Is “The Straight Talk Express” really headed straight for the White House in 2008?
McCain’s political colleagues, however, know another side of the action hero — a volatile man with a hair-trigger temper, who shouted at Sen. Ted Kennedy on the Senate floor to “shut up,” called his fellow Republican senators “shithead,” “fucking jerk,” “asshole,” and joked in 1998 at a Republican fundraiser about the teenage daughter of President Clinton, “Do you know why Chelsea Clinton is so ugly? Because Janet Reno is her father.”
I’m just askin’.
Well, I’m not much of a McCain fan, but as to what he’s called his fellow Republican Senators, I would have a hard time disagreeing with him.
And as far as Senator Kennedy is concerned, I’ve often wished that he would shut up, so I can’t fault him there, either.
The slam on Chelsea Clinton was out of line.
I bet Chelsea Clinton is the biggest Obama fan in the world… can you imagine having to be the First Daughter twice???
can you imagine having to be the First Daughter twice???
Doesn’t seem to have had any effect on the Bush twins.
That being said, McCain would be President CooCooBananas II. I don’t know if the country would survive it.
McCain is a “maverick” when it’s politically expedient for him. The rest of the time he’s just a dime a dozen rightwing zealot. The press loves him, and he loves the press. The mutual masturbation that occurs between the media and McCain is not pretty.
McCain is no conservative…he’s whatever is politically expedient at any given moment… in other words, he may call himself a Republican but he thinks and acts like a dime a dozen LIBERAL… you punks can have him, we don’t want him.
For a guy who looks he was whooped with a big ugly stick, McCain has a lot of nerve calling anyone else ugly. By-the-way, what the hell is that lump in his left jaw……Bush’s dick is my guess.
Americans will not vote for someone as fugly as McCain. He doesn’t have a chance. Most of us vote without much factual backup for our positions (folks who blog on political sites excepted). Looks and behavior have a lot more to do with popularity than we want to admit.
Ok, anti-liberal, if McCain doesn’t suit your definition of a conservative, you folks are welcome to quit sending him to the Senate. I may not like his politics, and would certainly never vote for him, but he does have the reputation of someone that speaks (and votes) his mind. That alone is enough to make the neo-cons hate him.
Still, either he’s your boy or he’s on his own. Since you don’t want him, I am interested to know who you would consider for President in 2008.
Just in the interest of full disclosure, I’m leaning towards Mr. Edwards and would be pretty happy with Mr. Gore. Mr. Obama may be a viable candidate, but so far, all I’ve seen is the puffery, and I discount Ms. Clinton as a candidate, as the only folks I’ve seen that like her seem to be in the media, and her political position seems rather hard to pin down.
So, who would you run in 2008?
It’s funny, you Libs continue to perfom the Sen. Kerry Flip Flop routine. Hey didn’t your guys learn a lesson in 04?
Once again, you were “FOR” something before you were “AGAINST” it.
9 Too bad Democrats don’t possess our current chief executive’s ability to screw up so consistently, nor the talent to consistently lie about it.
It’s funny, you conservatives continue to post quotes from the Washington Times as if it were a reliable news source instead of the print version of FOX News — i.e. a house organ for the GOP.
Actually, no, it’s not too bad at all.
One congressman makes a contradictory statement and you attribute his apparent change in position to all “libs.” What you’ve done is called a logical fallacy. I’m sure that given your enmity toward logic, violating its little rules hardly bothers you.
No, this is just another example of how you Libs continue to implode. From the 100 hours (Only 42 hours 15 min have been counted down so far) to the America Samoa debacle, to the Ethics reform and on and on and on again. Get yourselves under control. You beat us. You are in the Majority. Now you get all of the press and the criticism that goes with that.
So do you deny those statement(s)? Just because it wasn’t featured on Clinton News Network (CNN) doesn’t mean that it didn’t happen.
Deny them? I didn’t even read them. I have no interest in confirming, denying, reading, paying attention to or otherwise doing more than acknowledging the existence of the Moonie Times or anything in it. I figure if I saw a report that the Washington Times says the sun came up this morning, I’d go out and check for myself.
