This (autoplays) is a few days old (they make Iowa Caucus predictions) but I just listened to it yesterday on my way to Drinking Liberally. It got me thinking about the foreign policy philosophies of the Democratic candidates. I would dispute that Clinton’s foreign policy philosophy is just about competence. I’d say that women’s rights are human rights was an animating idea during her tenure at State and in the Senate.
I asked a few people at Drinking Liberally how they would sum up Sanders’ foreign policy. And we found some interesting things about his record, but I don’t know if it’s predictive for voters or for the bureaucracy if he gets elected. I’d very much like to know more about his foreign policy, but I haven’t seen it yet. It’s one state down, so we may well see something that crystallizes it going forward.
(this has been edited a bit to make it clear I’m just talking about foreign policy)
Rand Paul has dropped out of the GOP race.
Well, well, what do we have here? Another example of Obama’s failed economy:
“Home Depot is on a hiring spree. The nation’s largest home improvement chain, based in Atlanta, said Wednesday it is hiring more than 80,000 workers nationwide for its busy spring season, the same level as in recent years. The retailer estimates that more than half of the temporary workers stay on for permanent employment. … The hiring comes as Home Depot has been benefiting from shoppers’ increasing shift to renovate their homes in a housing market that has been solid.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m sure looking forward to the GOP campaigning on how much worse housing and employment is since Obama took over from the last Republican president.
Just pay her $250k, fire the stupid cops, and hire smarter cops.
A Libertarian bed time story
“Ayn Rand, Rand Paul and Paul Ryan walk into a bar.
The bartender serves them wood alcohol in their drinks because there are no rules or regulations.
They die.
The end. “
I would add the seemingly forgotten eight years as first lady of Arkansas and eight years as first lady of the U.S. during which she was an advocate for women and children. Not to mention her years of work outside of government. Hillary R. Clinton is a titan in the women’s rights movement worldwide.
Biggest loser: Distant Replay.
Ruling: Ted Cruz Is A ‘Natural Born Citizen,’ Board Of Election Finds
“Further discussion on this issue is unnecessary.”
But we know better, don’t we, Birthers?
Invictus @TBPInvictus
Behold how Obama and/or Obamacare has killed small business. Or not. Whatever. Never mind.
Retweeted by Goldy
Behold how Congress, just last October, passed a law to keep the ACA from deleteriously affecting small businesses.
After months of lobbying, the U.S. Congress passed legislation designed to protect a very specific group of small to mid-sized businesses. The new law, a modification of the Affordable Care Act, is intended to prevent some businesses with 51 to 100 employees from increases in health insurance premiums.
President Barack Obama has already signed the Protecting Affordable Coverage for Employees Act into law. The legislation addresses a provision of Obamacare seen by many as particularly onerous to this special group of businesses.
And that’s on top of the numerous deferments of Obamacare requirements that otherwise would have hit businesses. Oh, and then there were the three separate quantitative easing programs put in place by the Fed in order to keep money flowing and at incredibly low rates. Nearly free money doesn’t last forever.
You want to claim Obamacare has insured millions? Fine. No argument.
It’s disingenuous to argue it didn’t have deleterious effects on small businesses when a series of after-the-fact fixes had to be put in place to keep them from occurring.
From the comments on that link….
It’s funny…all the accusations that President Obama was born in Africa, nobody mentioned that his mom was American. I smell a double standard.
But why are you introducing…facts…into the discussion?
It was mentioned repeatedly about Obama’s mother being American born.That didn’t stop the birthers though.
That’s because his skin is (black) shh, don’t tell anyone!
Angela, sadly, there is always a double standard for our darker sisters and brothers.
But to get more technical…
The problem for Ted is that is his mother’s name appears on the voting rolls in Calgary — which means she had to be a Canadian citizen at the time. When he was born, dual citizenship was forbidden by Congress, so it appears she and her husband came back into the US and didnt bother telling anyone those pesky little facts of her being a naturalized Canadian.
did she register the Birth of Junior with the US Consulate in Alberta?
I’m sorry but the “Board of Elections” does not get to decide what is constitutional. Only the Supreme Court can determine that.
I think people are confusing “Citizenship” with “Natural Born Citizen”. A child born anywhere to either parent who is a US Citizen is also a US Citizen. Not sure that is the same thing as “Natural Born Citizen”. Supreme Court will need to weigh in on the exact definition and difference before it is a settled issue.
Release the lawyers…
@7. What’s the republican alternative to the ACA again?
Typical conservative double standard
did you notice the motherfuckers made her bond out?
$750 will destroy her financially. And they know it. No doubt ABM fired her for not showing up the next day. So she just emptied her savings and lost her job because… Meskin Terrists!.
Compassionate conservatism in action.
@6 Sez the mouthpiece for the Birther Party …
Pass the popcorn, please.
Donald Trump … Wednesday morning … went on a tirade, accusing winner Ted Cruz of ‘fraud’ and demanding a new election.”
Hey, what do Chelsea Manning and Donald Trump have in common? Besides a schlong, I mean.
This is what coalescing around an establishment candidate looks like.
Alex IsenstadtVerified account
Breaking: Pat Toomey to endorse Rubio, per 3 sources. Story t k
Speaking @ 15 of, with friends like this…
Specifically, many Republicans — including some of his supporters and donors — said Tuesday that Mr. Bush must finish ahead of Mr. Rubio in the primary here on Tuesday to justify continuing his campaign into South Carolina.
“If Rubio beats him badly in New Hampshire, Jeb is toast,” said Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, a Bush backer who spent most of Tuesday traveling the state with him. Mr. Graham added that Mr. Bush must either “tie Rubio or beat him” in this state.
a hand picked state board of political gym rats can put a ham sandwich on the ballot.
That doesn’t make it the law of the United States.
Why should we give a shit if Illinois wants to let it’s Republican voters throw their votes away. Even better, I say. It’s not as if a Republican nominee can win that state.
Fact remains Rafael Edward Cruz was not born in the United States. And the statute granting citizenship status to children born abroad was enacted after the Constitution and specifically referred to such citizens as naturalized, not natural born. All the historical reference indicates that at the time that was a distinction with meaning. And Congress knew what it was doing when it enacted the statute using that specific language. So it’ll be up to a competent court with jurisdiction to decide, not a handful of recently unseated political cronies between appointments. And when such a court decides, I’ll be content. We all win in a nation of laws.
