Prediction: The Myanmar death toll will go from 15,000, to 20,000 by Friday.
Oh, and I don’t believe a word of any of these etimates. Don’t believe the current 15,000 number, at all. I wanna see bodies. I bet it’s somewhere below 5,000. It’s hype to get $$$.
And now watch the private U.S. aid agencies go into high gear, trying to make a buck off this.
Gore admits a whole bunch of stuff. HAs clueless idiot made me go back and reresearch this. Thanks clueless idiot, I enjoy making an ASS of you again. – Pendejo.
But HAs clueless idiot said I was crazy cause I was dwelling on a Gore vote from 1994 that has changed the course of history. Well it’s a known fact HAs clueless idiot is a certified moron and this proves it.
Pay attention at the 15:00 mark 16%ers
“There are a lot of great investments you can make. If you are investing in tar sands, or shale oil, then you have a portfolio that is crammed with sub-prime carbon assets. And it is based on an old model. Junkies find veins in their toes when the ones in their arms and their legs collapse. Developing tar sands and coal shale is the equivalent. Here are just a few of the investments I personally think make sense. I have a stake in these so I’ll have a disclaimer there. But geo-thermal concentrating solar, advanced photovoltaics, efficiency, and conservation.”
Biofuels – Amyris (biofuels) & Altra (biofuels) are part of his investments. And robbing the poor of foods.
5 – Go home Stupes – it’s safe. He’s for torture. He’ll keep cutting the taxes of the rich right wing pricks you suck up to. He’ll keep putting boots on the ground.
And right on cue, he and the others that will follow him, the ones with the letter “R” next to their names – will do the corn dance in Iowa every 4 to eight years.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Why do democrats care if republicans get tax cuts??? Oh, class envy. Nevmind. roof roof
Once again a Level 3 sex offender released with no notification to city police and neighbors! So it’s ok for him to be homeless in Everett but not Oak Harbor, because the rape occured in Oak Harbor? So living in Everett reduces the risk of re-offending? How many times must we find out about sex offenders being released through the media????
Tax cuts are worth it just for the fact that money will not go to more failing liberal social programs. Nothing the democrats create works. Their crown jewel (social security) is nothing more than an intergenerational ponzi scheme.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 If you do see bodies, look for bullet holes. Probably at least half of them were killed by the military regime. Nobody could hear the guns going off over the howling winds. Which is the idea. I understand the Buddhists have a lot of monk vacancies to fill now.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 Somehow “Puddybud” and “think” don’t go together. It doesn’t fit. It’s like trying to say “Dallas Cheesesteak.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 That’s because this week’s headlines were dominated by the Bushies’ fantasy plan of building American-style shopping malls in downtown Baghdad. With your money, of course. But go ahead and vote for the neocons, Wingnut Hannah. We know you did the last time and will again. You do come across as the self-hating type.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 Because we pay for it through Bush’s Inflation Tax. (Inflation is a tax, you know. It sure as hell isn’t an accident, or an act of God.) Now go to your vet and get yourself euthanized like I told you to.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Hey if inflation was a religion then Carter would be its god. Just a thought. roof roof.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 The state has to release them after they’ve served their sentence, Hannah. That’s because of this thing we have in America called “law.” It’s very fortunate the governor was on top of this and intervened to prevent his release into the community of Oak Harbor. There seems to have been a bureaucratic delay in making the public announcement in Everett, but I’m sure the police knew where he was, and if they’re doing their job the paperwork snafu didn’t keep them from keeping an eye on him.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 Actually that would be Nixon’s and Ford’s inflation. Remember Ford’s silly “Whip Inflation Now” program? It was typical Republican fare: Workers were supposed to refrain from asking for COLAs, but businesses were free to raise prices.
@ 15 Roger – The police did not even know he was released in their city!!! So no, they had no idea where he was as they didn’t even know he was there!
“Everett police learned of Summiel’s release in the area from KIRO 7 Eyewitness News reporter Gary Horcher, who first reported on Summiel’s planned move to Everett last week”
Roger Rabbitspews:
Roger Rabbit’s Thought For The Day
When Republicans extol “freedom” they’re talking about stealing without being prosecuted for it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 I’m glad I don’t live in a city with such inefficient police.
@19 – They weren’t being insufficient…they were NOT TOLD by DOC!
And BY LAW, no neighbors were informed…so it’s ok to break the LAW?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 Washington law requires sex offenders to register with the local police within 24 hours, so why didn’t they know? If the former inmate didn’t comply with this, they can arrest him and send him back, so there’s no problem.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Why do democrats blame Nixon for something that happened six years after he left office but yet blame Bush for a recession that was clearly started in the Clinton administration???? Well I guess you can’t blame them. If you have as many failures as the dems have you would be passing the buck too. roof roof.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Gov. Gregoire and the Democratic legislature care about protecting our communites, and while Republicans fiddled around grandstanding and demagoguing the issue, the Democrats strengthened Washington’s sex offender laws. In 2006, the governor and Legislature enacted “five bills that changed the sex and kidnapping offender registration requirements. Listed below is a summary of these changes …
“1. House Bill 2409 … [a]mending RCW 9A.44.130 … [r]equires sex and kidnapping offenders to provide their ‘complete residential’ addresses when registering. Decreases the time within which sex and kidnapping offenders coming from another state or returning Washington residents must register from 30 days to 3 business days. Requires written notices sent to the county sheriff(s) when a sex or kidnapping offender moves or becomes homeless to be signed by the offender. Clarifies that any knowing non-compliance with the registration statute is a crime.
“2. Substitute Senate Bill 6144 … [a]mending RCW 9A.44.130 … [d]ecreases the time within which sex and kidnapping offenders coming from another state or returning Washington residents must register from 30 days to 3 business days. (This change is identical to that in HB 2409, above.) Applies to sex offenders whose offenses were committed before, on, or after February 28, 1990. Applies to kidnapping offenders whose offenses were committed before, on, or after July 27, 1997.
“3. Second Substitute Senate Bill 6172 … [a]mending several sections including, RCW 9.68A.070 and RCW 9.94A.030(41)(a)(iii) … [c]hanges possession of depiction of a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct from a class C felony to a class B felony. Defines the crime as a ‘sex offense,’ thus, requiring offenders convicted of this offense to register as sex offenders.
“4. Second Substitute Senate Bill 6319 … [a]mending RCW 9A.44.130 … [m]akes it a crime to knowingly fail to comply with any of the requirements of RCW 9A.44.130.
“5. Substitute Senate Bill 6519 … [a]mending RCW 9A.44.130[.] All offenders who have a fixed residence and who are designated as a risk level II and risk level III must report, in person, during normal business hours, every ninety days to the sheriff of the county where registered. Reporting shall be on a day specified by the county sheriff’s office. An offender who complies with the ninety-day reporting requirement with no violations for a period of at least five years in the community may petition the superior court to be relieved of the duty to report every ninety days. Failure to report as specified is a violation of the statute. Also allows a registered sex or kidnapping offender’s photograph to be taken at anytime to update their file. …
” … Substitute Senate Bill 6519[.] A person who is required to register as a sex offender must provide the name and address of the public or private school (elementary, middle or high school) he or she is attending, or planning to attend, to the county sheriff when he or she is registering. The sheriff is then required to promptly notify the school of the person’s intent to attend the school. The school principal who receives notice of a student who is registered as a level II or III sex offender … is required to further disclose the information to all teachers of the student, and those who the principal determines … need to know for security purposes. … ”
It’s back to square one with the WingNutz. It’s cyclical.
They’re trying to crucify humanity on a cross of gold. I wonder if there are any ‘PuddyFacts’ out there that explain why the WaxMan (the most whacked out game in town) will have to Google that historical reference.
He’ll probably Google the word ‘cyclical’.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 Because it didn’t happen 6 years after Nixon left office, Lying Dog. Remember Nixon’s price controls? Remember the toilet paper shortage while Nixon was president? Maybe you don’t, but I do. This is why dogs should be euthanized. They’re too stupid to live, let alone vote.
Roger Rabbitspews:
P.S., in case you don’t get the connection between Nixon’s price controls and the toilet paper shortage (and I don’t expect a stupid dog to get it), here’s what happened. Nixon ordered toilet paper manufacturers to sell their product at less than cost, so they quit making it. So, for several years, nobody in America could take a shit. Then, when Reagan got elected, the shit came all at once, like the monkey pulling the cork out of the elephant’s ass in the joke.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@25 No, they’re trying to crucify humanity on a cross of credit, but the principle’s the same. And, of course, Republicans are the authors of the credit crisis now engulfing America’s middle class. For an excellent book on the subject, see James Scurlock’s “Maxed Out,” either at your local library (free) or ($10.36, free shipping available). Scurlock, btw, is a Seattle author.
Don Joespews:
I notice how dogs, and other wingnuts, have a habit of forgetting previous answers and keep asking the same questions over and over again. Do you think there might be a connection between their inability to respond to proper instruction and their propensity to blame their teachers for their own ignorance and stupidity?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@29 They’re probably bots. Hard to tell whether they came from an underground government lab or another planet.
Roger Rabbitspews:
After Republicans have taken everything else from us, they’ll crucify us on a cross of toilet paper.
Don Joespews:
@ 30 There are bandwidth problems with the “other planet” theory.
By the way, have you noticed a pattern regarding PuddyFacts? They never convey all the relevant facts, and they’re always posted absent any cogent analysis or argument. I think the official HorsesAss name for them should be the Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Why Does Dave Reichert Want To Blow Up Workers?
The fishwrapper reports:
“By a vote of 247-165, the House on Wednesday passed a bill (HR 5522) directing the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to adopt rules for controlling combustible dust at factories. The regulations would pre-empt any state rules that do less to protect workers from dust explosions and fires. …
“Voting yes: Jay Inslee, D-1; Rick Larsen, D-2; Brian Baird, D-3; Jim McDermott, D-7; Adam Smith, D-9.
“By a vote of 178-237, the House on Wednesday refused to delay action on new federal dust regulations until after completion of an ongoing government probe into causes of an explosion Feb. 7 at the Imperial Sugar refinery near Savannah, Ga., that killed 13 workers. …
Roger Rabbit Commentary: To answer my own question, probably because Republicans value profit above human life. To them, workers are expendable commodities like pencils or paper towels, not human beings with wives and kids and dogs. Republicans like to keep things simple; if a batch of workers get blown up, HR merely calls the paper to place an ad for more workers in the “help wanted” classifieds.
Yesterday, when CNN’s headline claimed Mynamar’s death toll was 15,000, I predicted in post #1 of this thread that it would go to 20,000 by Friday. Already, this morning, CNN says the toll is it’s up to 22,000.
I still don’t believe it. I believe it’s a lie to get foreign aid. I now predict by Friday the manufactured number will be 30,000.
When Roger Rabbit makes a reference to anything as in #18 other than Sound Transit or Law, you can bet your top and bottom dollar it’s probably Pelletizer conjecture and most definitely bullshit.
Troll, Myanmar is not accepting any foreign aid yet. If they did then people would see the what a real dictatorship is and realize we don’t live in one here.
“Tennis coach’s killer not guilty by reason of insanity.” From today’s Seattle Times.
This kind of verdict is one reason I truly detest a certain kind of liberal. The black killer had said in the past he wanted to kill a white person or police officer. He got his wish and killed white man, and was found not guilty. I blame the liberal mentality.
Pelletizer@28: Did you put a gun to people’s heads and tell them to buy products they can’t pay for by cash? I didn’t. So any credit crunch is due to people overspending and not paying the “piper”. It’s like people who bought homes using ARMs whne they damn well knew they couldn’t afford them. Then when they foreclose on the house due to non-payment it’s my fault? I don’t think so…
Let me repeat PuddyFact #100: 16%ers have the memory capacity of 24 hours, some even less. This is expressed here over and over when I have to place link after link of the same topic here.
Since John Doe Facts are missing in action, you have nothing in your “quiver” to return “fire”.
Again: Veni Vidi Vici
Thanks for playing…
John Doe is upset PuddyFacts are devoid of lefty swill. Hence, he can’t comprehend the facts and its upsets his psyche. Can you say “Dense as Spent Uranium”? At least Pelletizer can use his oxygen deprivation as an excuse. John Doe has no excuse (maybe stupidity).
Daddy Lovespews:
34 Troll
Bush has committed to sending a big $250,000 to Myanmar. I’m sure the families of the dead and those without food or shelter will appreciate that. Maybe if they claim that 100,000 died there he’d send $251,000.
Daddy Lovespews:
Of course Puddy”Facts” are “devoid of lefty swill.” They are 100% Republican talking points.
Who are the “terrorists” in Iraq? It’s a crowded field, and you have to count the US-and-Iranian-backed government’s Shiite death squads known as the “security forces,” but among others, it’s US.
Correction, I believe the new fake Myanmar death toll number will be 50,000 by Friday.
Don Joespews:
Wow, I’ve warranted a three-in-a-row commentary of the Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry all directed at little old me. It just warms the cockles of my heart.
That Puddy thinks my facts are “missing in action” is likely due to his inability to read.
