain everything to you?
Is there a shortage of natural gas in the US? Not according to these folks. Is there a shortage of coal in the US? Not according to US Department of Energy, which says that the total coal stocks increased from 2006 to 2007.
The only reason thermal plants have continued to burn oil is that, until recently, oil has presented a relatively inexpensive way to produce electricity. This reason has nothing to do with any shortage alternative fuels, and there isn’t any reason that we need to change policy in order to convert those plants to coal and/or natural gas.
Lastly, even in New York, oil plants account for only 8% of all electricity production. For the country, that percentage is even less, and, in terms of the overall effect on the price of oil and gasoline, converting oil-burning electrical plants to some alternate fuel is even less than the effect we’d see from drilling in ANWR.
In short, Puddy, you’re just plain full of shit. You have yet to come up with a complete and compelling argument to counter the conclusion I’ve stated before: that we might be able to lay some blame for current gas and oil prices at the feet of Democrats, the vast majority of the blame goes to Republicans, and you’re going to have to come up with way more than your usual Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry if you have any hope of even denting that conclusion.
Where did I say John Doh there is a shortage of Natural Gas? No shortage, especially coming from your ASS!
You love to try and twist things I write for your own benefit. Then you get apoplectic when I prove the lunacy of your commentary.
I’m full of shit? I didn’t write anywhere about a natural gas shortage – you did. Just like you wrote in earlier I was suggesting sucking out the oil in ANWR at current use rates. Then you wrote where did John DOH write that. Once I proved that you jumped tangents. I said above let’s reduce oil consumption by using our coal with clean technology and also build some more nukular (nuclear) plants like the French are doing… You tried to say I was suggesting we’re experiencing an electricity shortage. Now you tried to say I suggested a natural gas shortage. WRONG ON BOTH ACCOUNTS.
It’s your side that’s against alternative energy use. Your side votes against coal use and nuclear use. your side! Not my side. I posted links long ago where the Donkey of Martha’s Vineyard including the Kennedy’s are against wind power there.
I used oil plants as an example. Sure Americans burn over 350 million gallons of gas a day. I am for conservation. I said let’s work on conserving in ways we have the technological knowhow. All John DOH does is attack my suggested conservation. Every little bit helps our oil consumption.
In New York the reason they converted most power plants from oil to natural gas is the rich people on LI were complaining about the soot etc. Also Guv Mario Cuomo was making sure he got their votes since Suffolk and Nassau Counties usually vote Republican…
What a shithead moron you are. It proves to all here you are not for any oil conservation. All you have is GWB Hatred. Proved again.
For the 9th time – Veni vidi vici
Thanks for playing…
Don Joespews:
Good grief, Puddy, you’ve absolutely gone off the deep end.
You love to try and twist things I write for your own benefit.
It’s called constructing an argument. You know, you start with a few premises, and proceed, through logical deduction, to a conclusion. That you don’t like the conclusion is no reason to believe that I’m twisting your words.
Then you get apoplectic when I prove the lunacy of your commentary.
I’m not the one typing in bold all-caps. If you’re going to get on someone’s case for getting apoplectic, it’s best not to be apoplectic yourself.
I’m full of shit?
Yes, you are. You keep raising issues that are irrelevant to oil consumption and gas prices, and I’ve shown why those issues are irrelevant.
You tried to say I was suggesting we’re experiencing an electricity shortage. Now you tried to say I suggested a natural gas shortage.
The only person wrong on both counts, here, is you. At no point have I attributed to you any such statement. What I have done is address the implications of the issues you’ve raised in terms of how those issues relate to oil and gas prices.
You have, for example, never provided any coherent argument that would show how increasing our use of nuclear energy would reduce oil and gas prices. I suppose it might help if someone could figure out how to put a small nuclear energy plant in a car.
Nuclear energy might be relevant if we were talking about a general shortage in electricity, but we’re not. We’re talking about oil and gas prices.
You got a little closer to the mark when you discussed coal and, by implication, natural gas as alternative fuels for the handful of thermal electricity plants that do burn oil. I pointed out, however, that there is no policy that currently blocks conversion of these oil plants to either coal or, preferably, natural gas (because the latter is cleaner and has fewer environmental issues e.g. acid rain).
The reason for bringing up the question of shortages in either coal or natural gas is to underscore the fact that the essential issue with these handful of oil-burning thermal plants is economics, not policy.
You talk about wind farms off Nantucket, attempting to lay all the blame for that at Sen. Kennedy’s feet, when, in fact, it was Sen. Ted Stevens who introduced the provision in question. Why blame only the Democrat who supported the provision, and not the Republican who introduced it?
I’ve done all of the above, because you have not answered the basic questions I asked back at comment 51. You can’t make these issues relevant to the price of oil and gas, so, as a diversion, you keep pissing and moaning about what you have and have not said. And, for that reason, you’re quite full of shit.
But, most of all, you are full of shit when you claim:
It’s your side that’s against alternative energy use.
And, yet, here’s where the Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry marches inexorably forward, because, in the immediately following sentence, “alternative” is limited to “coal” and “nuclear”.
Was it not Republicans who blocked Democrats’ attempts to remove tax breaks and subsidies for oil companies in order to redirect those funds toward alternative, in particular renewable, energy sources? What about President Bush’s multiple funding cuts for a number of investments in renewable energy? Do I need to provide links for any of these?
Surely, you’re capable of adding one or two PuddyFacts that might not support your statement above. Whether or not you’re willing to add to the array of PuddyFact is, perhaps, a much more open question.
And, when it comes to direct effects on gas and oil prices, we’re supposed to ignore the Republican support for a continued war in Iraq that has had a significant adverse affect on world-wide oil supplies. We’re supposed to ignore record deficits and a monetary policy that has led to significant inflation, which, in turn, increases both the price of oil and the price of gas at the pump.
This whole exchange started when you asked, “Why not John Doe lay the blame on the Donkey?”
I’ve answered that question at least nine times now (by your count), and you’ve done nothing to show that my answer is incorrect. For the record, my answer, which hasn’t changed since you first asked that question, is:
You might be able to lay some blame at the feet of Democrats, but that level of blame pales in comparison to the blame we can lay at the feet of Republicans.
Like the democrats said… What’s the big deal. The preacher isn’t running for office.
Ah here we go again…more talk about the Pastor Wright and Rev Hagee?
Wierd thing, both of these completely opposite “spiritual advisors” do have some good points each.
The ‘Rev.’ Haggee is a cartoon of corpulent vice. Anyone who’d give that porcine lumpectomy a dime needs to have their head examined.
“Dig deep, my friends, and give all you have for sweet, bleedin’ Jayzuz! Jayzuz hath need of cash — and he needs it now!”
I think the swiftboating of McCain by his own party has turned him into a bitter, cynical husk of his former self.
