Your ballot should be coming soon if it’s not already in the mail. Is there any election you’re looking forward to? I will be interested to see how the 8th District shakes out. What are you excited about? Anyway, get your ballot postmarked or dropped off by August 7.
Hello Comrades,
Yes, don’t forget to Vote. In my Country every vote is counted. Again, today, I was shopping for Horse products and looking at Sky Daddy sitting on cloud. Oh how beautiful this America is! Anyways, today I also put my hands on AR-15, ohhh so beautiful, just like America!
In my Country we like to drink Vodka just before firing AR-15. We cowboys just like you!
It’s easy to figure out which candidates are Republicans. They don’t put a party affiliation on their yard signs. If I were a Republican, I wouldn’t want anyone to know it, either. Especially if I was trying to get elected to something.
@1 You’re fake. A real Russian fires an AK-47 at the other driver.
Oh, dear. And this is in the hands of investigators. A pardon doesn’t make it go away.
Michael Cohen Secretly taped Donald J. Trump Discussing Payment to Playboy Model
“The former model, Karen McDougal, says she began a nearly yearlong affair with Mr. Trump in 2006, shortly after Mr. Trump’s wife, Melania, gave birth to their son Barron.”
@3 But Rabbit, my Country love America so much we also buy AR-15. We have love if gun just like America! We love Sky Daddy too, almost as much as gun. We even love good fun with car.
@5 Who are you kidding? Russia is a backward, economically deprived, third-world country. You commie bastards can’t afford AR-15s, or even Russian-made AK-47s. You’re all toting cheap Chinese knockoffs. At a Russian gun show you’d be lucky to find a Czech one, but most of you get your crappy AKs by taking them off the dead bodies in the ditches lining your dirt and gravel freeways.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Death News– Giant Victory Over Russian Spy Trump! Demorats Show Support For Maxine Waters, Burn American Flag
Maxine Waters supporters chant ‘black power,’ burn American flag outside her office
A bunch of rando starving Ethiopian street people jacked you up, pulled open your truck doors, took away your Bubba flag, spit in your faces and laughed at you…
…and you and your entourage of pussies sped off to the nearest Starbucks and wept into the sleeves of your blouses?
Who the fuck are you people?
“Again, today, I was shopping for Horse products and looking at Sky Daddy sitting on cloud.”
The NRA/GOP/Russian spy was taken into pre-trial confinement without bond at the order of a federal magistrate on Wednesday.
She’s wearing orange, staring at pale green walls, and watching a television that’s locked in a cage. Shopping? Not so much.
Sound Transit finished the Light Rail Bellevue Tunnel today eight months early.
No further comment
@10 you mean I don’t get anything to whine about?!
By the Way, maybe the Webmaster should know, I get a “Click to Edit” and “Request Deletion” link to your post…but when I click to edit, although the editor box opens up, your comment doesn’t load for me to edit and I have to x out.
@10 maybe Sound Transit should be negotiating with NK instead of The Hump – doesn’t look like the little sit down with NK is producing the results that were so hyped up and swallowed by the Repukes.
Lights left on all the time, sleeping ten to a mattress, they deny water to infants, and they leave a two-year-old in dirty diapers.
I find that I’m not surprised at anything anymore.
“Mueller subpoenas ‘Manhattan madam’ Kristin Davis who worked for Trump ally Roger Stone: TMZ”
6 – Actually, the Czechs make some damn fine firearms. A Czech-made AK-47 will probably be better than anything the Russians made.
1 – The is no Sky Daddy as Russian Orthodox Christianity might teach. The other Founding Fathers and I were actually Deists.
Mr. Safety School, Esq. made tapes, and the SDNY has ’em!
Turns out he made lots!
“Definitely all kinds of tapes out there,” per FBI source.
@15 “A Czech-made AK-47 will probably be better than anything the Russians made.”
That was my point.
Not every Republican has crossed the orange event horizon.
“Ex-Republican columnist who attacked Obama for 8 years writes apology after less than 2 years of Trump”
“Now I would take Obama back in a nanosecond,” he writes. “His presidency appears to be a lost golden age when reason and morality reigned. All of his faults, real as they were, fade into insignificance compared with the crippling defects of his successor. And his strengths — seriousness, dignity, intellect, probity, dedication to ideals larger than self — shine all the more clearly in retrospect.”