Oh, and let’s not forget my most recent deconstruction of the Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry. Note the absence of any Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry rebuttal there.
John Doe: Deconstruction? I answered your puny ANWR argument. No one is saying we pump it at the going rate. Find that in JohnDOHFacts!
Also you claimed I copied two comments from Marvin. So I missed his three words. Regarding the other comment you project he said one thing and then you cover it up with references to Marvin. Search “Are you saying Donkey can’t think for themselves?”
Marvin didn’t say it at all. He asked you if the Donkey parroted the comments of Bush. For them to parrot the comments of Bush means they had to think: “Do I use this “evidence” or will the American people think I’m a wimp?” “Well Clinton siad it in 1998 so maybe I should too”. So so much for your “deconstruction” efforts.
Waaaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa
Again for the fourth time: Veni Vidi Vici
Thanks for playing…
Daddy NAMBLA Love@45: Good Try. Since I usually find my stuff on the liberal MSM sites, keep hope alive.
@48: Puddy has NO facts – he just gets his false “excuses” from right wing web sites. then he berates anyone who disagrees with him – it is useless to argue with Puddy because he won’t admit when he is wrong and will just change the topic.
Just remember – despite all the verbiage from Puddy – he basically supports the unnessary war, the corruption of the republicans and their implicit racism.
And the quote from #5 above – gore is right on 14 years ago and doesn’t even mention what Puddy is trying making a point of…ethanol. Once again Puddy proves himself wrong and doesn’t even realize it. Read the quote – poor Puddy refutes himself. hahahahaha – he can’t even figure out the difference between renewable resourses and fossil fuels and carbon based global warming – that he claims doesn’t happen anyways. Sad.
Also Jonh Doe: When I am attacking the 16%er Donkey here I usually skip over my side because there are few of us (18) and many of you (over 62). So I jump all over lefty crap immediately.
JBD: Get your facts and timeline straight. Carter didn’t become President six years after the Nixon/Ford administrations. In terms of economic policy, the Nixon and Ford administrations were the same. Nixon experimented with wage and price controls (union wages controlled, prices – not so much). Nixon took office Jan. 1969, Ford in August 1974, (where his policy was that everyone was to wear the silly “Whip Inflation Now” buttons). Carter took office one and a half years later, in Jan. 1977.
I remember driving from school to work on a rainy evening in Jan. 1975, hearing an economist on the radio saying that with existing economic policies, the only way inflation was going to be ended was with the Federal Reserve slamming on the economic brakes with double-digit discount (interest) rates, and an inflation which lasted 1-1/2 to two years. But he didn’t think it was politically possible, as no President wanted to be saddled with such an inflation, and he would be drummed out of office pretty quickly therafter.
Of course, that is exactly what occured during the Carter administration, despite Republican propoganda otherwise. Reagan just got the windfall of being able to use the economy + Iran to win the election, and then take the credit for the recovery.
Yea, I know Republicans don’t agree with that analysis. It is contrary to several decades of their party line, claiming that Carter and the Democratic Congress’ excessive spending caused the economic problems, and Reagan’s tax cuts solved everything. But that’s baloney. By the last fiscal budget Carter & O’Neal enacted, domestic spending was cut so tight that people attending White House breakfast meetings had to pay for their meals. The first thing the Republicans did when they took over the White House was to order housekeeping to clean the offices daily, because under Carter’s budget it was reduced to once a week in order to save money (staff was expected to pick up after themselves).
If Carter’s economic policies had remained in effect, combined with the Fed action to cure inflation, then we would have seen a similar economic recovery in the last half of Carter’s second term, but the budget deficit would have been cut in half, instead of trebled as it was under the Reagan administration. If the next president had continued those economic policies, we would have seen a balanced budget by the end of 1988, rather than in the year 2000 as happened after eight years of the Clinton administration.
As for the current Bush administration, he inherited a balanced budget. Everybody expected growth rates to slow, but saying he inherited a “rescession” is an exaggeration. I’ll give him a pass on the late 2001 & early 2002 economic problems due to 9/11, but the current problems are entirely created by his own policies (war in Iraq, wastefull spending through no-bid contracts, record budget deficits, lax government oversight of financial markets, encouraging corporate overseas out-sourcing, etc.).
Incorrectnotright Gore doesn’t make mention of ethanol? In 1994 he cast the tie-breaking vote in the Senate that stopped a cut in ethanol subsidies. Yet these facts elude your simple single celled organism called a mind. Naturally he isn’t gonna mention it when so many people are saying corn-based ethanol is causing food shortages.
Incorrectnotright you are a global warming moron. I hope the starving people don’t find out who you are…
Don Joespews:
@ 49
Ah, yes. The Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry response in it’s totality:
Who said I suggest we pump it at that rate? You said it. ANWR is used to supplement our ME oil dependence.
Are the 15 minutes up? Sure you don’t want to go back and edit that?
rhp6033: Please show us real economists who support your position. Why not use Jamie Galbraith for starters? Does he support your position? How about his father the late John Kenneth?
Yes John Doe, please show me where I said “Pump ANWR at our existing use rate” or anything close…
One more thing for incorrectneverbright: In 1999 Albert Gorebasm called ethanol “environmentally friendly” when boasting of the Clinton/Gore administration’s plans to triple its use by 2010.
Don Joespews:
@ 52
Also Jonh Doe: When I am attacking the 16%er Donkey here I usually skip over my side because there are few of us (18) and many of you (over 62).
Now, I’m sure Puddy or somebody else is going to try to argue with me about # 53. But I don’t have any more time today, I’ve got a lot of “producing” to do before I’m out of town for a week. So go ahead if you want, but don’t expect a response from me, I won’t be looking at the responses.
While you are at it John DOH, show me where I copied Marvin’s “Are you saying Donkey can’t think for themselves?” comment.
See, Puddy responds before I even have a chance to finish my post. But I don’t have time to educate you, Puddy, I’m off helping my country offset the balance of trade deficit. See you next week!
Wow really good John DOH. Except I AM PUDDYBUD not PUDDY MAC. Ask Stefan Sharkansky when is the last time Puddybud posted on Sound Politics MORON!
Ummm rhp6033: You finished your post above. I’ll wait for the economists who say Carter was an econimic genius or anything close…
Don Joespews:
@ 64
The issue isn’t whether or not you post at uSP. Rather, the question is the substance of what you post over at uSP.
As such, I didn’t search for “Puddy Mac”. I simply searched for “Puddy”, which ought to have given us the number of people who respond to your comments over there. Seems like it’s not a great deal, which would mean that you don’t voice a lot of criticisms of Republicans.
Course, I could have done this and waded through the entire Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry, but I preferred to use a search criteria that would provide a more direct answer to the question.
Wow John DOH: 2005 huh? And you all complain when I go back into the archives to deliver Donkey quotes?
So let me ask your simple mind, how can anyone respond to posts I DON’T MAKE ON THE SITE?
When you figger that out we’ll converse some more.
Again for the fifth time: Veni Vidi Vici
Thanks for playing…
Don Joespews:
@ 61
While you are at it John DOH, show me where I copied Marvin’s “Are you saying Donkey can’t think for themselves?” comment.
The issue was Marvin’s use of the phrase “one must assume”. The “Donkey can’t think for themselves” thing was something you interjected into the discussion when you failed to notice that Marvin had been the first to use the phrase “one must assume” regarding a germane question of fact.
That there is any connection at all between Marvin begging the question and the capacity of liberals to engage in independent thought is a case you haven’t even tried to make. It certainly isn’t obvious, particularly given that it was a liberal who spotted the fact that Marvin was begging the question.
What happened to incorrectneverbright?
Did Albert Gorebasm say those things in the 90s? Since you “disappeared” he must have.
So much for disagreeing with PuddyFacts. Need to see those URLs again. Or better yet Search Gore Ethanol Senate Vote or Gore Ethanol
For the first time for notbright: Veni Vidi Vici
Thanks for playing…
No no no John DOH. You can’t change the topic. You brought up thread 4793 and I asked about both sentences. You decided to parse the first and ignore the second while you attacked both. Anyone can read thread 4793
John DOH still waiting for the ANWR pump it out at going rates comment!
Don Joespews:
So let me ask your simple mind, how can anyone respond to posts I DON’T MAKE ON THE SITE?
You’re really having difficulty following the line of reasoning here. So, let me spell it out. You claimed that you don’t trash Republicans here, because there really is no need to do so in a site that’s populated with so many liberals. The clear implication of that claim is that you believe Republicans are as culpable, if not more so, than Democrats for the current state in which this country finds itself.
However, if you really do believe that Republicans are as culpable, if not more so, than Democrats, then why don’t you spend any time trashing Republicans where it might just do some good?
So, when you said, “When I am attacking the 16%er Donkey here I usually skip over my side because there are few of us (18) and many of you (over 62),” that statement was a flat out lie. The reason you skip over your side is because you’re nothing more than a partisan hack. End of story.
Don Joespews:
@ 69
“You decided to parse the first and ignore the second while you attacked both.”
I attacked both, because the second statement of yours was based on the premise that I had made the first statement. Basic logic: false premise == false conclusion. (Edit: for the pedants out there, the complete logical principle is that a false premise cannot imply truth–meaning that if one shows the premise to be false, the conclusion is not compelling.)
@ 70
“John DOH still waiting for the ANWR pump it out at going rates comment!”
Show me where I attributed that idea to you.
Puddy ~ 3 years ago, have your views changed over the past 3 years? I am guessing so, as you support Obama. Actually for me, talking to people out and about, I have to say just over the past 3 months (yes not years) even my views are beginning to change. I think I may be clearing the fog.
Here’s a story about Protective Orders, like they just don’t do a damn bit of good.
John DOH you attacked both then dropped the second because there is no proof. You are right: false premise == false conclusion. Marvin never said the second line and now you admit it.
As to your second point post #48 above: “Oh, and let’s not forget my most recent deconstruction of the Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry. Note the absence of any Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry rebuttal there.”
Again for the sixth time: Veni Vidi Vici
Thanks for playing…
Marvin Stamnspews:
49. Puddybud spews:
Marvin didn’t say it at all. He asked you if the Donkey parroted the comments of Bush. For them to parrot the comments of Bush means they had to think: “Do I use this “evidence” or will the American people think I’m a wimp?”
It’s funny how much these 16%ers will defend their democrats. Videos of them parroting bush, links to their own websites and the best the 16%ers can say is it was taken out of context without one iota of proof.
I gotta give those elected democrats credit, they sure mindfucked their minions into obedience. The 16%ers have lost the ability to speak truth to power.
@75 _ I have to agree with one of your points here “16%ers can say is it was taken out of context”
But seems alot of these same people like to take a republicans comments out of context and that’s ok for them! It’s a do as I say, not as I do mentality.
Marvin Stamnspews:
76. “Hannah” spews:
But seems alot of these same people like to take a republicans comments out of context and that’s ok for them! It’s a do as I say, not as I do mentality.
Good point.
But the “do as I say not as I do” is part of the democrat mentality.
Old news, but consider the homes of the man that cares about the planet al gore and the man the 16%ers says hates the planet bush.
Don Joespews:
“Marvin never said the second line and now you admit it.”
I never said he did. Not sure what your undies are in a bundle about.
Also, you’re forgetting the part where you couldn’t find the comment in which Marvin said “one must assume.”
“As to your second point post #48 above”
My post @ 48 above was posted at 7:54 AM. Your “rebuttal” (if you can call the incoherent babble you posted a “rebuttal”) was posted at 8:04 AM. The statement I posted @ 48 was true at the time I posted it. In fact, it was just just long enough for you to have seen my post at 48 and quick tapped in the incoherent babble that you posted at 8:04 am in a lame attempt to turn me into a liar.
Don Joespews:
It’s funny how much these 16%ers will defend their democrats. Videos of them parroting bush, links to their own websites and the best the 16%ers can say is it was taken out of context without one iota of proof.
Funny, but the proof is on the website to which you linked. Of course, one has to follow the links that are there rather than simply looking at the videos.
Nevertheless, the entire web site is proof positive that the only way wingnuts can even approach winning an argument is if they leave out pertinent facts.
Come to think of it, that’s exactly what the Bush Administration did in the rush to war. So, I guess that means Puddy and Marvin are exemplary Republicans.
Don Joespews:
But seems alot of these same people like to take a republicans comments out of context and that’s ok for them!
The only times I’ve ever taken someone’s comments out of context were for the sake of sarcasm. Show me where I’ve ever taken someone’s comments out of context for the sake of making a serious point.
John DOH: If you could read, I commented on the first one much earlier.
So I guess you’re losing your reading skillz?
Good try parsing #2. You claimed deconstruction. So in your claim, you claimed I was discussing ANWR at a high use rate.
Again for the seventh time: Veni Vidi Vici
Thanks for playing…
See ya. Gotta go be a producer…
#80: If we did you’d claim sarcasm.
It’s a lose-lose situation.
Again for the eighth time: Veni Vidi Vici
Thanks for playing…
Don Joespews:
If you could read, I commented on the first one much earlier.