Wondering/Reel @ 2, what you either do not comprehend, or just plain want to ignore, is that the Repugs you play with are never going to let “controversies” like this die.
It is all they have.
And you pretending it will go away plays right into their hands. Which by your downplaying of the much more nasty Hagee disaster, might be exactly what you are attempting.
We will never win by letting the repugs swiftboat Obama with lies. We need to be ever vigilant to strike back with the truth. LOUDLY!
I know Obama has no desire to play this kind of dirty politics, and I admire that about him. But that does not mean that we have to sit back and watch the trolls try to make traction with a non issue.
And we wont. The fuckers are simply not going to get away with it this time.
And neither are you.
the difference between the two preachers and McCain & Obama is obvious. McCain is not black. nor is his preacher. End of comment
That’s because the so-called “liberal biased” media is owned and run by rich Republicans who believe only the “little people” should pay taxes or fight their wars. After all, they’re God’s chosen people, so they can do no wrong, and neither can their rightwing hate-filled pastors.
Funny how the one big important fact was left out:
McCain was just endorsed by that nutjob, while Obama was a member and going to the services of his nutjob FOR OVER TWENTY YEARS.
Personally, I have written off the next four years, as I feel all of the potential candidates are just pathetic. But I, and all of us, will weather this, we always do. Sad that these choices are what we content ourselves with.
Obama supporters should be trying to get this Wright guy to STFU. All Wright’s doing is grabbing his 15 minutes, and he’s doing it at the expense of Obama. The guy’s a fucking egomaniac. Plus he’s just full of shit about most things in general.
@9: Except OPbama has repudiated Wright and McCain accepts Hagee’s endorsmet. Obviously, neither candidate is saying these things or believes them – but the media went all out after Obama not for what he said – but for wht someone he knew said. He was forced to totally repudiate that person for SOME of Wright’s message – meanwhile, McCain gets a free pass. THAT is the point. Where is the outrage over Hagee comparing the Catholic church to Hitler and the antichrist? Does McCain support that – or just the other things Hagee says?
The whole thing is stupid – but the media focused on it on Obama and not McCain.
Idiot @9: And the last 8 years have been heaven? Any of the democrats (and even McCain) would be better than the idiot we have in there now. Endless war for no reason (Did we get bin Laden?), largest deficits in history, highest oil prices, no coherent energy policy, incompetence and corruption in virtually every department (Justice, OMB, FEC, EPA, FEMA, Homeland security, FDA and on and on…).
Correctnotright@11: As a Obama supporter you need to have your post corrected again… This isn’t about Wright and Hagee moron. Certain people like Frank Rich want to make it that but it isn’t. Since I don’t like McCain let me break it down for you. S L O W L Y. Is your skull that thick? Yes it is, because your arguments are so easily dissected.
McCain wanted Hagee’s endorsement for the conservative votes. Since many conservatives are not enamored with McCain, I believe some will not vote for him. Well if you listen to Rush he thinks otherwise. He thinks conservatives will rally around McCain in the end. So if I was a ditto-head marching lock step with Rush as a jackbooted storm trooper as the most vile 16%ers love to post here, I would be agreeing with Rush. Since I don’t I guess I’m not a ditto-head lock step marching jackbooted storm trooper. Eh?
As I placed PuddyFact #257, the February Pew Poll which said 18+% of donkey will not vote for Heilary or Obama if they are not the nominee you all scoffed. Yet you all drink the libtard MSM kool-aid when they said people won’t vote for McCain and place headline after headline in their papers trying to sway people. Yet why did this poll not receive it’s just due? Because it doesn’t fit the libtard MSM biases!
So, the wife and I replayed Obama’s February, March, and April Wright prouncements
1) In February Obama really supported this character.
2) In March Obama tacitly supported this character.
3) In April he threw him under the bus like he did his racist grandmother.
So the wife and I looked at each other and asked what changed? Why is Obama dissing Wright now and not earlier? If you go back and READ the verbal message Wright gave to the national press club or that wasted biomass bill moyers in his interview, he is still saying the same thing without the fire and brimstone of his pulpit. So why is Obama saying he is shocked at Wright now? Cuz he was/is losing his white peeps support. His national approval dropped and his national disapproval rose. Even people started like Heilary again. WTF? I even saw a post from Pelletizer saying nice things about Heilary. I wished I saved it…
His campaign didn’t know what to do. They couldn’t tell Wright to shut up. He’d announce it to the public. They couldn’t tell Wright to tone it down because he’d rachet it up more. When Wright told everyone when Obama was president he’ be visiting him in the white house, white people blanched to an even more pallor color. My wife and I are shocked Wright’s building a $1.6 MM home to live in the same neighborhood as his “oppressors”. See the dichotomy here correctnotright? Wright is a egotistical man. Reminds me of bybygoober and his love of Rosy Palm… White People began to see things about Obama that have them saying is this guy a black revolutionary since he hung out with William and Bernadette. Remember Obama said he was a different type of candidate. You are known by the company you keep and since most 16%ers hang out together… – NUFF SAID!
And yes I am voting for Obama cuz he’s black and I don’t like McCain. Puddyfact #27: I stated I dislliked McCain way before he chose to run for president… I don’t expect HAs clueless idiot to understand because mental processing are foreign to him. But the bile is coming up the esophagus more and more each day.
Tlaz, FricknFrack and other older white women posters are fearful to answer my “Were you taught to hate black people as children?” question… In fact, the idiot savant FricknFrack complained to Goldy and accused me of stalking her. Waaaa haaaa haaaaaaa haaaa haaaa haaaaaaaa hahahahaha haaaa haaaaaaa haaaa haaaa haaaaaaaa hahahahaha haaaa haaaaaaa haaaa haaaa haaaaaaaa hahahahaha haaaa haaaaaaa haaaa haaaa haaaaaaaa hahahahaha HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HEE HEE HEEE HEE HEE HEEE HEE HEE HEEE HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HO HO HO HO Who’s da HO? Not in your life grandma. Honestly, those are railroad tracks Puddy will NEVER cross.
PuddyFact #363: Golly FricknFrack I get stalked on this blog everyday… I wear it as a badge of honor!
Oh and one more thing correctnotright as I see you ARE NOT A RELIGIOUS HISTORY STUDENT… There are historical references to comparing the Catholic Church to the anti-christ. Not the members who attend the Catholic Church. Do some research correctnotright. Be correct and right for a change…
Now incorrectnotbright: Regarding Bush’s non-coherent energy policy – I heard something on the radio the other night… On XM Radio Channel 152 (if you need to look it up you are not an XM subscriber) at late night it becomes a news channel at times. As I was listening to a show, a person said he expects the Moonbat!s to drop their anti-ANWR and anti-Gulf exploration rants when gas hits $5 gallon. Then they’ll wake up and see the lies told by the 16%ers to the national American audience. Then he thinks some attitudes will change… The libtards are blocking any coherent energy policy. You have the big-tent against nukular energy. You have the big-tent against coal use… NUFF SAID on the big-tent.