A couple of years ago Max Boot would have made my shit list. Times have changed. I see a paradigm shift occurring. Left-right has less meaning. Now it’s Americans who have crossed the event horizon into a realm of treason versus those who haven’t. Traitors versus patriots. In this new paradigm, I stand with Max Boot, George Will, Steve Schmidt and other Republicans who are taking a stand. It doesn’t mean that I agree with their conservative politics. I don’t. But we agree that our nation now faces grave peril. Country before party.
@10 – Does that mean I’ll be gettin a partial refund on that $438 I’ve paid for your stupid light rail system over tha past two years?
I just don’t feel like paying for a light rail system that
I won’t live to see completed, and I will never,use.
Won’t that be a relief..
Till that day, whine on…
Seriously, where in the fuck did all these right-wing whiney pussies come from and what the fuck did they do to all the Real Man™ klownsurvaturds we grew up mocking?
All these alt-Right motherfuckers ever do, when they aren’t too busy grooming their neck-beards, is bitch about their poverty, the shitty jobs they lost to illiterare blind girls in the developing world, and cower behind the drapes clutching their pearls and pissing their pants at all the the terrifying pool cleaners, gardeners, and convenience store clerks.
The sun will soon set and we’ll get to enjoy a brief respite from the unintelligible loon’s mindless hate.
I’ve read it twice. Still can’t find any apology in there.
He doesn’t even say he was ever wrong about anything, least of all President Obama. Only that he’d prefer Obama to Trump.
But the whole point of Trump is Obama. And fuckers like Max Boot made sure of that.
Zealots like Boot built the GOP nominating contest brick by brick for eight solid years into a referendum on The Black Dude Presidency and a contest to select the ultimate Obama-slayer. It was always going to be Trump. Because only Trump could summon and channel the dark racist energies and white resentments so nakedly.
If Boot didn’t want to unleash an ignorant racist monster on the world he shouldn’t have sewn one together out of the corpses of George Wallace, Richard Nixon, and Lester Maddox.
And he could start by apologizing for that.
There are lots of us that don’t feel like paying for your wet dream light rail system, and we’re not going to ever let you King Kounty Kockcuckers ever forget it.
Shorter 25,
Whaaaaa! I’m too poor to pay taxes and make the nut on my truck lease. Heeeelp meeeeee!
Americans need to wake up and see China for the aggressive adversary it is. They certainly don’t consider us either a friend or partner.
In the underworld, they call this kind of person a “rat” and try to whack him before he gets the whole syndicate locked up.
In this case, it may be too late.
Meanwhile, “Rudy Giuliani … claimed … the recording … [is] ‘powerful exculpatory evidence ….'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Reminds me of Baghdad Bob shouting into the press microphones, “There are no American tanks in Baghdad! (rumble, rumble)”
Thank you for your service. I mean that is a heroic sacrifice. Absolutely huge. Mother Teresa over here.
And we will never forget to roll our eyes at you and say, don’t like paying for Puget Sound’s future? Cool. There’s houses for sale in Vantage. Cheap subsidized electricity too.
@25 May David Darby’s tax resistance inspire you.
Of course, you could legally avoid RTA taxes by living somewhere else. See, e.g., #30 above for suggestions.
More #winning.
Orange Caesar knows how this works. Declare victory and go home. His entire generation learned that one in Vietnam.
I guess some white folks are just tired of hearing that black folks are fed up with being shot by white cops when they’re unarmed and haven’t done anything wrong.
Making America White Again
This incident is very recent. It happened on Memorial Day and the video was posted on YouTube two days ago. A Hispanic family were headed for a camping area in Utah with a trailer in tow when the power steering on their truck went out. A group of white people came along, all openly carrying handguns, and threatened, assaulted, and berated the victims, and also demanded money to move their truck.
Local authorities threw the book at these yahoos. The red shirt guy is no longer a county mechanic, and has been charged with felony riot and multiple misdemeanors, including assault and extortion. The other 4 adults (2 males, 2 females) also were charged with felony riot and three of them also face a variety of misdemeanor charges. The juvenile wasn’t charged.
