Is I-1030 a disguised attempt to impose a California-type property tax? Washington voters rejected this pernicious scheme the last time it was tried in our state. That initiative was sponsored by an amateur who lived in a $700,000 house at a time when most Seattleites lived in $150,000 houses.
What this type of tax scheme does is (a) shift tax burdens from older empty nesters with plenty of money to cash-strapped young families with mortgages and young mouths to feed, and (b) starve public services.
It totally fucked over California’s young and non-wealthy, and we sure don’t want it here.
Politically Incorrectspews:
I basically think is a bunch of dicks, but we can end the Iraq war today by simply delcaring victory & leaving.
@3 – No one in our current administration, congress or senate would EVER do that!
Politically Incorrectspews:
Roger @ 2,
I’m glad to hear that you’re a wealthy empty-nester and like high property taxes. Good for you!
Politically Incorrectspews:
Hannah @ 4,
Unfortunately, you’re correct!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Funny how Dunmire’s financial support of Eyman and his initiatives dried up after Dunmire folded his investment services firm and retired. Which makes me wonder whose money Dunmire gave to Eyman. Just askin’ …
Roger Rabbitspews:
Letters to the Editor
Larry Fox of Olympia wrote to the P-I,
“I can recommend a way to bring in more money for the government. How about selling the Constitution on eBay? We don’t use it.”
Don Christine of Sammamish wrote to the P-I:
“While putting gas in my car on a recent morning, I wasn’t concerned at all about how really expensive the price of a gallon of gas had gotten over the past year, or how much of a negative impact it was having on ordinary Americans. No, I was more concerned about the fact that Barack Obama doesn’t wear a flag lapel pin.
“Paying for … groceries, I wasn’t concerned at all about the steeply rising cost of food …. I was much more concerned about Obama’s middle name Hussein.
“It’s good to see the media focusing on the important stuff such as Obama bowling, instead of trivial stuff like how many U.S. troops have died for nothing in Iraq …, or how many oil company executives were part of the original Dick Cheney energy task force in 2000 …, or how many times John McCain has positioned himself in support of Bush policies over the past eight years ….”
Mike Krause of Federal Way wrote to the P-I:
“After reading the Monday guest column by Marie Marchand (‘Mothers know the cost of war’), I was offended and angry. … Does she think only mothers know the cost of war? What about fathers? How about the brothers, sisters, children and the men and women who do the fighting?
” … Everyone knows the cost of war. Some of us on a more personal level than others. It’s rather obvious that Marchand is against the war in Iraq, but no one really favors war over peace at any time. She needs to quit keeping score of how many American lives are lost …
“Her solution is to apologize and leave Iraq. I guess she thinks Osama bin Laden shares her sense of remorse.”
(Quoted under fair use from today’s P-I letters page, online.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’d like to ask Mr. Krause a question: What does Osama bin Laden have to do with Iraq? Are you really this fucking ignorant? You must be a Republican. You lie like one.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 I basically think you and all the other wingnuts in this country are a bunch of dicks, so we’re even.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 Yes, I should pay my fair share, instead of dipping into the skinny wallets of young families. Got a problem with that?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 P.S., perhaps I am wealthy — compared to you.
2nd Amendment Democratspews:
Here is a question for the wingnuts. Was the DC Madam is the subject of a Vince Foster style clean up and did not rate a Scooter?
Today the White House confirmed that the “Mission Accomplished” banner was a mistake. They NOW claim that the sailors on board requested the banner, the White House supplied it, and that it SHOULD have made it clear that “Mission Accomplished” referred to the aircraft carrier’s tour of duty, not the war in Iraq in general.
Of course, if you have a long enough memory, you might be able to realize that this was one of a dozen or so explanations which the White House has given about the banner. The first was a strong assertion that it was produced entirely by the sailors on board as a salute to their commander in chief. Then when it was pointed out that they had no means to make it on board, they said the sailors had someone make it and ship it to them, but the White House had no involvement, and it was paid for by the sailor’s themselves. Then when it was discovered it was made by, and paid for, and shipped to the aircraft carrier by the White House, now they are trying to say that the sailor’s “requested it”.