@ 17
We all win in a nation of laws.
We do if DOJ stands up to the president.
don’t buy the false equivalence.
Barack Obama was born in the United States.
That’s a fact. It’s well proven and well documented. And there is absolutely no reason at all to doubt his natural born citizenship any more than any other U.S. born person.
But Rafael Cruz was simply not born in the United States.
That is an uncontested fact. And that alone makes all the difference. There is simply no equivalence between the unfounded, delusional, and simply racist claims of Birfers like Donald Trump, and the legitimate legal questions surrounding the citizenship status of Rafael Cruz. Cruz was born abroad. There is no definitive legal standard at this time to establish whether or not that qualifies him to serve as President. It is an open legal question. One that should be decided by the courts, not by lay opinion.
@18, @16 @14, and @7. Still not a peep from bob defining the republican alternative to the ACA.
@ 17
Why should we give a shit if Illinois wants to let it’s Republican voters throw their votes away.
I dunno, perhaps for the same reason it seemed to matter when the Democrat primary voters of Michigan and Florida tried to throw their votes away in 2008?
Somehow I think that if Cruz is disqualified and, say, Rubio is installed as the GOP nominee, lefties won’t be all that happy about the result. I’d certainly be OK with it. Smokin’ First Lady.
@7 Yeah, I’ve noticed that Obamacare has been killing jobs at a rate of over 200,000 new hires per month ever since it was enacted, and so many jobs have been destroyed that employers now can’t find enough workers and might even have to start raising wages.
Or if Congress re-authorizes the Ethics in Government Act.
Lemme see know. Which party controlled Congress in 1998?
Oh, that’s right. They were too busy sniffing Clinton’s fingers.
@11 She has no problems a good civil rights lawyer can’t fix with a settlement ensuring she’ll never have to work again.
“This is what coalescing around an establishment candidate looks like”
“Mr. Bush must finish ahead of Mr. Rubio”
Good luck to you and your GOP establishment candidates. Over 62% of Iowa Republicans at the caucuses went for non-establishment candidates on Monday. In New Hampshire your establishment candidates are collectively polling 36%. In South Carolina it’s 26%.
We’ll see soon enough what coalescing around an establishment GOP candidate looks like in 2016. Right now, it’s hard to say that it looks good for the establishment. That’s probably why the establishment is freaking out.
@14 I’m toying with the idea of nominating you for some sort of Nobel Prize, but only on condition I can remain anonymous until long after I’m dead.
CNN reports that Rick Santorum is dropping out of the GOP race.
I’m pretty sure federal law and the Constitution are silent regarding how any coalition of private citizens, under the jurisdiction of state election law, selects or approves a candidate for the general election ballot. And as I recall, it only seemed to matter in January, five months after the rules stripping delegates had been approved.
Also, what makes you so confident that a disqualified Ted Cruz equals a big convention win for Rubio? Or that a Rubio candidacy in the general is remotely threatening? This is a political squirt with no significant committee experience who suddenly is proposing giant walls, carpet bombing, and vaginal probes. I’d have given him even odds four or five months ago. Especially if he’d continued to run a sunny-day campaign and had Kasich as his bottom. But since the GOP has spent those four of five months careening into JBS Bizarro World lunacy and effectively driving away women, minorities, and college degree holders with a whip and a chair, I think he’d be lucky to win his home state. And that won’t be enough. Do the math.
I can’t remember: is Santorum “establishment”, or “outsider”?
‘Cause if he’s “establishment” his 0.7% could really turn the tide for Rubio ;-)
@29 I’m not sure. The media considers Rubio, Bush, Christie, and Kasich as the “establishment” candidates. It may still be too soon to call the GOP side a three-person race, but I suspect more candidates will drop out after New Hampshire. Unless Bush, Christie, or Kasich gets real traction there, and nobody outside their campaign staffs believes they will, the GOP poobahs likely will anoint Rubio as their salvation from Trump and Cruz.
@21 “Smokin’ First Lady.”
I’m sure a lot of other equally stupid Republican voters use your criterion for picking the leader of the free world, too. I’m curious how you managed to vote for Jimmy Carter. Were you suffering from cataracts or shaky hands when you marked your ballot? Was it a reading issue? You’re demonstrably not intelligent enough to pick him over Saint Raygun.
@18 Enforcing laws has always been discretionary and selective. Of course, you’re well aware of this, being as white guys like you have about 1/100th as much chance of being arrested as, say, a black professor who lost his key trying to break into his own home, or a Guatemalan cleaning lady doing her night job at a school building.
All the Republican evangelical types are dropping out of the race…you know this is because they want the Crud to win or get the nomination….the Donald must be quacking in his duck feet.
Bob only can poop, he can’t peep.
Smokin First Lady – sounds like Boob can’t get any at home.
“We can’t fall into the progressives’ trap of acting like angry reactionaries.”
Trap? Jeebus Criminy, what trap?
The grownups pause just long enough to take a phone call. And when we turn around the Freedumb Loving Party of The Country Club Greens Committee has broken all the china, shaved the dog, published another enemies list, parked the station wagon in the pool and lost the keys, got the housekeeper pregnant, then got her arrested and deported, and blown the kid’s college fund on hookers and blow.
Go ahead! Light your fuckin’ hair on fire! We don’t care, just so long as you do it in the carport. ‘Cause we just got the drapes cleaned and we don’t wanna see them burn. Okay?
Poor Sarah Palin – she was born with a dick in her mouth.
I think that the next Bush that we ever have to think about voting for will be one with a Brazilian wax job.
Of course. Now that there is no Fuckfacebe, Scrotum, and (Cursed Black one on his way), the Duck knows that he doesn’t get any evangelicals anymore…I wonder if he’ll be talking about the three stooges (Corinthians) anymore?
Here is a little nugget that Republicans will cling to for an hour.
I’m sure Sarah Palin would adopt a few of the babies. She’s already got a few brain dead kids…what’s a couple more.
Is Ryan suggesting that they just pretend they aren’t angry, and it is best to mask it somehow, like all the rest of their pretend beliefs?