I presume you’re talking about “one must assume.” Your first reference to that phrase was here, which is the comment wherein you implied that I had been the one to use that phrase.
Looks like the issue isn’t my ability to read, but your inability to remember what you’d said.
You claimed deconstruction. So in your claim, you claimed I was discussing ANWR at a high use rate.
No. I merely claimed that you were referring to ANWR. Of course, since you didn’t mention it directly, I might have been wrong. On the other hand, your lack of specificity isn’t my fault.
What I did in the “deconstruction” was to make an assumption that was most favorable to the conclusion you wanted to reach, and showed that, even with that assumption, your conclusion isn’t supported. That’s a common rhetorical technique, though I have to confess that I’m not at all surprised that I need to explain common rhetorical techniques to you.
That will have to conclude my lessons in argumentation and debate. If you want any more lessons, at least for today, you’re going to have to pay me for them.
Don Joe and Puddy ~ as Butters on SouthPark would say “you are making my brain hurt”
I feel like I am reading in cirles!
Marvin Stamnspews:
80. Don Joe spews: But seems alot of these same people like to take a republicans comments out of context and that’s ok for them!
The only times I’ve ever taken someone’s comments out of context were for the sake of sarcasm.
What about democrats in general, do they take comments out of context?
Like say that dnc ad where they use the first half of the sentence of mccains when he said that troops might be in iraq 100 years but omitted the half where he talked about if there were no casualties?
Does that make the dnc wingnuts?
Marvin Stamnspews:
79. Don Joe spews:
Funny, but the proof is on the website to which you linked.
One of the first quotes- In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members, though there is apparently no evidence of his involvement in the terrible events of September 11, 2001.
It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons. Should he succeed in that endeavor, he could alter the political and security landscape of the Middle East, which as we know all too well affects American security.
And the next paragraph that wasn’t quoted on that “wingnut” site-
Now this much is undisputed. The open questions are: what should we do about it? How, when, and with whom?
from Clinton’s “Wingnut” website
I followed the link to clintons senate dot gov website. Do you think those words were put there by some wingnut hackers? Or maybe the vast right wing conspiracy that made up the rumors about BJ and monica hacked the website? Or maybe it was larry craig foot tapping those words into html?
Are any of you liberals sorry for letting that murdering piece of garbage racist go free for killing that eastside high school tennis coach?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Mr. Cynical’s irrelevant prediction:
Despite what the polls say, I predict Clinton will win Indiana by as much or more of a spread than Obama wins NC.
I have been known to be a bit off on my political predictions.
Anyone agree with me about the primaries?
(I know a lot of you agree that I am a bit off)
Poor Puddy: Your quote to disprove Gore did not mention ethanol – also, ethanol can be made from many other sources besides food – so much for your pathetic arguments again – maybe you should look up the actual science before blathering.
Nixon took office Jan. 1969, Ford in August 1974 … Carter took office one and a half years later, in Jan. 1977.
… with the Federal Reserve slamming on the economic brakes with double-digit discount (interest) rates, and an inflation which lasted 1-1/2 to two years. But he didn’t think it was politically possible …
Of course, that is exactly what occured during the Carter administration, despite Republican propoganda otherwise. Reagan just got the windfall of being able to use the economy + Iran to win the election, and then take the credit for the recovery.
rhp uses the same accountant as Roger ‘Accounting Error’ Rabbit. Carter’s 1977 inauguration was not 1 1/2 years after Ford’s August 1974 usurpation of office. rhp will assert, below, that his innumeracy isn’t innumeracy … it’s a problem of borders, margins, and rabbit-scrofula scaling.
Even worse is rhp’s risible rap that Reagan got elected and got the agitprop windfall for Carter’s recovery from Carter’s depression.
Here’s what really happened:
* 7.8% unemployment in May 1979, the highest rate since Truman;
* Inflation flipped the Phillips Curve, went to 18% in 1979, and stayed above 10% beyond election day 1980;
* The prime rate went to 20% in 1979, and “recovered” to 17% on election day 1980.
rhp pretends that Reagan inherited a glowing recovery. Reality shows that Reagan inherited Carter’s mess. And Carter’s Volcker.
“Reagan backed Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker … in his persistent effort to wring inflation out of the economy by raising interst rates. The immediate result was the 1982 recession. Reagan’s approval ratings sank, the Democrats made modest midterm gains, and Republicans, including Senate leader Howard Baker, joined the political chorus calling for Volcker’s scalp. Reagan, unfazed, defiantly proclaimed, ‘Stay the course.'”
– Via Lou Cannon & Carl Cannon, Reagan’s Disciple, 2008, page 39.
McCain is an idiot – comparing US troops in Iraq on Muslim soil to the troops in south Korea? Only a fool or idiot would consider the two comparable. North Korea (supported by china and Russia) was a threat for decades – where is the threat in Iraq – from within. From the people of Iraq who do NOT support US troops there – compared to the support by South Koreans. The obvious lesson is that we should not have troops in places where the population considers the troops more of a threat than what they are supposedly protecting people from.
that McSame doesn’t understand that – makes him unqualified to be president due to stupidity.
Why are there so many Republican pedophiles? Are they attracted to the Republican Party’s atmosphere of repression – say like stink is attracted to shit?
Oh lookie, someone keeps track of Republican pedos:
We have them here too! Basically bad people can’t be labeled by a political party, personally I think either your a whackjob crazy or “normal”. But then anyone who harms a child is a whackjob same goes for murderers and rapists, but quite a few get off on “insanity”…no SH** they were insane!
Thanks, Hannah. That very short list of Dems (going all the way back to Gary Studds in the early 80’s) really serves to point out that today pedophilia is very much a Republican problem. Why do you think Republicans chose to ignore this issue? Denial?
shrinks &spews:
proud klown leftist on an earlier thread wants me to enroll with a shrink who can prescribe. The problem is that there are shrinks or there are shrinks, batshit psychiatrists like McDermott and red-diaper trust-fund Goldy’s old man, or real men like Krauthammer.
For me Krauthammer will prescribe an emitic or purgative to get the HA out of my system. For proud klown leftists he’ll prescribe cranial liposuction.
But Dr. Krauthammer, alas, has issues: having pronounced Senator Obama A(lmost)DOA last week, yesterday Dr. K said Obama’s got the nomination and wins the election, big time.
Got a good Rx for vertigo?
shrinks &spews:
Thanks for the incomplete freeper list. Will assume that Oregon Gov. Goldschmidt was omitted because his party affiliation (DEMOCRAT!!!) was omitted from most msm accounts of his crime:
Former Oregon Governor Neil Goldschmidt admitted that he had a sexual relationship with a 14-year-old girl nearly 3 decades ago when he was 35 and mayor of Portland. He said he is resigning all his public and private positions to “rebuild my life. According to Oregon laws in effect in 1975, sexual intercourse with a girl under age 16 constituted third-degree rape, a felony punishable by up to FIVE YEARS in prison, but the statute of limitations at that time was three years from the commission of the crime.
FYI, Neil Goldschmidt was a major power broker in Democratic politics in Oregon long after serving as governor. He managed to receive hundreds of thousands of dollars in consulting fees while the actual work done was virtually zip and connected with positions held by his wife. He has pretty much dropped out of sight, but there is little doubt that he still exerts influence in Democratic politics and appointments.
Like say that dnc ad where they use the first half of the sentence of mccains when he said that troops might be in iraq 100 years but omitted the half where he talked about if there were no casualties?
First of all, let me see if I understand your point. If Democrats do it, you don’t believe that merely weakens the Democratic argument where a quote was taken out of context. You’re claiming that this, somehow, validates the conclusion you want to reach by taking other quotes out of context. Is that really the point you’re trying to make?
Second, the whole McCain 100 years flap is beyond amusing. The RNC defense of McCain’s remarks is to accuse Democrats of taking the quote out of context, but their own argument doesn’t restore the full context of McCain’s remarks. Why? Because, if you look at the full context of McCain’s remarks, his entire contention is flat out incoherent.
The result is a, rather delicious for Democrats, Hobson’s choice. Either McCain really does want to keep American troops in Iraq for a very long time (the full context is the Korean Model first floated by Bush), or McCain is so incapable of articulating a coherent position on Iraq that he has absolutely no business being President of the United States.
Don Joespews:
@ 86
Yup. Hillary Clinton’s speech regarding the bill to authorize President Bush to use force. The first paragraph of that speech is:
Today we are asked whether to give the President of the United States authority to use force in Iraq should diplomatic efforts fail to dismantle Saddam Hussein’s chemical and biological weapons and his nuclear program. [Emphasis added.]
Funny how the part about diplomatic efforts is completely absent from the site you posted (and your subsequent quote), yet the entire tenor of the remarks you’ve quoted change dramatically when one attempts to use Sen. Clinton’s remarks to justify how and when we actually chose to go to war in Iraq.
In other words, thank you for proving my point.
Don Joespews:
The Beast writes:
Here’s what really happened:
* 7.8% unemployment in May 1979, the highest rate since Truman;
* Inflation flipped the Phillips Curve, went to 18% in 1979, and stayed above 10% beyond election day 1980;
* The prime rate went to 20% in 1979, and “recovered” to 17% on election day 1980.
rhp pretends that Reagan inherited a glowing recovery. Reality shows that Reagan inherited Carter’s mess. And Carter’s Volcker.
Now, that’s amusing. You deride rhp for his innumeracy (on an issue not germane to the conclusion) and proceed to cite data that actually affirms rhp’s timeline of events. It was, after all, Carter’s Volcker who instituted the monetary policies to get us out of the mess that Nixon (via wage and price controls) and Ford (with his Whip Inflation Now lapel pins–what is it with Republicans and lapel pins?) caused. (Should it be necessary to point out that you’ve offered absolutely no evidence to show how Carter’s policies actually caused the predicament that required Volcker’s drastic measures?)
I also note that you have offered no counter to rhp’s point regarding deficits, and it’s not at all difficult to use google to find a variety of web sites that affirm rhp’s point. The Reagan deficits offered, at best, short-term stimulus, and the crowding-out effect actually inhibited long-term growth.
Really, can’t you do any better to justify the right’s derision of Carter?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@35 Got you where it hurts, did I? Truth always hurts, puddinghead. Sometimes it hurts a lot.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@35 To expand on my theme in #18, Republicans clearly don’t believe in freedom for other people, and they clearly believe in having a free hand to do whatever they want to other people — see, e.g., #33 above. Does that make it more understandable to you, puttybutt?
100: Yeah your bullshit stinks, it doesn’t hurt.
Here is a virtual oxygen tank for ya!
Pelletizer if we don’t support freedom, then we’d be cheer leading the Fairness Doctrine like many Congressional Donkey are…
Golly totallyincorrectneverbright: I have been posting on Albert Gorebasm for a while. Over the last two weeks I have placed some of his pontifications here. Now I placed his TME comments. So totallyincorrectneverbright, can you think? Can you put two + two together?
Gore said those things I listed above from previous PuddyFacts on ethanol. Then from TME he discusses his view of the future. While discussing it at the 15 minute mark or so, the two “A” companies scrool by who are ethanol producers. He wants you totallyincorrectneverbright to invest in them. I bet he makes money for your “investments”.
Man Goldy where did you get this dense as spent uranium poster?
Daddy Lovespews:
Seems weird that no one remembers that the recession that took place in the first year of the Bush presidency was engineered by Alan Greenspan and the Federal Reserve. Between June 1999 and May 2000, the Fed raised interest rates seven times, raising the federal funds rate by 175 basis points to 6.5%. I remember telling my wife at the time that they were going way too far and that this would choke off our historically long economic expansion and slide us into recession. Guess what? It did.
They couldn’t have been trying to engineer a Republican presidency or anything, ya think?
John DOH, you haven’t “schooled” me at all. You made some scurrilous accusations, I caught you on some of them and then you scurry away saying you gave me lessons in argumentation and debate.
Yeah, if you actually debated.
Don distorts economics and rewrites history. He implies that the malignant misery indices of Carter’s wretched years began in 1972 with Nixon’s controls and metasticized with Ford’s WIN pins. It’s like Philip Larkin writing that sex began in 1963, despite some anecdotal evidence it began earlier.
Granted that wage-and-price controls worked as badly for Nixon as they did for FDR’s NIRA. Granted that Ford deserved to lose for WIN and for pig flu too.
The actual fact is that everything and anything can be ‘proven’ when a reckless partisan like you gets to draw the baseline. Why 1972? Why not the period of the JFK-LBJ no-win credit-card war in Vietnam that was fought concurrently with LBJ’s no-win War on Poverty … both bad wars being fought with phantom dollars, the matrix of inflation?
Nixon and Burns, buggering the economy with pandering and pre-’72-election controls, didn’t create the inflation monster they ineptly tried to slay. They inherited the monster from JFK and LBJ.
Carter inherited the residue of that JFK/LBJ/RMN mess, and chaperoned it into our biggest economic crisis since FDR’s double-dip depression of 1937-1938.