I wonder if he has a point.
So again incorrectnevertobright, study to show thyself approved rightly dividing truth!
@13 – And Puddy, had this ANWR policy been put into place 10 years ago, as they said it would take 10 years to see the oil get into our gas tanks, we’d be way better off now…but once it finally gets approved, we will have a 10 year wait.
A sad day for Lee. Pot laws are being tightened in the UK.
Cannabis will be raised to a class B drug with a maximum five year jail term for users
And when the enlightened people across the pond care about their children’s heal;th you know it must be true.
SeattleJew: I have much more to write on wright, but I have some other things to do. maybe I’ll email it to you soon…
Hannah, were you taught to hate black people as a young’un?
Hagee, just another stupid fat fuck Christian.
You should have stuck chanting faux news is right wing. Now you’re looking very misinformed.
The liberal bias is not a plan thought up in the basement of some bombmaking terrorist friend of obamas, it’s the reporters and writers and how they slant the news.
Shows like olbermann & orielly are opinion shows so of course they would lean whichever direction.
Having a prime-time lineup that tilts ever more demonstrably to the left could be risky for General Electric, MSNBC’s parent company, which is subject to legislation and regulation far afield of the cable landscape. Officials at MSNBC emphasize that they never set out to create a liberal version of Fox News.
“It happened naturally,” Phil Griffin, a senior vice president of NBC News who is the executive in charge of MSNBC, said Friday, referring specifically to the channel’s passion and point of view from 7 to 10 p.m. “There isn’t a dogma we’re putting through. There is a ‘Go for it.’”
@17 Puddybud…Absolutely NOT! I was very fortunate in my upbringing!
And what about the left leaning msnbc news pushing the global warming religion and talking about penguins and the north pole. All those reporters had to do was google penguins and find out they don’t inhabit the north pole.
Here’s the original video, they have since edited out the lies. Of course, AFTER they got caught.
Hannah, good for you. Didya notice other women here have issues with that question…?
In udder news:
DNC Superdelegate Puts His Vote Up For Sale – Steven Ybarra Wants $20 Million For His Vote
At least he’s blatant, just like bybygoober……
The bush term is coming to an end. If bush is going to overturn roe vs wade, put prayer into school (except muslem prayer) and all the other fears the left whined about he better get busy. ChickenLittle anyone?
I can respect honesty even if I don’t agree with it.
If only all democrats were this honest. No doubt this guy will be crossing the isle pretty soon. Honesty has no place in the democrat party.
In more udder news:
“Mr. Begala, a Clinton supporter, said the party could not win in November with just “eggheads and African-Americans,” that the party could not ignore white middle-class voters. Ms. Brazile, who said she was not “undecided but undeclared” when it came to her choice for a candidate, shot back that Mr. Begala’s notions were dividing the party. (And that she’d chugged down many a beer with Joe and Jane “six-pack” in an effort to woo white voters.)”
Ya donkey are doing it to yourselves.
historical PuddyFact#21: Donkey are the race baiters. Remember the ad against George Bush with the rope for the James Byrd ad? Of course Puddy remembers. Or the fake outrage James Byrd’s daughter claiming of Bush’s opposition to a hate crimes bill: “It was like my father was killed all over again.” – when Texas already had similar laws on the books not being enforced. Oops… wait a minute Donkey didn’t want that known… like the proposed McCain exoneration in the Keating 5. Control the media… don’t tell the public the truth…
Trouble for the rubber chicken industry. Pelosi is being compared to a rubber chicken, that can’t please the rubber chicken union.
A new campaign ad running on several Bay Area television stations compare Speaker Nancy Pelosi to a rubber chicken.
And after they let the killers go free you knew bush was racist. Oops, 2 of the 3 killers were sentenced to death and the other to life in prison. Sounds like an eye for an eye. Oops, maybe bush is forcing religion on people.
Wait a minute… The NAVY RELEASES McCain’s military record?
So bybygoober just lost two of his favorite talking points. This has been a great week…
“but I have some other things to do.”
OK, then go do them.
I did slingingshit.
Now this is funny.
Just three days ago CBS News wouldn’t admit it was Limbaugh’s Operation Chaos… Golly I wonder why?
““And, lo and behold, it’s happened,” Limbaugh said. “This is the crucible of chaos. Look at what Operation Chaos has forged. Mrs. Clinton now is threatening to obliterate Iran. She says she gonna break up OPEC. She wants to hold the money brokers responsible for the alleged recession. She says she gonna renege on NAFTA. She’ll take what she calls the excess profits from Big Oil. And she’s going to do all that while hunting and downing shots of Crown Royal followed by a beer.”
Gotta love it…
@22 Puddy, yes I do notice the “fear”. I find it pathetic and unprovoked by the general population of AA. And this whole thing of a 20 million dollar sale of a vote? WOW!!!!
Both two good examples of why religion should be separate from government. Even as a Christian, I still say the conservative right wing Christian should go to hell.
Of course Tommy Thompson gives Wright a pass.
Sorry Puddy – ANWR is NOT the answer. Depending on the estimates (unknown since we actually don’t know how much oil there is in ANWR) we could get about 1 years worth of oil. We could save DOUBLE of what ANWR probably has in it over twenty years by reducing oil consumption by 10%.
“The amount of known oil in ANWR is precisely zero (see essay here) – many different entities make many different estimates of how much there may be in the ground there, but until reasonable amounts of exploration are done, those estimates are nothing but guesses. A few of them are educated guesses, many of them are as educated as saying the moon is made of green cheese. Reasonable (as in US Geological Survey – see This Link) estimates are of 7.7 billion barrels of recoverable oil. Figuring one way, using US consumption at 20 million barrels per day, divided into that 7.7 billion, equals 385 days of supply. In reality, it will take years for the infrastructure to be built (pipelines, drilling facilities, production facilities, etc) even if there is any oil there at all – remember, the proved amount as of right now is zero barrels. Then, the production would take many years – you don’t just produce it in a whoosh. Prudhoe bay, at around 13 billion barrels, has been producing for nearly 30 years. So rather than viewing it as so many days of supply, it might be more reasonable to view it as contributing to a lesser need for imports. The amount that would come over 20 years or so might be as much as a million barrels a day — 5% of current US needs (remember too that US consumption is increasing by 2 to 4% per year). Not trivial, but also no panacea.”
Do you read what you write?
You say it’s unknown how much oil there is yet we could get about 1 years worth.
Can you show us all the math you used to figure out an unknown amount of oil is going to last about a year.
