In many Washington State jurisdictions, there’s an election tomorrow. Get it postmarked by tomorrow. Or drop it off. Here are the locations for King County. I voted for both of the Seattle levies. I have to say though: I’m not a parent, but I paid enough attention when the latest round of school closures went through to find the we have to reopen schools because who could have predicted we’d need capacity arguments pretty ridiculous.
This one thing about the Oregon moron is oh so true, watching him post all these years on HA DUMMOCRETINS. The Oregon moron writes about everything under the sun. The Oregon moron’s head contains an enormous number of self-professed facts that never coalesce with one another to form fertile soil. Hence none of those facts become original ideas, just a whole bunch of BULLSHITTIUM ready to be spewed on HA DUMMOCRETINS. Each leetle piece of Oregon moron’s information exists independently from the others as floaters in the vacuum of outer space or the water of a toilet.
Or you could view them as wet sand grains being pushed onto the ocean shore. Each of those self-proclaimed facts continuously shifting and rolling around like sand grains in the ocean, forming wet and useless ephemeral dunes. We also see this same phenomenon in the lifeless minds of its friends LucasFoxx and Dr Orpheus. The “open-minded” Oregon moron head likes to open its “mind’ to “like minded lifeless ones” such as those two in the company of their HA DUMMOCRETIN peers and admire each other’s fanciful sandy underwater mindscapes. Every new breeze of wind (read smelly FARTS) or shaking of the head (leaving dandruff piles) creates a new wave action that tosses their underwater whimsical mindscapes in more freakish thought patterns, forming some strange new and very boring outlines.
As previously covered FACTS from PuddyLinks are exposed to them and those FACTS once exposed are purposely concealed by them by Dr Orpheus’ javascript, then a semi-comatose semblance of new wet sandy ideas will emerge without any true change in Oregon moron content, just more whimsical mindscapes. Another regurgitation of something from the previous week!
Witness its Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio discussions of last week. Nothing new was said all during the week.
I know a campaign cannot coordinate with a Super Pac for its own benefit. But I was wondering something a little different.
It occurred to me that prolonging Carson’s death spiral could be very useful to the “establishment” bullies who oppose Cruz, by helping Carson sop up some larger percentage of the bible voters, and possibly even holding Cruz below 10% in some cases.
So, for instance, could Jeb! coordinate with an independent committee to encourage them to send some support Carson’s way? Would that kind of coordination be permissible?
I only read the headline, not really interested in the content, but why does she think this is a problem? Does she think we need political correctness in this world….what the fuck is she thinking.
it’s like she’s trying to rob people of their basic ideological freedom to call her names. It’s kinda un-Murican to oppose “expression” that way, isn’t it?
“It occurred to me that prolonging Carson’s death spiral could be very useful to the “establishment” bullies who oppose Cruz”
With batshit insane candidates holding 70% of the RCP national GOP poll average, GOP establishment heads must be spinning. And speaking of spinning, Reagan and his “11th Commandment” must be spinning in his grave.
Anybody who knows WTF the loon is talking about @1 is either equally batshit insane or they have a damned fine decoder ring, one far better than mine.
Given how Cruz ratfucked Carson in Iowa, I’m sure he’s determined to stay in it, if only to be a bible vote spoiler. But the issue is will Carson be able to maintain the cash flow needed to pay for his predilection toward luxury travel and accommodations. He’s gonna need some cash infusion after N.H. (purchase new suits – the old ones will be dirty).
I for one would like to see him stay in the fight.
Strictly in the interest of… ahem… promoting a vigorous debate of conservative principles ;-)
@3, @4 OK, fine. There are plenty of applicable gender-neutral labels: Asshole, shithead, schnorrer, bum, leech, slimeball…
@2 “I know a campaign cannot coordinate with a Super Pac for its own benefit.”
Sure it can. Just don’t get caught. Any GOP campaign manager will tell you that.
@3 Sounds like an accurate description to me, if you also include the word “liar.”
A University of Massachusetts economist says if Bernie Sanders became president and Congress passed his economic plan, incomes would soar, poverty rates would plunge, 26 million jobs would be created, the economy would grow 2.5 times as fast, and deficits would turn into large surpluses by his second term.