I also deeply, truly, intensely, profoundly don’t give a crap about portrayals of anything or anyone left of Temurjin as a “flip flopper.”
goldy….you report it and yet you don’t learn from it. the senator is a WAR HERO which will get him excused from alot…and jokes are just that,JOKES. BUT what about you? you don’t even stop to think for a moment how your past and present behavior will affect you. do you really want to end up living at pike st. market in rags?
because that’s exactly where you are heading…and fast. personally i think you have alot of talent….you just can’t say no to yourself.
ghost @ 16
Jokes are one thing; making fun of an adolescent girl’s looks is another. Mature people do not do such things. McCain’s comment about Chelsea reveals both a lack of empathy and immaturity, despite his age. By the way, advice from you concerning how to conduct one’s affairs is the stuff of true comedy. Keep it coming.
It’s kinda funny how everything is fair game to conservatives…. All the dog jokes on main stream media about Chelsea, and all the trashing of Hillary, but I have not heard one peep about Laura, or the drunk twins from the left.
Just another example oh they hypocrites being hypocrites.
As far as McCain is concerned, every time he voted in the last 6 years, it was against the American People, and for corporate masters. Every single time. No strait talk smoke screen can change that fact. You suck, and you suck big time. Maybe you should pay another visit to Bob Jones University…….
The worst thing McCain has going for him is the -R after his name. Anyone paying attention lately has a higher opinion of cancer than they do of Republicans……
What? Now they are going to filibuster the ethics reform bill? Go ahead sleazebags…
John Barelli said: Still, either he’s your boy or he’s on his own. Since you don’t want him, I am interested to know who you would consider for President in 2008.
Just in the interest of full disclosure, I’m leaning towards Mr. Edwards and would be pretty happy with Mr. Gore. Mr. Obama may be a viable candidate, but so far, all I’ve seen is the puffery, and I discount Ms. Clinton as a candidate, as the only folks I’ve seen that like her seem to be in the media, and her political position seems rather hard to pin down.
So, who would you run in 2008?
McCain enjoys occasionally playing the part of a maverick, but by far the most plainspoken member of Congress who maintains consistant views, and who is considering a run, is Ron Paul of Texas. It would be refreshing to vote for someone who cares about people more than his/her legacy. That would be who’d I’d like to see run!
McCain will never be elected in America. As stated above, he’s just too damm ugly. Folks who blog on political websites excepted, Americans don’t cast their votes for logical, studied reasons. The role of looks and behavior play far too great a roll. When the intense eye of national focus falls on him, he’ll wilt in fast-forward.
You raise an important issue. Chivalry, that old conservative value, has no place in the current Republican universe. If a female is not a Republican, she is fair game for any sort of low-brow, tasteless ridicule the righties can spew at her. Rush Limbaugh, of course, is the high practitioner of the art. Today’s Republicans have no respect for traditional values.
proud leftist [AKA oxymoron walking]……
“ghost @ 16
Jokes are one thing; making fun of an adolescent girl’s looks is another. Mature people do not do such things. McCain’s comment about Chelsea reveals both a lack of empathy and immaturity, despite his age. By the way, advice from you concerning how to conduct one’s affairs is the stuff of true comedy. Keep it coming.”
mature people? liberals? the people that call everyone gay, on drugs, or mentally ill if they don’t agree with them?
surely you must be kidding.
and surely you are not claiming with a straight face that you liberals have never made nasty comments about the bush twins?
and beyond that…..though i agree with you that mature people don’t behave that way……why don’t you explain to everyone why mature people would want to listen to a murderer [ted kennedy] or a KKK wizard[ robert byrd]?
I am a Republican – I lie, cheat and steal when I’m not being a family man (fat whore) or a crying hypocrit. Self righteous bastard that I am, I can’t stand to reason. Hail Hitler!
Well, it’s official. The new Sonics ownership group, while not coming right out and saying they’re going to move the team, have all but done so.
11 “It’s funny, you conservatives continue to post quotes from the Washington Times as if it were a reliable news source instead of the print version of FOX News — i.e. a house organ for the GOP.”
It’s worse than that–it’s the mouthpiece of the Unification Church (i. e. Sun Myung Moon). Then again, maybe there’s no longer much of a difference.
Union Fireman – its funny, when the Republican were “in office” you held no one accountable, everything was great and perfect and when it was not you just blamed the Democrats. And now that the shoe is on the other foot, all you want to do is cry, and cry, and cry. Kind of sounds like a child to me.