I think is what tipped off the evangelicals that they should go with Crud.
And who says Trump has never bought his way to anywhere in the political arena.
“sounds like Boob can’t get any at home”
I figure that’s the loon’s problem these days, not Bob’s. It goes to explain why the loon is so damned angry and full of hate first thing in the morning and then late at night – his woman is no longer giving him any pussy.
you know damn well it’s gonna respond to that. And the response will be truly cringe-worthy. And even though I don’t have to read it, just the implication made me throw up in my mouth a little.
Hillary R. Clinton is a titan in the women’s rights movement worldwide.
Puddy is sure:
Kathleen WIlley
Paula Jones
Juanita Broaddrick
will agree with you dunceman!
Over 62% of Iowa Republicans at the caucuses went for non-establishment candidates on Monday.
And Over 60% of Iowa Republicans at the caucuses went for non-WHITEY candidates on Monday.
I figure that’s the loon’s problem these days, not Bob’s.
Puddy thinks TPPS projects too much. Butt that’s another story! TPPS should turn it around. The best Puddy comments come after getting some! You should track them TPPS since you and the Oregon Moron are so worried about Puddy laying pipe!
Puddy glad TPPS is looking after Puddy!
And even though I don’t have to read it,
Butt you do Oregon Moron. You proved that on Monday! It’s so nice when schadenfreude strikes!
The world witnessed Heilary’s foreign policy for four years and found it lacking!
damned angry and full of hate
FACTS are scary to TPPS! Only one with scrambled marbuls would hate FACTS!
Hey dunceman, what do you think about Paula Jones?
Paula Jones: “I can’t believe he’s got the nerve to do it. I can’t believe he’s still going out there and showing his face. How can you go out there and talk to people like nothing has happened?”
“That just makes me sick. She can’t be trusted. I don’t see how they can believe that she is for women. She is for herself.”
Butt Heilary is cheering Bill Cosby’s prosecution!
Wimens Writes!
Loons are gonna be loons.
Very interesting…
Something the Oregon Moron will claim it never saw!
Of course TPPS will classify this as hate!
All this
hateFACT based material from Puddy… http://www.washingtonexaminer......le/2582306The agency will now withhold 29 emails from the public due to their sensitive content.
“They do reveal classified methods, they do reveal classified sources, and they do reveal human assets.”
And they reveal how cavalier Heilary was with national security documentation.
Of course TPPS will classify this as hate!
Surely the Oregon Moron and TPPS must have really hated this FACT from the AP as a BIG STORY…
PuddyCommentariat: Well Puddy doesn’t think the leftard morons whom post here remember this tidbit. They have 24 hour moronic moonbat memory malady. It was a BIG STORY last October. And you wonder why intelligence peeps worry Heilary’s homebrew personal email server was hacked? Because Russian hackers breached the department’s email system you idiots!
Butt this is the BIG STORY: Based on audits by Linick and his predecessor, Harold Geisel, State scored a 42 out of 100 on the federal government’s latest cybersecurity report card, earning far lower marks than the Office of Personnel Management, which suffered a devastating breach last year. State’s scores bested only the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Housing and Urban Development. State Department officials complain the grades are subjective.
Remember 21.5 million people were hacked in the OPM breach including their fingerprints.
Way to go Obummer! Thank you term term preznit!
Of course TPPS will classify this as hate!
Of course this was forgotten too by the 24 hour moronic moonbattic memory malady possessors here…
Clinton’s server, which handled her personal and State Department correspondence, appeared to allow users to connect openly over the Internet to control it remotely, according to detailed records compiled in 2012. Experts said the Microsoft remote desktop service wasn’t intended for such use without additional protective measures, and was the subject of U.S. government and industry warnings at the time over attacks from even low-skilled intruders.
Yes, even the vomit producer and the clueless crazed databaze cretin could have hacked Heilary’s server with ‘remote desktop connection’ mstsc /v:
Remember her “numerous safeguards” were it was protected by the Secret Service!
Of course TPPS will classify this as hate!
Looks like Hillary’s server is the new Benghazi, at least in the loon’s bird brain. Note, though, the loon hasn’t given up on Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones, and Juanita Broaddrick; none of whom, so far as I know, ever had sex with Hillary Clinton.
@48 “The best Puddy comments come after getting some!”
Well, now we know where your inspiration comes from, but that may be too much information.
Of course I classify the loon’s comments as hate speech. Hell, his screen name is hate speech as it expresses the loon’s belief that he is the disinfectant who is going to kill all those he hatefully refers to as “DUMMOCRETIN scum”.
Enough of the loon’s not-so-subtle threats. I welcome the batshit crazy loon to try to kill me first. And were he to ever cast his shadow on my door, my friend Mr. Detonics .451 would remove his fucking head, I’d bury the motherfucker in the woods behind my house, and that’d be it. No more batshit crazy loon soiling these threads.
I would imagine it’s gotta be pretty tough for Carson right now.
Cruz screwed him haaard. Then the next day, Ted calls up Carson and swears, as a Christian, that it was an honest mistake, and he’s sorry.
What can a guy like Carson do? He has to take Cruz at his word. He isn’t allowed to call him a liar. No matter how much he suspects it. And Ted knows it, too. Their invisible sky buddy’s magic book tells Carson he has to go along with Ted’s lies. He has to remain bent over with his pants around his ankles. And just keep right on taking it. Might make Carson a better Christian. But it sure won’t make him President.
I can see now why lawyers admire Cruz. They love this kind of stuff. Using strict adherence to the rule book to set the guilty free and punish the innocent. The man’s a sly one, for sure.
Of course I classify the loon’s comments as hate speech. Hell, his screen name is hate speech as it expresses the loon’s belief that he is the disinfectant who is going to kill all those he hatefully refers to as “DUMMOCRETIN scum”.
The TPPS head explodes…
DUMMOCRETIN scum is a FACT based statement!
Please do not quote that kind of lurid filth. The only way I can disabuse myself of the implication is to imagine that by “getting some” that troll is referring to running down stray cats in its’ AMC Pacer.
Come to think of it, that’s probably exactly what it means.
Okay, never mind.
Looks like Hillary’s server is the new Benghazi
R senile… Benghazi isn’t dead yet; no matter what you “claim”.