As the loon babbles on and on like a jackass about white privilege, this is how Rubio rolls…blacks not welcome.
“there were only 3 blacks including me and #nyu_journalism students among hundreds of white people at #Rubio townhall. Hassles began fast”
“What a stressful day!
Never been racially profiled before. Needless to say I’m more stressed that it happened at @marcorubio townhall #NHP”
“we were picked on. We pointed out our white classmate who didn’t have the “right credentials”. #Rubio worker didn’t care. Focused on us. #NH”
@ 11
“there were only 3 blacks including me and #nyu_journalism students among hundreds of white people at #Rubio townhall. Hassles began fast”
This might be newsworthy had it happened in South Carolina, Steve.
New Hampshire is only 1.5% black, and 90+% of the black population votes Democrat in presidential elections.
What percent of a 1) NH 2) GOP 3) presidential primary town hall audience were you expecting to be black, Steve?
Since rally attendance demographics seem to interest you, Steve, what percent of Bernie supporters at his Westlake rally last year were black but weren’t #BLM or otherwise there to disrupt?
There’s a special place in hell for women who get groped against their wishes and don’t stay silent about it.
Woman who accused Bill Clinton of assault to campaign against Hillary presidential run
@ 7
here are plenty of applicable gender-neutral labels: Asshole, shithead, schnorrer, bum, leech, slimeball…
I’m sure those are just the ones Dems will choose when it turns out the GOP has a woman on the ticket and the Democrat Party doesn’t.
Ah. Brilliant. The “Henry Louis Gates” gambit.
Always plays well with the “Silent Majority”.
Well done.
Can’t you freshen that trolling up, just a bit?
Willey has been hawking that book and speaking fee contract for years. And has been email dumping the press releases on a weekly basis since long before Clinton announced. Carson and Trump aren’t the only folks with a remaindered book in need of life support. But really, if you aren’t getting a cut you shouldn’t be a pimp. Makes the real pimps look bad.
@ 16
Remind me again how many years between the public Flowers accusation and the admission that it was true?
Hey Boob, make sure you don’t go to the dark side.
Check out this video on YouTube:
Can you just imagine all the women whose careers would be shackled by their husband’s behavior if we held them to same standard the Hillary haters hold her?
I just figured out the one thing about Trump that fuels his frat boy Republican fan base. It’s his total lack of respect for anyone or anything but himself and money. It’s a perfect Republican fit. And it’s on to the nomination and a loss for the R’s!
“New Hampshire is only 1.5% black”
And that gives Rubio’s campaign a green light to profile blacks. You all know how blacks are, I reckon. Lord knows, they might be New Black Panthers, BLM or something.
I’m sure it all makes sense to you guys in a wingnut sort of way.
it really doesn’t matter at this point if it’s Trump or not. It’s a full-on debacle for movement conservatives regardless of which one of the clowns makes it through this gauntlet still standing.
Whoever it is gets to spend six months defending carpet bombing, the 40 foot wall, Chinese tariffs, ritual beheading, compulsory vaginal probes, and doubling the defense budget, just for starters. All this while promising to privatize social security, take away 11 million people’s health insurance and leave them with nothing, and give some giant tax cuts to Wall Street hedge fund managers – ’cause JOBS!
No wonder Jeb! is taking a dive.
probably be safest to just shoot first. Then sort it all out after the “situation” is under control.
Math doesn’t lie.
@12 Nice try at deflection, doc, but racial profiling by campaign staffers of a presidential candidate would be newsworthy even if those two guys were the only blacks in the entire state.
@13 This is new?
“February 18, 2014 – Fox News will host discredited smear merchant Kathleen Willey tonight to attack Hillary Clinton.”
@14 How do you know Bernie won’t tap Elizabeth Warren for the Veep spot? As for a woman on the GOP ticket, I’m sure the Dems pray every day for a Trump-Palin ticket, at least the religious ones do.
I’m not sure Trump will get the Republican nomination, but I think he will, and I thing of all the rest of the candidates I’d prefer Trump (definitely over Cruz)…..but I think if he wins the Repuke nomination, I think he will be hard to beat, as soon as some moderate Dems hear him move to the center then he will get their vote.