Did Carter make his mess ex nihilo? Hell no. Did he make a residual mess worse? Even Tip O’Neill admitted it. Did Carter make a few good moves? Yes: Volcker, deregulation, and a military buildup (after spewing about our ‘inordinate’ fears) that Reagan, to his lasting credit, continued and brought to fruition after taking heat for almost three years of Reagan-Volcker course staying.
Reagan deficits? Crowding out? After the effing 70s? Get a grip, DJ, and use your head, such as it is. Reagan gave us 25 good years (brief exceptions) of solid growth and productivity after “smart” twits like you howled that we’d reached the limits to growth. Clinton got credit for the Reagan Recovery. Reagan didn’t get credit for a spurious Carter recovery.
And now? Again we have an LBJ president paying for a no-win war with a credit card.
Don Joespews:
“I have been posting on Albert Gorebasm for a while.”
Yes, you have. And, in the process, you’ve managed to demonstrate how you completely misapprehend the case for global warming.
I’d explain it to you, but I get the very strong sense that your clue phone isn’t getting a signal. Here’s a hint, though: it has nothing to do with what Al Gore says.
Daddy Lovespews:
Carter inherited the stagflation that was caused by poor US productivity gains (perhaps due to lack of investment under price controls)in the 1970s coupled with the oil shocks of 1973 and 1978.
“They couldn’t have been trying to engineer a Republican presidency or anything, ya think?”
Yes, I think, and no, you don’t. Greenspan, about a full year after the previous election and about one full year before the next election of Y2K, was at long last trying to cushion the fall when the irrational exuberant air went out of the tech bubble. Clinton’s bubble.
And why didn’t those serial rate raises feed into the half-vast right-wing Republican conspiracy? Because the ‘Crat-controlled MSM immediately and repeatedly fed us the line that Bush and Cheney, as candidates and as elected candidates, were “talking down” the economy and pumping up those self-fulfilling prophesies that Don Joe joneses about.
Daddy Lovespews:
I love that Reagan deserves credit for everything good that happened for 25 years after his iniital election. In fact, it was Reagan’s 1982 tax cuts (and not his tax increases in 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, and 198, Bush’s in 1989, or Clinton’s in 19903) that balanced the budget.
Reagan invaded Iraq in 2003, and it’s a damn good thing he did!
He denied ever talking with John Kerry about his leaving the GOP to be Kerry’s ’04 running mate — then later admitted he had, insisting: “Everybody knows that I had a conversation.” He denied admitting that he didn’t know much about economics, even though he’d said exactly that to the Wall Street Journal. And the Boston Globe. And the Baltimore Sun. He denied ever having asked for a budget earmark for Arizona, even though he had. On the record. He denied that he’d ever had a meeting with comely lobbyist Vicki Iseman and her client Lowell Paxon, even though he had. And had admitted it in a legal deposition.
Daddy Love you mean the dropping of the Dow which started Sept 2000? You mean the start of job losses in July 2000?
Since you all claim we are in a recession while the BEA data says the GDP was 0.6 above the line for the last two quarters, I think the same can be said for the third quarter of 2000, the first quarter of 2001, and the third quarter of 2001. Even though it wasn’t consecutive and it was the Clinton budget, it’s Clintons…
Don Joespews:
“Don distorts economics and rewrites history.”
The actual fact is that everything and anything can be ‘proven’ when a reckless partisan like you gets to draw the baseline. Why 1972? Why not the period of the JFK-LBJ no-win credit-card war in Vietnam that was fought concurrently with LBJ’s no-win War on Poverty … both bad wars being fought with phantom dollars, the matrix of inflation?
Except that now you’re going well beyond rhp’s original point, which is to counter the Republican claims that Carter was the worst President ever and that he was responsible for the Economic conditions that plagued his presidency.
Reagan deficits? Crowding out? After the effing 70s? Get a grip, DJ, and use your head, such as it is.
You could do better than make snide remarks about my head, reiterate the claims you’d made earlier and sprinkle in a bit of the post-hoc fallacy. You know, like try to draw on macroeconomic data and prevalent theories of cause and effect?
Or maybe you can’t do better, which, by the way, would actually be the point. You see, if one examines the data, and looks at the relationships between private investment and government debt, it’s not at difficult to reach the conclusion that without Reagan’s deficits economic growth during the 80’s would have been more rapid than it really was.
Or, are going going to posit some kind of causal relationship between the Reagan deficits and the productivity growth in the 80’s?
Reagan have us 25 good years (brief exceptions) of solid growth and productivity after “smart” twits like you howled that we’d reached the limits to growth.
Hm. I guess you are going to posit some kind of causal link between government deficits and productivity growth. Care to outline out that causal chain works for us? Enlighten us, oh “smart” one.
And now? Again we have an LBJ president paying for a no-win war with a credit card.
At last, something on which we can agree. Only, it’s worth noting that the effects today are orders of magnitude more significant than the effects of LBJ’s debacle. And I’m just waiting for wingnuts who going to start blaming the next Democratic President for failing to restore order in a sufficiently rapid manner.
Daddy Lovespews:
Yes, dorkbrain. It started in the early 1970s with the collapse of the Peruvian anchovy fisheries (a major world fertilizer source) and continued globally throughout the decade.
Love Daddyspews:
But I repeat myself.
Reagan gets deserved credit for getting more right than he got wrong. He and Volcker pulled us out of the terminal funk of the 60s and 70s.
Clinton cashed Reagan’s peace dividend and, to Clinton’s credit, didn’t screw up the windfall until he and Greenspan let the tech bubble get out of reach.
And remember this, Rad Dad, Clinton’s first two years with a Democrat congress were an only slightly mitigated Democrat disaster. The achievements of the Clinton-Flynt administration, such as they are, happened after January 1995 with a GOP-Gingrich congress.
Daddy Lovespews:
It wasn’t like Reagan did nothing. Under the cover of his idiotic SDI, he poured billions of government money into massive R&D projects in electtronics that eventually did help pave the way toward the mainstreaming of the computing revolution in the 1990s, once his huge socialist program was privatized by Clinton.
Daddy Lovespews:
Remember how the Democrats balanced the budget without a single Republican vote in 1993, while the Republicans complained AT THAT TIME that such a move would ruin the economy, which then proved them to be liars as it continued to grow ever faster, with unemployment ever lower, and jobs more and more plentiful, into the longest US expansion ever. It sure as HELL wasn’t Gingrich. What did he do?
Love Daddy's Beast Gets the Beatspews:
It’s Republican orthodoxy that deficits crowd out productive growth, ceteris paribus, but ceteris is never paribus. To the extent that Reagan’s deficits crowded out the Evil Empire (and here we get into religion … I believe there was an evil empire, them, not us; and I believe Reagan’s reckless un-Republican deficits crowded out the USSR to the ash heap of history), then it was money or “money” so well spent that even now, after the debacle of Bush, we’re still riding on the fumes of Reagan recovery.
Using Reagan deficits to win the Cold War was as efficient and effective as using FDR deficits to win WWII.
Don Joespews:
And now for something completely different: the reason why voter ID laws suck.
Marvin Stamnspews:
106. Puddybud spews:
John DOH, you haven’t “schooled” me at all. You made some scurrilous accusations, I caught you on some of them and then you scurry away saying you gave me lessons in argumentation and debate.
That’s what lee does on soundpolitics. I wonder if johnny is one of lee’s sockpuppets.
Love Daddy's Beast Gets the Beatspews:
119: Yes, I remember. That’s the mitigating part of the mitigated disaster to which I referred.
Love Daddy's Beast Gets the Beatspews:
121: I got whiplash. Does that mean you just 180’d out of the ozone into the bozone?
Love Daddy's Beast Gets the Beatspews:
Gingrich and Dole derailed the HillaryCare train wreck. But DJ, who clearly overdosed on caffeine during Phil 101, will spew that I’m imputing some kind of post hoc presumption of wreckage to something that (thank God & Gingrich!) never happened.
Love Daddy's Beast Gets the Beatspews:
” … then you scurry away …”
So THAT’S what happened @121.
Love Daddy's Beast Gets the Beatspews:
SDI: Again we’re into metaphysics, since the physics really don’t pencil out.
I believe (just like Goldy believes in the destructive myth of Obamalot Camelot) that SDI pushed Gorbachev to the edge and over. I think the threat of a working SDI kicked the last prop from the Soviet charnel house.
This is worth pondering: there were winners and losers in the Carter 70s. We were on the way down. Many of the best minds of our generation insisted we were down for the count.
The USSR, from hemisphere to hemisphere, was a growth industry going up and up.
What or who ended that long twilight struggle in which we were going down for the very last time? Ronald Reagan, the president, not his son the libtard ballerina.
Marvin Stamnspews:
121. Don Joe spews:
And now for something completely different: the reason why voter ID laws suck.
A true conservative understands that election fraud and voter suppression are commie-fascist, eco-terrorist myths. The real danger that democracy faces is dead Democrats with ballots. Hell, if it wasn’t for the dead Dem vote the Sonics would be playing in a new arena in Seattle next year.
Marvin Stamnspews:
129. Steve spews:
Hell, if it wasn’t for the dead Dem vote the Sonics would be playing in a new arena in Seattle next year.
As a Laker fan, the sonics should have been sold and gotten rid of years ago.
How surprised I was to find out after a google search he was a democrat and this wasn’t his first brush with the law.
@90, One More Timespews:
Our misery du jour is orders of magnitude below the Carter Misery cited @90. Still, as excremental as Carter was and is, he at least had the sense & sensibility or the dumb luck not to start a bad war … conveniently forgetting the passing unpleasantness of Desert One.
Anybody out there want to challenge my dead-of-night dread that Duh-Bya has abstracted the worst failures & failings of every failed president of the last 100 years?
At the mere minimum, Bush’s deficit war will never get the closure over there or over here that LBJ’s deficit war finally got. We were able to walk away or crawl away from Vietnam and not look back. No such luck with Iraq.
Jane's Dog's Addictionspews:
Speaking of Dead Dem voters, don’t forget faithful dog Buddy.
And that means what to your wing-nut pedo denial issues? Anyways, I’m thinking it’s the repressive atmosphere within the Gooper party that attracts all the pervs.
Jane's Dog's Addictionspews:
@120, the Revised Standard Version: “It’s Republican orthodoxy” should be “It WAS Republican orthodoxy that deficits crowd out productive growth.”
That orthodoxy died with Eisenhower. Just as tax cuts for the rich began with rich JFK.
Jane's Dog's Addictionspews:
Which way did he go? Which way did he go? Has anybody seen by old bud Don Joe? Can anybody tell me where he’s gone?
Marvin Stamnspews:
4 articles and not one of them mentions his political party. That only means one thing, he’s a democrat.
It must make all you 16%ers proud that it was a democrat.
Speaking of football, how did your Rams do in the draft?
Ohhhh, you poor conservatives. Don’t worry about the “dead dems” voting. They simply won’t be needed this year.
You guys are getting the 2nd half of your firing from the American public. You and your party’s “ideas” have been thoroughly sold to the public hook line and sinker. Now, there is so much buyer’s remorse that even a segment of your own core base thinks this president is/has done a lousy job.
They also think Republicans have done a crappy job of handling the economy.
As Donald Trump says: “You’re fired!!“
Marvin Stamnspews:
138. Steve spews:
My Favorite Marvin@130,
Speaking of football, how did your Rams do in the draft?
Not a football fan. Didn’t we kick the rams out of los angeles a decade or so ago?
I fondly remember those years of the glove and the babymaker, oops, the rainmaker being spanked routinely by Nick the quick and the lake show. :)
Sux 2 B Usspews:
“(E)ven a segment of your own core base thinks this president is/has done a lousy job …”
A rude crude pol, Lyndon Johnson, said any pol with a pulse could count on at least 40% approval, the last ditch of his diehard partisans, unless he got caught with a dead girl or live boy.
Which sort of brings us back to previous posts about pervs.
That explains why Dems found with live girls has so little media traction. That has to bother Goopers to no end, what with their fancy for farm animals and live boys.
You worry me, Steve. You’re stuck in a rut in a very dark place. MoveOn before it’s too late.
“Why is John McCain always telling us that he didn’t say things that he did say?”
McCain worries me, too. Rabbit was annoyed that I didn’t follow (like Hansel following bread crumbs) his projectile pellets to the harmonic convergence of Hillary and McCain pre-policy on (bomb bomb bomb) Iran, but aside from the bomb-bomb-bomb bad joke, McCain doesn’t have a pre-policy on Iran. Unless Holy Joe Lieberman knows what it is and isn’t telling.
McCain’s chronic Shia-Sunni confusion suggests there’s no trail to follow.
Ergo, gas-tax holiday is all they’ve got in common. That and $100,000,000.00.
Don Joespews:
John DOH, you haven’t “schooled” me at all.
Well, some people refuse to learn regardless of the quality of the education being offered.
You made some scurrilous accusations, I caught you on some of them and then you scurry away saying you gave me lessons in argumentation and debate.
Bullshit. You couldn’t respond to the argument, so you conjured up some twisted logic wherein I supposedly attributed statements to you that you never made.