AMC Pacer
running down stray cats
Wow the Oregon moron mind is a terrible waste! These comparisons are mos def from a sick mind!
PuddyCommentariat: Obummer has no problems with a religion that makes girls third class citizens! It’s style over substance.
Of course TPPS will classify this as hate!
@ 57
Note, though, the loon hasn’t given up on Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones, and Juanita Broaddrick; none of whom, so far as I know, ever had sex with Hillary Clinton.
Ah. You’re simply not looking in the right place for that, RR.
Former lawyer for the ‘D.C. Madam’ says names in her records could be ‘relevant’ to election
Hillary demands only the finest trim.
@5, I should have been more clear that I was talking just about foreign policy. I’ve updated the post to make that more obvious, hopefully. I think there has been some stuff out of government, and of course the speech as First Lady where she coined the phrase women’s rights are human rights. But her time in the Senate and as Sec of State were the most indicative of that as foreign policy.
@66 “Ah. You’re simply not looking in the right place for that, RR.”
You’re absolutely right, I don’t go looking under bedsheets when I’m deciding who the leader of our country should be.
@61 “DUMMOCRETIN scum is a FACT based statement!”
If only it were so. I’ve been saying on this blog for years that Democrats should behave more like Republicans, but alas, that’s just a pipedream. You scum excretors remain a (low) class of your own.
@63 Good, I WANT you fools to run on Benghazi. How’s the movie version doing? Last I heard, it’s a box office bomb, and it didn’t get very good marks from Rotten Tomatoes, either.
@ 70
“13 Hours” grossed just under $44M so far, in 19 days. (through last nite) It did $19M in the opening F-M weekend.
By comparision, “Spotlight” grossed $35M and it’s been out 89 days.
Another comparison, perhaps: “Zero Dark Thirty” grossed $95M in the US and Canada, and did $24M in its opening weekend. It was cross-marketed by Electronic Arts in its Medal of Honor video game, enabling it to reach a pretty wide market audience.
So a movie about OBL killing, marketed to both sides of the political spectrum, did twice as well as a movie that was marketed primarily to conservative audiences.
“13 Hours” was no blockbuster. But it’s far from a bomb.
Disclosure: Haven’t seen it. Probably wait for the video. But then I haven’t seen Black Hawk Down yet, either, and I like Tom Sizemore.
@ 70, 71
Now THIS is a bomb:
Domestic Total as of Jan. 31, 2016: $2,539,393
Distributor: Sony Classics Release Date: October 16, 2015
See the difference, RR?
Since I devolved into talking about leftists and movies, here’s Bernie on the big screen, circa 1999:
Director was born in Argentina. In case Carl is still looking for Bernie’s foreign policy influences.
My first thought is that he really can’t make it any worse.
DeRay Mckesson Is Running for Mayor in Baltimore
On Wednesday night, Black Lives Matter and Campaign Zero activist DeRay Mckesson filed the necessary papers to run in the upcoming Baltimore mayoral race, the Baltimore Sun reports. There are currently 28 people running for mayor in the city.
Last time that many people ran for something, didn’t The Terminator end up governor?
Teach Your Children Well.
CDC: Young women should avoid alcohol unless using birth control
Women of childbearing age should avoid alcohol unless they’re using contraception, federal health officials said Tuesday, in a move to reduce the number of babies born with fetal alcohol syndrome.
In all honesty, when I read the headline I thought that the CDC was telling them Hey honey, if you’re gonna get date-raped, at least don’t get knocked up in the process.
’cause the advice pretty much works both ways.
@71 ““13 Hours” grossed just under $44M so far, in 19 days. (through last nite) It did $19M in the opening F-M weekend.”
Yeah, and it cost only $50M to make, so the investors are only -$6M in the hole. But that’s a deeper hole than I’d want to be in.
@ 76
Yeah, but it’s only one email away from being a $250M movie.
{rim shot}
@71 (continued) I don’t like to see the “Medal of Honor” label slapped on video games, action movies, or anything else, because it demeans what the medal represents and the heroes who received it. Most of the people playing these games or watching these movies probably have little or no understanding of what the Medal of Honor is awarded for. Heroism, yes, but not the shoot-em-up kind of heroism depicted in popular culture; it’s awarded for self-sacrificing heroism that saves lives. One of my buddies in Vietnam got it for shielding four of his companions from an enemy grenade blast with his body. Of course, he died. That’s what the Medal of Honor is usually for: Giving up your life to save others.
One of my favorite examples of Medal of Honor heroism is Henry “Red” Erwin, one of only six enlisted airmen to receive the MOH during WW2. Wikipedia describes the incident as follows: “During a 1945 bombing mission over Koriyama, Japan, a phosphorus bomb prematurely exploded in his aircraft and seriously wounded him. As smoke filled the plane, he picked up the burning device and carried it through the aircraft to the cockpit where he tossed it out a window. Although he suffered severe burns, he successfully saved his plane by disposing of the smoke-generating bomb.” Erwin was not expected to live. The Medal of Honor was approved within 48 hours, and in an effort to bestow it while he still lived, an axe was used to smash open a glass display case in Honolulu and the medal was flown across the Pacific. Erwin survived dozens of operations and died in 2002 at the age of 81. His towering heroism is almost in a class by itself, even compared to other MOH recipients. This is a guy who picked up a burning white phosphorus flare with his bare hands, carried it some distance, and threw it out a cockpit window, thereby saving the plane and crew. The pain from doing that, and from the subsequent skin graft operations over much of his body, must have been unbelievable. Although he was badly disfigured, this was a man who wore his scars with extreme honor.
@72 Ah yes, the directorial debut of James Vanderbilt, a scion of the famous Vanderbilt family. This is what you get when society is a plutocracy instead of a meritocracy. (George W. Bush is another example.) Even so, “Truth” got a better score from Rotten Tomatoes than “13 Hours” did.
@73 While you’re reprising schlock movies, don’t overlook this one:
Whoever cast Ronnie with a chimp had a remarkable ability to foresee the future.
@75 Oooh, you are SOOO Republican! You’ve got the whole package wrapped up: Guy gets girl drunk, rapes her, you blame the victim! And, of course, after the baby is born* its daddy is nowhere to be found when the child support bills come due.