Hi Mr. Black Pot, of the faction that calls liberals traitors for doing nothing more than exercising their freedom to disagree with the government and its leaders — a freedom, by the way, enshrined in the Constitution and endorsed by such notorious anti-American liberals as Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and Theodore Roosevelt.
Let’s not forget that McCain went to Oral Roberts University to pander to the fundies. I have no respect left for the guy. I once thought I might vote for him someday, but not anymore.
Wow: Moonbat!s should love McCain. He speaks like Froggy, Left Turdball, Factx, Furball, Rugrat, etc.
Yeah, I alluded to that downthread. It was bad enough when all he wanted to do was bilk us out of our money and steal our kids to create an army of zombie followers.
Um, wait — oh my GOD, they’re STILL DOING THAT!!
Ah, Goldy. You attract the best America has to offer. What words of wisdom, compassion and intellect . . . makes me want to cry . . . or perhaps mourn.
@5 Sorry, he’s all yours — you own him, just like you pigfuckers OWN that piece-of-shit military misadventure in Iraq.
McCain apparently will get his wish for more troops in Iraq, so we’ll find out whether he was right or has has head up his ass like the rest of the Republicans. If the “surge” turns into a disaster, it will sink McCain’s credibility — and candidacy. In fact, maybe that’s why Bush is doing it.
You need to check your dictionary for a definition of oxymoron. “Proud leftist” is not an oxymoron, nor is “Proud Luddite” nor “Proud alcoholic,” for that matter. You just don’t quite have full command of the language, nor of history, nor of reason, nor of . . .
Jw1945sm says: For a guy who looks he was whooped with a big ugly stick, McCain has a lot of nerve calling anyone else ugly. By-the-way, what the hell is that lump in his left jaw……Bush’s dick is my guess. 01/18/2007 at 3:21 pm
I hope you realize her was tortured in a North Vietnam prison while Furball was rear eschalon!
Moonbat!s: Continually stupid!
Yep, I alluded to that downthread. You know, it was bad enough when all the Moonies wanted was to bilk us out of our money at airports and turn our children into unquestioning zombies.
Um, wait, I guess they’re still doing that, except they’ve moved out of the airports and into Congress. Well, we’re moving them out, I guess that’s something.
I am a Republican – I lie, cheat and steal when I’m not being a family man (fat whore) or a crying hypocrit. Self righteous bastard that I am, I can’t stand to reason. Hail Hitler!
Hey (pretends to be)Union Fuckwad-
THIS oughta BURN your ass:
“House Democrats beat 100-hour clock”
I know the teen years are traumatic, what with acne, and dances where no one will dance with you, and your mother asking you about the stains on your sheets, and all of that. Just hang in there, dude. You’ll pull through. Your insignificance will be easier to hide in adulthood than it is in the high school setting.
The 110th Congress has ALREADY gotten more done for the American Peaple than the 109th Congress got done in two years.
Unless you count cutting funding for “first responders” like you. I guess that’s why you like the Bushies so much…you can work longer under more dangerous conditions with less equipment for less money.
After reading your comments that sounds like the kind of logic a smart guy like you can understand.
Rujax! says:
“House Democrats beat 100-hour clock”
Yep, like your liberal icon the penis-prez, they are indeed fast fuckers… shoot their wad early in the process of screwing the American people… hooya!
Can we give the entire democrap party some kind of drug for premature ejaculation?
Something Different said:
President Paul. That would be an interesting few years. As far as I can tell, he’s honest and outspoken. While I question the practicality of many of his views, I do not question the sincerity of his beliefs.
He would be either very good for the country or disasterously bad. Darned if I know which. Still, Governor Ventura did a much better job than anyone (myself included) ever thought he could do.
Tell you what. You guys get him nominated, and I will listen (and encourage others to listen) very closely to what the man has to say.
Oddly enough, he’s one of the few Republicans that might actually stand a chance of winning.
Of course, the fact that he is honest and outspoken, not to mention actually conservative (as opposed to neo-con) and is not beholden to the major corporate interests means that he’ll never get the nomination. The Texas Republicans have been trying to oust him for years.
Still, honestly and without either sarcasm or ulterior motive, I do wish you luck.
#43. As opposed to 6 years of a good fucking of the American people!
The senate has just passed the lobby reform and ethics bill. 96-2. Who are the two dummies? Republican or Democrat, they should be ashamed.