But, hey, if believing all that allows you to deal with the cognitive dissonance, then, by all means believe what you need to believe in order to keep your head from exploding. Everyone here knows full well that the Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry will press on inexorably, immune to all manner of sound reasoning and facts to the contrary. We’ve seen that over and over again.
Don Joespews:
And now for more of the same old: the reason why we need voter ID laws
Dead people voting in washington.
And dead people contributing to political campaigns.
Voter ID laws won’t stop dead people from contributing to political campaigns, and would not have stopped the dead people from voting in 2006. In the latter case, they were mail-in ballots.
Now, if you can find evidence of dead people actually showing up at polling places, you might have a case for voter ID laws, though, frankly, I think most election workers can tell whether or not a voter is dead.
AUH2O, you needn’t worry about me. Might I suggest that your time might be better spent fretting about 90 year-old nuns-in-wheelchairs destroying democracy or maybe the shenanigans of jack-booted stormwater stormtroopers?
Hey, what happened to the lights??
Marvin Stamnspews:
142. Steve spews:
That explains why Dems found with live girls has so little media traction. That has to bother Goopers to no end, what with their fancy for farm animals and live boys.
And this has to do with the rams or the sonics because???
@146 Conflated and Convoluted Logic for the Count of Conflated Convolution.
If your “cogent” argument was valid… Or since you al;ready had a preconceived answer to your “question” anything otherwise is rejected outright. That’s why you are a 16%er.
Don Joespews:
@ 150
You’re flat out babbling. Again.
“If your “cogent” argument was valid…”
If my cogent argument was invalid, you’d be able to point to a flaw in my logic or an assumption I’ve made that’s not valid vis-a-vis the conclusions being drawn. All you’ve done is complain that I’ve attributed a statement to you that you did not make.
And, even that complaint rings false. Are you honestly claiming that, when you asked about Democrats blocking domestic oil exploration, you did not believe that there are sufficient quantities of oil to be found as to provide a long-term solution the supply problem? If you don’t believe there are sufficient quantities, then why even ask the question in the first place?
Blue Johnspews:
4 articles and not one of them mentions his political party. That only means one thing, he’s a democrat.
I was shocked to find that OK even HAD democrats. This is state that passed a law that negates adoptions by same sex couples.
But according to the country records, everyone in the county is a democrat.
Custer County
County Seat: Arapaho
Court Clerk – Connie S. Burden, D, Clinton
Clerk – Karen L. Fry, D, Clinton
Sheriff – Mike Burgess, D, Clinton
Treasurer – Karen Klein Clanton, D, Clinton
Assessor – Debbie Collins, D, Butler
Election Board Secretary – Narci K. Smith, D, Butler
District 1 – J.M. Kelley, D, Clinton
District 2 – Steve Tompkins, D, Weatherford
District 3 – Darrell Dupree, D, Butler
For additional county information: (580) 323-4420
I’m not sure what the clinton stands for, Maybe they are Clinton Democrats so bjs are ok.
Prediction: The Myanmar death toll will go from 15,000, to 20,000 by Friday.
Oh, and I don’t believe a word of any of these etimates. Don’t believe the current 15,000 number, at all. I wanna see bodies. I bet it’s somewhere below 5,000. It’s hype to get $$$.
And now watch the private U.S. aid agencies go into high gear, trying to make a buck off this.
HAHAHA, I think I belong to that union.
Here is something to think about.
PuddyFact #359: http: //planetgore. ?q=NDUwMjNiZGFiMzViZmFkMGFkNzRhY2Y0Nzc5ZDRlNjE=
You know what I haven’t heard or read about in a couple weeks?
“The Responsible Plan”
Ever heard of this conference?
PuddyFact #360:
Gore admits a whole bunch of stuff. HAs clueless idiot made me go back and reresearch this. Thanks clueless idiot, I enjoy making an ASS of you again. – Pendejo.
But HAs clueless idiot said I was crazy cause I was dwelling on a Gore vote from 1994 that has changed the course of history. Well it’s a known fact HAs clueless idiot is a certified moron and this proves it.
Pay attention at the 15:00 mark 16%ers
“There are a lot of great investments you can make. If you are investing in tar sands, or shale oil, then you have a portfolio that is crammed with sub-prime carbon assets. And it is based on an old model. Junkies find veins in their toes when the ones in their arms and their legs collapse. Developing tar sands and coal shale is the equivalent. Here are just a few of the investments I personally think make sense. I have a stake in these so I’ll have a disclaimer there. But geo-thermal concentrating solar, advanced photovoltaics, efficiency, and conservation.”
Biofuels – Amyris (biofuels) & Altra (biofuels) are part of his investments. And robbing the poor of foods.
5 – Go home Stupes – it’s safe. He’s for torture. He’ll keep cutting the taxes of the rich right wing pricks you suck up to. He’ll keep putting boots on the ground.
And right on cue, he and the others that will follow him, the ones with the letter “R” next to their names – will do the corn dance in Iowa every 4 to eight years.
Why do democrats care if republicans get tax cuts??? Oh, class envy. Nevmind. roof roof
Once again a Level 3 sex offender released with no notification to city police and neighbors! So it’s ok for him to be homeless in Everett but not Oak Harbor, because the rape occured in Oak Harbor? So living in Everett reduces the risk of re-offending? How many times must we find out about sex offenders being released through the media????
Tax cuts are worth it just for the fact that money will not go to more failing liberal social programs. Nothing the democrats create works. Their crown jewel (social security) is nothing more than an intergenerational ponzi scheme.
@1 If you do see bodies, look for bullet holes. Probably at least half of them were killed by the military regime. Nobody could hear the guns going off over the howling winds. Which is the idea. I understand the Buddhists have a lot of monk vacancies to fill now.
@3 Somehow “Puddybud” and “think” don’t go together. It doesn’t fit. It’s like trying to say “Dallas Cheesesteak.”
@4 That’s because this week’s headlines were dominated by the Bushies’ fantasy plan of building American-style shopping malls in downtown Baghdad. With your money, of course. But go ahead and vote for the neocons, Wingnut Hannah. We know you did the last time and will again. You do come across as the self-hating type.
@7 Because we pay for it through Bush’s Inflation Tax. (Inflation is a tax, you know. It sure as hell isn’t an accident, or an act of God.) Now go to your vet and get yourself euthanized like I told you to.
Hey if inflation was a religion then Carter would be its god. Just a thought. roof roof.
@8 The state has to release them after they’ve served their sentence, Hannah. That’s because of this thing we have in America called “law.” It’s very fortunate the governor was on top of this and intervened to prevent his release into the community of Oak Harbor. There seems to have been a bureaucratic delay in making the public announcement in Everett, but I’m sure the police knew where he was, and if they’re doing their job the paperwork snafu didn’t keep them from keeping an eye on him.
@14 Actually that would be Nixon’s and Ford’s inflation. Remember Ford’s silly “Whip Inflation Now” program? It was typical Republican fare: Workers were supposed to refrain from asking for COLAs, but businesses were free to raise prices.
@ 15 Roger – The police did not even know he was released in their city!!! So no, they had no idea where he was as they didn’t even know he was there!
“Everett police learned of Summiel’s release in the area from KIRO 7 Eyewitness News reporter Gary Horcher, who first reported on Summiel’s planned move to Everett last week”
Roger Rabbit’s Thought For The Day
When Republicans extol “freedom” they’re talking about stealing without being prosecuted for it.
@17 I’m glad I don’t live in a city with such inefficient police.
@19 – They weren’t being insufficient…they were NOT TOLD by DOC!
And BY LAW, no neighbors were informed…so it’s ok to break the LAW?
@21 Washington law requires sex offenders to register with the local police within 24 hours, so why didn’t they know? If the former inmate didn’t comply with this, they can arrest him and send him back, so there’s no problem.
Why do democrats blame Nixon for something that happened six years after he left office but yet blame Bush for a recession that was clearly started in the Clinton administration???? Well I guess you can’t blame them. If you have as many failures as the dems have you would be passing the buck too. roof roof.
Gov. Gregoire and the Democratic legislature care about protecting our communites, and while Republicans fiddled around grandstanding and demagoguing the issue, the Democrats strengthened Washington’s sex offender laws. In 2006, the governor and Legislature enacted “five bills that changed the sex and kidnapping offender registration requirements. Listed below is a summary of these changes …
“1. House Bill 2409 … [a]mending RCW 9A.44.130 … [r]equires sex and kidnapping offenders to provide their ‘complete residential’ addresses when registering. Decreases the time within which sex and kidnapping offenders coming from another state or returning Washington residents must register from 30 days to 3 business days. Requires written notices sent to the county sheriff(s) when a sex or kidnapping offender moves or becomes homeless to be signed by the offender. Clarifies that any knowing non-compliance with the registration statute is a crime.
“2. Substitute Senate Bill 6144 … [a]mending RCW 9A.44.130 … [d]ecreases the time within which sex and kidnapping offenders coming from another state or returning Washington residents must register from 30 days to 3 business days. (This change is identical to that in HB 2409, above.) Applies to sex offenders whose offenses were committed before, on, or after February 28, 1990. Applies to kidnapping offenders whose offenses were committed before, on, or after July 27, 1997.
“3. Second Substitute Senate Bill 6172 … [a]mending several sections including, RCW 9.68A.070 and RCW 9.94A.030(41)(a)(iii) … [c]hanges possession of depiction of a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct from a class C felony to a class B felony. Defines the crime as a ‘sex offense,’ thus, requiring offenders convicted of this offense to register as sex offenders.
“4. Second Substitute Senate Bill 6319 … [a]mending RCW 9A.44.130 … [m]akes it a crime to knowingly fail to comply with any of the requirements of RCW 9A.44.130.
“5. Substitute Senate Bill 6519 … [a]mending RCW 9A.44.130[.] All offenders who have a fixed residence and who are designated as a risk level II and risk level III must report, in person, during normal business hours, every ninety days to the sheriff of the county where registered. Reporting shall be on a day specified by the county sheriff’s office. An offender who complies with the ninety-day reporting requirement with no violations for a period of at least five years in the community may petition the superior court to be relieved of the duty to report every ninety days. Failure to report as specified is a violation of the statute. Also allows a registered sex or kidnapping offender’s photograph to be taken at anytime to update their file. …
” … Substitute Senate Bill 6519[.] A person who is required to register as a sex offender must provide the name and address of the public or private school (elementary, middle or high school) he or she is attending, or planning to attend, to the county sheriff when he or she is registering. The sheriff is then required to promptly notify the school of the person’s intent to attend the school. The school principal who receives notice of a student who is registered as a level II or III sex offender … is required to further disclose the information to all teachers of the student, and those who the principal determines … need to know for security purposes. … ”
It’s back to square one with the WingNutz. It’s cyclical.
They’re trying to crucify humanity on a cross of gold. I wonder if there are any ‘PuddyFacts’ out there that explain why the WaxMan (the most whacked out game in town) will have to Google that historical reference.
He’ll probably Google the word ‘cyclical’.
@23 Because it didn’t happen 6 years after Nixon left office, Lying Dog. Remember Nixon’s price controls? Remember the toilet paper shortage while Nixon was president? Maybe you don’t, but I do. This is why dogs should be euthanized. They’re too stupid to live, let alone vote.
P.S., in case you don’t get the connection between Nixon’s price controls and the toilet paper shortage (and I don’t expect a stupid dog to get it), here’s what happened. Nixon ordered toilet paper manufacturers to sell their product at less than cost, so they quit making it. So, for several years, nobody in America could take a shit. Then, when Reagan got elected, the shit came all at once, like the monkey pulling the cork out of the elephant’s ass in the joke.
@25 No, they’re trying to crucify humanity on a cross of credit, but the principle’s the same. And, of course, Republicans are the authors of the credit crisis now engulfing America’s middle class. For an excellent book on the subject, see James Scurlock’s “Maxed Out,” either at your local library (free) or ($10.36, free shipping available). Scurlock, btw, is a Seattle author.
I notice how dogs, and other wingnuts, have a habit of forgetting previous answers and keep asking the same questions over and over again. Do you think there might be a connection between their inability to respond to proper instruction and their propensity to blame their teachers for their own ignorance and stupidity?
@29 They’re probably bots. Hard to tell whether they came from an underground government lab or another planet.
After Republicans have taken everything else from us, they’ll crucify us on a cross of toilet paper.
@ 30 There are bandwidth problems with the “other planet” theory.
By the way, have you noticed a pattern regarding PuddyFacts? They never convey all the relevant facts, and they’re always posted absent any cogent analysis or argument. I think the official HorsesAss name for them should be the Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry.
Why Does Dave Reichert Want To Blow Up Workers?
The fishwrapper reports:
“By a vote of 247-165, the House on Wednesday passed a bill (HR 5522) directing the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to adopt rules for controlling combustible dust at factories. The regulations would pre-empt any state rules that do less to protect workers from dust explosions and fires. …
“Voting yes: Jay Inslee, D-1; Rick Larsen, D-2; Brian Baird, D-3; Jim McDermott, D-7; Adam Smith, D-9.