* She couldn’t get an abortion because the local civic committee burned the Planned Parenthood clinic to the ground in order to protect her baby from her
Trump whines about the media being unfair, is afraid to face Meagan Kelly and wants a do over in Iowa. Yeah, he’s a tough guy who will face down Putin.
Politics ain’t like his business deals where he can declare bankruptcy (how many times?) and reset
@77 No, it’s $206M away from being a $250M movie. Kinda like as how Queen Anne Hill would be Mount Everest if it had another 28,570 feet.
Meanwhile, Palin’s PAC has over 90% overhead with expenses like charter airplanes and nights at the Waldorf in NY. Gotta love those conservative values
Speaking of money, Ted Crud promised he would never take money from special interests. Specifically, he said, quote, “I will never get—nor do I want—money from the D.C. lobbyists or the special interest billionaires,” unquote.
Guess what? He’s lying through his teeth.
Why Russia is depopulating; or, with an adversary like this you don’t need nukes.
Oh yeah that Ted Cruz took 5,000 here or 7,000 there R senile. Big whoop! Another MotherJones collection of garbage for LIV senile morons like you!
By comparison… Heilary took:
Soros Fund Management $7,037,800
Walt Disney Co $3,077,667
Paloma Partners $2,505,400
Herb & Marion Sandler/Sandler Foundation $2,502,700
Saban Capital Group $2,034,213
Pritzker Group $1,811,343
Carpenters & Joiners Union $1,505,400
Plumbers/Pipefitters Union $1,505,000
Bohemian Foundation $1,252,700
Priorities USA/Priorities USA Action $1,151,000
Barbara Lee Family Foundation $1,058,619
American Federation of Teachers $1,057,728
Fair Share Action $1,010,000
Operating Engineers Union $1,010,000
DreamWorks SKG $1,008,100
DreamWorks Animation SKG $1,006,092
BLS Investments $1,002,700
Legendary Pictures $1,000,000
SDA Enterprises $1,000,000
DE Shaw Research $802,700
Citigroup Inc – $824,402
Goldman Sachs – $760,740
DLA Piper – $700,530
JPMorgan Chase & Co – $696,456
Morgan Stanley – $636,564
Lawyers/Law Firms $27,754,009
Retired $19,264,463
Securities & Investment $12,774,649
Real Estate $11,124,309
Business Services $8,196,678
Of course TPPS will call FACTS hate as always!
Meanwhile that bastion of
conservatismlibtardism the Wa Post is still writing about Heilary and her Benghazi problem!“Of course TPPS will call FACTS hate as always!”
I believe the only good America-hating, stupid fucking loon is a dead America-hating, stupid fucking loon. So if the America-hating, stupid fucking loon were to ever knock on my door, I’d gladly punch the America-hating, stupid fucking loon’s ticket to fucking hell.
His base of support among primary voterst consists of people who are very accustomed to overlooking and where necessary forgiving these kinds of lies. Their rule book demands it of them. So long as a politician is forthright in condemning all the enumerated sins and evils, while praising the blind faith, they qualify for unlimited immunity.
Cruz is a genius at manipulating these people. A talent I suspect he honed on his father. Just consider how easily he has mastered Carson. Having employed classic ratfuckery to steal Carson’s delegates, he emerges the next day ala Eddie Haskell professing his innocence. And Carson is bound by his faith to accept it. Cruz now owns Carson. This is why we can’t afford another true evangelical in the White House. They are too easily manipulated. Just ask Dick Cheney.
@ 90
His base of support among primary voterst consists of people who are very accustomed to overlooking and where necessary forgiving these kinds of lies.
If one were to view only the Iowa caucus as basis for that statement it would apply equally to Hillary’s support, n’est pas? In addition, that Hillary support by permissive and forgiving voters is limited to white women over the age of 55, because Bernie took everyone else – they were the ones shouting “She’s a liar!” when Hillary was on-screen at Bernie’s party on caucus night.
Your insight based upon a single state primary is astounding, DR.
Because that’s where the money is.
‘That’s What They Offered:’ Clinton Explains Why She Took $675,000 for Three Wall Street Speeches
Read more at:
Iowa: Not finished yet.
Editorial: Something smells in the Democratic Party
What happened Monday night at the Democratic caucuses was a debacle, period. Democracy, particularly at the local party level, can be slow, messy and obscure. But the refusal to undergo scrutiny or allow for an appeal reeks of autocracy.
There are only two things that smell like fish. And one of them is fish.
Hillary embracing reparations in 3….2….1….
First on CNN: Former NAACP head to endorse Bernie Sanders
Jealous joins a list of prominent African-Americans who have endorsed Sanders, among them Nina Turner, a former Ohio state legislator, Rep. Keith Ellison and Cornel West.
“Give me a break. This whole thing is the biggest fairy tale I’ve ever seen.”
I wasn’t aware that a substantial percentage of Clinton’s Iowa vote was rooted among conservative evangelical christians. That’s surprising.
@ 95
She has a huge evangelical following. She is frequently moved
to adopt their dialect. She and they are one. She’s done it repeatedly. Birthin’ that baby in Arkannnnsawwww must have ingrained it. She has struggled to overcome her natural southern drawl ever since.
@87 Wow. Unions give money to Hillary. Just wow. You must be shocked. You expected them to support Walker or some other union buster, didn’t you?
It doesn’t surprise me that my point is lost on the mechanical windup troll. No doubt it’s useless to spell it out, but I’ll try anyway. Ted Crud promised his supporters he would never take money from billionaires or lobbyists, then took money from billionaires and lobbyists behind their backs. Hillary, on the other hand, never pledged not to take money from unions, in fact, she’s proud and happy to have their support.
Ahh, what’s the use, you don’t get it and never will. You’re just a brainless object that fell out of the toy chest.
Fun fact du jour:
Elizabeth Warren is the only female Democratic senator who has not endorsed Hillary.
Makes sense. After all, Obama wanted her to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau because he knew Warren had a nose for corruption.
@88 In case you haven’t noticed, WaPo is under new billionaire management, and isn’t run by the Graham family anymore.