5,18 A pox on both your houses! There are substantial points to discuss about Wright, Hagee and plenty of other preachers who’ve got their hands dirty in politics, not to mention politicians who’ve had the temerity to pontificate about religion. Turning the discussion into a beauty contest is pretty banal, though. It’s like dissing Mother Teresa’s accomplishments and virtues because she didn’t look like Hollywood’s latest pound of flesh.
About the guy trying to sell his vote for $20 million, he sums it up himself pretty well. That’s some fucking vital stuff there, Fuddydudd.
“No, I think most people right now are looking at this as some crazy guy in California because after all I’m from California,” said Ybarra.
Who said the MSM ain’t libtard?
Y’all need to read this as the NY Times hints goodbye constitution…
www. /2008/05/07/ opinion/07wed1.html?ref=opinion
Yes, you need a subscription but Puddy the magnanimous, will give it to you 16%ers:
It’s About the White House
Published: May 7, 2008
Like many Americans, we have been intrigued and often exasperated by the long-running Democratic primary and the ever smaller-bore spats between Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama. So we are thankful to Senator John McCain for reminding us Tuesday what this year’s presidential race really is about.
While Democrats voted in North Carolina, which Mr. Obama won, and in Indiana, which was too close too call at press time, Mr. McCain spoke about his judicial philosophy. He is determined to move a far too conservative and far too activist Supreme Court and federal judiciary even further and more actively to the right.
Mr. McCain predictably criticized liberal judges, vowed strict adherence to the founders’ views and promised to appoint more judges in the mold of Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito. That is just what the country does not need.
Since President Bush chose Justices Roberts and Alito, the court has ordered Seattle and Louisville to scrap voluntary school integration, protected employers who illegally mistreat their workers and constrained women’s right to choose and citizens’ right to vote.
Mr. McCain did not mention, of course, how the Roberts-led court blithely overruled Congress by nullifying an important part of the McCain-Feingold campaign finance law. He did wax nostalgic about what “the basic right of property” has meant “since the founding of America.” (He did not mention that in 1789, many women could not own property and African-Americans were property, but he did criticize the idea that values evolve over time.)
There was a moment when we were briefly cheered. Mr. McCain declared that “all the powers of the American presidency must serve the Constitution and thereby protect the people and their liberties.” We hoped that would be the start of a serious critique of how President Bush has violated cherished civil liberties: endorsing torture, ordering unlawful domestic spying and depriving detainees of the most basic right of habeas corpus.——
Let me take out the IMPOTANT Part: “Mr. McCain predictably criticized liberal judges, vowed strict adherence to the Founders’ views and promised to appoint more judges in the mold of Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito. That is just what the country does not need.” – Really? So the US Constitution SUCKS NY TIMES?
It’s in response to this:
media. washingtonpost. com/wp-dyn/content/ article/2008/05/06/AR2008050602527.html
“My nominees will understand that there are clear limits to the scope of judicial power, and clear limits to the scope of federal power.” – John McCain
And Pelletizer says the MSM is conservative. I have one answer to that.
Slingshitty: it is vital. It’s all about Donkey and how dey think…
Give me da money… I’ll redistribute it my way…
27 Nancy Pelosi is a Democrat the way those two creatures in the rusty Belvedere are Foster Farms chickens.
Notcorrectstillneverright: As I asked John Doe, who says we’re going to remove all the oil out at once? What about coal? What about nukular? Why do you skip over coal and nukular? You never tou
ch them, only ANWR and ANWR is a partial solution to our needs like the GULF of Mexico, wind farms in Nantucket, liberal areas of Texas, and other locations MORON!
Artfart – now #43 is funny :P
Hey clueless idiot, is this another of Richard Scaife’s media empire?
“According to preliminary results from the Indiana exit polls and final data from North Carolina, about two-thirds of whites in both states who have not completed college were supporting Clinton.”
Can you say _____________ for Clinton? You fill in the blank…
How is Barry Hussein going to counter the damage from the upcoming round the clock negative ads featuring digitally re-packaged sound bites of that hate filled nutburger Pastor of his? This is going to be fatal to the Barry Hussein campaign. This is why Democrats should have gone with Hillary.
How cum no leftist 16%er had anything to comment when Roseanne Barr, replacement for Randi 4 Gunshots – Profane Denunciator of Heilary Clinton Rhodes on Scare America said this: “We should, a bunch of us, go there and repeat the Democratic Convention from Chicago. Like, let’s just cause a bunch of trouble!”
Yet the moronic lefty sites tried to pin something similar on Rush?
Did you think Puddy would forget?
@38 Stamm idiot – can you read? While it is not known EXACTLY how much oil is present – there are some credible estimates.
@44: Puddy
I gave two estimates – all at once and twenty years – either way it comes out to one years supply oil (and the question was about oil – I don’t see many coal powered cars out there and I have not heard about the huge cola reserves under the permafrost). Hardly worth the effort for the oil. Puddyfiction and Hannahfiction go down in flames again.
How much anyone wanna bet that once Obama takes the Whitehouse and things start turning around, we will be seeing drilling in the ANWR within the next 5 years, nuclear power options will be coming out and coal will be mined?
You asked, and I responded. For some reason, you have yet to provide a coherent explanation for why that response wasn’t adequate.
You claim that ANWR is a “partial solution”. It’s not even that.
What about coal? And, what, precisely does coal have to do with the price of gas?
What about “nukular”? And, what, pray tell, does nuclear energy have to do with the price of gas?
Because they’re irrelevant to the fundamental problem of demand for oil outstripping supply. Coal and nuclear energy would be relevant if electricity were the issue, but it’s not.
Well, perhaps because Democrats, as a matter of policy, aren’t blocking GULF oil exploration, and the rest are issues not relevant to the price of gas.
Moreover, here’s where the Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry comes into play. Why, for example, doesn’t Puddy want to talk about Dick Cheney’s Energy Task Force?
Again, we get back to my original statement, which Puddy has yet to rebut in any significant way: while we can lay some blame at the feet of Democrats, the vast majority of the blame for the current effects of high gas prices lies squarely at the feet of Republicans.
re12: Haggee didn’t compare the Catholic Church to Satan. He compared it to a ‘great, big whore’, much like the chubescent Rev., himself.
PuddyFact # 1 — There is no such thing as a PuddyFact. So ignore all the ones that follow #1.
Rev. Wright was Barack Obama’s pastor for 20 years, and people claim that this means Obama’s politics have been unduly influenced by those of Rev. Wright. But this guy’s family seems to have not affected his politics, and he’s had a relationship with his family that’s spanned his entire lifetime.
So, perhaps some wingnut can explain to me why the non-political relationship between Rev. Wright and Barack Obama is relevant to Obama’s candidacy, while the very political relationship between Pastor John Hagee and John McCain isn’t relevant to McCain’s candidcy?
“Can you show us all the math you used to figure out an unknown amount of oil is going to last about a year.”