“Voting no: Doc Hastings, R-4; Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R-5; Dave Reichert, R-8. …
“By a vote of 178-237, the House on Wednesday refused to delay action on new federal dust regulations until after completion of an ongoing government probe into causes of an explosion Feb. 7 at the Imperial Sugar refinery near Savannah, Ga., that killed 13 workers. …
“Voting yes: Hastings, McMorris Rodgers, Reichert.
“Voting no: Inslee, Larsen, Baird, Dicks, McDermott, Smith.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete article and/or copyright info see http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....all04.html
Roger Rabbit Commentary: To answer my own question, probably because Republicans value profit above human life. To them, workers are expendable commodities like pencils or paper towels, not human beings with wives and kids and dogs. Republicans like to keep things simple; if a batch of workers get blown up, HR merely calls the paper to place an ad for more workers in the “help wanted” classifieds.
Yesterday, when CNN’s headline claimed Mynamar’s death toll was 15,000, I predicted in post #1 of this thread that it would go to 20,000 by Friday. Already, this morning, CNN says the toll is it’s up to 22,000.
I still don’t believe it. I believe it’s a lie to get foreign aid. I now predict by Friday the manufactured number will be 30,000.
When Roger Rabbit makes a reference to anything as in #18 other than Sound Transit or Law, you can bet your top and bottom dollar it’s probably Pelletizer conjecture and most definitely bullshit.
Troll, Myanmar is not accepting any foreign aid yet. If they did then people would see the what a real dictatorship is and realize we don’t live in one here.
Oh no… another 16%er myth would be destroyed…
“Tennis coach’s killer not guilty by reason of insanity.” From today’s Seattle Times.
This kind of verdict is one reason I truly detest a certain kind of liberal. The black killer had said in the past he wanted to kill a white person or police officer. He got his wish and killed white man, and was found not guilty. I blame the liberal mentality.
@25: What are you babbling about 24×7?
Pelletizer@28: Did you put a gun to people’s heads and tell them to buy products they can’t pay for by cash? I didn’t. So any credit crunch is due to people overspending and not paying the “piper”. It’s like people who bought homes using ARMs whne they damn well knew they couldn’t afford them. Then when they foreclose on the house due to non-payment it’s my fault? I don’t think so…
They are not “accepting” foreign aid because none is being sent without verification, which they will not allow.
John Doe@29: Try and think of something original!
Let me repeat PuddyFact #100: 16%ers have the memory capacity of 24 hours, some even less. This is expressed here over and over when I have to place link after link of the same topic here.
Since John Doe Facts are missing in action, you have nothing in your “quiver” to return “fire”.
Again: Veni Vidi Vici
Thanks for playing…
John Doe is upset PuddyFacts are devoid of lefty swill. Hence, he can’t comprehend the facts and its upsets his psyche. Can you say “Dense as Spent Uranium”? At least Pelletizer can use his oxygen deprivation as an excuse. John Doe has no excuse (maybe stupidity).
34 Troll
Bush has committed to sending a big $250,000 to Myanmar. I’m sure the families of the dead and those without food or shelter will appreciate that. Maybe if they claim that 100,000 died there he’d send $251,000.
Of course Puddy”Facts” are “devoid of lefty swill.” They are 100% Republican talking points.
US-backed proxies in Iraq are committing so-called “incursions,” bombings, and other acts of terrorism against Iran.
Who are the “terrorists” in Iraq? Why, among tohers, it’s US.
US-backed proxies in Iraq are committing so-called “incursions,” bombings, and other acts of terrorism against Iran.
Who are the “terrorists” in Iraq? It’s a crowded field, and you have to count the US-and-Iranian-backed government’s Shiite death squads known as the “security forces,” but among others, it’s US.
Correction, I believe the new fake Myanmar death toll number will be 50,000 by Friday.
Wow, I’ve warranted a three-in-a-row commentary of the Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry all directed at little old me. It just warms the cockles of my heart.
That Puddy thinks my facts are “missing in action” is likely due to his inability to read.
Oh, and let’s not forget my most recent deconstruction of the Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry. Note the absence of any Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry rebuttal there.
John Doe: Deconstruction? I answered your puny ANWR argument. No one is saying we pump it at the going rate. Find that in JohnDOHFacts!
Also you claimed I copied two comments from Marvin. So I missed his three words. Regarding the other comment you project he said one thing and then you cover it up with references to Marvin. Search “Are you saying Donkey can’t think for themselves?”
Marvin didn’t say it at all. He asked you if the Donkey parroted the comments of Bush. For them to parrot the comments of Bush means they had to think: “Do I use this “evidence” or will the American people think I’m a wimp?” “Well Clinton siad it in 1998 so maybe I should too”. So so much for your “deconstruction” efforts.
Waaaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa
Again for the fourth time: Veni Vidi Vici
Thanks for playing…
Daddy NAMBLA Love@45: Good Try. Since I usually find my stuff on the liberal MSM sites, keep hope alive.
@48: Puddy has NO facts – he just gets his false “excuses” from right wing web sites. then he berates anyone who disagrees with him – it is useless to argue with Puddy because he won’t admit when he is wrong and will just change the topic.
Just remember – despite all the verbiage from Puddy – he basically supports the unnessary war, the corruption of the republicans and their implicit racism.
And the quote from #5 above – gore is right on 14 years ago and doesn’t even mention what Puddy is trying making a point of…ethanol. Once again Puddy proves himself wrong and doesn’t even realize it. Read the quote – poor Puddy refutes himself. hahahahaha – he can’t even figure out the difference between renewable resourses and fossil fuels and carbon based global warming – that he claims doesn’t happen anyways. Sad.
Also Jonh Doe: When I am attacking the 16%er Donkey here I usually skip over my side because there are few of us (18) and many of you (over 62). So I jump all over lefty crap immediately.
JBD: Get your facts and timeline straight. Carter didn’t become President six years after the Nixon/Ford administrations. In terms of economic policy, the Nixon and Ford administrations were the same. Nixon experimented with wage and price controls (union wages controlled, prices – not so much). Nixon took office Jan. 1969, Ford in August 1974, (where his policy was that everyone was to wear the silly “Whip Inflation Now” buttons). Carter took office one and a half years later, in Jan. 1977.
I remember driving from school to work on a rainy evening in Jan. 1975, hearing an economist on the radio saying that with existing economic policies, the only way inflation was going to be ended was with the Federal Reserve slamming on the economic brakes with double-digit discount (interest) rates, and an inflation which lasted 1-1/2 to two years. But he didn’t think it was politically possible, as no President wanted to be saddled with such an inflation, and he would be drummed out of office pretty quickly therafter.
Of course, that is exactly what occured during the Carter administration, despite Republican propoganda otherwise. Reagan just got the windfall of being able to use the economy + Iran to win the election, and then take the credit for the recovery.
Yea, I know Republicans don’t agree with that analysis. It is contrary to several decades of their party line, claiming that Carter and the Democratic Congress’ excessive spending caused the economic problems, and Reagan’s tax cuts solved everything. But that’s baloney. By the last fiscal budget Carter & O’Neal enacted, domestic spending was cut so tight that people attending White House breakfast meetings had to pay for their meals. The first thing the Republicans did when they took over the White House was to order housekeeping to clean the offices daily, because under Carter’s budget it was reduced to once a week in order to save money (staff was expected to pick up after themselves).
If Carter’s economic policies had remained in effect, combined with the Fed action to cure inflation, then we would have seen a similar economic recovery in the last half of Carter’s second term, but the budget deficit would have been cut in half, instead of trebled as it was under the Reagan administration. If the next president had continued those economic policies, we would have seen a balanced budget by the end of 1988, rather than in the year 2000 as happened after eight years of the Clinton administration.
As for the current Bush administration, he inherited a balanced budget. Everybody expected growth rates to slow, but saying he inherited a “rescession” is an exaggeration. I’ll give him a pass on the late 2001 & early 2002 economic problems due to 9/11, but the current problems are entirely created by his own policies (war in Iraq, wastefull spending through no-bid contracts, record budget deficits, lax government oversight of financial markets, encouraging corporate overseas out-sourcing, etc.).
Incorrectnotright Gore doesn’t make mention of ethanol? In 1994 he cast the tie-breaking vote in the Senate that stopped a cut in ethanol subsidies. Yet these facts elude your simple single celled organism called a mind. Naturally he isn’t gonna mention it when so many people are saying corn-based ethanol is causing food shortages.
Incorrectnotright you are a global warming moron. I hope the starving people don’t find out who you are…
@ 49
Ah, yes. The Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry response in it’s totality:
Are the 15 minutes up? Sure you don’t want to go back and edit that?
rhp6033: Please show us real economists who support your position. Why not use Jamie Galbraith for starters? Does he support your position? How about his father the late John Kenneth?
Yes John Doe, please show me where I said “Pump ANWR at our existing use rate” or anything close…
One more thing for incorrectneverbright: In 1999 Albert Gorebasm called ethanol “environmentally friendly” when boasting of the Clinton/Gore administration’s plans to triple its use by 2010.
@ 52
Riiiiight. Compare this to this.
Can you say “busted”? Yes, you can.
Now, I’m sure Puddy or somebody else is going to try to argue with me about # 53. But I don’t have any more time today, I’ve got a lot of “producing” to do before I’m out of town for a week. So go ahead if you want, but don’t expect a response from me, I won’t be looking at the responses.
While you are at it John DOH, show me where I copied Marvin’s “Are you saying Donkey can’t think for themselves?” comment.
See, Puddy responds before I even have a chance to finish my post. But I don’t have time to educate you, Puddy, I’m off helping my country offset the balance of trade deficit. See you next week!
Wow really good John DOH. Except I AM PUDDYBUD not PUDDY MAC. Ask Stefan Sharkansky when is the last time Puddybud posted on Sound Politics MORON!
Ummm rhp6033: You finished your post above. I’ll wait for the economists who say Carter was an econimic genius or anything close…
@ 64
The issue isn’t whether or not you post at uSP. Rather, the question is the substance of what you post over at uSP.
As such, I didn’t search for “Puddy Mac”. I simply searched for “Puddy”, which ought to have given us the number of people who respond to your comments over there. Seems like it’s not a great deal, which would mean that you don’t voice a lot of criticisms of Republicans.
Course, I could have done this and waded through the entire Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry, but I preferred to use a search criteria that would provide a more direct answer to the question.
Wow John DOH: 2005 huh? And you all complain when I go back into the archives to deliver Donkey quotes?
So let me ask your simple mind, how can anyone respond to posts I DON’T MAKE ON THE SITE?
When you figger that out we’ll converse some more.
Again for the fifth time: Veni Vidi Vici
Thanks for playing…
@ 61
The issue was Marvin’s use of the phrase “one must assume”. The “Donkey can’t think for themselves” thing was something you interjected into the discussion when you failed to notice that Marvin had been the first to use the phrase “one must assume” regarding a germane question of fact.
That there is any connection at all between Marvin begging the question and the capacity of liberals to engage in independent thought is a case you haven’t even tried to make. It certainly isn’t obvious, particularly given that it was a liberal who spotted the fact that Marvin was begging the question.
What happened to incorrectneverbright?
Did Albert Gorebasm say those things in the 90s? Since you “disappeared” he must have.
So much for disagreeing with PuddyFacts. Need to see those URLs again. Or better yet Search Gore Ethanol Senate Vote or Gore Ethanol
For the first time for notbright: Veni Vidi Vici
Thanks for playing…
No no no John DOH. You can’t change the topic. You brought up thread 4793 and I asked about both sentences. You decided to parse the first and ignore the second while you attacked both. Anyone can read thread 4793
John DOH still waiting for the ANWR pump it out at going rates comment!
You’re really having difficulty following the line of reasoning here. So, let me spell it out. You claimed that you don’t trash Republicans here, because there really is no need to do so in a site that’s populated with so many liberals. The clear implication of that claim is that you believe Republicans are as culpable, if not more so, than Democrats for the current state in which this country finds itself.
However, if you really do believe that Republicans are as culpable, if not more so, than Democrats, then why don’t you spend any time trashing Republicans where it might just do some good?
So, when you said, “When I am attacking the 16%er Donkey here I usually skip over my side because there are few of us (18) and many of you (over 62),” that statement was a flat out lie. The reason you skip over your side is because you’re nothing more than a partisan hack. End of story.
@ 69
“You decided to parse the first and ignore the second while you attacked both.”
I attacked both, because the second statement of yours was based on the premise that I had made the first statement. Basic logic: false premise == false conclusion. (Edit: for the pedants out there, the complete logical principle is that a false premise cannot imply truth–meaning that if one shows the premise to be false, the conclusion is not compelling.)
@ 70
“John DOH still waiting for the ANWR pump it out at going rates comment!”
Show me where I attributed that idea to you.
Puddy ~ 3 years ago, have your views changed over the past 3 years? I am guessing so, as you support Obama. Actually for me, talking to people out and about, I have to say just over the past 3 months (yes not years) even my views are beginning to change. I think I may be clearing the fog.
Here’s a story about Protective Orders, like they just don’t do a damn bit of good.
John DOH you attacked both then dropped the second because there is no proof. You are right: false premise == false conclusion. Marvin never said the second line and now you admit it.