@89 I’m torn on this topic. On one hand, loons, while not exactly an endangered species, are a treasured species and as a general matter we don’t want to further reduce their numbers. On the other hand, protecting and preserving individual members of a rare and valuable species may not be a good idea if they’re some kind of crazy fucking mutant that will ruin the gene pool if they stick around. Use your best judgment.
@93 you sure that the other isn’t Marco Rubio’s Smoking Hot Wife?
@91 You’re overlooking important qualitative and quantitative aspects. In both respects, our worst liars are still much better than your best liars.
Republican classy (or no class) at the forefront.
@93 Are you referring to the Republican caucus ballot counters who were seen on TV throwing paper ballots into colored plastic baskets?
Makes sense?
Scrotum is endorsing Marco Rubio. Ted Crud must be a real winner. The evangelical can’t even support his own kind, or the more evangelical one.
@96 “She has struggled to overcome her natural southern drawl ever since.”
She was born and raised in Illinois. What does a Chicago drawl sound like?
We get emails:
From award-winning director Spike Lee comes the first feature-length Amazon Originals film, CHI-RAQ— now available to stream with Prime. This critically acclaimed Spike Lee Joint is set in modern-day Chicago and adapts Aristophanes’ ancient Greek play, Lysistrata, for a stunning commentary on race, sex, and violence in America.
Trump’s unstoppable momentum has been stopped.
“Real-estate mogul Donald Trump’s poll standing deflated in the first national survey released after his loss to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) in the Monday-night Iowa caucuses. … He received 25 percent of the vote from Republican-primary voters nationally. Cruz and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Florida) tied for second at 21 percent apiece.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The 4 percent difference is almost within the margin of error, so these candidates are virtually tied. Note this isn’t the Iowa result; this is a national preference poll after Iowa. Trump has not only hit a brick wall in his popular support, he appears to be losing popular support. You can literally hear the air hissing out of his campaign.
In a way, this is bad news for Democrats, because it means they’ll probably face Rubio this fall, who is the least insane (and therefore most electable) of the three GOP candidates who still have any chance of winning the GOP nomination.
“She and they are one.”
Gosh! I never would have guessed!
This means she is secretly aligned with Operation Rescue, Liberty University, Phyllis Schlafly, and David Duke. Zounds!
I guess I’ll just have no choice but to vote for whichever under-medicated sociopathic Republican wants to order my wife’s vagina probed. Darn!
Republicans are masterminds on creating healthy environments, even creating thriving economic engines – masterminds of disasters are more like it.
Really? Who would have thought.
Puffy, please look into this – seeing that you are the email policeman and manager and overseer of the government system.
As the funds dry up – it only leaves less for grafter to keep in his pocket, so you know get rid of everyone but hold on to the money spigot as long as you can instead of getting out of failing business deal (kind of like going bankrupt).
more importantly, we don’t care.
Most liberal and moderate voters don’t care that Bill Clinton fooled around and then lied about it. They don’t care that Hillary Clinton plays up her religion and southern accent. They don’t care about the emails, etc. We just don’t view politics through that kind of moral lens. Many liberal voters don’t just forgive Democratic candidates for whoring themselves for campaign money, we applaud them for it. I was delighted when Obama chose to blow by the spending limits. This is our system, like it or not. And unilateral disarmament is stupid.
Bob continuously makes the same mistake. He points up Democratic dishonesty on issues that only matter to conservative voters as some kind of “proof” of a candidate’s vulnerability. Bill Clinton’s approval numbers soared during the impeachment hearings, while Republican Congressional approval numbers plunged. Moralizing conservatives just can’t learn that lesson because they are trapped in a moral mind-set.
Meanwhile, with a broad choice among Republican primary candidates, I’m sure it matters a whole lot to conservative evangelical voters in general, and Carson supporters in particular, that Cruz ratfucked the Iowa caucuses. Sure they forgive him for it. Thems the rules. But it still matters to them. And the Teabaggers will be furious to learn that Ted has been lying to them about the money. They already are.
These GOP candidates face a very long and ideologically complex path to navigate their way to a convention victory. Every single misstep and ideological betrayal will add up. Somehow they have to cobble together a plurality of support out of disparate, un-bending and morally entrenched base of primary voters. And then emerge from it sufficiently unscathed to carry on in the general. The seeds of this could be seen in the 2008. McCain took a beating and emerged so weakened and vague that it led directly to the Palin debacle.
@106 For a few years I worked for a company whose headquarters were in Huntsville, Alabama and spent quite a bit of time there. When I’d come back home my family would point out that I’d picked up a bit of a drawl. Twenty years later I still catch myself using southern colloquialisms.
On the other hand, my forbears all came from “Chi-CAHH-go” and to my ear, Hillary’s speech patterns contain elements of both.
It turns out Hillary was simply emulating her Republican predecessors:
“Former Secretary of State Colin Powell and aides to his successor Condoleezza Rice both received classified emails on personal email accounts … [according to] the State Department’s Inspector General, who is reviewing email practices of five previous secretaries of state.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So, the very worst accusation that Republicans can make against Clinton now is that she behaved like them.
@ 115
Er, not quite.
None of the messages were marked classified when originally sent, and none were determined to include information from the intelligence community
You’re essentially arguing that Hillary shouldn’t be prosecuted for driving drunk, hitting a pole, and then trying to cover it up because other people like her have driven drunk without incident before.
So the email shit is the warm up, eh?
Assuming the GOP retains control of the House this fall, the plan is to continue to cripple the government and use “HOMEBREW SERVER!!!!! AYEEEEE!!!!” as the initial pretext.
Got it.
After that it’ll be… what? More Vince Foster?
Your feel-good piece of the day:
Report: Man Ejected From Somali Plane in Midair Was Suicide Bomber
Five minutes after takeoff he then would have detonated the bomb and been pulled through the resultant hole in the fuselage.
All other passengers survived the incident, meaning this ended up being closer to a Jackass stunt than a terror attack.
Not quite like this
but close.
R senile @113,
Wrong. Heilary takes malfeasance to new heights. A DUMMOCRETIN lying superstar!
@113 Conservative moralizing might have carried some weight if they weren’t so hypocritical (“do as I say, not as I do”) but they blew up their moral authority a long time ago.