Looks like Marvin never learned anything about the concept of inequalities:
If X < K where K is a known quantity, then X, while still an unknown quantity, can, at best, provide no more benefit than K would provide.
Just a few years ago, General Electric and the governor of Montana were making a big, big noise (I think I recall a commercial that ran during the Superbowl) about GE having supposedly developed an efficient process for processing coal into liquid fuel. Other than that it was certainly going the wrong way in terms of greenhouse gases, what happened to that?
There have been numerous predictions that as oil production really starts to trail off, there will be “desperate, clumsy attempts to revert to coal”. Should that come to pass, the owners of some of the fancy new homes in roslyn and for that matter, the hills south of Bellevue might find themselves in a rather awkward situation. Betcha no way do their deeds give them ownership of anything beneath the topsoil.
For that matter, maybe we’ll eventually go begging the Chinese to sell us back the tooling they obtained from the Baldwin Locomotive Works after World War II.
If “black gold” is precious enough for someone to go to the trouble of collecting the few drips coming from a 40-year-old grasshopper pump in the middle of a cow pasture near Point Mugu, you can bet your britches that they want whatever’s under the ANWR really, really bad.
Besides, them good ole boys never met a furry critter they didn’t like, once it was dead.
@24 The Bush team will come to an end when McCain is defeated this fall. McCain would effectively be a third Bush term — same Bill-of-Rights-ignoring judicial nominees, same secret (and illegal) surveillance of American citizens, same GOP torture factories, and same cheap-labor economic policies.
@12 “Puddybud spews: … And yes I am voting for Obama cuz he’s black ….”
Hmmm, look who’s a race-based voter. But welcome to the Democratic fold anyway, puddy. Your new party doesn’t like racists, but one thing at a time; if Obama can get you voting Democratic, we’ll deal with your other deficiencies later. One step at a time …
@13 et seq. Here’s the Republican energy policy: Give tax breaks to people who buy Hummers and other big gas-guzzling SUVs; give tax breaks and taxpayer subsidies to oil companies; oppose clean air and clean war regulations; wreck as much of the environment as you can, and if you can’t justify it on energy grounds, then do it gratuitously to piss off the liberals.
ANWR is the most important arctic wildlife preserve in the world. If they can get the oil out without harming it, fine. If they can’t, it’s not worth destroying an irreplaceable planetary resource for a 3 month-supply of oil.
The Florida shallow-water coast is an extremely fragile ecosystem. Its fish, wildlife, and recreational reseources are worth far more than the relatively small amounts of oil that may be there. Most Gulf oil comes from deepwater fields, and those are being explored and developed without restrictions.
Now let’s look at some basic facts about ANWR. The most optimistic estimates are that ANWR holds around 7 to 10 billion bbls. of crude. That’s a lot — it’s among North America’s 5 largest oilfields — but it represents at most 15 months of U.S. consumption or 3 months of global consumption. That hardly makes it a solution to future oil needs. Furthermore, as offshore arctic oil, it’s the most expensive oil in the world to extract, which hardly makes it a solution to high gas prices. Developing ANWR will not lessen U.S. dependence on foreign oil — it will only replace declining production from Prudhoe for a couple of decades, that’s all. And it’s no solution at all to the current supply crunch — it would take 10 years after Congress gave the go-ahead to bring the first ANWR oil to market.
In truth, there’s still a lot of oil in the world — so much oil that we’re probably going to run out of the atmosphere’s and biosphere’s ability to absorb fossil-fuel pollution before we run out of fossil fuels. The recent discoveries in Brazil are at least 3 to 5 times what’s in ANWR and more likely 10 times or more. We don’t have to tear up the world’s last great arctic wildlife range for oil; it simply isn’t necessary because we can get oil elsewhere.
What isn’t sustainable is our consumption habits. No finite resource, even a very large one, can withstand infinite consumption. And that is what the Republican mantra is all about: Burn as much gas as you want, whenever you want, for whatever purpose you want, no matter how frivolous. If you want to idle the engine of a big pickup in your driveway for an hour, don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t! It’s your birthright as an American to waste as much of the planet’s limited resources and pollute the environment as much you want! To a Republican, the only dirtier word than “conservation” is “liberal.” This irrational … moronic … mindset leads straight to bankruptcy. But never mind that; being a Republican confers a right to be stupid.
Nuclear? Whistling into the wind. The world’s supply of uranium ore is far more limited than its supply of fossil fuels. And the pollution problems are frankensteinian. Some of the radioactive waste produced by power plants will remain toxic longer than the planet will last. Why would any sentient, supposedly intelligent, living being do that to their own planet? But never mind all that; like I said, being a Republican gives people like puddinghead a license to be stupid — and to dump the consequences of their stupidity on other people. Personally, I think the best thing to do with people like that is lock ’em up in cages and feed ’em bananas, because like other primates below homo sapiens on the evolutionary ladder, they’re a public menace if allowed to run loose in our streets.
Roger, it’s open to question which primates are a manace to which. The “Ishmael” books by Daniel Quinn are highly recommended reading as background for this type of discussion.
The analogue to a bunch of people building an aircraft powered by themselves flapping their arms and then launching themselves off a high cliff is particularly apt. We’ve been enjoying the “Wow! we’re flying!” feeling for a while, but now we’ve become all too aware that the rocks at the base of the cliff are getting an awful lot closer. We’re figuring that if everyone just flaps a little harder, we’re going to be OK.
You KLOWNS often flap too hard and too long and accomplish ZERO in the same fashion as the silly bird called the “Darkinere”.
You do know what a “Darkinere” is, don’t you ArtFart???
It’s a silly LEFTIST bird who flies in smaller & smaller circles at an accelerating rate until eventually the inevitable happens….
Moyers did a show on this SOB’s Christians’ United for Israel group (folks who want a war between Iran and Israel because they believe the bible says it will lead to the rapture). There’s a nice little clip in where talks about Katrina also being the response for the United States allowing Israel to leave Gaza, creating jewish refugees.
McCain really deserves to get nailed for this guy’s views, and not disassociating himself from him. If he’s is really going to run as not a typical Republican he better damn well sever his ties to Hagee, otherwise he deserves to get his ass kicked by the press for Hagee’s views.
Would this be like the credible “Big Dig” estimates at $2.8 billion and finishing up for $14.6 billion?
Or maybe the Visitors center adjacent to the capital that was approved at $265 million and is already at $373.5 million and growing?
Or maybe the 1998 medicare’s new home health care benefit projected to cost $4 billion by 1993 was actually $10 billion?
How about like the Denver’s international airport’s estimate at $1.7 billion and ended up costing $4.8 billion?
Maybe the kennedy center parking lot estimated at $28 million ending up at $88 million?
You can see why I consider estimates by people working on taxpayer dime not to be worth a crap.