As to your second point post #48 above: “Oh, and let’s not forget my most recent deconstruction of the Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry. Note the absence of any Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry rebuttal there.”
Again for the sixth time: Veni Vidi Vici
Thanks for playing…
It’s funny how much these 16%ers will defend their democrats. Videos of them parroting bush, links to their own websites and the best the 16%ers can say is it was taken out of context without one iota of proof.
I gotta give those elected democrats credit, they sure mindfucked their minions into obedience. The 16%ers have lost the ability to speak truth to power.
@75 _ I have to agree with one of your points here “16%ers can say is it was taken out of context”
But seems alot of these same people like to take a republicans comments out of context and that’s ok for them! It’s a do as I say, not as I do mentality.
Good point.
But the “do as I say not as I do” is part of the democrat mentality.
Old news, but consider the homes of the man that cares about the planet al gore and the man the 16%ers says hates the planet bush.
“Marvin never said the second line and now you admit it.”
I never said he did. Not sure what your undies are in a bundle about.
Also, you’re forgetting the part where you couldn’t find the comment in which Marvin said “one must assume.”
“As to your second point post #48 above”
My post @ 48 above was posted at 7:54 AM. Your “rebuttal” (if you can call the incoherent babble you posted a “rebuttal”) was posted at 8:04 AM. The statement I posted @ 48 was true at the time I posted it. In fact, it was just just long enough for you to have seen my post at 48 and quick tapped in the incoherent babble that you posted at 8:04 am in a lame attempt to turn me into a liar.
Funny, but the proof is on the website to which you linked. Of course, one has to follow the links that are there rather than simply looking at the videos.
Nevertheless, the entire web site is proof positive that the only way wingnuts can even approach winning an argument is if they leave out pertinent facts.
Come to think of it, that’s exactly what the Bush Administration did in the rush to war. So, I guess that means Puddy and Marvin are exemplary Republicans.
The only times I’ve ever taken someone’s comments out of context were for the sake of sarcasm. Show me where I’ve ever taken someone’s comments out of context for the sake of making a serious point.
John DOH: If you could read, I commented on the first one much earlier.
So I guess you’re losing your reading skillz?
Good try parsing #2. You claimed deconstruction. So in your claim, you claimed I was discussing ANWR at a high use rate.
Again for the seventh time: Veni Vidi Vici
Thanks for playing…
See ya. Gotta go be a producer…
#80: If we did you’d claim sarcasm.
It’s a lose-lose situation.
Again for the eighth time: Veni Vidi Vici
Thanks for playing…
I presume you’re talking about “one must assume.” Your first reference to that phrase was here, which is the comment wherein you implied that I had been the one to use that phrase.
Looks like the issue isn’t my ability to read, but your inability to remember what you’d said.
No. I merely claimed that you were referring to ANWR. Of course, since you didn’t mention it directly, I might have been wrong. On the other hand, your lack of specificity isn’t my fault.
What I did in the “deconstruction” was to make an assumption that was most favorable to the conclusion you wanted to reach, and showed that, even with that assumption, your conclusion isn’t supported. That’s a common rhetorical technique, though I have to confess that I’m not at all surprised that I need to explain common rhetorical techniques to you.
That will have to conclude my lessons in argumentation and debate. If you want any more lessons, at least for today, you’re going to have to pay me for them.
Don Joe and Puddy ~ as Butters on SouthPark would say “you are making my brain hurt”
I feel like I am reading in cirles!
What about democrats in general, do they take comments out of context?
Like say that dnc ad where they use the first half of the sentence of mccains when he said that troops might be in iraq 100 years but omitted the half where he talked about if there were no casualties?
Does that make the dnc wingnuts?
One of the first quotes-
In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members, though there is apparently no evidence of his involvement in the terrible events of September 11, 2001.
It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons. Should he succeed in that endeavor, he could alter the political and security landscape of the Middle East, which as we know all too well affects American security.
And the next paragraph that wasn’t quoted on that “wingnut” site-
Now this much is undisputed. The open questions are: what should we do about it? How, when, and with whom?
from Clinton’s “Wingnut” website
I followed the link to clintons senate dot gov website. Do you think those words were put there by some wingnut hackers? Or maybe the vast right wing conspiracy that made up the rumors about BJ and monica hacked the website? Or maybe it was larry craig foot tapping those words into html?
Are any of you liberals sorry for letting that murdering piece of garbage racist go free for killing that eastside high school tennis coach?
Mr. Cynical’s irrelevant prediction:
Despite what the polls say, I predict Clinton will win Indiana by as much or more of a spread than Obama wins NC.
I have been known to be a bit off on my political predictions.
Anyone agree with me about the primaries?
(I know a lot of you agree that I am a bit off)
Poor Puddy: Your quote to disprove Gore did not mention ethanol – also, ethanol can be made from many other sources besides food – so much for your pathetic arguments again – maybe you should look up the actual science before blathering.
rhp uses the same accountant as Roger ‘Accounting Error’ Rabbit. Carter’s 1977 inauguration was not 1 1/2 years after Ford’s August 1974 usurpation of office. rhp will assert, below, that his innumeracy isn’t innumeracy … it’s a problem of borders, margins, and rabbit-scrofula scaling.
Even worse is rhp’s risible rap that Reagan got elected and got the agitprop windfall for Carter’s recovery from Carter’s depression.
Here’s what really happened:
* 7.8% unemployment in May 1979, the highest rate since Truman;
* Inflation flipped the Phillips Curve, went to 18% in 1979, and stayed above 10% beyond election day 1980;
* The prime rate went to 20% in 1979, and “recovered” to 17% on election day 1980.
rhp pretends that Reagan inherited a glowing recovery. Reality shows that Reagan inherited Carter’s mess. And Carter’s Volcker.
– Via Lou Cannon & Carl Cannon, Reagan’s Disciple, 2008, page 39.
McCain is an idiot – comparing US troops in Iraq on Muslim soil to the troops in south Korea? Only a fool or idiot would consider the two comparable. North Korea (supported by china and Russia) was a threat for decades – where is the threat in Iraq – from within. From the people of Iraq who do NOT support US troops there – compared to the support by South Koreans. The obvious lesson is that we should not have troops in places where the population considers the troops more of a threat than what they are supposedly protecting people from.
that McSame doesn’t understand that – makes him unqualified to be president due to stupidity.
Why are there so many Republican pedophiles? Are they attracted to the Republican Party’s atmosphere of repression – say like stink is attracted to shit?
Oh lookie, someone keeps track of Republican pedos:
We have them here too! Basically bad people can’t be labeled by a political party, personally I think either your a whackjob crazy or “normal”. But then anyone who harms a child is a whackjob same goes for murderers and rapists, but quite a few get off on “insanity”…no SH** they were insane!
Thanks, Hannah. That very short list of Dems (going all the way back to Gary Studds in the early 80’s) really serves to point out that today pedophilia is very much a Republican problem. Why do you think Republicans chose to ignore this issue? Denial?
proud klown leftist on an earlier thread wants me to enroll with a shrink who can prescribe. The problem is that there are shrinks or there are shrinks, batshit psychiatrists like McDermott and red-diaper trust-fund Goldy’s old man, or real men like Krauthammer.
For me Krauthammer will prescribe an emitic or purgative to get the HA out of my system. For proud klown leftists he’ll prescribe cranial liposuction.
But Dr. Krauthammer, alas, has issues: having pronounced Senator Obama A(lmost)DOA last week, yesterday Dr. K said Obama’s got the nomination and wins the election, big time.
Got a good Rx for vertigo?
Thanks for the incomplete freeper list. Will assume that Oregon Gov. Goldschmidt was omitted because his party affiliation (DEMOCRAT!!!) was omitted from most msm accounts of his crime:
Source here … and elsewhere.
First of all, let me see if I understand your point. If Democrats do it, you don’t believe that merely weakens the Democratic argument where a quote was taken out of context. You’re claiming that this, somehow, validates the conclusion you want to reach by taking other quotes out of context. Is that really the point you’re trying to make?
Second, the whole McCain 100 years flap is beyond amusing. The RNC defense of McCain’s remarks is to accuse Democrats of taking the quote out of context, but their own argument doesn’t restore the full context of McCain’s remarks. Why? Because, if you look at the full context of McCain’s remarks, his entire contention is flat out incoherent.
The result is a, rather delicious for Democrats, Hobson’s choice. Either McCain really does want to keep American troops in Iraq for a very long time (the full context is the Korean Model first floated by Bush), or McCain is so incapable of articulating a coherent position on Iraq that he has absolutely no business being President of the United States.
@ 86
Yup. Hillary Clinton’s speech regarding the bill to authorize President Bush to use force. The first paragraph of that speech is:
Funny how the part about diplomatic efforts is completely absent from the site you posted (and your subsequent quote), yet the entire tenor of the remarks you’ve quoted change dramatically when one attempts to use Sen. Clinton’s remarks to justify how and when we actually chose to go to war in Iraq.
In other words, thank you for proving my point.
The Beast writes:
Now, that’s amusing. You deride rhp for his innumeracy (on an issue not germane to the conclusion) and proceed to cite data that actually affirms rhp’s timeline of events. It was, after all, Carter’s Volcker who instituted the monetary policies to get us out of the mess that Nixon (via wage and price controls) and Ford (with his Whip Inflation Now lapel pins–what is it with Republicans and lapel pins?) caused. (Should it be necessary to point out that you’ve offered absolutely no evidence to show how Carter’s policies actually caused the predicament that required Volcker’s drastic measures?)
I also note that you have offered no counter to rhp’s point regarding deficits, and it’s not at all difficult to use google to find a variety of web sites that affirm rhp’s point. The Reagan deficits offered, at best, short-term stimulus, and the crowding-out effect actually inhibited long-term growth.
Really, can’t you do any better to justify the right’s derision of Carter?
@35 Got you where it hurts, did I? Truth always hurts, puddinghead. Sometimes it hurts a lot.
@35 To expand on my theme in #18, Republicans clearly don’t believe in freedom for other people, and they clearly believe in having a free hand to do whatever they want to other people — see, e.g., #33 above. Does that make it more understandable to you, puttybutt?
100: Yeah your bullshit stinks, it doesn’t hurt.
Here is a virtual oxygen tank for ya!
Pelletizer if we don’t support freedom, then we’d be cheer leading the Fairness Doctrine like many Congressional Donkey are…
Golly totallyincorrectneverbright: I have been posting on Albert Gorebasm for a while. Over the last two weeks I have placed some of his pontifications here. Now I placed his TME comments. So totallyincorrectneverbright, can you think? Can you put two + two together?
Gore said those things I listed above from previous PuddyFacts on ethanol. Then from TME he discusses his view of the future. While discussing it at the 15 minute mark or so, the two “A” companies scrool by who are ethanol producers. He wants you totallyincorrectneverbright to invest in them. I bet he makes money for your “investments”.
Man Goldy where did you get this dense as spent uranium poster?
Seems weird that no one remembers that the recession that took place in the first year of the Bush presidency was engineered by Alan Greenspan and the Federal Reserve. Between June 1999 and May 2000, the Fed raised interest rates seven times, raising the federal funds rate by 175 basis points to 6.5%. I remember telling my wife at the time that they were going way too far and that this would choke off our historically long economic expansion and slide us into recession. Guess what? It did.
They couldn’t have been trying to engineer a Republican presidency or anything, ya think?
John DOH, you haven’t “schooled” me at all. You made some scurrilous accusations, I caught you on some of them and then you scurry away saying you gave me lessons in argumentation and debate.
Yeah, if you actually debated.
Don distorts economics and rewrites history. He implies that the malignant misery indices of Carter’s wretched years began in 1972 with Nixon’s controls and metasticized with Ford’s WIN pins. It’s like Philip Larkin writing that sex began in 1963, despite some anecdotal evidence it began earlier.
Granted that wage-and-price controls worked as badly for Nixon as they did for FDR’s NIRA. Granted that Ford deserved to lose for WIN and for pig flu too.
The actual fact is that everything and anything can be ‘proven’ when a reckless partisan like you gets to draw the baseline. Why 1972? Why not the period of the JFK-LBJ no-win credit-card war in Vietnam that was fought concurrently with LBJ’s no-win War on Poverty … both bad wars being fought with phantom dollars, the matrix of inflation?
Nixon and Burns, buggering the economy with pandering and pre-’72-election controls, didn’t create the inflation monster they ineptly tried to slay. They inherited the monster from JFK and LBJ.
Carter inherited the residue of that JFK/LBJ/RMN mess, and chaperoned it into our biggest economic crisis since FDR’s double-dip depression of 1937-1938.
Did Carter make his mess ex nihilo? Hell no. Did he make a residual mess worse? Even Tip O’Neill admitted it. Did Carter make a few good moves? Yes: Volcker, deregulation, and a military buildup (after spewing about our ‘inordinate’ fears) that Reagan, to his lasting credit, continued and brought to fruition after taking heat for almost three years of Reagan-Volcker course staying.