@116 And you’re arguing for selective prosecution based on partisan leanings. If you want to go the prosecution route, then let’s be fair about it and prosecute them all.
Email causes more damn trouble in this world than almost anything else. As a lawyer, I tell people, don’t write anything in an email you don’t want a hostile lawyer to read back to you in a court of law. Or read in the newspapers. You stupid humans are just plain stupid about putting shit in emails. Nowadays, when lawyers sue somebody, the first thing they do is subpoena their emails.
@119 Why don’t you ask America’s female voters if they’re willing to give back what Hillary did for women’s rights, or if they’d rather vote for a party that treats dogs better than women.
@ 12
If you want to go the prosecution route, then let’s be fair about it and prosecute them all..
Whatever you say, Inspector Javert.
@ 122
As a lawyer, I tell people, don’t write anything in an email you don’t want a hostile lawyer to read back to you in a court of law.
Or posting on a blog, Councilor Fleeing Felon.
Notice it was Heilary congressional lapdog DUMMOCRETIN Elijah Cummings who ran to the press to deflect from Heilary having 29 super secret emails that even normal top secret people could not see.
Colin and Condoleezza only had “classified emails”? This is why Puddy has said R senile really has slipped in the memory processing department! Elijah Cummings looks like R senile… a buffoon!
what Hillary did for women’s rights
Apparently smart millennial wimens realize Heilary ain’t all she cracked up to be R senile!
The DUMMOCRETIN joke of a debate is now on!
Low energy and WHITEY PRIVILEGE!
Heilary is going to reintroduce herself again for the 95th time!
This debate is DAYUM funny!
I am more progressive than you.
No you are not!
I am too. I said so!
You are bought and paid for by Wall Street
Hey Travis,
Sure is amazing that the DUMMOCRETINS in State Department had time to investigate Colin and Condoleezza’s emails while missing the January 29 court ordered deadline to release Heilary’s emails!
So the Department of State politicizing Heilary’s emails undercuts Heilary’s argument of Republican email attacks!
Mrs Puddy just asked…
How can anyone listen to her crap?
It’s easy baby… they are LIV DUMMOCRETINS!
Heilary has to get the last word in edgewise. Jut like R senile, Oregon moron and the clueless crazed databaze cretin!
@125 I’m retired, so I can afford to make a public ass of myself. You’re still working, so what’s your excuse?
@129 Oh, you’re watching it, are you? Hungry for intelligent discussion you’re not getting from the GOP debates? Me, too.
@131 If your wife says what Hillary’s saying is “crap,” that says more about her than I want to know. However, it helps explain why she chose you.
@ 130
Hey Puddy:
Easily explained. The emails involving Powell were sent by diplomats, so all in the State system and all reviewable by State. Nothing involving intelligence. Probably shit like the North Koreans wanted black leather seat cushions rather than brown leather seat cushions so they cancelled a summit but still want their rice ’cause people are starving. See link @ 116. Most likely a similar explanation when Rice weighs in.
The ones not disclosed by State on January 29th are the ones that involve other agencies – like high-level intel, etc. State can’t handle that on their own and they need the other agencies to weigh in as well before releasing. Which is convenient, because those are probably the ones that will be most harmful to Hillary if and when they finally see the light of day, or are determined to be too secret to reveal. Biggest short-term loser: Bernie Sanders.
Apples to oranges, same as that moronic argument @ 115 put forth by the Fleeing Felon fatass RR.
Comedy R senile. Heilary is eff’in scary. Bernie is already a moonbat!
There is never any intelligence on the PMSNBC screen! Not yesterday, not today, and certainly not in the future!
WHITE PRIVILEGE all over the screen!
This asshole is full of “white privilege”:
A flippin’ redneck.
Yes R senile, denigrate her too. Shows how much you really know! She has demonstrated more intelligence than you! Way to demonstrate your WHITE PRIVILEGE!
Heilary is eff’in scary! No doubt about it!
How come we don’t see the babbling jackass on Saturdays so much any more?
Guess the message got through…
‘Bout putting HA… FIRST!
Awwwww. Poor babbling jacka-hole..
Fiend, get your own internet soapbox if you want the last word.
That one KrackpotKansky had worked out just great for him and the rest of that krowd.
Seems even the Des Moines Register, lovers of the DUMMOCRETIN has issues with Heilary winning all those coin flips!
And all we saw was the HA DUMMOCRETIN screams of Ted Cruz! Remove the beam from your eye before looking for the speck in our eye!
LOL! The other day the babbling jackass was praising Latino politicians. Good for the troll..
We’re so happy it will vote for this..
and this.
Two klownservatic whack-jobs, both big fans of endless war, stuffing themselves with “the other white meat”.
Goldman Sachs comes to Heilary’s defense…
But he added that Sanders’ attacks on the “billionaire class” and bankers could be dangerous.
I hear Kook-a-nut Karson had to go home to Florida to “change clothes”…
Heh. The tool was reeking from all that bbq pork in Iowa!
Apparently the clueless crazed databaze cretin has issues with DUMMOCRETIN WHITE PRIVILEGE!
LOL @ the babblin’ jackass @ 146..
Ass klowning Steve King the klownservatic F’D your beloved Karson.
YOU ARE SILENT ’bout that WHITE PRIVILEGE eh babbling buffoon?
Yawwwn.. ’nuff of this boooring jackass klown for one night.
Well, that was a good debate, many levels above the slime oozing from the GOP debates.
@139 “Heilary is eff’in scary! No doubt about it!”
She certainly is. She scares the shit out of you slithering Republican reptiles. I can’t wait for November!
So much fun watching the clueless crazed databaze cretin’s head go…
WHITE PRIVILEGE abounded on PMSNBC tonight. No minorities on the state AT ALL!
Once again R senile proves how stooooooooooooopid he is. The two was trying to prove how whackjob leftwrong progressive each is. Independents are really gonna swallow that kook-aid R senile?
Doubt it!
Yes clueless crazed databaze cretin… CNN again sabotaged Dr Carson. Now why would the WHITE PRIVILEGE peeps at CNN do that?
Seems that you as a his panic agrees with DUMMOCRETIN WHITE PRIVILEGE!
When the Republican candidates discuss their beliefs in God and their individual spiritual views, DUMMOCRETINS brand us as religious nuts! When Bernie Sanders does it, the left is deeply affected by his compassion.