I’m not at all worried about any of them.
Despite his rep, Cruz has not yet demonstrated any great debate talent. And Rubio is a living, breathing demo of The Peter Principle. Not one of the top three has what it’ll take to win a plurality of swing states. And this blood struggle over the party base is only digging the hole deeper.
I think it’s time to begin investing in the down ballot races.
Wow. Full-on schizophrenic meltdown right out of the gate.
@ 27 DR
I am rather surprised that Cruz even has a reputation for being such a great debater. When he was in college, his method was mostly about hammering his opponent down by Gish Gallop more than any by more traditional method, such as merely telling the truth. His career goal as an attorney was all about shooting for the big bucks by immediately whoring himself out to companies like Monsanto and RJ Reynolds as soon as the ink on his legal license was dry.
But, then again, it seems as though an awful lot of these White Nationalist lawyers come out of the Corporate side of the profession.
I suppose it’s the only way they can go so long before they come up on ethics charges. Corporate Attorneys are hired based on their ability to skirt laws, rather than uphold them.
Northwest libtards at Oregon are racist…
Can you just imagine all the women whose careers would be shackled by their husband’s behavior if we held them to same standard the Hillary haters hold her?
Who is using their husband’s career coattails again dunceman? Carly Fiorina or Heilary Clinton?
Nuff said sucka!
@ Schizo @ 30
There is one basic difference. HR Clinton has tremendous levels of credibility with her experience in the legal profession as well as Government.
Whereas Fiorina is a primary example of how people can spend their entire career constantly failing upwards and still end up being a laughingstock.
If the GOP wants to be considered credible on any issue whatsoever, why do they have to constantly fabricate their information?
Yeah, while you HA DUMMOCRETINS scream about worthless DUMMOCRETIN commentary, this is real! DUMMOCRETINS are eating each other!
-Just because you might be the first woman president doesn’t make you a real feminist, backers of Sanders insist. You’ve got to support a whole progressive agenda, too.
-“[Hillary is] confused about what feminism means, she thinks feminism just means female empowerment only, it means a lot more than that,” said Ainsley-Aude Croteau, 24, of Durham, New Hampshire. “Feminism is gender equality, I think she’s trying to appeal to young women voters by shouting feminism in our faces, but we’re not one-track-minded people.”
Heilary is a big bankster, hero of OWS headache vomit producer!
It’s amazing how HA DUMMOCRETINS don’t use DailyBeast much anymore.
“Heilary is a big bankster, hero of OWS headache vomit producer!”
As is Rafael Cruz, Carly Fiorina, John Bush, Donald Trump, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Dick Cheney, etc etc etc…
Ahhh yes butt Heilary lies about it vomit producer! And the LIV DUMMOCRETINS eat up her big bankster BULLSHITTIUM!
Puddy loves it when DUMMOCRETIN eat their own!
Heilary has tremendous levels of credibility?
Yes she’s so credible with her homebrew personal email server that many in the Obummer sadministration think was hacked because she decided she was above the administration’s own edict? Now 29 super duper secret documents and counting.
More like incredibly stoooooooooooopid!
The reason millennial wimens have issues with Heilary is her talking with forked tongue… a real serpent just like you vomit producer!
“People, women who are victims of sexual assaults, should be believed until disproved.” Indeed Heilary if only that were really true in that scandalous mind! And where were Heilary’s sympathies back in the 1990s? Not with her husband’s accusers, that’s for DAYUM sure.
And what did Heilary do next vomit producer? She trashed those wimens who accused her husband of those sexual assaults to ride his coattails vomit producer! Seems that comment only applied to wimens who weren’t Bill the Cigar Man’s victims! Those wimens Heilary accused and believed were part of a “vast right-wing conspiracy” you heard her scream over and over. Just like she’s trying to make on her email scandal.
Butt this is where Heilary fails the millennial wimens vomit producer. You see these millennials know the State Department IG is an Obummer appointment. So that “vast right-wing conspiracy” BULLSHITTIUM doesn’t sprout wings vomit producer.