Reagan deficits? Crowding out? After the effing 70s? Get a grip, DJ, and use your head, such as it is. Reagan gave us 25 good years (brief exceptions) of solid growth and productivity after “smart” twits like you howled that we’d reached the limits to growth. Clinton got credit for the Reagan Recovery. Reagan didn’t get credit for a spurious Carter recovery.
And now? Again we have an LBJ president paying for a no-win war with a credit card.
“I have been posting on Albert Gorebasm for a while.”
Yes, you have. And, in the process, you’ve managed to demonstrate how you completely misapprehend the case for global warming.
I’d explain it to you, but I get the very strong sense that your clue phone isn’t getting a signal. Here’s a hint, though: it has nothing to do with what Al Gore says.
Carter inherited the stagflation that was caused by poor US productivity gains (perhaps due to lack of investment under price controls)in the 1970s coupled with the oil shocks of 1973 and 1978.
“They couldn’t have been trying to engineer a Republican presidency or anything, ya think?”
Yes, I think, and no, you don’t. Greenspan, about a full year after the previous election and about one full year before the next election of Y2K, was at long last trying to cushion the fall when the irrational exuberant air went out of the tech bubble. Clinton’s bubble.
And why didn’t those serial rate raises feed into the half-vast right-wing Republican conspiracy? Because the ‘Crat-controlled MSM immediately and repeatedly fed us the line that Bush and Cheney, as candidates and as elected candidates, were “talking down” the economy and pumping up those self-fulfilling prophesies that Don Joe joneses about.
I love that Reagan deserves credit for everything good that happened for 25 years after his iniital election. In fact, it was Reagan’s 1982 tax cuts (and not his tax increases in 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, and 198, Bush’s in 1989, or Clinton’s in 19903) that balanced the budget.
Reagan invaded Iraq in 2003, and it’s a damn good thing he did!
Carter inherited the stagflation …
More horses’ shit on the Horses Ass.
Why is John McCain always telling us that he didn’t say things that he did say?
Daddy Love you mean the dropping of the Dow which started Sept 2000? You mean the start of job losses in July 2000?
Puddfact #361:
Since you all claim we are in a recession while the BEA data says the GDP was 0.6 above the line for the last two quarters, I think the same can be said for the third quarter of 2000, the first quarter of 2001, and the third quarter of 2001. Even though it wasn’t consecutive and it was the Clinton budget, it’s Clintons…
“Don distorts economics and rewrites history.”
Except that now you’re going well beyond rhp’s original point, which is to counter the Republican claims that Carter was the worst President ever and that he was responsible for the Economic conditions that plagued his presidency.
You could do better than make snide remarks about my head, reiterate the claims you’d made earlier and sprinkle in a bit of the post-hoc fallacy. You know, like try to draw on macroeconomic data and prevalent theories of cause and effect?
Or maybe you can’t do better, which, by the way, would actually be the point. You see, if one examines the data, and looks at the relationships between private investment and government debt, it’s not at difficult to reach the conclusion that without Reagan’s deficits economic growth during the 80’s would have been more rapid than it really was.
Or, are going going to posit some kind of causal relationship between the Reagan deficits and the productivity growth in the 80’s?
Hm. I guess you are going to posit some kind of causal link between government deficits and productivity growth. Care to outline out that causal chain works for us? Enlighten us, oh “smart” one.
At last, something on which we can agree. Only, it’s worth noting that the effects today are orders of magnitude more significant than the effects of LBJ’s debacle. And I’m just waiting for wingnuts who going to start blaming the next Democratic President for failing to restore order in a sufficiently rapid manner.
Yes, dorkbrain. It started in the early 1970s with the collapse of the Peruvian anchovy fisheries (a major world fertilizer source) and continued globally throughout the decade.
But I repeat myself.
Reagan gets deserved credit for getting more right than he got wrong. He and Volcker pulled us out of the terminal funk of the 60s and 70s.
Clinton cashed Reagan’s peace dividend and, to Clinton’s credit, didn’t screw up the windfall until he and Greenspan let the tech bubble get out of reach.
And remember this, Rad Dad, Clinton’s first two years with a Democrat congress were an only slightly mitigated Democrat disaster. The achievements of the Clinton-Flynt administration, such as they are, happened after January 1995 with a GOP-Gingrich congress.
It wasn’t like Reagan did nothing. Under the cover of his idiotic SDI, he poured billions of government money into massive R&D projects in electtronics that eventually did help pave the way toward the mainstreaming of the computing revolution in the 1990s, once his huge socialist program was privatized by Clinton.
Remember how the Democrats balanced the budget without a single Republican vote in 1993, while the Republicans complained AT THAT TIME that such a move would ruin the economy, which then proved them to be liars as it continued to grow ever faster, with unemployment ever lower, and jobs more and more plentiful, into the longest US expansion ever. It sure as HELL wasn’t Gingrich. What did he do?
It’s Republican orthodoxy that deficits crowd out productive growth, ceteris paribus, but ceteris is never paribus. To the extent that Reagan’s deficits crowded out the Evil Empire (and here we get into religion … I believe there was an evil empire, them, not us; and I believe Reagan’s reckless un-Republican deficits crowded out the USSR to the ash heap of history), then it was money or “money” so well spent that even now, after the debacle of Bush, we’re still riding on the fumes of Reagan recovery.
Using Reagan deficits to win the Cold War was as efficient and effective as using FDR deficits to win WWII.
And now for something completely different: the reason why voter ID laws suck.
That’s what lee does on soundpolitics. I wonder if johnny is one of lee’s sockpuppets.
119: Yes, I remember. That’s the mitigating part of the mitigated disaster to which I referred.
121: I got whiplash. Does that mean you just 180’d out of the ozone into the bozone?
Gingrich and Dole derailed the HillaryCare train wreck. But DJ, who clearly overdosed on caffeine during Phil 101, will spew that I’m imputing some kind of post hoc presumption of wreckage to something that (thank God & Gingrich!) never happened.
” … then you scurry away …”
So THAT’S what happened @121.
SDI: Again we’re into metaphysics, since the physics really don’t pencil out.
I believe (just like Goldy believes in the destructive myth of Obamalot Camelot) that SDI pushed Gorbachev to the edge and over. I think the threat of a working SDI kicked the last prop from the Soviet charnel house.
This is worth pondering: there were winners and losers in the Carter 70s. We were on the way down. Many of the best minds of our generation insisted we were down for the count.
The USSR, from hemisphere to hemisphere, was a growth industry going up and up.
What or who ended that long twilight struggle in which we were going down for the very last time? Ronald Reagan, the president, not his son the libtard ballerina.
And now for more of the same old: the reason why we need voter ID laws
Dead people voting in washington.
And dead people contributing to political campaigns.
A true conservative understands that election fraud and voter suppression are commie-fascist, eco-terrorist myths. The real danger that democracy faces is dead Democrats with ballots. Hell, if it wasn’t for the dead Dem vote the Sonics would be playing in a new arena in Seattle next year.
As a Laker fan, the sonics should have been sold and gotten rid of years ago.
Another non-identified-party politician beats his wife and flees.
How surprised I was to find out after a google search he was a democrat and this wasn’t his first brush with the law.
Our misery du jour is orders of magnitude below the Carter Misery cited @90. Still, as excremental as Carter was and is, he at least had the sense & sensibility or the dumb luck not to start a bad war … conveniently forgetting the passing unpleasantness of Desert One.
Anybody out there want to challenge my dead-of-night dread that Duh-Bya has abstracted the worst failures & failings of every failed president of the last 100 years?
At the mere minimum, Bush’s deficit war will never get the closure over there or over here that LBJ’s deficit war finally got. We were able to walk away or crawl away from Vietnam and not look back. No such luck with Iraq.
Speaking of Dead Dem voters, don’t forget faithful dog Buddy.
And that means what to your wing-nut pedo denial issues? Anyways, I’m thinking it’s the repressive atmosphere within the Gooper party that attracts all the pervs.
@120, the Revised Standard Version: “It’s Republican orthodoxy” should be “It WAS Republican orthodoxy that deficits crowd out productive growth.”
That orthodoxy died with Eisenhower. Just as tax cuts for the rich began with rich JFK.
Which way did he go? Which way did he go? Has anybody seen by old bud Don Joe? Can anybody tell me where he’s gone?
4 articles and not one of them mentions his political party. That only means one thing, he’s a democrat.
It must make all you 16%ers proud that it was a democrat.
Oklahoma sheriff charged with using inmates as sex slaves
Sheriff helped himself to inmates
Okla. sheriff quits amid charges of using inmates as sex slaves
Police: Okla. Sheriff Ran Sex-Slave Operation From Jail
My Favorite Marvin@130,
Speaking of football, how did your Rams do in the draft?
Ohhhh, you poor conservatives. Don’t worry about the “dead dems” voting. They simply won’t be needed this year.
You guys are getting the 2nd half of your firing from the American public. You and your party’s “ideas” have been thoroughly sold to the public hook line and sinker. Now, there is so much buyer’s remorse that even a segment of your own core base thinks this president is/has done a lousy job.
They also think Republicans have done a crappy job of handling the economy.
As Donald Trump says: “You’re fired!!“
Not a football fan. Didn’t we kick the rams out of los angeles a decade or so ago?
I fondly remember those years of the glove and the babymaker, oops, the rainmaker being spanked routinely by Nick the quick and the lake show. :)
“(E)ven a segment of your own core base thinks this president is/has done a lousy job …”
A rude crude pol, Lyndon Johnson, said any pol with a pulse could count on at least 40% approval, the last ditch of his diehard partisans, unless he got caught with a dead girl or live boy.
Which sort of brings us back to previous posts about pervs.
That explains why Dems found with live girls has so little media traction. That has to bother Goopers to no end, what with their fancy for farm animals and live boys.
You worry me, Steve. You’re stuck in a rut in a very dark place. MoveOn before it’s too late.
“Why is John McCain always telling us that he didn’t say things that he did say?”
McCain worries me, too. Rabbit was annoyed that I didn’t follow (like Hansel following bread crumbs) his projectile pellets to the harmonic convergence of Hillary and McCain pre-policy on (bomb bomb bomb) Iran, but aside from the bomb-bomb-bomb bad joke, McCain doesn’t have a pre-policy on Iran. Unless Holy Joe Lieberman knows what it is and isn’t telling.
McCain’s chronic Shia-Sunni confusion suggests there’s no trail to follow.
Ergo, gas-tax holiday is all they’ve got in common. That and $100,000,000.00.
Well, some people refuse to learn regardless of the quality of the education being offered.
Bullshit. You couldn’t respond to the argument, so you conjured up some twisted logic wherein I supposedly attributed statements to you that you never made.
But, hey, if believing all that allows you to deal with the cognitive dissonance, then, by all means believe what you need to believe in order to keep your head from exploding. Everyone here knows full well that the Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry will press on inexorably, immune to all manner of sound reasoning and facts to the contrary. We’ve seen that over and over again.
Voter ID laws won’t stop dead people from contributing to political campaigns, and would not have stopped the dead people from voting in 2006. In the latter case, they were mail-in ballots.
Now, if you can find evidence of dead people actually showing up at polling places, you might have a case for voter ID laws, though, frankly, I think most election workers can tell whether or not a voter is dead.
AUH2O, you needn’t worry about me. Might I suggest that your time might be better spent fretting about 90 year-old nuns-in-wheelchairs destroying democracy or maybe the shenanigans of jack-booted stormwater stormtroopers?
Hey, what happened to the lights??
And this has to do with the rams or the sonics because???
@146 Conflated and Convoluted Logic for the Count of Conflated Convolution.
If your “cogent” argument was valid… Or since you al;ready had a preconceived answer to your “question” anything otherwise is rejected outright. That’s why you are a 16%er.
@ 150
You’re flat out babbling. Again.
“If your “cogent” argument was valid…”
If my cogent argument was invalid, you’d be able to point to a flaw in my logic or an assumption I’ve made that’s not valid vis-a-vis the conclusions being drawn. All you’ve done is complain that I’ve attributed a statement to you that you did not make.
And, even that complaint rings false. Are you honestly claiming that, when you asked about Democrats blocking domestic oil exploration, you did not believe that there are sufficient quantities of oil to be found as to provide a long-term solution the supply problem? If you don’t believe there are sufficient quantities, then why even ask the question in the first place?
I was shocked to find that OK even HAD democrats. This is state that passed a law that negates adoptions by same sex couples.
But according to the country records, everyone in the county is a democrat.
Custer County
County Seat: Arapaho
Court Clerk – Connie S. Burden, D, Clinton
Clerk – Karen L. Fry, D, Clinton
Sheriff – Mike Burgess, D, Clinton
Treasurer – Karen Klein Clanton, D, Clinton
Assessor – Debbie Collins, D, Butler
Election Board Secretary – Narci K. Smith, D, Butler
District 1 – J.M. Kelley, D, Clinton
District 2 – Steve Tompkins, D, Weatherford
District 3 – Darrell Dupree, D, Butler
For additional county information: (580) 323-4420
I’m not sure what the clinton stands for, Maybe they are Clinton Democrats so bjs are ok.