Lost in all the lies and spin is: (a) the Bush administration went to war by pushing a series of lies; (b) completely bungled the occupation of Iraq by downplaying the numbers of soldiers required, the difficulties they faced, the determination of the resistance, and by farming reconstruction out to friendly firms to be supervised by unqualified but ideologically favorable toads; (c) continues to follow the original plan long after all evidence had shown it to be a disaster.
Instead, the White House claims the only mistake they made was not making the sign less embarrasing when events prove the statement to be false.
2nd Amendment Democratspews:
Yes @ 13;
Sniff! Sniff! The friction and fire from the bullshit spin still stinks after 5 years
No doubt the GOP had the Madam killed since all of her clients were republicans like GOP Senator Vitter.
The Real Markspews:
Coming soon to CD & iTunes: Goldy & The Nutroots: Irrelevant
“The nation’s top Democrats are suddenly rushing to appear on the Fox News Channel…
Democrats are turning to the ratings leader among cable news channels in a clear rebuff to the liberal activists known as the Netroots.
The Democratic leaders’ new openness to Fox reflects the liberal left’s diminishing power, at least at this point in the political cycle. Once feared by the Democratic candidates, these activists are now viewed at least in part as an impediment to winning the broad swatch of support needed to clinch the nomination.”
I can’t wait to hear Goldy, Kos & the rest with their best Glenn Close immitations:
President John Kennedy and his brother Robert Kennedy wiretapped Dr. King. Black voters stayed with Democrats. Democrats stood in the schoolhouse doors vowing, “Segregation forever!”
Democrats voted against landmark civil rights legislation; Republicans passed it. Blacks stayed with Democrats. Bull Connor was a Democrat. Blacks stayed with Democrats. Democrats created the welfare state, destroying millions of black families. Blacks stayed with Democrats. Democrats bent over forward for the teachers unions, ruining public education for generations of black kids; leaving them unequipped to participate as equals in American society. Yet! Black voters stayed with Democrats. Democrats urged the early release of criminals to further prey on law-abiding black citizens. Blacks stayed with Democrats. Democrats threw blacks under the bus during the immigration debate. After Rosa Parks finally moved to the front of the bus, Democrats threw blacks under it during the immigration debate because Hispanics are now the largest minority voting bloc. Blacks stayed with Democrats. Democrats have not supported blacks achieving power.
Carl McCall was running for governor of New York, and was denied funds from Terry McAuliffe at the Democrat National Committee. This audience contributed to McCall’s campaign. Civil rights icon Maynard Jackson wanted to be head honcho of the Democrat National Convention. He was denied. Blacks stayed with Democrats. Earlier this year in Selma, Alabama, Mrs. Clinton shows up; mocks the way black people speak. Her husband, Bill Clinton, the reputed “first black president,” shows up in South Carolina and plays not the race card, but a whole deck of race cards! (doing Clinton impression) “Obama? Ha! Of course he gonna win. I mean, it’s like Jesse Jackson. I mean, he’s the black guy.” Blacks stayed with Democrats.
Sid Viciousspews:
Vicious Sid Blumenthal, the Clinton goon who smeared phat Monica as a stalker and who first popped up with the ‘vast right-wing conspiracy’ con, is more Rovian than Rove. Blumenthal is an Exalted Cyclops, a Grand Dragon, a Kleagle of dirty tricks and the Clinton politics of personal destruction.
But don’t take my word for it when you can get the down low lowdown from Huff’n’puffington Post:
Almost every day over the past six months, I have been the recipient of an email that attacks Obama’s character, political views, electability, and real or manufactured associations. The original source of many of these hit pieces are virulent and sometimes extreme right-wing websites, bloggers, and publications. But they aren’t being emailed out from some fringe right-wing group that somehow managed to get my email address. Instead, it is Sidney Blumenthal who, on a regular basis, methodically dispatches these email mudballs to an influential list of opinion shapers — including journalists, former Clinton administration officials, academics, policy entrepreneurs, and think tankers — in what is an obvious attempt to create an echo chamber that reverberates among talk shows, columnists, and Democratic Party funders and activists.