@14 Thanks for reminding us that CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES are getting away with paying tuna workers in American Samoa only $3.15 an hour. We’re on the case, and those workers are about to get a big raise!
Well guess what, no surprise who voted against it.
Voting against the bill were Republicans Tom Coburn of Oklahoma and Orrin Hatch of Utah. Sens. Sam Brownback, R-Kan., and Tim Johnson, D-S.D., did not vote.
Now wingnuts, justify that.
Hey Puddybutt, while fucking your sister this morning, I realized that your buddy Baby Bush is a punk.
Here’s a story on how we’re forcing the AWOL coke-snorting coward to bend to our will. Read it and learn bitch.
Another Moonbat! in action. I wonder where Al Sharpton is?
Left TurdBall@50: Come on out of hiding like Froggy and Clueless. It was only a matter of time you went back to your insipid commentary!
Here’s a quick & dirty look at a dirty “straight-shooter.” [These snipped quotes are on the edge of fair use]
All rethuglicans are impressed with this rap sheet, of course, exactly one of their kind. One of the things that puzzles me is how do these kriminals get a security clearance??????? Where do they find these clowns?
Personally, I’d check Left Turdball for paternity.
Unfortunately for the NeoCoNazis, the McCain Doctrine will fail. I wish I were wrong, but 20000 more troops in that country will do nothing to quell the Sunni/Shiite civil/religious war. Americans are incidental targets, and we simply need to leave and let them sort it out. Yeah, I know that stinks, but there are no other options. (We shouldn’t have been there to begin with…)
Tom Coburn? Mr. Christian doctor? Mr.Self-righteous himself? What a hypocrite! He’s a parody of himself.
whl says:
You do realize the other four members of the “Keating Five” were Democrats.
skagit says:
I think he voted against because it didn’t go far enough. Of course this was back in March when the Republicans were in control. I’m not sure why Obama didn’t do the same.
Huh, well I might owe him an apology. But, sometimes something is better than nothing . . . and he could keep trying to make it better.
Thanks for the heads up. I agree they did as little as they could and still come up smelling better than before.
@ 57
And your point is . . . ?
As in which of them is running for President?
What the fuck kind of dumbass response is that? Your comment reads like something a not-too-bright Christian will say when caught with another man’s wife—-“all the atheists & agnostics do it too.” And which of the other 4 has pretended to be a maverick straight-shooter.
McCain’s a phony. And it doesn’t matter that there are other phonies in the campaign: Saint Rudy, (latter day) Saint Romney & Newt the Sinner of Redemption . . . .
All rethuglicans are impressed with this rap sheet, of course, exactly one of their kind. One of the things that puzzles me is how do these kriminals get a security clearance??????? Where do they find these clowns?
I don’t know whl, I don’t know? The immorality is just breath taking. Stop that Monica!!
ConservativeFirst says:
whl says:
Here’s a quick & dirty look at a dirty “straight-shooter.”
01/18/2007 at 7:08 pm
You do realize the other four members of the “Keating Five” were Democrats.
I sure he does. Of course who cares, we liberals are the ultimate hypocrites.
So, a little oral sex is immoral? We obviously need another immaculate conception before anybody is pure enough to be president.
Oh, gee. Maybe that’s you . . .
WASHINGTON, DC—Citing a desire to finally make a difference in Iraq, in the past two weeks, more than 800,000 young people from upper-middle- and upper-class families have put aside their education, careers, and physical well-being to enlist in the military, new data from the Department Of Defense shows.
Many of these young republicans are also giving up their right to vote if registered in liberal voting districts. God bless them. To bad the wrong party is in power in congress.
Dan, you’re in or were in the news business. Honey, that’s old news . . .
BTW, Dan, obviously you failed to check your sources again . . .
Come on Skagit. Everyone knows liberals/dems dont fight. They are pussies. Eighty percent or more of the active military votes republican. You cant be that much of a dumbass, can you?
Actually I take comment 68 back. Well just the part that liberals can be that much of a dumbass.
John Barelli says:
Ok, anti-liberal, if McCain doesn’t suit your definition of a conservative, you folks are welcome to quit sending him to the Senate. I may not like his politics, and would certainly never vote for him, but he does have the reputation of someone that speaks (and votes) his mind. That alone is enough to make the neo-cons hate him.