How far left does one have to be to consider pelosi not a very very liberal democrat?
That’s because it’s the un-cola. More like 7-up or sprite.
(kidding, I know you made a spelling mistake. Any minute daddy love will be correcting you)
63 Yeah, right, Marvy. Especially the BushCo appointees and KB&R contractors.
Only people further left than the media. The same people consider moderates/centrists to be right-wing. Anything right of center is extreme-right-wing. It’s all about perspective, not the truth.
For those that don’t know, use for passwords.
64 Not very.
Nothing like putting party before people. How many other racists get a free pass because they vote democrats?
Believe me when we get to the actual campaign – the chickenshit retards on the right are going to quiet down about Rev Wright – because the footage of Hagee calling the Catholic Church a whore and then of FlipFlop McCain standing next to the man saying he WELCOMES the endorsement of Hagee – well that will shut that conversation down ASAP.
What is it about her [pelosi] voting record that says she’s not on the left side of the democrat party?
Why would one of the furthest left cities in the country keep reelecting someone that wasn’t as far left as them?
It’s hard to believe in this day and age of youtube and the internet that these 16%ers actually think they can lie without being caught!
Of course roseane barr is calling for riots in the street.
She’s also pushing the recreate68 website which is calling for a riot.
(check the whois, google the registrants name. He’s a lefty, no doubt about it)
@70 Party before people?? You whining fascist pricks show zero remorse for your party before country bullshit. So go fuck yourself. And go fuck Hagee. He looks like he needs one.
On a side note, your Psych 101 projection problem is getting to be quite tiresome.
@73 To hell with you and your 16% bullshit.
“What is it about her [pelosi] voting record that says she’s not on the left side of the democrat party?”
What has the Bush administration not had handed to them by the Pelosi/Reid-led Congress with just about the same hearty “Yessir, yessir, three bags full” as the DeLay/Hastert/Frist-led Congress?
“Why would one of the furthest left cities in the country keep reelecting someone that wasn’t as far left as them?”
Beats the daylights out of me. Go ask someone in San Francisco.
73 Hey, wait a minute….wasn’t Rush gasbagging last week about sending his dittoheads to raise hell at the Democratic convention?
Who’s this gallup guy? He must be part of the vast-right-wing-conspiracy. Or part of the clinton machine.
Obama’s Support Similar to Kerry’s in 2004
But it appears that the way Obama stacks up against McCain at this point is similar to the way in which Kerry performed against Bush in 2004 within several key racial, educational, religious, and gender subgroups.
Did you miss the PuddyFact I was replying to?
The PuddyFact mentions the left’s outrage about rush but not a single word about lefty roseanne. You know, the typical liberal bias/hypocrisy stuff.
The left is so “tolerant” of those they disagree with it’s downright scary.
@ 63
“You can see why I consider estimates by people working on taxpayer dime not to be worth a crap.”
Except that the estimates he gave you about ANWR were from the oil companies.
Dang, but you’re stupid.
Handicapped BoyDifferently enabled person @ 80:When it comes to an honest disagreement we’ll tolerate your views.
When it comes to the destruction of America, our values, our rights, our civil liberties, our fiscal security, national security, the environment. . . Well, you can pretty much expect to be handled like the punk ass al Qeada sympathizers you are.
Got it?
You chump.
This is why “conserving” won’t work.
If you conserve to help the environment, the government will raise taxes. You’ll be paying the same for less.
Fulton County officials praised county water users Wednesday for their success at conservation — then socked them with a 15 percent rate increase for their effort.
Bush only has a few more months left… he better hurry to overturn roe vs wade. Get rid of the freedom of speech thing. Enact the defense of marriage act. Put up for a vote the chickenlittle act, so chickenlittle and her minions will feel safe and protected.
@80 I’m not of the left, you stupidly presumptous fascist twit, although I do admit that I have zero tolerance for America-hating shits like yourself.
What, forgot about the tax breaks? Oil subsidies? That puts them on the public dime.
Canada had agreed under the international Kyoto Protocol to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to 6.0 percent below 1990 levels by 2012, but emissions have instead increased by more than 35 percent.
Last year, the government outlined a new plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions 20 percent, based on 2006 levels, by 2020, saying the targets agreed to by the previous administration were unattainable.
I would agree the standards set by the previous administration were unattainable if those canadians are increasing their footprint by 35%.
As soon as the UN starts fining canada for violating the treaty we can be thankful that gore/clinton never signed onto it. I keep forgetting, what was the vote in the senate?
@82 Nailed it.
@84 Pathetic. When one strips away the bullshit, you have nothing left. Typical fascist bitch.
And we all know those are the worst kind of fascists, those presumptous fascists.
What happened to speaking truth to power? Dissent against the government?
And if america-hating bothers you, how do you feel about rev wright speaking out against ameriKKKa? Go ahead, call him the names you call me.
Calling people fascist is so typical of the liberal mind. How many lefty protesters paint hitler mustaches on photos of bush? if you haven’t seen any pics.
Instead of childish name calling, explain why the left was soooo scared of bush overturning roe vs wade? Did bush over turn it? Have any lefties apologized for acting like chickenlittle?
What say you Steve?
@91 “Calling people fascist is so typical of the liberal mind”
Oh, you mean like putting a smiley-face Hitler on the cover of a book titled “Liberal Fascism”? Go fuck yourself. It’s not name calling to call a fascist a fascist, you stupid fucking fascist.
“What, forgot about the tax breaks? Oil subsidies?”
So, you were suggesting that the oil companies are lowballing those estimates?
Fine. Let’s take the estimates of environmentalists instead.
@90 Christ, you’re stupid. Wright isn’t a fascist. You, on the other hand, are a fascist, America-hating piece of shit.
What’s more significant? A preacher who says, “God damn America” or a sitting American president who thinks the constitution is just a “goddamned piece of paper”?
Don’t bother, Marvin. The words spoken by the right mean nothing anymore. It’s just more lying fascist bullshit. As predictable as Seattle rain.
What part of the constitution has been changed/overturned/etc?
@96 Go wiretap your mother, you fascist piece of shit.
I asked you which words were more significant. Your non-answer is answer enough for me. A typical fascist bitch, you could give a shit about our constitution.
I asked about the overturning of roe vs wade and you call me a fascist. Just for the sake of argument, so what if I’m a fascist? Doesn’t america allow me to believe in anything I want as long I don’t break any laws? Why are you so intolerant?
Here’s a youtube video of joy behar on the view, she’s also on airamerica.
When they realize that McCain is going to load the Supreme Court up with more conservative justices who are going to probably roll back or try to roll back Roe v. Wade, civil rights legislation, you are going to see those white women go to the polls and vote for Obama.”
Playing the fear card, just like liberals were doing before bush was elected. Chickenlittles whining without one iota of proof.