So put that up your itchy Goldy the next time some shrill, balding little wanker huffs & puffs about smears & slime. It’s your own poop-chute poop, comin’ back at ya.
Sort of like Willie Horton becoming a household name because, in the ‘Crat primaries of 1988, AlGore used Horton against Dukakis.
Sort of like Whitewater in the ‘Crat primaries of 1992, used against Blue Dress Bill by Moonbeam Jerry Brown.
multiply resistant steph infectionspews:
Stephanie Miller, abandoned by Republicans and raised by rodents, is pouting and pewling about getting stood up and shafted by her good friend, Cruella Rodham Clinton.
Miller says Clinton said Clinton would ring up Miller’s show and do fart jokes, but Clinton had better things to do: Bill O’Reilly. Who is distantly related to bogtrotter Barry H. O’Bama, who also flips off Miller in favor of FOX.
Darryl writes that Democrats do FOX like Republicans do crazy Colbert … for the frisson of crackpot slumming. But Darryl, as every schoolboy knows, is a dipshit.
Democrats do FOX because they’re in desperate disorderly destructive disarray.
It turns out, He’s one of YOURS!”… raise a toast to him and welcome him aboard.
Another republican who doesn’t believe in the rule of law…
Is I-1030 a disguised attempt to impose a California-type property tax? Washington voters rejected this pernicious scheme the last time it was tried in our state. That initiative was sponsored by an amateur who lived in a $700,000 house at a time when most Seattleites lived in $150,000 houses.
What this type of tax scheme does is (a) shift tax burdens from older empty nesters with plenty of money to cash-strapped young families with mortgages and young mouths to feed, and (b) starve public services.
It totally fucked over California’s young and non-wealthy, and we sure don’t want it here.
I basically think is a bunch of dicks, but we can end the Iraq war today by simply delcaring victory & leaving.
@3 – No one in our current administration, congress or senate would EVER do that!
Roger @ 2,
I’m glad to hear that you’re a wealthy empty-nester and like high property taxes. Good for you!
Hannah @ 4,
Unfortunately, you’re correct!
Funny how Dunmire’s financial support of Eyman and his initiatives dried up after Dunmire folded his investment services firm and retired. Which makes me wonder whose money Dunmire gave to Eyman. Just askin’ …
Letters to the Editor
Larry Fox of Olympia wrote to the P-I,
“I can recommend a way to bring in more money for the government. How about selling the Constitution on eBay? We don’t use it.”
Don Christine of Sammamish wrote to the P-I:
“While putting gas in my car on a recent morning, I wasn’t concerned at all about how really expensive the price of a gallon of gas had gotten over the past year, or how much of a negative impact it was having on ordinary Americans. No, I was more concerned about the fact that Barack Obama doesn’t wear a flag lapel pin.
“Paying for … groceries, I wasn’t concerned at all about the steeply rising cost of food …. I was much more concerned about Obama’s middle name Hussein.
“It’s good to see the media focusing on the important stuff such as Obama bowling, instead of trivial stuff like how many U.S. troops have died for nothing in Iraq …, or how many oil company executives were part of the original Dick Cheney energy task force in 2000 …, or how many times John McCain has positioned himself in support of Bush policies over the past eight years ….”
Mike Krause of Federal Way wrote to the P-I:
“After reading the Monday guest column by Marie Marchand (‘Mothers know the cost of war’), I was offended and angry. … Does she think only mothers know the cost of war? What about fathers? How about the brothers, sisters, children and the men and women who do the fighting?
” … Everyone knows the cost of war. Some of us on a more personal level than others. It’s rather obvious that Marchand is against the war in Iraq, but no one really favors war over peace at any time. She needs to quit keeping score of how many American lives are lost …
“Her solution is to apologize and leave Iraq. I guess she thinks Osama bin Laden shares her sense of remorse.”
(Quoted under fair use from today’s P-I letters page, online.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’d like to ask Mr. Krause a question: What does Osama bin Laden have to do with Iraq? Are you really this fucking ignorant? You must be a Republican. You lie like one.