What a crock you DUMMOCRETINS are!
Oh look…
So what happens when Stormi grows a beard? What happens when Stormi goes to use the girls bathroom and another little girl sees those parts dangling?
Puddy asked the Head DUMMOCRETIN here does he support his daughter seeing mens dangling parts in the woman’s bathroom? No answer!
Puddy reads the comedy links from the DUMMOCRETIN side all the time unlike most HA DUMMOCRETINS whom stay in the
We love our DUMMOCRETIN crooks
We ignore our DUMMOCRETIN liars
Daily Kos
Media Matters
Huff Post
Mother Jones reports the SDA candidate is broke. My guess is he’ll be gone by early March.
@153 “What a crock you DUMMOCRETINS are!”
You don’ expect us to be like you, do you?
Wow R senile, this was discussed way this morning about Carson. You just got the message?
That’s why you are a crock R senile. You are not like us! And normally what is in a crock R senile?
@5 Yet her opponent maybe the true feminist.
Depends a bit on how you feel about class.
If you deal with class do you deal with the real drivers of discrimination? Or in a society dealing with class has the resource to deal with leftover discrimination? Yet allow the individual the freedom to be less than idea to be the fool to be human and hopefully grow as we will all perish in time.
@8 I would argue it means whatever the members of the electoral collage says it means at any one time. So maybe Bob Hope could have been President. Maybe the Governator can become President. Shhh no one tell Arnold.
Electoral college can handle the issue just fine. If an elector thinks Mr. Cruz is not a natural born citizen then they should note vote for him. If a majority of the electors vote for Mr Cruz or for Raul Castro then the dude is President.
And remember Cuba was good old United States soil and we still got Gitmo showing we got the bigger gun boats.
@18 Well the DOJ works for the President. The Nixon presidency shows the DOJ acting both ways, but mainly working for the President.
@25 All the signs are there that both parties could have contested conventions where there is no one winner. Or even the person who has the most votes going into the convention isn’t the automatic nominee. The Republican really could have a split convention and won’t that exciting TV about the 5th vote of the delegates. Certainly on the Republican side it could go all the way. The Democrats have the problem if Bernie goes into the convention with the most delegates from the primaries and doesn’t walk out with the nomination, and that could happen. In both situations one outcome is a split party with two or even more candidates. This could be a good thing for America. Just the political adds are going to get really old. So RR hope you got some cash in TV or Comcast…if you take my financial advice here and you make a killing pass me a finders fee please. If this doesn’t come true well blame it on the Statler Brothers…or better yet Jefferson Airplane.
@55 Well maybe the old ways are the best ways Seems the Russians have gone back to the future and keeping secrets off computers and the grid.
Then there is North Korea Are they to light the great leaders birthday cake. Highly likely. Maybe we should give the great leader his own R2 D2 droid. It would be from Disney. He trusts Disney as we all do.
@72 Maybe it’s a bomb…maybe not. Very very few movies in Hollywood are bombs on most Hollywood is ahead as soon as the movie is in the can. And a real bomb is a tax write off. And if you want the ultimate bomb strange things can happen like in the “Producers” though this year things are not so hot in Rio.
@87 Are you inferring like Republican candidates she owes favors? So you support getting money out of politics. Very enlightened stance, careful the democratic scum gets all over and it can be hard to wash off and get out of wrinkles in the brain. We won’t tell your Republican friends, but would you give them a bottle or two of Democratic scum. Better than Mississippi Mud! PS this is a natural product from our own Northwest! Goes well with clams, oysters, or apples.
@107 Could be good…definitely on my to see.
Will it include this?
Lampito: Aye, Menalaus caught sight of Helen’s naked breast and dropped hi sword they say.
Lysistrata: Nor will I take the posture of the lioness on the knife handle.
@126 Of course you haven’t mentioned that there can be situations where any level of secret or TS can be passed in the clear…on a regular phone line, radio ect. Particularly when one is talking about a Department Head like the Secretary of State. Should not happen but it can and has happened.
@154 The Washington state proposed law is silly. If my daughter sees those parts it’s a teachable moment, one nudists need not worry about. I’ve had to use the women’s room at times and places particularly when a business only has one toilet in each bath room.
It makes just as much sense to have unisex bathrooms as the current system, particularly if the stalls provide real privacy. Still if you gotta go and the only place to go is a open out house over the latrine amazingly both sexes will use it as needed. Most real adults know the plumbing of the other sex, and don’t find it that interesting in the bath room, may help some people to learn to wipe in a more effective manner.
@156 Well some crocks are antiques or are in museums or made by some well known potter or artist and are pretty expensive. There are even crock collectors.
@158 Nope it’s sauerkraut!
Or kimchee.
It makes just as much sense to have unisex bathrooms as the current system, particularly if the stalls provide real privacy.
There is no stall provision per the leftists. Free and open showers where little girls can see dangling parts!
See ya!
173. Dude, keep your fantasies to yourself! Nobody wants to see your junk.
@173, 172. Ha! My post would be so much more effective if I had used the correct number of puddys post.
Oh well. It’s not like i won’t have another chance to comment on something stupid thst puddy has written.
False equivalence.
Unless you are actually arguing that O’Malley will pull a significant proportion of delegates, the Democratic Party has just two candidates to sort. You don’t broker a convention in a two horse race. You just count. Okay?
@165 Not true. Most movies lost money. Which is why average investors should never touch movie investments.
Hollywood accounting is exceedingly tricky, but “As a general rule, a movie needs to earn at least three times — 3X — its production budget (a number which does not include marketing expenses) to turn a profit.”
That puts “13 Hours” ($44 gate, $50 million production cost) far away from turning a profit.
@170 True; there are crocks, and there are Ming crocks.
@172 Works for rabbits. We pee in the bushes, and don’t care who’s watching. Why do you stupid humans need elaborate tiled loos with individual cubicles? Vanity?
173. Dude, keep your fantasies to yourself! Nobody wants to see your junk.
Not Puddy’s fantasies worser. Puddy won’t be flashing PuddyJunk in little girls bathrooms like your friends will!
Apparently you didn’t read the link. Par for the course!
Sux to be you!