Like you said in #85, you’re not of the left. Okay.
You didn’t answer my questions. That non-answer is enough for me.
Artfart: We can convert some of our oil fired electric generating plants to coal and while they are operating, build nukular power plants. What about the wind mills where the rich donkey live. Ohhh… NIMBY?
This is missed in the simple mind of John Doe… He can’t discuss alternative sources of fuels.
And John DOH, I did answer your question. You hated the answer so “you claim” I didn’t answer it.
I’d be much more interested in wiretapping your mother.
I’m giving bush a call now asking him to forward over the tapes of your mom. Should be a good laugh. I’ll post the highlights..
@98 Why am I intolerant of fascists? Because fascists like yourself hate America and everything it stands for.
Fear card? Get real. I already told you that Psych 101 shit is getting old. Your fellow fascist travelers might lap that crap up but it gets you nowhere with me.
Is it true what they say about you fascists fucking goats? I already knew about the fascists and mules, but goats?? Damn you fascists are sick.
@100 Fine, it’s settled. I’m an American patriot and you’re a fascist traitor. Hey, I’m good with that.
Newbie@52 or is this the latest in the myriad of headless lucy names:
PuddyFacts have been here way longer than you. And you don’t know what PuddyFact #1 was. It certainly wasn’t the BULLSHITTIUM you post…
@99 If the left was a threat to American freedom I’d rip them instead. But they’re not. Christ, with you pricks anything to the left of Coulter is a Marxist. You do not know or understand those who now oppose you. That fascists like yourself have no handle on reality will prove your undoing. It’s not just latte sipping tree-huggers out to get you, bitch.
PU, Give me yours and I’ll start the process.
Puddyfacts. Christ. You’re so full of yourself. But I’ll admit, as far as fascists go, you’re kinda funny. Though I doubt that it’s intentional.
I’ll go slow, we can take this one at a time…
Did bush overturn roe vs wade?
(Google bush overturn roe vs wade to see how many chickenlittles were predicting this because bush is a republican and religious.)
@102 Like I said, strip away the bullshit and there’s nothing there.
Hey look, one of bybygoobers heroes in action…,2933,354529,00.html
@109 Hell, I’ll go even slower. Y-o-u a-r-e o-n-e s-t-u-p-i-d f-a-s-c-i-s-t- b-i-t-c-h. Get it? And you’re a treasonous bastard to boot. Damn, you fascists are slow on the uptake.
I don’t believe you that you’re not “of the left.”
How do you feel about la raza? They want their land back, would you consider that a threat to your country. Do a little googling if you have never heard of la raza.
Let’s see you rip them.
If freedom of speech bothers you so much, stop reading my posts.
Damn, you’re one smart idiot!!
You got me, I wasn’t telling the truth.
I was never going to post the highlights.
Sad story. Puts life in perspective.
And people like steve are complaining about me being a threat to america.
@113 Being an American conservative wasn’t always about being a fascist traitor. That came with you assholes.
“They want their land back.” Delusional flying monkey bullshit.
You read the post but you didn’t answer the question.
Do you feel la raza is a threat? Don’t look at the problem from seattle, look at it from the los angeles point of view.
Rip them big guy, don’t be afraid.
@114 I never said you couldn’t speak. Typical fascist squid, always making shit up.
stop reading my posts if you are so offended, Simple.
Making shit up? You didn’t prove a single thing except you are halfway decent at typing fascist.
@118. What, rip latinos simply because you’re deluded out of your mind? I don’t think so. I’ve lived in California. I don’t live in Seattle. I live in Mason County, WA. You know, logging country? Like I said, you have no clue.
@120 Offended? How clueless can you be?
American fascism is headed back to oblivion where it belongs. Please tell me how much that sucks for you.
You know, Marvin, there is one thing you could educate me on. Why is it that you fascists are so damned ashamed to openly admit to what you are? Clue me in. What’s up with that?
@111 Alas, that link doesn’t work. How about a link to Neal Horsely talking about fucking his mule and his washing machine? Then we could talk about how all Republicans must be mule and washing machine fuckers. Mules and washing machines! Damn you fascists are weird!
Hmm, this talk of mules and washing machines seems to have bothered dear Marvin. Should I fear for the safety of your Maytag? Or do you have thing for ol’ Bessie?
The PuddyLink was about an illegal immigrant raping and impregnating a 10 year old child.
And you make jokes about fucking mules.
I don’t give a crap what your worthless ass says about me, but it would be nice if you had compassion for innocent little children, even if you had to pretend.
You proved yourself to be worse than anything you’ve called me. Fuck off and die!!!
@126 You fucking hypocrite. Your faux indignity is the real joke. So you contend with Puddy that a Latino rapist is a hero to the left? Yeah. Whatever. The suffering of that child is the bread of your affliction. And without that bread you would die of spiritual hunger. You are indeed sick in the head.
I’ll tell you what, Marvin, your fucking a mule is no joke. And you being a fascist traitor is no joke. You still have no clue.
Oh yeah, fuck off and die yourself, Asshole. Oh, and leave that defenseless Maytag alone.
Can’t you find any bad words to say about the child rapist?
Are child rapists your heros? You certainly aren’t speaking up against them.
Oh, I borrowed that affliction thing from Camus. However, with your being a fascist prick, I seriously doubt that he’s anywhere on your reading list.
So you hate child rape? Here, let’s see some indignation out of you:
Take your pick. There’s so many to choose from. Wouldn’t you agree that one should never, ever leave a child alone with a Republican?
Geez, Marvin, from your lack of response I can only conclude that Republican child rapists don’t chap your ass. Oh, I get it. It only bothers you when a brown person rapes a child. Now, that certainly makes sense. Like I said, you’re a fucking hypocrite.
Fuck all those reps that abused children. They are even worse than the illegal immigrant since they were in a position of power & respect.
Are you going to speak up against a brown person that raped a child?
Still no reply from stevie about speaking up against a brown person that raped a child.
Obviously a hypocrite!!
Still no words of indignation about a brown person raping a child.
I give up. Steve must be a supporter of child rape since he’s ;lost his voice.
Sad example of a “man.”
“We can convert some of our oil fired electric generating plants to coal and while they are operating, build nukular power plants.”
The Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry continues. We don’t have a problem with the supply of electricty. We have a problem with the supply of oil.
Now, why should I spend time debating a “problem” that doesn’t exist?
@137 At least you said something about the Republican Scum posted on that site. I never did get through Puddy’s link but if you say it goes to a news item about a Latino raping a child, then fine, I would agree, he’s dead meat as far as I’m concerned. If you take back the part where he’s some sort of hero to anybody then we’ll make some real progress. But if you stick with that line then I’ll hang every Republican rapist on you and would consider your indignation as just a lie. Your move.
Well? Got anything to say?
I guess not. So be it. Good night.