Reverent John Barelli that is not a nice thing to say about a fellow Christian who would do anything for you in the worst of times. Now you will not find neo-cons preaching hate like the left-wingers do today about Christians. Reverent John how many souls did you save last month? Your friends in Seattle need a lot of comfort and understanding for the many traumatic events they have been facing that are acts of GOD. Maybe it could be cause by President Bush and his many sins he has committed while in office. OR NOT!!!!
Reverent John Christ was not a LIBERAL so why do you claim to be one today? Remember your purpose in life is to save the sinners from Hell and you live among many there in Seattle. Pot Haven and who knows what else they are doing for a ticket to Hell. You cannot save sinners if you do not forgive them for their transgressions, Pray John and you will be bless.
re 9: So what? Go fuck yourself. I’ll never change my mind about that.
Better yet, jump in front of a train.
re 23: Don’t you remember Nixon and Bebe Rebozo’s drunken joyriding in a Cigarette Boat off the Florida keys and decapitating the 9 year old Brownie.
Yeah. They tried to hush that one up.
When John Boehner looks out at the camera he truly looks like a murderer — a man with a serious screw loose.
Y’all are frequently defending Cuba for its wonderful free health care. If it’s so great, why does Castro have to go to SPAIN for his operations????? Ding
#72: I hear that Ted Kennedy tried to hush up the Chappaquiddick thing for the first 8 or 9 hours.
@68: is it any wonder that 80% of a propagandized population only allowed to listen to Rush Limbaugh wouldn’t vote for their Decider? And currently, the military is taking idiots who haven’t graduated high school, can’t pass tests, get waivers for criminal behavior and generally suck – when, of course, they’re not killing and raping Iraqi civilians.
Of course, that means 20% are educated, well adjusted, can think for themselves in spite of constant piped-in propaganda, law-abiding soldiers otherwise called liberals.
BTW, your Decider sure is backing up on all his don’t need FISA decisions isn’t he? Do you think he’s getting nervous now that the law is back in town?
#22: do you personally have respect for “traditional values”?
re 74: ….cause he kinda likes the music?
By ’98 Chelsea was passed her akward early teens and was, actually, quite cute. Just one more thing the Republicans are behind the time on.
Ok, who let klake skip his meds again?
Go with the nice man, klake, and he’ll take you back to your room. Won’t that be nice? Remember, no biting.
Actually, it was kinda funny for Dan @ 65 to take a story I read a few days ago from The Onion (I linked to it from Andrew Sullivan’s blog, if I remember correctly. Or was it JC’s?) and repeat it as though he thought it was actual fact.
Hey Wally at 78: Wrong. Try again.
Now this is interesting. Another factoid Goldie overlooked when he was dissing GWB’s troop increase.
Your highly intelligent House Armed Services Committee Chairman Silvestre Reyes (who is Sunni, who is Shi’a) Reyes, told the WA DC press corps a troop increase in Baghdad was needed. Preseident Bush announces it and I guess Nancy Pelosi told him to toe the line. He changed his tune when GWB announced it.
Everything to a Moonbat! is politics. Even the lives of our wonderful troops.
Speaking of which, Broadway Joe: Did any of your Moonbat! buddies mention they were praying for your sons?
Broadway Joe: To a Moonbat! words mean something. The ASSWipes lack of support on ASSHeads for your sons is telling. Very telling.
Not one came and wrote:
“I’ll pray for your sons”.
Now why is that Broadway Joe?
Are your Moonbat! friends on ASSWipes deviod of compassion? – YES!
Are your Moonbat! friends on ASSWipes just a bunch of whitewashed sepulchres full of dead mens bones? – YES!
Are your Moonbat! friends on ASSWipes afraid to admit they believe in God? – YES!
I will continue to pray for their safety Broadway Joe even though your politics stink!
Now that Barack Obama announced his presidential exploratory committee will Moonbat! libtard in America support him? Or, will their natural racist tendencies run amok again?
Time will tell.
skagit says: And currently, the military is taking idiots who haven’t graduated high school, can’t pass tests, get waivers for criminal behavior and generally suck – when, of course, they’re not killing and raping Iraqi civilians.
But, “we support the troops”.
Fucking assholes.
Hey, I support every dummy out there . . . except for the rapists. You can support them.