You see vomit producer the millennials watch and view anyone who espouses sympathy for female victims of sexual harassment while being married to a known and accepted DUMMOCRETIN sexual predator, and then has the unmitigated gaul at the same time in a presidential campaign to throw stones at Donald Trump for being sexist, can’t ever be trusted. Doesn’t matter if it’s Gloria Steinem or Madeline Half-Bright, the old WHITE PRIVILEGE guard for Heilary!
Nuff said sucka!
The killa sentences that DUMMOCRETINS all over America hate…
“Like my fellow young feminist women, I recognize that voting for a woman because she’s a woman is sexist, just like voting for a man because he’s a man is also sexist.”
“It’s not just about having a woman president. You want somebody that values all of your principles and the morals that you stand for.”
Principles and morals… Not found in the DUMMOCRETIN WHITE PRIVILEGE woman candidate per young DUMMOCRETIN millennials!
Call Puddy a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahambulance!
You see vomit producer… Puddy delivers FACTS even if Puddy has to use CNN as the source, the Clinton News Network! You don’t bring links or facts. All you provide is your BULLSHITTIUM. Read post #1, it applies to you too vomit producer!
@31 When it comes to fabricating, Fiorina is one of the biggest lairs of them all, right up there with Daleiden.
@35 Don’t worry, Republicans will still manage to turn any issue involving Hillary’s veracity into a contest of moral relativism, which she will win every time.
Puffy could be having a stroke or massive heart attack and I wouldn’t call him a wambulance, I think I would enjoy the moment and savour it by videoing it in slow motion.
Ah yeah, Oklahoma. Land of Christian Republican Government, where a Cop can rape a 3-year-old girl and walk away scott-free because the little girl couldn’t stand up to three hours of grilling by a prosecuting attorney and keep her composure.
You keep on, keepin’ on Christians.
“Rape is a beautiful thing”
Now we find out that that it’s the Jews who are trying to disarm America. For what nefarious purpose we still cannot be allowed to understand. I wonder how long before we see ol’ Ted here start waving around a copy of “The International Jew”? (Notice the URL)
It’s always the same. The Conservatives always run home to momma when their new shtick starts going stale in the public arena of political discourse. In the end, they always find someone to blame for their troubled minds, and somehow, it really just boils down to the Jews.
Party of personal responsibility, indeed.
Puddy noticed vomit producer got his ass KICKED above in #35 so lets turn tail and run and change the subject!
Why thanks Sucking on Human Teabags @38. Such inhuman DUMMOCRETIN compassion.
Of course TPPS won’t call that hate… TPPS will call that normal DUMMOCRETIN conversation!
You mean that sexist stale shtick of you have to vote for Heilary because you and she are wimens?
@ 41
I didn’t respond to that particular post, because you’re a fucking gibbering lunatic and a pathological liar. I just assumed that it was merely more of the same. When I did finally read it through, I realized that it was exactly that, and my initial response to seeing it was right on target.
A word of advice, Schizo. One cannot just make shit up out of the magical air and expect anyone else to understand what it is that you’re arguing about, especially when the language you use to do so bears little resemblance to the language you claim to speak natively.
People who already might have some personal concerns for your mental health may realize that they probably should express this to mutual acquaintances to verify that it isn’t illusory, and maybe start applying some social influence on getting you some professional help in this regard.
Just sayin’.
“Personal concerns”?
This presumes that anybody, anywhere in the whole wide world, remotely gives a shit. I doubt that.
Mom taught me it wasn’t polite to point and stare at these people. So I grew up and learned to work hard, pay my taxes, and push for progressive social policies that enlisted the government to help the poor, the disadvantaged, and yes the mentally ill.
But times have changed. Thanks almost entirely to decades of influence by movement conservatives, services for the mentally ill are non-existent in most of post-Reagan America. I guess that leaves that troll to fend for itself. Fuck if I care.
I won’t even point and laugh anymore. As the hatred, violence, and self-loathing have continued to mount, like too many under-medicated mentally ill, that troll has become more frightening than amusing.
I just hope you guys take that into consideration when you openly advertise your physical location to it once a week. I really hope I’m wrong. I hope that troll remains contented to serve it’s undernourished ego with a never ending string of imaginary epic verbal triumphs. But as the shared values of the real world continue to diverge from that troll, some day soon it may reach the point where these kinds of imaginary victories no longer suffice.