@6 Russia is the worlds number 2 weapons exporter, Something for your investment portfolio,
@15 Cannot see why as the design was brilliant, It is a cheap reliable weapon that soldiers can use. Hard to improve on the design, and manufacturers in several former Warsaw pact countries got the right to make the weapons cutting into Russian arms sales.
@17 Or would you rather be shot at by a Czech built one than Russian? Or out on the front line it does not matter where the Vietnamese got them from they work fine, and all sound the same way.
PS The AK47 is ab authentic assault weapon as it design is toward the machine gun side of the equation.
@18 et in many ways the successor is doing the same policies as Obama only now the Democrats and Americans are finally seeing how wrong those policies are. The oligarchs, industrial military complex are uneasy so they are releasing the intelligence wing. The folks that gave you the Iraq war and you call war mongers, and war criminals are in bed with you. That includes Mueller who sat in front of congress and said there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and he and the intelligence community knew it, just take our word…congress did and gee the boys and girls still are not home for Christmas,
@19 That would be no, but please enjoy the opening party, and take mas advice not to take your guns to town.
@37 “PS The AK47 is ab authentic assault weapon as it design is toward the machine gun side of the equation.”
I’m curious why you think it necessary to tell a Vietnam veteran this.
@27 You guys are at least 18 years late for that party. The Chinese have been as big on hacking and internet warfare if not ahead of the Russians. They may not get the people side of it as well as the Russians, and you guys are overselling the Russian ability, The price of a new car in ads took down 2 billion spent by and for a certain candidate, And you have not recruited these guys?
Still the FBI directory real goal is to get more money for the FBI and intelligence community against something hard to measure. Who is the worlds number one cyber team of government hackers…yep that would be the US. Now if Congress would just let our boys and girls be aggressive there maybe a nuke plant in some nation far away suddenly off line or worse. Not like we did that in Iran.
@40 Somehow you seem to have forgotten, and in Nam you did not care if the AK 47 was from Russia or China or Poland. Did you? Other than perhaps a better grade of steel and maybe a hardwood stock in place of plywood it’s the same fucking effective weapon. 200 million of them built and more being built…one for each 35 persons in the world. Your Capitalist little heart ought to be going pitter patter real fast and you ought to have money invested in that factory. They re not commies like they were during Nam, unless it is made in China, but Chinese national pride and arms sales as lead them to a different weapon.
I cannot believe anyone who fought as American in name would give a shit about the AK-47. A cheap effective weapon built by Russian communists used to kill Americans in Nam. And tis knock off is the same cheap effective weapon. Even if they gild it in gold. It is a weapon of war, terrorists, and criminals the world over. Didn’t you troopers get pissed off at the CIA for using AK=47s in Nam before and after the M-16 made it in country?
The AK-47 is for short ranges. Max effective range about 400 meters. When the Russians invaded Afghanistan, the mujahedin attacked their supply convoys by sitting up in the rocks out of range and picking off the Russians with vintage bolt-action British Enfields, which can shoot up to 1,000 meters. There wasn’t a damn thing the Russians could do about it. Guess who won that war?
Shortbus, we know you well as an illinformed, peopeller headed, dunce. Do you really need to add pathological liar to your CV?
Mueller never gave the testimony that you claim. I’d caution you that there are transcripts. What he did say briefly, as part of a long statement assesing the range of terror threats facing the US and focusing on al-Qaeda, was that Sec. of State Powell had previously presented evidence to the committee indicating that Hussein was in violation and may be attempting to reconstitute his program.
He stated a fact. You stated a lie.
That makes him one kind of person, and you another.
I really enjoy watching You tube videos of ShoeOnHead. A liberal who hates the SJW crowd.
YouTube also has a good collection of videos about the 2016 election. Lots of whining by the Young Turks, Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddow. Gets funnier every time!
Treason is so damn funny!
Almost as funny as shooting 12-year-olds to death, marching with Tiki Torches, or running down peaceful protesters on closed streets with your shitty six-cylinder Canadian made Dodge Charger!
For those of us who are retired and do our best to avoid going anywhere on a freeway and avoid Seattle and King County like avoiding a plague area, we don’t feel we should be forced to pay for a light rail system we will never use.
It’s that simple, morons!