Fuck you and your IFs. Check the fucking link for yourself. I did, why can’t you?
After you remove the *IF* I’ll believe your faux indignation.
Until then, it appears you’re supporting a child rapist.
Wow I just walked into the playground of hellish 5 year olds! I’m out! But to those who provided links, facts and data…there were some eye openers and a very sick and sad story….one more reason to get the criminal illegals out.
This is why discussing anything with John DOH is a losing proposition. I guess his small tiny mind didn’t remember reading about articles like this because he lives in a technology vacuum:
These power plants use the heavier no. 5 and no. 6 “bunker” fuels to run them. Convert them from natural gas or oil back to coal with the clean coal initiatives now in place.
But don’t let this fact hit you side the head John DOH!
Amazing. While chastising me for a lack of memory, you post a news article from October of 2005. Apparently you’ve forgotten what happened in September of 2005.
Once again, the Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry is only capable of finding facts that support Puddy’s position while completely ignoring facts that undercut Puddy’s position. One wonders if Puddy even thinks at all.
Do I have to explain everything to you?
Is there a shortage of natural gas in the US? Not according to these folks. Is there a shortage of coal in the US? Not according to US Department of Energy, which says that the total coal stocks increased from 2006 to 2007.
The only reason thermal plants have continued to burn oil is that, until recently, oil has presented a relatively inexpensive way to produce electricity. This reason has nothing to do with any shortage alternative fuels, and there isn’t any reason that we need to change policy in order to convert those plants to coal and/or natural gas.
Lastly, even in New York, oil plants account for only 8% of all electricity production. For the country, that percentage is even less, and, in terms of the overall effect on the price of oil and gasoline, converting oil-burning electrical plants to some alternate fuel is even less than the effect we’d see from drilling in ANWR.
In short, Puddy, you’re just plain full of shit. You have yet to come up with a complete and compelling argument to counter the conclusion I’ve stated before: that we might be able to lay some blame for current gas and oil prices at the feet of Democrats, the vast majority of the blame goes to Republicans, and you’re going to have to come up with way more than your usual Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry if you have any hope of even denting that conclusion.
Where did I say John Doh there is a shortage of Natural Gas? No shortage, especially coming from your ASS!
You love to try and twist things I write for your own benefit. Then you get apoplectic when I prove the lunacy of your commentary.
I’m full of shit? I didn’t write anywhere about a natural gas shortage – you did. Just like you wrote in earlier I was suggesting sucking out the oil in ANWR at current use rates. Then you wrote where did John DOH write that. Once I proved that you jumped tangents. I said above let’s reduce oil consumption by using our coal with clean technology and also build some more nukular (nuclear) plants like the French are doing… You tried to say I was suggesting we’re experiencing an electricity shortage. Now you tried to say I suggested a natural gas shortage. WRONG ON BOTH ACCOUNTS.
It’s your side that’s against alternative energy use. Your side votes against coal use and nuclear use. your side! Not my side. I posted links long ago where the Donkey of Martha’s Vineyard including the Kennedy’s are against wind power there.
I used oil plants as an example. Sure Americans burn over 350 million gallons of gas a day. I am for conservation. I said let’s work on conserving in ways we have the technological knowhow. All John DOH does is attack my suggested conservation. Every little bit helps our oil consumption.
In New York the reason they converted most power plants from oil to natural gas is the rich people on LI were complaining about the soot etc. Also Guv Mario Cuomo was making sure he got their votes since Suffolk and Nassau Counties usually vote Republican…
What a shithead moron you are. It proves to all here you are not for any oil conservation. All you have is GWB Hatred. Proved again.
For the 9th time – Veni vidi vici
Thanks for playing…
Good grief, Puddy, you’ve absolutely gone off the deep end.
It’s called constructing an argument. You know, you start with a few premises, and proceed, through logical deduction, to a conclusion. That you don’t like the conclusion is no reason to believe that I’m twisting your words.
I’m not the one typing in bold all-caps. If you’re going to get on someone’s case for getting apoplectic, it’s best not to be apoplectic yourself.
Yes, you are. You keep raising issues that are irrelevant to oil consumption and gas prices, and I’ve shown why those issues are irrelevant.
The only person wrong on both counts, here, is you. At no point have I attributed to you any such statement. What I have done is address the implications of the issues you’ve raised in terms of how those issues relate to oil and gas prices.
You have, for example, never provided any coherent argument that would show how increasing our use of nuclear energy would reduce oil and gas prices. I suppose it might help if someone could figure out how to put a small nuclear energy plant in a car.
Nuclear energy might be relevant if we were talking about a general shortage in electricity, but we’re not. We’re talking about oil and gas prices.
You got a little closer to the mark when you discussed coal and, by implication, natural gas as alternative fuels for the handful of thermal electricity plants that do burn oil. I pointed out, however, that there is no policy that currently blocks conversion of these oil plants to either coal or, preferably, natural gas (because the latter is cleaner and has fewer environmental issues e.g. acid rain).
The reason for bringing up the question of shortages in either coal or natural gas is to underscore the fact that the essential issue with these handful of oil-burning thermal plants is economics, not policy.
You talk about wind farms off Nantucket, attempting to lay all the blame for that at Sen. Kennedy’s feet, when, in fact, it was Sen. Ted Stevens who introduced the provision in question. Why blame only the Democrat who supported the provision, and not the Republican who introduced it?
I’ve done all of the above, because you have not answered the basic questions I asked back at comment 51. You can’t make these issues relevant to the price of oil and gas, so, as a diversion, you keep pissing and moaning about what you have and have not said. And, for that reason, you’re quite full of shit.
But, most of all, you are full of shit when you claim:
And, yet, here’s where the Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry marches inexorably forward, because, in the immediately following sentence, “alternative” is limited to “coal” and “nuclear”.
Was it not Republicans who blocked Democrats’ attempts to remove tax breaks and subsidies for oil companies in order to redirect those funds toward alternative, in particular renewable, energy sources? What about President Bush’s multiple funding cuts for a number of investments in renewable energy? Do I need to provide links for any of these?
Surely, you’re capable of adding one or two PuddyFacts that might not support your statement above. Whether or not you’re willing to add to the array of PuddyFact is, perhaps, a much more open question.
And, when it comes to direct effects on gas and oil prices, we’re supposed to ignore the Republican support for a continued war in Iraq that has had a significant adverse affect on world-wide oil supplies. We’re supposed to ignore record deficits and a monetary policy that has led to significant inflation, which, in turn, increases both the price of oil and the price of gas at the pump.
This whole exchange started when you asked, “Why not John Doe lay the blame on the Donkey?”
I’ve answered that question at least nine times now (by your count), and you’ve done nothing to show that my answer is incorrect. For the record, my answer, which hasn’t changed since you first asked that question, is:
And, yes, Puddy, you are full of shit.