@3 I basically think you and all the other wingnuts in this country are a bunch of dicks, so we’re even.
@5 Yes, I should pay my fair share, instead of dipping into the skinny wallets of young families. Got a problem with that?
@5 P.S., perhaps I am wealthy — compared to you.
Here is a question for the wingnuts. Was the DC Madam is the subject of a Vince Foster style clean up and did not rate a Scooter?
Today the White House confirmed that the “Mission Accomplished” banner was a mistake. They NOW claim that the sailors on board requested the banner, the White House supplied it, and that it SHOULD have made it clear that “Mission Accomplished” referred to the aircraft carrier’s tour of duty, not the war in Iraq in general.
Of course, if you have a long enough memory, you might be able to realize that this was one of a dozen or so explanations which the White House has given about the banner. The first was a strong assertion that it was produced entirely by the sailors on board as a salute to their commander in chief. Then when it was pointed out that they had no means to make it on board, they said the sailors had someone make it and ship it to them, but the White House had no involvement, and it was paid for by the sailor’s themselves. Then when it was discovered it was made by, and paid for, and shipped to the aircraft carrier by the White House, now they are trying to say that the sailor’s “requested it”.
Lost in all the lies and spin is: (a) the Bush administration went to war by pushing a series of lies; (b) completely bungled the occupation of Iraq by downplaying the numbers of soldiers required, the difficulties they faced, the determination of the resistance, and by farming reconstruction out to friendly firms to be supervised by unqualified but ideologically favorable toads; (c) continues to follow the original plan long after all evidence had shown it to be a disaster.
Instead, the White House claims the only mistake they made was not making the sign less embarrasing when events prove the statement to be false.
Yes @ 13;
Sniff! Sniff! The friction and fire from the bullshit spin still stinks after 5 years
No doubt the GOP had the Madam killed since all of her clients were republicans like GOP Senator Vitter.
Coming soon to CD & iTunes:
Goldy & The Nutroots: Irrelevant
“The nation’s top Democrats are suddenly rushing to appear on the Fox News Channel…
Democrats are turning to the ratings leader among cable news channels in a clear rebuff to the liberal activists known as the Netroots.
The Democratic leaders’ new openness to Fox reflects the liberal left’s diminishing power, at least at this point in the political cycle. Once feared by the Democratic candidates, these activists are now viewed at least in part as an impediment to winning the broad swatch of support needed to clinch the nomination.”
I can’t wait to hear Goldy, Kos & the rest with their best Glenn Close immitations:
“I… will… not… be… IGNORED!”
Via Rush:
Vicious Sid Blumenthal, the Clinton goon who smeared phat Monica as a stalker and who first popped up with the ‘vast right-wing conspiracy’ con, is more Rovian than Rove. Blumenthal is an Exalted Cyclops, a Grand Dragon, a Kleagle of dirty tricks and the Clinton politics of personal destruction.
But don’t take my word for it when you can get the down low lowdown from Huff’n’puffington Post:
So put that up your itchy Goldy the next time some shrill, balding little wanker huffs & puffs about smears & slime. It’s your own poop-chute poop, comin’ back at ya.
Sort of like Willie Horton becoming a household name because, in the ‘Crat primaries of 1988, AlGore used Horton against Dukakis.
Sort of like Whitewater in the ‘Crat primaries of 1992, used against Blue Dress Bill by Moonbeam Jerry Brown.
Stephanie Miller, abandoned by Republicans and raised by rodents, is pouting and pewling about getting stood up and shafted by her good friend, Cruella Rodham Clinton.
Miller says Clinton said Clinton would ring up Miller’s show and do fart jokes, but Clinton had better things to do: Bill O’Reilly. Who is distantly related to bogtrotter Barry H. O’Bama, who also flips off Miller in favor of FOX.
Darryl writes that Democrats do FOX like Republicans do crazy Colbert … for the frisson of crackpot slumming. But Darryl, as every schoolboy knows, is a dipshit.
Democrats do FOX because they’re in desperate disorderly destructive disarray.
It turns out, He’s one of YOURS!”… raise a toast to him and welcome him aboard.